Priti Patel resigns: What went wrong?
Erm….according to The Sun an FCO official contacted the BBC and grassed on her…because?…The FCO was jealously guarding its territory, the FCO doesn’t like Jews and has always been Arabist, and the official was probably a Remainer…so why not grass up a Leave politician who is talking nicely to the Jews to the BBC which they might have grounds for considering to be broadly sympathetic with the FCO’s views?
Anyway…another open thread to grass the BBC’s bias to the world….
Very true Goat – Sistas wouldnt be interested either as the only “real rapists” are us white ones. Obviously Islamic ones only do it for “cultural” reasons so that does not really count.
Its funny – that with a female Prime Minister and Home Secretary you would have thought that they would be really hard on crimes like rape and similair. But I find it quite revealing that they seem more interested in punishing “knee fumbling” and “bacon” crime rather than crime which has real effects on real victims.
I guess these two scheming women personify the state our society has decended to – where providing all the correct PC boxes are ticked the truly unacceptable become normalised and almost acceptable whilst the insignificant and what used to be classed as mainstream debate becomes criminalised in a topsy turvy world of politically correct, legal chaos which has deliberately been created to stifle any debate of real problems and promote self censorship.
Its all about short term control – But at some point the pot will boil over – spilling its contents everywhere.
Oaknash, an interesting point re Elmer and Ma May; as female judges are (unbelievably) generally more lenient with rapists than male judges, whereas one would intuitively assume the reverse.
Does seem strange Al – Like when Alison Saunders couldnt wait to threaten us all with her new “hate” crime legislation but appears unmoved by the continual sexual abuse of white working class women by members of the “doctors and engineers” classes.
Sistas doing it for themselves ?
“When the trivial is treated as serious, and the serious as trivial, culture death is a real possibility.” – Neil Postman
To Doublethinker above and others that have wondered how to get Fox News. It is easy to get in the UK if you have a smart TV or a computer.
Just get on to YouTube and search for “Fox News Live”. There will be a lot of results but I always choose one that is direct from “Fox News Live Stream”. Yes there are adverts but then they pay for the channel.
I watch Fox News most of the time now. BBC, Sky and even ITV are just smug campaigners for anything left wing and don’t live in the real world. To them cash grows on trees and budgets never have to be met. They are constantly trying to undermine the country, sneer at President Trump, ramming fanciful anti Brexit predictions down our throats or blaming old people for the dire straits of the NHS and everything else that is wrong with the planet.
Of course the millions of third world folks who arrived here by magic never use the NHS, need houses or drive on our roads and never abuse the country or our children do they?
Then there is the religion of Global Warming Climate Change. They spit their rhetoric on this at us at every opportunity. It’s always the warmest year ever, ever since dinosaurs farted 2.8 million years ago. And if the wind blows and knocks over a deck chair it’s given a nice name and we are told the end of the world will be in on October 14th 2083.
Please, when do we get a President Trump?
Many thanks OT. I’ll give it a try.
Borth zoo ‘outraged’ over lynx killing { 11nov2017} … would it be outraged if kids were killed by the predator? Guess we won’t find out and that’s a good thing.
Quite. If the zoo is incapable of keeping animals secure they should not be in business. Personally, I think all zoos are an abomination. No place for them in a civilised society.
Unfortunately zoos may be the only places some species can still safely exist, as they will have disappeared in their natural environment. Due to the rate at which the vibrant members of the human race are killing them off.
A bit like the situation British people will be in here in around 150 – 200 years from now, except then they will be being herded together for reasons other than their preservation.
Grant, Al Shubtill
One of my many jobs is an ethical and welfare adviser to a major zoo. This zoo only has species that are on the verge of extinction. Maybe we should let them become extinct. There are arguments in favour. But people do believe that we should protect them. My job is to ensure they can live a life meeting as many welfare requirements as possible. That means applying the five freedoms of welfare and meeting all the standards required by law. They are better off than many farm and companion animals, but sad they will never live in the wild.
Let me revise my comment. Agreed that there may be a place for endangered species , but I don’t believe there is a place for the others, such as Polar Bears , for example.
Agree Grant. We do not consider others
Shades of Mishal levels of moral relativism and Iranian-style deflection from the BBC again.
A lynx may not be a tiger, but is a wild, apex predator.
Also as a feline likely hard to capture though doubtless that was an ideal.
Surely the real story, and outrage, is yet to be uncovered; namely security protocols at this zoo?
But likely the BBC prefer this angle.
Do you mean young goats or human children? Lynx are abundant throughout the Eurasian landmass, except in Britain where they were hunted to extinction in the medieval period.There is no record of lynx attacks on humans. A lynx might take an unattended young goat but there is plenty of prey for them in the wild. In particular, Britain has a serious problem with deer in the absence of predators and lynx are a possible solution. They’re fond of fox too, so there’s another problem solved. And rabbits – an invasive species that’s a serious problem for market gardeners, ever had one come up in your polytunnel to scoff the veg?
You are being a tad hysterical here MarkyMark; lynx in the environment would be a good thing all round. IMHO of course.
It has been debated.
Like so often, it seems to depend on whose claims are to be trusted.
In this risk averse age with a lawyer at every corner, it would be a brave official who decided to see if a captive-held creature getting to grips with the survival pressures of the wild would restrict itself to acceptable fare.
IMHO. And, hopefully, without any hysteria that can tempt certain posters to add curiously personal language in debate.
Good post, WWotW, and worth considering. More practical except do you remember the fuss when foxes were found in houses and – if I recall correctly – just one baby was attacked? Lynx, conceivably, might do the same.
In their favour, they are unlikely to dam rivers and cause flooding like the beavers that some people wish to re-introduce to Great Britain.
A balance in nature is a good thing. I hope lynx do not go for hedgehogs or badgers! 😉
I hope that lynx do go for badgers which tear open rubbish bags in search of food.
Badgers are also responsible for the massive drop in hedgehog numbers, they are the only major predator on the species and as their numbers continue to skyrocket, Mr and Mrs Tiggywinkles drop. We in our cars used to be a significant limiter, but how many do you see flattened on roads these days?
Don’t tell Brian May though, he won’t believe you.
I think the keyword you use is ‘environment’ and whilst the Eurasian landmass has mountainous regions like the Alps and the Pyrenees and the Carpathian range as well as vast swathes of forest in Germany and Eastern Europe, not to mention Siberia, Britain simply does not have enough of the right type of environment to best suit the Eurasian lynx.
Lynx are recognised as being solitary and secretive, avoiding humans where possible, and seem to prosper best in the more remote areas of their range, which is certainly not in a council estate near Aberystwyth. There may be areas in Britain where reintroduced lynx could succeed but, most importantly in the interests of the animals themselves, these would need to be as far from densely populated areas as possible. The north of Scotland perhaps as has already been suggested. And why would we do this, just because we can? I don’t think it would necessarily benefit the Eurasian lynx as a species.
It would be foolish for anyone to promote or seek the introduction of such an efficient predator simply to manage fox numbers, increasingly a problem in urban areas, as surely this would lead to real human safety concerns and conflict should these predators adapt their behaviour to follow their prey only to find easier pickings in a garden coop or hutch, or god forbid a child’s nursery. We need to better manage foxes before making things more complex by adding another potentially dangerous apex predator.
Deer and rabbit can be managed effectively by gamekeepers and farmers if they are allowed to do so and could, if both were promoted as the healthy and sustainable sources of protein that they are, become economically beneficial to rural areas and cheap sources of food for everyone. We don’t need lynx to control their numbers either.
I think it is sad that this animal had to die but see this only being repeated again and again should this species be reintroduced to areas changed entirely from when lynx were indigenous. We, and more essentially the media, who were present in the form of the bBbc on the day Lilleth escaped, should be concerned that the four remaining lynx, and not forgetting two lions, that are still in this zoo don’t meet the same fate through the incompetence of the obviously unsuitable owners.
Rich – There is a pressure from greeny/countryfile brigade at the moment to start “re-wilding” parts of England from Beavers through to Wolves.
Whilst personally I rather like the idea that we would have wilderness species back in the UK. In reality it is generally totally impracticable as with the current population growth there is increasing conflict with mankind and as we are only a small Island and with increasing numbers of people moving out of the metropolis and increasing mechanisation of agriculture the potential environment is decreasing by the day.
Unfortunately like most things in the Western World (like immigration) these debates are undertaken with emoting and feeling rather than facts. The Green lobby wants re-wilding of our countryside (currenlty only Beavers) but also wants to allow more migrants into the UK thus increasing the pressure on flood planes with the building of more homes etc-
Unfortunately Governments do not seem ever to want any sort of proper debate over these issues (and this may involve telling people want they dont want to hear) and generally just listen to those who shout the loudest rather than having any sort of reasoned discussion. And indeed (as in the migration debate) actually legislating against those with an alternative viewpoint.
The tragedy of all of this is that it is likely that there may well be re-introductions in the future that will go very badly wrong and the only ones to really suffer in the end will be the animals themselves.
I find this a very interesting debate. Though I do have some question about the lynx being a potential danger. It sounds a bit like ‘Elf and Safety propaganda. Is there any evidence to prove them a threat?
I have never heard of any but perhaps there is some. Maybe there is somewhere in Europe where parents warn their children “Don’t go outside! A lynx might get you”. Excuse me being a little sceptical.
I thought that the biggest danger to children was from the uncontrolled domestic dog. (The ones above fox terrier size that is). There used to be hundreds of dog attacks per year in the UK. Mind you I haven’t seen the statistics for a long time. So maybe dogs have stopped doing it now. I don’t know.
Remember foxes were “solitary and secretive, avoiding humans where possible” until they moved into the urban envronment.
I suppose the lynx gets to see it’s one and only prey everyday through the wire of its cage. But the decision is not black and white as you have stated. Is it worth the risk?
Wild animals tend to be driven by smell and hunger.
Journalists are just like that, too.
I see Chris ‘£2.3m Wages Paid Under Threat of Prison‘ Evans is now promoting his CarFest (own commercial venture) site using BBC free advertising platform… For the Many (monies), Not the Few (monies) … think of the Children!
“For BBC Children in Need” = “For Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans Adult NOT IN NEED”
Mr Evans…….exposed his erect penis to her….
Should have gone to Specsavers.
Chris Packam are you Drama Queening again?
Yet again media HYPES an extraordinary GreenDream claim
… Instead of TESTING it.
#PRforCOP23 Green Conference
Ah, that would be Chris Packham who, when asked if he was forced to make one species extinct, replied without hesitation ‘Mankind’.
Perhaps Mr Packham could start with himself and let the rest of us decide for ourselves.
Scouts “Breast binding” badge
\\Young people who are developing breasts may strap down their chest, to make it less obvious. This is called ‘binding’ and it is important to respect the young person’s decision to do this.//,378&moduleID=10
Trans drama queening
Ray Filar is an activist posting on the Left leaning anti democracy Remoaner pro BBC ‘open democracy’ funded by George Soros.
The media aren’t mouthing off an assault, they are merely reacting to the Fascist Left government of Theresa May’s ideological subversion.
Beyond criticism. Highlight the articles faults and defend your position would be my response.
Kids don’t put you bank account details on a job application form.
Saw this in the Daily Express and I thought I would share it with you.
It puts some perspective on the bbc’s Continuous message that May is weak and in chaos but the eu is wise, strong and all things to all men.
According to the EU, May’s government is weak. It may not be strong but it is stable. Unlike Germany where, almost two months after the election, one of her proposed partners in a coalition yet to be formed is holding a meeting in a fortnight to decide whether to pursue detailed coalition talks; another election looms. Unlike Austria where anti-EU parties have made sweeping gains in their elections. Unlike Spain which may have another civil war looming. Unlike Italy where migrants, the banks and Five Star are a huge cause for government concern. Unlike Poland, seeking reparations from the Germans for World War 2, and being threatened by Brussels to halt their constitutional reforms. Unlike Greece still burdened down by unsustainable debt. Unlike France where there are labour strikes and President Macron struts around like a latter-day Napoleon. Unlike Malta where a journalist is murdered when she was about to expose political corruption at the highest level. No, Mrs May might not have the majority she wants, but she is in a much better position than that lot.
Thanks to EURjoking from DE comments.
Why blame Brandon Lewis, Home Office Minister? – he was only having his own, ‘…..bring immigration down to the tens of thousands……’ and ‘enough is enough’ moments when he stated: “People who have no right to live in this country should be in no doubt of our determination to remove them.”
Fact is, the Government really have no idea what they are doing and governmental, ‘life as usual’ is merely indicative of the gross mismanagement that’s been very obvious for decades. Problem for them is, we now have many sources on the internet happy to point out their inadequacies.
When all is said and done, you can guarantee when it comes to the government and immigration of any kind; there will be a hell of a lot more said than done.
Give the undocumented some documents. Deportation documents. How to remove the undocumented problem.
I noticed a query about Fox News. Yes, easy to find on You Tube. That, in turn, will give you access to InfoWars/Alex Jones, Bill Still, Lionel Nation and other conservative US channels/sites. On the BBC you can expect propaganda dressed up as news; completely one-sided. Radio4 takes the biscuit: expect constant Trump-bashing, plots to oust ministers in order to topple the UK government, etc.
The 10.00pm news last night was a classic; R4 dragged up one McClelland, who apparently is an independent ‘Republican’, who flung wild accusations at Alabama’s Robert Moore, in order to get and Trump. The female R4 presenter at no stage suggested that he might refer to ‘allegations’; apparently you can say anything you like about the President, and any source will be OK with the BBC. Personally, Trump is not my cup of tea, but I have noticed not one positive or neutral story about him or his policies since he won the Presidency. Not a whiff of a balanced debate. That news item was followed by one on some comedian who owned up to sordid behaviour. Since Trump had just been accused of similar, the presenter made it sound like a natural tie-up. Typical R4.
Our full pride police too afraid to enter gypsy site to recover stolen caravan.
woman who flew a microlight over a travellers site to track down her stolen £9,000 caravan says she was “livid” when police refused to enter the camp to return her vehicle.
That’s gone on for years. I remember talking to an ex-plod who told me he once set a telex to the Met asking them to arrest a gentleman of the Travelling Community, who they’d discovered was at a particular site in London and was wanted up north for a crime he’d committed.
He received one back asking what the crime was that he was wanted for. This chap said he’d never been asked that before when he’d sent other requests, so he asked why that was. The response was that unless it was for murder or attempted murder they didn’t go and make arrests on that gypsy camp as it required about twenty coppers to do it and involved a small riot.
Nick, Jon Simpson and Emma Bartlett should start a band. This thread is shaping up as a high dudgeon/flounce epic:
So, this morning , watched the Lords mayor show on the bBC. 2 presenters, a Muslim woman and a black male.
They reported from just outside Bank tube station, which is about 1.5kms from the main Mosque in the United Kingdom and less than 500 metres from East London where the largest concentration of Muslims can be found in London which contains over 40% of the UKs Muslims. Just further up the road is Stratford and just across the river is Sarth Larnden which are predominately black. which is why the bBC loves to say that the Uk is a multicultural city.
The vast majority of people watching the parade were white, I’d saw around 98% another 1.8% were Oriental as in Chinese. Very few Blacks and no Islamic looking people what so ever. Then there was the parade, I’d say 95% were white, around 2% were Chinese and the remaining 3% were filled by blacks and Asian children from schools and Cadet forces. Other than the initial steel band the bBC aired at the beginning, the entire show was virtually white. Could it be , they simply couldn’t be bother to take part, yet all I hear from the bBC, is these people keep on being left out of the British way of life, Not enough black Football managers, Not enough black bosses, Not enough black British students at Oxford, Not enough black film stars playing James Bond.
With all the screams of fucking diversity shoved in my face (and I’m not white) can anybody from the bBC explain why blacks and people of my skin colour didn’t bother attending the Lords Mayor show as their demographics in the areas around Bank station suggests they should have. (You only have to walk down the bottom of the Edgeware Road to see what I mean)
Maybe in answer London could make the event next year non-white just as the 2018 Pirelli Calendar has become all black.
Yet, isn’t the above Calendar shoot ‘racist’ using the same criteria used by the leftwing cocksuckers out there on a daily basis in which to scream we are living in a multicultural society and thus having a whites only mindset is demographically incorrect.
Isn’t this an example of cultural appropriation?
In any case, it is a great work of philosophy, maths and an exploration of language – not a story of kings and queens.
Multicultural = different populations largely isolating themselves to keep their own particular culture pure and free from contamination by other cultures.
All on one little island.
Result? Not difficult to predict, I’d say.
Yes, it’s essentially neo-tribalism
A modern state, like Scotland, could not come into existence until the clan system was loosened.
This is why the national state is so effective and extremely effective when it is monocultural or monoethnic. Even leftists understand that a system of national social transfer payments cannot work unless there is an overarching national identity or feeling of loyalty.. Even when there is no actual violence, there is always residual mistrust. Something unexpected can happen and an orgy of violence is released.
The media bleat on endlessly about “cohesion” and a “divided society”. What else do they expect?
After WWII,”cohesion”, or feeling onesself to be part of a nation, was probably as great as it could be. Decades of uncontrolled mass immigration have continuously undermined this “cohesion”.
The media are like someone hitting themselves on the head with a hammer and wondering why their head hurts.
The effects of Ma Merkel’s Madness are slowly being revealed on the German BBCs.German police now go around in sixes!! when patrolling the Oktoberfest. Recently, in Mönchen-Gladbach two police officers stopped a driver to check his papers and were immediately attacked by what the ZDF referred to as ” 24 Mitglieder seines Clans” The use of the word “Clan” is interesting. Clearly, they were not referring to an indigenous German driver and the 24 were not simply a criminal band, nor a criminal family of the Mafia kind. So what was the ZDF describing? The police trying to assert their authority in a tribal area that rejects the authority of the German state.
I wonder if the “leftwing cocksuckers” honestly believe that once Islam takes over Britain it will allow a multicultural society. Dream on cocksuckers.
It was the same with Tour De France in Yorkshire… the ethnic in the crowd….another place you see mostly white is durring you daily commute….
To boldly go where no man has gone before:
Star Trek star George Takei is accused of sexually assaulting an unconscious young male model in 1981
Meanwhile on video:
If I were a man, I`d keep well clear of watching any kind of womens sport until they`ve all calmed down.
Got to be a case of setting blokes up to fail if they were to even seem to be leering.
And school sports as well, featuring under 18s for that matter. Can`t be worth the risk can it?
Adding onto what Alica has written, males are forbidden to babysit children in the army.
Don’t worry it won’t be long before some nutter defines men watching women playing sport as some kind of sex crime, and prosecutes you for it !
I hope they don’t ban Last of the Summer Wine. Occasionally watch it at teatime if something Politically Correct, like a serious Governmental Knee touching incident, appears on the BBC.
The sexual harassment on Last of the Summer is far more serious than touching the knee.
Sexual harassment by the scruffy one is constant. Last week he sexually assaulted an ugly woman who then used a brush to push him off down the street. And in another incident, he sexually assaulted the female owner of a café, who then hit him over the head with a tray, and threw him out of the café. None of these incidents seem to have been reported to the authorities by these women?
Only if the men happen to be white heterosexual men.
Meanwhile on armistice day the bBC reports this news story:
BBC-Trending = BBC-Trolling
… Normally they troll the World Service listeners by convincing them there is a huge mob of “Alt-Right Far-Right” around the corner about to destroy the last world.
However Mike Wendling didn’t do last weeks prog and it was about Democrats and the California Independence movement and them having conferences in Russia.
But the title above seems like MW back to his usual trolling.
Beeb website still trying to blame the Russians for President Trump’s victory despite a lot of evidence pointing to a lot of dodgy goings on in Clinton’s campaign. Anyone else get the impression that President’s Trump & Putin will get on well with each other.
President Trump’s plan was to work with President Putin against islamic terrorists. Between Trump’s election and inauguration Obama tried to sabotage this by expelling Russian diplomats. Putin didn’t retaliate because he also wanted a new start with Trump. Then the media ran with the “Trump in Putin’s pocket” smear so the political price of an agreement became too high for Trump to pay in his first year in office. Once the media/Democrats’ hysteria dies down the grown ups will be back in charge.
The analysis of all this would make a good Panorama programme, but the BBC is too deeply involved in the smear campaign.
I look forward to watching The Don & Vlad show on the BBC.
Apologies if this has already been posted, but here is JR-M ripping a BBC tosser a new one.
He really is peerless.
Agreed Lobster, it is a tour de force; wonderful to watch and see how gradually Sackur (who is no lightweight interviewer by any means) realizes that slowly and surely he is being outclassed. I think it is one of J R-M’s best interviews, he just demolishes every argument anti-Brexit etc that is put to him; to the degree that Sackur desperately returns, like a dog to its vomit, to his interviewee’s beliefs about abortion.
I notice that it wasn’t on the iPlayer earlier, with all the other HARDtalk episodes, I watched it via YouTube.
Al Shubtill
As you say, they continually bring up his personal views on abortion and gay marriage even though he has said on many occasions that these are his PERSONAL views and that he wouldn’t try to impose them on others. Speaking as someone who is gay, I have never understood the need for the law to have been changed regarding gay marriage – I am perfectly happy with the concept of Civil Partnerships and feel that they were all that was needed to bring equality to issues such as inheritance, property rights etc.
Thanks for the link.
Wow, did JRM get under Sackof’s skin.
He made Emma Bartlett sound like the voice of calm, professional impartiality.
Doubtless in the BBC cafe it was high fives all round, but outside the W1A Methane bubble the bbc stance sounded as desperate as it did deranged.
Wild guesses on how Marr’s factual terrier senses and tonality may vary between cuddly Khan and Ghastly Gove.
Barnett….Sackur….do send us YOUR Nomination for Inadvertent Friend of Brexit.
Hoping to get the top ten BBC (or others) lefty goons who inevitably tip people into the Brexit camp after “interviewing” those “Far Right Wing” types like Jacob or Boris.
Eddie Mair won last year.
Alicia, how about John_from_Hendon?
Main story on BBC London News: a reality television star from Love Island is no longer turning on Christmas lights somewhere.
What a joke. And they actually report on it with gravitas as if it were a proper story.
Then someone who collapsed during a football game meets someone who rescued him.
How can you call this news? It is just fluff. I guess it beats working for living. How on earth can they think they deserve massively salaries for this garbage? They have downed tools because actual news might ‘offend’ someone. Well having to pay for this nonsense deeply offends me.
Didn`t all this start wnen the BBC were allowed to broadcast 24 hours a day and for ever too.
Why can`t we have a “No BBC Detox” so we can all being to think for ourselves once more?
In my region, Roger Royles epilogue would finish with a whine and white dot, until next afternoon, when the kids were getting back from school, and we needed to get their dinners done(so it kept them passive in bad weather-rest of the time, they`d be out). Endless whine and passivity inducing kiddies pap?…if only eh?
“[M]ost of our daily news is inert, consisting of information that gives us something to talk about but cannot lead to any meaningful action.” – Neil Postman
Not strictly biased BBC. And yet…….
I’ve been looking at the Teachers Pension Scheme annual accounts.
Now education expenditure under ‘austerity’ is around £45bn.
And even the most hard left Labour trots would argue for just a few billion extra.
Yet.. last year the nett public expenditure on teacher pensions was about £12 bn!!!
Yep, about a quarter of the total!!!! Yet no-one notices.
But there is more. Because there is no actual pension fund, with the oensions partbof government annual expenditure, we also need to consider future liabilities, that is the pensions to be paid by future generations for the pension promises of today.
The liabilities in one year increased by over £60 bn !!!!!! More than the entire ecucation budget!!!
In fact pensions is why we have the deficit we do, the word austerity does not exist in public-sector-pension land. Its grown hugely, unchecked, during all the years of tight control on everything else.The austerity we may or may not perceive in the NHS, education, defence etc. Is to pay for the pensions of the select public sector few, otherwise the deficit would absolutely let rip.
But when oh when does the bBBC ever mention this fact? They don’t.
A scandal which in monetary terms, dwarfs all other scandals put together, and then some.
And totally under the radar. Not I suggest by accident. Most of the public have not the faintest scooby about it. Despicable.
Why isn`t it mentioned sluff?
Alan Yentob, James Naughtie, Mark Byford, John Humphrys….all with steming large and unearned pension pots like the other BBC fat cats.
Mark Thompson and The Jimmy Savile Memorial Fund for all I know! And tah goon who was DG of the BBC for sixty days, as Savile trainers were getting the whitener in 2011.
George Entwistle!!!
The public sector is feather bedded. Before Blair there was a semblance of balance because people in the private sector had higher remuneration but the public sector had jobs for life and index d linked pensions. Then Blair increased the remuneration of the public sector to at least the level of the private sector and often beyond it. This was of course an overtly political act so that more and more people in influential positions depended on state patronage for their high and secure standard of living safe in the knowledge that the tax payer would fund their gilt edged pensions. In a nut shell this is why it is so difficult to role back the state because more and more people are employed in cushy well paid public sector jobs. If we had a free private sector media worth its salt it would expose this so that voters could see the leftist racket for what it is but the BBC is part of the public sector so they just go on endlessly about Tory cuts while living high on the hog at the tax payers expense. So much of what is wrong in this country can be traced back to the Blair years . He is a stain on our country and one which I fear is terminal.
+ !0^6.
Who votes Labour? Those on benefits, public sector workers and non whites. The non-productive, the barely productive and the counter-productive.
In what sense are public sector workers “productive”, even barely?
Please feel free to use your own versions.
Occasionally productive.
Inadvertently productive.
Wastefully productive.
The limitless resources of the superior English language are available.
I trust you saw my note about TWLLV.
Don’t forget that Gordon brown changed the tax structure for final salary pension schemes. The result, and it took about ten years to pan out, is that these schemes have virtually been killed off.
That is the real pensions apartheid, between public sector workers who get guaranteed pensions based on their final salaries, and the private sector serfs whose own pensions are now distinctly second rate, and whose taxes pay for the far superior public sector pensions. Gordon Brown seems to have got away with this particular disaster, possibly because the MSM don’t understand pensions, but it was one of the biggest raids on the private sector ever.
Sly bastard, that Gordon Brown.
And of course we also remember things like the Labour Blair Brown 2005 GP contracts, where even the Guardian had to fess up to 50% plus pay rise for 5% less work. Not perhaps what first comes to mind when the public ask for ‘increased NHS spending’.
But that 50% extra over 10 years ago will feed through into a giant extra pension liability in the years to come.
Which of course was never, ever, highlighted.
“But that 50% extra over 10 years ago will feed through into a giant extra pension liability in the years to come.”
It’s worse than that. The Treasury, without bothering to do any joined-up thinking, has tried to limit the damage by imposing extra taxes if the pension pot is considered to be too high (nominally £1 million with some exceptions). The result is that many GPs and hospital consultants are retiring early; just before their pension pot attracts the higher taxes. The workforce planning assumptions are out of the window.
You can now add in an impending shortage of doctors.
If you watch the videos of Yuri Bezmenov posted on the start the week thread all of the above fits in perfectly.
R4 about to profile “the Right wing MP Priti Patel”
Oh shes’s not merely a conservative but gets a boo-word label
If she’s “Right Wing” it’s no wonder that May sacked her.
Man shot dead in London despite the ban on guns.
Police are keeping an open mind.
We don’t do terrorism anymore and we may never know if the shooter belonged to a peaceful religion.
BBC not interested.
Obviously the shooter was not from the far right or we would have seen massive headlines
Move on.
I get a definite sense that we are being fed a lot of rubbish about the current state of terrorism and attempted terrorism in this country and I agree with you that the BBC seems to be completely uninterested in investigating this government smokescreen.
This story, like many others, was never followed up
Lockdown in Notting Hill
Claudia Winkleman has an extremely cushy job at the BBC, for which she receives about half a million pounds annually. I wonder what rigorous questions she was subjected to when she applied for the job?
“Are you Sue Pollard’s daughter?”
“You have got the job!”
“Eve”, but the outcome is the same.
More enrichment reported by TWMTB.
“Consultant at Birmingham’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital charged with three sex assaults
Vibhore Gupta, a consultant in emergency medicine, will appear before Birmingham magistrates on November 21”
I expect he is German.
C4 trailer British Workers Wanted
Seems the narrative is East Europeans are leaving and British are too lazy and inflexible to pick up the jobs
… The thing is there has already been a BBC1 prog in 2010 where in Wisbech in the Fens.. the British wouldn’t turn up
Just seen a preview. Our blonde bigmouth says that if Brits wouldn`t do the jobs way back-then why will they do them now?
She calls us “Brits”…as does Nick Clegg and many others. Good rule of thumb.such people are nasty Remainers in 9/10 of the cases.
I`m no Brit-I`m English, then British-but English most of all.
Is that a drag queen on the right of the photo? Also, isn’t “The Brits” how the IRA used to refer to us?
The BBC announces its new Winter schedule:
and for our Israeli friends
Thoughtful has reminded me that I posted some Islamic-themed TV programmes here a year or two ago. Still, if the BBC can broadcast endless repeats, why can’t I? So here’s ‘another chance to see’:
‘DJINN’LL FIX IT’ (children’s BBC)
An unsavoury old presenter dressed as a magical Islamic spirit helps children fulfill their dreams of joining ISIS. (Youngsters invited to Djinn’s trailer discover he copies Mohammed’s life rather too faithfully.)
‘TWO FATWA LADIES’ (cookery)
Two hijab-clad gourmet cooks tour England, evicting the owners of non-Sharia-compliant restaurants. They then prepare a delicious Halal spread for the local mosque.
‘TALI-TUBBIES’ (children’s viewing)
Adorable introduction to the Taliban for tots aged 1-4. Episode 1: Tinky-Winky is discovered to be gay, and Sharia sentence is passed. Episode 2: How to construct a fully operational crane out of Lego bricks and Meccano.
Slapstick mirth as elderly friends Farook, Abdul and Chickri forcibly clear their Yorkshire village of pubs.
‘TAQIYYA PICK’ (game show)
Contestants compete to compose the most deceitful version of violent Koranic verses. The winner chooses from numbered boxes, hoping for the star prize of an all-expenses-paid pilgimage to Mecca.
I’m A Cockney Get Me Out Of Here: Del Boy and Rodney fall foul of the Islamic morality Police in East London. A dark comedy.
Also a talent show set in the future caliphate called Strictly No Dancing because all dancing and music has been banned.
Red headed Cinderella, black prince glittery, shoe story features in the Debenhams Christmas Advert
At the end the poor guy is sexually assaulted by the woman,
.. He just came to return her shoe , but she grabs him and kisses him right on the mouth.
I hope the pet stores do one of a white dog shagging a black dog
Ha ha ha!
It really is a crappy ad isn’t it! Hurriedly put together to feed ‘diversideeeeee’, and tosh like that!
(Note to self, buy bugger all from Debenhams for the next five years).
Dear S,
I now have a list of boycotted stores, actors and institutions and programs, & it gets tricky remembering them all. Despite the obvious reasons for adding his name to the list, I still I stick with the Andrew Mar show; An uplifting interview with James Dyson, very pro UK and Brexit and Gove was good this morning I thought too. On the down side, a massive serving of ‘lets topple boris next’.
I gave up on Marr at the point when he told us that London probably suffered worst in WW2 and then turned to Khan – “As a Londoner…” a man more representative of a victorious foreign invader than the culture of the blitzed people of London.
Wartime Londoners, just like Moslem Khan, demonstrating their culture – expressed in the Islamic dance called the Lambeth Walk.
I wish we had a few of them today
Hitler couldn’t wipe out the East End’s white working class. It took our own government to do it.
Oh dear, BBC Radio 2 – 2 minutes on Nov11 Poppy Day. 5 minutes on Mayor of Loddon Celebrations on the same day. (why same day?)
History being replaced with – Mayor of London – is more important than fighting for independance, freedom of speech and freedom of thought and individual liberty?
Mayor of London … keep the Koran here … ready for the next Muslim Mayor …
“London chose me as their mayor, not just an ethnic minority, not just a religious minority, but a Londoner of Islamic faith.” – Sadiq Khan, { sep2016}
You’ve got the wrong Mayor, mate.
Sadiq Khan is not the Lord Mayor of London. The Lord Mayor comes from the Aldermen of the City of London.
Did I get this wrong? Lord mayor not mayor? Why split loyalty on same days?
I was wrong, but my point is valid. They are adding a conflicting event which will replace remembrance day. Time will show if I am correct in my view.
London’s mayor – and anyone else’s mayor for that matter, is just a total waste of space and money.
What value does Khan bring to London, and which tourists are stupid enough to think he’s worth a light. Yet another reason to stay away from London I’d have thought.
Naturally the bbc make him out to be a saint, especially as they saw his dad driving a bus once, when the taxi ranks were empty.
Scrobie, a good Mayor of London could make an impact although it is always going to be hard to raise the currently No.1 city in the world further up the scale. Delivering on electoral promises ought to be key in judging success.
Then there are, ‘events, dear boy, events’.
While Mayor Khan was in the studio did anyone ask what he had done to London’s Fire Service budget for current and future years? No? Really.
I wonder why?
Why can’t they have someone in London who knows what to do?
Not some crap org like G4s or Crapita, but a group of real professionals, who can deliver?
Khan is just a useless, rather thick culture-led figurehead, who can’t spend money as fast as that asshole Livingstone did, on absolutely nothing worthwhile. Sorry Londoners, you have the short straw with that particular berk.
I’d get out while you can.
MM, I agree, but at the moment the troops are being rallied by the BBC for this big anti-Brexit push. Mayor Kahn is to them some handy cannon fodder although I wonder if he should be political along Labour v. Conservative lines now that he is in office. I think he should have a strong measure of the apolitical about him now.
If it’s not a re-run of The Exodus (and I think it is), then it’s pretty much like the 1914-1919 Great War.
Roll on Armistice Day, er, … I mean Brexit Day.
Rememberance at the Royal Albert Hall tonight. Mr D lasted about 2 minutes. 100 years since his grandfather died at Passchendale. But the Royal British Legion is celebrating 100 years of women in the armed services. Have they and the BBC forgotten the dead of WW1 who were mainly men?
My husband and I are sticking with it at the moment but this Festival is gradually going from one celebrating military prowess to a dumbed down, touchy feely PC event. It is quite sad to watch this happening.
The World Service this evening was largely given over to the BBC’s own particular form of racism, namely the BBC African Footballer of the Year award nominations, an award given only to players of certain ethnicity, unlike the Ballon d’Or. Is there a reason why African players have to have there own award?
I don’t have a problem with this really. It would happen even if the BBC weren’t covering it, although it would appeal to their diversity obsession.
I presume African footballer could be won by a white African person if there were such a footballer Africans do need to start excelling and improve in every area and the majority of Africans are black.
Any thing that helps Africans improve their lot and cease the wish to migrate en masse is OK by me.
Is there a BBC ” African Cricketer of the year award ” ?
Grant-I just voted in the BBC transgender weight lifter of the year award.
I don’t know about transgender weight lifting, but pelvic power lifting looks interesting.
Not for the easily offended.
I wonder if they avoid eating baked beans and drinking ale the night before the contest. An attack of flatulence would sure take the wind out of their sails.
Deborah, the award is a BBC constructed award, it is the BBC African Football Player of the Year award. The players who win this award are all multi-millionaire players in major European leagues, so it isnt related to football actually played in Africa. I doubt this discourages migration, indeed many migrants entertain dreams of playing football for a western club.
Get the idea that from October(Nobel Prize Awards) and all the way through to March, there`ll be LOADS of awards and ceremonies for the luvvies and goodies to show up to by way of pop songs or remakes of films. Creativity and Originality? Nah-off the shelf homages to crap from the sixties and seventies.
Take “Jubilee”-piece of punk shit film made by Derek Jarman in 1977.
Well, it`s getting played and reworked with Toyah in it again(as the granny I think).
How do I know this? Because some “trans-femmy” black bloke in a frock got Topshop to kick the real women ouf of their clothes shopping-changing rooms for real women excluded him apparently, so they`ve now changed them all.
And this bloke-Travis something-is playing a part in Jubliees remake in Manchester.
And Loose Ends gave him ALL the publicity he needed, as did Topshop(who were played like kippers by Travis and his trannies). The BBC happy to publicise this genius, I for one have long dreamed of seeing Jordan and Adam Ant reprised by the likes of Travis Vuvuzela or whatevere his name is…it`ll change by the minute anyway, so don`t settle on one.
Our Travis quoted a line that ” how can you tell if a cis-white bloke is dead? Isn`t he dead already”. Clive Anderson approved. Of course Clive.
Who pays for all this? the licence fee payer?
Reclaiming remembrance: ‘I thought it was a white event.’
The BBC website continues to ingeniously bring race into everything, and deny aborigine Brits any culture of their own. We learn that Muslims fought for us in the war; sounds like Winston Smith might have sub edited this article.
They interview the charming Dr Malik, who has a connection to a village in Punjab which sent a few hundred soldiers to the First World War; he became a teacher and tours school spreading the good news.
“If soldiers of different faiths could fight side by side 100 years ago, why can’t we get along now?”
Pass the sick bag.
Well, Dr Malik, we have been as welcoming as humanly possible but all the terrorism, rape gangs, benefit fraud et cetera give the impression that somehow one side does not want to ‘get along.’ I’m sure if you popped to Rotherham and told ‘communities’ your lovely story it would magically reconcile irreconcilably different ways of seeing the world.
BBC Online News:
“”Remembrance Day: UK events mark the nation’s war dead””
“”For the first time the Queen will not lay a wreath but instead watch from the Foreign Office’s balcony.””
The BBC ‘forgot’ to mention that the Queen’s health and that of the Duke of Edinburgh have caused this decision.
The Queen also missed the event when she was pregnant and abroad.
The BBC are hoping for the eventual cancelation of this event as it doesn’t fit their diversity narrative.
Maybe the BBC think that Tony Hall should lay the wreath in place of the Queen. As for diversity, look at the Commonwealth High Commissioners laying their wreaths, most of them are black.
The BBC would only be laying white poppies(eco-sustainable), alongside some yellow and lavender pansies.
Probably cost millions and we`d be paying for it, not them.
Humans need food, water, sleep and diversity.
Please Grant, Dover and Beeb, it’s ‘DIVERSIDEEEEEE’, like ‘cherideeeee’, only taking more from real UK citizens and handing it out to the three million scroungers on various streets around the UK. It’s a new pseudo-culture dreamed up by lefties at the Grauniad/bbbc champagne festivals.
Please adjust your spell check accordingly, and recite the correct term three times before meals…
Woke up to Radio Lincolnshire’s Rod ‘Alan Partridge’ Whiting & news presenter spending 3 mins sneering at Trump and Koi… as they still don’t know that’s FakeNews
#Biasedbbc has cultural problem
… saaad
Every few months the Guardian/BBC feels a need to tell us about Muslim soldiers fighting alongside the west. Sorry? Any items about Hindus or Sikhs? Erm, now you mention it, er, no. Perhaps the BBC is doing an item on FAKE NEWS so doesn’t have time to say to mention other groups.
However, as the comments in the Guardian point out, Muslim countries actually fought alongside the Germans in BOTH wars. The reason for the demise of the Ottoman empire was that they were driven out of the middle east by the British and French forces.
Ah, sadly that item is now closed for comments – cannot think why.
BTW the article quotes Yusuf Chambers of the Muslim Heritage Trust. A rather unpleasant gentleman who actually wants gay men to be murdered. He shares stages with Muslim extremists calling for gays to be stoned to death.
As yet the BBC have yet to breach the tender topic of “widows” that would have been male partners of those killed in the wars.
Imagine-like their quest to find a gay premiership footballer-this one will be sought out , sometime soon.
If not some piece on how the gays or trans community won the wars for us, but none of us cared to note it.
All these white old blokes and young squaddie thug types are NOT what the BBC want.
Can someone explain to me why the BBC’s website has ‘Africa’s Week In Pictures’ (or whatever it’s called) every single week? Why not South America? Why not East Asia? Are they of no importance? Is there only one place in the world deserving such regular examination?
Yes, it’s another of those rhetorical questions because we all know the answer: the BBC is obsessed with everything to do with Africa and black people, because it is racist to its core and riddled with Marxist self-loathing.
I would say the whole of Africa is racist. Nothing wrong with that unless you happen to have a white hide and then it’s the most evil thing on the planet. I simply do not believe these people who say they are colour blind. I think that they are blind per se.
I’ve just returned from my local Remembrance Day ceremony.
The numbers attending were perhaps double that of last year and with many under the age of 25.
Is this increase in attendance happening elsewhere?
Its something I’ve noticed in the small town i live in. Every Remembrance Sunday, The old boys, cadets, and such march through the centre of town to the church. The main street is always packed with people and hundreds of people have to stand outside the church for the service. I am proud to say I have taken part (Part of the regular military contingent) a good few times and in this neck of the Woods they respect the sacrifice made by those who came before us. Funny enough regards the bBCs not enough Indian recognition, the seniors would always retire (with families) to the mess and have a curry. Not roast Beef, not Yorkshire pud, but Curry.
Dover Sentry
I believe it is showing an increase across the country, and much coming from young people.
Probably the BBC/Guardian will claim that it is due to post Brexit bigotry, racism and far right nationalism
We travelled twice up to London the other year in which to see the Poppy display at the Tower. It was manic.
Yes I was in the next village, the road was closed and there were couple of hundred people around the war memorial.
The scouts & guides were there, and so many were parents I guess.
More than 20+ wreaths ..from Lions, air force, scouts & guides, local football team, school
Veterans were there including an Afro-Caribbean…There are few non-whites in the village, and since the event is linked to the church older white people were there rather than Pak/Bangla.
As part of their Remembrance Day coverage they have to shoe-horn in a segment about women fighting in wars. Nowhere is safe from the SJW virus.
Not much female oppression to be seen here. I reckon women have historically definitely had a better deal when it comes to fighting wars
The names of nearly eighty WW1 casualties were read out at our Cenotaph Service today.
Only one was a woman, a nurse.
God bless , God thank and keep her and her memory alive of course-but guess which person of the eighty got into the sermon by way of namecheck?
When the churches are as craven and token-seeking as this-no wonder the majority of people who were there will draw their own conclusions. And not bother with any church service again unless the grandkids come by. Not until next November anyway.
Imagine we`ll increasingly get the names of POWs, of horses and dogs and of sock knitting spinsters to replace all those horrid white blokes within our lifetimes.
A number of people have mentioned at how the bBC continues to promote the message that Remembrance day is somehow racist:
Reclaiming Remembrance: ‘I thought it was a white event’
Remembrance serves as a way to honour those who gave their lives for Britain in conflict, including during the two World Wars, but do all those who fought get the recognition they deserve?..”Before I knew how much the Indians had contributed, growing up I thought it was very much a white war,” he said. “We weren’t taught about the Indians in school.”
Here is something that I was taught about in School during the 70s:
India Gate
India Gate is a memorial to 82,000 soldiers of the Indian Army who died in the period 1914–21 in the First World War, in France, Flanders, Mesopotamia, Persia, East Africa, Gallipoli and elsewhere in the Near and the Far East, and the Third Anglo-Afghan War. 13,300 servicemen’s names, including some soldiers and officers from the United Kingdom, are inscribed on the gate.,The cornice of the India Gate is inscribed with the Imperial suns while both sides of the arch have INDIA, flanked by the dates MCMXIV (1914 left) and MCMXIX (1919 right). Below the word INDIA, in capital letters, is inscribed:
13,218 war dead are commemorated by name on the India Gate.
In the UK we have: Chattri, in Brighton a memorial for those Indian soldiers who died during the Great war. It has by law a 20 metre no build zone and is preserved by the British legion which until 1999 held pilgrimages there : Its plaque reads
To the memory of all Indian soldiers who gave their lives for the King-Emperor in the Great War, this monument, erected on the site of the funeral pyre where Hindus and Sikhs who died in hospital at Brighton passed through the fire, is in grateful admiration and brotherly love dedicated.
and in 2002 the Queen unveiled the memorial Gates in London located at the Hyde Park Corner end of Constitution Hill in London. they commemorate the armed forces of the British Empire from five regions of the Indian subcontinent (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka), as well as Africa and the Caribbean, who served for Britain in the First and Second World Wars.
Funny about how a man who spent 3 years researching the subject never picked up on any of the above. or how the bBC only concentrates on the smaller demographic:
Some 1.3 million Indian soldiers who fought in the WW1, of whom 400,000 were Muslim. In World War Two, about 2.5 million Indian soldiers took part, including 600,000 Muslims. which complaining about Indians.
Good post Pounce, thank you. I have never been to India & did not know about The India Gate
Enjoyed the Remembrance Day coverage apart from Dimblebore talking over the music. But why has that repulsive little squirt, Bercow, muscled in on the act ? More to the point, why are the bloody politicians laying wreathes in the first place ?
Bercow reminds me of that corpse that a Roman criminal would have to carry around on his back to remind him of what he did. As long as Bercow is on our screens, I know that the MPs expenses scandal of 2009 has yet to be sorted.
And when squits and dwarves like him dare to rule on whether “Trump is a right and proper person” to speak to Parliament -I seethe at how debased and careless we`ve all become in letting his like get political influence. No Bercow-Trump doesn`t shag rent boys on washing machines, have sex with secretaries by the Queen Mothers corpse or play pocket billiards in other rent boys shit like Lib Dems do.
Maybe when Trump learns to behave like Bercow and chums, then they`ll let him in to speak.
‘Maybe when Trump learns to behave like Bercow and chums, then they`ll let him in to speak’.
Well he won’t really as he couldn’t give a flying fech really, and who could blame him.
As long as the bbbc keep trying to do him down, he’ll flip them the bird, and I agree, that’s the best way to treat these overpaid auticue readers we pay squillions for.
What a useless bunch of twonks we have in W1A! Why can’t we have some sensible normal people, not twats like Robinson, and co, (can’t be arsed to think of the other lot in there…).
Heads up for the future, we watched it on BBC Red Button 1 with no commentary. It’s not in HD but at least you just get natural noise plus the music uninterrupted. We do the same for Trooping the Colour and any other ceremonial events IF they show it. It lessens the pain of watching stuff on the beeb although you still have to endure their PC camera work.
Thanks for that, will do.
I think Dimbleby does it quite well, given that some commentary is necessary. I share the point about the music, however, and particularly regret that Dido’s Lament is not listened to in silence. I was extremely disappointed to see Bercow had muscled in to the wreath-laying, and pretty disgusted at his theatrical performance, walking just that little too slow, and an excessively long and deep bow at the Cenotaph. As I watched him this morning, I got a distinct impression he was thinking about himself, not the fallen dead. Having watched the wreath-laying again (5 minutes ago), my impression is strengthened. From their walk and general demeanour, and their eyes, it seemed that Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn, Vince Cable and other others were all thinking about those who lost their lives, but not Bercow. You could just hear him thinking, ” this is me, I’m doing this”. I wonder if anyone else had that impression, or whether my dislike of the man has made me see what isn’t there?
Yes, Bercow thought he was the “star of the show”. Pathetic.
I don’t really understand why he was there in the first place.
He’s an insignificant little twat, worthy of little more than a pat on the head and a small dog biscuit, and yet he’s on a tv station being broadcast around the world, as if he was important!
As the bloke speak-over said ‘for the first time, the speaker is laying a wreath’. Bollocks. There are millions of girls and boys more worthy than that stunted twisted creep who should have been doing that, not a priggish little asshole dressed up like a 4 ft ten inch twonk.
I’ve been searching, unsuccessfully so far, for information about the planning of Remembrance Sunday at the Cenotaph, and who exactly decides which politicians attend and which should lay wreaths. I have a nagging feeling there might be some sort of Speaker’s Committee lurking somewhere.
Whilst searching, I found a patronisingly unctuous piece written by Bercow at Did I say, written? I meant, dictated – as demonstrated, hilariously, by his fifth paragraph!
I couldn’t stop from wondering how much he gets paid for it ? If it was quietly being donated to the Royal British Legion that would be good. If it goes to his on or offshore production company that would be the norm. I remember being truly shocked when it came out tha the late and much missed T Wogan was getting £58k for doing red children’s nose charidee thing with a bear.
It’s the business of show after all.
Sad to reflect on him on such a solemn occasion but it’s albeeb s fault for pumping out crude partisan propaganda all the time. They can forget Rembrance now and get on with the build up to the winter celebration – which used to be called Christmas until The Lord Jesus came along and made it all religious and stuff innit. Omg .
OT, but this festive thought seems so cheering:
Now, new and improved, too:
Saw my first decorated jewellers shop on November 7th, first Carols by the local church hall on November 8th.
Funny-as thet desperately try to get the name of Jesus out of all mentions of Christmas-they get hysterically and desperately earlier each year to keep his name out of things-but beg us to spend more and earlier.
Today in Paperchase I saw Christmas Cards mocking Jesus. Now I’m not a believer in God but I was shocked that anyone could find this in anyway acceptable. At the very least it must upset those who are devout Christians. But Paperchase will not be boycotted, although perhaps it should be, nor will it be firebombed , nor will it be ordered by the public prosecutor to remove these offensive cards , nor will its staff be threatened. In contrast all four of the things listed above would certainly happen if we had cards mocking Mohammed and the authorities would do scarcely anything about it. The BBC would of course leave us with the subliminal view that the company got what it deserved. This country is going mad
@Doublethinker Stick the photo of the card on Twitter and the card will end up getting withdrawn
..It’s happened before in 2015 in Oxford with a different shop
Spoken like a true bigot/deplorable, thank you. I’m afraid the only thing the Christian Church believes in these days is turning the other cheek and pandering to minorities. That’s why it is losing ground to less tolerant entities whose faith never wavers. It sure no longer believes in God.
Mardell the gas bag was in full fart mode on his Sunday show – he , speaking behalf of al Beeb, has decided it’s over for the conservative government and our Brexit negotiations too. His happy sounding voice going through recent events could be heard loud and clear – he is part of that higher being that al Beeb sanctifies – dimbley , humph, Simpson , adie and plenty more .
Breathing the poisoned air in that Westminster bubble which they and many politicians infest , turns our lives into a game of thrones . Pretty sad to be in this position on a day commemorating so many whose lives were taken too soon .
Fed, I think Mardell is a cancer at the heart of the BBC and should be sacked, excised from the Corporation. He is in breach of impartiality rules.
Midnight on R4 repeat of prog about Marxism, ‘Red’ Globalisation
Features 2 sociologist who support and one against
BBC Erases Jews from Ancient Israel
‘And, when the native people revolted against Roman rule between 66 and 70AD …’
Rog the BBC enviro expert, ‘analysing’:
The need to cut government spending cannot be understood by a generously-remunerated employee of a publicly-funded broadcasting corporation that has created its own bubbleworld.
Here’s a current champagne Muslim, who claims she left Australia due to racism and where did she relocate to….London, yup the most racist capital city in the world according to the bBC:
UK: Somalian race hustler Yassmin Abdel-Magied send message of hate to Australia.
Something tells me the bBC are just going to love this racist bigot. I mean they already see her as a victim:
The Anzac post, outrage and a debate about race
The thing is despite apologising a year ago for her insensitive tweet guess what the racist Muslim tweeted yesterday:
” A champagne Muslim”? I thought alcohol was forbidden by Islam.
” A champagne Muslim”? I thought alcohol was forbidden by Islam.
Biggest lie on the planet. Alcohol is an Arabic word. Arak the original distilled alcoholic spirit is the biggest selling drink in the middle east (After Johnny red that is) It is also the base drink for Ouzo, Pastis,Sambuca and Rakı,. More people die from alcohol poisoning in Islamic lands than anywhere else in the world. In the Uk, all those idiots caught raping little white girls have all used..Alcohol, when I was younger and on leave I would gravitate across to any Muslim I saw in a nightclub ask them if they were Muslim and then shout at them why they were drinking alcohol. They would always leave, never offering an excuse. All the 9/11 terrorists were on the piss the night before, even Chowdry was a f-ing pisshead..So the adage that muslims don’t drink is a lie. they do, but don’t like to admit it. Go to Bahrain to see what I mean.
The one mantra you have to remember about Muslims is:
“Do as they say, and not as they do”
Should vital BBC story lines as usually pioneered by the moppets from the cubicle gardens dry up, surely the more enterprising could delve into those so outraged by goings on in their home country that they make a pantomime of wanting to leave.
Many of course do not, as post Brexit Britain and post Trump America show, but there is also added mileage in reasons used for actually leaving and where they end up to ply their craft.
The as Pounce shows, the BBC may find aspects of such an investigation outside their editorial remit.
From ITTB:
I was already amused by the BBC’s Marr using the BBC’s Landale to ensure topics for review stayed within BBC defined areas, but always valuable transcripts do tell their tale. Yes there was an acknowledgement that deadly deeds done darkly ‘could’ emanate from opposing locations, but as noted the naive surprise that this happens and is capitalised upon by ideological media was so sweet.
Speaking of which, the BBC really need to deal with Rob Burley.
I actually have a grudging respect for him engaging, and though mostly daft can in his passionate beliefs make good points.
But their problem is the precedent he sets. The BBC doesn’t engage; it pronounces.
Getting into public debate outside of BBC-controlled arenas can be very dangerous. Even live ones within, as Emma and Sackof discovered, presents problems too.
But there is always the post interview hit piece with no right of reply to fall back on.
“Let me just leave you with a few comments that have ‘come in’….”
Beeb website telling us Michael Gove is under fire for comments about the dual nationality woman locked up in Iran. Under fire from who one might ask. Khan, who also has a pop at Boris so double points for him. Corbyn in the Observer also asks for Boris to go, claiming he’s putting British citizens at risk. Nobody seems interested at the beeb in asking the question did she and her husband contribute to that risk. Blaming this current government for everything is becoming the beebs sole purpose of existence and I’m hearing more and more people waking up to their agenda. This particular story fits that agenda and I have not the slightest doubt they couldn’t give a toss about the individual or her family. This is not a rant by the way as my own family were a victim many years ago of the way the BBC deals with incidents in a foreign land.
A curious thing re this woman imprisoned in Iran is: why would she choose to return there knowing that the Iranian Government doesn’t recognise dual nationality? To them she is an Iranian. The fact that she has such citizenship, probably travelled there on a British passport, would make her a target for the authorities if she transgressed in any way (or even appeared to) from what her visa allowed or her stated purpose of travel to Iran was.
I think that people who seek to travel to such countries, particularly those who will be viewed with deep suspicion by the governments of such, need to be very cautious and think carefully before actually going of what the consequences may be for them and their families.
Was Roaring John with her, or just handled the itinerary?
Quite true. There is no concept of the rule of law in Iran as we understand it. it is extraordinary that she went. The attacks on Boris are misplaced the villain is Iran.
But, as we all know of course, the attacks on Boris have nothing whatsoever to do with either this woman or Iran. The BBC is simply working with Labour to bring down the government.
Seems that Al Jo Cox Radcliffe(because that is where we`re going via the BBC) now has lumps on her breast.
Boris causes breast cancer-a Panorame Investigation for tomorrow evening I`m sure.
Fukkoff BBC. Poor womand and her dopey family are being played a la Dowler. There is NO depth to which the left won`t sink to get Brexit stuffed.
That’s right. The attacks are for a specific purpose, Dave, are they not? Create instability in Government with another sacking, show up Leave voting Conservatives as unfit for anything and possibly disturb things enough to get Brexit called off, despite there being no provision in the Treaty or additional Articles for the means of halting the process.
As Michel Barnier and Jean-Claude Juncker have both said, the clock is ticking.
The Remainers are desperate at present. It was obvious from Stephen Sackur’s session with Jacob Rees-Mogg, viewable further back up this Friday Thread.
My hope is that everyone but the devoted Remainers will realise exactly what is going on and just ignore these stupid games. I am not saying this will happen, because we have seen before how stupid people can be (one name – Blair) but I hope people will see through this plot.
Part of me wants them to bring the government down then we can have a proper election. Hopefully if this happened May would not pull her punches and would tell the nation in no uncertain terms the choice they are facing – the destruction of our hard-won democracy by the EU and, in Corbyn’s case, the destruction of capitalism and prosperity.
Truly, I think any hope of May suddenly animating is unlikely to be fulfilled. She should never have been given the job and her uselessness has brought us terrifyingly close to a Corbyn government and near certain ruin.
Did May want to win the election?
I don’t think so.
Everything possible was done to lose it, especially the manifesto. Fox hunting and attacking pensioners?
May is a remainer and she couldn’t even lose the election properly.
She is now stuck at pretending she will complete Brexit so that when the next attempt to stop it comes she can say she tried to get Brexit done.
Emmanuel Goldstein
My thoughts also .
I do not understand these people who go to dodgy countries, get into trouble, then expect HMG to bale them out.
Pounce – I hope these particular “Christmas loving Sistas” dont make the mistake of wishing their Christian neighbours “Happy Christmas” They might well get a visit from one of Tanveer Ahmeds Christian festival loving friends.
Fake News!
Sky say Trump called Kim “small and fat”. I`ve seen the twitter feed-and he says that he will NOT call him that.
Fake News!!
Six o’clock News…….or no news as the case maybe!
Anti Boris, anti Gove, then anti Green and then guess what anti Trump….What a load of b*ll*cks. No proper news at all. They really are a joke and they need closing NOW!! Bunch of left wing t*ss*rs. Don’t they know that the majority of British citizens know the crap that they are peddling?
Yes, but the problem is a lot of us are addicted to what they peddle and we just can’t kick the habit. We have become junkies and the pushers know it.
BBC Six O Clock News on Radio 4 just told me that some greybeard grandee at the CIA has trashed Trump.
Seriuos or what.
Old Zeb Soames only reads that crap he`s given, well paid not to think I`m sure.
But-because it`s the BBC-you go and check for…er ….”narrative”…context” etc.
Brennan is Obamas ball cup and jock thong , as I recall-Oirish name covering for a Muslim reversion. Washington Post said that in 2012-and they`re always truthful are they not?
So-thanks anyway Zeb-but another crock as ever with that newsy mish 2 eggsplayn huh?
Gotta laugh though Franglais eh?
Wasted ten minutes with James Dyson this morning on the Marr Show-yet funnily enough, no knee trembling armageddon threats over Brexit was there?
Therefore we`ll now get Anna Soubry who was a Tory “Business Minister” for rhe next fortnight, interspersed with the musings of Caroline Fairbairn-who is the CBI leader and a total expert on what Mo`s Kebab Shop now wants. No Brits, loads of migration and no cliff edge tariffs on peroxide or VX.
Dyson-hoovered up, and binned before his clips hit the cutting room floor-bloody Tory cuts eh?
What does Dyson know of business eh?
Few jobs and some college tecky thing he`s running-but hardly Soubry or Fairbairn is he? And not ONE nail bar based in Kabul either.
Didn`t even make the Red Button, poor sod!
Red Bottom for YOU my lad…..
Chris, you bet your life if Dyson was a Remoaner he’d be a semi-permanent fixture on the BBC.
Johhnythe fish.
He do better blacking up or going on holiday to Eye Ran ( I didn’t even know Ryanair went there )