Another Remain lemon goes Kamikazi for the cause as Lord Adonis, the unelected peer who owes his position to political patronage and privilege, resigns in order to, em, further democracy, complaining that May has no popular mandate [other than a clear referendum vote on an historic turn out] to carry on with Brexit and he, as an unelected peer, will do everything he can to thwart that democratic vote in the interest of, em, democracy. Whoever next? Lord Hall Hall?
Would the BBC survive a ‘French Revolution’ as the pro-EU ‘elite’ tell the voters they can’t have their cake but the voters decide they will have it, and eat it? Should the ‘elite’ manage to use the system to block Brexit I can imagine it would be a short-lived, Pyrrhic victory. Enjoy it whilst you can Lord Hall Hall…and perhaps get one of those nice new blue passports.
Anyway, for now the BBC continues as normal, so spot any bias….name and shame here…..
Quick bit of New Years Eve bias.
BBC news webshite as of 1000.
Above the line headline ‘Labour staking out centre ground- Corbyn’. With a nice photo of cuddly Uncle Jezza and an extra short paragraph of text.
In other news, below the line ‘Britons will feel pride in 2018, says May’. That’s it. No photo. No text.
Pretty clear where the biased BBC’s sympathies lie. Not that we didn’t know but they are so brazen about it these days and can get away with it.
It’s a political oxymoron to claim that Corblimey is taking over the centre ground. Message for the BBC, the extreme alt-left is not centre ground.
I think far left IS the centre ground for the bbbc.
It was the same on Classic FM Global so-called news.
“Theresa May says…..”, but when it came to “Jeremy Corbyn says …..” they also broadcast him speaking.
The route from a Labour press release to a bbc headline is a short one.
And they always haul out the silly old fool’s quote that ‘Labour are a government in Waitrose’ too!
Why does a failing opposition seem to get anything on the news these days?
Or, why does the BBC keep on wheeling out more failures like Adonis, and now Heseltine?
Their website is (as a good poster here mentioned earlier), just like a tacky version of ‘Hello’ magazine, which is read by idiots.
I suppose some people like to look at the pictures though…
I’ve not heard on the bbbc that Heseltine gets almost £100,000 each year from the eu because he has a lot of land. I think that’s about the amount.
I wonder why he wants to stay in the eu.
Why would anyone want to look at the pictures? The current Labour gang are ALL physically unattractive to normal human beings, surely?
I noticed that as well, the cock suckers at the bBC are really disgusting.
@Sluff In BBC Libland speak Corbyn is the election winner, so deserves top spot a photo

and there is another mention down the page
..whereas Theresa May who LOST the election by getting more votes & becoming PM is relegated to the right sidebar, (no photo), which gets cut off if the screen is narrow
Going well so far, Sam. Happy New Year Aunty…
That item : Experience trumps Expertise
It started with Jeremy Vine saying that was his epiphany
..after 6 months ago a frequent-caller said
That was so profound that JV has written a book about his realisation of Metro Elite wrong faith in experts.
– Yes it is profound, but why has this discussion not appeared on JV or the BBC before ?
It’s not actually a new idea, it’s just a rewording of a trope that older people already know
“Workers have wisdom
..Those who can, do … those who can’t, teach ”
Everyone knows that in the hospital
… The real expert … is not the NEW highly qualified doctor
… it’s the nurse with 20 years experience.
(I bet a lot of doctor’s receptionists are better that the doctor)
So then the second part was a discussion and brought on 2 guests
: @SamiraAhmedUK of BBCNewsWatch
: @TobyBaxendale of Legatum Institute (=Legacy of Promoting policies that lift people from poverty to prosperity)
Direct to audio of beginning of item
… Direct to audio 21:36 Samira
Now one side was angry shouty, and its twitter supporters shouted hate and said that the other side should never have been allowed on the BBC anyway.
Yes full on libmob with it’s projection : saying ‘the other side is naive and full of hate ‘and then behaving that way iteself.
As well as bringing a mountain of grudges : against men, white men. “privilege”
The other side and its supporters stuck to dealing with the arguments, not throwing insults
See how Samira’s very first action was to build a strawman to attack
The topic was “Experience trumps Expertise” or “Experts are weaker than experience”
… Yet in her tweet above she calls it “experts over pure feeling”
That was her angle
And of course it is her libmob that are projecting again , cos “going by FEELING” is what they do all the time
Last night I tweeted
Oh the rage when the luvvies are personally affected by the stupidity they’re happy to load onto others and call them silly names, and express their petty outrage, yet look what happens when it happens to infringe on their world:
Julie Bindel, a feminist writer who has also been swimming at the pond for more than three decades, added: ‘It is totally unacceptable to allow men who identify as women, but who are otherwise male bodied and socialised as men, to be in a women-only space. I have seen mothers bring their young daughters who are self-conscious about their bodies but want to feel good about swimming and exposing their skin to the sun. The last thing they want is to look behind them and see a male-bodied person pretending to be a woman in order to gawp at them.’
Bindel has been a regular Wimmins hours contributor and Wimmins hour, one of the most achingly Politically Correct programs the BBC broadcasts (and that’s saying something) has been at the vanguard of pushing this gender fluidity nonsense. Seems it’s only virtuous when its being done to other people.
I think I’m a bloke but feel that maybe I’m really a seagull. I keep getting the urge to shit on cars. Am I of sound mind?
Seagulls have wings so they can get to the tips before the pikeys do, Lefters! Actually, I just checked, ‘The Cars’ are still going, but not ‘active’…
Make the most of it, because there’ll be loads of chucked out stuff from unwanted Christmas presents! I know I will…
As the immortal Jim Davidson once said in response to wimmin’s moans and sichuasians ‘You’re much better off having a dick’! (I’ll ask the BBC if they’ll re-run the progs, or parhaps no I won’t bother – it mentions Dick…)
Happy New Year – I always enjoy your posts!
I think Jim’s actual words were ” You’re much better off having a dick. Where would you like it Madam”?
It’s very ironic that feminists who have been aggressively denigrating men for decades are now getting it back in their faces. I hate all this rubbish about transgender but it couldn’t have found more deserving victims.
I’m genuinely sympathetic towards women on this sort of issue, and yet a dirty and unworthy part of me is stifling a snigger while playing a sad concerto on the world’s smallest violin.
Ha ha ha, feminazism meets trans-ism. Enjoy the glutinous mess of that particular mash-up.
The Boomerang Effect and it’s wonderful to watch it in operation against the verminous Left.
But isn`t this EXACTLY where their logic leads them?
And now they`re hogtied and incoherent, ridiculous and trapped.
The Left excel at this, if they were logical and could see where their extrapolations might lead them-well, they`d not be the left would they?
Just dangerous.
I a agree with a contributor above in the thread that ‘Grenfell the social injustice story’ will be appearing on BBC as a ‘factual’ drama documentary in the next year or so. It will be about as historically accurate as a carry on film but without the laughs of course .
My suggestions for the cast, many posthumous ‘Im afraid
Khazi ( mayor) of London – Kenneth Williams
Emma Dent Coad – Joan Simms
Jeremy Corbyn- Wilfred Brambell
Protesting Left wing local residents – Alexei Sayle, Vanessa Redgrave
Dick of the Yard – himself, sorry herself
Leader of K&C Council – Sid James
Unscrupulous hotelier housing victims – Leonard Rossiter
How about Charles Hawtrey as Diane Abbott?
Politically Correctly the full set here!
Spike Milligan as David Lammy . Unknown actor can play Lammys friend who lived there and of course survived but is always used as Lammys excuse to grandstand on the social justice issues.
One knows all about being brought up in a non- British culture BAME society.
And the other is a Labour MP.
When the BBC finally announce it will go ahead with its Towering Inferno drama of virtue-signalling, I wouldn’t be surprised if ghastly rentagob actress Maxine Peake gets star billing. She’ll be there alongside a bunch of embarrassed african, afro-caribbean & middle-eastern actors shoehorned into playing nationalities they’re not comfortable with.
Is it to be called ‘carry on Joyce ? ‘ al Beeb must be desperate for another one so they can turn it into a series.
Mirium margoleees as Coad – the socialist who sends her 2 boys to a private school
Ever since the revoltingly ugly and stupid Miriam Margolyes revealed to the nation on some inane bbc chat show that she ‘creamed her pants’ upon meeting Laurence Olivier, I find her even more revolting and want to throw up at the mere sight of her.
Luvvies – doncha luv em?
@LBC .. expecting the normal logic & sense from Farage
but he’s not on; instead holiday cover is @Kevin_Maguire (DailyMirror associate editor. NewStatesman columnist. )
.. like a toned down James nO’Brain
Funnily enough, I always find KM comes across as at least an honest voice. I could/do disagree with everything he says, but he doesn’t whine and whinge, he doesn’t walk out of the studio in a huff like little Owen Jones, he sticks to his guns, and is prepared to grin and bear anything thrown at him.
JoB doesn’t, he just loves the sound of his own voice, so I don’t bother to listen to him.
We knew Flabbott couldn’t count, but now it seems she can’t write either.
She comes near bottom of the list for submitting written questions in Parliament – a measure of how much work she does. Too busy filling bbc studio couches – and I mean filling.
Dabbot, there is hope
The Sunday Times was able to reveal today (December 31st 2018) that the BBC uses a TAX ‘loophole’ to avoid paying tax on BBC dramas. BBC shoots top dramas through tax loophole
The Times revealed how the BBC used ‘private’ limited companies to claim back CORPORATION TAX which it is not eligible to claim for… It is trying to claim back corporation tax that the BBC itself does not pay into.
‘Accounts files by GRAFTON HOUSE PRODUCTIONS (a subsidiary, revealed that is claimed corporation credits worth £8.2 million in the financial year to March £9.2 million and £5.3 million in the previous years.’
The BBC admitted that it uses the money to fund ‘Star performers’ to appear in ‘one-off’ TV productions with costs per appearance of between £150,000 to £199,000 per show. It went on to state that it uses the money to fund such luminaries such as we have never heard of (Miranda Richardson was one notable beneficiary).
Ironically this was all dreamed up by one GEORGE OSBOURNE to encourage commercial producers to make films in Britain such as ‘Wallace and Gromit’ and NOT the self propelled public broadcaster which managed to find a loophole to claim back tax it does not pay..
In addition the BBC was not eligible for the scheme because it does not pay corporation tax on its £1.8 Billion TV license fee income and its claiming for any ‘TAX BREAKS’ is contrary to EU rules on ‘public service’ channels receiving state aid.
But the BBC got around this problem by creating a commercial subsidiary for drama (one of its many BBC ’private’ but entirely owned by the BBC as a ‘subsidiary’) to claim UK tax breaks on top of ‘private’ tax breaks for employed actors and performers.
Dame Margarat Hodge, former chairwoman of the Commons public accounts committee’, described as ‘plain daft’ the BBC’s creation of an artificial structure to qualify for the tax break. Ms Hodge has on other occasions been highly critical of the BBC failure to pay any CORPORATION tax for any tax year since its inception as a public incorporation for any earnings at all. This is a major problem as the BBC is able to hide any ‘profits’ in private limited companies and ensures the BBC TV licensee fee payers pick up all the debts.
Another reason the BBC should be privatised in part or in whole over the next five years.
Lets hope the BBC gets hauled in front of the court and is as successful as Lineker.
Funny innit?
I`d forgive Miranda Richardson ANY scam she chooses,
Because she`s so talented-and even if she was a liberal gurney like Coogan or whoever-I`d have to forgive her, talent is talent. I can`t do what she does,
But Lineker-Mrs Brown or Huw Edwards?…haul them over the caosl, make them pay it all back. Talentless hypocrites.
Couldn`t we get a vote on who should pay no tax-and who should be hammered?
I`d watch it,if it was a show.
Someone tweets me with hate towards Farage
..His account is the normal lefty thug hate-machine spotting purple-skins (non-libmob ) and spitting out hate against them
The account moniker is in Irish .. actually translates as “Liberal Elite”
..Jesus that’s how the guy self-identifies
Screens shot
… the tweet
Here’s a heart-warming story from the Sunday Times:-
A woman who requested a female NHS nurse to perform her cervical smear test was “embarrassed and distressed” after a person with stubble and a deep voice summoned her for the intimate procedure.
When the patient pointed out the mistake, the nurse replied: “My gender is not male. I’m a transsexual.”
This weekend, the woman, who decided not to go ahead with the examination, said it was “weird where somebody says to you: ‘My gender is not male’ and you think: ‘Well, what does that even mean? You are clearly a man.’ ”
The nurse “had an obviously male appearance . . . close-cropped hair, a male facial appearance and voice, large number of tattoos and facial stubble”, she said.
The woman received an official NHS apology after she made a complaint about her treatment.
Welcome to Britain 2018.
Steady on third – What about his/her feelings – I mean the “nurse” not the patient. I am sure the “sistas” would have no problems if they were treated by this bloke/woman as long as he makes it clear what gender he is on the day in question. Maybe all NHS staff could be issued with badges stating clearly what gender they feel like on any stated day.
Incidentally the Times today seemed to be doing a very good job aping the Guardian and the BBC. Lots of brexit and Trump baiting including a Trump “fake news ” cartoon, we had a full page profile on Macron and in the magazine it initially gave a number of personal accounts of those people whos lives were touched by Islamic jihad murders swiftly countered on the next page by a profile of champion “orator” Selina Begum and overleaf a picture of Grenfell Tower ablaze with the caption – “Grenfell The fire that shamed the nation”
I have to be honest I cant remember subletting any flats in Grenfell Tower, neither do I remember blocking fire escapes with rubbish and neither do I remember letting thousands of economic migrants into our country, housing them in flats and then setting the block on fire .
So actually I dont really feel very ashamed – Still maybe these days my memory is fading.
Country folk have a clear idea about gender, and would find it fun if a few transgenderites were introduced to a bull in a field and told that it is a cow today, and invited to milk it.
The BBC certainly employ a lot of strange cows. Maybe they need to be put into a field with a large black bull. I wonder who’s idea it was to close down all the Lunatic Asylums? I expect it was that Labour lot again,aided and abetted by the BBC.
I should think they’re quite a few chaps employed at al Beebus, who’d relish a close encounter with a black bull.
Yes. The mind boggles. I would imagine there are plenty of desks in the building over which said encounter could take place. I feel sick. Quick Mrs fetch a bucket!
third – Luvly Xmas story of weirdness upon weirdness. Soon the whole stinking edifice of liberal politically correct crap will implode under the weight of its own contradictions.
She “got an apology” did she?
From the NHS?
I`d have thought that her head would already have been up on a spike outside Charing Cross hospital by now.
“She “got an apology” did she?
From the NHS?”
They wouldn’t have apologised for what they did, only that she was upset. It will be filed under “We were right and she was a trouble-maker”.
By coincidence Prince Madge is currently being ‘outrage outed’ by the lib media for an aside about some bloke sporting an excess of facial hair.
Funny old dual track world.
Interesting view –
Click on the muslim, ‘Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam’ –
You can just see why islam will not and never will, ‘fit in with’ a Western way of life: its all (needless to say) based on sharia law. A recipe for major conflict at some point in the future as more and more the muslims try to replace our, ‘Human Rights’ with their version. The European Court of Human Rights view on sharia law? –,ECHR,42d268a24.html
Problem is, European Governments, including the UK, are turning a blind eye thus encouraging, ultimately, the people’s to step in and deal with the issue.
Whilst I no longer watch any live broadcast television and will not view what’s coming I’m welcoming hearing about the increase in BAME, transgender news presenters, sports commentators actors and all the rest the islamic BBC propose increasing disproportionately ‘for’ its viewing public. This will surely hasten its demise in my view. People are fed up with this multikulti shit being rammed down their throat every day. > 17 million people voted to leave the EU, principally to halt immigration. How will they take being taunted by the BBC?
If it wasn’t for the bloody media promoting all this transgender crap, we would be in blissful ignorance of those that want to dress in tutus or trousers, and it certainly wouldn’t be the express train that’s now ploughing its way through society.
First, a happy new year to one and all
Just saw this
A new documentary from our favourite climate change alarmist … ( Alarmist, noun: …..someone who exaggerates a danger and so causes needless worry or panic.) Mr David Attenborough.
In a follow-up to his hit documentary Attenborough and the Giant Dinosaur, the veteran naturalist is exploring the case of a newly-discovered ichthyosaur in the UK. During the Jurassic period, Humidity levels due to flooded landmasses, as well as increased carbon dioxide levels, lush vegetation and lack of polar ice, created a “greenhouse” climate. Even the polar regions had a temperate climate
So there you are. Mr David Attenborough is correct after all, although he is 200,000,000 million years too late and it had nothing to do with humans.
Anyway, last moan of 2017.. all the best…
Why has the BBC spent the last few decades making the whole New Year celebrations a Scottish themed event?
It seems even Dylan has fallen for it, and is heading north for the party.
Storm Dylan hits ahead of Hogmanay celebrations
Eddy probably because the BBC believe that brits have not done anything or have anything worth celebrating .
After all who gave the world Irn Bru, Tennants Super, Deep fried Mars Bars and Wee Jimmy Krankie.
I am sure you would agree that just these four items on their own has bought civilisation on leaps and bounds.
Bob Dylan singing “Auld Lang Syne ” shoot be a hoot.
Grant – I was rather hoping that true Londoners fatbot and the London Emir would be leading that one wearing the famous Mcfatbot and Mckhan tartans. I also have a revelation to make – I did once eat a deep fried mars bar and actually liked it!
Anyway Grant Happy New year fellah to you and everyone else who posts on here and go easy on those malts.
LOL ! We have our own home-grown assholes without Fatbot and Emir, thank you very much.
Happy Hogmanay to all BBBC posters, even our old pal Maxiboy. No doubt on his third milkshake already.
Seen the bBC loves everything Scottish about seeing in the New Year, I wonder if they think the Scottish custom of having a dark-skinned person (first footing) is acceptable?
World at One thought they’d compare Erdoğan, the authoritarian Turkish, Muslim despot, who has imprisoned journalists, taken over the judiciary, and grabbed unprecedented power, with Trump. (That’s President Trump to you and me).
When will an adult take charge of BBC news?
Seems to me that all Western Leaders, Putin, the Chinese etc. have shunned Erdogan. Should that not be the BBC’s
main story about that dog ?
Isn’t that good news ? If the dreadful turkey finally stops pretending to be a civilised western country it’s less likely to get into the EU so limiting them from coming to Blighty- as well as the British finding out what a crap hole that country is- mainly obviously because of the people
Must take issue with you . Not all the Turks are crap. It looks like the secular Ataturk people have lost out and that is party due to the lack of support from the West’s dhimmi elite. The blood is on their hands too.
Ok grant – as long as no more of them come HERE . Went there once . Never again.
Russia and Turkey both deserve my respect.
Both are proud and patriotic nations forged in great difficulties.
Don`t have to like Erdogan or Putin to respect their bare-faced honesty as and when.
” Democracy is a bus-you get on and off as you need to”.
Erdogan said that-and it`s the truth as we`re seeing. But only he is brazen enough to say it.
And at least the bus isn`t sabotaged and forced into the garage as the EU and Heseltine-choose to do to it.
Yes holly – always respect the enemy.
Dream on SS.
I too heard this-and even Niall Ferguson said that Mardells studio guest was a muppet for his outrageous slurs re Trump etc.
Death of Democracy?…Erdogan, Putin and Xi on a par with POTUS45?
Unbelievable-but didn`t we all know this in advance?
Passed 45 minutes-and not a peep about the EU and ITS responsibilty for the hollowing out of democracy as we knew it. No mention either of the fiddled votes for Corbyn, the deliberate efforts to overturn Brexit…and ESPECIALLY, not a word on either the Kurdish or Catalonian Referenda!
How DO these oafs get away with this musing bull?
“Another Beauty” indeed-pt 94.
This ought to be a late contender for Alternative Fake News Award as offered by Mr Trump.
Happy 2018 one and all – even you maxi – queen or king of the cut and paste –
Al Beeb – with a straight bat – is reporting that the Foreign Secretary is going to be using the overseas aid budget “ in support of UK policy”. I almost choked on my first glass is Sainsbury’s own fizz when I saw this. So uk aid – 13 billion – 13 000 000 000 has been used for thing which are not uk policy ??
I am also shocked that UKIP is only asking for the overseas aid budget to be cut by 80%. Ok if the 20% was used for the defence budget to buy napalm and land mines to kill isis/aq Muslim enemies.
I get the feeling that if Boris, who I have little regard for , would rightly dump this obscenity and perhaps spend it where it deserves – at home – with social care – care for our elderly – especially those with dementia.
The bBC, black lives matter and half a story:
Eric Garner death: Activist daughter Erica dies aged 27
Erica Garner, who became a civil rights activist against police brutality after the death of her father in 2014, has died aged 27. She had been in a coma since 23 December after suffering a heart attack triggered by an asthma attack….Her official Twitter account, being run by her family, said she had suffered major brain damage from a lack of oxygen..”When you report this you remember she was human: mother, daughter, sister, aunt. Her heart was bigger than the world. It really really was,” a tweet posted to her account said.
And here is what the bBC has left out about that twitter account:
US: Family of BLM activist requests only black reporters contact family after her death
In its 2017 online death roll, the increasingly ludicrous BBC has managed to forget the death of Jiří Bělohlávek, principal conductor of its own BBC Symphony Orchestra from 2006 to 12.
But then who cares about some silly elitist old white bloke? I’m sure the likes of Lil Peep* could have dome a better job.
In memoriam: Entertainment and arts figures we lost in 2017
(* the fuckwit snuffed it in November at the age of 21 after a drug overdose – no surprises there then)
Beebistan all in a tizzy over Fake News in 2017. I guess they want a monopoly over it.
“How fake news plagued 2017”
As a newbie to this fine site, can I wish you all a great 2018 and to keep up the good work. My hope and prayer for this nation is that nobody is forced to stay in tonight to listen to Ludicrous Jools Holland and his array of backing tarts and fat blokes as they all do a turn on Hootenanny. Unless they are either
a) bedridden
b) comatose and drooling
c)actually can CHOOSE to put the seedball on telly, and he screws up even the simplest of highlighted scripts.
Mans been cursed since he dropped Paula Yates in the doodoo. The Ghost of Geldofs pissed.
Me-thermals on, mittens and a couple of sparklers at the Trowbridge Town Pump- will upload it to make it look like Seoul from the right angle.
Holly, HNY to you. As an alternative to Jools tonight, you can catch Jools of old plus the rest of the Squeeze gang playing their hits on Uchooob or somesuch. More fun?
Think I might go for a nail in the heart from Squeeze rather than continuous nails in the head from the endlessly dire BBC R4 at such a time as this!
“Labour ‘staking out new centre ground’, says Jeremy Corbyn”
Yep, right in the centre of the far left.
Good point, Vlad!
Now, this overseas budget…
As all my family paid taxes for their whole lives, only for a ‘government’ to send them all to keep some fat foreign despot in drugs, persecution and power, why can’t I suddenly get up on my hind legs and demand a refund?
I’m lucky, because when I get really decrepit, the state will just have to deal with it, because that’s what I paid them to do, not feed some blasted peasant in a far-off land who sits in the sun all day, eats crap and doesn’t bother to wash or care for her/his family.
They can try to come after my family for the money, but they won’t get any – it’s gone, you won’t find it!
Just to upset the Lord Adonis, maxincontinent and his Remainers at Al Beeb – Not Fake News ………………………
Rule Britannia!
Whoa taffman! There is a major error in there.
Wonder if maxincony is sharp enough to spot it?
For all those who need a New Year puzzle or quiz, watch & listen to it again very carefully. It could be argued that there are two mistakes but they are, sort of related. Very easy to spot. Unless it is another mistake that I didn’t see because I was so busy typing this.
Happy New Year, everyone!
I spotted it , but will maxi ? More importantly will he bring it up ?
Dare I say it , he may even be a Brexiteer ?
Funny thing, taffman, but it is a reason for Brexit votes 2016 that the BBC never, ever – in recent times – mention.
I wonder why?
Wonder if any other B-BBCers will spot it?
Up2 don’t give em anymore clues 😉
OK, everyone. Time is up. No answers, even wrong ones, I see.
The answer is that the video states that we voted to join the EU in 1973.
No, no, no! Is that suitably Thatcherite for this site?
We didn’t vote to join.
We joined at midnight on 31st December 1972.
We didn’t join the EU in 1973, it was the EEC.
If we voted on the EU (EEC) at all it was either for the Ted Heath-led Conservatives in June 1970 or retrospectively in 1975. A moot point: was it actually in the 1970 Tory manifesto that if they won they would re-apply to join the Common Market (EEC)?
Funny how maxincony didn’t spot any of that.
Others may have spotted this but it is very interesting how the BBC are describing the unrest in Iran.
There is a noticeable absence of the words ‘Hard’ and/or ‘Far’ and/or ‘Extreme’.
Somewhere near Damascus, Syria or in Paris, France or Charottesville, Virginia, USA or Dover, UK – even Moscow, Russia and the BBC appear to bandy such words around with ease but Turkey, Yemen and, now, Iran and the judgement is slow if not totally suspended.
No context ever is there?
How can you blather about Iran unless 1979 and 2009 get referred to?
Let alone the monstrous debts of endless interference in other countries via Hezboillah, Al Nusri and Hamas etc?
A young educated Shiite population, Obama left them to rot as did Bush with the Kurds in Iran 1991?
Where`s the bloody CONTEXT Beeb? Don`t we pay you enough to tell us SOMETHING about why it`s happening, why so now?
The truth might hurt you-but you either tell us some truth or you can f*** off.
One positive ? as Iran goes, so will North Korea and its nuclear programme and development. Bet Trump knows that-the Russiand Chines, Turks will know too. Why don`t WE know-because we`ve got an idiot lying BBC who confuse Zaghari-Ratcliffes case with Ahmadinejadhs droolings.
And all because the Left , the BBC don`t do God. Sorry- Iran does, as do we of the Book here in the UK.
“Foreign aid to be shifted to support UK policy, Johnson says”
“The UK’s aid budget will be shifted to projects that promote its interests, the foreign secretary has said.”
Yes Boris, how about care homes in this country for starters . ‘Charity begins at home’.
Just had a terrible experience I have to share and warn people. I watched a movie that deeply offended me. On BBC2. Unbelievable.
’84 Charing Cross Road’ from 1986. Correspondence between London and New York. Both cities were….er…. as Greg Dyke, former DG of the BBC would have put it, ‘hideously white’. Thanks, Greg, I couldn’t have said it without your help. I know you’re a bigwig somewhere else now, where your world is becoming ever less hideous. You are one lucky….
I’m off to London tomorrow, to reassure myself that this film is untrue. I’m sure the city is much improved now, and no doubt, so is New York. I’m sure I shall find an open and tolerant society that is extremely colourful.
Off to bed now, but I shan’t sleep well. I am still shaking. I hope someone will menshun this on soshil meedier tomorro.
fnw, sad news conveyed to me via the BBC about New York.
They are taking extreme precautions, no reason given, against attacks – from or by who, not revealed (pizza salesman? hot dog vendors?) – on revellers celebrating the New Year. It must still be hideously white or something. As far as Hillary is concerned it is probably full to the brim with deplorables.
That fictional (fake) historian, Sarah Dunant, took a pop at the good old USA for its immigration policy without ever really delving in to why it may have happened. She assumed it was due to the resurgence of the Klu Klux Klan. Around history, I think it may be Sarah who doesn’t have a klu.
On BBC R4, we had to endure all that after Mark Mardell had had 31 December licence to take a pop at well, Trump, the anti-democratic right (who, as I recall, were not the ones rioting and burning cities and damaging property) in the West with some academics who didn’t seem to live in the real world, although Niall Ferguson was quite good, well, certainly not as bad as he can be on BBC radio.
According to the BBC, democracy has gone out of the window in Hungary and Poland and the UK is next.
All I shall say is: God bless America.
And God bless the UK.
And God bless Ireland. (Please help them come to their senses!)
And God bless Europe and its nations.
God Bless America and Israel.
God Bless New Europe and the Visegrad Group, God Bless the Three Seas countries.
God Bless Ulster.
As for “Europe”?
Once it`s been excised of the European Union supra-structures that threaten the integrity of the very continent itself?…sorry, but that`s up to Allah now-Jesus will await the next call I fear.
Sorry, chris, I forgot Israel.
Visegrad were, of course, included in Europe as were Ulster as in UK. I’d really like Ulster to have some real guts in 2018 and say “Let’s have a united Ireland, then let us have an all-Ireland Referendum on Leave or Remain in the EU. If the former group wins then we’ll have another Referendum on re-joining the UK.”
OK, just a dream but it’s a good time of year for that.
The Fake News At One on Sunday, R4, as you say, was one of the most anti-democratic diatribes I have ever heard. The usual suspects seem to be terrified of “populism”. Apparently, Poland now only has a “patina of democracy”. The Unholy Trinity of “far-right extremism, Brexit, and Trump” are mentioned in one breath by Lardy Mardy to equate the majority voting for Brexit or Trump with the “populism” of Hitler, or Musolini, movements that eventually wanted to replace democracy with dictatorship. I’m surprised that Farage was not also portrayed by someone as a raving hitlerite demagogue. Someone even thought that the Chinese model of democracy was showing up the weakness of western democracies as far as longterm planning was concerned. How wonderful it would be if the Cleggs, Adonis’ and the Mandarins of Britain could simply get on with thinking big strategy and planning the perfect society without having to consider the views of the brain-dead electorate.
I watched it as well Faky (sod all else to watch) and yes it was being transported to another planet of ‘niceness’. Even though it was made 30 years ago, that’s still an age before the 3rd generation of immigrants were born, and we still had all hideously white adverts on the tele. These were the years of LA Law, Cagney & Lacey, The Golden Girls, Dallas, Allo Allo, Blackadder et al.
Fake ,
Tips ( for visiting londonistan )
Don’t take a phrase book because you should never ask any one any thing in London
Don’t use your phone in public as it might be snatched
Look out for mopeds
Avoid crowded places . Avoid empty places – in fact – avoid .
If you see something terrible happen and think it’s a film being made – it isn’t – it really is something terrible
If there is a lot of banging and screaming it means out diverse population is running people over again
Nobody queues
Don’t show any signs of weakness.
If you see white people they may well be from east europe
Acid attacks are quite rare at the moment – but if caught – piss to dilute the effect .
Oh – and welcome to Londonistan – the safest city in the world
And stay away from anyone who answers to the name of Fedup or you might start spouting exaggerated bile as well.
You might, however, find it rather busy as it manages to attract millions of tourists who for some reason don’t seem to be put off by this nonsense.
I’m glad your bit on the capital is better than mine then. 2 kids shot in a take away chicken shop yesterday but their still alive so not in the nationals – take as you find.
As for ‘bile’ you obviously don’t watch the news or get out much . Have a safe 2018.
Knife crime and acid attacks. Sort them out or you wont have any tourists .
BBC favoured DNA (mutant).
Good of O Brien to tell the good folk of Sunderland, Grimsby, Erewash and Portsmouth that they were all led into the Leave corral by the dastardly toffs like Gove and Johnson. That this bloke opines on what the Great Unwashed motoves were, just shows how clueless thick the BBC/LBC and O`Brein continue to be.
We`ve not finiehed with them-this lot get their clammy mitts on our money and slap our faces, insult our intelligence by the day-and all of 2017 was mere variations on this one stringed zither of theirs.
Let`s hope 2018 finishes the half-cocked revolution of 2009, we really ought to have mucked out Parliament and the BBCs barns when it would have been easy.
O’Brien is a grade A idiot who even denies the existence of ROP peado rape gangs
I’m from Sunderland and I’d never heard of O’Brien until I joined bbbc.
Neither had (has) anyone I know.
He’s nothing.
I haven’t read through all of today’s posts yet so sorry if this has already been discussed. A tower block fire in Manchester.
We ve been trying to work out who is going to be in the al beeb drama version which ‘some say’ is in pre production .
Oh dear more “fake” news from Breitbart – Sounds like another “child ” migrant who just needed a bit more love.. No wonder the likes of Barry and Rudd are so keen on controlling all this on line stuff – Dont want anyone thinking we may well be importing a selection of over entitled ingrates some of whom appear more like medieval savages. It will be interesting to see what spin Aunty will put on this story.
As Saint Jo said “We Are Far More United Than The Things That Divide Us” try telling that to the father of the murdered girl.
Well, I’m off to a party locally, from which I shall wend my weary home in the (very) small hours of the morning ! My stamina for these turn of the year celebrations is not what it used to be……
So, I’ll just take the opportunity now to wish all contributors to this blog – and particularly mine host(s) on the blog – all the very best of good fortune for 2018. To coin an ‘auld Scots’ phrase ….”Lang may yer lum reek” – in other words – do keep up the indefatigable (to use another word or phrase made popular recently by a Scot) work you are carrying out; the world is a very much better place because of this site.
Have a good one Richard ! ……………….My stamina for these turn of the year celebrations is not what it used to be……
You’re not alone……………..I reached my peak back in the 60’s when dancing the night away at Dreamland in Margate to either Marmalade or Georgie Fame, then at the stroke of midnight, it became one long snog-fest of wishing Happy New Year whenever you came up for breath !!! And we had no fear of travelling home in the early hours. Happy days.
Sadly the days of the snog-fest are long gone, but a healthy and safe New Year to all on here.
I see that Cressida Dick thinks that rape gangs have existed here in Britain for “hundreds of years”, strange as I don’t recall reading about them in any history books nor being told about them by my parents or grandparents.
FFS! This creature is in charge of the largest police force in country.
It is progressives like her who are the reason we have the evil of Muslim rape gangs all over the UK. She should be fired, immediately but she won’t be because the majority of those with the power to do so share the same mindset.
You see something like that and you realize – this country is f****d!
I think the delightful Cressidas problem is just one of “terminology” be patient Al shes still new. “Cressida” – Swap the word rape for grooming and then it sounds all cosy and neutral just like fish and chips or having a fag (actually dont have a fag Cressida it could be harmful).
Cressida if you say grooming is all just part and parcel of living in a big city/northern town. It sounds soooo much better. And remember the 1400 girls who were groomed up north probably had parents who voted UKIP so in some ways what goes around comes around.
Perhaps the old rug muncher would change her mind on that if she found herself on the receiving end. It beats me why her kind are dubbed “Progressives.” I think it would be more accurate to dub them “Regressives.” They are akin to a bad gene.
And there’s me saying 3 comments up, that we had no fear of travelling home in the early hours in the middle of the last century !!
Did she say which town had 1,400 children raped and tortured before Rotherham? Aided and abetted by a specific group within Dick’s Police force.
Al Shub,
All you can do is shake your head at hearing such utter insulting drivel. In a sane world that woman would never have any power whatsoever, let alone run a police force.
But I suppose given how the police nowadays have largely given up policing (except for hate crimes), she’s an ideal candidate.
Well, if they are still running that ‘Who do you think you are?’ program – we can anticipate the luvvie celeb’s shock when told their great-great-great-great grandad belonged to a notorious rape gang, who liked nothing better than running over pedestrians in his horse and buggy, was handy with kegs of gunpowder, and still found time to behead a few redcoats on the street in broad daylight.
By the way happy new year all! Very late now, bit too much vino consumed so time for bed..
Dick by name, dick by nature.
Good evening Biased BBC.
In regard of the “Trump fake News” award on offer, here is the vote of the Alcester WI.
Trump and Russia…une point
Prematurely announced death of Brian Matthew…three points
Andrew Adonis being a former MP…four points.
Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe and her lack of BBC links…six points.
Lily Allen and her death count on Jon Snows Channel 4…eight points.
Muslim shrine on Westminster Bridge as set up by CNN. Ten points.
Grenfell Towers details of casualties being suppressed by a D-Notice from MI5/May. TWELVE poinst-winner 2017.
Can I add Annual recurring fake awards for both Cliff Richards case in 2014, as well as trhe Sweeney slur at Nigel Farage re having blood on his hands”after 2016s Fake News Award from Harlow re death of Polish bloke. Now I`m off out, warmed by Baileys-in hope of a decent rose if there`s a pub that`ll have us.
Happy New Year-peace and love, peace and love.
Here is Trump’s New Years Eve message. I thought I would post it here before it is broadcast on the BBC.
Thanks for posting this G.W.F.
Very good. The BBC will ignore or misquote. Along with Victor Orban he is one of the real leaders of the free world. In these darkening times we must be grateful we have such men .
Nobody in our government comes close.
It appears that he has succeeded in draining the Media Swamp.
Its about time we in Great Britain started to do the same .
He is unafraid to say the one word the left and these days our liberal ruling elite despise above all else – PATRIOTISM!
At best they find the thought of it embarrassing at worst it is ranked with racism and genocide. When really all it is national loyalty. I suppose if you spend years undermining the indigenous populations – family and national loyalty, pride and sense of place and in addition flood the nation with those who do not have respect for our culture, traditions and laws – yet they are still financially supported by those who have do still consider themselves British then national unity will only go in one direction.
The left have done their work well over the years. When Governments have to initiate studies into what it is to be British you know that something is badly wrong.
I am beginning to realise that Trump represents a beacon of hope for the future of us all. And despite the cynicism and outright hostility of those of us who care not for freedom (including our present PM). The more they attack him, in a sense it shows that the more they realise that just maybe they are on the wrong end of a complete tide shift where maybe eventually all of the impediments to freedom, sensible common sense and conventional morality may eventually get swept away and replaced with something better.
Bit late in the day but thanks for putting up. I haven’t seen or heard anything on BBC…as others have said – he is patriotic – a word the Left see as evil if anyone in the West stands up for their Country….
But they don’t see that the EU is patriotic ( but without elections) or that Erdogan and just about every muslim country is patriotic – no, this is being proud of their heritage and achievements…
I would love TM to have made the same speech….
Initially BBC reports were sympathetic to th Iranian protestors. Now someone – maybe the Cabinet – has called for more supportive reporting on the crazies ruling Iran.
Bad Trump is supporting the demonstrators and the BBC rushes in to defend the Ayatollahs.
‘In his first public comments, Mr Rouhani criticised Mr Trump
“This man, who is an enemy of the Iranian nation from the top of his head to his very toes, has no right to sympathise with Iranians,” he added.
The Iranian president said that Iranian citizens were “completely free to express their criticism of the government or stage protests… in a way that would lead to the improvement of the country’s conditions”.
That’s it. There won’t be any Trot, SWP, Class War, Antifa, Gay, Feminist demo in support of the protesters in Iran.
If it does turn violent, the BBC have probably arranged for parents of Middle Eastern looking children to assemble in Salford Quays to be filmed as children caught up in the despicable fighting against the legitimate Government of Iran.
GWF – The imbeciles at the beeb have decided Trump is public enemy number one, therefore his enemies are their friends, in this case the muslim maniacs who tyrannise Iran.
PS. The Iranians wanted an insane muslim theocracy, and they got it. Enjoy!
Ladies and Gentlemen (not guys) of BBBC I am sitting here with a scotch in my hand listening to the last few carols of 2017 on U tube with the long suffering Mrs Oak. (currently the Coventry Carol). Being slightly mellow (and kidding myself that scotch helps me be profound) I was wondering why our liberal elite seem to hate our (and their) culture so much.
All I can think is that somehow their development stopped at around 8 . Most of us were told that if you want to make a success of life you have to work at things, respect authority, take nothing for granted and if you are lucky things may well fall into place. And if it doesn’t – well such is life , just keep Your self respect.
I think with our progressives after potty training everything seems to have gone to pot (pardon the pun). All of these little Emperors and Empresses were probably told that they are all really clever, their opinion is paramount, and all deserve prizes no matter how shitty they are, And if you dont get what you want – make a fuss until you do – no matter how bloody pathetic you look.
You see it is all about feelings not the feelings of those who cant rent a house or get a doctors appointment but about the feelings those of us who can access private education, health and insurance , and good employment via networking but still that is not enough. In their world patronage counts for everything and talent counts for nothing and because they are so separate from the rest of us they can invite into our country hordes of those who despise us because it makes them feel good and they will never have to suffer the negative effect of their actions. – so no wonder they hate us.
I am afraid 2018 will be no better but at least the gloves are off and we can finally tell these intellectual tapeworms what we finally think of them. So gird your loins people and decide that 2018 is the year when we will start to kick back.
Good post Oaknash. May I wish you and all here a worthwhile New Year. It certainly will be interesting…
Happy New Year! To all my fellow deplorables at BBBC.
I found your post pretty damned profound. Keep drinking the scotch and all the very best for 1918 and beyond. Cheers.
May I wish all who post here a good New Year. I hope it brings all you wish for.
Happy New Year posters.
Saw BBC New Year firework celebrations.
Fireworks very good, music was shockingly poor. Completely ruined the event.
I agree, the music was crap. It gets worse every year.
Turn the sound off and play Handel’s firework music. That’s what we do when the ABC – the BBC’s equally evil Aussie twin – show the Sydney harbour fireworks with dire new music. (Actually, I wouldn’t mind rock if they were songs I knew, and fitted the scene: ‘Smoke on the water’; ‘Jumping Jack Flash’; ‘Rocket Man’; ‘Ring of fire’; ‘Fire’ by Crazy World of Arthur Brown. Oops, I’m showing my age.)
Anyway, a happy new year to you all from Sydney, where it is late afternoon and stinking hot. Let us hope the ABC and BBC don’t last beyond 2018!
Yes, Happy New Year to everyone on Biased BBC and, as for the music – is that really what they call it? Cheap pop music that falls out of the back of an Apple Mac like so much excrement, only detracts from the experience which, in itself, is repetitious, predictable and thoroughly boring. If the BBC had substituted filming of the NYE fireworks from five years ago I doubt one in 10,000 would have noticed. And don’t get me started on the ape-like Jools Holland and his annual parade of non-entities…
It’s all so stuck in the Bliar era – just like the BBC itself.
G’da Helena & GC, too. HNY.
If you need a laugh then the 1pm radio news (BBC R4 – TWTW) was good for that as it reported the fact that Auckland and then Sydney had just signalled the start to 2018 as though it was the first time ever. Ever. EVVA.
Someone should tell the Newsroom …..
“We didn’t start the fire. It’s been burning since the world’s been turning. We didn’t start the fire, etc.”
It would appear even the music chosen for the fireworks had its political agenda;
Taken from sky news report re fireworks display;
In London, more than 100,000 people gathered on the banks of the River Thames for a 12-minute pyrotechnics extravaganza.
More than 10,000 fireworks lit up the sky during the sold-out event, which received cheers from the crowd.
They were accompanied by the music of Aretha Franklin, Annie Lennox, Ariana Grande, Dua Lipa and Florence Welch, with the second half of the show commemorating 100 years of women having the right to vote”
So there you have it even the New Years celebrations get hijacked by the “Wimmins” rights lot!
10,000 fireworks, Dys?
No worries about Global Warming, then, and litter in the environment?
The BBC finished 2017 and started 2018 as expected.
We wanted to know when the new year was in, switched on the BBC. No idea who Nile Rogers and Chic are but suffice to say he seemed to have his suit made up from his mothers curtains and Chic appeared in borrowed blonde wigs. Turned to Jools Holland to see the fat lady, with tattoos in a short red shiny dress that was at least one size too small. Classic FM is delightful.
Happy New Year to all who post here and let’s hope the BBC continues to diminish!
Happy New Year all!
Thank you for listening to all my ranting in 2017.
Chic were a band of the 70’s from New York. Playing live and sound good. Much better than modern rubbish.
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda (Happy New Year) to you all.
I’ve just opened a bottle of Penderyn – I don’t think it will last to see the end of the Beeb though!
However Netflix et al. seem to be doing a better job than the government???!!!
Rhif saith.
Blwyddyn newydd dda i ti hefyd.
I may be alone in my thinking but to this deplorable 2017 had one great understated victory for us and that was the Austrian Election a few months back. I predicted to my friends that armed struggle would break out in Europe in 2017 and that Austria was the most likely country, given the large numbers of Ropers entering the country and the fact that the people were buying firearms like crazy. What happened instead was that the situation was solved by the democratic vote and they’ve now got a government of common sense and when it comes to mass immigration and identity. This is our ‘Great Leap Forward’ imho of 2017.
Just because the BBC has downplayed it shouldn’t mean we have to. So let’s chalk it up there alongside Brexit and Trump of previous years.
Yes the BBC is still there with it’s evil eye on the world casting a malevolent influence across the globe and the UK in particular but the forces of resistance are building up and though Hall Hall remains as arrogant as ever who knows we may yet see the Dark Lord toppled from his Dark Throne.
Meanwhile Happy New Year to all on this site from the shores of Lake Taupo
In the language of the ancient people of Great Britain…………….
Blwyddyn Newydd dda I bawb!
That greeting also applies to maxi.
This does not bode well ………………………………
“Volunteers could guard some UK borders, Home Office says”
It must be a joke or the lunatics are running the Home Office?
Blasted fireworks at 12.30 woke me up, and the dog wanted to go out at 3.30am…
Happy New Year to all here, and the better it’ll be with the 400+ days ticking down to Brexit. The remoaners will soon be apoplectic, and we can all laugh at them as they flounder, fluff, flicker and f… (die) off!
Great year ahead!
Well, President Trump of the USA was to be gone by 31 December 2017 according to Democrat politicians voters, supporters and some in the media. Guess he will be waking up this morning still in the White House.
Predictions, huh?
OK, I’ll stick my neck out with one. As I appear to be alone, I predict that UK Inflation will continue to rise through the first few months of 2018. It may continue to do so throughout 2018 and could end the year just north of 4.25%, depending what measures the Government enacts. I could be wrong of course. A sudden burst of common sense may burst out within Cabinet and in the Treasury but as that would be a first for nearly fifty years, I would not count on it.
However, the Tories have a poor track record on self-inflicted inflation. They will be taking a beating, especially from the BBC every month, from other sections of the media and also from the Opposition in Parliament despite their own record being, if anything, worse. It will be wearing and wearying. Theresa May’s Government is already looking horribly similar to that of John Major from 1992-1997.
A wild-card prediction? How about an October General Election?
Winner? That’s a prediction too far. How about no outright winner, the SNP losing seats, the LimpDems going nowhere and Labour just edging out the Tories to form a four-way Coalition?
I hope neither of my predictions come true but I’m pretty certain about one of them, unless we get very lucky.
Happy New Year, anyway! 🙂
And a Happy New Year to you as well. You miserable cunt. Nothing personal ‘o coursed,as Charlie Drake used to put it.
Hello Lefty, miserable? Not me! I like New Years.
Broad grin, in fact, as I start the New Year positively. There are signs that our beloved BBC and some of its correspondents are waking up to the fact that Governments around the world may have to start doing more for their people in future.
It will be both in the PM’s (& her Government’s) and our interest if she takes serious measures against inflation but I suspect – despite that magnificent Downing Street speech on taking over No.10 – that she will not.
I’ve also just been reading a newspaper article about their Christmas appeal for money for food for deprived families. It is illustrated by a photo of an obese mother and a rather chubby child, possibly on her way to same in future. Other photos there also do not demonstrate a lack of food, rather that there has been plenty of it. In that same edition of the paper, there is also an article about the cost to the economy of failing eyesight.
As demonstrated by that illustrious publication’s Picture Editor.
Hope the hangover will not be too bad for you, Lefty. What prediction do you have for 2018?
Thank you Snuffy. My prediction for 2018 is about as upbeat as yours. Same old shit, different year.
Here we are it’s the 2nd January and I haven’t had a hangover yet. I think I must be losing my touch. It’s one of the rewards for living too long.
Hah! And you think I’m a miserable ‘wotsit’? 🙂
I think 2018 may be actually better in a way in that as the year progresses, the inevitability of Article 50 may just start to weaken the Remainer/Remoaner elite’s support among the populace. They will become more desperate – as demonstrated by Vince Cable on the TODAY Programme yesterday – and that desperation will be more and more visible to those in the population who voted Remain but have a respect for UK democracy and do not wish to lose it.
Then there is the Trump thing. As the year progresses it will become apparent that the Democrats have lost and LOST BADLY but not only that they are looking like losing again in 2020. The Republicans have an embarrassment of riches among their past candidates, even if Trump chose not to stand. The Democrats are scratching around already, apparently, to find a non-Clinton candidate who is under 70 years of age.
Then there’s North Korea. Reality may well have dawned on NK leaders around the Supreme Leader that should he try anything silly, their country will be reduced to a crisp within days. The prospect of a united Korea under a socialist government, let alone a communist one, will be gone for good. And them as well. Nothing concentrates the mind like impending incineration.
I think that was the reason for the bunker busting message that many in our media thought was being sent to Assad by President Trump. It was really a little show for Pyongyang. I wonder what odds the Bookies are giving for Kim to be gone before Don?
Not that I’m a betting man but I recall someone on here does consultancy work for a bookmaker and says that often bookies are a far more reliable guide than pollsters as far as anything goes in politics.
I believe him.
Was it you, Lefty? Can’t remember who it was now. Another prediction for 2018: I can’t see my memory improving during the year!
Happy New Year to you all…
On breakfast this morning…talking about the New Year parade – guess what was a key part – the Grenfell school art parade… I know it is art by school kids but why did they leave “Communaty” as the spelling for “Community”…
I have prediction for 2018 at the BBC…it will be the same as 2017 but with an 8 …There will be luvvie fests for women’s votes, the suffragettes, and Grenfell… there will be less about the end of WW1 and what there is will be painted in terms of how BAME helped us win the war…
2018 will be the year of virtue signalling…..
‘So, expensively maintained overseas BBC correspondent on the spot, filmed against a picturesque exotic backdrop, is there any more detail you can add to this story?’
‘No, but I will happily reiterate, editorialise, emphasise the agreed narrative, speculate and bluster for another few minutes of airtime…’
BBC News Channel begins the year as it presumably means to go on.
The archbishop or archimam of Canterbury is quoted by the BBC when talking about communities after terror attacks.
“So often in 2017 the depth of suffering was matched by a depth of compassion as communities came together,”
Whenever someone speaks of communities coming together you know it is multikulty bollocks.
I caught (and actually managed to endure) about fifteen minutes of an R4 round-up of the year, last night. The two hacks involved included Iain Martin, who has contributed so much to the decline of the Daily Telegraph into bland irrelevance, and a female journalist whose accent suggested either she may not have been a native of these islands, or was raised in a deeply enriched area, though that didn’t appear to inhibit her from delivering a suitably metric tonne of Guardianista received wisdom that would have gone down a treat at the Islington dinner rallies she no doubt relishes.
Yes, they all agreed (especially the hapless Jonny Dymond, who presented the show): Trump is a dangerous moron who colluded with the Russians to steal the US election, Brexit is a tragedy (the hackette insisted we need a re-run so that we can conform to her ill-informed opinions), the Internet is A Bad Thing and must be regulated by government as it stops people of low intellect (that would be us, fellow BBBCers) listening to the ‘balanced’, ‘professional’ lies and propaganda spouted by the likes of Dymond, Martin and whoever this vain and deeply unintelligent woman was.
And on they went, one ‘liberal’ cliche following another, like circus elephants, smugly self-assured that they know best and that they alone should be allowed to hold and disseminate opinions.
This was the authentic voice of the BBC ‘elite’ and it’s at times like these that I think the Russians had the right idea when they had their revolution in 1917. All we need is a wall and a few rounds… as the song says: ‘they’d none of them be missed’.
GC – HNY and please re-publish this in the new thread. Too good to miss
Thank you, popeye – Happy New Year to you, too.
popeye, I agree. A solid post, as they say.
Dunno how accurate this is, but it appears that women were sexually assaulted last night in Berlin
Thank goodness we have such highly skilled reporters on the BBC who will investigate this
One certain prediction for us and the BBC in 2018. They will end the year opposed to Brexit, just as they start it and with plenty of anti-Brexit broadcasting in between. No balance. No neutrality.
Lord Adonis quit, officially on Friday, 29 December. (I thought I heard the news via the BBC late on 28 December but could be wrong on that. It was not in the 10pm bulletin at the start of the News broadcast on R4. The BBC do not make hourly news bulletins available on radio iPlayer. I wonder why?)
Anyway, despite it happening on Friday, it is still a top item on the BBC w/s on Saturday and they even reproduce the resignation letter in full. Yesterday, they appear to ‘make-do’ with just the Guardian front page in The Papers section.
Now on Monday, it is brought up, on air, in the TOADY Programme in an interview with Vince Cable MP. He is also allowed to spout his own Anti-Brexit propaganda. No countering view at all, from presenter or another contributor. Bias? Not much!
Craig has done a few posts about yesterday’s Samira Ahmed on Radio4
I made a few comments yesterday above at 12:57 pm
Titanic analogy
Expert-voters commissioned Brexit
it’s idiot politicians guided by UKmedia who are trying to drive it bady