The BBC have not had a good word to say about Brexit.
And has May ever uttered a good word about Brexit?
Last year, the BBC’s Director-General Lord Hall agreed to review the BBC’s complaints procedures after a cross-party group of parliamentarians challenged him to name a single programme which has been enthusiastic about Brexit since the EU referendum on June 23. Hall was unable to do so.
The parliamentarians included UKIP peer Lord Pearson, Labour’s Kate Hoey and Tory Philip Hollobone. Lord Pearson hailed Lord Hall’s decision as a significant blow against ‘those at the top of the BBC who wish to see the referendum result reversed’.
Nothing has changed. The BBC are still anti-Brexit and make this plain to all.
Not BBC but Channel 4, tonight I watched Channel 4 news, I noticed and commented to my wife, one black male presenter, one female Muslim presenter, one black male weather man, no white people.
Then Crystal Maze started, which I don’t usually watch, one black presenter, five contestants, four black, one white.
Am I missing something here?
My sisters husband died recently, a retired Policeman, who was aghast at how the Force, sorry, Farce , has developed….but no, she received a periodical from the Retired Officers Assc…and i flicked through it, interesting, and noted there was not one coloured face in the many pics and adverts…what a refreshing change….up yours BBC and your Fascist internet gestapo teams, looking for articles they deem racist and offensive….the lampposts await you all…Mussolini style…..
Why do clergy constantly come up with feeble attempts at personalising their outfits? They are like schoolkids who try to annoy the teachers by bending the uniform rules! Clergy wear robes precisely so that they are DE-personalised. The service is not about them and their fashionable opinions, it is about a higher power, beyond temporal concerns and fads. I am a lay clerk (chorister) in a church and wear a cassock and surplice and if we wear anything other than black shoes we get told off, rightly!
They try to vainly fill empty pews…..i’ll tell them how to get at least myself back in a Church…..Start preaching fire and brimstone , directed at Islam, the Devil , remember who sacked Jerusalem and precipitated the Crusades…yes, MUSLIMS…..stop appeasing them and return their hatred of us, they hate our decency, our civilised culture, our learning….rock them you stupid clergy, and watch those pews fill….
I’ll start for you.
The Bible spells out for us what happens when a nation rejects the laws of God in favour of immorality & the honouring of false gods. (It’s like gravity- if you jump off a building you hit the ground eventually.) We can learn from Israel. That’s the whole point of having things in writing.
Church leaders should be more concerned with the foundation & origin of their professed faith than they are of the politically correct religion of today.
A small part that’s relevant to us now:
Isaiah 1:7
Your country is desolate,
your cities burned with fire;
your fields are being stripped by foreigners
right before you,
laid waste as when overthrown by strangers.
“”Detainees ‘mocked and abused’ at immigration centre””
“”G4S has suspended nine members of staff from an immigration removal centre near Gatwick Airport, following a BBC Panorama undercover investigation.””
Wouldn`t it be nice-for once-if the BBC would give us an undercover hit piece on how the heck they decide their stories for the news?
Why for example Melania Trumps shoes or Ed Skreins cartoon castings are news items throughout the day on their ceasless rolling news…but Debbie Wasserman Shultz or Trump giving money to the Houston relief effort out of his own pocket don`t make the cut and are not mentioned by the BBC? What possible mindsets choose one set of stories for us, but omit the others?
I just get sick of them doing trailers for their hit pieces on the private sector-but leave Mid Staffs, Winson Green prisons or rioting school gangs alone, seeing as that`s the public sector state…and they`ll never moan at that unless it`s to blame the Tories for a lack of money.
As for any footage of migrants going for staff, raping or attacking others?…bet your bottom dollar that Panorama won`t be filming that, certainly never letting us see it.
Like the Birmingham binmen and Southern rail disputes-the BBC only ever give us the Socialist excuses. Just sick of them.
I am also sick of the publicity the BBC News gives to new films or art exhibitions – I call it free advertising. And I wonder what entertaining is arranged by the PR firms and given to whom in the BBC to get this advertising on the 6pm and 10pm BBC news.
Dover – Just the normal BBC “rebalancing” of the agenda. The unsaid implication being that we deserve all the nasty baggage that so many of these “refugees” bring to our society because they got laughed at and mocked at the immigration centre. All our fault really, so shut up complaining whitees you are all guilty as charged.
Theres always a bleedin heart liberal such as Lammy or Fatbot willing to pick up the baton of “refugee” outrage and use it to try and bludgeon the rest of us into silence as our society is changed for the worse in front of our eyes, whilst the rest of the political class look the other way.
On this theme – Just for “Old times sake” I thought yesterday morning I would listen to a BBC play.
It was called “A Long Swedish Winter” by a chap called Danny Robbins . And was recorded in Sweden
It opened with the recording of Trumps speech on immigrant violence in Sweden and was about a nice British bloke called Geoff who lived in Sweden with his girfriend and her family and is considering becoming a dual British/Swedish national.
And what a “wankfest” of social conscious /right on themes it turned into.
We had two great jokes on brexit by girlfriends dad “Brexit is like getting rid of a fly on our face by using a shotgun – BOOM” or try this “It is like getting in a boat and rowing out and putting a hole in the bottom – WERE SINKING SAVE US!” ha ha ha ha ha!
We also had an emotionally wounded afghan immigrant called Trashcan (or similair name) who was about to undergo his immigration appeal and had learnt Swedish and liked football (attn all working class R4 listeners HE LIKES FOOTBALL! -must mean all migrants are great )
We had the statement from the civilised Swede “what kind of human being agrees with Trump”
We even had the local waycist – who had spent all his life surrounded by Cows (probably doesn’t get the Guardian either) Eventually the the waycist was turned around by Geoffs wise words and realised the error of his ways.. I think we even had the “there is more we have in common than what keeps us apart” theme spurted around for good measure.
All in all it was one one great big ticksheet of glorious propaganda and I suggest that Mr Robbins will have a bright future at the BBC (or even Pyongyang – if he fancies a change) I suspect many of the Islington luvvies would have visit a chiropractor with all the frantic head nodding that would have taken place – all with a nice cup of macrobiotic ethically sourced, turmeric skinny latte with coconut milk.
What is for sure is that whilst the media is still dominated by SJW leaning liberals who refuse to have an honest discussion and debate about the problems they want to inflict on us – things will only get worse. The rest of us who would like a bit of debate are all obviously waycist pigs (and certainly dont deserve to live in Sweden)
Anyway I feel better after my rant – and after my hideously english breakfast of boiled eggs (with SS stromtrooper soldiers) will get back to polishing my jackboots and re-painting my coal scuttle helmet. So I can go and walk “Thor” my Bichon Frise bitch.
Grant – I always had a bit of a hankering for Sweden for a bit. More because the attractions of the mountains and lakes (and nothing to do with Agnetha Fältskog . Unfortunately since the likes of self deluded idiots such as Robbins been allowed by a decent people to import conflict and crime into their country and spread a miasma of untruths and excuses as to why things are going wrong my ambitions in that directions have somewhat dulled.
It appears to me that when you have a relatively rich and sparsely populated country with a generally well mannered and moral people they appear to be particularly vulnerable to left wing guilt trips which naive, grubby little left wing globalist apologists such as Robbins are more than happy to provide.
Canada appears to be in the early stages of this. The veneer of of culture and civilisation is only skin deep. By importing of hundreds of thousands of people who have a different and generally hostile culture -Do people really think things will change for the better.?
Why do people never wake up until it is too late to stop it. ?
become lazy and cowardly and have lost respect for ourselves and the traditional values that have supported us over the centuries.
If you can stomach it – I suspect this particular play is available on the R4 website – It is quite illuminating to listen to it – just to hear how these patronising tossers think they can lead us by the nose to the destruction of much of what we hold dear.
Civilised behaviour – tolerance and restraint – are fine within people who have a similar mindset most of the time. I say “most of the time” because Germany was regarded as a civilised place before the Nazis came along.
However, as soon as well mannered and moral people come up against savages, they are at a huge disadvantage. The savages see them as weak and gullible and are incapable of appreciating the advantages of their way of doing things.
It’s the same here. People who considered themselves so superior and sophisticated sneered at the rough-but-sincere EDL for reacting against the Muslims’ contempt for our returning soldiers. But these “superior” individuals did not have an answer to the Muslim response or a single weapon in their armoury to deal with it.
It is the rough EDL types who will have to sort the problem out in the end, while the sophisticates sleep soundly. Cultures with nothing in common just don’t mix on equal terms.
As Tommy says in his book, they only respect strength yet all they see is appeasement. Without the EDL none of the grooming scandals would have come to light.
Wreath – And once/if the problem has been sorted out and we have all probably been to hell and back. Our sophisticated “moral superiors” will all be crawling back out the woodwork to try and “re-bag” their well paid jobs in meeja and edyacayshon and the whole cycle will repeat.
Still that is the price we have to pay for in democracy. And ( unlike most remainers) I still consider their vote should be as valid as mine in any election – much as I hate to say it!
“Civilised behaviour – tolerance and restraint – are fine within people who have a similar mindset most of the time. ” Doesn’t work for the chain-smoking Lithuanians I have nearby – not sure what their, ‘mindset’ is. ‘Drain the Swamp’ send em’ all back.
I feel sick just reading that. That is some achievement to have made it through the whole ordeal. I managed five minutes of a programme about a ballet production inspired by the suffering of refugees due to the migrant crisis. I have had to have counselling and whenever someone mentions ‘dance’ I experience something akin to PTSD and vomit instantly.
As Trump tweeted recently, it is what the MSM refused to report on which is such a betrayal. A few dozen detainees may have been treated badly, but they ignore the devastating effect that mass immigration has had on millions of ordinary, decent people who were never consulted about this policy and would overwhelmingly have voted against it given the choice; and are now told that they face prison if they even mildly object to it.
I so wanted to take my nephews to see to see the sights in London this summer, relive the glorious times I had with my parents when I was younger. To have a seven year old tell me he would be too scared of being stabbed in London is the most heart breaking thing. I’m sure many parents have had similar conversations this summer. The Beeb would never make a programme about this though.
BB – Betrayal is the word. There appears no depths the MSM/BBC will not sink too to push their agenda through. We are definitely in a “post truth” era.
Even with Trump, Brexit, Rochdale, unrelenting terror and an epidemic of gang violence there is still no mea culpa; they continue to double down with their Cultural Marxist lunacy even though the people clearly hate it and it is having disastrous effects. One wonders how bad it will have to get before they concede an inch of ground.
Stop using Newspeak, TWMTB wants you to.
Militant Colonists with the worst record in history for destruction and mass murder.
That rolls nicely off the tongue. Much better that “immigrants”, and deadly accurate.
BBBC Website.
A Swedish police officer speaks Arabic. Pardon me but what the hell has that got to do with anyone but the individuals involved. It’s absolutely relentless the pushing of the Islamic agenda.
This serial creepy oilslick personifies what Labour has turned into.
Like Shami, Lady Nugee and the Harman/Droney creeps…a complete hijacking of any British history or genuine roots has been completed.
And rich privileged London tossers with socialist names, or hidden blueblood names suck up over Cuba and Venezuela, despising Essex and Boston, Lincs.
Lenin or Mao would have known what to do with these poncey grandees and slum legal weasels and landlords..and I`d have to say that they`d have been right.
WE pay for them, and let them spout across our press…no wonder Islam thinks we`re shit.
I’m waiting to hear the bbc extolling the virtues of cannibalism as a cultural positive we should all embrace along with child marriage, arranged marriage, FGM pretty much you name it. If some none Brit’ does it – the bbc love it!
I heard a brief item on the R4 news on PM, that fuel prices might rise here due to the refineries in Texas where productivity has been affected by the hurricane.
It is true that there are lots of refineries in that part of that state because of the particular oil expertise which is available there. However, that isn’t the only reason: there are many states (particularly on the “Left Coast”) which do not allow oil refineries to operate within them and are agin oil and fossil fuels generally; the enormous unexploited oil reserves just off the Californian coast attest to this, as does the prevention of major oil pipelines being routed through there or Oregon.
The fact that all almost all the refining eggs have been put in this particular state’s basket, as a result of the EPA and enviro-nuts in positions of power within other states, has been shown to be a policy which has left the US vulnerable in its oil refining capacity; which may have fuel price implications for them and for us.
Well Harvey was only a few days ago…and we`ve not had the Grenfell card or the puffings for the need to REALLY deal with climate change here in the UK yet.
All those uninsured illegals surely need great housing in Dallas, and climate change demands that Trump hands over to Al Gore.
I mean-CNN are onto it, all the Legacy Media in the USA are already onto it.
And the BBC inevitably cut and paste all their crap from the liberal liars over there don`t they?
I have just had to scrape Mr D off the ceiling. Local news item about knee surgery. We had to have on a successful recipient of a new knee talking about his husband. Went to the Humberside Radio website and found the listening project about a transgender person and their female partner. Why does the BBC have to include reference to same sex marriage in as many stories as possible whether it is relevant or not, and transgender gets even higher priority. I just wish the BBC would consider a person’s sexuality or gender irrelevant.
Why the hell don`t we send the likes of Mr Dildo here to Raqqa with the whole Brighton Pride Posse on their Notting Hell carnival floats.
They`d terrify IS…personally, I d drop them in by rainbow silk parachutes, and Bagdadi`s bidet boys would think it was Allahs angels coming down to judge them at the end of days.
What a joy to hear Martin Bashir-BBC “religious correspondent” no less-holding forth on the life and times of Cormac Murphy O Connor. Ex Catholic Archbishop , now unable to answer the coming BBC investigation into his laundry bag, no doubt. He`s dead-therefore just the paedo carrion the BBC will be seeking.
But I veer…Bashir was the greaseball who smarmed his way into getting Lady Di to talk her crap in such poor taste…and is alos on record as wanting to shit in Sarah Palins mouth. So who else to be a BBC religious correspondent smarming away at the death of a Catholic Archbishop?
Stay away from the altar boys Beeb…
I love the look on his face whilst she speaks, one of baffled awe that SJW could be saying such nonsense with a straight face. We have let lunatics like her march through our institutions and take control of everything, not least the BBC.
Why no Mark Steyn either who is brilliant?
Ditto for Dinesh D`Souza and Daniel Greenfield?
The lying BBC scum are aware of the kind of intellect and wit that skewers them utterly-so we`ll never see them on the telly here. But that we know they`re around is a gift from the USA to the waiting world. Enjoy them while you can.
Like to think we`re getting a few in this country too now-bit of media training and support and we`ll be biting back!
Fox News has been removed from the Sky package.
The only news channel that isn’t left or lefter.
You can still see Tucker Carlson on YouTube though.
Just google Tucker Carlson Tonight and stick it on your homepage.
You Tube seems fine for the moment. However, the way Google (owners of You Tube) is now engaged in tweaking its algorithms in order to block or hamper right-leaning media, we might soon find that they find ways to make viewing Tucker or Hannity or Mark Stein more difficult to view. I’m sure that’s what the uber-lefty manipulators running Google would really like – let through only news from MSNBC or CNN.
Yeah – all the Asian kids from my school are earning six figures now, mostly working in medicine. I will never earn anything like that. ‘Whits privilege’ has not done me any favours!
R5 now breaking the charter rule that they must reflect their audience
12-1am Reviewing papers
Presenter – @TherealNihal
+ @DredaMitchell
+ @ShaunBaileyUK *
So 1 Asian Londoner +2 black Londoners
Followed by Doton – black and London
Now saying “where are the black football managers”
Imaginary racism of the worst sort.
This article on the hard-left Guardian put the number of ‘black’ coaches in senior football as just over 4%. The last Population Census carried out in the UK put the ‘black’ population at just over 3%. So, looks like the figure is spot on, given the odd rounding error (there are 92 senior coach positions so an addition or subtracion of just one has an influence).
However, contrast with the number of ‘black’ and other minority players in the Premier League – 33%. That it is massive over-representation, and I look forward to articles on the BBC explaining why the number needs to be immediately reduced by a factor of three to ensure that football is ‘representative’.
Note to Beeboids: I have used the term ‘black’ in scary quotes as there is no such thing as ‘black people’. There are, of course, people of various shades of brown or beige (we tend to call the latter ‘white’). When your world view is based on a linguistic lie, it tells you something pretty signficant.
More to the point, where is the Equality Act 2010 in all this? Why are there NO physically disabled players in ANY professional football teams? (I grant you there are mentally disabled)
Think Dreda spoke out for Brexit, so a Rusty Lee type of decent cove.
Hope to God, Pepsi or Shirley didn`t do the same-I`ve had to adopt too many crap acts and end of pier types since last year.
All well and good standing by Sir Beefy…much harder to tell everybody how much Mike Read or the bloke from Bucks Fizz mean to you….
Bernard Bresslaw was an outspoken supporter of us not joining the EU in the first place…and I`ve hardly started on his back catalogue, wonder if I`m getting wound up by everybody!
Their main story yesterday was just a PR plug for their show on Monday: manufactured, manipulated and agenda driven. Ought the Beeb not to report the news rather than create it?
They employ three thousand journalists? This massive journalistic scoop involved phoning a colleague and asking him to talk about his programme. No wonder that staffer got caught watching pornography in the studio; so many Beeb employees must have nothing to do.
These surplus morons are in fact the BBC strategic journalist reserve who will be rushed to next hot spot in the war against white British racism and facism. Imagine this scenario, a bacon sandwich has been discovered only two miles from a Mosque in Nottingham. The local BBC branch of the anti facists against racism desperately call Broadcasting House for reinforcements in order to properly dominate the airwaves of not just the UK but the whole world with endless non stories about this vile example of white supremacist Islamophobia. Central command of the BBC is able to respond immediately and dispatch a hundred and fifty more babblers to reinforce the anti facist movement. Other groups are sent to towns as far apart as Inverness and Taunton in case this outbreak of Islamophobia spreads. Excellent value for the LF payer.
Journalists by definition are meant to gather information. But reality is so diametrically opposed to the politically-correct strait-jacket the Beeb wriggles under that to do any actual research on the ground might gather ‘hate facts.’ So we don’t get news anymore and Beeb staffers are mainly propaghandists rather than journalists.
Should not that have been checked by BBC Health & Safety carrying out a Risk Assessment first, before sending the journalist out from their office or BBC canteen?
BBC journalists should carry extra insurance to pay for the months of counselling should they be harmed by ‘hate facts’ that they encounter while working for the BBC. There is plenty of money available from the Licence Fee payer for the premiums. The BBC can pay.
They might even encounter a ‘micro aggression’ or – trigger warning – some cultural appropriation! This Portuguese restaurant served me some delicious fish and chips the other day and I was so offended at their theft of British culture that I broke down and wept.
I’m having trouble typing this because of laughing so much.
More seriously, I think we ought to copy some of the priceless bits of humour that members provide here into a side bar folder. They could be shared with NHS patients, old people in homes & Hospices, with teenagers suffering anxiety & stress to bring a bit of joy to them that TV & Radio from certain sources appears to lack these days.
I watched Glocester vs Exeter Chiefs last night and it suddenly struck me that the feathered headresses and the constant mimicking of warpath chants has slipped through the cultural appropriation net.
Heap big problem, heap big bullsh!t.
Battered and fried fish came with Sephardic Jews from Portugal, so really it’s the British doing the cultural appropriation there. I’m wondering how you would respond to Americans wearing imitation Victoria Crosses as jewellery?
On BBC Breakfast about 7:15am today they had a bit about cutting out heavy drinking and not be peer pressured by others.
The man in the video said “you can tip the barman to fill your glass with a low alcohol beer or pour you a fake gin and tonic”.
Are the BBC now promoting that bribing tipping is the only way to buy what you actually want? Is this an insight into how the BBC usually operates in it’s procurement departments?!?
Yes what a load of bollox eh can’t you just order a lemonade at the bar ?. You know what this feels like the thin end of the wedge – ah Muzzo bars no drink – a doctor and a bar owner on the sofa both with suspicious tans – Mr and Mrs Ally Snackbar- their son couldn’t make it as he got arrested after losing control of his cab in the mall and accidentally grabbed a 4 foot machete to try and safe himself
Buzzfeed seem to get a free pass with the BBC, despite their fear and dislike of internet or citizen alternatives to their air buffet and stale lies.
Bet its due to their “golden showers” lies that were used against Trump last year-Buzzfeed made it up and lied, the liberals repeated it all on air-and then ran away from this as the Fake News tag stuck to them all.
But Buzzfeed are thanked and helped because they tried to get Trump.
First rule is to stop digging ! The recruitment problem only applies to white non-muslims. As I understand it the hoops they have to jump through puts many people off from applying. Maybe Nick the Prick would like to address that ?
Good idea. Many people are Left Wing when young but move to the right as they mature. Nick the Prick seems to buck the trend. He was a Young Conservative who moved to the Left. To slightly misquote Mrs. Merton , I wonder if it has anything to to with his BBC paymasters being Left Wing ? Perish the thought !
I did notice on the Today programme this morning that when Nick Robinson was actually interviewing the leader of Tower Hamlets on the issue, he gave the guy plenty of room to explain the issue, from his council’s point of view, naturally. Whilst ‘explaining’ that this was a complex issue, the Tower Hamlets bod was able to answer a few questions about the minutiae of the ‘complex’ issue, but when cornered on two of the key points of the Times’ exposee of his council, namely whether the foster parent wore the niqab (i.e. the ‘letterbox’ face covering), or whether the foster family normally spoke together in Arabic, rather than English (i.e. with the result that the child would be excluded from normal interfacing with her ‘parents’), the effect was to cause him to go into full ‘Manuel’ mode -i.e. “I know nooooothing !’ Amazing, two of the most important things to do with the up-bringing and care of the child, and probably the easiest to find out, and he’s completely ignorant of the facts, but he’s able to answer to other tiny details.
However, that wasn’t what I found to be most disturbing. Part of the interview was about the child and her upbringing by her blood relatives. The council guy started off by saying that the girl “… has a Muslim heritage”, at which point Nick Robinson interjects “her grandmother”, and the council guy goes on with his clearly well-practiced discourse, along the lines of “….although her mother insists she has a Christian heritage…”. His tone conveyed the impression that he, rather than the mother, is the one who should be believed on this issue – despite Nick Robinson pointing out that only her grandmother had any Muslim background. Further, the Guardian reports that the child’s grandmother is a non-practising Muslim, and does not speak English at all. But this tenuous link, somehow, is enough for the leader of the council to claim that she has a Muslim ‘heritage’ ?
All these issues were also referred to in an interview later in the programme, by the Times reporter (Johnson ?), who was the guy who broke the story to the public, but this was done in a much more rushed fashion than that with the council leader. he very clearly pointed out that the council leader apparently hadn’t a clue about some of the more important issues he had raised in his original article in the Times.
However, by the time the 9:00 news came around, at the end of the Today programme, the news segment report ignored anything said by the Times reporter, and only played back the Tower Hamlets’ leaders’ comments I described above. Only, this time, Nick Robinson’s interjection in the middle of his discourse, regarding the grandmother being the only connection with some fantasy ‘Muslim Heritage’ was seamlessly edited out. The effect of omitting this interjection was to convey entirely the wrong impression, that the girl had had a strong Muslim input into her upbringing, and therefore there could be no problem with these foster parents.
The BBC is getting worse – it’s now not only Bias by Omission we’re seeing, but Bias by Stealth Editing. Talk about Fake News ?
“Scotland revive World Cup hopes with impressive win in Lithuania”.
The results? England won 4 – 0, Scotland won 3 – 0.
Now I’m not claiming the England performance was anything special, far from it. But both sets of opponents are undeniably in the “minnow” category so why the different emphasis in reporting broadly comparable resilts.
and on the sofa this morning talk about the football so over to clips about last nights – first on Scotland and Strachan interview – second England and Southgate .
Why it is so stupid and blatant BBC – we are in England ? why do you degenerate the most popular sport in the UK ?
If the women’s egg n spoon race had been on last night it would be wall to wall today
I was told that they devoted an hour of BBC time to a show about the poundshop, car boot and yard sales that sell footy players on the last day of the selling season.
Aren`t these just Raqqa slave markets?..albeit with £22,000 watches and ponytail adornments in 30 languages(none English, but for the voyeurs, stool sifters of the media sports hacks).
8:45am R4Today brought on the Times Andrew Norfolk to discuss the Fostering case.
Hostile attitude
Their opening line : “This is islamophobia isn’t it ?
14 areas have no Muslim fosterers”
AN : “Actually we broke that story that 14 areas have only white fosterers”
R4 : “Well Sadiq just said that no cross was removed and she wasn’t prevented from eating bacon”
AN ” He also said he was not aware of the full facts and …” ” I’ll stop you there we’re out of time ”
Next item was chit chat with their Newsnight mates about the sleeper train being redecorated.
Stew, yes, that was a distinctly dodgy interview from Nick R and you could hear the hackles rise on Andrew Norfolk’s back. Think he gave better than he got.
As for the sleeper train, I wondered if Kirsty Wark’s ticket and whisky gets claimed for on expenses?
Also, no mention from the BBC about the Global Warming and Climate Change aspects of such daily long distance commuting. Oh, sorry, I forgot. Didn’t scientist, Professor Alice Roberts, while on BBC Radio 4 some years ago, imply that trains run on air, no Global Warming threat whatsoever? That’s OK then.
Cough splutter… I was just on mi bike coming over the bridge when one of those dozens of Drax diesel powered trains was going under carrying about 30 wagons of US woodchip to its GREEN power station.
I no longer listen to the Radio 4 news but listened to the item on Iplayer after I read your post.
What staggered me was that the BBC spent the entire time attacking Norfolk’s integrity. This journalist raised the issue and has helped that particular child and possibly many others.
At no time did the BBC invite him to offer his views on the attempts by the council to prevent journalists attending the court, which is their legal right, or their attempt to pull the wagons into a circle and minimise what took place.
The BBC has learnt nothing from its shameful noncoverage of Rotherham.
#R4Today’s tricks against Andrew Norfolk. is worse ..Distraction to protect their beloved Despicable Libmob from scrutiny.
… Cos His Times front-page article today is a Sarah Champion quote
Left ‘failing to confront truth of sex crimes’
Further there is 2 page interview the & Times Leader : “Truth Hurts”
So you’d think that R4Today would want him to talk about those 5 pages about Rotherham and Labour
… But no they deliberately set up a side topic as if they wanted to distract away from his main article.
They first had the Tower Hamlet Mayor on and then ambushed Norfolk by putting to him the mayor’s claims which the court evidence contradicts.
Wow that Times leader really lays in
“Rotherham: Leftist media organizations instinctively recast the story as one of Islamophobia”
One guy tweeted whole in 3 parts, click his name to open up the thread
If there is any purpose to watching endless news from The Usual Suspects on Freeview, than at least we can see how the whole cossetted elites choose to commit hari-kari on screen, radio and in the press 24/7 these days. Trump Derangement Syndrome and Brexit Psychosis with greening gangrene as far as this ex-nurse can see.
1. Channel 4 News moaned about Houston getting all the news coverage in its flooding, but the media didn`t care so much about what was going on in Bangladesh. Yet they themselves spent fifteen minutes with Kylie, assorted greens, black activists and migrant lobbies in their pieces to seek to get Trump to agree to “climeate change” and to “give amnesties and houses” to their illegals. And-of course-didn`t wrap their usual fifty seconds on Bangladesh with calls for the Muslims to match Trumps administration.
In other words-they themselves(in full view) are spending WAY more time on Texas than Bangladesh…but apparently this is my fault…do I choose their news output? Over to you Krishnan!
2. Robert Webb is now on BBC Breakfast saying exactly what he`d have said when Krishnan and The One Show also asked him the same tripe about his male frailties. What a carnival…aren`t there rules for planned product placement of his book and “forthcoming film”(wonder who made that and who was paying?)…these U2 Days get dragged out over weeks and all over liberal sofas in Freeviewland.
Does he vote labour I wonder?…aaah!
My point is that they`re so transparently deranged that none of us note what they`re doing. Random drivel and shrouds waved as they bitch over Trump and Brexit.
And that is all that they want to stymie, but nobody is listening or caring about anything they say now.
Watched the ITV news and 5 minutes were taken up of how the reporter (i.e. the independent news reporter) helped an epileptic man cross a road with a woman. With woman afterwards saying the Government aren’t helping the disabled enough.
Will the news teams soon be taking up arms when in war conflicts? Fair enough to mention it, but to reveal in generating news is not a good stance from journalism, in my opinion.
Way back in February, Global Weather Oscillations (GWO) veteran meteorologist David Dilley predicted that the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season would be “the most dangerous and costliest in 12 years for the United States.”
In the wake of Harvey, and with an eye on the now growing threat posed by Irma, that prediction is emerging to be spot on.
Dilley, a 40-year veteran and a former NOAA meteorologist, said the season would be influenced by a Climate Pulse Hurricane Enhancement Cycle – which is characterized by the lack of El Niño or La Niña conditions. Recently the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has been hovering near neutral territory.
Ideal oceanic conditions
Dilley based his February prediction on natural cyclic factors, namely on the fact that ocean water temperatures would “continue to run warmer than normal across most of the Atlantic Basin and especially in the Caribbean region and the Atlantic near the United States” this year, which would “make conditions conducive for tropical storms and/or hurricanes forming and/or strengthening close to the United States“.
So far that too has been spot on as well. This scenario has also been supported by Joe Bastardi of Weatherbell Analytics. Bastardi, also a 40-year veteran meteorologist, points to similarities with hurricane patterns of the mid 20th century.
120-year trend clearly downward
Hurricane activity as a whole has been on a downward decline over the past 120 years, according to the NOAA – something that often gets no mention in the media.
Thank you Manxman.
Now this is why I come to this site.
To be educated yes, but also to be informed.
Oh yes-and the entertainment is A1 too!
Education, Information and Entertainment…a good masthead for this site.
Does any other agency or corporation have the monopoly and presumption to claim these for itself?
Just asking.
A Mission To Explain eh?…
“Hurricane activity as a whole has been on a downward decline over the past 120 years, according to the NOAA – something that often gets no mention in the media.”
I disagree. Both media and scientists are saying US hurricanes are getting STRONGER not more FREQUENT. Less weak hurricanes are developing but those that do develop and hit land are delivering unprecedented damage. For those interested it is called the ‘intensity-frequency trade-off’.
Climate change models predict for extreme weather which is seen around the world very clearly. I usually cannot be bothered to comment on the confirmation bias of certain posters here with an obsession of climate change denial.
Without going into details my “Saturday job” involves flying on a commercial pilots license. Over the last 2 decades of flying there is a clear pattern of wetter, windier and more humid weather year on year in the UK. Hours flown has steadily declined due to the weather being outside of the aircraft’s limits. This kind of historic data is available from many large airports in the UK which show historic relative humidity, historic surface wind direction/strength etc. All of which show extremes with no regular weather pattern anymore.
Climate change is real and accepted by over 99% of scientists. If you wish to bury your head in the sand and google for “proof why climate change is fake” or “climate change myth” you will find articles by the 1% of scientists who refuse to accept empirical evidence.
Zip to the references at the bottom of the NASA page
All listed under 1 are the bogus 97% studies, which don’t stand up to scrutiny when you check the actual questions used and sample size etc.
The first is by the cartoonist John Cook
Thinks we dont all realise the climates changing, it is, but its got nothing to do with co2.
And as for the 97% bs, that so stupidly dumb its hard to believe his naivety.
It is 60/40 with american government climate scientists, that c02 is causing warming.and the majority of those are in ”climate communication”.
In the private sector theres not many surveys, as the first one they did was of 41,000+ canadian geoligist’s.
The survey was done correctly by 2 climate scientist, and to their great dismay the rusults were crystal clear 93% agreed Co2 has zero warming effect on the earths atmosphere.
A nd all thru the paper the 93% are referred to as climate change deniers,…
AND the ”scientists” who are tasked to monitor storm frequency and strength, say both are getting less, weaker it is that simple…………………it is you and the none involved scientists who are denying reality.
And ps Tabs Lad you go fuck yourself labelling anyone here ”deniers” you may aswell just call us twats,…because thats what it means, and i only EVER hear it coming out of twat’s mouths.
It is totally irrelivent how many storms they can now moniter 100s of miles out that they couldnt 20yrs ago, and now claim as increasing numbers.
CO2 and temperature have never been inter-related , never,…………and the earth is just coming out of one the coldest periods in 4.7 billion years.
A 2010 survey of media broadcast meteorologists conducted by the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication found that 63% of 571 who responded believe global warming is mostly caused by natural, not human, causes. Those polled included members of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) and the National Weather Association.
A more recent 2012 survey published by the AMS found that only one in four respondents agreed with UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change claims that humans are primarily responsible for recent warming. And while 89% believe that global warming is occurring, only 30% said they were very worried.
A March 2008 canvas of 51,000 Canadian scientists with the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysics of Alberta (APEGGA) found that although 99% of 1,077 replies believe climate is changing, 68% disagreed with the statement that “…the debate on the scientific causes of recent climate change is settled.” Only 26% of them attributed global warming to “human activity like burning fossil fuels.” Regarding these results, APEGGA’s executive director, Neil Windsor, commented, “We’re not surprised at all. There is no clear consensus of scientists that we know of.”
A 2009 report issued by the Polish Academy of Sciences PAN Committee of Geological Sciences, a major scientific institution in the European Union, agrees that the purported climate consensus argument is becoming increasingly untenable. It says, in part, that: “Over the past 400 thousand years – even without human intervention – the level of CO2 in the air, based on the Antarctic ice cores, has already been similar four times, and even higher than the current value. At the end of the last ice age, within a time [interval] of a few hundred years, the average annual temperature changed over the globe several times. In total, it has gone up by almost 10 °C in the northern hemisphere, [and] therefore the changes mentioned above were incomparably more dramatic than the changes reported today.”
The report concludes: “The PAN Committee of Geological Sciences believes it necessary to start an interdisciplinary research based on comprehensive monitoring and modeling of the impact of other factors – not just the level of CO2 – on the climate. Only this kind of approach will bring us closer to identifying the causes of climate change.”
Since 1998, more than 31,000 American scientists from diverse climate-related disciplines, including more than 9,000 with Ph.D.s, have signed a public petition announcing their belief that “…there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.” Included are atmospheric physicists, botanists, geologists, oceanographers, and meteorologists.
So where did that famous “consensus” claim that “98% of all scientists believe in global warming” come from? It originated from an endlessly reported 2009 American Geophysical Union (AGU) survey consisting of an intentionally brief two-minute, two question online survey sent to 10,257 earth scientists by two researchers at the University of Illinois. Of the about 3.000 who responded, 82% answered “yes” to the second question, which like the first, most people I know would also have agreed with.
Then of those, only a small subset, just 77 who had been successful in getting more than half of their papers recently accepted by peer-reviewed climate science journals, were considered in their survey statistic. That “98% all scientists” referred to a laughably puny number of 75 of those 77 who answered “yes”.
And as for your rainfall claims.
volumes or rainfall per annum smoothed by 10 or 30yrs show your perception is wrong, that is data over ”feelings”, rainfall patterns change, no patterns regional or seasonal we are experiencing today have not been repeated several times over just thelast 250yrs alone……
1) The wettest year was 1872, when there was 1284mm, compared to 1244mm in 2012. It was also wetter in 1768. Clearly the impression given by the Met Office, that the rainfall last year, and in 2000, is somehow “unprecedented” is not true. One is entitled to wonder why they made it.
2) The 30 year trend would suggest that rainfall was lower for most of the 19thC, but that it has been relatively stable since.
3) Both on 10 and 30 year trends, there have been many years previously at the same level as now. The wettest spell was during the 1870’s and 80’s. The 1920’s were also comparatively wet.
4) Inter-annual variability, of the sort seen in the last two years, is not uncommon, for instance 1871-72..
I’m afraid you lost your argument when you use swearing and personal insults – not very scientific it is?
There are plenty of websites that discuss climate change 24 hours a day and this website could do with a moderator to remove non BBC related posts. It looks a mixture of BBC and conspiracy theories and to be honest, it’s is embarrassing to read some times.
Without getting into a never ending argument with you I will address a few points you have raise.
1 “93% agreed Co2 has zero warming effect on the earths atmosphere.”
Really!?! zero effect? What about Venus? CO2 absorption is easily measured in lab experiments, and daily by satellites and ground stations. I actually live less than 500m from one of the UKs most advanced weather stations and they show the public CO2 absorption measurements on their open days. But hey, they must be in the 7%!
2. “It is totally irrelivent how many storms they can now moniter 100s of miles out that they couldnt 20yrs ago, and now claim as increasing numbers.”
…and then you post a graph of hurricanes making LANDFALL. You failed to address my point that both scientist (and media) are saying those storm that hit land are now the most damaging in recorded history.
3. Posting a graph of CO2 concentration vs temperature is a very clear indication of confirmation bias. You have already made your mind up and then only look for supporting evidence. You accept a graph of a purely theoretical guess at temperatures going back millions of years and present that as evidence that empirical evidence today is incorrect.
Trouble with armchair science and the power of Google you can find what ever you want. If you come across evidence not supporting your theory then it can be easily ignored.
If I say the UK climate has changed in the last 20 years making it harder to fly as many hours due to weather and you then present 2 graphs showing MetOffice rainfall almost constant does that make me wrong? Did I imagine it? or is there something else?
If I say the UK is “wetter” now it doesn’t mean more rainfall. There are more days of mist, fog and low cloud but that doesn’t mean rainfall has increased. Wind direction shift is one of the reasons when the weather is out of an aircrafts limits. Runways were built with a south-west to north-east direction as the UK used to have pretty much constant SW winds. Now this is changing and major airports with historic records clearly show a “Wind rose” shift where the wind direction can now be shifting 120 degrees with no noticeable norm.
The real reason UK weather has changed over the last 20 years is due to the kink in the jetstream. It used to pass north of Scotland but now is a south as London. This brings stronger winds, colder air, more extreme weather etc.
The kink in the jetstream (and possible pushing the Gulf Stream further south to miss the UK) is predicted in climate change models but probably not for those 93% that you state.
Tabs writes: “If I say the UK climate has changed in the last 20 years making it harder to fly as many hours due to weather and you then present 2 graphs showing MetOffice rainfall almost constant does that make me wrong? Did I imagine it? or is there something else?”
No, it means that you have noted an effect and linked it to a cause without proof. In science, effect is preceded by cause – not supposition.
Anyone who can repeat Cook’s blatantly absurd 97 per cent claim after it has been repeatedly demolished really cannot expect to be taken seriously. Here’s a little light Sunday reading.
Agreed it’s so tempting to pick one example of changing weather like the Jetsream moving about
and say “oohh that’s means CAGW we’re doomed”. Skeptics don’t say Climate is static.
@Tabs I saw no insults at you … but I did spot you using the smear words “climate change denial.”
(which is always wrong, cos it never specifies what proven science anyone is denying, it’s just a tribal word to get away from people challenging)
@Tabs we have all being where you are. We are all prisoners of the info we are fed, usually by the BBC.
It takes a lot of effort to step right outside our own forest where we can only see trees..and see the whole forest from outside..then you get a feeling of having come through the other side of a greendream tunnel .
we care about the environment with real maths and real science, not jumping to conclusions beyond the available evidence.
Let me get this right.
Paris turns off the Eiffel Tower lights?
What the heck do you think our Somalis from St Denis will do under cover of darkness?
But there`ll be blackouts from the liberal media about what we`ll see on phones and clips in a few weeks time, no doubt.
Off to Gates of Vienna and Gallia Watch then as ever.
Let the BBC sit in a puddle and berate Belmarsh for not having enough disabled ramps for the pop up tattoo parlours and nail bars…real news is elsewhere, as Trump tells us.
I really came on here because yesterday I was wondering where the Bank Holiday ‘Gas Cloud’ story had got to. The BBC made much of it on R4 at the time and on the following day. The ‘gas’ (air) sample was being analysed and I felt that by now the components should have been identified. Either that or the lab was being appallingly slow & inefficient or the BBC was deliberately not telling us something.
Lo and behold, the story pops up today, like sunshine after rain.
The BBC are appearing to be applying some strong FakeNews or FalseNews to this news item. They have failed to establish with the Meteorological Office, the prevailing wind condition for that location despite having noted other weather conditions for that day. This is very surprising, bearing in mind the ‘adjacency’ of the BBC to the Met Office. Obviously, the first thing to do. Apparently not as far as BBC News is concerned.
The first news reports by the BBC said the gas cloud came from the west. On Tuesday, the BBC said it was from offshore (which would be the south) but then introduced some obfuscation by suggesting ‘gas leaks’ had occurred years ago in northern France and had drifted, wind-driven, over to the UK. BBC: “It may have been something similar.” That would have required an easterly wind or, strictly, east by south-easterly wind for it to reach Birling Gap.
The BBC web-site does carry this, buried in its Sussex pages: “In the past, chemicals have drifted across from European industrial units, but Sussex Police said weather models suggested the source was unlikely to have been in northern France.” No cross-checking at the Met Office, BBC? How very lax.
West of Birling is Seaford, and west-ish of Seaford is some industry and there is also the port of Newhaven with shipping but also more industry. A gas or chemical leak from there would be understandable. A westerly might well have blown any gas release from there over to Birling. No mention of this whatsoever on the BBC reports that I have heard.
Had it come from offshore, from the south, you would have expected someone who was there – whether affected or not – to have identified the shipping off-shore at the time. There were a lot of people out at Birling that day, apparently, very many hundreds, possibly thousands. It is peculiar that the BBC has not been willing or able to find anyone who was there to describe the ships around at the time. More importantly, in the days of mobile phone cameras and normal digital cameras with some very exotic tele-zoom capabilities, no visual information – apparently – has been gathered from people there by the BBC. A significant omission. Such information would have been helpful to medical workers in hospitals and scientists in the lab analysing the gas as well as Maritime & Coastguard Agency and its shipping controllers.
The English Channel is one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world and vessels of size are controlled and tracked through there like aircraft. Commercial shipping, especially those that carry chemicals, I think would had to have notified their manifests to Controllers at the MCA. It is, of course, possible for an illegal cargo to be carried and not notified to the authorities.
No mention of any of this by ‘a foremost news organisation’. Very strange.
Had the ‘gas’ come from the east/east south-east – a long distance – you might expect diffusion first of all or, perhaps, some ‘gas’ making its presence felt nearer to Hastings and Dungeness. Nothing has been reported by the BBC.
Significantly, the BBC has never mentioned ozone from the outset. This is a naturally occurring sea-side phenomenon that they should have known about.
This whole story is a highly suspect and extremely unsatisfactory piece of journalism and news reporting by the BBC. They have added what some might describe as FakeNews or FalseNews to the factual story. They have speculated. That last, in itself, is not wrong as long as you are clear in broadcasts in the language and words used that you are speculating. I think there is something going seriously wrong in BBC News & Current Affairs, as well as their digital platform. This story might not be important although over 100 people, if I recall correctly, were hospitalised.
What about when something really serious happens and accurate public information via BBC N&CA is absolutely vital.
Grant, sure but what about just doing some good, old-fashioned, reporting? Some news gathering? Some journalism?!
They could have pinned down the wind direction easily. Should have known about ozone 1. from school science, and, 2. from being a kid at the seaside making sand castles. They could have ‘phoned the lab on Weds. or Thurs. & got a report or voiced interview. Once wind direction had been established, a journo could have visited Seaford & Newhaven, the Maritime & Coastguard Agency or spoken to those in France who check air quality or our people up the coast in Hastings and Dungeness.
Nuffink! The BBC are becoming a nothing organisation.
Nothing to do with science or geography, is it? It is good, basic, straightforward news journalism. The sort of thing I was taught at Secondary School of all places.
These BBC people often have college degrees in the subject. Some of their people are former print journos. There is no editorial effort at the BBC and its journalistic integrity is looking pretty thin these days. I am enraged. It’s blue pencil, screwed up sheets of copy thrown in bins, P45 waving threats time!
Sky News is just as vile if not more so than the BBC. I am sick to f******** death of pro-migrant, pro-open borders, pro-Islamist leftie biased crap on Sky and BBC. And Channel Snore has descended into downright Islamist extremist/far-left propaganda. Also, Sky, surprise surprise, has removed Fox News citing poor UK viewing figures. Would be interesting to examine UK viewing data for CNN, Al Jazeera and so on in comparison. Along with Google and twatter there seems to be a concerted leftie effort to censor right-wing views; try doing some compare and contrast google searches between left and right-wing topics to see what I mean. They totally censor rightwing views and favour leftwing crap.
Also, have you all noticed that the left is made up of spoiled middle class brats? You never see working class folk on the SJW marches…they are all snooty snowflakes who have graduated in gender or cultural studies degreed.
Quite right. They believe in censorship and they despise ordinary working class people but only if they have white skin. They laugh at “white van man” unless he is a muslim terrorist , of course.
Agreed, I’m sick to death of Google, YouTube and basically any mainstream news outlet now. I’m irritated by their tracking your every move and their gormless offerings as to what I might ‘like’. Until recently, if I wanted to glance at the news I’d briefly scan the Daily Mail (yes don’t laugh) or The Guardian (yes don’t laugh again) but honestly they are both utterly awful in their own way. I think I might switch to reading some online foreign newspapers instead, at least I’ll be slowly learning some vocabulary while they’re telling me some approved left-wing bullshit!
Radio 4 Today was desperately trying to rubbish the Times story about Muslim foster carers of a Christian child in Tower Hamlets ( little Bangladesh). Problem is it failed. Mayor of TH brought on to establish the facts didn’t have any. Nick Robinson tried to belittle the Times investigative reporter and failed. The man kept his cool and retained his dignity. Robinson isn’t fit to be on a major news programme . He’s clearly the lefty editors poodle. Interesting to read Andrew Neil’s tweets putting Robinson in his place. Can’t believe BBC tolerate such a non lefty guy as Neil.
I thought him a bit below par myself.
I noted that the other four(yes Dimbleby counts as oppo) were clear progressive idiots,Bragg could hardly string a sentence together but was soon being allowed silences whereby the audience duly clapped(they hate dead air).
Dimbleby AGAIN introduces the Tory last with a drive-by sneery intro about “leadership” or ” this latest crisis in the news”(always a Tory one as far as the BBC see it). He does it every week-so why Rees Mogg chose to congratulate the old sponge on doing lots of shows…well it only encourages the Left as far as I could see.
Questions re his kids names and numbers were set ups, as were the live tweets(inevitably shafting the Tories).Personal and sly, graceless as ever.
Noted Dimbly wasn`t too keen to get into that “second house” business…wonder why?
Is nobody at Tory HQ counting this stuff any more?
No…awful show really, but it always is.
We need Anne Marie Waters and more John Redwoods, less assuagers and pinyatas from the so-called “right” of politics.
Thankfully I did the ironing and noted Roger Scruton on next.
WHAT a programme-and WHAT a series of talks he`s just given on “A Point Of View”. Now THAT`S the only voice of the right worth a listen in the UK/2017. Brilliant-don`t miss them.
Dimblebore must have forgotten the time he sneered at the Mogginator for having been at Eton only to get the response ” Yes, I was there at the same time as your son “.
The Bore is 78 so no-one can accuse the BBC of ageism. Cronyism ? Now that is another matter .
I wonder if John Lewis have considered that they may lose business as a result of this. The Left, BBC, some MSM are all fighting the biology. It will make no difference other than confusing kids and , possibly giving them mental health problems.
Amusingly , I bought some trousers for my 10-year old daughter the other day. They are girls’ trousers but the brand name is “boy ” ! Made in China. I wonder how transgenders fare there ?
Last couple of nights I have woken at a very early hour and have switched on the World Service before heading back to bed. First I was treated to Assignment
The summary of the program gives you plenty of warning that it is going to be according to the Beeb view of the world
“A young Somali refugee struggles to live the American dream in the USA’s whitest state, during the rise of Donald Trump. Is the dream still possible?”
The program itself is interesting about the experience of one Somali Muslim who got a green card and is living in Maine, the whitest state in the US. Abdi speaks good English and is clearly a clever guy. However, the Beeb have taken a human interest story and desperately tried to turn it into an anti-Trump story, the narrative being how much harder it is for Abdi since Trump was elected. The problem with this is that the program offers absolutely no evidence to back this narrative. The best they could come up with was that its “not how it used to be” illustrated by how he felt threatened and afraid when some cops where in Starbucks and he didn’t want to give his Muslim name for the order! I kid you not that was it.
Actually, the program showed that in many ways the problem is with Abdi. He left his construction job where he was the only black, the report hinted at racism but gave no specifics except that they all voted for Trump, to take a lower paid job as a Somali translator. Also he moved towns leaving a white home to a flat share with fellow Somalians.
A good program spoiled by Beeb’s blinkered agenda mission.
Beeb Brother.
I often wonder if they try out their most cretinous lunacy whilst the rest of us sleep on?
And if their resident insomniacs in Kirkwall harbour aren`t getting in touch, then Humphrys will read it out later at 6a.m
1. Tower Hamlets Fostering story
2. Eastbourne toxic cloud,
3. Hurricane frequency.
To all who`ve posted above on these-thank you, FAR better and better researched than the lying hounds at the BBC.
Plenty homework to do, no excuses not to know where BBC Science Coverage (both social and environmental) leads us.
Soft Socialaislam , enforced by intern brownshirts working as the paramilitary outriders for the Fake News/Deep State…the devil(the djinn) are , as ever, in the details. We know this-the BBC doesn`t and wouldn`t care, even if it did.
Treezer’s cops are treating this Far right poster as a hate crime.
It says
Protect Children … Fight Grooming Gangs
A FAR-right group has claimed responsibility for putting up “hate crime” posters in the city, linking Muslims with child grooming gangs.
Police are treating the posters as a hate crime and the Worcester Muslim Welfare Association has condemned the posters.
They say the ‘mischievous’ posters are aimed at dividing a peaceful community in Worcester.
The association says the posters have been plastered across the city centre over the last two weeks.
The posters say: Protect Children … Fight Grooming Gangs (which is written in Arabic typography).
G.W.F, I’m not sure whether they are actually arabic symbols. I’ve looked through my extensive notes from the arabic course I attended at a university in the KSA and cannot reconcile either. The last would make sense if the two angled hovering cubes were beneath the ‘S’. That would be the equivalent of, ‘y’ (‘ya’). If I put on my ‘lawyers’ hat I would make that a defence if called upon to do so, i.e. ‘show me those symbols in Arabic’.
Yet again this site keeps giving…G`s insight here is valued.
It`s a great poster-no wonder the left will want it gone. Will certainly affect what I plan to do, seeing as its a new way of doing footnotes and italics I`d have thought.
I nominate G for a “Golden Cleric Award” here…”I now turn to the liars…231 on Freeview.
I’m gonna check out the lefty spin, but the push-back is on, middle-ground but soft left leaners will come around to trump, especially when they have more money on the hip.
What a joy to see the group in prayer after 8 minutes-imagine THAT being shown on BBCNN unedited!
Never seen this happen before-and G-D will be pleased, and the likes of me are greatly encouraged.
I said at his inauguration that Trump chose to swear his oath on his mums bible as well as that of Lincoln(or is it Jefferson?)
This was done in the presence of nearly all the faith groups(not Muslims though I`d have thought).
Once he did this-kind of felt that G-D would ensure he`d be OK.
Of course, the BBCNN types here would ignore this…but even G-D doesn`t watch BBCNN anymore!
Witness the complete and utter ignoring by the reptiles of all that had happened before their eyes…none are as blind as those who will not see, as our friend JC once said( tell the Left its Jeremy Corbyn and it might register with them)
So watching the news, its about Africas growing population ,typical bBC crap, this is a war about rich and the poor. There was a spin about investing in Nigeria, women getting permission to use birth control and that knocking down slums to build new housing is wrong.
Now they are in Kenya, talking about farming , that colonism is to blame for the lack of drought resistance crops. Strange thing how they didn’t mention the proper name for the new super crops they are breeding, the same crops idiots in the U.K. burn down.
Ethiopia now, a country on the rise , funny very similar to South Korea during the 60s and both hated by the left.
And one thing I noticed through it all, the bBC never mentions bad governance or corruption Uganda, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Somalia, or even (at the moment) South Africa as the reason why Africa is so poor.
And through it all I noticed the Presenter never wore a watch… I wonder why?
Anything about the Supreme Court in Kenya annulling the election results ? And the numbers murdered during the election ? Anything about Zimbabwe going from the “bread basket ” of Africa under white rule to one of the poorest countries in the world under Mugabe ? Not to mention his Genocide of the Matabele. Ditto the destruction of RSA by African rulers. Uganda , terrorism and one of the highest HIV rates in the world for which many blame the women. Nigeria, anything about the Genocide of Biafrans ? Anything about voodoo, cannabalism, murder of albinos for “traditional medicine ” ? FGM ? Womens’ rights ? Persecution of gays ? The list is endless.
I too watched this Pounce.
1. Niger and Nigeria have Boko Haram, Kenya have Al Shabab…and therefore all efforts to educate women or deal in birth control require more that a fat whitey BBC baldie supping the cornmeal and letting the picannies feed and trasnport him around in safety.
2. When China takes over your economy, its progressive globalisation-when whitey did it-well, that racist colonialism…apparently.
3. The technological fixes of more science parks and more garden bridges seems to please our BBC oaf…maybe he ought to think on what forces drive the youngsters from feeding themselves rurally-into selling us shirts from a tin hut slum shed in the big city. But he`s only a Beeboid -worries about climate change in one soundbite, then lauds Ethiopian airlines for their 96 destinations that now get to see the national carriers flag being flown.
The BBC didn`t need to do this crap-there`s no excuse, it`s not as if they were rushed into it.
Just bullshit-without islam, without globalisation as wanted by the EU etc-all the rest about contraception, hybrid plants grown in solar power university labs etc-well it`s all lefty shit.
Did note the plants are being checked for -er- “drugs tolerance”.
BBC colonial Oxbridge Barracloughs probably need to be cloned for the same ignorant guilt-tripping outpourings to be avoided in future.
You learn more about Africa from a Toto instrumental than you do from the BBC.
Just googled that vid, Trump day of prayer,……………only lefty msm to run with it is the washington post, otherwise rightwing outlets only.
He will win, make america christian again.
Waiting for the BBC to begin blaming climate change for the floods in Bangladesh and India.
Any chance of them doing a bit research to realise that this is a regular occurrence.
Graph of flooded land in Bangladesh over last 63 years..
It appears that the heroic work by a vessel funded by ‘Crowdfunding’ – ‘Defend Europe’ has had its funding withdrawn. No doubt under pressure from those, Soros and the UN included, that wish to see all of Africa and the Middle East move to Europe. For them, complete multiculturalism and dilution of the indigenous people of Europe is the aim they are doggedly pursuing.
I will be interested to see if the NGO’s impounded vessels are released and the NGO’s sponsoring the people smugglers resume their wicked efforts with criminal charges withdrawn. A mockery of anything called ‘Law’ by anyone’s standard.
That appears old news
Cos the vessel crew tweeted on August 27 their mission was over.
Then on Aug 30 posted going home buds etc
@Laura_Southern is mentioned as a Funder connection and her Patreon account was closed.
.. But she says although she participates in other things this time she was merely an observer.
So the story about how the police are paying out to white men falsly accused of kiddy fiddling . I wonder why the bBC isn’t mentioning how a lot of the Police investigation was due to a certain fat labour MP using the likes of the bBC and the Giuardian to promote the lefts penchant of character assisination . Funny how the bBC has got it wrong so many times.
£100k is derisory. It should have been £1 m but, at the end of the day, it is our money. None of the police or false accusers have been prosecuted. UK ” Justice ” RIP.
Grant, the Government ought to make a concerted effort to claw back some of the benefits paid to fraudulent EU claimants and their equally fraudulent landlords. I suspect that the abuse I see around me is only the tip of the (melting) iceberg.
Politicians don’t care a monkey’s so long as their own nests are feathered. And, of course, it is not their money that they are wasting. They almost remind me of Beeboids !
I noticed on Radio 4 at 1pm very careful wording how they announced the payments….rather on the basis that there wasn’t enough evidence rather than say that Lord Bramall and Leon Brittan were innocent. The word ‘innocent’ was not used – and indeed neither is it used on their website. Cases against Leon Brittain (including an accusation of rape by a woman) in the words of the BBC ‘were dropped’. The whole announcement of the payments seemed to be made through gritted teeth rather than the euphoria when for example Irish bombers are released.
How the BBC looks after its own. This morning I caught a few minutes of R4’s Moneybox and a feature on the EU-driven changes in the way investment companies can charge their customers.
Whom did they invite to represent the companies? None other than the atrocious Gina Miller!
Now why on earth would the BBC decide to give it to her all that free publicity? Oh… hang on a moment.
I used to listen to Moneybox, mainly because of Paul Lewis who know what he was talking about. Unusual for a Beeboid. Don’t know if he is still there, but I would have thought he would give Gina short shrift.
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 09:50 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Rachel Reeves today defended the decision to block massive a massive handout for millions of women who say they were…
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tomoFeb 24, 09:24 Start the Week 24th February 2025 A conceited ideologue in government….
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MarkyMarkFeb 24, 09:16 Start the Week 24th February 2025 “”FUN, FRESH and THUMPING with ENERGY” – Jeff Kinney, bestselling author of Diary of a Wimpy Kid “MC Grammar is…
tomoFeb 24, 09:15 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Having followed Dan Bongino sporadically for several years that caused me to laugh out out 🙂 He know where a…
The BBC have not had a good word to say about Brexit.
And has May ever uttered a good word about Brexit?
Last year, the BBC’s Director-General Lord Hall agreed to review the BBC’s complaints procedures after a cross-party group of parliamentarians challenged him to name a single programme which has been enthusiastic about Brexit since the EU referendum on June 23. Hall was unable to do so.
The parliamentarians included UKIP peer Lord Pearson, Labour’s Kate Hoey and Tory Philip Hollobone. Lord Pearson hailed Lord Hall’s decision as a significant blow against ‘those at the top of the BBC who wish to see the referendum result reversed’.
Nothing has changed. The BBC are still anti-Brexit and make this plain to all.
Impartiality? I think not.
They are about as impartial as Josef Goebbels was.
Apparently he always wanted to be impartial, just never had the balls.
Two. But oh, so small,
Did they tinkle?
Were they good bells?
One more than Der Fuhrer…allegedly……..
Not BBC but Channel 4, tonight I watched Channel 4 news, I noticed and commented to my wife, one black male presenter, one female Muslim presenter, one black male weather man, no white people.
Then Crystal Maze started, which I don’t usually watch, one black presenter, five contestants, four black, one white.
Am I missing something here?
White people, probably…
My sisters husband died recently, a retired Policeman, who was aghast at how the Force, sorry, Farce , has developed….but no, she received a periodical from the Retired Officers Assc…and i flicked through it, interesting, and noted there was not one coloured face in the many pics and adverts…what a refreshing change….up yours BBC and your Fascist internet gestapo teams, looking for articles they deem racist and offensive….the lampposts await you all…Mussolini style…..
Wild Bill
What? No wheelchair?
What? no hopeful Olympic rainbow runner?
Down with this sort of thing, Father!
Why do clergy constantly come up with feeble attempts at personalising their outfits? They are like schoolkids who try to annoy the teachers by bending the uniform rules! Clergy wear robes precisely so that they are DE-personalised. The service is not about them and their fashionable opinions, it is about a higher power, beyond temporal concerns and fads. I am a lay clerk (chorister) in a church and wear a cassock and surplice and if we wear anything other than black shoes we get told off, rightly!
Quite agree. It is demeaning. Mind you , we have always had “trendy clergy ” but this is going to far.
His dress is quite conservative.
Typical Papal Pontiff attire borrowed from the last Pagan Pontiff attire.
They try to vainly fill empty pews…..i’ll tell them how to get at least myself back in a Church…..Start preaching fire and brimstone , directed at Islam, the Devil , remember who sacked Jerusalem and precipitated the Crusades…yes, MUSLIMS…..stop appeasing them and return their hatred of us, they hate our decency, our civilised culture, our learning….rock them you stupid clergy, and watch those pews fill….
I’ll start for you.
The Bible spells out for us what happens when a nation rejects the laws of God in favour of immorality & the honouring of false gods. (It’s like gravity- if you jump off a building you hit the ground eventually.) We can learn from Israel. That’s the whole point of having things in writing.
Church leaders should be more concerned with the foundation & origin of their professed faith than they are of the politically correct religion of today.
A small part that’s relevant to us now:
Isaiah 1:7
Your country is desolate,
your cities burned with fire;
your fields are being stripped by foreigners
right before you,
laid waste as when overthrown by strangers.
Yes – the overwhelming importance of even more diversity that is so desperately needed on TV – Brings new meaning to the term ‘Blackout’… 😉
BBC Online News:
“”Detainees ‘mocked and abused’ at immigration centre””
“”G4S has suspended nine members of staff from an immigration removal centre near Gatwick Airport, following a BBC Panorama undercover investigation.””
This is an internal management matter and does not justify headlines unless the BBC has an agenda.
How about the BBC investigating the 350,000 annual growth of the UK population and the very negative effects on our essential services and housing?
Now that’s a documentary that Panorama should investigate. But it won’t happen of course.
Far too big an elephant in the room….
BBC News this evening or BBC trailer for Panorama?
Main item on the 10:00 News.
Interesting what the BBC decides to investigate, and what it chooses not to.
And they get to kick G4S. Bonus!
BBC Editorial Integrity. It is in their DNA. Apparently.
Wouldn`t it be nice-for once-if the BBC would give us an undercover hit piece on how the heck they decide their stories for the news?
Why for example Melania Trumps shoes or Ed Skreins cartoon castings are news items throughout the day on their ceasless rolling news…but Debbie Wasserman Shultz or Trump giving money to the Houston relief effort out of his own pocket don`t make the cut and are not mentioned by the BBC? What possible mindsets choose one set of stories for us, but omit the others?
I just get sick of them doing trailers for their hit pieces on the private sector-but leave Mid Staffs, Winson Green prisons or rioting school gangs alone, seeing as that`s the public sector state…and they`ll never moan at that unless it`s to blame the Tories for a lack of money.
As for any footage of migrants going for staff, raping or attacking others?…bet your bottom dollar that Panorama won`t be filming that, certainly never letting us see it.
Like the Birmingham binmen and Southern rail disputes-the BBC only ever give us the Socialist excuses. Just sick of them.
I am also sick of the publicity the BBC News gives to new films or art exhibitions – I call it free advertising. And I wonder what entertaining is arranged by the PR firms and given to whom in the BBC to get this advertising on the 6pm and 10pm BBC news.
Dover – Just the normal BBC “rebalancing” of the agenda. The unsaid implication being that we deserve all the nasty baggage that so many of these “refugees” bring to our society because they got laughed at and mocked at the immigration centre. All our fault really, so shut up complaining whitees you are all guilty as charged.
Theres always a bleedin heart liberal such as Lammy or Fatbot willing to pick up the baton of “refugee” outrage and use it to try and bludgeon the rest of us into silence as our society is changed for the worse in front of our eyes, whilst the rest of the political class look the other way.
On this theme – Just for “Old times sake” I thought yesterday morning I would listen to a BBC play.
It was called “A Long Swedish Winter” by a chap called Danny Robbins . And was recorded in Sweden
It opened with the recording of Trumps speech on immigrant violence in Sweden and was about a nice British bloke called Geoff who lived in Sweden with his girfriend and her family and is considering becoming a dual British/Swedish national.
And what a “wankfest” of social conscious /right on themes it turned into.
We had two great jokes on brexit by girlfriends dad “Brexit is like getting rid of a fly on our face by using a shotgun – BOOM” or try this “It is like getting in a boat and rowing out and putting a hole in the bottom – WERE SINKING SAVE US!” ha ha ha ha ha!
We also had an emotionally wounded afghan immigrant called Trashcan (or similair name) who was about to undergo his immigration appeal and had learnt Swedish and liked football (attn all working class R4 listeners HE LIKES FOOTBALL! -must mean all migrants are great )
We had the statement from the civilised Swede “what kind of human being agrees with Trump”
We even had the local waycist – who had spent all his life surrounded by Cows (probably doesn’t get the Guardian either) Eventually the the waycist was turned around by Geoffs wise words and realised the error of his ways.. I think we even had the “there is more we have in common than what keeps us apart” theme spurted around for good measure.
All in all it was one one great big ticksheet of glorious propaganda and I suggest that Mr Robbins will have a bright future at the BBC (or even Pyongyang – if he fancies a change) I suspect many of the Islington luvvies would have visit a chiropractor with all the frantic head nodding that would have taken place – all with a nice cup of macrobiotic ethically sourced, turmeric skinny latte with coconut milk.
What is for sure is that whilst the media is still dominated by SJW leaning liberals who refuse to have an honest discussion and debate about the problems they want to inflict on us – things will only get worse. The rest of us who would like a bit of debate are all obviously waycist pigs (and certainly dont deserve to live in Sweden)
Anyway I feel better after my rant – and after my hideously english breakfast of boiled eggs (with SS stromtrooper soldiers) will get back to polishing my jackboots and re-painting my coal scuttle helmet. So I can go and walk “Thor” my Bichon Frise bitch.
Who would want to live in Sweden anyway ?
Grant – I always had a bit of a hankering for Sweden for a bit. More because the attractions of the mountains and lakes (and nothing to do with Agnetha Fältskog . Unfortunately since the likes of self deluded idiots such as Robbins been allowed by a decent people to import conflict and crime into their country and spread a miasma of untruths and excuses as to why things are going wrong my ambitions in that directions have somewhat dulled.
It appears to me that when you have a relatively rich and sparsely populated country with a generally well mannered and moral people they appear to be particularly vulnerable to left wing guilt trips which naive, grubby little left wing globalist apologists such as Robbins are more than happy to provide.
Canada appears to be in the early stages of this. The veneer of of culture and civilisation is only skin deep. By importing of hundreds of thousands of people who have a different and generally hostile culture -Do people really think things will change for the better.?
Why do people never wake up until it is too late to stop it. ?
become lazy and cowardly and have lost respect for ourselves and the traditional values that have supported us over the centuries.
If you can stomach it – I suspect this particular play is available on the R4 website – It is quite illuminating to listen to it – just to hear how these patronising tossers think they can lead us by the nose to the destruction of much of what we hold dear.
I think you’re absolutely right.
Civilised behaviour – tolerance and restraint – are fine within people who have a similar mindset most of the time. I say “most of the time” because Germany was regarded as a civilised place before the Nazis came along.
However, as soon as well mannered and moral people come up against savages, they are at a huge disadvantage. The savages see them as weak and gullible and are incapable of appreciating the advantages of their way of doing things.
It’s the same here. People who considered themselves so superior and sophisticated sneered at the rough-but-sincere EDL for reacting against the Muslims’ contempt for our returning soldiers. But these “superior” individuals did not have an answer to the Muslim response or a single weapon in their armoury to deal with it.
It is the rough EDL types who will have to sort the problem out in the end, while the sophisticates sleep soundly. Cultures with nothing in common just don’t mix on equal terms.
Just my opinions.
I totally agree.
As Tommy says in his book, they only respect strength yet all they see is appeasement. Without the EDL none of the grooming scandals would have come to light.
Wreath – And once/if the problem has been sorted out and we have all probably been to hell and back. Our sophisticated “moral superiors” will all be crawling back out the woodwork to try and “re-bag” their well paid jobs in meeja and edyacayshon and the whole cycle will repeat.
Still that is the price we have to pay for in democracy. And ( unlike most remainers) I still consider their vote should be as valid as mine in any election – much as I hate to say it!
“I still consider their vote should be as valid as mine in any election – much as I hate to say it!”
Yes – to paraphrase what (I think) Churchill said, it’s better than the other options.
“Civilised behaviour – tolerance and restraint – are fine within people who have a similar mindset most of the time. ” Doesn’t work for the chain-smoking Lithuanians I have nearby – not sure what their, ‘mindset’ is. ‘Drain the Swamp’ send em’ all back.
Oh dear. I thought they were OK.
Yes, I was not thinking of the country itself but the political/racial/religious situation.
I feel sick just reading that. That is some achievement to have made it through the whole ordeal. I managed five minutes of a programme about a ballet production inspired by the suffering of refugees due to the migrant crisis. I have had to have counselling and whenever someone mentions ‘dance’ I experience something akin to PTSD and vomit instantly.
As Trump tweeted recently, it is what the MSM refused to report on which is such a betrayal. A few dozen detainees may have been treated badly, but they ignore the devastating effect that mass immigration has had on millions of ordinary, decent people who were never consulted about this policy and would overwhelmingly have voted against it given the choice; and are now told that they face prison if they even mildly object to it.
I so wanted to take my nephews to see to see the sights in London this summer, relive the glorious times I had with my parents when I was younger. To have a seven year old tell me he would be too scared of being stabbed in London is the most heart breaking thing. I’m sure many parents have had similar conversations this summer. The Beeb would never make a programme about this though.
BB – Betrayal is the word. There appears no depths the MSM/BBC will not sink too to push their agenda through. We are definitely in a “post truth” era.
Even with Trump, Brexit, Rochdale, unrelenting terror and an epidemic of gang violence there is still no mea culpa; they continue to double down with their Cultural Marxist lunacy even though the people clearly hate it and it is having disastrous effects. One wonders how bad it will have to get before they concede an inch of ground.
BB (08:56)
“before they concede an inch of ground.”
Let’s give them six feet.
Stop using Newspeak, TWMTB wants you to.
Militant Colonists with the worst record in history for destruction and mass murder.
That rolls nicely off the tongue. Much better that “immigrants”, and deadly accurate.
BBBC Website.
A Swedish police officer speaks Arabic. Pardon me but what the hell has that got to do with anyone but the individuals involved. It’s absolutely relentless the pushing of the Islamic agenda.
No comment required.
This serial creepy oilslick personifies what Labour has turned into.
Like Shami, Lady Nugee and the Harman/Droney creeps…a complete hijacking of any British history or genuine roots has been completed.
And rich privileged London tossers with socialist names, or hidden blueblood names suck up over Cuba and Venezuela, despising Essex and Boston, Lincs.
Lenin or Mao would have known what to do with these poncey grandees and slum legal weasels and landlords..and I`d have to say that they`d have been right.
WE pay for them, and let them spout across our press…no wonder Islam thinks we`re shit.
Pass the sick bag.
I’m waiting to hear the bbc extolling the virtues of cannibalism as a cultural positive we should all embrace along with child marriage, arranged marriage, FGM pretty much you name it. If some none Brit’ does it – the bbc love it!
Seem to recall they already got pretty excited by some Islamic commander’s top tips on offal consumption.
Keep your enemy close to your heart, though I may have that jumbled.
Still waiting for an Islington bistro to serve albino fricasse or gorilla and chips.
I heard a brief item on the R4 news on PM, that fuel prices might rise here due to the refineries in Texas where productivity has been affected by the hurricane.
It is true that there are lots of refineries in that part of that state because of the particular oil expertise which is available there. However, that isn’t the only reason: there are many states (particularly on the “Left Coast”) which do not allow oil refineries to operate within them and are agin oil and fossil fuels generally; the enormous unexploited oil reserves just off the Californian coast attest to this, as does the prevention of major oil pipelines being routed through there or Oregon.
The fact that all almost all the refining eggs have been put in this particular state’s basket, as a result of the EPA and enviro-nuts in positions of power within other states, has been shown to be a policy which has left the US vulnerable in its oil refining capacity; which may have fuel price implications for them and for us.
Well Harvey was only a few days ago…and we`ve not had the Grenfell card or the puffings for the need to REALLY deal with climate change here in the UK yet.
All those uninsured illegals surely need great housing in Dallas, and climate change demands that Trump hands over to Al Gore.
I mean-CNN are onto it, all the Legacy Media in the USA are already onto it.
And the BBC inevitably cut and paste all their crap from the liberal liars over there don`t they?
For all the Doreen fans
“”Katie Hopkins ATTACKS Tower Hamlets Council for Christian girl FORCED into Muslim foster care””
““Which individual at Tower Hamlets was responsible for the abuse of this little girl?””
“”I have applied to be a foster mum for devout Muslim child. I intend to show him how to party like a ‘white slag’.””
Katie for PM, I say!
I have just had to scrape Mr D off the ceiling. Local news item about knee surgery. We had to have on a successful recipient of a new knee talking about his husband. Went to the Humberside Radio website and found the listening project about a transgender person and their female partner. Why does the BBC have to include reference to same sex marriage in as many stories as possible whether it is relevant or not, and transgender gets even higher priority. I just wish the BBC would consider a person’s sexuality or gender irrelevant.
Why the hell don`t we send the likes of Mr Dildo here to Raqqa with the whole Brighton Pride Posse on their Notting Hell carnival floats.
They`d terrify IS…personally, I d drop them in by rainbow silk parachutes, and Bagdadi`s bidet boys would think it was Allahs angels coming down to judge them at the end of days.
The new ”Stavros” and the new ”The Master”.
What a joy to hear Martin Bashir-BBC “religious correspondent” no less-holding forth on the life and times of Cormac Murphy O Connor. Ex Catholic Archbishop , now unable to answer the coming BBC investigation into his laundry bag, no doubt. He`s dead-therefore just the paedo carrion the BBC will be seeking.
But I veer…Bashir was the greaseball who smarmed his way into getting Lady Di to talk her crap in such poor taste…and is alos on record as wanting to shit in Sarah Palins mouth. So who else to be a BBC religious correspondent smarming away at the death of a Catholic Archbishop?
Stay away from the altar boys Beeb…
Imams do not seem to get the same treatment. Funny that .
Don’t you love the way the enrichers are adding to our civilisation.
Enrichers? or Invaders as i fondly like to call them.
Coming to a town near you soon.
Imagine if the colours were reversed and a mob of nasty whities had attacked a poor black driver: top of beebistan news for weeks!!
Where were the Police?
Where’s the armed police when you need them?
This is another good performance by Tucker Carlson, I especially enjoyed his last line to this SJW he’s interviewing.
I love the look on his face whilst she speaks, one of baffled awe that SJW could be saying such nonsense with a straight face. We have let lunatics like her march through our institutions and take control of everything, not least the BBC.
Yes. Why oh why can’t we have a Tucker on the BBC ? Stupid question really.
Why no Mark Steyn either who is brilliant?
Ditto for Dinesh D`Souza and Daniel Greenfield?
The lying BBC scum are aware of the kind of intellect and wit that skewers them utterly-so we`ll never see them on the telly here. But that we know they`re around is a gift from the USA to the waiting world. Enjoy them while you can.
Like to think we`re getting a few in this country too now-bit of media training and support and we`ll be biting back!
And now Sky has dropped Fox News so no more Tucker, when we need him most.
Please let’s have a Fox News UK asap. A real alternative to the hegemony of the ‘liberal’ left.
Can you or anyone think of a single TV channel or Radio station in the UK which is not Left Wing ?
I hear that Lerwick hospital radio is quite good.
LOL ! Shetlanders are a bunch of Vikings. What do you expect ?
Fox News has been removed from the Sky package.
The only news channel that isn’t left or lefter.
You can still see Tucker Carlson on YouTube though.
Just google Tucker Carlson Tonight and stick it on your homepage.
You Tube seems fine for the moment. However, the way Google (owners of You Tube) is now engaged in tweaking its algorithms in order to block or hamper right-leaning media, we might soon find that they find ways to make viewing Tucker or Hannity or Mark Stein more difficult to view. I’m sure that’s what the uber-lefty manipulators running Google would really like – let through only news from MSNBC or CNN.
I never realised I had been living with ‘white privilege’ all my life.
Yeah – all the Asian kids from my school are earning six figures now, mostly working in medicine. I will never earn anything like that. ‘Whits privilege’ has not done me any favours!
R5 now breaking the charter rule that they must reflect their audience
12-1am Reviewing papers
Presenter – @TherealNihal
+ @DredaMitchell
+ @ShaunBaileyUK *
So 1 Asian Londoner +2 black Londoners
Followed by Doton – black and London
Now saying “where are the black football managers”
* labelled as former advisor to David Cameron
“where are the black football managers”
Most players, whatever the sport, couldn’t manage a wank.
I give you St. Walkers Crisps as an example.
Imaginary racism of the worst sort.
This article on the hard-left Guardian put the number of ‘black’ coaches in senior football as just over 4%. The last Population Census carried out in the UK put the ‘black’ population at just over 3%. So, looks like the figure is spot on, given the odd rounding error (there are 92 senior coach positions so an addition or subtracion of just one has an influence).
However, contrast with the number of ‘black’ and other minority players in the Premier League – 33%. That it is massive over-representation, and I look forward to articles on the BBC explaining why the number needs to be immediately reduced by a factor of three to ensure that football is ‘representative’.
Note to Beeboids: I have used the term ‘black’ in scary quotes as there is no such thing as ‘black people’. There are, of course, people of various shades of brown or beige (we tend to call the latter ‘white’). When your world view is based on a linguistic lie, it tells you something pretty signficant.
More to the point, where is the Equality Act 2010 in all this? Why are there NO physically disabled players in ANY professional football teams? (I grant you there are mentally disabled)
Managers work longer hours, get paid less, have more responsibility and a load more stress. I would rather be a player.
No 7,
Disagree with you. I would guess that a wank is about the one thing Lineker can manage.
and that would be cheesy, or salt and vinegar…
Think Dreda spoke out for Brexit, so a Rusty Lee type of decent cove.
Hope to God, Pepsi or Shirley didn`t do the same-I`ve had to adopt too many crap acts and end of pier types since last year.
All well and good standing by Sir Beefy…much harder to tell everybody how much Mike Read or the bloke from Bucks Fizz mean to you….
Bernard Bresslaw was an outspoken supporter of us not joining the EU in the first place…and I`ve hardly started on his back catalogue, wonder if I`m getting wound up by everybody!
Their main story yesterday was just a PR plug for their show on Monday: manufactured, manipulated and agenda driven. Ought the Beeb not to report the news rather than create it?
They employ three thousand journalists? This massive journalistic scoop involved phoning a colleague and asking him to talk about his programme. No wonder that staffer got caught watching pornography in the studio; so many Beeb employees must have nothing to do.
These surplus morons are in fact the BBC strategic journalist reserve who will be rushed to next hot spot in the war against white British racism and facism. Imagine this scenario, a bacon sandwich has been discovered only two miles from a Mosque in Nottingham. The local BBC branch of the anti facists against racism desperately call Broadcasting House for reinforcements in order to properly dominate the airwaves of not just the UK but the whole world with endless non stories about this vile example of white supremacist Islamophobia. Central command of the BBC is able to respond immediately and dispatch a hundred and fifty more babblers to reinforce the anti facist movement. Other groups are sent to towns as far apart as Inverness and Taunton in case this outbreak of Islamophobia spreads. Excellent value for the LF payer.
Journalists by definition are meant to gather information. But reality is so diametrically opposed to the politically-correct strait-jacket the Beeb wriggles under that to do any actual research on the ground might gather ‘hate facts.’ So we don’t get news anymore and Beeb staffers are mainly propaghandists rather than journalists.
BB, ‘hate facts’?
Should not that have been checked by BBC Health & Safety carrying out a Risk Assessment first, before sending the journalist out from their office or BBC canteen?
BBC journalists should carry extra insurance to pay for the months of counselling should they be harmed by ‘hate facts’ that they encounter while working for the BBC. There is plenty of money available from the Licence Fee payer for the premiums. The BBC can pay.
They might even encounter a ‘micro aggression’ or – trigger warning – some cultural appropriation! This Portuguese restaurant served me some delicious fish and chips the other day and I was so offended at their theft of British culture that I broke down and wept.
BB, LOL x 5!
I’m having trouble typing this because of laughing so much.
More seriously, I think we ought to copy some of the priceless bits of humour that members provide here into a side bar folder. They could be shared with NHS patients, old people in homes & Hospices, with teenagers suffering anxiety & stress to bring a bit of joy to them that TV & Radio from certain sources appears to lack these days.
Thanks mate.
It’s hard not to get angry but it’s better if we can ridicule them instead.
I watched Glocester vs Exeter Chiefs last night and it suddenly struck me that the feathered headresses and the constant mimicking of warpath chants has slipped through the cultural appropriation net.
Heap big problem, heap big bullsh!t.
Ho ho! Very good!
Battered and fried fish came with Sephardic Jews from Portugal, so really it’s the British doing the cultural appropriation there. I’m wondering how you would respond to Americans wearing imitation Victoria Crosses as jewellery?
On BBC Breakfast about 7:15am today they had a bit about cutting out heavy drinking and not be peer pressured by others.
The man in the video said “you can tip the barman to fill your glass with a low alcohol beer or pour you a fake gin and tonic”.
Are the BBC now promoting that
bribingtipping is the only way to buy what you actually want? Is this an insight into how the BBC usually operates in it’s procurement departments?!?Di does not put her size nines in it for 25 hours and the corridors of the BBC will run with empty soy milk cartons.
Yes what a load of bollox eh can’t you just order a lemonade at the bar ?. You know what this feels like the thin end of the wedge – ah Muzzo bars no drink – a doctor and a bar owner on the sofa both with suspicious tans – Mr and Mrs Ally Snackbar- their son couldn’t make it as he got arrested after losing control of his cab in the mall and accidentally grabbed a 4 foot machete to try and safe himself
As some in the comments have noted, the BBC does of course have editorial integrity ‘form’ no matter what the medium being featured. Or not.
Buzzfeed of course high on the BBC’s new ‘must feature’ online ‘news’ share plans.
Buzzfeed seem to get a free pass with the BBC, despite their fear and dislike of internet or citizen alternatives to their air buffet and stale lies.
Bet its due to their “golden showers” lies that were used against Trump last year-Buzzfeed made it up and lied, the liberals repeated it all on air-and then ran away from this as the Fake News tag stuck to them all.
But Buzzfeed are thanked and helped because they tried to get Trump.
Rather than ’22 Celebrates that look nothing alike’ – BuzzFeed could do ‘News that isn’t News On Buzzfeed”.
Doesn’t the BBC use Buzzfeed on avoiding Fake News – Fiona Rutherford, news reporter at BuzzFeed on avoiding Fake News. { feb2017}?
Nick on twitter. Always good fun.
Nick digs deep(er):
First rule is to stop digging ! The recruitment problem only applies to white non-muslims. As I understand it the hoops they have to jump through puts many people off from applying. Maybe Nick the Prick would like to address that ?
lol Nick the Prick – I like that maybe he could adopt it as his Twitter ID
Good idea. Many people are Left Wing when young but move to the right as they mature. Nick the Prick seems to buck the trend. He was a Young Conservative who moved to the Left. To slightly misquote Mrs. Merton , I wonder if it has anything to to with his BBC paymasters being Left Wing ? Perish the thought !
I did notice on the Today programme this morning that when Nick Robinson was actually interviewing the leader of Tower Hamlets on the issue, he gave the guy plenty of room to explain the issue, from his council’s point of view, naturally. Whilst ‘explaining’ that this was a complex issue, the Tower Hamlets bod was able to answer a few questions about the minutiae of the ‘complex’ issue, but when cornered on two of the key points of the Times’ exposee of his council, namely whether the foster parent wore the niqab (i.e. the ‘letterbox’ face covering), or whether the foster family normally spoke together in Arabic, rather than English (i.e. with the result that the child would be excluded from normal interfacing with her ‘parents’), the effect was to cause him to go into full ‘Manuel’ mode -i.e. “I know nooooothing !’ Amazing, two of the most important things to do with the up-bringing and care of the child, and probably the easiest to find out, and he’s completely ignorant of the facts, but he’s able to answer to other tiny details.
However, that wasn’t what I found to be most disturbing. Part of the interview was about the child and her upbringing by her blood relatives. The council guy started off by saying that the girl “… has a Muslim heritage”, at which point Nick Robinson interjects “her grandmother”, and the council guy goes on with his clearly well-practiced discourse, along the lines of “….although her mother insists she has a Christian heritage…”. His tone conveyed the impression that he, rather than the mother, is the one who should be believed on this issue – despite Nick Robinson pointing out that only her grandmother had any Muslim background. Further, the Guardian reports that the child’s grandmother is a non-practising Muslim, and does not speak English at all. But this tenuous link, somehow, is enough for the leader of the council to claim that she has a Muslim ‘heritage’ ?
All these issues were also referred to in an interview later in the programme, by the Times reporter (Johnson ?), who was the guy who broke the story to the public, but this was done in a much more rushed fashion than that with the council leader. he very clearly pointed out that the council leader apparently hadn’t a clue about some of the more important issues he had raised in his original article in the Times.
However, by the time the 9:00 news came around, at the end of the Today programme, the news segment report ignored anything said by the Times reporter, and only played back the Tower Hamlets’ leaders’ comments I described above. Only, this time, Nick Robinson’s interjection in the middle of his discourse, regarding the grandmother being the only connection with some fantasy ‘Muslim Heritage’ was seamlessly edited out. The effect of omitting this interjection was to convey entirely the wrong impression, that the girl had had a strong Muslim input into her upbringing, and therefore there could be no problem with these foster parents.
The BBC is getting worse – it’s now not only Bias by Omission we’re seeing, but Bias by Stealth Editing. Talk about Fake News ?
BBC Sports page.
“Kane scores twice in flattering England win”.
“Scotland revive World Cup hopes with impressive win in Lithuania”.
The results? England won 4 – 0, Scotland won 3 – 0.
Now I’m not claiming the England performance was anything special, far from it. But both sets of opponents are undeniably in the “minnow” category so why the different emphasis in reporting broadly comparable resilts.
It would have been reported as ‘impressive’ by the Beeb if it were the women’s England team.
England top of the table with 17 points. Scotland 3rd with 11, 4 points behind Slovakia. Lithuania on 5 and Malta 0. Says it all really.
and on the sofa this morning talk about the football so over to clips about last nights – first on Scotland and Strachan interview – second England and Southgate .
Why it is so stupid and blatant BBC – we are in England ? why do you degenerate the most popular sport in the UK ?
If the women’s egg n spoon race had been on last night it would be wall to wall today
I was told that they devoted an hour of BBC time to a show about the poundshop, car boot and yard sales that sell footy players on the last day of the selling season.
Aren`t these just Raqqa slave markets?..albeit with £22,000 watches and ponytail adornments in 30 languages(none English, but for the voyeurs, stool sifters of the media sports hacks).
8:45am R4Today brought on the Times Andrew Norfolk to discuss the Fostering case.
Hostile attitude
Their opening line : “This is islamophobia isn’t it ?
14 areas have no Muslim fosterers”
AN : “Actually we broke that story that 14 areas have only white fosterers”
R4 : “Well Sadiq just said that no cross was removed and she wasn’t prevented from eating bacon”
AN ” He also said he was not aware of the full facts and …” ” I’ll stop you there we’re out of time ”
Next item was chit chat with their Newsnight mates about the sleeper train being redecorated.
BTW not Sadiq, it was Tower Hamlets mayor
Stew, yes, that was a distinctly dodgy interview from Nick R and you could hear the hackles rise on Andrew Norfolk’s back. Think he gave better than he got.
As for the sleeper train, I wondered if Kirsty Wark’s ticket and whisky gets claimed for on expenses?
Also, no mention from the BBC about the Global Warming and Climate Change aspects of such daily long distance commuting. Oh, sorry, I forgot. Didn’t scientist, Professor Alice Roberts, while on BBC Radio 4 some years ago, imply that trains run on air, no Global Warming threat whatsoever? That’s OK then.
What happened to Alice Roberts ? did she disappear up her own ar$£hole after telling too many lies
Cough splutter… I was just on mi bike coming over the bridge when one of those dozens of Drax diesel powered trains was going under carrying about 30 wagons of US woodchip to its GREEN power station.
I no longer listen to the Radio 4 news but listened to the item on Iplayer after I read your post.
What staggered me was that the BBC spent the entire time attacking Norfolk’s integrity. This journalist raised the issue and has helped that particular child and possibly many others.
At no time did the BBC invite him to offer his views on the attempts by the council to prevent journalists attending the court, which is their legal right, or their attempt to pull the wagons into a circle and minimise what took place.
The BBC has learnt nothing from its shameful noncoverage of Rotherham.
#R4Today’s tricks against Andrew Norfolk. is worse ..Distraction to protect their beloved Despicable Libmob from scrutiny.
… Cos His Times front-page article today is a Sarah Champion quote
Left ‘failing to confront truth of sex crimes’
Further there is 2 page interview the & Times Leader : “Truth Hurts”
So you’d think that R4Today would want him to talk about those 5 pages about Rotherham and Labour
… But no they deliberately set up a side topic as if they wanted to distract away from his main article.
They first had the Tower Hamlet Mayor on and then ambushed Norfolk by putting to him the mayor’s claims which the court evidence contradicts.
Wow that Times leader really lays in
“Rotherham: Leftist media organizations instinctively recast the story as one of Islamophobia”
One guy tweeted whole in 3 parts, click his name to open up the thread
If there is any purpose to watching endless news from The Usual Suspects on Freeview, than at least we can see how the whole cossetted elites choose to commit hari-kari on screen, radio and in the press 24/7 these days. Trump Derangement Syndrome and Brexit Psychosis with greening gangrene as far as this ex-nurse can see.
1. Channel 4 News moaned about Houston getting all the news coverage in its flooding, but the media didn`t care so much about what was going on in Bangladesh. Yet they themselves spent fifteen minutes with Kylie, assorted greens, black activists and migrant lobbies in their pieces to seek to get Trump to agree to “climeate change” and to “give amnesties and houses” to their illegals. And-of course-didn`t wrap their usual fifty seconds on Bangladesh with calls for the Muslims to match Trumps administration.
In other words-they themselves(in full view) are spending WAY more time on Texas than Bangladesh…but apparently this is my fault…do I choose their news output? Over to you Krishnan!
2. Robert Webb is now on BBC Breakfast saying exactly what he`d have said when Krishnan and The One Show also asked him the same tripe about his male frailties. What a carnival…aren`t there rules for planned product placement of his book and “forthcoming film”(wonder who made that and who was paying?)…these U2 Days get dragged out over weeks and all over liberal sofas in Freeviewland.
Does he vote labour I wonder?…aaah!
My point is that they`re so transparently deranged that none of us note what they`re doing. Random drivel and shrouds waved as they bitch over Trump and Brexit.
And that is all that they want to stymie, but nobody is listening or caring about anything they say now.
Watched the ITV news and 5 minutes were taken up of how the reporter (i.e. the independent news reporter) helped an epileptic man cross a road with a woman. With woman afterwards saying the Government aren’t helping the disabled enough.
Will the news teams soon be taking up arms when in war conflicts? Fair enough to mention it, but to reveal in generating news is not a good stance from journalism, in my opinion.
AS: “Trump Derangement Syndrome and Brexit Psychosis with greening gangrene as far as this ex-nurse can see.”
LOL. Priceless.
Well, worth at least £147 x 100!
Someone mention climate sophistry.
First para or so.
Published on September 1, 2017
Written by Pierre L. Gosselin
Way back in February, Global Weather Oscillations (GWO) veteran meteorologist David Dilley predicted that the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season would be “the most dangerous and costliest in 12 years for the United States.”
In the wake of Harvey, and with an eye on the now growing threat posed by Irma, that prediction is emerging to be spot on.
Irma takes aim. Chart source (1 Sept 2017 9:00 CET):
Dilley, a 40-year veteran and a former NOAA meteorologist, said the season would be influenced by a Climate Pulse Hurricane Enhancement Cycle – which is characterized by the lack of El Niño or La Niña conditions. Recently the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has been hovering near neutral territory.
Ideal oceanic conditions
Dilley based his February prediction on natural cyclic factors, namely on the fact that ocean water temperatures would “continue to run warmer than normal across most of the Atlantic Basin and especially in the Caribbean region and the Atlantic near the United States” this year, which would “make conditions conducive for tropical storms and/or hurricanes forming and/or strengthening close to the United States“.
So far that too has been spot on as well. This scenario has also been supported by Joe Bastardi of Weatherbell Analytics. Bastardi, also a 40-year veteran meteorologist, points to similarities with hurricane patterns of the mid 20th century.
120-year trend clearly downward
Hurricane activity as a whole has been on a downward decline over the past 120 years, according to the NOAA – something that often gets no mention in the media.
Heres the february article.
120 year storm strenght trends, NOAA.

Super piece of work, Manxman. Thanks.
BBC, please, please take note of this. Not just the content but the journalistic effort. Please raise your News & CA efforts to a similar level.
Thank you Manxman.
Now this is why I come to this site.
To be educated yes, but also to be informed.
Oh yes-and the entertainment is A1 too!
Education, Information and Entertainment…a good masthead for this site.
Does any other agency or corporation have the monopoly and presumption to claim these for itself?
Just asking.
A Mission To Explain eh?…
“Hurricane activity as a whole has been on a downward decline over the past 120 years, according to the NOAA – something that often gets no mention in the media.”
I disagree. Both media and scientists are saying US hurricanes are getting STRONGER not more FREQUENT. Less weak hurricanes are developing but those that do develop and hit land are delivering unprecedented damage. For those interested it is called the ‘intensity-frequency trade-off’.
Climate change models predict for extreme weather which is seen around the world very clearly. I usually cannot be bothered to comment on the confirmation bias of certain posters here with an obsession of climate change denial.
Without going into details my “Saturday job” involves flying on a commercial pilots license. Over the last 2 decades of flying there is a clear pattern of wetter, windier and more humid weather year on year in the UK. Hours flown has steadily declined due to the weather being outside of the aircraft’s limits. This kind of historic data is available from many large airports in the UK which show historic relative humidity, historic surface wind direction/strength etc. All of which show extremes with no regular weather pattern anymore.
Climate change is real and accepted by over 99% of scientists. If you wish to bury your head in the sand and google for “proof why climate change is fake” or “climate change myth” you will find articles by the 1% of scientists who refuse to accept empirical evidence.
Where do you get the figure of 99% ? Is it ” Empirical evidence ” ?
Make that 97% to be precise….
NASA: Scientific consensus: Earth’s climate is warming
Zip to the references at the bottom of the NASA page
All listed under 1 are the bogus 97% studies, which don’t stand up to scrutiny when you check the actual questions used and sample size etc.
The first is by the cartoonist John Cook
Dr Duane Thresher, who has co-published with Gavin Schmidt and worked with James Hansen, begs to differ.. Here’s the money quote:
“1. It is fundamentally mathematically impossible for climate models to predict climate.”
Here’s the link.
And no, 99% of scientists do most assuredly not endorse AGM.
Poor tabs.
Thinks we dont all realise the climates changing, it is, but its got nothing to do with co2.
And as for the 97% bs, that so stupidly dumb its hard to believe his naivety.
It is 60/40 with american government climate scientists, that c02 is causing warming.and the majority of those are in ”climate communication”.
In the private sector theres not many surveys, as the first one they did was of 41,000+ canadian geoligist’s.
The survey was done correctly by 2 climate scientist, and to their great dismay the rusults were crystal clear 93% agreed Co2 has zero warming effect on the earths atmosphere.
A nd all thru the paper the 93% are referred to as climate change deniers,…
AND the ”scientists” who are tasked to monitor storm frequency and strength, say both are getting less, weaker it is that simple…………………it is you and the none involved scientists who are denying reality.
And ps Tabs Lad you go fuck yourself labelling anyone here ”deniers” you may aswell just call us twats,…because thats what it means, and i only EVER hear it coming out of twat’s mouths.
It is totally irrelivent how many storms they can now moniter 100s of miles out that they couldnt 20yrs ago, and now claim as increasing numbers.
w=720
CO2 and temperature have never been inter-related , never,…………and the earth is just coming out of one the coldest periods in 4.7 billion years.
A 2010 survey of media broadcast meteorologists conducted by the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication found that 63% of 571 who responded believe global warming is mostly caused by natural, not human, causes. Those polled included members of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) and the National Weather Association.
A more recent 2012 survey published by the AMS found that only one in four respondents agreed with UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change claims that humans are primarily responsible for recent warming. And while 89% believe that global warming is occurring, only 30% said they were very worried.
A March 2008 canvas of 51,000 Canadian scientists with the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysics of Alberta (APEGGA) found that although 99% of 1,077 replies believe climate is changing, 68% disagreed with the statement that “…the debate on the scientific causes of recent climate change is settled.” Only 26% of them attributed global warming to “human activity like burning fossil fuels.” Regarding these results, APEGGA’s executive director, Neil Windsor, commented, “We’re not surprised at all. There is no clear consensus of scientists that we know of.”
A 2009 report issued by the Polish Academy of Sciences PAN Committee of Geological Sciences, a major scientific institution in the European Union, agrees that the purported climate consensus argument is becoming increasingly untenable. It says, in part, that: “Over the past 400 thousand years – even without human intervention – the level of CO2 in the air, based on the Antarctic ice cores, has already been similar four times, and even higher than the current value. At the end of the last ice age, within a time [interval] of a few hundred years, the average annual temperature changed over the globe several times. In total, it has gone up by almost 10 °C in the northern hemisphere, [and] therefore the changes mentioned above were incomparably more dramatic than the changes reported today.”
The report concludes: “The PAN Committee of Geological Sciences believes it necessary to start an interdisciplinary research based on comprehensive monitoring and modeling of the impact of other factors – not just the level of CO2 – on the climate. Only this kind of approach will bring us closer to identifying the causes of climate change.”
Since 1998, more than 31,000 American scientists from diverse climate-related disciplines, including more than 9,000 with Ph.D.s, have signed a public petition announcing their belief that “…there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.” Included are atmospheric physicists, botanists, geologists, oceanographers, and meteorologists.
So where did that famous “consensus” claim that “98% of all scientists believe in global warming” come from? It originated from an endlessly reported 2009 American Geophysical Union (AGU) survey consisting of an intentionally brief two-minute, two question online survey sent to 10,257 earth scientists by two researchers at the University of Illinois. Of the about 3.000 who responded, 82% answered “yes” to the second question, which like the first, most people I know would also have agreed with.
Then of those, only a small subset, just 77 who had been successful in getting more than half of their papers recently accepted by peer-reviewed climate science journals, were considered in their survey statistic. That “98% all scientists” referred to a laughably puny number of 75 of those 77 who answered “yes”.
And as for your rainfall claims.
volumes or rainfall per annum smoothed by 10 or 30yrs show your perception is wrong, that is data over ”feelings”, rainfall patterns change, no patterns regional or seasonal we are experiencing today have not been repeated several times over just thelast 250yrs alone……
1) The wettest year was 1872, when there was 1284mm, compared to 1244mm in 2012. It was also wetter in 1768. Clearly the impression given by the Met Office, that the rainfall last year, and in 2000, is somehow “unprecedented” is not true. One is entitled to wonder why they made it.
2) The 30 year trend would suggest that rainfall was lower for most of the 19thC, but that it has been relatively stable since.
3) Both on 10 and 30 year trends, there have been many years previously at the same level as now. The wettest spell was during the 1870’s and 80’s. The 1920’s were also comparatively wet.
4) Inter-annual variability, of the sort seen in the last two years, is not uncommon, for instance 1871-72..
Theres a reason they have dissapeared the 1766 to 2014 dataset, can you guess.
Theres a reason they have disappeared the 1766 to 2014 rainfall dataset, can you guess it ?.
Heres their current 1910 series spliced onto the 1766 series.
I’m afraid you lost your argument when you use swearing and personal insults – not very scientific it is?
There are plenty of websites that discuss climate change 24 hours a day and this website could do with a moderator to remove non BBC related posts. It looks a mixture of BBC and conspiracy theories and to be honest, it’s is embarrassing to read some times.
Without getting into a never ending argument with you I will address a few points you have raise.
1 “93% agreed Co2 has zero warming effect on the earths atmosphere.”
Really!?! zero effect? What about Venus? CO2 absorption is easily measured in lab experiments, and daily by satellites and ground stations. I actually live less than 500m from one of the UKs most advanced weather stations and they show the public CO2 absorption measurements on their open days. But hey, they must be in the 7%!
2. “It is totally irrelivent how many storms they can now moniter 100s of miles out that they couldnt 20yrs ago, and now claim as increasing numbers.”
…and then you post a graph of hurricanes making LANDFALL. You failed to address my point that both scientist (and media) are saying those storm that hit land are now the most damaging in recorded history.
3. Posting a graph of CO2 concentration vs temperature is a very clear indication of confirmation bias. You have already made your mind up and then only look for supporting evidence. You accept a graph of a purely theoretical guess at temperatures going back millions of years and present that as evidence that empirical evidence today is incorrect.
Trouble with armchair science and the power of Google you can find what ever you want. If you come across evidence not supporting your theory then it can be easily ignored.
If I say the UK climate has changed in the last 20 years making it harder to fly as many hours due to weather and you then present 2 graphs showing MetOffice rainfall almost constant does that make me wrong? Did I imagine it? or is there something else?
If I say the UK is “wetter” now it doesn’t mean more rainfall. There are more days of mist, fog and low cloud but that doesn’t mean rainfall has increased. Wind direction shift is one of the reasons when the weather is out of an aircrafts limits. Runways were built with a south-west to north-east direction as the UK used to have pretty much constant SW winds. Now this is changing and major airports with historic records clearly show a “Wind rose” shift where the wind direction can now be shifting 120 degrees with no noticeable norm.
The real reason UK weather has changed over the last 20 years is due to the kink in the jetstream. It used to pass north of Scotland but now is a south as London. This brings stronger winds, colder air, more extreme weather etc.
The kink in the jetstream (and possible pushing the Gulf Stream further south to miss the UK) is predicted in climate change models but probably not for those 93% that you state.
or to put it another way
Tabs writes: “If I say the UK climate has changed in the last 20 years making it harder to fly as many hours due to weather and you then present 2 graphs showing MetOffice rainfall almost constant does that make me wrong? Did I imagine it? or is there something else?”
No, it means that you have noted an effect and linked it to a cause without proof. In science, effect is preceded by cause – not supposition.
Anyone who can repeat Cook’s blatantly absurd 97 per cent claim after it has been repeatedly demolished really cannot expect to be taken seriously. Here’s a little light Sunday reading.
As global warming (now rebranded as Climate Change) is the unofficial religion of the BBC, this seems a perfectly valid place to criticise it.
Agreed it’s so tempting to pick one example of changing weather like the Jetsream moving about
and say “oohh that’s means CAGW we’re doomed”. Skeptics don’t say Climate is static.
@Tabs I saw no insults at you … but I did spot you using the smear words “climate change denial.”
(which is always wrong, cos it never specifies what proven science anyone is denying, it’s just a tribal word to get away from people challenging)
@Tabs we have all being where you are. We are all prisoners of the info we are fed, usually by the BBC.
It takes a lot of effort to step right outside our own forest where we can only see trees..and see the whole forest from outside..then you get a feeling of having come through the other side of a greendream tunnel .
we care about the environment with real maths and real science, not jumping to conclusions beyond the available evidence.
Eiffel Tower turns off lights in solidarity with the Eiffel Tower. – Katie Hopkins @KTHopkins Sep2017
Paris on lockdown: Man “with weapon” arrested at Eiffel Tower as police evacuate Gare du Nord {jihadwatch sep2017}
“Tourists visiting the popular attraction are believed to have been trapped in the Paris landmark as armed police surrounded its base amid reports of a ‘gunman’ on the loose.”
– Could not find story on BBC website – BBC Europe Section
Tolerant society becomes intolerant by being too tolerant.
Let me get this right.
Paris turns off the Eiffel Tower lights?
What the heck do you think our Somalis from St Denis will do under cover of darkness?
But there`ll be blackouts from the liberal media about what we`ll see on phones and clips in a few weeks time, no doubt.
Off to Gates of Vienna and Gallia Watch then as ever.
Let the BBC sit in a puddle and berate Belmarsh for not having enough disabled ramps for the pop up tattoo parlours and nail bars…real news is elsewhere, as Trump tells us.
Nothing on bbc about the French ”thng”.. 12hrs+
on the page tho there are pic’s of people and stories,….. 46 black/brown faces 19 white
But “Germany gets world record sandcastle “.
Found Paris attack for yesterday on BBC site … oh,wait wrong month … France: Paris Gare du Nord train station reopens after security alert { may2017} … BBC still writing report for 01Sep17?
… still waiting on the BBC, but dailystar reporting it …
Panic in Paris as Eiffel Tower AND Eurostar station on LOCKDOWN as police swoop { 01sep17}
Pictures and videos show armed police surrounding the building as a man was arrested inside. Meanwhile, the Eurostar terminal at the station in the French capital was cleared due to a security alert. The two incidents are not believed to be linked.
… even better, two events happen in Paris and the BBC are silent …
I really came on here because yesterday I was wondering where the Bank Holiday ‘Gas Cloud’ story had got to. The BBC made much of it on R4 at the time and on the following day. The ‘gas’ (air) sample was being analysed and I felt that by now the components should have been identified. Either that or the lab was being appallingly slow & inefficient or the BBC was deliberately not telling us something.
Lo and behold, the story pops up today, like sunshine after rain.
The BBC are appearing to be applying some strong FakeNews or FalseNews to this news item. They have failed to establish with the Meteorological Office, the prevailing wind condition for that location despite having noted other weather conditions for that day. This is very surprising, bearing in mind the ‘adjacency’ of the BBC to the Met Office. Obviously, the first thing to do. Apparently not as far as BBC News is concerned.
The first news reports by the BBC said the gas cloud came from the west. On Tuesday, the BBC said it was from offshore (which would be the south) but then introduced some obfuscation by suggesting ‘gas leaks’ had occurred years ago in northern France and had drifted, wind-driven, over to the UK. BBC: “It may have been something similar.” That would have required an easterly wind or, strictly, east by south-easterly wind for it to reach Birling Gap.
The BBC web-site does carry this, buried in its Sussex pages: “In the past, chemicals have drifted across from European industrial units, but Sussex Police said weather models suggested the source was unlikely to have been in northern France.” No cross-checking at the Met Office, BBC? How very lax.
West of Birling is Seaford, and west-ish of Seaford is some industry and there is also the port of Newhaven with shipping but also more industry. A gas or chemical leak from there would be understandable. A westerly might well have blown any gas release from there over to Birling. No mention of this whatsoever on the BBC reports that I have heard.
Had it come from offshore, from the south, you would have expected someone who was there – whether affected or not – to have identified the shipping off-shore at the time. There were a lot of people out at Birling that day, apparently, very many hundreds, possibly thousands. It is peculiar that the BBC has not been willing or able to find anyone who was there to describe the ships around at the time. More importantly, in the days of mobile phone cameras and normal digital cameras with some very exotic tele-zoom capabilities, no visual information – apparently – has been gathered from people there by the BBC. A significant omission. Such information would have been helpful to medical workers in hospitals and scientists in the lab analysing the gas as well as Maritime & Coastguard Agency and its shipping controllers.
The English Channel is one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world and vessels of size are controlled and tracked through there like aircraft. Commercial shipping, especially those that carry chemicals, I think would had to have notified their manifests to Controllers at the MCA. It is, of course, possible for an illegal cargo to be carried and not notified to the authorities.
No mention of any of this by ‘a foremost news organisation’. Very strange.
Had the ‘gas’ come from the east/east south-east – a long distance – you might expect diffusion first of all or, perhaps, some ‘gas’ making its presence felt nearer to Hastings and Dungeness. Nothing has been reported by the BBC.
Significantly, the BBC has never mentioned ozone from the outset. This is a naturally occurring sea-side phenomenon that they should have known about.
This whole story is a highly suspect and extremely unsatisfactory piece of journalism and news reporting by the BBC. They have added what some might describe as FakeNews or FalseNews to the factual story. They have speculated. That last, in itself, is not wrong as long as you are clear in broadcasts in the language and words used that you are speculating. I think there is something going seriously wrong in BBC News & Current Affairs, as well as their digital platform. This story might not be important although over 100 people, if I recall correctly, were hospitalised.
What about when something really serious happens and accurate public information via BBC N&CA is absolutely vital.
What then?
Good post U2s
The BBC does not do geography or science or anything other than political propaganda. They are childish amateurs.
Grant, sure but what about just doing some good, old-fashioned, reporting? Some news gathering? Some journalism?!
They could have pinned down the wind direction easily. Should have known about ozone 1. from school science, and, 2. from being a kid at the seaside making sand castles. They could have ‘phoned the lab on Weds. or Thurs. & got a report or voiced interview. Once wind direction had been established, a journo could have visited Seaford & Newhaven, the Maritime & Coastguard Agency or spoken to those in France who check air quality or our people up the coast in Hastings and Dungeness.
Nuffink! The BBC are becoming a nothing organisation.
Nothing to do with science or geography, is it? It is good, basic, straightforward news journalism. The sort of thing I was taught at Secondary School of all places.
These BBC people often have college degrees in the subject. Some of their people are former print journos. There is no editorial effort at the BBC and its journalistic integrity is looking pretty thin these days. I am enraged. It’s blue pencil, screwed up sheets of copy thrown in bins, P45 waving threats time!
Yes, just speak to experts and report what they say. Why should anyone be interested in a Beeboid’s opinion on anything ?
Sky News is just as vile if not more so than the BBC. I am sick to f******** death of pro-migrant, pro-open borders, pro-Islamist leftie biased crap on Sky and BBC. And Channel Snore has descended into downright Islamist extremist/far-left propaganda. Also, Sky, surprise surprise, has removed Fox News citing poor UK viewing figures. Would be interesting to examine UK viewing data for CNN, Al Jazeera and so on in comparison. Along with Google and twatter there seems to be a concerted leftie effort to censor right-wing views; try doing some compare and contrast google searches between left and right-wing topics to see what I mean. They totally censor rightwing views and favour leftwing crap.
Also, have you all noticed that the left is made up of spoiled middle class brats? You never see working class folk on the SJW marches…they are all snooty snowflakes who have graduated in gender or cultural studies degreed.
It’s so infuriating that those who champion open borders and multiculturalism live in white ghettos. If they love it so much why not move to Luton?
Quite right. They believe in censorship and they despise ordinary working class people but only if they have white skin. They laugh at “white van man” unless he is a muslim terrorist , of course.
Agreed, I’m sick to death of Google, YouTube and basically any mainstream news outlet now. I’m irritated by their tracking your every move and their gormless offerings as to what I might ‘like’. Until recently, if I wanted to glance at the news I’d briefly scan the Daily Mail (yes don’t laugh) or The Guardian (yes don’t laugh again) but honestly they are both utterly awful in their own way. I think I might switch to reading some online foreign newspapers instead, at least I’ll be slowly learning some vocabulary while they’re telling me some approved left-wing bullshit!
BBC Website ” Barcelona. What do we know about the attacks ? ” . Well, those of us with half a brain know all we need to know.
It was a muzzo bloke like all the rest . End of article
Radio 4 Today was desperately trying to rubbish the Times story about Muslim foster carers of a Christian child in Tower Hamlets ( little Bangladesh). Problem is it failed. Mayor of TH brought on to establish the facts didn’t have any. Nick Robinson tried to belittle the Times investigative reporter and failed. The man kept his cool and retained his dignity. Robinson isn’t fit to be on a major news programme . He’s clearly the lefty editors poodle. Interesting to read Andrew Neil’s tweets putting Robinson in his place. Can’t believe BBC tolerate such a non lefty guy as Neil.
See my comment above at 9am
And a few posts above that someone posted tweets about the TH mayor’s words contradicting court evidence.
Did anyone listen to “Any Questions ” last night ? I can’t bear it but I just wondered how the Mogginator fared ?
I thought him a bit below par myself.
I noted that the other four(yes Dimbleby counts as oppo) were clear progressive idiots,Bragg could hardly string a sentence together but was soon being allowed silences whereby the audience duly clapped(they hate dead air).
Dimbleby AGAIN introduces the Tory last with a drive-by sneery intro about “leadership” or ” this latest crisis in the news”(always a Tory one as far as the BBC see it). He does it every week-so why Rees Mogg chose to congratulate the old sponge on doing lots of shows…well it only encourages the Left as far as I could see.
Questions re his kids names and numbers were set ups, as were the live tweets(inevitably shafting the Tories).Personal and sly, graceless as ever.
Noted Dimbly wasn`t too keen to get into that “second house” business…wonder why?
Is nobody at Tory HQ counting this stuff any more?
No…awful show really, but it always is.
We need Anne Marie Waters and more John Redwoods, less assuagers and pinyatas from the so-called “right” of politics.
Thankfully I did the ironing and noted Roger Scruton on next.
WHAT a programme-and WHAT a series of talks he`s just given on “A Point Of View”. Now THAT`S the only voice of the right worth a listen in the UK/2017. Brilliant-don`t miss them.
Dimblebore must have forgotten the time he sneered at the Mogginator for having been at Eton only to get the response ” Yes, I was there at the same time as your son “.
The Bore is 78 so no-one can accuse the BBC of ageism. Cronyism ? Now that is another matter .
John Lewis find how to get free advertising.
Well it is a #MetroBubble store, there’s non in northern provincial areas like ours.
BTW first 1 minute check on Twitter shows they sell boys and girls stereotyped biscuits
What, no bics with dics? 😉
I wonder if John Lewis have considered that they may lose business as a result of this. The Left, BBC, some MSM are all fighting the biology. It will make no difference other than confusing kids and , possibly giving them mental health problems.
Amusingly , I bought some trousers for my 10-year old daughter the other day. They are girls’ trousers but the brand name is “boy ” ! Made in China. I wonder how transgenders fare there ?
Last couple of nights I have woken at a very early hour and have switched on the World Service before heading back to bed. First I was treated to Assignment
“Abdi in America”
The summary of the program gives you plenty of warning that it is going to be according to the Beeb view of the world
“A young Somali refugee struggles to live the American dream in the USA’s whitest state, during the rise of Donald Trump. Is the dream still possible?”
The program itself is interesting about the experience of one Somali Muslim who got a green card and is living in Maine, the whitest state in the US. Abdi speaks good English and is clearly a clever guy. However, the Beeb have taken a human interest story and desperately tried to turn it into an anti-Trump story, the narrative being how much harder it is for Abdi since Trump was elected. The problem with this is that the program offers absolutely no evidence to back this narrative. The best they could come up with was that its “not how it used to be” illustrated by how he felt threatened and afraid when some cops where in Starbucks and he didn’t want to give his Muslim name for the order! I kid you not that was it.
Actually, the program showed that in many ways the problem is with Abdi. He left his construction job where he was the only black, the report hinted at racism but gave no specifics except that they all voted for Trump, to take a lower paid job as a Somali translator. Also he moved towns leaving a white home to a flat share with fellow Somalians.
A good program spoiled by Beeb’s blinkered agenda mission.
ED, another solid post on here.
Thanks UP
The World Service is the worst for far left lunacy.
Beeb Brother.
I often wonder if they try out their most cretinous lunacy whilst the rest of us sleep on?
And if their resident insomniacs in Kirkwall harbour aren`t getting in touch, then Humphrys will read it out later at 6a.m
Gov wasted £1.7bn last year writing off simple errors
: Like overpaying benefits, bridge toll Avoidance, abandoned projects etc.
1. Tower Hamlets Fostering story
2. Eastbourne toxic cloud,
3. Hurricane frequency.
To all who`ve posted above on these-thank you, FAR better and better researched than the lying hounds at the BBC.
Plenty homework to do, no excuses not to know where BBC Science Coverage (both social and environmental) leads us.
Soft Socialaislam , enforced by intern brownshirts working as the paramilitary outriders for the Fake News/Deep State…the devil(the djinn) are , as ever, in the details. We know this-the BBC doesn`t and wouldn`t care, even if it did.
Further to my earlier postings…………and Alicia’s, brown shirts.
Be prepared for the V&A Museum to have a new name, without any statues of course.
Victoria & Albert washed aside with the latest film ‘Victoria & Abdul – The Film{wiki}‘
Historians agree with the suspicions of her Household that the Munshi influenced the Queen’s opinions on Indian issues, biasing her against Hindus and favouring Muslims. {wiki}
Treezer’s cops are treating this Far right poster as a hate crime.
It says
Protect Children … Fight Grooming Gangs
A FAR-right group has claimed responsibility for putting up “hate crime” posters in the city, linking Muslims with child grooming gangs.
Police are treating the posters as a hate crime and the Worcester Muslim Welfare Association has condemned the posters.
They say the ‘mischievous’ posters are aimed at dividing a peaceful community in Worcester.
The association says the posters have been plastered across the city centre over the last two weeks.
The posters say: Protect Children … Fight Grooming Gangs (which is written in Arabic typography).
G.W.F, I’m not sure whether they are actually arabic symbols. I’ve looked through my extensive notes from the arabic course I attended at a university in the KSA and cannot reconcile either. The last would make sense if the two angled hovering cubes were beneath the ‘S’. That would be the equivalent of, ‘y’ (‘ya’). If I put on my ‘lawyers’ hat I would make that a defence if called upon to do so, i.e. ‘show me those symbols in Arabic’.
But the legal issue is how the Muslims and their left fellow travellers feel about the poster.
Anything other than that might be classed as racism
But the legal issue is how the Muslims and their left fellow travellers feel about the poster.
Anything other than that might be classed as racism
Yet again this site keeps giving…G`s insight here is valued.
It`s a great poster-no wonder the left will want it gone. Will certainly affect what I plan to do, seeing as its a new way of doing footnotes and italics I`d have thought.
I nominate G for a “Golden Cleric Award” here…”I now turn to the liars…231 on Freeview.
GWF, if that’s far Right, then is this alt-right.
I’m gonna check out the lefty spin, but the push-back is on, middle-ground but soft left leaners will come around to trump, especially when they have more money on the hip.
What a joy to see the group in prayer after 8 minutes-imagine THAT being shown on BBCNN unedited!
Never seen this happen before-and G-D will be pleased, and the likes of me are greatly encouraged.
I said at his inauguration that Trump chose to swear his oath on his mums bible as well as that of Lincoln(or is it Jefferson?)
This was done in the presence of nearly all the faith groups(not Muslims though I`d have thought).
Once he did this-kind of felt that G-D would ensure he`d be OK.
Of course, the BBCNN types here would ignore this…but even G-D doesn`t watch BBCNN anymore!
Witness the complete and utter ignoring by the reptiles of all that had happened before their eyes…none are as blind as those who will not see, as our friend JC once said( tell the Left its Jeremy Corbyn and it might register with them)
So watching the news, its about Africas growing population ,typical bBC crap, this is a war about rich and the poor. There was a spin about investing in Nigeria, women getting permission to use birth control and that knocking down slums to build new housing is wrong.
Now they are in Kenya, talking about farming , that colonism is to blame for the lack of drought resistance crops. Strange thing how they didn’t mention the proper name for the new super crops they are breeding, the same crops idiots in the U.K. burn down.
Ethiopia now, a country on the rise , funny very similar to South Korea during the 60s and both hated by the left.
And one thing I noticed through it all, the bBC never mentions bad governance or corruption Uganda, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Somalia, or even (at the moment) South Africa as the reason why Africa is so poor.
And through it all I noticed the Presenter never wore a watch… I wonder why?
Anything about the Supreme Court in Kenya annulling the election results ? And the numbers murdered during the election ? Anything about Zimbabwe going from the “bread basket ” of Africa under white rule to one of the poorest countries in the world under Mugabe ? Not to mention his Genocide of the Matabele. Ditto the destruction of RSA by African rulers. Uganda , terrorism and one of the highest HIV rates in the world for which many blame the women. Nigeria, anything about the Genocide of Biafrans ? Anything about voodoo, cannabalism, murder of albinos for “traditional medicine ” ? FGM ? Womens’ rights ? Persecution of gays ? The list is endless.
I too watched this Pounce.
1. Niger and Nigeria have Boko Haram, Kenya have Al Shabab…and therefore all efforts to educate women or deal in birth control require more that a fat whitey BBC baldie supping the cornmeal and letting the picannies feed and trasnport him around in safety.
2. When China takes over your economy, its progressive globalisation-when whitey did it-well, that racist colonialism…apparently.
3. The technological fixes of more science parks and more garden bridges seems to please our BBC oaf…maybe he ought to think on what forces drive the youngsters from feeding themselves rurally-into selling us shirts from a tin hut slum shed in the big city. But he`s only a Beeboid -worries about climate change in one soundbite, then lauds Ethiopian airlines for their 96 destinations that now get to see the national carriers flag being flown.
The BBC didn`t need to do this crap-there`s no excuse, it`s not as if they were rushed into it.
Just bullshit-without islam, without globalisation as wanted by the EU etc-all the rest about contraception, hybrid plants grown in solar power university labs etc-well it`s all lefty shit.
Did note the plants are being checked for -er- “drugs tolerance”.
BBC colonial Oxbridge Barracloughs probably need to be cloned for the same ignorant guilt-tripping outpourings to be avoided in future.
You learn more about Africa from a Toto instrumental than you do from the BBC.
Just googled that vid, Trump day of prayer,……………only lefty msm to run with it is the washington post, otherwise rightwing outlets only.
He will win, make america christian again.
oops there was this one………….. guess which way they lean, whoever ”they” are.…/trump-signs-useless-day-of-prayer-statement-then-asks-pastors-t...
3 hours ago – Unable to do anything more meaningful, Donald Trump signed a statement yesterday declaring Sunday to be a National Day of Prayer for …
Waiting for the BBC to begin blaming climate change for the floods in Bangladesh and India.
Any chance of them doing a bit research to realise that this is a regular occurrence.
Graph of flooded land in Bangladesh over last 63 years..
I think it’s 30% this year.
It appears that the heroic work by a vessel funded by ‘Crowdfunding’ – ‘Defend Europe’ has had its funding withdrawn. No doubt under pressure from those, Soros and the UN included, that wish to see all of Africa and the Middle East move to Europe. For them, complete multiculturalism and dilution of the indigenous people of Europe is the aim they are doggedly pursuing.
I will be interested to see if the NGO’s impounded vessels are released and the NGO’s sponsoring the people smugglers resume their wicked efforts with criminal charges withdrawn. A mockery of anything called ‘Law’ by anyone’s standard.
That appears old news
Cos the vessel crew tweeted on August 27 their mission was over.
Then on Aug 30 posted going home buds etc
@Laura_Southern is mentioned as a Funder connection and her Patreon account was closed.
.. But she says although she participates in other things this time she was merely an observer.
Channel 4 again – and our wonderful education system.
So the story about how the police are paying out to white men falsly accused of kiddy fiddling . I wonder why the bBC isn’t mentioning how a lot of the Police investigation was due to a certain fat labour MP using the likes of the bBC and the Giuardian to promote the lefts penchant of character assisination . Funny how the bBC has got it wrong so many times.
£100k is derisory. It should have been £1 m but, at the end of the day, it is our money. None of the police or false accusers have been prosecuted. UK ” Justice ” RIP.
Grant, the Government ought to make a concerted effort to claw back some of the benefits paid to fraudulent EU claimants and their equally fraudulent landlords. I suspect that the abuse I see around me is only the tip of the (melting) iceberg.
Politicians don’t care a monkey’s so long as their own nests are feathered. And, of course, it is not their money that they are wasting. They almost remind me of Beeboids !
They could make a start by clawing back some of the millions paid to the vile Kinnock family!
I noticed on Radio 4 at 1pm very careful wording how they announced the payments….rather on the basis that there wasn’t enough evidence rather than say that Lord Bramall and Leon Brittan were innocent. The word ‘innocent’ was not used – and indeed neither is it used on their website. Cases against Leon Brittain (including an accusation of rape by a woman) in the words of the BBC ‘were dropped’. The whole announcement of the payments seemed to be made through gritted teeth rather than the euphoria when for example Irish bombers are released.
Meanwhile the scum at the BBC are pretty much silent on the real gang rapes by muslims of thousands of white children.
Could it be? Could it be…………..
How the BBC looks after its own. This morning I caught a few minutes of R4’s Moneybox and a feature on the EU-driven changes in the way investment companies can charge their customers.
Whom did they invite to represent the companies? None other than the atrocious Gina Miller!
Now why on earth would the BBC decide to give it to her all that free publicity? Oh… hang on a moment.
I used to listen to Moneybox, mainly because of Paul Lewis who know what he was talking about. Unusual for a Beeboid. Don’t know if he is still there, but I would have thought he would give Gina short shrift.