So Trump’s tax cuts benefit only Big Bad Business [a bigly lie from the BBC]…but also an hypocrisy for this is the anti-capitalist, anti-business, anti-elitist BBC that has done a complete volte face and now cheerleads for Big Business, bankers and the elite in the UK and is keen to hear and promote what these Big Businessmen, foreign and domestic, demand Brexit should be….so these businessmen, foreign and domestic, who each had their own vote in the referendum if they were domestic, get given the veto over Brexit almost as if the democratic vote didn’t matter at all and all we need to know is what a few people, the privileged elites, educated too don’t forget, think. Funny how the BBC’s apparent long held liberal, progressive views go out the window when it suits. A paradox that they do so in support of an undemocratic tyranny just as they support a religion that is vastly, vastly at odds with their own, and the West’s, values and which will destroy European civilisation, beliefs, values and culture as we know them.
Spot any more dangerous, foolish naivety….list it all here….
My beef with the BBC is, more often than not, just poor, inaccurate reporting which, to my mind, throws into doubt the credibility of much of their reportage. Here is a piece on Prince Al Waleed in Saudi Arabia.
All well and good. Except, a throw away line to the effect that the Ritz Carlton Hotel where Al Waleed and others were held will be reopening to the public on 14th February ” for Valentine’s Day”.
Things must have changed a lot in Saudi if there is any hint of celebrating 14th February as Valentine’s Day. It has always been anathema to the Saudis; no Valentine cards were on sale and the religious police would raid the Riyadh florists and confiscate all the stocks of red roses. Has that really changed so much that a major hotel is opening in time for Valentine’s Day, presumably for candle-lit intimate dinners, to the sounds of a slushy romantic orchestra playing Frank Sinatra while the loving couples sip the finest wines and enjoy their pork fillet.
I do not believe it. And I do not believe that the hotel “reopens for Valentine’s Day” either.
I would be delighted to learn I am wrong, but I suspect that who ever wrote this piece has little grasp of the reality in Saudi Arabia.
From another one having spent time in the ‘Open Prison’ that is KSA, totally agree.
Valentine’s Day, or Saint Valentine’s Day to be more accurate, is a Christian celebration of the feast of Saint Valentine. I agree entirely that this would be something for the Saudis to shun big time.
Date for the diary?
Sadly, I rather suspect that, given previous efforts, it will be more like Groundhog Day.
The Bbc’s latest effort to pose the notion that all men should take a pay cut since they got nailed has however not perhaps worked as well as they might have hoped, and make for some interesting questions.
Assuming the panel is not re-stacked with ex-Beeboids and Lord Hall Hall doesn’t get in a belief/trusted/got it about right/DNA loop again.
Petition about Darts walkon girls
On grounds
#1 Puts the girls out of work
#2 It’s been darts tradition for a long time
Hmm Dunno .. but I do know that even in the Coop 39 out of 40 magazines will have a woman’s face on the front cover
Has Al Beeb covered this yet?
“Donald Trump told Theresa May she could become this generation’s Winston Churchill, The Telegraph can reveal.
The US president made the comparison with Britain’s wartime leader during a phone call between the pair on December 19 last year.
Mr Trump explained how he had watched Darkest Hour, starring Gary Oldman as Churchill, and recommended Mrs May see the film. “
Having recently viewed the film ‘Darkest Hour’, I also would also recommend that Mrs May and anyone else reading this, see the film. It has common analogies to the present time.
How about it Al Beeb?
Mrs May has little hope of becoming Churchill. It could be said that Maggie was a true heir of the Churchill tradition. But, alas, Theresa the Appeaser is in the true Neville Chamberlain mold.
Well, even worse actually.
Dammit! I meant ‘mould’ not ‘mold’.
I know the difference. Why can’t I spell it?
But in my defence Chamberlain did get us some moldy deals and Theresa is set on doing likewise.
I think she is more this sort of Churchill
She’s closer to being Ward Churchill than Winston Churchill.
It annoys me greatly that whilst the BBC and the UK film industry will only run down British history, the yanks use our heroism to create moving celebrations of the best aspects of humanity. Dunkirk and Darkest Hour being two good examples.
About a year ago the BBC did a doc about Churchill and, being fascinated by the man, I broke my rule of never watching any BBC ‘factual’ programs. It started with the negative aspects of Churchill, continued with his worst mistakes … and then I turned off.
I googled the presenter to find he is a Marxist Historian from some third rate University that in my life time was a last resort polytechnic. Would the BBC have allowed David Irving to make a program about Hitler without a full warning of his ludicrous right wing views and ludicrous take on the Nazis?
quite right scribbling.
It all depends who you ask to make a programme (now ‘show’).
Churchill did make a number of errors but then so have I. Hitler did too I recall. However he did lead the free world alongside two other great statesmen to put a stop to European adventurism.
I can’t watch BBC ‘propa-umentaries’ anymore and do occasionally make the mistake of watching one.
“I’m on a journey to discover the dark history of Britain and how the slave trade etc etc…”
Just put YouTube on and look for a normal documentary.
“This evening we will be showing some footage of something eg 14th Army in Burma and saying what they did and when with no partcular angle. Then you can watch it and possibly remember a name or two afterwards and not feel anything other than perhaps interest or possibly pride”.
“People aged 16 and 17 could soon be able to cast a vote in Wales under plans to modernise elections.”
Time to have another referendum to get rid of the Welsh Assembly White Elephant.
Scientists of course, have said…
Why stop at 16? There is still some danger teenagers will vote against the Labour party for the disastrous health, economics and health outcomes. How about setting the limit at 3 years old?
A sign of desperation? Problem is, the Welsh (am I allowed to use that word now in view of its connotation for ‘flaky’ welshmen ‘welshing’ on a deal?) have always voted labour so if they all vote for a Venezuelan style local government – that’s what they get.
You should be OK with using the word Welsh. My pinup girl Katie Hopkins referred to the Scots as “sweaty jocks” and she didn’t have to go to prison – yet.
‘sticks and stones…….’ etc. I aint biting , try maxincony 😉
I think you will find that the number of people that vote Labour in England grossly outnumber the Labour voters in Wales. That’s why the UK gets Labour PMs
A considerable number of Welsh people voted ‘out’ in the referendum.
Who would you recommend we vote for, Mrs May? I do know that a number of Taffs like Mr Rees-Mogg.
Stick to posting about Al Beeb’s bias .
Five Live reports that a new organisation has been formed for victims of terrorism. They then interview Brendan Cox, presumably from his own personal office in the building. There must be a thousand or so relatives of victims of Islamic terror in this country, yet the BBC cannot manage to speak to any of them, whereas relatives of those killed in the name of any other ideology are very thin on the ground, Anyone might think the ‘Far Right’ posed an equal or worse threat than jihad terror. Plus, did Thomas Mair not have ‘mental health issues’ or did he have the wrong skin colour to have those?
We then segue to a report of that ‘car crash’ where a vehicle mounts the pavement. We’ve all had that: the car behind is driving too close then comes up in your blind spot so you mount the pavement at a bus stop. Incredibly they still cannot give a description of a passenger/driver who fled the scene. You would think with CCTV, witnesses and all modern detection science they might have some hunch of what this fugitive looks like, but nothing. Incredible – literally.
The first question I would have asked him would be: In the Dispatches Ch4 programme, 50% of Muslims said that they would not intervene if knowing of a terrorist plot by a fellow Muslim. Given it follows that over 1m Muslims in this country would seem to prefer to allow innocent children have their limbs torn off than call the police to stop such atrocities in their name, how should the West respond?
The first question I would have asked him would be: In the Dispatches Ch4 programme, 50% of Muslims said that they would not intervene if knowing of a terrorist plot by a fellow Muslim. Given it follows that over 1m Muslims in this country would seem to prefer to allow innocent children have their limbs torn off than call the police to stop such atrocities in their name, how should the West respond?
Did anyone hear the scaremongering play on Radio 4 about a future NHS ? Anti biotics had to be administered through a means tested scheme because they cost £15 thousand a course because so few could cope with anti biotic resistance . Well, the BBC should know that this won’t happen !!!
See UK award for Israeli antibiotic resistance research
Posted on: Sunday, December 24th, 2017 on Israelactive .com
Israel’s Team Prismatix – combining scientists at Israel’s Technion Institute and Bnai Zion Medical Center – has won a Discovery Award for its research into rapid diagnostics for antibiotic resistance. The awards are part of the UK Nesta Foundation’s Longitude Prize challenge program.
And posted on October 2017
Hebrew University researchers are working on preventing the creation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. They are analyzing the concentrations of antibiotics and their timescales for destroying bacteria, to optimize treatment regimens and avoid the under / over-treatment of infections.
Now they speak to a man who has developed a system of helping his kids revise for exams via music and hip hop/rap. I had to change the channel.
Learning does not have to be ‘fun’ or ‘cool.’ Often the seeds are bitter and the fruit is sweet; you just have to get your head down and work hard. Any attempt to distill the spark notes on Hamlet into a ‘cool’ rap will inevitably muddy their message. Darwin did not collate the evidence for his theory of evolution by breakdancing about sea shells.
Stop trying to be ‘with it’ BBC,
Either you make me cringe or patronise me.
“Break dancing about sea shells’.
Truly excellent Beeb Brother. Cheered me up.
Thanks! I should be back another rant tomorrow morning. I can’t imagine the BBC will manage 12 hours without annoying me in some visceral way. This website is so cathartic!
Far too late Beeb. You’d have to go back 30 years, to the truly frightful Janet Street-Porter et al to nip the ‘with it’ philosophy in the bud.
The way things are going Beeb, this chap should put his talents to better use, and get his son to put his name down NOW for a hip op which he could need mid-century; at least he’ll be ahead of the game, rather than hip hop which will get him nowhere.
Now, which utterly biased outfit would have editorial integrity like that?
Or forget to mention a study that shows they have a 97:3 ‘even split’ on reporting Brexit.
Like the No.38 bus…
I wonder what kind of wedge Clive was on vs. the ladies. And, of course, female staff.
Enough to drive you mad.
……..just as they (the BBC) support a religion that is vastly, vastly at odds with their own, and the West’s, values and which will destroy European civilisation, beliefs, values and culture as we know them..
Melanie Phillips nailed it in this 2011…
Islam in Europe
James Delingpole says on his Pod cast that the Spartan army were ‘all benders.’ Really made me laugh.
You would never hear something like that on the PC BBC, or endless other funny but potentially ‘offensive’ comments. I am sure plenty of gay people would laugh as well – there is something inherently comic about referring to a lethal fighting force as ‘benders.’ They would happily led ‘offensive’ comments at a non protected group slide though. It is so patronising and insulting; just because you are part of a minority you need liberals to protect your feelings.
Funnily enough, two of the most dangerous and fearless men I’ve known are both gay. Homosexuality does not confer physical weakness, rather I would say it inculcates mental strength and a self-belief which makes for a very tough bloke.
The homosexuals in the R. Navy have always been valued for their bravery in ship emergencies. No jokes please. The Navy is place for tough cookies.
I am not a liberal. The homosexuals I know are wildly cross about the stink being caused by the new genders etc as it is rubbing off onto them and devaluing all they have slowly worked for ie respect and acceptance.
Me and the missus are thinking of buying a new sofa but we’re not sure that all white couples are allowed to buy sofa’s these days . Might have to call my black mate up and ask him to go with my wife to buy it for me
White people have been ethnically cleansed from all advertising.
The reality in 2012 –
Interesting Cheers G
Someone needs to send that chart to the Advertising Standards Authority !
Lock13, you might need to get him to do the same if you want to get a mortgage.
Oh c’mon, you’re not really with it at all are you? You should be going to buy that sofa arm in arm with your black mate, not the missus, heterosexual inter-racial relationships are so last year.
Although one, or ideally both of you, will also need to claim to be pre-op transgender, for true ‘diversity’ box ticking and maximum ‘Liberal weighting’.
If you could take Mustafa from the kebab shop in a hijab as your 35 year old, adopted ‘child migrant daughter’, they might even give you a free sofa if you agree for your family to appear in future adverts.
Big Bro
And he would be So Money Supermarket!!
The Andrew Marr show, interview with Steptoe, a wankfest and love in between communist Marr and his boyfriend over capitalism, and the EU. Agreeing on almost every issue, lines being fed, AM with ‘of course’ ‘I agree’ ‘absolutely’, a disgraceful interview by a supposed top rank interviewer, more like top wank. I will put a complaint in, for what it’s worth, which I know is sweet fa.
Don’t worry Karma is looking after Marr
Absolutely no dite abite that old chap.
Every single edited highlight on twitter from the bbc reads like an election poster. Impartially, as always.
The interview was a disgrace. The BBC have become even more overtly left wing since the last general election. Marr is a case in point.
Lunchtime R4 news today, in the hands of Ben Wright (for the first time?), obviously a keen student of Mark Mardell and more than able, even as a newbie, to attack Theresa May and her government.
Who needs Labour?
Once again it’s left to Guido to point out what the over-funded BBC can’t. Or more likely won’t.
Sky news poll, should there be another referendum. You know what to do.
(think of other referendums around Europe about the EU. People were forced to retake them until the establishment got the right choice)
“Our editorial guidelines ensure impartiality.”
ND, please find bog standard Beeb bullshit reply – to save you a wasted effort.
Just watched Macrons speech from Davos on RT news. It was entitled “France is Back”.
The speech was presented in perfect English by Macron.
Thing is Rob, Mr. Neil said it before Mr. Marr, so getting the big bucks with a catch up sticking plaster is a bit dire.
And boasting about it even more so.
Maybe slip a female Editor a fiver to compensate, and don’t forget to tell Amol and BBC Press.
Now catching up on the day and it seems Jez lied through his teeth and either Andy and team had not done their homework or decided to let it pass.
The usually combative Rob Burley seems to have gone with a muted ‘BBC editorial integrity means there is not always time to hold to account the guy who has guaranteed the gravy train’.
Can’t wait for the ‘analysis’ of Nick, Jon, John, Emily, Kirsty etc on the nice old geezer ‘giving’ houses to 8,000 people using… um… ah… well, not borrowed money, for sure.
hello chaps and ladies,
I’ve been looking at the site for a few weeks and just registered to say that I’m another member of the silent majority that’s had enough, sorry it’s taken me so long and it took me a while to figure out why most of the “complaints” were radio based so I’m obviously not very bright!! I hope to add the odd comment but for now the £147 I pay to be insulted is history. bfn
Welcome to the site!
Jam, echo what Lobbie said plus I enjoyed the humour in your first post.
When life gets grey & a bit threatening, there is usually something witty or just downright funny to read on here.
Welcome Jamonit ! you’re not part of the silent majority when on here !!
Relative to the population, the rates of prosecution for indictable offences for Black and Mixed ethnic groups were four and two times higher than for the White ethnic group. For every 1,000 population members, 16 Black and 9 Mixed defendants were prosecuted compared to 4 White defendants.”
when black people are 3% of the population.
Yup, precisely and indeed, ‘White ethnic group’ numbers are probably boosted by the EU millions and we know certain of them show a disproportionate propensity toward crime even if it is benefit fraud.
Not just benefit fraud, many armed robberies and other crimes are committed by Eastern Europeans, it’s just that their particular “contribution” to the U.K. in this area is downplayed by al Beebus; unless it’s too difficult to ignore, like when that chap was tied up and beaten half to death (at his own home) in North London by a gang of them.
Funny how they’re not 3% of the adverts, or 3% of historical dramas, or 3% of television presenting jobs.
They are about 3% of the talent though
Three teenagers killed in car crash.
Police believe a man ran off. Others might have been in the car.
If they believe a man ran off then perhaps he was seen or filmed on CCCT camera.
So why no description?
Car crash my arse. The media and its government can only continue so far with cover ups because fact and conspiracy theory will combine against them
We’re now at the stage where no one believes it, even if it really was a car crash. Which is a very dangerous situation that the lying media have brought upon themselves.
I see that the BBC has been generating fake news even about their own male stars pay cuts as they claimed Sopel has agreed to a pay cut. He on the other hand categorically denies this .
When they even lie about their own internal politics what hope is there?
The BBC said Huw Edwards, Nicky Campbell, John Humphrys, Jon Sopel, Nick Robinson and Jeremy Vine had all accepted reduced wages.
BBC editor Jon Sopel had NOT agreed to take a pay cut – despite corporation naming him as one of the men who had
BBC star Jon Sopel had not agreed to take pay cut
Even when all the other media is reporting that the BBC is broadcasting fake news again, and calling them out for it, they maintain their lies as if no one has noticed.
Well, he HAS got a couple of kids to get through Yuni.
That cnut should have been forcibly sterilised.
The islamic Belgium?
“We are facing a transition to a new social model rather than a temporary phase of dysfunction.” Yes, recent societal changes “have destroyed many of the structures that shaped our daily lives and formed the foundation of our identities, leading to a loss of bearings and a sense of anxiety.” But while the “simplistic rhetoric” of “populists” represents this transition as involving “confrontation” between “us” and the “other,” thereby turning us into nationalists and xenophobes and them into an “enemy,” what we should be doing is letting go of the last vestiges our old society, with traditional “social roles” and “ways of thinking” and “accepted standards,” and learning to cultivate “open identities” and to “perceive diversity as an enrichment that contributes to the improvement of our societies.”
Well, there you have it, in one paragraph – encapsulating Europe and the UK. Pity for Belgium that the islamists don’t share the same views.
Jesus, that could have come straight from Mein Kampf
If it were similar in the UK……………………
BBC still determined not to tell the truth about the driver of the Audi which killed three boys.
I would have thought that a description might have helped in the search. The fact they are described as “men” speaks volumes.
Sky News have a CCTV image of the suspect×616/skynews-hayes-west-london-police_4216646.jpg?bypass-service-worker&20180128125416
Note the thick dark hair and possible beard. Looks like a Belgium national to me.
Looks like the Lizard man
A man. Well that rules out the other 63 genders
On BBC News Channel they had feminist man hating Guardian contributor Laurie Penny to give her (impartial?) opinion on the banned woman models at the darts competition.
When asked about the 16,000 people who had signed a petition to get the girls re-instated Laurie replied “well of course those 16,000 people are entitled to their sexist opinions…”. Of course noone else interviewed to try and balance the “debate”.
Nothing like fighting for women’s equality by making them loose their jobs. Add that to the 300 hostesses at the Presidents Club last week. At this rate all women will be out of work this time next year thanks to the likes of the BBC.
I suppose there are plenty of Transwoman ready to take their positions though.
Has Laurie Penny got a dick – maybe just a little one?
Sometimes I think she is Maxi Same intellectual level
lib-rule : You are only allowed to be sexy, if you are NOT heterosexual
Early this morning I had a triple win at switch on bingo
– World Service : Afua Hirsch hater of white society was plugging her book Brit(ish)
Clicked to – BBC Radio 4 Religion prog : “Are we becoming more intolerant as a society? Dr Mark Ledwidge and Journalist Mona Chalabi debate the question.” (Their in was than it’s claimed the first Turban wearing Sikh MP had got racial abuse)
Clicked to – Radio5 Live : where they had a feminist on talking about Darts Walk On Girls
I’ll tell you what
If the walk on people were gay or drag queens ..there would be no outcry
I went to school with a load of women who objectified men
..Their bedroom walls were full of Donny Osmond, Bay City rollers, George Michael or Take That posters
… Will there be a big apology.
Starsky and Hutch, please!
I go back even further to Dr. Kildare whom I lost my heart to at age 13. This was 20 years before I discovered Richard Chamberlain was …….. gay ! Story of my life.
My mum fancied Errol Flynn
Here’s that item on Blacklash & “Are we becoming more intolerant as a society? Dr Mark Ledwidge and Journalist Mona Chalabi debate the question.”
First note that when BBC introduce someone as “Journalist ” that seems to always mean “Guardian Journalist ”
cos if they work for another paper that is always mentioned first.
NB1. how often debate items are just liberal with liberal
NB2. How said liberals make outrageously racist comments/claims if you run the test of reversing the colours
link straight to min 35 8 minute item.
sorry posted this above but in wrong box
Sky news poll, should there be another referendum. You know what to do.
(think of other referendums around Europe about the EU. People were forced to retake them until the establishment got the right choice)

Of course the yes vote is leading
Hardly surprising since hundreds of Remainiacs are retweeting the poll
51% to 49% now ..54,000 votes
Now 52% yes. Actually, I’m not averse to a vote if it gives us a chance to scupper a bad deal.
Indeed. A crap deal could be voted down by angry leavers AND Europhile remainers, who want a total capitulation to the EU.
Roland, if it was a choice between whatever the PM and the EU cook up and out, out, OUT on 29 March next year, then maybe I’d reluctantly concede to having one.
You know how the first PM programme will start after any such Referendum is announced “What?” “Oh no, not again!” after which the BBC will go into total subversion mode on behalf of Remain.
As stated many times and will continue to state. The Left have had many years of subterfuge to hone their skills in the dark arts and there is no question that they will rig in any way that they can any further referendi on this issue. We had the vote – we voted out and out is what we should get!
We are not euro sheep.
Indeed, honestus.
I still live with the hope that the Remoaners will push and push and push way too far and just put up the backs of many ordinary Remain voters to the point where they start to scream “Out!” “Now!!!”
When their voice gets added to the voices of 52% of leavers it will become Cry Freedom on 29th March 2019!
I would welcome a second referendum and would vote again for leaving the EU and, this time, would form part of more than 52% of those voting. Bring it on and let us give a bigger bloody nose to the self-serving lefty liberal elite who think they know better than we do. Clegg, Lineker, Blair, Toynbee, Marr, Peston and all the other Onanists would then be free to do what they do best, make barren their own seeds.
This Saudi takes no refugees thing
Our point is that people coming all the way illegally to the UK from Syria are not refugees, they are economic migrants, cos once the Syrians are outside the war zone say in a neighbouring country like Turkey they are safe..they don’t need to go traipsing across to other countries.
And in other conflicts that is what happens; refugees are taken care of in adjacent countries.
So in this case that should be the gulf countries
So why are refugees coming all the way to Northern Europe ?
Saudi is not signed up the UN refugee programme and that makes sense, cos otherwise half the people coming to the Haj might never go home.
Instead it has a guest worker scheme, but it often kicks people out back to non-free states when their job contract is rescinded.
LIkewise Qatar, Kuwait, UAE so they also have a refugee count of zero.
Saudi has about 10 million guests, but that not many of them are thought to be new Syrian migrants.
There might be 100,000+ new ones and claims are made for half a million o a million, but that is not supported by robust evidence.
The point is that we shouldn’t claim Saudi takes care of zero Syrians, but no one is saying that they have taken as many as Germany has, and it should be the other way around that ..Saudi should be taking way more than Germany. In fact Germany should be taking close to zero and maybe funding some camps in Turkey, Lebanon etc. if that what they want o do
“So why are refugees coming all the way to Northern Europe ?”. Simples: the UN’s policy to flood Europe with islamists and all European Governments have signed up to this.
I now see the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Adel bin Ahmad Al-Jubeir, at Chatham House has spoken on the issue in June 2016 and then Sept 16..Very smooth spin
There is a contradiction with the number 2.5million and 600,000 . It doesn’t seem reasonable to think that 2.5million Syrians went all the way to Saudi and 1.9m returned to Syria..more likely many of the 2.5 million are multiple renewals same people .
When the first wave of “refugees” left Syria the Saudis were asked why they weren’t taking any. The reply was that there were too many terrorists mixed in with the refugees and it was impossible to tell which was which. It made sense then and it still makes sense now.
The governments of western Europe took a different view but have proved that the Saudi’s were right.
@RJ Your’e right and the ministers speech looks like propaganda they thought up afterwards.
The numbers they come up with don’t seem robust.
One thing is in the Middle East when people move country they mostly keep their identity so a Syrian family in Saudi might have been 80 years. So when you have 100,000 “Syrians” that means most of them might have never been to Syria .
A head teacher and the board of governors at England’s best performing Primary school decided that children under the age of 8 yrs old should not be forced to wear the hijab or take part in fasting during Ramadan.
As a result, they were subjected to vile and aggressive abuse from members of the Pakistani and Bangladeshi community.
A video, circulating on social media this weekend, portrays the head teacher of England’s best primary school as Hitler. The school’s former chairman of governors is Stalin and some of its management team are shown as Hitler’s acolytes.
They have been described as “dirty scum”, “Islamophobes” and “disgusting mullah menaces”.
Surprise, surprise, they have decided to reverse their decision due to the threats made against them and the fact they no longer feel safe.
Where are the police? Why aren’t they breaking down the doors of the aggressors? Where are the politicians demanding action against the violent thugs?……..oh, of course, they’re muslims.
Yes, Police? We can give up on them unless it is either a murder or a hate speech crime, oh unless you are a Brit when the law all kaffirs deserve is dished out to us. Rest assured, that will be different to what our islamic masters insist upon. Thanks, Blair, thanks Brown, thanks Cameron and finally, a big thanks to our Treezer.
Fresh from her ‘6 a day’. Sorry, that’s 5 prayer times a day. Is there a special room reserved in No.10 for all converts?
the biggest shock of all was, as I flicked through LBC the other day, jobby was actually tearing into a couple of muslim females who were defending the wearing of hijabs by their young daughters and he cut one of them off mid sentence! He must have had trouble sleeping that night!
Naturally, the Swedish Government would have planned for this eventuality –
“Shocking statistics: 1 in 8 Swedish women will be raped”
And yet so many still vote in those facilitating this.
Always knew they were quite sporting but this seems… unusual.
Police have released a video of a suspect leaving the Black Audi that collided with those three young innocent lads. No description such as police are searching for a man of xxx xxx appearance. You can bet your bottom dollar if he was white it would say so.
I am interested that they refer to these poor victims as ‘young men’ when usually they would be boys/children, as in the use with ‘child migrants’. I wonder why.
Mishal has a chart of age ranges and descriptions which can be turned upside down and back as required.
And in the BBC story, is this innocent-looking blurb:
… “Three young men have lost their lives as a result of this incident; such tragic circumstances must far outweigh any taboo around assisting police.”
So, to me, “taboo”? That sounds to me, I could be wrong, about protecting someone in what could be some specific community. But we will see. I will check for other news reports.
”May not ‘tough’ enough
Mr Trump said he would have negotiated Brexit with a “tougher” attitude than Mrs May.”
Trump is right again.
But with her a traitor it’s to be expected.
In fact we could have recruited a random limp wristed gay, from any local public lavatory as negotiator, and even they would have been tougher than May..
The politically correct definition is not “public lavatories”, they are cottages.So I’m informed.
There’s many at the BBC, allegedly, who work in a cottage industry.
Like Jordan Peterson says, women on the whole are more agreeable than men. I would love to have some aggressive badass fighting our corner. May just apologises too much and let’s herself get pushed around.
Beeb Bro
Maybe Jordan Peterson just found a more agreeable way to say that women – on the whole- (Phew the ice is a bit thin here) are more easily led than men?
Just been watching an old Live at the Apollo show where you get 3 ‘comedians’ on got the half hour.
One of the comedians, Geoff Norcott, made the mistake of asking if there were any Tories in the audience.
After the almost silent reply he said that about 7 out of 3,500 seemed a bit odd.
I would have thought that’s about par for the course with the bbbc.
It’s odd there were as many as seven in an al Beebus’ audience.
We are yet to hear from a single victim of ‘Asian groomers’ amidst the #Metoo campaign.
Perhaps we could start a rival movement? Every victim of a rape gang can be dismissed with #Ignoreyou.
I will be intrigued to see how they report on Trump’s interview with Piers Moron broadcast this evening. As many will have watched it they might have to tone down the misrepresentation and confected ‘outrage.’ I am sure they will still manage a few beauties.
You might think the US president might be keen to be interviewed by our world- envied national broadcaster, that paragon of fairness and impartiality. I can’t imagine why he chose someone else.
Lot of grumpy testosterone floating around today.
If anybody expects “news” ever since Brexit and Trump?
Well, you can wait in vain, you`ve done so. It`s not going to change until we “shoot the men who arrange things”( To quote Kevin Rowland, who was my first sight of a trans-fluid artist).
Not pretty at all.
Go out and read Enoch or Orwell. Enjoy all the YouTube stuff and wondrous podcasts available today.
And switch to Netflix(£5.99) pcm at last check.#
Or Amazon Prime.
Then seek out Partridge, Gervais, Morris and all the other trul rebellious programmes that (for some reason) the BBC seem not to be able show us.
And get rid of the TV licence slave chain, pay for Netflix and set yourself free of this tripe.
Let their radio be their last link with you, easy to turn it off.
Oh, and get a cat.
Or escape from it all and watch Talking Pictures (Freeview channel 81). I had no idea there were so many films available from the 40s and 50s.
They have some great old documentaries and information films too, footage of London and other places from decades ago; compared to today they look like they’re filmed on another planet instead of another era.
Here’s the thing, why can I not watch live transmissions on my TV that are not BBC related under threat of prison (assuming I have no license as I watch no BBC content). Why is this?
We would never know it (the BBC would suppress the figures) but so many people have started watching and commenting on Talking Pictures since it came onto Freeview that I think the main channels must be worrying. This isn’t just blogtalk – I am hearing people from all walks of life talking about it.
As BBC and ITV programmes are now virtually non-stop virtue signalling, it’s small wonder that people want to return to the world as it was before the Blair Terror began in 1997.
The question is, how will the major broadcasters react? We have seen advertisers doubling down, so much so that their advertisements are the subject of widespread ridicule and, judging from recent output, mainstream programming is getting even worse, hard though that may be to believe.
Personally, if they were selling shares in Talking Pictures, I’d buy some.
Thanks for the info buddies, I’ll check it out. It sounds like the kind of TV that might entice me to reach for the ON switch – if I can remember where it is.
I just heard a harrowing trailer on Radio 4 for ‘Analysis’ tomorrow. A transgender woman looks into women’s unconscious bias against women. Meta oppression?
Beeb Bro
This one ticks a few boxes
Disabled – tick.
transgender – tick.
victim – tick.
Call the Midwife. BBC1
BBC used to be good at historical drama but I decided not to even bother watching when I read the description.
Series 7 Episode 2
Drama about a group of midwives in 1960’s London. Lucille faces racism and prejudice when a new mother falls ill. Sister Winifred is keen to have fathers be involved in childcare.
BBC drama where BBC contrives racism into a story line. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
You need a pretty strong stomach to endure any BBC drama these days. Have you seen what they’ve done to R4’s afternoon plays? They might as well rename it Momentum Theatre.
Call The Midwife was always going to be a prime target for the cultural Marxists as it plays to an empathy-driven demographic (the ‘our NHS’ target) but that is just one thread in the weave. There is almost no aspect of BBC programming now that isn’t being used as a hammer.
Presumably the sickle comes later.
You need a pretty strong stomach to endure any BBC drama these days. Have you seen what they’ve done to R4’s afternoon plays? They might as well rename it Momentum Theatre.
Call The Midwife was always going to be a prime target for the cultural Marxists as it plays to an empathy-driven demographic (the ‘our NHS’ target) but that is just one thread in the weave. There is almost no aspect of BBC programming now that isn’t being used as a hammer.
Presumably the sickle comes later.
SJWism is like mosquitoes in the tropics
always popping up sniping at you.
20:37pm BBC4 Simon Reeve “Oh we’ve just come up against unexpected rain Climate Change”
And then there is this stupid interview where he just feeds lines to the “expert” who says “yes” all the time
..”So this could meanmore extreme weather ” “yes”
..”So this could mean the end for the coffee industry ” “yes”
(It’s a repeat prog about Coffee farmers in Vietnam ..I was there in 1994 when there only 1 main road, travelling in the west interior was difficult)
FFS He’s on Twitter
\\ ‘EU declares war on plastic waste ‘…etc…by 2030. Pathetic.
Our seas will be full of #plasticwaste by then.
May’s ‘plan’ (mainly just asking nicely for firms to stop using plastic) is even more useless. //
\\ I’m finding Simon Reeve incredibly condescending and rude in this coffee documentary,
I mean taking a farmer’s earnings from his hands and counting it without asking & announcing it to the camera.
I’m sure he’d love someone doing that with his paycheck.
Who does he think he is?//
C4 Natwest ad : Features black bride marrying white handsome guy everything perfect vid
Next ad : Purplebricks : All white person wedding vid
… not nice spoiled by father ranting against the groom about estate agent commissions
Don’t know if anyone has mentioned them here before but the Nationwide ads feature songs by a pair called Flo & Joan (actually Toronto-based British sisters Nicola and Rosie Dempsey).
I wonder how the “creative” team responsible chose them as, in their own act, they are anti-Trump, anti-Brexit etc. Watch to the end of “The 2016 Song,” if you can bear it! I think my head would explode if I had to watch more than one of their songs, and I don’t mean because of their politics! (BTW, contains explicit language)
Put the Burkas on them and send them sans clitoris back to the kitchen.
The libmob normalising hate.
Hate… don’t know about anyone else here, but im too shattered and incredulous to “hate”…. I could be accused, that said, of a “stunned crime”…. and “stunned speech”…. at some of the stuff I see. I really can’t believe how deluded, stupid, senseless, easily-led, illogical, down-right unpleasant or comically inadequate and infantile the Left can be. Hate? No, I reserve “hate” for things that make me physically repel, like fish paste, getting up in winter and Diane Abbot.
Did they say a bomb in Nice? I suppose it might have been hard to fit in the phrase ‘juggernaut mows through crowds’.
Anyway, I think it’s an illness….
Trick, “anti-Brexit and Toronto-based British sisters” ?
Something does not add up there!
This from
Talking Pictures is available on YouView, BT YouView and Talk Talk YouView (if you live within the coverage area, see above for how to check your postcode). If the channel does not appear then you may need to rescan your YouView box: Press the ‘YouView’ Button then go to Settings > TV Signal & Quality > Re-tune Channels. For further support visit:
Mind you, as it’s BT you’ll be lucky if anything works. Ever.
Good luck.
My apologies. The above was a response to Lucy Pevensey who was asking about Talking Pictures.
This blog needs some technical attention, I’m afraid.
Talking Pictures is actually on Freeview 81 in many areas
and Sky 343
And Virgin 445.
OK today is Holocaust Memorial day
when we think about all the poor INNOCENTS Jewish & others that died in the concentration camps,
..What’s the BBC teaching our kids ?
Oh FFS they have an article titled Denying the Holocaust
By Deborah Lipstadt 2011
..which has a number of quite weird things about it : Like for a start it lays into David Irving
who she won a big court case against.
Surely you’d find another author to do a kids piece otherwise it’s a gigantic conflict of interest ?
Does the BBC mention, just in passing, the 100 million (give or take a few million, as you do) slain by Chairman Mao? Or what about Pol Pot?
This is not to excuse the Nazis but I am growing increasingly tired of the Left’s deliberately misleading coverage of 20th Century mass murders by collectivist regimes.
BBC4 Doco about the Clyde Talking about “homers” , workers devoting time works resources to making stuff for their own home
“industrial scale pilfering on the QE2 project” Well I guess it’s management’s fault
After the project they’d made a loss and didn’t get further orders ..the ship yards started to close.
Later the workers staged a work-in, to show they weren’t lazy .. until the government caved in.
BBC 1. This evening. ‘Call the Midwife’
Title photo shows a grinning black kid with three white kids in a 1963 London street. It must have been photoshop (airbrush) or a very rare image.
First scene shows a mixed-race midwife sitting with the white nuns. She is elegant and poised. (Michelle Obama pose).
Next scene a hairdressers. Employee is working as her mother (smoking) insists she does so. Of course she gets pains. Just as her mother says, ‘I didn’t just get off the boat….”, Michelle Obama strides in wearing full midwife kit. Cue stunned and embarrassed silence from the racist, smoking mum.
It’s racist to wrongfully substitute white people for black people. It’s called ethnic cleansing. It’s a destruction of the indigenous population.
Hello U2S
I fundamentally disagree with your assertion that the principles espoused by Thomas Sowell do not, in some way, apply to the UK. I remember when the top rate of tax was 98% and those affected simply put their money into premium bonds thus lending money to the government in preference to investing in business. This is a chief the point of what Thomas Sowell says in his pamphlet. I am afraid you may have, unwittingly, have fallen into the trap of buying into the entirely fictitious trickle down theory.
Hello U2S
I fundamentally disagree with your assertion that the principles espoused by Thomas Sowell do not, in some way, apply to the UK. I remember when the top rate of tax was 98% and those affected simply put their money into premium bonds thus lending money to the government in preference to investing in business. This is a chief the point of what Thomas Sowell says in his pamphlet. I am afraid you may have, unwittingly, have fallen into the trap of buying into the entirely fictitious trickle down theory.
Hi Navets, you are most welcome to.
Can’t really debate politics & economics on the BBC any more but we can here.
I think what you will have to do is look at the post-modern (after 1975) US and UK economies and compare and contrast, as the good old exam questions often ask. You will also need to bear the history of taxation, at least in the UK, in mind as you do so.
The top rate of Income Tax has never been at 98% in the UK in peace-time and Premium Bonds did not come into being until after the aftermath of WW2, I think in the 1950s. By then the top IT band had been reduce to about 90%. It reduced to 83% by the start of the time period I suggest you to consider. There was a supplementary rate of 15% imposed on amounts of Investment Income above £15,000 but you had to be mega-rich to enjoy paying that tax which applied to very few, very fortunate individuals. Perhaps that is the 98% ie. 83 + 15 that you are thinking of?
As for the ‘Trickle Down’ theory & my relationship with it, I think that maybe that you need to re-read my posts on the subject!
As an example of the fact that it doesn’t work, if I recall correctly, Geoffrey Howe in his first Budget in 1979 slashed top band Income Tax rates for high earners but increased VAT to pay for it. Guess what happened next?
“Corbyn pledges 8,000 homes for rough sleepers”
Why the shortage of homes?
Al Beeb and the Tory Government never mention, that there are far too many people coming into the country each year. Its bleeding obvious !
One of those “Men” has been named.
”Jaynesh Chudasama was arrested after the crash near a bus stop in Hayes, west London, on Friday evening.”
What’s the media obsession with the bus stop in this story?
They were not waiting for a bus, and I don’t think they had traveled by one either, and the crash wasn’t that near to it.
The logic of of More Or Less loses me, (yet again!). I gather that there is a proposal to ask respondents to the next census whether they are citizens or not. Apparently this is a ‘bad’ thing because numbers equals representation and cash so if a state under-reports the number of its occupants it loses out. So a state that has a greater proportion of ‘illegals’ than others will suffer as these people will be reluctant to be counted.
Why should non-citizens be represented or funded, or am I missing something?
Another item had them very reluctant to call Attenborough out on ‘fake science’ as it might just be possible that some shark somewhere, deep in the oceans, has been on a diet for a year. No such generosity to anyone that suggest that humans aren’t responsible for climate change! Don’t these luvvies just love each other!
Bedtime and still no news on the Hull Tramodol slag Laura ‘290’ Plumber.
I was hoping to hear the pardon has been rescinded or something, but no…
Anyway it’s still locked up, so won’t be hitting the lucrative breakfast tv sofas for at least another day or two.
Unfortunately, I am not entirely sure that the “Right” (or even simply the “rational-minded”) are making the best case they can for Brexit.
There are 200 countries with points systems for immigration. The Biggest cost, to my mind of the EU, is not the amount we pay, but the amount that it has cost us since the open door policies of the 2000s to provide health and social care, benefits and infrastructure for newcomers (and their subsequent offspring) over and above the level that a points based system would have obliged.
Add to this wage deflation and the impact on spending power in the UK.
Migration Watch put the total cost of such policies at around £150bn a few years ago, but without the corresponding wage impacts, or legislation impacts, being considered.
They also noted in Nov 2017 that 90% of additional housing demand had a foreign head of house. So, the increase in property prices can also be attributed also to the EU membership and corresponding policy of forcing uncontrolled immigration.
Beyond this, add the costs of projects that the being part of the EU model has created. Like HS2 – £50bn, energy projects beyond what are needed, as well as contribution to Heathrow, Cross rail etc. (If the HS2 case was being built on time savings, then surely immigration has a cost associated with congestion increases. What’s that?)
I also think a bit of logic is being missed: All of these forecasts suggest that Post Brexit, we will have lower GDP/head rise i.e lower outputs of goods. So, thus have more time on our hands. What do the clever economists suggest we are doing with it?…. Eating croissants?
“There are 200 countries with points systems for immigration”. Nigel Farage has argued for a points system for a long time.
Its a topic hardly mentioned on Al Beeb.
Taffman – “Straw-manning” I believe it is called…. take an argument, build a simplistic straw man caricature of it and attack that instead, depicting it is as stupid or immoral. If you oppose mass immigration, they depict you as hating immigrants etc. Aka Newman’s “so what you are saying is….” approach to Peterson. The BBC do a lot of straw-manning. It seems like they are being deliberately stupid. But evidently it must work. One saving grace is that we now have a label for it and should encourage people to use it liberally, to raise awareness of the tactic (well, when I say “liberally”, you know what i mean…).