“It certainly appears to be the case that the British only sit up and take notice when they are bombed into it”
Corbyn gave his speech today re-opening the election campaign with a promise to change British foreign policy at the ‘request’ of some ‘non-Muslim’ Muslim terrorists and linking it to home grown terrorism.
Corbyn has done an enormous u-turn after decades of cosying up to terrorists, along with McDonnell, honouring IRA dead, opposing just about every piece of anti-terrorist legislation going through Parliament, demanding the abolition of the British Army, seeking unilateral nuclear disarmament, demanding Britain make an immediate and unconditional withdrawal from Northern Ireland [a thing worth fighting for he thought], all that is now forgotten as he tells us that the terrorists must never prevail and that bombs and mass murder are terrible things.
Terrorism is so last week…until June 9.
Not so long ago he was insisting, much like the BBC’s Mark Easton, that perhaps Muslim terrorists weren’t so bad after all…maybe quite heroic in their way…
There are an awful lot of contradictions surrounding how we decide who is a good fighter and who is a terrorist; who is struggling for liberation and who is a terrorist. There was a time when people involved in Umkhonto we Sizwe in South Africa were known as terrorists; they were later welcomed to this country as freedom fighters. Things can turn full circle.
He also wants to negotiate with them [something he denied in the interview below with Andrew Neil]….and yet they will never prevail…
Jeremy Corbyn says there could be benefits to opening diplomatic back-channels with Isis
The BBC never noticed this U-turn, somewhat more significant than May’s social care cap retreat, and in the analysis post-speech on the radio and in print didn’t think it relevant to mention Corbyn’s past comments on terror and his links to organisations that supported it such as the paper ‘Labour Briefing’…on which Corbyn was one of the editors…
According to an authoritative parliamentary reference work, Mr Corbyn was general secretary of the editorial board. He wrote the front-page story in the same issue of Briefing.
“It certainly appears to be the case that the British only sit up and take notice when they are bombed into it”
Perhaps the sentiment expressed in that paper concerning the ‘audacity’ of the terrorists might explain the BBC’s attitude today…
The same edition of Briefing, for December 1984, carried a reader’s letter praising the “audacity” of the IRA attack and stating: “What do you call four dead Tories? A start.”
The BBC said Corbyn’s statement on foreign polcy, connecting it to Manchester, was ‘bold and audacious’.…but then again the BBC has peddled the same line for nearly 15 years giving credibility and support to the terrorists’ narrative… thus contributing to the radicalisation and terrorism that occurs as a result of that false narrative. Manchester? The BBC’s toxic coverage of the Middle East has consequences. Manchester was just one of them.
Most people I imagine would just think Corbyn had confirmed what they knew already…that he supported terrorism and was quite prepared to surrender in the face of it…the BBC thought otherwise preferring not to mention Corbyn’s past support for terrorists of all sorts, Muslim included, as he told the British people that he totally and unreservedly condemned such terrorism…it was terrible and traumatic…the terrorists will never cow us, never prevail….
In the past few days, we have all perhaps thought a bit more about our country, our communities and our people. The people we have lost to atrocious violence or who have suffered grievous injury, so many of them heart-breakingly young .
Terrorists and their atrocious acts of cruelty and depravity will never divide us and will never prevail.
Over recent years, the threat of terrorism has continued to grow. You deserve to know what a Labour Government will do to keep you and your family safe. Our approach will involve change at home and change abroad.
Many experts, including professionals in our intelligence and security services have pointed to the connections between wars our government has supported or fought in other countries, such as Libya, and terrorism here at home.
That assessment in no way reduces the guilt of those who attack our children. Those terrorists will forever be reviled and implacably held to account for their actions.
Protecting this country requires us to be both strong against terrorism and strong against the causes of terrorism. The blame is with the terrorists, but if we are to protect our people we must be honest about what threatens our security.
We must support our Armed Services, Foreign Office and International Development professionals, engaging with the world in a way that reduces conflict and builds peace and security.
Our government is not chosen at an autocrats’ whim or by religious decree and [is] never cowed by a terrorist’s bomb.Let’s have our arguments without impugning anyone’s patriotism and without diluting the unity with which we stand against terror.
Corbyn lied throughout the speech and lied throughout his interview with Andrew Neil….Corbyn says he wants multilateral nuclear disarmament..that’s a lie…as the BBC could have told us today as they did in April….
Mr Corbyn is the first Labour leader to support unilateral nuclear disarmament since Michael Foot in 1983 – a stance which puts him at odds with the bulk of his party.
Neil missed a trick in the interview as he pressed Corbyn on Trident…he didn’t ask Corbyn if the missiles would ever be used, despite what the Party as a whole said, as Corbyn himself has said he would never press the button…or indeed that Corbyn wanted nuclear missiles with no nuclear warheads…a vast waste of money….
Jeremy Corbyn: I would never use nuclear weapons if I were PM
Neil also failed to press Corbyn on his meetings with IRA memebers which he denied ever having done…Google and Guido very quickly proves otherwise…
Corbyn Lies: “I Never Met the IRA”
Neil’s interview otherwise was pretty rigorous and you could see Corbyn seething quietly as he was hung out to dry…..he’s a proven liar and a terrorist supporter. Shame that other than Neil the BBC reports on his speech seem to avoid contradicting or challenging anything he says…which you might think was important considering the claims he is making about the link between Iraq and terrorism and the consequences that flow from that…such as changing our foreign policy to suit those non-Muslim Muslim terrorists.
The narrative that he peddles, that our foreign policy is anti-Muslim and thus angers Muslims [though once they become ‘radical’ they suddenly lose their ‘Muslim’ status according to Corbyn’s law], is entirely false…Muslims in the UK have been ‘radicalising’ for decades and that the ‘radical’ Muslim, Osama Bin Laden, wanted to invade Iraq and topple Saddam himself…and yet that was a bad thing for the West to do….after years of being told we we wrong to support dictators. We topple one, one that Muslims wanted to beBBC toppled and they get angry and ‘radical’? The BBC sees no contradiction there. The foreign policy narrative is just a useful excuse, if it wasn’t that it would be some other….shame on the BBC for promoting such a deadly lie….make no mistake……22 people lie dead in Manchester because of it.
Why is it always Andrew Neil who does the due diligence and some proper journalism?
Oh dear….the BBC’s attempt to inform us on Corbyn’s policies, history and mindset in light of the interview?
General election 2017: Corbyn quizzed on Trident and IRA
Utterly hopeless…fails completely to question his answers giving us instead merely a list of questions that Neil asked and Corbyn’s reply…no analysis, no context, no contrast with Corbyn’s past statements and positions.
Considering this is supposed to be informing us so that we can make a decision on who to vote for it is far from being an indepth, intelligent and useful guide to Corbyn, his thinking and his politics ast and present…we have no idea that he is being evasive and is lying to us from this BBC report other than his refusal to sign off on Trident.
May is hung out to dry everyday with her past positions and statements compared with today’s. Corbyn does an enormous u-turn on terrorism and nothing from the BBC, Neil aside, May does a u-turn on social care and it is healdine news for days…and will be until election day as Labour try to capitalise on it and the BBC aid and abet…the News Quiz having much fun at May’s expense and hardly a thing about Corbbyn.