Mrs May does a speech about what we can expect from Brexit on Friday and it’s ‘hard facts for both sides’ says the BBC. Hmmm…just plain common sense and a realistic view of what the outcome of negotiations might be? Yeahhh…and anyone with an ounce of common sense and no axe to grind could have told the BBC that a year ago. Which raises the question as to why the BBC for the last year has been giving us a very one-sided and alarmist view of what is happening, not only giving us the Brussels view as the ‘gold standard’ that Britain must aspire to reach but painted an extremely negative view of the British position, expectations and hopes…one example is the EU’s constant mocking of British negotiations as ‘cherry-picking’ not to mention the sneering ‘you can’t have your cake and eat it’….both of which the BBC adopted as their starting point when discussing the British approach…which the BBC portrayed as chaotic, weak and wildly over-expectant. The BBC seemed to prefer we just rolled over and accepted whatever the EU could dream up to humiliate us. Perhaps if the BBC spent less time pandering to EU fanatical Remainders and spreading EU propaganda we could have had a realistic view of Brexit from the start from our national broadcaster which would have allowed May to establish her position months ago, rein in the Remainder pro-EU ‘stay-behind’ subversives and present a united, strong and coherent position in negotiations…instead of which the BBC has constantly fed the Remainder’s dream of a second referendum and the reversal of Brexit which has also given the EU the idea that this might happen and therefore they do not need to negotiate seriously. Thanks BBC for the backstabbing.
Spot anymore BBC backstabbing?…list it here…
I stumbled upon this Radio 4 programme. From Nick Cohen, a liberal ‘leftie’ who hates Brexit. What a surprise – it is about how many on the left ignore the faults of Islam. Well done all concerned – give it a listen, folks!
Nick Cohen has this particular slant to his work that spares him.
He hates what the Left has become-and is a true supporter of Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
Yes, he`s an Observer card carry idiot in so much else-and Brexit is typical.
But on Islam attacks on free speech and the Corbyn scum who`ve taken his party-he`s a good bloke to follow.
Like John Gray, who also has his strengths.
Jordan Peterson’s views of the “leftie”
Keep listening, cos at the moment Edward Stourton is telling us about an ‘epistocracy’, and why the stupid voted for, and the educated voted against Brexit. This is an incredibly insulting programme, which equates wisdom with a university degree, and suggests that the ‘thick’ are a serious problem in the political system, as they don’t know what they’re voting for.
This is reflected i.a. by the fact that university towns voted against Brexit, we are told in ‘Analysis’. So, forget about Democracy, it is undermined by the ill-educated, who vote the wrong way. There is a brief interlude where a dissenting voice is allowed, but this must be the crudest and most arrogant anti-Brexit programme yet.
Move it to the USA: surprise, those who voted for Hillary have degrees, the stupid voted for Trump. This way the programme managed the traditional ‘double’: both Brexit and Trump are products of relatively poor education.
Stourton is a Chris Patten kind of posh English Catholic.
He`ll know that the EU started as a Catholic set up, indeed that flag of theirs is the Virgin Marys Crown in origin.
And Pope Francis is their kinda guy-Benedict knew what they were up to and got removed, I`m sure.
Worth checking-wheels within wheels and all.
Stourton is a Vatican plant, just the kind of spiritual front that islam would like best. Nominal and venal.
And of course, brainwashed liberal agendas getting passed around our self-aggrandising “university towns and cities” will ensure votes for cheap revolutions, for fake consensus niceties as personnified by themselves. But paid for by the local chavs, as they see them.
Stourton is correct-but thankfully, the uni loonies were outvoted by the REAL people of this country.
But they can`t bear these facts, so would rather wipe us out or silence us.
Educated beyond their limited capacities. The “educated” think themselves as our slave masters and overseers-but I see a real revolt and some heads to roll on their side.
Yes indeed, HS. There is one posh English Catholic who bucks the trend, though. Our next Prime Minister, hopefully without a Corbyn interlude – Jacob Rees Mogg.
One might ask, “Who is doing the educating?”
I think the university educated Brexiteers are a self educated minority. Because of Liberal censorship, self education is the only way anyone could learn about the governance of the European Union, and in fact, many other issues like Atmospheric Physics.
But today, most University students seem to be mindless followers of politically correct gangs, brainwashing each other with sometimes fake causes such as opposing the bureaucratic rule of nations, from London, 100 years ago, but supporting the bureaucratic rule of nations, from Brussels today. Even in my day, 40 years ago, I remember being told that five out of six Oxford University students were to thick for Mensa. Now I hear that due to the dumbing down to the average IQ of a middle class enviro-moron, there are thought to be a higher ratio of Mensa members amongst the working class people of the island of Jersey than at Oxford University.
Its the self educated who get no-platformed by the students. Students at Universities who want safe spaces from being educated, with book burning tendencies to ban and destroy politically incorrect documents and scientific papers.
Such a state of affairs means that working class people in the north of England are better educated by themselves, than middle class students at Oxford.
You`ve hit on a big point Richard.
I have a degree in the sciences, so all my views on history, religion, arts and literature were never taught to me. Never was told to go with the crowd in cultural terms, indeed-going off piste to find out for yourself was what broadly educated contrarians would be expected to do.
So I do have some sneaking regard for Bragg, Barton and Christian…all from similar backgrounds to me , similarly autodidactic.
But once the liberals pet you and patronise you for their youth forums-you end up like they`ve done.
Be a good experiment for this site-bet nearly all of us are slef-educated, a la carte diletanntes and dabblers in areas we weremn`t specifically trained and paid for.
This makes us truly dangerous to them, Educated and deplorable at one and the same time.
Not educated into tasteful, consensual groupthink. One Beryl Cook is worth a thousand Damien Hirsts, the ending harmony on “She Loves You” is worth a million Stockhausens or Limp Bizkits.
Well said, chrisH.
And when did these very young people – voting so enthusiastically to Remain in the EU – when did these 18, 19 and 20 year olds get their first degree?
One, two or three years after they voted Remain in 2016.
Now, there’s a thing!
Uneducated and voting to Remain.
Well, whatever next?
Birmingham has been ruined by especially Asian immigration. No go areas, Trojan horse, terrorism plots. Joe Chamberlain would be horrified.
The R4 ‘Analysis’ programme on the ‘epistocracy’ and how the stupid voted for Brexit, while the university-educated voted against:
So, let’s think: you attend university. You study Politics. No doubt, you spend some considerable time studying the EU, either implicitly or explicitly. You discover that the ability of people to vote for a particular party programme, and vote the government out if you’re not happy with its implementation, is fundamental to Democracy. You then discover that this fundamental aspect of Democracy vanishes if you’re part of a 27-nation union called the EU. You learn that the real power in this set-up lies, not even with its (necessarily remote) parliament, but with its unelected Commission.
You then consciously decide you rather like not having much of a say in the election of, or decision-making in, that remote parliament, but that you also like having NO say at all in the machinations of the Commission; you particularly like the fact that none of your compatriots have any say either. You are sold on ever-closer and deeper union and the coming superstate with its vast, unaccountable bureaucracy. You then vote against Brexit when the opportunity arises.
This proves how well-educated you are?
Coming to a town or city near you soon –
Many thanks to Treezer and all her predecessors, Frau Merkel et al, the UN Refugee Council and, not forgetting the benevolent, uncle George Soros.
Net migration to the UK: last official figures say its around 230,000. Wonder why it gets more difficult to see a GP year on year?
To put this into perspective:
UK GP’s surgeries number 2574. Do the arithmetic – IF ALL migrants were equally divided amongst the surgeries that would be over 88 new patients per surgery. Do the sums with schools as well as hospitals and other public services and you understand why our quality of life has deteriorated and it will continue to do so.
The Government are making an effort to spread the load clandestinely but most migrants want to live in London, Birmingham and Bradford (wonder why?)
Shortage of houses! For who?
Best part is that it is estimated that all migrants entering the UK on recent figures, cost the country 16.8 BILLION POUNDS –
Not only do we have the fun of watching first hand the debacle in slow motion, we are actually paying for it simultaneously. Great fun!
There should be a moratorium on ALL immigration: the country is full.
A total ban cuts the ground away completely from any nonsense about racism, as it simply stops all of it from anywhere.
Germany would need to more than double its population, another 86 million, to have the same population density as England.
France would need to treble it’s population, another 182 million, to have our population density.
Why aren’t ‘our’ polititians saying this when asked about shortage of housing instead of saying we must build more.
217,000 a year barely copes with the net immigration increase.
Emm, your perfect analogy is simply put, making it easy for everyone to understand, so needs to be got out there – particularly in those Labour heartlands where views on Brexit might be swaying in the wrong direction !
More rapes…
So, I’m wondering, what might be the statistics for the ethnicity of the rapists and that of their victims? If London’s white population continues to fall to (say) zero, will rapes continue to increase?
I assume every other type of crime will rise, except terror attacks 🙁
Minority white London may see it-but the Met don`t record it-and the BBC won`t show it.
So it`s a deluded perception needing more Bake Offs and Celebrity Juices. And less news, more massages.
Good news from the right-on, virtue-signalling Oscar ceremony.
Viewing figures are down 15%. And that is according to the BBC, no less!!!!
Of course Will Gompertz, with his in-depth insight from Los Angeles, wants us to know that this year’s Oscars is a game-changer, but the American public are clearly having none of the bollocks and are voting with their off buttons.
I thought the BBC didn’t do opinion. To me this appears the most opinionated, biased article I’ve seen in a long time. Disgusting from a so-called impartial broadcaster…
Italian Election –
“Italian voters, when they’re fed up, have a habit of trying out new voices. In 1994, following corruption scandals, the country re-aligned itself. Now, to a certain extent, Italy is repeating its old experiments.”
“Five Star began in 2009 as a radical, even anti-political party. For years, it was dominated by its co-founder, the comedian Beppe Grillo. Earlier this year, he decided to stand back from the party. In retrospect, this looks like a smart move. It allowed the movement to prove that it represents more than the loud visions of a single, occasionally conspiratorial-sounding man.”
“The party has increased its support partly by swapping its enemies. Instead of criticising southerners, the party now campaigns against illegal migrants”
“But the country’s voters have repeatedly proven that new faces don’t always last. That’s a sobering warning for Luigi Di Maio and Matteo Salvini.”
You can sense the seething hatred in every sentence. There is nothing but contempt for the Italian electorate. Perhaps they’ll need to run it again as it’s obvious nobody knew what they were voting for…
Perhaps the BBC will change their tune about the Five Star movement soon. The new leader can’t distance himself fast enough from a radical programme. A few days ago he said Italy should only leave the EU as a very last resort. Now he has already come out and demanded that the EU should force Eastern European countries to take more immigrants.
I have never felt excited about the Five Star Movement and considered it unreliable. Unfortunately expectations about it have been built up especially by former hero turned plonker Nigel Farage. Always a bad sign.
Lets hope Italy’s future lies not so much in the stars but with the Lega Nord and allies.
Not to worry. Merkel will find a way to ‘persuade’ their illiterate African contingent to move West to the UK. If the Visegrad 4 maintain their position it will give Merkel our two “transition” years to carry out the persuasion compliments of Treezer.
At least the Italian Election has laid to rest the idea that populist politicians and political Parties are only ever of the Far/Hard/Conservative Right.
For that small mercy, we, who are merely conservative or even centrist, should be truly thankful.
Up2, I totally agree. I didn’t mean to sound negative about the overall result. I was very happy with it.
Yasser, no problem. I have no strong view on the Italian Election but I was just looking for a bright side and found one where the biased Beeb has actually HAD to change its tune on populism because a Party of the Left (Five Star) has won a popular vote.
I remember posting on here when the BBC had the cheek to dismiss a Conservative Czech Republic politician as something like a Nazi because his policies offered to the electorate were ‘populist’. I am still offended by that, Lord Hall, please note. (Blasted OED!)
In my view, all views are welcome here anyway, as long as debate will be engaged in and ‘something is brought to the party’. If you were maxi & co. and merely indulging in the usual hit & run attack, then that is despicable.
Wednesday, 7.30pm #BBCPanorama Immigration: Who Should We Let In?
with @bbcnickrobinson on @BBCOne
They used licence payers money to make a dumb GIF animation for the PR tweet
\\ The big unanswered questions about how a new system could work after Brexit.
Nick travels from the frontline of the NHS and to the heart of the Leave vote*
to find out what immigration policies the public want,
what Britain’s businesses and public services will need,
and who the UK should let in post-Brexit. //
* prog is STIRRING I guess
They’ll probably go up to Boston or Skegness and edit up some Vox pops to make people look stupid
The mouthpiece of the fifth columnist and Trotskyist editors of
the Londonistan programme,presenter Riz Lateef tells us that it is being
considered that the police in London are racist because the Metropolitan Police’s figures
say that 80% of the gangs in London are Afro -Caribbean. Yes
Riz and your BOSSES . As you like to call the administrators of
the NHS and London Transport. Blame the messenger.
They have Jo Cox’s mother on Five Live talking about British values! Brendan has passed on the baton and they have a new dog whistle. I bet her children will be on as soon as they are old enough.
How much money did they pay Brendan for ‘appearance fees’? What are they paying her mother? It is all so distasteful.
Actually St Jo’s sister , Kim Leadbetter
direct link
Pensioners club “the wealthy get away with murder”
“we are far more multicultural/multiracial ..and we can learn from each other”
…you mean like how to start knife & drug gangs ? Treat women like possessions etc.
Next to primary school ..pupils name all their origin countries
“mutual respect”
(anyone using kids in a vox pop, is using emotional blackmail/brainwashing’s unethical)
“good stuff there” says Impartial Presenter Goldberg
BB – Its a bit like one of those old Dracula films where Van Helsing drives the stake into the vampires heart thinking that completes the job only to be attacked by another which has been biding its time in dark recess in the crypt.
A “Flying Gas Main” ?
And a story from the side panel:
Yes it is very interesting Taffman, explosions and fires all over the country seemingly every week now. Saltburn was actually a place under siege in March 2012 with a Burqa sitting on a bench with a back pack that was thought to be a bomb. They released her the next day.
Expect it will be swept under the carpet along with many others like Liverpool Echo Arena car park.
You have to be thick as a plank to believe it is all accidents.
Al Beeb has started campaigning for the first ever US muslim president…
Well, the second, I think.
Has he invented a special alarm clock that looks like a bomb?
Comment going well.
Sisters, just doin’ it for themselves…
And they are all RTing twitter like crazy. Bless ‘em.
Has anyone heard much about the actual results of the Italian election this morning as opposed to the predictions yesterday that they BBC kept reporting as facts? No..surprise….as others have said the Beeb just don’t like who won. Don’t report news – censor it…
On a different subject . not much about the three who blew up the shop in Leicester..needed a Kurdish interpreter in court..all moslems…two of those who died non muslim..others not sure….nothing on BBC. Can you imagine if it were around the other way – is this hate crime..? Hopefully the BBC will self implode soon
Chamber of Deputies (630 seats)
Centre-Right Coalition : 260
Five Star Movement : 221
Centre-Left Coalition : 112
Free and Equal : 14
The Senate (315)
Centre Right Coalition : 135
Five Star : 112
CentreLeft: 57
Free and Equal 4
7 seats are not yet accounted for (Italians Abroad)
Thanks ArthurP. I had dinner on Sat with 4 italian friends ( and they know I voted Brexit and still talk to me) not one of them had any interest in the vote and 2 didn’t even know there was an election..they have all lived and worked in UK for over 6 years. That’s probably the reason for unaccounted seats 🙂
It will be interesting to see if the coalition lasts and more interesting to see their policies
Narrative Busters
BBC Breakfast wheel on yet another guest dietitian. This is pretty much a staple of the BBC Breakfast diet, telling us to stop having quite so much… breakfast. Less dinner and lunch, and snacks. As if it’s any of their business. Perhaps with a momentary pang of self-awareness our Louise Minchin acknowledges she is aware how often her BBC script requires her to play nanny to the populace “I can’t believe how often we talk about this subject”
Yes, it’s a tiresome narrative. But I’m afraid when you have nationalised your health industry then all tax payers share the burden of public health and, worse still, you have invited the state into every aspect of your lives.
But what’s this… here’s a narrative buster from our dietition: “Generally, men require more calories (than women)”
So, men need to take in more food for their health. So, that will be more expensive. And, are they not expending more energy, doing more… work? Well, let’s not join any dots there and quickly go over to Serena Williams poster girl for wimmin doing 3/5 of the work but insisting on equal pay. Mind you, I bet she has a calorie intake way above the BBC suggested amounts – so that busts that narrative too?
I guess if we do take BBC Breakfast advice this morning and pick the chicken sandwich over the pork sandwich that might help… that thing known in some rarified circles as… community cohesion?
I suppose if you really think hard about it this stuff does eventually make sense.
I think (like me) eyes glaze over and either switch over to some ‘proper news’ or find something else to do when non-news preachy items are discussed by talking heads. No news days when other rubbish is aired is so boring – Sky this morning interviewed some comedian about his upcoming tour – scraping the barrel or what ? those who would be interested are at work anyway.
AISI, the other BBC obsession – the North & South Poles and Anthropogenic Global Warming – really dented the myths promoted by ‘so-called’ health campaigners via the BBC about calories.
One recent interviewee or programme subject (cannot remember which) who made it to one of the Poles relatively recently, stated that when HE retired to his tent for the night, one of his tasks was to consume 6000 calories of food & liquids to set him up for the next day’s sled dragging en route to his goal.
My five a day:-
Breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner, supper.
L live in Wessex, and am proud of our pasties and cream teas.
I hope that WE are the Uks top lardarses-and we need a contest to go for Gold in this one.
I don`t fear any other regions down here in the neurotic soft south.
And have a suitably unhealthy respect for the Tartan Tubs over that border with their deep-fried Dryboroughs, Tunnock cakes, Mars bars and Four fats pizzas…but have been lobbying Skinny Nattie Sturgeon to make them more healthy up there and ban these local specialities…
Do fear though the Black Country with all those faggots and peas…and the bloody scousers with their stolen takeaways and big pans of Hatton Stews etc.
Proud to say that no West Country person does any sports or wins medals as far as I know-so can we have the Regional Nationwide “Lardarse Local” Awards.
Meat raffle and a chocolate medal to eat please to follow.
Fat , fick, fukkaz…works for me!
When the Canary is grumpy with the bbc:
When the Canary is happy with the bbc:
See…. getting it about left.
When Norm falls for Di…
From Russia, with luuuuurve.
Flabbott holidayed with Corbyn in East Germany during the cold war she might know more than Norman Smith does about Soviet espionage techniques.
Agent 0700, like her freephone number?
And who can forget her and Jez’ motorbike support team leader?
Do you think she worked as a honeytrap?
Yesterday al Beeb wasn’t too interested in the Salisbury toxic incident . Today Toady wants war with Russia. Again and again he demanded Blighty do something to the beastly Russian bear.
I’m sure Putin doesn’t listen to al Beeb because if he did he’d put comrade Robinson on the list .
Elsewhere – as others write here – cut calories – lucky al Beeb doesn’t do cooking programmes eh?
Al Beeb al itv are thinking of a joint online catch up iPlayer at £5.99 a month. Can’t see that doing much business do you. /?
Their ‘news’ site continues to be abysmal, a parody of itself. The history of women’s football in ten objects? A new outlook on black fatherhood? Why does news have to involve race or gender? Sane, well-adjusted people never even think about gender or race – and was it not their ideal that one day people would forget the few ways in which we differ and instead concern ourselves with the infinite things we have in common?
If this were some openly leftist site like Huffpo or Buzzfeed it would still be pathetic and annoying. That it is our supposedly impartial broadcaster funded to the tune of billions is a disgrace.
Prefer my version of events.
Peter Bonettis wife was actually playing for us the day when we lost our World Cup in 1970.
Chris Waddles wife ballooned the ball over the bar in the World Cup Semis in Italy. And Norah Batty tamely passed the horrid muddy ball to the Argie goalie, Glenda Hoddle stupid enough to send her out in her carpet slippers.
“Bloody wimmin have cost us dear-maybe they ought to piss off out of football until they learn to play it properly”
Ethel Neville.
Beeb ,
I think it’s just beeboids talking to themselves in the end .
Al Beeb advertised a 15 minute talk by a black gay American man who left America and now lives in east Europe . WTF as some say. Again and again sex and race is thrown at the audience as if it is all that matters. I believe People I tired of it but just let Aunty be aunty – good old aunty.
‘white left’ = Jeremy Corbyn but not Diane Abbott or David Lammy.
Is that a real photo of him, or has it gone through one of those apps which makes faces look instantly ugly?
Great article by Clare Foges in The Times yesterday about how women use their looks to advance their careers. Would an MP ever touch the knee of a nerdy male journalist? It takes two to tango and often it is the women inviting the dance by wearing revealing clothes and make up. How much would sexual ‘harassment’ at work decrease if women stopped wearing make up? Many times I have been turned down for a job in favour of a pretty girl who had less experience but flirted with the interviewer. Savvy women push boundaries whilst remaining in total control. The idea they are weak victims is nonsense and insulting.
Also, how many homosexual men are hugely talented and successful? Far more on average than breeders – the most successful people I know are gay. Plus they are never going to get wrongly accused of sexual harassment. And they get to understand how their partners think – God, how much easier must that make things? How on Earth are homosexuals ‘oppressed’?
The leftards at the Beeb have it so wrong with all their ‘oppressor’ and ‘oppressed’ classes. At the very least there are massive grey areas. There has surely never been a more propitious time in human history to be part of a so-called ‘minority.’
Great article from Comment Central.
Doubt the BBC will pay the slightest bit notice,they need to because more and more people are writing these articles
It also goes to issues beyond those that garner most coverage.
The BBC has ‘British’ as part of its brand. It claims to speak for the nation.
I do not pay for it, I do not support it, I do not approve of a vast chunk of what it does in my name, and currently still gets away with, as I consider it serves my family’s interests poorly.
cc: Theresa May, MP.
Starmer flew to Switzerland yesterday for a “full round of political meetings about Brexit, Swiss/UK relations and much else” – to open a new bank account perhaps?
So Munroe Bergdorf resigns and blames everyone else:-
I’m not sure how to refer to this individual but it doesn’t seem to know what it is itself.
What I do know is that a lot of what is so wrong with our society now is packaged up into this lying, whinging, I’m-a-victim virtue signaller.
“I (Munroe) would have gotten away with it (pretending to be nice) …”

And the beeb once again cranks up the apologetics to 11 —
1) Use of inverted commas to cast doubt over the veracity (“The model previously apologised for “offensive” comments she’d posted.”)
2) Use of ‘allegedly’ (“Further old tweets were then highlighted by a newspaper in which she allegedly made offensive comments about lesbians and a gay TV character.”)
NB: The ‘newspaper’ that the BBC cannot bring itself to actually name is likely either the Sun or the Times, which lists some (but by no means all) of those allegedly offensive comments thusly: “she had called a Twitter follower a “hairy barren lesbian” and said that she wanted to “gay bash” a television star.”
The trusted and impartial beeb again showing its true colours.
In these murky circumstances, filled with self-deceit and double standards, the corruption of language is inevitable. The statement that: ‘Insurgents killed 24 children in Baghdad yesterday’ is entirely different from the statement that: ‘Al-Qaeda and the Baathists killed 24 children in Baghdad yesterday.’ The latter at least allows those members of the audience who want ‘to make their own assessment about who is doing what to whom’ to find out what al-Qaeda and the Baath party believe in and whether decent people should be on the side of the victims or the perpetrators.
The former is castrated language which has been emptied of precise meaning. It gives the vague impression that what we’re up against is the armed wing of Liberal Democrats: a regrettably violent force which, none the less, has understandable demands that may be met, rather than hostis humani generis.
Stop castrating the language – Nick Cohen {guardian 17jul2005}
“A misguided obsession with objective reporting is undermining the BBC’s credibility as a news organisation”
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {youtube – Jordan Peterson @6:12}
“.. an injunction for people to use gender neutral pronouns.”
Forget about the spontaneous combustion of Leicester convenience shops – there’s a strict self-imposed BBC D-Notice on all and any speculation there.
I don’t know about you, but I can’t completely trust my combi boiler until the truth comes out. And as for picking up a pinta and a loaf at the corner shop, that now feels like an outtake scene from The Hurt Locker.
No matter, BBC News Channel with some obvious relief find something they can really get their speculative teeth into – the Russians, allegedly, bumping off some of their own.
By the way, how many former Russian spies do we have over here? Exactly how many double agents are we playing host to? How much is all this hassle and worry costing us? Is Britain now the designated KGB /FSB feather bed care home?
All Kim Philby got off the Soviets was a tiny Moscow apartment, a medal and a ticket to the Bolshoi.
“Hackers could be hijacking YOUR sex toys and sharing naked photos and personal data online, warns Labour MP, Chi Onwurah”
I’m not a fan of using trendy acronyms, but……….WTF?
You mean something connected to the hackable internet is hackable
… that’s really big news
(hint don’t look at porn on a PC where the camera is not disabled)
Frankly, she seems pretty safe even if being hacked whilst enjoying her own company.
Radio4 13:45 Daniel Hannan interviewed by Nick Robinson
11:30am Music of Sudan
3:30pm pm ProjectFear Great Barrier Reef : actually newspaper blurb says “why are concerns about the reef being suppress” (which is the exact opposite of what has happened
4:00pm Is sex discrimination law failing women in the workplace?
other item : fairness in sentencing (the obvious thing is that setencing is sexists against men)
: Plus the story of how an international group of graffiti artists won nearly $7 million in damages in a New York court after their work was destroyed.
4:30pm ..with Sabrina Mahfouz is a British Egyptian poet
19:45 This weeks drama : Life before the NHS
To be fair, I did laugh.
Previously the top item on the BBC web-site Home Page ” Britain ‘needs to go on a diet’ ” (now relegated to row two) is followed further down the page by a pile of pancakes, topped with some bacon, obviously designed as a meal for a single person.
Eight pancakes? For one person?
I think our future diet needs to exclude the fat-heads at Public Health England (where is that bonfire of the Quangos?) and the excessively-salty BBC who are still not sharp enough to realise that their bloated Licence Fee is part of the cause of the supposed UK ‘obesity crisis’. Along with, of course, their pushing of food on the web-site, celebrity chefs, recipes, more celebrity chefs, cooking programmes, even more celebrity chefs, food quizzes, some celebrity chefs and food being talked about and consumed on air even on Radio2 drive-time music programmes along with the occasional celebrity chef.
“Eight pancakes? For one person?” A mere tea time nibble for Diane Flatbot.
Sometimes I think the US Insurance based system has merit. You choose to eat a plate of waffles topped the cream syrup, followed by 92 rashers of bacon and half a cow with fries then you pay more for your healthcare or go on a diet. The point being it is your lifestyle choice not the BBC’s.
Thinking about the formation of a new Italian Government out of parties which are all EU sceptics the role of the Italian President, Mattarella , is pivotal. Although his role is largely ceremonial the Italian constitution allows him to appoint anyone who has been elected to become Prime Minister . Mr Mattarella is of course one of the EU liberal elite And can be relied upon to try to engineer the best possible deal for Brussels. So it is quite possible that the new Italian Government will be much less anti Brussels than the electorate voted for.
If so we will see how difficult it is to actually go against the wishes of Brussels. The French, Irish and Danes all voted against EU treaties at one time or another but were either ignored or forced to vote again until they got the answer Brussels wanted. The Poles , Hungarians, Czechs and Slovaks are now being threatened by Brussels with fines for not taking migrant quotas against their democratic wishes. We know what the EU is trying to do to us and now the Italians and of course the Greek tragedy.
So now Brussels has rode roughshod over the democratic wishes of ten of its twenty seven member states at one time or another. Yet our Remainer chums tell us it is a bastion of democracy!
So Brussels
How did we get to this point … mass printing of something will make it worthless. Is this the Corbyn dream … everyone is rich … for the Many .. let’s see how it goes … Corbyn uses South Africa as a gold standard on nuclear disarmament and freedom … a next Venezuela with mass exodus of sane people?
. . .
‘We will print more money and give it to the unemployed to end poverty in South Africa’, Says new minister of Finance
The minister did not say how much more money will need to be printed. But he did reveal that this plan will be executed in the next two months or so, and that every South African will be rich.
Douglas Adams had the members of the 2nd Golgarinchan Ark adopting the leaf as currency. They all became ‘incredibly rich’ but suffered drastic inflation (3 beech forests for an egg, or something like that) and were starting on a programme of forest destruction to reduce supply of the leaf and increase its value.
Of course they had landed on earth – presumably close to Labour Party HQ.
…but thirsty.
No Leftie cause left uncovered.
That could just as well be BBC News Channel’s motto as our nice BBC chap reports from the British Virgin Islands to tell us that following Hurricane Irma “there’s a perception here that Britain could have done more”. Isn’t there always.
Is there a connection … Diane Abbott? Why are they leaving? What is the tolerance problem?
Hundreds of LGBTI people from countries including Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nigeria claim asylum in the UK each year.
O/T: Comment#1: This is disgraceful nonsense. Why would you introduce
the .004% of our population as something 5 years old should be aware of? They aren’t old enough to understand anything. This is an attempt to normalize a tiny % of our population. Marxist tools on display.
Without wishing to lower the tone in any way – but since hijacking of sex toys has been mentioned earlier – what IS that on her left eye?
And on her nose? Is it a terrible growth?
Kids will seeing in the popular soap opera that male drug-rape is a white people thing
Media boss salaries : Trinity Group boss Simon Fox got £900K this year in which he success foul bought Express Group.
He should go to the BBC at once. How can anyone exist on his pitiful salary?
CNN send reporters on holiday … I mean investigate …
CNN sends reporters to Thailand to talk to “sex coach” who claims to have evidence that Trump and Russia colluded in the 2016 election.
#Comment : “Yeah boss I went to Thailand and put $35,000 on my CNN expense account because I was trying to finally get Trump! Prostitute?No, that was a sex coach that said they had insider information on that evil doer Trump. Evidence? No, but I’m willing to go back as many times as it takes”
Is this by any chance to do with this Russian cult, that got kicked out of Russia ..and turned up running sex workshops in Thailand ?
Yusuf, 14, aims to be first US Muslim president { 06mar2018}
Yusuf is just like any other 14-year-old American kid, except that he also wants to run for president. And he’s figured out exactly how he’ll do just that.
Doesn’t he mean second?
The BBC website front page appears slow to report “above the fold” on North Korea’s apparent willingness to hold meaningful talks with South Korea/USA. The article has a low key headline to go with its low key position on the page – Kim Jong-un to meet S Korea leader in landmark summit. Surely this would not be sour grapes over the BBC’s hysterical reaction to Trumps blunt approach (which was only saying the obvious)?
“Press for progress” is the theme & hashtag for International Women’s Day on Thursday
But what does that mean ?
..seems to me that they asking the press to be MORE biased and unequal, to push women’s issues at the expense of others.
It was Suffragette Day last month
And its Mother’s Day in 5 days time.
BBC under fire for using children in ‘social experiment’ to create ‘gender neutral school’ { 06aug2017}
“A class of seven-year-old pupils were given a “gender neutral bookcase” which featured stories about a princess saving a prince and a princess with superpowers during the six-week trial.”
R4 just now at a nuclear power station , Lake Stechlin Germany
“The output water is 2.5C warmer ..and that’s considerable considering that the average temp of the lake is only 8.5 to 10C” Kelvin he means water 2.5K warmer coming into a lake which has a temp of 281.65k to 283.15K
Presenter : “What’s particularly worrying about Climate Change is the extreme weather events ….”
Programme ends
I didn’t hear the programme but I presume it was based on a book published in 1899 The Stechlin by Theodor Fontane.
The, (quite small – 80 MW), nuclear power station, Rheinsberg, opened in 1966 and closed in 1990.
Radio 4’s schedule has been an object lesson in BBC impartiality today!
05:45 Farming today:
The Red Tractor label keeps up welfare standards for food – but are they high enough? Following our week on a pig farm, we hear about pork labelling.
06:00 Today
(enough said!)
09:00 The Life scientific
Next time you swear at the battery in your mobile phone, spare a thought for the chemist, Clare Grey. Having developed a new way of looking inside solids (wimmins interest climate change)
09:30 One to One
Jay Brave and Christopher Sebastian McJetters
One to One
In his One to One series on race and identity, Jay Brave explores why he doesn’t identify with the term “black” & Gay when it means so much to so many other people.
09:45 An alternative History of Art
Elizabeth Catlett – she was black, she was a woman, and she made art that was politically motivated.
10:00 Wimmins hour
We bust some of the myths around vaginas.
10:45 15 minute drama The Citadel
The novel which prompted the Labour party to create the NHS.
11:00 The Aftermath
A plane crash in Switzerland and how it affected the village the passengers were from. (neutral)
11:30 The Art of Now
Sudanese journalist Yousra Elbagir investigates the musical life of Sudan, past and present, in light of the changes wrought in the 1980s by Islamic rule. (hugely Islamophilic and Ethnocentric)
15:00 Short Cuts
Josie Long presents short documentaries and stories about unearthly happenings – from the myths surrounding Lake Stechlin, which is said to boil whenever a major catastrophic event happens anywhere in the world, to an uneasy evening at a conference for exorcists. (Swipe at Christians)
15:30 Costing the Earth
Pro climate change piece about the Great Barrier reef
16:00 Law in Action
Sex Discrimination Law
Law in Action
Is sex discrimination law failing women in the workplace?
It’s more than 40 years since parliament passed the first Sex Discrimination Act, making it unlawful for employers to discriminate against women in the workplace by treating them less favourably than men. Still, allegations of sexual discrimination and sexual harassment have dominated the news over the past few months.
Rinse and repeat for the evening.
The only program which remotely comes close to balancing this left wing tripe is the interview with Daniel Hannan :
In this episode Nick meets Conservative MEP Dan Hannan – the politician who some credit as the man behind Brexit. He explains why it wasn’t about immigration, how the British sometimes fail to appreciate what they have and why the UK should look to Switzerland as inspiration.
He’s another liberal leftie towy who cannot be described as right of centre in any way.
And that, in a nutshell, is why I have broken a lifetime’s habit and no longer listen to BBC Radio 4.
How anyone from the BBC can pretend there is no agenda when the above is typical of its output is quite beyond me.
Voting public express their support for EU border expertise …NOT
Times Leader
Sri Lanka : Muslim & Singhalese getting on fine, and if they are not it’ll be whitey’s fault
BBC flip the story …
“Sri Lanka has declared a state of emergency after several attacks against mosques and Muslim-owned businesses.” { 06mar2018}
The authorities fear retaliation after a young Muslim man’s body was found in a burnt-out building on Tuesday.
slowly the story seeps out if you keep reading …
Tensions flared after the death of a Buddhist man who was said to have been beaten by some Muslims a week ago.
Is there anywhere on earth where Muslims peacefully coexist in harmony with people of different religion or culture? Allowing more Muslims into our country and continent was the height of folly, madness in fact, the cost for that folly will be very high and may be terminal for our once green, peaceful and pleasant land.
China, BBC’s favourite country, extends leadership terms and ….
Man in China sentenced to five years’ jail for running VPN
As part of an internet ‘cleanup’, Wu Xiangyang was also fined an amount equal to his profits since starting service in 2013 {theguardian 22dec2017}
A man in China has been sentenced to five and a half years in jail for selling software that circumvented the country’s pervasive internet censorship controls, a sign authorities are stepping up a campaign meant to “clean up” the internet.
– Look at the language – clean up the internet! Makes you want to cry! Amber Rudd … Hate Crime Hub!