This week the Centre for Policy Studies published a report claiming to have found a left of centre bias in the BBC’s online reporting of think tanks. They also claim right of centre think tanks are more likely to receive health warnings than their left of centre counterparts.
The CPS itself is hardly impartial on the BBC – it argues for a smaller BBC and campaigns against the licence fee.
BBC News provides impartial and independent coverage to a quarter of a billion people across the world.
Fran Unsworth
A new day, a new head of news, the same old bias ala the Today show.
List it all here……
How can the head of the BBC (Lord Hall), justify earning far more than the Prime Minister?
How can the head of Radio 4 justify earning more than the Prime Minister?
How can many, many other employees of the BBC justify earning more than the Prime Minister?
Dover Sentry
Ask maxincony.
But be warned, he does not like answering awkward question .
Funny how every time Maxincony pops his head with fake news I collar him on his false quoting, he disappears down the plug hole again! He’s totally discredited now….. aren’t you maxincony as we know you are reading this?
Like you don’t like anything that challenges your world view and can only respond with personal abuse hoping the challenger will go away, you mean? :8)
I’d really like to see the Biased BBC manifesto for a better way, complete with costings and impact assessment, and I’d like to see you arguing the case for it to an audience of sceptics who will ask tricky questions, but I’m not holding my breath. I’ll make do with being amused by the way you all play Ain’t It Awful without having anything constructive to replace It with, and trying to chase away dissidents in case you have to justify yourselves.
Come the Conservative Revolution, will it be roses, roses, all the way? (I commend to you the poem The Patriot by that excellent and most English of poets, Robert Browning).
Bit silly WWW.
You don`t know what some of us are up to-many here don`t pay a TV License, whereas I`d imagine that you would do so.
This is not a political party, no manifesto needed. And given how the BBC has responded to our election results, it`s clear they don`t regard them a threat to their cultural hegemony. Whereas we intend to deal with them, albeit in ways you won`t know about. But some of us have been here long enough to know it`s all a bit more than a talking shop-it`s a media studies fast track with enough science, religion, sport and comedy to keep us royally entertained.
Same applies for you you say.
I`d in turn recommend to you a small section in Genesis which is far more salient. Gen 26(17-22)…the wells are ripe for piping as it were(oo er. missus!)
You really don’t get it, do you?
We are being forced to pay for something we do not want. We do not need to propose an alternative – just a cessation of the tax.
Many of us have done quite happily without Radio Pyongyang and its TV sibling for years now and are none the worse for it.
In one way GC, I prefer the unambigous, screaming nonsense from Pyongyangs TV news gal. Patriotic at least.
For all her faults, the wee dumpling probably is not costing the North Korean taxpayer TOO much in money, probably does it for a bag of kelp and some white wooden teeth. Unlike our princesses and poppets with their offshore Gucci accounts at the BBC.
And her scripts are generally no less of a lie that 80% of BBC output anyway. No , rather like her-enthusiastic, cares little for her appearance and gives us ladies of an older vintage some hope yet.
And how many BBC girls would even get an interview as Pyongyang traffic cops?
Might get hubby a calendar of them if I get my promised Ted Malloch and Steve Bannon one.
Simple answer, WWW – close it down and don’t replace it.
It is an infected boil on the arse of the nation and needs lancing before it poisons everyone and everything with its corrupt, insidious narratives on politics, religion, history and science.
Well said – and its current, incessant, campaign, trying to thwart the results of the referendum are the ultimate proof of its pernicious influence.
Close it down.
Any readers like to post some evidence of Al Beeb’s right wing bias ?
You are now. 🙂
Because the tail now wags the dog.
these days our politicians first responsibilities are to please – the liberal msm (with the BBC at its tip), closely followed by pleasing themselves. And only after these more important masters have been satisfied do they start to think about the pesky business of proper Government. Hence lunatic PC / EU/ multicultural concerns appear to be the primary concern for our Government. Hence why it is all going so wrong.
In fact it could be said that “public service” has now been replaced by “globalist elite service” and “self service”
We are nothing more than faulty components awaiting replacement. Hence another reason why the elite all got so upset when so many of our replacements at Grenfell perished.
Along with in-the-news university vice-chancellors (do chancellors get more I wonder?) there’s a recurrent theme running through public sector pay. Following the introduction of university fees, management level uni staff suddenly pay themselves mega-buck salaries. Along with the introduction of Council Tax, council CEO’s also pay themselves mega-buck salaries, with pay in ‘proportion’ for lesser minions though still higher than, say, MPs for instance. And our all-time favourite BBC lead comfortably in the race to pay themselves exorbitant salaries for what amounts to box-ticking workloads.
As our unproductive elite regard £100k or even £200k as suitable remuneration for those beneath them, the recurrent theme remains – it’s all done with unearned money, extracted with menaces. Welcome to UK-style democracy. While we, quite rightly, complain about EU excess our UK masters snigger in their wine cellars.
“Do chancellors get more I wonder?”
Chancellor is usually an honary title. Sometimes they turn up to help hand out the degree certificates.
“How can the head of the BBC (lord Hall) justify earning far more than the Prime Minister?”
Simple answer to that one! If so much money is spent on taxiing BBC employees like this Gardener guy round the world by using 5 black slaves as seen in the middle of this photo, surely his boss must have like first class travel. Well, modern travel costs a lot these days:
Bet the poor guy is exhausted when he reaches his custom built wheelchair!
I believe you are guilty of a terminological inexactitude.
Numerous employees of TWMTB receive excessive salaries, and expenses, and fees for other “services”, and jobs for the family, and opportunities to start their own “businesses”, and opportunities to be not taxed via PAYE, and opportunities to avoid taxation via Cayman type loopholes, etc.
Not one of them “earns” their income.
“Brexit: EU leaders agree to move talks to next stage”
To quote one highest rated poster on HYS “When the EU gives your PM a standing ovation, we should all be gravely concerned… “
Remember this?……………
“A lack of snow caused by global warming could be threatening the future of many ski resorts, according to scientists.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has warned of the eventual disappearance of some low-lying mountain resorts.” (2009)
We now have this ……………..
”Much of Europe has seen large quantities of snow, falling heavily across areas of France, Switzerland, Austria and Italy.
This has provided a welcome addition to the French Alps, which had seen less of the snow that came in November. For the Eastern Alps, this weekend continued to build what looks to be the best early season conditions in several years.”
Which brings us to the Littlejohn quote: You couldn’t make it up.
Organising suitable and increased snowfall is only a small part of the EUs ongoing plan for the improvement of European lifestyles. As a consequence of the recent acceptance of far-right extremism in the Austrian parliament, snowfalls in the Austrian alps will be reduced accordingly.
Cartoon summary of the week’s events:
Excellent art as well as some prophetic extrapolations that are unusually forthright.Give this man his own weekly spot!
As reasonable a view as I`m happy to accept. Ta SC!
2300 licence taxes pay the salary of the Head of Al Beeb propaganda . I’m not one of them – are you ?
Well I’m in the US now where most people would (rightfully) think it was fairly communist that if someone wanted to purchase a television they had to first apply to the state for a license to do so.
In Britain doesn’t it still cost less (£50) to purchase a license in order to buy a gun? Ruddy dangerous those televisions with their commercial programming and free market ideas when you get too high up the channel dial.
In all seriousness though, I never paid a license when I was in the UK, there’s no way for them to check, detector vans are (were always) a marketing scare tactic and if they ever send someone to knock on your door you simply say, “do you have a warrant to search my home?” and when they say “no” you inform them that nobody – even the police – are allowed into your house unless they are an invited family member.
Dutch police shot a man with knife at Schiphol airport.
Al beeb not interested – which is a sign it’s probably one of their muslim mates, or they’re waiting to be sure it isn’t before posting.
vlad, that is brilliant! How do Dutch police do that? Are the bullets and barrel in the handle of the knife?
Ah hah! You got me!!
I thought that was a BBC headline. It is on the web-site now but it is old news.
That, definitely, is the current BBC for you.
Good joke Up2 🙂
Yes it’s on the website now, quite discreetly under Europe, and with a big reassuring: ‘A police spokesman told AD newspaper there was no assumption of a terrorist motive.’
So, safe for beeb to publish.
But as Spencer points out:
The problem with this is that it has so often happened that police deny that some incident is terrorism, and then it turns out to be jihad terror after all. There is also the fact that the Islamic State issued this call in September 2014:
“So O muwahhid, do not let this battle pass you by wherever you may be. You must strike the soldiers, patrons, and troops of the tawaghit. Strike their police, security, and intelligence members, as well as their treacherous agents. …. If you are not able to find an IED or a bullet, then single out the disbelieving American, Frenchman, or any of their allies. Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife, or run him over with your car, or throw him down from a high place, or choke him, or poison him…”
Does that mean that this was a jihad terror attack? Not at all. But unfortunately, given the police’s poor record of honesty in such cases, their denial cannot be taken at face value.
In this week’s Spectator there is a short article by Douglas Murray in which he notes that last weekend there was a demonstration in London at which several thousand Muslims were chanting ‘ Death to Jews’. He wonders why there is no trace of any reports about this in the MSM . He also observes that the police did nothing. Obviously if several thousand Jews had held a demonstration chanting ‘ Death to Muslims’ it would have been all over the media and the police would have taken an interest, even more newsworthy would have been a demo by Brits chanting ‘ death to Muslims’ and then the police would have been carting them off wholesale.
This is just another example , they occur daily, of the British state and liberal left media applying double standards and suppression of the truth. We are seeing the British state sponsoring the Islamification of our own country!
Quite so Double.
You can always tell who runs a country in reality by who is
a)able to see the law as a moveable feast that need not apply to them
b) not allowed to be mocked, laughed at or critiqued, unless it sets terms or limits-and can punish those who won`t keep to the limits.
c) unable to be specifically named, only generically hinted at.
You can`t laugh at the Labour Left or its snowflakes; nor can you laugh at the EU or Islam, Democrats or sport…certainly it`s private jokes online when the state aren`t snooping in on you.
But these rules have applied since Henry VIII-and are as true now as they were under Stalin, Mao, Hitler and Giscards EU in its knotweed grip on this countrys culture.
Abba-lite Eurovision since 1973.
“Douglas Murray in which he notes that last weekend there was a demonstration in London at which several thousand Muslims were chanting ‘ Death to Jews’. He wonders why there is no trace of any reports about this in the MSM .”
As the secular progressives at the BBC and their middle-to-upper-class, Green-ham-common-lookalike retired-grandmas and members within Momentum/Labour party/Unions are gradually learning that the communist secular left and Judaism does not mix!
“We are seeing the British state sponsoring the Islamification of our own country!”
I don’t know whether we are seeing that or not. What would be the British state’s motivation to do so?
Oklahoma: Muslim who beheaded co-worker gets death penalty.
Al Beeb not interested. Which is strange as they’re usually obsessed with the US; obsessed with islam; obsessed with the death penalty (so primitive dahling, not like us progressive Brits don’t you know).
Like the BBC always reports on death sentences handed down by US states. Or the Daily Mail for that matter.
Strawnan fallacy, cos he said
” strange as they’re usually obsessed with the US; obsessed with islam; obsessed with the death penalty ”
He said nothing about everyday US death sentences.
Maybe poor wifi in the woods saw that bit ‘lost’?
It would make me cranky.
The Daily Mail hands down death sentences? 😯
It’s even worse than we thought!
You couldn’t string ’em up.
King Michael of Romania is dead?
Did the BBC neglect to inform me? It would appear so. They have, however, mentioned on R4 this morning that his funeral will take place today. There is nothing as far as I can see on the BBC web-site unless it is searched for. The election of a new ANC leader is, apparently, more important than the death of a Royal who defied the Hard Right. The ANC are not described by the BBC as Hard Left. I wonder why?
King Michael also tried to serve his people and also to defy the Hard Left and suffered as a result. Perhaps that is why his death is unimportant to the BBC? A royal who was a man of the people, a man of The Centre.
Did I hear the BBC right this morning? In the 7-7.30am segment of the TODAY Programme (BBC R4) I was informed that of the number of referrals to the Prevent Strategy, one third were for potential terrorists from the Hard Right.
However, later in the programme, the number of Hard Right referrals was stated as one quarter. Is my hearing defective? Can the BBC be trusted to report accurately? Is my memory defective?
I wonder?
Questions, questions, questions . . . .
I think they rate painting a slogan by an animal rights supporter the same as blowing up a concert hall full of children. Each counts as one incident.
That’s how they get these incredible skewed numbers of ‘hard right’ terror incidents.
A while back on radio bbc Newcastle, the presenter said (without laughing) that only 2% of terrorist incidents were muslim related.
How can anyone take them seriously.
EG, yes but what about FakeNews and FalseNews and a difference between 33% and 25% – assuming I heard right?
Just heard on the top of BBC news 1/3 of those referred to Prevent are FR **(seems not true)
then a politician said ” in some areas they make up most”
which directly contradicts the expert at 7:30AM who declined to be alarmist.
” if you are talking about terrorism, organised violence we are talking about a few dozen, so it’s fairly small scale”
Nick Robbo “What is being done to tackle the threat of far right extremism in the UK ?
Zoe Right went to a school in Stoke ”
‘The kids are being shown a picture of a man doing a Nazi salute and told that that is his view of Britain.
and being asked to think about the link between far right and terrorism.
More than 1000 demonstrated with the EDF in 2010
Yet a few months ago a BF rally gathered less than 100’
Jesus, Using kids in your news item is of course emotional blackmail.
Zoe “I didn’t hear today anyone in this room say anything negative ..about Muslims for example”
reply \\another group might not be, the kids reat phrases they have heard like ‘I will burn this mosque’//
(The man “educating” kids was @DominicMeir )
Studio :Prof Peter Neuemann of Kings College
Nick R “Scale in the UK ? to what extent is on the rise ?”
“You have Islamaphobic attitudes that are quite widespread
..If you are talking about groups that are mobilising on the streeted Well we USED TO have thousands that would show at EDL rallies
..if you are talking about terrorism, organised violence we are talking about a few dozen, so it’s fairly small scale”
How do you distinguish islamaphobic attitudes and things that lead to terrorism.
‘mentioned Muslims on street complain right wing attacks are called HATE crimes yet islamic attacks are always called terrorism’
..blah, blah, ‘they’ve made an effort to show it’s not only about Muslims
** “1/3 of those referred to the Channel intervention prog are from FR in areas like Yorkshire its almost about equal” seems that Channel is just one part of the Prevent Prog
Finish : “consider all his extremism there is incredible risk of feedback loop where Jihadist attacks encourage rightwing attacks, which encourage Jihadist attacks”
Funny how he didn’t mention that the far-right is a feedback loop caused by favouritism/bias in favour of the radical/activist left and violence from groups like Antifa.
Bottomline : Who is the biggest danger to non-white kids in the UK ?
The crime/death/injury stats show that by far it’s other non-white kids, rather than exaggerating about a handful of older boozy thugs
People on Twitter claim that a photo shows Thomas Mair holding a Britain First banner
Yet I always thought that was “too good to be true” and the guy was just some random BF member
and indeed the same guy seems to be holding the banner yesterday in Belfast.
I was listening to all that cobblers from Robinson on Toady this morning and it made me think: since when did it become an “extremist” position to not want your country to be changed demographically and culturally, without any consent from the indigenous inhabitants, into something which will no longer be your country, in any meaningful sense?
Provenance of that photo ?
A Tom Pride blogpost pins it to a Britain First webpage.
So how do we know cap guy is Thomas Mair ?
Tom Pride claimed neighbours said, but that link is now dead .
– I am open to an extraordinary claim, if extraordinary evidence is provided.
– Previously activists put up a photo of a tattooed guy and said it was Mair, when actually he doesn’t have tattoos.
You obviously weren’t listening to the same BBC R4 news that I was then. A lengthy item complete with a lengthy item about his wartime and post-war story.
She’s replying to @UptoStuff’s point that Michael I of Romania death on 5 December 2017, was not reported on the BBC on that day. I did not hear them mention it on that day.
OK Dec 5th they did do 2 web stories on his death
For those inexperienced in the comments served, between begging for funds, in TWLLV.
I suspect this, WWOTW, is the psychopathic individual who regularly posts nonsense in the Guardian under the pseudonym “BabylonianSheDevil”.
WildWoman, I was listening to TODAY on Saturday. They mentioned the funeral and did a briefish (not lengthy) resume of his resistance to the Nazis and then to the Communists. No mention of Hard Right and Hard Left, btw. With hindsight, I can now report that I also heard the same item at 1pm and 10pm in the News programmes.
It is possible I missed all reference to King Michael’s death both in News broadcasts on R4 and on the web-site on 5th December and succeeding days, especially as far as the web-site is concerned. Highly unusual but possible. I am fairly well BBC R4/w-s oriented for news provision.
The BBC also roll old news on and on, despite a commitment from at least one recent DG for the BBC to keep things current and stop reporting old news, especially that recycled from elsewhere. I do not recall the death of a European monarch being rolled on for an extra day or two. That IS however done by the BBC, for example, for obscure American musicians and other pop stars.
In the context of the BBC’s obsession with the Far Right, this downplaying of King Michael appears to be significant. It does appear to me that the BBC are trying to brand anyone who is not in concert with Left-ish beliefs and policies as being on the Right, as Hard Right even.
In my book Hard Right = Hard Left.
They are both as bad as each other and are usually cut from the same bolt of Socialist imperialist cloth.
That is why, allergic as I now am to the BBC’s slightly slanted reporting on many topics, the BBC brings me out in hives over their King Michael reporting.
Oxford: Ten more Muslims on trial for operating “cynical and predatory” child sex ring with girls between 13 and 15.
Al beeb not interested. Come on beeb, the city of dreaming spires – usually you’re so interested in high culture and the wonders of islam – the religion that brought us civilisation.
Miss Iraq and her family forced to flee Iraq after getting death threats over her selfie with Miss Israel.
“So much for that celebrated Islamic tolerance.”
Al Beeb not interested – Aw shucks, come on beeb, it could have been a sweet Christmas feelgood story about interfaith reconciliation, with the added frisson of two hot babes looking very chummy and yummy.
Where’s your Christmas spirit? Of, I forgot, Christmas ist verboten, mustn’t upset the muslims.
Frankly, any young person of faith getting BBC profile for anything, from education to friendships, is probably best advised to get the photo op and piece published once clear of most countries with a certain dominant religion. And large chunks of the UK.
Bloody zionist biggots threatening the muslim I suppose! No wonder labour hate them so much!
Maybe all western women these days should avail themselves with an emergency “hijab kit” This can consist of a pair of scissors and some gaffer tape and a number of black bin bags. If approaching an obviously pious Islamic male this could quickly be whipped out of the handbag and swiftly cut and taped to varying degrees of modesty depending on the requirements of the approaching male.
This would please everyone with no one taking offense and do wonders for sales of said bin bags and gaffer tape.
The BBC are keen to remind me that I may have missed this, even if they are not so keen to mention the death and highlight the life, death and memorial of a man of The Centre (King Michael of Romania):
They could do a similar programme about Ireland and how the Nazis succeeded. I doubt that they will.
I wonder why?
Ti’s almost the Season of Good Will to all men. I look forward to being given the name of the R4 Toady’s “Guest Editor” for January 2018. Let’s remember the Guest Editor for 2017 – Lenny Henry. He who first demanded that no news was read over the airwaves unless it was read by a BAME correspondent. Ah! multiculturism with its richness of culture: rubbing shoulder to shoulder in the street with those of another race but in the knowledge they share the same British values as yourself………..[Treezer and the BBC’s World]
(clanging of bells and creaking doors )Hello, who are you? The ghost of Christmas in the future? I wake up at that point……….
A Merry Christmas to all contributors (can I say that now without fear of another nighttime call from two Stasi?)
In this week’s Media Show segment about Buzzfeed job cuts, the Buzzfeed guy bragged “we are about 30% BME and stacked with LGBT”
.. So is it OK that the BBC’s chief chosen media partner is so stuffed with ‘inverted racism/homophobia” ?
Isn’t it bad that white/hetero are so under&represented ?
The Today programme this morning was obsessing with the much hyped dangers of (so called) “far right” extremism.
There’s loads of the blighters according to the Beeb and they’re a dangerous lot.
To counter the poison that these fascists promote the “Prevent” organisation has swung into action.
There are Orwellian officers going into our primary schools brainwashing kids (sorry, I mean educating our children) in the benefits of diversity. You know the drill; “Islam is a religion of peace” and “just because this woman in the burka is carrying a machine gun doesn’t make her a terrorist.” This doesn’t sound British to me.
We used to pride ourselves on our freedom of thought. On our ability to argue and disagree. Now it’s wrong to think differently to our pc masters. And although I’m never going to stab anybody, run anyone down in a car or blow anyone to bits, I’m (apparently) the problem!
We heard the haranguing voice of a bloke bullying the poor little mites into multicultural submission.
Christ, this is bloody sinister. We’re not too far from going the full politically correct ten yards and having children spying on their parents.
The oft repeated meme is that “after Manchester” Islamophobia became a lot worse. Well there’s a bleedin’ surprise! 22 kids slaughtered, blown to bits, while attending a pop concert and folk start behaving unreasonably. Honestly, what’s wrong with these bigots?
If we used basic arithmetic to work out how deadly the far right is in Blighty I believe it’s one murdered Muslim, mown down coming out of a mosque. Absolutely and totally wrong, of course, but…
At the same time how many innocent people have been slain by mad Muslims and how many more Islamist terrorist attacks have been foiled by the security services?
I’ve lost count!
What about the danger of the Far-Left Cornbynistas? I hope they’re warning the kids about them too.
Well the far left aren’t a danger
Except for :
– the BlackLives MatterMore guy who shot 5 policemdead at a Texas demo
– The Red Brigade terrorists
– the thousands of Africans who areured to their death by Jo Cox and Co’s promises that if they get to Europe we will provide for them.
Well the far left aren’t a danger
Except for :
– the BlackLives MatterMore guy who shot 5 policemen dead at a Texas demo
– The Red Brigade terrorists
– the thousands of Africans who are lured to their deaths by Jo Cox and Co’s promises that if they get to Europe we will provide for them.
I wonder if these officers share a limo with Huw and Kamal en route to explain to the kids about ‘unique’ facts.
“I wonder if these officers share a limo with Huw and Kamal en route to explain to the kids about ‘unique’ facts.”
See my post/photo up a few clicks!
I think there’s some doubt about the muslim who died, whether he collapsed before, during or after the accident.
But then the details of the incident have never, as far as I’m aware, been accurately reported.
Much as the death in prison of Kevin Crehan, who was jailed for a year because someone decided putting pork on a mosque door was worse than muslims raping young white English girls. We still don’t know how he died and why.
For those who believe that we should not be part of the EUSSR army, please sign and pass on:
Thanks for alerting me to this petition, which I’ve now signed.
Me too.
Also don’t forget about these please
Leave the EU immediately
Stop the Common Fisheries Policy being adopted into UK law post-Brexit
(Not that signing these has any effect when you consider the calibre of the snakes that supposedly debate them).
Xmas party going to be fun.
I imagine the BBC Xmas party with Andrew Neil will be like this ….
Condell banned from You Tube, but this is an attack on the progressive values of the BBC and the elites in Europe
Pat’s YouTube account seems alive and well:
Eddy Booth
I was informed that this particular vid had been banned, not the others.
I notice the BBCs idiot child SKY news is claiming the poor old muzzies are getting some aggro on the football pitch due to Brexit – nothing to do with Manchester concert, Westminster Bridge, etc, etc. As a famous journalist might say “ You couldn’t make it up ! “
Meanwhile in South Africa, President Zuma has announced FREE higher education for students. Bet you didn’t know what a wealthy country South Africa was! Despite about 53% starvation figures for the SA population, massive unemployment, the collapse of much of the nation’s infrastructure, high crime rates, downgrading of its currency (junk status imminent) etc etc.
Oh, and the fact that many of those university students are…well…er…..perhaps a teensy weensy bit…er….not quite literate, em, sort of?
Anyone would think that there was an ANC Congress coming up! Or a convention to nominate Zuma’s successor? With the odd lefty or two waiting in the wings, who would make Corbyn look downright reactionary, we just know SA is heading for big things!
Will there be any BBC coverage that does not proclaim how wonderful democracy has been for the country, and how it is flourishing? How great the ANC has been to have ‘liberated’ the country 23 years ago? How any blemish still remaining must be the fault of Apartheid? (Well, 23 years is not a lot you know).
And how Britain can learn from SA. That is where the whole ‘Rhodes must fall’ business started. And all that decolonisation!
Britain has ALL that to look forward to. And FREE higher education! SA proves it can be done, even with out the money! Of course, there will have to be the odd tax increase, but someone else will have to worry about that. Gosh, we have a lot to learn from SA. And our universities are in the forefront of that! What proud times we are living in!
My theory , apart from their fixation with the thankfully dead st Mandela , I think al beeb is spending so much time on SA because the likes of our humph, Myrie Hoo et al want a tax paid sunny winter to the failing state .
Let’s give em a handout from the 13 000 000 000
Overseas taxpayer giveaway fund . Don’t pay the tv tax
With Fran Unsworth in charge, expect to see a blizzard of use of the three horrible words “diversity”, “inclusive”, and “equity”.
These will become the yardstick by which everything is judged. Oppose them, and you’re in the racist bigot basket along with Trump and Farage. Support them, and you’re eligible for membership in the human race.
Diversity ?
Thought provoking –
Great and continually correct website, thanks G!
And Philips articles are as rare as they are profound.
As good as Daniel Greenfield or even Denis McEoin….my 2017 writers of the year!
Just thinking about the al Beeb fixation this morning on the Prevent Stategy focus on the Far Right.
Leave aside the pro-multiculturalism brainwashing of schoolchildren showcased by the coverage.
It occurs that the anti-Far Right prevent strategy must include some sort of driver training because none of the city centre atrocities in recent months appear to have been committed by the Far Right. So I conclude they must drive vehicles more sensibly than other extremists.
While being interviewed on our favorite media orifice, a Prevent representative stated that a third of their efforts was directed towards “rightwing” extremism. This is absurd when you consider the death toll due to Big Beard terrorism. I’m sure the Prevent people believe that Big Beard terrorism is really just a reaction to “white rightwing racism and islamophobia” and if the indigenous population were intimidated and brainwashed to prevent criticism of islam all the Big Beards would be assuaged and shave off their Big Beards.
According to LBC, the FA is claiming that that there has been a spike in “islamophobic attacks” on muslim football players in the lower leagues and schoolboy level because of Brexit.!! It’s impossible to fathom the twisted thought processes of these people.
Like in Poland, The Czech Republic and now Austria?
The liberals HATE those who`d have voted for the “far right”…but dare not come out and say so.
All they can do is impeach, smear and drag down accomplices and allies, And they get well paid and with all the time in the world to do so.
Why so-can`t ALL be George Soros can it? Who`s paying?
Freeview has hardly any adverts, bad as the New European.
So I ask again-who`s paying,and how do we follow the money to see the sources of all this Brexitrumpet bellyaching 24/7.
Must matter to them, are we over Dreseden yet withour our knowing?
“Why so-can`t ALL be George Soros can it? Who`s paying?” The UN
RB: Don’t knock ‘equity’. In my reflection on SA above, I should have said how successful the SA education system has been as a result of equity. The motto has been ‘pass one, pass all’, and I think you’ll agree, that’s a pretty fair approach to building (socialist) excellence. The UK needs a lot of that kind of thing. Along with ‘decolonisation’.
How sweet:
I hope you’re being sarcastic!
P.S. Big fan of your comments that cast a ray of light on the truth, Pounce.
Outrageous. Those girls should be at home, pleasuring their menfolk, they look at least 6 or more.
An all British choir singing in St Pauls
Little nuns in the making!
How very Sound Of Music huh?
I see Grenfell has it’s very own Twitter account.
Just had a butchers and found this tweet. Anybody else think they are having a giraffe:
How long is it to the 12 month anniversary? Can we do one at 9 months to keep us going?
Maybe thousands died there, but this is getting out of control
And as yet, no EU blame…no Green Party blame…and no blame attached to Labour for its migration policies, its wilful neglect of high rise tinderboxes that they`d drive by on the way to work at Wood Lane just a few years previous.
Labour set the social housing rules, useless Tories wouldn`t dare to go to the no-go zones even when elected.
What role did Labours new MP there play-what did SHE do when the Grenfell residents who WERE legit complained about the pile up of matresses in stairwells then?
Don`t the Tories or their councillors even BOTHER to tell the Lefty Green EU scum where to get off as leeching lying hypocrites then? Dirty business politics-forever Hillsborough and PPI if they don`t deal with issues like Eid, migration, illegal sublets and corporate cowardice and indifference.
” Because Allah is always by your side ” With machetes and bombs. ” Allah is always by your side” Stealing your land and raping your daughters. Allah Allah Allah.
I wonder if you would be able to perform Christmas carols in a mosque? Or even allow females to sing in one?
Interesting question on faith-building activity.
Here’s the BBC ‘reporting’ another:
BBC News
Gunfire and an explosion at a Methodist church in Quetta has killed a number of people.
Their determination to de-humanise terrorism is getting beyond silly.
Just as it used to be said that “Elvis has left the building” after his shows-I sense that “Jesus has left the building” ought to be the final benediction in nearly all British churches at the end of every service.
And let the clergy say “alleluia” after that-because He is NOT what is wanted by the Church any more these days.
Muslims honour him more that a Welby or a Winkett, Houldsworth or whoever.
Re the video of those Muslims singing “Praise to Allah” in St Pauls CATHEDREAL.”
This is simply shameless Blasphemy!
Now we know that this once proud Christian nation can expect serious consequences from On High!
No, I don’t mean Bob Geldof.
Here’s a story about black lives matter which the bBC will never report:
Australia: Gangs of African youths go a violent stealing rampage at the beach
Any Australian story always see what Andrew Bolt says
Well done Sky!
Ink hardly dried on the deal with Disney, but it`s now full-on Disneyland fairy stories( can we say that still?).
Anyway , just saw Sky giving some agitprop Muslim group in Peterborough full access to tell us that Islamophobic abuse of their football team(FC Peterborough, seems to only comprise of Muslims, natch) has risen since Brexit. Even the youth team gets banter it doesn`t like.
Great story really-Brexit, underage boys, Prevent , Tell Mama and “Islamophobia”-and all under the canopy of football.
One story fits all liberal dreams. If only all conflations were so easy to get out in one story.
Utter crap too-this was first reported at the end of last month by the BBC, who (of course) asked all four local FAs( Lincs, Hunts, Cambs, Northants) for comment too.
Not as if the club is actually LINKED with any formal leagues here-but they`d better answer nonetheless.
Not enough to confine it to Peterborough where-I believe-Islam “is an issue”.
If you do a little checking on MEND and how this story got from local BBC to Football Focus on Sky-you`ll learn plenty about the liberal agenda and how it chooses its tales and timings.
This site ought to offer media studies degrees, even PhDs in fake news critiques-maybe Prof Trump could confer our honorary degrees when next he`s here!
One final thought-I myself think it was more the election of TRUMP-albeit piled on top of Brexit-that has caused this incendiary rise in spite towards those who seem not to like Ariana Grande or Christmas markets.
Hope they`ve kept figures to draw those graphs to show alarming conflagrations in Islamic terror grumblings that literally caused my paper to catch fire with flammability, as I drew the exponential curve between June 24th 2016, up until November 9th that year.
In fact I`ve had to extend the front wall to represent the new graph that puts Islamophobic tinderbox leverls now at code “screaming vermillion”(red fails to cut it these days), and it`s all about to blow…
So was it Brexit, Trump or a subtle blend of both that has sent Abedi and Adebolajo cowering I wonder?…can I have a grant and a rich vice chancellor and a few years in the BBC Green Room to investigate all this? Go on…go on….gissa job
Disney could well look to buy Twitter, after it carries out the Great Purge this month.
The piece could have emanated from The Guardian or the BBC.
Absolute nonsense offered without any proof.
The nearest to evidence is some anecdotal stuff about children:
“We have had players, 11-year-olds, mimic aeroplanes crashing into buildings after our games. We’ve had players mimicking the call to prayer to some of our players. These are some of the things that our 11-12 year old Asian players have been witnessing on an average weekend of football. So it really is disgusting.”
Fancy anyone taking the piss out of religion? Perhaps Sky journalists haven’t seen Life of Brian or Jerry Springer the Opera.
Mimicking aircraft crashing into building? Well it would be nice if that had never happened so the kids couldn’t make fun of it.
I just wonder if, and call me Islamophobic, but the negativity to Muslims might stop if …
1. Muslims stopped raping children, (85% of groomers are Muslim, or Asian as the media reported the finding).
2. Muslims stopped walking into children’s concerts with bombs in Manchester, or mowing down families in Marseilles or chucking hand grenades at teenagers in the Bataclan.
3. If Muslims didn’t physically threaten Ofsted teams for trying to prevent Muslim brainwashing of children. The head of Offsted and the Ofsted offices now need armed police protection.
4. If art galleries hadn’t removed certain paintings after fears of Muslim attacks
5. If books hadn’t been withdrawn from printing because of physical threats.
There again, I guess, maybe it is just Brexit that makes the indigenous population of countries from the UK down to Australia be wary of Muslims.
Do Sky/BBC/Guardian journalists actually believe any of this twaddle?
As a small child , I used to hang out with a load of lads my age who were all white. Anyway we played a game of football against a load of Muslims and they would pass calls in whatever language they spoke and as I understood it, I would relate this to the rest of the team. I remember these fookers complaining that it wasn’t fair what I was doing, picked up their kit and buggered off back to their ghetto .
Galatasaray…..’welcome to hell’. Never mind the amount of stabbings inflicted on English fans in this muslim country.
Maybe these kids ‘mimicking aeroplanes’ were just practising the Dambusters march for the next match against Germany?
And scribbling, that 85% of groomers are muslim / Asian hugely understates the problem as the entire muslim /Asian population is so much smaller (for now). Take that into account and the proportional percentage is overwhelmingly muslim / Asian. But shh, don’t say it out loud.
“Sadiq Khan should tell Trump the truth about multicultural London”
by the heroic Douglas Murray in the Speccie.
The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, likes to make a stand. Specifically he likes to present himself (and the city in which he has been elected Mayor) as an antidote to global concerns about immigration, human unpleasantness in general and Donald Trump in particular. For instance, on the BBC on Sunday morning he explained his opposition to President Trump receiving a state visit to the UK…
Given Mayor Khan’s eagerness to beat down any and all examples of bigotry and his specific and oft-repeated claims that London is something of a light unto the nations, I cannot understand why he has not gone out to campaign about events I described here a couple of days ago. That is the racist chanting by a crowd at a demonstration in London last Friday night.
It’s very easy to talk about how Buddhists live alongside Muslims, and Jews live alongside Christians. Kumbaya etc. But if you’re going to indulge in that sort of chat, oughtn’t a responsible politician also add something like, ‘Although on Friday night, in the centre of London, we also saw a crowd of Muslims chanting for the death of Jews.’ I cannot see why not. It gives a more rounded, honest and fuller picture of the real situation in 21st Century London. I cannot see why Mayor Khan wouldn’t be willing to include such details in his paeans to multicultural London. And also condemn the crowds involved in such racist abuse in his own city in terms at least as vehement as those he saves for presidential Tweets.
Given the exalted status of homophobia in the victimhood rankings at al beeb, I’m at a loss to understand why they’re not covering this shocking story in the London ES:
‘Police are hunting a suspect after gay men were punched and told “you are not welcome” in east London.’
The suspect/s appear of a somewhat Norwegian disposition, but I’m sure that has nothing to do with the beebistan’s silence on the matter.
But it’s reassuring to know the Met are on the case:
“Based on these descriptions and the locations where the assaults happened, officers have not ruled out the possibility that the attacks may well have been carried out by the same man.”
So, 2 violent homophobic attacks within a few weeks and within a few yards of each other, by two very similar-looking e-fits, and the bill are not ruling out the possibility it was the same man! Not for nothing are they called ‘our finest’.
I wonder if there are any mosques nearby, and if our finest will join the dots?
Just checked, there are half a dozen mosques within spitting distance, but that would be islamophobic.
P.S. Wasn’t Trump ridiculous when he said there are ‘no-go zones’ in UK? If you’re gay, maybe not so ridiculous.
Tricky for the old bill to have two ‘minority’ groups to deal with . I’m sure the local mosque will welcome a visit to from the local queer groups – all in it together – and that sort of nonsense.
I think for the old bill – like the beebistan – islam trumps gay every time.
(Is it islamophobic to use the word ‘trumps’? He hates them.)
“Tricky for the old bill to have two ‘minority’ groups to deal with”
And why on earth not?
The MET have had dozens of officers on the Madeleine McCann case for the last 12 years! So why not help those who are without help unlike the Doctors McCann who get huge Donations/Applause/Publicity/Political/Fleet st/Pop Star/Attenborough/Geldof/ Bono/TV/ Reality Stars …etc????? I hear that the McCann’s have said that they didn’t realise they had so many old friends?
Such crimes don’t count, cos they are not right wingers
Homophobic, misogynist ethnic Muslims are SpecialVictims so exempt from being labelled “right wing”.
Lead story on Five Live News: there is a growing threat of Far Right extremism.
Yeah, we have loads of no go zones held by Nazis; Nazi rape gangs; and our prisons are overrun with Nazis.
They honestly think they can lead then fight against Fake News? ‘Honesty’ is a swear word for them; they would not know reality if it bit them on the arse, as it increasingly has this year.
Beeb – the attack in the Dutch airport disappeared quickly off the albeeb website so we know what sort did it – mental issues —- the state is seriously going after right wing thought. Even some so calle conservative was on the wireless today sounding like a limp lettuce. These career politicians will do and say anything for the next job including selling their country down the river.
I’m probably classified as ‘extreme’ now along with many on this site. I’ve used that line before about being like a frog in gradually heating water – it’s too late to notice it boiling. There’ll be a book list of books to be burnt soon.
the attack in the Dutch airport disappeared quickly
So do pavement mountings, various attacks, police lockdowns, etc. all quickly disappear.
I have said this several times- we don’t do terrorism anymore.
When Treezer said ‘enough is enough’ she was expressing a policy that the media and the elites had agreed upon
There’s a very simple fact that leftists, libtards and beeboids of all hues don’t get – or pretend not to: the alleged growth of the so-called Far Right, or patriots as they used to be called, is a CONSEQUENCE of what’s going on, not a CAUSE.
Address the true cause, and the consequence takes care of itself.
And conversely, ignore the causes, and just wait and see how nasty it can get.
And they call us the haters.
It all makes sense when you realise that the “leftists, libtards, and beeboids of all hues” are not acting in good faith. They claim to be acting for something good (protection of minorities against violence), but in truth they are acting against something they hate (white people, patriotism, Christianity, the West).
The claim to be acting for a good cause is always a fig-leaf to cover the true agenda, which is smashing something they don’t like.
I see this all the time in the climate debate. The claim is that they’re acting “to save the planet”. This is a deflection from the true agenda, which is to smash capitalists and others they hate (see above).
Ain’t gonna happen is it. There is no established right wing political parties any more so people are going to look elsewhere .
I like the irony that of all the countries in europe Austria should elect a right wing government. Perhaps we can learn from how they control their borders as well as deporting illegals .
A few years ago, when in South Africa, I looked at some of thevtownships and schools. And I thiught ‘ why have the ANC not done more to help the genuinely poor?”. Then it occurred. The ANC and others like them in other countries NEED the poor to stay poor but whilst maintaining their tribal and cultural support. Keep the anger going and hope the angry don’t look too closely at the actual government track record.
So now we consider the following bBBC statement that there are fears that the ANC might split.
What a giveaway. Whose fears? The BBC editors? The bBBC attitude right before your eyes. Pro anti-colonial, pro- tubthumping leftists.
SA, especially the poor, need the ANC to split apart. And just maybe them, a General Election would be meaningful because then pisspoor governments could be thrown out and well-run government might stay in power.
Actually I think the DA would probably get more blacks (permitted term in SA btw) out of poverty than the ANC ever will.
The same applies in the middle east. By using only a tiny percentage of Saudi and other Gulf states’ money there would be no poverty, disease or even hardship in Yemen or Palestine but, particularly in the case of Palestine, it’s worth a power of anti-US/Western votes in the UN to keep their ‘fellow muslim’ peasants poor.
As an indication of the Saudi attitude to their oil money – apart from deliberately littering Europe and the UK with spiritually vacuous and architecturally obscene mosques – the desert around Riadh is also littered with Ferraris and other such boys toys. If they run out of petrol, it’s easier to buy another, which admirably illustrates the mindset of a religion which considers itself more noble than Christianity.
I think we should completely ignore them and let them get back to what they do best,namely killing each other on an industrial scale. Sad but true.
This is a genuine, serious question as I honestly don’t know the answer.
Is the life of the average black South African better or worse now than under the Apartheid regime?
Lobster – I didn’t know the answer to that one – never been there – doubt if I’d ever care to go. But if you google South Africa life expectancy and see the graph you’ll notice not much improvement since self government . Apparently 57 is the lowest in the world according to the yanks.
In fairness regime change is always going to take time to bed in but there does seem to be that thing about overt corruption at the cost of ordinary people.
Lobster.. Life is deteriorating for all in all aspects. I have an old mate who has lived out there for over 40 years who gives me regular updates..
Just blowing my own trumpet for a moment………but with a purpose.
On the radio this morning Feargal Keane I think reporting about the ANC leadership contest commented that down the road from the ANC meeting, in Soweto the kids are begging for food.
The point being of course that the bBBC has vast resources but seems only to be able to spot the same thing as one single writer on this esteemed website. Yet even then there is no investigative angle. Asking the question ‘why’ seems not to occur to Mr Keane. Perhaps he cannot bring himself to the thought of having to criticise one of the left’s favourite regimes, sorry I mean countries.
What the hell do they spend their £4bn on? Do their journalists just sit in the office and trawl the internet for news?
“Keep the anger going and hope the angry don’t look too closely at the actual government track record.”
That was Yasser Arafat’s whole rationale re the whole Israel/Palestine conflict as I recall, aimed solely to keep his own personal coffers full of Western cash.
This also applies to the SNP in Scotland
Surely the most obvious proponents of this ideology in our islands are Sinn Fein, with the murder of German industrialist Thomas Niedermayer by them in 1973 a clear illustration.
BBC’S top story this evening is the fake news ‘growing threat of Far Right extremism’. Closely followed by the no. 2 story of the ‘far right’ joining the Austrian government.
I suppose it is true to say that most ordinary people have noticed the rise of jackbooted racists in every town, and the way our prison systems are being overrun by ‘far right’ inmates.
Or maybe it is all just a pile of untrue b*llox, designed to deflect from what is really happening. You decide.
I’m sure the BBC would view me as a far right extremist because of the fact that I love this country and I do not want to see it invaded by an alien culture. I am a white, heterosexual male, married to the same lady for the last 55 years. We have 4 children and loads of grandchildren,all white. If that makes me a far right extremist then it’s a title I accept with pride and the gainsayers can go and take a long walk off a short pier.
Looking on the bright side, every time the BBC runs a headline like that, more and more ‘unwoke’ listeners and viewers start to awaken.
You can’t keep on telling blatant lies about the ‘Far Right’ without people noticing.
It seems that just about every day now we hear about some further watering down of what started out as a leave the eu vote.
Today the smarmy Hammond is telling everyone we are going to do everything the eu wants to get this 2 year transition (extension) period he wants, giving in to the latest demands.
We (leavers) are losing votes in parliament, our ‘negotiators’ are capitulating completely to demands from the eu on money, borders and eu people living in the UK. Concessions are being made all over the place.
This in no way resembles the leave I voted for in 2016.
Out means out, not this overcomplicated dog’s breakfast they are weaving together.
WTO rules ok.
The politicians have twisted it and changed it from a leave vote to virtually staying in without us leavers having any meaningful influence on how things are proceeding.
Bit by bit, every day/week, another part of leave is fiddled with, dropped or made meaningless by ‘our’ politicians, egged on by the likes of the far left pro eu bbbc and the frustration that must be being felt by the 17.4 million and all the others who now want to get out is building up like a pressure cooker.
We get a 15-5 pro remain cabinet led by a pro remain PM, a pro remain chancellor and a pro remain Home Secretary. The opposition who stood on an election promise to leave are fighting to keep us in the eu, as are all the other parties except the DUP (who the appeaser would have sold down the river if she hadn’t needed them, in fact, she almost did)
Every MSM show is loaded against leavers and any leaver allowed to talk is constantly interrupted.
Is this how it’s going to continue?
Are we going to eventually be denied our leave and be presented with what amounts to leave in name only.
When are we going to have some positive news. Since the democratic leave vote won it’s been steadily being eroded and heading towards being meaningless.
I can only see civil war. If it’s not the eu then it will be because we are being ethnically cleansed and replaced by the religion of peace who are peacefully blowing us up, raping our little girls and costing a fortune to keep.
How do any politicians think these are good things that are happening.
They have already shown that democracy is dead as whichever way you vote they will do what they want, not what we vote for.
It’s pointless voting now.
Parliament is no longer legitimate.
Democracy is dead in the U.K.
I find it very hard, if not impossible, to disagree with anything you wrote there.
Ditto here. Excellent post.
This was always the likely scenario. The EU know it will be gravely weakened if we leave whatever the officials say. May was their plan B and Hammond her enforcer .
I am not sure about the left. The old left is anti EU and always was. The new type of middle class leftie is far removed from the traditional labour supporter. They are southern type Guardianistas and nearly all state employees or quangocrats.
The voting bears this out. Heavily leave in the old labour strongholds in England. Those that are not infested with students and the southern viewpoint.
It is noticeable that the remain lobby concentrates all the time on the economic effects of leaving. This is because they are anxious to avoid discussing immigration and the pressure on housing and public services . They are very vulnerable here.
They have a problem. We deplorables ( a proud name now ) can smell a stitch up a mile away and these Tory rebels reek of it . Fortunately they are too stupid to realise this and this is to our advantage.
The longer it goes on and the more the EU seems to be trying to impose conditions and penalties the more stubborn we will get. Stubbornness is a great virtue sometimes . I think we must hold firm and make our voices heard especially to our MPs ( mine is very sound) and on the internet.
I amuse myself with CIF on the Guardian. It is so very easy to get them frothing and cursing.
Take a simple view and stick to it. A free people govern themselves. Direct and to the point and it does resonate .
We will get to leave I am sure of it but there is a struggle coming and this is about a lot more. It is also about turning back the progressive state and giving the deplorables of this country and Europe a real say in their future.
Our MPs lost the moral right to interfere in Brexit when they voted to ratify the Lisbon Treaty in 2008.
We the people didn’t vote to hand back sovereignty to our useless MPs, rather we asserted our sovereignty over them to first get back our nation from the EU. The Quislings and Appeasers should be aware that we only need 650 lamp posts and 2 km of piano wire to finish the job.
But that’s the problem with giving people a referendum . They might vote in a way their MPs don’t agree . Which history will see as Cameron’s great failure of foresight and how disconnected the bubble is from ordinary decent taxpaying voters .
It is inevitable that the MPs – bubble – will fudge it . There will not be a brexit . We will be a satellite state . There will be free movement of people and goods. Nothing will change except we will have to take on the euro .
There will never be a referendum on anything again . We will live in a liberal permissive system which allows anything except Christianity or right wing thought .
The state broadcaster is doing its job of shielding various minorities from criticism – whatever they do – ranging from driving over infidels on bridges or killing children at pop concerts or giving forms to children asking them whether they are comfortable with their sexuality or drugging and raping them .
There is no one to stop this . There is no one to stand up for dissenters . There are a few places like this blog to legally express dissent but it won’t last for long . Some bright maths grad working at Cheltenham will read what’s being said here a decision will be made to kill the site off one day .
Yes, the creatures of the Font of Truth peddle the idea that Clarke, Grieve and the other quislings are true parlimentarians merely excercising parliamentary sovreignty as Brexiteers would want them to do. Brexiteers do want to restore full sovreignty to parliament, but the quisling tendency is doing all it can to stop powers being repatriated from Brussels. They have spent the last 40 years ceding their powers to the EU and spent their time conscientiously not scutinising EU legislation. Suddenly, they claim to be worried about the executive gaining immense powers to the detriment of parliament, but have enthusiastically handed over the selfsame powers to a foreign entity beyond the democratic control of the British people without even batting an eyelid.
Even more galling is the claim that they are defying the government in “good conscience” as Eurosceptics once did. Defying a government is one thing, but defying the will of 17.4 million people is another. We do not elect MPs to rule against the majority view. What would be the point of. electing MPs to do the exact opposite of what the majority of voters were promised in a manifesto.. Being a “representative” is not the same thing as an “elected dictator” who has carte blance to do whatever he wants. It’s obviously time for more direct democracy, cutting out arrogant buffoons like Clarke.
Well it’s fine in theory ID but harsh reality – without even a tentative toe in Brexit waters – shows that we elect MPs of all parties who regularly rule against the majority view.
Yes, one of the most important side-effects of the Brexit process must be that it has finally brought home to millions the utter contempt MPs have for voters.
The civil war issue is a disturbing one. I don’t have the in depth knowledge about the last time we fought each other for our beliefs but to think of a scenario where remainers and brexiters march against each other and come to blows is a frightening one. I’m not sure if the bubble is truly aware of how many people are feeling about the way the government is dealing with Brexit . They think a common view is “why aren’t we out yet ? But not much more. They are relying on apathy to take over and people say “ oh well if we can’t leave that’s it then “ .
Sadly the Conservative party / government in its current form is doomed as a result of what is happening. Corbyn is playing an excellent long game consolidating loyalty within candidates and will be way better prepared for the next election than out of touch May and the cabinet.
We can type up the day to day stuff about albeeb but in reality we are just talking to each other and being entertained by the occasional lightweight contrary voice like good old night shift marxi but more than that it’s just letting off steam.
The evidence of the British Broadcasting Corporations’ political position is beyond question and evidencing it is like a hobby . All we can do is not pay that licence tax .
I agree. To see Hammond and his cohorts so openly defying the will of the British people incenses me. How can anyone call themselves a politician and be able to do that?
Arrogant, contemptible pieces of shit. It’s high time that our swamp was drained because the stench from the vermin living there is becoming too much.
We`re having a day long “workshop” in a Somerset Wetherspoons very soon.
Sir Tims latest Christmas special has some great articles in it…and, hell; he even lets the moaners have a few pages by way of fairness.
Is he the last example of objective journalist integrity available freely to all in return for a few pints of Rudolphs Rednose bitter or what have you? Put your money his way, read and engage-keep the emails and text numbers you get and let`s create the Church of Brexitrump in his pubs on Sundays as the Guardian reading classes “feel the world” in a Harvey Geldof bellicose quack….
I have been watching the devastating speech by Sen. Grassley on a group of related subjects that the BBC has so far refused to cover – to wit, the blatant bias and corruption at the top of the FBI and DOJ during the Obama administration and since, the patently illegal activity of Hillary Clinton and her advisors, the corruption in the DRC and the fake ‘Trump Dossier’ Russia connections. Grassley’s speech is a masterful summary of what is currently known, and we may expect far more. As the noose tightens, like Donna Brasile, I expect ‘linked’ people will realise they had better try to extricate themselves by going ‘state evidence’. This will be the scandal of the century in the US, and cannot the BBC see that the longer they delay covering it, the more this will reinforce the fact that they are now a partisan, propagandist outfit. I think there is now sufficient momentum in the investigations by the media, and by Congress to make the ‘Seth Rich’ or ‘Grassy Knoll’ solution impractical, and people will, at last, be going to jail.
The way the FBI has operated with it’s talk of ‘insurance policies’ if Trump got in, other examples of gross corruption and it’s abject failure in anything resembling police work (like explaining the Las Vegas shooting and all its uncertainties) should be of grave concern to the American people.
The FBI everyday seem to resemble some kind of KGB-esque secret political police force.
Maybe the police could direct their attention to [female mutilation], if they’re not too busy on social media, because we know that somewhere in Britain right now a young girl’s genitals are being illegally mutilated while the police drive past in a rainbow-coloured car on their way to pick up a diversity award.”
Pat Condell nails it again, and links Plod to that subversive, semi-secret Marxist organisation, Common Purpose (think Gina Miller, who included the words ‘common purpose’ in her charity’s mission statement, then removed them) which encourages (some would say ‘demands’) its disciples to ‘lead beyond authority’. In Plod’s case, this means concentrating its efforts on supporting a PC agenda that has nothing at all to do with prioritising crime. For ‘lead beyond authority’ read ‘abuse of power’.
Why hasn’t anybody, beyond a couple of articles by Andrew Gilligan which exposed the links between CP, Hacked Off, Hope Not Hate and other subversive groups of zealots intent on destroying free speech in this country, held this sinister organisation to account?
Specifically why hasn’t our public service broadcaster, acting in the interests of the nation, investigated/exposed it and brought it to everybody’s attention – through a Panorama Special, say?
Can anyone think why the BBC should be so reluctant?
Excellent Johnny.
Deeply worrying.
Common Purpose have been busy, busy, busy for decades. They have friends in all the most important places, including all over academia, government, public service and the media. It’s an expensive business, but when all your mates have their hands on the levers of power, achieving ‘common purpose’ need not be quite so daunting. Climate change is another of Common Purpose’s great achievements. It all serves the wider agenda, as does the whole notion of a ‘borderless Europe’, the dangerous fixation on creating an egalitarian utopia and so on. It’s hardly as if we haven’t already tried such things and found the outcomes… somewhat upsetting, to say the least.
Common Purpose doesn’t care, though. Behind the cute name lies the same old malignant Marxist agenda. You barely have to scrape the surface, and there it is. As toxic as ever.
@paulwestonlibgb tweeted Dec 7th
\\ I have just received a letter from Sussex police re FOI request on hate crime statistics broken down across race and religion.
They tell me there is NO provision for anti-white, anti-English hate crime, so cannot answer that particular question….//
“Brexit: UK must not be EU ‘colony’ after Brexit”
Note the bias anyone ?
Jacob Rees-Mogg for the next PM – that would be my Christmas present .
JRM will never be anything other than a smart backbencher wasting his breath. The PM says empty things she doesn’t mean like ‘ Enough is enough’ and ‘ Brexit means brexit’ . Neither of these actually mean anything . Article 50 says 2 years from the date of notification. There is nothing in the treaty about transition periods . The 2 years can be extended it all nations agree.
On reflection. I am surprised that during the campaign instead of the remainers threatening the end of the world they pointed out more serious realistic issues like the Irish border. In a way it might have been better if the jocks voted to leave the uk because it would have been easier to put s border across Scotland and Eire without the United ireland becoming an issue again.
Al Beeb really missed the train by taking the remain stance throughout because it would have done a service if it informed us of issues through a truly neutral stance. Instead it can never be trusted again.
For full brexiters like me the only hope is to run out of time and reach no agreement – live through the inevitable chaos which will ensue and come out the other side. The cost of this will be an extreme left government .
And the propaganda continues………………………………
“Brexit: Britons now back Remain over Leave by 10 points, exclusive poll shows”
Fake News ?
What’s BMG’s track record like ?
Example from Twitter “A BMG poll for the political website Left Foot Forward found”
ie they usually take Momentum money
Sep 22 “BMG poll for @Independent shows 52-48% majority for REMAIN”
So lefty/Remain bias is normal to them
See Twitter mentions before the new survey
So many remain voters on radio say they now back Leave, and no Leave voters have changed their minds so BMG polls seem fishy.
Also Oct 21 “National poll of 2,000 Brits by thinktank Policy North representing business leaders show that if there was a referendum today voters would back Leave it by 57%”
9:45am Radio4 “Two thirds of constituencies are for Leave, due to the way the Remain votes are clustered in London, whereas the Leave vote is more evenly spread throughout the country”
And the thing is that if there was another referendum today, the EU have behaved like such arseholes recently that any Leaver wouldn’t have to work that hard to encourage a leave vote.
All the negative economic forecasts that DIDN’T happen, all the investment that DIDN’T dry up, all the jobs that WEREN’T lost and the petulant actions of Barnier and Co would give us a landslide.
My speed reading isn’t what it was but they seem to base that finding on a survey of 1400 people. Now I caught a little bit of Question Time the other night and the chap who explained to the labour MPs that they no longer represent the working class ( up north ) made a very powerful point. Perhaps labour has committed the sin , like journos and others, of seeing Blighty as just London. Ok on my numbers the south east of England is 28 million people or more if you try to estimate the guest workers but there is more to Blighty that London – and I’m a Londoner who has been shocked by the difference between the 32 London boroughs and other parts of Britain.
It really does seem to me that labour councils do not improve the quality of life of ordinary decent taxpayers when they are busy looking after minority groups of queers, Muslims , ccyclists, recyclists and any other flavour of the month pressure group you choose to name – refugees , battered wimmin , batters fish, special needs, extra special needs … you know the list…
Thanks Fedup2
Re the survey: for starters, I would take anything published in ‘The Independent’ with a huge dose of salt. Independent it is NOT.
Somewhere near the Guardian? VERY near.
I conducted a leave / Remain poll with my mate and here’s the result:
Leave – 100%
Remain – 0%
What does that tell us?
Is it as valid as any other poll.
A poll conducted in the bbc would give the opposite result.
I honestly believe if there was another referendum, leave would get more than 60%
I also believe that it would be ‘changed’ by our rulers to give a Remain majority because I do not trust them.
We know that democracy is now no longer valid in the U.K.
Are Labour now a Remain party ?
…. Yes a Remain in opposition party.
Al beeb describes the new Austrian government as “far right “ – so I wonder if “ extreme right “ is the same? To me far fight means trains and zyklon b .
I don’t know of anyone suggesting that the Austrian Government is planning genocide – just making things less comfortable for those choosing to go to Austria to claim refugee status .
As soon as a media source uses that term loaded boo-word “far right”,
that shows they are more interested in spin/framing rather than truth finding.
Mail Front page : Corbyn’s trolls to Tory MP: HOPE YOUR BABY DIES
Jeremy Corbyn was last night accused of inciting vicious Labour trolls who targeted the heavily pregnant wife of a Tory MP.
Radio 4 voice just named Andrew Griffiths MP as the MP
Saying “It started when Corbyn was speaking about Social Care in the budget debate and Griffiths shouted ‘You should be in Care’
She sought to play down the issue of Labours reaction to that story being to send Griffiths hate tweets
… bit weird from the side that bangs on about Jo Cox
The newspaper report says
“Burton MP Andrew Griffiths ..admitting he heckled Jeremy Corbyn about his age during yesterday’s Budget debate, but he says quotes attributed to him suggesting the Labour leader should go into care were “wrong”.
voice was probably @MissEllieMae
cos the other woman was a BBC staffer the shows producer
@insaf_abbas tweeted
\\ Reviewing the papers on #bbcbh: Editor of the Spectator @FraserNelson, Financial Times editor @lionelbarber and writer & commentator @MissEllieMae. //
Ofsted chief Amanda Spielman receives ‘venomous’ threats
Guess who from! I hope these threats are being investigated by our rainbow police.
MelP shows evidence of FBI conspiring against Trump before the election
\\One text dated August 15 2016 reads: “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in [deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe’s] office that there’s no way he gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40…”
Shapiro observes: “This looks an awful lot like motivation for launching an investigation into Trump in order to sink Trump as a hedge against Trump’s victory. The FBI’s investigation into Russian governmental interference in the election began in July 2016, just weeks before Strzok’s text message. And that means that there is now more of a smoking gun of FBI corruption against Trump than there is of Trump colluding with Russia.”//
Censorship/Hack watch – The BiasedBBC Facebook page seems now dead
Strangely in the Periscope yesterday DV mentioned BF’s Jayda Facebook page being removed
Also this blog was down around 10pm , and came back around 10:15pm
Last Saturday it was down moat of the day.
I suppose it could have been another thing say that if Football pirate streamers were using the same wordpress servers.
Anne Marie Waters’ For Britain Facebook page has been shut down too.
What kind of f****ng democracy are we living in?!!
A fake one.
Yes sorry my mistake I mixed Jayda and Anne Marie Waters up, Jayda’s is still there.
In a video post
AMD says “They say they shut us down for quote ‘using Hate Speech’,
.. I searched yet the only Hate Speech I can find is directed against me and people like me”
.. That’s what happens when you ban, you risk turning people into martyrs.
O/T but a tradesman says his petition against thieves has been banned from Facebook
“a particular franchise of trade talk groups have been busy reporting the petition
as spam causing Facebook to ban me from posting until 22/12 .”
A simple message at the end of the day to the Media and maxicony/Tony Hall. The people of Great Britain voted to get out of the European Union, despite the fluff, puff and fudge of the remainers propaganda.
“Cameron promotes the UK-China ‘golden era”
I do hope that he is better at this job than he was as a PM looking after Great Britain’s interests in Europe.
“Austria far right: Freedom Party wins key posts in new government”
Who decides what is ‘Far Right’ and ‘Far Left’, the far left media ?
I have seen the expression ‘hard left’. But I prefer ‘loony left’, which we don’t see these days
Hard left
‘The head of Ofsted says she has had threats from “a mixture of Islamic extremists and the hard left” after raising concerns about faith schools.’
Anything on Al Beeb about this ?
“IDS joins Eurosceptics in slamming Hammond’s ‘status quo’ Brexit plan”