Fails? According to who? Why, the Spanish government of course, who set the deadline demanding that he “clarify” the situation. The BBC have taken the side of the Spanish government, adopting their framing of events.
An alternative headline would be: Catalonia leader Puigdemont succeeds in bypassing Spanish deadline
Despite all this, Becky has been allowed to work at the BBC for YEARS. Not just on fluff articles either. Recent articles of hers all discuss international politics, but who knows which other articles without an explicitly named author she has worked on (such as this one, as revealed here).
If you’ve been watching the news very carefully, well not carefully at all as it’s so blatant, you may have noticed there has been a certain narrative as a stream of high profile Remainders keep popping up as if on a schedule in that news making alarming and lurid claims about Brexit. The Sun claimed that Marr was decidedly pro-Remain and the BBC hit back with a sneering dismissal….but the reality is there are vast numbers of Remain voices given a lot of airtime across the BBC as a whole and then their words and opinions are reported on the news bulletins as ‘fact’. The BBC’s idea of balance is to have an obviously fanatical Remainer on and then ‘balance’ that with someone less fanatical but still a Remainer who will nuance their statements to mix in a bit of Leave-friendly tosh. No mistaking the intentions of some recent Remain ‘Big Guns’ though who are working hard to stop Brexit in its tracks one way or another……and just why does the BBC keep bringing on pro-Remain Craig Oliver….he was media spinner for pro-EU Cameron not a politician or anyone of any consequence in the scheme of things?
Any coincidence that Carney suddenly made the headlines with claims that the financial industry will go into meltdown due to some suddenly discovered problem? After over a year since the referendum Carney has only just discovered this appalling and disastrous consequence of Brexit that will be utterly disastrous for our economy? Really?
Then we had Hammond come out and claim that the day we leave the EU all aircraft will be grounded, naturally this is highly unlikely to happen he assures us but he had to mention it anyway…..I’m sure the Spanish tourist industry will welcome that.
Then we had Sir Martin Donnelly on Today (08:10) spinning a dystopian tale of job losses, investors fleeing Britain and factories being mothballed…far from going back to tthe Thirties it seems we are going pre-industrial, feudalism, horses, small boys up chimneys and the Church will be the new reality. Any coincidence that this same message appeared a few days earlier in George Osborne’s Standard, any coincidence that Hammond was seen dining with Osborne just before making his sensationalist claims or that Carney owes his job to Osborne?
Mishal Husain seemed somewhat irrelevant to the proceedings, merely there to feed Donnelly questions in the right order so that he could keep to his script as he was allowed to freely give voice to his anti-brexit propaganda completely unchallenged.
A select few of those questions…
Do you think it is possible we will remain in the EU?
What do you think of ‘no deal is better than a bad deal’?
Would a ‘no deal’ really be so bad?
Did you leave Whitehall frustrated and anxious about our economic future?
Should we pay the bill that the EU is asking for?
Should we be prepared to compromise on membership of the ECJ?
Isn’t this though about sovereignty?
No challenge to his answers as he managed to tick off each one from his list.
Husain was friendly and easy-going and Donnelly was given the prime spot of 08:10. The Leave voice, John Mills, got a rather cooler reception at the less than prime time of 08:55 and was curtly shut down as they’d run out of time…no such problem for Donnelly who seemed to have all the time oin the world to expand on his views.
Guess whose views the BBC broadcast on each news bulletin thereafter? Donnelly’s doom-mongering got prominent announcements whilst Mills got nothing….probably because the BBC didn’t have time as they also had to squeeze in Hillary Clinton’s thoughts on Brexit….you’re all doomed!!!…and it’s Trump’s fault! When Mills mentioned Donnelly was a Remainer Husain smacked him down and said he was there as an ‘expert’, independent and an important, knowledgeable voice….but of course he is a Remainer….as he told us himself...
‘It was a major shock to the system to get the referendum result’
The Remain crew really are mounting a campaign aren’t they as Nicky Morgan appeared on Peston after undoubtedly having been told to get on there by Amber Rudd to say May must not sack the saboteur Hammond…clearly Rudd couldn’t do the dirty work herself so she got a fellow Remain minion to do it and provide a bit of distance…just a shame Morgan cocked up and dumped the bossy one in it….and, as Guido notes, it is highly hypocritical for Morgan to say those asking for Hammond’s head are self-indulgent and undermining Brexit when she demandeed Boris be sacked herself…
Remarkable hypocrisy from NiMo. Two weeks ago she said Boris “has to go” if he can’t keep quiet on Brexit. Last week she was widely implicated in the plot against the PM. Today Morgan says “it’s not helpful for anybody to have ministers being attacked, whether it’s the Chancellor or the Foreign Secretary” and criticises “self-indulgent” colleagues doing so.
The BBC’s reaction to all this is very telling…it dismisses attacks on Hammond and defends him, in contrast they mounted a vicious campaign against Boris and accused him of all sorts of double-dealing, backing stabbing, undermining and betrayal….oddly it is Boris who is actually backing May and Brexit whilst Hammond is the one undermining them…but the BBC doesn’t do facts any more.
There is clearly a huge plot by Remainers to stop Brexit in its tracks…..will the BBC notice and if it does will it report it in depth? Judging by its reporting on Hammond that’s not likely. Lord Hall Hall can safely go back on the dinner circuit without his indigestion tablets.
A regular news feature we are badgered with is “Reality Check“. Most news sites now have a blog like this, though usually it’s called fact checking rather than reality checking.
Reality suggests that the BBC news team somehow have access to reality itself, presumably a Godlike and omnipotent understanding that mere mortals such as us could never comprehend. They are never wrong. Never mind any philosophical objections you may have to this, the BBC will reveal the Ding-an-sich and expose the liars!
One of the favourite narratives of the BBC is that Brexit is somehow caused by racism and xenophobia, and is in turn a cause of racism and xenophobia. This narrative was given a lot of fuel by statistics that emerged showing that hate crime had increased following the referendum. They even quoted Superintendent Paul Giannasi, who explained that Brexit “isn’t really over for most people”.
But who exactly is Paul Giannasi? Well, he’s the ‘National Hate Crime Coordinator‘ and ‘Cross-Government Hate Crime Programme Lead‘. He’s responsible for the hate crime statistics, and he runs True Vision, the online portal for reporting hate crime. He’s the top dog on hate crime in the UK and he has even received an OBE for his work. I wonder…which way did he vote in the referendum…
24th June 2016 – someone started a Facebook group, ‘We Love Europe’. Not only is Paul a member of the group, but he also added members of his family. He shared a post from that group which stated, ‘We are the huge number of people in UK who voted to remain’ and also discussed the ‘dehumanisation of foreigners’. He posted to his profile a petition for a second referendum, along with a comment stating that Brexit was ‘the tyranny of democracy’ which was ’caused by political arrogance, thirst for power, idiotic fears, prejudice, bigotry and incredible stupidity’. These posts were made within days of the referendum, which means he had in mind the theory that Brexit was related to racism and hate crime long before the alleged increase in hate crime in the weeks and months afterwards.
It seems Brexit really isn’t over for Paul Giannasi. His impartiality is in serious doubt here, which places doubt on the validity and accuracy of the hate crime statistics. The BBC’s narrative relies a great deal on those figures. Just this week they posted that ‘there was a spike in race hate crimes in England and Wales.’ Well was there? Because it wouldn’t be the first time police statistics were unreliable or even manipulated.
He really should be careful, because you can get into a lot of trouble for posting the wrong thing on social media these days…
Hillary Clinton so shocked and appalled at the Dem’s big donor’s behaviour that she’ll be handing back all the money….or will she?…Marr didn’t ask the very obvious question.
Maybe Clinton was in fact shocked and appalled at Marr’s interview…it did seem as if rather than setting out to actually quiz Clinton with some tough questions, such as her own husband’s abuse of power to pull the girls, [Clinton was allowed to brush that off], Marr was using the interview to attack Trump, which oddly enough seemed to be Clinton’s aim as well…Marr and Clinton working together to smear the President…no bias there.
Marr allowed Clinton to claim Trump was a self-admitted sex attacker when in fact all he has done is make sexist comments in private, he then asked if Trump and Weinstein were ‘deep down the same kind of person’. So let’s be clear, Marr is suggesting Trump is a possible serial rapist, sex abuser and bully who uses his power to make women do what he wants judging by the allegations against Weinstein. Just astonishing that such accusations can so casually slip off the tongue of a BBC journalist making the most outrageous, poisonous and damaging of accusations just because he doesn’t like Trump.
Marr then doubles up on the toxic and malign disparagement aimed at Trump by suggesting he hates women. I would have thought that it was perfectly obvious that the opposite is true….he has done much to advance women’s careers and has promoted many to his administration.
This was more anti-Trump character assassination than a useful interview, Marr making little attempt to get under the skin of Clinton and rattle her cage….he even allowed her to make an assinine comparison that ‘proves’ Trump hates women….apparently his cold shouldering of Merkel and his warm approach to May is evidence of this hatred…not sure how that works…only in Clinton’s bitter little brain. Astonishing how bitter these left-wing losers are….Remoaners and Dems.
Wonder if all those ‘brave’ women whose careers were launched from Weinstein’s casting couch will be handing back the ill-gotten gains….their success won by allowing themselves to be bullied or cajoled into ‘prostituting’ themselves….they could have said ‘no’ but didn’t because they feared for their careers. An excuse this morning…Weinstein was so powerful he could destroy their careers if they talked so they didn’t talk….so their careers came first [no pun intended] before naming and shaming a possible rapist…and why did Rose McGowan ‘report’ Weinstein to an Amazon executive and not the police? She now attacks Amazon but takes no responsibility herself? So brave.
Addressing Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos on Twitter, McGowan – who has appeared in Scream, The Black Dahlia and TV series Charmed – criticised the company for doing business with Weinstein.
“I told the head of your studio that HW raped me,” she wrote. “Over & over I said it. He said it hadn’t been proven. I said I was the proof.”
Marr’s characterisation of Trump as a woman hater is shameless, and shameful, fake news that is just the ‘liberal elite’ hitting out at someone who doesn’t play by their rules….he could report this…
President Donald Trump signed two laws on Tuesday that authorize NASA and the National Science Foundation to encourage women and girls to get into STEM fields. Those are science, technology, engineering and math.
The Inspire Act directs NASA to promote STEM fields to women and girls, and encourage women to pursue careers in aerospace.
“It’s not fair and it’s not even smart,” Trump said of the low percentage of women with STEM degrees who actually work in the field. About a quarter of the women with STEM degrees work in the field.
Or this…from the anti-Trump Washington Post which makes the mistake in its overall analysis of thinking that because Trump insults some women it means he hates women…rather than thinking that these are insults directed at the person, such as Clinton, regardless of their sex…..
Many women who have worked closely with Trump say he was a corporate executive ahead of his time in providing career advancement for women. While some say he could be boorish, his companies nurtured and promoted women in an otherwise male-dominated industry. Several women said they appreciated how Trump granted them entry to a new playing field.
“From the standpoint of being a woman, I just thought he was phenomenal,” said Sunshine, 74. “So supportive and encouraging. . . . He gave me the ropes, and I could either hang myself or prove myself.”
Jennifer Crisafulli-Oberting, 43, a contestant on the Trump reality TV show “The Apprentice” who went on to promote the show in media appearances with Trump, said she felt she was being welcomed into the “boys’ club” — but on her terms.
“You were like one of the guys right off the bat, but you didn’t have to act or dress like one of the guys,” she said.
Trump often told the women he employed and worked with that he valued those he believed would stand their ground on construction sites and in legal battles. He called Barbara Res, whom he put in charge of the construction of his now-iconic Trump Tower in 1980, “a killer,” she recalled. And he used to tell her and others that “men are better than women, but a good woman is better than 10 good men.”
“He wasn’t discriminatory against women that I saw,” said Res, now in her 60s and owner of a construction consultancy.
The BBC‘s director of news and current affairs James Harding is to stand down from the role after five years to start a new media firm.
The former Times editor – appointed in April 2013 – will leave the corporation in the new year to set up his own media venture with a ‘distinct approach to the news’.
Harding, 48, called working at the broadcaster ‘rewarding and worthwhile’ and said his new company would focus on journalism that the BBC ‘for all its brilliance, can’t, and probably shouldn’t, do’.
He added: ‘And that’s what I want to explore: I am going to start a new media company with a distinct approach to the news and a clear point of view.
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