Mrs May does a speech about what we can expect from Brexit on Friday and it’s ‘hard facts for both sides’ says the BBC. Hmmm…just plain common sense and a realistic view of what the outcome of negotiations might be? Yeahhh…and anyone with an ounce of common sense and no axe to grind could have told the BBC that a year ago. Which raises the question as to why the BBC for the last year has been giving us a very one-sided and alarmist view of what is happening, not only giving us the Brussels view as the ‘gold standard’ that Britain must aspire to reach but painted an extremely negative view of the British position, expectations and hopes…one example is the EU’s constant mocking of British negotiations as ‘cherry-picking’ not to mention the sneering ‘you can’t have your cake and eat it’….both of which the BBC adopted as their starting point when discussing the British approach…which the BBC portrayed as chaotic, weak and wildly over-expectant. The BBC seemed to prefer we just rolled over and accepted whatever the EU could dream up to humiliate us. Perhaps if the BBC spent less time pandering to EU fanatical Remainders and spreading EU propaganda we could have had a realistic view of Brexit from the start from our national broadcaster which would have allowed May to establish her position months ago, rein in the Remainder pro-EU ‘stay-behind’ subversives and present a united, strong and coherent position in negotiations…instead of which the BBC has constantly fed the Remainder’s dream of a second referendum and the reversal of Brexit which has also given the EU the idea that this might happen and therefore they do not need to negotiate seriously. Thanks BBC for the backstabbing.
Spot anymore BBC backstabbing?…list it here…
Political Correctness going nuts
Aussie airline @Qantas tells staff not to “manterrupt” (men interrupting women).
Gives list of “gender-inappropriate” words to avoid – including “guys”, “mum & dad”
And don’t use “European settlement” – use “invasion” instead
I believe the ‘Q’ in Qantas stands for ‘Queensland’, (not Queer, though that can’t be long), and as such is colonial in origin.
They should do the right thing and ground the whole of their fleet until such time as the Aboriginal Australians get around to developing powered flight.
I wonder what the approved term is for the non-British who now consider Australia their home?
As an aside it used to be said, (by the ‘colonials’), that they were the ones who had the ‘get-up-and-go’ to open up and develop these ‘new lands’, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, countries populated by ‘real men’! Now they all appear to be leading the retreat into wimpdom, with us following closely behind.
Nature, they say, abhors a vacuum. If we won’t defend our culture there are six billion plus out there that are quite willing to replace it with their own and not being interupted or called ‘love’ or ‘honey’ will be the least of the sheilas’ worries.
Too true Jim.
Within our lifetime, we`ve gone from old crims and dunnie spiders that used to stuff Oz and New Zealand-and were funny, rough and able to do things like build a country from scratch-to the likes of Rudd, Gillard, Turnbull and the baleful influences of the likes of Trudeaus and Gummers worldwide.
New Zealand would be a Hawaian cocktail stop off Butlins, had a few rugged white blokes not gone over to grow stuff and sell things they`d made or fed.
Ah well- grass skirts and crepe panties for what were once great countries. Do Muslims get seasick on long trips?
JimS – Solid post, that second paragraph is a belter.
I see Andrew Bolt has no comment on this matter
..but then I realise that Qnuttas as heavy advertisers so no media people can afford to alienate them
Here’s what Oz Talk radio is saying
The carrier’s 30,000 employees have been instructed that they should consider referring to Britain’s historical role as “colonisation”, “occupation” or “invasion”.
Do they get instructions on how to handle the Ottoman Empire and the Mongolian Empire or what about the Barbary War ….
. . .
The First Barbary War (1801–1805), also known as the Tripolitanian War and the Barbary Coast War, was the first of two Barbary Wars, in which the United States and Sweden fought against the four North African states known collectively as the “Barbary States”. Three of these were nominal provinces of the Ottoman Empire, but in practice autonomous: Tripoli, Algiers, and Tunis. The fourth was the independent Sultanate of Morocco.[4]
Phase 2 of Quantas’ staff re-education will no doubt concentrate on the peaceful, enriching and enlightening influences of Muslim empires, which every country on earth without exception queued up to be a part of.
I’d go along with the ban on the “Guys” word 100% – I hate it, and cringe every time I hear it.
Give it to those Qantas people. At least they have the courage of their convictions. And being Australian they’ll have plenty of them.
“An apology from the Daily Mail admitting their fabricated, false story was published in good faith: cheers.” – Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker is happy … still no news of him getting a second opinion on Brexit from Jacob Rees-Mogg.
How to apologise with dignity for what would appear to be ‘fake news’.
The BBC could learn something from that, but will instead continue along its Junkeresque way.
My brother texts from the States noting that he didn’t watch the Oscars saying that it was the “unspeakable” handing out awards to the “unwatchable”. Since bums on seats fell nearly 7 per cent last year at the American box office, he clearly has a point. And on the night the luvviefest recorded one of its lowest tv audiences ever.
Gary Oldman won best actor for impersonating Churchill. One would have thought this was within the range of any first year drama student. Any more of this and we shall be dusting down that marvellous quote about the late Sir Donald Sindon: “A ham so rare it can’t be cured”.
Meanwhile I see that Emma Watson took some time off from saving the world but attracted attention by spelling her Times Up (sic) tattoo without the apostrophe. I mean what is the point of a posh English private school education if you can’t even spell your tats correctly?
That would be ‘Time’s Up’ for Boko Haram, presumably, who have a penchant for kidnapping, enslaving and raping young girls? Or maybe the Muslim paedophile rape gangs who continue to run riot in the UK?
Ah, well, let’s give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she gets all her news from the BBC.
That settles it. All efforts now being made to be as far away from this country as possible.
No I won’t be getting married that day. I will be walking my dogs, just as I will when they get divorced shortly after
Will the wedding venue be mid point between USA and UK? Atlantic ocean?
Search for Italy on BBC Website with regards to vote against EU mass immigration ….
Word Search: Italy x 0
Word Search: Italy x 0
Word Search: Italy x 0
Word Search: Italy x 0
Word Search: Italy x 0
Word Search: Italy x 8
Hard to find on the £3.5bn News Service paid under threat of prison at £145 per month by Nurses who have to go to food banks but pay Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker who is second in the BBC Gender Pay Gap Wage Scandal.
Censorship in action. Not seen since WW2.
They are afraid of Brexit spreading throughout the UK and on to Europe.
To see it in full view … shocking to the democratic core.
‘…by Nurses who have to go to food banks…’
Sounds like the kind of propaganda I’d hear on the BBC.
Must be a hell of a lot of food banks, not just for nurses….
Fully qualified nurses start on salaries of £22,128 rising to £28,746 on Band 5 of the NHS Agenda for Change Pay Rates. Salaries in London attract a high-cost area supplement.
With experience, in positions such as nurse team leader on Band 6, salaries progress to £26,565 to £35,577.
At more senior levels such as nurse advanced, modern matron and nurse consultant (Bands 7 to 8c) salaries range from £31,696 to £69,168.
Plus their average pay rise in 2016-17 was 3.3%, not the 1% public sector pay limit the BBC keep propagandising, as they are on incremental scales.
Saves on the fags booze and drugs from what I’ve seen , yeah yeah they are all angels .
All the nurses that I have seen in my local hospital appear to be overweight?
I am off to the food banks, I am feeling a little peckish.
And have never heard of shampoo !!!
Whoever decided to change the nurses uniform from dresses, aprons and hats to the cleaners outfits we see now, surely didn’t expect the look to be so scruffy. The same goes with ditching the white coats for doctors, the only way you realise that the 14 year old in front of you is a medic is the stethoscope slung round their neck.
Lenin is taking a nap .. he will be back … Venezuela will rise again … Owen Jones will not stop talking … Diane Abbott will say it was for the greater good ….
. . .
India crowd pulls down Tripura Lenin statue after Communist defeat { 06mar2018}
Although the Soviet Union ended in 1991, few statues of Lenin have been toppled in Russia.
But in some former Soviet states, many symbols of the Russian revolutionary leader have been taken down, most notably during protests in Ukraine in 2014.
“Here’s the beautiful thing … these are British products, selling Islamic Products, selling Halal Products (Halal – throat cut whilst conscious, slaughtered by Muslim only employee, incantation to animal from a Koran by Muslim only). That is niche and general, but it’s gone main stream. {Sadiq Khan – youtube Chicken Cottage Award Ceremony 2012}”
Halal is a political and employment discrimination scheme … eat KFC … support Islamic Sharia Principles.
BBC Trending the undercover anti-Nazi ..the Swedish guy
I listened to the prog and it’s obvious those BBC staff and Hate not Hope activists are working close and are interchangeable.
In the prog the guys says
“I went to a pro Brexit meeting to meet the head of the London Forum, but I’ve forgotten who the speaker was”
Charlotttesville “Yeh it was scary I was inside the park with the far right the police revoked the permit., they had guns and many of the Far-right rally were armed and I thought wow I am with these nutters”
(but isn’t that the point ..there weren’t any far-right using their guns to attack people)
“I was maced by an antifa AFTER the police were walking the far-right miles to another park”
” I happened to see the far-right TERRORIST drive at the crowd as I walked out to get lunch ..after I’d stopped being undercover.
Obviously if one conservative protester making a spontaneous decision to drive at an Antifa crowd is a terrible thing, but if we take that out , then his whole year story is pretty empty.
The dead giveaway is that there was lots of tone and very few SPECIFICS
..nothing like “One day I saw them beat up this guy, then this guy, then set fire to this, this one guy was a paedophile etc.
..the next day I saw this violence … ”
Besides lack of specifics, #2 the other giveaway is COMPLEXITY DENIAL, in this case where he tries to portray non-lefty people as “white supremacists”, just the same as some other nutter would portray ALL Muslims as terrorists.
He did at one point say ‘oh they weren’t all the same , but he didn’t really emphasise the full breadth, of from someone concerned about the due process of tearing down historic statues to the person that truly is a white supremacist.
Oh I see yesterday BBC truth-bending put up a post about it on their Facebook page ..few people took notice
(not one person commented on their original post )
I would have thought news of St Brendan Cox’s harassment would be trending ..but they don’t cover it there.
Last weeks BBC-Trending disappeared up their own arse.
– ‘oh there are companies you can pay who’ll get your stories onto Twitters trending list
(10 minutes of them banging on about themselves)
Look we tested it and trended on the list for thirty mins
– oh Twitter has started a crackdown on these tricks blah blah’
…Er guys Being on a region’s Twitter-Trending-list for 30 mins is MEANINGLESS…
Never mind 30 mins even if it were 3 days, most people wouldn’t notice..cos its a fringe activity of Twitter, and Twitter itself is a fringe activity
… Cos most people stay in the real world.
Yet another case where men who have been accused of rape and reached court have had the case thrown out. In this case because one of the ‘victims’ admitted she had never even met one of the ‘rapists’.
Again there is a problem with disclosure. How many innocent men have their lives ruined by these accusations before the BBC takes notice?
“Simon Jones, Sandra Dickinson, Mark Wing-Davey, Geoff McGivern and Mitch Benn speak on the set of the new series of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.”
Mitch Benn. Why?
He was due a consolation prize for being kicked off The Now Show ‘cuz diversity’.
Hmm my Chinese wife is often the victim of casual racism within this country yet no mention of this on the BBC, no mention on the BBC of lack of Chinese Councillors or elected members yet an article about failure to elect muslim women does not just appear on the BBC website but is kept there for over a week on there “in case you missed it” section….. Chinese : a massive immigrant population who contribute to this country, generally integrate and do not want to thrust their religion / culture upon us, yes there are chinatowns, to which all are invited and welcomed, try chinese new year in London and see, I wonder how a transexual man would fare walking through Bury Park in Luton …that would be an existential problem for the BBC
BBC quick to support Mohammed Farah’s claim of racial harasssment at a German Airport. Poor dear! Coming to understand what the millions of little people have to put up with due to the actions of his co-religionists.
Yep have a look at all the current wars going on in this world at the moment, one word crops up all the time starts with an I and ends with an M no prizes for guesing
His media advisor probably told him to play the victim card because of the parliamentary report of drugs in sport which didn’t cover him with glory .
What is the obsession with muslims on the BBC ? why do they take every opportunity to put a picture of a woman with a teatowel on her head on our national news ? look at the racial make up of this country, look at the millions of immigrants in this country that just move here and integrate as I have just mentioned with the Chinese, we also have Sikhs, Hindus, and so many others, what is the obsession with muslims ? there is no doubt this is a deliberate agenda and time to ask our tax paid national broadcaster WHY?
And with ‘boy who wants to be first Muslim president’, blah blah. Well I’d like to be a middle aged supermodel….not going to happen though.
Will they be featuring someone who wants to be a Sikh/Buddhist/Hindu president?
bBBC TV programme ‘Back inTime for Tea’, a series taking a normal family through the last century, especially what they ate. It has now reached the 1980s and as they get to 1984 the normal family now has to pretend that the father was a miner, giving the bBBC the excuse for the thousandth time to show the Battle of Orgreave and how all the strking miners’ families were starving.
Ah yes. Orgreave. Which was a Steel site to/from which coal was moved. The Steel unions did not want to have their premises closed down by lack of coal and their members left with no work. They did not support the NUM strike, called of course without a ballot and neither supported by selected parts of the colliery network, such as Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. None of which is ever mentioned.
Because of course the BBC only see these matters through their misty eyed socialist eyes. For most of us, breaking union power and setting the public free from the constant blackmail of the public sector unions was one of Maggie’s great achievements, something the lunatics in the Jezza and Mcdonnell supporters club want to reverse, and boy, oh boy, would we all pay the price.
The power of the unions did need to be broken: its just unfortunate for our country, that the method chosen to do that to the NUM meant the UK coal mining industry was destroyed.
A bit like curing ingrowing toenails by amputating your feet.
Em there’s a huge great proper open cast mine in Wales
.. Why mess around with tunnels, when you can load it straight into mega-dumper trucks on the surface.
Total destruction of our beautiful countryside?
There are much better ways……………
A sensible approach would have been to ascertain which mines had the largest reserves and to have mothballed them, to meet unexpected and unwelcome UK energy contingencies.
What happened was the headgear of those pits were torn down as soon as possible. A recent example is Killingley Colliery, Britain’s last deep mine, where decades of coal reserves remained, where the main shaft was sealed and the headgear removed.
We’ll be okay though: put up lots of windmills and just buy coal and gas from abroad, what could possibly go wrong?
I remember the endless student campaigns to “Support the Miners” during the strike. Nowadays the children of those students will be uber green eco zealots, for whom coal is the epitome of all that is evil. For these morons, “carbon” is the real C-word. Coal was doomed by the adoption of the Green religion.
White working class families fair game but…..Police are a little bit slower in some instances:
‘Unacceptable’ legal delays in Scotland child abuse scandal investigation
MORE than 100 victims of an ethnic minority child grooming gang in Scotland have faced “unacceptable” delays in bringing their abusers to justice.Although detectives have reported 27 suspects to the Crown Office, only one man has been named as part of the massive investigation into child sexual exploitation which ended more than two years ago.
Some of the victims were as young as 10 and all of them were vulnerable young girls, with many of them living in care homes in and around Glasgow.
Failed Afghan asylum seeker Javaid Akhond is the only named individual to face justice as a result of Operation Dash. He was 20 when he was sentenced to six years in prison in 2014 for the rape and sexual abuse of children as young as 12.
Following repeated requests to Police Scotland the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS), this newspaper has learned there have four convictions in total.
Why did they get it so wrong? It’s unacceptable.
Sarah Champion
However, only two abusers have been given custodial sentences and the other three individuals have not been identified while the details of their crimes remain unknown.
Sir Mo claims he was racially abused at a German airport.
Perhaps Treezer and Boris will take it up with Merkel.
After all the krauts should not mess with the best of Britain
Did not see any “racial abuse” he just kept saying “stop pushing me” what happened to cause him being pushed remains speculation….but his word on this matter seems to be enough for our tax paid investigative journalsits to accept this as fact, while an explosion in Leicester seems shrouded in mystery still, despite three muslims (and I will bet my life on that fact from their names) arrested and no gas explosion as previously reported, wonder if this was three white men and a possible far right crime how this would be reported ?
Annunaki. Yes I thought that. Maybe the guard was speaking German and Mo didn’t understand ..we have all been there at security when they ask you to do something and you don’t hear or misunderstand and move you physically.
Still the devil is in the detail – Mo ‘felt’ it was racially motivated…well I feel Mo is a bit of a knob…but it’s only a feeling and not racial just his personality
Have to pull you up on that “bit of a knob” comment…..totally unnecessary use of the word “bit”.
Running BBC totals …
.. For the Few, Not the Many.
Has the BBC explained to us as to why we should remain in the EU?
Or, having triggered Article 50, how?
But overall, the biggest misconception is that by saying some immigration can be good for Britain, we shouldn’t try to control it at all.
. . .
Two and half years ago we made a clear to the promise to the British public. We still have some way to go, but we’re delivering on that promise. {Theresa May 12dec2012}
That does not look good for Mrs May – Housing shortage?
Couple of good recent “Point Of View” programmes on Radio 4 featuring John Gray. Who is probably about the only one on the left who holds a candle to Sir Roger Scruton as a good philosopher.
Gray warns about both the arrogance and pretensions of an educated elite that seems entitled to rule us-as well as what revolutionary grand ideas end up in. Both are good-and , following others here- would recommend Nick Cohens fine takedown of the craven Left in the face of Islamic threats to Left wing Muslims who won`t take the whole lot of Sharia under force or threat.
The refusals of Corbyn and his monkeys to speak are worth a listen, as are the excuses by the Southern Law Poverty Action Group -total bullies and hypocrites, and Cohen knows it. And says so.
So that`s 45 mins of independent and necessary counter views -let`s hope we can drag an hour of this together by Friday, to show that the BBC are balanced.
Balanced ? I’ll believe that when less than 8% of their coverage is concerned with F’cking muslims
Balanced ?
Yep, Well balanced – A chip on both shoulders.
Not many HYS items on Al Beeb’s front page of late?
Am I being a little cynical, or has Al Beeb become a little timorous following the elections in Italy?
Well, as night follows day, young Yusuf has hit the bbc social media desk, and what they pump out has comments enabled.
Which, frankly, could be going better.
None at all and we all know why, they want to control “opinion” it is exclusivley theirs that matter, insidious, wimmins football is important now apparently despite no one interested, catcalling to be made a hate crime, etc etc all shit “news” no one cares about but their twisted agendas, and if they are so interested in wimmins rights and gay rights and transexuals rights there is one particular ethnic minority that should be firmly under the microscope but never, ever, ever is which just shows how twisted these people are
One week on and the big story is still, apparently, Why We Love Our Hair. Home Page.
Yep, more important than the Left taking a beating in Italy, and the anti-immigration, EUrosceptic parties soaring ahead, is Why We Love Our Hair.
PS. They don’t by the way, they hate it, which is why they spend huge amounts of time and money getting it straightened.
Bet it’s not more important than Stormy Daniels suing Trump though ????
Maybe if she groomed Yusuf?
[major plot twist]
We haven’t got the money and we haven’t got the guns, but by jingo we’ve got the BBC !!
Serious outbreak of Russophobia on the BBC tv news this morning. Usually so guarded the BBC goes for speculation and accusations. The papers are similarly obsessed. The lanky Dan Walker explains: “Let’s start with the Guardian for you”. Where can I report a hate crime?
And at the same time one of albeeb s Washington drones vomits a democrat party handout saying “The Trump Whitehouse is in Trouble Again “
Because someone else had left over his tariff decision .
No mention it was a campaign promise
No mention the The President isn’t a policians
The fixation with all things Trump is something to behold . It is just easy abuse .
Tomorrow is international Wimmins day – a whole day of no al beeb for Fedup . Why is there no International Fed up day ? With 2 whole hours of “comedy” on radio 4x comrade .
‘Tomorrow is international Wimmins day’
I thought that was every bloody day on the BBC
I don’t think we will see any male news readers or reporters. Which as
you say is not different to nearly every day. BUT on the other hand
they may give all the women a rest! Which not having to
see Riz Lateef on her Londonistan programme parroting with
glee all the Trotskyist diatribe she is given by her editors day after
day ,would be a welcome relief. She snarls the word’s BOSSES and
TOREEEEEEEEES with such purpose.
It’s how Trump works. I recall this was noted by Scott Adams during the campaign when Trump was regularly changing his staff. The media called it “chaos” then. He hires and fires to get those most suited to particular circumstances.
By contrast, there is the awesome competence of the bbc system.
Just think Jeremy Bowen, John Simpson and Jon Sopel.
Apparently in reprisal for any proof that the Russians did the poisoning deed al beeb will stop broadcasting to Russia . ( lucky bastards) – this – I hasten to add -is false news so far as I know
Looks like Labour are bricking it over folk deciding the future of the country being who they claim to be.
Already another pea-brained Corbynette hitting social media to hold her breath until she turns bl… magenta.
How long until Blue Peter’s Sideshow Bob decides to weigh in on the yoof vote?
Impartially of course.
Did David Lammy ride to work this morning on his £650 free (to him) bike (paid on expenses) … help save the planet … ask your MP David Lammy to ride everywhere …
Prick Robinson interviewing Euroloon Pascal Lamy on Toady this morning about Hammond’s upcoming speech in which our Phil will say that an FTA should cover financial services. Prick Robinson suggests for the first time that the failed EU/US Treaty had intended to cover FS at the request of the EU and so it must be doable.
Presumably Prick Robinson and Al Beeb have become aware of this only because our Phil is saying it in his speech today. I’ve known of it and posted about for years and so can only assume Al Beeb haven’t done it for their normal reason of being anti-British/Brexit.
Prick Robinson has now turned to what types of immigrants we might need, suggesting even Germany is experiencing a shortage of lorry drivers and so Polish workers are looking there.
Fine if they don’t come here and cause multiple deaths when drunk at the wheel. I don’t suppose Germany would give them residence and benefits or even recognise their qualifications to work their, rather than to reside there. In Germany they only recognise their own technical qualifications.
The whole tone of Robinson when talking to the ‘highly Brexit area’ representative was condescending and I really didn’t understand his problem when the chap said – controlled.
It will be interesting to see who one of the highly Remoaner sections of the country want to let in – answer must be Everyone…because controlled obviously isn’t valid.
One of guest had it right – start training UK people and stop just importing cheap workers e.g. drivers – the Government and Industry knows where the shortages are – so how about focusing funds on proper training with measured outcomes – maybe a bit from the foreign aid budget.
That ‘one of the guests’ was the highly-knowledgeable Sir Andrew Green of Migrationwatch, the organisation which has done as much as Lord Nige to combat our various Governments’ ease with regard to unfettered inward economic migration. Initially scoffed at by the Blair/Brown liars and Brit-haters, Green proved to be the only reliable source of data about economic migrants despite the attempts of the Government, even the current one, to undermine his findings.
“…..Green proved to be the only reliable source of data about economic migrants….”.
Yes, Migration Watch has proven to be the only organisation that has put a figure on how much it costs the UK taxpayer to fund the migration scam. Over £16 BILLION a year on the last count according to MW. Problem is as I see it, any benefit from EU workers paying their way is completely offset by the non-working muslim community and now, increasingly, Romanian gypsys’s who arrive in their droves.
Nick Robinson is back tonight doing a Panorama on immigration
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. I’m proud those words now adorn BBC HQ – Nick Robinson
That will be the usual stitch up then ! – two thirds interviewed saying how we ‘prosper’ from immigrants and diversity while one third are against it. Victory to the have’s !!
Radio-5 Phone-in : Dating for single parents
… Will this be another wimmins Hour ?
One bloke is coming up.
then 9:30am over on Radio4 another programme has just started
“Parenting you are doing it wrong”
… Typical BBC lack of self awareness that they run 2 progs on the same topic at the same time.
11am repeat of Nick Cohens prog : Liberals are Failing Muslims
8pm Moral Maze : On the Morality of Sports Competitions after British Cycling has taken it right to the line,
Stew..did you get to the end of it?
When did R4 drop so low…it was puerile drivel. The woman they chatted to ‘ a writer’ and ” sort of comedienne” was clueless and not at all funny.
I like humour as a way to educate but this was neither educational nor humorous..who actually pays for this crap to be made? Oh yes we do!
Stew..did you get to the end of it?
When did R4 drop so low…it was puerile drivel. The woman they chatted to ‘ a writer’ and ” sort of comedienne” was clueless and not at all funny.
I like humour as a way to educate but this was neither educational nor humorous..who actually pays for this crap to be made? Oh yes we do!
I see that O’Leary wants to ground all his planes in order to force us to rethink Brexit (Express). Is this man for real?
Oh please ground your planes then, i would love to see ryanair die. I refuse to fly with them, they treat their passengers like cattle and bully their staff. Fellow Brexiteers should boycott them.
Might be one of the positives to come out of Brexit that BBC Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker was looking for.
excellent news for the green blob surely the climate nazis must be delighted
If UK Political MPs complain about pay freezes then what is this …. can Theresa and Corbyn explain? Can David Lammy explain why in 2014 he had a pay increase and claimed for a free £650 bike?
Details of the annual basic salary paid to all MPs for previous years can be found in the table below. (
April 2010 – £65,738
April 2011 -£65,738
April 2012 – £65,738
April 2013 – £66,396
April 2014 – £67,060
May 2015 – £74,000
April 2016 – £74,962
April 2017 – £76,011
April 2018 – £77,379
Can the BBC £3.5bn News Service cover that? Can Chris ‘£2.3m Gender Gap Man’ Evans do some journalism on that?
An 18% pay rise in 8 yrs. Not bad, eh?
Since the recession ..I guess Politics is recession proof.
“Obvious racism here from the Conservatives. Targeting the people of Tower Hamlets exercising their rights to vote 3 times. Disgusting.”
The events that occurred during the 2014 Tower Hamlets mayoral election are mercifully rare, but they show us that our democracy cannot be taken for granted. We need to accept that our trust-based electoral system is susceptible to fraudulent practices.
“The barrage of discriminatory abuse I have received over the last few days on here and elsewhere will be referred to police for hate crime.”
“I will be appealing the judgment that saw me removed as mayor last week. Deepest thanks to all who have extended your support and solidarity”
Bet you don’t put YOUR daughter in the ring Mrs Worthington
I hear International Women’s Day will soon be upon us.
BBC Breakfast presenters care so much for the welfare and aspirations of little girls that they want to see them bashing one another’s brains out in a boxing ring. Classy.
Our pathetic virtue-signalling trio, two beta blokes and a female this morning, happily promote the Barbie Doll version of black British female boxer Nicola Adams. Classy.
“Inspiring” says one desperate BBC guy. Hope to see your daughter in the ring rather than that nice public school and English Lit and Media at Oxbridge, do we pal – assuming you have a daughter?
BBC rule “Talk about Grenfell 100 times more than Groom/Rape gangs”
even though it’s 72 deaths vs 5,000 rape victims
today’s Woman’s Hour
Mark Steyn tells it as it is again, (read it and weep Mark Mardell), explaining Dunkirk to the Americans.
Yes Jim – if you can’t destroy it with some mad political belief ( Nazism) from outside you can destroy it with another mad belief ( multicultural ism ) from inside.
And yes al beeb – I am comparing the two . To question either places one in jeopardy .
It’s Cultural Marxism and the destruction of the West, FU2. “Multiculturalism” along with political correctness are just two of devices being used to bring about this destruction. The BBC (along with others) being fully paid up members of the Frankfurt School.
It’s not just the cause but the certainty with which the beeboids serve it up that really worries me- with a fully signed up political class of almost all complexions as accomplices .
All criticism is crushed so that we have to speak it on sites like this -which obviously only address the views of the internet savvy .
The screw seems to be constantly tightening . This time it’s collective hysteria about the entertainment / political industry and the sins of rich powerful men – but disconnected from the likes of a chap like fedup.
Today apparently the commons debated sexual harassment and conduct in public places. Yes – let’s all feel good about passing another law. And then another.
There is an article in today’s Telegraph Business section about the views of key figures in both the Italian 5 Star movement and the League party and their attitudes towards Brexit and the EU. One , or both, of these parties is certain to lead any new Italian Government no matter how much Brussels tries to fix things.
The only possible way Brussels could avoid this would be to have the Italian President , who is a member of the EU elite, declare that no stable government can be formed and the elections will have to be rerun in 6 months time, meanwhile the existing leftist pro EU government stays in power. This scenario obviously buys Brussels time and therefore cannot be ruled out but will make Italians even more anti EU.
The views of the two main parties are , as you would expect, very supportive of Brexit and strongly in favour of a mutually beneficial trade deal and no punishment beating of the UK. So you can see Brussels will be moving heaven and earth to stop a government being formed which had these views. Italy could be the focal point around which Brexit neutral countries like the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden , Poland etc coalesce and force Brussels to abandon their ideological EU view of Brexit and to adopt a pragmatic approach. Italy may yet be the saviour of Brexit.
March 5th radicals try to push their way into Paul Ryan’s Office, on Capitol Hill 17 arrested
Isn’t that news ?
Switched on 5 Live – Emily Thornberry was being given free range
.. In other countries I do expect to hear government ministers on the radio, yet in the UK seems we get to hear more from Labour in opposition.
Treezer to meet the Crown Prince of Saudi to prostrate herself before her master. I believe this woman wets her knickers in the presence of powerful Islamists
Meanwhile no news about the US President’s postponed state visit and prohibition for entering Parliament and the Moslem Mayor and Owen Jones’s planned demonstration should he come.
I will be looking out for the women in pussy hats greeting the Crown Prince.
G.W.F., she’s getting the headscarf out the wardrobe again……………..
This might be the headscarf; the speech is stored alongside it
Why is the man with a beard wearing a pussy hat?
‘Remember Rotherham’ solidarity?
Just heard George Galloway and a bint from Saudi on R2 J Vine (weapons grade arsehole!). George wasn’t happy that we were rolling out the red carpet for the CP, who, as the the bint admitted, was still torturing and crucifying those who displeased him, yet we would not allow a state visit for Trump to go ahead. George also accused the CP of promoting and exporting a vile and distorted version of the peaceful religion and funding mosques and madrassas which continue the teaching. The Saudi bint went on to say that the CP had made great strides in allowing freedoms in the kingdom, such as wimmin being allowed to drive, she was actually being given a free Mustang! Pity it was spoiled somewhat when she said that she could only drive it when accompanied by a male “guardian”.
The male guardian who presumably will be wearing a four point rally harness and a motorsport helmet, when he has the dubious honour of accompanying her on the Mustang’s first outing.
The Bedouin women in KSA have been driving for as long as there have been trucks and cars in the desert.
I heard this Radio 2 nonsense.
Galloway was on the button, it being the Saudis.
But all that he said also goes for Iran and iraq, Yemen and all the rest of the Muslim countries. But George gets a good berth with iran and Iraq. so he aimed all his fire at Saudis, and not Islam.
Still-he upset Vine who would rather have stuck to the colour of the Mustang that the Saudi shill was about to collect. Galloway is so negative isn`t he children?
But we now have a new word-the lady apologist for KSA referred to Guardianshits being the next area she`ll hope for progress with.
Future generations of the white indigenous (if they’re not all DFS colour) will look back in similar terms to the islamisation of the West and wonder why.
I emailed DFS last year, asking if, judging by their adverts, they only sell to mixed race couples. Still awaiting a reply.
A bit more room for the wimmins football has just been found as the bBbc have lost coverage of the Guinness Pro 14 rugby from next season.
Anybody who wants to watch Ulster, Cardiff Blues, Glasgow Warriors, Dragons, Ospreys – you get the picture, all decent provincial club rugby union from Scotland, Wales or Ireland – will now have to watch it on a subscription channel. English club rugby in the Aviva is on BT, any other club rugby of any interest is on Sky.
Premier Sports, based in Luxembourg, will now charge a tenner a month for these matches. So no rugby union, apart from half of the internationals, on the bBbc. I think even the wimmins is on Sky.
bBbc, the home of sport. Aye right.
Rich, you are so negative and so last year.
The Trangender wheelchair basketball from Islamabad is really exciting.
I just hope it will be introduced by Claire Balding and Mischel Hussein.
The lovely Claire in a niqab? Works for me.
Won`t the Saudis be a shoo-in for any disability games that are played in he desert heat as opposed to cold mountains in the snow?
I`d have thought sand pies. camel racing could become Olympic sports-then finally, we`d get Islam triumphant which is what the BBC require in all their coverage.
Not bBBC stuff as such but an article in Lesvos Post relates to Turkey flexing its muscle in international waters…… This is part of the translation of the article: “The Turkish Navy’s hydrographic service has preached fire drills from today and at different times, even in Easter, and seven weeks in the center of the Aegean Sea.”
Not hearing any of this in the MSM. (Google translate is good)
When the BBC use the word “Muslim”…
Yusuf, 14, aims to be first US Muslim president
Nottingham radio station’s song against non-Muslims breached rules
Sri Lanka violence: State of emergency declared over attacks <-Attacks against Mosques and Muslim owned shops
and when they don't use it…
Parsons Green: Tube bomb ‘designed to cause carnage’
The head of the British government has come to visit the country this week, to be greeted by his bought lackey Theresa the appeaser May.
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, has come to see the fruits of all the money his country has spent making sure Britain is as Islamised as the natives will allow without open rebellion.
And so what does the BBC report about all these problems in the most oppressive backwards intolerant country in the Middle East? One of the greatest instigators of terrorism and global Jihad in the world?
Well it’s a bit worried that Muslims in Yemen are being inconvenienced, but it’s not Saudi’s fault you understand no no it’s all the fault of the nasty white people who sold them the weapons in the first place especially the hated fatcher who clinched the Al Yammamah deal. (The one which the idiotic Clegg tried to wreck and which BLiar stopped the legal enquiry into).
“Anti-war campaigners, including the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, have accused the UK government, a leading exporter of arms to the Saudi capital Riyadh, of being “complicit” in coalition bombings in Yemen. ”
Well if Jeremy says so it must be true right?
if they didnt have bombs they would be using swords
Meanwhile, as part of the BBC’s transmogrification into Hello Magazine, one of the top stories on their news webpage is this:

What is this obsession they have with all things Obama?
I have seen this on social media sites with comments enabled.
And which could be going better.
I have seen this on social media sites with comments enabled.
And which could be going better.
They are obsessed because Bathroom Barry is gay, communist,semi black, a token muslim and married to a bloke.
All the quali’s to make a beeboid drool.
I doubt that George W Bush was even mentioned a year after he left office. Let alone his wife.
One hell of an accusation by the Shit Corbyn…..He needs to provide evidence to justify his comments. Lets hope the media pressure him to do so. The BBC wont of course, they cant upset there loving and caring Marxist..
bBb’c s Brian Wheeler in PMQs; The key bits and the verdict on the Politics Homepage doesn’t even mention this. An appallingly one-sided report smacking of intentional omission and bias.
In all fairness the lovely Laura highlights Corbyns comment but once more the bBbc reporting of this provides an example of how consistently poor the quality, accuracy and standards of bBbc journalism, without even considering the bias, have become.
I did notice both Laura and Andrew Neil both expressed surprise at Corbyns remarks and even the Labour representative sat in the studio was slightly taken aback ..
Ah well, bugger all will come of it as usual. Nobody can bad mouth the beloved Corbyn
The bBBC gave top-billing to Stormzy blaming the Prime Minister for the Grenfell Tower fire, and not providing enough money for the ‘victims’. But it doesn’t seem to have found space to tell us about this crook.
Just watching a recording of last Sunday’s Endeavour, ITV.
Normally fast forward through the adverts but stopped a bit early. Caught this trailer
“ Crime and Punishment. Rachell Nickell, the untold story.”
And I continue quoting but in capitals
“WITH FIONA BRUCE. Thursday 9pm on ITV”
Ah, that poor underpaid BBC ‘talent’.
Must go now. Got an appointment with the HR manager to see if he would mind me working for our major competitor for a couple of days a week. Think I can guess what the response will be. You know, out here in the real world.
Ofcom complaining about Talking-Pictures-Channel-93
Former head on Northern Independent Television Commission..speaks up. In The Yorkshire Post