The BBC is in hypocrisy hyperdrive as it peddles the idea of the ‘perfect female image’ on its Newsbeat programme aimed at youngsters.
The fantasy…
The reality…
Clearly Melania Trump’s official White House portrait is so fake….no? Not like her at all.
Remember when the BBC attacked the Mail for daring to have a humorous look at the legs of our leading ladies telling us it was sexist and would never happen to men….the BBC has just launched a bizarre take-down of Melania Trump’s official portrait…it just doesn’t compare to Michelle Obama’s and is so so fake…
What does the picture say about the latest First Lady?
Photographs like these matter, says Prof Cara A Finnegan from the communications department at the University of Illinois, because they can tell you how a person in power views themselves.
While she thinks this is a better produced image than the first official portrait of President Donald Trump, comparisons to images from the Obama era are less favourable.
“In some ways they [the White House] are doing what they can do with what they have, which is someone who is a model, who built a business on her fame and the way that she looks,” says Prof Finnegan.
Commentators have pointed out the stance Mrs Trump has adopted, where the First Lady has her arms folded.“On the one hand it can communicate defensiveness,” says Prof Finnegan.
“But women in power generally don’t have a lot of body stances they can hold for themselves and communicate power.
So image is very important and tells you a lot about the person? Then surely the same goes for Sturgeon and May?
Then it gets really catty…Oh and there’s always some sort of link to fake news in BBC Trump stories….
“Melania Trump’s first official portrait embodies the excessive wealth and reality star celebrity of the Trump White House”.
She believes this photograph moves the administration “even further from the truth and substance of middle America”.
Many people have discussed the kinds of digital manipulation the image may have undergone.
“The obvious airbrushing in the photo can also be seen as a parallel to the Trump administration’s use of lies and ‘alternative facts’,” says Prof Dahmen.
“The portrait is a construction of reality – not actual reality.”
The use of photo software also raises some issues for Prof Finnegan.
“As a woman and as a feminist, I’m not excited about the norms of beauty that any of these sorts of images communicate, especially to young women and girls,” she says.
“Anxiety about airbrushing and the inevitable link to fake news, I get less worked up about because photography historically has always been involved in debates about what’s real and what’s fake.
“If the argument is, ‘Look how fake the Trumps are compared to the Obamas, because the Obamas photographs were so authentic,’ that’s where I get uncomfortable because there are ways to select and frame images, regardless of whether you airbrush them, that can be very inauthentic.”
Hmmm…..Trump is so fake…’s ever glammed up for their photo before have they?
If only our government would take such a stand against the Saudi funding that pours into the UK universities and Muslim communities [Not to mention the millions that they channelled to the Clintons]…
Supporters have gathered at a Budapest university after MPs passed a bill which could force it out of Hungary.
The 199-seat parliament head earlier voted 123 to 38 in favour of the legislation, which places tough restrictions on foreign universities.
The main target is believed to be the Central European University (CEU) and its founder, George Soros.
It is the latest battle declared by the right-wing Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, against liberalism.
A battle against ‘liberalism’…or against a George Soros funded slow burn ‘coup’? Soros is a much a threat to many nation’s sovereignty, security and stability as Putin in his own way using his billions to finance ‘revolution’….Soros funding so much of the opposition to Trump in an attempt to unseat him or at least stop any of his policies being enacted. Curious the BBC does not recognise that. Or that he also allegedly funds Pussy Riot to attack Trump, Pussy Riot also supposedly funded by the US government….the Establishment against Trump?…
Here’s Pussy Riot’s anti-Trump video…
So the protest group ‘Pussy Riot’ is allegedly funded through various channels by Soros and the US government [via the National Endowment for Democracy organisation, a US government funded ‘soft-power’ organisation meant to promote democracy…by undermining non-democracies…such as Russia…much of course as the BBC’s World Service, still partially funded by government, is also mean to promote democracy…hence ‘Media Action’….’Areas described as suffering from a “democratic deficit” – a shortage of impartial news. [LOL]And while the Government will be helping to pay the bills – editorial control remains entirely with the BBC.’]
BBC Media Action is the BBC’s international development charity. We use the power of media and communication to help reduce poverty and support people in understanding their rights. Our aim is to inform, connect and empower people around the world.
A free and diverse media rooted in a strong culture of independent journalism is a cornerstone of effective governance. In many of the countries where we work, media is often a positive force for democratic change and governance.
Curious how supposed Russian interference in our politics is outrageous but our interference in other nations’ politics is the promotion of democracy and enlightenment and thus OK…never mind that the BBC always seems to hate democracy, Britain and America….guess their enemies’ enemy is their friend now as they seek to unseat Trump.
When I was based in Egypt during the 1990s, we regularly got human rights reports about dreadful abuses in military prisons.
What particularly sticks in my mind, though, is a report on what happened in police stations: even people picked up for petty crimes were tortured.
Egypt’s security state has always been ruthless, but in those days the brutality was more under the surface.
Under George W Bush the administration began to question the wisdom of seeking stability at the expense of democracy.
Barack Obama went further. He rolled with the revolutionary wave of the Arab Spring, then shunned the strongman, Army General Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, who took power in the debris of its aftermath.
The brutality had risen to the surface: Sisi oversaw a vicious security operation that killed hundreds of protesters in the streets. He has since jailed tens of thousands of his opponents.
But he has also cracked down on Islamist terrorism, and that is the language the Trump administration speaks.
So President Sisi has been rehabilitated, validated by a visit to the [Trump] White House.
Is this Washington reverting to the comfort zone of supporting Arab autocrats, in a time of great instability?
Ah Trump the friend of brutal autocrats…and Putin….and he wants to crack down on Islamic terrorism…and the BBC doesn’t?
Hmmm…OK…but….also from the BBC…..’Pope Francis will travel to Egypt later this month. In a statement, the Vatican said the Pope had accepted an invitation from President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’…..Can there be two al-Sisi’s running Egypt…the badass chumming it up with Trump and the angelic one meeting his Popishness?
Following the recent attack in Westminster, the temptation to increase tensions between Christianity and Islam was rejected almost immediately.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, the Chief Rabbi and two British imams gathered on Westminster’s North Green, embodying interfaith unity in the shadow of a horrifying attack.
“We are each drawn from the historic Abrahamic faiths,” said Archbishop Justin Welby, “faiths that teach the primacy of love and compassion over antagonism. We have come together to push for a more peaceful future.”
It was an immediate effort to reject the narrative that Khalid Masood was an agent of Islam at war with the Christian West. [Good luck with that]
The Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, will embark upon a more adventurous pilgrimage. He will take four British imams to meet with Pope Francis at the Vatican, also on Wednesday. The BBC has been invited to travel with the cardinal’s party.
“Pope Francis is committed to engagement,” the cardinal says. “When he was archbishop of Buenos Aires, he repeatedly visited mosques and engaged with the Muslim community. And his willingness to welcome our British imams is a further sign that he regards interfaith dialogue as being of the utmost importance.”
To further emphasise this commitment, it has just been announced that Pope Francis will travel to Egypt later this month. In a statement, the Vatican said the Pope had accepted an invitation from President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Roman Catholic bishops, the leader of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria and the grand imam of Cairo’s Al-Azhar mosque.
Oh hang on…one last BBC jibe at Trump as the report ends…
But by continuing the dialogue, these faith leaders are sending a clear message to the communities they serve: that faith without works is dead and that dialogue must always trump conflict.
Is this an example of ‘alternate facts’…one set for the Pope and one for Trump? Good old truthful, unbiased and honest BBC.
— HM Govt of Gibraltar (@GibraltarGov) April 4, 2017
The BBC has certain narratives that it promotes….a couple of recent ones being that Britain is a nastier more racist place #DuetoBrexit and that Michael Howard [not PM] was a deluded fool for referencing the Falklands and the resolve Thatcher showed in standing up to military aggression. In order to promote those narratives the BBC has of course got to suppress the truth and any news that might undermine the themes so lovingly created by the BBC, and it is ‘The BBC’, the message about what line to take must come from the Head of News and probably approved by Lord Hall Hall himself.
The attack on the Iranian Kurd was heavily promoted by the BBC as a racist attack and instantly associated with Brexit and it was the leading story on the news bulletins all day…however a stabbing of a black man by two other black men just streets away in Croydon from the ‘racist’ attack has all but been ignored by the BBC despite the fact that the stabbed man died and the police announced yesterday that they were launching a murder enquiry…the news of which didn’t even make it to the BBC’s London page….the only reference I can find is on their ‘updates’ page that in itself is only a link to a newspaper report…
Quite astonishing how the BBC ignores this attack….especially when there is so much concern about black on black murder and knife crime. Why do they ignore it? Because to report it would undermine its story of a peaceful community torn apart by racist whites…and never mind that the BBC has wiped from its pages its only mention that the police were looking for some black suspects in relation to the attack on the asylum seeker…the BBC does not even publish pictures of the white defendants in the case in its latest report…again why not? Could it be because they would then have to keep publishing the photos of the black suspects…again undermining the white racists narrative?
I guess black lives and other ethnic minority lives only matter when they can be exploited for the BBC’s own political ends….the more asylum seekers who get attacked the better…..blame Brexit and the racist whites.
Similarly why has the BBC not mentioned that a British warship has had to see off a Spanish gunboat from Gibraltan waters? Again is the BBC trying to keep up the illusion that this is not about sovereignty and that Spain has no serious intent to take over Gibraltar one way or another? Sky reports….
A Spanish gunship has made an illegal incursion into British waters off Gibraltar amid rising Brexit tensions over the territory.
The Gibraltan government said the ship entered territorial waters on Tuesday.
How can the BBC not report that when Gibraltar and Spanish imperialism is making the headlines right now?…also considering that this has happened several times this year already? The BBC is trying to keep up the pretence that it is Britain and its trigger happy politicians like Howard that are the problem whilst the peace-loving Spanish are the victims.
“Many people with strong views find it hard to accept that on the BBC they will often hear people they disagree with saying things they don’t like”
Welcome to another week of moaning about the BBC. “Stop being so pessimistic. Stop talking the country down. Stop ignoring the will of the people.”
A week in which the stopwatches and calculators are out, as first one side, then the other, time our interviews and add up the number of Remainers and Leavers and so-called optimists and pessimists we invite on air.
Robinson must be responding, been sent out to respond, to News Watch’s detailed take-down of the BBC’s Brexit coverage in which it was found to favour the Remain camp to a remarkable extent….BBC Business News coverage of Brexit ‘continues Project Fear’
A report by News-watch into the BBC’s coverage on Brexit covering the six month period after the referendum vote has found overwhelmingly negativity about Britain leaving the EU – breaching the Corporations rules on impartiality.
The report into the BBC flagship Today programme on Radio 4 found that of the 366 guest speakers who appeared in the Business News segment, 192 of them (52.5%) were negative about the impact of the vote and only 60 (16.3%) expressed opinions which were pro-Brexit or saw the post-referendum economic outlook as positive. There were 114 (31%) neutral contributions.
That there were three times more anti-Brexit speakers than pro-Brexit ones invited by the BBC to participate in the prestigious slot breaks its charter requirements to be impartial.
Robinson continues…
The referendum is over. The duty we broadcasters had to “broadly balance” the views of the two sides is at an end. Why? Because there are no longer two sides, two campaigns, two rival sets of spokespeople reading out those focus-grouped slogans.
The BBC’s job is not to look over its shoulder wondering whether a report, interview or discussion will provoke letters of complaint or a tide of tweets from Remainers or Leavers – who, like fighters who emerge after months of hiding in a bush, seem not to accept that the war is over.
That may come as a surprise to many who have taken a close look at the BBC’s referendum coverage….by no means was it balanced or impartial…it was profoundly pro-Remain, attacking the Leave statements with relentless vigour and forensic scrutiny whilst being very reluctant to challenge the highly alarmist and exaggerated claims made by the Remain camp as part of their Project Fear conducting only the most casual of ‘Reality Checks’ that were more fantasyland than reality.
What does Robinson mean by ‘balanced’? He doesn’t define it. All everyone expects is that each side gets a fair chance to state their case…maybe they did and maybe they didn’t on the BBC, but certainly when it came to the analysis it was guns out for the Leave campaign.
The BBC now does still have a continual duty to be balanced, meaning impartial, accurate and honest, but once again that is not the case. What we are served up with is a relentless diet of doom and gloom about Brexit, everything is a problem and things are only going to get worse. Jon Pienaar regailed us with his fake news about the ‘extravagant promises’ made by the Leave campaign [and er what were they?…They don’t exist]. Even this morning Mishal Husain casually suggested that Lloyds was practically packing its bags and setting off for the Continent despite the fact that Lloyds has stated unequivocably that London will remain its main financial centre…..“London will remain the major financial centre for Europe. It’s certainly going to remain the major financial centre for Lloyd’s.”….‘Lloyd’s will always be centred in London and that is not about to change.’…’The decision to leave the EU has no impact on Lloyd’s financial strength, which remains incredibly strong, with Fitch and A.M. Best ratings of AA- and A. S&P also affirmed Lloyd’s A+ rating on the same week as the referendum vote.’ Goldman Sachs may move several hundred jobs to the EU but it has 6000 here in the UK and similarly insists London remains central to its plans….“Whatever the outcome [of the Brexit talks], London will remain for us a very significant regional hub and a significant global hub. London will remain a very significant important centre.”
Oh and JP Morgan?…‘The head of JP Morgan has admitted he will not move many jobs out of Britain in the next two years as a result of Brexit, in a U-turn on his pre-referendum warning that a vote to leave the European Union could mean as many as 4,000 jobs moving across the Channel. Jamie Dimon, chairman and chief executive of the Wall Street giant, said that the bank will need to obtain licences and permissions to operate across the EU, but that it can still service European clients from the UK. “This does not entail moving many people in the next two years,” he said in a letter to the US investment bank’s shareholders. Rather than seeing Britain as a basket case for leaving the EU, Mr Dimon now fears that if the EU fails to address its own problems then the union could break up, with much more serious economic consequences.’
Robinson has a nerve to say this…‘like fighters who emerge after months of hiding in a bush, seem not to accept that the war is over.’…when the BBC itself is promoting the idea that the referendum is not in fact over and instead of working to unite Britain and encourage a can-do attitude it collaborates with the Remain campaign to undermine Brexit…which can only in the end be the worst of all possible worlds as even if we were to return to the EU fold it would be on hugely disdvantageous terms….and it peddles the EU narrative on everything…such as Gibraltar.
The war continues and the BBC aids and abets giving plenty of airtime to the Remainers to make their own films attacking Brexit as if there was still a choice and Brexit can be reversed…
Robinson ends with an arrogant jibe…as usual it’s the other peoples’ problem…they just don’t undertstand…
We must, of course, ensure that we display no bias. The bias I worry about most is the bias against understanding.
We understand all too well…you are biased and you don’t want to answer for that bias preferring instead to act the victim and demand no one dare challenge you…sounds a familiar tactic beloved of the Muslim community….let’s hope you aren’t radicalised and start force feeding everyone the Guardian…oh, too late.
The BBC’s coverage of the Gibraltar business is sadly of a standard and form we have long come to expect as the BBC sides with the EU and Spain and blames Britain for the ruckus….and Michael Howard should be ignored because he is a former PM [Yep, I seem to have promoted Howard from leader of the Tory Party] who isn’t in government anymore….so why does the BBC give headline status to the other PM has-beens, Blair and Major? Could it be because they say all the right things about the EU and Brexit, all the things the BBC likes to hear?
Britain rejects Spain’s talk of joint sovereignty for Gibraltar
In an interview on Friday morning, Spain’s acting foreign minister, José Manuel García-Margallo, said the referendum result had significantly advanced the prospect of a Spanish flag flying on the rock of Gibraltar.
“I hope the formula of co-sovereignty – to be clear, the Spanish flag on the rock – is much closer than before.”
Absolutely clear what the Spanish want, and what the EU terms give them now…a right to determine Gibraltar’s future. What is remarkable is that the BBC does not think the EU’s interference is in anyway remarkable…in effect they are annexing Gibraltar on behalf of Spain. Campbell this morning had a phone-in entitled ‘Gibraltar…should we give it back?’ A pretty leading way of introducing the subject compounded by a typical Campbell comment ‘You’re future is with the EU…you voted to stay’...and ‘Would it really be so bad if you were Spanish?’… about a discussion about Spain’s colonial possessions or Catalonia or indeed the borders of Europe as they constantly change? How about East Germany being handed back to Russia? Or indeed, Spain to the Moors?
“The loss of Andalusia is like losing part of my body,” H.R.H. Prince Turki al-Faisal told me.
I had asked him what the loss of Andalusia meant to him as an Arab. The son of King Faisal, widely celebrated in the Muslim world, Prince Turki heads The King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia’s preeminent think tank, and has been Saudi ambassador to the U.S. and the U.K.
Astonishing how the BBC is so keen to hand over British territory and people to other countries as it continues to work to break up Britain and sell us out to the EU.
And what of Michael Howard’s remarks?…according to the BBC and the Guardian he suggests we must go to war with Spain…
Lord Howard raised the spectre of military action, saying that 35 years ago, “another woman prime minister sent a taskforce halfway across the world to protect another small group of British people against another Spanish-speaking country.
Trouble is Howard didn’t suggest we engage in a bit of gunboat diplomacy as the BBC tells us he did…all he said was that May should show the same resolve Thatcher did and stand her ground. He said nothing about bombing Madrid….just more BBC fake news….
So the BBC plasters an attack on an asylum seeker in Croydon all over the news relentlessly today…and yet…not a peep about an actual murder today… in Croydon…by two black men….
Croydon murder: Bjorn Brown, 23, dies in hospital after being stabbed repeatedly in south London street
A murder probe has been launched after a young man who was repeatedly stabbed in a south London street died in hospital.
Bjorn Brown, 23, was attacked by two men in Thornton Heath, Croydon, on Wednesday evening, police said.
He was stabbed repeatedly in Kelling Gardens and attempted to cycle away from the scene of the attack before he collapsed.
The first suspect is described as a black man, of a heavy build and approximately 5ft 6ins tall. He wore a dark “puffa” style jacket and dark trousers.
The second suspect is described as a black man, of a slim or average build and approximately 5ft 5ins tall. He also wore a dark “puffa” style jacket and dark trousers.
Was Bjorn Brown white? And if so why have the police not come out instantly and said this may be a racist attack? Where is the BBC report on the frontpage?
Whatever the colour of the victim why no BBC mammoth coverage? I will be listening to Nolan tonight as he discusses ‘Black’ knife crime and the sus laws.
Two teenage boys have been arrested on suspicion of trespassing on a protected site after a barrier was climbed at the Palace of Westminster.
The Metropolitan Police said no access was gained to any Parliament building and the incident lasted approximately 30 seconds.
When Croydon and crime is in the headlines right now why is the stabbing and murder not immediately a priority? Are the BBC trying not to distract from the ‘racist’ attack angle of the other story?
Here’s the Met Police news time line...which the BBC obviously reads…still, I suppose two out of three stories ain’t bad……..just the murder the BBC isn’t interested in…..
Detectives from the Met’s Roads and Transport Policing Command are appealing for information following an assault at a bus stop in Islington.
The offence occurred on Tuesday, 28 March at 15.30hrs. The victim, a 44-year-old man, was boarding a Route 43 bus on Upper Street, Islington N1, near to the council offices.
As he did so, another male who was about to board the bus suddenly punched him in the face. The victim was then thrown on to the pavement before being further assaulted by the suspect. He then walked off in the direction of the Angel.
The suspect is described as a black man, aged about 25-35 years and of athletic build.
The photo above was from the BBC site…but buried on the London page…and now, even that has gone missing from that page as far as I can see, or not see….to see it you’d need to know it was archived somewhere and have the link already.
The Guardian has a nice picture of the courthouse but not of any suspects…
Would like to know where the police got the information that this was a racist attack and that the boy was asked where he came from…was it from his two friends? Hardly going to be the most reliable source……have to say the victim doesn’t himself look as if he really is the quiet studious type who stayed out of trouble that the Guardian suggests…
You have to ask what was really said to start the fight…did he in fact start it, did he slag off one of the girls and it all kicked off, did he say something about Britain and the British, did he say something about the black youths?
You’ve got to think there is more to this than is coming out right now…but as David said the BBC is all over it and eager to press the ‘racist’ angle….Nolan, encouraging the idea of ‘racist Britain’ last night had some immigrant on telling his tale of woe…found him in Sheffield I think…apparently a car drove past him and splashed him….gotta say welcome to the real world. Then we had the usual immigration charity on to tell us how racist Britain is especially since Brexit.
All smacks of the last time the BBC made up allegations that an attack was almost certainly racist…
This dates back to the death last August 31 of a well-liked Polish man, ‘Arek’ Jozwik, after a late night fracas in a pizza parlour in Harlow. This sent the BBC news gathering operation – which then as now was hell-bent on a mission to undermine Brexit – into overdrive.
BBC1 man-on-the spot Daniel Sandford alleged most prominently in his report that the crime – prematurely said by him to be a ‘murder’ – was being investigated as a frenzied attack by a gang of six local youths triggered by race hate stirred up by the referendum vote.
And later that evening, on BBC2’s Newsnight, correspondent John Sweeney’s outro to his feature about the death was a quote from a friend of Mr Jozwik, who declared that Nigel Farage had ‘blood on his hands’.
This time the police have charged one person with racially motivated GBH…but as above, it will be interesting to see what the real facts are and what really started the fight.
Oh yes…..Thanks to Mice Height for this…maybe a row over cigarettes…
One of the BBC’s most active areas is pushing the left wing narrative that the evil uncaring Conservative government is doing all it can to make the poor in our society even poorer. So when a poverty hustling propaganda group such as The Child Poverty Group come out with a new (coughs) “study” that shows hundreds of thousands of little waifs are being driven into poverty by Conservative Policy then you can se sure the BBC will be to the fore in pushing it. The BBC are on a mission – to blacken the Government and advance left wing narrative uber alles.
Acts of violence against ANY person are to be condemned without reservation. However the BBC went into overdrive when a young “Asylum seeker” was brutally attacked by a gang a few days ago. At one point this led their UK news agenda. The comrades were doing all they could to slyly suggest that this defenceless young man was attacked by white supremacists on a way to a Brexiteer meeting.
Today, the Police have realised an image of some of the suspects….bit awkward, eh?
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