The Buggering British Children could have reported the above as:
A 14 year old gay boy just happened to go to a Discovery party in Hollywood which was packed to the rafters with gay men. He claims he was bored so went to the bedroom of the man hosting the party to watch TV, where shock horror after everybody else had left ,the Usual Suspect tried to Pay it forward with this American beauty , however the Big kahuna didn’t get his way with the Working girl because at double the age of Se7en he couldn’t be a Consenting adult. resulting in the Baby driver doing an LA Confidential when he approached the Shipping news with this story about how he had a Margin call with the Rebel in the Rye over a Doomsday gun. He’s now seeing a Shrink
BBC neglects to:
Question the use of “He was trying to seduce me…” seduce ?, you mean arse rape.
Point out if the accuser is also homosexual, and if so how he ended up one, was working from 6 years old surrounded by sickos a factor?
Note the hilarious oxymoron in Spacey saying he was living as a GAY MAN
They’re coming out (!!) of the woodwork now…get the popcorn.
I was interested that the bBBC used the following snippet in their article:
“Rapp said he was able to go to the bathroom before he left.”
Am I missing something here – is it significant in some way…code for something? Or is it implying that he didn’t run out screaming straight away and therefore shares some blame?
Family Guy calls out Bruce Jenner in 2009. Bruce Jenner came out as a “trans woman” in 2015 and changed his name to Caitlyn Jenner later in the same year.
The last line of the clip is particularly salient. Family Guy to US soldiers heading to Iraq and elsewhere to fight terrorism with Obama and others saying they are fighting to protect US society: “I Just want to remind you fellas what you’re all fighting for”
Nisa’s comment
\\The story of the US Army sergeant’s return to America in 2014 after being held in captivity by the Taliban for five years,
when he was vilified in sections of the media as a traitor and faced a court-martial on charges of desertion and endangering the lives of fellow soldiers.
Film-maker Sean Langan gained access to Bergdahl and his parents Bob and Jani to present a tale of a soldier who made a mistake and paid a terrible price,
and about a family caught in a storm of false allegations and fake news.//
Which is a long way of saying that Trump is the villain?
Britain is full to overflowing. I am sick to death of being lied to by the BBC, The rest of the MSM, the government and the rest of the political elite. They claim, and some cretins believe them, that as a country we are wealthier owing to mass migration, that our housing shortage and the strain on public services is not due to mass immigration. They claim we have been culturally enriched by mass migration. So people being murdered and thousands of girls being raped are enrichment are they? Banning old hymns like Onward Cristian Soldiers , is enrichment is it ? Our service personnel being advised not to wear service dress outside their secure base , is enrichment is it? Old celebrations involving blacking up banned , is enrichment is it ? Children being served Halal meat , is enrichment is it.
Sadly I could go on and on and on. We , the indigenous Brits , were never asked whether we wanted mass migration into our country. We weren’t asked because the elite knew that we would have said NO. But they went ahead in secret . Now we are supposed to welcome people into our midst who despise us and our culture. If we don’t we are said to be racists. If we as much as frown at the invaders we are guilty of hate crime and hunted down by our increasingly repressive police force. If we seek to stand up for our culture and ourselves we are denigrated by the elite. How much more are supposed to take?
Not sure whether anyone else picked this up from Question Time last week, but one of the questions raised related to whether we should allow people who had left this country to fight in Syria/ Iraq for IS back into this country.
Everyone who spoke from the audience said “No” in their own way.
Everyone on the panel said they should be allowed back into the country.
Operation Constraint – a ‘pilot scheme’
Whoever came up with this insane idea, and agreed to pilot it, should suffer the same fate as the returning terrorists (and I don’t mean free council houses).
Nofan, yes I noticed exactly the same thing, the audience using good old fashioned common sense and the panel bogged down in the legality of the situation. Its easy enough to solve the legal issue if there is the political will – just change the law. I assume if we declare war on Islamic State then anybody who goes off to fight with them can be lawfully taken out?
I’m highly suspicious that our establishment is gestating civil war. We have good reason to suspect they are working toward the deliberate breakdown of our civilisation. Then they can play saviours & offer us solutions in return for our surrender and obedience. ‘Order out of chaos. ‘
Or maybe they are just bat-shit crazy?
I have said before that I don’t think our politicians are capable of the long-term vision that would be required to foment civil war or to implement the Koudenhove-Khalergi plan of pan-European population replacement. Some may be in favour of this (though I think support is largely from academics and theorists) but as Douglas Murray points out, most politicians don’t look any further than tomorrow’s headlines. Mr Murray also suggests that Merkel’s Millions are the result of little more than Merkel not wanting the news to carry pictures of German border guards behind wire fences turning away refugees.
I would like to share your optimism. It’s easy to believe our politicians are only self-serving & lack vision but they are without a doubt, fostering Islam. And Islam eventually descends a country into civil war (if there is effective resistance). It’s the usual pattern. There are too many models both historical & contemporary to put my concern about the future down to mere speculation & conspiracy theory.
I think Murray’s suggestion is actually the case. The German BBC’s were full of mindless metaphysical debate about the “effectiveness of walls and fences in the 21st century” Some commentators actually seemed to think that the laws of physics would be suspended by the Gutmensch collective thinking nice thoughts and the new arrivals would walk through any barrier like ghosts. Barbed wire fences and armed border guards did not chime well with Willkommenskultur and the “moral superpower” rhetoric.
Cranmer – I think we have a political/ruling class ( mainly drawn from the “new model” liberal establishment) which do not identify with either the concept of being British in any way, shape or form. They have an insatiable sense of entitlement and see themselves as the “natural leaders” of us little people. They are used to making easy money via establishment jobs, or getting the establishment to work for them. They generally live in “better quality” areas and thus never really experience the day to day challenges that living cheek by jowl with an alien (and often hostile) culture and all the problems that brings to a society.
Consequently they can rule in the style of whatever the current liberal “fashionable” theory is and if it all goes wrong it matters not to them. Because of their financial muscle and connections – they can move pretty much wherever they want..
We all know that only an idiot would allow these murderers and rapists back into this country . and that is what exactly our leaders seem to be. Unfortunately high level qualifications do not seem to confer common sense and in their case only immeasurable arrogance. To understand them we need to realise that they have no loyalty to our country or culture only to eachother, their own opinions and their own bank balances. I am afraid abject surrender by our ruling class is always a practical solution as it means that they can go back to “business as usual” and it is always someone elses child/father/mother/sister that gets it.
No sensible person would reward a 6 ear old for breaking a window , so why reward rapists and murders for what they have done. Surely an adult would more fully understand the consequences of his actions? What message does this send?.
Unfortunately for the rest of us we only have one country and one chance to get this right which is why we need to resist these idiots and their “compassionate idiocy” to the end.
the left have been fomenting revolution for some time. It is slow burn ideological revolution starting with the re-education of our youth, the infiltration of all of our major institutions (including the ‘establishment’) leading to the imposition of thought crime, which as it can be subjective, means that they get to decide who’s guilty. In short, everyone who does not subscribe to their social justice narrative – you, me, everyone on this site for starters. The Diptera in the ointment is that there are (still) many more of us than there are of them – and – their weapon of choice is Twatter and Farcebook, where they can conjure up a formidable army of powder puffs, protected within their safe spaces with the few books that they haven’t burnt. They are media warriors who can verbalise violently but will never stand on the wall, like we can.
Spot on, Honestus. The more people you tell to go and look up ‘Cultural Marxism’ the sooner the country will wake up to what is going on. Hopefully it’s not too late, but I have my doubts judging by how Generation X and the Snowflakes have been brainwashed into their love affair with Corbyn.
For me we should stop talking about Britain as it really doesn’t exist as a country anymore only as a land mass.
England is the country that is suffering uniquely from overpopulation.
Scotland is of course sparsely populated which is why the SNP can play to the gallery on the immigration issue, as it really isn’t an issue at all north of the border.
It depends what you mean by issue. The small village in which my grandparents lived in the Scottish Borders now has a Polski Sklep and a vibrant Polish community. Its presence or absence would have an infinitesimal effect on the immigration figures, but 10 Poles in a village with 100 inhabitants is a significant cultural change. No wonder the SNP sets such great store by “civic nationalism” – it captures the Polish vote while indigenous Scots make their way to England and other destinations.
The German media largely ignore Brexit as they claim Britain was never really part of “Europe”. This is, of course, true, but I have never heard any remainer explain why if the UK is not part of the promised Euroland so many EU citizens seek employment in the UK rather than the EU utopia in which they live. Surely, UK citizens should be emigrating en masse to EU paradise before the sky falls in.
Like the song says. “Somethings Gotta Give” and oh boy do we know who the mainstream media and the deep state will come gunning for when the shit hits the fan. We really do need to ask ourselves who benefits from all this. Are we being subjected to this stupidity for ideological or economic motives, neither of which are valid. There must be a group of people who wield more power than our elected government because whichever party takes “power” the policies remain the same. We’re missing something here.
That’s the point Lefty. Who benefits from this serious massive long term shift in the nature of the British way of life? Why are the BBC refusing to accept that massive immigration puts a huge strain on every aspect of our nation, from GPs to schools to hospitals to care homes. Why is multiculturalism a good thing? Who is applauding the fact that London is now 60 percent Muslim? And exactly who does the BBC represent when it constantly runs against the will of the majority to leave the EU? And how can the same organisation that constantly promotes wimmin’s issues also celebrate a gender free agenda?
All we have established here is that we are both asking the same questions. What we want are the answers. There must be people who know the answers but for whatever reasons they ain’t saying.
Lefty and Marmite,
In his otherwise excellent book The Strange Death of Europe, Douglas Murray cannot answer the question you put with any realistic explanation. He thinks that political shortsightedness allowed mass migration of alien cultures in response to the need for cheap labour. Then under various government, but particularly Blair’s, the flood gates were opened for ideological not economic reasons. Now it is toxic amongst the political and cultural elite to oppose mass immigration , particularly from the third world. DM thinks that the leading politicians know it is a disaster and that we are heading onto the rocks but they can’t bring themselves to admit their mistake.
This seems a very weak explanation to me. Just as is his view that Merkel didn’t want to be seen as using border guards to keep refugees out by force and so opened the flood gates. Like both of you I think that there has to be more to it than that. Demographics may be one factor, but surely the sensible response , particularly for rich countries like Germany With small immigrant populations , would have been to use large financial incentives and lavish state support to increase the birth rate of the indigenous population. No , we are as you say missing the key factor. I wonder about the influence of Saudi oil and money. Perhaps there are even more sinister factors at work.
I agree with you. How many ex-politicians end up poor? There always seem to be various sinecures and “speaking fees” for them.
The Saudis only have to spend a few billion dollars in the right places and they can ensure the islamisation of Western Europe. Has there ever been a cheaper or easier campaign of conquest and colonisation?
No I can’t think of one example when a state of 60 million plus and indeed a whole continent of 500 million , has been sold down the river by its leaders.
Well one Sonia Sodha – (ex senior policy advisor to Ed Miliband) her of the wide eyed overtures when arguing her point as a frequent talking-head, said last week on Sky when reviewing the papers on the housing crisis, that there are plenty of green fields in this country that haven’t been built on !!!!! This is the type of reaction we get from those who have no history here, but because of an accident of birth at being born here, can tell us (again) what to do.
(sorry, my comment appears to have inserted itself further down the list !!!)
Sodya is just one of the brain-dead nonentities that appear on Sky babbling incoherently.
If you started building houses to cope with hyper-enrichment on remote green-field sites with no infrastructure, no opportunies for work, etc. she would soon be claiming that the government was really building concentration camps to deal with the problem.
Is there anyone on Sky who does not want to prevent Brexit?
A British field and hedgerow with all the wildlife it supports , and to paraphrase Beethoven, the happy feelings it gives me and the sense of place and continuity it generates , is worth much more than a several million Sonia Sodha. In fact Sod her , she can bugger off if she doesn’t like it.
Call me old fashioned but ….it is half term in this area this week.
The Today programme was all about sexual harassment by MP’s; although I didn’t hear the programme (and would certainly have chosen Classic FM in preference), apparently Woman’s Hour was going to be about sex for couples in long standing relationships according to their trailer and the programme after that was going to be about erectile dysfunction. I am just grateful that I am no longer on the school run with a teenage boy or having the radio on Radio 4 whilst he was home on school holidays.
1. On the highest figure I’ve seen quoted (36), that points to about 5% of the total number of MPs being miscreants. Whilst one misbehaving MP is obviously not good, this doesn’t suggest that Parliament is the cesspit of iniquity that the narrative seems to suggest
2. There has been no mention of police activity/ investigation, which is probably understandable at this point
3. The story is substantially media-led, possibly because there’s a Tory impact in it but also possibly also to deflect away from current Labour sleazy-stuff, where the Labour Party Chairman (Ian Lavery) would appear to have questions to answer.
That`s a pretty low level of perv there Nofan(that`ll be Welsh will it?). Can we postively discriminate and welcome more perv candidates to pinch ladies seats in Parliament so they better reflect the perv levels out here.
Of couse, none of us are near the BBCs model postive affirmative model…they seem to employ a hell of a lot of deviants, Savile only being their most successful exemplar.
But we can dream-do we dare?
PS-let`s look on the bright side-if they`re fumbling in each others pants, then their hands are out of our pockets and purses are they not?
And of course-they need only count to two…at tops…but most of them have only one or none at all…
Very crudely speaking, when I was a teenager back in the 1950s I had no sex instruction from my school, from my parents or from Woman’s Hour but somehow, miraculously, instinctively I knew how to fuck and so did my girlfriend and we knew we were in love.
We needed nobody to tell us how and to prove it we have four very grown up sons and we are still happily married. I never once told my boys how to fuck but somehow we now have 12 beautiful grandchildren. Even the beast in the field needs no instruction. So sex instruction? Just another fucking gravy train. The powers that be have deliberately fucked up the modern family and I want to know why.
Sorry about the language but I started my working life at age 15 on a building site. Happy days indeed.
The bBC and half a story: Sudan US sanctions: Cancer patients and businesses hopeful Sudanese music star Hawa Mohammed Adam hopes the lifting of US trade sanctions means she will no longer have to travel to Egypt to receive life-saving treatment for cancer. She was diagnosed with breast cancer last year and her extended family, friends and fans raised the money to send her to Cairo….Twenty-five years ago, the Kobani factory used to produce 100 tonnes of groundnut and sesame oil a day. But for the past five years it has not made a drop, as the company was unable to import spare parts from Europe because of trade embargoes…They were imposed in the 1990s for harbouring fugitives such as al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden, and included the freezing of all Sudanese government assets in the US and a ban on Washington’s allies trading with Khartoum.
Nasty US sanctions , hurting the little people the most , especially when they were all about OBL who has been dead 6 years. Yet Sanctions were first imposed on Khartoum in 1997, when it harboured fugitives including Osama bin Laden.
A further round was put in place in 2006 in response to Sudanese forces’ actions during the Darfur genocide. Funny how the bBC doesn’t mention the latter.
The winner of the Barry Sheerman MP brexit award is …… Barry Sherman MP ( lab up north ).
Barry said yesterday – and repeated when challenged – that people who voted brexit are led intelligent that remainers .
Barry was educated at a grammar school , lse degree in economics then a masters in economics before becoming a lecturer and gaining a parliamentary seat in 1979 some 38 plus years ago .
It’s fine men like Barry who I will think on the day we leave the Common Market .
Mrs May thinks MPs harrassing people will affect the reputation of parliament – as if .
Dear Old Barry clearly hasn’t met many Brexiteers….still what can you expect with somebody who has all those qualifications in economics but never had real job
No-I won`t have that. Barry was always “game for a laugh” as Labours education sock monster as the Tories turned schools into bouncy castles with syringes. Barry was the Labour Education Spokesman until REAL titans like Estelle Morris and Professor Nod took his briefs(oo er).
Think he played for Crystal Palace as well at the weekend too-his silky skills were valued by the futuristic Venables Junta, as he set the Catelonian Revolt alight from Scribes Nightclub.
We live with the consequences today.
Lefty politics, education, sport and Spain…like to think the BBC will now print all this as my teatime mental mashup…it`s what the BBC piss off as news all day , every day.
Make up your own news people!
See the FBI want to interview Jason Manford now-he worked for Trump you know.
Chris H
I was so gobsmacked by mr Sheerman ‘s comment that I had to look him up . My god he’s been an MP for a long time. I am assuming his constituency voted to remain so he is on safe ground .
I’m not a great fan of the current parliamentary system – the brexit vote showed how unrepresentative it has become . How can any one be a true representative if they’ve been in that place for going on 40 years ? It’s the same with al beeb where many go from uni into the beeb and stay there becoming an institution over time – like Rolf and Jimmy .,
PS – learnt something new today – what a “sock monster “ is . Thanks
But, using the same sorts of data, clearly, the more mature and experienced people in the country voted for Brexit. I.e. the ones who have worthwhile educational accomplishments, rather than the Mickey Mouse bag-paper certificates of today…. such as the ones gained by graduates, so many of whom had to attend remedial courses in in literacy and numeracy just to be able just to comprehend the basics of what was going on in their degree subjects. These would be the people that Mr Sheerman thinks have ‘higher educational attainments’, of course.
(1) The more relevantly educated a well educated scientist is as regards the core basics of calibrating carbon dioxide warming using both the Arrhenius method and the Unified Theory of Climate. Then this gang seem more likely to tell Donald Trump that Man-made Global warming is a hoax.
(2) The more relevantly educated a well educated person is as regards the core basics of European Union Governance. Then the more likely they seem to support Brexit.
In my experience, support for Brexit and Climate sceptics seem as strong in Mensa as it is in the uneducated Labour area of Hull and the well educated Tory area of East Yorkshire.
The bBC and half a story: Ex-Trump aide ‘faces charges over Russia’ The former manager of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, Paul Manafort, is to face charges related to an inquiry into alleged Russian meddling, US media report.
What the bBC doesn’t tell you. is that on the 28th March 2016 66 year old Manafort a Republican strategist with direct experience managing nomination fights joined the Trump campaign. That after 144 days on the 19th of August 2016 Manafort resigned from the Trump campaign 2 days after Trump received his first intelligence briefing (a standard procedure for major party presidential nominees.) where he was made aware that Manafort had been under an FBI investigation since 2014.
Yes I listened to that and Jon Sopel was speaking as though Trump was being indicted – he made as many mentions of Trump as he could . Then the other chap came on and spent almost all of his time telling what he had ‘heard’ from ‘sources’ and tried to making tenuous links to Trump at the end…despite adding all of these are allegations…it was a complete non story that could have been said in a few words with barely a mention of Trump and the Russians
I looks like Mr Manafort has been indicted for fraud, committed whilst he was in Ukraine, but, of course he had dealings with those who had some sympathy with Russia – i.e parliamentarians in Ukraine at the time his business dealing went on – i.e. up to 2015 – as did probably every other businessman in the world trying to trade in Ukraine at that time.
The so-called ‘link’ to the investigation into Mr Trump and his team ‘colluding with Russia’ during the election process is incredibly tenuous to say the least – and is probably, in fact, ‘non-existent’.
But, the US MSM and the BBC aren’t going to let any little thing like ‘facts’ impact on their bias in any way.
The BBC have the following headline : Record surge in atmospheric CO2 seen in 2016
The BBC are painting this as a bad thing and an omen of the upcoming Climate Apocalypse.
But I say – feck it! Records are there to be broken.
So let’s celebrate by awarding ourselves huge pay-rises and going on jet setting freeby holidays around the world in search of celebrity stories in Hollywood and elsewhere.
BoBotC, problem for the Beeb in reporting this is that it throws an uncomfortable spotlight on the temperature guage and a lack of warming. Yes, I know that with Attenborough’s assistance, the BBC will claim the oceans are warming excessively but that rather then highlights that global warming really does need to be Global if it is to be Anthropogenic Global Warming.
A tad cosy in the water off the coast of Venuzuela and really quite toasty in some Australian outback desert doesn’t quite cut it as global.
We have had record CO2 emissions for at least three of the last four or five years. The warming should be kicking in now. Why is it not doing so? A question not really aired yet on the BBC, and certainly not aired regularly by the BBC.
I suppose its because the core basics of calibrating carbon dioxide warming using both the Arrhenius method and the Unified Theory of Climate for proxies, show conclusions that Man-made Global warming must be a hoax.
But Richard, it has raised a lot of tax, so it has been a very useful hoax.
If it is indeed a hoax. The earth should be warming as extra new bodies are being added to it daily while old (and some might say superfluous ones) are increasingly resistant (although not quite so excessively as we are told) refusing to shuffle off this mortal coil.
[An aside but an associated one: old peoples’ homes – all of the ones I have visited – are usually kept heated to a point where Shadrach, Mesach and Abed-Nego would have been in some distress therein. More old people on the planet must also equal more warming. Basic science but realistic and very real science.]
There was some warming; ordinary thermometers showed that and as I have posted many times before are probably a much more reliable guide to what is going on than climate theories, computer programmes and sensors thousands of miles away in space.
Instead of spending millions of BBC Licence Fee-payers money filming the ocean depths to prop up AGW/CC theories, a few thousand quid with Attenborough suspended upside down for a few years in the leaf canopy of a forest or two might be more scientifically revealing as far as the climate is concerned. But it it might not reveal what the BBC are keeping schtum on, that the predicted warming is starting look later than a London bus.
I heard a mutter the other day, courtesy of Radio 4 to the effect that “Well, maybe we have some inaccuracies but we may only be four or five decades out.”
I wonder what these buggers were doing 1,000,000 years ago to make the co2 concentrations even higher then as they are now.
Meet the million-year-olds: Human footprints found in Britain are the oldest ever seen outside of Africa
Temps are setting back to where they were before the 2016 El Nino. Cue Mr Attenborough with a BBC “explainer”………………………………………………………………Mr Attenborough ?..
PS I’m getting hassled by a couple of people to release the CRU station temperature data. Don’t any of you three tell anybody that the UK has a Freedom of Information Act!
Phil Jones tells Mike Mann and others how he made his data show warming:
I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.
Mick Kelly, Professor of Climate Change at Jones’ university, on hiding recent cooling:
Anyway, I’ll maybe cut the last few points off the filtered curve before I give the talk again as that’s trending down as a result of the end effects and the recent cold-ish years.
Emails leaked at the weekend show ( a few years bacK) there is indeed a conspiracy to deceive the world – and Rudd has fallen for it.
This conspiracy comprises a group of warming scientists who have been central in spreading the false claim that the world has never been hotter and man’s gases are to blame.
It’s come to light after nearly 4000 emails and documents were stolen from the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia and dumped on the internet by what is almost certainly a whistleblower.
What they reveal is perhaps the greatest scientific scandal of our time – a conspiracy by warmist scientists to fudge statistics, sack sceptical scientists, block the release of data to prevent checking, illegally destroy data, deceive reporters, censor sceptical papers, and hide errors in their work.
Most extraordinary are the emails in which these scientists admit to each other what they’ve never confessed to the world – that the world is not warming as their theories predicted.
Climate change? Just one more fucking gravy train. The climate has changed from the year dot and will continue to do so after Mother Earth becomes just another shooting star. It’s the way the Universe works.
We need only be concerned with having clean air to breathe and clean water to drink the rest is out of our hands. Here endeth the rant. Amen.
Oh yes what were we saying-Now these bastard immigrants—–
… the BBC never kept pushing the story about Nigeria having to sack 21 thousand teachers who could not pass a test for a six year old ….
Nigeria schools: Kaduna primary teachers fail pupils’ exam { 10oct2017}
“Thousands of primary school teachers in Nigeria’s northern Kaduna state are to be sacked after failing the exams they set for their six-year-old pupils. State governor Nasir El-Rufai said 21,780 teachers, two-thirds of the total, had failed to score 75% or higher on assessments given to pupils (aged six). ”
So those Nigerian teachers move to the US
And then BBC suddenly reports their part in the stats as “Americans who can’t read”
Immigration probably plays a part in US falling English literacy stats.
I saw this a little earlier and just sighed, probably loud enough for you to have heard from here in the West Country, certainly loud enough for Mrs Ex to ask “How have the BBC upset you now?”
The bBC is reporting on the rise of CO2 emissions: Record surge in atmospheric CO2 seen in 2016 Concentrations of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere surged to a record high in 2016, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Last year’s increase was 50% higher than the average of the past 10 years.
And whom does the bBC blame for the above record rise? The report has been issued just a week ahead of the next instalment of UN climate talks, in Bonn. Despite the declaration by President Trump that he intends to take the US out of the deal, negotiators meeting in Germany will be aiming to advance and clarify the rulebook of the Paris agreement.
1) The US hasn’t left and according to current press leaks may now remain.
2) China in 2015 produced just less CO2 than the next 3 highest areas (US/EU/India)
News is when something is surprising : today’s info was entirely predictable
#1 Paris agreement was at time of signing rubbish
It didn’t have Global CO2 reductions in its agreement
#2 Green measures often increase CO2 ..each wind turbine has 150 tonnes of coal in it’s construction cement that otherwise would not have been produced,
so it takes years for the wind turbine to make back just that part CO2.
Green measures usually BRING FORWARD CO2 use to today in the hope of making it back in the future.
..and that doesn’t always happen when your solar panel blows away in a hurricane.
Also watched a programme where they had to dump thousands of tons of rubble on the ocean floor to fill cracks to lay the infrastructure (cables) for the wind farms. Cost of rubble to the environment? If you can’t see it then it does not count!
Pounce, the Americans were always getting it in the neck from the BBC over their CO2 emissions supposedly being the highest but, if I recall correctly, that record actually belonged to Oceania, ie. principally Australia, less than twenty years ago. If China has overtaken the USA, where is Oceania and Australia?
Did they go to the top of a mountain in Hawaii, and analysed the Air around them. Or is it just another case bureaucratically produced assumptions posing as facts.
I have it as around 400ppm, and gradually rising due to the Medieval warm period 800 years ago, with the Man-Made content around 16ppm and hardly changing. So even if you believe in the Man-made theory, the truth would seem to be drowned out by alarmist exaggeration.
I don’t go as far as keeping a tally of the natural variations of Atmospheric CO2 due to Oceanic Oscillations, but in addition to that, the effect of Man-Made emissions would be only 2 percent of that that the BBC would mislead you to think.
The BBC misleads you about the fact that the reason man-made emissions do not seem to be part of any apparent increase is because the Atmosphere/Ocean ratio of CO2 is in a mixing cycle period of five years with the upper Ocean, with the Atmosphere being only one part in fifty of that system.
Hudson may have mentioned that at some point in the past. He is known to be the best qualified scientists at the BBC, when it comes to causational Climate science. I think that’s why he was chosen by someone naïve, as first choice for those Climategate emails. But I have read the above in a book, and Piers Corbyn has mentioned the 50 ratio on Weatheraction.
He means Paul Hudson BBC Yorkshire meteorologist and blogger, presenter of radio weather show.
Once skeptical, but seems been leant on to toe the catastrophe line
Paul Homewood is Yorkshire climate blogger NotalotofPeopleKnowThat
– Use a large number ‘25,000 abusive messages’ but then two thirds were really nasty. So 16500 were really nasty – but uses the word ‘intimidation’ – but does not link to report to say what ‘intimidation’ means. I would be interested in the ‘threat of violence’ numbers.
Anybody seen this propoganda crap from the bBC: From Syria torture to UK art success Hasan Abdalla says his positive experiences in the UK caused him to completely redefine his artwork and achieve much more than he had in Syria.
Hasan Abdalla had a well-equipped studio in the garden outside his Damascus flat; every morning he would walk past orange, apple, pear and pomegranate trees, to paint inside or in the open when the weather was fine. Now he paints in the bedroom of the south London bedsit where he has been living since he was granted asylum. It’s much noisier, and he finds that the sounds from the Iceland loading station in front of the house and the railway tracks behind are often distracting. He has tried listening to music or singing to himself to drown out the noise, but on the whole it has been a difficult period for painting. He misses his wife and three sons, whom he hasn’t seen since his hurried departure from Syria in July 2011. He finds London an inspirational place, but he also feels disoriented and alone.
Every stretch of wall in his small flat is covered with the artworks he managed to bring with him, and a few that he has done since arriving here. Beneath his bed he keeps rolled-up 3m canvases. The small kitchen table is covered with old newspaper, ready for him to start painting, but at the moment this happens rarely.
When you are dependent on jobseeker’s allowance, painting is an expensive habit. In Syria, Abdalla regularly exhibited with two galleries, and made a good living from selling his work. But his reputation has not travelled with him, and although he has had pictures exhibited in three galleries here, he has sold very little. For three months he went by bus every Sunday to Bayswater Road, with as many paintings as he could carry, to try selling them on the park railings. It was a dispiriting experience, since the pictures got battered on the journey; and although passersby made appreciative comments, they rarely bought pictures.
In Syria and Libya, Abdalla sold his work for around £2,500. He has sold only four pictures since coming to England, each for a fraction of that price. Despite these difficulties, he knows that fleeing Syria, and paying an agent £20,000 of his savings, was the right thing to do. Two of his friends, who had been with him on a protest march in 2011, were shot by the authorities. He had spent time in prison in 2010, and been badly beaten. He was sacked from his job as a university lecturer because he failed security checks. Following his departure, his flat was searched and one of his sons arrested.
He has been supported by the Red Cross and thinks he is lucky to have ended up in England. “People are friendly. They try not to make you feel like a stranger.”
“Britain can deal with its Isis returnees. But not by killing them”
States a writer in TWLLV, also known as comment is free but Muslims are sacred.
“Richard Barrett is former director of global counter-terrorism at MI6”
Another overpaid lefty trougher in the wrong job.
ISIS action “is directed not at the overwhelming majority of Muslims and non-Muslims who find its actions and ideology repellent.” “overwhelming majority of Muslims”, best laugh on BBBC this year to date. Total bollox.
I will spare you an analysis of the remainder, I will also save you the trouble of reading it yourself.
100% surrender attitude. From a Grade A ***t.
No comments allowed.
At the end of the second world war, we did not release Nazi officers back into the German population.
Mostly we brought them back to the UK and processed them, only when we were sure they were de-nazified were they shipped back to Germany.
These UK prison camps didn’t close to 1948/49 or something.
There were hundreds of thousands of German military personnel and German civilians who were re-categorised as “Disarmed Enemy Combatants” instead of POWs so they fell outside the protection of the Geneva Convention and starved to death after the war, in French and American camps. The “camps” were just fenced off pieces of open land, these men weren’t war criminals as they were taken out if identified and actually received fairer treatment.
There is a very good book about the “Rhinemeadows Camps” by the Canadian James Baque, called “Other Losses”.
Like Brexit and Trump…this is the kind of issue that splits us into the sane and the scum.
Of course they need killing out there-who wants returning traitors apart from the BBC and their mates?
The BBC continue to ask questions that nobody in the real world out here would think of.
If the BBC raise it-it`ll be a crock of pox.
… Amber Rudd needs to close the site down that promotes illegal behaviour. Amber Rudd the is promoting activities that go against the UK law and moral codes and is using it’s site to promote a story that is 7 days old. The BBC also fails to write about the negative aspects of sharing women and does not offer women the ability to have multiple men … what about equality in Islam?
Funny how in a media fest of how males in the Uk can only be misogynist None of which are worthy of a police investigation. (Not saying its right, but that is the fact) An actual example of misogyny and everybody is pointing at the Tory party and shouting “Look squirrel”
Had they been able to foresee the outcome, the BBC would have announced their coverage of the Under 17s World Cup final on Saturday afternoon with the warning ‘This programme contains scenes which some viewers may find distressing’.
‘Some viewers’ would have been the self-hating, race-baiting hard Left who seek to divide and destroy good old Blighty with their endless spewing of sick, clapped out mantras that for some mysterious reason seem so appealing to Jeremy Corbyn voters: ‘Racists! Little Englanders! Knuckle-dragging nationalists! Islamophobes’ – and the rest of their tedious bile-filled slogans.
For what did we see at the end of the game? A victorious England team, led by a black captain draped in an England flag, running to the Calcutta crowd where they were greeted by ecstatic locals in their England shirts, waving their England flags.
Look and learn, BBC, from your own broadcast, and the next time you invite some Common Purpose boneheaded foghorn of the fascist Left onto one of your programmes, challenge them with that amazing scene – for that is England: not racist, not divided, not unequal, but a land where all are welcomed and will have the same opportunities as anyone else if they buy into the culture that binds us together and has made England a beacon of fairness, justice and democracy.
Hate to say this footy lovers-but I noted that Pep Guardiola seemed rather happy that Englands youth team beat the Spaniards.
I`d have thought he`d have been cheesed off, being a Spaniard.
But no-he`s a Catalan isn`t he?
Who`s going to tell Rajoy, and therefore force Pep to cry manly tears-or face some of Francos Funsters.
Did you know that Juan Carlos took over from an ailing Franco this very day in 1975?
Spooky…or is it?
Here`s Baccara with their hit song-who tell us more about Spain than any amount of BBC floaters , are cheaper and much nicer people i`m sure.
PS-am told there`s a sad picture of Dec out doing his “shopping for one”.
Has there been a sadder story this century thus far? Our Chi Chi and Ann Ann.
I myself will be running over cakes on a unicycle in a fortnights time to win a Record breaking Lunchtime Achievement Award-and I hereby pledge all moneys raised to getting Dec a “Cooking For One” Delia course book as well as a reduced Dominos Deal that will get his pizzas cut in half before they`re sent.
Poor Dec-which one is he again?
They reported on the Spacey story at length at the beginning of Toady, as if this were important news. A famous actor tried it on with someone thirty years ago and is homosexual? Who gives a flying f**k, how dumbed down can you get? Radio 4 should be highbrow, not an audio version of Hwat magazine. Of course they had a reporter on the ground in LA.
They always demand apologies for thought criminals for the most minor jokes or supposedly ‘offensive’ uttering. Can we have an apology for 9 months of fake news about Trump and Russia? A pathetic, poisonous tantrum from the side which lectures us about ‘micro aggressions’ and ‘offensiveness.’
The way I see it Beeb is that they are having to target an audience that loves the celeb crap as the rest of the population worked out a while ago what complete tosh it comes out with on the core issues of the day. Radio 4 in general has lost the respect of anybody with a modicum of intelligence and therefore is going for a different audience just to keep the listener figures respectable.
My head still spins from the Radio 4 show that told me that penguins were in danger of extinction-and this was somehow related to their being “too much ice”!
This apparently is due to -well carbon warming or climate emissions I suppose.
Look-it doesn`t matter-just words into the air.
Didn`t Bowie and Eno just throw words into the air when they wanted a lyric?
That`s the BBC that is.
Can I be the first to demand a retrospective posthumous pardon for Brian Epstein? Don`t think he was actually convicted of being a-well, whatever he was.
But I feel his pain-and I want compo for that-and for him too.
We need a Brian Epstein topiary in Sturgeons back garden-NOW!
No disrespect to Mr Epstein but from what I read in the “news”?papers years ago he was a drug addicted homo. So had he lived I’m sure he would by now be Sir Brian or Lord Epstein.
Hello! I think Paul McCartney just threw a brick through my window. Or was it just the sound of a gun being loaded?
“May keeping cards close to her chest on Brexit, says Jones”
Time for another referendum? This time do we get rid of the Welsh Assembly ?
Vote ‘like’ for yes.
great day at the BBC. Someone who briefly worked for Trump did not pay taxes. But What the BBC News does not say is that:
>be #PaulManafort
>worked for the Democratic Podesta brothers lobbying for Ukraine
>committed crimes while working for the Podesta brothers
>got employed by President Trump to help with presidential campaign
>got fired by President Trump when he finds out
Got to love the BBC.
As they put old Paul Manifest at the top of the Red Button….why, I for one simply am following the snuff trail with them.
Ukraine, Steele, Benghazi, Hillary and all the rest-well, I for one have no recollection!
I have an image of them taking turns to paint RAF roundels on each others Liam Gallager parkas with Tippez and blagged nail varnish from the Bow Street runners. Oblivious where all this will lead and end up-but we know the fuse is lit now, and will will be fun sometime soon. Don`t forget though to fuss to order for them once in a while-this one is going to blow nicely soon.
Don`t tell them though….let them paint those targets and adopt the dodo pose.
Currently the CS at the bBC are crying into their spilt milk over how Israel has killed a load of the Usual Suspects as they dug a huge glory hole in which to kill the Jew. Gaza: Palestinian militants killed as Israel hits tunnel
As per usual the bBC whilst refusing to call a terrorist a terrorist. they have no problem finding fault with the Jew:
1)The Israeli military said the “terror tunnel” was still under construction when it was “neutralised”.
2)Israel is using sophisticated measures to thwart tunnels dug by militants.
3)The conflict left at least 2,251 Palestinians dead – including more than 1,462 civilians, according to the UN – and 11,231 injured. On the Israeli side, 67 soldiers and six civilians were killed, and up to 1,600 injured.
4) Israel is building a huge barrier along its border with Gaza aimed at preventing militants tunnelling underneath it.
5) An Islamic Jihad statement said the tunnels were “part of the policy of deterrence to defend the Palestinian people” and accused Israel of a “dangerous escalation”,
And here is what the bBC doesn’t tell you, the tunnel was blown up inside…Israel. (Even the Arab media mentions that )
BREAKING: Moments ago, the IDF neutralized a Gazan terror tunnel inside Israel from Khan Younis – a grave violation of Israeli sovereignty
Please help me!
BBC getting excited over Papadopolous This may be the real blockbuster
By Anthony Zurcher, BBC News, Washington
Please help me!
1. Why are his meetings damning but the media sees no “collusion” with Russians by the Clinton campaign in funding the Pissgate dossier?
2. Given the existence of the Pissgate dossier why is it suggested that the Russians were out to help Trump?
Please help me – I just do not understand. Aaaaaagh!!
7:30pm What’s Weird on Inside Out tonight ?
REGIONAL editions
BBC Inside Out West
– An investigation into the violent gangs running phone lines where you can order in drugs, like ordering a pizza.
– Last year Josh went to Syria to fight terrorists. So why did he end up on terrorist charges himself?
– Plus the men who adore My Little Pony.
BBC Inside Out South East
– people who have looked for love online and lost thousands of pounds to fraudsters
– story of life and death at a seaplane station in Newhaven, Sussex.
BBC Inside Out London
– 24 hours on the frontline of a hospital trauma unit.
– Dan Cruickshank discovers how a buried time capsule is revealing the secrets of a pioneering hospital.
– why shire horses are becoming an endangered species.
– Can recycling bottles help reduce the North East’s plastic mountain?
– the simple health check that is saving hundreds of lives across the region.
BBC Inside Out Yorkshire & Lincolnshire
– exclusive story of a major spinal operation which could help soldier and amputee Ben Parkinson to walk again.
– investigation of fire safety in a Yorkshire tower block
– the twins who have been taking part in the Born in Bradford study since birth.
BBC Inside Out North West
– rise in gun crime in Merseyside. Ten years after 11-year-old Rhys Jones was shot and killed in Liverpoolwhy teenagers continue to be victims of fatal shootings.
– 50 years since landmark legislation changed the law for homosexual men, the programme reveals the issues faced by people who are gay in rural Cumbria. (the gay farmer bloke)
– Tony Snell examines the curious case of the mystery skeletons which were uncovered at an archaeological dig in Runcorn.
BBC Inside Out East
– Monarch workers to find out how they are doing, nearly a month after the airline’s collapse.
– the man behind a property investment scheme that’s left savers thousands of pounds out of pocket.
– Finn the police dog who was injured in the line of duty and retired, but has since gone on to see near celebrity status.
BBC Inside Out East Midlands
– How safe are backpackers working on Australian farms? In 2016 Mia Ayliffe-Chung from Derbyshire was stabbed to death while working on farms to extend her visa. Her mother revisits the hostel where her daughter died and explains why she’s campaigning for change.
BBC Inside Out South
– tracks down the man behind a property investment scheme that has left savers thousands of pounds out of pocket
– national tree-climbing championship. What could possibly go wrong?
BBC Inside Out South West
– Jemma Woodman reports on the lifesaving work of a group of Cornwall rescuers
– The farm that time forgot in Dorset.
West Midlands
– Girl with Butterfly skin
– a controversial scheme one mother believes puts young backpackers at risk. Rosie Ayliffe’s daughter Mia was murdered at a remote hostel in Australia
“European Commission’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier.”
You see, he always gets the full title, unlike trump, farage or just boris.
Its those image setting words and phrases again, like Brexit described as car-crash, off-a-cliff, suicide, disaster, catastrophe. They just keep the subliminal messages dripping out, perhaps they think us leavers are thicker than the average remainers.
A “Barnier Rumble”.
These zombies of the political dead belong in that European Museum that won`t stand much longer after we`ve gone.
Mummies for the “Eurovision Room” when we were willing dupes and spineless sponges who lost our fishing fleets, our farms, our manufacturing. But gained the likes of Clegg, Cable, Corbyn and Clarke as “political leaders”.
At least Hess paid his own petrol for his helicopter to be a traitor…we`ll be paying for these brothel creeping nonces.
“Nick Clegg, Ken Clarke & Lord Adonis in Brussels for talks with the European Commission’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier.”
And so finally we discover the true faces of treachery and sedition at work – behaving like the Jesuits themselves, who for many hundreds of years of hook-and-by-crook deeds of trying to destroy the UK parliament – sneaking out the side door! Gotcha! Weasels!
FFS : BBC1 Amol Rajan is presenting the ONE Show now
This morning I tweeted
The problem with Start The Week is that is presented by a white person.
.. hang on Amol Rajan is presenting.
Funny kind of diversity at the BBC when every prog is presented by the same person.
Amol : “Coming up we will have an item from the filmmaker who made a film about refugees travelling thru Europe
..but right now we have an item about a Syrian refugee doctor ..who’s looking for work in North Teesside”
NHS bod “yes it’s cheaper to hire a foreign doctor like X, it will cost us £5K training as opposed to £250K for training a British doctor”**
Next item is refugee bloke who trekked from Turkey to UK
** Remember the German doctor Daniel Ubani who misprescribed and got struck off after he accidentlly killed a 70 year old man
Surely, no sensible person wants a repeat of what "Dr" Daniel Ubani did, do they? >>>>>>>>>>
— BigScooterCourier (@BigScootCourier) July 3, 2017
Seems to The One Show is a BBC Virtue Signal fest that almost no one watches
..On Sundays Countryfile generates dozens of tweets per minute
Yet searching on BBCTheOneShow and BBCOneShow just gave me about 40 tweets for the whole prog tonight.
Bet people have voted with their feet.
While the BBC is busy trying to be INCLUSIVE, I’m betting many minorities are EXCLUDING themselves by watching Urdu channel, black channels, gay channels etc.
How can the BBC be 1% Urdu if 50% of it’s Urdu marketplace are away watching and working for those specialist channels ?
same for other minorities.
BBC “Oh it’s terrible that men are touching their work colleagues ”
… Hang on are managers responsible for creating an industry with a very “touchy feely” culture
eg the first thing I see is A male presenter with the arm of his female colleague who is married to someone else.
It’s the One Show’s Twitter logo
I’m an ancient so I can remember a time when it was being reported by the opinion makers that the British were so reserved and uptight that if they accidentally brushed against someone on a bus or train they would die of embarrassment and that we needed to be more relaxed and shed our stiff upper lip attitude.
Sounds a bit like we may have managed to do that and said stiffness has traveled somewhat south but still the opinion makers don’t like it.
“Ah yes” I can hear them shout “but there is a difference between scratching your arse and scratching the skin off” Well, as usual, they started it and they’re still at it so live with the consequences you dopey twats.
When Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn refused to attend this week’s dinner in London to mark the centenary of the Balfour Declaration, a dinner to which Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been invited as the guest of Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May, Corbyn said Labour’s shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry would attend in his place.
What else would anybody expect Lucy?
This is “setting ourselves up to fail”. The Left don`t play by our games, rules, conventions or protocols-so why the heck does dear Melanie expect them to?
At least Labour are consistent here-they are total Jew-baiting scum, and Bibi really should not have sent them an invite.
The buggers would probably only bring Semtex-if Israel and the Jews don`t yet know by now what awaits their state and people if the likes of Nugee and Corbz get any power-then they`re a bit thick aren`t they?
Lucy Pevensey
Some of you do.
Notice how he says “cooler tonight at 11 C but not as cold as Alaska at least………………..”
They always use the word “cooler” instead of “colder” . All part of Al Beeb’s global warming propaganda narrative.
Even if the British Police Force allows transgender applicants I won’t apply till they’ve thrown out those howwible ex-military types who simply make me faint! Well, those big gun things they carry scare me!
I couldn’t agree more. That’s one of the main reasons I don’t come on here very much these days, and just dip in and out occasionally. I simply haven’t got a clue what a lot of these posts are about – it’s as though they are in some sort of obscure foreign language. Perhaps I am getting a bit too old for all of this. The other thing is that most of the humour and piss-taking has gone as well, and it’s all become much too serious.
Lobby ….. I too find I don’t understand half what the comments are about, and too many ‘links’ to open up are being posted, – I don’t have the time or the inclination. Life is short and my time is valuable !!
Add my name to the list, too. I’m currently very busy, so have less time to spend keeping an eye on the BBC and all its works, but lately when I do come here I’ve found some of the posts almost impossible to understand and not really dealing with the BBC at all, merely being links to the latest flaps on social media. I do agree with JimS, Lobster, Taffman and Brissles about this.
I try to add the twitter text and the link it talks about, but I admit I’m getting tired following the links and copying the text. But by just adding the link it fails to record the text for posterity – if the link is removed or deleted this site will fail to show what the BBC were up to with their vague titles and exclusion of the word ‘terror’ for example.
Maybe Katty Kay of the BBC has the best idea and just use symbols in your tweet. ‘?’. Maybe the BBC are looking for all tweets to just be a ‘!’ or a ‘?’. I joked previously about the BBC using question marks at the end of the sentence to say what they wanted to happen, just using the question mark is the logical end I suppose.
. . . .
‘Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.
– Orwell, 1984
It’s worse than that Jim; just click your red heels and you’ll be back in the 50’s in no time.
No problematic old white men and ladies then. Apparently.
Just don’t say anything stupid, as Jasmine Lawerence doubtless would agree, at least in places the crinklies roam.
You do realise you are posting on an online blog? With hyperlinks to pertinent material?
And our state media uses social media in all its tarnished glory to censor, suppress or propagandise to taste using predominantly liberal outlets all their staff are on to garner what they will and shunt out or on a ckrding to narrative?
At least, unlike the BBC, such sites are free, and the option exists to pass on their content. Or bits that don’t appeal.
Just like this forum. See a quoted tweet? Don’t know how to handle it? Simply skip past. Or stick head in favoured sense deprivation medium. Like sand. And not come out unless to dip.
Or….you can have a whinge based on ignorance and start pushing for, what, how you like things done?
Just make sure you do the same if someone posts a URL from a BBC-supporting politician or The Graun.
Ignorance may for some be bliss; for others staying abreast of every tool in the media toolbox seems wise Intel.
Who knows? May be if David Cameron had stuck his head out the Westminster corridors, he would not now be a joke in a shed.
Yep. Even now I don’t get it sometimes. It only to seems makes sense if you follow the whole thread, which I can’t be bothered to do. And then it says must be logged in. Must be an age thing with me…
Remember the good old days, when the chaps in Chain Home preferred what Darby had heard down his ear trumpet and wrote about to the Thunderer the next day versus those confusing squiggles on Watson Watt’s oscillator that actually gave a useful heads up a bit earlier?
And don’t get anyone started on those codes Bletchley bothered folk with when all one needed was to read between Lord Haw Haw’s reliable broadcasts.
Don’t think I was knocking it at all Brissles. I was actually pointing out it was the core of the new system that once kept Britain informed in advance of threats.
It was those who didn’t like new-fangled stuff that was such a bother to deal with I was teasing more. But I am sure you knew that really.
As to the joys of care homes, with a mother who spent years in one and a godmother who recently went to a better place from one, I am well aware of what could await and needs bearing in mind. Not to be joked about lightly, or knocked.
‘Maturity’ is a useful word, isn’t it? It can mean old, or not, depending.
As another aged grumpy, I haven’t a clue what all the blue bits on a Twonker account mean either…
Funny thing, but as I’d read a load of other interesting bits from this site, I only realised this morning that I didn’t have a clue about what the subject was, as I don’t ‘twot or ‘bookface’…
It must be an age thing, but I thought trolls were confined to these mobile telephone things these days too. I have to make two phone calls from my phone every six months to keep the ‘line open’, so that’s two calls too many! That’s not going to make trolling worth while to the Scrobphone is it!
Trolling is a sad way to go, rather like the spotty fat boy, jumping into a fight to punch a lesser mortal, often a girl, then running away dribbling with glee!
Guest, as usual, you are the fount of knowledge, and thank you for this advice!
I’ve actually lost my mobile phone (it was in the car), so can’t try and see what to do, but there again, I’d rather chat with you guys here, and read something interesting than waste time with some idiot in a small uni/school bedsit somewhere…
The final part of Inspector George Gently, set in the 1970s, was apparently deferred from its May schedule as ‘perhaps too political’. I wonder if the BBC would have come to that decision if the government in power at the time had not been Harold Wilson’s whiter-than white old Labour?
Now, don’t take this the wrong way, Lefty, in the light of current sex scandals and innuendo, but I’ve always had a soft spot for Martin Shaw. He is, or was – now that he’s got three large holes in his back – a very accomplished actor.
PS My mistake, apparently it was Ted Heath in ‘power’ at the time – though that only makes the BBC’s decision all the stranger. Couldn’t have been conscience, or concern for balance, surely?
Ah! Gottit. The MP at the heart of the scandal was Labour. Obvious when you think about it.
I like the George Gently series and when I saw this was the second part of two I thought I’d missed part one and then couldn’t find it on catch up.
Was the part one shown several months ago?
If so, could you remember what happened and did part 2 make sense?
Snowflake alert.
Jumping on the bandwagon alert.
Litigation and damages alert.
What have Sandy in Bedfordshire, Driffield in Yorkshire, and Market Drayton in Shropshire have in common with the Grenfell Tower fire?
Well, the population of each of those market towns is about 11,000.
Which is apparently, according to bBBCLondon, also the number of people needing mental health support becuase of the effects of the Grenfell Tower fire on them.
Now the death toll is now set to be under 100. Tragic yes, but in context aboutbthe aame as about 3 weeks worth of road fatalities. But 11000 people needing support? The equivalent of a whole market town?
Errr. Sorry. No.
But don’t hold your breath for the virtue-signallers at the bBBC to be querying this nonsense.
Now, I like Irish people, so that’s got my retaliation in first…
But there was a lovely story years ago about a two-seater plane crashing into a graveyard near Limerick. Police have so far recovered eighty-three bodies…
Stunning response by Hillel Neuer to Arab accusers (‘apartheid’, ‘ethnic cleansing’ and the rest of their absurd, meaningless, warmongering mantras) at the UN.
Thank you for posting Stew. I think twitter is for the time being, a useful platform. Until they completely squash free speech there it allows you to see there are others in the world not taken in by leftist narrative.
Twitter is one place you can tell the BBC off and there is nothing they can do about it. It’s far more useful than HYS.
Ah yes, the Plastic Prof who obviously believes the scientific method doesn’t apply to the man-made global warming hypothesis.
Like Attenborough, he’s another who has sacrificed reason and impartiality for money or fame or for the sake of maintaining a preening self-regard – in Cox’s case, all three.
Does it have anything to do with the biases of the BBC?
If I take the link text at face value it relates to 50 people being rude about Brian Cox. So what? I don’t particulary like the Cheshire Cat but I’m sure he’s not all bad. Perhaps it’s the actor chappy? I quite like him as an actor but he can keep his politics to himself.
Hmm, what to do? Follow a link to who knows where, that no doubt will be just a chain of hashtags and a few words, that a) it won’t be imediately apparent what they mean, or b) said by whom, or c) about what. What a waste of time.
Cripes, someone got out of bed the wrong side today.
Still, it has been a fair while since the forum has been graced by a self-appointed outside house monitor, with obligatory ad hom topping.
Prof. Cox is of course a BBC part-time employee, and often cited on matters science on this basis, as well as using his position to comment on matters the BBC holds dear.
Which is pretty relevant.
But then finding an actual troll amusing suggests an interesting value set.
Jim S – my post above should have made clear that Cox abandoned all pretence at science when he took the BBC shilling and became a ‘climate change’ zealot. That’s where the BBC bias comes in – he’s become part of the deceit by abusing his position as a ‘scientist’.
With regard to complaints above of people putting twitter and facebook posts into comments – I personally am very grateful for it.
This blog is about reporting on and commenting on BBC bias – which includes following the BBC bias on ALL their official outputs INCLUDING SOCIAL MEDIA – such as twitter and facebook and whatever.
Social Media IS having a MAJOR IMPACT ON SOCIETY and it is Important to follow the BBC bias (propaganda) onto it.
In addition to this, influential BBC staff (reporters, producers …) should have their various social media accounts tracked for bias and conflicts of interests.
Unfortunately these are the signs of the times and if you want to understand fully what is going on we need people following social media.
All I will say in partial support of the complainants is that occasionally, an additional line or two of explanation would be appreciated.
As I have also mentioned in the past – maybe for those with a bit more time on their hands as well as expertise – they could consider developing linked websites focussing on different aspects of the BBC propaganda – maybe they could contact the technical volunteers supporting this site (through the contact us link) for advice.
The BBC is a multibillion pound, multi-media, multi-platform, multi-lingual, global propaganda outfit – and it is more or less impossible to keep track of all the propaganda they are producing.
ps I have just noticed this website has an “In Their Own Tweets” section – so maybe that section could be developed and posts detailing twitter could be added there. But I don’t know how many people go to that section – there seems to be no recent discussion/
I like the Twitter links cos I’m not on it, so enjoy reading some interesting and amusing comments. Quite easy to scan through posts that don’t interest you much. Like Maxis.
I use Twitter occasionally to put forward my own stuff which is not relevant here. But I note that so many BBC employees use it regularly to promote BBC bias. Additionally, there is much criticism of BBC bias on Twitter and Facebook, which is worth repeating.
Also remember that BBC news and reports are frequently based on Tweets from Trump and others.
As for complaints about conspiracy theories it is wise to go careful. Most governments and their supportive media dismiss as conspiracy theory alternative accounts of the news put out for mass consumption. What is often dismissed as conspiracy theory is frequently someone doing the job that investigative journos were supposed to do – ask bloody embarrassing questions and provide alternative stories which may fit the facts, In science we might call it ‘entertaining a plausible hypothesis
In response to Broadcasting on Behalf…..I too am on neither Twitter or FBook and happy to remain so. I think it important to be informed so happy for those posts to continue. But as you say, an explanation of why it is posted is usually helpful.
The problem isn’t so much the source of a comment – whether it’s Twitter, another blog or the BBC itself, but the way it is presented and whether it is on topic. If the presentation makes the sense obscure it is just adding noise to the signal.
GCooper I think there is some problem that people need to check what a quoted tweet looks like AFTER they have posted.
Cos it doesn’t look the same as they see on Twitter. Here the first image or link does show up
BUT if the tweet contains a quoted tweet ..then you need to post both the original aswell
There is a separate issue in that you may wish to post a tweet which is a reply to someone
but unfortunately the very first reply when posted here always has the initial tweet above itt, so you get 2 tweets when you only want to speak about one.
but mostly people should be able to spot and ignore the first one.
Copying a tweet link and positing here shows the tweet in full, with link embedded.
I sometimes have time to link the chain, but not always. It is not hard to follow if interested. Or leave if not. Certainly less time than posting how busy one is to be bothered not doing it.
Some are kind enough to add the link content, for which I thank them.
Whilst this great nation goes through its biggest battle for freedom since the Second World War, the nation’s media, press and government use this so-called news to bury Brexit beneath these headlines …………..
“Michael Fallon ‘apologised for touching journalist’s knee”
How many women use sex to get to the job that they want and aspire to ?
I have often heard women use this term about other women “she slept her way to the top “.
It works both ways.
If the Beeb want to put Fallon at the top of their website Home page, why not report matters of national importance, such as:
a) Defence cuts
b) the Government holding secret talks about flogging off Royal Navy warships
c) the Government signing up by stealth to the EU military union (see Veterans for Britain for information).
“How many women use sex to get to the job that they want and aspire to?…It works both ways.”
Of course, because if we’ve learnt one thing over the last few weeks; it’s that young female actors were just begging to watch Harvey Weinstein wank off in the shower.
Maxicony has been fisting in the shower.
There is an important issue here regarding a distinction between non- consentual sex and unwanted sex.
But why discuss it with a dope like Maxicony?
The Beeb breathlessly reports that Fallon touched someone’s knee!
This is starting to feel like an episode of Brass Eye. Molestageddon. Someone touched a woman’s knee once! What next, a man looked an attractive woman for a bit too long once or accidentally viewed mild pornography?
Isn’t the #Metoo nauseating? It has just become a massive man-hating orgy, an excuse for mass Narcissism and emotional incontinence. Women never exploit their sexuality to get their way with men – never! The idea that they might in any way use their wiles among rich and powerful men is absolutely ridiculous.
Just do what Bill Clinton did – “I ask you to turn away from the spectacle of the last 7 months.”
– 7 months? Just change to period required. e.g. 15 years for Fallon!
“This matter (releasing man fluids over a young intern in the white house and other sexual advances on other ladies) is between me and the two people I love most. My wife and our daughter and our God.” @2:39
If the BBBC are so concerned about sexual harrassment, then why do they keep showing as much arse – both male and female – to get viewers interested? Why do they keep wanting to get as close to a TV proper shag without ‘offending’ the taxpaying public?
The national assumption has always been that if you want to be an actress, then get ’em off, and if you want to be a stud in a crap soap, then do the same – but not nessecarily in that order.
What a pathetic ‘story’ the BBC is whingeing about. They were among the worst culprits when Savile was leering at kids, and took not a blind bit of notice. Will the BBBC show another clip of Suzannah Reed flashing her knicks? Then doing it agan as an action replay?
Steady, all you islamophobes out there, don’t choke on your cornflakes. Our Mo Farah is coming home. The BBC see this relocation from the states as fanatstic headline news (and not quite so BBC-newsworthy is Mo’s dropping of his controversial drug allegation embattled coach). It’s a pity but this story really just draws attention to the fact that our Mo has been abroad for much of the time that the BBC as idolised him as a British hero.
Mo Farah was last night under pressure to fully explain missing two drugs tests after it emerged his doorbell would have been rung up to seven times when he failed to answer it to anti-doping officials before London 2012.
The crisis engulfing the double Olympic champion intensified yesterday, with it also being revealed that he avoided being banned from the scene of his greatest triumph because he was deemed not to have evaded testers at his Teddington home in early 2011.
That would have been shortly after he began working with Alberto Salazar, the coach who was this month accused of doping some of his other athletes.
Can’t help but think if he was a white, English athlete who expressed right-of-centre views on Twitter, the BBC would quickly be into reminder mode every time his name got mentioned.
Instead, the BBC Memory Hole was cranked into overdrive and it has all faded into mist….
Damning words there from the father of a paralympian. In further sports news this morning the BBC are forced to acknowledge that one of their super-precious pet projects could be as bent as a hairpin. Now let’s just get this straight – disabled people doing sports is generally a good idea. But when wheelchair racing is promoted by the desperately virtue-signalling likes of the BBC as an equivalent of the real thing then we have problems. Let’s be honest, sport these days is more corporate than corinthian. The audience is guilt-tripped into support for the nonsense. Athletes have been cheating – exaggerating their disabilities – or so the BBC has suddenly discovered. That of course doesn’t happen in utopia. But human nature will tend to make the sportsman do all he can to win the acolades. How long before some sap cuts his own legs off to win gold? We know the lefty-minded are oblidged to cheer for paralympics and women’s football and if they like it then us poor saps are evil bigots if we won’t take our medicine prescribed by the left. But perhaps we instinctively understand human nature a little better than the naive BBC crowd who have gone all misty-eyed for the paralympics.
Personal declaration – I am not physically disabled and not involved in sport
I agree that al Beeb over eggs the para sports stuff – in the same way they do with girlies playing footy and now the kids. They have a big sports department to pay and justify . However – I do admire the people who carry a disability and apply themselves to competitive sport – particularly those who have been injured fighting for Blighty for whom I thank for their efforts.
Toady watch
– personal declaration – I am RC
The head girl had a chat with the arch bish of cantab about Luther – a tv show I have seen- apparently the Christian church split because of it …. any way the head girl used the interview to generally undermine and dismiss Christianity in accordance with principles of al beeb . The false prophet in the room – who never had a mention -was Islam and it’s current project of taking over Blighty with our Implied consent.
ScrobleneFeb 24, 20:03 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Rumour has it that TTK, when some sort of lawyer, made sure that the killer’s parents stayed in the UK…
ScrobleneFeb 24, 20:00 Start the Week 24th February 2025 It could be worse, Tomo, with Major’s shirt tucked into his ‘Y’Fronts! Actually, come to think of it, Starmer’s flies…
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tomoFeb 24, 19:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I rather hope TTK manages a stupid faux pas like Broon’s trousers tucked into his socks when he alighted from…
Fedup2Feb 24, 19:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Nice to see macron getting the basic greeting as opposed to the full White House welcome with DJT / 47…
tomoFeb 24, 19:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 madly scampering for all the good it’ll do them…. Comey, McCabe , Strzok , Page and the guy who set…
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Charlie FarleyFeb 24, 18:47 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Obnoxious Barry Gardiner (£500k from China) on Michelle Dewsbury GBnews with Rupert Lowe……Liebour on a mission to discredit Reform ……Rupert…
Got to love the bBC:
Kevin Spacey apologises over Anthony Rapp ‘sexual advance’ claim
The Buggering British Children could have reported the above as:
A 14 year old gay boy just happened to go to a Discovery party in Hollywood which was packed to the rafters with gay men. He claims he was bored so went to the bedroom of the man hosting the party to watch TV, where shock horror after everybody else had left ,the Usual Suspect tried to Pay it forward with this American beauty , however the Big kahuna didn’t get his way with the Working girl because at double the age of Se7en he couldn’t be a Consenting adult. resulting in the Baby driver doing an LA Confidential when he approached the Shipping news with this story about how he had a Margin call with the Rebel in the Rye over a Doomsday gun. He’s now seeing a Shrink
Talk about Swimming with sharks.
Kevin Spacey’s gay? I am shocked. At least I know the Pope’s a communist.
Arrh Rob, but is he a Proddy Commannist urr a Catlik Commannist?
Whae shud be tolld!
BBC neglects to:
Question the use of “He was trying to seduce me…” seduce ?, you mean arse rape.
Point out if the accuser is also homosexual, and if so how he ended up one, was working from 6 years old surrounded by sickos a factor?
Note the hilarious oxymoron in Spacey saying he was living as a GAY MAN
Family Guy Calls Out Kevin Spacey Back In 2005
They’re coming out (!!) of the woodwork now…get the popcorn.
I was interested that the bBBC used the following snippet in their article:
“Rapp said he was able to go to the bathroom before he left.”
Am I missing something here – is it significant in some way…code for something? Or is it implying that he didn’t run out screaming straight away and therefore shares some blame?
Maybe it’s all related in the BBC mind … Woman trapped in (bathroom) window trying to retrieve poo after Tinder date { 05sep2017} or ‘“Rapp said he was able to go to the bathroom before he left.”
…and “Spacey said he was able to go to the bathroom for a Crapp” too 😉
Family Guy calls out Bruce Jenner in 2009. Bruce Jenner came out as a “trans woman” in 2015 and changed his name to Caitlyn Jenner later in the same year.
The last line of the clip is particularly salient. Family Guy to US soldiers heading to Iraq and elsewhere to fight terrorism with Obama and others saying they are fighting to protect US society: “I Just want to remind you fellas what you’re all fighting for”
I remain intrigued that it all goes away because he says he was bladdered.
Maybe he is hoping to get the same judge that let off that girl gang who tore a white girl’s hair out?
But given their faith and Kev’s newly outed preferences this may not end well.
Certainly a top trumps dilemma in the bbc Amol the merrier media camp.
When life comes at you Fast…
Still, he and Roman Polanski stage a two man show at the Old Vic, it is sure to get a standing ovation from Meryl and the rest of the girls.
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More posts from this morning
8pm “Is Britain Full ?” Channel 4 Dispatches with Michael Buerk
8pm BBC4 90 min special honouring the US soldier who deserted in Afghanistan
8pm Radio 4 Europe Unbound : change after Britain leaves. “The wind is back in Europe’s sails”, according to Juncker
Bergdahl – a BBC hero.
No need to waste time watching
Nisa’s comment
\\The story of the US Army sergeant’s return to America in 2014 after being held in captivity by the Taliban for five years,
when he was vilified in sections of the media as a traitor and faced a court-martial on charges of desertion and endangering the lives of fellow soldiers.
Film-maker Sean Langan gained access to Bergdahl and his parents Bob and Jani to present a tale of a soldier who made a mistake and paid a terrible price,
and about a family caught in a storm of false allegations and fake news.//
Which is a long way of saying that Trump is the villain?
Good article a couple of weeks or so back from Mark Steyn in regards to Bergdahl.
Britain is full to overflowing. I am sick to death of being lied to by the BBC, The rest of the MSM, the government and the rest of the political elite. They claim, and some cretins believe them, that as a country we are wealthier owing to mass migration, that our housing shortage and the strain on public services is not due to mass immigration. They claim we have been culturally enriched by mass migration. So people being murdered and thousands of girls being raped are enrichment are they? Banning old hymns like Onward Cristian Soldiers , is enrichment is it ? Our service personnel being advised not to wear service dress outside their secure base , is enrichment is it? Old celebrations involving blacking up banned , is enrichment is it ? Children being served Halal meat , is enrichment is it.
Sadly I could go on and on and on. We , the indigenous Brits , were never asked whether we wanted mass migration into our country. We weren’t asked because the elite knew that we would have said NO. But they went ahead in secret . Now we are supposed to welcome people into our midst who despise us and our culture. If we don’t we are said to be racists. If we as much as frown at the invaders we are guilty of hate crime and hunted down by our increasingly repressive police force. If we seek to stand up for our culture and ourselves we are denigrated by the elite. How much more are supposed to take?
Not sure whether anyone else picked this up from Question Time last week, but one of the questions raised related to whether we should allow people who had left this country to fight in Syria/ Iraq for IS back into this country.
Everyone who spoke from the audience said “No” in their own way.
Everyone on the panel said they should be allowed back into the country.
Nota. This is what is telling:
UK: British Government to reward returning ISIS terrorists in attempt to lure them away from a life of holy jihad
Terrorist given treats to stop them terrorising. Truly is a halloween story here.
The father-of-four (Anjem Choudary preaching hate 1999-2016) takes home more than £25,000 a year in benefits and lives in a £320,000 house in Leytonstone
Operation Constraint – a ‘pilot scheme’
Whoever came up with this insane idea, and agreed to pilot it, should suffer the same fate as the returning terrorists (and I don’t mean free council houses).
Nofan, yes I noticed exactly the same thing, the audience using good old fashioned common sense and the panel bogged down in the legality of the situation. Its easy enough to solve the legal issue if there is the political will – just change the law. I assume if we declare war on Islamic State then anybody who goes off to fight with them can be lawfully taken out?
I’m highly suspicious that our establishment is gestating civil war. We have good reason to suspect they are working toward the deliberate breakdown of our civilisation. Then they can play saviours & offer us solutions in return for our surrender and obedience. ‘Order out of chaos. ‘
Or maybe they are just bat-shit crazy?
lucy I think im with you
how can we have open borders and a welfare state one or the other has to go
and a civil war would allow them to renege on the promises of the past without carrying the can
I have said before that I don’t think our politicians are capable of the long-term vision that would be required to foment civil war or to implement the Koudenhove-Khalergi plan of pan-European population replacement. Some may be in favour of this (though I think support is largely from academics and theorists) but as Douglas Murray points out, most politicians don’t look any further than tomorrow’s headlines. Mr Murray also suggests that Merkel’s Millions are the result of little more than Merkel not wanting the news to carry pictures of German border guards behind wire fences turning away refugees.
I would like to share your optimism. It’s easy to believe our politicians are only self-serving & lack vision but they are without a doubt, fostering Islam. And Islam eventually descends a country into civil war (if there is effective resistance). It’s the usual pattern. There are too many models both historical & contemporary to put my concern about the future down to mere speculation & conspiracy theory.
I think Murray’s suggestion is actually the case. The German BBC’s were full of mindless metaphysical debate about the “effectiveness of walls and fences in the 21st century” Some commentators actually seemed to think that the laws of physics would be suspended by the Gutmensch collective thinking nice thoughts and the new arrivals would walk through any barrier like ghosts. Barbed wire fences and armed border guards did not chime well with Willkommenskultur and the “moral superpower” rhetoric.
Cranmer – I think we have a political/ruling class ( mainly drawn from the “new model” liberal establishment) which do not identify with either the concept of being British in any way, shape or form. They have an insatiable sense of entitlement and see themselves as the “natural leaders” of us little people. They are used to making easy money via establishment jobs, or getting the establishment to work for them. They generally live in “better quality” areas and thus never really experience the day to day challenges that living cheek by jowl with an alien (and often hostile) culture and all the problems that brings to a society.
Consequently they can rule in the style of whatever the current liberal “fashionable” theory is and if it all goes wrong it matters not to them. Because of their financial muscle and connections – they can move pretty much wherever they want..
We all know that only an idiot would allow these murderers and rapists back into this country . and that is what exactly our leaders seem to be. Unfortunately high level qualifications do not seem to confer common sense and in their case only immeasurable arrogance. To understand them we need to realise that they have no loyalty to our country or culture only to eachother, their own opinions and their own bank balances. I am afraid abject surrender by our ruling class is always a practical solution as it means that they can go back to “business as usual” and it is always someone elses child/father/mother/sister that gets it.
No sensible person would reward a 6 ear old for breaking a window , so why reward rapists and murders for what they have done. Surely an adult would more fully understand the consequences of his actions? What message does this send?.
Unfortunately for the rest of us we only have one country and one chance to get this right which is why we need to resist these idiots and their “compassionate idiocy” to the end.
the left have been fomenting revolution for some time. It is slow burn ideological revolution starting with the re-education of our youth, the infiltration of all of our major institutions (including the ‘establishment’) leading to the imposition of thought crime, which as it can be subjective, means that they get to decide who’s guilty. In short, everyone who does not subscribe to their social justice narrative – you, me, everyone on this site for starters. The Diptera in the ointment is that there are (still) many more of us than there are of them – and – their weapon of choice is Twatter and Farcebook, where they can conjure up a formidable army of powder puffs, protected within their safe spaces with the few books that they haven’t burnt. They are media warriors who can verbalise violently but will never stand on the wall, like we can.
Spot on, Honestus. The more people you tell to go and look up ‘Cultural Marxism’ the sooner the country will wake up to what is going on. Hopefully it’s not too late, but I have my doubts judging by how Generation X and the Snowflakes have been brainwashed into their love affair with Corbyn.
I agree it’s an either or if ever there was one. But whichever it is we are all going to suffer.
The latter.
For me we should stop talking about Britain as it really doesn’t exist as a country anymore only as a land mass.
England is the country that is suffering uniquely from overpopulation.
Scotland is of course sparsely populated which is why the SNP can play to the gallery on the immigration issue, as it really isn’t an issue at all north of the border.
It depends what you mean by issue. The small village in which my grandparents lived in the Scottish Borders now has a Polski Sklep and a vibrant Polish community. Its presence or absence would have an infinitesimal effect on the immigration figures, but 10 Poles in a village with 100 inhabitants is a significant cultural change. No wonder the SNP sets such great store by “civic nationalism” – it captures the Polish vote while indigenous Scots make their way to England and other destinations.
The German media largely ignore Brexit as they claim Britain was never really part of “Europe”. This is, of course, true, but I have never heard any remainer explain why if the UK is not part of the promised Euroland so many EU citizens seek employment in the UK rather than the EU utopia in which they live. Surely, UK citizens should be emigrating en masse to EU paradise before the sky falls in.
Like the song says. “Somethings Gotta Give” and oh boy do we know who the mainstream media and the deep state will come gunning for when the shit hits the fan. We really do need to ask ourselves who benefits from all this. Are we being subjected to this stupidity for ideological or economic motives, neither of which are valid. There must be a group of people who wield more power than our elected government because whichever party takes “power” the policies remain the same. We’re missing something here.
That’s the point Lefty. Who benefits from this serious massive long term shift in the nature of the British way of life? Why are the BBC refusing to accept that massive immigration puts a huge strain on every aspect of our nation, from GPs to schools to hospitals to care homes. Why is multiculturalism a good thing? Who is applauding the fact that London is now 60 percent Muslim? And exactly who does the BBC represent when it constantly runs against the will of the majority to leave the EU? And how can the same organisation that constantly promotes wimmin’s issues also celebrate a gender free agenda?
All we have established here is that we are both asking the same questions. What we want are the answers. There must be people who know the answers but for whatever reasons they ain’t saying.
Lefty and Marmite,
In his otherwise excellent book The Strange Death of Europe, Douglas Murray cannot answer the question you put with any realistic explanation. He thinks that political shortsightedness allowed mass migration of alien cultures in response to the need for cheap labour. Then under various government, but particularly Blair’s, the flood gates were opened for ideological not economic reasons. Now it is toxic amongst the political and cultural elite to oppose mass immigration , particularly from the third world. DM thinks that the leading politicians know it is a disaster and that we are heading onto the rocks but they can’t bring themselves to admit their mistake.
This seems a very weak explanation to me. Just as is his view that Merkel didn’t want to be seen as using border guards to keep refugees out by force and so opened the flood gates. Like both of you I think that there has to be more to it than that. Demographics may be one factor, but surely the sensible response , particularly for rich countries like Germany With small immigrant populations , would have been to use large financial incentives and lavish state support to increase the birth rate of the indigenous population. No , we are as you say missing the key factor. I wonder about the influence of Saudi oil and money. Perhaps there are even more sinister factors at work.
I agree with you. How many ex-politicians end up poor? There always seem to be various sinecures and “speaking fees” for them.
The Saudis only have to spend a few billion dollars in the right places and they can ensure the islamisation of Western Europe. Has there ever been a cheaper or easier campaign of conquest and colonisation?
No I can’t think of one example when a state of 60 million plus and indeed a whole continent of 500 million , has been sold down the river by its leaders.
Doublethinker – Britain is full to overflowing…….
Well one Sonia Sodha – (ex senior policy advisor to Ed Miliband) her of the wide eyed overtures when arguing her point as a frequent talking-head, said last week on Sky when reviewing the papers on the housing crisis, that there are plenty of green fields in this country that haven’t been built on !!!!! This is the type of reaction we get from those who have no history here, but because of an accident of birth at being born here, can tell us (again) what to do.
(sorry, my comment appears to have inserted itself further down the list !!!)
Sodya is just one of the brain-dead nonentities that appear on Sky babbling incoherently.
If you started building houses to cope with hyper-enrichment on remote green-field sites with no infrastructure, no opportunies for work, etc. she would soon be claiming that the government was really building concentration camps to deal with the problem.
Is there anyone on Sky who does not want to prevent Brexit?
A British field and hedgerow with all the wildlife it supports , and to paraphrase Beethoven, the happy feelings it gives me and the sense of place and continuity it generates , is worth much more than a several million Sonia Sodha. In fact Sod her , she can bugger off if she doesn’t like it.
I watched the c4 thing about uk population . To examine this subject in the space of 25 minutes was an insult to the subject .
Brexit must come first – then try to figure out how to hold back the tide of people coming into my home town – London .
I actually think economic cycles are more likely to affect population rather than government meddling .
Call me old fashioned but ….it is half term in this area this week.
The Today programme was all about sexual harassment by MP’s; although I didn’t hear the programme (and would certainly have chosen Classic FM in preference), apparently Woman’s Hour was going to be about sex for couples in long standing relationships according to their trailer and the programme after that was going to be about erectile dysfunction. I am just grateful that I am no longer on the school run with a teenage boy or having the radio on Radio 4 whilst he was home on school holidays.
Several things that arise in this story:
1. On the highest figure I’ve seen quoted (36), that points to about 5% of the total number of MPs being miscreants. Whilst one misbehaving MP is obviously not good, this doesn’t suggest that Parliament is the cesspit of iniquity that the narrative seems to suggest
2. There has been no mention of police activity/ investigation, which is probably understandable at this point
3. The story is substantially media-led, possibly because there’s a Tory impact in it but also possibly also to deflect away from current Labour sleazy-stuff, where the Labour Party Chairman (Ian Lavery) would appear to have questions to answer.
That`s a pretty low level of perv there Nofan(that`ll be Welsh will it?). Can we postively discriminate and welcome more perv candidates to pinch ladies seats in Parliament so they better reflect the perv levels out here.
Of couse, none of us are near the BBCs model postive affirmative model…they seem to employ a hell of a lot of deviants, Savile only being their most successful exemplar.
But we can dream-do we dare?
PS-let`s look on the bright side-if they`re fumbling in each others pants, then their hands are out of our pockets and purses are they not?
And of course-they need only count to two…at tops…but most of them have only one or none at all…
Very crudely speaking, when I was a teenager back in the 1950s I had no sex instruction from my school, from my parents or from Woman’s Hour but somehow, miraculously, instinctively I knew how to fuck and so did my girlfriend and we knew we were in love.
We needed nobody to tell us how and to prove it we have four very grown up sons and we are still happily married. I never once told my boys how to fuck but somehow we now have 12 beautiful grandchildren. Even the beast in the field needs no instruction. So sex instruction? Just another fucking gravy train. The powers that be have deliberately fucked up the modern family and I want to know why.
Sorry about the language but I started my working life at age 15 on a building site. Happy days indeed.
The bBC and half a story:
Sudan US sanctions: Cancer patients and businesses hopeful
Sudanese music star Hawa Mohammed Adam hopes the lifting of US trade sanctions means she will no longer have to travel to Egypt to receive life-saving treatment for cancer. She was diagnosed with breast cancer last year and her extended family, friends and fans raised the money to send her to Cairo….Twenty-five years ago, the Kobani factory used to produce 100 tonnes of groundnut and sesame oil a day. But for the past five years it has not made a drop, as the company was unable to import spare parts from Europe because of trade embargoes…They were imposed in the 1990s for harbouring fugitives such as al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden, and included the freezing of all Sudanese government assets in the US and a ban on Washington’s allies trading with Khartoum.
Nasty US sanctions , hurting the little people the most , especially when they were all about OBL who has been dead 6 years. Yet Sanctions were first imposed on Khartoum in 1997, when it harboured fugitives including Osama bin Laden.
A further round was put in place in 2006 in response to Sudanese forces’ actions during the Darfur genocide. Funny how the bBC doesn’t mention the latter.
How come St Baraich of O’ Bama didn’t lift the sanctions when he had the chance?
The winner of the Barry Sheerman MP brexit award is …… Barry Sherman MP ( lab up north ).
Barry said yesterday – and repeated when challenged – that people who voted brexit are led intelligent that remainers .
Barry was educated at a grammar school , lse degree in economics then a masters in economics before becoming a lecturer and gaining a parliamentary seat in 1979 some 38 plus years ago .
It’s fine men like Barry who I will think on the day we leave the Common Market .
Mrs May thinks MPs harrassing people will affect the reputation of parliament – as if .
Dear Old Barry clearly hasn’t met many Brexiteers….still what can you expect with somebody who has all those qualifications in economics but never had real job
No-I won`t have that. Barry was always “game for a laugh” as Labours education sock monster as the Tories turned schools into bouncy castles with syringes. Barry was the Labour Education Spokesman until REAL titans like Estelle Morris and Professor Nod took his briefs(oo er).
Think he played for Crystal Palace as well at the weekend too-his silky skills were valued by the futuristic Venables Junta, as he set the Catelonian Revolt alight from Scribes Nightclub.
We live with the consequences today.
Lefty politics, education, sport and Spain…like to think the BBC will now print all this as my teatime mental mashup…it`s what the BBC piss off as news all day , every day.
Make up your own news people!
See the FBI want to interview Jason Manford now-he worked for Trump you know.
Chris H
I was so gobsmacked by mr Sheerman ‘s comment that I had to look him up . My god he’s been an MP for a long time. I am assuming his constituency voted to remain so he is on safe ground .
I’m not a great fan of the current parliamentary system – the brexit vote showed how unrepresentative it has become . How can any one be a true representative if they’ve been in that place for going on 40 years ? It’s the same with al beeb where many go from uni into the beeb and stay there becoming an institution over time – like Rolf and Jimmy .,
PS – learnt something new today – what a “sock monster “ is . Thanks
But, using the same sorts of data, clearly, the more mature and experienced people in the country voted for Brexit. I.e. the ones who have worthwhile educational accomplishments, rather than the Mickey Mouse bag-paper certificates of today…. such as the ones gained by graduates, so many of whom had to attend remedial courses in in literacy and numeracy just to be able just to comprehend the basics of what was going on in their degree subjects. These would be the people that Mr Sheerman thinks have ‘higher educational attainments’, of course.
It seems a bit like Climate Change:
(1) The more relevantly educated a well educated scientist is as regards the core basics of calibrating carbon dioxide warming using both the Arrhenius method and the Unified Theory of Climate. Then this gang seem more likely to tell Donald Trump that Man-made Global warming is a hoax.
(2) The more relevantly educated a well educated person is as regards the core basics of European Union Governance. Then the more likely they seem to support Brexit.
In my experience, support for Brexit and Climate sceptics seem as strong in Mensa as it is in the uneducated Labour area of Hull and the well educated Tory area of East Yorkshire.
The bBC and half a story:
Ex-Trump aide ‘faces charges over Russia’
The former manager of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, Paul Manafort, is to face charges related to an inquiry into alleged Russian meddling, US media report.
What the bBC doesn’t tell you. is that on the 28th March 2016 66 year old Manafort a Republican strategist with direct experience managing nomination fights joined the Trump campaign. That after 144 days on the 19th of August 2016 Manafort resigned from the Trump campaign 2 days after Trump received his first intelligence briefing (a standard procedure for major party presidential nominees.) where he was made aware that Manafort had been under an FBI investigation since 2014.
Not hearing much from the BBC on Hilary Clinton’s travails in this area, either
@Pounce That’s remarkable
cos the BBC R2 news just covered it as if Trump is in the doo doo
BBC = LBO…Liars By Omission
Yes I listened to that and Jon Sopel was speaking as though Trump was being indicted – he made as many mentions of Trump as he could . Then the other chap came on and spent almost all of his time telling what he had ‘heard’ from ‘sources’ and tried to making tenuous links to Trump at the end…despite adding all of these are allegations…it was a complete non story that could have been said in a few words with barely a mention of Trump and the Russians
The facts:
Former Trump Campaign Chair Paul Manafort Has Been Under FBI Surveillance For Years
Trump received first classified intelligence briefing Wednesday
Paul Manafort resigns as chairman of Donald Trump campaign
I looks like Mr Manafort has been indicted for fraud, committed whilst he was in Ukraine, but, of course he had dealings with those who had some sympathy with Russia – i.e parliamentarians in Ukraine at the time his business dealing went on – i.e. up to 2015 – as did probably every other businessman in the world trying to trade in Ukraine at that time.
The so-called ‘link’ to the investigation into Mr Trump and his team ‘colluding with Russia’ during the election process is incredibly tenuous to say the least – and is probably, in fact, ‘non-existent’.
But, the US MSM and the BBC aren’t going to let any little thing like ‘facts’ impact on their bias in any way.
Katty Kay and acolytes are having a mass Twitter orgasm currently.
She really is a one trick chick.
The BBC have the following headline : Record surge in atmospheric CO2 seen in 2016
The BBC are painting this as a bad thing and an omen of the upcoming Climate Apocalypse.
But I say – feck it! Records are there to be broken.
So let’s celebrate by awarding ourselves huge pay-rises and going on jet setting freeby holidays around the world in search of celebrity stories in Hollywood and elsewhere.
BoBotC, problem for the Beeb in reporting this is that it throws an uncomfortable spotlight on the temperature guage and a lack of warming. Yes, I know that with Attenborough’s assistance, the BBC will claim the oceans are warming excessively but that rather then highlights that global warming really does need to be Global if it is to be Anthropogenic Global Warming.
A tad cosy in the water off the coast of Venuzuela and really quite toasty in some Australian outback desert doesn’t quite cut it as global.
We have had record CO2 emissions for at least three of the last four or five years. The warming should be kicking in now. Why is it not doing so? A question not really aired yet on the BBC, and certainly not aired regularly by the BBC.
I suppose its because the core basics of calibrating carbon dioxide warming using both the Arrhenius method and the Unified Theory of Climate for proxies, show conclusions that Man-made Global warming must be a hoax.
But Richard, it has raised a lot of tax, so it has been a very useful hoax.
If it is indeed a hoax. The earth should be warming as extra new bodies are being added to it daily while old (and some might say superfluous ones) are increasingly resistant (although not quite so excessively as we are told) refusing to shuffle off this mortal coil.
[An aside but an associated one: old peoples’ homes – all of the ones I have visited – are usually kept heated to a point where Shadrach, Mesach and Abed-Nego would have been in some distress therein. More old people on the planet must also equal more warming. Basic science but realistic and very real science.]
There was some warming; ordinary thermometers showed that and as I have posted many times before are probably a much more reliable guide to what is going on than climate theories, computer programmes and sensors thousands of miles away in space.
Instead of spending millions of BBC Licence Fee-payers money filming the ocean depths to prop up AGW/CC theories, a few thousand quid with Attenborough suspended upside down for a few years in the leaf canopy of a forest or two might be more scientifically revealing as far as the climate is concerned. But it it might not reveal what the BBC are keeping schtum on, that the predicted warming is starting look later than a London bus.
I heard a mutter the other day, courtesy of Radio 4 to the effect that “Well, maybe we have some inaccuracies but we may only be four or five decades out.”
Please Mr Chancellor, may I have my money back?
I wonder what these buggers were doing 1,000,000 years ago to make the co2 concentrations even higher then as they are now.
Meet the million-year-olds: Human footprints found in Britain are the oldest ever seen outside of Africa
“Warming should be kicking in now”
Well it seems it isn’t –
Temps are setting back to where they were before the 2016 El Nino. Cue Mr Attenborough with a BBC “explainer”………………………………………………………………Mr Attenborough ?..
PS I’m getting hassled by a couple of people to release the CRU station temperature data. Don’t any of you three tell anybody that the UK has a Freedom of Information Act!
FIDDLING DATA: “Hide the decline”
Phil Jones tells Mike Mann and others how he made his data show warming:
I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.
Mick Kelly, Professor of Climate Change at Jones’ university, on hiding recent cooling:
Anyway, I’ll maybe cut the last few points off the filtered curve before I give the talk again as that’s trending down as a result of the end effects and the recent cold-ish years.
I forgot to include the following:
Emails leaked at the weekend show ( a few years bacK) there is indeed a conspiracy to deceive the world – and Rudd has fallen for it.
This conspiracy comprises a group of warming scientists who have been central in spreading the false claim that the world has never been hotter and man’s gases are to blame.
It’s come to light after nearly 4000 emails and documents were stolen from the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia and dumped on the internet by what is almost certainly a whistleblower.
What they reveal is perhaps the greatest scientific scandal of our time – a conspiracy by warmist scientists to fudge statistics, sack sceptical scientists, block the release of data to prevent checking, illegally destroy data, deceive reporters, censor sceptical papers, and hide errors in their work.
Most extraordinary are the emails in which these scientists admit to each other what they’ve never confessed to the world – that the world is not warming as their theories predicted.
In fact, it’s been cooling since 2001.
Climate change? Just one more fucking gravy train. The climate has changed from the year dot and will continue to do so after Mother Earth becomes just another shooting star. It’s the way the Universe works.
We need only be concerned with having clean air to breathe and clean water to drink the rest is out of our hands. Here endeth the rant. Amen.
Oh yes what were we saying-Now these bastard immigrants—–
BBC are really pushing American’s can’t read story, to make the BBC audience believe that the USA population are not intelligent and thus voted for Trump? Maybe … Why are there so many Americans who still can’t read? { 30oct2017}
… the BBC never kept pushing the story about Nigeria having to sack 21 thousand teachers who could not pass a test for a six year old ….
Nigeria schools: Kaduna primary teachers fail pupils’ exam { 10oct2017}
“Thousands of primary school teachers in Nigeria’s northern Kaduna state are to be sacked after failing the exams they set for their six-year-old pupils. State governor Nasir El-Rufai said 21,780 teachers, two-thirds of the total, had failed to score 75% or higher on assessments given to pupils (aged six). ”
So those Nigerian teachers move to the US
And then BBC suddenly reports their part in the stats as “Americans who can’t read”
Immigration probably plays a part in US falling English literacy stats.
Anti smoking lobby trying to get animal lovers on board now reporting about the affects of smoking on our pets!
I saw this a little earlier and just sighed, probably loud enough for you to have heard from here in the West Country, certainly loud enough for Mrs Ex to ask “How have the BBC upset you now?”
My American dog smokes 50 fags a day and he’s still straight. Fuckin’ amazin’.
The bBC is reporting on the rise of CO2 emissions:
Record surge in atmospheric CO2 seen in 2016
Concentrations of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere surged to a record high in 2016, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Last year’s increase was 50% higher than the average of the past 10 years.
And whom does the bBC blame for the above record rise?
The report has been issued just a week ahead of the next instalment of UN climate talks, in Bonn. Despite the declaration by President Trump that he intends to take the US out of the deal, negotiators meeting in Germany will be aiming to advance and clarify the rulebook of the Paris agreement.
1) The US hasn’t left and according to current press leaks may now remain.

2) China in 2015 produced just less CO2 than the next 3 highest areas (US/EU/India)
Funny how the bbC always promotes China as a country we should admire when it comes to saving the earth from pollution unlike the nasty US and even worse UK.
Future Energy: China leads world in solar power production
China leads world in green energy investment
Beijing (China) has proven itself rather shrewd (Dishonest? Liars? Frauds?). At home it has been steadily reducing its reliance on coal (meeting it’s international obligations!), replacing it with renewable energy. Yet all the while — it (China) has been happy to invest in dirty energy abroad (so China does not care about the environment?), with profits returning to boost the domestic sector {dailytimes aug2017}
. . . .
The world’s deadliest pollution does not come from factories billowing smoke, industries tainting water supplies or chemicals seeping into farm land. It comes from within people’s own homes. Smoke from domestic fires kills nearly two million people each year and sickens millions more, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). … Africa and Asia, indoor smoke from cooking has become the sixth biggest killer. Globally, it kills more people than malaria, and nearly as many as Aids – and far more insidiously than either.{independent jan2011}
Link back to my earlier comment/links on that BBC constructed scare story
News is when something is surprising : today’s info was entirely predictable
#1 Paris agreement was at time of signing rubbish
It didn’t have Global CO2 reductions in its agreement
#2 Green measures often increase CO2 ..each wind turbine has 150 tonnes of coal in it’s construction cement that otherwise would not have been produced,
so it takes years for the wind turbine to make back just that part CO2.
Green measures usually BRING FORWARD CO2 use to today in the hope of making it back in the future.
..and that doesn’t always happen when your solar panel blows away in a hurricane.
I said yesterday “Paris is just virtue signalling , if you add up all the measures it still allows for massive increases in global emissions”
Emissions- My Arse.
The Official WMO new report PDF
Rule 1 : Climate Alarmism is 97% PR tricks and 3% science
Also watched a programme where they had to dump thousands of tons of rubble on the ocean floor to fill cracks to lay the infrastructure (cables) for the wind farms. Cost of rubble to the environment? If you can’t see it then it does not count!
Pounce, the Americans were always getting it in the neck from the BBC over their CO2 emissions supposedly being the highest but, if I recall correctly, that record actually belonged to Oceania, ie. principally Australia, less than twenty years ago. If China has overtaken the USA, where is Oceania and Australia?
Did they go to the top of a mountain in Hawaii, and analysed the Air around them. Or is it just another case bureaucratically produced assumptions posing as facts.
I have it as around 400ppm, and gradually rising due to the Medieval warm period 800 years ago, with the Man-Made content around 16ppm and hardly changing. So even if you believe in the Man-made theory, the truth would seem to be drowned out by alarmist exaggeration.
Paul H has a debunk up
“There is nothing unusual at all about this increase in CO2. It is a result of a perfectly natural event, El Nino.
June 2016 in this BBC webpage ” Jonathan Amos forecast this exact thing”
I don’t go as far as keeping a tally of the natural variations of Atmospheric CO2 due to Oceanic Oscillations, but in addition to that, the effect of Man-Made emissions would be only 2 percent of that that the BBC would mislead you to think.
The BBC misleads you about the fact that the reason man-made emissions do not seem to be part of any apparent increase is because the Atmosphere/Ocean ratio of CO2 is in a mixing cycle period of five years with the upper Ocean, with the Atmosphere being only one part in fifty of that system.
Hudson may have mentioned that at some point in the past. He is known to be the best qualified scientists at the BBC, when it comes to causational Climate science. I think that’s why he was chosen by someone naïve, as first choice for those Climategate emails. But I have read the above in a book, and Piers Corbyn has mentioned the 50 ratio on Weatheraction.
Richard, Hudson? Who?
Or do you mean Homewood?
He means Paul Hudson BBC Yorkshire meteorologist and blogger, presenter of radio weather show.
Once skeptical, but seems been leant on to toe the catastrophe line
Paul Homewood is Yorkshire climate blogger NotalotofPeopleKnowThat
Amnesty International says 25,000 abusive messages were sent to female MPs alone on Twitter in six months this year, two thirds of which involved intimidation or a threat of violence. {theguardian 14oct2017}
– Use a large number ‘25,000 abusive messages’ but then two thirds were really nasty. So 16500 were really nasty – but uses the word ‘intimidation’ – but does not link to report to say what ‘intimidation’ means. I would be interested in the ‘threat of violence’ numbers.
Info without context is DISINFORMATION
“25,000 abusive messages ” out of how many 25K ?or 1 million ? or 10 million ?
The Guardian is barking mad.
Anybody seen this propoganda crap from the bBC:
From Syria torture to UK art success
Hasan Abdalla says his positive experiences in the UK caused him to completely redefine his artwork and achieve much more than he had in Syria.
Here is how the Guardian reported on the same bloke 3 years ago:
Hasan Abdalla, 58
Was: academic and artist, Syria
Now: jobseeker, London
Hasan Abdalla had a well-equipped studio in the garden outside his Damascus flat; every morning he would walk past orange, apple, pear and pomegranate trees, to paint inside or in the open when the weather was fine. Now he paints in the bedroom of the south London bedsit where he has been living since he was granted asylum. It’s much noisier, and he finds that the sounds from the Iceland loading station in front of the house and the railway tracks behind are often distracting. He has tried listening to music or singing to himself to drown out the noise, but on the whole it has been a difficult period for painting. He misses his wife and three sons, whom he hasn’t seen since his hurried departure from Syria in July 2011. He finds London an inspirational place, but he also feels disoriented and alone.
Every stretch of wall in his small flat is covered with the artworks he managed to bring with him, and a few that he has done since arriving here. Beneath his bed he keeps rolled-up 3m canvases. The small kitchen table is covered with old newspaper, ready for him to start painting, but at the moment this happens rarely.
When you are dependent on jobseeker’s allowance, painting is an expensive habit. In Syria, Abdalla regularly exhibited with two galleries, and made a good living from selling his work. But his reputation has not travelled with him, and although he has had pictures exhibited in three galleries here, he has sold very little. For three months he went by bus every Sunday to Bayswater Road, with as many paintings as he could carry, to try selling them on the park railings. It was a dispiriting experience, since the pictures got battered on the journey; and although passersby made appreciative comments, they rarely bought pictures.
In Syria and Libya, Abdalla sold his work for around £2,500. He has sold only four pictures since coming to England, each for a fraction of that price. Despite these difficulties, he knows that fleeing Syria, and paying an agent £20,000 of his savings, was the right thing to do. Two of his friends, who had been with him on a protest march in 2011, were shot by the authorities. He had spent time in prison in 2010, and been badly beaten. He was sacked from his job as a university lecturer because he failed security checks. Following his departure, his flat was searched and one of his sons arrested.
He has been supported by the Red Cross and thinks he is lucky to have ended up in England. “People are friendly. They try not to make you feel like a stranger.”
“Britain can deal with its Isis returnees. But not by killing them”
States a writer in TWLLV, also known as comment is free but Muslims are sacred.
“Richard Barrett is former director of global counter-terrorism at MI6”
Another overpaid lefty trougher in the wrong job.
ISIS action “is directed not at the overwhelming majority of Muslims and non-Muslims who find its actions and ideology repellent.” “overwhelming majority of Muslims”, best laugh on BBBC this year to date. Total bollox.
I will spare you an analysis of the remainder, I will also save you the trouble of reading it yourself.
100% surrender attitude. From a Grade A ***t.
No comments allowed.
At the end of the second world war, we did not release Nazi officers back into the German population.
Mostly we brought them back to the UK and processed them, only when we were sure they were de-nazified were they shipped back to Germany.
These UK prison camps didn’t close to 1948/49 or something.
Yes but they were white. See the difference?
There were hundreds of thousands of German military personnel and German civilians who were re-categorised as “Disarmed Enemy Combatants” instead of POWs so they fell outside the protection of the Geneva Convention and starved to death after the war, in French and American camps. The “camps” were just fenced off pieces of open land, these men weren’t war criminals as they were taken out if identified and actually received fairer treatment.
There is a very good book about the “Rhinemeadows Camps” by the Canadian James Baque, called “Other Losses”.
Like Brexit and Trump…this is the kind of issue that splits us into the sane and the scum.
Of course they need killing out there-who wants returning traitors apart from the BBC and their mates?
The BBC continue to ask questions that nobody in the real world out here would think of.
If the BBC raise it-it`ll be a crock of pox.
BBC does not mention illegal … but promotes a criminal site … Businessman’s second wife website ‘benefits women’ { 23oct2017 – 7 days old}
… Amber Rudd needs to close the site down that promotes illegal behaviour. Amber Rudd the is promoting activities that go against the UK law and moral codes and is using it’s site to promote a story that is 7 days old. The BBC also fails to write about the negative aspects of sharing women and does not offer women the ability to have multiple men … what about equality in Islam?
Funny how in a media fest of how males in the Uk can only be misogynist None of which are worthy of a police investigation. (Not saying its right, but that is the fact) An actual example of misogyny and everybody is pointing at the Tory party and shouting “Look squirrel”
The disappearance of freedom of speech and freedom of thought … After the failed coup last year, Erdogan fired “21,000 teachers” and “1,577 university deans”. It is the beheading of Turkey’s academic culture. Shamefully, Europe has kept silent about this ideological massacre. {gatestoneinstitute 30oct2017}
Had they been able to foresee the outcome, the BBC would have announced their coverage of the Under 17s World Cup final on Saturday afternoon with the warning ‘This programme contains scenes which some viewers may find distressing’.
‘Some viewers’ would have been the self-hating, race-baiting hard Left who seek to divide and destroy good old Blighty with their endless spewing of sick, clapped out mantras that for some mysterious reason seem so appealing to Jeremy Corbyn voters: ‘Racists! Little Englanders! Knuckle-dragging nationalists! Islamophobes’ – and the rest of their tedious bile-filled slogans.
For what did we see at the end of the game? A victorious England team, led by a black captain draped in an England flag, running to the Calcutta crowd where they were greeted by ecstatic locals in their England shirts, waving their England flags.
Look and learn, BBC, from your own broadcast, and the next time you invite some Common Purpose boneheaded foghorn of the fascist Left onto one of your programmes, challenge them with that amazing scene – for that is England: not racist, not divided, not unequal, but a land where all are welcomed and will have the same opportunities as anyone else if they buy into the culture that binds us together and has made England a beacon of fairness, justice and democracy.
Hate to say this footy lovers-but I noted that Pep Guardiola seemed rather happy that Englands youth team beat the Spaniards.
I`d have thought he`d have been cheesed off, being a Spaniard.
But no-he`s a Catalan isn`t he?
Who`s going to tell Rajoy, and therefore force Pep to cry manly tears-or face some of Francos Funsters.
Did you know that Juan Carlos took over from an ailing Franco this very day in 1975?
Spooky…or is it?
Here`s Baccara with their hit song-who tell us more about Spain than any amount of BBC floaters , are cheaper and much nicer people i`m sure.
PS-am told there`s a sad picture of Dec out doing his “shopping for one”.
Has there been a sadder story this century thus far? Our Chi Chi and Ann Ann.
I myself will be running over cakes on a unicycle in a fortnights time to win a Record breaking Lunchtime Achievement Award-and I hereby pledge all moneys raised to getting Dec a “Cooking For One” Delia course book as well as a reduced Dominos Deal that will get his pizzas cut in half before they`re sent.
Poor Dec-which one is he again?
I think the tag line “Ant or Dec” sums them up nicely.
UNBEFUCKINGLIEVABLE! Pass the Kleenex please.
“Excellent journalism that reveals all the #Brexit lies. It had nothing to do with the EU ham fisted approach.” – {twitter @GuyVerhoftwat}
They reported on the Spacey story at length at the beginning of Toady, as if this were important news. A famous actor tried it on with someone thirty years ago and is homosexual? Who gives a flying f**k, how dumbed down can you get? Radio 4 should be highbrow, not an audio version of Hwat magazine. Of course they had a reporter on the ground in LA.
They always demand apologies for thought criminals for the most minor jokes or supposedly ‘offensive’ uttering. Can we have an apology for 9 months of fake news about Trump and Russia? A pathetic, poisonous tantrum from the side which lectures us about ‘micro aggressions’ and ‘offensiveness.’
The way I see it Beeb is that they are having to target an audience that loves the celeb crap as the rest of the population worked out a while ago what complete tosh it comes out with on the core issues of the day. Radio 4 in general has lost the respect of anybody with a modicum of intelligence and therefore is going for a different audience just to keep the listener figures respectable.
Hello Magazine ala BBC.

My head still spins from the Radio 4 show that told me that penguins were in danger of extinction-and this was somehow related to their being “too much ice”!
This apparently is due to -well carbon warming or climate emissions I suppose.
Look-it doesn`t matter-just words into the air.
Didn`t Bowie and Eno just throw words into the air when they wanted a lyric?
That`s the BBC that is.
Can I be the first to demand a retrospective posthumous pardon for Brian Epstein? Don`t think he was actually convicted of being a-well, whatever he was.
But I feel his pain-and I want compo for that-and for him too.
We need a Brian Epstein topiary in Sturgeons back garden-NOW!
No disrespect to Mr Epstein but from what I read in the “news”?papers years ago he was a drug addicted homo. So had he lived I’m sure he would by now be Sir Brian or Lord Epstein.
Hello! I think Paul McCartney just threw a brick through my window. Or was it just the sound of a gun being loaded?
Not on Al Beeb yet , but perhaps they will catch up when they see it here ?
More good Brexit news!………..
“HSBC is latest bank to change Brexit exodus warning”
“A humanoid robot called Sophia got Saudi citizenship (Saudi Arabian city of Riyadh), while millions linger stateless,” responded Lebanese-UK journalist Kareem Chahayeb. “What a time to be alive.” { 26oct2017}
“But as pictures and videos of Sophia began circulating on social media many started to ask why a robot already seemed to have secured more rights than women in the country. (Saudi Arabian city of Riyadh)”
– “Sophia (Robot) has no guardian, doesn’t wear an abaya or cover up – how come (all other women have to)?”
Wonder if they`ve got the necessary orifice, as well as if the Saudis can marry more than one of them, should they need to.
“May keeping cards close to her chest on Brexit, says Jones”
Time for another referendum? This time do we get rid of the Welsh Assembly ?
Vote ‘like’ for yes.
I should have added “this vote only applies to people living in Wales”.
great day at the BBC. Someone who briefly worked for Trump did not pay taxes. But What the BBC News does not say is that:
>be #PaulManafort
>worked for the Democratic Podesta brothers lobbying for Ukraine
>committed crimes while working for the Podesta brothers
>got employed by President Trump to help with presidential campaign
>got fired by President Trump when he finds out
Meanwhile Podesta is running:
Got to love the BBC.
As they put old Paul Manifest at the top of the Red Button….why, I for one simply am following the snuff trail with them.
Ukraine, Steele, Benghazi, Hillary and all the rest-well, I for one have no recollection!
I have an image of them taking turns to paint RAF roundels on each others Liam Gallager parkas with Tippez and blagged nail varnish from the Bow Street runners. Oblivious where all this will lead and end up-but we know the fuse is lit now, and will will be fun sometime soon. Don`t forget though to fuss to order for them once in a while-this one is going to blow nicely soon.
Don`t tell them though….let them paint those targets and adopt the dodo pose.
Do you support positive employment discrimination, positive religious discrimination and throat slitting of animals whilst listening to incantations from a book? If you do then eat here …
“With relish: 8 of the best halal burgers in London”{twitter davidVance}
– A muslim butcher (employment discrimination)
– A muslim butcher (religious discrimination)
– Throat cut and left to bleed (animal cruelty)
Are these cunts for real?
Very real. Very committed. Very now in 2017. Very real in London … “London chose me as their mayor, not just an ethnic minority, not just a religious minority, but a Londoner of Islamic faith.” – Sadiq Khan, { sep2016}
Very odd that Sadiq Khan’s London Manifesto 2016 does not mention voting for him because of his Islamic Faith?
Odd indeed sir.
Currently the CS at the bBC are crying into their spilt milk over how Israel has killed a load of the Usual Suspects as they dug a huge glory hole in which to kill the Jew.
Gaza: Palestinian militants killed as Israel hits tunnel
As per usual the bBC whilst refusing to call a terrorist a terrorist. they have no problem finding fault with the Jew:
1)The Israeli military said the “terror tunnel” was still under construction when it was “neutralised”.
2)Israel is using sophisticated measures to thwart tunnels dug by militants.
3)The conflict left at least 2,251 Palestinians dead – including more than 1,462 civilians, according to the UN – and 11,231 injured. On the Israeli side, 67 soldiers and six civilians were killed, and up to 1,600 injured.
4) Israel is building a huge barrier along its border with Gaza aimed at preventing militants tunnelling underneath it.
5) An Islamic Jihad statement said the tunnels were “part of the policy of deterrence to defend the Palestinian people” and accused Israel of a “dangerous escalation”,
And here is what the bBC doesn’t tell you, the tunnel was blown up inside…Israel. (Even the Arab media mentions that )
More here:
Gaza:Islamic Jihad: ‘Destruction of tunnels along Gaza border is a dangerous escalation’
The bBC, the main reason why anti-Semitism is rife in the UK.
Please help me!
BBC getting excited over Papadopolous
This may be the real blockbuster
By Anthony Zurcher, BBC News, Washington
Please help me!
1. Why are his meetings damning but the media sees no “collusion” with Russians by the Clinton campaign in funding the Pissgate dossier?
2. Given the existence of the Pissgate dossier why is it suggested that the Russians were out to help Trump?
Please help me – I just do not understand. Aaaaaagh!!
7:30pm What’s Weird on Inside Out tonight ?
REGIONAL editions
BBC Inside Out West
– An investigation into the violent gangs running phone lines where you can order in drugs, like ordering a pizza.
– Last year Josh went to Syria to fight terrorists. So why did he end up on terrorist charges himself?
– Plus the men who adore My Little Pony.
BBC Inside Out South East
– people who have looked for love online and lost thousands of pounds to fraudsters
– story of life and death at a seaplane station in Newhaven, Sussex.
BBC Inside Out London
– 24 hours on the frontline of a hospital trauma unit.
– Dan Cruickshank discovers how a buried time capsule is revealing the secrets of a pioneering hospital.
– why shire horses are becoming an endangered species.
– Can recycling bottles help reduce the North East’s plastic mountain?
– the simple health check that is saving hundreds of lives across the region.
BBC Inside Out Yorkshire & Lincolnshire
– exclusive story of a major spinal operation which could help soldier and amputee Ben Parkinson to walk again.
– investigation of fire safety in a Yorkshire tower block
– the twins who have been taking part in the Born in Bradford study since birth.
BBC Inside Out North West
– rise in gun crime in Merseyside. Ten years after 11-year-old Rhys Jones was shot and killed in Liverpoolwhy teenagers continue to be victims of fatal shootings.
– 50 years since landmark legislation changed the law for homosexual men, the programme reveals the issues faced by people who are gay in rural Cumbria. (the gay farmer bloke)
– Tony Snell examines the curious case of the mystery skeletons which were uncovered at an archaeological dig in Runcorn.
BBC Inside Out East
– Monarch workers to find out how they are doing, nearly a month after the airline’s collapse.
– the man behind a property investment scheme that’s left savers thousands of pounds out of pocket.
– Finn the police dog who was injured in the line of duty and retired, but has since gone on to see near celebrity status.
BBC Inside Out East Midlands
– How safe are backpackers working on Australian farms? In 2016 Mia Ayliffe-Chung from Derbyshire was stabbed to death while working on farms to extend her visa. Her mother revisits the hostel where her daughter died and explains why she’s campaigning for change.
BBC Inside Out South
– tracks down the man behind a property investment scheme that has left savers thousands of pounds out of pocket
– national tree-climbing championship. What could possibly go wrong?
BBC Inside Out South West
– Jemma Woodman reports on the lifesaving work of a group of Cornwall rescuers
– The farm that time forgot in Dorset.
West Midlands
– Girl with Butterfly skin
– a controversial scheme one mother believes puts young backpackers at risk. Rosie Ayliffe’s daughter Mia was murdered at a remote hostel in Australia
Extra InsideOut items
Northeast Historic Mirage planes
West Mids : Gary Sobers
West : Bristol riots 25 anniversary
Bet they shared a cab from the BBC green room… and claimed for three.
“European Commission’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier.”
You see, he always gets the full title, unlike trump, farage or just boris.
Its those image setting words and phrases again, like Brexit described as car-crash, off-a-cliff, suicide, disaster, catastrophe. They just keep the subliminal messages dripping out, perhaps they think us leavers are thicker than the average remainers.
A “Barnier Rumble”.
These zombies of the political dead belong in that European Museum that won`t stand much longer after we`ve gone.
Mummies for the “Eurovision Room” when we were willing dupes and spineless sponges who lost our fishing fleets, our farms, our manufacturing. But gained the likes of Clegg, Cable, Corbyn and Clarke as “political leaders”.
At least Hess paid his own petrol for his helicopter to be a traitor…we`ll be paying for these brothel creeping nonces.
I think more and more people are cracking their code.
Chief Negotiator, eh? I can see why they don’t use the full Chief Unanimous Negotiator of Treaties too often.
Guest Who
The Three Stooges eh? but sans the humour.
I don’t know; I saw that and burst out laughing.
Guest Who
The Three Stooges,.
Sorry but I couldn’t resist it.
“Nick Clegg, Ken Clarke & Lord Adonis in Brussels for talks with the European Commission’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier.”
And so finally we discover the true faces of treachery and sedition at work – behaving like the Jesuits themselves, who for many hundreds of years of hook-and-by-crook deeds of trying to destroy the UK parliament – sneaking out the side door! Gotcha! Weasels!
We the voters will remember this image!
FFS : BBC1 Amol Rajan is presenting the ONE Show now
This morning I tweeted
Amol : “Coming up we will have an item from the filmmaker who made a film about refugees travelling thru Europe
..but right now we have an item about a Syrian refugee doctor ..who’s looking for work in North Teesside”
NHS bod “yes it’s cheaper to hire a foreign doctor like X, it will cost us £5K training as opposed to £250K for training a British doctor”**
Next item is refugee bloke who trekked from Turkey to UK
** Remember the German doctor Daniel Ubani who misprescribed and got struck off after he accidentlly killed a 70 year old man
Back in August
“why are you talking to Hassan who has broken the law by entering the country legally!
Why legitimize it”
Seems to The One Show is a BBC Virtue Signal fest that almost no one watches
..On Sundays Countryfile generates dozens of tweets per minute
Yet searching on BBCTheOneShow and BBCOneShow just gave me about 40 tweets for the whole prog tonight.
Bet people have voted with their feet.
While the BBC is busy trying to be INCLUSIVE, I’m betting many minorities are EXCLUDING themselves by watching Urdu channel, black channels, gay channels etc.
How can the BBC be 1% Urdu if 50% of it’s Urdu marketplace are away watching and working for those specialist channels ?
same for other minorities.
BBC “Oh it’s terrible that men are touching their work colleagues ”
… Hang on are managers responsible for creating an industry with a very “touchy feely” culture

eg the first thing I see is A male presenter with the arm of his female colleague who is married to someone else.
It’s the One Show’s Twitter logo
I’m an ancient so I can remember a time when it was being reported by the opinion makers that the British were so reserved and uptight that if they accidentally brushed against someone on a bus or train they would die of embarrassment and that we needed to be more relaxed and shed our stiff upper lip attitude.
Sounds a bit like we may have managed to do that and said stiffness has traveled somewhat south but still the opinion makers don’t like it.
“Ah yes” I can hear them shout “but there is a difference between scratching your arse and scratching the skin off” Well, as usual, they started it and they’re still at it so live with the consequences you dopey twats.
When Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn refused to attend this week’s dinner in London to mark the centenary of the Balfour Declaration, a dinner to which Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been invited as the guest of Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May, Corbyn said Labour’s shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry would attend in his place.
Now remarks made by Thornberry inescapably imply that, like Corbyn, she too regrets the fact that Israel was ever created. Instead she supports its mortal enemies whose agenda remains Israel’s destruction.
What else would anybody expect Lucy?
This is “setting ourselves up to fail”. The Left don`t play by our games, rules, conventions or protocols-so why the heck does dear Melanie expect them to?
At least Labour are consistent here-they are total Jew-baiting scum, and Bibi really should not have sent them an invite.
The buggers would probably only bring Semtex-if Israel and the Jews don`t yet know by now what awaits their state and people if the likes of Nugee and Corbz get any power-then they`re a bit thick aren`t they?
I would go further and suggest we follow Israel’s lead on gay marriage and immigration
We pay for this $h!t
Haven’t you heard? It’s hug a shirtlifter week. Rejoice or die. Buggery has at last been sanctified. Beam me up soon Lord.
“And here is the BBC weather, read by celebrity expert Kevin Spacey…”
Lucy Pevensey
Some of you do.
Notice how he says “cooler tonight at 11 C but not as cold as Alaska at least………………..”
They always use the word “cooler” instead of “colder” . All part of Al Beeb’s global warming propaganda narrative.
weather forecast:
Even if the British Police Force allows transgender applicants I won’t apply till they’ve thrown out those howwible ex-military types who simply make me faint! Well, those big gun things they carry scare me!
IRA can carry them though!
I think she was a bit old for him.
Must have been a real winner on his Newsnight Cv:
Yes, Mason, what a pity is was so short-lived, else Stalin could have slaughtered another 20 million of his own people.
Got a similar ‘revolution’ in mind for Britain, have you?
Or the bbc, given these merry men form the core of the bbc’s ‘Commenteriat’.
Whack in Mandy and Tarzan, and you have a W1A ‘Five Go Wild with the Walloons’.
The quoted tweet
I wish this site would get back to be about the biases of the BBC and not a Twitter aggregation service.
Screeds of graphics with #arcane#comments#incomplete don’t for interest make.
I couldn’t agree more. That’s one of the main reasons I don’t come on here very much these days, and just dip in and out occasionally. I simply haven’t got a clue what a lot of these posts are about – it’s as though they are in some sort of obscure foreign language. Perhaps I am getting a bit too old for all of this. The other thing is that most of the humour and piss-taking has gone as well, and it’s all become much too serious.
Agreed !
Taffman….. double agreed !
Lobby ….. I too find I don’t understand half what the comments are about, and too many ‘links’ to open up are being posted, – I don’t have the time or the inclination. Life is short and my time is valuable !!
Add my name to the list, too. I’m currently very busy, so have less time to spend keeping an eye on the BBC and all its works, but lately when I do come here I’ve found some of the posts almost impossible to understand and not really dealing with the BBC at all, merely being links to the latest flaps on social media. I do agree with JimS, Lobster, Taffman and Brissles about this.
“Don’t tweet ‘im Marky Mark!”
I try to add the twitter text and the link it talks about, but I admit I’m getting tired following the links and copying the text. But by just adding the link it fails to record the text for posterity – if the link is removed or deleted this site will fail to show what the BBC were up to with their vague titles and exclusion of the word ‘terror’ for example.
Maybe Katty Kay of the BBC has the best idea and just use symbols in your tweet. ‘?’. Maybe the BBC are looking for all tweets to just be a ‘!’ or a ‘?’. I joked previously about the BBC using question marks at the end of the sentence to say what they wanted to happen, just using the question mark is the logical end I suppose.
. . . .
‘Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.
– Orwell, 1984
You could disappear, return 12 months later, and continue exactly the same discussion. It’s like groundhog day.
And too many conspiracy theories for my taste. I’ve been around a while and don’t recall a single conspiracy theory being verified.
Had enough.
Sorry to hear that. The memory thing too.
Clare – not sure what point you’re trying to make as your post makes no reference to anything.
I’ve been around a while and don’t recall a single conspiracy theory being verified.
If you name a few, perhaps someone can help.
Jim @Guestwho forgot to quote the Tweet, so you couldn’t see it was from BBC’s Chris Mason.
I was thinking the same thing. Less Twitter shite please!
For once I agree with the Camermoron.
“Too many tweets makes a twat”.
Number 7
How many tw@ts make a government ?
What’s the current number?
650 clowns and windbags in Parliament + 800! troughers in the Lords!
Number 7
That’s a bloody circus!
We are a nation of “lions led by donkeys”.
Sorry to hear that tipple; all your previous contributions here have been so positive and informative.
Guessing stuff like this (excuse the hyperlink) is anathema?:
It’s worse than that Jim; just click your red heels and you’ll be back in the 50’s in no time.
No problematic old white men and ladies then. Apparently.
Just don’t say anything stupid, as Jasmine Lawerence doubtless would agree, at least in places the crinklies roam.
You do realise you are posting on an online blog? With hyperlinks to pertinent material?
And our state media uses social media in all its tarnished glory to censor, suppress or propagandise to taste using predominantly liberal outlets all their staff are on to garner what they will and shunt out or on a ckrding to narrative?
At least, unlike the BBC, such sites are free, and the option exists to pass on their content. Or bits that don’t appeal.
Just like this forum. See a quoted tweet? Don’t know how to handle it? Simply skip past. Or stick head in favoured sense deprivation medium. Like sand. And not come out unless to dip.
Or….you can have a whinge based on ignorance and start pushing for, what, how you like things done?
Just make sure you do the same if someone posts a URL from a BBC-supporting politician or The Graun.
Ignorance may for some be bliss; for others staying abreast of every tool in the media toolbox seems wise Intel.
Who knows? May be if David Cameron had stuck his head out the Westminster corridors, he would not now be a joke in a shed.
Yep. Even now I don’t get it sometimes. It only to seems makes sense if you follow the whole thread, which I can’t be bothered to do. And then it says must be logged in. Must be an age thing with me…
Remember the good old days, when the chaps in Chain Home preferred what Darby had heard down his ear trumpet and wrote about to the Thunderer the next day versus those confusing squiggles on Watson Watt’s oscillator that actually gave a useful heads up a bit earlier?
And don’t get anyone started on those codes Bletchley bothered folk with when all one needed was to read between Lord Haw Haw’s reliable broadcasts.
Don’t knock the Chain Home Guest, you could be in one too come the day. Funny how that gets forgotten when criticising the ‘more mature’ !!!
Don’t think I was knocking it at all Brissles. I was actually pointing out it was the core of the new system that once kept Britain informed in advance of threats.
It was those who didn’t like new-fangled stuff that was such a bother to deal with I was teasing more. But I am sure you knew that really.
As to the joys of care homes, with a mother who spent years in one and a godmother who recently went to a better place from one, I am well aware of what could await and needs bearing in mind. Not to be joked about lightly, or knocked.
‘Maturity’ is a useful word, isn’t it? It can mean old, or not, depending.
Yours in spring chickenhood…
JimS… I’m not on Twatter, (or Arsebook come to that), so its all lost on me anyway !
As another aged grumpy, I haven’t a clue what all the blue bits on a Twonker account mean either…
Funny thing, but as I’d read a load of other interesting bits from this site, I only realised this morning that I didn’t have a clue about what the subject was, as I don’t ‘twot or ‘bookface’…
It must be an age thing, but I thought trolls were confined to these mobile telephone things these days too. I have to make two phone calls from my phone every six months to keep the ‘line open’, so that’s two calls too many! That’s not going to make trolling worth while to the Scrobphone is it!
Trolling is a sad way to go, rather like the spotty fat boy, jumping into a fight to punch a lesser mortal, often a girl, then running away dribbling with glee!
Twonker features two possible ‘blue bits’.
One is a ‘verified’ sticker, which is supposed to mean twitter thinks they are who they say they are.
The other is in the body, and is likely a hyperlink to a page. Like the one above, here.
People use them to add factual support. If other people seek it. Or not.
Guest, as usual, you are the fount of knowledge, and thank you for this advice!
I’ve actually lost my mobile phone (it was in the car), so can’t try and see what to do, but there again, I’d rather chat with you guys here, and read something interesting than waste time with some idiot in a small uni/school bedsit somewhere…
The final part of Inspector George Gently, set in the 1970s, was apparently deferred from its May schedule as ‘perhaps too political’. I wonder if the BBC would have come to that decision if the government in power at the time had not been Harold Wilson’s whiter-than white old Labour?
I’ve never heard of Inspector George Gently. Could you please enlighten me?
Now, don’t take this the wrong way, Lefty, in the light of current sex scandals and innuendo, but I’ve always had a soft spot for Martin Shaw. He is, or was – now that he’s got three large holes in his back – a very accomplished actor.
PS My mistake, apparently it was Ted Heath in ‘power’ at the time – though that only makes the BBC’s decision all the stranger. Couldn’t have been conscience, or concern for balance, surely?
Ah! Gottit. The MP at the heart of the scandal was Labour. Obvious when you think about it.
I like the George Gently series and when I saw this was the second part of two I thought I’d missed part one and then couldn’t find it on catch up.
Was the part one shown several months ago?
If so, could you remember what happened and did part 2 make sense?
Snowflake alert.
Jumping on the bandwagon alert.
Litigation and damages alert.
What have Sandy in Bedfordshire, Driffield in Yorkshire, and Market Drayton in Shropshire have in common with the Grenfell Tower fire?
Well, the population of each of those market towns is about 11,000.
Which is apparently, according to bBBCLondon, also the number of people needing mental health support becuase of the effects of the Grenfell Tower fire on them.
Now the death toll is now set to be under 100. Tragic yes, but in context aboutbthe aame as about 3 weeks worth of road fatalities. But 11000 people needing support? The equivalent of a whole market town?
Errr. Sorry. No.
But don’t hold your breath for the virtue-signallers at the bBBC to be querying this nonsense.
I think I can hear the sound of cash registers going “Kerr-ching!”.
Now, I like Irish people, so that’s got my retaliation in first…
But there was a lovely story years ago about a two-seater plane crashing into a graveyard near Limerick. Police have so far recovered eighty-three bodies…
(As reported by the BBC – not).
Yet more confirmatory evidence, if more were needed, that the country is in need of psychiatric help.
How many muslims live in Israel?
Almost a fifth of the Israeli population are muslims.
“”Roughly 21% of Israel’s more than eight million citizens are Arabs. The vast majority of the Israeli Arabs – 81% – are Muslims.””
And the alt-Left-Labour-BBC hate Israel. Why? How many Jews live in Gaza? Or any arab area?
The following is interesting. The high arab birth rate in Israel could be a time-bomb.
‘Where are your Jews?’
Stunning response by Hillel Neuer to Arab accusers (‘apartheid’, ‘ethnic cleansing’ and the rest of their absurd, meaningless, warmongering mantras) at the UN.
Brilliant, Neurer played a blinder. It’s about time someone spoke the truth.
Twitter thread where 50 people mock Brian Cox
Sorry JimS
Thank you for posting Stew. I think twitter is for the time being, a useful platform. Until they completely squash free speech there it allows you to see there are others in the world not taken in by leftist narrative.
Twitter is one place you can tell the BBC off and there is nothing they can do about it. It’s far more useful than HYS.
Ah yes, the Plastic Prof who obviously believes the scientific method doesn’t apply to the man-made global warming hypothesis.
Like Attenborough, he’s another who has sacrificed reason and impartiality for money or fame or for the sake of maintaining a preening self-regard – in Cox’s case, all three.
“Twitter thread where 50 people mock Brian Cox”
Does it have anything to do with the biases of the BBC?
If I take the link text at face value it relates to 50 people being rude about Brian Cox. So what? I don’t particulary like the Cheshire Cat but I’m sure he’s not all bad. Perhaps it’s the actor chappy? I quite like him as an actor but he can keep his politics to himself.
Hmm, what to do? Follow a link to who knows where, that no doubt will be just a chain of hashtags and a few words, that a) it won’t be imediately apparent what they mean, or b) said by whom, or c) about what. What a waste of time.
Maxicony merely amuses; Twitter Twats troll.
Cripes, someone got out of bed the wrong side today.
Still, it has been a fair while since the forum has been graced by a self-appointed outside house monitor, with obligatory ad hom topping.
Prof. Cox is of course a BBC part-time employee, and often cited on matters science on this basis, as well as using his position to comment on matters the BBC holds dear.
Which is pretty relevant.
But then finding an actual troll amusing suggests an interesting value set.
Jim S – my post above should have made clear that Cox abandoned all pretence at science when he took the BBC shilling and became a ‘climate change’ zealot. That’s where the BBC bias comes in – he’s become part of the deceit by abusing his position as a ‘scientist’.
Enjoy the pages and pages of Brian Cox at the BBC – gave up at 32 pages in the BBC £3.5bn News Service search system!
Historical BBC Programme: ‘Five Minutes With: Professor Brian Cox’ 20 Feb 2010
He even has a positive on Climate Change ‘Did climate change make us intelligent?‘ 2014
With regard to complaints above of people putting twitter and facebook posts into comments – I personally am very grateful for it.
This blog is about reporting on and commenting on BBC bias – which includes following the BBC bias on ALL their official outputs INCLUDING SOCIAL MEDIA – such as twitter and facebook and whatever.
Social Media IS having a MAJOR IMPACT ON SOCIETY and it is Important to follow the BBC bias (propaganda) onto it.
In addition to this, influential BBC staff (reporters, producers …) should have their various social media accounts tracked for bias and conflicts of interests.
Unfortunately these are the signs of the times and if you want to understand fully what is going on we need people following social media.
All I will say in partial support of the complainants is that occasionally, an additional line or two of explanation would be appreciated.
As I have also mentioned in the past – maybe for those with a bit more time on their hands as well as expertise – they could consider developing linked websites focussing on different aspects of the BBC propaganda – maybe they could contact the technical volunteers supporting this site (through the contact us link) for advice.
The BBC is a multibillion pound, multi-media, multi-platform, multi-lingual, global propaganda outfit – and it is more or less impossible to keep track of all the propaganda they are producing.
ps I have just noticed this website has an “In Their Own Tweets” section – so maybe that section could be developed and posts detailing twitter could be added there. But I don’t know how many people go to that section – there seems to be no recent discussion/
I like the Twitter links cos I’m not on it, so enjoy reading some interesting and amusing comments. Quite easy to scan through posts that don’t interest you much. Like Maxis.
I use Twitter occasionally to put forward my own stuff which is not relevant here. But I note that so many BBC employees use it regularly to promote BBC bias. Additionally, there is much criticism of BBC bias on Twitter and Facebook, which is worth repeating.
Also remember that BBC news and reports are frequently based on Tweets from Trump and others.
As for complaints about conspiracy theories it is wise to go careful. Most governments and their supportive media dismiss as conspiracy theory alternative accounts of the news put out for mass consumption. What is often dismissed as conspiracy theory is frequently someone doing the job that investigative journos were supposed to do – ask bloody embarrassing questions and provide alternative stories which may fit the facts, In science we might call it ‘entertaining a plausible hypothesis
In response to Broadcasting on Behalf…..I too am on neither Twitter or FBook and happy to remain so. I think it important to be informed so happy for those posts to continue. But as you say, an explanation of why it is posted is usually helpful.
Unlike, say, BBC North America Hillary Correspondent Katty Kay?
I wonder if/when she will be sharing, sans comment, the latest BBC ‘story’ about ‘scary’ orange faces?
The problem isn’t so much the source of a comment – whether it’s Twitter, another blog or the BBC itself, but the way it is presented and whether it is on topic. If the presentation makes the sense obscure it is just adding noise to the signal.
GCooper I think there is some problem that people need to check what a quoted tweet looks like AFTER they have posted.
Cos it doesn’t look the same as they see on Twitter. Here the first image or link does show up
BUT if the tweet contains a quoted tweet ..then you need to post both the original aswell
There is a separate issue in that you may wish to post a tweet which is a reply to someone
but unfortunately the very first reply when posted here always has the initial tweet above itt, so you get 2 tweets when you only want to speak about one.
but mostly people should be able to spot and ignore the first one.
I use a Mac with Safari browser.
Copying a tweet link and positing here shows the tweet in full, with link embedded.
I sometimes have time to link the chain, but not always. It is not hard to follow if interested. Or leave if not. Certainly less time than posting how busy one is to be bothered not doing it.
Some are kind enough to add the link content, for which I thank them.
Whilst this great nation goes through its biggest battle for freedom since the Second World War, the nation’s media, press and government use this so-called news to bury Brexit beneath these headlines …………..
“Michael Fallon ‘apologised for touching journalist’s knee”
Its all utter tosh!
It’s what happens when women and feminized males take control of the news – it turns into women’s gossip.
ps I am not sexist because for this comment I have decided to be transgender neutral with a dash of Nubian spirit and crushed rhino’s horn.
How many women use sex to get to the job that they want and aspire to ?
I have often heard women use this term about other women “she slept her way to the top “.
It works both ways.
If the Beeb want to put Fallon at the top of their website Home page, why not report matters of national importance, such as:
a) Defence cuts
b) the Government holding secret talks about flogging off Royal Navy warships
c) the Government signing up by stealth to the EU military union (see Veterans for Britain for information).
“How many women use sex to get to the job that they want and aspire to?…It works both ways.”
Of course, because if we’ve learnt one thing over the last few weeks; it’s that young female actors were just begging to watch Harvey Weinstein wank off in the shower.
Well done taffman.
Not a very good reply – you could have done better. Someone rattle your cage?
He’s just jealous of all those young actresses.
Maxicony has been fisting in the shower.
There is an important issue here regarding a distinction between non- consentual sex and unwanted sex.
But why discuss it with a dope like Maxicony?
So are you saying, Maxincony, that no woman has ever voluntarily bestowed sexual favours to further their career?
Shouldn’t Marxistcony be back at school this week? I thought half term was over.
The Beeb breathlessly reports that Fallon touched someone’s knee!
This is starting to feel like an episode of Brass Eye. Molestageddon. Someone touched a woman’s knee once! What next, a man looked an attractive woman for a bit too long once or accidentally viewed mild pornography?
Isn’t the #Metoo nauseating? It has just become a massive man-hating orgy, an excuse for mass Narcissism and emotional incontinence. Women never exploit their sexuality to get their way with men – never! The idea that they might in any way use their wiles among rich and powerful men is absolutely ridiculous.
Agree Brother this whole witch hunt is becoming totally insane. MP touched journalists knee,……15 years ago!!!!!! And this is headline news, I give up.
Michael Fallon ‘apologised for touching journalist’s knee’
Just do what Bill Clinton did – “I ask you to turn away from the spectacle of the last 7 months.”
– 7 months? Just change to period required. e.g. 15 years for Fallon!
“This matter (releasing man fluids over a young intern in the white house and other sexual advances on other ladies) is between me and the two people I love most. My wife and our daughter and our God.” @2:39
….is between me and the two people I love most. My wife and our daughter and our God.”
Interesting exercise to be had there in verbal reasoning.
Isn’t that three? Or was he referring to himself as God?
His God? I don’t know why he had to bring Beelzebub into it.
If the BBBC are so concerned about sexual harrassment, then why do they keep showing as much arse – both male and female – to get viewers interested? Why do they keep wanting to get as close to a TV proper shag without ‘offending’ the taxpaying public?
The national assumption has always been that if you want to be an actress, then get ’em off, and if you want to be a stud in a crap soap, then do the same – but not nessecarily in that order.
What a pathetic ‘story’ the BBC is whingeing about. They were among the worst culprits when Savile was leering at kids, and took not a blind bit of notice. Will the BBBC show another clip of Suzannah Reed flashing her knicks? Then doing it agan as an action replay?
Hurrrrgh hurrrgh…
Fox News here we come!
Typical luvvies making much ado about nothing.
Meanwhile no outcry over Muslim ‘men’ sexually assaulting young girls.
“Get used to seeing more of Mo”
Steady, all you islamophobes out there, don’t choke on your cornflakes. Our Mo Farah is coming home. The BBC see this relocation from the states as fanatstic headline news (and not quite so BBC-newsworthy is Mo’s dropping of his controversial drug allegation embattled coach). It’s a pity but this story really just draws attention to the fact that our Mo has been abroad for much of the time that the BBC as idolised him as a British hero.
He is absolute proof that multiculturalism works.
And how quickly we all forget:
Mo Farah was last night under pressure to fully explain missing two drugs tests after it emerged his doorbell would have been rung up to seven times when he failed to answer it to anti-doping officials before London 2012.
The crisis engulfing the double Olympic champion intensified yesterday, with it also being revealed that he avoided being banned from the scene of his greatest triumph because he was deemed not to have evaded testers at his Teddington home in early 2011.
That would have been shortly after he began working with Alberto Salazar, the coach who was this month accused of doping some of his other athletes.
Can’t help but think if he was a white, English athlete who expressed right-of-centre views on Twitter, the BBC would quickly be into reminder mode every time his name got mentioned.
Instead, the BBC Memory Hole was cranked into overdrive and it has all faded into mist….
‘There’s no integrity in the sport’
Damning words there from the father of a paralympian. In further sports news this morning the BBC are forced to acknowledge that one of their super-precious pet projects could be as bent as a hairpin. Now let’s just get this straight – disabled people doing sports is generally a good idea. But when wheelchair racing is promoted by the desperately virtue-signalling likes of the BBC as an equivalent of the real thing then we have problems. Let’s be honest, sport these days is more corporate than corinthian. The audience is guilt-tripped into support for the nonsense. Athletes have been cheating – exaggerating their disabilities – or so the BBC has suddenly discovered. That of course doesn’t happen in utopia. But human nature will tend to make the sportsman do all he can to win the acolades. How long before some sap cuts his own legs off to win gold? We know the lefty-minded are oblidged to cheer for paralympics and women’s football and if they like it then us poor saps are evil bigots if we won’t take our medicine prescribed by the left. But perhaps we instinctively understand human nature a little better than the naive BBC crowd who have gone all misty-eyed for the paralympics.
Personal declaration – I am not physically disabled and not involved in sport
I agree that al Beeb over eggs the para sports stuff – in the same way they do with girlies playing footy and now the kids. They have a big sports department to pay and justify . However – I do admire the people who carry a disability and apply themselves to competitive sport – particularly those who have been injured fighting for Blighty for whom I thank for their efforts.
Toady watch
– personal declaration – I am RC
The head girl had a chat with the arch bish of cantab about Luther – a tv show I have seen- apparently the Christian church split because of it …. any way the head girl used the interview to generally undermine and dismiss Christianity in accordance with principles of al beeb . The false prophet in the room – who never had a mention -was Islam and it’s current project of taking over Blighty with our Implied consent.