Damian Green ‘resigns’ due to ‘lying’ about his knowledge of police claims about porn on his computer…according to Rod Liddle he didn’t lie…the police told Green’s lawyer who later told Green but only after he’d made his statement.
The BBC don’t work too hard to establish the truth…first they tell us Kate Maltby [who, despite claims to the otherwise, seems thoroughly intent on doing as much damage as possible to the Tories] told a ‘Downing Street advisor’, then it became a ‘senior Downing Street advisor’, then it became ‘Downing Street’ thus gradually ramping up the implication that May knew, and then it became ‘This speaks of a culture in Downing Street that didn’t take sexual harassment seriously’…the BBC going beyond implication into ‘fact’….in other words the BBC suggests May covered it all up….and all based on pure speculation.
Nothing like sensationalising rumour, innuendo and half-truths…but that’s the BBC…as Trump could testify…just where is the proof of the collusion with the Russkies? Where is the proof that the Russkies manipulated Brexit? None…and yet the BBC states that Trump almost certainly colluded with the Russians and that Brexit was a Russian plot.
You don’t have to look too hard to find the bias….list it all here….
BBC had this Tesco story on the 23rd- No edible food will go to waste by February 2018

But not this one today? Thanks sputniknews
Tesco supermarket Outrage as UK Giant Tesco Sold Rotten Turkey on Xmas
The British supermarket chain has been slammed by dozens of furious customers who had purchased meat that expired by Christmas.
Angry customers claim that Tesco had ruined their Christmas Day as the “rotten, rancid” turkeys they bought tasted like “acid” and “chemicals” so that they had no other option but to throw it away. People immediately took to social media to express their outrage and wondered whether their case was the only one but found many supporters.
Yes there does appear to be possibly a rare systematic problem, cos on Christmas day The Tesco Tweet guy was working and I see about 10 people tweeted Tesco’s to say their Turkey had gone off
and 3 more people tweeted him today.
I’d have expected them to have sold some millions of them ..so the failure rate seems very low.
..The guy was apologising and getting people to send receipts & photos for refund.
A crack team inside the BBC prioritise the news you really need to know & the PEOPLE you really need to hear
Lewis Hamilton apologises for ‘boys don’t wear dresses’ remark
\\Lewis Hamilton has apologised for making “inappropriate” comments
in a video in which he appeared to mock his nephew’s princess dress.
The 32-year-old tweeted his “deepest apologies”, saying he loved that his nephew “feels free to express himself”.//
\\Meanwhile, Imraan Sathar of discrimination support charity Stay Brave UK, called for the driver to be stripped of his MBE.//
That isn’t news. It’s gossip. Something that increasingly occupies the BBC’s news webpage, which increasingly resembles Hello magazine.
Is the BBC Dreaming of a White Christmas?
White Christmas sweeps US states
Snow storms sweep states from Midwest to Northeast, breaking snowfall records in some parts.
Global Warming really sux.
Deep joy.
BBC 1 Boxing Day.
After the feminism of Little Women, we have The Minaiturist.
In which the key plot device is a closet gay in puritanical 17th century Amsterdam.
He has a black African manservant.
If only ancient Amsterdam had been wheelchair friendly the bBBC could have got the full set.
I had no idea what “The Miniaturist” was about. Now I have at least an inkling I shall fuck off to bed.
Is this miniature black person anything to do with the badge Princess Michael was wearing the other day? I’m sure I read about that in Hello magazine, or perhaps the BBC news website. So easy to confuse the two these days.
I saw the trailer for that which was enough to ensure I didn’t watch it, though (fortunately) the additional homosexual narrative to the story wasn’t apparent in said preview, most al Beebus dramas these days are unwatchable; they are just an exercise in progressive box ticking, with which al B is now so obsessed, hence why their output 99% total cr@p.
Yes, and told from his wife and sister’s point of view.
His manservant is black? Has he dyed it?
I actually saw a little bit of the minaturist, which I thought initially might have been part of James May toy series. I was fascinated by the young lady who had been strapped so tightly into a corset that her rotund breasts bounced up and down in time with her speaking. Then they went over to someone else talking into a dolls house, so I might have been watching James May after all.
On BBC/Universities restricting free speech
@Roger_Scruton write last month
\\the campus left has brought back the concept of HERESY (though the modern term is “hate speech”) //
Tweet of article
I may be wrong but I think i just witnessed a culture clash on Dragons’ Den.
Three very bearded Asian gentlemen were pitching for investments in their grooming business – no, not that kind of grooming: beard grooming.
They got various offers from the Dragons, but when it came to decision time they completely blanked out the 2 Dragonettes, who looked extremely miffed and rather petulantly declared themselves ‘out’.
The post-deal handshaking bonhomie felt somewhat strained.
Anyone else notice?
Think not of what you watch but WHO is inviting you to watch.
imagine the dragons surprise when despite queues around the block for a 12months the accounts show they have only taken £500 and are all still claiming benefits to survive
Another attack the beeb forgot to mention. Hey, black on white doesn’t count as racist, probably doesn’t even count as crime, according to the black worshiping, white hating Black Biased Corp.
“VIRTUAL MEDIA BLACKOUT? Little reporting on Minneapolis woman stabbed 14 times by Somali Muslim invader”
That stabbing actually happened on Dec 13 th
:the issue was that it was reported but “Somali” was not mentioned.
Then on Dec 21 Pamela Geller did an article saying that. And other blogs reprinted it and started tweeting.
– Setting the date filter in a Twitter search to Pre Dec15
Shows that Minneapolis has a current reputation for such stabbings.
@ItsHeckinChris tweeted Nov 12
Two stabbed in #Minneapolis #Minnesota at #MallofAmerica
Seeing how this is in Minneapolis I can almost guarantee they are Somali immigrants.
Remember Minneapolis is where the Somali policeman “accidentally” shot dead the Australian tourist in July 2016 and the matter has not been resolved.
Rather the inaction has spurred racial tension cos a “white identity” protest group jut put a memorial up outside the police station, which then the police took down.
The fourth story on their news bulletin is Lewis Hamilton saying something flippant on social media about how boys should not wear dresses
Are they serious? This is the fourth most important thing to have happened – a celebrity observing that dresses are generally not worn by boys? Just before they were finger wagging about Trump using social media to ‘divide’ people. How about providing an actual news service rather than virtue signalling in a smug circle about pet issues?
Now they are playing some rap ‘music’ from someone in the ‘community.’ They are so cool and down with the kids! And the rapper is complaining about funding!
God, get me to a safe space! Twelve minutes in and I am done.
The fourth story on their news bulletin is Lewis Hamilton saying something flippant on social media about how boys should not wear dresses
Are they serious? This is the fourth most important thing to have happened – a celebrity observing that dresses are generally not worn by boys? Just before they were finger wagging about Trump using social media to ‘divide’ people. How about providing an actual news service rather than virtue signalling in a smug circle about pet issues?
Now they are playing some rap ‘music’ from someone in the ‘community.’ They are so cool and down with the kids! And the rapper is complaining about funding!
God, get me to a safe space! Twelve minutes in and I am done.
They had a comment from a trans bullying site. Well, if people like the BBC had not disseminated what he had posted on social media few would have known about it. It was a private family moment, not him making a public announcement that he hates transsexuals.
The real bullies are SJWs telling us what we can say and think, even in private. The BBC have far more important news to be concerned about than this.
Regarding this latest case of trans-madness.
Last night on radio5 live I heard a spokesperson against “transphobic hate” being interviewed by some BBC transeverything fan! The BBC guy asked this silly person: what should be done to Lewis hamilton? The weirdo said:
Well, he’s not normal, someone like Hamilton shouldn’t be saying things like that!
“He’s not normal?”
Good grief!
That BBC guy (talking to this fake male in a slow, luvy-duvy voice) was all out to support this anti-sanity supporter by condemning Hamilton!
I suppose the other F1 Drivers will/may be quite pleased to know that Hamilton’s career might be over now!
Perhaps Lewis Hamilton prefers Formula 1 to Drag Racing ……..
I’ll get me coat ……
Toady watch
Some fruit loop has allowed Prince Harry to become fully political by becoming the editor of Toady. Traditionally the royals have tried to stay that little bit distant right. now we have Harry Windsor interview and ex American Muslim black bitter President and making snide remarks about the current President . – stop reading here if you don’t want to see a rant . ..
Now Obama has been put on a pedestal by the msm and snowflakes . But just what did he do during those years ? The answer is that he was so divisive that when the time came Mr Trump was voted in by huge numbers of Americans . It proves that being able to make pseudo evangelistic speeches about ‘change’ and racial equality doesn’t make a good American President. If he was any good Hilary would now be in the chair.
Al Beeb was clever in getting Harry Windsor actively into their multicultural bubble. They do have plenty in common – neither live in the real world – nor does the commissioner of the Met who sounded embarrassed about the need to lock bad people up. The knife manufacturers must love her because of piss poor campaigns about amnesties so the yoof can go out and get a better knife for killing.
Some will say ( that al Beeb term for criticising ) that Harry Windsor is just being modern and down with the kids .
I disagree- I think Royal should keep their public mouths shut , smile , wave and open things – as well as visiting the survivors of Islamic terrorism.
If they don’t do that then i agree with comrade corbyn – let’s have a republic with an elected president – maybe this will be on the agenda when the Queen dies – incidentally the printed arm of al Beeb has put out a piece on what will happen when she does pass.- not much about how her rein has witnessed the self destruction of Blighty by the likes of albeeb.
I have limited respect for someone who went to Eton and managed to get a D and an E (I think) in his A-Levels. That shows a prodigious level of idleness and plain stupidity.
No doubt rhe beeb will be trying to enlist Harry and his new missus in their endless deluded campaign against imagined racism.
The BBC have compromised their own pretence at impartiality by giving Obama such an easy ride (nothing new there), but more seriously they have compromised the impartiality of the monarchy by enabling the jejune Prince Harry to interview him.
If anyone deserved the full John Humphreys treatment…
The BBC won’t like this from Sky News:
“”Scientists predict ‘mini ice age’ could hit UK by 2030″”
Notice how that scientists still brought in global warming andd man’s effect on the climate. She had to do that to keep her job I suppose.
Very possible. As I say further down, Professor Valentina Zharkova has said in the past that she has felt bullied by the global warming preachers.
Not really new , she put out similar research in 2015
Today ASA finds against Greenpeace/WWF adverts
\\The complaint was made by the Global Warming Policy Forum,
which said the ‘50 per cent off’ claim was ‘false and misleading’
because the price paid for electricity from offshore wind farms has not halved at all in recent years.//
lol a mini -ice age to give us 30 years to work on Global Warming – do these people not have mirrors in their house?
Highlights of al Beeb r4 running order
0900 bob Marley
0930 bloke saying why he hate putin
0945 Attenborough
1000 wimmin
1100 Mary portas wingeing
1345 pen pals – lyse and masood
1600 thinking aloud like a lefty
1630 media show – Amol nitrate – smug . Great
1830 – comrade Jeremy hardy
2000 – talking about death ( baroness bakewell and burial at sea )
2130 bob Marley. Again .
2330 Anansi boys – down with the commoonitee
Fedup2 what about that gap between 2pm and 4pm ?
2pm The Archers : Virtue Signalling about African and Polish people in the village etc.
2:15pm Play : Game Over “Chelsea wants her new game to change the world. She’s calling it Glacier and it will tell the story of an Alaskan village eroded by *global warming*.
“Chelsea has to navigate the boys’ club of designers working with Harrison” (evil capitalist, “infamous for not working with women”)
3pm : Rambling with : Sarah works for an investment bank , Rebecca for * Greenpeace*
4pm : (Righty) Thinking (not) Allowed : “Working-class actors, Class and classical music”
4:30pm : Amol : How come the British think up great TV formats ?
5pm The even smugger Trump hater : Eddy Mair
7pm Again : The Archers : Virtue Signalling about African and Polish people in the village etc.
7:15pm “The surprise success of this year’s Wonder Woman film ”
7:45pm Incredible Women
11pm Drama : Would I be right in thinking that almost all the actors are black ?
Unfortunately Harry has picked up his world view from his Dad and the celeb virtue signallers who are part of his circle. I include Obama in that. Harry also has great qualities but regrettably some very BBC-like views.
Have Farage or Douglas Murray ever asked to be guest editors? No, I thought not.
I don’t think Charlie should shoulder all the blame; Harry got involved in all his mother’s African b******s and AIDS charity cr@p, so he’s obviously picked a lot of all this PC s**t up from her. There is also the fact that she was evidently sexually attracted to members of other races too, which would seem to be another trait she imparted to him; as he’s clearly been infected with full-blown multi-culti.
The political stunt with O’Bummer could yet turn round and bite him on the @rse, because if he or his handlers feel it was successful then they’ll seek to do more politics and that could spell disaster for him and cause damage to the Royal family.
It is a shame because I used to think he was an okay bloke. I think he’d have been a lot better off staying in the army, he could have done all his injured servicemen charity stuff whilst still serving himself; probably done a lot more good concentrating his efforts on that and on finding himself a nice British girl to marry of course.
I really couldn’t stomach listening to Barry Hussein this morning, and only turned the wireless on a couple of times just to see whether the interview had finished. I am sad that Prince Harry, who served well in Afghanistan and is to be greatly praised for his work with injured soldiers, has been permitted to be so blatantly partisan, and with a flawed politician whose objective now seems to be to cause trouble for his successor. I’m not surprised the BBC has engineered this exposure of one of their favourite sons – one who can do no wrong in their eyes – with Sopel wheeled on for sycophantic comment about his favourite ex-president. The Royal family will come to regret this departure from protocol. Here is a comment (slightly modified) I made to Brietbart yesterday about the related topic of Harry’s wedding: ” If Prince Harry’s advisors have nodded approval at the move to invite the Obamas to his wedding, then they should really take advice themselves from people who see what the near future might hold for the former president. I rather think Obama’s reputation will be trashed in 2018 as the scandals of his unlawful rule come to light in the courts. The scandals that are already surfacing will show that Watergate is nothing compared with what Obama did in office. Do the Prince’s advisors really want the Royal family to be tainted by association with him? Best, I think, to distance themselves from now on.”
The kids at bbc trending seem all who are left manning anything at the moment, and so the Harry and Barry show is the only game online. Ironic given St. Obama has ‘warned’ about this.
Talk about agenda overload. They have ditched the trowel and are ladling it out with a wheel loader bucket.
The bbc will shrug it off, but Harry needs to check his Royal privilege and fire his PR team.
Wow that must have been a lot of work to build that photo montage.
But it had no blatant Trump hating in it.
Glossing over Harry’s efforts this morning………
At about 0745 on Toady there was one of those telling moments that quietly reveal the innate bias of the BBC.
Sarah Montagu was interviewing a couple of people about plastic in the oceans.
Within microseconds of the start of the interview, she came out with, in terms, “ what should the government be doing”. This was all the more noticeable for being rather left field (pardon the pun) out of context.
The interviewee played a straight bat.
So later in the interview she asked again” what more should the government be doing”.
The interviewee again played a staright bat, encouraging personal responsibility.
A nice proof that In the biased BBC world, the statist, and therefore socialist, solution, is ALWAYS the go-to default favoured position.
The Government is actually doing quite a lot – banning microbeads for instance. But the BBC wil never publicise anything the Tory Government will do about the environment.
What it could do is defend against FoE/Greenpeace who try to prevent high temperature incinerator projects
Most of Europe have them cos ALL plastics can be burnt safely as a fuel in them
..Ask a plastics scientist.
The Sky breaking away from the “we’re all going to die because of Global Warming caused by the hegemony of the US oil companies … blah blah blah” meme of the soft left.
Instead Sky reports on a common scientific observation that low magnetic activity on the sun corresponds with cooling on the earth. The scientists predict an ice age by 2030.
Professor Valentina Zharkova, one of the many scientist who hold to this theory, has said in the past that she has felt bullied by the global warming groups. These days she adds that global warming will not prevent the earth cooling, though could minimise the cooling. It feels like a sop to the political groups.
My search of “bbc professor Valentina Zharkova” show no links to the BBC. Anyone know why the BBC is shy about sharing what scientists are actually saying?
The bbc knows who knows science…
Guest ,
I’d had enough by the time Harry Windsor chatted to the future king.are they related ? . I’d rather snooze than listen to a couple of rich thick people wasting air – but thanks for the posting .
On the issue of the racing driver twittering – or whatever it was – I wonder if we are going through a phase where celebs and politicians and others write directly to their adoring publi and soon it will just be personal advisors writing on their behalf to avoid the nonsense criticism al Beeb has been publicising today.
In fact I think I ll employ a blogging agency to write my comments here . I’m sure our maxi already does. Happy new year max – don’t stop sneering -it’s very entertaining.
A BBC echo chamber caught on camera. When Harry met Charles.
“What was it about your Dad that first attracted the BBC to manipulate you into spinning for both them and him?”
\\ It’s broad daylight and yet they have a lamp on whilst talking about climate change… //
Marie Antoinette Charles says
“The working class ..let them eat organic, carried in paper bags from one’s helicopter”
I’m a denier too – chiefly because I do not accept that there is sufficient reliable data over decades or more to say that carbon dioxide emission is the direct cause of climate change.
The climate will always change – with or without us – and if solar radiation can be shown to affect the climate then it deserves fair objective examination . In any event we should cut down oil use just to screw the Arabs and their false religion which has only grown like a cancer because of western oil money
It’s ok, love… BBC is sending Oh the Humanity Harry in the Helo, and saving money by him piloting. Apparently.
BBC ‘Journalist’ at work…
“Still there?”
“Call it six hours, then”
Beebistan are orgasming over Barry and Harry on their Home page this morning, with no fewer than 6 posts about The Interview at time of writing.
Expect more of that in future, they’re going to milk this one.
How Charles gets a free ride from the media
Don’t really give a monkey’s about what they think, they pehaps can give one of the brothers/uncles a slap for flying around everywhere to pronounce his huge commercial expertise, so that’ll save a few trees from dying off.
The royal kids have been a disgrace to family morals on all fronts, so they can stick their opinions. William’s alright, and Harry has grown up now, and of course the tots are too young, but what an awful legacy!
Please Queen Elizabeth, hang in there for as long as possible!
I think that the Royals are trying to have a bet both ways and Harry’s engagement can’t do them any harm in this regard. Megan’s ancestory gives her a unique selling point with the immigrants who, unless there is some seismic event, will be increasingly important and politically influential in the years to come. Their neutrality ,or better support, for the monarchy will therefore be key to its survival. So we can expect no rocking of the ‘ official lie’ boat , no dissent from ‘progressive ‘ liberal policies, no support for anything vaguely old style patriotic , from the Royals in future decades. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if Harry in a few years began apologising for his time in Afghanistan. As our politicians actively support the Islamification of our country the Royals will , if they wish the monarchy to survive , have no choice but to jump on the pro Islamic band wagon. Charles has already made clear that he does not himself as ‘Defender of the Faith’ but rather as ‘ Defender of All Faiths’ . Obviously to a Muslim This doesn’t go far enough but he is steadily moving away from defending Christianity against all comers.
Oh dear. Its all Harry the ginger Prince and Bath House Barry this morning. Will there be no escape from Harry and his half breed (or is it half caste) woman of choice?
I see that he absented himself from the Boxing Day shoot at Sandringham to avoid upsetting her, she’s “part-Vegan” you know – whatever the f**k that is!
Which part is vegan? Left arm? Brain?
Maybe it’s the black half – the half the PC people like.
Maybe it’s the part that starred in soft porn films.
The Monarchy has just effectively committed suicide.
We all want some thick ginger bloke and an actress from America to tell us what’s what don’t we
Queenie and Co you have misjudged the public mood
We all didn’t mind you living off of our taxes – we accepted Charlie was a complete crackpot.
But not this – it will not work
Enough is Enough! But you can never have enough virtue signalling…
I believe “Dual Heritage” is the mot-du-jour.
I’m half English half Scottish does that count Lobby?
Unfortunately I also listened to the nervous ginger prince ling interviewing our great friend the ex President of the United States.
I cannot for the life of me understand why Harry agreed to take part in what so obviously would turn out to be a vehicle to help “No drama” to consolidate his “legacy” and generally show what a jolly decent chap he is unlike that other nasty less presidential President who seems to actually believe in making less popular decisions if he believes they are the right thing to do.
At one point”No drama” was schmoozing up to our snowflakes – how smart they all are etc etc and telling us all, how we should be careful about what information we access on line. Butter really would not melt in this blokes mouth he must really care about us all!
Same old Obama sugar coated globalist shit but why oh why Harry did you agree to be suckered into this?
Is it because you lack a true role – Maybe in that case you should apply for a job behind the tills at Aldi or Liddle (Harry I actually hear they pay quite well over a tenner an hour – which is good for where I live) – I have actually considered applying to them myself, However you may find it would conflict with watching International rugby matches on a Saturday – such a waste not being able to use that complimentary ticket.
Is it because you think that by ingratiating yourself with the left/the BBC – when ” the revolution” comes you will somehow be able to avoid the fate that befell your distant relatives the Romanov’s. Believe me Harry the left and the BBC are very fickle friends and whilst you may well be able to physically avoid the fate that befell the Russian Royal Family. To the left wing media you are no more than a useful idiot and your very existence offends them – your usefulness to them will only extend as far as you can be used to help destroy our culture and traditions and of course your own family as soon as you realise this yourself and refuse to co-operate – you too Harry will be back in the firing line down with Camilla and Princess Von Michael of Kent. For you too Harry ze war will be over!
Is it because you secretly harbour to be part of the “pop culture” rather than some stuffy royal who lives in a gilded cage with endless privilege. I particularly liked the quickfire questions to Obama at the end of the interview “boxers or briefs” Oh Harry you really are one – what a cheeky chappy you are! maybe you should write to Ant and Dec for a job (you might well be in luck now that I hear that one of them in the past has liked painkillers and booze more than he should have done). Being accessible is one thing but please remember Harry many people still look up to your family. FFS dont you think you should have at least a little dignity?
Is it because you new bit of stuff (just like Obama) has African american blood and is keen on virtue signalling. So what could be better than to impress her than flirting with the Crown Prince of the Globalist Establishment. Oooh – Harry you are so multicultural forming relationships with these people and because of this I have now decided to throw away all of my Nazi regalia and even my genuine Nazi jackboots pulled off the still twitching body of Eichmann!
I would advise you not to go down the virtue signalling route , but I can see now it is too late. In fact you better watch it – my advice is to have her signature on paper saying it is OK to touch her knee, otherwise you could well find yourself on the wrong side of #METOO and this may well well end up with you throwing yourself down the staircase in despair at your lack of self control.
Or is it because you are just some naive, over privileged bloke who has lived most of his life in a gilded cage. You think you understand but you cant because your life experiences are so different to the rest of us. I may sound like it but I dont envy or dislike you Harry – I just feel sorry that you have allowed yourself to indirectly bite the hands that feed you.
Harry – Obama is no friend to this country and neither is the BBC. If you truly want to be relevant you need to start looking outside the liberal bubble to see what people in this country are truly concerned about and it is not “fake news” If you do not I truly think that just like your Uncle Edward who turned your family into a laughing stock you could well be the one who turns your family and with it our culture into an historical irrelevance.
Anyway Harry Good luck – Maybe one day we both might meet sharing adjacent tills at Aldis
May God Save Our Queen!
Amusing and entertaining blog Oak, but unfortunately the unholy alliance of Beebistan, Saint O’Barmy and Prince Harry makes perfect sense and is win-win for all concerned.
The Winner of the Nobel prize for being half black and Greatest Statesman On Earth gets a bit of Royal Cachet by association, and the platform to spout his Liberal Globalist clichés and have a dig at Trump.
Harry boy gets the magic dust of sucking up, sorry interviewing, the Greatest Man On Earth, Ever.
The Beeb gets 2 world famous celebs to promote their il-Liberal agenda.
All 3 get to appear kool and where-it’s-at.
Agreed Vlad – But what I find so depressing is that it should be bloody obvious to even the worlds most eligible ginger pubed person that “”magic dust” easily turns into twenty pieces of silver and not only is he selling us out he is also selling out the family and particularly the grandmother he professes to be loyal to.
He is certainly selling us down the river of Islamification, but then we have been sold down that particular river by every politician since Lady T, even NIgel daren’t oppose this trend publicly. As to the Royals he is just buying them a few more decades before the Islamic Republic is declared.
His step dad must be planning his round Blighty visit to mosques and imams once the queen pops her clogs.
Al beebs printed arm is pro the Harry Show but the readers comments tell a different story . Personally I enjoy rich people being virtuous by supporting charities which they could probably fund themselves with a small part of their wealth.
I’d like those ‘ give us three quid’ adverts for the latest horror in the third world where poor punters are entreated by rich actors to give and give.bah humbug
Due to entryism our Radio4 Facebook page has become a Left/lib echo chamber
an example from today
“…. our great friend the ex President of the United States.” Was this the, ‘get to the back of the queue’ man?
Yeah! I know the left are up in arms about the Russians spending a quid on Facebook to try and sabotage Brexit.
But how much did it cost for old jug ears to cross the Atlantic to deliver the ‘back of the queue’ speech, which was, without doubt, a definite attempt by another nation to sabotage Brexit.
By the way, it costs about $200,000 an hour to operate Air Force One.
AND. Not only did he leave the Transgendered in the forces crap on the desk after 7 plus years of not doing anything about it. But he unilaterally changed the status of Jerusalem with no consent in Dec 2016. Because he`d lost the election and wanted to spite Netenyahu. And booby-trap Congress and the White House for Trump.
IS do the same in Raqqa as they leave, apparently.
And-like Raqqa-there is NO mention of the role of Obama in sabotaging his successor and putting lives at risk in Israel.
It`s all politics-the Left more than happy to get people killed if they get to look good.
Ditto Iran, Cuba and North Korea.
How very Leftish.
Harry, we are going to have a giggle when Soft Porn Meg’s ex husband releases picture and stories. Probably before the wedding.
How will the BBC square that with denouncing Trump as a sexist?
The very same G – He is such a good friend to us that even the great statesman “call me Dave” fell on his knees to worship him (and possibly anything else the great one fancied!)
With Little Women and The Miniaturist on last night, that’s another 2 1/2 hours of prime time devoted to “female-led” drama. What with a female Doctor Who now, surely men should pay a reduced licence fee?
As a minority you get to demand and demand. As a majority you get to accept the demands.
See that Londons fireworks will all be used to “honour women”. Less the Pankhurts and Greers I bet-and more the Stopes, Wests and Harmans.
The blokes of London could get a rebate on their rates for this one.
That’s #EverydaySexism
\\ As a symbolic New Year’s resolution, the second half of the London fireworks playlist will feature exclusively women artists: Annie Lennox, Aretha Franklin, Florence Welch, Ariana Grande and Dua Lipa.
It’s to celebrate 100 years since women got the vote. #CapitalReports //
And yet no commemoration of the blokes who gave ladies the dishwasher and make up compact?
For shame!
Couple of quick comments on some of the above. Recently returned from a trip to Turin visiting friends. When I booked I was fully aware that if you travel at this time of year you are possibly going to have some disruption. If anyone from beeb towers is interested it all went like clockwork.
Secondly, I have posted before that I am a monarchist and not a royalist. If the new generation of right on PC royals continue the way they are I shall be neither. I will be sad to see this country turn from a monarchy into a republic but if this lot feed the MSM willingly with celebrity garbage then they will only have themselves to blame.
Finally, Lewis Hamilton apologising. WTF for.
Happy new year everybody. One year closer to our state broadcaster gorging itself to death.
When one of the royals dares to back Brexit, then I`ll listen. Until then, only the Queen saves then from the Tower. Personally, I`d make Princess Anne Queen as she trains up the best of the worthless sponges before we get a referendum-or a phone in vote maybe?
Doreen Tipton otherwise.
Wow!!!!! Can we persuade this lady to come and move to the UK……………………..
She’s sure got that subject weighed up pretty well.
Dreamers. Illegal dreamers. Killings. Honour killings. Divorce or a demand? Grooming or sadistic rape? Rocketman or sadistic totalitarian leader?
The war on language continues …
Their DREAM often ends up as someone else’s NIGHTMARE
… #AllVictimsMatter
Every word of Ann Coulter’s applies to the UK – except we are even further down the road of ‘demographic change’ (or 3rd world/muslim invasion as it’s sometimes called). Muslim pop in US is about 1%. UK is about 5%, more if you include illegals.
G etc.
Ann hits an important point, as Saul Alinsky does. Do NOT treat your enemy as a collective generic blob. Segment, differentiate and create abusive epiphets for each differentiated sector as you mock and label them.
My example is the differences between “Remainers” Remoaners” “Remainiacs” “Eurinals and Eurinelles”.” Eunibins and Eunibints”. With all manner of different spellings with “z” replacing “s” if they`re yoof chubbs like Lily Allen etc.
Good fun I find-and invariably angers them, makes my pals laugh.
Working on a Snowballs, snowflake one with fifty types of “Snow”-as Iceland does, so we`re told.
Mockery, comedy and Wetherspoons. Who needs much more than these?
Tesla put out PR about ideas for a Pickup
BBC being good little fanboys put out an article..
But it does lay into Musk for his promise world vs his late delivery world.
– Even CNN say actually he’s been talking about that pickup idea since 2013
Still a lot of good stuff in the BBC travel facts page
One minute libs are telling us that BAME are just normal British people integrated into society.
… The next moment they are telling us they are entitled to awards based purely on SKIN COLOUR.
BBC win Christmas ratings with progs that 12% of Brits watched.
(Queen got more but she was over all channels )
And in 1996, with a U.K. population of several million less, ‘Only Fools and Horses’ was watched by over 20 million – goes to show just what a dying medium television is and what a mockery the license fee is.
And earlier than that, remember what viewers the Morecambe & Wise Christmas shows had.
Alleged EU Olympic Team plan
Stew –
What a great idea – I hope it gets the publicity it deserves . It’s hair brained ideas like that which will speed up the demise of EU. Mind you I’ve always found the nationalistic tendency some take to the efforts of individuals as a bit crass – nonsense like medal tables.
And stranger still that al Beeb buys into it – but I suppose if they use it to fool idiots into believing Sir Mohammed is running for Blighty and not his bank balance then I guess it’s valid for al Beeb.
Bloody Matt Busby made an arse of himself in forcing Man United to enter European competition. And bloody Stanley Rous was dopey enough to let the likes of Blatter slither under the toilet door and turn football into what Qatar and Russia now take it to be.
A drug-addled racket with poncing metrosexuals, no variation-serial glorying in underachievement and hostage to all manner of SJW gonks in womens and disabled sport.
Hopefully Mourinho will continue to do a Moyes or Van Gaal, so we needn`t bother with association soccer on the Continent next season-so far, so good.
No-Brexit surely means a return to parish togger and manly games with old Maltesers down the rolling hills of the Peak District. Pip Pip Corinthians!
IT is interesting few seem to have realised that the anti censorship speech by Jo Johnson was announcing the exact opposite, and that Johnson was giving the green light to Universities to do all the censorship they wanted to engage in.
Lets take a look at this mans credentials Brother of proven liar Boris Johnson, and husband of Guardian journalist Amelia Gentleman, he’s hardly likely to be on the right of the party.
But how is his announcement so wrong?
Well take a look at all the get out clauses in their where he has said it is reasonable to allow censorship. All of them are meaningless loose words whose only definition is in the mind of the person using it. Indeed the legal definition of one of them is actually ‘whatever the so called victim believes it to be’.
These exclusions are:
‘Hatred, discrimination, extremism or racism’, now given that a university professor reported to the PCES the then Home Secretary Justin Greening, for hate speech before she had actually made the speech, and without any knowledge of the content , Johnson would appear to be promoting the use of what he lyingly calls an anti censorship policy to prevent ministers from his own party from speaking at universities on the grounds they promote hate.
The reality is that Johnson has delivered a pro censorship policy in disguise as an anti censorship one !
This only works if he gives examples. Was Trump’ s tweet ok? When Erdogan said the streets of Europe would not be safe … is that a threat and a hate crime? When Theresa May in 2015 said immigration was too high in UK and should be reduce was that Hate? When Merkel opened the borders without EU citizens consent was that self Hate? When Gary Lineker on the BBC wage says no positives in Brexit is that hate of the 52%? When Sadiq Khan says slitting throats of animals is ok and HALAL is that a hate crime against animals? Journalists need to nail this jelly talk and words to the wall.
The university administrators ££££ were saying they’d get round this by saying it’s up to the comrades in the NUS to decide who gets the attendance fee and who gets the black list im more concerned about the election commission failing to deal with double voting at college and home .
As I posted higher up this thread, it matters not a damn what measures are implemented to improve freedom of speech at universities and colleges: those who run them don’t want it at all, never mind improved.
The education system in this country is run (almost completely) by and for progressives, who are not interested in allowing those whose views counter their own a platform anywhere; especially not at institutions which they control.
Al Shubtill
Let’s go back to school and see how courses are taught and how students are prepared for examinations. Here is a video instructing students how to write an essay on the play by JB Priestly – An Inspector Calls. The political message, Priestly was a socialist, and socialism is morally superior to capitalism, and the play is about Labour’s 1945 manifesto.
Just one example.
From my schooldays it would be
a) stuff the toffs
b) the salt of the eart can do no wrong, and are free from all venality
c) Vote Labour like we do-and yes, Obama counts as Labour for our purposes today.
Just regurgitate these three and lob in some safe sex, recycling of old nappies and tell the BBC about the queues for the foodbank-and award yourself a Top Certificate of your choosing.
No ones checking but the Thought Police. Who don`t read so well due to foreign imports as the NHS and schools fall into idiocy after Torycuts.
I have a copy of “The English” by Priestly, about the folk to which (much to the Progressive’s chagrin) so many of us still belong here in the UK; I don’t expect it to be stocked in many school libraries in this country today.
Heard Oxfords VC Louise Richardson on Last Word recently, with a clearly awestruck Matthew Parris.
Her chosen guest? Daniel O Connell. Well known philanderer and serial abuser of women, but could whip up Irish Revolutionary fervour back in the 19th Century.
He`s an embarrassment now in Munster to a large extent. Brought the church into disrepute whjen faith mattered to the Irish.
But De Valera- weekend rebel who avoided getting shot for treason because he`d got some US link-a convenient pastic paddy as it suited then-liked him. And of course a millionaire feminist Irish trougher like Louise would just LURV this “Good Rebellion”. And all conveniently braodcast and paid for by those who O Connells descendents would blow to hell or torture only a gerneration ago.
Good old BBC eh? Remainer_Oxbridge trougher from Ireland with waffle on the “Perpetual Revolution”, to stir the pot up to Christmas?
Ah well-it`s only money eh?…and how stupid need we be to continue for this shit?
Fed up with today’s ‘news’ re the #BritishRetailConsortium @the_brc warning about food prices likely to go up after Brexit, aided and abetted by the pro-EU BBC.
More #ProjectFear Ignore it.
Whaddya say Wetherspoon’s Tim ?
\\ Ignore propaganda.
The CBI and BRC et cetera have fooled the public and MPs about food prices.//
Tims magazine is now a must-read as you caress a cheeky rose and study the carpet designs, enjoy (or endure) some strange artwork.
Getting squiffy AND getting a BSc in “Brexitology”, and away from needy family members and a stroppy cat as well?
That`s tomorrow taken up.
TrueLove or virtue signalling on a grand scale? I wasn’t actually sure until the Barry interview. At least that helped me to make up my mind. I hate being undecided. I mean, how grand can a scale get? How desperate must the signaller be?
And boy, do I feel stoopid…
I see that the FTSE100 and FTSE250 have both finished the day at all-time high levels (despite Brexit).
The BBC must be gutted ……….
Can`t imagine they`ll report it.
Yep, the news editors and ‘talent’ are so gutted, they are crying all the way to their tax advisors.
Has this been reported by al Beebus yet? If not, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least.
The bBBC’s main ‘news’ is that hundreds of sick Syrian children should be brought here to be treated by the International Health Service.
And in other news…
BBC saying vs. BBC doing.
“odd to celebrate the scale of these operations, when the message Anne Bulford, as DDG, is trying to put out is a squeeze on overheads”
Tough being in the state media world, clearly.
All that remains, as it were. Still, the guest eds do seem to be ‘on message’, if what the BBC likes counts as the message being ‘on’. Know what I mean, eh, ‘Arry?
“Why 2018 will be a very special year for the NHS”
Enquires TWMTB. While we are still in 2017.
What better way for AlBeeb to celebrate the occasion today than to start by showing a photograph of black NHS hand helping a white patient.
What better way for AlBeeb to continue to celebrate the occasion today than by blaming the current Government for all present issues whilst pretending to dispassionately analyse the current state of the NHS.
Try this one AlBeeb. Why were all the NHS patients at Stafford Hospital who were neglected, abused, malnourished and actually killed, white? Why did the senior medical staff who were 40% non-white ignore this? Which members of the junior medical staff, who were responsible for these crimes were jailed?
Shipman or Mid-Staffs?
Which better reflects the role of angelic unions and BMA managers, as directed under Alan Milburn or the other tools who think that the NHS is a cult as established by bloody Bevan and his ilk?
Not to mention Paediatric and children’s services in Bristol.NHS.
Never heard of it?
What a good job their publicty department did.
Unless of course………
Jeremy Hardy on radio 4 appalling left wing diatribe on anti Brexit pro migration anti free speech anti British and profoundly not funny.
I’d complain but there’s no point.
Thoughtful – interesting that an anti British lefty like him is on the after dinner speaker circuit on about £5k a go if i recall
Thanks for listening lads.
At 5pm, before Eddie Mairs deadbeat of a show-we WERE warned that Jeremy Hardy would be doing a “comedy show” later on at 6.30.
Which I take to be a sewer pipe renovation warning, so I could arrange a detour .Lest I confused it with “comedy” in the accepted sense.
Would still be lighting Keith Lemons farts at Southampton Poly, had bloody Humphry Lyttleton not lowered the drawbridge and got him onto national radio.
Loved Humph-but, for this one, he needs to come back from the grave to apologise.
A comedy-free zone, poor Linda Smiths funeral lilies would have been more funny.
The gravedigger of light entertainment is Hardy.
Hi first time poster.
Is no one reassured by this oh so honest tripe displayed to put our troubled minds at rest!
Welcome Hugo
The biggest risk here is sounding like an echo chamber but I think we are a discerning bunch by virtue of the fact we found this site .
As you may have seen we go off the albeeb subject sometimes but that evil organisation is always in the background and I do go on saying I cannot pay for it out of conscience . Welcome again
Well done Hugo for swallowing the red pill, and welcome aboard the Nebuchadnezzar.
The food’s terrible and the pay’s worse. You will lose any remaining illusion you may harbour about the evil Beebistan, and probably lose your last so-called liberal friends if you still have any.
On the plus side, you will lose your last ‘liberal’ friends, you will live by the Truth, and you will have the satisfaction of knowing you’re fighting the good fight.
¡No pasarán!
I believe many here have read your link.
In which it states :- “We use machine-readable labels in six categories”
One category being :- “Opinion – BBC News itself is impartial and does not offer opinions”
Except this is a lie and I give an example earlier in this thread where it states NEWS in capital letters and the contents are opinion, biased and also untrue.
Unless it’s those unreliable “machine-readable labels” that made a mistake. In which case TWMTB will consider itself blameless.
Then there is “The BBC’s complaints procedure is outlined in the BBC Complaints Framework”
A complaints procedure which thousands of BBBC contributors know is 100% bollox.
As is, disgustingly, Ofcom – where a worthless body set up to ‘regulate’ the BBC is run largely by former BBC nomenklatura in collaboration with ‘assorted progressive’ establishment hacks and where the complaints procedure looks like it was created by Douglas Adams as a parody.
hey merry christmas hugo, welcome to sanity
before i found this site i thought it was just me going mental, now i know i wasnt but the gogglebox was
Remember omission is the best tool. Don’t compare cultures. Don’t compare with history. Better not show improved, Not perfect, cultures……
For in-depth pieces of work, such as complex investigations or data journalism projects, we will help you understand how we went about our work by showing the underlying data and by disclosing any caveats, assumptions or other methodological frameworks used – for example, the study-design; the sample size; representativeness; margins of error; how the data was collected; geographical relevance and time periods.
Croeso! (Welcome)
Envy of the world. And vital.
BBC Newsbeat – What’s it like when your mum tells you she’s a lesbian?
Find out in our documentary: My Lesbian Mums: https://youtu.be/xvVEw2txnjs
Just when you think that things can’t get any crazier, the Swedes dial it up to eleven. FFS!
“Heseltine ‘should be sanctioned’ for Brexit comments”
“Members of the Bow Group have accused the former deputy prime minister of “outright sabotage” and want him expelled from the Tories’ Lords group. ”
Is he a real ‘Tory’ or does he have an ulterior motive?
Al beeb loves putting him on the teli from his country pile sounding like a member of the Royal Family the jumped up shit.
I suppose he thinks he ll get a job in the EU if he turns it around – having sold his soul to the evil empire .
He’s just like Fatty Clarke, Soubry and the rest of them: they prize the EU more than Great Britain.
They should just be expelled from the country, never mind the Tory party.
Just have a look at the ‘Westland Affair’ 1985-1986 (Wikipedia )
“The argument was a result of differences of opinion as to the future of the British helicopter industry. Westland Helicopters, Britain’s last helicopter manufacturer, was to be the subject of a rescue bid. While the Defence Secretary Heseltine favoured a European solution, integrating Westland and British Aerospace (BAe) with Italian (Agusta) and French companies, the Prime Minister and the Trade and Industry Secretary Leon Brittan wanted to see Westland merge with Sikorsky, an American company. Heseltine refused to accept Thatcher’s choice and suggested she had lied about it. She had leaked a confidential letter, then tried to cover that up. It resulted in resignations in January 1986 by Heseltine and Brittan.”
“1986: Heseltine quits over Westland”
An appalling specimen is Heseltine. What was it about Major choosing this creep as his Deputy PM? Blair choosing Prescott and only recently being lumbered with Clegg and Danien Green?
Heseltine tried to bring down Thatcher, using the EU biddings as a proxy on bahlf of his paymasters no doubt.
He left us with the Millenium Dome, whci Labour gleefully used to consign Christain belief to what it is today.
A serial Von Hoogstraten figure, like Mandelson but without the VSO urges.
Repulsive-should have died in Venice 1997. And again-whatever he says-it`s always best to do the exact opposite.
Pretty much 666 in my book.
Re Harry and Barak.
Didn`t one dress as a Nazi, while the other chose to dress as a Muslim? Isn`t this cultural appropriation if they`re not actual Islamofascists? But as yet, no blowback from the Twitchfork offence-takers. Guess mental health, being indeterminately black and trying to detail the Trump train gives you lots of passes from the left like the BBC.
There are those, of course, who have suggested Obama didn’t simply dress as as a muslim. It’s one of several very important questions about the equal opportunities ex-President that the BBC will not allow to be investigated, or even discussed impartially, on its propaganda service.
My brother in law left me with a bit of the Guardian.
Sheer twaddle-but do not that their “Soul Mates” section is restricted to men seeking women, vice versa and men seeking men, women seeking women.
How restricted and gender limiting is THAT?
In the Guardian of all papers?
Hate crime-shut them down I say!!!
There needs to be at least fifty gender bendy options-and it should change every week to reflect the fashions they report to us.
I observed the entities called ‘Prince Harry’ and ‘ Obama’ as they were promoted to me by the entity known as ‘the BBC’. My response was a desire to locate a can of fly spray to decimate irritating gnats.
I wish that every day can be a peaceful day for all people, especially for those who are particularly troubled by gnat infestations. The sun, moon and earth provide our rhythms. I will try to live by them, and not by the calendar and the dates highlighted for me by those who seek to exploit and destroy both me and all those who dare to question.
Window’s on the World are they some wacky David Icke conspiracy type site ?
What do you reckon to this vid
‘Not Welcome’: London’s Muslim Mayor Repeats Calls to Cancel Trump Visit.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan has stated that “London is a beacon of tolerance, acceptance and diversity”, and for that precise reason an official visit by U.S. President Donald Trump would “not be welcomed”.
As Breitbart points out: “London mayor @SadiqKhan thinks @realDonaldTrump should be kept out of Britain over retweets – but he fought tooth and nail for avowed anti-Semite and anti-white racist Louis Farrakhan to enter the country during his time as a lawyer for the extremist Nation of Islam group.”
What he means is his fellow religionists plus far-left groups would go apeshit and destroy half of London if Trump came. It’s a threat really.
What a little Khant he is.
Sadiq Khan as a lawyer should be against positive employment discrimination (HALAL Muslim only jobs). He should complain about Mecca’s blocking of other religions in the name of tolerance…. seems Islam is not so tolerant.
He does like tweeting too. And posing. And blowing money. The bbc will love this one.
Comments going well.