Mrs May does a speech about what we can expect from Brexit on Friday and it’s ‘hard facts for both sides’ says the BBC. Hmmm…just plain common sense and a realistic view of what the outcome of negotiations might be? Yeahhh…and anyone with an ounce of common sense and no axe to grind could have told the BBC that a year ago. Which raises the question as to why the BBC for the last year has been giving us a very one-sided and alarmist view of what is happening, not only giving us the Brussels view as the ‘gold standard’ that Britain must aspire to reach but painted an extremely negative view of the British position, expectations and hopes…one example is the EU’s constant mocking of British negotiations as ‘cherry-picking’ not to mention the sneering ‘you can’t have your cake and eat it’….both of which the BBC adopted as their starting point when discussing the British approach…which the BBC portrayed as chaotic, weak and wildly over-expectant. The BBC seemed to prefer we just rolled over and accepted whatever the EU could dream up to humiliate us. Perhaps if the BBC spent less time pandering to EU fanatical Remainders and spreading EU propaganda we could have had a realistic view of Brexit from the start from our national broadcaster which would have allowed May to establish her position months ago, rein in the Remainder pro-EU ‘stay-behind’ subversives and present a united, strong and coherent position in negotiations…instead of which the BBC has constantly fed the Remainder’s dream of a second referendum and the reversal of Brexit which has also given the EU the idea that this might happen and therefore they do not need to negotiate seriously. Thanks BBC for the backstabbing.
Spot anymore BBC backstabbing?…list it here…
I wonder why (racist) we (xenophobe) could not (small minded) talk (idiot) about (islamophobic) immigration?
The truth is the debate on immigration has scarcely begun. Most voters want to see what they call control. They want to see the numbers cut. They like the idea of people being be able to come here to do vital jobs and of blocking those with no or few skills. That, though, doesn’t go very far to answer the question “who should we let in?” { 07mar2018}
UN takes political sides by shouting the boo-words “racist xenophobe” at Orban
BBC risky business
National Audit Office report says BBC’s Commercial subsidiaries are financial #risk,
The BBC owns 110 commercial subsidiaries and is exposed to increased financial #risks because of its partnerships with external companies.
BBC has 110 subsidiaries with 4,900 staff
Only one made a consistent profit BBC Worldwide, so it makes up bulk of £1.2bn overall profit.
24 yr old Madhi Hassan found dead in Leeds Premier Inn
Police say no “suspicious circumstances ”
Sponsored by KFC, Mars, Warburtons, Kerry Foods …..
Britain First leader and his deputy are found guilty of religiously-aggravated harassment
HFA does not encourage or support political agenda
Britain First guilty of filming outside Canterbury Crown Court
Jayda Fransen & Paul Golding convicted sentence yet.
R4 Laurie Taylor will soon be asking “why aren’t there more women politicians ?”
But his guest is asking about reverse prejudice by assuming the “normal” come no one says Working dad ?
“Why aren’t there more women on oil rigs?”
“Why aren’t there more emptying bins?”
I’m really annoyed about the idiotic case about talking pictures . I love this channel I am watching Family at War can’t wait for next episode .excellent series missed it first time around. I am not at all upset by the language at all its very good . Now they put a message on before each episode to WARN of mild bad language and scenes that may upset you. It’s crazy the program is tame compared to the language that I hear daily on plays on radio 4. And as you see on these so called dramas on TV without any such warnings. I personally think it’s all about keeping them down and under control .Many time I have thought about complaining about language in daytime dramas on R4 . From now on I’m going to complain to of com . Can anyone give me the email address of them .
Who do I complain to about Rap music – which has far worse content than the dialogue on Family at War when even Granny watched it (in the days when grannies looked like grannies !)
Recall the widespread bBC coverage of Keith Vaz meeting the first arrivals from Eastern Europe…..? In particular, Bulgaria and Romania….
Well I bet you they will be no where near that rural village in Ireland which is about to have a 33% increase in its population thanks to EU imposed migrant quotas.
You wonder what they’ll get!………..but one things for certain the bBC and Keith Vaz will not be there to greet them………you see the locals apparently voted 93% not to “av em” but the EU jackboot which effectively controls the Republic of Ireland will accept no compromise. This shines a light on the paddywackery coming out of the Irish PM……………he’s no more than a puppet and best ignored.
Added a link below … it appeared in the wrong place.
Lisdoonvarna s.trubble, it’s where they have a match making festival every year.
Thousands of frustrated mainly US and Aussie spinsters come to Ireland in search of Irish roots, so to speak, hoping to find husbands from the old country.
Throw in a hundred Alis rather than O’Malleys all wanting to share the crack and what could possibly go wrong. Sure go on now, as the natives might say, you will, you will, inshallah, you will !!!
Lisdoonvarna was the place where you could get a rich old farmer once.
Imagine only grievance farmers would get along by now, there being no economy over there but pizza takeaways, rewiring what Steve Jobs left them in 2002 and themed communion pissups for travellers. Leo will be relaxed about letting the Muslims in…easy pickings on Ryanair to bundle the old biddies over to Sarajevo, and get an instant harem I suppose.
“Brexit means drifting apart but we don’t want to build a wall – Tusk”
Every time Al Beeb mentions Brexit, HYS gets a hammering from Brexiteers.
I see that he wants access to UK waters for EU fishermen, is that ‘cherry picking’ or is that a term like ‘divisive’, ‘controversial’, ‘extreme’ etc. that only applies to the people the BBC doesn’t like, impartially of course.
Keith Vaz interview: ‘Immigrants are first-class providers to this country’
Keith Vaz’s visit to Luton airport on New Year’s Day to greet new EU migrants attracted much mockery – and not for the first time. But does he really deserve all the opprobrium he gets?
On our way out, an elderly member of the public spots him. “Mr Vaz”, he says, waylaying him. “Did you go to Victoria bus station? They all came in on buses! The buses were crammed!” Vaz is friendly but a little thrown. “Victoria bus station? No, but I can go.” The man shakes his head sadly. “Ah, but they’re all here now. They’re already here. You should have gone there.”
. . . .
Rt Hon Keith Vaz MP – Alleged breach of paragraphs 10 and 16 of the Code of Conduct – suspended for medical reasons
Do the medical reasons stop him drawing his salary and expenses?
Keith looks a bit distracted in that photo, maybe because he’s thinking of his other encounters with young males from Eastern Europe?
Immigrants are Keiths “providers” then are they?
Let us all reflect on what it is that Keith needs immigrants to provide for him and his seedball dynasty?
Perhaps he’s looking for future, young ‘friends’ with whom he could wile away the odd hour or two with a fag……….
Two and half years ago (2010) we made a clear to the promise to the British public. We still have some way to go, but we’re delivering on that promise. {Theresa May – 12dec2012}
Be careful all of you down-market shoppers that you don’t find yourself with unwanted bomb parts in your bag!
Parsons Green: Tube bomb parts from ‘Asda and Aldi’
Rather down-plays:
How about this BBC?
Asylum seeker planned to kill and maim Londoners
Why you can trust BBC News – not.
Or Illegal Immigrant planned to kill and maim Londoners.
Not Waitrose, then? How uncouth …..
Top story?? FFS
Get rid of it! (BBC, not the ‘story’)
BBC Home Page … 07mar2018 @ 16:40 …
Word Search: Italy x 0
Word Search: Italy x 1 (football)
Word Search: Italy x 0
Word Search: Italy x 0
Word Search: Italy x 0
Word Search: Italy x 1 (Mario Balotelli condemns Italy’s first black senator)
Word Search: Italy x 2
1. Mario Balotelli condemns Italy’s first black senator
2. Italy election: Populist gains send shockwaves to Brussels
Britain First Guilty, sentencing to follow.
Their crime, saying some true things, but not in a very pleasant manner.
Britain First, like them or not, had one objective, to roll back the Islamization of the UK.
They obviously offended some perfect people, but never advocated violence and stood as candidates in an election which they lost and accepted the result.
They will now be taught a lesson. One that has been learnt by Tory MPs, and saw the destruction of UKIP.
Others will follow. I see Antifa and state supported UAF are pointing the finger at the Football Lads Alliance and Gays Against Sharia. They will go down once their leaders are arrested for upsetting perfect people..
So what will happen next?
No mention of Trump … which is new.
Katty Kay probably headed with full crew to do a special on dancing moppets with ex-FLOTUSes
It is interesting how, beyond actions, guilt by association can creep further and further. Twitter follows or page likes and even RTs are one (Ok, three) thing; memberships a bit more intriguing.
Tricky one. As a reporter, one way to stay abreast of all sides is clearly to keep tabs on them, overt or covert. Is this what is happening here?
Doubtful in this case, but benefit of the doubt and all that.
However, benefit of the doubt is not what the BBC usually accords anyone who once had a dance with anyone who once had a dance with the Prince of Wales.
Which really is a bit unprofessional of them too.
I’m not going to give a knee-jerk defence of Britain First, but it seems at first glance that the BBC pages are pretty misleading, with the kind of devious spin Antifa use
“On the second day of their trial, the court heard how Ms Fransen went to the Ramsgate home of Tamin Rahmani, one of the defendants in the rape trial.”
WTF when the BBC wrote “one of the defendants in the rape trial”
he and his gang had been CONVICTED and jailed for 50 years
\\ Both Fransen and Golding were convicted on a joint charge of religiously aggravated harassment after an incident last May at 555 Pizza takeaway in Ramsgate, when Fransen banged on the windows and doors of the shop and screamed “paedophile” and “foreigner”.
However, in each case, they instead TARGETED innocent members of the public //
AFAIK know they “targeted” the people who were just about to be convicted
as the pizza place is where the attack happened
place #2 The BBC describe as “the Kent home of another defendant, Tamin Rahmani”
The partner gave evidence that she was there alone with her children
place #3 “a house she (Fransen) wrongly believed to be the current address of Sershah Muslimyar, a defendant in the trial.”
AFAIK it’s not that they “TARGETED innocent members of the public” just that the court accepted innocent people were at 2 of the addresses and felt intimidated.
And the partner of the convicted rapist had a stillbirth 2 days after and she blames this on Fransen.
The BBC page even has the girl quoted as saying
“It was directed at Tamin because she thought he was in there but he wasn’t”
I am surprised that since the protest happened DURING the trial , contempt of court law was not used instead
Absolutely Stew.
Those ‘innocent’ members of the public were connected to the crime at 555 Pizza — a crime which resulted in convictions for 4 Afghan men who gang-raped a drunk, vulnerable 16 year old girl who had made the mistake of asking directions. A case in which — according to the Senior DI — the girl was “subjected to some of the most horrendous crimes imaginable”.
But the beeb can’t be arsed giving that kind of superfluous background info. (NB: Although technically they were defendants at the time Fransen confronted them, since the trial was yet to begin).
For more info on the case (but be warned, it makes for very grim reading) local news is your friend:
The BBCs coverage of the events connected is so outrageously biased it is unforgivable.
Btw in their original article reporting the crime, search words return:
“Afghan” = 0
“Muslim” = 0
“Islam” = 0
Wow – 54 weeks banged up for a political ‘crime’ . Such judges must really one the next job up their greasy pole to impress the liberals .
Apols ‘one’ means ‘want’. Apple spell chic is crepe
That will teach them to post videos that President Trump tweeted. If only he would speak out now about British Justice being politicized.
Either the people of this country will meekly submit or some very nasty people will emerge.
As the BBC fawn over the EU choice of location …
Donald Tusk unveiled his guidelines in a picture-perfect castle in the hills outside Luxembourg.
A nice change to the usual venues in Brussels but the same tough message from the EU that the UK’s red lines limit what it can get from the final Brexit deal.{ 07mar2018}
– No mention of the waste of money $103 million to move boxed between Brussels and Strasbourg? And why they have so many locations?
BBC reports on ugly wimmen MPs – ‘too ugly to rape ‘ admitted one of them – who want sexist comments made into a hate crime.
I expect a BBC reporter will ask them of their opinions about 1500 young girls being groomed and raped by perfect people in the UK.
Offensive comment but should opinion being turned into a crime ? Shame there’s no written constitution
Such as the American one to protect the citizen
The killer comment
If Ms Onn and her colleagues are so concerned about misogyny then why are they so enthusiastic about importing more of it from the third world?
Onn is saying Grimsby women are weak and need special protection
These thought crimes, once given the label of hate crimes or whatever weasel words Blair and the EU creaated out of nothing in 1998, are deeply sinister.
Know nothing about the case-but after Jo Cox and that Cardiff wastrel case recently by Finsbury Park mosque, I`m not believing the Fake News complex over Jayda and Paul.
The liberal lying media now have form as long as your arm on political crimes and getting stitch ups.
As we`re finding in the USA, they tend to find the person first before they settle on the crime to charge them with. The Trump case is a classic-keep digging and lying until you can create or confect some new and unimagined offence. As yet unknown, but let`s keep truffling until we find one.
Very dangerous, any new nasties can now do similar-well meant laws to shut Hitler up were then used by him against the liberal elites when he got into office.
Note how old-Tory her policy is
She says “catcall”= hate crime = proper punishment
That’s like saying : bring back birching for bringing back your library books back late ..and that will cure burglaries.
You’ll get normal lads afraid to look at a girl
whilst the bad blokes will continue to be abusers/beaters.
Melanie Onn says
“In my constituency we have an excessively high rate of domestic violence,”
“I have children in primary and secondary schools who accept that violence in a relationship is somehow normal and to be expected.”
claims there’s a need to nip in the bud
..So she’s saying it’s the same as Broken Window syndrome, whereby if you tolerate that crime, you get bigger crime .
Where’s her evidence that wolf whistlers, become thug boyfriends ?
What percentage ?
She says 71% of women have done something to guard themselves.
What percentage of men have done something to guard themselves from school bullies/local thugs ?
Grimsby doesn’t have a MAN problem, it has a crimbo problem
If someone’s partner is an intimidator that MAN/WOMAN is the problem.
Onn says supercharge punishments against things like cat calling things & that will stop MAJOR crimes
* Where’s her evidence ? *
I bet the few bad people still go onto commit the MAJOR crimes, whilst the police are busy chasing many minor crimes.
This is just the revenge of the older , uglier and more bitter women-and all of the Left and Liberal persuasion, naturally.
Really has not, is not or never will be an issue to most normal women in real life, as long as it`s harmless and good-natured. Never had anything other.
Feel sorry for the lads these days-they`d lose their jobs I imagine, seeing as it`s only the public sector gays and harpies who employ anybody in construction or infrastructure, Magna repairs or what have you .
Poor sods have to take longer to do a sly double take over their shoulders too-used to be 4 seconds or fifteen years in summer…takes them longer now!
Someone should ask her if this is a hate crime….
A disabled Polish WW2 Veteran who fought Hitler as part of the UK based Free-Polish Army who then ended up being unable to return home afterwards…. He was left in the care of a sixteen year old niece of questionable morals by her Great Aunt…. He was terminally ill and was a lifelong friend of the family and deserved to be treated as such…. Anyway, after being entrusted with his care for the day, the Aunt returned home to find him DEAD……. Needless to say nobody else was in the house, his medication had not been administered and his meals were still in the fridge etc….
subsequently the niece who was halfway through her first year as a sixth form student was turfed out and her errant mother had no choice but to drive up from London where she lived after dumping her responsibilities as a mother years before…..
Anyway, the Great Aunt never ever spoke to either of them again, such was her disgust at the treatment and lack of care her lodger had been shown by a girl who she brought up and loved like a daughter……
That`s the problem with a small village like Healing….. People remember scandals far more than what they read in a newspaper….. Kind of hypocritical though isn`t it?? Especially when your entire political career has been spent mouthing off about `social justice` …. and prior to that A UNISON Rep in the (ahem) Care Profession….
Taffman, you picking up any clues about the perp in the Carms dog rescue lady murder?
Not in my sights at the moment, a little too far east for me?
My aim is focused on Al Beeb’s anti-Brexit propaganda.
Not in my sights at the moment, a little too far east for me?
My aim is focused on Al Beeb’s anti-Brexit propaganda.
Enjoy this – Biased BBC put up a massive report on sexual abuse at Save the Children – and manage to avoid mentioning the obvious Brendan Cox until the very last paragraph – and then only in passing!
And they didn’t mention Cox’s new charity project : Hand Relief
Did anyone else find strange the interview on Monday’s Newsnight with the ex-MI5 ‘agent’? She did nothing but rubbish the suggestion that Putin / the Kremlin was behind the recent attack on the Salisbury Russian spy and undermine the points being made by Putin’s critic.
Mmm, I smell a rat.
Everyone else is clear that it was Putin.
Has Agent Corbyn been in Salisbury recently ?
Al Beeb panorama on Immigration . I mean really . Fucking years of avoiding the subject until they get hit by the train of Brexit and now maybe they’re ‘discussing’. It . That shit n Robinson had half hours worth .
Gotta confess. I only bothered a bit. The immigration train has left the station. If the EU fucks over uk expats in Europe we do the same . . If the EU is nice – we can be too.
But if wages have to go up for farmers to get labour so be it . But my part of England had too many and need to control it. Al Beeb would never hear of it.
Al Beeb put the Scots cranky on . I’m guessing if the 7 million’s scots had a couple of million non English speaking guest workers turn up they might change their tune .
Empires rise and fall, elections come and go, but one thing remains constant as the Northern Star on al beeb’s Home page: Why Black Women Love Their Hair.
One long anti-white, victim moan-fest, natch.
It’s all our fault.
Times : Females Sex convicts, the number has doubled in last 2 years
OK it’s only 120
but we getting things like woman teacher convicted of preying on 16 year old
Male sex offenders are at 7,357 up from 6,165
So Lego how did your virtue signalling move go
when you stopped advertising in the Daily Mail, cos the libmob told you to ?
…oh sales are down 8%
One of the best selling Lego themes is ‘Friends’, the range that uses pastel shades and has lots of girl characters. Strangely it is popular with girls!
Of course all those feminist ‘moms’ think that these sets should be banned! They managed to get the girls’ version of the Lego Club magazine ditched. My neighbour had a boy and a girl that were club members and once they had read their own magazine they could do a swop but then the postie started delivering two identical issues. Thanks ‘moms’!
Enrichment crime
A lot of London crime seems to be foreigner on foreigner
Today there’s rape trial the complainant is Romanian and the accused is called Krzyzyk which sounds Romanian or Polish
… but there is something fascinating the bloke who is being tried today for giving a girl a ride home from a nightclub and raping her
..was also in December cleared of a very similar offence against another woman.
December :
March :
As we all know Thursday is international no al Beeb day. I will be joining in and avoiding all al Beeb output and instead getting the inside story of the Salisbury poisoning via RT – for an obvious insiders view
Facebook reports knife attack in Vienna. Nothing on Sky or BBC. Are they being told to withhold info?
It’s reassuring that police are onto it. They are looking for ‘a man’. Inspector Clusoe?
Reuters report ……………….
Funny its not on Al Beeb?
still not there, perhaps the so called BBC are snowed in so the papers havent arrived and their reuters news feed has gone down and the internet has gone down as well
Times commenter says EU’s tough Brexit tactics are backfiring
It’s digging in, and that’s causing voters to vote popularist in countries like Italy.
Time Letter
‘Housing crisis ? you must consider immigration’
It’s signed Professor David Coleman
Who’s he ?
He has been the Professor of Demography at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford since October 2002
“Housing crisis? you must consider immigration”
So, it takes an Oxford don to come up with that!
Has he been reading the pages of this website?