Nicky Campbell thinks it would be great if Christmas were to be more secular because then all other religions could join in and ‘celebrate’ it too. Perfect illustration of BBC mindset…surrender your own culture to accomodate those who have absolutely no intention of compromising their own culture to fit in with British and western society.
BBC Bias, or stupidity, list it all here……..
“Strangely when I talk about White Supremicism people think I’m talking about the Klu Klux Klan”
Yeah you stupid woman, cos you mean when when a TV prog has 2% black people instead of the 3% in the general population.
That was the black racist woman, Afua Hirsch
The Late Night Woman’s Hour started off OK with the panel agreeing reporting on #MeToo was bad cos a minor thing like a tweet is different level to a rape by Weinstein.
But halfway thru it changed when they started talking about the L’Oreal sacking the trans model for racism
– Panelist defended her comments against white people as “true”
Later she said “the morning after pill , is just like viagra, so it’s none of your business”
..that’s a bit naive when many consider that a fertilised egg is a living thing.
By coincidence Munroe who she defended is is the news
19 Dec “Trans model Munroe Bergdorf repeatedly drops N-word and offensive slurs on live TV – as Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid warn her to stop (link:
– The model, who was dropped by L’Oreal over comments she made about racism, later defended her right to use the N-word”
Part of her long FB post that got her sacked from l’Oreal
“Once white people begin to admit that their race is the most violent and oppressive force of nature on Earth… then we can talk.”
As much as I am sensitive to others, having a penis between your legs does not give you the right to scream at others that you are a member of the fairer sex. A cunt maybe , but not a woman.
Times : “Travelers and Pakistanis are driving a rising trend of “Urban cockfighting”, the RSPCA has warned”
Nothing new there, same as dog-fighting. Both virtually eradicated in the 19th century, both on the rise again – but (suspend irony for half a minute) it takes the RSPCA to point it out.
Dog fighting.
This link is several years old, but take my word for it the crime is on the increase. Taxi drivers whose faith prohibits transporting guide dogs will take dogs to the fights .
But here is the rub. The left oppose fox hunting – fair enough – but like feminism animal rights stops at the gates of Islam
There’s worse. I once saw a vid of some Arab youngsters dowsing a puppy with petrol and setting it alight.
Or these below: sex with a donkey; pushing a donkey over a cliff; setting fire to a donkey’s head.
Yup-back to the future with unfettered Islamic migration.
Having come across this useless articles appeal for us all to think of poor Muhammad as Christmas approaches? Can only hope that Doreen Tipton becomes our next Queen and fast.
Poor Charlie lost the plot some time ago. I’m copying some of his mad words below just for the entertainment of the readers to this blog, who deserve a laugh in these desperate times. Happy Mohamad-Mas everyone.
And if you want even more laughs, have a look at the comments. Trigger warning: may cause Royalists to have seizures.
“Normally at Christmas we think of the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. I wonder though if this year we might remember how the story of the nativity unfolds, with the fleeing of the holy family to escape violent persecution. And we might also remember that when the prophet Muhammad migrated from Mecca to Medina he was seeking the freedom for himself and his followers to worship.”
– Prince Charles on Thought for the Day.
Having listened the whole speech, it’s just possible to interpret it as saying, in diplomatic Royalspeak: listen, you murdering fanatics, you were once persecuted so stop doing it to others.
But I doubt it.
In fact the persecution of moham-mad in Mecca is a myth anyway. He was tolerated until he started insulting other religions and stirring up trouble. Some things don’t change.
Whatever makes you want to question the judgement of someone who once wanted to be a tampon?
Hi Vlad, yes I agree, it is important to discern between historical accuracy and image spin. For example many believe Muhammad flew to Jerusalem and back on a magical horse during a single night.
Isn’t Charles going to inherit the title- “Head of The Church of England”? [among others] He is calling Jesus “Our Lord” then he asks us to remember that lying prophet’s trip to Medina.
Medina: Formerly Yathrib. A Jewish colony. Until muhammad murdered, enslaved or drove them all out.
Nice Christmas story. Millions of Middle-Eastern Christians Murdered. The Assyrian Church, The Syrian Orthodox, The Armenians, The Copts, among others. Remember muhammad?
Let’s please have a muhammed-free CHRISTmas.
I saw that and all I could think of was where are the articles for those people who don’t celebrate Ramadan, Eid or even killing non Muslims.
Usual Green PR people pushing BS
Migrant numbers set to treble as climate warms
Who says, student activists ?
“Hotter temperatures will accelerate migration of asylum-seekers to Europe, says study by Wolfram Schlenker and PhD candidate Anouch Missirian”
William Briggs has the debunk
The climate’s warming, is it?
Kinda embarrassing, Old Goat, for these weather & environment agencies and their media friends. The contradictions are starting to roll in.
The BBC downplayed or reversed their previous statements about continuous record CO2 outputs for successive years a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, they do not appear to have talked to the Met Office first. 2016 hottest ever, eh? Not the CO2, then? 2017, the third hottest ever? Don’t mention the CO2. Must be the plastic bottles that Brits keep taking to the seaside by car and throwing in the ocean.
The Daily Mail’s reporting (or the transcription by TGWPF) is a bit embarrassing, too. ‘The Met Office forecast that the global average temperature for 2018 would be between 0.88°C and 1.12°C – with a central estimate of 1°C.’ Ooops! Looks like the next Ice Age is with us already.
Shouldn’t they, including the BBC, raise some alarm about that?
Time to get the long underwear on! Happy Christmas everyone.
The Global Warming PR people passed it on to BBC
And McGrath has spun it
Higher temperatures linked to EU asylum figures
Seems the normal way it works to me : That such dirty PR ideas are curated by GreenBlob PR teams and then pushed out to compliant media
…who no doubt think they will one day win Nobel Prize for saving the planet.
I wouldn’t be surprised that such teams don’t phone “so called scientists”
and say “hey why don’t you produce use a study which concludes XYZ ?”
WUWT & Notalot have picked up Brigg’s debunk
Ha McGrath got slaughtered on Twitter
.. I’m guessing normally PAID left/lib trolls support BBC, but it being Xmas only us non-libs are commenting
Strangley Twitter hides this in “Other Replies” which mentions Calais migrants as if “Calais migrants” is on their trigger list
“Climate change is the religion of people who think they’re too smart for religion”
Enoch Powell warned us about the EU and our quislings:
Enoch was right about so many things.
Nearly 2 months now since Labour activist Bex Bailey was RAPED at a party event and then told to ‘not pursue it’ . No follow-up, twitter account not updated – does anybody know/care about this serious crime ? Obviously, BBC not interested
Aunty with her flexible morality probably considers this case of “taking one for the team”
Obviously someone putting their hand on a journalists knee is far more shocking.
I think it’s 1 month so police will still be investigating
..and it’s possible someone is lawyered up and ready for injunction.
Lead item on this evening’s BBC ‘Wales Today’ was a bizarre piece of scaremongering about the rise without obvious trace of the ‘far right’ in Wales. Apparently, South Wales Plod’s anti-terrorist efforts in the Principality are “more than fifty per cent” concerned with foiling the evil machinations of (unnamed) “extreme right” groups who lurk menacingly in their “strongholds in the valleys”. The evidence for this consisted of an amateurish looking website which showed a few bits of anti-Islamic propaganda (‘No mosques here, butty, ta’), an interview with some reformed ex-Nazi from the West Midlands (‘We were quite big in North Wales back in the ’90s and now they’re using the same tactics’ – Yikes!) and a picture of some dimwit from, I think, Newport standing in front of a swastika, who was allegedly on the verge of unleashing his own personal holocaust but was luckily stopped by our heroic boyos in blue before he could cobble together a few bits of explosive (phew!). After some distinctly unimpressive figures for the prospects of the would-be Cambrian branch of the Master Race were flashed quickly up on screen, the panicky article, which was presented in unusually urgent tone for WT, concluded with the less than earth-shattering police warning that these groups were of no threat whatsoever to either man or beast. Baffling, and, well, I hate to say ‘fake’, but certainly less than entirely convincing.
Nice work if you can get it for the South Wales plod tracking down imaginary far right neo Nazis.
It must be a kind of holiday
Far Right?
The only right wingers I know here are the ones playing on the rugby field tomorrow?
Perhaps they are referring to the large amount of Welshmen that voted out of the US of EU?
The mind boggles?
More lunacy from the Religion of War, Intolerance, Violence, Paedophilia, Misogyny, Homophobia, Xenophobia, Antisemitism, Porcophobia, Black Dogophobia (I kid you not, look it up) and much more insanity besides.
Merry Christmas to all our Muslim friends. And if you don’t like it, sod off.
TWMTB 2017-12-21 “Rohingya crisis: Myanmar general hit by US sanctions”
Included in the report are the most terrible words in the English Language.
No not “I’m from the Government and I’m here to help.”
But “Rohingya crisis: What you need to know”
That’s AlBeeb, tells you what you need to know.
This desire to inform us what we need to know is becoming an obsession with TWMTB.
What you need to know, as Aunty tells it, is that some nasty Buddhists have been beastly to some innocent followers of a peaceful religion.
Muslims doubleplusgood.
Everyone else doubleplusungood.
At the bottom of the page are the funniest words in the English language.
The ubiquitous “Why you can trust BBC news”
What is actually occurring is TWMTB telling you WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO BELIEVE.
My version “Arrogant twats with a long history of extreme violence get kicked out from where they are not wanted. Everyone should be cheering about it.”
“Why you can trust BBC news”
I think I would have put more trust in Josef Goebbels.
“What you need to know, as Aunty tells it, is that some nasty Buddhists have been beastly to some innocent followers of a peaceful religion.”
Ethnic ‘cleansing’.
Over 10,000 people killed (including over 1,000 under the age of five). Shot, burnt or starved to death.
Mass rape of Rohingya women and girls.
And you think, “Everyone should be cheering about it.”
You are one sick fuck, ‘TruthSeeker’.
Many times have I looked at your posts and I am always dismayed by your need to end with a personal jab at someone. Have you not learned that if your argument has force it will expose faults with your opponent’s position without a silly insult at the end.
It is familiar in sixth form and yoonie socialist society debates where a nasty punch is aimed to get a laugh at one’s Tory opponent. And it shows in your posts.
My God you really are Zero with a new name.
Do you still engage in fisting in Camden public toilets? I guess it sharpens your brain. But I believe it can lead to incontinence.
“Many times have I looked at your posts and I am always dismayed by your need to end with a personal jab at someone…
…Do you still engage in fisting in Camden public toilets?”
As for my description of ’TruthSeeker’ as; ”one sick fuck”, which epithets would you prefer for someone who thinks we “should be cheering” about mass murder, rape and Ethnic Cleansing?
So, why do you post here? A simple question that anyone would post to a Troll.
Your answer?
Why do you defend an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich?
What motivates you?
Your answer ?
Mass rape? No.
Mass rape was when the Red Army raped three million German females in 1945.
Or was it four million?
Mass rape was when loveable muslims raped 300,000 females in East Pakistan in 1971. Or was it 500,000? Mass rape encouraged by the men from the mosque.
“Over 10,000 people killed”
Well at least the remainder had somewhere to go, East Pakistan.
Where six million Hindus used to live, two million killed by muslims, the other Hindus went to India while the loveable members of “the religion of peace” were too busy raping to indulge in more mass murder.
China c19, the Dungan revolt, more loveable members of the “religion of peace” having a bad beard day. The publicly stated aim of the muzzie leaders was TO EXTERMINATE THE BUDDHISTS.
I, and anyone else who could be bothered, can produce as many historical examples as they wish, of muslims doing as required by the “join the dots” “holy” book. Because it’s easy.
Ditto with respect to the Marxists and their fellow travellers.
The lefties and the muzzies used up their total share of sympathy long, long ago.
Nobody needs to explain or justify support for Buddhists against the totalitarians.
It’s good against evil.
Across the Muslim world there have been and still are many cases of persecution, rape, murder, en masse but we never hear much condemnation of them from the left do we? We never hear a Muslim guest being verbally assaulted by a BBC interviewer demanding a condemnation and apology do we? Do we ever hear outright condemnation of these actions by high ranking Muslim clerics? The liberal left, I assume that you are a member, have a blind spot when it comes to the world wide atrocities committed on a daily basis by Muslims in the name of their foul faith. This myopia is leading the whole of the Western world into a future Islamic future. Don’t you ever think about the future that you are creating for the generations to come.? How can you sleep at night ?
Aldi attack: Man charged with murder after woman fatally stabbed in supermarket
I asked this before with regard to the RAF Mildenhall incident – why is it that the police can fail to release the name of a charged individual? Surely by doing that they make the public feel nervous and suspicious. Will it become public when the Skipton individual appears in court? Will the Mildenhall individual never be identified because he won’t be charged, cos detained under the MHA?
We are already suspicious, of the police policy.
I suspect that the local officers have the policy from the Common Purpose filth at the top of the pyramid.
Many fast tracked by the Lefty Old Boy network without ever having been on the beat.
Loobyloo, I heard a rumour, which I cannot confirm, that the attacker may have been a relative of the victim.
Skipton name was released 2 hours before you posted
Mildenhall, and Stansted Swedish terrorist names still not released.
“Neville Hord, from Skipton, has been remanded in custody and is to appear at York Magistrates’ Court on Saturday.”
“ex partner of victim’s mum”
The victim appears to normally married with kids.
Interesting cos sky said police not releasing his name – I see it now on bBBC. I did look around a little for it, but assumed they were keeping it quiet for a reason. Not mentally ill then? As is so easily attributed to some.
Can I just wish everyone on this site a very merry Christmas and keep up the good work for the new year. My apologies for not being as “relevant” as maybe I used to be regarding the BBC – but in all truth these days I listen mainly to Classic fm as I cannot now abide listening to what has in effect become a propaganda outfit and apologist for Corbyn, the EU and of course our continued colonisation by followers of a religion which appears to be hostile even to our very existence.
Kim Jong Un would be proud
Can I also thank Alan and David for providing this small beacon of sanity in an increasingly unhinged world where our “leaders ” In an act of extreme cowardice and utmost folly have handed the keys of the asylum to the fruit loops and even now are wondering why our once peaceful Island is well on its way into turning into some sort of wannabee 3rd world violent shithole. I suppose they were all just “following orders”
Let us all try stay as positive as possible without losing our pragmatism.
Maybe better things will start to happen 2018. Sometimes things do have to get worse before they get better. At least most people are starting to wake up and who knows where that will lead.
So a joyful and peaceful Christmas to you all and here s to 2018.
I’ll echo that, and best wishes to you and your loved ones!
You too Lobby – and dont forget to leave a sherry out for Santa “Claws” (oh God did I really say that!)
too right OAK , but the news can be really good for its comedy value somedays as they tip toe around reality
unlike the comedy which is just undisguised propaganda b o l l o x
Perhaps I am becoming paranoid in my dotage, but I watched Mastermind tonight and in the general knowledge section there were four questions about politics, and guess what? All four questions concerned the Labour Party – quelle surprise.
If Labour win the next election – Maybe we will all get our very own “little red book” Hopefully full of relevant quotes from Comrade Jeremy “The Great Navigator” to help us through all of life s trials.
A bit like the BBC end of year quiz, featuring all it’s favourites – Trump, Merkel & EU bods, Brexit, more Trump, lots of people of colour (not criminal of course) etc etc. Not for those with high blood pressure…
Apologies if it’s been mentioned before.
Ditto. Have a very Merry Christmas and God bless to all.
In the following sports article a small piece of neutrality emerges (i.e. just stating the apparent facts of the matter) which is an indicator of the mad world we are currently living in. Apparently the Spanish are investigating Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola for influencing the Catalan Vote for Independence. It is like you can no longer state an opinion anymore if it goes against the ruling party / ruling state:
“It has been claimed in Spain that the Catalan-born Manchester City manager is being investigated as one of a number of high-profile figures who may have attempted to sway public opinion ahead of October’s illegal referendum.
According to Spanish newspaper El Nacional, Guardiola’s name arose as part of a police investigation into rebellion around the now imprisoned activists Jordi Sanchez and Jordi Cuixart”
We know that the BBC takes a stance that is overall pro-Spanish State on this matter, in line with its support for everything EU. But it is sheer hypocrisy – because when it came to Scotland it was strongly in favour for Scotland to go its separate ways, especially following the Brexit vote, when it was supportive of a second Scottish referendum.
Firstly I’ll start off with an apology because after all the ghastly events in recent days my observation is fairly tame. Also it doesn’t involve the BBC, but Channel 5. Anyway here goes..
.At 10.50 Saturday evening Channel 5 are repeating A Chas and Dave Christmas Knees Up, first show at Christmas 1982. Apart from C & D there will be the brilliant Eric Clapton, Jimmy Cricket and another couple of musicians and comics. Special guest star is supposed to be Jim Davidson.
I remember watching this all those years ago with my dear old gran and her guffawing at some of Jim’s saucy remarks and saying, “Oh, how does he get away with it?” between chuckles. No need to worry about him getting away with it these pc days Nan, because he doesn’t. He’s been completely edited out. Channel 5 have shown this prog’ for the past two Christmases and although young Jim is up there in the credits that’s all you’ll see of him.
I think it’s rather tragic and in its small way almost akin to book burning. Are we all so prissy and timid that we’d fall apart at a dose of Jim’s earthy humour. No. it can’t be that. Blimey, they give us the gruesome Frankie Boyle and a whole host of left wing comedians that eff and blind as well as any collier. “Comics” make fouled mouthed quips about Nigel or Donald and it has them rolling in the aisles.
I just can’t imagine what Jim has done to become persona non grata.
He’s white, working class, patriotic, right wing, never bores the arse off us on Radio 4 and in 1982 he was supporting our troops in the Falklands and has done so ever since.
Jeff, just grab an Ipad, or sit in front to the screen and weep with laughter at this example of Jim’s fabulously funny delivery!
Forget trying to see him on the TV, he doesn’t really give a F*** as he would say!
And after you’ve got your breathing back to normal, and dried your eyes, you might like to see this clip, which is one of the reasons we all come to this great site!
Are we all so prissy and timid that we’d fall apart at a dose of Jim’s earthy humour. No. it can’t be that.
It isn’t, though the idea of “protecting vulnerable groups” is probably how the censorship would be defended.
The aim, as always, is to undermine Britain; to suggest that we are no longer robust enough as a society to laugh at ourselves, and need to be policed by enlightened authorities (guess who they are).
Thanks for this Jeff.
Got to admit that there was a tear in the eye in parts. As I raged around college , I simply didn`t know that this culture of ours was getting shown to us for the last time.
I fell for Tilbrooke and Difford out of Squeeze, being “educated” and “liberal”.
But it should have been Chas and Dave, if I wanted to see Brexit Britain in its pomp.
Truly wonderful witty and prescient songs, craft and all round entertainment. And no surprise that a Jim Davidson would be banned, but a Jimmy Cricket was let through. Do`nt tell LWT what Clapton thought of black people either in 1976, or else they`ll can this whole marvellous show.
Everybody needs to see this, if only to see how much we`ve ceded as a culture.
Below is an intelligent, moderate documentary and interview with the intelligent, well informed Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Fox TV.
This would be unimaginable on the beebistan.
So Ayaan Hirsi Ali states that in disagreeing with what the Islamic terrorists did on 9/11, she was distancing herself from the Q’uran and her prophet-but we are still told by the politicians that these terroists do not represent Islam. How?
On 5live now
Bit of a lecture
As it featured 2 Muslim families
One who celebrates, one that forbids it.
Presenter Goldberg* doesn’t understand that some Christians don’t celebrate it.
* clues in his name.
Jehovah’s Witnesses have a different bible
so don’t celebrate it,
It wouldn’t be in December anyway.
Nor for Orthodox Christians (principally Eastern Europe, Russia, and some others), who generally stick to the old Julian calendar, in which Christmas falls on January 7.
BBC is becoming somewhat fanatical in it’s focus on Muslims. Enough is enough. [Not in a Treasoner May kind of way]
I’m fed up with hearing a Muslim POV about everything.
Seems that Khan was trolled by ethnic Muslims for doing something outside the faith when he tweeted.
\\ While everyone’s asleep, daddy put the Christmas tree up.
Lamaisah’s going to be happy//
Missed it. Was it full of Anti-Brexit Bias ?
It was mentioned maybe on another thread
They jazzed it up, made it TV like Top Gear, and all talked about second referendum.
Rigged audience “Would have been good to see some oldies in the audience otherwise good show.”
“Brexitcast _ ha ha all tea cakes laughs & jokes until , Can we REVERSE ART 50?
WOW panels eyes light up cue Deadly serious brainstorming , not legally binding blah blah !!!
‘u mm more balanced? BBC ??? Journos just talking”
video link and long facebook discussion
At least Laura K kept her tits in.
That is my only observation
“Are you looking at my tits ?”
Well considering it’s the middle of winter and everyone else has theirs covered what do you expect ?
Put them away luv.
To me that kind of aggressive dressing is a kind of bullying immediately puts heterosexual men on the back foot.
It looks like a muppet show to me .
I see that Princess Michael of Kent has been forced to apologise for wearing a brooch in the presence of Megan Markel. Christ on a bike what next ? the offending brooch was of a ‘blackamoor’ – figure of a black male dressed in eastern clothing, though this was just the head and shoulders. Well ! does this mean I can never wear my pearl necklace with the pendant of a ‘blackamoor’ I wonder; and purchased in recent years from the best costume jewellery name in the business – Butler & Wilson. Some of the wealthiest properties in the world house ‘blackamoor’ sculptures, normally in the form of lighting, perhaps these are now consigned to the bonfire for fear of offending. Why don’t these people just get over themselves.
Perhaps that ‘s what this marriage is all about. She’s a trophy “multicultural diversity ” wife.
Not sure if anyone posted this, this is real boneheaded by the BBC, in San Francisco, some radicalised man was planning an attack on Christmas:
“San Francisco: Man arrested over ‘Christmas terror plan'”
Okay, this is fair enough but look at what is in the sidebar:
“Ex-marine held over US ‘terror plot'”, same story, same link I believe.
Still, the main point remains, it seems some of these news outfits, not just Al Beeb, are almost stressing that this guy was an “ex-Marine” more than that he has been radicalised by Islam.
VOA, Voice of America story: I guess this one is good enough.
“The pound has fallen in value since the UK voted to leave the EU, making imported goods more expensive.”
But quantitative easing? Who was responsible?
Hi All, there is by all appearances a very major story of a controlled explosion associated with a planned terror campaign in Britain – but as far as I can tell it was only headlined in the England News Section and not the UK News section, nor the News homepage. The story is 8 hours old, meaning it was created at around 18:00 22 December, but as of now it only occupies a low priority spot on the England News Section.
Has anyone else seen this headlined by the BBC on a higher priority position on the website – or is this yet another example of the BBC downplaying / hiding important news relevant to the security of England (and Britain)?
The ‘Flying gas main’ again.
8 hours ? It’s just a new part to the story of Monday/Tuesdays raids
They’ve been searching , found explosive and blown them up
In the BBC UK News Section under their Analysis and Features section there is a news feature headlined:
“A day like any other? How people who don’t do Christmas spend it“, which forms part of a steady flow of anti-Christmas stories the BBC have been running this year.
Click on the link and we find that BBC correspondent Hanna Yusuf just happens to first bump into a happy go lucky Mr Mohamed Mohamed who tells us what he does on an ordinary 25th of December day.
This year he plans to cycle to his local mosque to prayer in the early morning before heading off to major London tourist spots. Let’s hope that large rucksack he will be taking with him on this trip will really only be containing just his packed lunch and camera.
We like to knock the BBC but sometimes they come out with some crackers. The final scenes of Peaky Blinders revealed the little known fact that Thomas Shelby was the grandfather of Tony Blair (probably)!
Melbourne: “Police have previously said they are not treating the incident as terror-related. However, security has been stepped up around the city.”
Bit of a giveaway there, Melbourne Police.
Was re-edited 3 hours later says
“Police have found no link between Mr Noori and any terrorist group.”
How’s this for a link: he’s a muslim.
Hey VLAD if you were in the Aussie police you would probably be a demented Charles Dreyfus surrounded by Clouseau clones
Oh how they laughed when silly Trump tweeted about problems in Sweden.
What problems? No-go zones – where?
Well, they’re not laughing now, are they?
“Hundreds protest in Sweden after police told women to ‘stay inside or walk in pairs’ after series of violent gang rapes of teenage girls.”
Three gang rapes in less than a month have taken place in Malmo, Sweden
This weekend, a 17-year-old girl was brutally gang raped in a playground
After the most recent rape, police advised that women should not go out alone.
– The assault against the 17-year-old indicates a special kind of ruthlessness and abuse, says Nilsson of Malmo Police..
Among other things, lighter fluid was poured on the girl’s vagina and set on fire.ö-affected-by-brutal-gang-rapes.html
Why is it that despite the bBbc telling us they want to discuss religious ideologies more openly and thoroughly, religion hasn’t been mentioned at all when describing the ‘ex-Marine’ arrested in San Francisco yesterday?
What ideology could encourage this Muslim convert to plan to bomb and to murder innocents indiscriminately? The bBbc don’t seem to have any real idea although it seems that the US embassy being moved to Jerusalem has really annoyed him.
Sorry RGP, I hadn’t seen your post above relating to this.
I’m basing my question on over 2 hours of breakfast news I’ve seen this morning where the conversion to or connection to Islam has not been mentioned once despite pictures of the potential terrorist clearly showing the taqiyah headwear and wispy ginger beard that seem compulsory.
Oh, and a Man Utd top, a club owned by ginger bearded American Jews, which surely must be haram as well as being unnecessary as City, Barca and PSG do now offer a much more appropriate alternative.
Since it’s Christmas here is a little cheer for the BBC. But only a little. See later.
Yesterday the y rather helpfully did a web page with a lot of useful data aboutbthe relative costs, subsidies and usage of various modes of transport. This is or should be key information for the public who ate continually/fleeced.
For example, around 85% of all passenger journeys are by car. Only 7% are by train.
Yet rail had had more investment, some £50bn over the last few years than roads over the same period, about £42 bn.
So on Toady today the interview Chris Grayling about a future fund of £1 bn for ordinary A roads. What I would call p****** in the wind.
Yet Justin Webb fails to,pick up on how small this is and instead starts off asking why the investment is not going into public transport !!!!! FFS.
Sometimes the bias is not political bt social. They all live in the metropolitan bubble and work a few yards from Oxford Circus tube station – not thatbthat matters since the Toady presenters get driven in with a chauffeur ( the excuse being it is too early and there is no public transport at 3am).
In other words, they have no clue how people actually live, and how the car is essential for we plebs out here in the real world. And therefore how ludicrous the bias in transport investment is.
The BBc are biased, The Tories are badly prepared.
…. If they had asked Farage, he would have given them a good answer
..that’s why they don’t often invite him on.
Yes it was a quiet Toady but Justin gave C grayling a fairly easy time . Introduce road charging for lorries – deny cars will be affected – then introduce it for everyone under the guise of green issues .
Lady Shabi chakabaty – that famous lover of all thing Israeli – blamed funding cuts in her favourites police force for the failing rape cases as opposed to the liberal Desire to get more rape allegations into court .
How the hell does she know ? She wasn’t challenged . Might try to cut down on Toady in 2018
But it’s an old habit .
Papers carrying a story about al beeb not getting the viewing figures any more . Good.
@Sluff the BBC can’t do science/maths
BBC transport info page
Actually tells us that train travel has risen to 10%, but then contradicts itself by saying the average household spends £5/week on train travel *.
So around 85% of all passenger journeys are by car.
Yet rail had had more investment, some £50bn over the last 5 years than roads over the same period, about £43 bn. (bar chart)
* same article says
“The average household spent £17.20 a week on public transport last year – that’s rail, underground, bus, coach and air travel combined.
Most of this – £11 per week – went on air travel…
.. less than £5 a week on rail fares and season tickets.
This might surprise people living in London and the South East”
(Sounds right, cos outside metropolitan areas train travel is not realistic )
Actually the ONS graph puts it as about 700bnKm by road and 70 by train
So that is 10%
I still have difficulty in believing that it could be so high, cos here every day people drive, yet only use trains once per year.
It is a grim testimony to the success of the systematic disinformation by the msm in general and the beebistan in particular, that still, despite a daily avalanche of available information, so-called intelligent, so-called well indormed people still have no idea of the existential threat the UK and the West are facing. I know many such who still believe islam to be a benign religion like any other, and that it’s our moral duty to take in more so-called refugees (economic migrants would be a better term, ‘invaders’ better still.)
Yet for those who want the truth, the sites below, and so many others, provide chapter and verse of what’s really happening, week by week, day by day, minute by minute. Time is running out.
At this time of year it is also worth sparing a thought for those less fortunate.
I refer of course to those manning the skeleton edit suite at bbc Labour PR, now confronted with how to spin the dual festive successes of pea-brain Angela Rayner running with bbc fave and now MIA James Caan’s passport gem, and the awesome success so far of Dear Leader Corbyn’s sincere Xmas greeting to HM Armed Forces.
And the bbc’s Inevitable reaction?
“Fire up the Vox Popper, George…. we need to ‘find out’ what ‘Brits’ really think”
BBC world news on its webs site. One complimentary picture of that world statesman, Kim Jong Un and one disparaging one of the hateful President of the United States.
Only the BBC

As BBC Christmas viewing figures collapse, even the Guardian comes close to asking what is the purpose of the BBC.
BBC viewing figures collapsing, Christmas after Christmas.
The comments section clearly identifies the problem. The BBC offers Guardian box ticking shit while Netflix and Amazon have pushed on with real, adult drama.
Interestingly, no one in the Guardian comments section finds Miranda Hart funny. And I mean no one. Nor are they impressed with mind numbing, lecturing feminist drama like Call the Midwife. Now forgive me asking this question, but if Guardian readers don’t want it, then who the hell is the BBC making programs for?
And in the comments BTL we have :-
I don’t watch a lot of telly. But I do support the idea of national broadcasting free from political and
market interference.
The BBC which has to abide by a form of public scrutiny quite unique to any other organisation is the envy of the World.
Amazon, Netflix, Sky etc: the people who run these organisations respect the BBC as a leading light, the benchmark we should follow.
What a pity so many don’t. If we all pay a little bit, the price of a couple of meals out once a year, we all benefit. Kids, adults, rich, poor. Now slither of some of you, you’re underbellies are blinding.”
BBC More or less had a long item about the health effects of Trump drinking 12 diet cokes a day.
..but that is only hearsay from the NYT , they provided no evidence that he drinks that many.
(The prog posted a photo of him drinking coke from a glass)
They did however fail to mention that he never drinks or smokes.
… Obama smoked
Trump drinks diet coke? OMG OMG! Surely that makes him the spawn of the devil! They are desperate aren’t they?
Let’s see. He’s in his 70’s and he’s leading the free world rather well despite the opposition of the morally bankrupt media. It doesn’t look like the “Diet Coke” is doing him much damage. Is diet coke illegal btw? Is it waycist?
Whilst I no longer subscribe to the TV Licence, out of curiosity I bought the Xmas 2 week ‘tv Choice’ simply to see what gems I would be missing from all the broadcasters. When I used to buy the magazine weekly I ran through it and highlighted the progs I wanted to view or record. I have just carried out that same exercise and, throughout the 14 day period covered, have highlighted a total of four programmes I would have liked to watch or record. Put simply, the output of all the broadcasters is simply one of, repeats, repeats and even more repeats – some even repeated during the 14 day period. This is what the Licence fee payer gets for £147 per year? Is it value for money? No.
A sure sign that there are no comedians of the stature of the Morecambe and Wise duo et all confirmed by the frequency of those repeats. The likes of Lenny Henry and Mother Brown are no substitute. Go ‘eat your heart out’ Lenny.
I’m streaming now and are happy to confess with the added bonus that I no longer have to tolerate the lies and Fake News from the BBC or others.
However I do note the impending return of the French cop series “Spiral”. I have found it refreshingly unPC compared with UK offerings & ( to show my lack of PC credentials) Laure Berthaud is a sexy little minx
The BBC’s Prime Minister claims she is more than Madame Brexit, an alleged nickname allegedly given by the Poles .
‘Theresa May has insisted she is more than “Madame Brexit,” having been given the title by Poland’s prime minister.’
She is correct on that.
Most of us know her as Shariah May or Theresa the Appeaser.
Have you ever thought to yourself that this country is less diverse than you think?
Could it be that the BBC has caused all this racism and xenephobia among the natives by showing a disproportionate amount of minority folk on our screens.
Is the BBC responsible for causing Brexit? Wouldn’t that be sweet justice?
I am sure that the BBC was partly responsible for the Brexit vote, for the following reason.
The British people, being historically accustomed to liberty (or just being bloody-minded, choose your phrase), don’t like the feeling of being led by a ring through the nose by self-styled “elites”.
So Cameron’s expensive leaflet would have cost Remain hundreds of thousands of votes. Obama’s staged intervention would have caused almost as many. And the BBC’s relentless anti-Brexit “balance” would have caused plenty.
We should thank them. Without the BBC, Mister Cameron’s Leaflet, plus the smug Obama, the UK might still be contemplating a EU-bound future.
I think you are correct. Throughout my life I have enjoyed the company of gays and ethnics, but now I shudder when I see them day after day on TV talking about the gay or minority ethnic communities.
Today I reacted to news that Sherlock Holmes is to be played by a person of black colour.
“Nicky Campbell thinks it would be great if Christmas were to be more secular because then all other religions could join in and ‘celebrate’ it too.” Another excuse to downgrade our heritage and promote the Invader’s.
Christmas is already mostly secular and has been for decades. Yet Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, etc. ignore it. Muslims are intimidated to refrain from even to wishing a ‘Merry Christmas’ to their Christian associates. How would Nicky Campbell do to make the festival even more secular than it is and what makes him think non Christians would respond more than they currently do?
Speaking as a Jewish man who doesn’t celebrate Christmas I wish all Biased BBC readers who do celebrate it a Merry Christmas.
I’d just like to offer a quick thank you to the BBC South Today presenters Sally Taylor and Tony Husband for their festive presentation yesterday – their last evening show before Christmas Day. Pretty well an agenda and tick-box free zone and enjoyable to watch. No more BBC for me this Christmas though, I’m going to quit while I’m winning.
Many thanks to biasedbbc contributors for 2017 and a Happy Christmas to all!
PS With the exception of Mr Campbell who, of course, is perfectly free to have his own ‘winterval’, ‘festival of light’ or whatever else he chooses to celebrate … but please don’t call it Christmas.
NNN…. the Yanks did away with ‘Christmas’ years ago, by calling it the ‘Holidays’. I suppose by that they mean Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, as they haven’t a clue what Boxing Day is or means. I hear more ‘Americanisms’ on a daily basis which drives me nuts; newsreaders call railway stations ‘train’ stations, and have you noticed that nobody ‘gets in touch’ anymore its now referred to as ‘reaching out’. For God’s sake. And don’t get me started on ‘you guys’, particularly irksome when uttered by young presenters on travel programmes talking to couples of a certain age. Am just off to put my ‘pot roast’ in the oven.
Perhaps you guys could touch base regarding the use of Americanisms at Christmas. They have not heard of Father Christmas and instead speak of Santa Claus or Santa, but thanks be to God Americans are not using the English shortened version of Christmas as Chrimbo
Such abbreviations ending in O are usually Australian
smoko etc.
One of your ‘pot roasts’, Brissles? I’ll be there in ten minutes.
NNN…. I’ll set another place at the table !
HOWEVER, on mentioning ‘pot roasts’ there’s never a mention of what meat is used is there, so perhaps its ‘pot’ luck !! We do at least say, “I’m putting the chicken/pork/beef/lamb in the oven.
To give the Americans the benefit of the doubt I think that “Holidays” is a term to cover both Christmas & Hanukkah.
Never give libtards the benefit of the doubt. Assume the worst, and it’s probably worse.
Re: the Americans version of “holidays”. They mean New Year as well as Christmas & Thanksgiving. Holiday ‘season’. I lived over there for a few years. They don’t call going abroad on holiday, a holiday. They call it vacation.
BRISSLES, You’re right, I’d noticed the use of the juvenile term “train station” instead of “railway station” but didn’t realise it was yet another creeping Americanism. The phrase just sounds childish to me; surprised they don’t call it the “chuff-chuff station”
As for the irritating over use of “guys” I find it more annoying when the presenters are a little longer in the tooth and therefore should know better.
Anyway gotta go. I’m “reaching out” to some pals for a few beers and (alas) I have to travel using the utterly chuffing awful Southern Railway.
Some of the things I’ve called those useless chuffers this year you really don’t want to chuffing well know!
I’ll be lucky if I’m home for the new year…
Chuff ’em!
Merry Christmas one and all.
‘Modern women in the land of Genghis Khan’ – sounds innocent enough, right? Ah but this is the beeb, who have to drag their leftie feminist agenda into everything.
Soon those nice Mongolian girls will be as stroppy as their English sistas.
The whole article is a feminist diatribe, gender pay gaps, unequal education for girls etc.
I wonder if they’ll do an investigation into inequalities in muslim countries, starting with the hot, sweaty, absurdly impractical burqas?
I presume the beeb coached them to stay on-message, i’m just surprised they didn’t bring up Brexit / Trump etc.
“I really like riding horses, especially fast ones. I can ride horses as fast as any boy…
When I grow up I want to have a baby girl and teach her how to ride horses really fast. I want to train her so she will win the Naadam race. That is my dream.”
I really enjoyed Father Ted and The IT Crowd.
However, this tool’s efforts to get the HIGNFY residency are embarrassing.
He does, of course, have serious competition:
See discussion above
Surely normal people see James nO’Brain’s patronising smugness and think ah truth must be the opposite of what he preaches.
..but he does seem to have a cult of fanboys/girls.
Shame the islamic British Broadcasting Corporation is not into advertising. This would have been high on their list of sponsored products –
Hungary: “We Will Make Our Country Family Friendly So Population Can Grow Without Mass Migration.”
Merkel: “Scheisse! Why didn’t I think of that?”
How appropriate – a reminder about my Christmas puzzle that I set for Biased BBCers.
I put up a link to a BBC web-site feature highlighted on their Home Page a couple of days ago about students returning home for Christmas after a first University term away.
The correct answer is: anti-family.
The BBC, it appears, love to attack the family. It is heard on Radio 4 a lot, with an encouragement of divisive thinking and attitudes about the family, young and old, and so on. Funnily enough, you will sometimes hear, even on the same TODAY Programme or Womans’ Hour or You and Yours or similar, or later in the week, the BBC then doing a current affairs item on loneliness among the elderly, or problems of downsizing and still having space for family (& friends) to visit or somesuch.
Real good joined up thinking by a bunch of fractured and fracturing and fractious (Hello, Mr Sopel) people.
The BBC, God bless them!
And change and mend them, please Lord, while You are about it.
Happy Christmas, BBC.
They really are a sad, tired, uninteresting old crowd of nondescripts now Up, aren’t they!
Someone here said they actually bothered to buy a Christmas Radio Times, and after a quick flick though it all, just chucked it away and – in my house, we’d have also bemoaned the cost of a glass of nice claret for a dead tree of all that tosh.
So dear Waitrose come up with the answer, which is a free rag (Daily Mail, not to read, just get the TV), and problem solved. (Sorry tree).
Why is ‘Mrs Brown’s boy’s shown so often? Is it supposed to be funny?
Crap old films on too, so it’s a poke at the Glenmorangie and a good book over the break. Might even watch the Jim Davidson show again (see Scrobs passim a day back), and pretend it’s on the BBC…
A good chum admitted yesterday that she and her husband were afficianados of Barclay James Harvest, and over a drink last evening, it was like a new breath of fresh air, talking about real entertainment! YouTube Futures will rise massively for that particular band!
Mrs O’Blene turned on the BBC TV by mistake this morning, and it was a strange ‘Back to the Future’ moment (actually that is on the box over Christmas, so as long as I’m awake, and there’s no news from the ‘Under-Management (Langham) Inc.’ – registered Charity, I might just indulge…) Our TV tax must have bought the blasted rights by now…
BJH…that takes me back a bit…saw Wishbone Ash recently. Happy Christmas one and all from me and my court….fire witch, yellow jester and (yes) even the black queen!!
For old films watch Talking Pictures, freeview channel 81.
This has been going on in all their childrens telly output since I was a young mum.
“My Parents Are Aliens” was one-as was “Tracy Beaker”.
And all those spoonfed kids who sucked up all this pap are now at university and still anti-family, refusing to be either dads or mums.
I mean-if you were a young bloke, wouldn`t you be safer to say you`re gay?
Far more cases against Hoffmans as opposed to Spaceys?
No wonder our girls will have little choice to join a Muslim harem at this rate.
More Christmas blessings from the Religion of Peace. If only acts like this would cause the BBC to change its mind that we need more Islam .
That, and worse, is happening daily throughout the muslim world, and elsewhere. A tiny fraction of the violence ever makes it on to the Islamic Broadcasting Corp.
This site keeps a tally:
To date, 32,264 deadly terror attacks since 9/11.
The casualties must be in the 100s of thousands, maybe more.
It’s been common practise for hundreds of years for Muslims to attack the adherents of other religions on their respective holidays. No surprise they’ve brought that practice with them.
I miss the pre-Blair Britain that I knew and loved.
“I miss the pre-Blair Britain that I knew and loved.”
Same here, Lucy.
But it was the grey Major who started the rot, and he’s the arch-remoaner in chief who irritates me much more these days than when he suddenly found that he was PM.
Let’s arrange these words into a well-known phrase -‘Clock back turn the’…
(You’re not one of the Pevensey Pevenseys are you? Lovely place, used to drive through most weeks..;0)
Major did not open our borders to the third world . It was the vile Blair who did that.
I miss it too Lucy. If we , the British people had ever been asked if we wanted to be invaded by third worlders I absolutely know that we would have said NO. Blair knew that as well , which is why he kept his open borders policy secret from the people. But he recruited the socialist BBC into his scheme to irrevocably change Britain ,without the consent of its people, into a multicultural country. This must be the most treacherous act in our history. He deserves to hang and so do all those who knowingly and willingly assisted him.
I recently heard that immigrants from the third world have cost Britain well over a £ hundred billion in the last decade. They have caused our housing shortage, they have massively increased the demand on the NHS and schools. They have caused whole swathes of our towns and cities to become no go areas for the indigenous population, many of whom now live in fear. We see our whole country and way of life being changed to accommodate these uninvited and unwanted newcomers. If we as much as look sideways at one of them we risk jail. If we protest we are labelled racist in our own home. The whole the education system and media are being used to manipulate us into acceptance of this invasion. The police and judiciary are being used to intimidate us into acceptance. I can see no benefits whatsoever that these invading migrants have brought with them.
And all of this has happened in twenty years. God knows what things will be like in another twenty.
One of the many ‘benefits’ of free movement that the BBC doesn’t mention
Can you imagine if a BBC interviewer referred to “my church” on air? I want FOX News here in 2018.
If only! Fox and Tucker in the UK. YES!
I suspect there’s a growing demand for such a news network, if the press circulation figures are anything to go by.
So why isn’t our free market responding and giving us what a lot of the people want?
Come on Murdoch… but of course he’d be blocked.
To be a broadcaster in the UK you need a government license and of course they won’t give one to anyone who they think will tell the truth and undermine the ‘official lie ‘ that immigration is good for us. So Fox News or any other such network will not be allowed to have a UK operation. Indeed over the coming years the degree of censorship of the news and of the internet will increase as the awful truth becomes more and more visible and threatens to undermine and overwhelm the’ official lie ‘ and therefore the liberal left perpetrators of the’ official lie ‘ need to feed us with ever heavier doses of propaganda. The likes of the BBC will be key in shoring up the ‘official lie’ which is why the Tories put up with them. We are all sitting on a volcano , created by years and years of immigration , and the politicians just keep kicking the can down the road, whilst shitting themselves about if the eruption will take place on their watch. To be seasonal, it’s like playing passing the parcel with a ticking time bomb in it , when it detonates everyone at the party dies.
BBC/MSM have their favourites and they do them to death
..and they have no self awareness
BBC1 9pm Miranda, then she’s on ITV 11pm introducing Morecombe & Wise clips
BTW she’s on Drama channel at 7:20pm
Meanwhile BBC 7:30pm The Lenny Henry life story is on..which is strange co he’s on Radio4 at the same time.
(His ex-wife’s show is on Xmas Day BBC1 11pm )
Then Victorie Wood is on BBC1 at 9:30pm
I missed the beginning of Sir Lenny Henry’s life – I take it they opened with his role in the ‘ Black and White Minstrel Show’ or has that been conveniently forgotten and airbrushed . What else would you expect from Fake News Central (AKA the BBC)
Oh Lenny wrote a song about Blacks being shot by American cops – all innocent of course just walking along minding their own business and a bad white cop shoots them – amazing eh
and while we are on the subject of Miranda Hart can anyone at the BBC point to one single sketch or joke she has ever done in her career that has made anybody actually laugh ?
No sense of irony or their own history have they?
I well remember Harry Enfield doing a great South Bank spoof on “Norbert Smith-a Life” .
Where a ponderous talentless poseur got an hour of Melvin Bragg up his sphincter as he spoke of his greatness, his massive influence on the culture-and all a big pisstake, like
his “Trot On Smudgy” joke.
Don`t remember too much-but it mocked pretentious actors and their delusions of importance.
As I say-no history have they? Probaly think that Alan Partride worked for David Coleman or suchlike.
Another execrable X-Factor style show on BBC 1, this one about tribute acts. This format of show is everywhere and is dirt cheap to produce: all of the performers work for free; no set; no script writers or editors to pay. It must save them a fortune having so many shows like this on.
There was uproar about the wages of BBC stars but I would be more interested to see what astronomic amounts are siphoned off through the back door via production companies. Say you own the company which produces garbage like this and your mate commissions for the Beeb and is also a part-owner of your company; I am sure technically that is not allowed but there would be endless ways around it or to hide it.
They have some chutzpah putting on garbage karaoke like this – it was a tired format a decade ago for f**k’s sake.
“It’s incredible! A dream come true to be on this stage!”
We have only heard that about a million times.
“no script writers”
..#1 Rule of REALITY TV is that it is NOT reality… cos so much IS scripted.
… I happened to see a couple of CV’s of long term local TV Beeboid backroom staff the other day.
Both said “And I have my own production company that …”
BB, think you may be several decades out! “They have some chutzpah putting on garbage karaoke like this – it was a tired format a decade ago”. I can remember Opportunity Knocks looking tired, then very faded before it was knocked on the head – according to Wiki – in the 1980s. It was given a kiss of life and a jolt through the Crash Kit paddles, with Bob Monkhouse pushing it in a wheelchair around various old folks homes. It was killed off while we were still post-modern in 1990.
You’ve got to laugh!
Remainers accuse Brexiteers of wanting to go back to the past. But Remainer BBC is happy to do that with all sorts of its output.
Me? I’m a Brexiteer and I want a good shot at the future before I turn up my toes.
Stoikiy muzhik and all that.
Why do Muslims get picked on at Christmas? squeals the loathsome racist Ali Baba Brown in International Business Times.
As Jihadwatch says: There is no end to the deception and constant screaming of “Islamophobia” at every turn. What better way to turn the perception of victimhood around?
I wonder how many ‘awful white guys’ were involved in getting her settled in the UK when she fled from Uganda ? quite a few I suspect, as there were very few of her race and creed living here then !!! If she hates this country so much, as she appears to castigate it at every opportunity she’s ‘on air’, then she should have buggered off to Australia or somewhere else, instead of getting the first flight out of Kampala to the UK.
Toyed with the idea of watching some of the BBCs “Political Review Of The Year”.
But what would be the point?
All they`ve done in 2017 is to try and get Trump unseated and Brexit reversed. And ALL news as they`ve peddled it has been aimed solely at those twin aims.
So no point, the BBC have nothing to say that does not try to get Trump impeached or shot-or Brexit destroyed or blown up on the launch pad.
They`ll not be mentioning
a) The shambolic Oscars
b) The role of the Greens and Eu in Grenfell Towers, let alone the thuggery and anti-Semitism of the Momentumscum of Labor
c)Their grotesque pay awards, or those of NHS staff or university VCs.
d) Cliff or Nigel.
e) Their teasing of IS into acting here to get some tealights at dusk pics.