Weekend Open Thread


So Trump’s tax cuts benefit only Big Bad Business [a bigly lie from the BBC]…but also an hypocrisy for this is the anti-capitalist, anti-business, anti-elitist BBC that has done a complete volte face and now cheerleads for Big Business, bankers and the elite in the UK and is keen to hear and promote what these Big Businessmen, foreign and domestic, demand Brexit should be….so these businessmen, foreign and domestic, who each had their own vote in the referendum if they were domestic, get given the veto over Brexit almost as if the democratic vote didn’t matter at all and all we need to know is what a few people, the privileged elites, educated too don’t forget, think.  Funny how the BBC’s apparent long held liberal, progressive views go out the window when it suits.  A paradox that they do so in support of an undemocratic tyranny just as they support a religion that is vastly, vastly at odds with their own, and the West’s, values and which will destroy European civilisation, beliefs, values and culture as we know them.

Spot any more dangerous, foolish naivety….list it all here….



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317 Responses to Weekend Open Thread

  1. taffman says:

    “Conservatives ‘must come together’, says David Lidington”
    Is Lidington a ‘remainer’ or an ‘appeaser’ ?


  2. taffman says:

    The Russians are ‘Revolting’
    Will Al Beeb turn their vitriol against Putin instead of our ally Trump ?


  3. StewGreen says:

    Nihal just said something weird
    He lowered his voice “It’s worth googling the Nazi past ..some people say he was actively involved in recruiting for the Hitler Youth”
    … Whoa that is frivolous and political
    Lot’s of peoples grandfathers might have been in the German army or SS or something, but you don’t judge them by today’s values ..and smear them ..you need the full context, cos they might have been brave double agents or something.
    He’s got the Australian Muslim woman on again doing the newspaper review
    FFS she’s only been in Britain 2 months an shows immense cultural ignorance
    … eg they are talking about Ikea and she doesn’t know


    • StewGreen says:

      Nihal was screaming with laughter at this @SuePerkins tweet
      \\ I’d rather douche with a hedgehog than listen to another second of this circle-wank #TrumpMorgan //

      libmob #normalising hate


      • RJ says:

        “Nihal was screaming with laughter at this @SuePerkins tweet
        \\ I’d rather douche with a hedgehog than listen to another second of this circle-wank #TrumpMorgan //”

        I’m looking forward to seeing that on xhamster.