“Only one thing will work” in dealing with North Korea after years of talks with Pyongyang brought no results, US President Donald Trump has warned.
“Presidents and their administrations have been talking to North Korea for 25 years,” he tweeted, adding that this “hasn’t worked”. Mr Trump did not elaborate further. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-41540736
Perhaps difficult to elaborate further with the Twitter character limit. But in Fact the president’s tweets did say a little more than the BBC wish to quote:-
Presidents and their administrations have been talking to North Korea for 25 years, agreements made and massive amounts of money paid……
…hasn’t worked, agreements violated before the ink was dry, makings fools of U.S. negotiators. Sorry, but only one thing will work!
Nothing to do with bias at the BBC , just my addled brain. All this trouble with Weinstein, the Daily Mail keeps reporting that Ashley Judd hadn’t said anything. All I can say is that she doesn’t look anything like what she used to when she was on Blue Peter.
Hi Pounce, although it is very frustrating when it happens (It tends not to happen to me anymore), I know that we are always extremely grateful for those running and managing Biased BBC for their time and efforts keeping this site going which runs smoothly most of the time, with the occasional hiccup.
You can use the “CONTACT US” facility requesting technical, provide a link to your first comment and then ask that they remove the extra comments. When it happens like this – one comment + two repeats, you still get the 15 minutes edit / delete facility on the last of the copies – at least that’s how it was for me. It hasn’t happened to me for a long time now – and since then I have had a message on two occasions saying the site was detecting that I was trying to post the same message again. Not sure exactly what was going on but assumed there was some fix dependent on operating system, browser, platform being used.
Ps one day I hope to access your own site without these blizzard of messages I keep getting. But what reassures me is that your site will be still around as a resource when I finally overcome the problem.
BBC pidgin – I can’t believe it is for real. No doubt they spent millions on this as part of their ‘diversity’ mission.
What a fantastic use of our money. They forever moan about everything needing more money – mental health was their latest this morning. Why not save money by not doing farcically pointless nonsense like this and give it to psychiatric nurses? I am sure they could do their job just as well for half the money.
You heard it on the BBC first:
Brexit: Women ‘more vulnerable’ to impact of leaving EU
These toe curling worlds are referenced to welsh women by Catherine Fookes who is director of Women’s Equality Network Wales. Such daft statements come with the job.
If I were director of Middle Aged, Over Weight Welshman’s Network, (funded by the taxpayer of course), then I would say X, what ever the latest vogue is, “will harm middle aged, over weight Welshman.”
Her batty reasoning is based on, “because Wales had a “much bigger injection of cash” from the EU than other parts of the UK.” So, she hasn’t reasoned that as the money from UK tax payers will no longer be travelling through the route of brigands and EU bureaucrats for thieving, that it all come straight to wales – men as well as women. Hence there will either a) be more dosh to be dispersed, else b) be the same amount and the tax payer saves some money.
All I need to know about why leaving the EU is a good thing>
In 22 November 2004 Peter Mandelson became Britain’s European Commissioner, In October 2008 he left his post as Trade Commissioner to return to UK politics. As a former EU Commissioner, Mandelson is entitled to a £31,000 pension when he reaches the age of 65 next year and people complained about Greece and its pensions
This ought to worry most people. What has happened to conservatism?
The scope of far right is ever increasing. EDL, Britain First, perhaps the Football Lads Alliance, then Breibart, and UKIP are considered fascist by many Trots whose views on Stand Up to Racism are spouted on the BBC.
What are Komrad Treezer and Amber Rudd up to?
Is UKIP still around?
Soon Maxicony will be publishing its report on this site.
Have the Girl Guides got any male leaders yet? If not why not. The Boy Scouts have female leaders. Please explain this all you dozy diversifiers even though the answer is obvious.
I’m becoming increasingly convinced that there is a conscious effort on the part of a very powerful clique of nation wreckers in the West to psychologically damage the whole population. Nothing in politics happens by accident.
If Gary ‘£1.75m wages paid by threat of prison, mostly women prosecuted’ Lineker can twitter off about Brexit and vetting immigrants or point people to the articles of The New European … and extoll the virtues of Labour whilst his 2nd home is struck by a hurricane and he is part of the gender pay gap but is not willing to offer a solution … just a tin hat.
The BBC and Guardian websites have the same story about an offensive advert. Why don’t they just share a website to save money?
What loser can be bothered to be ‘offended’? I have kids to nurture and lessons to plan – I don’t have time to be offended by adverts. Nobody should spend their spare time looking for things to be offended by.
Among the ‘things that didn’t make it into the news’ this weekend, I don’t seem to have read or seen news of a remarkable story from Poland yesterday, where hundreds of thousands of ordinary Poles assembled on the country’s borders to pray for an end to the ‘Islamisation of Europe’.
The day was chosen because it was the anniversary of the battle of Lepanto in 1571, at which the fleet of the Holy League defeated the Muslim fleet and effectively saved Europe from enforced Islam.
By any standards this was a remarkable thing for Poles to have done and yet it has been almost completely ignored.
I think it got covered on radio 4 but the take was that ‘ Muslims would find it offensive.’
Lepanto rates alongside the Battle of Tours, the raising of the Seige of Malta and that of Vienna as major victories for the West that kept Islam out of our part of Europe. These events are fundamental to our civilisation yet I bet no country other than Poland and maybe Hungary and some Balkan states teach their children anything about them these days. We seem to have thrown away the gains from these victories by allowing the mass Muslim incursions that our ancestors fought against.
The poles see themselves, quite rightly , as the guardians of Christianity in the West. Having come to Blighty and seen that the only acceptable beliefs are islam , Corbyn , global warming and maxiculturalism they realise they must do something . Yesterday was also a Catholic Feast Day which obviously wouldn’t get a mention whilst any demonic Islamic festival gets the full al beeb meeesheelll hussein treatment with the whole community coming together in celebration of the prof£it
I think that counts as ‘almost completely ignored’ for what was, in fact, a very important event in terms of current European politics.
One of the past delights of this site was the work of one of the BBC’s trolls (thankfully no longer with us) who used to find stories that regulars failed to find and post them with a flourish of triumph. Usually, he would unearth them on something like page 17 of the Hebridean livestock auction prices.
Hiding stories so that it can later claim it didn’t completely ignore them is a skill at the BBC. I’m sure its practitioners are well rewarded.
In passing, I must mention the fashionable illiteracy of ‘Poland Catholics’ in the BBC’s headline. I really do wish they would stop this nonsense.
Some commentators have expressed concern that the event (Catholic Feast Day ) could be seen as a sign of support for the government’s refusal to take in Muslim migrants. BBC.co.uk
Some commentors = two Twitters? People at the BBC water cooler? A man at latte bar? Try harder BBC.
A few days ago the BBC seemed to be in favour of Catalonia seeking independence from the rest of Spain.
But today the mood has changed, and the headline seems to be against the idea.
I wonder whether the EU paymasters of the BBC have realised there is a problem with “their” Spain, and pushed the BBC on message to support their agenda in this regard.
The BBC is on the horns of a dilemma over Catalonia. The Catalans are, by and large, Left wing secessionists who have been very accommodating to the BBC’s favourite client group. On the other hand, the rest of Spain is strongly supportive of the EU, which also doesn’t want to see Catalonia break away.
Countryfile : the takeaways from the prog
#1 Prince Charles is educating lads by supplying a training workshop at the Dumfries Stately home project *
#2 Oh electric cars are coming, but RedT have a magic “non battery” to store solar power **
#3 ‘Look at us aren’t we good at saving the liggle chilgfdrens with our Charidy Rambles and Charidy calendar’
* from 2007 press release https://www.princeofwales.gov.uk/media/press-releases/dumfries-house-saved-the-nation
\\The Prince’s Charities Foundation has borrowed a considerable proportion of the £45m total cost of the project. Fundraising continues to repay this loan.
Which means a bunch of taxpayer bodies will have chipped in
“Art Fund .grant .. £2.25 m”//
“Dame Liz Forgan, Chair.. National Heritage Memorial Fund .. grant of £7m”
** What a surprise another free ad for a GreenBlob corp
“The main disadvantages with vanadium redox technology are a relatively poor energy-to-volume ratio in comparison with standard storage batteries”
ie it’s a wacking great box that stores little energy
So cost compared to Lead Acid car battery will be expensive
(The prog’s second item was about how fracking could generate electricity.. so that is credit to the BBC for finally telling the truth
..However the item began “Petrol/diesel cars are set to be banned” (not they aren’t)
Nowhere near true : The 2040 rule is that no NEW car will be exclusively petrol or diesel ie hybrid is legal , so are hydrogen fuel cells and probably petrol/diesel with a system to capture its CO2 (a pipedream)
+ You’ll still be able to drive your old petrol/diesel car ..)
Yes, that would be the ex-Guardian and BBC Liz Forgan, (Benenden and St Hugh’s Oxford), sometime managing director of the BBC Radio Network, sometime ‘Chair’ of the Lottery Fund, sometime ‘Chair’ of the Arts Council, sometime ‘Chair’ of the Scott Trust which bankrolls the Guardian and on and on and on.
I imagine her as a gilded bee, born to a life of flitting from nectar rich flower to nectar rich flower. And poisoning them as she goes.
Stew ,
Quite simply I admire anyone who watches Countryfile . Never was a programme so misnamed . Bring back Jack Hargreaves – that’s what I say . Any if the reference isn’t recognised by you- you need to pop off to wike
Fortunately by the time Charles ascends he ll be too old to change anything before handing on to a younger possibly more switched on version of the house of saxburg gotha
Countryfile is now a programme about what townies and BBC medja types **think** happens in the countryside. Try watching This Farming Life BBC2 4.15 weekdays if you want to see what happens in the real countryside .. a brilliant programme.
Adam Henson, the farmer that gets to promote his rare breeds business on Country File, gave us some interesting information about sheep breeding in New Zealand.
Apparently if they have wonky sheep they kill them off and the result is good hardy breeding stock.
Here we treat the sick sheep, nurse them during lambing and so our flocks become more and more decrepit.
Adam seemed to approve of the New Zealand methods, which go totally against Polly Toynbeeism social policies as advocated by the BBC.
In other news, Her Highness Cherie Blair dominated Last Word this week as she told us about her father, a real scouse git, only famous for playing a parasitic socialist in Till Death Us Do Part 42 years ago. Matthew Bannister was clearly honoured to be Cherie’s lap dog.
Comments were made last week about the Scottish fracking decision. Conservative Woman gives a breakdown of who responded to the ‘consulatation’.
Of the 60,535 responses, 34.4 per cent were generated by Friends of the Earth Scotland. Of these, more than 16,000 were generated online from FoE portals and a further 4,582 were by postcards issued by FoE. A further 50.9 per cent of responses came from three petitions: 38 Degrees (21,000 responses), Scotland Against Fracking (4,000) and Change.org (5,000). Greenpeace generated 2,555 responses and the Scottish Greens a modest 836.
Hi taffman – at face value it does seem to be ludicrous of Dove to come up with such an advert. Unless the BBC is missing something out from this. This could be just one of those stories that are gifts to the BBC agenda.
Of course the BBC actively defends black people that are racist towards whites and white culture – as the BBC believe traditional English culture is intrinsically racist and sexist – and demand current white English people be made to pay for this alleged historical injustice.
OVERSEAS visitors to the BBC website are being bombarded with adverts from a campaign to reverse Brexit.
Those wanting to access bbc. co.uk from abroad are automatically redirected to bbc.com, which carries paid-for adverts.
A story headlined “Catalan separatists defiant on voting day” last week featured a series of adverts for the New European newspaper, which wants to block Brexit and claims to sell 20,000 copies a week.
The advert reads “Stay Angry. Fight Brexit. Read the New European”.
Another reads: “Faith. Hope. Clarity. The newspaper for the 48%”.
The editor-at-large of the New European is Tony Blair’s former spin doctor and “Remoaner in chief” Alastair Campbell, who has declared that Britain would vote Remain if the referendum was held again.
David Keighley, managing director of the political monitoring organisation News-Watch, questioned the corporation’s impartiality in featuring the adverts.
He said: “The BBC’s EU coverage, though supposedly neutral, is already outrageously biased against Brexit.
Those of the “48%” who feel so strongly about remaining in the EU, should simply relocate themselves to somewhere within it; I’m sure those of us who are left here will cope somehow without them.
pugnaziousFeb 23, 22:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘The BBC’s errors on the Gaza war….pointing to serious institutional failures and groupthink. For me, the clearest example of this…
harry142857Feb 23, 22:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sure local mayor Andy Burnham will pressurise the councillor to resign, not.
Lefty WrightFeb 23, 21:45 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Mark The lady is absolutely correct but her message has fallen on deaf ears in the U.K.
BRISSLESFeb 23, 21:44 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Good interview on GBN with Lord Toby Young ( free speech union) on this case.
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 21:03 Start the Week 24th February 2025 In the lecture, Rand admonishes American businessmen for apologizing for capitalism and for, in some cases, directly funding detractors of…
non-licence payerFeb 23, 21:03 Start the Week 24th February 2025 bBC still chosing to ignore the visit you get from the Greater Manchester Police if you choae to criticise your…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:46 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Books for the future … [img]https://www.worldofbooks.com/cdn/shop/files/1399807447.jpg?v=1718329871&width=493[/img] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4WerEdbHxI
non-licence payerFeb 23, 20:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Fed that was a sneaky early bird new thread. Five weeks now before phase two of Storm Rachel (Brian Monteith…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:28 Start the Week 24th February 2025 wwfc – Your claim has upset me so that means I can get you arrested and then I can be…
“Only one thing will work” in dealing with North Korea after years of talks with Pyongyang brought no results, US President Donald Trump has warned.
“Presidents and their administrations have been talking to North Korea for 25 years,” he tweeted, adding that this “hasn’t worked”.
Mr Trump did not elaborate further.
Perhaps difficult to elaborate further with the Twitter character limit. But in Fact the president’s tweets did say a little more than the BBC wish to quote:-
Presidents and their administrations have been talking to North Korea for 25 years, agreements made and massive amounts of money paid……
…hasn’t worked, agreements violated before the ink was dry, makings fools of U.S. negotiators. Sorry, but only one thing will work!
Nothing to do with bias at the BBC , just my addled brain. All this trouble with Weinstein, the Daily Mail keeps reporting that Ashley Judd hadn’t said anything. All I can say is that she doesn’t look anything like what she used to when she was on Blue Peter.
Deborah, that made me laugh out loud!
So I was reading the news and came across this allegation of racism against Dove by the bBC:
I then zeroed into the twitter users the bBC used and found that they are all f-ing racists. The top link the bbC uses belongs to this race hustler
What a fu-king racist twat, and the bBC use him as an example, anyway at the bottom of the article can be found the metadata links and I clicked on the racism one
Every story is about white racists, not one black,brown or yellow example, yet the fact remains not only do the last three races outnumber whites, they are all much more polarised towards others. How can I say this, I’m not white.
The bBC, the biggest race hustler going
So I was reading the news and came across this allegation of racism against Dove by the bBC:
I then zeroed into the twitter users the bBC used and found that they are all f-ing racists. The top link the bbC uses belongs to this race hustler
What a fu-king racist twat, and the bBC use him as an example, anyway at the bottom of the article can be found the metadata links and I clicked on the racism one
Every story is about white racists, not one black,brown or yellow example, yet the fact remains not only do the last three races outnumber whites, they are all much more polarised towards others. How can I say this, I’m not white.
The bBC, the biggest race hustler going
So I was reading the news and came across this allegation of racism against Dove by the bBC:
I then zeroed into the twitter users the bBC used and found that they are all f-ing racists. The top link the bbC uses belongs to this race hustler
What a fu-king racist twat, and the bBC use him as an example, anyway at the bottom of the article can be found the metadata links and I clicked on the racism one
Every story is about white racists, not one black,brown or yellow example, yet the fact remains not only do the last three races outnumber whites, they are all much more polarised towards others. How can I say this, I’m not white.
The bBC, the biggest race hustler going
Bloody hell, what the hell is wrong with this site, and I can’t even delete the extra baggage
The problem with these partisan sites is that they become an echo chamber.
Hi Pounce, although it is very frustrating when it happens (It tends not to happen to me anymore), I know that we are always extremely grateful for those running and managing Biased BBC for their time and efforts keeping this site going which runs smoothly most of the time, with the occasional hiccup.
You can use the “CONTACT US” facility requesting technical, provide a link to your first comment and then ask that they remove the extra comments. When it happens like this – one comment + two repeats, you still get the 15 minutes edit / delete facility on the last of the copies – at least that’s how it was for me. It hasn’t happened to me for a long time now – and since then I have had a message on two occasions saying the site was detecting that I was trying to post the same message again. Not sure exactly what was going on but assumed there was some fix dependent on operating system, browser, platform being used.
Ps one day I hope to access your own site without these blizzard of messages I keep getting. But what reassures me is that your site will be still around as a resource when I finally overcome the problem.
The October Wetherspoon’s News magazine is a Brexit special with deliberate reprints of zany Remainer newspaper columns
Full magazine PDF here
BBC pidgin – I can’t believe it is for real. No doubt they spent millions on this as part of their ‘diversity’ mission.
What a fantastic use of our money. They forever moan about everything needing more money – mental health was their latest this morning. Why not save money by not doing farcically pointless nonsense like this and give it to psychiatric nurses? I am sure they could do their job just as well for half the money.
Having some worthless piece of crap from some lefty indoctrination centre is no measure of intelligence.
You heard it on the BBC first:
Brexit: Women ‘more vulnerable’ to impact of leaving EU
These toe curling worlds are referenced to welsh women by Catherine Fookes who is director of Women’s Equality Network Wales. Such daft statements come with the job.
If I were director of Middle Aged, Over Weight Welshman’s Network, (funded by the taxpayer of course), then I would say X, what ever the latest vogue is, “will harm middle aged, over weight Welshman.”
Her batty reasoning is based on, “because Wales had a “much bigger injection of cash” from the EU than other parts of the UK.” So, she hasn’t reasoned that as the money from UK tax payers will no longer be travelling through the route of brigands and EU bureaucrats for thieving, that it all come straight to wales – men as well as women. Hence there will either a) be more dosh to be dispersed, else b) be the same amount and the tax payer saves some money.
All I need to know about why leaving the EU is a good thing>
In 22 November 2004 Peter Mandelson became Britain’s European Commissioner, In October 2008 he left his post as Trade Commissioner to return to UK politics. As a former EU Commissioner, Mandelson is entitled to a £31,000 pension when he reaches the age of 65 next year and people complained about Greece and its pensions
A good enough reason in itself but how about thinking about all the other pensions:
Neil Kinnock, rejected by the UK as prime minister, basks in the comfort of a £87K per year EU pension.
Nick Clegg, the man who destroyed a political party than can trace its history back hundreds of years, trousered 2.5 million while ‘working’ for the EU, so has his wallet open wide in readiness for his generous EU pension.
This ought to worry most people. What has happened to conservatism?
The scope of far right is ever increasing. EDL, Britain First, perhaps the Football Lads Alliance, then Breibart, and UKIP are considered fascist by many Trots whose views on Stand Up to Racism are spouted on the BBC.
What are Komrad Treezer and Amber Rudd up to?
Is UKIP still around?
Soon Maxicony will be publishing its report on this site.
I’m expecting membership of the Women’s Institute to be proscribed any day now.
Have the Girl Guides got any male leaders yet? If not why not. The Boy Scouts have female leaders. Please explain this all you dozy diversifiers even though the answer is obvious.
I’m becoming increasingly convinced that there is a conscious effort on the part of a very powerful clique of nation wreckers in the West to psychologically damage the whole population. Nothing in politics happens by accident.
You are quite right. There is.
Lucky Katty is not paid by the word.
Her sole function seems to be to find a tweet that fits her and the bbc’s Narrative and simply add ‘Wow’ to it.
A box of rocks with a gallon of peroxide poured over it has a better chance of reporting impartially.
You need to post the tweet she refers to
Editorial guideline broken
If Gary ‘£1.75m wages paid by threat of prison, mostly women prosecuted’ Lineker can twitter off about Brexit and vetting immigrants or point people to the articles of The New European … and extoll the virtues of Labour whilst his 2nd home is struck by a hurricane and he is part of the gender pay gap but is not willing to offer a solution … just a tin hat.
The BBC and Guardian websites have the same story about an offensive advert. Why don’t they just share a website to save money?
What loser can be bothered to be ‘offended’? I have kids to nurture and lessons to plan – I don’t have time to be offended by adverts. Nobody should spend their spare time looking for things to be offended by.
Among the ‘things that didn’t make it into the news’ this weekend, I don’t seem to have read or seen news of a remarkable story from Poland yesterday, where hundreds of thousands of ordinary Poles assembled on the country’s borders to pray for an end to the ‘Islamisation of Europe’.
The day was chosen because it was the anniversary of the battle of Lepanto in 1571, at which the fleet of the Holy League defeated the Muslim fleet and effectively saved Europe from enforced Islam.
By any standards this was a remarkable thing for Poles to have done and yet it has been almost completely ignored.
As always, it’s not hard to work out why.
I think it got covered on radio 4 but the take was that ‘ Muslims would find it offensive.’
Lepanto rates alongside the Battle of Tours, the raising of the Seige of Malta and that of Vienna as major victories for the West that kept Islam out of our part of Europe. These events are fundamental to our civilisation yet I bet no country other than Poland and maybe Hungary and some Balkan states teach their children anything about them these days. We seem to have thrown away the gains from these victories by allowing the mass Muslim incursions that our ancestors fought against.
The poles see themselves, quite rightly , as the guardians of Christianity in the West. Having come to Blighty and seen that the only acceptable beliefs are islam , Corbyn , global warming and maxiculturalism they realise they must do something . Yesterday was also a Catholic Feast Day which obviously wouldn’t get a mention whilst any demonic Islamic festival gets the full al beeb meeesheelll hussein treatment with the whole community coming together in celebration of the prof£it
They did report it but probably buried deeply
Title : Poland Catholics hold controversial prayer day on borders
“controversial” that is a weasel world
Wikipedia editorial standards ban such weasel words
so why are they OK with the BBC ?
Some people might have found the march “controversial” whilst others would have not
I think that counts as ‘almost completely ignored’ for what was, in fact, a very important event in terms of current European politics.
One of the past delights of this site was the work of one of the BBC’s trolls (thankfully no longer with us) who used to find stories that regulars failed to find and post them with a flourish of triumph. Usually, he would unearth them on something like page 17 of the Hebridean livestock auction prices.
Hiding stories so that it can later claim it didn’t completely ignore them is a skill at the BBC. I’m sure its practitioners are well rewarded.
In passing, I must mention the fashionable illiteracy of ‘Poland Catholics’ in the BBC’s headline. I really do wish they would stop this nonsense.
Some commentators have expressed concern that the event (Catholic Feast Day ) could be seen as a sign of support for the government’s refusal to take in Muslim migrants. BBC.co.uk
Some commentors = two Twitters? People at the BBC water cooler? A man at latte bar? Try harder BBC.
Catholics with rosary beads controversial?
How about this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12uweOeMWaI
A few days ago the BBC seemed to be in favour of Catalonia seeking independence from the rest of Spain.
But today the mood has changed, and the headline seems to be against the idea.
I wonder whether the EU paymasters of the BBC have realised there is a problem with “their” Spain, and pushed the BBC on message to support their agenda in this regard.
The BBC is on the horns of a dilemma over Catalonia. The Catalans are, by and large, Left wing secessionists who have been very accommodating to the BBC’s favourite client group. On the other hand, the rest of Spain is strongly supportive of the EU, which also doesn’t want to see Catalonia break away.
A pox on the lot of them, I say.
Spot on, GC!
Countryfile : the takeaways from the prog
#1 Prince Charles is educating lads by supplying a training workshop at the Dumfries Stately home project *
#2 Oh electric cars are coming, but RedT have a magic “non battery” to store solar power **
#3 ‘Look at us aren’t we good at saving the liggle chilgfdrens with our Charidy Rambles and Charidy calendar’
* from 2007 press release
\\The Prince’s Charities Foundation has borrowed a considerable proportion of the £45m total cost of the project. Fundraising continues to repay this loan.
Which means a bunch of taxpayer bodies will have chipped in
“Art Fund .grant .. £2.25 m”//
“Dame Liz Forgan, Chair.. National Heritage Memorial Fund .. grant of £7m”
** What a surprise another free ad for a GreenBlob corp
“The main disadvantages with vanadium redox technology are a relatively poor energy-to-volume ratio in comparison with standard storage batteries”
ie it’s a wacking great box that stores little energy
So cost compared to Lead Acid car battery will be expensive
(The prog’s second item was about how fracking could generate electricity.. so that is credit to the BBC for finally telling the truth
..However the item began “Petrol/diesel cars are set to be banned” (not they aren’t)
Nowhere near true : The 2040 rule is that no NEW car will be exclusively petrol or diesel ie hybrid is legal , so are hydrogen fuel cells and probably petrol/diesel with a system to capture its CO2 (a pipedream)
+ You’ll still be able to drive your old petrol/diesel car ..)
Yes, that would be the ex-Guardian and BBC Liz Forgan, (Benenden and St Hugh’s Oxford), sometime managing director of the BBC Radio Network, sometime ‘Chair’ of the Lottery Fund, sometime ‘Chair’ of the Arts Council, sometime ‘Chair’ of the Scott Trust which bankrolls the Guardian and on and on and on.
I imagine her as a gilded bee, born to a life of flitting from nectar rich flower to nectar rich flower. And poisoning them as she goes.
Blimey Coops you’re on the ball for uptick posts today 😉
Stew ,
Quite simply I admire anyone who watches Countryfile . Never was a programme so misnamed . Bring back Jack Hargreaves – that’s what I say . Any if the reference isn’t recognised by you- you need to pop off to wike
Fortunately by the time Charles ascends he ll be too old to change anything before handing on to a younger possibly more switched on version of the house of saxburg gotha
Countryfile is now a programme about what townies and BBC medja types **think** happens in the countryside. Try watching This Farming Life BBC2 4.15 weekdays if you want to see what happens in the real countryside .. a brilliant programme.
Anti BBC demo Nov 5th
Anti BBC demo Nov 5th
If a few turn up al beeb will cover it – if a lot turn up you’ll never hear of it. Turn to RT for full coverage . Yes I know what R. T. Stands for
Views her own, of course.
Adam Henson, the farmer that gets to promote his rare breeds business on Country File, gave us some interesting information about sheep breeding in New Zealand.
Apparently if they have wonky sheep they kill them off and the result is good hardy breeding stock.
Here we treat the sick sheep, nurse them during lambing and so our flocks become more and more decrepit.
Adam seemed to approve of the New Zealand methods, which go totally against Polly Toynbeeism social policies as advocated by the BBC.
In other news, Her Highness Cherie Blair dominated Last Word this week as she told us about her father, a real scouse git, only famous for playing a parasitic socialist in Till Death Us Do Part 42 years ago. Matthew Bannister was clearly honoured to be Cherie’s lap dog.
Comments were made last week about the Scottish fracking decision. Conservative Woman gives a breakdown of who responded to the ‘consulatation’.
Patcham teenager ‘deliberately’ run over by truck – Sussex. {BBC.co.uk 08oct2017}
“”However, in light of recent events, it is important to note that we are not treating it as terror-related,” he said.”
– a new way to kill has been born. Guns, knives, acid and now cars.
How much longer into our “British dream” future, I wonder, will sites such as this one continue?
Al Shubtill
The end of Freedom of Speech ?
Didn’t we bail these traitors out ?
“The head of the bank tells Sky News that firms will begin moving plans unless an interim Brexit deal is known within months.”………………
“Losses of £58bn since the 2008 bailout – how did RBS get here? “………………………………..
Not forgetting this …………………………..
“Royal Bank of Scotland is cutting 443 UK jobs dealing with business loans, with many roles set to be transferred to India. ”
Look out, look out, the P.C. Police are about.
Hi taffman – at face value it does seem to be ludicrous of Dove to come up with such an advert. Unless the BBC is missing something out from this. This could be just one of those stories that are gifts to the BBC agenda.
Of course the BBC actively defends black people that are racist towards whites and white culture – as the BBC believe traditional English culture is intrinsically racist and sexist – and demand current white English people be made to pay for this alleged historical injustice.
It has s been over a year now, but has there anything positive about Brexit on Al Beeb?
🙁 ?
“Brexit: ‘No deal’ planning is well under way, says minister”
UK must be prepared for no deal on Brexit, says new UKIP leader
Despite its importance , why was it not on the front page ?
OVERSEAS visitors to the BBC website are being bombarded with adverts from a campaign to reverse Brexit.
Those wanting to access bbc. co.uk from abroad are automatically redirected to bbc.com, which carries paid-for adverts.
A story headlined “Catalan separatists defiant on voting day” last week featured a series of adverts for the New European newspaper, which wants to block Brexit and claims to sell 20,000 copies a week.
The advert reads “Stay Angry. Fight Brexit. Read the New European”.
Another reads: “Faith. Hope. Clarity. The newspaper for the 48%”.
The editor-at-large of the New European is Tony Blair’s former spin doctor and “Remoaner in chief” Alastair Campbell, who has declared that Britain would vote Remain if the referendum was held again.
David Keighley, managing director of the political monitoring organisation News-Watch, questioned the corporation’s impartiality in featuring the adverts.
He said: “The BBC’s EU coverage, though supposedly neutral, is already outrageously biased against Brexit.

Those of the “48%” who feel so strongly about remaining in the EU, should simply relocate themselves to somewhere within it; I’m sure those of us who are left here will cope somehow without them.