The PM is battling for Britain
The BBC is battling for the EU
We are at war with the EU…it’s a war of words, of propaganda, of soundbite diplomacy, but it’s still a very real war with very real consequences…a war that the BBC has chosen sides on, and it’s not the British side. Lord Hall Hall lost the Referendum vote and he doesn’t intend to lose again, intending no doubt to hand a recalcitrant Britain over to the EU to be dismembered and neutered so that it can never again rebel against the Regime….the Telegraph tells us that the EU’s ‘briefings’ are ‘worthy of a Kremlin propaganda operation.’...the BBC? Reports it all as fact.
Lord Hall Hall’s BBC is the enemy within working for the EU against British interests. A simple illustration is how the BBC’s anti-May rhetoric is being used by the enemy, and the EU is the ‘enemy’ seeking as it does to attack, undermine and destroy British interests…the BBC has across the board been mocking May for the use of the phrase ‘strong and stable’ to describe her leadership and government, hardly an hour goes by when a BBC journalist doesn’t disparage that phrase in a way that they don’t for Corbyn’s continual stance of ‘the many against the few’ which he did in fact steal directly from Blair’s 1997 campaign. The Eurocrats have picked up on the BBC anti-May narrative and are using it to attack May…as the Mail reports..
EU chief TAUNTS Theresa May over ‘strong and stable’ election slogan
The Telegraph reports...Germany ‘interfering in General Election in attempt to undermine Theresa May’, an interpretation of events which is undeniable and blatantly obvious and yet the BBC barely registers such a significant fact of a foreign power tryng to undermine and interfere in British democracy instead reporting every leaked [often directly to the BBC] bit of misinformation and black propaganda from EU sources as gospel whereas anything from the British is scorned and doubted…the BBC tryng to make the British look intransigent and foolishly ignorant about the ‘EU’ and its workings, living in a delusional La La Land.
There’s this report from the BBC that recognises there is spin going on, and yet, and yet, it gives more credence to the EU spin…there might be spin but ‘That said’….
These tough-sounding comments are at least as much aimed at their domestic audience as at the British government.
That said, a high-level EU source has confirmed to me that feelings were running pretty high following the Downing Street dinner due to what he described as a huge “asymmetry of expectations” and a “completely different reading” of the Brexit situation at No 10.
He said the British government, from their comments about negotiations, clearly had “no good understanding of the fundamentals” around which he said the EU was united, and which would now not be undone.
Ah yes, whatever the EU says must be true.
Over and again, EU diplomats insist this is no “us against them” situation; that there’s no desire to punish Britain and that a good Brexit is in everyone’s interest.
“It’s in our mutual interest to correct all the misunderstandings,” I was told today. My source was confident that Downing Street was beginning to realise that now too.
Yes…The BBC is helpfully aiding and abetting the EU to re-educate the British and correct all their misunderstandings abut Brexit….amazing how they report everything the EU ‘sources’ say as if all true….despite the fact that there is very definitely an ‘us against them’ scenario and the EU are out to punish Britain and is working to destroy Brexit and interfere in the’d never know if you listened to the BBC.
Look at this main BBC report, it’s entirely negative for May, it even misleads readers on a quote attributing it to May as if she said it herself in her leadership election campaign and is now ‘reviving’ it, the wording intended to make it a negative for her….
Theresa May says she will be a “bloody difficult woman” towards European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker during Brexit talks.
The PM revived a line used during her Tory leadership campaign to respond to claims the two clashed over dinner.
It’s only later we are told that it was in fact the other ‘enemy within’, arch- Remainer Ken Clarke, who said that about May.
Then the BBC peddles more EU propaganda. May has always wanted to get the question of expats settled…the EU has always refused to do so and yet the BBC has been reporting the EU’s latest words claiming they want to settle the matter as if it is May who is being intransigent and difficult….
She also declined to commit to settling the issue of expats’ rights by June.
Hang on, isn’t it May who wanted to settle by June and the EU who is refusing to do so?
Then there’s this..
Opposition parties have accused the Tories of pursuing a “hard Brexit” strategy, with the PM insisting no deal is better than a bad one and planning to withdraw the UK from the EU single market.
The phrasing of that is intended to indicate that a ‘hard Brexit’ is a bad thing, and then there’s this about Osborne…no indication that he is a hard-line Remainer and that he is using the Standard as his own personal propaganda sheet….note his use of the phrase ‘blank cheque’…a standard Remain phrase that comes out of the mouth of Farron usually…no sneering from the BBC about the ‘reviving’ and constant reuse of that old chestnut then?…..
The first edition of the London Evening Standard published under the editorship of ex-chancellor George Osborne was headlined “Brussels twists knife on Brexit”, with an editorial warning the PM against seeking a “blank cheque” from the EU.
And the Kuenssberg assessment? Here she tries to make out that May is stupidly uncompromising and is refusing to listen…that’s entirely Kuenssberg’s own interpretation and implication, and of course a negative one….
Theresa May’s comment is revealing about her strength, and also her weakness. No political leader wants to be seen to be pushed around…….Refusing to be pushed around is one thing, refusing to show any sign of compromise or listen quite another.
Both Kuenssberg and Nick Robinson are fairly hopeless as political journalists making increasingly fact free comments and ‘analsyses’ that bare little resemblance to what is actually happening…this morning Robinson told us that May was scared of debating and was afraid to meet the public…never mind that she was out on the streets knocking on doors in Scotland, not the most Tory friendly place, and that she has called an election….so hardly afraid of being challenged. That was just an out and out lie by Robinson.
Lord Hall Hall is peddling Berlin’s propaganda. Sack him. Lock him up.
From Guido…
£3.6 Billion Fund Lists in London Despite Brexit
Given how the slightest hint of a bad news story from the City is seized upon by certain elements of the media, it’s interesting that this one has gone under the radar.
US billionaire Bill Ackman’s £3.6 billion fund Pershing Square Holdings, which initially listed in Amsterdam some years ago, has listed on the London Stock Exchange today. The move clearly reinforces London’s attractiveness to international fund managers despite the doom and gloom from Remainers.