Apparently, according to the BBC, Nichola Sturgeon is very worried that some parts of the UK might be treated differently in any Brexit deal. No, no BBC, she’s cock-a-hoop…she couldn’t wait to demand that Scotland be given special status when she heard that NI was to be ‘aligned’ with the EU. Just the usual hopeless ‘analysis’ from the BBC which doesn’t want you to know that May’s stitch-up was ‘Brexit means FA’. You can tell the extent to which Leave voters have been betrayed by the BBC’s, and Remainders’, delighted reaction to the deal…from constantly insisting a hopelessly weak and out of her depth May is about to be ejected from office they now tell us that ‘a lot of people think Theresa May has done a pretty good job today’…oh, and maybe we should stop seeing the EU as the enemy, it is after all seeking to help Brexit succeed and is facilitating this breakthrough…lol…the EU has done everything it can to obstruct Brexit and to make it impossible to succeed…and May has folded at their every demand….Emma Barnett wanted to know if Bertie Ahern was ‘concerned at what May will have compromised on to get the DUP on-board’!!! Not at all concerned at what May has humiliatingly compromised on to get the EU to allow Britain to leave…well, leave is not quite the term is it? Note the Irish say ‘no deal means the UK stays in the EU’ not WTO rules and a buccaneering Britain…just a slave state paying through the nose for the ‘privilege’ of staying under the EU jackboot.
The BBC’s narrative is completely false and misleading…the EU is not out to help and May has totally undermined Britain’s position and has given away every advantage we had….agreeing in the end to that infamous ‘soft Brexit’…ie no Brexit.
Spot any more BBC bo**ocks….list it here….
On TWATO this lunchtime.
A piece of bias masquerading as balance.
A brief mention that Labour are as if not more divided than the Tories over the EU.
Time to explore this divide?
Errr, no.
Wheeled out to discuss this is…..Lord somebody or other, who is obviously an arch remainer, supports Keir Starmer and thinks we should have a referendum on the final deal.
Impartial balance, bBBC-style!
Beeb which supposedly is a world wide news organisation didnt feel like reporting the firebombing of a Swedish Synagogue in Gothenburg.
Luckily not all of the media is as selective and not just Breitbart! Here’s the FT
Swedish PM condemns outbreak of anti-Semitism
Katie, un-pc as ever, go girl go!
Katie for PM!
Lots of ‘on message’ bollocks in this piece of ‘journalism’, even the pic of the motorway service station has our Jezza on the TV!
It’s all there isn’t it? Brexit, Muslims going to pray, black/white couple, Indian tourists.
It’s like the BBC by numbers. I didn’t see any evidence of the “far-right” though – perhaps that’s in Part Two.
Perhaps thats a retrospective edit, someone is getting fired for missing that out!
An article about the A1.
I’ve used it forover 50 years and it looks nothing like this. Where are the 90%+ of the ordinary folk.
And no mention of the Northbound speed camera at the bottom of a hill on a dead straight part of the road with no turnings, one of the biggest money spinners on the whole road network.
What we have here is an ‘A1’ example of the biased BBC’s take on the world. A world made up of all kinds of little politically correct minorities rather than the ordinary mainstream. Where balance is to have people defined by their pigeon-holes rather than as normal folk.
Lincoln : Prison absconder via Lincolnshire Police
with ‘Australian accent’ Peter Sullivan, 54, 5ft 11ins, slim build, grey beard, receding hair.
– missing the top of his third finger on his left hand
A police spokesperson said that officers believe he may be in Lincoln.
“CCTV image of Sullivan has been uncovered from Lincoln centre on the day he absconded.
Please call 101 ref323 for Nov 29 if you have any information.”
“Two in five women in the UK say they have experienced unwanted sexual behaviour at work and only a quarter of them reported it, a BBC survey has found.”
OMG, how bad does it get? If the BBC doesn’t think it worthwhile reporting that 1,400 children in one town were raped and tortured because they were white, how bad must be the discoveries of this report?
Over 20% of women and over 5% of men had experienced “unwelcome verbal sexual advance”. No, it doesn’t say what an unwelcome verbal sexual advance is, nor does it say so on the ComRes website.
30% of women and over 10% of men had experienced “Unwelcome jokes” – perhaps they were listening to a BBC panel game running down this country, as I know how unwelcome those jokes can be.
Oddly the following statistic, reported in all newspapers and on all over new services, does not appear on the BBC web site (as far as I can see), “84% of all paedophile groomers are Asian.”
I don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable in the work place, but does the BBC really think that a misplaced joke in an office is more newsworthy than a teenage girl being raped and tortured by a group of men?
From BBC News
New York City Police say “a man” is being held after an explosion at Manhattan’s busiest bus terminal.
As soon as the bbbc described the current New York bomber as a ‘male’ I knew, as well as all of you will, that it meant he was a muslamick.
On sky they are reporting him as being from Bangladesh.
So there’s been a suicide bomb attempt at a tube/Bus station in New York and the bBC is doing what it usually does, by reporting the bare minimum :
Here is what they aren’t telling you:
US: Bangladeshi fails suicide bomber attack at Bus Terminal subway station
We’ll pounce apparently the Islamic bomber survived – let’s hope it bloody hurts and he don’t make it .
Oh dear, more FakeNews from the BBC:
James Purnell’s departure from the BBC is long, long overdue.
I hope purnells departure is official – no doubt some other failed labour politician will jump on that tax payer funded gravy train
He really should be sacked, Fedup. That web-site blooper is unforgiveable. It’s not as if the official population is hidden from the BBC. They have carried it as news.
Fanatical conspiracy theorists (not me, I hasten to add) would say “Ah, the BBC are covering up the levels of immigration into the UK!”
I would say that the BBC are hopeless at maths, hopeless at geography – in fact – pretty much hopeless in many areas, where many, many years ago the British population could be and were proud of their excellence.
The BBC are FakeNews & FalseNews providers now.
Toady watch 2
I didn’t hear the final hour so wondered if there was any coverage of why the kings NHS Trust was bust?
Or how much the former head of the civil service failed before leading his job as chairman of the Trust .
My theory is that the budget is poisoned by that excellent PFI scam that both labour and the tidied have been guilty of using ( which is why we don’t hear about it).
“Melbourne to roll out terrorism alarm system after police foil two plots”
“The new system comes after police thwarted two alleged plots to target Christmas and New Year crowds in Melbourne.”
So the west has bombing sirens, like air raid warnings from the second world war.
Who will officially dare to say, we are now at war.
“The Day Today – WAR!”
Hilarious interview, and not so very distant from a typical Humphrey’s goading on the Today programme.
Thanks Marky – he really did the perfect Paxo didn’t he ? Lucky he doesn’t still do Newsnight – Blighty would be at war with America by now. Again.
Chris Morris’ FOUR LIONS is a whip-smart, laugh-out-loud comedy that illuminates the war on terror through satire and farce. Four Lions proves that while terrorism may be about ideology, it’s also about idiots. In a British city, four men have a secret plan.
Sirens of surrender …. just keep running! We can’t do anything to stop this madness! Run!
p.s. You might be running towards danger… we just don’t know.
We are all Israel now.
We are all Israel now.
We are all Israel now.
We are all Israel now.
We are all Israel now.
sorry for the repetition above. It is not deliberate.
It was a Zionist conspiracy obviously.
What repetition repetition?
I agree but embolden was guilty of repeated repetition. Unforgivable.
I hope Trump is not going to share a picture of the explosion in New York, we don’t want any more hate tweets from him.
Let’s all quietly forget about it please.
A veritable War & Peace from Katty.
I’m guessing it was the “far-right mayor” bit that tipped the balance for her. I’d bet there’s more to this than meets the eye, and have suggested as much to her.
Is that fake news ?
“In June, a woman called Emily* was killed after her husband tied her to a train-track.
Today, a far-right mayor in France has used her murder to demand high-speed trains stop in his city. ”
* ( Beauvilliers, France, identified as Émilie Hallouin )
Cos the actual image , apart from the poster words , comes from the standard Getty Images archive
My guess yes the mayor used that poster , but that it has nothing to do with that Emily event
The mayor is Robert Ménard, Location Beziers
683Km distance bwetween the 2 places
Controlling immigration versus trade with the EU?
Yet another ‘Loud and Clear’ message to the ruling elite. Personally, I’d prefer the expression: ‘Controlling immigration FROM ALL SOURCES versus trade with EU’
What started as a simple photo montage became political … Britain on the verge: Life along the A1 { 11dec2017}
“Regardless of his misgivings, he hit the asphalt with the specific aim of exploring the idea of British identity in the age of Brexit.”
. . . and add the Jeremy Corbyn picture which is mandatory, but not really necessary . . .
So has al Beeb discovered the A1and something called a ‘greasy spoon’. Were the first class carriages to Manchester /London full ? A tax payer paid taxi must have some cost …
Very 1984
the compulsory picture of ‘our dear leader’ up on giant public TV screens.
He had won the victory over himself. He pulled the “Jerry Christmas” jumper* over his head and felt the warmth that Labour would bring now and in the future, free and at no cost to no one.
(reference to Orwell 1984)
All I thought looking at the montage was what a load of pictures….did anyone pay him for doing it? If they did then they were robbed and if the BBC did then we were robbed. Overriding question is – WTF has any of it got to do with Brexit?
Some Muslims, a mixed race relationship, cos the BBC says it does
Tonight’s TV : The Far Right Klaxon again
Yes there is the odd nutter thug/vandal in right orgs ,just as there the odd nutter in far left orgs like Black Lives Matter-more, but it’s Control-left political actions that actually make a difference to all our lives
…However the media doesn’t bother probing them, instead saying “look over there at far-right.”
10:40pm-11:50pm ITV Exposure : White Right: Meeting the Enemy
“Deeyah Khan meets US neo-nazis and white nationalists face to face,
and attends America’s biggest and most violent far right rally in recent years.
Khan, who has received death threats in the past after advocating diversity and multiculturalism, tries to get behind
* violent ideology * ,
to seek to understand the personal and political reasons behind the apparent resurgence of extremism in the US”
I dunno are they ALL violent, or are most just flag wavers ?
11pm Channel5 The KKK: Behind The Mask repeat from 2016)
The Ku Klux Klan is the most notorious white supremacist group in America.
Once having over a million members, today it’s a shadow of its former self, and yet the marches, the cross burnings and the racial hatred continues in the Southern states.
This documentary profiles today’s Klan members, examines the impact the group has had on America over the last 150 years, and examines whether America is heading for a new race war.
(Will it mention that in the old days it was a Democrat org whilst the Republicans opposed it ?)
American comedian in 1988
Why does the TV keep going on about “the Russians” ?
It wasn’t no Russian that nearly killed me on the highway, stole my TV, or tried to mug me in an alley
..That was all Americans, it’s my fellow Americans that are my danger, not “the Russians”
It’s the lefties who are the modern danger
No more Despite Brexit headings now. BBC pleased with Treezer, headers ooze with her optimistic comments.
‘Theresa May says Brexit deal ‘good news’ for all voters’
G.W.F – I think that we can take this as “official” confirmation that Theresa has “officially” shafted the UK.
If UKIP dont get moving soon, then its time for a new political party to get started .
Theresa May on Immigration …
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. ” – Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference 2015
Theresa May on EU asylum claims …
“… there have been 551 asylum claims in Britain from people from other EU countries – like Poland and Spain. All but a handful were turned down – but they cost over £4 million to the British tax payer. So we will end this absurdity ….” – Theresa May – Oct2015 – @25:05
The Tory 2015 election promise ……………………….
Now before all you fascists on this blogsite go jumping to conclusions about the NY bombing, it was almost certainly a Far Right terrorist.
What’s that? His name’s Akayed Ullah? Heck, so what, some of my best friends are called Akayed Ullah, and they’re all from Norway.
What’s that, he’s somewhat tanned? Have you any idea how strong the sun is on a Norwegian ski slope? Factor 30 sunblock at least!
What’s that – they’re saying he’s from Bangladesh? FAKE NEWS!! HATE CRIME!! FASCISTS!! KILL!!
And if Trump so much as mentions it, that proves he’s a racist and must be impeached forthwith, then executed.
What business is it of the POTUS to try to stop terrorism in NY?
From what I’ve heard the people of NY got off lightly. I suspect the detonator went off but not the explosive.
In such cases the mule should be left isolated, a robot brought in to drag them to a clear area and then safely detonated, unless Baroness Shami feels inspired to defuse the thing, in which case knock yourself out (or worse), love.
Nothing to see here, they will not disrupt our way of life, we are united, Islam is a religion of peace etc etc
Trump tweets are supposed to be Hate
..but Labour MP Coad can be as hateful as she wants ?
As a graduate from the Royal College of Art with an MA in the history of design – or similar one might have thought ms Coad would attempt to further the needs of wimmin rather that talking like a socialist bitch eh?
I have worked with ladies who have been more than willing to lieof their backs and open their legs to get a promotion. I feel so sorry for all these vulnerable your lady actresses who have been accosted in the name of their desire to be famous.
No doubt we will be hearing a lot from her during the self abuse which will be the Grenfell Show – each day some other punter getting their arse kicked by a star chamber .
‘Putin makes triumphant visit to airbase ‘ – guardian headline ‘ . Looks like these lefties only go for anti British and anti American liberalism . If the Americans and little Blighty was flattening Syria they’d be lining up Corbin and co for a March and a Christmas wasted charidee record to make themselves feel nice …
a) marked lack of snow in that picture
b) awful lot of snow here
Ergo… stay put mate.
c) Socialist Worker really has not sussed twitter yet, has it?
Excellent news value judgement from albeeb on the evening news
1. Lead story – it snows in the winter . Children being offered counselling for snow related stress.
Why is snow all white? Is it racist ? Labour calls for public inquiry
2. Possibly cure for Huntingdons / Parkinson’s disease – Dementia – never put good news first
3 3 kids die in house fire killings rip ( you might be able to guess the suspect (he) the name of
course will be on Twitter )
4. Terror attack in New York – chap wearing suicide vest blows himself up. Islam mentioned in
5. Al Beeb sex harassment survey – right on – let’s all wear burkas. The term ‘harrasment’ Was not
6. Grenfell – get your tissues out. Again . Community all together . Again. Thousands dead.
7 Tv personality dies aged 60. Rip Keith
8. House of Commons speech by PM on Brexit not mentioned at all – best example of bias
30 mins I won’t get back again . Don’t normally watch but dipped in . Mistake
bBBC news channel today at 17:42, Huw Edwards talking to Sara Tabrizi, professor working on the possible Huntingtons disease breakthrough. Huw ends this for once ‘positive’ news item by asking her one last question. I paraphrase…. ‘Do you think Brexit could damage the work being done, bearing in mind the cross-european nature of the team, and collaboration with europe being being damaged.’ Unsurprisingly Sara obligingly says it will.
So that is how our bBeeb can turn a good news item for us, into a good one for Remain. Fuck off Huw.
Let us in:
Ah, a photo of another 9 yr old child desperate for sanctuary!
Also, the clothes look pretty designer to me.
I’m told Syria is pleasantly mild at this time of year, and now that ISIS has officially been defeated, what’s the problem?
His parents have probably been told by White Atheist Liberals how wonderful it is to live in a White,Christian country plus, in a couple of generations, they can own this wonderful land. Pass the sick bag mate.
He’d be daft not to want to come to Britain. Our left wing elite is giving it away to people like him. A child born today might end up living in the islamic state of al-Britani.
Douglas Murray on President Trump and Jerusalem; BBC and Emily Maitless –
Douglas Murray excellent as usual.
The poor man is constantly treading on eggshells on a tightrope over a minefield (mixed metaphor intentional for emphasis): one wrong word and the massed hordes of foaming liberal-fascists at the beebistan and elsewhere would be crucifying him with accusations of racism, islamophobia etc and he would instantly lose all academic credibility.
So far he’s avoided the traps, long may he continue.
A man was caught trying to climb wall near Buckingham Palace.
Not terrorist related say police.
They obviously know as he may have said As-salāmu ʿalaykum – peace be upon you, which the London cops would recognise.
Put it this way – if he were carrying a bomb plus machete and gun we would never know.
Maybe a Christmas card that the poor lad couldn`t afford to send in the post, due to Tory austerity cuts.
Unless he had a white hide.
Caught a few minutes of PM this evening.
Full Brezhnev mode-how many minutes can the death of some Noel Edmonds lube muppet be worth?
Only the BBC likes to commemorate its nobodies with endless puff pieces as if we`ve lost Jim Clark or Princess Margaret.
Can only assume it saves the BBC the cost of a wreath-which we`d be paying for anyway.
No disrespect to his family of course, a death so young is very sad. But the BBCs gall and saccharine snowmen by way of tribute makes me heave.
There I was trying not to talk I’ll of the dead but I had the misfortune of growing up with bloody cheggers shout-out dumbed down crap from the tele . Apparently he turned up on nonsense reality tv – I have no idea who watches that stuff but each to his own- as long as I don’t have to pay for it.
Al Beeb really do like their anniversaries don’t the 6 months after Grenfell. 12 after , 18 months after 24 months…..
I quite liked Cheggars, certainly didnt have an ego the size of a house nor take himself too seriously: Was great in Extras and Lifes too Short. So RIP.
“Cheggars Plays……erh not much”
FE2 – Even as a kid I thought his programmes were crap. Too optimistic and “cheerful chappy for my taste -( I was a miserable bugger even then!) Though on R2 today (when channel hopping) the DJ referred to him as a “national treasure” I think I have heard that one before when referring to a certain Socialist propaganda broadcaster. If I was Cheggers I certainly would not want that as my epitaph.
Keith comes from an age when anything to do with “pop” was seen as trendy and so “with it”. And where certain perverts (with Aunty casting a blind eye) were allowed to use their celebrity to abuse their way from TV studio to TV studio. It is unfortunate for Keith (nice chap that I am sure he was) will quickly be forgotten whereas the BBC s real “stars” of this era such as Saville will probably be the only ones that will be remembered.
Likewise Oak – 60 is young these days so RIP Keith – try not to annoy them too much up there .
Not a squeak about those attacks on a synagogue and chapel in Sweden on the beebistan so-called News webshite.
But imagine the headline if it had been a heinous bacon-attack on a mosque: “SWEDISH FAR RIGHT ON THE RISE, SHOCK HORROR, ALL TRUMP’S FAULT” bla bla.
BBCnews Channel now going for Trump on sexual angle
shows a group of women “this is not a partisan thing, this is about setting an example”
.. I’d be covinced BBC cared about real world sex crime if they ever showed an interest outside their media bubbleworld.
Bottomline Trump hasn’t raped anyone , otherwise we’d know about it by now.
BREAKING: Berlin police swarm near Christmas market as ‘200 rounds’ of ammunition found
A CAR PARK near a Berlin Christmas market has been stormed by police after the discovery of a two bags of bullets. Germany’s Bild reports around 200 rounds of ammunition was found at the location in Spandauer Damm, close to the festivities at Charlottenburg Palace, Berlin.
Hundreds of officers rushed to the scene, which is also NEAR A MOSQUE, as sniffer dogs were also called in.
The desperation from the German police spokesman to downplay the incident is staggering: “Ammunition is always being found in Berlin. Somebody was probably clearing their cellar out and found something from their grandfather.”
I looked into that report. There is a carpark under the mosque and the 200 rounds were found there. I was intrigued by the calibre as it was designed for the Luger . However, as the police pictures showed them in magerines too big for a pistol, they could only be used for something bigger like the Czech version of the uzi the scorpion.Škorpion
London ‘grooming gang’ exposed as police warn abuse happening across Britain
Exclusive: Four teenage girls have so far reported being raped among 30 potential victims
Beeby reports a ‘Trackside Fire’ at Waterloo Station. Platforms 1-3 out of use.
All cultures are equal and as tolerant on freedom and freedom of thought … Saudi Arabia to allow cinemas to reopen from early 2018 { 11dec2017}
“He insisted Saudi Arabia “was not like this before 1979″, when there was an Islamic revolution in Iran and militants occupied Mecca’s Grand Mosque. Afterwards, public entertainment was banned and clerics were given more control over public life.”
– This is about survival, not about being tolerant – why now and not when Ayatollah died? Will they request Salman Rushdie’s death sentence be removed (was renewed in feb2016) when the Islamic cinema’s open?
Ironic that the evil country which exported Islamic terrorism through wahabism using cash from oil sales is suddenly seeing the error of its ways – maybe shale has got something to do with it ..
Maybe they feel that conquest has been achieved and so they can relax a little. Looking at the state of Europe who can contradict that?
Amol getting quite exercised here.
It seems the justice system caught up with Mr. Clifford, but compared to some people and activities apparently less of concern to the sensibilities of Amol, this impassioned declaiming comes across as rather OTT.
It is also intriguing how the bbc seldom seems as concerned at the passing of some under state care as they do others.
It seems he has a ‘boss’ too:
NOT Speaking ill of grooming gangs (i.e. sadistic rapists who pour petrol over children prior to being raped) just protects sadistic rapists. Not speaking ill of sadist rapists and using weasel words just protects grooming gangs.
We should speak of the living girls being raped as we speak of the dead as per Amol – that is, judiciously (with good judgement or sense).
Precisely. Again the great and good of BBC editorial integrity seem to have a blank spot when it comes to the dual tracks that operate in government and state media when it comes to people and issues they care about, or don’t. He’s also up for Harding’s vacant slot too isn’t he?
“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”
“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?”
Well it used to be our common culture.
“We should speak of the dead as we speak of the living – that is, judiciously”
Not in the NHS
Anyone seen this?
The BBC’s view of Britain in a nutshell! London good (ethnic diversity) – midlands bad (white people) – Scotland good (ethnic diversity).
Several comments above … my input … Just add Corbyn from your non-political non-biased BBC … Jerry Christmas continues ….
I honestly believe that Mr Corbyn is being used as a means to an end. I doubt he is the Captain of the ship.
Agreed. Corbyn is a puppet with a big ego. Possession of a big ego is the prerequisite of all of those strutting around Westminster. They are boring. The interesting subject is who is captaining the ship on which the puppets are sailing?
Yes Edward, I saw it and then ignored it because feminine intuiton has long told me that the BBC is a peculiar, and rather creepy, organisation run by peculiar bunch of creepy people.
The palava over BluePlanet2 is surreal
We live in aupside down world
Typical tweet found by searching : Blue Planet fake
\\ @realDonaldTrump watch all of @Attenboroughs_D blue planet 2 series
and tell me global warming is fake. #educateyourself //
There’s loads similar
and only the odd one or two saying
“preachy propaganda – particularly the fake acid test”
Meanwhile over at science journal Nature here’s the latest on research into plastic microparticles in the Ocean
“In its decision, announced on 7 December, the board finds Lönnstedt guilty of having intentionally fabricated data; it alleges that Lönnstedt did not conduct the experiments during the period — and to the extent — described in the Science paper.”
Funnily enough Greenpeace have a page which acts as if the original research still stands up
It has zero comments on, although friends have tried to post info about the retraction
I was in York over the weekend, a beautiful city at Christmas time and I saw the new additions that have been put in place in front of the entrance to the Minster; I don’t think they add much to the splendour of one of the great cathedrals of Europe.
Just part and parcel of living in a vibrant multicultural city, Al – get used to it dude, enjoy the diversity.
York is one of the most monocultural cities, in terms of its residents, in England.
That must be why it’s such a nice place.
I lived in York for years. Such a shame, but a necessary evil to confront these evil people. If we kicked out of this country all who have shown signs of radicalism (and their supporters – like Corbyn and McDonnell – even Maxiclowny) especially including returning Jihadis, eventually our streets would be a lot safer although there will always be a few who slip through the net.
If anyone complains that their human rights are being violated because they will be parted from their families, then it should be made clear that the families would be free to join their terrorist relations in their hell-hole in another part of the world and will also be banned on re-entering the UK.
“UK snow: Forecasters predicting coldest night of year”
Despite Brexit and Global Warming.
“Fears grow across the Atlantic over Brexit fallout”
More Brexit Bias. When will it stop ?
oh bugger Taff you beat me to headlines we wont see in dumbed-down beebistan
“-15C Despite Climate Change”
“No Brexit Despite Brexit”
“Mass Immigration Despite Treason’s Bullshit”
“Labour Un-Electable Despite Corbyn”
“Fair and Balanced Despite Fake News”
The BBC have been running a number of anti-Brexit stories over the past few days which are now winning support in terms of the comment section’s most popular comments. That is pro-Brexit comments are receiving more down votes than upvotes and the reverse for the anti-Brexit comments. The BBC have the advantage of researching the best methods to gain support for their various campaigns and then gearing stories towards them. There was one particularly offensive comment that has so far been allowed to remain:
31. Posted by GuyJones on 3 hours ago
Brexiteers=OAP maggot food in a few years time. Let’s kick the can down the road and stay in eventually.
Number of positive ratings: 19
Number of negative ratings: 18
BoBotC, the BBC Senior Editors are opening their Blogs late at night these days.
I wonder why?
yes odd isnt it until a few days ago the remoaners tended to get a kicking when ever the so called BBC dared to open an HYS
Tried logging on to that to leave my comments but despite, eventually, getting my password right and being told that I was logged in. Still unable to even uptick or downtick.
In now. The BBC have flooded it with the Remoan liars who clearly haven’t got a clue how the world works or what was actually going on in their beloved EU.
First half hour of the TODAY Programme (BBC R4 6-9am) and the BBC produce some FakeNews and FalseNews in, and despite, this new culture of media probity.
Dominic McConnell is the miscreant here. He interviews Charles Reece or Charles Rees (not sure on spelling because there is no draft Running Order on the TODAY web page) of the Rand Corporation. Charles rightly points out that if there is no trade deal with the EU, the EU may impose tariffs on British exports to the EU. He also incorrectly states by implication that they (EU) will impose tariffs on their goods. Wrong! Only the UK can impose tariffs on imported goods. No challenge from Dominic.
Dominic then interviews a Scots lass (sorry cannot remember name – there’s no Running Order!) about the likely inflation figures, due out today. Dominic asks “Why have we got inflation?” Contributor “Due to the fall in the £ following the Brexit vote.” Wrong! That is one factor: there are many others. The oil price is another and that is running at – I think – a three year high, having increased by nearly 50% in five months. Manufacturers and Retailers have also been increasing prices, not just on imported goods. There have been several inflationary tax increases since 23 June 2016 and the MPC reduced the Base Rate shortly after that date which also weakened the £ sterling. No challenge again from Dominic (who is usually a pretty good journalist & Business Correspondent, in my view) to the contributor’s false or fake offering.
The BBC are now routinely broadcasting FakeNews and FalseNews.
The news was no better. They accuse President Trump of supporting a far right group by way of the re tweets. Not factual but an opinion. Also the BBC being judge & jury on what is far right.
Synch, quite right. The BBC are happy to mix news and opinion and even present opinion or their upcoming programming as news.
Interestingly, the newspapers – if I recall correctly – are increasingly labelling ‘Opinion’ (or Comment) in their pages as such to differentiate it from news.
“Cyril the Squirrel” on bbc HYS.
“I don’t believe leaving the EU is in the national interest long term despite the marginal win”
Better get back in your drey, dimwit.
The National Interest can only be served if there is a nation.
The EU was designed to destroy the nations.
The EU has been attempting to destroy the nations for 50 years.
The EU has been lying about attempting to destroy the nations for 50 years.
The EU is still trying to import 80 million enemy Muslim aliens to vote for the EU.
The EU is attempting to form an EU army.
The EU is the enemy of ALL European people.
How long does it take you thick Remain fuckers to catch on?
How much more obvious can it get?
(This is example of why I am banned from TWLLV, TWMTB, RT UK etc).
But the bus…
TS, I get the impression that lots of new accounts have been created on the BBC HYS (certainly the names I recognise are few and far between these days) and I have identified one in particular who is being protected by the BBC. They may be an employee.
I also wonder if the reason is that Blogs & HYSs open at midnight is to let the BBC staffers and the ‘youth vote’ in before everyone else.
TS, dont recognise those names but you must have been behaving pretty badly to get banned from sites unless they are one-sided politically or scared of debate.
” unless they are one-sided politically or scared of debate.” ?
“I also wonder if the reason is that Blogs & HYSs open at midnight is to let the BBC staffers and the ‘youth vote’ in before everyone else”
I expect it’s like a London By-election, the Muslims have eight votes each, and one person, who works in a Mosque, decides how the octo-votes will be cast. The insiders will have as many pseudonyms as are required to “outvote” the Brexiteers or whoever the HYS opposition is. I expect the BBC moderators are fair, neutral, even-handed, impartial. In a word exemplars of the BBC ideal, biased as hell.
Strange how frequently the left extol the virtues of democracy, whilst spending the remainder of their existence subverting it.
I note this morning that the BBC have latched onto some new phraseology with which to play down acts of terrorism. They happily quote the Mayor of New York’s soundbite telling us this most recent attack was an “Isolated” act of terror. Look forward to hearing that one again in the near future. Apparently our own London Mayor’s celebrated euphemisms have been retired.
One can’t but notice that the determined minimising of the threat from Islamic Terror from the Muslim immigrant community happens to be the sine qua non of BBC reporting.
AIS, yes they are in full cover-up mode as we expected, about this inevitable bit of muslamic terrorism this Christmas time. I fear more festive diversity is to come. But when the season for terrorism really peaks is when ramalamadingdong gets started next May, & I cannot help thinking that the sheer inevitability of the non-muslamic deaths coming our way should be at least be used as a tool to stop the MSM pretending its all just another set of random events caused by men. A reasonable question as your starter for 10 (as Bamber Gascoingne use to say) is, what provision has been put in place to ensure our safety during ramalamadingdong ? Lets see the BC ask Amber Rudd that one.
ps Mrs Lasslo and I are having such fun with the multi-culti Xmas adds. If I have time I may post a top ten.
Rob Sport given a very funny ‘going over’ by David Gower at 8.32am approx on the TODAY Programme. Worth a listen. Worth a listen again, too, probably.
Downsides? Hassle of having to sign in, though.
Time for the BBC to drop that. It isn’t working.
Nick giving Katty a run for her money.
Then there is Amol, brown-nosing, figuratively I stress:
Looking at the suck–ups, it clearly pays to stay on the right side of the BBC Media Editor.
Guest Who
Young Amol’s BBC bosses might appreciate his hatchet job on Max Clifford. Wonder if this is an attempt to discredit Clifford (if he needs it) to please some BBC perverts who would not like it known that he had something on them. So make him king of fake news.
Young Amol, and the rest of his colleagues, seem to get very excited about some things, at the expense of not going near others. Which is very Media Editor. And especially bbc.
Max committed crimes, was tried and found guilty.
He also died in prison, and may not have been treated as well there as could be expected.
Given Amol and his mates would go ballistic if some inmates of higher profile on their radar had hiccups, Amol seems pretty freaking selective.
So Media Editor for the bbc is the perfect sinecure for him.
I found the piece pretty distasteful. The author clearly has some personal… err… ‘journalistic’ wounds inflicted by Clifford festering all these years.
“Pretty freaking selective”.
I’d love to see that on all future Beeb idents, rather than the usual social engineering fluff we get.
At least you donned ‘helmet and shield’ and not semtex.
“First media editor” Amol brags
Yes before him the job was called “BBC Media Correspondent”
eg David Sillito, BBC Media Correspondent
or “media commentator Steve Hewlett ”
” Mark Damazer,..asked Hewlett to create The Media Show in 2008.”
Laura makes her bid:
taffman December 11, 2017 at 7:30 pm
If UKIP dont get moving soon, then its time for a new political party to get started .
Anne Marie Waters?
At least she goes where even the blessed Nigel fears to tread.
Hurry up before the thought police or the ROP get to her.
The ROP don’t need to take down Waters, they can sit back and let our very own media, police and justice system do it for them.
NY muslim terror attack rapidly slipping off all the beebistan so-called news outlets. Compare that to how long they kept Trump’s ‘anti-muslim’ tweets top of the news for days, stoking the anger to the max.
vlad, quite right. Also compare with Boris Johnson’s N Z-R comments, Fallon’s accusations, etc..
The BBC have their agenda but it is somewhat transparent …
… and threadbare. They should go back to doing pure news and pure entertainment.
Awaiting the Amol Diet Coke series, where he tours the globe getting expert media analysis from Katty, Lyse, JonDon….
Another grooming scandal awaiting the BBC’s ‘attention’? –
Amol’s on it. Or not.
Or in media coverage. Or not.
Another day on Toady and another prominent feature on Grenfell Tower. Just park that.
Meanwhile……we move on to elderly couple John and Janet Jasper, of Birstall near Leicester. Heard of them?
They have just been seriously injured when a gas explosion blew up their house.
It has been reduced to rubble. They have no home and have lost everything.
You can read about them on the bBBC website. Simply get to the homepage and choose England, Regions, East Midlands, Leicester.
I’m sure readers would have found it anyway. LOL.
There are no news bulletins for them. No charity initiative. No pressure groups making demands. No minority ethnic angle. No irate left wing politicians. And I dare say no council bending over to spend £1 million rehousing them. And no brownie points for bBBC journalists.
Spot the difference?
BBC in full flow this morning.. The Rand Corporation Brexit report –
However the Rand corporation is, not surprisingly, anti Brexit in philosophy as this statement really makes clear in the report “The study team is particularly grateful to the more than 20 British and EU27 academics, think tankers, trade experts, government and European Commission officials, and journalists we consulted in the course of our research”.. how many of them gave a balanced view do you think?
They also make it clear in the preface that the fall of 4.9% GDP figures was really 4% using their own calculator..but they raised it to 4.9%…because “The estimates in the report are derived from a computationally intensive general equilibrium model” . In context of the preface the above line is the best Bullshite I have read for a while.
To be fair they did predict that Clinton would win the election hands down….Hmmm.
And apparently the only Christmas Cracker joke Louise Minchin could find was a derogatory one about TM and the Government – really do you have to be that obvious?