Damian Green ‘resigns’ due to ‘lying’ about his knowledge of police claims about porn on his computer…according to Rod Liddle he didn’t lie…the police told Green’s lawyer who later told Green but only after he’d made his statement.
The BBC don’t work too hard to establish the truth…first they tell us Kate Maltby [who, despite claims to the otherwise, seems thoroughly intent on doing as much damage as possible to the Tories] told a ‘Downing Street advisor’, then it became a ‘senior Downing Street advisor’, then it became ‘Downing Street’ thus gradually ramping up the implication that May knew, and then it became ‘This speaks of a culture in Downing Street that didn’t take sexual harassment seriously’…the BBC going beyond implication into ‘fact’….in other words the BBC suggests May covered it all up….and all based on pure speculation.
Nothing like sensationalising rumour, innuendo and half-truths…but that’s the BBC…as Trump could testify…just where is the proof of the collusion with the Russkies? Where is the proof that the Russkies manipulated Brexit? None…and yet the BBC states that Trump almost certainly colluded with the Russians and that Brexit was a Russian plot.
You don’t have to look too hard to find the bias….list it all here….
A Merry Christmas and an Happy New Year to one and all!
Have I missed anything? Been out all day following a star but then it turned crescent shape and I found I was back where I started. Am I now a refugee? Is this a metaphor for modern living? Will Welby know? Or Polly? Or Alastair – he’s the man to put me straight surely? No slur intended there, of course. I mean, heaven forfend. Back to Welby then….well, perhaps a drop more Lagavulin first.
Welby’s a disgrace.
Yes vlad, but he’s also just the man to oversee the dismantlement of the CofE. It’s not a coincidence that he is head of the church nor that his predecessor was equally pinkly pointless, just as it’s the ultimate irony that Sentamu could, if allowed, be its saviour.
Merry Christmas to all on this site. Thank God you all exist.
As some others have mentioned, I also don’t contribute as often as I might because my consumption of BBC output has diminished somewhat in recent years. The sight of some people makes me switch off immediately – Jon Sopel, Katty Kay, Kirsty Wark, Evan Davis, Emily Maitlis.
However, I couldn’t resist watching Dr Who this Christmas Day. Even he has become politically correct, ticking off his original incarnation for his un-PC comment about the cleanliness of the Tardis being a woman’s responsibility. It was good to see the old Doctor.
Then the big moment when Peter Capaldi regenerates into a woman. His – sorry, her – first comment is, “Brilliant!” Why I don’t know. If I suddenly became the opposite sex, I would be horrified. On the other hand, maybe it is brilliant. The Tardis will be kept clean and tidy now.
I have just had a particulate filter regenerated. Is it the same sort of thing with Dr Who? In the case of the filter it removes the crap.
Just caught the the last 5 minutes of Dr Whoever, hoping to see the new Dr in her LGBTXYZ tea shirt; unfortunately ‘she’ (I presume, you never know these days) pressed a few buttons in the Tardis and promptly fell out… …wimmin drivers, tsk, I ask you!!
I think I have just ‘alienated’ half the world, I will get my coat!
Maybe the exclamation came as Dr Who realised ‘she’ could now retire earlier then use the Tardis to transport herself there (to an earlier retirement too), possibly also realising that the latest version of the tardis had parking sensors to help her to achieve this without having to revert back to being a bloke in order to park it sensibly? 🙂
I wonder who the new companion(s) will be. At some point I would expect to see the TARDIS full of refugees “fleeing oppression”.
Merry Christmas BBC – I suspect this is going to be one of your last.
Many here hope it will, but fear it won’t.
I am watching La Boheme in the kitchen whilst the rest of the family are viewing Strictly celebrity.britains got x factor
talent , in the jungle , on ice. I am amazed that the diversity department allowed us to watch LA Boheme. . There are very few
ethnic performers on stage. I am surprised that they didn’t insist to Convent Garden that either Mimi or Rudolfo were ethnic.
Or at least Musseta. Worse still one of the waiters at the Cafe Momus was black. Don’t expect it to be on I Player.’
I expect before long the only opera they will allow is Joe Green’s Otello. Of course with an ethnic Moor and a racist white Iago.
Did you know that for a longtime Verdi was going to title his opera Iago.
Funnily enough Mr D and I went to see La Traviata last night. I said to one of my fellow audience that to think we could have stayed at home and watched Strictly. Response unprintable!
Merry Xmas & thank you all for your comments and observations over the year. Mrs Lasslo and myself have been informed & entertained with your always well-written and observed comments. It is comforting to know there are like minded people out there. The sense of community alone is almost worth the license fee!
We’ve just watched and enjoyed the film Dunkirk this evening. Didn’t spot any PC nonsense and the cast was singularly un-diverse, lots of self sacrificing British men struggling against the grand European aspirations of a mad German.
Plus ca change…
Not BBC but I see The Dam Busters movie is on ITV later. It will be interesting to see if Guy Gibson’s dog has wound up on the editorial floor. I’m off to bed now so I will never know. Just sat through a whole hour of Tom Jones on BBC2. I think the program was called A Platform For Blacks or something like that. A lot of screamin’ and hollerin.’ I gave it 0 stars out of 10. Goodnight each.
Lefty-I expect they will dub it to Digger.
Lefty – I caught the recording – complete with deaf signing – I couldn’t work out what “nigger” is in deaf language but itv left it in. I suspect no one working for itv has any idea about what that film is about ….
I meen it’s in black and white innit so can’t be any good
Fair play to my wife who this morning reached me a framed motivational poster/ thought for the day to hang above my desk.
Much more relevant than a bald eagle and ” DREAM BIG” or a pride of lions and “DIPLOMACY”.
Merry Christmas And Happy New Year to all here. Thanks for giving me hope and keeping me sane on a daily basis!
For those of you with nothing better to do, Mark Easton’s Boxing Day Quiz, featuring many of the bBBCs favourites…
Boxing Day Family Puzzler 2017
Not for those with high blood pressure.
1. Blue Planet “Most watched show”
2. Donald Trump tweeted about “fake news”
3. What was bankers bonus
5. gender pay gap
6. London
8. Black Footballer
10. women MPs
15. Donald Trump tweeted the wrong Theresa May
17. Children in Need
I was surprised to see this report by the bBBC this morning. Now wondering how long before they start shit stirring and spin it into a “controversial far right agenda” and whip up opposition to it. After all since when does the bBBC promote free speech or anything positive about the British Empire!
“Universities must protect free speech and “open minds, not close them,” Universities Minister Jo Johnson will say in a speech in Birmingham later.”
No, they will probably now see this as a way to get more Muslim hate preachers heard.
“Addressing the Limmud Festival, Mr Johnson will reaffirm his concern that “no-platforming” and “safe spaces” are stifling debate in higher education.”
I suspect this will be the point of view the bBBC will be trying to push;
“Up to 60 Oxford University academics have signed a letter in opposition to “the agenda” of the project”.
“Universities could face fines over ‘no-platforming’
Universities must protect free speech and “open minds, not close them,” Universities Minister Jo Johnson will say in a speech in Birmingham later. Addressing the Limmud Festival, Mr Johnson will reaffirm his concern that “no-platforming” and “safe spaces” are stifling debate in higher education. It comes after the new Office for Students was established in October.
In recent proposals, the body has said universities that do not protect free speech could face fines. In his speech on Tuesday, Mr Johnson will say: “In universities in America and worryingly in the UK, we have seen examples of groups seeking to stifle those who do not agree with them.
Is this good news? I’m certainly encouraged to hear that – finally – someone in government has seen fit to intervene in the wilful, ongoing collapse of balance and debate in our academic institutions at the hands of cultural Marxists, who currently dominate ‘the academy’ to the exclusion of any other ideological worldview. What our universities need is a rebalancing, only in so far as that they properly redress the almost complete absence of any opinion or debate that is not exclusively left or left-leaning, and that space is re-introduced – without sensation – for those with right-of-centre opinions and arguments in which to be heard. This includes, right-of-centre lecturers, faculty, staff, students and, of course, invited speakers.
The BBC, however, is quick to remind us what kind of ‘problematic’ thinking it considers worth banning on student campuses:
“…Mr Johnson’s speech comes as one of the UK’s oldest universities has been criticised by academics for a project on the ethics of the British Empire. Up to 60 Oxford University academics have signed a letter in opposition to “the agenda” of the project. The programme is led by Prof Nigel Biggar, who claimed in a recent article in The Times, there are aspects of empire Britain can be proud of.
Perish the thought! ‘Some aspects’ of the British could might actually have been a reason for celebration? Really? How very offensive!
I think Jo Johnson faces an uphill battle taking on the (by now) very deeply ingrained Marxist agenda of our UK learning institutions (and I include schools as well as universities). Thirty years of steady, unchallenged social justice indoctrination have all but created an impregnable citadel of monolithic one-party thought across ‘the academy’. It’s a heresy to even suggest that perhaps some balance needs to be brought back our classrooms and lecture halls. Can anyone seriously imagine that – say – a ‘climate denier’ might be given any space (let alone the time of day) to present their arguments and opinions in any one of our UK universities?
In our present situation, the careers and long-term prospects of professionals in academia who espouse ‘troublesome’ (i.e. ‘wrong’) opinions are placed at very serious risk without the proper protections against professional, politically-driven bullying and sneaky preferential discriminations being permitted to operate opaquely.
Still, there’s reason perhaps to be hopeful. The very fact the government seems – at last – unafraid to call out the problem is better than the complete and indifference to the left’s total belligerence we’ve all had to endure up to now. At a time when young people face incredible debt for their university educations it is more important than ever to demand that such educations are free from political bias, free from calculated propaganda and are totally balanced to include every opportunity for free, open debate – no deplatforming, no safe spaces.
And perhaps once the government have fixed the imbalance in our one-sided education system they might even find the cojones to correct the imbalance in our state broadcaster – but I’m not holding my breath on that one.
Sadly you are right . I dun a law degree innit back in the nineties and most of the lecturers were full commies. In deed two of them had red flags – I kid you not. So I can only dread what the places are like now –
I suppose the saving grace is that now thankfully money is involved in education the kids will be a bit more concerned about getting a qualification which has some value as opposed trying to get a job where your daddy will have the contacts ( al Beeb for instance ) .
The second Johnson is positioning self for a decent job in the forthcoming shadow cabinet or one of those nice vice chancellor jobs on half a million to keep up his standard of living
I’m currently reading about Mao’s Cultural Revolution (having already digested the horrors of the “Great Leap Forward”). in the 1960’s, university students adopted the role of “Red Guards” and instilled fear and panic on their campuses, beating people up, often killing them, and calling anyone who didn’t comply with their dogma, a “Rightist”.
I wonder how long it’ll be, before…
Not only did they have their cultural Red Guards yelling at parents with glasses or an education? But Mao also had his Thought Dancers who went from town to town doing plays and singing songs , rather like a perverted Brave Sir Robin troupe.
So the arts, music, plays and culture have long been places where lefty useful idiots get a gig c/o the State. Were the kindertransport tootlers paid for by Goebbels?..and did the best of them earn what Ross or Lineker got? No-even THEY had somse sense of shame, compared to, say,Lily Allen.
No-Marx left his PPE Pandemoaniers Box when Blair was on point duty at Drancy Central-and left politics and economics like two sloughed skins off the snake.
Now would be the Era of Cultural Marxism instead-just too much work to look at politics or economics anymore.
Hence McDonnell or Abbott disdaining any need to give facts or projections. Corbyn can make it up or discard as he likes, it being a faith system and a cargo cult these days.
And the BBC on endless oar duty.
Totally agree Obi. Universities are bastions of leftism and of course the many egotistical complacent vice chancellors see no conflict between attacking ’austerity’ and yet paying themselves grotesquely huge salaries, voted through by compliant committees.
On the subject of vice-chancellors and the like, someone might perhaps do a bit of research on the effect of that Jennifer Aniston shampoo ad of a few years ago and, by inference, its impact on academia and similar organisations.
The line ‘Because I’m worth it…..’ seems to have become a yardstick for all sorts of incomes and remuneration, with roughly the same level of relevance to real value for money.
Similarly BBC no-platforms, so in the text replace mentions of “Universities” with “BBC”
… eg ‘BBC shouldn’t be allowed public money if it allows no platforming’
“Red Guards” and instilled fear and panic on their campuses
Indeed .. “BBC Red Guards” instil fear and panic across the UK
.. “BBC Red Guards” ensure that Question Time and AQ have Libmob audience and guest
.. “BBC Red Guards” devote hours and hours to platforming anti-Trump talk
.. “BBC Red Guards” keep mentions of immigration off debates of NHS and housing
The BBC spent 20 mins airing Al Gore then 6 minutes airing Lord Lawson
…and so far spent about 70 mins apologising for the latter
Note the framing sought on #R4Today
Presenter : “what about speakers from Britain First” … “Islamic Brotherhood”
Johnson replied that the bar is legal or not legal
FFS that’s false equivalence , comparing BritainFirst to an org that actually has done a lot of terrorism
BBC hides it’s own political thoughts with the apostrophe title trick
..”yeh we are only quoting someone else”
BBC news finds yet another unconvincing twist on project fear. We will LOSE the benefits of trade deals when we leave the EU and prices will go up. Will they never stop? Yes the EU has tortuously negotiated a few Deals but we can easily replace these with much better ones for us, and of course the common external tariff which hits agriculture in the third world hard, will go for the U.K.
EE, notable that the BBC did not mention the increases in other taxes as well as the price of goods, if the new ‘charge per mile’ scheme the present Government wish to introduce for hauliers – announced just before Christmas – is not a reduction in road transport taxation. Their concern at the BBC on inflation is not consistent. For another example, no mention of the inflationary aspect of increases in the TV Licence Fee.
It seems Theresa May is fairly determined to destroy her government. Inflation is due to go up for the next two or three months unless a miracle occurs and there are some significant price falls in some key areas.
“….It seems Theresa May is fairly determined to destroy her government.” Along with the country, I might respectfully add.
I find it easier now to agree with the idiot left.
Of course we`ll all be reduced to turnip paste for the last remaining pack of croissants on March 30th 2019-and I`m preparing now for the coming apocalypse with my Millennium Bog Jetpack with silver foil hat from Skylab 76.
Thank God a few of us survived that eh?
Send it on a Tweet-and I`ll find it on reddit within a day with the snowflakes!
Of course one group who have recently suffered from no platforming is radical feminists who don’t agree with the trans cult. This is the problem with PC, you could be the next to be hoist by your own petard.
There is a truly special image of Christmas to match the slew of diversity bollards around Europe, and that is the inevitably topless Femen activist being tackled in a nativity scene by a bunch of balaclava wearing rozzers as she tries to trash the infant Jesus.
My Xmas card for next year is sorted.
I avoided BBC completely yesterday – blood pressure settled. This morning – and I am not a sexist, just observant – I have yet to see a male presenter and are all sports commentators (Radio and TV) and presenters female for Christmas? Gender balance – do me a favour…
The radio came on this morning to the strains of a Latin American sounding Toady guest presenter, supporting the Arts.
Over 200 countries in the world and which one was selected for broadcasting as being a champion for orchestral music initiatives?
Why, …..Venezuela of course!!!!
The British Brainwashing Corporation in full swing.
In the Today programme, I thought it interesting that Justin Webb was honest enough to tentatively raise the point that Venezuela has been corrupted and brought to poverty by Maduro, with his guest agreeing that free speech and association are now completely suppressed. It is a sad reflection that BBC journalists still feel they have to step carefully where the organisation’s heroes are concerned. It is also notable that the piece was placed near the end of the programme. By the way, I won’t criticise Justin Webb, since, on the evidence of his recent broadcasts and newspaper articles, he seems to be transforming into a journalist making his way, hesitantly, to the uplands of truth-telling – even being half-way fair to Pres. Trump. Following his blinkered pro-Obama broadcasts when he was Washington correspondent, this is a welcome change.
Web on Trump, during the presidential election campaign, to a Republican interviewee in Toady:
“He’s a racist, narcissistic thug.”
Webbs recent article in the Mail(think it was the Mail-contentious enough with the Beeb, I bet) was as fair to Trump as is possible this side of the pond.
So valued it, can`t imagine it`ll become a regular occurance.
Sluff – Now would that be the same Venezuela that socialism has brought to its knees and almost destroyed?
“All utopias dreamed up by the Left invariably lead to bloodshed – because they conflict with fundamental human nature.”
Toady watch
Why bother? I didn’t . I’m guessing – thought for the day -by some Imam pretending their false religion is a peaceful one .
Any way isn’t is great that the New Years Honours is leaking nicely ?
Guess the headline popular honour from some TV show , a life time achievement thing for getting paid a lot ,
A multicultural festival of gongs on its way .
I’m not against ‘honours’ but I am against them for just doing the job you get paid for – eg Sir Nicholas Clegg – who obviously wants to get back into the house of wasted expenses by taking the Knight hood but not the peerage.
Nothing for Mr Farage and I’m assuming there never will be .
Ps – if you’re looking for a bit of light relief there is a video of Barnier mullared getting out of a car at some ceremony on the web . No link from me – I don’t know how to do those techy things .
I once attended an Honours investiture.
It was full of Sir Humphrys getting gongs for turning up for work.
Suddenly there was an audible guffaw when someone was awarded an MBE for services to the meat industry.
My god! A butcher! A tradesman! Someone who actually earns a living!
That patronising guffaw really stuck in my gut.
Knighthoods and CBE’s are awarded to the public sector/charities at the ratio of about 6 to the private sector’s 1.
They used to be for service because the public sector pay was less.
It is now more, vastly more when pensions are included. But the ratio has not changed.
But I bet there will be publicity for some lollipop lady or other who gets an MBE for 25 years semi-voluntary work, and hope we wont’t notice the big gongs for the civil servants and University preofessors.
I’ve noticed that, personally knowing people that eventually ‘fell in line’ with the State’s position and were duly rewarded for their ‘cooperation’. Drain the swamp.
Thank you for the tip about the investiture ceremony because – between you and me – I have been awarded a knighthood in the New Years Hons for services to ‘bbc bias ‘and from then on will be known as “sir fedup2” – maxi gets a bitter lemon
What’s Clegg getting his knighthood for, services to the EU?
I think I would want some sort of medal for putting up with Miriam.
R4 Boxing Day
Black music in Europe
Comrade mark steel
J Burke ( good )
More filling
Lemmsissy talk
Programme on gharnnddii
More comrade mark steel
Programme by former labour minister of multiculturalism – enough
Woke up full of Goodwill in my heart, the pale winter sun was shining and then I turned on BBC Radio 4 at 9.00am…
“Black Music in Europe: A Hidden History”
Black Music? I do not think so. Black noise, yes. they make plenty.
Made easier by having a percussion instrument where others have brains.
Not very hidden.
Not very hidden.
Nobody believes the Guardian’s claim that they treat “facts” as “sacred”. Because it’s just lying bollox.
Smugly self-describing themselves as TWLLV, their output is hate-spattered, racist, poisonous, deranged, shrieking, extreme lefty nonsense. But at least it is described as opinion.
“TWMTB” dragged this out again today, I missed it the first time. Not unusual, I try and miss most of the garbage that only 5 billion pounds buys these days. One of “The best reads of 2017” allegedly, in their ungrammatical English.
US & Canada.
By Nick Bryant
BBC News, New York
3 November 2017
“The time when America stopped being great”
Followed by a lot of lefty propaganda.
Ending with
“Why you can trust BBC news”
QED. We cannot even trust the BBC to describe this propaganda as opinion.
It did not even contain one word of news when first published.
I see the propaganda dept have been dipping into their Goebbels Best Quotes again. ‘Why you can trust BBC news’ is a prime example of the little chap’s line, which goes something like: ‘Repeat a lie enough times and it becomes truth.’
Mind you, with that club foot of his, he’d be a regular box-ticker for Newsnight these days.
What about ballet depicting cruelty to swans?
“Depicting” ? What about “actual violence”
Well quite a few ballet instructors/directors have been implicated with abuse allegations
started with the Russians a few years ago
For those signed up to the ‘UN Watch’ Newsletters you will just have received the current Newsletter entitled: “The Top 10 Most Evil U.N. Actions of 2017”. I cannot find a link to this summary on their website so, if you are interested in knowing more of what the UN are doing, sign on to the free Newsletters. The current one is eye-opening but not in anyway unexpected. ‘Drain he swamp’. I trust that, as the main contributor, the POTUS will eventually withdraw from this evil organisation.
The UN is a joke. take away the white Anglo Saxon countries and it has achieved…nothing.
The BBC in a nutshell: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/4KwysCjCX8wdPZFNzCLpJBB/speaking-out-the-women-who-made-their-voices-heard-in-2017
Who would have guessed that the biased and lefty BBC would choose such a ghastly group of women.
A bit undiverse that group of “wimmin”. The only white face was a woman who claims she was sexually abused when she was a young man*. Now he’s an old woman it looks unlikely but maybe he’s changed.
* “actor” in the singular refers only to men in true English. No doubt she would refuse a Best Actress Oscar.
Demon , there is one other white woman pictured, (see group of 3) Gina Martin, a young girl who campaigns against upskirting
– It features 4 BME women
+ Trans BME model Munroe Bergdorf fired by L’Oreal for anti-white racism rants.
You wouldn’t need to engage in so called “up skirting” to see a bunch of twats on that page would you!
Ha ha dyst – is there a minister for upskirting ?
Should there be a public inquiry into upskirting ? Or is it pubic inquiry ?
Some fruit hoop was trying do away with loneliness as Christmas in the run up to it – I bet “mud” the famed pop group wouldn’t be impressed
Loneliness as a blight of our times eh?
This of course will be the first generation to outlaw and win the war on loneliness.
Ken Dodds “Happiness” is due a rewrite, and let`s hope we`ll all give generously to Brendan Cox in his Jihad(Crusade being banned) against loneliness.
Should pay the berthing fees on Camden Lock, and keep Gina Miller in sushi until the charities created are investigated.
Kids Company only taught that being virtuous in trhe medias eye is all that`s needed.
I know this is not BBC but on Sky there was this psychologist examining world leaders and saying what their actions display about their personalities. I didn’t catch all but what I did see was all negative about May, not very nice about Trump but Corbyn was depicted as a great leader of men and a thoroughly reliable, good egg. I switched over every time it came on so didn’t see the full character assassinations of May and Trump or the full glorification of “My Leader”.
Claerly the psychologist was a raving lefty, and although you can tell a lot about the way people stand, walk, write – in fact anything they do this man was clearly allowing his bias to shine through. Clearly he had his opinions on these people and found examples to back up his prejudices.
Yes, May is weak and the Donald is always trying to be the Alpha Male but Corbyn is not a natural leader whose narrowing of his eyes show you he is in charge. His eye narrowing shows to me that he is confused and is desperately trying to think of an answer to argue against facts. Lokk at the way Abbott rolls her eyes upwrds if asked a question.
“Trump-always trying to be the alpha male.”
Isn’t that a good quality for a ehmmmmmm… leader? Leadership skills for the president? who’da thunk o that?
Must be a white supremacist conspiracy!
I would hazard a guess that most leaders since hunter-gatherer times will have been “alpha-males”.
It’s the way this is said, making him to be a braggart (which he probably is) but nothing genuinely positive, although I refused to watch all of it, but doubt I’m being unfair as the only bits I’ve seen of “My Leader” have been thoroughly positive..
How do you characterise Lady Thatcher? Alpha intellectual?
The yanks pay 20 percent of the UN budget yet the inmates undermine America as part of their culture. The American contribution has just been cut by 250 million . I hope we do the same – and kill off that damned overseas 13 billion giveaway. Care begins at home with our elderly ( declaration – I am not one yet)
It’s just Mother Nature re-asserting herself, as She always does when Mankind gets too big for his britches.
She ain’t called Mother for nothing and nobody takes the piss out of Her without dire consequences, as we will all find out if we live long enough.
From Twitter the video and comment
eg “Why have Sky News Body Language NOT included the Rapist Bill Clinton?”
Expert’s name seems too be Peter Collett
A black president and now a prince engaged to a mixed race woman – it must be a nightmare for the professional race-baiters. Imagine all those positive vibes come the wedding in May! The equalities profession will be quick to focus on something negative to ensure they stay in a job.
Oh joy of joys, the BBC will be in raptures, the Great Man might come to The Wedding. The President of the USA will make it to the best show on earth for 2018. The whole nation will be at his feet, after all his beatification is just a matter now of when, not if. There will be no protests and his pedestal will reach to the stars.
I feel a bit sorry for Harry and Meghan though, they will now be completely overshadowed by the wonder that is the big 0. Yes that’s zero not “O”.
Have you guessed by now it’s the greatest civil war monger in the history of the world who will be attending, the Islamist who illegally spent billions of dollars stoking up trouble in the Middle East and The Ukraine. Yes, it’s Hussain Obama and his entourage, not the new man in The White House. Not President Trump, the man who’s trying to undo the devastation the big 0 caused.
Is the UK trying to completely self-destruct by snubbing The Donald over and over again? Does no one in this stupid government understand who our best friend in the world is? (Was!) This is madness in the extreme, it is not the USA that is becoming an isolationist nation. It is us the UK.
We have now made a mess of relationships not only with the USA but also Russia, cheers to Boris the buffoon, and almost two years after the EU referendum we are still dithering and curtsying at the EU’s petticoats rather than just TELLING them what we WILL do.
Happy New Year.
The UK needs a good relationship with Russia, Brexit aside, Johnson may well have been in Moscow to ensure that if we need another gas suppy bailout from the Russians, we’ll get it.
“Britain has emerged as the unlikely first recipient of gas from a sanctioned Russian project after fears of a winter supply crisis drove prices close to five year highs.
Russian President Vladimir Putin opened the £20bn Yamal project on Russia’s northern coastline last week. Shortly after, British wholesale gas prices soared to four-year highs when a crucial North Sea pipeline was put out of action by a crack and a distribution hub in Austria was hit by an explosion.
Now a deal has been struck to bring the debut cargo from Yamal to the Isle of Grain import terminal via a specially built ice-breaking tanker by the end of the month.
Britain rarely receives deliveries of liquid natural gas (LNG) in winter because prices are typically far higher in east Asian markets. However rocketing demand in Europe drove the price for gas delivered to the UK to more than $10 per million British thermal units. This put the UK on a par with Asian gas markets, which are some of the most expensive in the world.
Around 40pc of the UK’s domestic supplies have been wiped out until the new year due to the emergency shutdown of the North Sea’s Forties pipeline, operated by Ineos. Supply from Europe has also been constrained by the explosion at a hub in Austria and technical problems in the Norwegian North Sea.
A UK Government spokesman said again today: “There is no security of supply issue for fuel or gas supplies as a result of the repairs needed to the Forties pipeline, and as the National Grid analysis shows, we have healthy gas and electricity margins this winter.
“Energy Minister Richard Harrington has spoken to Ineos and we will continue to liaise with industry operators to monitor the situation and ensure repairs are undertaken as quickly as possible.”
The booming cost of locking in gas deliveries during a major supply squeeze and freezing weather could still have serious consequences for energy users.
Energy suppliers are typically forced to raise prices to cover higher costs, and smaller suppliers without the financial wriggle room may even face an existential risk as they battle to buy extra gas at short notice.
Major industrial users are also expected to suffer due to the higher cost of gas.
Ed Cox, an LNG market specialist at ICIS, said “a price spike like the one we’ve seen this week obviously makes the UK market more attractive” for LNG deliveries. But he warned that the buyer, Malaysia’s Petronas, may still choose to divert the shipment before the end of the month if it can find a more lucrative market.
Already Asian gas buyers have raised their offers for gas to $10.50/MMbtu in response to the European gas market shock.
“This cargo won’t by itself make a massive difference to the UK’s supply picture but it does show how Europe has impacted the global market,” he added.
The UK is scheduled to receive only one other LNG cargo for the rest of this month.”
Jillian Ambrose, Daily Telegraph, 13/12/17.
I think and I must confess that I hope it is too late to persuade the President and his millions of supporters in the US that this country should not now be considered hostile ground.
For that is what it clearly is. Read the Guardian any day ( today for example) or listen to our state media and this is clear. May blew it and so did the media here.
Not to invite the current President and to invite Obama is a snub. No doubt about it and so stupid and cowardly is our elite that it will risk this for fear of the left wing screamers protesting .
It has been a year and the vilification has if anything intensified. This is going to end very badly for this country and millions of us ordinary folk do not deserve this. The BBC bears much of the responsibility . Endless hostility and endless shows belittling and by implication insulting many people of the USA.
I have not known anything like this in my lifetime
Old Timer
As one old fart to another I’m 80% deaf, have one artificial knee, a pair of SpecSavers glasses and I have a problem raising a smile if you get my drift but I think that IF Presidents Trump & Putin have the enormous power that we are led to believe they have (which I doubt) and they are both what they say they are,namely Christian and not Communist, then the Western World is on to a winner. If they are liars we are fucked. That is until Mother Nature has Her say. Never underestimate The Lady.
It all started so well, with Trump and Farage best buddies, UK front of the queue. Then May, the politicians, Sordid Sopel and the treacherous beeb screwed it up.
Back to the back of the queue as O’Barmy would say.
Just caught the end of Nadiya towel heads Great British Menu . Sumac Lamb ? I have had Sumac Lamb precisely never in my life .
Where does that originate from then the Isle of Wight?
You misheard Lock, it’s ‘summat lamblike’ a dish from Rotherham.
Ingredients, the tears of ten thousand white girls gang raped, by the dregs of the planet, with the approval of the other branch of the lowest filth ever.
Government to impose fines on Yoonies who operate no platform policies Students must be exposed to controversial ideas.
Amber Rudd will, of course, be using her hub to prosecute those who tweet the contents of controversial ideas they may be exposed to in their yoonies.
The Government will not be lifting the ban on those controversial Jewish writers, Geller and Spencer, and Britain First will be tucked away in jail .
And don’t expect Tory MPs to mention how the BBC operates its safe spaces with regard to its favourite religion, climate change, fracking, Brexit and Trump
“From next April, a new regulator – the Office for Students – will have the power to fine universities that fail to uphold free speech.”
This ‘new’ quango just sounds like a re-hash of HEFCE, no doubt with its senior staff re-hired on bigger salaries. Like any public sector job you’d have to be left wing to get a job there. I don’t expect the ‘no platforming’ nonsense to stop any time soon, or expect any improvement to the employability rates of our homegrown agitprop er..humanities students.
I would say this Government is just throwing the odd crumb to its few right-wingers with this sort of statement. But you notice over time that any small measure to turn back the clock on any of the Marxist nonsense is ultimately back-pedalled and reversed. It’s particularly disgraceful about who the Government has banned, but has seen no problem with the numbers of actual hate preachers who have been welcomed with open arms. Theresa May and the vast majority of her MPs might just as well be Labour in disguise.
How will it work? Sounds like the local police will be attending every ‘free speech’ talk given in a yooni to ensure that the speaker is arrested for using hate speech which some, ‘person’ finds offensive. You know, the sort of language you will find in the Oxford English Dictionary (and others). How will the yooni’s/Government square that circle I wonder? Anyway, if the police had the time………………..
Shots fired in an incident in Glasgow.
Spot the missing sentence – ‘Terrorism has been ruled out’. Wait for it. Unless the shooter is far far right
“The time when America stopped being great”
Fair and Impartial?
Al Beeb promotes this on its Home page under The best Reads of 2017.
Any excuse to re-hash a bit of Trump hate.
Btw does hatred of Trump constitute Hate Speech? In which case, arrest the whole beebistan officer, and to The Tower with them.
If this article was just another BBC anti-Trump rant, I would’ve ignored it, but it purports to examine the American political landscape since Reagan’s landslide re-election in 1984 – and it fails miserably, ending up as saying little more than Democrats = good, Republicans = bad.
It isn’t just President Trump that gets it in the neck – Mitch McConnell is accused of obstructionism towards Obama with his statement “My number one priority is making sure President Obama’s a one-term president.” That isn’t obstructionism, that’s called doing your job. In the 1990s the then-Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole is accused of using tactics like filibusters as House blocking devices – ignoring the times that HarryReid, Chuck Schumer et al did likewise. Newt Gingrich is accused of being ‘an abrasive partisan’ in his dealings with President Clinton and his impreachment by the House. Even Rush Limbaugh is laughably described as ‘the king of the right-wing shocks jocks,’ while Matt Drudge and Andrew Breitbart come in for similar antipathy.
The left leaning rags ‘The New York Times’ and ‘The Washington Post.’ are organizations that have smeared,vilified and downright lied about President Trump every day since he walked down the escalators, and yet their “reporting has rarely been better.” The whole article is exactly what you would come to expect from a BBC journalist, and shows exactly why the entire edifice needs to come crashing down.
“To the Tower with them” I would like to get Prince Philip’s candid view on that. He seems like the kind of bloke who calls a cunt a cunt. Or is it just me being taken for a cunt? I never rule out that possibility.
My comments from 09:47 above.
Happy Winterval comrades – mustn’t use the C word unless talking about our national treasure of a broadcaster. Even you Maxincontinence – hope Santa brought you lots of pads for the bed wetting…don’t worry its just a phase you’re going through, like booze, married women, moon landing denial and socialism.
My apologies for not blogging. I’ve just been so busy valuing diversity, embracing multiculturalism, challenging my white privilege, entitlement and male phallocratic genderist supremacist attitudes – its been bloody exhausting! Anyway very best wishes for 2018 to all the fine people who blog here, and may the great European awakening continue to the evils of globalisation, neo marxism, feminism, islamist extremism and not least the disgusting, far left, institutionally corrupt BBC.
Nice to see President Trump wishing people a “merry Christmas “ – unlike the previous failure . 2018 looks like a boom before the crash with all those tax cuts. Let’s hope it continues over here in Blighty in the face of the overwhelming negativity of msm.
The stark difference is that the Americans have got a President who believes in his country, whereas we’ve got Theresa May.
It’s Boxing Day and TWATO on Radio 4 decides to invite a far leftist on to criticise the spineless blue Labour non policy of defending free speech on University campus’s.
So what does she decide to rail about? Yep it’s the ban on so called Muslim ‘hate preachers’ who she clearly supports and believes should have a platform to freely encourage Jihad. She did not recognise any issue with no platforming or any other issue where people with different views were prevented from speaking.
Not that any of this will happen. I think all of us are only too aware from our experience with the BBC Trust and OFCOM, that government oversight bodies are there to provide the chums of the political elite with a reward, a fat income and some status with no requirement to actually do anything.
Not one university is going to be penalised and maybe there’ll be some puff and blow, but that’s all there’s going to be, meanwhile Sir Michael Barber appointed ‘chair’ will collect a nice deposit into his account each month.
Lets take a look at the chairs Wikipedia entry:
Barber worked in the education department of the National Union of Teachers. As a member of the Labour Party, he was elected to the council of the London Borough of Hackney, becoming chair of the education committee. In 1987 he contested for Labour the seat of Henley-on-Thames, then held by Michael Heseltine.
You seriously think he is going to prevent a left wing students Union stopping someone like Tommy Robinson speaking on campus?
Just another blue Labour stunt to fool the ignorant.
It doesn’t matter what “policy” the Cons shovel out.
The entire education system in the UK is so steeped in Leftism and dominated by Progressives to such a degree, that “free speech” has been suppressed in a manner which makes it essentially non-existent: in schools; on university or college campuses and amongst their faculties.
I think that they are actually worried that the public support for the universities could collapse . Not only are they very expensive and offer many poor quality degrees but they also cost the taxpayer a fortune one way or another. If student numbers fall significantly there will be closures. I know a university administrator who is convinced that the peak has been passed and numbers are going to fall significantly .
This is just window dressing. The left has taken over and only a real clear out is going to change things.
Our two are following their passion: Military History.
My missus played in a band with the Head of History at the local comp, and a nastier little lefty weasel it would be hard to imagine.
We sent them to the local independent where two of the history teachers were ex-SAS.
Surprisingly at Uni they are having a ball and doing well by standing up for facts and arguing opinion on an informed basis.
Hull Slag gets 3 years.
BBC makes no mention that the tablets are also a controlled substance, and thus illegal here too, or that the Egyptian ‘partner’ is married, nor as journalists do they try to seek out the identity of the friend whom she claims gave then to her, and don’t as why the British police seem uninterested in this illegal source.
A British woman has been convicted of smuggling 300 painkiller tablets into Egypt and jailed for three years.
Laura Plummer, 33, was arrested after she was found with the Tramadol tablets in her suitcase, on 9 October.
Plummer, from Hull, had claimed the painkiller, legal in the UK but banned in Egypt, was for her Egyptian partner, to treat his back pain.
Her family said her lawyers had lodged an appeal. Plummer previously said she had “no idea” the tablets were illegal.
Her sister, Rachel, said her mother, Roberta Sinclair, was “devastated” by the sentence.
The family has previously said Plummer had no idea that what she doing was illegal and was just “daft”.
They said she did not try to hide the medicine, which she had been given by a friend, and thought it was a joke when she was taken aside by officials.
‘Doesn’t deserve that’
She was detained on arriving at the Red Sea resort of Hurghada for a holiday with her partner, Omar Caboo.
Rachel Plummer said: “My mum’s obviously devastated. She’s out there by herself.”
It is not clear when an appeal against her sentence might be heard.
She said: “We’re just hoping. Even half of that would be better. Anything less than three years. She doesn’t deserve that.”
Reacting to news of the sentence Karl Turner, MP for Hull East, said the court’s decision was “devastating” for her and her family.
He said: “Laura, most of all, will be absolutely devastated. She’s not been well lately, she’s sleep deprived and she’s been very anxious
“I think it’s a damning indictment about good sense and fair play.”
Mr Turner accepted Plummer had been naive but was “decent, honest and hard-working”.
“[She was] going to visit her partner in Egypt, taking what she thought was a painkiller and no more than that,” he said.
“It clearly is a banned substance and whilst we must respect the law of other countries there must be good sense and fair play as well.
Just compare and contrast the attention this stupid white woman gets from the political elites and the media when the initial fuss has died down, with that given to BBC employee Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe. Anyone seriously think that Boris Johnson will be jetting to Egypt to secure this womans release, or the British government considering a £500 million bribe? Do you think that her story will be pushed every other day by assorted lefties and BBC luvvies to keep her in the mind of the public?
Of course not and the reason is simple. White lives don’t matter.
How did the chav get hold of 290 Tramadol tablets? No doctor is going to prescribe that many.
Any reputable investigative journalist would try to find out. That doesn’t include the bBBC, of course.
Sir Arther,
Nor did the worlds best news broadcaster explained why the Egyptian boyfriend didn’t know that Tramadol is illegal even if the tart didn’t know . And 290 tablets is s lot for a back pain. Nor why her lawyer allowed her to plead to smuggling and then suddenly say she didn’t understand she’d get three years.
Another bleeding heart job for al Beeb to beat Boris over the head with. The Radcliffe fool keeps on making it harder for the Iranians to let the bbc spy out by mouthing off on Toady every other day. Fool
In the BBC article which repeatedly calls the Egyptian man “her husband”
it says
\\ He said that Laura, a shop assistant, had told a colleague about her partner’s back pain and the work colleague replied that she could get some tablets from her GP.
“They were prescribed to a friend of hers,” he said.//
There’s this
He said that Laura, a shop assistant, had told a colleague about her partner’s back pain and the work colleague replied that she could get some tablets from her GP. “They were prescribed to a friend of hers,” he said.//
So she was handing over taxpayers funded medicine to somebody who lives in Egypt and people wonder why the NHS is short of money.
On WatO, it was stated by her lawyer that she speaks no Arabic/’Egyptian’/whatever but has an Egyptian partner.
Conversation must be a bit stilted when they are together.
I bet that crucifix round her neck would have gone down a storm in Egypt!
The old British saying “When in Rome do as the Romans do” is very wise. In other words “do your research before you travel abroad”
Most of the migrants from the Middle East are probably ignorant of our ways (and who can blame them?) BUT – there does seem to be a group of extremely wealthy white- and these days- black people (Who could they possibly be?) who are determined to import an alien culture into my country. I make no apologies for using the term “MY COUNTRY” because that is what it is.
In my view to contradict me is an admission of treason.
Comical that even the ultra politically correct Independent has a more balanced view than the BBC, and seeminly not afraid to ask questions-
The ’30 days’ treatment limit’ being interesting.
”As Ms Plummer’s family and legal team raised the profile of her case, troubling information began to emerge that called into question the mitigation that it was all a silly misunderstanding.
Tramadol is a strong painkiller. The NHS says it is prescribed “to treat moderate to severe pain, for example after an operation or a serious injury”.
The key word is “prescribed”: unlike some less-powerful analgesics, tramadol is available only on prescription.
Because tramadol can be addictive, and is used by some people recreationally, the Department of Health limits prescriptions to 30 days’ treatment. ”
Ms Plummer was carrying far more than that. As Egypt’s embassy in London will have noted, she had not been prescribed the drugs. Instead, she says a colleague had given them to her, though it is unclear how her supplier came by such a surplus.
Re: Tramadol prescriptions. I used to be prescribed 2 X boxes of 100 Tramadol for severe back problems. During the time I was on them, I was issued with a repeat prescription each month along with 200 paracetamol. No one at any time checked to see how i was getting on with the drug despite it being a controlled drug and very addictive. For all the surgery knew, I could’ve been dealing to half the neighbourhood.
I decided to stop taking them myself as I was worried about the long term effects and also they had stopped helping with the pain. I’m now on co codamol which doesn’t help much (serves me right!) and waiting on a MRI appointment which will probably be months due to all the much publicised strain on the NHS.
Mr BCW has often said he wishes he could win the lottery as I would go private, as I have had this problem now for 6 years and I just go round and round in circles, doctors saying one thing, physios another and pain management (that’s a joke!) a third.
Does Nick Clegg appear more on the BBC than in Parliament ?
The Mail says he’s only spoken* in Parliament once since the Summer
& “Mr Clegg has only voted 15 per cent of the time since the general election, in 25 votes out of 159 called.”
* The Mail actually say “turned up”, but I think they mean spoke, and that he has been at debates more than once.
Stew, could be because he is no longer an MP. He lost his seat in June.
Ah yes ! that Mail story that appeared on Twitter is from 2016
someone would have put it up to complain about him being predicted for a knighthood and not Farage
Despite the militant feminism we have to endure these days, even from our national treasure of a broadcaster, I think I may have caught the BBC being sexist:
I don’t see anything just aimed at women .
Cos ” So if you’re looking for a new handbag or lusting over a pair of designer shoes”
might apply to men aswell.
Article doesn’t mention electricals etc.
“” So if you’re looking for a new handbag or lusting over a pair of designer shoes” might apply to men aswell.”
Well, men who work for the BBC maybe.
No men work for the BBC
Stew, thanks for correcting me. My faulty thinking took me straight to the inference that the article was aimed solely at women. OTOH, a militant feminist could perhaps see enough offence merely in the word handbag, having recently been forced to dance with her own at yet another Christmas party, and thus justify a complaint to the BBC.
I know some have posted before on the Melbourne attack last week, but I thought this was interesting. (Ok, it’s the Guardian not the beeb but still.)
The subhead reads “Police say no evidence of terror link after vehicle collides with pedestrians on Flinders Street.” Yet in the same article, the acting police commissioner is quoted as saying “Obviously, at this time, the scene is being worked on by our major collision investigation unit.” He added that the investigation “has to be slow, has to be methodic”.
Hmm. A slow, methodic investigation that has already determined no evidence of terror? Shurely shome mishtake.
Also note that all the related articles refer to:
‘Flinders Street crash’
‘Flinders Street incident’
‘Melbourne crash’
‘Melbourne car ramming’
Whereas pork through the letterbox of the Belfast Islamic Centre this week was most definitely an “attack”. Hey, thanks for those *ahem* sacred facts, Guardian.
“Ok, it’s the Guardian not the beeb but still.”
No problem, they are two cheeks of the same arse.
…and they speak with one voice, from the same orifice.
Meanwhile, all quiet regarding the Vegas shooter
hope its not too late to wish all contributers to this site a very happy christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperus new year. i dont post very often but read all posts daily and i am impressed by the intelligent, well balanced views of the contributors. As i am a fairminded person i even think maxi is entitled to his or her view, even though it is the opposite of my thinking.
i think we are going to have a rocky ride through 2018 fighting off bbbc which will go into meltdown as the nearer we get to brexit. As a teenage girl in the 60s (best decade by far) i feel quite sad about the way these so called STRONG women today are behaving like victorian ladies shocked if some male brushes them with thier hands on thier knee, or remembering some slight touching 20 plus years ago. i think they are pathetic, i dont know where it will end but thankfully it wont effect me.
anyway good luck to everyone on this site. Keep up the good work exposing bbc bias. cheers
Thank you Cromwell ,
It looks like they want a society where women really do choose their partners and men have to be frightened of their shadow – seems like a kind of eastern block mentality where men are denounced as sexual predators for being men.
I am not condoning nasty sexual violence but the victim hood seems a bit overdone . Al Beeb of course love it to enable it to cover its failings.
“Strong women”? They just don’t realise: they’re setting themselves up. Next war (and there will be one ) I’ll be writing to my MP to demand that the women are rounded up, just like the men will be for conscription aka front line action along with the men with whom they will get the ‘equality’ they demand.
Was BBC News reporting of the Pope’s Christmas address accurate and impartial?
Guess what Newswatch say
Just reading up on this story:
Anybody else think its a damn shame she’s actually white and British. Just think if she was a Jihad loving terrorist with a post card from London caught with blood dripping off his fingers in a war zone. The BBC would be screaming that this innocent British must be brought home, think of the children and he was tortured by MI5. after getting kidnapped whilst carrying out charity work.
Having endured half-an-hour of the BBC News Channel this afternoon I feel the urge to re-write one of their crawling chyron headlines – it’s a sort of mash up dedicated to Kofi Smiles :
British woman happy to be jailed in Egypt having fled Hull City of Culture.
I have the solution. Privatise The BBC. Sell it to The Donald.
The lead story on BBC news is the Boxing Day sales; they even have a reporter on the scene! Lots of vox pops of people explaining why they’re like cheaper goods.
People go shopping – what a scoop! Talk about telling truth to power.
£3.5 billion for this garbage? What a disgrace.
I hope that everything they’re buying is ethically sourced, carbon neutral and fully recyclable, otherwise the BBC might look like a bunch of hypocrites (heaven forfend!).
So al beeb is not covering the Telegraph lead that the Krauts are thinking of a bespoke trade deal … obviously realised they won’t be selling many beemers and Audi’s after brexit is the EU negotiators have their way .
I’ve said before here – bypass the drunks and freaks in Brussels and go straight to the krauts . After all – who pays into the EU ? Them and us.
Bit worrying when dr who reminds you of an old girlfriend .
Apparently there has been another outbreak of “enrichment deficit” in sunny Melbourne. A policeman was attacked and stabbed by a gang of “African youths” while trying to interview a shoplifter.
Now, let’s see, what’s it going to be? Psychiatric problems? Drugs? They were being racially abused? Having a bad hair day? The racist copper looked at them in a funny way?
Christ, parts of Australia now seem to be enjoying all the myriad benefits of cultural diversity as London does.
Not a bit like this in Neighbours, is it?
Is there a link Jeff? I couldn’t find your item, but here’s something else in Melbourne:
“Violence erupts as right-wing speaker Milo Yiannopoulos arrives in Melbourne”…
It’s the usual Leftie-fascist rent-a-mob who hate free speech and love to riot, though from the headline you’d think it was the Right’s fault. I guess their journalists are trained by the beeb too.
Fear not – our multi culture has provided the traditional Westfield shopping centre gang fights and Oxford Street “shots fired” panic – as regular as a New Years Eve stabbing
Those clever bastards call themselves ‘anti-fascist’, which gives them carte blanche to riot, disrupt and intimidate, with the approval of the msm/beebistan. After all, who isn’t against fascism?
Thanks, Jeff, for a story our lefty Aussie broadcasters didn’t bother with. All we (in Sydney) heard about Melbourne lately is that an escaped baby crocodile was captured. A bloke who must have been a cross between St. George and Steve Irwin tied duct tape round the three-foot monster’s snout, and the city was saved. Phew! Who cares about a few spirited lads over-excited by the end-of-year sales?
Australia’s cultural diversity is not well known in the UK. Refugee and student intakes have allowed in many third-world people who probably aren’t subject to the checks on criminal records and qualifications we ‘poms’ suffer. Melbourne and Sydney are ‘enriched’, with hijabs often seen and mosques spreading to small towns.
TV crime reports regularly have to admit (reluctantly) police are looking for ‘men of middle eastern appearance’ or ‘men of African appearance’. Even the commercial stations are pretty PC. Breakfast TV gave us a ‘humorous’ summing up of the year’s events yesterday. The first half was taken up with mocking President Trump and with comedians doing impressions of him. Laugh? I nearly put a crate of Fosters through the screen.
The old lines are always the best.
I notice the BBC have done their bit for the UK economy by filming the latest adaptation of Little Women in……er…..Co. Wicklow, Ireland.
Surely this could not be due to tax advantages or lower costs? You know, those things the editorial team love to criticise when ‘big business’ is involved and about which they just love to get into bed with Corbyn.
Maybe that’s why they are such ardent remainiacs.
The bBC version:
Four sisters live with their mother, facing Ramadan without their father as the Holy jihad is underway. The family is settled in a council house living in luxary after the father lost their on drugs.
Safely tucked away out of sight on beebistan news, an article about idiot Trudeau’s problems: “The tests facing Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau in 2018”
Apparently if you throw your doors open to the world in a sanctimonious show of virtue signalling, guess what? The (3rd) world will pour in, as Merkel discovered. And your indigenous people won’t like it, and it’ll lead to political and social ‘tensions’. Well there’s a surprise.
Then, very quietly, you might have to backtrack, start vetting the arrivals, and, oh dear, start rejecting and deporting. And that doesn’t look so good in the news, does it, could even tarnish your saintly image when the police start forcibly removing them.
And you ain’t seen nothing yet.
Schadenfreude doesn’t begin to describe my feelings.
Looking for a bargain in the seasonal sales I visited the clothes department on the website of a very well known purveyor thereof. Where I noted the expansion of a trend I had already observed. It’s now in the open.
They changed their name to – Marks and Niggers.
70% of the “models” are of the “chip on shoulder” “heritage”.
No muzzies, unless they model in the sheets and bedding department, I did not look there.
No East Asians, no Indians, whatsover, wall to wall ugly, low IQ, type models. Worse, they deliberately show those whites that are depicted, in the cheap clothes or price cut ranges.
In five years it will be “Marks and Niggers are proud to announce the introduction of our new, exclusive and superior “African” range. For cultural reasons these will only be sold in store, to persons of British Heritage. Vikings and other white persons can purchase clothing online from our “Rags, Remnants and Seconds” department, upon production of thirteeen specified documents to verify their entitlement to temporarily live in Europe. The documents are listed in section 3890004, part 1293, section 4145A, subsection 8125.44.3, paragraph 2121, clause of our terms and conditions, and the relevant sales of goods to aliens acts.
I think it is well past the time when the directors of major companies in the UK have their board meetings interrupted by some visitors who will ram barrels up their fucking noses.
That just reads like somebody trying to discredit this site again. One of the usual suspects I expect. Nothing to do with the BBC or any broadcaster at all.
Happy Xmas to you.
Discredit. So tell us what is untrue.
Looking forward to your high class arguments.
Regular readers will remember my contributions. And be in no doubt on which side I am on.
I believe it’s long past the time when our opinions and their expression is important. We have been misrepresented for decades. I was there those decades ago, when this began.
Where were you?
I looked at the M & S site. Plenty of attractive girls of all types. I did not see your low IQ ugly girls at all. A most offensive and completely irrational comment.
I will have done with this site if this is to be the standard of debate here. I repeat this has nothing to do with BBC biias or media bias. It sounds like a rant at Marks & Spencers and is something that will only discredit this site and us on it.
” Plenty of attractive girls of all types”
Who mentioned girls? Well that would be you, DAVE.
Who did not mention girls? That would be me.
Who has a male pseudonym? That would be you, DAVE.
So you did not look on the MALE “for Sale” garments?
Why would that be, DAVE?
” It sounds like a rant at Marks & Spencers ” (‘) supplied FOC.
“It sounds like”! I requested an analysis of the errors in my statements. Still waiting.
I believe I provided a fact based description of the contents of the M&S website.
One of zillions of lefty treason sites.
“I repeat this has nothing to do with BBC biias or media bias”
So what we should do is fight our enemies, on their terms, on a field of their choosing, at a time of their choosing?
I do not believe that Julius Caesar would be impressed with your suggestions.
So you believe that contributors to this site should confine their comments to those of which our enemies would approve of when the very existence of our people is at risk?
Agree with @DaveS
There’s 2 problems with @Truthseeker’s rant
#1 You know the N-word is a trigger word, not suitable to be used here, and could cause our BBBC to get banned by libraries/public wifi etc.
#2 There seems to be a sterotyping by skin colour ” ugly, low IQ, type models” etc
Jesus, many Japanese might be handsome high, IQ people, that doesn’t mean that a random Japanese guy has a high IQ
The principle of equality is that people are treated as individuals, not stereotyped by their skin colour.
Sometimes all of us say weird stuff if we’ve had too many beers.
And I thought I must be imagining things.. Lingerie portrayed by white female models (mostly). Maybe black tits ain’t allowed to be shown? Might offend you know. Male clothing largely portrayed worn by a black male. No! This is nothing more than brainwashing of the highest order and M&S need to know they have got it wrong.
LW Thank you for the reassurance.
I don’t remember writing that. 3 pints of Old Roger and I lose it. However I think there is a grain of truth in what I wrote. Cheers!
Last Week “Oh we have a poll that says people want to stay in the EU”
Really ?