So Trump’s tax cuts benefit only Big Bad Business [a bigly lie from the BBC]…but also an hypocrisy for this is the anti-capitalist, anti-business, anti-elitist BBC that has done a complete volte face and now cheerleads for Big Business, bankers and the elite in the UK and is keen to hear and promote what these Big Businessmen, foreign and domestic, demand Brexit should be….so these businessmen, foreign and domestic, who each had their own vote in the referendum if they were domestic, get given the veto over Brexit almost as if the democratic vote didn’t matter at all and all we need to know is what a few people, the privileged elites, educated too don’t forget, think. Funny how the BBC’s apparent long held liberal, progressive views go out the window when it suits. A paradox that they do so in support of an undemocratic tyranny just as they support a religion that is vastly, vastly at odds with their own, and the West’s, values and which will destroy European civilisation, beliefs, values and culture as we know them.
Spot any more dangerous, foolish naivety….list it all here….
Thomas Sowell gives a good reason for tax cuts , based on history , statistics and empirical evidence .
Well no one wants the uber rich to get even richer , but if it raises all boats that’s the price (?) to pay .
In my lovely town , two established retailers have shut up shop , due amongst costs the increase of rates . To pay for guaranteed bonuses and pensions for those in the public sector .
Nibor, problem is that in the UK economy (the US’s is somewhat different) it doesn’t work. (I assume you are talking about tax cuts for companies and for the high paid – standard Tory policy)
We tested that theory in the 1980s and again in the 1990s and 2007-2009 crash and no sane economist, in our highly socialised governmental system, would recommend it now.
There’s is every good reason for cutting back on ‘big government’ (and I was disappointed to see the Tories increase the size of our socialised governance last year and again, just this month. However, if – when is probably a bit of a failed hope – it ever happens, then the tax cuts must go to the mass of the population first.
That is where the real driver for the UK economy lies. That may be, and I think it is, different for the US.
10% tax… which Diane Abbott can work out.
Indeed, maybe, possibly but probably not.
That 10% tax band is a good example of what I refer to above in my penultimate paragraph.
Some look on the last Labour Government as being a Tory one. They certainly knew how to look after the rich & high paid while screwing over the working man and woman on tax. April this year will be the tenth anniversary of the scrapping of the 10% Income Tax band for the low paid and the doubling of their Income Tax rate. (Funny how that sort of thing rarely, if ever, happens for the wealthy & high paid.)
It also coincided with rising Council Tax Bills, a rocketing oil price and food inflation. All of those factors around us right now. Various low income groups, pensioners, part-time workers, etc., all took fright and suddenly stopped spending as well as keeping less in their bank accounts.
Guess what happened next?
Hello U2S
I fundamentally disagree with your assertion that the principles espoused by Thomas Sowell do not, in some way, apply to the UK. I remember when the top rate of tax was 98% and those affected simply put their money into premium bonds thus lending money to the government in preference to investing in business. This is a chief the point of what Thomas Sowell says in his pamphlet. I am afraid you may have, unwittingly, have fallen into the trap of buying into the entirely fictitious trickle down theory.
Evidence suggests Trump has been the target of collusion between the FBI, the Justice Department, the Democratic Party and British intelligence, first to prevent him from being elected President and then to lever him out of office. Rumours are that a secret memo, compiled by House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes, contains evidence that the Obama administration made illegal use of FISA warrants to spy on both the Trump campaign and the transition teams. It seems that a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court decision on the 7th April 2017, claimed that there had been systematic violations of the law by the Obama Administration in a brazen plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton and frame an incoming president with a false Russia conspiracy. The FBI worked closely with Fusion GPS, a political hit squad paid by the DNC and Clinton campaign to create and spread the discredited Steele dossier about President Donald Trump. The FBI then used this to create false facts so that they could get surveillance warrants using official FISA-702 queries. Surveillance was done to create a false case against a candidate, and then a president. An April 2017 99-page FISA court opinion describes systematic and on-going violations of the law by the FBI and their contractors using unauthorized disclosures of raw intelligence on Americans. NSA Admiral Mike Rogers who briefed Trump as president-elect on the 17th November 2016 about the controversial governmental surveillance resulted in Trump moving out of Trump Tower to Bedminster NJ until it could be debugged. British intelligence agents were sent to the states to spy on him, looking at his emails, phone calls and financial transactions by searching MTI, using the Tempora computer system and PRISM, while tapping his phone in Trump Tower using GTE.
It also seems that General Sir Nick Carter is digging the hole deeper as Theresa May talks to Donald Trump. He used old fake dogma to try and get more money for the army. The mainstream media reports that he thinks that there is overwhelming evidence that Russia used Facebook to try to rig the US presidential election and the Brexit vote.
This is the same tactic used with Climate Change. Ten years ago, I assumed there must be evidence from atmospheric chambers for calibrating carbon dioxide warming in a planetary atmosphere. But there wasn’t any evidence and there has never been any evidence, just computer models producing fake information using a formula that has never worked in the real world. But then today you see on the BBC ignorant people talking about “overwhelming evidence” that the bad weather was caused by man-made Climate Change.
Also as regards Facebook causing the young to vote for Brexit, that seems to be fake news. Sean Parker, Facebooks founding President has said “God only knows what its doing to our children’s brains”. Research shows that its shrinking young peoples brains by up to 20%, which lead them to vote to remain in the European Union, as well as support Momentum and Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party. Therefore proving that if Facebook is damaging democracy as the establishment say, then removing Facebook would help Brexit and the Tories.
Be informed – Release the Memo. Thank you for your comment – best piece I have seen about the true Russian connection on this site. The real Russian scandal is Uranium one and the Clinton Foundation. I read George Webb utube daily webcast where all this has been reported. At the moment the big news from USA is ReleasetheMemo – about the FISA illegal surveillance, no mention it on BBC of course.
”It also seems that General Sir Nick Carter is digging the hole deeper as Theresa May talks to Donald Trump. He used old fake dogma to try and get more money for the army.”
The thing is, after the fall of the iron curtain, defence spending fell across the world and everybody rejoiced at turning weapons into plough shares. Then Putin came to power and he increased the military budget, he got involved in 4 separate countries, and started being an arse. Just look at how the Russians have used Kapersky anti virus software to spy on its users to see what I mean.
Because of Russian belliergance , others have started to rearm, France, Germany, Poland, Greece ( That’s more to do with Turkey) Sweden , Denmark, why Spain this week has said it is going to increase its military budget by 71%. Yet the U.K. has continued to cut its military budget, not only that but in 2010 Osborne took the nuclear weapons budget out of the treasury and handed it over to the MOD, there lies the main reason for the military shortfall.
After years of left wing dogma, the current consensus amongst a lot of MPs is that soft power projection is better than hard power, hence the current love fest to throw billions at the third world simply to make liberals feel good about atoning for the British Empire..
The fact remains , the army uses a gun that is over 30 years old and is not fit for purpose.
They have a tank 20 years old and an APC that is as old as the rifle they use. We have just got rid of our Helicopter carrier, yes we have the new carriers, but they are shite, they are not fitted with CATOBAR, meaning that normal aircraft cannot use them. For defence they have only 3 CIWS, with the small number of type 45s for defence, the one thing they do need is the ability to defend themselves, if the shit hits the fan. But hey far better to fund Pakistan which has a bigger airforce, army more Subs and more nukes than we have
The first remit of any Governemnt is to keep its people safe, it appears that to all the free loaders at Parliament , throwing cash at those who hate us is far better than defending the people who fund their John Lewis accounts and free TV licences.
“Just look at how the Russians have used Kapersky anti virus software to spy on its users to see what I mean.”
Got a link for that? I had thought it was just a theoretical concern based on Kaspersky’s location.
It is always difficult to know who future enemies will be and to be armed with the right mix of weapons to defeat them. But in the present era we are certainly faced with something which I think is unique in British history , an increasingly powerful potential enemy within in the form of a rapidly growing Muslim population. The current policy of the political establishment of all stripes is one of appeasement and acceptance of creeping Islamisation At best this only buys time before we are faced with the fight or surrender decision.
The military want to have the very best and most modern weapons available and to do so they keep exaggerating the threat of Russia. Russia has the same GDP as Italy. I accept it spends a high proportion of its limited GDP on the military but it is a gross exaggeration to imagine that Russia is really a serious threat to the West. How many people in Western Europe have been killed by Russians in the past twenty years?
One real potential enemy is Islam and it’s home grown soldiers, thy have already killed a lot of Europeans this century. That the military want to recruit these potential jihadis and train them and put them in positions where they can do great damage is stupid beyond belief.
The army should be getting put into a position where it can protect against the enemy with in we need many more reliable soldiers equipped and trained to keep the peace at home. Deploying the army at home is very un British , it seems a bit like Peterloo, but then it is very unBritish to have a potential enemy in our country. Mass migration was a stupid and dangerous policy with no gain but high risk. No sane person would ever embark on such a venture. Look where it is leading us.
Well said.
Your comments ooze common sense to me but, I’m constantly depressed by the thought that common sense is fast disappearing from this land 🙁
“The current policy of the political establishment of all stripes is one of appeasement and acceptance of creeping Islamisation ….”
Collaborators (to a man, woman and any ‘it’s’ in their midst).
As regards military recruitment, the services have a new, massive cache to choose from now: all females seeking total equality and, not forgetting, the transgender community. Bring back Conscription.
Try to let us know were they bang you up so we can send you Xmas cards.
Many a true word spoken in jest!
It seems that the biggest enemy of the British people is Theresa May and all those with a virtue signalling mindset that makes them determined to pay billions in foreign aid to the European Union and the Third World. The idiot even wants to pay the EU £40 Billion and more to have free trade with a trading block that we have a £80 Billion trading deficit with every year. No wonder countries not in the EU such as Australia, Canada and New Zealand have such a significantly higher standard of living than the UK.
She could go the way of Charles I, if the army wanted to repeat that route, but I heard that the 1922 committee are almost in a position to remove her, and that the Tory grass routs wants a patriotic leader like Rees-Mogg, to replace her.
I also heard that the adverts in Russia for the armed services are frightening, while adverts for the British army are nice soft and emotional, so as not to frighten off the sexually confused snowflakes from wanting to join up.
Thanks RP been trying to get my head around the release the memo stuff – this explains thx
Whenever Richard speaks, I take care to learn.
This is as comprehensive and clear overview of “the big picture” as I`ve seen.
No wonder I come here to get the news, as opposed to the MSM.
Keep these up Richard-you really have a gift for editorialising and grasping interconnected bytes then making them coherent and pointing to what`ll be nexy)
Davos is exciting news. At least if you live in Switzerland where there generally isn’t too much news. President Trump was there and even the Beeb struggled to have think up much to say.
Wouldn’t it be fun if we still had old-style non-PC stand-up comics who’d take the mickey out of the BBC? Since we haven’t, I’ve had a shot at script-writing:
‘The BBC – aren’t they sore losers, always inciting hatred against us Brexiteers? Someone told me: “You’re a racist, moronic, xenophobic pustule on the backside of humanity, and I hope you drown, writhing on agony, in a vast vat of your own excrement.”
It was my mother-in-law, actually – Morticia Lucrezia. The lefty old trout’s always hated me. When we visit, I take some After Eights – and a food-taster. She’s always ranting: “The BBC are worth every penny of the licence fee for Doctor Who alone.” Well, forty years ago, maybe, when they had Tom Baker and Leela. But the new Doctor? most of us feel like tapping a dalek on its sink-plunger and shouting, “She’s over there!”
Some say the BBC staff are overpaid, money-splurging parasites. But look how they’re economising, using cheapo employment agencies in Islamabad to hire their presenters! And getting a work-experience lad to write sitcoms. Citizen Khan and Mrs Brown’s Boys, they’re really good – for an eighteen-year-old with an A-Level in Gender Studies. But I prefer the older comedies. I laughed my socks off last night at a repeat featuring old man Steptoe. Then I put my specs on, and realised it was Jeremy Corbyn on Newsnight, moaning the Tories were underfunding the NHS.
I had to take my van to BBC headquarters once with a delivery for Lord Hall. It nearly gave me a hernia. It was his wage packet – for the day. Then I desperately needed the Gents – but they had sixteen bogs for all gender choices, ethno-religious requirements and disabilities. I couldn’t see one saying: ‘Fat but non-crippled white blokes who fancy fit birds’, so I decided to make a dash for the nearest one (well, until Evan Davis went in). Luckily, I was just in time to let fly in a suggestion box outside Alan Yentob’s office. Why not? He’s been taking the piss out of us all for years.
I went down the pub the other night – the Infidel’s Head. It was the Saracen’s Head last week, but it had turned into a mosque over the weekend, and no one one told me. I assumed the blokes grovelling on the floor with their jacksies in the air were the pub’s lottery syndicate, looking for their winning ticket. I didn’t twig until I realised the infidel’s head on a spike was the real deal. Unfortunately, it wasn’t Tony Blair’s.’
(There’s more, but I don’t want the post to be over-long. If there’s enough interest, I’ll post the rest of the act some other time.)
“But the new Doctor? most of us feel like tapping a dalek on its sink-plunger and shouting, “She’s over there!”“
“Some say the BBC staff are overpaid, money-splurging parasites. But look how they’re economising, using cheapo employment agencies in Islamabad to hire their presenters!“
Nothing as infuriating as trying to understand the pillock reporting the news. The bBC made its name on reporting the news in a clear and concise manner everybody could understand. It appears in the name of PC that mission statement has been reversed.
Ha – nice work! Looking forward to the next instalment.
Splendid Helena ! very funny observations which I laughed at, – you should perform on Youtube. By laughing do you think I offended someone ? I bloody well hope so.
Thanks Helena. I really enjoyed this. I don’t think they will appreciate this at places like the Edinburgh Fringe. Could you add a couple of jokes ending with BBC approved punchlines such as ‘Donald Trump’ or ‘Farrage’.
I don’t often post as I have now got the BBC out of my life (and feel better for it ) though I still like to visit here regularly, but thanks for that post Helena Great stuff.
Please do Helena.
The Dalek joke is great, and all you need now is a jaded scouse accent and a beret, so it`s all laconic and bored. Jo Brand had she come from the Wirral maybe?
Top womens comic 2018 thus far-and, now Victoria Wood has gone,you`re our best hope.
But make sure you earn what Brucie used to earn, or else present a Today show on the day you left the BBC!
Got a couple of tampon jokes if you`ll want to go down the usual BBC lefty wimmins road.
A number of people here have noticed the leftwing bias of the bBC and do so quite eloquently. Here is my observations from the bBCs output yesterday:
1) McDonnell takes aim at “big four” accountancy firms
In the first article, the bBC subscribes to the rule of the MOB who feel that all of lifes ills can be removed by simply taxing those who have more money than them. In otherwords subscribe to ‘Socialism’ which hasn’t worked anywhere in the world. Funny enough whilst the bBC sings his praises, they leave out he was sacked as finance minister of the GLC by Ken Livingstone in which to avert financial catastrophe in 1985 after he had been caught exaggerating spending figures
2) MPs call for British ban on Hezbollah’s political wing.
If you watch this article, it is more about naming (and shaming) those who object to Hezb-allah. A typical left wing tactic, used to rally the troops in which to get the faithful to launch a witch-hunt against those who don’t support their cause.
3) Grenfell Tower: Woman gives birth to ‘youngest survivor’
Another article about the freeloaders of the third world who having won the lottery on gaining asylum, win it again and again due to the bBCs constant brainwashing that more should be done to help people who actually have done really well out of the fire.
4) Trump: ‘I’m the least racist person anybody is going to meet’
The left including the bBC love to promote the view that the President of the US is a racist, yet until he declared his intention for the presidency nobody had accused DT of being a racist. In fact not only did he date Kara Young for a couple of years (She’s a black woman) during the late 90s. When he bought Mar-a-Lago (a very high class golf club) He opened it up to blacks and Jews, which until then nobody else had done. In other words he broke the mold of high society
5) Frazzled’ Boots pharmacist mixed up patient’s pills
Boots is a private company, yet one mistake (As happens) is used by the bBC as an attack on the NHS (be it surreptitiously)
6) Julian Assange asks UK court to drop his arrest warrant
So the bBC promotes the case of this sex pest of how unfair it is about how he has locked himself away from justice for so long, how his health has suffered and how the UK should do the right thing seeing as Sweden has dropped the case. Yet the bBC leaves out, that the reason why Stockholm has dropped the case, isn’t down to JA been deemed innocent , but rather the statute of limitations has run out, this he has achieved by running into Ecuador’s London embassy. But the real reason he is pushing for this, is because the current President of Ecuador has had enough of him and is looking at kicking him out onto the street.
The above is the typical fare of the bBC of late, a leftwing hate fest of misdirections, mistruths and the defence of the indefensible in which to promote a leftwing agenda in which to kick out the present government and replace it with a totalitarian regime which has said it is going to make people pay for not subscribing to their ideals . Funny enough the bBC reported on a correlation of the past with the current Iranian regimes and according to the bbC. The current lot of Iranians have never had it so good.
Iranians compare Shah’s regime with clerics’
Assange has done a lot of damage, but a lot of good. And if you look into the details, that ‘rape’ charge was the most trumped up load of garbage ever, especially for a country that overlooks the mass rape of their children in the last years.
Agree. Rape allegations were a whole pile of cooked up shyte. They have now been dropped as no longer fit for purpose.
Assange has lifted the lid over a whole nest of wipers. We now know of some the dirty stuff done in our name, using our money, and worse to harm us. If Hillary had slithered into the WH, the West would have been undone.
Its miracle that Trump was elected despite the entire 4th estate, financial world, and the secret services against him. If allegations now coming out are true, even the CIA, FBI, and other security services were in the conspiracy to destroy Pres Trump.
Sooner or later the truth will out. I just hope for the good of the UK, that our own security services were not in the conspiracy.
“I just hope for the good of the UK, that our own security services were not in the conspiracy.”
I’m guessing they were. They are certainly in cahoots with dodgy civil servants in this country.
Five Live sends an intrepid reporter to a beer festival where they had sexist beer labels which have now been detoxified; a scantily-clad image of a woman on one bottle has been changed to one of a pilot.
They really earn their corn these journalists, don’t they? What a brave and urgent report from the front line.
And I bet she drinks Diet Coke after watching one of its sexist adverts.
#1 That story was in the TImes on Wednesday 24th (PR agency released story on 22nd)
#2 Such visual stories aren’t suited to the radio.
Cuteness sells, that is why the internet is full of cat videos, and Calendar Girls, sells more than Calendar Boys.
The issue of girls aspirations does bear thinking about, but it shouldn’t trump everything.
They are still going on about Worboys. Is that two weeks of constant coverage now?
“Look! White people rape too!”
Also football pitches are water logged so kids cannot play football. The answer of course is more funding, as it is with everything. They have a petition asking for more investment! No evidence is more compelling than a signed petition.
Where do they think local authorities are having to spend all their money, leaving none left to invest on pitches?
“Where do they think local authorities are having to spend all their money, leaving none left to invest on pitches?”
Why no water polo then?
Probably a “more inclusive” sport than sweaty millionaires kcking a pig around.
A 17-year old boy was hunted down and killed with assault rifles in Central Amsterdam last night., by two men wearing balaclavas.
Apparently this does not qualify as European ‘News’ according to the world’s best-funded-by-taxpayers media organisation :
‘Apparently this does not qualify as European ‘News’’
Be fair, it’s rained a lot in Paris. And the BBC have some pictures of that.
Yep still not on the BBC website according to a search
BTW the BBC’s on search page has BBC banner adverts on it for “The 5Live Get Fit programme”
But there again, perhaps the two ‘balaclava’d’ perps were descendants of the Dutch WW2 resistance re-kindled to take on what the Dutch police cannot?
The ever-glib Samira Ahmed returns with Newswatch inviting Licence Payers to once more howl into the void that is the BBC about their concerns with news delivery. Only to be politely shown the door with the phrase ‘we think we got it about right’ still ringing in their ear.
Increasingly I notice two distinct categories of complaint.
On the one hand are what you might call the conservative complaints: where people ask the BBC to be less sensationalist; more tasteful; more relevant to Britain; less campaigning; less Politically Correct. In summary you could say this part of the audience just want the news.
And then there are the comments broadly from the Left: in contrast they want more campaigning; more social activist reporting; more attention drawn to perceived divisions in society. This group want what they see as their BBC to be their mouthpiece, ever more partisan for their side in its news.
I see the BBC rapidly losing the first group who are generally older and wiser and steeped in the traditional values of what the BBC used to be as a neutral-ish national (not international) broadcaster.
The neutrality, the balance has gone. I sense the BBC has now passed beyond the tipping point. You could say like a certain Tory Government it has alienated the core audience but can never truly satisfy its vocal lefty opponents.
It’s poetic justice that the clip of Cathy Newman rendered speechless is edited out and gloated over. Her whole tactic was to bully and deceive him into saying something he did not really mean, which would then be edited cleverly to make him look as bad as possible and smear him in perpetuity. Well now she will always be associated with that clip where her brain collapses under the absurdity of what she believes.
lol – ‘ collapses under the absurdity of what she believes ‘ best line I have read in ages BB
The letters SWYAS (So what you are saying) should follow Cathy for the rest of her life and eventually end up in the Oxford Dictionary alongside definitions of strawmen
#sowhatyouaresayingis is already doing fine work on twitter
My favourite bit is where Jordan says “That’s just silly”.
Such a perfect statement. The way he laughed so gently as he did it – like a parent laughing kindly at a confused child who thinks Henry VIII is the same thing as WW2. (BBC journalists: they’re not the same – don’t make a story out of this).
I now start all texts to a journalist friend of mine with “So what you are saying is..”. It is a definite meme now. Ace – Super ace.
Cathy, just button it and give us your smile like you did with the Prof.
It was a beautiful moment, but delicious throughout – like watching a 5 year old throw a tantrum at a statue. To be honest, i also came away with one tinge of disappointment in that it is often when the Left are asked questions back that they defeat themselves best. Perhaps Mr Peterson could have done it once or twice more. For instance, I lamented that he didn’t ask her a little more, in his inimitable way, about her views on the lower life expectancy of men, the fact they pay more into the tax system and have lower “opportunity” to take part time jobs. It would have been interesting to see how she dealt with a different perspective on “its not fair” (her fundamental, imbecilic contention with equal pay) . When the limelight of victimhood is removed from them, even from an instant, it usually causes the inner fascist to stir to get it back; they can’t help it.
One of the bbc’s higher market rate talents is in the news. Apparently.
On a related note, is there something that links those who presume to append ‘news’ to their names lest people think they are just propagandising dinosaurs?
Maybe Paul Mason could be prevailed upon for comment?
Here’s another he left at the door, with his DNA…
Gets about the Bbc studios, don’t he? Comments in reply could be going better.
Let’s wish our John all the best with sales of his ‘deeply personal book’
Public service broadcasting, eh…
Katty Kay and Jon Sopel seem to have found this unique self promotion opportunity too.
A headline only the BBC would think to write?:
BBC News
Why are poor black Americans so much more optimistic than their white counterparts?
Well, maybe the Graun too.
Comments again could be going better.
The bbc does like asking questions.
Answering pertinent ones of or about them… not so much.
This is your catchphrase GW
“Comments-could be going better”.
I`d trademark that one, I find myself using it all the time in related concepts.
Classic British understatement. Funny!
Wonder why Emily and Labour..What goes around comes around
Interesting you should mention this – it seems to be a msm tactic that has been widely adopted in Europe. In Germany, murders and rapes by unaccompanied “child” migrants have been kept out of the national media on the pretext that, because the UCM knew the victim or was the boyfriend of the murdered girl, only “Beziehungsdelikte” (crimes caused by a breakdown of a relationship) were involved and so had no wider political significance. Reading the local press coverage of these crimes is the only way of finding out what is actually going on.
Watched Monty Python’s Life of Brian for the nth time last night.
Full of stuff which the BBC wouldn’t broadcast now. In particular, however, I was impressed by the gender bullshit satire which could have been written last week.
Love Eric trying not to corpse.
Which is now, of course, a hate crime. Apparently.
I can imagine this sketch resembles a Labour shadow cabinet meeting, with Momentum present
That’s so funny 🙂
How sad that what was once thought of as satire should have become reality 🙁
MY favourite bit?
“That halibut was a dinner fit for Jehovah”-the stoning.
Like the bit in the dungeon about one of them being a “teachers pet” too.
Well, the Mayanmar thing wasn’t going as planned. Back to the safe zone…
BBC News
Here’s Israel’s plan to force out African migrants
Another BAME.B.C subtlety –
Our Kamal in relation to the unexpected (continuing I might add) growth in the British economy: “Many have been surprised”. “Many”? who are the, “Many”? Use of, “Many” suggests, ‘most’. The likes of our Kamal’s BAME.B.C colleagues and those in the Guardian are the “Many” I would not doubt.
Another reporting subtlety not missed.
The demise of the BAME.B.C is long overdue – the cracks are definitely appearing.
Any thoughts on who might have picked up the £800-a-night tab for John McDonnell’s Davos hotel rooms? Perhaps he shared with Sopel.
That said, the cost of flying our intrepid reporter Business Class from Washington and back again would have been entirely down to us.
Good question. The bbc does not like questions. The bbc likes to ask them. Especially if it deflects from the latest bbc FUBAR.
Don’t be like the bbc.
BBC News
Should men take a pay cut to reduce the gender pay gap?
Some male BBC presenters have agreed to earn less after revelations about pay differences between men and women working for the corporation.
Comments are now open.
Interesting who seems less keen.
I love the part where the Pakistani Muslim says that women should stay at home and look after the kids, the interviewer thanks to anti white racism doesn’t even mention it.
Let me rephrase that : “If you were paid 700k a year to talk crap on TV, and you were told that you could take a pay cut to 500k or leave, what would you do then? You know there would be a queue forming as you speak!
EVERYONE in the Biased BBC is overpaid, men and especially the women.
Did anyone see the Panorama programme “White Fright” that was on early this morning?
I must admit I was stumped by this offering as it nullified so much of the BBC’s. “Joy through Diversity” message.
It was looking at how race relations and integration in Blackburn had changed in the ten years since they last visited.
It was stated often enough that “segregation had increased” but what else the viewer was supposed to glean from the investigation is a mystery. Blackburn will essentially be ethnically self-cleansed of non muslims within a decade or two. Professor Cuntle prattles about his reports, someone Great and Good adds her own platitudes. They still clutch at the ” bussing of schoolchildren ” straw as a way of ushering in the happy, happy mullti-culti promised land. It’s not surprising that muslims frequently stated that they wanted to “preserve their identitg”. Why do the BBC find it so hard to grasp that the same applies to “angry nativists”, who have a lot to be angry about?
“Why do the BBC find it so hard to grasp that the same applies to “angry nativists”, who have a lot to be angry about?” I’d say, ‘MORE’ to be angry about. The islamists chose to come here; we had no say and no choice in the matter and the, “no say” is now enforced by law.
ID& G,
Exactly so.
Yes, good points.
But that gives them MORE rights than the natives, according to the Trudeau Department for Corrective Thinking (also known as the ‘Upside Down’):
— “Anytime I meet people who got to make the deliberate choice, or whose parents chose Canada, I’m jealous. Because I think being able to choose it rather than being Canadian by default is an amazing statement of attachment to Canada . . . you chose this country, this is your country more than it is for others because we take it for granted.”
As the great David St. Hubbins once said, “It’s such a fine line between stupid and clever”.
“Scotland spends 20% more per head on public services than England”
Factchecked(?) –
I say, stop the Barnett Formula immediately. Don’t see 38 Degrees et al clamouring.
Who else here loves channel 4 subtle pro immigration messaging in its trailers? see here and enjoy–1/53115
Walk on girls to be removed from darts competitions.
Don’t want to exploit wimmin’s bodies. A ‘sexist out dated relic’ says reporter for 5 Live.
Perhaps reporters of wimmin in BBC athletic competitions should take note
May I suggest that many sportsMEN are employed for their BODIES rather than their minds
… Isn’t that right David Beckham ?
Ladies not able to go out with the darts players?
Hope boxing stands by its inbetween rounds girl stuff.
But sense it won`t, if it`s not surrendered anyhoo.
Maybe if they paid them more than the boxers it`d be OK.
So I just glanced through the bBC website at an article all about Fake News and was a little surprised at how, dare I say it, “balanced” it was – never fear, I then came to this paragraph
“And, contrary to the conventional wisdom, it’s no longer a stream of falsehoods eagerly swallowed solely by Trump supporters and/or those with little education. By April 2017, Trending was reporting on the phenomenon of left-wing, anti-Trump fakery. Experts say highly-educated people can be duped by lies as well – and can often be more stubborn when presented with information that challenges their views”
Bias restored – Trump supporter = poorly educated, lib/left = highly educated………………. so that’s all good then
I just knew when the BBC announced that the killing of three boys close to a bus stop by car was not a terrorist event, that the driver was going to be a Pakistani Muslim.
Here’s their web page and yet they can’t even mention ethnicity because of their hatred of white people:
It doesn’t even manage to say that he was trying to flee the scene, but caught by some of the boys mates and beaten up. I’m sure these white lads will now be victims of the Political Correctness Enforcement Squad and will receive longer sentences for a so called ‘hate crime’.
Atrocious biased reporting of a tragedy proving yet again white lives don’t matter.
Had the driver been white and boys non white he would have been a candidate for the far right , even if he had a heart attack at the wheel and that was the root cause of the accident. The BBC is never let the facts get in the way of furthering the multi culty narrative.
From the Mail. This is as much information as we will ever see,
Amandeep said: ‘I saw the boys fighting in the forecourt of the garage with an Asian guy on the floor, they were punching and kicking him, they told us he had killed their friend and said call the police.
‘We saw two of the boys on the floor and paramedics came within about two minutes and they lifted one of the boy’s arms and it just fell straight back to the floor.
‘The lads were shouting on the phone and saying three of our friends are dead, they were hysterical and in pieces.’
Jake Webb, 18, said: ‘I saw two white boys punching and kicking an Asian man who was in his late 20s, I said stop and that I was going to call the police and they said he had hit our friends.
Read more:
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”Jake Webb, 18, said: ‘I saw two white boys punching and kicking an Asian man who was in his late 20s’ ”
I wonder how we got trained to say it that way and not:
I saw two British boys punching and kicking a brown man
They reported on Trump tweeting a video of a ‘man’ being thrown off a roof by Isis, perhaps forgetting to mention that the man was homosexual.
In the early fifties in the USA it was the Senator Joe McCarthy
communist witch hunt. Today it is the witch hunt ,if that’s
an anachronism, against MEN. Spearheaded by the BBC !!!
Gary Lineker your days are numbered. The BBC have got at least
six women lined up as your replacement for Match of the Day.
Could these women be any worse than the vile Gary?
The difference is that H.U.A.C. investigations were justified, the organs of the U.S. government WERE riddled with Soviet agents and Hollywood with Communist sympathisers during and after WW2.
Read “American Betrayal” by Diana West, to say it’s an eye opener is something of an understatement.
Politically correct men are spared. It is the equivalent of denouncing your faith. They are useful foot soldiers after all.
Politically correct men are spared. It is the equivalent of denouncing your faith. They are useful foot soldiers after all.
Two sides to the migrant “crisis” in Europe –
Many more migrants scheduled:
What do poor migrants, fleeing strife want on arrival?:
Never forget that Treezer signed up to the UN’s plan to flood Europe with more, “refugees”. Including into Britain. One of the reasons why the oft cited: “….reduce… the tens of thousands…. ” was a blatant lie even when it was first uttered by the failure, David Cameron.
The UN – the principal enemy of Western Civilisation.
Blood pressure went through the roof again watching The Pledge. (I know, I should switch off, and actually I did). Somehow, this activist/one time potential terrorist/now turned respectable – married to a London Gallery owner, by the name of Maajid Nawaz has been given a voice by Sky, and Christ doesn’t he like the sound of his own voice, never giving in to another speaker (but who wants to listen to June Sarpong anyway), and shouting the others down, but oh so articulately. Not many people I want to punch on sight, but he’s definitely one !
I also watched it and agree with your thoughts on Nawaz and that dopey bird Sarpong.
He certainly loves the sound of his own voice.
There are 2 panellists they can choose that represent the right, Dewbury and Malone. Both very sensible. All the other panellists they have on are wet lefty snowflakes.
Usually, it’s like QT, 4 lefty leavers against 1sensible person.
Even Ferrari has gone soft.
One thing I can’t understand.
Not only on this show but on every show.
Everyone says that Trump is a ‘clown, racist, misogynist etc’, even those who then go on to then agree that he’s doing a good job.
Is there nobody at all in the whole of the media that can say Trump is ‘good, a breath of fresh air or something complimentary’ about him?
I know loads of people who think he’s fantastic, myself included, yet, like a positive item about Brexit on the bbbc, anything good about Trump is never shown.
Dopey birdwatch.
Cathy does Delhi?
Got to be a bbc editor by next week, surely?
Isn’t she of the strangulated vowels a Director of some think tank/reintroduce free milk/project pot hole, studies or some other convoluted title ? like the Sky tend to use to review the newspapers.
“Everyone says that Trump is a ‘clown, racist, misogynist etc’, even those who then go on to then agree that he’s doing a good job.”
The people who say that Trump is a clown, racist or misogynist (and don’t forget that they also claim he has mental health issues), are also the ones who claim that there are more then two genders. LGBTWTFIT
Times : Migrants rush to Calais after May’s pledge
And so it goes on …
Times : justin webb : Trump to shut out the huddled masses
Well Garcia has had a lot of time to do something about legalising his status.
What about the other Garcias that are rapists and thieves ?
“And the city has one fewer landscape gardener plying his trade and paying his taxes.”
So not a brain surgeon then? How will Detroit cope without his landscape gardening (for which read grass cutting and leaf blowing) expertise?
Oh, the humanity.
Oh well, another job opening for an American then.
Sun headine : Flake Britain
“Dart bosses axe walk-on girls.
Are You Served stage ban.
007 ‘a rapist’ in Twitter frenzy
– P.C. killjoys take it too far”
whereas The times has 4 articles about the Presidents Club thing
Times : White House has filed court papers supporting action by Conservatives suing University of California for preventing Free Speech events like Milo’s.
More evidence that the anti-science BBC likes “environ mental useful idiots” more than the rare breed of scientists who enter politics, who are then put under BBC Censorship.
Somehow an unusually brainy Bulgarian Politician/Scientist, Neno Dimov, has been appointed the President of the European Union Environment Council. Dimov has a master’s degree in mathematics and a doctorate in physics.
Just as in Britain with our two Politician/Scientists Peter Lilly and Graham Stringer, he has called man-made Global Warming a fraud used as a tool of intimidation. However he has stated that he would not say anything about his personal opinion on climate change, cunningly noting that there is a “political consensus” within the EU on climate change and that he will “keep this consensus alive”. The cunning bit saying that there is a “political consensus” not a “scientific consensus”
So brainy is Dimov, that not only is he a scientist, but he is also a vocal admirer of U.S. President Donald Trump.
Top hater : Afua Hirsch not got a good review for her new book Brit(ish)
“This racism obsessed polemic is Tiresome and cliched” says the Times
: screenshot
..she’s the fuzzy hair shouty on Sky’s The Pledge, who wants to tear down Nelson’s column.
.. “White supremacy is ever present in this society” she asserts
unaware that whites are #LessThanEqual
She was privately educated and went to Oxford, where she felt an outsider.
..Went to Senegal where she felt an outsider.
“She has an obsession with weed”
\\ When she writes of “the horrifying and indiscriminate wave of violence and abuse that swept the country” after the referendum of June 2016 she enters the realm of fantasy. …//
..yes too right
Um, why is she still here then ?? – clearly couldn’t wait to leave her Norwegian birthplace to live here, and no doubt her salary (paid by the hated white man) is more than she could earn elsewhere.
Salt or toffee? Heart attack or diabetes? Whichever; still not enough popcorn…
The market rate bbc media editor…
Have they said exactly by how much? Take a few hundred thou off that lot of leeches and you`ll still find they earn more than the women.
The women need their salaries cut too, are we not all in this together?
I get £9.35/hr to lift old blokes genitals to clean them-but what price do you put on Jane Garvey?
And my employers let it be known that I only earn this because I`m highly experienced, am able to get in at short notice and they`re paying me top dollar(and this is true, compared to other social care providers as they call themselves)
Doesn’t matter how much they reduce the salary of Jeremy Vine to appease women employees, his household income won’t be reduced ! His wife the newsreader Rachel Schofield will reap what her old man loses, so is he bovvered ? nah !
AS – I’m sure quite a few “gentlemen” employed by al Beebus would pay that an hour just to get to lift blokes’ genitals.
l like the way that the BBC puppet presenters are going overboard (in the press) with the ‘its totally voluntary’ deal – when in fact there was no choice… to hide it any more! Wages were hidden for a very long time and some are still hidden ‘offsheet’ via backdoor BBC companies. This fact was highlighted by MP’s quite recently. They BBC was forced to reveal wages for BBC presenters and that ‘pay inequality’ will only get worse.
Just turned on the telly which popped up with ‘Trust Me, I’m a Doctor’ (BBC2). He is talking about diet and it would seem that, from the majority of camera shots, Muslim women with head coverings are those most affected by whatever the doc was talking about.
(Cue Maxi giving us an infographic on percentage of shots of above-mentioned women versus rest of shots. For clarity, my timescale/percentage was based on the amount of time I was viewing and not over the entire programme).
If he does, maybe ask him about editorial competence, Amol-styly, or integrity…. thusly…
‘Accused/Convicted’; ‘Young women/Children’. The Beeb doesn’t do semantics.
Also : BBCTrustMe prog’s dodgy science
The big air pollution experiment
AllergyAction tweeted
\\ This observational study is encouraging planting of silver birch
Unintended consequence = increase in birch pollen = increase allergy hay fever and asthma
…Better low allergy trees available ask RHS //
Lucky they can be be trusted with history…
And I thought there was little likelihood of snow falling this weekend.
The BBC idiot cannot even get his facts right.
In 1667, a Dutch fleet sailed up the Thames in an attempt to curb English power. They failed and then England/Britain entered its Golden age, taking Dutch colonies such as South Africa, Ceylon and New Amsterdam, renaming it New York. Then the Dutch republic went into decline after it lost the Third Dutch War in 1674, and recognised the English claim to the sovereignty of the seas.
Now the traitorous anti-democratic Remain nutters are trying to stop us getting freedom and democratic sovereignty from entering another Golden age, free from a declining economic protectionist undemocratic centralist authoritarian European Union that desperately wants and needs lots and lots of our money to survive.
The Dutch had a major success in 1667, but there are a couple of addition facts in the story that will sound familiar to today’s readers.
Firstly, the Dutch relied on two English turncoats to pilot them through the shoals in the Thames estuary. Secondly, they then found their task easier than expected because most of the English fleet had been laid up with crews discharged to save money. Somehow the name Hammond seems suitable for both sections.
And 39 years ago a spoilt brat was born , who was privately educated, went to Oxford to get a history degree and then used Daddies influence to get a nice cushy media job.
Hope everything is good in your New Forest Mansion with Lady Edwina. So nice of you to lecture us plebs on what is good for us
Take comfort from the fact that snow melts to be absorbed by its surroundings.
Anti-Mass Migration Miloš Zeman Defeats Leftist Academic Challenger in Czech Presidential Elections
wins second term
“Anne Marie Waters tweeted
Khan blames rising crime on lack of police.
Meanwhile, there are 900+ “hate crime” officers, and arrests for “offensive communications” are up 877% from 2014.
How can anyone not see what is happening here?”
The BBC pronounce on Zeman
“The presidential election has reflected divisions between low-income voters with lower education and those living in rural areas, who tend to vote for Mr Zeman, and wealthier and well-educated residents of bigger cities, who are likely to prefer Mr Drahos, correspondents say.”
Sounds familiar.
Counted four degrees of separation between Greg Clarkes interview re Bombardier at 8.30 this morning-and the “because of Brexit”( this is all that will happen from now on).
Whether the EU are or were involved or not.
All roads, all trails of ants and slugs lead back to Justin Webbs Brexit Nexus. Might play a game, where any topic on earth gets to Trump or Brexit within six premisses.
It`s usually three.
1.Cost of cranberries.
2,Trumponian triumphalism(*)
3.Irish efforts to highlight the plight of the native American cranberry.
4.But no Erasmus from now on
5.So Delores O Riordan was sad, and exiled in Brexit nationalist white Britain-no EU CBT therapists able to speak Gaelic.
6,Death of Delores O Riordan due to Brexit(*)
Bbbc national news.
Don’t let children eat old plastic toys.
Their website reports that a Muslim lady from the Grenfel Tower has had a baby.
Muslim woman has baby – what a scoop. Real cutting edge, intrepid journalism from the BBC.
In their diseased, leftoid minds the fact that she is not white, a Muslim and a woman makes the story de facto interesting. It does not.
Beeb Brother
She went on about God quite a bit. Is he the one they call Allah Ackibar?
“Muslim woman has baby – what a scoop. Real cutting edge, intrepid journalism from the BBC.
In their diseased, leftoid minds the fact that she is not white, a Muslim and a woman makes the story de facto interesting. It does not.”
It would be a lot more interesting if it was a man who’d had the baby.
If the BBC really want to push the Trans agenda it’s only a matter of time before they fake such a story.
Vicious anti Brexit anti Trump audience on Any Questions R4. Brave Gisella Stewart bravely soldiered on to defend the optimist view of new trade deals but was constantly interrupted by remainer Stephen Dorrell. She had been too polite to interrupt him . Dimbleby J did nothing to prevent this and of course the audience applause for all Remain comments was deafening .
from the University of Chester’s Molloy Hall with
Remainer 1 : former cabinet minister Stephen Dorrell who now chairs the NHS Confederation as well as the European Movement which campaigns for greater European integration;
Remainer 2 : Frances O’Grady, the General Secretary of the TUC who has joined the new Carillion Taskforce.
Brexiteer _ former Labour MP Gisela Stuart who now chairs Change Britain,
Brexiteer – record producer and entrepreneur Pete Waterman who is also a member of the Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership.
(comes out as huge fan of Is Brexit
.. then launches tirade against US for destroying the UK music industry)
..libs hated him
– which of the main political parties is the most split on the question of Brexit?
– Do you trust Donald Trump and the USA for our future trade?
– Does the panel think that by denouncing anyone who has ever wolf-whistled, brushed against or looked at another human being – that 1984 has arrived?
– And what is actually the best long term strategy for the NHS?
Next week : Isabel Oakeshott and James Cleverly
How many BBC news editors / correspondents were in Davos? How much did all that cost ? Did they all need to be there?
Best moment I saw was Sopel bellowing at President Trump at the top of a staircase and being completely ignored.
If any of you are finding your blood pressure is slightly low, a read of this article and the text of this c**t’s speech in the HoL will sort you out.
A more traitorous; anti-British creature you’d be hard to find anywhere, to think this vermin was once a mandarin at the top of the F.O. who helped to draft Article 50 for the EU scum; it makes you realise the danger Brexit faces from our very own “Deep State”.
The BBC is very much part of the civil-service. We can thank Blair for installing these elite ‘advisors’ who only occasionally reveal themselves as part of the EU advance guard. The Lisbon Treaty was for them ‘the ultimate no escape’ treasonable act. They will fail.
This Lord Kerr – I take it that his first name is Wan.
Or possibly Juan?
AL – I think his surname has been misspelled too
Cur = a mongrel dog, especially a worthless or unfriendly one. 2. a mean, cowardly person
All in all – he`s just another “Euro shit in the wall”
Says it all really about these elite scumbags. Their loyalty to their class will always transcend their loyalty to their nation and culture. Hence the Euro globalist dream of a compliant working class permanently in servitude to a small extremely rich elite will be defended to the end.
The fixes are everywhere from a completely biased mainstream media to a fixed judiciary and civil service to a Government led by a weak and cowardly leader (who will give us a Dogs dinner brexit rather than what we voted for) and a situation now where it appears that not ONE mainstream party actually wants to implement what we voted (the people) actually voted for.
What we see in the astounding BBC bias is just a very small small facet of what this devils alliance of crooks , cowards, the terminally naive and cynical despots have created to further the globalist ideal.
National cohesion is their enemy – and up to now they are doing a fine job in destroying it. In some ways it is a race against time. Unfortunately as things currently stand they have already started running and most of the rest of us have not even dragged our bodies to the starting line
I think brexit will need to be fought for in real terms if we are to truly regain our freedom.
RE: Darts girls.
If you do not like the girls then just check your phone or whatever for the brief period when the players are coming out. I imagine 99% of the overwhelmingly male audience are either happy to see the women or do not care.
The ‘Now Show’ offends me, as do many other BBC programmes. I just do something else when it is on, and I would never begrudge anyone else for listening. That is the sane and sensible approach. What sort of sociopath demands that nobody should be allowed to watch something just because you personally find it offensive?
BBC1 new show on at 8pm tonight called “All Togther Now”. We have had singing talent shows with 3, 4 and sometime 5 judges. The BBC have obviously got the best people to come up we a new format and gone with 100, yes, 100 judges.
The judges are all stacked up in boxes layered about 7 high each with a red button of course. Must have been the biggest budget pile of crap ever commissioned by the BBC so far.
Are the judges normal people? Hell no! The BBC have gone for box ticking judges as we would expect. There are disproportionate gay, black, trans, drag queens and other what can only be described as weird ones.
I’m certain that the men and women who risked everything in WW2 to preserve a civilized society would deplore what has been and is being created today. I just feel that the sacrifices made by the British Forces are being mocked and ridiculed by powerful people who should know better. They are deliberately making our country stink.
Tabs ……… There are disproportionate gay, black, trans, drag queens and other what can only be described as weird ones.
That’s their target audience !!! as well as those whose attention span is 5 secs – the time taken to look up from their phones.
The only terrestrial channel I view on a Saturday night is BBC4 – normally a subtitled thriller/detective drama. I leave the rest to those who buy comics for the pictures only.
Brissles – if you want to see realistic crime drama, “Gommorah” (Italian) and “Braquo” (French) on Sky, both leave anything al Beebus produces looking p**s poor in comparison.
Do they have a token white, straight male in the 100.
Well here is a surprise! the BBC deny that there is any bias (at all) !!! This despite an authoritative detailed reports published only yesterday clearly stating that Judicial review is probably required…read on…
The Times yesterday (Friday 26th January)….
‘A report published today claims to have found evidence that pro-Brexit views are under-represented on the BBC’s flagship news programmes. Just nine of the 97 people interviewed about EU-realted topics on Radio 4’s ‘Today’ in October and November last year were long-term supporters of Brexit, according to the Civitas think tank’.
You can read the full report here (download PDF) – as the link is not on The Times article:
Click to access brusselsbroadcastingcorporation.pdf
The joint authors: David Keighley and Andrew Jubb, who work for ‘News-watch’, said the BBC was …… impervious to all complaints in this domain and a judicial review may be necessary!
Needless to say I agree totally with the authors. And a judicial review IS required (should be demanded by our MP’s). That will mean post-brexit we shall have to clean out the Auggean stables and reformat the BBC by effectively cutting the license fee altogether. We shall see how the BBC fares once it has as many readers as The Guardian* has in (2017) daily newspapers sales. The future of the BBC is clearly obvious as would follow the Guardian plummet – once the notorious ‘license fee’ is replaced with BBC ‘subscriptions’. It is the only reality that the BBC will fight to the death (using our own money of course).
The Guardian
I’m pretty sure any one in authority who is vocal about demanding a Judicial Review will first be invited to talk with the BBC in person at The Ivy restaurant, courtesy of the BBC infinite expense budget. And during that expensive 5 course meal that person would be offered a nice well paid managerial job at the BBC in the future.
@Philip_2 Someone tweeted that BBC Brexit bias article from the Times
BBC and Netflix get together and sadly the brilliant Netflix lose.
The BBc appointed writer says: “If you look at the story from the Trojan point of view it becomes a very different tale. The Greeks are a western force on an eastern shore demanding justice and retribution, and I think that resonates particularly strongly with a modern audience.”
Ah, yes.
And …
“The series has already attracted controversy, with a small but concerted internet campaign bemoaning the casting of two black actors in prominent roles: David Gyasi as Achilles and Hakeem Kae-Kazim as Zeus.”
I see what previous productions have been missing.
Now there is a brilliant movie, called Selma. How much would it have been improved if Martin Luther King had been played by a Japanese actor?
Perhaps the MLK role could be offered to Aled Jones. Then again I suppose that would be construed as racist. Well — fair’s fair. (pun intended)