On their website they describe Mueller as ‘highly regarded.’ By whom exactly? Sounds like a vile swamp dweller to me. They just cannot resist telling you what to think. Everything has to be ‘framed’; editing is always snide and selective; countless hate facts memory holed; one side given vastly disproportionate coverage.
This style of ‘journalism’ still packs a punch but many will get their news from multiple sources and soon learn how utterly full of sh*t the MSM is. Brexit and Trump were in part a rejection of the MSM’s lies and their mendaciousness has only got worse since those seismic events. Trump’s counter punches have really hit home; how tactically brilliant he is for using now social media and thereby bypassing and emasculating the MSM. Even my totally unintellectual and apolitical friend was saying he cannot trust the BBC. They have all the power and money, but we have truth.
The internet by nature is extremely resilient against authoritarians seeking to clip our wings. So often by attempting to ban material they only amplify the message, the so-called Streisand effect. The sheer fact that everyone has a camera phone and social media makes it virtually impossible for them to censor effectively.
Soon they will be seen as just slightly irritating background noise, like the drooling lunatic in the corner at a party; or just the plain, boring person nobody wants to speak to – God how many abject ‘news’ stories on the BBC about hurt feelings, minor health issues et alia ad nauseam?
They are akin the black and white television in an age of colour. We are they future – the bold rebels in chat rooms online eviscerating their narratives.
Wealthy Families in the Islamic world are paying traffickers to take children away and send them to Britain. Caring Liberal politicians in Britain want to bring the loving families back together by bringing the caring parents to Britain. It’s the only way Liberals can think of getting families back together in places like Telford and Doncaster. Don’t those caring Liberals just love traditional families?
Sorry – it’s on the same ‘banned’ list as feedback , media show , world at one , now show , news quiz ,
Any alleged albeeb comedy less that 10 years old – the list goes on. I suppose the likes of the departed Maxi could argue I have no right to consume since I don’t pay but actually if I could morally pay i would .
I’d say that POTW csn depend on the presenter who is choosing the clips
but since radio4 is like an SJW bookshop, most of the items they pick will be of the SJW agenda.
@Fedup2 said ” no right to consume since I don’t pay”
well you did pay until BBC World Service becomes 100% licence payer funded
and a tiny fraction of your tax money gets to the BBC via the EU
#3 You do pay in that BBC enjoys privileged access to the airwaves market. If you were to start a “conservative TV station” you’d have to a kind of tax to to access the Freeview airwaves .
Stew, the presenter doesn’t actually choose the clips. Sunday’s presenter, Anna Foster, was honest enough to draw attention to that fact but the BBC still present the programme as being the presenter’s choice of the previous week’s BBC Radio.
That is the dishonesty that I object to.
Apart from the fact of the actual misrepresentation, I think it represents the start of a slippery slope where the BBC becomes a propaganda tool (of its own choosing) in peacetime.
UK teacher wins global best teacher prize
Andria Zafirakou, who teaches art and textiles in a Brent secondary school, has won a prize worth $1m (£720,000).
Stunned and excited, the secondary school (high school) teacher began her speech saying, “Wow!”
She thanked her parents, who were in the audience, saying with laughter: “The Greek family have arrived.”
The Global Teacher Prize was awarded in a star-studded ceremony in Dubai on Sunday hosted by Trevor Noah of the “Daily Show”. Other celebrities present included Hollywood star Charlize Theron and Indian actress Priyanka Chopra.
Racing driver Lewis Hamilton, Olympic champion Mo Farah, former US vice president Al Gore and former UK prime minister Tony Blair were part of the event honouring the north London teacher.
In her acceptance speech, she said schools should be “safe havens” and called for greater recognition for the value of arts subjects in school.
She warned of “deprivation” and “tough lives” where “children may not eat well because their lunch boxes are empty”.
But she said school could make a great positive difference – particular through creative subjects.
“Too often we neglect this power of the arts to actually transform lives, particularly in the poorest communities.”
I mean-there`s never been Greeks in London until this lady came along has there?
As if Palmers Green and Harringay have had no Greek , Turk or Cypriot families before.
Typical vain glorious public sector show pony . If the State think you`re their poster child, chances re you`re a Deep State toady. No doubt she`ll get the week off, give her precious kids some non-English speaking TA to dole out the worksheets and poster paper. And then moan about white pensioners despoiling Gaia with their selfish climate change junkets as she heads home for the end of term. But her airmiles are saving the planet. Like Madonnas.
How stupid and self serving ARE the elect these days? Is there any stronger word that “hypocrite” out there?…to Lineker perhaps?
Amongst her achievements were making sure the children could get to school in safety .
Where’s this ? Mogadishu , Kabul , Columbia ?
No. North London ! What is the danger ?
19:46 BBC1 ‘It’s the Muslims who are saving the British sheep industry’*
say’s Countryfile’s Tom Doom-monger Heap
4 min seg around a Muslim family dinner table
‘So are you happy with stunning halal meat”
..”oh yes says Mr”
..They never mentioned that not all Muslims would say Yes
Part 2
Tom is laying on the Brexit doom
Farmer “If we don’t get an EU trade deal “…. The quote Tom wanted
* Heap :”Muslims make up only 5% of the population but eat 20% of the lamb/mutton”
1 we haven’t got chemical weapons
2 if it was a military attack they’d be dead
3 why do it in the run up to the election
4 why do it in the run up to the World Cup
My note – any Engerland supporter thinking of going to the World Cup Must Be Mad – travel insurance must be obscene .
Interesting press con – no yanks no frogs , no British . Nonbeauties
How devoid are the programme planners on the BBC of new ideas? Saturday nights for several years have been short of anything that might resemble entertainment and always aimed at the ‘kids’.
Well having see the trailers there seems to have been a u turn Brucie may have gone but he is not forgotten. The most original idea has been to turn the clock back.. the Generation Game is returning and the programme makers appear to be unable to even think of any new games as the ones on the trailers have all been done before. 20 years ago at least ? Why not just save the money and play the repeats.
Maybe we will get changes. I assume that at least 20% of the guests will have to be BME, there will be several couples with their same sex husbands or wives and at least a couple of transgenders per series.
Now what will they do to the games? Perhaps put on a map a marker where different refugees come from; putting on a sari; guessing passages from the Koran, etc etc. I watched celebrity bake off today on Channel 4 and the praise heaped on the young black chap (no idea who the celebrity was) compared to the others was embarrassing but will be the same for any black contestants on new Generation Game.
Timed assembly of an ak47
Building a suicide vest
Find the ied
Throat cutting
Making a suicide video
Filling out asylum forms
Claim that benefit ……. brilliant . The degeneration game .
I suggest ‘Taqiyya Pick’ . In this variant of the old game show ‘Take your pick’, Islamic contestants compete to mislead infidels. The most ingenious liar gets a choice of 10 numbered boxes, the star prize being an all-expenses-paid Haj pilgimage. The booby prize, of course, is the ‘telling porkies’ pork pie.
I am thinking of a panel game. The panel would consist of mainstream politicians and BBC/MSM journalists. We could have film clips showing various murders using either a Kalashnikov or a throat cutting whilst simultaneously shouting for Alans snack bar at the top of their voices
The panel has to guess what all the murderers have in common.
The name of the game “Sorry I haven’t a clue”
AND I’ve read that one of the instigators of many tv game shows is none other than……… Richard Osman, the other half on Pointless. He works/owns one of the successful production companies who are responsible for a lot of the dross we see.
Yes, it’s a great pity that we won the cold war. Who knows maybe Vladimir Vladimirovich would have been posted to England rather than Germany and have become our Veliki Vozhd. I can imagine him riding through the streets of London, bare-chested on his charger keeping order with his Cossacks. They sorted out Pussy Riot and I’m sure Owen “pretty boy” Jones wouldn’t be so cocky after a palpatio per anum with a nogaika.
My personal favorite is the other Vladimir, Vladimir Zhirnovsky.
He makes Putin look like a nancy boy. Strong leader my arse.
In a 2003 video, drunk Zhirinovsky threatened George W. Bush in flowery language. He called the United States a “second-hand goods store” filled with “cocksuckers, handjobbers, and faggots,” and claimed that Russian scientists are able to change the gravitational field of the Earth and sink the entire country. In the video Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky and Condoleezza Rice are also mentioned. Zhirinovsky calls Condoleezza Rice: “a black whore who needs a good cock. Send her here, one of our divisions will make her happy in the barracks one night. She will choke on Russian sperm as it will be leaking out of her ears… until she crawls to the US embassy in Moscow on her knees.”
In the wake of the February 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor, Zhirinovsky was quoted by the Russian International News Agency as claiming “It’s not meteors falling, it’s the test of a new weapon by the Americans.” At the same time, he derided the Russian Academy of Sciences for anarchism, having scientists that are so old that their brains and reproductive organs don’t work any longer, and told the “elders” to go home and collect their pensions.
I enjoyed watching him on Russian chat shows. If anyone disrespected him he would throw water over them or give them a good slapping. If only Theresa May would show backbone like this to the EU. Even Laughing Boy Farage would be happy.
He only got 6% in the election – I was gutted.
BBC tv news this morning spins the agenda carousel once more. Cars running amok but fear not, it’s not suspicious, nothing to do with terrorism and absolutely nothing whatever to do with the bad habit established by followers of a certain middle eastern cult. Yet more Putin bashing, NHS underfunding (but not over demands) and some notion that the decline in our local newspapers (nothing to do with the BBC, obviously) is causing… wait for it… fake news ! Quite what the connection is here is never explained but the BBC get the chance to parrot the phrase fake news several times over. I think they mean any news not approved by the BBC. Anyway, have to end this post now, I hear the Illuminati are taking over the local parish council…
The program is described as “Cameras follows those who have come to the UK from abroad and have no option but to turn to the council for housing. They include Florin, his wife and their five children who have relocated from Romania for a better life in Britain but, without a home or a job, they face the prospect of having to sleep rough. Viewers also meet Monika from Poland and her Ugandan husband Frederick who have fallen behind on their rent and are now facing eviction.”
A family of seven Romanians presented themselves at the borders of this country, without a job or a home, “looking for a better life” and we let them in and give them a home and benefits.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the fantasy land inhabited by C4 and Cathy Newman, the NHS is in crisis due to unprecedented pressure from an aging population.
Perhaps next week the BBC will look at those of the indigenous population, desperately hunting for a council house, that they and their parents and grandparents have paid for. Then move onto those low waged and unemployed people who have seen thousands of immigrants move into their town pushing up the price of rents whilst hammering down the level of wages for the unskilled.
Even in the 70’s there was a waiting list for council property – I was newly engaged – (a criteria in those days) and we got a flat after 18 months wait. It was the Right to Buy days and so began the mystery of what was happening to the money that councils received from these sales, cos sure as hell it wasn’t in new council builds. In fact I was dead against the system, because l could see a time when there would be no stock left for future generations – HOW RIGHT WAS I ??? both working with no children we lived in the flat for 18 years, and I refused to succumb to the ethos of buying until the ridiculous situation emerged, that the mortgage repayment would be far cheaper than the rent ! My husband called time on my beliefs and we bought the flat. Yes, as a result of that move I now own a very nice house, but selling off literally thousands of properties during that period coupled with the influx of migrants, has caused the housing shortage; and I’m still no wiser as to where all those millions went that the councils coined in throughout the country.
I would pay men and women tennis players in proportion according to the ticket applications for their respective Wimbledon semi finals and finals.
But only if the women play the best of 5 sets.
MM, thank you for the top pic. I have used it on Youtube comment threads to expose the BBC denial that it photoshopped a picture of Corbyn wearing a Russian hat.
From some of the comments I have received my guess is that there are a few wearing a tinfoil hat much the same.
How do I know that the great man, Tommy Robinson, had a successful result at his speakers corner speech yesterday?
Nothing at all on the bbc news.
If it had been a low attendance or there had been any trouble which could be blamed on the ‘far extreme right’ (you and me) then it would have been lead item.
Meanwhile on Radio5
#5liveYourCall with Nicky. Do lads need dads?
(May be a worthy tag ..but why’s it taken so long to do it ?
Something to do with the way ‘wimmin’s issues dominte ? BBC thinking)
???? 08085 909 693 ???? 85058 Facebook
We’ve had a huge response to this from you this morning – it’s after we spoke to a woman who’s set up a project which matches up male mentors to boys with absent fathers.
She says it’s not about giving the boys a dad, but about giving them a male role model.
fathers vs dads
..a caller replied “The first one is a sperm donor, the second is a dad”
(his point was that a stepdad is better than a perpetual absent father)
…That just completely shutup Nicky Campbell for a whole minute
As a bit of an —olygist and living in londonistan I pay attention to the level of crime . The recent homicide rate for Greater Londonistan is 100 per year – ish- I m trying to work out how many are dead already this year – my guess is about 40. So doing really well eh?
My point here is albeebs non interest in this slaughter. Instead they spent a full 4 minutes on Toady this morning talking about the gun laws of a foreign country – America – and the 2nd amendment .
So which subject is most relevant to Blighty – yanks and their guns or this level of killing and attacks in greater Londonistan.
I really don’t understand the denial. Is it a Muslim labour mayor? Is it that they do t care about who is dying ? It’s actually beyond the issue of bias .
Please don’t get me wrong – I believe in the death penalty- care less about street criminals and would close the border and deport thousands and more who don’t deserve or have the right to be in Blighty . …
Simple fact is that islam has no regard whatever for life. Never has and never will. When the time comes, when they get to about 20% of the population and the savagery starts it will be all plain to see. By then, of course, it will be too late to do anything and, not only that, I’ll be dead anyway.
” When the time comes, when they get to about 20% of the population and the savagery starts it will be all plain to see. By then, of course, it will be too late to do anything and, not only that, I’ll be dead anyway.”
G, sorry to hear that the doctors have given you less than a year to live.
@Fedup2 Jeez the R4Today is not some kind of truth seeker, rather look at it as the PR office of some kind of libEstablishment political party.
Each morning the news comes in, they throw everything they don’t like into Room 101, and then anything useful for their agenda they start moulding the narrative and broadcast it
..that’s why certain voices eg Paul Mason, Diane Abbott are on speed dial
and others like James Delingpole , Melanie Phillips are never let into the studio.
Murdermap lists 26 murders in 2018
and 128 in 2017 (thats 2.5 each week) http://www.murdermap.co.uk/investigate.asp
Latest in 2018 :
2018-03-12 » Russian businessman found strangled: Nikolay Glushkov
2018-03-05 » Croydon stabbing: Kelva Smith
2018-03-01 » Hammersmith stabbing: Christopher Beaumont
2018-02-25 » Greenwich assault: Jozef Boci
2018-02-20 » Two dead in Kentish Town: Abdikarim Hassan and
The BBC and other outlets are bemoaning the fact that Vladimir Putin has been re-elected by a landslide, issuing identical prepared ‘news’ reports with reports of fraud and underhand electoral practices. But are they not missing the obvious here? Surely Mr Putin has only won because of interference in the elections by the Americans, acting on the personal instructions of Donald Trump, as a sort of thank you for Putin’s own assistance in getting him elected in 2016? With most Russians calling out for a diminished role for their country, the abandonment of their military capability, increased austerity, the resurrection of dead spies, concerts in churches by Pussy Riot plus the wholescale adoption of Western-style liberal values, what other explanation is there for it?
Why the fuss over Putin, who we knew would win in the absence of any EU money, media slurs and banning his only worthwhile candidate?
It`s as if we here didn`t do the same to Griffin or Farage in our more devious ways. But we did.
And-given that ITALYS election matters far more to us, says lots more to us about the European culture-and we have BBC hacks in Rome on standby with overtime running? Wouldn`t you have thought that last weeks Italian elections merited much more coverage than Russias?
Or were they the wrong results for the BBC and EU?
This is what I believe is called a “rhetorical question”. This blog is an Educating Rita style of Open University. A Freind Dropping In, not out !
Bells gone.
I have just seen examples of election officials stuffing ballot papers given as evidence of Putin fixing the election. That got me thinking of a strange conundrum. How do our “journalists” know that the stuffing is votes for Putin? If they do know this how do they know unless they put them there themselves? (philosophical question).
The BBC did not report on Tommy Robinson at Speaker’s Corner but have this outside their BBC building …
”If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. I’m proud those words now adorn BBC HQ’ – Nick Robinson
"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear". I’m proud those words now adorn BBC HQ pic.twitter.com/CbH1taRugF
The truth is more “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to keep schtum about important things, keep the viewers and listeners in the dark, like mushrooms, and just feed them the bullshit we want them to see, or hear, which is largely fake and tainted with our own opinions. That way, the sheeple will all think OUR way, and manipulation would be so much easier”.
Ah… But..let the record show they put something, albeit so obscure as to be useless, on a home page for an hour or so… then ditched it for something equally vague… then moved on.
Since becoming the world’s first robotic citizen, Sophia has been putting her passport to good use. At SXSW, she (robot citizen of Saudi Arabia) commented (apparently by mistake) that she wanted to destroy humankind. She received her own set of legs and took her first steps. And she declared that she wants to use her unique position to fight for women’s rights in the Gulf nation.
I used to love the World Service programmes on through the night on Radio 4; ‘The Forum’ where academics discussed prime numbers or an obscure book about grass was a particular favourite.
Last night they had an interview with Doreen Lawrence and the founder of Black Lives Matter from a London event called ‘Black Women’s Equality’ or something. The BLM founder has written a book about being accused of being a terrorist, which seems fair as her group riot, loot and incited the murder of five Police officers one weekend. Your typical ultra SJW vomit fest – wallowing in narrative, emotion and victimhood.
Doreen Lawrence was asked what the legacy of her son’s case was. Well, in part it is the lawlessness we see all around now as post Macpherson’s wretched report they are too afraid of being called ‘racist’ to enforce the law. Minorities have suffered hugely as we see almost daily, but Telford et alia happened as well. It politicised the Police – how many billions have they squandered on ‘diversity’ training? It is incumbent on ‘communities’ to obey the law, not for the Police to apply different rules to different groups. Is law and order better now? No it is worse than ever.
Who decided we should have this nonsense on instead of academics discussing prime numbers? Is it some ‘equality’ tsar? Surely minority groups are just as bored and annoyed by this nonsense as anyone else. Who wants the insights of a hate group like BLM? Are black people only interested in ‘Police brutality’? Of course not.
As we approach the year they have planned to have ‘peak diversity’ by their output is often becoming unbearable. It is almost as if the content and character of a programme is more important than the the gender or skin colour or gender of those producing it.
Good thinking BB. i`m finding myself to be quite the little intellectual these days, now that the BBC does all my thinking for me.
I got my cue from the Feedback last week. Tom Shakespeare was quite right to tell us why “going forward” is such a sinister, life denying cliche. His semiotics and linguistics were possibly correct, if only I`d been taught any English at school or uni. Thankfully I`m primary P.E so don`t need it now!
But I got to thinking-why hasn`t he chosen words like “appropriate”, “austerity” “Deep State” “Fake News” “cause for concern” etc…”terrorism” even?
This brought me to Raymond Tallis and his takedown of the New Lefts use of words to stir up , to jemmy or otherwise bring home their Cultural Revolution.
Michael Rosen confirmed all I`m doing with his critique of “MeToo” that`s just been on. It`s a jemmy word-consciousness raising tactic to mobilise his core supporters, bypassing the rest of us…like solidarity, xenophobia etc.
Getting the girls round tonight-Rosen is doing “Prophets Of Doom” tomorrow, and I think we`ll be able to predict what WE think-as opposed to what the BBCs Rosen will be saying.
Good game, good game…thank you BBC for being so dumb, obvious and nasty. Allows me to come here and think in my free period like today.
Only 12 days before we lose our Licence-can I buy a celebratory card to mark this, should we give each other medals? I`m Harriet Beecher Stowe and Rosa Parks rolled into one, with a nice rose and halal pork pie to come!
“Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed (Tommy Robinson at Speaker’s Corner): everything else is public relations (Russia and Corbyn’s Hat).”
Where were you Owen Jones when the fight for free speech was taking place? Most of us were sat behind keyboards … hoping … Jacob was in the middle of it …
If I were that Global Teaching Poppet( Best Platonic Teacher since Muhammad in 572) currently getting her nails buffed in Dubai as her kids learn crap in Brent?
I`d get somebody clever to read out to her recent award winners who turn out to have “disappointed”.
1. Barak Obama. Nobel Peace Prize 2008. For -well being half white I suppose, he`d done nothing to get it-and did nothing to justify him ever getting it in the first place.
2. Maureen Connolly-Baby Ps mother-who with her partner won a Parenting Certificate from Haringey in the very week where they killed little Peter.
3. Ahmed Hassan-who used his £20 gift certificate from Weybridge College( “Student of the Year” 2017) to buy his “Mother of Satan” priming chemical. For his Lidl Bag Bomb left at Parsons Green.
Whether it was chemistry or metalwork he was rewarded for isn`t said by the College. Cross curricular, joined up thinking perhaps for OFSTED?
I`ll not include the Oscar balls ups, the endless awards for being a lefty luvvy 24/7. Jimmy Savile, Kevin Spacey etc.
But these “awards” would be mocked and called out if anybody was doing their job in comedy today. How much WILL Stephen Hawkings wheelchair get for scrap is not even on their radar.
Of course everyone is close knit and on first name terms; they all hail from the same small area of Pakistan. This piece reeks of irony; only the BBC could publish this with a straight face.
Considering just about every Muslim male is called Mohammed and every Muslim female is called Alisha you can assume you know everyone by their first name!
Al Jazeera yesterday had a strapline about a “Big March In London” that was to stop racism and fascism.
Shall I assume that it was those muppets trying to bully and silence Tommy Robinson from reading a speech in Hyde Park? Can I also assume that any reputational damage was done to the Antifa/Islamist side of things?
Because I heard absolutely NOTHING about this seismic “Free Speech Rally” at Speakers Corner on the BBC. We all know if it could have been shown to put Robinson in the dock, they`d have made it headline news. So epic fail for the BBC, and thanks for never mentioning any of this again eh?
Maybe BBC £3.5 billion News Service can report on MP expenses again …. it’s been a long time since 2009 when Tony Blair accidentally dropped his expenses in a shredder … maybe MP David Lammy can tell the public where his free £650 all expenses paid using Tax Payer money bike is now? On ebay? Does he cycle to work everyday come rain or snow?
If he does not use the Lammy bike then he is not spending the publics money wisely ….
Dig deep into the BBC and under all the noise you will find … 1000 child abuses denied justice over 40 years … BBC are still pushing it away like it has the smell of BBC’s Jimmy Savile …
BBC Home page – no.
BBC News page – no.
BBC UK Page – no.
BBC England page – no.
BBC Region page (Shropshire) – yes.
Telford’s opposition councillors demand an urgent meeting to discuss an inquiry into child grooming.
2 hours ago (19mar2018 @ 12:00)
(Full article Call for child abuse inquiry meeting)
. . .
They want the Labour-run authority to fund and establish a review immediately.
It comes after Telford MP Lucy Allan said more victims of historic sexual exploitation were coming forward.
The government’s told the council that Telford will be covered by the national Jay Inquiry but critics say that’s not enough.
Somewhat belatedly I read a piece by Lucy Allan in the Sunday Telegraph today. In it she reveals that when she became MP for Telford in 2015 she was assured that the investigation was complete by bothe council and by the police. It was when women and girls came to her surgery and told her that rapes were still occurring and some of the gang had never even been charged that she realised the problem was still there. She demanded an inquiry but got nowhere because the Telford council would not agree! So there we have it , there can only be an inquiry if one of major bodies that ought to be in the dock agree to it. That is the most corrupt thing I have heard. Anyway after keeping up the pressure she finally won and the inquiry is going to happen. Well done Lucy Allan.
But I have severe doubts as to how open it will be , about how honest the police and council will be , about how much political correctness will be allowed to influence the findings. In short unless many more Muslims are convicted, unless many council officials are sent to prison along with senior police officers, I will believe that much has been covered up. Such is my faith in the British state which I was once happy to put my trust in.
Remember that the previous week end both the BBC and the Times had refused to cover this story. They were trying to cover it up and would have succeeded if it weren’t for the Sunday Mirror. I still find it mystifying that it takes a Tory MP and the Sunday Mirror to uncover something like this.
Political scum and the BBC
have taken my country away from me.
They’ve broken democracy, knelt to Islam,
condoned rape of children and spurned Uncle Sam.
They worshipped Obama, he was ‘good at killing’
and put in their pockets the EU’s schilling.
I was proud of my culture, my people, my land
so they branded me racist and took from my hand
the soil I’d been given, my right to a nation,
and gave me instead the word ‘globalisation’.
No value, no meaning, no home to defend,
No idea to believe in, no family, no friend.
Now I weep for a Europe becoming insane
condemned to destroy itself over again
by technocrat media, fascists and others
who seek to extinguish what’s dear to their brothers.
It’s their speech that’s hate speech, their racism’s clear
delivered in fake news: the politics of fear.
BREAKING: UK told by the EU they can have the cake, but will have to provide all the ingredients, cook it themselves to the recipe supplied by the EU bureaucracy and then give 80% back to the EU. The EU will then give the cake away to other countries but say it was all from the EU.
The foster parents of the Parson Green Tube bomber say they have no idea what turned the quiet asylum seeker into someone who wanted to kill rush hour commuters.
May I suggest that in future you have a good look at the name and place of origin of the child you are about to foster?
The clue could be in the name Ahmed Hussan from Iraq.
– Surely the company that sent the the guy to Mexico should cover these costs?
– Why isn’t Gary ‘£1.75m+Crisps+BT Sports’ Lineker stepping forward and donating all the money required?
Russell Brand: Society is collapsing (panic)
Russell Brand marries partner Laura Gallacher (marry a rich lady)
Russell Brand: If I helped Jeremy Corbyn that’s great (I love men who sit on a train floor and complain)
Strange that we’ve not seen this story on Al Beeb. Wonder why?
Jeremy Corbyn’s drive for tolerance ‘gave platform to extremists’
A campaign against Islamophobia launched in parliament by Jeremy Corbyn gave a platform to supporters of jihad, a report claims today.
Islamophobia Awareness Month (Iam), which was celebrated in council buildings, universities and schools, featured extremist speakers. The campaign promoted the views of Cage, the pressure group that once described Mohammed Emwazi — Jihadi John — as having been a “beautiful young man”.
Mr Corbyn was joined by Stephen Kinnock, the Labour MP, Lord Paddick, the Liberal Democrat peer, and fellow parliamentarians for the launch of Iam on November 1.
The launch organisers were Muslim Engagement and Development (Mend), a lobbying organisation whose senior figures included a campaigner who supported killing British soldiers and whose activists have made statements regarded as anti-Jewish. Mend denies being antisemitic.
The campaign gave mainstream respectability to “individuals with a high-profile extremist history”, according to the Henry Jackson Society think tank in a new report Profiting from Prejudice: How Mend’s ‘IAM’ Campaign Legitimised Extremism.
The hate preacher Shakeel Begg starred at an event for Iam at Deptford Lounge, a community centre owned by the London borough of Lewisham. The evening was arranged by the Stand Up to Racism campaign. Mr Begg was found by a judge to be an extremist for saying that violence in support of Islam would constitute a man’s greatest deed and for endorsing a fatwa that it is a religious duty for Muslims to be hostile to, or hate, non-Islamic states.
The Henry Jackson Society said: “For all events that take place on public property, the local authority is required under the prevent duty guidance to ensure that its premises do not provide a platform for extremists or for the dissemination of extremist views.
“With this in mind, it was particularly concerning that Lewisham council’s Deptford Lounge hosted Shakeel Begg, who has promoted violent jihad and been declared ‘an extremist Islamic speaker who espouses extremist Islamic positions’ by a High Court judge.”
Janet Daby, the Lewisham councillor responsible for community safety, told The Times: “Council-owned buildings are open to community groups to use for events that encourage dialogue on important issues such as antiracism.”
Moazzam Begg, the outreach director of Cage, a former detainee at Guantanamo Bay and outspoken critic of the “war on terror”, was among the most frequent speakers at Iam events. He has defended jihad. He addressed students at Aston University School of Languages and Social Sciences on “Counterterrorism and Islamophobia”. Mr Begg’s fellow speaker at Aston was Malia Bouattia, former president of the National Union of Students.
Aston University said that the speakers were “prominent critics of current counterterrorism policy and as such highly relevant to the discussion”.
Mr Begg and Ms Bouattia joined forces as guests of the Islamic society at the School of African and Oriental Studies (Soas) in London. Soas said: “This specific event was legal and the speakers at it are not banned or proscribed by government.”
Mend said it was proud of its efforts to tackle Islamophobia and that it had not organised any of the events described.
There is a slimy little piece of Taqiya (or lying) that I see cropping up these days, often on al beeb and always unquestioned. It goes something like this: not all muslims are terrorist murderers, therefore terrorism has nothing to do with islam.
A recent variation of this was after the Telford revelations, when some muslim spokesman said about the mostly pakistani muslim paedo rapsists / traffickers / pimps / murderers: “I don’t think there is a link to their heritage because most people from their background don’t commit these sort of acts.”
See the false logic there? That’s like saying ‘all clouds don’t produce rain, so rain has nothing to do with clouds’. Or ‘all Nazis didn’t murder Jews so the Holocaust has nothing to do with Nazism’.
PS. He added: “The vast majority of people find their actions reprehensible, including the communities from which they originate.” Do they really? Or do they think, ‘the white infidel whores were asking for it’?
This is a standard tactic of the progressives to normalise the statistically unlikely, and demand that everyone gets on board with their crazy non-logic.
It could be anything – eg let’s say there’s one sole disabled wimmin engineer and from that they extrapolate that all disabled woman are crying out to be engineers but are obviously oppressed by the patriarchy.
Or they cite a black person cropping up in a Tudor era painting and decide that the UK has always had thousands of ethnics since time immemorial. And if you don’t accept that you’re racist.
We notice there’s a pattern regarding child abuse and terrorism from a certain community – but there’s no way that can possibly be true, and if you do think it you should be locked up.
I suppose schoolkids might buy it, not knowing any different – but this kind of nonsense is regularly peddled in the mainstream media as well.
“I don’t think there is a link to their heritage because most people from their background don’t commit these sort of acts.”
Is it these people who the muslim spokesman was referring to? https://www.geo.tv/latest/176272-up-to-11-child-sexual-abuse-cases-reported-in-pakistan-every-day-report.
This news item from Pakistan could be an example of, the facts being the same but the locations are different. Could be the local Rochdale news paper headlines.
But hey, what about the other muslim groups……….
They claim that most of the community are not perps.
There is a claim that MOST people in their community do nothing to dob perps in (Saira Khan)
and that is due to the culture of the community.
… Honourable exceptions are the people who did take the risk of coming forward.
Only one answer break it up and have at least five companies in hot competition with each other. Sucker is a liberal leftist trying to control what we can see and hear.
Have never done arsebook, – never wanted others to know my business, and I was never interested in seeing someone’s breakfast (now widely shown on Instagram), so I’m safe. Don’t do online banking either, toooooo dangerous !
So HMG has agreed a transition up to 2020 with the EU reich. I just hope it is clear – and made clear to remainers that we are out in March 2019 and if the UK for some daft reason wants to rejoin we will be treated as a new member and not business as usual . Of course if that happened it’s goid bye £.
“Brexit: All you need to know about the UK leaving the EU” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-32810887
I think there’s more “we need to know” but Al Beeb has not been telling us the whole truth.
IMHO We should have left in June 2016!
That’s what we voted for, unfortunately the ‘Cabinet’ is full of remainers dragging their feet until the next General Election.
The WAO radio 4 said that the police did not consider this a terrorist incident – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-43456736
“A man has been charged with attempted murder after a car was driven into a busy nightclub. At least 13 people were injured when a Suzuki Vitara was driven into Blake’s in Gravesend, Kent, at about 23:50 GMT on Saturday.”
One, Mohammed Abdul has ben charged.
Arthur Harriott, 39, claimed in an interview yesterday with The Telegraph that he had been victimised by Thameslink, his employer, because his confrontation with Mrs Blair had damaged the train company’s image.
Anyone else think that Andrew Marr was pusillanimous in his interview of the Russian ambassador?
As the Telegraph put it: “Just watch Andrew Marr’s softball questioning of Russia’s EU ambassador on the BBC yesterday. He was bereft of facts with which to confront his interviewee’s lies. The truth is the West has become lazy.”
Or perhaps he was just scared of suddenly catching a mysterious illness.
Another epic, prominent article about lessons learned over Worboys. Just mention him a hundred times and mention the mass, gang rape by ‘Asians’ once if at all then nobody will notice? They are echoing the language used with Rotherham et cetera, as if by pointing at a squirrel they might make us mistake it for a 4000 tonne elephant.
They just have a crack team trawling the courts to find any white sex offenders. For any white men after the wrong sort of fame now would be a perfect time to indulge some dark desires. You would have endless films, features and interviews about you; you would probably get an OBE for ‘services to narrative.’
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
ZelazekMar 3, 23:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeff – exactly. They hate Trump no matter what. Their reasons will appear illogical and contradictory over time. This hatred…
tomoMar 3, 23:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Still no mention on the BBC… https://twitter.com/SilvioTattiscon/status/1896703407672668183 Even given the Daily Mail’s hyperbolising it’s pretty crazy… https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14282399/French-theatre-bankruptcy-250-African-migrants-refused-leave-remain-building.html
JohnCMar 3, 23:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Two dead after car drives into crowd in Germany https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cvge70y4q91o Damn those cars : when will they stop driving into…
On their website they describe Mueller as ‘highly regarded.’ By whom exactly? Sounds like a vile swamp dweller to me. They just cannot resist telling you what to think. Everything has to be ‘framed’; editing is always snide and selective; countless hate facts memory holed; one side given vastly disproportionate coverage.
This style of ‘journalism’ still packs a punch but many will get their news from multiple sources and soon learn how utterly full of sh*t the MSM is. Brexit and Trump were in part a rejection of the MSM’s lies and their mendaciousness has only got worse since those seismic events. Trump’s counter punches have really hit home; how tactically brilliant he is for using now social media and thereby bypassing and emasculating the MSM. Even my totally unintellectual and apolitical friend was saying he cannot trust the BBC. They have all the power and money, but we have truth.
The internet by nature is extremely resilient against authoritarians seeking to clip our wings. So often by attempting to ban material they only amplify the message, the so-called Streisand effect. The sheer fact that everyone has a camera phone and social media makes it virtually impossible for them to censor effectively.
Soon they will be seen as just slightly irritating background noise, like the drooling lunatic in the corner at a party; or just the plain, boring person nobody wants to speak to – God how many abject ‘news’ stories on the BBC about hurt feelings, minor health issues et alia ad nauseam?
They are akin the black and white television in an age of colour. We are they future – the bold rebels in chat rooms online eviscerating their narratives.
Wealthy Families in the Islamic world are paying traffickers to take children away and send them to Britain. Caring Liberal politicians in Britain want to bring the loving families back together by bringing the caring parents to Britain. It’s the only way Liberals can think of getting families back together in places like Telford and Doncaster. Don’t those caring Liberals just love traditional families?
Is Pick of the Week BBC Radio’s most dishonest programme?
Sorry – it’s on the same ‘banned’ list as feedback , media show , world at one , now show , news quiz ,
Any alleged albeeb comedy less that 10 years old – the list goes on. I suppose the likes of the departed Maxi could argue I have no right to consume since I don’t pay but actually if I could morally pay i would .
I’d say that POTW csn depend on the presenter who is choosing the clips
but since radio4 is like an SJW bookshop, most of the items they pick will be of the SJW agenda.
@Fedup2 said ” no right to consume since I don’t pay”
well you did pay until BBC World Service becomes 100% licence payer funded
and a tiny fraction of your tax money gets to the BBC via the EU
#3 You do pay in that BBC enjoys privileged access to the airwaves market. If you were to start a “conservative TV station” you’d have to a kind of tax to to access the Freeview airwaves .
Bloody hell stew – I was fedup before now , thank you, you’ve made it worse .
Stew, the presenter doesn’t actually choose the clips. Sunday’s presenter, Anna Foster, was honest enough to draw attention to that fact but the BBC still present the programme as being the presenter’s choice of the previous week’s BBC Radio.
That is the dishonesty that I object to.
Apart from the fact of the actual misrepresentation, I think it represents the start of a slippery slope where the BBC becomes a propaganda tool (of its own choosing) in peacetime.
UK teacher wins global best teacher prize
Andria Zafirakou, who teaches art and textiles in a Brent secondary school, has won a prize worth $1m (£720,000).
Stunned and excited, the secondary school (high school) teacher began her speech saying, “Wow!”
She thanked her parents, who were in the audience, saying with laughter: “The Greek family have arrived.”

The Global Teacher Prize was awarded in a star-studded ceremony in Dubai on Sunday hosted by Trevor Noah of the “Daily Show”. Other celebrities present included Hollywood star Charlize Theron and Indian actress Priyanka Chopra.
Racing driver Lewis Hamilton, Olympic champion Mo Farah, former US vice president Al Gore and former UK prime minister Tony Blair were part of the event honouring the north London teacher.
In her acceptance speech, she said schools should be “safe havens” and called for greater recognition for the value of arts subjects in school.
She warned of “deprivation” and “tough lives” where “children may not eat well because their lunch boxes are empty”.
But she said school could make a great positive difference – particular through creative subjects.
“Too often we neglect this power of the arts to actually transform lives, particularly in the poorest communities.”
I mean-there`s never been Greeks in London until this lady came along has there?
As if Palmers Green and Harringay have had no Greek , Turk or Cypriot families before.
Typical vain glorious public sector show pony . If the State think you`re their poster child, chances re you`re a Deep State toady. No doubt she`ll get the week off, give her precious kids some non-English speaking TA to dole out the worksheets and poster paper. And then moan about white pensioners despoiling Gaia with their selfish climate change junkets as she heads home for the end of term. But her airmiles are saving the planet. Like Madonnas.
How stupid and self serving ARE the elect these days? Is there any stronger word that “hypocrite” out there?…to Lineker perhaps?
Amongst her achievements were making sure the children could get to school in safety .
Where’s this ? Mogadishu , Kabul , Columbia ?
No. North London ! What is the danger ?
Clearly Farah, Blair and Hamilton were there on another freebie.
It is a wet dream for them.
Female? Tick!
Not white British? Tick!
Smiling non white children? Tick!
For the full house we would need her to mention a conversation with her gay partner where she discussed how bad Trump and Brexit are.
Countryfile on BBC1 as I type. We had storms in Pembrokeshire but escaped tales of climate change.
Over to the South Downs and lamb farming. Aaaaand, it’s a Muslim.
19:46 BBC1 ‘It’s the Muslims who are saving the British sheep industry’*
say’s Countryfile’s Tom Doom-monger Heap
4 min seg around a Muslim family dinner table
‘So are you happy with stunning halal meat”
..”oh yes says Mr”
..They never mentioned that not all Muslims would say Yes
Part 2
Tom is laying on the Brexit doom
Farmer “If we don’t get an EU trade deal “…. The quote Tom wanted
* Heap :”Muslims make up only 5% of the population but eat 20% of the lamb/mutton”
British people don’t buy lamb
..cos it’s high priced
Why’s that ? …EU tariffs keeps cheap NZ/Australia lamb out
..Heap forgot to mention that
President Putin press conference
Why didn’t do the foul deed
1 we haven’t got chemical weapons
2 if it was a military attack they’d be dead
3 why do it in the run up to the election
4 why do it in the run up to the World Cup
My note – any Engerland supporter thinking of going to the World Cup Must Be Mad – travel insurance must be obscene .
Interesting press con – no yanks no frogs , no British . Nonbeauties
Right on, Stew!
I’ve had a recent hankering for mutton & dumplings. I blame Global Cooling for that.
I was tempted to hang on for any discussion on ritualised slaughter/EU/Brexit but I couldn’t stomach it. Off switch.
Edit: ‘*impartial* discussion…’
Well, Countryfile Halal did start trending on Twitter
.. for BBC comments could have been going better.
I am sure the sheep feel very saved as while fully conscious they have a knife drawn across their throat by someone muttering a load of mumbo jumbo.
All NZ lamb is halal, I now boycott it
How devoid are the programme planners on the BBC of new ideas? Saturday nights for several years have been short of anything that might resemble entertainment and always aimed at the ‘kids’.
Well having see the trailers there seems to have been a u turn Brucie may have gone but he is not forgotten. The most original idea has been to turn the clock back.. the Generation Game is returning and the programme makers appear to be unable to even think of any new games as the ones on the trailers have all been done before. 20 years ago at least ? Why not just save the money and play the repeats.
Maybe we will get changes. I assume that at least 20% of the guests will have to be BME, there will be several couples with their same sex husbands or wives and at least a couple of transgenders per series.
Now what will they do to the games? Perhaps put on a map a marker where different refugees come from; putting on a sari; guessing passages from the Koran, etc etc. I watched celebrity bake off today on Channel 4 and the praise heaped on the young black chap (no idea who the celebrity was) compared to the others was embarrassing but will be the same for any black contestants on new Generation Game.
Deb that’s great
They can do
Timed assembly of an ak47
Building a suicide vest
Find the ied
Throat cutting
Making a suicide video
Filling out asylum forms
Claim that benefit ……. brilliant . The degeneration game .
– The Ruin-a-nation game
– “I can see a bomber, get me out of here”
– “Waheed Kowell’s M-Factor”
I suggest ‘Taqiyya Pick’ . In this variant of the old game show ‘Take your pick’, Islamic contestants compete to mislead infidels. The most ingenious liar gets a choice of 10 numbered boxes, the star prize being an all-expenses-paid Haj pilgimage. The booby prize, of course, is the ‘telling porkies’ pork pie.
I am thinking of a panel game. The panel would consist of mainstream politicians and BBC/MSM journalists. We could have film clips showing various murders using either a Kalashnikov or a throat cutting whilst simultaneously shouting for Alans snack bar at the top of their voices
The panel has to guess what all the murderers have in common.
The name of the game “Sorry I haven’t a clue”
AND I’ve read that one of the instigators of many tv game shows is none other than……… Richard Osman, the other half on Pointless. He works/owns one of the successful production companies who are responsible for a lot of the dross we see.
Radio5 Nolan is discussing Hatgate
..playing Owen Jones right now
Odds of the Bbc going near?:
1) Stickman’s Corner?
2) Talking about ball boys, girls and other?
3) State media using state police to sell licences?
Yes, it’s a great pity that we won the cold war. Who knows maybe Vladimir Vladimirovich would have been posted to England rather than Germany and have become our Veliki Vozhd. I can imagine him riding through the streets of London, bare-chested on his charger keeping order with his Cossacks. They sorted out Pussy Riot and I’m sure Owen “pretty boy” Jones wouldn’t be so cocky after a palpatio per anum with a nogaika.
My personal favorite is the other Vladimir, Vladimir Zhirnovsky.
He makes Putin look like a nancy boy. Strong leader my arse.
In a 2003 video, drunk Zhirinovsky threatened George W. Bush in flowery language. He called the United States a “second-hand goods store” filled with “cocksuckers, handjobbers, and faggots,” and claimed that Russian scientists are able to change the gravitational field of the Earth and sink the entire country. In the video Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky and Condoleezza Rice are also mentioned. Zhirinovsky calls Condoleezza Rice: “a black whore who needs a good cock. Send her here, one of our divisions will make her happy in the barracks one night. She will choke on Russian sperm as it will be leaking out of her ears… until she crawls to the US embassy in Moscow on her knees.”
In the wake of the February 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor, Zhirinovsky was quoted by the Russian International News Agency as claiming “It’s not meteors falling, it’s the test of a new weapon by the Americans.” At the same time, he derided the Russian Academy of Sciences for anarchism, having scientists that are so old that their brains and reproductive organs don’t work any longer, and told the “elders” to go home and collect their pensions.
I enjoyed watching him on Russian chat shows. If anyone disrespected him he would throw water over them or give them a good slapping. If only Theresa May would show backbone like this to the EU. Even Laughing Boy Farage would be happy.
He only got 6% in the election – I was gutted.
Oh god a beeboid orgasming on the news that the current labour government is to spend £90 000 000 of tax payers cash getting non white yoof into work.
I despair and have to vot the the government to keep an even worse one.
Describing Treezer et al as the ‘current Labour government’ has made my day.
You should copyright that before we all start using it.
BBC tv news this morning spins the agenda carousel once more. Cars running amok but fear not, it’s not suspicious, nothing to do with terrorism and absolutely nothing whatever to do with the bad habit established by followers of a certain middle eastern cult. Yet more Putin bashing, NHS underfunding (but not over demands) and some notion that the decline in our local newspapers (nothing to do with the BBC, obviously) is causing… wait for it… fake news ! Quite what the connection is here is never explained but the BBC get the chance to parrot the phrase fake news several times over. I think they mean any news not approved by the BBC. Anyway, have to end this post now, I hear the Illuminati are taking over the local parish council…
C4 has “How to get a council house” showing next week.
The program is described as “Cameras follows those who have come to the UK from abroad and have no option but to turn to the council for housing. They include Florin, his wife and their five children who have relocated from Romania for a better life in Britain but, without a home or a job, they face the prospect of having to sleep rough. Viewers also meet Monika from Poland and her Ugandan husband Frederick who have fallen behind on their rent and are now facing eviction.”
A family of seven Romanians presented themselves at the borders of this country, without a job or a home, “looking for a better life” and we let them in and give them a home and benefits.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the fantasy land inhabited by C4 and Cathy Newman, the NHS is in crisis due to unprecedented pressure from an aging population.
Perhaps next week the BBC will look at those of the indigenous population, desperately hunting for a council house, that they and their parents and grandparents have paid for. Then move onto those low waged and unemployed people who have seen thousands of immigrants move into their town pushing up the price of rents whilst hammering down the level of wages for the unskilled.
Even in the 70’s there was a waiting list for council property – I was newly engaged – (a criteria in those days) and we got a flat after 18 months wait. It was the Right to Buy days and so began the mystery of what was happening to the money that councils received from these sales, cos sure as hell it wasn’t in new council builds. In fact I was dead against the system, because l could see a time when there would be no stock left for future generations – HOW RIGHT WAS I ??? both working with no children we lived in the flat for 18 years, and I refused to succumb to the ethos of buying until the ridiculous situation emerged, that the mortgage repayment would be far cheaper than the rent ! My husband called time on my beliefs and we bought the flat. Yes, as a result of that move I now own a very nice house, but selling off literally thousands of properties during that period coupled with the influx of migrants, has caused the housing shortage; and I’m still no wiser as to where all those millions went that the councils coined in throughout the country.
Love all.
Greed is Good . You cannot be serious .
I would pay men and women tennis players in proportion according to the ticket applications for their respective Wimbledon semi finals and finals.
But only if the women play the best of 5 sets.
Serena Williams says it is sexist if she does not get the same money, even though the women play fewer sets and bring in much less money.
Why does she not share her prize money with the wheel chair players? By her argument to not do so would be discriminating against the handicapped.
Canary happy 🙂
Canary sad (:
Clearly the Canary needs to write to Lord Hall advising him on how to make ‘viewers’ happy all the time.
BBC Article … with Jeremy in a hat … silence from everyone!
Peak Christmas: Is it us, or is it happening earlier than ever this year? {bbc.co.uk 07nov2017}
Brussels sprout juice, mince pie coffees and Jeremy Corbyn Christmas jumpers
MM, thank you for the top pic. I have used it on Youtube comment threads to expose the BBC denial that it photoshopped a picture of Corbyn wearing a Russian hat.
From some of the comments I have received my guess is that there are a few wearing a tinfoil hat much the same.
I should point out that it was for a joke.
How do I know that the great man, Tommy Robinson, had a successful result at his speakers corner speech yesterday?
Nothing at all on the bbc news.
If it had been a low attendance or there had been any trouble which could be blamed on the ‘far extreme right’ (you and me) then it would have been lead item.
Happily, Breitbart London gave it top billing.
If it is memory holed by the BBC chances are it could be a big story. Their refusal to give Obama spying on Trump any proper coverage was disgraceful.
R4 9:45 #MeToo is part 1 of Keywords of Our Time
Meanwhile on Radio5
#5liveYourCall with Nicky. Do lads need dads?
(May be a worthy tag ..but why’s it taken so long to do it ?
Something to do with the way ‘wimmin’s issues dominte ? BBC thinking)
???? 08085 909 693 ???? 85058 Facebook
We’ve had a huge response to this from you this morning – it’s after we spoke to a woman who’s set up a project which matches up male mentors to boys with absent fathers.
She says it’s not about giving the boys a dad, but about giving them a male role model.
fathers vs dads
..a caller replied “The first one is a sperm donor, the second is a dad”
(his point was that a stepdad is better than a perpetual absent father)
…That just completely shutup Nicky Campbell for a whole minute
* NC is adopted his Irish mother & father gave him away at 4days
In 1990 he traced them.
Toady watch
As a bit of an —olygist and living in londonistan I pay attention to the level of crime . The recent homicide rate for Greater Londonistan is 100 per year – ish- I m trying to work out how many are dead already this year – my guess is about 40. So doing really well eh?
My point here is albeebs non interest in this slaughter. Instead they spent a full 4 minutes on Toady this morning talking about the gun laws of a foreign country – America – and the 2nd amendment .
So which subject is most relevant to Blighty – yanks and their guns or this level of killing and attacks in greater Londonistan.
I really don’t understand the denial. Is it a Muslim labour mayor? Is it that they do t care about who is dying ? It’s actually beyond the issue of bias .
Please don’t get me wrong – I believe in the death penalty- care less about street criminals and would close the border and deport thousands and more who don’t deserve or have the right to be in Blighty . …
Simple fact is that islam has no regard whatever for life. Never has and never will. When the time comes, when they get to about 20% of the population and the savagery starts it will be all plain to see. By then, of course, it will be too late to do anything and, not only that, I’ll be dead anyway.
” When the time comes, when they get to about 20% of the population and the savagery starts it will be all plain to see. By then, of course, it will be too late to do anything and, not only that, I’ll be dead anyway.”
G, sorry to hear that the doctors have given you less than a year to live.
@Fedup2 Jeez the R4Today is not some kind of truth seeker, rather look at it as the PR office of some kind of libEstablishment political party.
Each morning the news comes in, they throw everything they don’t like into Room 101, and then anything useful for their agenda they start moulding the narrative and broadcast it
..that’s why certain voices eg Paul Mason, Diane Abbott are on speed dial
and others like James Delingpole , Melanie Phillips are never let into the studio.
Murdermap lists 26 murders in 2018
and 128 in 2017 (thats 2.5 each week)
Latest in 2018 :
2018-03-12 » Russian businessman found strangled: Nikolay Glushkov
2018-03-05 » Croydon stabbing: Kelva Smith
2018-03-01 » Hammersmith stabbing: Christopher Beaumont
2018-02-25 » Greenwich assault: Jozef Boci
2018-02-20 » Two dead in Kentish Town: Abdikarim Hassan and
The BBC and other outlets are bemoaning the fact that Vladimir Putin has been re-elected by a landslide, issuing identical prepared ‘news’ reports with reports of fraud and underhand electoral practices. But are they not missing the obvious here? Surely Mr Putin has only won because of interference in the elections by the Americans, acting on the personal instructions of Donald Trump, as a sort of thank you for Putin’s own assistance in getting him elected in 2016? With most Russians calling out for a diminished role for their country, the abandonment of their military capability, increased austerity, the resurrection of dead spies, concerts in churches by Pussy Riot plus the wholescale adoption of Western-style liberal values, what other explanation is there for it?
Why the fuss over Putin, who we knew would win in the absence of any EU money, media slurs and banning his only worthwhile candidate?
It`s as if we here didn`t do the same to Griffin or Farage in our more devious ways. But we did.
And-given that ITALYS election matters far more to us, says lots more to us about the European culture-and we have BBC hacks in Rome on standby with overtime running? Wouldn`t you have thought that last weeks Italian elections merited much more coverage than Russias?
Or were they the wrong results for the BBC and EU?
This is what I believe is called a “rhetorical question”. This blog is an Educating Rita style of Open University. A Freind Dropping In, not out !
Bells gone.
I have just seen examples of election officials stuffing ballot papers given as evidence of Putin fixing the election. That got me thinking of a strange conundrum. How do our “journalists” know that the stuffing is votes for Putin? If they do know this how do they know unless they put them there themselves? (philosophical question).
Another unrelated item: Re Halal. The sheep are waking up: https://www.examiner.co.uk/news/west-yorkshire-news/sheep-beating-cattle-grids-5088317
The BBC did not report on Tommy Robinson at Speaker’s Corner but have this outside their BBC building …
”If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. I’m proud those words now adorn BBC HQ’ – Nick Robinson
The truth is more “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to keep schtum about important things, keep the viewers and listeners in the dark, like mushrooms, and just feed them the bullshit we want them to see, or hear, which is largely fake and tainted with our own opinions. That way, the sheeple will all think OUR way, and manipulation would be so much easier”.
Juxtapose that comment with any of the fluffy nonsense on their website for some laughs.
Ant the tv presenter has been driving a car poorly!
There is ice thanks to cold weather!
God they have some chutzpah going anywhere near Orwell. The BBC inspired the 1984 for Christ’s sake – they are the Ministry of Truth.
BBC HideSpeak – you show the news but reduce the news to a statement that says nothing .. ..
BBC use the tile “Nobody asked me any questions” (regards Telford Abuse 1000/40 years and Rotherham 1400/16 years) ….
* what is the story about?
* who is the story about?
* could the title be applied to a job interview?
The BBC is not reporting news, it is hiding it in plain sight. BBC HideSpeak
BBC HideSpeak – “Nobody asked me any questions” – Abuse article hidden in plain sight.
Ah… But..let the record show they put something, albeit so obscure as to be useless, on a home page for an hour or so… then ditched it for something equally vague… then moved on.
BBC editorial integrity. Unique.
And yet, the bbc can’t get enough of him.
Clearly the message is more important than the medium.
Saudi Arabia’s robot citizen is eroding human rights. {14feb2018}
Since becoming the world’s first robotic citizen, Sophia has been putting her passport to good use. At SXSW, she (robot citizen of Saudi Arabia) commented (apparently by mistake) that she wanted to destroy humankind. She received her own set of legs and took her first steps. And she declared that she wants to use her unique position to fight for women’s rights in the Gulf nation.
I used to love the World Service programmes on through the night on Radio 4; ‘The Forum’ where academics discussed prime numbers or an obscure book about grass was a particular favourite.
Last night they had an interview with Doreen Lawrence and the founder of Black Lives Matter from a London event called ‘Black Women’s Equality’ or something. The BLM founder has written a book about being accused of being a terrorist, which seems fair as her group riot, loot and incited the murder of five Police officers one weekend. Your typical ultra SJW vomit fest – wallowing in narrative, emotion and victimhood.
Doreen Lawrence was asked what the legacy of her son’s case was. Well, in part it is the lawlessness we see all around now as post Macpherson’s wretched report they are too afraid of being called ‘racist’ to enforce the law. Minorities have suffered hugely as we see almost daily, but Telford et alia happened as well. It politicised the Police – how many billions have they squandered on ‘diversity’ training? It is incumbent on ‘communities’ to obey the law, not for the Police to apply different rules to different groups. Is law and order better now? No it is worse than ever.
Who decided we should have this nonsense on instead of academics discussing prime numbers? Is it some ‘equality’ tsar? Surely minority groups are just as bored and annoyed by this nonsense as anyone else. Who wants the insights of a hate group like BLM? Are black people only interested in ‘Police brutality’? Of course not.
As we approach the year they have planned to have ‘peak diversity’ by their output is often becoming unbearable. It is almost as if the content and character of a programme is more important than the the gender or skin colour or gender of those producing it.
I agree with everything you say Beeb, spot on.
Good thinking BB. i`m finding myself to be quite the little intellectual these days, now that the BBC does all my thinking for me.
I got my cue from the Feedback last week. Tom Shakespeare was quite right to tell us why “going forward” is such a sinister, life denying cliche. His semiotics and linguistics were possibly correct, if only I`d been taught any English at school or uni. Thankfully I`m primary P.E so don`t need it now!
But I got to thinking-why hasn`t he chosen words like “appropriate”, “austerity” “Deep State” “Fake News” “cause for concern” etc…”terrorism” even?
This brought me to Raymond Tallis and his takedown of the New Lefts use of words to stir up , to jemmy or otherwise bring home their Cultural Revolution.
Michael Rosen confirmed all I`m doing with his critique of “MeToo” that`s just been on. It`s a jemmy word-consciousness raising tactic to mobilise his core supporters, bypassing the rest of us…like solidarity, xenophobia etc.
Getting the girls round tonight-Rosen is doing “Prophets Of Doom” tomorrow, and I think we`ll be able to predict what WE think-as opposed to what the BBCs Rosen will be saying.
Good game, good game…thank you BBC for being so dumb, obvious and nasty. Allows me to come here and think in my free period like today.
Only 12 days before we lose our Licence-can I buy a celebratory card to mark this, should we give each other medals? I`m Harriet Beecher Stowe and Rosa Parks rolled into one, with a nice rose and halal pork pie to come!
“Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed (Tommy Robinson at Speaker’s Corner): everything else is public relations (Russia and Corbyn’s Hat).”
― George Orwell
Where were you Owen Jones when the fight for free speech was taking place? Most of us were sat behind keyboards … hoping … Jacob was in the middle of it …
If I were that Global Teaching Poppet( Best Platonic Teacher since Muhammad in 572) currently getting her nails buffed in Dubai as her kids learn crap in Brent?
I`d get somebody clever to read out to her recent award winners who turn out to have “disappointed”.
1. Barak Obama. Nobel Peace Prize 2008. For -well being half white I suppose, he`d done nothing to get it-and did nothing to justify him ever getting it in the first place.
2. Maureen Connolly-Baby Ps mother-who with her partner won a Parenting Certificate from Haringey in the very week where they killed little Peter.
3. Ahmed Hassan-who used his £20 gift certificate from Weybridge College( “Student of the Year” 2017) to buy his “Mother of Satan” priming chemical. For his Lidl Bag Bomb left at Parsons Green.
Whether it was chemistry or metalwork he was rewarded for isn`t said by the College. Cross curricular, joined up thinking perhaps for OFSTED?
I`ll not include the Oscar balls ups, the endless awards for being a lefty luvvy 24/7. Jimmy Savile, Kevin Spacey etc.
But these “awards” would be mocked and called out if anybody was doing their job in comedy today. How much WILL Stephen Hawkings wheelchair get for scrap is not even on their radar.
Mugabe WHO Goodwill Ambassador 2017 for 1 week … before everyone moaned.
“it’s a very close knit area, everyone’s on first name terms”. Not Christian names to be sure. A typical BBC effort:
Of course everyone is close knit and on first name terms; they all hail from the same small area of Pakistan. This piece reeks of irony; only the BBC could publish this with a straight face.
“only the BBC could publish this with a straight face.” Much like the Russians……….
First name terms?
Considering just about every Muslim male is called Mohammed and every Muslim female is called Alisha you can assume you know everyone by their first name!
Al Jazeera yesterday had a strapline about a “Big March In London” that was to stop racism and fascism.
Shall I assume that it was those muppets trying to bully and silence Tommy Robinson from reading a speech in Hyde Park? Can I also assume that any reputational damage was done to the Antifa/Islamist side of things?
Because I heard absolutely NOTHING about this seismic “Free Speech Rally” at Speakers Corner on the BBC. We all know if it could have been shown to put Robinson in the dock, they`d have made it headline news. So epic fail for the BBC, and thanks for never mentioning any of this again eh?
Where on earth have I heard this before? Rings a bell.
Alicia, yes, the omissions themselves speak volumes.
Maybe BBC £3.5 billion News Service can report on MP expenses again …. it’s been a long time since 2009 when Tony Blair accidentally dropped his expenses in a shredder … maybe MP David Lammy can tell the public where his free £650 all expenses paid using Tax Payer money bike is now? On ebay? Does he cycle to work everyday come rain or snow?
If he does not use the Lammy bike then he is not spending the publics money wisely ….
Dig deep into the BBC and under all the noise you will find … 1000 child abuses denied justice over 40 years … BBC are still pushing it away like it has the smell of BBC’s Jimmy Savile …
BBC Home page – no.
BBC News page – no.
BBC UK Page – no.
BBC England page – no.
BBC Region page (Shropshire) – yes.
Call for child abuse inquiry meeting {bbc.co.uk 19mar2018}
Telford’s opposition councillors demand an urgent meeting to discuss an inquiry into child grooming.
2 hours ago (19mar2018 @ 12:00)
(Full article Call for child abuse inquiry meeting)
. . .
They want the Labour-run authority to fund and establish a review immediately.
It comes after Telford MP Lucy Allan said more victims of historic sexual exploitation were coming forward.
The government’s told the council that Telford will be covered by the national Jay Inquiry but critics say that’s not enough.
Somewhat belatedly I read a piece by Lucy Allan in the Sunday Telegraph today. In it she reveals that when she became MP for Telford in 2015 she was assured that the investigation was complete by bothe council and by the police. It was when women and girls came to her surgery and told her that rapes were still occurring and some of the gang had never even been charged that she realised the problem was still there. She demanded an inquiry but got nowhere because the Telford council would not agree! So there we have it , there can only be an inquiry if one of major bodies that ought to be in the dock agree to it. That is the most corrupt thing I have heard. Anyway after keeping up the pressure she finally won and the inquiry is going to happen. Well done Lucy Allan.
But I have severe doubts as to how open it will be , about how honest the police and council will be , about how much political correctness will be allowed to influence the findings. In short unless many more Muslims are convicted, unless many council officials are sent to prison along with senior police officers, I will believe that much has been covered up. Such is my faith in the British state which I was once happy to put my trust in.
Remember that the previous week end both the BBC and the Times had refused to cover this story. They were trying to cover it up and would have succeeded if it weren’t for the Sunday Mirror. I still find it mystifying that it takes a Tory MP and the Sunday Mirror to uncover something like this.
A Song for Europe (or 180 degrees)
Political scum and the BBC
have taken my country away from me.
They’ve broken democracy, knelt to Islam,
condoned rape of children and spurned Uncle Sam.
They worshipped Obama, he was ‘good at killing’
and put in their pockets the EU’s schilling.
I was proud of my culture, my people, my land
so they branded me racist and took from my hand
the soil I’d been given, my right to a nation,
and gave me instead the word ‘globalisation’.
No value, no meaning, no home to defend,
No idea to believe in, no family, no friend.
Now I weep for a Europe becoming insane
condemned to destroy itself over again
by technocrat media, fascists and others
who seek to extinguish what’s dear to their brothers.
It’s their speech that’s hate speech, their racism’s clear
delivered in fake news: the politics of fear.
BREAKING: UK gain free open access into Juncker’s drinks cabinet during the transition period.
“The dictator is coming … ” Juncker addresses Hungarian PM
BREAKING: UK told by the EU they can have the cake, but will have to provide all the ingredients, cook it themselves to the recipe supplied by the EU bureaucracy and then give 80% back to the EU. The EU will then give the cake away to other countries but say it was all from the EU.
The UK and EU agree terms for Brexit transition period {bbc.co.uk 19mar2018}
“Foster parents of Parsons Green Tube bomber: He was a ‘good boy’ ”
The foster parents of the Parson Green Tube bomber say they have no idea what turned the quiet asylum seeker into someone who wanted to kill rush hour commuters.
May I suggest that in future you have a good look at the name and place of origin of the child you are about to foster?
The clue could be in the name Ahmed Hussan from Iraq.
Like me, some of you may have presumed that BBC complaints were covered by directorial belief… of BBC Directors… and FOI exemptions.
And when it comes to BBC staff online, well, there’s Wild West and then there’s W1A (views their own).
But no…
Bit of light reading fro the weekend, hoping against hope that this was not conjured up by the ex-BBC staff now overseeing the BBC at OFCOM.
“They are being deported by one bit of Government for doing work they were funded to do by another bit of Government.”- Gary ‘£1.75m’ Linker
Jo Maugham QC is looking after this case!?
– Surely the company that sent the the guy to Mexico should cover these costs?
– Why isn’t Gary ‘£1.75m+Crisps+BT Sports’ Lineker stepping forward and donating all the money required?
The BBC TV Tax pays for Russell to stop being poor. Pay your TV tax on time so Russell has at least 5 homes to visit this year …

Russell Brand: Society is collapsing (panic)
Russell Brand marries partner Laura Gallacher (marry a rich lady)
Russell Brand: If I helped Jeremy Corbyn that’s great (I love men who sit on a train floor and complain)
Mohammed Abdul ( surely shome mishtake) has been charged attempted murder after driving his vehicle into a nightclub crowd in Gravesend .,
No mention by al beeb if him shouting “ Alan’s snack bar” yet . Surprised al beeb even bothers reporting crime any more .
Funny, until now I got the impression from the beebistan that it was a disgruntled clubber.
Now it seems there might be a bit more to it than first reported by out most mis-trusted.
PS. If ever I’m ploughed into by a muslim driver I will be mightily relieved to know it’s not an act of terrorism.
One of those ‘flying gas mains’ again.
Bloody Norwegians
Strange that we’ve not seen this story on Al Beeb. Wonder why?
Jeremy Corbyn’s drive for tolerance ‘gave platform to extremists’
A campaign against Islamophobia launched in parliament by Jeremy Corbyn gave a platform to supporters of jihad, a report claims today.
Islamophobia Awareness Month (Iam), which was celebrated in council buildings, universities and schools, featured extremist speakers. The campaign promoted the views of Cage, the pressure group that once described Mohammed Emwazi — Jihadi John — as having been a “beautiful young man”.
Mr Corbyn was joined by Stephen Kinnock, the Labour MP, Lord Paddick, the Liberal Democrat peer, and fellow parliamentarians for the launch of Iam on November 1.
The launch organisers were Muslim Engagement and Development (Mend), a lobbying organisation whose senior figures included a campaigner who supported killing British soldiers and whose activists have made statements regarded as anti-Jewish. Mend denies being antisemitic.
The campaign gave mainstream respectability to “individuals with a high-profile extremist history”, according to the Henry Jackson Society think tank in a new report Profiting from Prejudice: How Mend’s ‘IAM’ Campaign Legitimised Extremism.
The hate preacher Shakeel Begg starred at an event for Iam at Deptford Lounge, a community centre owned by the London borough of Lewisham. The evening was arranged by the Stand Up to Racism campaign. Mr Begg was found by a judge to be an extremist for saying that violence in support of Islam would constitute a man’s greatest deed and for endorsing a fatwa that it is a religious duty for Muslims to be hostile to, or hate, non-Islamic states.
The Henry Jackson Society said: “For all events that take place on public property, the local authority is required under the prevent duty guidance to ensure that its premises do not provide a platform for extremists or for the dissemination of extremist views.
“With this in mind, it was particularly concerning that Lewisham council’s Deptford Lounge hosted Shakeel Begg, who has promoted violent jihad and been declared ‘an extremist Islamic speaker who espouses extremist Islamic positions’ by a High Court judge.”
Janet Daby, the Lewisham councillor responsible for community safety, told The Times: “Council-owned buildings are open to community groups to use for events that encourage dialogue on important issues such as antiracism.”
Moazzam Begg, the outreach director of Cage, a former detainee at Guantanamo Bay and outspoken critic of the “war on terror”, was among the most frequent speakers at Iam events. He has defended jihad. He addressed students at Aston University School of Languages and Social Sciences on “Counterterrorism and Islamophobia”. Mr Begg’s fellow speaker at Aston was Malia Bouattia, former president of the National Union of Students.
Aston University said that the speakers were “prominent critics of current counterterrorism policy and as such highly relevant to the discussion”.
Mr Begg and Ms Bouattia joined forces as guests of the Islamic society at the School of African and Oriental Studies (Soas) in London. Soas said: “This specific event was legal and the speakers at it are not banned or proscribed by government.”
Mend said it was proud of its efforts to tackle Islamophobia and that it had not organised any of the events described.
I have asked if the BBC can follow up on the MP 2009 expenses scandal where Blair accidentally shredded his expenses … £3.5bn News Service … *sigh*
Welcome everyone … no borders (Richard Branson uses oceans!) ….
Link to Branson article with the image
There is a slimy little piece of Taqiya (or lying) that I see cropping up these days, often on al beeb and always unquestioned. It goes something like this: not all muslims are terrorist murderers, therefore terrorism has nothing to do with islam.
A recent variation of this was after the Telford revelations, when some muslim spokesman said about the mostly pakistani muslim paedo rapsists / traffickers / pimps / murderers: “I don’t think there is a link to their heritage because most people from their background don’t commit these sort of acts.”
See the false logic there? That’s like saying ‘all clouds don’t produce rain, so rain has nothing to do with clouds’. Or ‘all Nazis didn’t murder Jews so the Holocaust has nothing to do with Nazism’.
PS. He added: “The vast majority of people find their actions reprehensible, including the communities from which they originate.” Do they really? Or do they think, ‘the white infidel whores were asking for it’?
This is a standard tactic of the progressives to normalise the statistically unlikely, and demand that everyone gets on board with their crazy non-logic.
It could be anything – eg let’s say there’s one sole disabled wimmin engineer and from that they extrapolate that all disabled woman are crying out to be engineers but are obviously oppressed by the patriarchy.
Or they cite a black person cropping up in a Tudor era painting and decide that the UK has always had thousands of ethnics since time immemorial. And if you don’t accept that you’re racist.
We notice there’s a pattern regarding child abuse and terrorism from a certain community – but there’s no way that can possibly be true, and if you do think it you should be locked up.
I suppose schoolkids might buy it, not knowing any different – but this kind of nonsense is regularly peddled in the mainstream media as well.
“I don’t think there is a link to their heritage because most people from their background don’t commit these sort of acts.”
Is it these people who the muslim spokesman was referring to?
This news item from Pakistan could be an example of, the facts being the same but the locations are different. Could be the local Rochdale news paper headlines.
But hey, what about the other muslim groups……….
They claim that most of the community are not perps.
There is a claim that MOST people in their community do nothing to dob perps in (Saira Khan)
and that is due to the culture of the community.
… Honourable exceptions are the people who did take the risk of coming forward.
What was it about apparent Economics expert Paul Mason that first attracted the uniquely funded lefty loonies in the British State Broadcaster?
Ho ho. So Facebook is taken over by the BBC
Only one answer break it up and have at least five companies in hot competition with each other. Sucker is a liberal leftist trying to control what we can see and hear.
Have never done arsebook, – never wanted others to know my business, and I was never interested in seeing someone’s breakfast (now widely shown on Instagram), so I’m safe. Don’t do online banking either, toooooo dangerous !
So HMG has agreed a transition up to 2020 with the EU reich. I just hope it is clear – and made clear to remainers that we are out in March 2019 and if the UK for some daft reason wants to rejoin we will be treated as a new member and not business as usual . Of course if that happened it’s goid bye £.
“Brexit: All you need to know about the UK leaving the EU”
I think there’s more “we need to know” but Al Beeb has not been telling us the whole truth.
IMHO We should have left in June 2016!
That’s what we voted for, unfortunately the ‘Cabinet’ is full of remainers dragging their feet until the next General Election.
The WAO radio 4 said that the police did not consider this a terrorist incident –
“A man has been charged with attempted murder after a car was driven into a busy nightclub. At least 13 people were injured when a Suzuki Vitara was driven into Blake’s in Gravesend, Kent, at about 23:50 GMT on Saturday.”
One, Mohammed Abdul has ben charged.
Wonder if the BBC ever reported on this ..
THE ticket inspector who made Cherie Blair, the Prime Minister’s wife, pay a £10 penalty fare for travelling on a train without a ticket has been sacked. {telegraph 31dec2000}
Arthur Harriott, 39, claimed in an interview yesterday with The Telegraph that he had been victimised by Thameslink, his employer, because his confrontation with Mrs Blair had damaged the train company’s image.
He should have thrown the cow off when the train was doing 100 mph.
The best response ever … You think Churchill was racist? Holy shit, wait until you hear about the guy he beat..
2018 …. 2018 … the priests have gone … but it’s 2018 ….
Ce*sored! China bans letter N (briefly) from internet as Xi Jinping extends grip on power {theguardian 28feb2018}
Amid fallout from the decision to allow Xi to be president for life, censors also crack down on letters, phrases and George Orwell’s Animal Farm
According to a list compiled by the China Digital Times website, search terms blocked on Weibo, China’s Twitter, included:
– ‘Ten thousand years’ (万岁), which is China’s way of saying: ‘Long live!’ or ‘Viva!’
– ‘Disagree’ (不同意)
– ‘Xi Zedong’ (习泽东) – a hybrid of the names of Xi and Chairman Mao Zedong
– ‘Shameless’ (不要脸)
– ‘Lifelong’ (终身)
-‘Personality cult’ (个人崇拜)
-‘Emigrate (移民)
– ‘Immortality’ (长生不老)
Anyone else think that Andrew Marr was pusillanimous in his interview of the Russian ambassador?
As the Telegraph put it: “Just watch Andrew Marr’s softball questioning of Russia’s EU ambassador on the BBC yesterday. He was bereft of facts with which to confront his interviewee’s lies. The truth is the West has become lazy.”
Or perhaps he was just scared of suddenly catching a mysterious illness.
When the West bowed down before Islam with Salman Rushdie … the BBC now have their faces in the dirt.
Another epic, prominent article about lessons learned over Worboys. Just mention him a hundred times and mention the mass, gang rape by ‘Asians’ once if at all then nobody will notice? They are echoing the language used with Rotherham et cetera, as if by pointing at a squirrel they might make us mistake it for a 4000 tonne elephant.
They just have a crack team trawling the courts to find any white sex offenders. For any white men after the wrong sort of fame now would be a perfect time to indulge some dark desires. You would have endless films, features and interviews about you; you would probably get an OBE for ‘services to narrative.’