I’ve also rolled back the WordPress Theme changes made last week so the website should be the same as it was before the updates. The theme developers introduced a major update recently which broke many things. I finally bit the bullet and updated last week, but it clearly still wasn’t working well enough, mainly on mobile devices. Apologies for the painful website experience over the last few days.
If we have to carve our messages out of stone to get them shared then we must.
We’re grateful for the work and time spent curating this site, and most of all grateful just for the fact it exists. No need for apologies, its good you are around.
We are living in such scary times. This site is vital for letting of steam. They offer no solutions to the colossal problems we face except to make it illegal to state their is a problem, let alone how we might address it.
Thats the whole bloody problem: no one is “dealing with it” just ranting on here, which maybe makes one feel a little better but : who actually officially complains ? who contacts their MP who does anything other than rant on here which will make no diffrence whatsoever ? any answers to that as to making a difference and doing something ?
Totally agree, Annunaki. I’ve fired off three official complaints in the last month. Trouble is you usually get the usual fob off, but I’m hoping eventually the volume they receive will have some impact – but I won’t hold my breath.
From another angle, it appears to be getting a little more balanced on social media lately as more voices answer the raging lefties who’ve had it to themselves for so long. And thank god for Jordan B. Peterson – he now has 550,000 followers on Twitter which shows there’s an appetite for counteracting all the total crap from the cultural marxists.
who contacts their MP who does anything other than rant on here which will make no diffrence whatsoever ?
I think that is a very good point, Annunaki. MPs need to be aware of our concerns otherwise they will get a false impression of how their constituents feel about the state of the country.
Where are the west indian, african, sikh and hindu and chinese and japanese and indonesian and philipino and south american council websites ? oh of course they dont need them they live in England and integrate
On BBC London last week there was a report of a school in Westminster that was set to close. Several parents were interviewed. They were indignant. And children.
There was not a single English accent.
A school entirely for immigrants. How enriching.
Schools in central London are a problem largely because of the demographics. Take for example the Ark Primary School in Paddington Green. Over 82% of the children are not native English speakers and I would say are predominantly Arab Muslims. This may be the causal factor in the rather poor attainment figures for the school. Fewer than 45% reached the required proficiency expected in English and Maths. Hardly surprising when English is not spoken at home nor in the playground, I would expect. We are not doing ourselves or these children any favours by allowing such a concentration of a mono-culture in a London school. It must be a contributory factor in these pupils failing; I have no doubt the teaching staff do their very best, but for these children to thrive in British society they need to be educated at a school that is representative of our countrywide demographic, not in a ghetto that is the Edgware Road, London. How can they absorb British culture and mores if they remain isolated, segregated and distinct from the host population. We are storing up trouble for the future.
On BBC news channel around 0735. Naga introduces……wait for it……an article on child abuse. She lists the towns. Rochdale, Rotherham,et al. Now Telford. She spells it out.
She then interviews the police national lead for child abuse.
In the entire interview the words Asian men came up once and the police chief did so with a noticeable pause as if he really did not want to do it.
He then spent the whole interview explaining that most child abuse is in the home and that there are many other patterns of abuse. In other words, belittling the events in the towns we know so well.
These people are in total denial. He should be sacked on the spot. Needless to say, Naga gave him the softest ride possible.
Utterly pathetic.
On Friday the Media Show was holding someone from the BBC to account for the lack of news about Telford. Apparently the news broke last Sunday and it took our national broadcaster until after 9am on Monday to check the facts, because as we the audience would understand we wouldnât want to be fed false news. He said the BBC led with it on Victoria Derbyshire. (What are her viewing figures?). I would have liked to have asked why they couldnât have said something on the Today programme on the Monday morning but the interviewer obviously didnât think that relevant.
The so called bbc managed to get that commie Marr to censor the mirror front page off his newspaper review, on that sunday. It’s somewhat disconcerting it takes their editorial team so long to agree fir how long they can ignore unwelcome news.
I think that when they trott out the phrase , âmost child abuse is done by white menâ , they mean that more perverted white men are suspected or convicted of abusing a child or perhaps two or three children. Of course it could be just an outright lie because no one could have any trust in the authorities these days. But what needs to be asked and never is , is what % of the total number of abuses of individual children and young girls are committed by Muslims? In this % if a girl is raped twenty times over the course of three months by a man it counts as twenty crimes. If the man concerned rapes four different girls twenty times it counts as eighty crimes.if the same girl is raped twenty times by each of four different men it counts as eighty crimes.
I think it very likely that given the industrial scale of the abuse that has been reported that Muslims are responsible for the vast majority of rapes and abuse in this country on the above basis.
In addition I am certain that many more cases have been reported to the police than have been admitted to . We can perhaps multiply those we know of by any number between three and twenty. In total that probably means that Muslim men have committed hundreds of thousands of rapes of young girls in our country , perhaps millions.
The only way that the authorities can disprove this is by a full independent inquiry chaired by people whom the public can trust , not by one of the usual politically correct merchants. Certainly the police need to be kept well away from the inquiry team because they themselves need to be investigated for their part in the cover ups.
But I noted that on the recent Telford scandal that the Times ,which first reported the Rotherham scandal, said nothing. I strongly suspect that the Home Office has ordered that the media try and cover up and downplay the scale of these crimes.
So we are left to speculate ,as I have done, as to how big this problem is, how many girls have been raped and how often, how many cases have been covered up and by whom, and in the light of the Telford disclosures how many girls were tortured and murdered. The extent of this scandal beggars belief and yet the authorities think that they cover it up for the sake of their laughable âcommunity cohesionâ
“… is what % of the total number of abuses of individual children and young girls are committed by Muslims?” Agreed DT but in proportion to their numbers in the population naturally. Otherwise doubtless that comparison would be worthless.
Yes you are right the % of Muslims in the general population must be taken into account. I expect that the difference between the number of rapes , accounted for on the above basis, committed per head in the non Muslim population will be a small fraction of those in the Muslim population
Officially there have been no convictions for this in Luton, when Tommy Robinson first draw the mediaâs attention to it happening there. ROPers view the founder of their creed the perfect man who should be emulated. He had sex slaves and it is sanctioned in their book: âcaptives of the right hand.â
The actual extent of the crimes is beyond our darkest imaginings. If even what we have been told officially is this bad you can bet the actual reality of it is so, so much worse. Probably the worst crimes ever committed on this soil during peace time, worse than even Enoch Powell portended.
Home Office….within a short time, Labour’s John Reid, sober then, after being appointed HS…declared, angrily i recall that HO was ‘not fit for purpose’…..and so, a succession of useless politicians have stumbled through it, leaving a bigger mess than before…It’s civil servants are obviously worthless, so mass sackings are in order, 5-8 million bloody migrants here now, 1.5m illegal…i can safely throw these figures in..because the useless bastards have no idea themselves….Housing and NHS crisis?…NO…we have a bloody migrant crisis, covered up by the media, BBC chiefly, and no-one can get a grip….meanwhile a former useless HS, now useless PM has thrashed around and has now started to turn the country into a Police State…unreal…i want to see mass marches and violence towards these politicians….but we’re all been subdued….
Telford, a town of 170,000 3.3% “Asian”… so about 2000 Adult Male Mu5lems, 1000 serial child gang raype victims no doubt adding uo to at least 10,000 raypes. (Average about 5 raypes per Adult Mu5lem Male)
Simllar to Rotherham, a town of 3000 adult Mu5lim males, who are responsible for 1400 child sex-slave victims, and more than 14,000 r@ypes. (Average about 3.3 r@ypes per Adult Mu5lem Male)
And Sandwell, population of 309,000, 8.2% Muslem, 12,000 Muslem males with 6000 child grooming aligations… with the council admitting that this was at least mostly Muslem perpetrators:
This fits in with the estimated million child gang raype victims, probably accounting for at least ten million raypes… yet there is only about 1.5 million Adult Mu5lem Males in the UK. Again several raypes epr Mu5lem.
Telford, a town of 170,000 3.3% “Asian”… so about 2000 Adult Male Mu5lems, 1000 serial child gang raype victims no doubt adding uo to at least 10,000 raypes. (Average about 5 raypes per Adult Mu5lem Male)
Simllar to Rotherham, a town of 3000 adult Mu5lim males, who are responsible for 1400 child sex-slave victims, and more than 14,000 r@ypes. (Average about 3.3 r@ypes per Adult Mu5lem Male)
And Sandwell, population of 309,000, 8.2% Muslem, 12,000 Muslem males with 6000 child grooming aligations… with the council admitting that this was at least mostly Muslem perpetrators:
This fits in with the estimated million child gang raype victims, probably accounting for at least ten million raypes… yet there is only about 1.5 million Adult Mu5lem Males in the UK. Again several raypes epr Mu5lem.
Telford, a town of 170,000 3.3% “Asian”… so about 2000 Adult Male Mu5lems, 1000 serial child gang raype victims no doubt adding uo to at least 10,000 raypes. (Average about 5 raypes per Adult Mu5lem Male)
Simllar to Rotherham, a town of 3000 adult Mu5lim males, who are responsible for 1400 child sex-slave victims, and more than 14,000 r@ypes. (Average about 3.3 r@ypes per Adult Mu5lem Male)
And Sandwell, population of 309,000, 8.2% Muslem, 12,000 Muslem males with 6000 child grooming aligations… with the council admitting that this was at least mostly Muslem perpetrators:
This fits in with the estimated million child gang raype victims, probably accounting for at least ten million raypes… yet there is only about 1.5 million Adult Mu5lem Males in the UK. Again several raypes epr Mu5lem.
The pattern of offending is so different. You always have the odd weirdo in the white British community, but for child rape to seem so acceptable that you can pass her around your mates is several orders of magnitude worse. If a white taxi driver told his mates he had a school girl for them to rape together he would get his head kicked in and the Police would be called. That the âcommunitiesâ never inform the Police really is beyond the pale and shows how our moralities are irreconcilably different.
Quite right. The muslim rape gang phenomena is a different kind of crime and should not be lumped in with the lone weirdo category.
The problem is the powers that be desperately want to believe that the former category is relatively insignificant otherwise they would have to deal with it properly.
He then spent the whole interview explaining that most child abuse is in the home and that there are many other patterns of abuse…..
In other words, moral equivalence, as practised widely by the Left especially when they are losing an argument and want to muddy the waters.
If you are a regular practitioner of moral relativism you eventually end up on the fence without a moral compass. A typical example of that in Britain is the ‘all cultures are equal’ agenda, where you will hear any criticism of, say, the religion of peace countered with ‘it’s only like….’ and being presented with some out-of-context quote from the Bible or some ignorant statement about The Crusades.
And now we can all see where the multicultural agenda, forced on us ‘racists’ for so long and for so long backed up by moral relativism, is leading us, and it’s not looking good.
Exactly Annunaki – And all these other religion and cultures are resilient and mature enough not to judge the others as a threat or a victim to be conquered . They concentrate on improvement of the self rather than conquest.
It is no surprise that it appears to me that wherever Islam raises its head in the world there is conflict. Yet they always seem to play a blinder in the victim-hood stakes. It is always someone else’ s fault. Rather like the madman in the asylum saying “its the others” whilst throwing cups of piss at everyone else and smashing his head against the cell wall.
Unfortunately in this country we have a loose collection of hand wringing crybabies and cynical political operators who for their own selfish and misplaced altruism are more than willing to allow this religion and the unpleasant cultural hand baggage to dominate and eventually destroy our society which up until now has been pretty well integrated.
We are committing cultural suicide of the highest order and no-one in Government is willing to talk about it and you are right Annunaki it is time we all got more active than just tub thumping. Looks like my MP will getting another letter from me this week too. But I fear things have now gone beyond this.
some blame the water for the decline of the Romans others that they were too nice and they were never particularly nice but they did have an understanding that most humans understood the common good and now we are back to 1000 years ago with barbarians at the gates again but this time they are inside already
What really puzzles me is the motive of people who are playing this rape business down. Why don’t want to acknowledge the gravity of the crimes. What is the motive for leniency towards Moslems?
Cultural Marxism. These people hate Britain and the West. A case of ‘My enemy’s enemy is my friend’ – Islamification is the shortest route to achieving their goal of destroying our culture and institutions.
They have ignored and obfuscated it for years, because to admit that there is a particular problem with Muslims and their sexual criminality against young kaffir females; is multi-cultural blasphemy and would obliterate one of its core tenets: that all races and cultures are the same and of equal value and validity.
They realise that to even acknowledge that fact, could cause the whole facade to come crashing down and for it to be exposed for the malignant lie it truly is.
Yesterday caught a bit of ââNewswatchâ, the BBC news channel show where they âaccept criticismsâ before wheeling on the BBC chief news editor to look down his nose and tell us that he was completely right and that we were wrong.
His defence of the the non-coverage of the Telford story was absolutely cringeworthy. In essence, âwe did cover itâ. Then he lists the âcoverageâ. It was on the English regions page of the website on Tuesday! We covered a parliamentary statement! He was absolutely dredging the barrel yet with the confidence of a person who knows he is untouchable.
Just absolutely dreadful.
Why was the story on the local pages of the âShropshireâ section? During #Metoo the slightest story against men has been front and centre. This trumps all those stories combined – Green watching porn, someone touching a knee or whatever. They really are an absolute disgrace.
Iâm going to miss the old thread – itâs like a friend now.
Shocking really that after al Beeb had to do something about saville they now suppress reportinging the level of CSE child sexual abuse – as I believe it is now termed. – but if someone tugs on one of those Muslim sheets their wimmin wear sl Beeb is appealing for witnesses and rolling out the pro Islam industry.
I wonder if the constabularies have been told to play child rape by Pakistanis down â for the purposes of public safetyâ.
I chose the term carefully because – like âhealth and safetyâ itâs a term used to repress free speech . The other evolving weapon is âhate crime â which seems to lift a criminal act to a higher level of wrong . âRacially aggravated â is other peppered over the law now
You and me both Fedup2!
Another young limb like myself with a heart, todays generation seem to want old Blogs put away in the archives or care home-if not the very mortuary cabinets themselves. I say no…
I visited the old blog earlier, left some flowers and a tin of Thatchers Scrumpy with some knotweed cuttings steeped in it.
She asked about you-she`s female today, but in transiton as she wishes.
Will we ever see a 1,230 again?…and if only Roy Castle had lived to see this in our time.
Matrons coming….but I shall love again!
For those who haven’t followed the story, “Stormy” is a prostitute who claims that Donald Trump paid her $130,000 to remain silent about their liaisons.
Turns out that not only is Stormy a slag but she’s a slag without honour because she signed a non-disclosure agreement but has spoken out because she claims The Donald failed to sign the document so she’s free to smear his name and try and earn more money from being a completely dishonest slag.
My problem lies not only with the rancid Stormy but with the equally foul Sky news who feel that it’s more important to run with a nothing story about an alleged affair someone may have had years ago, than run with the headline “We need to talk about Muslim grooming gangs”
He explains that men and women are different and want different things therefore different outcomes. This is an expert who knows exactly what he is talking about can can back up all his opinions with sound evidence. More than 8 million watch it and it is lights up the internet. How many views would your standard BBC SJW interview get – a few thousand accompanied with hundreds of contemptuous comments beneath?
Do the SJWs at the BBC even consider his arguments let alone counter them? Of course not. So we have a farcical story about an actor getting paid more than another – as so often happens in the wheeling, dealing world of show business – as it is the only story which fits their false narrative. Do they not know everyone has the internet?
The same argument applies to different outcomes for different cultures: different values – that cherished âdiversityâ – makes different outcomes inevitable and eminently desirable. Why should you force a Rastafarian to become a partner in a law firm and work 70 hours a week if he would absolutely hate that life style?
Yet their spurious and tyrannical narrative about equal outcomes is so entrenched that they will never even question it. Thus they become like Comical Ali during the Iraq War declaring imminent victory as the country exploded behind him. Rape gangs, a murder a day in London and most women not wanting to be welders et cetera? Look – a millionaire actress is not paid as well as another actor!
No sentient human could possibly believe in the world view they push so fanatically. Alas they will probably never change, as no matter how dire their output they will still get paid thanks to their âunique method of fundingâ i.e. extortion.
Peterson points out that the serious SJWs don’t believe their own worldview themselves, though they are naturally blind to their own contradictions.
Their stated position is that everything is a social construct and hence relative, even science (in the main, carried out by dead white Christian men, after all).
Really? Antibiotics are socially constructed? Reductions in childbirth deaths?
I think it was Stephen Pinker who recently said that his favourite quote came from the Wikipedia page on smallpox.
Smallpox was an infectious disease caused by one of two virus variants, …
Note that was. The disease was eliminated in 1980. Just another social construct?
Well, it comes as no surprise that Paul Golding had been attacked by muslims, while in prison, apparently with help from the prison staff.
This cannot be allowed to happen, it should be reported by all the major news providers, even the far-left bbc.
The prison governor and Amber Rudd have a duty to protect prisoners in their care and they are repeatedly failing to do so by allowing muslims in prison to attack normal people who have upset them.
“apparently with help from the prison staff.”
How do you know? Surely ‘they’ wouldn’t admit that? Or have they not succeeded in allowing comment from Paul Golding or his relatives?
Anyway, it’s worrying that Prison staff would show partisan behaviour in favour of muslims. Please don’t tell me the prison staff are muslim now.
Today, as most on here will be aware, Tommy Robinson will be reading Martin Sellner’s prepared speech at Speakers Corner. I fear for Tommy’s safety as he has not been hiding his plan, despite organising his own security.
However, what’s the betting the BBC will only give it major coverage if there is violence caused by their heroes, although they will blame Tommy’s supporters. They may give it a mention if few people turn up, and I feel that will happen because of this weather, and laugh at him for not getting enough support.
Tommy’s right to read Sellner’s words is fundamental but will be attacked for being racist, which I am sure it will not actually be. The police could move in and arrest Tommy for being a “conservative” and prevent the speech altogether.
We are living in interesting times but this could be the tipping point. Either the speech is prevented by the Government (ie the Police) and we never get back the Freedom of Speech that we had until Blair and May, or it may become the turning point when the British People start to demand the return of our democracy.
See also Peter Hitchens’ warning on the frightening loss of freedom of speech in Britain. He is correct, as we on this site know full well. The vilification and harassment of Tommy Robinson is monstrous. Of course, he was once (a long time ago) a bad lad, as Lord Pearson said in that most interesting recent interview (and Tommy, to his great credit, allowed the remark to remain in the video). For myself, I was wary of TB and especially his followers, but it seems to me he is now is a mature, moderate and effective (and brave) commentator on topics that should be aired, but are abhorred by politicians, the media and the law.
A few days ago, the police forced Tommy Robinson to leave the park. He recorded it on his phone and it’s on YouTube.
One of these days, normality will return to our country and many, including in the police and prison services, will be held to account for their actions. They need to remember that ‘ obeying orders’ is not an acceptable defence.
All eyes on Hyde Park this afternoon. Is there still such a concept as Free Speech in the UK? This is the acid test, Note to the authorities , we , the people , are watching you.
I suspect the BBC will memory hole it. Even in sneeringly attempting to play it down they will alert people to his arguments, all those hate facts he insists on stating despite their repeated attempts to kill and silence him.
I managed to watch the speech but of course the BBC has memory-holed it.
They are playing such a dangerous game by proscribing certain opinions and labelling them âhateful.â God how much do we hate so much of the divisive, dangerous garbage the BBC says all day? I would never say their opinions should be illegal though, in part because they are so obviously wrong. Bullying and censorship are the last resort of tyrants who have lost the hearts and minds of their people.
You do not win the argument by locking people up or calling them names. Ideas are bullet proof.
Apparently there is now a Commons committee suggesting that Brexit be postponed as the UK is ‘not ready’. What a surprise. We would never have expected that! JRM says this report would have Britain be a ‘vassal state’. Seems quite a lot of parliamentarians are OK with this. No doubt, they hope Brexit can be dragged out indefinitely…..
We are looking for BBC impartiality which was last seen around the 1960s . This is most evident with their comedies which were actually funny but are just PC drivel now .
A reward for anyone who can find the following
A so called comedy programme ;
That doesn’t mention Trump ÂŁ1000
That doesn’t insult UKIP voters ÂŁ500
That insults Remoaners ÂŁ1600000
That reminds it’s audience that Corbyn likes
Terrorists ÂŁ1000
That treats university lecturers as the immature
Retards who receives our money to study the
subjects they’re prejudiced about ÂŁ7000
That a presenter doesn’t see an empty
space somewhere and say We Can Have More
Immigration ÂŁ5000
Doesn’t poke fun of old people and their
Likes ,dislikes and voting ÂŁ7000
There’s a special reward if anyone ever sees or hears a BBC comedy which pokes fun at their hypocritical troughing and virtue signalling in one go .
Proper comedy makes you laugh by surprising you, something true but unsaid like Chris Rockâs hilarious routine about how women have Platonic friends but men just have women they have not f**ked yet.
With the BBC we already know exactly what they will say as political correctness is a strait jacket – we know all the answers before even asking the questions. Also there is none of rebel comedians taking on the powerful establishment, as That Was the Week That Was did so seminally and brilliantly. The BBC IS the establishment so instead of rebelling against the powerful like so many good artists do, they sneer at weak groups they do not approve of.
They can be amusing and clever, but you will never get that belly laugh which comes from a sacred cow being slaughtered. A show mocking the liberal elite and what troughing hypocrites they are could be properly hilarious. God imagine Owen Jones having to have an Afgani warlord stay in his spare room would be, lecturing him about micro aggressions whilst the warlord beats him for being homosexual. When Lily met Rapey could be pretty hilarious as well – let Lily Allen see what it can be like sharing your space with people who hate women.
Political correctness sucks all the fun and sanity out of the world.
Went to a church today nearby.
The vicar lauded Stephen Hawking-atheist, numpty, BDS, Israel bashing(while using their chips and clever hardware to keep him alive at the same time).
He said not a word about Ken Dodd-whose death is FAR more significant, Christian and turned the State over with his tax trial. Like Monkhouse-we love those the State tried to smash, and who turned it over. What`s the point of once being a punk and then sucking up to Clegg and his CBI groomers if you don`t see the REAL rebellion on offer?
That the Church phones it in from the Guardian, speaking to their liberal tribes is all too obvious.
We , in contrast, hold our church services in the House of Brexit-The William Henry, The Sedgelynn and all manner of Tim Martins gaffs.
No need to doubt that the church is finished, but the real patriots and Children of God are alive in the coming Church of Brexit.
Chris like the BBC the C of E long ago gave up its principles to become the Church of Globalism. Any consideration or regard for Queen and country long ago becoming secondary for concern for queens and those from other countries who want to come to this country.
There is a difference between turning the other cheek and jumping over a cliff with your children and grandchildren so that others who have no regard for your life, culture and principles can take over your house.
I occasionally go to a Compline service where the essence of the service more directly relates to a more pure form of worship without having to suffer a thirty minute left wing guilt trip halfway through the service.
Here at Morrison Towers I have appointed a âspecial counselâ to investigate the so-called âBeast From The Eastâ weather bombs. The investigation is in good hands since I have appointed my top investigator Jon âSimplesâ Sopel to get to the bottom of the so-called rumours that the RUSSIANS are controlling our weather.
There are some uncharitable people who suggest that the RUSSIANS couldnât organise a âfarting party in a cabbage fieldâ or even a discreet political assassination. But I remain unconvinced. How is it that global temperatures are going through the roof and we get a cold spell in winter? Just doesnât make sense. After the RUSSIANS recent coup in getting their chosen candidate Comrade Trumpsky into the White House, we must be on our constant guard.
In fact I have already spent ÂŁ12 million on a report from a bloke with a Classics degree who I met at the Pigs Might Fly public house, the head office of his company Porkies R Us. Just before Porkies went into administration last week, he informed me that he had discovered that thousand of Russians trolls were manufacturing cold air to order and then blowing it in a westerly direction with large handheld fans.
PC Simples is instructed to investigate these allegations fully and when he finds they are true to start leaking the information to all the usual friendly suspects. He is to start with the Green Party, followed by the Met Office. After that he is to leak to selected geographers, sorry, climate science correspondents, in the main press.
A start can be made with the BBC where I understand PC Simples also plys his trade on the indoor Washington DC beat.
As long as neither Alexandr Orlov or his partner Sergei have been accused, we`re happy.
These two titanic Russians are true patriots, and will yet be the bridge to mutual understanding when the west wakes up.
Have long said that Alexandr Meerkat is the best EU Ambassador we could poach after Brexit, if Putin would let us sign him…he`s a master of this age.
9am BBC Radio Leeds news reported an exhibition by the Lionesses ex-grooming gang victims.
Since the charity’s tweets say that they will on the local commercial station news every hour, I guess that has motivated BBC Radio Leeds.
CSE Victims day 2018
Its begun! We've just finished putting up "In Our Own Words", an exhibition raising awareness about CSE and created in collaboration with the Lionesses, our group of ex service users. It'll run @shine_leeds until the 18th March. #itsnotyourfault#CSEDay18@Child_Leeds @LeedsLSCB pic.twitter.com/tK8wgYPfmr
And with Paddy on BBC R4 you can listen to the regular Trump-bashing, he so much likes, this morning in song. Another smug little slug, who thinks he’s ever so clever.
And with Paddy on BBC R4 you can listen to the regular Trump-bashing, he so much likes, this morning in song. Another smug little slug, who thinks he’s ever so clever.
âHey guys, we are starting to get a lot of grief from people who are really noticing our left wing bias. How can we get people off the scentâ
âIâve an idea. Letâs do a pastiche of our Jeremy. Weâll picture him wearing his Trot hat against a backdrop of the Kremlin, and cover the nerve agent story, Then weâll get our marxist buddies to go apeshit and high profile indignant, blaming us for being beastly to Jezza. The public will hear all the noise and conclude we are not biasedâ
âBrilliant idea. Iâll give Owen and Jon a callâ
âAnd now, with a a report on the heavy snowfall and treacherous driving conditions across much of Southern England today, over to our climate correspondent, Roger Harrabinâ
BBC Big Questions – from Brighton, Britain’s own Sodom & Gomorrah, the usual leftist anti-Brexit lies from the taxpayer-funded state-owned socialist propaganda organisation. Today we are told “there are calls from right across the political spectrum for a second referendum” – no there aren’t. Then we are instructed “with all the demographic changes going on – old people who voted Leave dying off being replaced by young people who voted Remain – surely there must be a second referendum” – BBC ageist bullshit plus the leftist surge amongst younger voters has been disproved as a myth. The BBC conveniently forgets that young people become older people.
Chuck Y
The BBC and hangers on pulled out all the stops to celebrate the anniversary of all women getting the vote – all hail the democratic process. However, they then float the idea that people over 50 should be disenfranchised because they voted the “wrong way” over Brexit. They didn’t seem to realise about half the over 50s are women.
Big questions.
Did you notice the usual lefty biased make up of those sitting behind the speakers.
At the beginning, the first speaker coming out with the usual remoaner rubbish and got big applause.
Second speaker, a leaver, telling truths and at the end absolute silence.
Pin drop.
Also, the little girl who said she knew much more than older leavers then came out with the âwhereâs the ÂŁ350 million for the nhsâ
Does she not know we havenât left yet so we still must pay it.
And the BBC (conveniently) forgets, or fails to grasp, that these older people voted on the basis
a) They are older and therefore wiser
b) They are concerned for their kids’ and grandkids’ futures
c) They do not believe they have any authority to vote away the democratic rights of future generations
d) They have had 40 years of watching how the EU operates and have sussed it out for what it is i.e. an unelected, authoritarian, unaccountable bureaucracy.
There is a famous observation that goes something along the lines of ‘Democracy is a pact between the living, the dead and those yet to be born’. Brexit is the prime example of that pact being kept.
And just when you thought you couldn’t despise the BBC and it’s overpaid presenters any more than you already do, the Sunday Times reports:-
“The BBC is considering footing tax bills for hard-up presenters as it braces itself for disclosures in the Commons that some face crippling demands from HM Revenue & Customs.”
What I can’t understand about the BBC and the liberal/left is ;
Do they want us in Britain to be wealthier or not ?
On the one hand they want us in the EU , saying its good for business and jobs .
The next is they say we are a rich country and can afford to splash money around the world , giving to all and sundry . Then they splurge it around the UK , then allow all the world in to receive what they want , never throwing anyone out who damages us .
Then they advocate damaging policies so that ” Britain can be the leader in …….” leading to loss of jobs .
Then they make a skills shortage , and import labour with or without the skills to make up for it .
I have a better idea . Why don’t we be a little less wealthy , less taxed , less throwing our money away , less interfering in others affairs , everyone to have a job and no mass immigration ?
Do they want us in Britain to be wealthier or not ?
I’d say it doesn’t matter to them as long as they continue to get funded through their peculiar institution of the licence fee.
I think the short-to-medium term aims of the BBC are –
Get us back in the EU pronto.
Carry on encouraging mass immigration to..
..ensure we have continual Labour/left governments.
Assist in whatever way it can to encourage the natives to emigrate, or get old white people to die off quicker.
Of course in the long term this will lead to economic ruin, but by then the rest of Europe will be the same. Equality of outcomes is a win-win in BBC world.
“Jodie Whittaker, who made television history when she became the first woman to play the lead in Doctor Who, has admitted that no one in her family watched the BBC show.”
BBC 4 ran a repeat, (what’s new?), of The People Who Greeted Columbus on Saturday.
Dr Jago Cooper enthusiastically tells us how one the one hand how ethnically diverse the peoples of the Caribbean were yet they were all mixed up together in some happy family!
Their society was absolutely fantastic as they were stoned out of their minds so everything they did was fantastic! Anyway they are all now rediscovering their Taino roots because it is vital that a people are true to their origins and honour their heritage!
Isn’t it a shame that some of these BBC anthropologists can’t look at the UK wearing the same glasses that they use when abroad?
I didn’t see the program but I hope he mentioned the Island Caribs. I believe they exterminated other tribes and ate them with their filed down pointy teeth. Still, wondrously ethnically diverse eh?
At 3pm today in Hyde Park a British man is going to make a speech at speakers corner will he be allowed ? in Finsbury Park we had months of hate speech allowed by a man who is now in jail
Good luck Tommy – I will try to get there.
Off topic question – how do I explain to our American Daughter-in Law the absence of the word EASTER on the Easter eggs she has purchased? None of the big players show the forbidden words EASTER EGG on their packaging!
I wonder why?
I am appalled, truly appalled, that Tommy Robinson is to speak at Speakers Corner. Clearly he is looking for trouble.
Does he not know that in order to ensure peace and safety, all he has to do is wear something metallic on his arm and speak from the street near Finsbury Park mosque?
The authorities have an excellent track record of non-interference and protecting freedom of speech in that area.
Just for the record how many know about this attempt to change the law as widely advertised by the bBC: (Not)
In a nutshell any so called child migrant will be allowed to bring his entire family over, that they will be allowed access to legal aid and that parents will now be allowed to bring over children up to the age of 25 into the country.
By c.2060 Britons will be a minority within their own homeland. This is set to happen even if immigration to the UK were to cease completely, due to the vastly higher birth rate of Third Worlders and Muslims who are already here; the increasingly miscegenated proportion of the population and the low birth rate amongst the indigenous inhabitants.
The legislation such as that proposed by the SNP MP, will have no effect on the ultimate outcome of Britons’ approching minority status in Britain, other than it may cause it to happen slightly more quickly than it will otherwise.
There is no political will to put the genie back in the bottle; anyone who suggests even talking about trying to do so is destroyed.
At least when the islamicists have destroyed Blighty and the rest of the West, there will be no where else to destroy. Then they can focus on warring amongst themselves (which they’re pretty damn good at).
Rest assured, there will be no advances in science and any attempt to get humans well off this planet. That will, in accordance with islam, have died by then. In effect, their warring will cause the ideology to self destruct.
Of course the SNP would speak out for mass immigration as it doesn’t affect Scotland much at all – one look at their ethnically un-diverse national teams will tell you that.
I think that we have here a perfect demonstration of how democracy is failing in this country. Any poll will show that the British people do not want more migrants yet their wishes are ignored and another tens of thousands are invited in by our leaders. The democratic remedy for such disregard for voters wishes is to kick out the leaders who did it. But in the UK the only choice that we have is one party that says it will limit immigration but never does and one party that wants even more immigration. But the people still go on voting for them and seeing their country stolen from them as a consequence.
Starting up a new party in the UK is very difficult , expensive and personally dangerous both reputation wise and physically. AMW is trying it but regrettably I donât think that she will succeed. The establishment will combine to stop her. Only by the success of parties overseas eg Visegrad, Austria possibly Italy , although the latest signs from Italy are not too good, will there be an example that can show the people that immigration can be stopped and possibly reversed. But time is short and the prognosis not good.
Dt – AMW doesn’t have a problem with immigration – just Muslims. If you put your faith in her, you’ll be sadly disappointed.
The one major European country which takes the ethnicity of its population and its national identity seriously, is the one which our government is presently in the midst of provoking an unnecessary potent confrontation with.
Yes, it’s a great pity that we won the cold war. Who knows maybe Vladimir Vladimirovich would have been posted to England rather than Germany and have become our Veliki Vozhd. I can imagine him riding through the streets of London, bare-chested on his charger keeping order with his Cossacks. They sorted out Pussy Riot and I’m sure Owen “pretty boy” Jones wouldn’t be so cocky after a palpatio per anem with a nogaika.
My personal favorite is the other Vladimir, Vladimir Zhirnovsky.
He makes Putin look like a nancy boy. Strong leader my arse.
In a 2003 video, drunk Zhirinovsky threatened George W. Bush in offensive language. He called the United States a âsecond-hand goods storeâ filled with âcocksuckers, handjobbers, and faggots,â and claimed that Russian scientists are able to change the gravitational field of the Earth and sink the entire country. In the video Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky and Condoleezza Rice are also mentioned. Zhirinovsky calls Condoleezza Rice: âa black whore who needs a good cock. Send her here, one of our divisions will make her happy in the barracks one night. She will choke on Russian sperm as it will be leaking out of her ears… until she crawls to the US embassy in Moscow on her knees.â
In the wake of the February 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor, Zhirinovsky was quoted by the Russian International News Agency as claiming âItâs not meteors falling, itâs the test of a new weapon by the Americans.â At the same time, he derided the Russian Academy of Sciences for anarchism, having scientists that are so old that their brains and reproductive organs don’t work any longer, and told the “elders” to go home and collect their pensions.
I enjoyed watching him on Russian chat shows. If anyone disrespected him he would throw water over them or give them a good slapping. If only Theresa May would show backbone like this to the EU. Even Laughing Boy Farage would be happy.
Perhaps if NATO had stuck to what Bush (Snr) had told Gorbachev when the USSR collapsed: that it wouldn’t extend any further East than it was at that time (i.e. Austria), we may not be facing a confrontation such as we are now; since it is now right up to the Russian border with the Baltic States.
You are rehashing the same old fallacious arguments from the Soviet era. The Soviets always claimed that they needed a buffer zone between the USSR and Nato to protect them. This was the Eastern block. Of course they were overjoyed to have Soviet troops on Nato borders but no Nato troops on theirs.
The Soviets lost. The tables have turned and Russia now finds itself in the same situation as the west from the end of WWII to the collapse of Communism.
There was also another major European state that took the ethnicity of its population and its national identity seriously.
Why is the Putin model more appealing to you than the Hitler model?
Putin is a Russian nationalist maybe even a panslavist. Unless you are a slav or orthodox why would you feel more at home with the Putin model rather than the Hitler model which was more sympathetic to Angosaxons. Has RT been pushing the idea that Putin is the “saviour of the white man”?. I have not watched RT for a long time. Does RT support white supremecism in the USA?
There is nothing wrong with an ethnostate preserving national identity but do ethnostates have to be police states? The Japanese are not troubled with muslim terrorism or the problems of multiculturalism. They are aging more rapidly than us, yet do not need vast numbers of immigrants to keep their social services going. All that seems possible without emperor worship and bushido.
Many times in the media there has been a picture of the Russian couple raising glasses in a restaurant shortly before they had ‘death by nerve agent’. Um, has anyone asked the question “who took the photo” ???
Anyone else know that the Sergeant at Arms (chap who carries the mace in front of the Speaker) was a Muslim ? me neither. According to the write up it was a progressive move forward for British Muslims. Two years after his appointment he’s now been booted out amidst cries of racism – but according to some, his English wasn’t up to scratch and couldn’t do the job, so who gave him this ÂŁ80,000 a year job in the first place ?
On Breitbart Iâve been reading comments under the Sadiq Khan thread that are saying our Tommy Robinson has been stopped from making a speech at speakers corner.
I havenât heard it anywhere else yet but the posts are only about an hour old.
Sort by best and the posts are replies to comments.
I donât know if any of it is true.
BBC News Channel now rather boldly boasts that the publicly funded corporation can help school children differentiate between true and fake news – you’ll have seen the periodic BBC-branded mini-adverts. I tend to believe there are two distinct things going on here. Yes, the BBC are keen to schmooze with the education sector. But this info-tainment the BBC put out serves a secondary purpose – that of subtly propagating and reinforcing the notion aimed at the wider public that the BBC is truthful and not itself a purveyor of fake news. Think of the public sector adverts you will have seen for teacher or nursing recruitment – why is there the widespread expensive broadcasting to the general public? Would it not be more efficient to utilise more specifically targeted media to potential recruits? Well, not so. Not if your ulterior motive in advertising is to reassure the general public that you are recruiting to those popular public sector areas. Think about it… have you ever seen an expensive tv advert for hiring parking attendents?
I’m willing to bet the BBC will get a more favourable shift in public confidence from this campaign ostensibly aimed at school kids than a dozen news editors fronting up on the Samira Ahmed show and parroting the claim that they think they got it about right.
Here’s a small gripe I have from today on the News Channel which came up closely juxtaposed with one of these fake news for kids adverts. Ben Brown was the news anchor energetically welcoming a spokeswoman for Team GB Winter Para… Lympics…? (not too sure where the Para bit goes. Please, let’s not be disrespectful and call it the Limp-ics for short).
In the interview, clearly designed for the spokeswoman to have airtime with which to plead the case for spending on this obscure boondoggle, twice over Ben Brown emphasised the word ‘Investment’ meaning the public money spent on sending the GB team to Korea.
The dictionary meaning of the word invesment is : ‘the action or process of investing money for profit’
The popular understanding of the word when referring to money is the investment of cash in expectation of an increased cash return over time. Afterall that’s the basis of capitalism, isn’t it? The idea that capital is invested because it is hoped there will be earnings from that capital investment. Anything else is philantrophy.
The word investment is not a synonym for public spending. Although the BBC too often use it as such.
Our Ben does realise that those medals they give out at the Olympics are not real solid gold, or doesn’t he?
The terminology here is crucial since the gradual elision into naming all forms of public spending as investment is a corruption of the language. Moreover it is a politically motivated tactic of big government spending enthusiasts on the political Left.
All Public Spending is Investment? Fake news, more like.
I’ve always wondered why the BBC thinks that it is specially placed to determine what is a true statement and what is not.
Unless they have supernatural powers, there are no techniques or approaches unique to the BBC that other people cannot use.
They have more time to check and analyze their researches as they are paid to do that as their main employment. Other people don’t have that luxury. I suppose they could be better at processing and analyzing large amounts of information because of their superior intelligence, education and training.
A more likely explanation is that the BBC’s concern about “fake news” is simply a classic demarcation dispute and the BBC is attempting to marginalise competion from internet news sites and bloggers by undermining their credibility. It’s not as if the BBC was doing original social or political research. What sources can the BBC access that a well-run internet news site can’t. You could argue that the BBC is better placed to cultivate contacts with politicians and civil servants, but then the news is more likely to have an agenda.
Ah yes, ‘investment’ that word worked to death by one Gordon McMental Broon, along with prudence. He never spent, only ever ‘invested’ with prudence, to his limit of 40% of GDP, ( ignoring the 30% stacked up as debt under his pals PFI scams.
Oh, and not forgetting he eliminated boom and bust, well the boom anyway.
Nurse, my pills…
Couldnât hear what was being said but Iâm pleased he was allowed to speak. Preventing people from entering the UK to speak about a subject of public interest by Home Secretary Writ is pretty frightening . If there was evidence of an intention to cause harm or over throw the state there might be an issue but otherwise why apply such draconian powers .
Ironic that he should do it on âPassion Sunday â – for those with a Christian frame of mind ( yes – other religions are available ).
Iâm guessing msm wonât cover it unless there is / was trouble.
FE2 – I am sure this order came straight from the top
We have a former useless Home Secretary now Prime Minister who was more than happy to allow Tommy Robinson to be attacked in prison, financially ruined and also harassed by police and a current just as useless Home Secretary who not to be outdone by Sharia allowed Paul Golding to be attacked in prison. As well as locking up and subsequently throwing out a number of harmless foreign individuals who just wanted us to hear the truth whilst the Goverment is still cosying up to the returned Jihadis
Seems like a bit of a pattern is beginning to form. If you care for your country and dare to speak out you are quite likely to get a holiday courtesy of Her Majesties Pleasure and maybe come away from your sentence with various bits of your body broken. I hold no candle or Paul Golding – but he is a product of what will be coming to all of us unless as a nation we start to resist these bastards.
Maybe now imprisonment it should be renamed as Ambers pleasure. I do sometimes wonder whether she enjoys the negative aspects of her job just a little bit too much.
Unfortunately both these non entity politicians in better times would have remained just that. However in these days where political cowardice and dishonesty appear to be the only game in town in mainstream politics. I am sure they will go from strength to strength – until we reach a state of civil war.
Great analysis from ” UK and USA trying to “Iraq” Russia” video.
Gegoy Gegoy on Russian insider
“This insatiable lady prime minister , the slave of Astharouth ,one of the 7 demons of Satan will never leave this shrew ,til she breaths her last , the day Satan will show his face to her with with his most special appreciation to her , just look very closely in Theresa May’s eyes , you will see Astharuth in her , her eyes , almost black with rage and hatred and greed , will annoy you in a very demonic way , almost hipnotical ,smiling at you like a rabid ,drooling dog , you will never forget those eyes , the eyes of a demon ,in disguise , ďťż”
I wonder if Gegoy is an RT stalwart!
I think he might be an orthodox ultranationalist Putin supporter. Khristos pomolimsya.
Admittedly, a little less coherent than “Baby Face” Jones on Marr this morning, but still pushing the “they lied about WMDs in Iraq as a casus belli”. They are lying about WMDs now in Salisbury.
Ergo: Salisbury must be a pretext for war with Russia. QED
Interesting…if you watch the demo from the moslem side, one of those , i guess, a PCSO or whatever they are, plastic plods, looks about 70 plus, is agreeing with the tall moslem agitator about Tommy being a trouble-maker….thought these guys were supposed to be impartial….he deserves to be smacked about a bit…..if i can find the footage, i’ll repost…make your mind up….One of the jihadists uses a green flexi-stick to whiplash Tommy’s supporters….not arrested so i gather….there you are…..BBC about?
I see from their web-site that the BBC are claiming that the Foreign Secretary is claiming that the Russians are stockpiling nerve agent.
If so, I don’t know where the Russians are keeping the bloke or blokess (other genders are NOT available in this case because according to the chemistry expert on Radio 4 last week, a nerve agent is binary and cannot be stockpiled made up or mixed up) but I guess we are meant to be afeared of ‘im or ‘er.
Well, Bojo, I am not.
What I am afeared of, is Government Ministers not listening to and/or understanding what the experts that they employ and pay with our money are telling them. I exclude that silly Public Health (England) chief from the expert class by the way. In this Bojo is following the non-excellent example of BBC interviewers, many of whom do not listen to the answers they are being given on air, by someone in front of their microphone.
The BBC are apparently losing the desire to ask questions or even think in critical fashion.
Porton Down has a chemical lab (Detection Department, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory) 15 minutes drive away from the Salisbury incident, Dr Robin Black who has just been replaced as head of the department had commented on Novichoks being engineered to be undetectable, two years ago. And the new people in the department seem under pressure from MI6 to blame Russia before going through the official rules, conventions and protocols that Dr Black would have insisted on. In fact before any evidence of what substance was even used. Doctors at Salisbury District Hospital say they are baffled by their symptoms and have no idea what substance they’ve been exposed to? Also of the 131 people identified as being exposed to the nerve agent, none has shown any symptoms, not even a doctor who spent half an hour touching the patients, unprotected, at the scene, and was the fourth person admitted to the Hospital, but never showed any symptoms at all, at any time.
Sergei Skripalâs handler, the MI6 agent Pablo Miller OBE was living in Salisbury, as is proven by its mention on his Linkedin Google search result page. Apart from the search results and images for Orbis, his Linkedin profile has been scrubbed from the Linkedin archive, but the information exists on old pages of the dark web which prove Pablo Millerâs links with Christopher Steele for the creation of the âTrump Dossierâ. It also says that he was awarded an OBE for service to British foreign policy as First Secretary at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. It then claims that he retired to Salisbury in February 2015. I also know that he graduated from Oxford University in 1982. The reference to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on the Google search results is a reference to the finding that he still works part-time for the Foreign Office on a contract basis from Salisbury.
Its now a bit like the Climate Change Hoax:
(1) No evidence of the warming properties of Carbon Dioxide have been published. No evidence of the active properties of Novichok have been published. (ebook-dl.com/downloadshort/15067)
(2) The IPCC says Carbon Dioxide warming is âvery likelyâ, Theresa May says Russia did it is âvery likelyâ
(3) An international groupthink consensus has been constructed to blame Carbon Dioxide. An international groupthink consensus has been constructed to blame Russia.
(4) Debate about the facts and Atmospheric Physics is being drowned out by articles and articles of Waffle about assumptions and speculation about the environment. Debate about the facts and chemical used is being drowned out by articles and articles of Waffle about assumptions and speculation about the Russians.
(5) Fake News Alarmism about Warming causing a reduction of life forms. But (1) Summer is more fruitful than Winter (2) The Day is more fruitful than the night (3) The Medieval Warm period was more fruitful than the Mini Ice Age. Fake News Alarmism about the Stockpiling of Novichoks. But (1) Novichoks are not difficult to make (2) Novichoks degrade easily (3) Not much is needed (4) Dangerous to store unless it has degraded (5) The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons wouldnât be able to prove that Novichoks are being stockpiled, anyway?
The Novichok agents are thought to be far more difficult to detect during manufacturing and far easier to manufacture covertly, because they can be made with common chemicals in relatively simple pesticide factories.
The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is the intergovernmental organisation overseeing the elimination of chemical weapons. In 2013, the organisationâs Scientific Advisory Board, did not recommend that novichoks should be added to its banned list, because there wasnât any evidence that they could be proven to exist.
So are the investigators in Salisbury eliminating those suspicious foreigners working at Porton Down? Are the investigators eliminating men who work at Porton Down with blond American wives, from their enquiries?
The Russian development of Novichok was in fact developed in the Soviet Union outside of Russia, and since 1991, Uzbekistan has been working with the CIA to dismantle the sites where the Novichok agents were tested and developed.
The âMotto of the Swampâ is âAccuse your enemy of that which you are guiltyâ
Richard, I have read your posting with interest, and most certainly support your Climate Change observations. But I have some reservations.
Have you inside knowledge of Porton Down that leads you to conclude that on a matter of consequence such as this, that they would deceive the public?
My understanding is that the US, UN and other countries investigated the matter before adding to the finger pointing at Russia. I.e. this is not merely reckless support.
The doctor may not have been infected but the police officer who attempted to treat them was affected. Having seen that the police officer was also stricken, might the doctor have donned gloves before he touched the patients?
ss, having seen paramedics in action, they are usually gloved and may well, in our winter with ‘flu’ still around, be masked as well.
RP “Also of the 131 people identified as being exposed to the nerve agent, none has shown any symptoms, not even a doctor who spent half an hour touching the patients, unprotected, at the scene, and was the fourth person admitted to the Hospital, but never showed any symptoms at all, at any time.”
As I pointed out elsewhere, ‘Novichoks- type’ nerve agents are said to decay and cannot be stored ready to use for any length of time – as I have been led to believe by one or more chemists commenting on BBC R4 in the middle of each of the past two weeks. If that is correct, that will apply even more to when these chemicals are exposed to air. In other words, they have a tiny ‘half-life’.
This is why some serious questioning needs to be applied by the BBC, other MSM to our politicians, as well as any investigating officers. There appear to be a notable lack of Press Conferences on this. That is interesting.
Several other mysteries and contradictions are arising out of this, including the stated destruction of evidence before the point of infection was apparently established, as stated by the BBC R4 1pm news yesterday. That contradicted other statements from some days previously.
I received an email from someone who claims that they have talked to people at Porton Down and the Hospital.
I suppose the doctor was not affected because she wasnât near any dry Novichok Powder. The degradation would be due to humidity. The Police Officer must have been in more direct contact with the original source of the Novichok powder before it was neutralised by water molecules. As far as I know, whatâs left of the powder cannot be proven to be Novichoks.
Richard, we do not know how it was administered. It has been assumed by the BBC that it was in spray form.
Do you have definite confirmation that these nerve agents are or can be powdered? If so, that might firm up the three joint suicide/Julia Skripal as assailant/Julia Skripal unwittingly carrying the nerve agent placed in her casein Moscow possibilities.
Skin to skin contact with recent victims of a nerve agent must be one reason for bio hazard suits for medical staff and investigators as well as the added advantage on non-contamination of a scene-of-crime.
Richard, I cannot remember now but was it Dr Black who was on the BBC R4 last week or the week before? Probably TWatO. They had someone ex-Porton on there.
” The âMotto of the Swampâ is âAccuse your enemy of that which you are guiltyâ Certain groups have that down to a T, including, at times, our beloved Beeb!
Radio Cambridge (BBC) News today kept repeating something about mosque charity community blah blah activities in Peterborough. Not sure of the details because I switch off as soon as I hear the word ‘mosque’. Anyway, as usual with this sort of news item, e.g. ‘visit a mosque day for infidels’ and being soppy about a new eco friendly mosque we are obviously supposed to be impressed by the piety and goodness of the muslims of Peterborough. Worryingly, some of the infidels of Peterborough must be taken in by all this.
This drip drip pro-islam content from numerous sources must be having some effect in the same way that advertising has an effect even if most people would deny that they are influenced in their purchasing habits.
Despairada – thatâs the problem – using the off switch for key words and subjects. The trouble is it doesnât go away – what can we do apart from speak of it in places live here – website willing .
Hello Fedup
I know I shouldn’t switch off so I can report in better detail but sometimes I can’t take it and it’s the only way to stop them polluting your brain.
Yes des – I ration myself to a maximum of 3 hours al Beeb output a day when Iâm not engaged elsewhere and leaving out the Toady programme as much as possible.
Hard to believe that the State broadcaster has just become modelled on Goebells tactic of infusing nazism into everything – al Beeb does the same with its multiculturalist Brexit view.
The Listening Project on Sunday afternoon, Radio 4. A transgender person talking to their parents about their change. It is not the difficulties of transgenders themselves that I am complaining of here (that is not BBC bias), this is at least the second transgender appearing on the Listening Project that I know of. I don’t know what proportion of the population is transgender but the BBC does seem obsessed with it.
Caught a bit of Ant and Decs show, where their audience are whooping and hollering to George Ezra-who, to my knowledge has NO Irish roots.
Yet there they all are-plastic paddies, Guinness and shillelaghs in hands, green felt hats and all.
This to me is “cultural appropriation”. Only po-faced Oirish lesbians like Orla Guerin , celtic queens like Mrs Browns cast members should be mocking, patronising and condescending to the Irish. Not a couple of pint sized Geordies with personal issues( yes, maybe one of them IS Irish in heritage, but Geordies have no Irish links…really)
To top this, BBC Parliament booted off Leo Varadkhars speech to Trump, mid-sentence so we could get Stephen Sackur-Shyte and his awful Blowhard talk show.
3pm earlier…oh the humanity.
Isn`t that racist? they didn`t kick the yanks off, just our/wor gay Indian Taoiseach.
Never cared once-but like now to skewer the BBC with their own internal madnesses and hypocrisies. Overworked, should be better paid work.
A reasonable camera angle and audio on Tommy’s speech
jump to minute 24 it’s about 6 mins https://www.pscp.tv/w/1OyKANbzWYNGb?q=%22speakers+corner%22
He read @Martin_Sellner’s speech.
then TR “Hey you Muslims here today, I will be back here next week 3pm for 8 hours, and I will debate with each and everyone of you”
Antifa around on the edges ..trying to make trouble
Speakers corner allows 5 mins and NO microphones
Yep that is Tommy’s own camera so a touch better
@WeshmanGB’s camera is about 1 ft behind so captures a a bit more of the crowd
The noise was such that the other dozens of livestreams didn’t get get great sound
Extra info
Before staring TR mentioned the 4 conservatives banned including thr one deported this morning (Lutz Bachmann, founder of the PEGIDA movement has been detained and deported from the UK.)
Then he read @Martin_Sellnerâs speech.
After 7 mins Tommy’s security team lead him back thru crowd/antifa to their transit van, away safely to the traffic lights.
In the Home Office’s mind they have had a big win
By banning Lutz Bachmann, they have stopped him going to Speakers’ corner and reading out @Martin_Sellnerâs speech
That’s what i says in their letter they gave to Lutz Bachmann
Somehow they came to think Lutz Bachmann was going to read the speech , that Tommy had said he would be reading all this week.
So HO have deported a guy , to stop a speech being read out, that was read out anyways ans will get more publicity in Germany because of their banning actions.
Tommy`s a brave man, but what the hell have we come to in this country?
This could end very badly. If you force freedom onto the streets , then we`ll see that it`s a double edged sword and will be bringing back the 30s.
And all so needless, just no courage from the elites, effete and limp wristed token efforts at keep the peace and creating conditions where free born English people can speak freely in public.
If we`re relying on the Tories, we`re in deep schtuck. Cable Street will be a picnic, and these days people will die. All because the left and liberals prefer that to letting our people speak freely to us, as they used to.
Try RT where they are pretending to run an election-it has echoes of the brexit referendum night on al beeb . Apparently President Putin wonât need the removal van in the morning .
Be interesting if he plays hard or soft on the Poisoning incident . Suppose he ll play hard as apparently they like a tough leader . Blighty would like a hard leader but with the exception of John McDonald or Liam Fox the political is conventionally wet ( no offence JRM).
As I write mr Putin on 74 and a communist on 13 per cent . No doubt the other opposition will be politically or actually dead in a bit
RT is also saying the election computer is under cyber attack . Nice touch .
Thank you – very interesting website – especially that bit about Blighty spending a million dollars building a prison wing in Nigeria with British taxpayers â money to hold Nigerian prisoners ( presumably the usual drug mules and fraudsters ).
Always surprised how easily governments spend other people s money when there is so much need at home .
Yes I have and I grasp the potential cost saving but we shouldnât have these people in the first place . Or favour my capital punishment remedy. Sure would keep the prison population down and be cost effective. Milton would love it .
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wwfcMar 3, 20:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 King Charles ‘kept aware’ as Muslims break Ramadan fast inside Windsor Castle [img]https://www.gbnews.com/media-library/king-charles.png?id=56628088&width=1000&quality=90[/img] https://www.gbnews.com/royal/king-charles-ramadan-iftar-islam-windsor-castle-royal-news
Philip_2Mar 3, 20:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC does understand GAZA, and its endemic to the BBC socialist cause since it was ‘exposed’ 2004. Sadly, even if…
pugnaziousMar 3, 20:42 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 [img]https://live-production.wcms.abc-cdn.net.au/6fe5a73f6076da1b9098058e986a2bd5?impolicy=wcms_crop_resize&cropH=732&cropW=548&xPos=6&yPos=0&width=862&height=1149[/img] R4 asks if Dicken’s was anti-Semitic in his portrayal of Fagin in Oliver Twist… ‘Fagin was first dreamt up…
Fedup2Mar 3, 20:40 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC news pushing the âGerman man mental issues â narrative – one for verify methinks – on the 4×4 killer…
Philip_2Mar 3, 20:26 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A torrid week for the BBC ‘Thereâs something going seriously wrong at the BBC. Our national broadcaster seems to be…
Fedup2Mar 3, 20:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Someone made the observation that the woke king did 3 happy Islam twitters but noe for Wales on St Davidâs…
Up2snuffMar 3, 19:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 tomo, I have watched the Oval Office stuff, just now, and I did not get the same impression as you.
I’ve also rolled back the WordPress Theme changes made last week so the website should be the same as it was before the updates. The theme developers introduced a major update recently which broke many things. I finally bit the bullet and updated last week, but it clearly still wasn’t working well enough, mainly on mobile devices. Apologies for the painful website experience over the last few days.
Thank you. It’s now easy on the eye.
Thank you.
Reported by accident sorry.
Thank you Rufus for the new thread. I have been like a bear with a sore head for a few days. But I know it happens from time to time.
If we have to carve our messages out of stone to get them shared then we must.
We’re grateful for the work and time spent curating this site, and most of all grateful just for the fact it exists. No need for apologies, its good you are around.
Hear hear!
We are living in such scary times. This site is vital for letting of steam. They offer no solutions to the colossal problems we face except to make it illegal to state their is a problem, let alone how we might address it.
Keep up the good work, Rufus, it is genuinely appreciated.
Thanks Rufus. I often like to keep something as is, especially when it works well. I had adjusted to the change but prefer the old style.
Am not too bothered on New Threads arriving on time. Why?
Am born & bred Londoner.
You get used to delays from birth. (Yes, I turned up late, so my mother tells me.)
Even if I wasn’t first, at least I did not have to stand on one leg as Poster #111! đ
Thanks for the ‘back office’ work.
This will do for starters…
Then there is this:
Be ironic if what does for the bbc are those they identify with most.
Thats the whole bloody problem: no one is “dealing with it” just ranting on here, which maybe makes one feel a little better but : who actually officially complains ? who contacts their MP who does anything other than rant on here which will make no diffrence whatsoever ? any answers to that as to making a difference and doing something ?
Some do. Do you?
Cool. So 100% commitment so far.
Totally agree, Annunaki. I’ve fired off three official complaints in the last month. Trouble is you usually get the usual fob off, but I’m hoping eventually the volume they receive will have some impact – but I won’t hold my breath.
From another angle, it appears to be getting a little more balanced on social media lately as more voices answer the raging lefties who’ve had it to themselves for so long. And thank god for Jordan B. Peterson – he now has 550,000 followers on Twitter which shows there’s an appetite for counteracting all the total crap from the cultural marxists.
who contacts their MP who does anything other than rant on here which will make no diffrence whatsoever ?
I think that is a very good point, Annunaki. MPs need to be aware of our concerns otherwise they will get a false impression of how their constituents feel about the state of the country.
Its OK Hitler has given me a nice letter
Have a look at the muslim council of britain website, full of nice letters
Where are the west indian, african, sikh and hindu and chinese and japanese and indonesian and philipino and south american council websites ? oh of course they dont need them they live in England and integrate
Absolutely. They play their part and integrate without fuss.
On BBC London last week there was a report of a school in Westminster that was set to close. Several parents were interviewed. They were indignant. And children.
There was not a single English accent.
A school entirely for immigrants. How enriching.
Schools in central London are a problem largely because of the demographics. Take for example the Ark Primary School in Paddington Green. Over 82% of the children are not native English speakers and I would say are predominantly Arab Muslims. This may be the causal factor in the rather poor attainment figures for the school. Fewer than 45% reached the required proficiency expected in English and Maths. Hardly surprising when English is not spoken at home nor in the playground, I would expect. We are not doing ourselves or these children any favours by allowing such a concentration of a mono-culture in a London school. It must be a contributory factor in these pupils failing; I have no doubt the teaching staff do their very best, but for these children to thrive in British society they need to be educated at a school that is representative of our countrywide demographic, not in a ghetto that is the Edgware Road, London. How can they absorb British culture and mores if they remain isolated, segregated and distinct from the host population. We are storing up trouble for the future.
On BBC news channel around 0735. Naga introduces……wait for it……an article on child abuse. She lists the towns. Rochdale, Rotherham,et al. Now Telford. She spells it out.
She then interviews the police national lead for child abuse.
In the entire interview the words Asian men came up once and the police chief did so with a noticeable pause as if he really did not want to do it.
He then spent the whole interview explaining that most child abuse is in the home and that there are many other patterns of abuse. In other words, belittling the events in the towns we know so well.
These people are in total denial. He should be sacked on the spot. Needless to say, Naga gave him the softest ride possible.
Utterly pathetic.
If you want to see examples of what our swamp dwellers look like, then look no further.
I don’t know who will do it or how it will be done but just as in the USA, we need to drain our swamp.
On Friday the Media Show was holding someone from the BBC to account for the lack of news about Telford. Apparently the news broke last Sunday and it took our national broadcaster until after 9am on Monday to check the facts, because as we the audience would understand we wouldnât want to be fed false news. He said the BBC led with it on Victoria Derbyshire. (What are her viewing figures?). I would have liked to have asked why they couldnât have said something on the Today programme on the Monday morning but the interviewer obviously didnât think that relevant.
The so called bbc managed to get that commie Marr to censor the mirror front page off his newspaper review, on that sunday. It’s somewhat disconcerting it takes their editorial team so long to agree fir how long they can ignore unwelcome news.
Last official VD viewing figures I saw were “not enough to register”.
I think that when they trott out the phrase , âmost child abuse is done by white menâ , they mean that more perverted white men are suspected or convicted of abusing a child or perhaps two or three children. Of course it could be just an outright lie because no one could have any trust in the authorities these days. But what needs to be asked and never is , is what % of the total number of abuses of individual children and young girls are committed by Muslims? In this % if a girl is raped twenty times over the course of three months by a man it counts as twenty crimes. If the man concerned rapes four different girls twenty times it counts as eighty crimes.if the same girl is raped twenty times by each of four different men it counts as eighty crimes.
I think it very likely that given the industrial scale of the abuse that has been reported that Muslims are responsible for the vast majority of rapes and abuse in this country on the above basis.
In addition I am certain that many more cases have been reported to the police than have been admitted to . We can perhaps multiply those we know of by any number between three and twenty. In total that probably means that Muslim men have committed hundreds of thousands of rapes of young girls in our country , perhaps millions.
The only way that the authorities can disprove this is by a full independent inquiry chaired by people whom the public can trust , not by one of the usual politically correct merchants. Certainly the police need to be kept well away from the inquiry team because they themselves need to be investigated for their part in the cover ups.
But I noted that on the recent Telford scandal that the Times ,which first reported the Rotherham scandal, said nothing. I strongly suspect that the Home Office has ordered that the media try and cover up and downplay the scale of these crimes.
So we are left to speculate ,as I have done, as to how big this problem is, how many girls have been raped and how often, how many cases have been covered up and by whom, and in the light of the Telford disclosures how many girls were tortured and murdered. The extent of this scandal beggars belief and yet the authorities think that they cover it up for the sake of their laughable âcommunity cohesionâ
“… is what % of the total number of abuses of individual children and young girls are committed by Muslims?” Agreed DT but in proportion to their numbers in the population naturally. Otherwise doubtless that comparison would be worthless.
Yes you are right the % of Muslims in the general population must be taken into account. I expect that the difference between the number of rapes , accounted for on the above basis, committed per head in the non Muslim population will be a small fraction of those in the Muslim population
Officially there have been no convictions for this in Luton, when Tommy Robinson first draw the mediaâs attention to it happening there. ROPers view the founder of their creed the perfect man who should be emulated. He had sex slaves and it is sanctioned in their book: âcaptives of the right hand.â
The actual extent of the crimes is beyond our darkest imaginings. If even what we have been told officially is this bad you can bet the actual reality of it is so, so much worse. Probably the worst crimes ever committed on this soil during peace time, worse than even Enoch Powell portended.
… BANBURY … did then MP Baldry step in to protect the vulnerable ? …
Home Office….within a short time, Labour’s John Reid, sober then, after being appointed HS…declared, angrily i recall that HO was ‘not fit for purpose’…..and so, a succession of useless politicians have stumbled through it, leaving a bigger mess than before…It’s civil servants are obviously worthless, so mass sackings are in order, 5-8 million bloody migrants here now, 1.5m illegal…i can safely throw these figures in..because the useless bastards have no idea themselves….Housing and NHS crisis?…NO…we have a bloody migrant crisis, covered up by the media, BBC chiefly, and no-one can get a grip….meanwhile a former useless HS, now useless PM has thrashed around and has now started to turn the country into a Police State…unreal…i want to see mass marches and violence towards these politicians….but we’re all been subdued….
Telford, a town of 170,000 3.3% “Asian”… so about 2000 Adult Male Mu5lems, 1000 serial child gang raype victims no doubt adding uo to at least 10,000 raypes. (Average about 5 raypes per Adult Mu5lem Male)
www. mirror. co. uk/ news/ uk-news/britains-worst-ever-child-grooming-12165527
Simllar to Rotherham, a town of 3000 adult Mu5lim males, who are responsible for 1400 child sex-slave victims, and more than 14,000 r@ypes. (Average about 3.3 r@ypes per Adult Mu5lem Male)
www. bbc. com/ news/ uk-england-south-yorkshire-28939089
And Sandwell, population of 309,000, 8.2% Muslem, 12,000 Muslem males with 6000 child grooming aligations… with the council admitting that this was at least mostly Muslem perpetrators:
www. breitbart. com/london/2017/08/23/6000-child-abuse-allegations-muslim-grooming-gang-hotspot-sandwell/
This fits in with the estimated million child gang raype victims, probably accounting for at least ten million raypes… yet there is only about 1.5 million Adult Mu5lem Males in the UK. Again several raypes epr Mu5lem.
www. mirror. co. uk/ news/ uk-news/ child-sex-abuse-gangs-could-5114029
(remove link spaces)
Telford, a town of 170,000 3.3% “Asian”… so about 2000 Adult Male Mu5lems, 1000 serial child gang raype victims no doubt adding uo to at least 10,000 raypes. (Average about 5 raypes per Adult Mu5lem Male)
www. mirror. co. uk/ news/ uk-news/britains-worst-ever-child-grooming-12165527
Simllar to Rotherham, a town of 3000 adult Mu5lim males, who are responsible for 1400 child sex-slave victims, and more than 14,000 r@ypes. (Average about 3.3 r@ypes per Adult Mu5lem Male)
www. bbc. com/ news/ uk-england-south-yorkshire-28939089
And Sandwell, population of 309,000, 8.2% Muslem, 12,000 Muslem males with 6000 child grooming aligations… with the council admitting that this was at least mostly Muslem perpetrators:
www. breitbart. com/london/2017/08/23/6000-child-abuse-allegations-muslim-grooming-gang-hotspot-sandwell/
This fits in with the estimated million child gang raype victims, probably accounting for at least ten million raypes… yet there is only about 1.5 million Adult Mu5lem Males in the UK. Again several raypes epr Mu5lem.
www. mirror. co. uk/ news/ uk-news/ child-sex-abuse-gangs-could-5114029
(remove link spaces)
Telford, a town of 170,000 3.3% “Asian”… so about 2000 Adult Male Mu5lems, 1000 serial child gang raype victims no doubt adding uo to at least 10,000 raypes. (Average about 5 raypes per Adult Mu5lem Male)
www. mirror. co. uk/ news/ uk-news/britains-worst-ever-child-grooming-12165527
Simllar to Rotherham, a town of 3000 adult Mu5lim males, who are responsible for 1400 child sex-slave victims, and more than 14,000 r@ypes. (Average about 3.3 r@ypes per Adult Mu5lem Male)
www. bbc. com/ news/ uk-england-south-yorkshire-28939089
And Sandwell, population of 309,000, 8.2% Muslem, 12,000 Muslem males with 6000 child grooming aligations… with the council admitting that this was at least mostly Muslem perpetrators:
www. breitbart. com/london/2017/08/23/6000-child-abuse-allegations-muslim-grooming-gang-hotspot-sandwell/
This fits in with the estimated million child gang raype victims, probably accounting for at least ten million raypes… yet there is only about 1.5 million Adult Mu5lem Males in the UK. Again several raypes epr Mu5lem.
www. mirror. co. uk/ news/ uk-news/ child-sex-abuse-gangs-could-5114029
(remove link spaces)
The pattern of offending is so different. You always have the odd weirdo in the white British community, but for child rape to seem so acceptable that you can pass her around your mates is several orders of magnitude worse. If a white taxi driver told his mates he had a school girl for them to rape together he would get his head kicked in and the Police would be called. That the âcommunitiesâ never inform the Police really is beyond the pale and shows how our moralities are irreconcilably different.
You’d think sharia law would have nipped it in the bud.
Quite right. The muslim rape gang phenomena is a different kind of crime and should not be lumped in with the lone weirdo category.
The problem is the powers that be desperately want to believe that the former category is relatively insignificant otherwise they would have to deal with it properly.
He then spent the whole interview explaining that most child abuse is in the home and that there are many other patterns of abuse…..
In other words, moral equivalence, as practised widely by the Left especially when they are losing an argument and want to muddy the waters.
If you are a regular practitioner of moral relativism you eventually end up on the fence without a moral compass. A typical example of that in Britain is the ‘all cultures are equal’ agenda, where you will hear any criticism of, say, the religion of peace countered with ‘it’s only like….’ and being presented with some out-of-context quote from the Bible or some ignorant statement about The Crusades.
And now we can all see where the multicultural agenda, forced on us ‘racists’ for so long and for so long backed up by moral relativism, is leading us, and it’s not looking good.
Exactly Annunaki – And all these other religion and cultures are resilient and mature enough not to judge the others as a threat or a victim to be conquered . They concentrate on improvement of the self rather than conquest.
It is no surprise that it appears to me that wherever Islam raises its head in the world there is conflict. Yet they always seem to play a blinder in the victim-hood stakes. It is always someone else’ s fault. Rather like the madman in the asylum saying “its the others” whilst throwing cups of piss at everyone else and smashing his head against the cell wall.
Unfortunately in this country we have a loose collection of hand wringing crybabies and cynical political operators who for their own selfish and misplaced altruism are more than willing to allow this religion and the unpleasant cultural hand baggage to dominate and eventually destroy our society which up until now has been pretty well integrated.
We are committing cultural suicide of the highest order and no-one in Government is willing to talk about it and you are right Annunaki it is time we all got more active than just tub thumping. Looks like my MP will getting another letter from me this week too. But I fear things have now gone beyond this.
They play a blinder as far as the soft-bellied West is concerned. Those with longer close experience seem to take a more hard-hearted approach.
some blame the water for the decline of the Romans others that they were too nice and they were never particularly nice but they did have an understanding that most humans understood the common good and now we are back to 1000 years ago with barbarians at the gates again but this time they are inside already
What really puzzles me is the motive of people who are playing this rape business down. Why don’t want to acknowledge the gravity of the crimes. What is the motive for leniency towards Moslems?
Cultural Marxism. These people hate Britain and the West. A case of ‘My enemy’s enemy is my friend’ – Islamification is the shortest route to achieving their goal of destroying our culture and institutions.
They have ignored and obfuscated it for years, because to admit that there is a particular problem with Muslims and their sexual criminality against young kaffir females; is multi-cultural blasphemy and would obliterate one of its core tenets: that all races and cultures are the same and of equal value and validity.
They realise that to even acknowledge that fact, could cause the whole facade to come crashing down and for it to be exposed for the malignant lie it truly is.
Yesterday caught a bit of ââNewswatchâ, the BBC news channel show where they âaccept criticismsâ before wheeling on the BBC chief news editor to look down his nose and tell us that he was completely right and that we were wrong.
His defence of the the non-coverage of the Telford story was absolutely cringeworthy. In essence, âwe did cover itâ. Then he lists the âcoverageâ. It was on the English regions page of the website on Tuesday! We covered a parliamentary statement! He was absolutely dredging the barrel yet with the confidence of a person who knows he is untouchable.
Just absolutely dreadful.
Why was the story on the local pages of the âShropshireâ section? During #Metoo the slightest story against men has been front and centre. This trumps all those stories combined – Green watching porn, someone touching a knee or whatever. They really are an absolute disgrace.
Iâm going to miss the old thread – itâs like a friend now.
Shocking really that after al Beeb had to do something about saville they now suppress reportinging the level of CSE child sexual abuse – as I believe it is now termed. – but if someone tugs on one of those Muslim sheets their wimmin wear sl Beeb is appealing for witnesses and rolling out the pro Islam industry.
I wonder if the constabularies have been told to play child rape by Pakistanis down â for the purposes of public safetyâ.
The phrase du jour is “conducive to the public good”.
But whose public?
I chose the term carefully because – like âhealth and safetyâ itâs a term used to repress free speech . The other evolving weapon is âhate crime â which seems to lift a criminal act to a higher level of wrong . âRacially aggravated â is other peppered over the law now
You and me both Fedup2!
Another young limb like myself with a heart, todays generation seem to want old Blogs put away in the archives or care home-if not the very mortuary cabinets themselves. I say no…
I visited the old blog earlier, left some flowers and a tin of Thatchers Scrumpy with some knotweed cuttings steeped in it.
She asked about you-she`s female today, but in transiton as she wishes.
Will we ever see a 1,230 again?…and if only Roy Castle had lived to see this in our time.
Matrons coming….but I shall love again!
Fedup, you’re never happy.
I wonder why?
I wonder if the constabularies have been told to play child rape by Pakistanis down â for the purposes of public safetyâ.
Plod don’t need to be told, Fedup2, it’s an inherent part of their Common Purpose DNA.
Sky news runs with the headline “We need to talk about Stormy Daniels”
For those who haven’t followed the story, “Stormy” is a prostitute who claims that Donald Trump paid her $130,000 to remain silent about their liaisons.
Turns out that not only is Stormy a slag but she’s a slag without honour because she signed a non-disclosure agreement but has spoken out because she claims The Donald failed to sign the document so she’s free to smear his name and try and earn more money from being a completely dishonest slag.
My problem lies not only with the rancid Stormy but with the equally foul Sky news who feel that it’s more important to run with a nothing story about an alleged affair someone may have had years ago, than run with the headline “We need to talk about Muslim grooming gangs”
RE: Peterson against Newman.
He explains that men and women are different and want different things therefore different outcomes. This is an expert who knows exactly what he is talking about can can back up all his opinions with sound evidence. More than 8 million watch it and it is lights up the internet. How many views would your standard BBC SJW interview get – a few thousand accompanied with hundreds of contemptuous comments beneath?
Do the SJWs at the BBC even consider his arguments let alone counter them? Of course not. So we have a farcical story about an actor getting paid more than another – as so often happens in the wheeling, dealing world of show business – as it is the only story which fits their false narrative. Do they not know everyone has the internet?
The same argument applies to different outcomes for different cultures: different values – that cherished âdiversityâ – makes different outcomes inevitable and eminently desirable. Why should you force a Rastafarian to become a partner in a law firm and work 70 hours a week if he would absolutely hate that life style?
Yet their spurious and tyrannical narrative about equal outcomes is so entrenched that they will never even question it. Thus they become like Comical Ali during the Iraq War declaring imminent victory as the country exploded behind him. Rape gangs, a murder a day in London and most women not wanting to be welders et cetera? Look – a millionaire actress is not paid as well as another actor!
No sentient human could possibly believe in the world view they push so fanatically. Alas they will probably never change, as no matter how dire their output they will still get paid thanks to their âunique method of fundingâ i.e. extortion.
Really BB don’t you know that “actress” is an unaccepable word now? Goto jail; do not collect ÂŁ200.
Peterson points out that the serious SJWs don’t believe their own worldview themselves, though they are naturally blind to their own contradictions.
Their stated position is that everything is a social construct and hence relative, even science (in the main, carried out by dead white Christian men, after all).
Really? Antibiotics are socially constructed? Reductions in childbirth deaths?
I think it was Stephen Pinker who recently said that his favourite quote came from the Wikipedia page on smallpox.
Smallpox was an infectious disease caused by one of two virus variants, …
Note that was. The disease was eliminated in 1980. Just another social construct?
Plus, I get to make a snowman. Sunday shaping up well so far.
So bang goes the mangoes.
Surely itâs Persongoes.
In Justin Trudeau’s house that’s what they call them.
Should have gone to ‘Pret a Mangoe’…
Ain’t mangoes greengrocer stuff? Shud be Mangoe’s innit.
Heads must roll.
Looks like a bit of a soy-boy?
SIEMENS Fridges eh!
Buy the best eh after all who’s paying.
Well, it comes as no surprise that Paul Golding had been attacked by muslims, while in prison, apparently with help from the prison staff.
This cannot be allowed to happen, it should be reported by all the major news providers, even the far-left bbc.
The prison governor and Amber Rudd have a duty to protect prisoners in their care and they are repeatedly failing to do so by allowing muslims in prison to attack normal people who have upset them.
“apparently with help from the prison staff.”
How do you know? Surely ‘they’ wouldn’t admit that? Or have they not succeeded in allowing comment from Paul Golding or his relatives?
Anyway, it’s worrying that Prison staff would show partisan behaviour in favour of muslims. Please don’t tell me the prison staff are muslim now.
Simple – Iâll be happy when we really leave the Reich EU
Iâll be happy when the tv licence tax is abolished through privatisation or when al beeb ceases to be in its current poisonous form .
Ok – I might be lieing – Iâll just find something else to be Fedup about …
Actually there is still an enemy within to be dealt with
Today, as most on here will be aware, Tommy Robinson will be reading Martin Sellner’s prepared speech at Speakers Corner. I fear for Tommy’s safety as he has not been hiding his plan, despite organising his own security.
However, what’s the betting the BBC will only give it major coverage if there is violence caused by their heroes, although they will blame Tommy’s supporters. They may give it a mention if few people turn up, and I feel that will happen because of this weather, and laugh at him for not getting enough support.
Tommy’s right to read Sellner’s words is fundamental but will be attacked for being racist, which I am sure it will not actually be. The police could move in and arrest Tommy for being a “conservative” and prevent the speech altogether.
We are living in interesting times but this could be the tipping point. Either the speech is prevented by the Government (ie the Police) and we never get back the Freedom of Speech that we had until Blair and May, or it may become the turning point when the British People start to demand the return of our democracy.
See also Peter Hitchens’ warning on the frightening loss of freedom of speech in Britain. He is correct, as we on this site know full well. The vilification and harassment of Tommy Robinson is monstrous. Of course, he was once (a long time ago) a bad lad, as Lord Pearson said in that most interesting recent interview (and Tommy, to his great credit, allowed the remark to remain in the video). For myself, I was wary of TB and especially his followers, but it seems to me he is now is a mature, moderate and effective (and brave) commentator on topics that should be aired, but are abhorred by politicians, the media and the law.
A few days ago, the police forced Tommy Robinson to leave the park. He recorded it on his phone and it’s on YouTube.
One of these days, normality will return to our country and many, including in the police and prison services, will be held to account for their actions. They need to remember that ‘ obeying orders’ is not an acceptable defence.
This is the new normal, we have to adapt to it or else relocate.
Remember: the elite loves them and hates you, just keep that in mind.
“One of these days, normality will return to our country…”
If only I could believe that!
DV gives his “speech”
Good Luck Tommy.
All eyes on Hyde Park this afternoon. Is there still such a concept as Free Speech in the UK? This is the acid test, Note to the authorities , we , the people , are watching you.
I suspect the BBC will memory hole it. Even in sneeringly attempting to play it down they will alert people to his arguments, all those hate facts he insists on stating despite their repeated attempts to kill and silence him.
I managed to watch the speech but of course the BBC has memory-holed it.
They are playing such a dangerous game by proscribing certain opinions and labelling them âhateful.â God how much do we hate so much of the divisive, dangerous garbage the BBC says all day? I would never say their opinions should be illegal though, in part because they are so obviously wrong. Bullying and censorship are the last resort of tyrants who have lost the hearts and minds of their people.
You do not win the argument by locking people up or calling them names. Ideas are bullet proof.
Apparently there is now a Commons committee suggesting that Brexit be postponed as the UK is ‘not ready’. What a surprise. We would never have expected that! JRM says this report would have Britain be a ‘vassal state’. Seems quite a lot of parliamentarians are OK with this. No doubt, they hope Brexit can be dragged out indefinitely…..
BBC integrity
We are looking for BBC impartiality which was last seen around the 1960s . This is most evident with their comedies which were actually funny but are just PC drivel now .
A reward for anyone who can find the following
A so called comedy programme ;
That doesn’t mention Trump ÂŁ1000
That doesn’t insult UKIP voters ÂŁ500
That insults Remoaners ÂŁ1600000
That reminds it’s audience that Corbyn likes
Terrorists ÂŁ1000
That treats university lecturers as the immature
Retards who receives our money to study the
subjects they’re prejudiced about ÂŁ7000
That a presenter doesn’t see an empty
space somewhere and say We Can Have More
Immigration ÂŁ5000
Doesn’t poke fun of old people and their
Likes ,dislikes and voting ÂŁ7000
There’s a special reward if anyone ever sees or hears a BBC comedy which pokes fun at their hypocritical troughing and virtue signalling in one go .
Al Beeb don’t do comedy .
Proper comedy makes you laugh by surprising you, something true but unsaid like Chris Rockâs hilarious routine about how women have Platonic friends but men just have women they have not f**ked yet.
With the BBC we already know exactly what they will say as political correctness is a strait jacket – we know all the answers before even asking the questions. Also there is none of rebel comedians taking on the powerful establishment, as That Was the Week That Was did so seminally and brilliantly. The BBC IS the establishment so instead of rebelling against the powerful like so many good artists do, they sneer at weak groups they do not approve of.
They can be amusing and clever, but you will never get that belly laugh which comes from a sacred cow being slaughtered. A show mocking the liberal elite and what troughing hypocrites they are could be properly hilarious. God imagine Owen Jones having to have an Afgani warlord stay in his spare room would be, lecturing him about micro aggressions whilst the warlord beats him for being homosexual. When Lily met Rapey could be pretty hilarious as well – let Lily Allen see what it can be like sharing your space with people who hate women.
Political correctness sucks all the fun and sanity out of the world.
Went to a church today nearby.
The vicar lauded Stephen Hawking-atheist, numpty, BDS, Israel bashing(while using their chips and clever hardware to keep him alive at the same time).
He said not a word about Ken Dodd-whose death is FAR more significant, Christian and turned the State over with his tax trial. Like Monkhouse-we love those the State tried to smash, and who turned it over. What`s the point of once being a punk and then sucking up to Clegg and his CBI groomers if you don`t see the REAL rebellion on offer?
That the Church phones it in from the Guardian, speaking to their liberal tribes is all too obvious.
We , in contrast, hold our church services in the House of Brexit-The William Henry, The Sedgelynn and all manner of Tim Martins gaffs.
No need to doubt that the church is finished, but the real patriots and Children of God are alive in the coming Church of Brexit.
Chris like the BBC the C of E long ago gave up its principles to become the Church of Globalism. Any consideration or regard for Queen and country long ago becoming secondary for concern for queens and those from other countries who want to come to this country.
There is a difference between turning the other cheek and jumping over a cliff with your children and grandchildren so that others who have no regard for your life, culture and principles can take over your house.
I occasionally go to a Compline service where the essence of the service more directly relates to a more pure form of worship without having to suffer a thirty minute left wing guilt trip halfway through the service.
Here at Morrison Towers I have appointed a âspecial counselâ to investigate the so-called âBeast From The Eastâ weather bombs. The investigation is in good hands since I have appointed my top investigator Jon âSimplesâ Sopel to get to the bottom of the so-called rumours that the RUSSIANS are controlling our weather.
There are some uncharitable people who suggest that the RUSSIANS couldnât organise a âfarting party in a cabbage fieldâ or even a discreet political assassination. But I remain unconvinced. How is it that global temperatures are going through the roof and we get a cold spell in winter? Just doesnât make sense. After the RUSSIANS recent coup in getting their chosen candidate Comrade Trumpsky into the White House, we must be on our constant guard.
In fact I have already spent ÂŁ12 million on a report from a bloke with a Classics degree who I met at the Pigs Might Fly public house, the head office of his company Porkies R Us. Just before Porkies went into administration last week, he informed me that he had discovered that thousand of Russians trolls were manufacturing cold air to order and then blowing it in a westerly direction with large handheld fans.
PC Simples is instructed to investigate these allegations fully and when he finds they are true to start leaking the information to all the usual friendly suspects. He is to start with the Green Party, followed by the Met Office. After that he is to leak to selected geographers, sorry, climate science correspondents, in the main press.
A start can be made with the BBC where I understand PC Simples also plys his trade on the indoor Washington DC beat.
As long as neither Alexandr Orlov or his partner Sergei have been accused, we`re happy.
These two titanic Russians are true patriots, and will yet be the bridge to mutual understanding when the west wakes up.
Have long said that Alexandr Meerkat is the best EU Ambassador we could poach after Brexit, if Putin would let us sign him…he`s a master of this age.
9am BBC Radio Leeds news reported an exhibition by the Lionesses ex-grooming gang victims.
Since the charity’s tweets say that they will on the local commercial station news every hour, I guess that has motivated BBC Radio Leeds.
CSE Victims day 2018
The helpung helping tweets
And with Paddy on BBC R4 you can listen to the regular Trump-bashing, he so much likes, this morning in song. Another smug little slug, who thinks he’s ever so clever.
And with Paddy on BBC R4 you can listen to the regular Trump-bashing, he so much likes, this morning in song. Another smug little slug, who thinks he’s ever so clever.
@FakenewsW Duplicate, still time to delete it
Only if all on here actually DO something about it any ideas ??
A march on Parliament ? a public demonstration
Hereâs hoping.
As kamakazi dives go, not optimal, in that he seems to have slammed into the radio shack of the Yamato.
He’s already back in the fold, special guest on Marr.
Along with Shami Chakrabati, and of course nobody has elected either.
Picture the scene. A BBC editorial meeting
âHey guys, we are starting to get a lot of grief from people who are really noticing our left wing bias. How can we get people off the scentâ
âIâve an idea. Letâs do a pastiche of our Jeremy. Weâll picture him wearing his Trot hat against a backdrop of the Kremlin, and cover the nerve agent story, Then weâll get our marxist buddies to go apeshit and high profile indignant, blaming us for being beastly to Jezza. The public will hear all the noise and conclude we are not biasedâ
âBrilliant idea. Iâll give Owen and Jon a callâ
Oh well lets give our country up with a sigh and a rather angry letter to the Times
Things you wonât hear on the BBC today, no. 1.
âAnd now, with a a report on the heavy snowfall and treacherous driving conditions across much of Southern England today, over to our climate correspondent, Roger Harrabinâ
BBC Big Questions – from Brighton, Britain’s own Sodom & Gomorrah, the usual leftist anti-Brexit lies from the taxpayer-funded state-owned socialist propaganda organisation. Today we are told “there are calls from right across the political spectrum for a second referendum” – no there aren’t. Then we are instructed “with all the demographic changes going on – old people who voted Leave dying off being replaced by young people who voted Remain – surely there must be a second referendum” – BBC ageist bullshit plus the leftist surge amongst younger voters has been disproved as a myth. The BBC conveniently forgets that young people become older people.
Chuck Y
The BBC and hangers on pulled out all the stops to celebrate the anniversary of all women getting the vote – all hail the democratic process. However, they then float the idea that people over 50 should be disenfranchised because they voted the “wrong way” over Brexit. They didn’t seem to realise about half the over 50s are women.
I have been informed time and again that I live in an ageing society – surely the number of old buggers like me is increasing, not decreasing !
Big questions.
Did you notice the usual lefty biased make up of those sitting behind the speakers.
At the beginning, the first speaker coming out with the usual remoaner rubbish and got big applause.
Second speaker, a leaver, telling truths and at the end absolute silence.
Pin drop.
Also, the little girl who said she knew much more than older leavers then came out with the âwhereâs the ÂŁ350 million for the nhsâ
Does she not know we havenât left yet so we still must pay it.
And the BBC (conveniently) forgets, or fails to grasp, that these older people voted on the basis
a) They are older and therefore wiser
b) They are concerned for their kids’ and grandkids’ futures
c) They do not believe they have any authority to vote away the democratic rights of future generations
d) They have had 40 years of watching how the EU operates and have sussed it out for what it is i.e. an unelected, authoritarian, unaccountable bureaucracy.
There is a famous observation that goes something along the lines of ‘Democracy is a pact between the living, the dead and those yet to be born’. Brexit is the prime example of that pact being kept.
And just when you thought you couldn’t despise the BBC and it’s overpaid presenters any more than you already do, the Sunday Times reports:-
“The BBC is considering footing tax bills for hard-up presenters as it braces itself for disclosures in the Commons that some face crippling demands from HM Revenue & Customs.”
What I can’t understand about the BBC and the liberal/left is ;
Do they want us in Britain to be wealthier or not ?
On the one hand they want us in the EU , saying its good for business and jobs .
The next is they say we are a rich country and can afford to splash money around the world , giving to all and sundry . Then they splurge it around the UK , then allow all the world in to receive what they want , never throwing anyone out who damages us .
Then they advocate damaging policies so that ” Britain can be the leader in …….” leading to loss of jobs .
Then they make a skills shortage , and import labour with or without the skills to make up for it .
I have a better idea . Why don’t we be a little less wealthy , less taxed , less throwing our money away , less interfering in others affairs , everyone to have a job and no mass immigration ?
Do they want us in Britain to be wealthier or not ?
I’d say it doesn’t matter to them as long as they continue to get funded through their peculiar institution of the licence fee.
I think the short-to-medium term aims of the BBC are –
Get us back in the EU pronto.
Carry on encouraging mass immigration to..
..ensure we have continual Labour/left governments.
Assist in whatever way it can to encourage the natives to emigrate, or get old white people to die off quicker.
Of course in the long term this will lead to economic ruin, but by then the rest of Europe will be the same. Equality of outcomes is a win-win in BBC world.
“Jodie Whittaker, who made television history when she became the first woman to play the lead in Doctor Who, has admitted that no one in her family watched the BBC show.”
No, me neither.
BBC News
Comments could be going better.
BBC 4 ran a repeat, (what’s new?), of The People Who Greeted Columbus on Saturday.
Dr Jago Cooper enthusiastically tells us how one the one hand how ethnically diverse the peoples of the Caribbean were yet they were all mixed up together in some happy family!
Their society was absolutely fantastic as they were stoned out of their minds so everything they did was fantastic! Anyway they are all now rediscovering their Taino roots because it is vital that a people are true to their origins and honour their heritage!
Isn’t it a shame that some of these BBC anthropologists can’t look at the UK wearing the same glasses that they use when abroad?
I didn’t see the program but I hope he mentioned the Island Caribs. I believe they exterminated other tribes and ate them with their filed down pointy teeth. Still, wondrously ethnically diverse eh?
At 3pm today in Hyde Park a British man is going to make a speech at speakers corner will he be allowed ? in Finsbury Park we had months of hate speech allowed by a man who is now in jail
Free speech in this country ?
Good luck Tommy – I will try to get there.
Off topic question – how do I explain to our American Daughter-in Law the absence of the word EASTER on the Easter eggs she has purchased? None of the big players show the forbidden words EASTER EGG on their packaging!
I wonder why?
I am appalled, truly appalled, that Tommy Robinson is to speak at Speakers Corner. Clearly he is looking for trouble.
Does he not know that in order to ensure peace and safety, all he has to do is wear something metallic on his arm and speak from the street near Finsbury Park mosque?
The authorities have an excellent track record of non-interference and protecting freedom of speech in that area.
I am indebted to our good friends at The Guardian for providing some typical examples.
Just for the record how many know about this attempt to change the law as widely advertised by the bBC: (Not)
In a nutshell any so called child migrant will be allowed to bring his entire family over, that they will be allowed access to legal aid and that parents will now be allowed to bring over children up to the age of 25 into the country.
By c.2060 Britons will be a minority within their own homeland. This is set to happen even if immigration to the UK were to cease completely, due to the vastly higher birth rate of Third Worlders and Muslims who are already here; the increasingly miscegenated proportion of the population and the low birth rate amongst the indigenous inhabitants.
The legislation such as that proposed by the SNP MP, will have no effect on the ultimate outcome of Britons’ approching minority status in Britain, other than it may cause it to happen slightly more quickly than it will otherwise.
There is no political will to put the genie back in the bottle; anyone who suggests even talking about trying to do so is destroyed.
At least when the islamicists have destroyed Blighty and the rest of the West, there will be no where else to destroy. Then they can focus on warring amongst themselves (which they’re pretty damn good at).
Rest assured, there will be no advances in science and any attempt to get humans well off this planet. That will, in accordance with islam, have died by then. In effect, their warring will cause the ideology to self destruct.
Of course the SNP would speak out for mass immigration as it doesn’t affect Scotland much at all – one look at their ethnically un-diverse national teams will tell you that.
I think that we have here a perfect demonstration of how democracy is failing in this country. Any poll will show that the British people do not want more migrants yet their wishes are ignored and another tens of thousands are invited in by our leaders. The democratic remedy for such disregard for voters wishes is to kick out the leaders who did it. But in the UK the only choice that we have is one party that says it will limit immigration but never does and one party that wants even more immigration. But the people still go on voting for them and seeing their country stolen from them as a consequence.
Starting up a new party in the UK is very difficult , expensive and personally dangerous both reputation wise and physically. AMW is trying it but regrettably I donât think that she will succeed. The establishment will combine to stop her. Only by the success of parties overseas eg Visegrad, Austria possibly Italy , although the latest signs from Italy are not too good, will there be an example that can show the people that immigration can be stopped and possibly reversed. But time is short and the prognosis not good.
We certainly need a different voting system because the current one does not work for the majority of the electorate.
Dt – AMW doesn’t have a problem with immigration – just Muslims. If you put your faith in her, you’ll be sadly disappointed.
The one major European country which takes the ethnicity of its population and its national identity seriously, is the one which our government is presently in the midst of provoking an unnecessary potent confrontation with.
Yes, it’s a great pity that we won the cold war. Who knows maybe Vladimir Vladimirovich would have been posted to England rather than Germany and have become our Veliki Vozhd. I can imagine him riding through the streets of London, bare-chested on his charger keeping order with his Cossacks. They sorted out Pussy Riot and I’m sure Owen “pretty boy” Jones wouldn’t be so cocky after a palpatio per anem with a nogaika.
My personal favorite is the other Vladimir, Vladimir Zhirnovsky.
He makes Putin look like a nancy boy. Strong leader my arse.
In a 2003 video, drunk Zhirinovsky threatened George W. Bush in offensive language. He called the United States a âsecond-hand goods storeâ filled with âcocksuckers, handjobbers, and faggots,â and claimed that Russian scientists are able to change the gravitational field of the Earth and sink the entire country. In the video Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky and Condoleezza Rice are also mentioned. Zhirinovsky calls Condoleezza Rice: âa black whore who needs a good cock. Send her here, one of our divisions will make her happy in the barracks one night. She will choke on Russian sperm as it will be leaking out of her ears… until she crawls to the US embassy in Moscow on her knees.â
In the wake of the February 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor, Zhirinovsky was quoted by the Russian International News Agency as claiming âItâs not meteors falling, itâs the test of a new weapon by the Americans.â At the same time, he derided the Russian Academy of Sciences for anarchism, having scientists that are so old that their brains and reproductive organs don’t work any longer, and told the “elders” to go home and collect their pensions.
I enjoyed watching him on Russian chat shows. If anyone disrespected him he would throw water over them or give them a good slapping. If only Theresa May would show backbone like this to the EU. Even Laughing Boy Farage would be happy.
Perhaps if NATO had stuck to what Bush (Snr) had told Gorbachev when the USSR collapsed: that it wouldn’t extend any further East than it was at that time (i.e. Austria), we may not be facing a confrontation such as we are now; since it is now right up to the Russian border with the Baltic States.
You are rehashing the same old fallacious arguments from the Soviet era. The Soviets always claimed that they needed a buffer zone between the USSR and Nato to protect them. This was the Eastern block. Of course they were overjoyed to have Soviet troops on Nato borders but no Nato troops on theirs.
The Soviets lost. The tables have turned and Russia now finds itself in the same situation as the west from the end of WWII to the collapse of Communism.
There was also another major European state that took the ethnicity of its population and its national identity seriously.
Why is the Putin model more appealing to you than the Hitler model?
Putin is a Russian nationalist maybe even a panslavist. Unless you are a slav or orthodox why would you feel more at home with the Putin model rather than the Hitler model which was more sympathetic to Angosaxons. Has RT been pushing the idea that Putin is the “saviour of the white man”?. I have not watched RT for a long time. Does RT support white supremecism in the USA?
There is nothing wrong with an ethnostate preserving national identity but do ethnostates have to be police states? The Japanese are not troubled with muslim terrorism or the problems of multiculturalism. They are aging more rapidly than us, yet do not need vast numbers of immigrants to keep their social services going. All that seems possible without emperor worship and bushido.
It’s when the child migrants bring over their wives and kids….
Many times in the media there has been a picture of the Russian couple raising glasses in a restaurant shortly before they had ‘death by nerve agent’. Um, has anyone asked the question “who took the photo” ???
âSmall amount of popcorn with the roast, Jeevesâ.
Anyone else know that the Sergeant at Arms (chap who carries the mace in front of the Speaker) was a Muslim ? me neither. According to the write up it was a progressive move forward for British Muslims. Two years after his appointment he’s now been booted out amidst cries of racism – but according to some, his English wasn’t up to scratch and couldn’t do the job, so who gave him this ÂŁ80,000 a year job in the first place ?
“…..this ÂŁ80,000 a year job in the first place ?”
Probably part-funding ISIS?
On Breitbart Iâve been reading comments under the Sadiq Khan thread that are saying our Tommy Robinson has been stopped from making a speech at speakers corner.
I havenât heard it anywhere else yet but the posts are only about an hour old.
Sort by best and the posts are replies to comments.
I donât know if any of it is true.
That was the other day. He’s on his way, now…
BBC News Channel now rather boldly boasts that the publicly funded corporation can help school children differentiate between true and fake news – you’ll have seen the periodic BBC-branded mini-adverts. I tend to believe there are two distinct things going on here. Yes, the BBC are keen to schmooze with the education sector. But this info-tainment the BBC put out serves a secondary purpose – that of subtly propagating and reinforcing the notion aimed at the wider public that the BBC is truthful and not itself a purveyor of fake news. Think of the public sector adverts you will have seen for teacher or nursing recruitment – why is there the widespread expensive broadcasting to the general public? Would it not be more efficient to utilise more specifically targeted media to potential recruits? Well, not so. Not if your ulterior motive in advertising is to reassure the general public that you are recruiting to those popular public sector areas. Think about it… have you ever seen an expensive tv advert for hiring parking attendents?
I’m willing to bet the BBC will get a more favourable shift in public confidence from this campaign ostensibly aimed at school kids than a dozen news editors fronting up on the Samira Ahmed show and parroting the claim that they think they got it about right.
Here’s a small gripe I have from today on the News Channel which came up closely juxtaposed with one of these fake news for kids adverts. Ben Brown was the news anchor energetically welcoming a spokeswoman for Team GB Winter Para… Lympics…? (not too sure where the Para bit goes. Please, let’s not be disrespectful and call it the Limp-ics for short).
In the interview, clearly designed for the spokeswoman to have airtime with which to plead the case for spending on this obscure boondoggle, twice over Ben Brown emphasised the word ‘Investment’ meaning the public money spent on sending the GB team to Korea.
The dictionary meaning of the word invesment is : ‘the action or process of investing money for profit’
The popular understanding of the word when referring to money is the investment of cash in expectation of an increased cash return over time. Afterall that’s the basis of capitalism, isn’t it? The idea that capital is invested because it is hoped there will be earnings from that capital investment. Anything else is philantrophy.
The word investment is not a synonym for public spending. Although the BBC too often use it as such.
Our Ben does realise that those medals they give out at the Olympics are not real solid gold, or doesn’t he?
The terminology here is crucial since the gradual elision into naming all forms of public spending as investment is a corruption of the language. Moreover it is a politically motivated tactic of big government spending enthusiasts on the political Left.
All Public Spending is Investment? Fake news, more like.
I’ve always wondered why the BBC thinks that it is specially placed to determine what is a true statement and what is not.
Unless they have supernatural powers, there are no techniques or approaches unique to the BBC that other people cannot use.
They have more time to check and analyze their researches as they are paid to do that as their main employment. Other people don’t have that luxury. I suppose they could be better at processing and analyzing large amounts of information because of their superior intelligence, education and training.
A more likely explanation is that the BBC’s concern about “fake news” is simply a classic demarcation dispute and the BBC is attempting to marginalise competion from internet news sites and bloggers by undermining their credibility. It’s not as if the BBC was doing original social or political research. What sources can the BBC access that a well-run internet news site can’t. You could argue that the BBC is better placed to cultivate contacts with politicians and civil servants, but then the news is more likely to have an agenda.
Ah yes, ‘investment’ that word worked to death by one Gordon McMental Broon, along with prudence. He never spent, only ever ‘invested’ with prudence, to his limit of 40% of GDP, ( ignoring the 30% stacked up as debt under his pals PFI scams.
Oh, and not forgetting he eliminated boom and bust, well the boom anyway.
Nurse, my pills…
Live now
Tell the bastards the truth Tommy.
Couldnât hear what was being said but Iâm pleased he was allowed to speak. Preventing people from entering the UK to speak about a subject of public interest by Home Secretary Writ is pretty frightening . If there was evidence of an intention to cause harm or over throw the state there might be an issue but otherwise why apply such draconian powers .
Ironic that he should do it on âPassion Sunday â – for those with a Christian frame of mind ( yes – other religions are available ).
Iâm guessing msm wonât cover it unless there is / was trouble.
FE2 – I am sure this order came straight from the top
We have a former useless Home Secretary now Prime Minister who was more than happy to allow Tommy Robinson to be attacked in prison, financially ruined and also harassed by police and a current just as useless Home Secretary who not to be outdone by Sharia allowed Paul Golding to be attacked in prison. As well as locking up and subsequently throwing out a number of harmless foreign individuals who just wanted us to hear the truth whilst the Goverment is still cosying up to the returned Jihadis
Seems like a bit of a pattern is beginning to form. If you care for your country and dare to speak out you are quite likely to get a holiday courtesy of Her Majesties Pleasure and maybe come away from your sentence with various bits of your body broken. I hold no candle or Paul Golding – but he is a product of what will be coming to all of us unless as a nation we start to resist these bastards.
Maybe now imprisonment it should be renamed as Ambers pleasure. I do sometimes wonder whether she enjoys the negative aspects of her job just a little bit too much.
Unfortunately both these non entity politicians in better times would have remained just that. However in these days where political cowardice and dishonesty appear to be the only game in town in mainstream politics. I am sure they will go from strength to strength – until we reach a state of civil war.
Great analysis from ” UK and USA trying to “Iraq” Russia” video.
Gegoy Gegoy on Russian insider
“This insatiable lady prime minister , the slave of Astharouth ,one of the 7 demons of Satan will never leave this shrew ,til she breaths her last , the day Satan will show his face to her with with his most special appreciation to her , just look very closely in Theresa May’s eyes , you will see Astharuth in her , her eyes , almost black with rage and hatred and greed , will annoy you in a very demonic way , almost hipnotical ,smiling at you like a rabid ,drooling dog , you will never forget those eyes , the eyes of a demon ,in disguise , ďťż”
I wonder if Gegoy is an RT stalwart!
I think he might be an orthodox ultranationalist Putin supporter. Khristos pomolimsya.
Admittedly, a little less coherent than “Baby Face” Jones on Marr this morning, but still pushing the “they lied about WMDs in Iraq as a casus belli”. They are lying about WMDs now in Salisbury.
Ergo: Salisbury must be a pretext for war with Russia. QED
Looks like it’s ‘unavailable’ now.
Better recordings below on this thread.
i think the tommy robinson and camera crew got separated
better audio here 9 mis 50
Interesting…if you watch the demo from the moslem side, one of those , i guess, a PCSO or whatever they are, plastic plods, looks about 70 plus, is agreeing with the tall moslem agitator about Tommy being a trouble-maker….thought these guys were supposed to be impartial….he deserves to be smacked about a bit…..if i can find the footage, i’ll repost…make your mind up….One of the jihadists uses a green flexi-stick to whiplash Tommy’s supporters….not arrested so i gather….there you are…..BBC about?
I see from their web-site that the BBC are claiming that the Foreign Secretary is claiming that the Russians are stockpiling nerve agent.
If so, I don’t know where the Russians are keeping the bloke or blokess (other genders are NOT available in this case because according to the chemistry expert on Radio 4 last week, a nerve agent is binary and cannot be stockpiled made up or mixed up) but I guess we are meant to be afeared of ‘im or ‘er.
Well, Bojo, I am not.
What I am afeared of, is Government Ministers not listening to and/or understanding what the experts that they employ and pay with our money are telling them. I exclude that silly Public Health (England) chief from the expert class by the way. In this Bojo is following the non-excellent example of BBC interviewers, many of whom do not listen to the answers they are being given on air, by someone in front of their microphone.
The BBC are apparently losing the desire to ask questions or even think in critical fashion.
Line 13 in that article raises some interesting questions. I wonder whether anyone at the BBC will ask them in the week ahead? I bet not!
Porton Down has a chemical lab (Detection Department, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory) 15 minutes drive away from the Salisbury incident, Dr Robin Black who has just been replaced as head of the department had commented on Novichoks being engineered to be undetectable, two years ago. And the new people in the department seem under pressure from MI6 to blame Russia before going through the official rules, conventions and protocols that Dr Black would have insisted on. In fact before any evidence of what substance was even used. Doctors at Salisbury District Hospital say they are baffled by their symptoms and have no idea what substance they’ve been exposed to? Also of the 131 people identified as being exposed to the nerve agent, none has shown any symptoms, not even a doctor who spent half an hour touching the patients, unprotected, at the scene, and was the fourth person admitted to the Hospital, but never showed any symptoms at all, at any time.
Sergei Skripalâs handler, the MI6 agent Pablo Miller OBE was living in Salisbury, as is proven by its mention on his Linkedin Google search result page. Apart from the search results and images for Orbis, his Linkedin profile has been scrubbed from the Linkedin archive, but the information exists on old pages of the dark web which prove Pablo Millerâs links with Christopher Steele for the creation of the âTrump Dossierâ. It also says that he was awarded an OBE for service to British foreign policy as First Secretary at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. It then claims that he retired to Salisbury in February 2015. I also know that he graduated from Oxford University in 1982. The reference to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on the Google search results is a reference to the finding that he still works part-time for the Foreign Office on a contract basis from Salisbury.
Its now a bit like the Climate Change Hoax:
(1) No evidence of the warming properties of Carbon Dioxide have been published. No evidence of the active properties of Novichok have been published. (ebook-dl.com/downloadshort/15067)
(2) The IPCC says Carbon Dioxide warming is âvery likelyâ, Theresa May says Russia did it is âvery likelyâ
(3) An international groupthink consensus has been constructed to blame Carbon Dioxide. An international groupthink consensus has been constructed to blame Russia.
(4) Debate about the facts and Atmospheric Physics is being drowned out by articles and articles of Waffle about assumptions and speculation about the environment. Debate about the facts and chemical used is being drowned out by articles and articles of Waffle about assumptions and speculation about the Russians.
(5) Fake News Alarmism about Warming causing a reduction of life forms. But (1) Summer is more fruitful than Winter (2) The Day is more fruitful than the night (3) The Medieval Warm period was more fruitful than the Mini Ice Age. Fake News Alarmism about the Stockpiling of Novichoks. But (1) Novichoks are not difficult to make (2) Novichoks degrade easily (3) Not much is needed (4) Dangerous to store unless it has degraded (5) The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons wouldnât be able to prove that Novichoks are being stockpiled, anyway?
The Novichok agents are thought to be far more difficult to detect during manufacturing and far easier to manufacture covertly, because they can be made with common chemicals in relatively simple pesticide factories.
The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is the intergovernmental organisation overseeing the elimination of chemical weapons. In 2013, the organisationâs Scientific Advisory Board, did not recommend that novichoks should be added to its banned list, because there wasnât any evidence that they could be proven to exist.
So are the investigators in Salisbury eliminating those suspicious foreigners working at Porton Down? Are the investigators eliminating men who work at Porton Down with blond American wives, from their enquiries?
The Russian development of Novichok was in fact developed in the Soviet Union outside of Russia, and since 1991, Uzbekistan has been working with the CIA to dismantle the sites where the Novichok agents were tested and developed.
The âMotto of the Swampâ is âAccuse your enemy of that which you are guiltyâ
Richard, I have read your posting with interest, and most certainly support your Climate Change observations. But I have some reservations.
Have you inside knowledge of Porton Down that leads you to conclude that on a matter of consequence such as this, that they would deceive the public?
My understanding is that the US, UN and other countries investigated the matter before adding to the finger pointing at Russia. I.e. this is not merely reckless support.
The doctor may not have been infected but the police officer who attempted to treat them was affected. Having seen that the police officer was also stricken, might the doctor have donned gloves before he touched the patients?
ss, having seen paramedics in action, they are usually gloved and may well, in our winter with ‘flu’ still around, be masked as well.
RP “Also of the 131 people identified as being exposed to the nerve agent, none has shown any symptoms, not even a doctor who spent half an hour touching the patients, unprotected, at the scene, and was the fourth person admitted to the Hospital, but never showed any symptoms at all, at any time.”
As I pointed out elsewhere, ‘Novichoks- type’ nerve agents are said to decay and cannot be stored ready to use for any length of time – as I have been led to believe by one or more chemists commenting on BBC R4 in the middle of each of the past two weeks. If that is correct, that will apply even more to when these chemicals are exposed to air. In other words, they have a tiny ‘half-life’.
This is why some serious questioning needs to be applied by the BBC, other MSM to our politicians, as well as any investigating officers. There appear to be a notable lack of Press Conferences on this. That is interesting.
Several other mysteries and contradictions are arising out of this, including the stated destruction of evidence before the point of infection was apparently established, as stated by the BBC R4 1pm news yesterday. That contradicted other statements from some days previously.
I received an email from someone who claims that they have talked to people at Porton Down and the Hospital.
I suppose the doctor was not affected because she wasnât near any dry Novichok Powder. The degradation would be due to humidity. The Police Officer must have been in more direct contact with the original source of the Novichok powder before it was neutralised by water molecules. As far as I know, whatâs left of the powder cannot be proven to be Novichoks.
Richard, we do not know how it was administered. It has been assumed by the BBC that it was in spray form.
Do you have definite confirmation that these nerve agents are or can be powdered? If so, that might firm up the three joint suicide/Julia Skripal as assailant/Julia Skripal unwittingly carrying the nerve agent placed in her casein Moscow possibilities.
Skin to skin contact with recent victims of a nerve agent must be one reason for bio hazard suits for medical staff and investigators as well as the added advantage on non-contamination of a scene-of-crime.
Richard, I cannot remember now but was it Dr Black who was on the BBC R4 last week or the week before? Probably TWatO. They had someone ex-Porton on there.
” The âMotto of the Swampâ is âAccuse your enemy of that which you are guiltyâ Certain groups have that down to a T, including, at times, our beloved Beeb!
Radio Cambridge (BBC) News today kept repeating something about mosque charity community blah blah activities in Peterborough. Not sure of the details because I switch off as soon as I hear the word ‘mosque’. Anyway, as usual with this sort of news item, e.g. ‘visit a mosque day for infidels’ and being soppy about a new eco friendly mosque we are obviously supposed to be impressed by the piety and goodness of the muslims of Peterborough. Worryingly, some of the infidels of Peterborough must be taken in by all this.
This drip drip pro-islam content from numerous sources must be having some effect in the same way that advertising has an effect even if most people would deny that they are influenced in their purchasing habits.
Despairada – thatâs the problem – using the off switch for key words and subjects. The trouble is it doesnât go away – what can we do apart from speak of it in places live here – website willing .
Hello Fedup
I know I shouldn’t switch off so I can report in better detail but sometimes I can’t take it and it’s the only way to stop them polluting your brain.
Yes des – I ration myself to a maximum of 3 hours al Beeb output a day when Iâm not engaged elsewhere and leaving out the Toady programme as much as possible.
Hard to believe that the State broadcaster has just become modelled on Goebells tactic of infusing nazism into everything – al Beeb does the same with its multiculturalist Brexit view.
The Listening Project on Sunday afternoon, Radio 4. A transgender person talking to their parents about their change. It is not the difficulties of transgenders themselves that I am complaining of here (that is not BBC bias), this is at least the second transgender appearing on the Listening Project that I know of. I don’t know what proportion of the population is transgender but the BBC does seem obsessed with it.
Caught a bit of Ant and Decs show, where their audience are whooping and hollering to George Ezra-who, to my knowledge has NO Irish roots.
Yet there they all are-plastic paddies, Guinness and shillelaghs in hands, green felt hats and all.
This to me is “cultural appropriation”. Only po-faced Oirish lesbians like Orla Guerin , celtic queens like Mrs Browns cast members should be mocking, patronising and condescending to the Irish. Not a couple of pint sized Geordies with personal issues( yes, maybe one of them IS Irish in heritage, but Geordies have no Irish links…really)
To top this, BBC Parliament booted off Leo Varadkhars speech to Trump, mid-sentence so we could get Stephen Sackur-Shyte and his awful Blowhard talk show.
3pm earlier…oh the humanity.
Isn`t that racist? they didn`t kick the yanks off, just our/wor gay Indian Taoiseach.
Never cared once-but like now to skewer the BBC with their own internal madnesses and hypocrisies. Overworked, should be better paid work.
A reasonable camera angle and audio on Tommy’s speech
jump to minute 24 it’s about 6 mins
He read @Martin_Sellner’s speech.
then TR “Hey you Muslims here today, I will be back here next week 3pm for 8 hours, and I will debate with each and everyone of you”
Antifa around on the edges ..trying to make trouble
Speakers corner allows 5 mins and NO microphones
And here:
Yep that is Tommy’s own camera so a touch better
@WeshmanGB’s camera is about 1 ft behind so captures a a bit more of the crowd
The noise was such that the other dozens of livestreams didn’t get get great sound
Extra info
Before staring TR mentioned the 4 conservatives banned including thr one deported this morning (Lutz Bachmann, founder of the PEGIDA movement has been detained and deported from the UK.)
Then he read @Martin_Sellnerâs speech.
After 7 mins Tommy’s security team lead him back thru crowd/antifa to their transit van, away safely to the traffic lights.
In the Home Office’s mind they have had a big win
By banning Lutz Bachmann, they have stopped him going to Speakers’ corner and reading out @Martin_Sellnerâs speech
That’s what i says in their letter they gave to Lutz Bachmann
Somehow they came to think Lutz Bachmann was going to read the speech , that Tommy had said he would be reading all this week.
So HO have deported a guy , to stop a speech being read out, that was read out anyways ans will get more publicity in Germany because of their banning actions.
Report of the event and full text of Martin Sellner’s speech now on Breitbart
Some good comments too.
Tommy`s a brave man, but what the hell have we come to in this country?
This could end very badly. If you force freedom onto the streets , then we`ll see that it`s a double edged sword and will be bringing back the 30s.
And all so needless, just no courage from the elites, effete and limp wristed token efforts at keep the peace and creating conditions where free born English people can speak freely in public.
If we`re relying on the Tories, we`re in deep schtuck. Cable Street will be a picnic, and these days people will die. All because the left and liberals prefer that to letting our people speak freely to us, as they used to.
Developing in Spain now –
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If youâre looking for comedy tonight –
Try RT where they are pretending to run an election-it has echoes of the brexit referendum night on al beeb . Apparently President Putin wonât need the removal van in the morning .
Be interesting if he plays hard or soft on the Poisoning incident . Suppose he ll play hard as apparently they like a tough leader . Blighty would like a hard leader but with the exception of John McDonald or Liam Fox the political is conventionally wet ( no offence JRM).
As I write mr Putin on 74 and a communist on 13 per cent . No doubt the other opposition will be politically or actually dead in a bit
RT is also saying the election computer is under cyber attack . Nice touch .
Thank you – very interesting website – especially that bit about Blighty spending a million dollars building a prison wing in Nigeria with British taxpayers â money to hold Nigerian prisoners ( presumably the usual drug mules and fraudsters ).
Always surprised how easily governments spend other people s money when there is so much need at home .
Fed – have you ever seen Milton Friedman’s categories for obtaining the best value for money spent?
Yes I have and I grasp the potential cost saving but we shouldnât have these people in the first place . Or favour my capital punishment remedy. Sure would keep the prison population down and be cost effective. Milton would love it .