Beeb orgasming over their racism-of-the-day story:
“Police: Are black knife deaths being ignored?
Knife deaths aren’t causing the outrage they should because the majority of victims come from black communities, a top UK officer says.”
Of course another reason the beebistan may be ignoring the attacks is that their favourite victim group are the ones COMMITTING all those stabbings.
(And PS: another useless creepy PC PC who knows how to get some diversity credits for his career promotion)
So instead of actually doing something about the situation like robust policing, stop and search, etc, the police do nothing but go whining to the press to show how diverse and multiculturally sensitive they are.
The police are well aware that the situation is deteriorating very fast and that the media and politicians of all parties are refusing to face up to it.
This is putting the police in an impossible position . Infiltrated by Common Purpose and abandoned by the progressives on all sides.
A Narco state is what we are becoming with armed gangs fighting to control the huge drug business and money.
Time is short now before London, Bristol, Manchester,Nottingham and other places become war zones . The drug gangs are now spreading into the shires and quite frankly the police cannot cope.
In many ways this is a much greater threat than terrorism not that the media will admit to this.
There is anecdotal evidence that in London private security is taking over from the police in rich areas. Who they are and who pays is best not asked.
The rule of law can break down very quickly and without any real warning. It is a bad situation made worse by denial on all sides.
The bBC, the sacking of a teacher who berated the military and half the story: Anti-military’ California teacher fired for video rant “A California teacher has been fired for making negative comments about members of the military, US media report. Gregory Salcido, 49, was caught on video in January saying members of the military are “not intellectual people” and “the freaking lowest of our low”. The high school teacher was fired after an investigation into his remarks, according to the Los Angeles Times. Mr Salcido denies being anti-military but said he maintains the military is not the best option for his students. “My goal, as it relates to my students, related to the military, is to get them to do everything to get to college,” Mr Salcido said at a city council meeting on 13 February.”
According to the bbC, this poor techer was sacked for stating the truth about thick American soldiers. Here is what the bBC doesn’t tell you: “The video of Salcido first went viral in January, in which he can be heard chastising 17-year-old student Victor Quinonez for wearing a U.S. Marines sweatshirt and calling military members the “lowest of our low.” He has been on leave since.”
Get that, he was abusing a student, there lies the reason he was sacked, also he disparaged foreign people in his outburst. Funny how the bBC left all that out.
The bBC, the biggest promoter of fake news in the world.
It is so delicious that they first ran with the ‘fake news’ meme to explain Trump and Brexit. Trump has turned it back on them so brilliantly and brutally. It has been glorious to see them hoist by their own petard – what lying, snivelling traitors they are.
LBC Farage : No nothing libs keep phoning him and thinking they are going to catch him out
For third time in last week a caller has called as if having a crib sheet in front of them
..”Ah but Mr Farage you are not a democrat cos you sat on the EU Fishing Committee and hardly went”
Farage replies ‘of course I hardly went , cos I found out it had no power the EU parliament MEPs cannot propose new legislation only non-elected EU commissioners can do that”
8:45pm Radio4 BBC super twists Rotherham ?
They’ve found a white Christian groomed by white men
My False-Equivalence alarm is sounding
“The gang of white local men would hang around at ice rinks to meet and groom girls for sex.
… After a couple of meetings at the ice rink they invited us to a party, and we all went.”
“I was held down while one of the men rubbed newspaper in my face with one hand and broke my arm with the other.
And I kept silent. ”
“It didn’t even occur to us to tell an adult what had happened.”
(Terrible , but that stands against 1,500 victms of groom/rape/pimp by the ethnic-Pak gangs)
The Silence of the Lamb, Katie Edwards’ Radio 4 Lent Talk, which is being broadcast on 21 March at 8.45pm
The gang of white local men would hang around at ice rinks to meet and groom girls for sex. And to me – and no doubt to my friends – they were the loveliest, funniest people I had ever met. They weren’t like the immature spotty lads at school, grabbing at our bodies and spitting insults. The men complimented us, stroked our hair and held our hands. After a couple of meetings at the ice rink they invited us to a party, and we all went.
Doesn’t trip off the tongue somehow – was she groomed to say ‘white’ I wonder, or did the beeb / grauniad insert it?
And had they been brown / black men would the colour have been omitted? They wouldn’t even have had to: people have learnt to self-censor when reporting crime, especially to the media. People now ‘know’ not to say something like ‘a gang of black men mugged me’ for fear of seeming racist. The same fear that allows muslim paedo-crime, black gun and knife crime, acid attacks etc to flourish across our fair land.
Respect to all victims
but the story does seem magnificently convenient
We’ve had 20 years of Rotherham Pak groom/rape/pimp gangs
.. and here out of nowhere the Guardian/BBC highlight this story out of nowhere.
.. If she did not come forward to the Jay inquiry ..she let future victims down.
One side we have dozens of guilty verdicts from courts.
..and on the other we have ONE story with no physical evidence.
The possibility scenario ranges from 100% false to 100% true.
Note how these crimes are anecdotal and never go to court.
I remember they had a black victim of groomers who conveniently remained anonymous. They had a black actor play him. I would wager my house and children that he did not exist.
So let me get this straight. She gets touched up as a 10 year girl in a bookshop, rushes out to her three female aunts who all tell her to stop being mardy.
Right so the very first instance of abuse where someone could have instilled in her the notion that this isn’t right and she is failed by three WOMEN who tell her to ignore it.
But it all sounds odd anyway. She goes shopping with her aunts and wants to buy a book, so she goes into the shop on her own while her aunts wait outside. Who does that? Who goes shopping with a minor and waits outside while they peruse the shelves.
“’The gang of white local men…’ Doesn’t trip off the tongue somehow”
“the story does seem magnificently convenient”
“Note how these crimes are anecdotal and never go to court.”
“it all sounds odd anyway.”
“The phrase “gang of white local men” doesn’t ring true.”
The crimes in Rotherham et al carried on for so long uninterrupted because the handful of victims brave enough to go to the police weren’t believed. Exactly the same happened with Saville and many other cases that have since come to light.
Yet here we have a collection of people refusing to believe, doubting the story, of a sexual abuse victim for one and only one single reason; because she said “white”.
The stunt was a bid to disrupt voting on a bill to ratify a border agreement with Montenegro – paving the way to EU visa-free travel and, it is hoped, eventual EU membership.”
I don’t understand why so few have ever thought to themselves ‘how can facebook be making money’?
I mean the adverts, really, they’re hardly that intrusive. So surely it’s obvious that the only way they could be making any money in this noble, public service that they are offering, is selling the data.
Q&A with Aaron Brown, Fishing for Leave.
Tells you everything you need to know about the CFP, quotas etc. and the duplicity of this government and civil servants as they sell out our country.
Channel 4 ‘News’ are going completely over-the-top crazy about this Cambridge Analytica thing. It is a piddling little non-story in all honesty. Even reasonable left of centre people will acknowledge that fact. Our Channel 4 team are working themselves up into a lather of self righteous anger. Why?
Because their butt-hurt refusal to accept Donald Trump as President is much more deep and visceral than we imagined.
Our victory hurts them every single day. HOORAY!!
“Far right” boo word : George Galloway just did a preview of his new RT doco
“my new film #PatriotGames the story of Britain’s far-right #Fascism #NationalFront #BNP #EDL #FootballLadsAlliance #Racism #AntiSemitism #Islamophobia #JoCox #Mosley #Blackshirts”
“featuring @GoodwinMJ & @LeeJasper ”
“Last year 4 right wing terrorist attacks were averted” (dingaling, big claims without context is misdirection)
They he started banging on about “Jo Cox”
… (That immediately docks his credibility a one off political assassination DOES NOT constitute a terrorist attack)
Appalling nonsense from Galloway.
Mair was a mental health nut as much as a right winger.
Indeed, far more a nut than a racist.
He had bought Nazi rubbish online, I recall-but he was NOT part of a network. As a mental health case, he`d hardly function as Mr Network would he? A loner in his mums house wasn`t he?
So should we now make Community Care nutters into “a network of psychiatric cases, trying to bring down the countrys government then?
Utter junk. But RT-who DO have a problem with their right wing thugs back home-choose to let George speak for their agenda.
Yes, think we`ve all been saying that there`s not enough blacks, muslims, disabled and gays on our public sector, eco responsible, freeview adverts and previews of programmes.
I1d say that it`s harder to find a normal heterosexual white family on a given ad than the United Colours of Bennetton effluent that pour on us every day.
Heck,even Martin Webster said this on RT, first thing he`s ever said that I agreed with.
It’s a little rich of the Beeb to be commenting on commercials isn’t it given that they are in their ivory tower of not having to be troubled with such annoyances as considering where your revenue is coming from.
Did you guys used to hang around the BBC Political, Economic & Business Editors’ Blogs just playing ‘bingo’ with the Thread counters there?
Do you still do that?
Oh, I forgot. Laura ‘Part-time’ Kuenssberg doesn’t allow Comments on her Blog. Now, what political colour is the BBC Director who is responsible for the BBC web-site? Wouldn’t be an ex-Labour Party MP and former Government Minister by any chance?
Beyond the early closings and referrals as the regulars found their narrow safety zone of the narrative spinning out of control in open debate, there were the car crashes when the big guns thought they knew best.
Hugs, Thommo, There Went Mr. Jordan… Over promoted and too proud reputations left smouldering in print.
Up – I don’t post anywhere else and gchq will confirm that, I do however look at the mail online blogs as well as the hugely comedic starlets flaunting their gym toned something or other on holiday with their bo in bling land .
Pay for food or free food from food banks?
Politicians across the board took an 18% pay rise from 2010 when everyone talked about austerity and recession …. so how come as employers of Diane Abbott and Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May the UK citizen’s could not freeze their pay increase of 18%?
2009 expense scandal … then a 2010 to 2018 pay increase of 18%
Heard a few minutes of the Moral Maze tonight. Anne McElvoy seemed to think that blaming “the west” for the arrival of Putin was wrong, it being so long ago.
Seems to sum up the goldfish bowl view of history. Even a relatively serious adult on a flagship BBC Radio 4 show thinks that thirty years ago is way too long to account for what`s occurring today.
Try telling the Chinese THAT Anne.
Serious countries like China, Russia, Iran and Turkey, Egypt and Israel live their history every day, good and bad. McElvoy is a trivial older snowflake if she thinks our treatment of Yeltsin has had no long term effect on what Russia-and Putin- now choose to do with us.
Westerners “blaming the west” currently seems to be the only historical thought process.
“And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?”.
The converse of this question is used to explain everything from muslim terrorism to Putin’s attack. Someone feeling hurt about the crusades is the reason for 9/11. Some ridiculous Dolchstosslegende is required to explain Putin’s expansionist plans. The Versaille treaty was too harsh A proud nation was humiliated and Hitler was the result.
Russian ressentiments against the Britain seem to date back a long way. Did it all go start to go wrong when Gytha of Wessex married Vladimir Monomach. Who knows, who cares? At least the article below explains the rivalry in terms of diametrically opposed interests, rather than hurt feelings.
Ретроспективный взгляд на историю российско-британских отношений свидетельствует о том, что со времен Гиты Уэссекской — супруги Владимира Мономаха, отец которой Гаральд Годвинсон был убит в битве с Гильомом Бастардом (он же Вильгельм Завоеватель) при Гатингсе, отношения Руси/России и Англии/Британии были либо никакими, либо напряженными. Даже в редкие времена военных союзов (против Бонапарта и Гитлера) стороны не доверяли друг другу, имели диаметрально противоположные интересы и только общая опасность временно удерживала их в одном лагере
“Comrade ID” a cruel jibe, indeed!
I thought I was showing solidarity with the new biasedbbc fashion of Putin worship. Lond live the Great Leader!
Russia-like China, like Egypt, like Turkey, like Iran and like Japan-are more like civilisations that countires.
They should not be trivialised or mocked, humiliated or taken on unless you can back it up. These have all been empires (embryonic , more often real enough)-not piddling little countries like most of the ones we know.
Russia, India etc…only a mug would take them on, an idiot EU seems to think it“ll survive when Russia goes. Other way round Junker. Russia is a massive power that we betrayed in 1989-99. Putin is the result.
I would normally rail against bringing any PC nonsense into the Bond films but I have to say that the woeful writers for the last couple of films have brought this on themselves.
The sex scene in Skyfall after the young woman reveals that she was sold as a child into sex slavery is uncomfortable, as well as unplausible and unpalatable (as most of the film was).
Likewise, the ‘love scene’ in Spectre with Monica Belluci after she has just buried her husband is equally stupid, un-erotic and lazy (like most of the film was).
Maybe they should just write Bond as being an alpha in seemingly the worlds most dangerous group – single white male – where other races, genders and faiths simply wilt in his presence like a plant starved of sunlight and oxygen.
I haven’t seen “Spectre”, but “Skyfall” was nonsense from beginning to end. None of it made a blind bit of sense.
If the new Bond is directed by Danny Boyle I predict it will be even worse. I can’t stand anything he does, up to and including the Olympic opening ceremony.
I used to know some guys who worked on special effects at Pinewood. They are the ones I feel sorry for if politically correct morons finally kill off the Bond franchise.
Could you imagine “Live and Let Die” being made today?
I think it’s one of the best Bond films and none of the Daniel Craig garbage comes close to matching it. The latest films are just Jason Bourne rip-offs with English accents.
taffman, yesterday’s London Evening Standard (owned by a Russian, edited by a former Chancellor of the Exchequer who is pro-Remain) was dropping a hint to that effect. A very large hint to that effect.
They don’t want to go down that route though because if Facebook had any influence on the EU Referendum result, it was probably in favour of the Remain side.
Two friends of mine who are very pro-Remain are on Facebook. I am pro-Leave and am not on Facebook. I suspect that if I researched further, I would find more Remain voters than Leave voters on Facebook.
Perhaps the result should have been far more definite and conclusive in favour of Leave than some people shouting about Facebook and CA and Russians would really like?
Taff, Naga Rugmuncher already did it while interviewing on the brekkie prog this morning, that bloke from the Dept of Culture Media and Sport (DCMS, which Naga incorrectly labelled Digital media.)
She tried three times to get him to link brexit with the Analytica bollocks.
She also failed miserably with the bloke before him from De la rue printers.
He kept on telling her the printing of the passports was only going to France because of the EU procurement tendering rules, and that once we are out if the EU we can do it our own way.
It simply wasnt able to penetrate her thick biased skull.
Toady watch again
Beeboid Justin did an interview with the M.D. of de la rue – a British company which produces passports at the factory in Gateshead – which is in Britain.
He invited Rudd and May to tell his staff about the contract going to France. Now I know about EU tendering rules – which are fucking awful – and cannot see why ~HMG couldn’t get round them at Brexit .
This government doesn’t hate all the people, just the ones who are British, White, Heterosexual, Christian etc. It positively loves the 15% that aren’t.
“The government had lost the trust of the people. Therefore, it was time for them to elect a new people”, to paraphrase Brecht.
Would be a great feeling to have a government on your side! I can’t believe this, heard about the passports on LBC while driving this morning, almost pranged the car. They just have NO idea do they. The trouble is, come the next general election, who the hell do we vote for? More of the same (no thanks) or Labour (I’m off, RIP Britain).
Increasingly they are covering more fringe women’s sports on Five Live. It really annoys me as nobody cares – I have never met a single sports fan who gets excited about the women’s Champions’ League. As well as being extremely bad, women’s football has no cultural history like the men’s game which is half of what it is to be a football fan. They always patronisingly say how well they are doing.
Women’s football is not unpopular because of ‘oppression’ but biological differences such as less testosterone in females. Equally you can tell a single a man a mile off because of how badly dressed he is – a woman would not let you go out like that. Also it is so much better living with a woman than a man to keep the place from descending into bedlam – many landlords say they only want women for a tenancy.
This is why free speech is the bedrock of a free society. We all make mistakes and it helps everyone if someone can draw attention to them without fear of conviction for thought crime. There is so much flawed and muddled thinking in the billion pound ‘equalities’ industry which people are too terrified to point out, and which the equalities practitioners are paid to ensure becomes entrenched.
A billion pounds a year squandered on a house built on sand, i.e. equal outcomes for all regardless of choice or proclivity? How many life saving cancer drugs could that buy? Maybe when hell has frozen over the BBC will do a Panorama about it?
Beeb- agree on the wimmins sport – I get requests to do those al Beeb surveys using the website so I give them both barrels which , if the beeboids could read English and had a sense of humour would greatly enjoy.
On you comment about single men – you have a point – when I go out and choose to wear clothes I am not always taylored and often forget my trousers … a lady wife might tell me.
And no matter how crap our womens teams or disabled ones turn out to be-rest assured that they`ll get the Celtic Card…i.e a free pass, excused as plucky and battling. Whereas England-and the mens team-are always getting criticised and given no slack by the media.
Being white and English, being male is all that they need-they don`t even spare the black players, as far as I`m aware.
One of the more egregious institutional biases of the BBC is their increasing adherence to lefty identity politics in sports presentation.
Do you need an example? This morning on BBC tv Katherine Downes is keen to share the news that Manchester United have decided to set up a women’s football team. But she doesn’t leave it there. Now comes the heavily biased editorialising because she insists that the club’s failure up until now to create a women’s branch of the brand has been “scandalous”. Is our Katherine just one rogue campaigner on the BBC payroll? Of course not, it’s BBC house policy to push this divisive identity agenda. We see that because both fellow presenters Charlie and Naga approve like a pair of nodding toy dogs. And don’t think this thing is ever going away. Any politically correct concession can’t be treated positively, it’s just more proof of the terrible patriarchal system, right? So it can’t simply be treated as good news for the ladies that Man U have bent to pressure.
Agreed-what kind of non-story was THAT re United getting a womens team? When I meet ONE woman who gives a damn who`s not employed by the BBC, or already owned by the leisure industry-I`ll let you know.
Humph manages to report on the anniversary of the Westminster attack last year without mentioning the evil Islamic motivation . Poor PC Keith Palmer sacrificed his life for the huge number of shit politicians who are responsible for his death by allowing vermin into Blighty .
The sign they should put up a sign saying ‘Londonistan disunited’
England 27 for 9. It would have been good if they’d remembered to take their bats with them. I know that’s bad even though I’m a footy bod.
Don’t post very often, but view the bias every day….keeps me sane!
Just found an article on their website highlighting child abuse in a small Norwegian community….pity they had to go to the Artic Circle to find this hideous crime….they could have just popped up the M1, then M6 to Telford.
Laugh my socks off (not at the crime of course), but the way they omit the obvious. They must think we are bloody stupid!
A rather strange article, to put it mildly. It starts with the headline: a community of just 2000 people with 151 cases of sex crime. It sounds bad – sex crimes are bad, of course – but it is spread over 60 years, meaning an average of 2-3 cases per year. How does that compare with the national averages for Norway and other European countries? Is it statistically significant? Consider the name of the town – Tysfjord. Phonetically, that’s not a million miles from a name like ‘Telford’ – unhappy coincidence?
We then get a little bit closer to the awkward stuff: a disproportionate number of the offenders and victims are from ‘the indigenous Sami community – Scandinavia’s original inhabitants’ (indigenous, eh. That’s not a term they ever use when describing Britain’s original inhabitants). However, terms like ‘ethnic division’, ‘discrimination’, ‘racism’ and ‘Norwegianisation’ are quickly laced in, along with an attempt to ‘explain’ things with a reference to Sami culture. Oh, and how investigations were hampered by the Norwegian authorities.
The purpose of the article is very much along the lines of: yes, the BBC can discuss sexual abuse of children, but just not when it is close to home (“Don’t mention Telford! Or Rochdale! Or Rotherham! Etc”). But another revealing insight is contained within the link article at the bottom of the page: “Rather than being offered protection, teenagers groomed and coerced into having sex faced criminal charges of prostitution. A major factor was the public – and professional – perception of the abused girls, who were often dismissed as troublemakers.” No, BBC, do not try to blame the public in this way. The problem is 100% attributable to the ‘professional’: the politicians who created the problem through immigration; the police, councillors and social workers who ignored it; the national broadcaster that connived to cover it up and deflect attention and continues to do so.
@Ian, spot on analysis. It is a bizarrely timed article in light of events in the UK. Also found these bits revealing:
—”Norway’s national government is funding projects to promote cohesion and build resilience. Community events are better attended now by both Sami people and Norwegians.”
—”Sami culture is inclusive […] so we must find a way to live together, because everybody is in this circle of life”.
Er… building resilience? How about taking an uncompromising look at the causes and perpetrators without all the social engineering guff.
Inclusivity and community cohesion for the win at the BBC, whatever the topic.
Humph interviewed deputy chief constable os Cambridge about the old bill failing to meet the 999 targets . I checked the pay level ( sad aren’t I? He is on about £120 000 a year. Humph is on 6 Times that much … ….
There was no discussion of the need to prioritise 999 response other such important things as wearing blue nail polish, prosecuting people with Pugs and snooping on internet nonsense ‘ hate crime ‘.
I heard that, too – what an appalling interview! Both his ‘expert’ guest and the deputy CC were allowed to waffle the usual sociological virtue signalling about victims of crime, while the interviewer went nowhere near the question of how much police time is being wasted by sticking iPlod in front of computers to monitor vicious, evil people like, um, Count Dankula and his Nazi dog.
Later, though he expressed surprise at the claim of a massive increase in the number of domestic abuse calls, he missed another open goal by not asking whether the increase was due to inflationary recording or whether the calls were about genuine cases of domestic abuse.
BBC Breakfast had some blonde piece from HM Inspector of Constabulary. What she said was indecipherable, PC speak and full of evasions and random twadde. No chance of us knowing the obvious.
1. If crime`s going down, how come so much more of it is going on.
2. Do certain areas have certain crime issues which the police are unable and unwilling to do anything about? And would anybody tell us what they are?
3. Why do more people now reckon on getting away with being criminals, compared to just a generation ago? And why won`t anybody check if that`s correct-or do they hope if they don`t measure it, it can`t be true.
4. Has migration and islam got anything to do with it all-especially cases of child abuse, attacks on women, and gang stabbings and drugs?
Our blonde poppet wouldn` t DREAM of feeding we racists with some inconvenient truths like those I seek above-and our BBC interviewere lady wouldn`t be so crass and insensitive to ask such questions.
More money, more therapy and let`s hit those targets seeming to be all they`ve got to say.
Meanwhile in Telford…
While I am grumbling about Today (listened to for just long enough to make tea this morning, then ‘off’ for the rest of the day, so bad has R4 become) I mustn’t neglect to comment on their choice of media for the ‘what the papers say’ section. This was led, if that’s the right word, by a comment from the amateurish, American, far Left websites, HuffPo and Politico! What next, Labour list or Mumsnet? Why not that other hive of ignorance, Moneysavingexpert?
Hard though it may be to believe but the BBC grows less adult by the week.
If ever a trusted, transparent, independent investigative report was warranted, it is for the balance in appearance of BBC source titles, especially on a ‘speaking for the nation’ vs. Beebspeak-approves ABC ratings basis.
Hmmm where is this place? BBC Broadcasting House? Telford? Rochester?
No, the BBC have travelled far and wide to find white skinned sex crimes in Norway rather than report on the Muslim rape gangs in the UK and across the whole of Europe.
Before opening her mouth on the subject of Russia and Putin again, the Prime Minister would do well to talk to Salisbury Police who are investigating the Skripal poisoning.
In an interview with Mishal Husain on TODAY on, I think, Tuesday, the senior officer suggested that they were some way from establishing what had exactly happened and where, and who was responsible for the attack. The officer said that at the present time, their attention is directed toward Julia Skripal.
Up – you raise a horrible image – which could be depicted as propaganda by some … but if it turned out that the Russian State was not responsible for the poisoning how would Blighty look ? This is fiction because that truth would never come out .,
Fed, you may have to explain that post more fully to me.
I THINK what you are saying is that I have lied and created a fictional narrative around the Skripals and the attack. No, I haven’t.
Go on BBC iPlayer, listen to TODAY on, I think, Tuesday. I think it was in the third hour of the programme, possibly after the half-time sport. I am reporting what the officer in charge of/involved with at senior level (and authorised to talk to the BBC) actually said. Check it for yourself. The officer detailed the number of statements that had been taken from witnesses. He said he couldn’t reveal full details of the investigation so far. He went on to say “at the present time, their attention is directed toward Julia Skripal.”
You can hear this for yourself.
I will accept an apology from you for this personal slur so I take that as a given.
Up – no I’m not accusing you at all -apologise for any distress
I fully take your point That there seems certainty about the perpetrator as opposed to the possibility of maybe having jumped to a conclusion a bit quick and the implication if the government got it wrong.
If there is anything that I have learned about governments it that they are not always the brightest people in the world, go with group think and are slow to admitting error. What I am saying is if the conclusion already jumped to is that Russia did it turned out to be wrong how would UK look. Please tell me you understand this.
Yes, thinking some steps ahead is important for everyone but especially so for politicians, and Governments. You would have thought that HMG with ‘Cobra’ briefings would have all the facts.
Also, what is really interesting in this is how brainless the media have been, especially our favourite BBC. They, to a man (other genders are available), have also assumed ‘it was the Putin and the Russians’. None that I can see, from almost exclusively front page consumption, have raised sensible questions. None. At all. Whatsoever. This has been quite remarkable.
No questions about the delivery of poison from attacker to victim. No questions about route the Skripals took on that Sunday. No questions about the order of the events. No questions about the condition of the Skripals and or the policeman, Nick Bailey, UNTIL yesterday. Then, I had to look on-line and I found – according to an ITV, not BBC, web-site news feed – that his condition had improved to the point where he might leave hospital. That news item also revealed he had given CPR to the Skripals and was thus affected by the nerve agent via saliva/breath of the victims. The BBC have never enquired about that, at all, in my hearing on BBC Radio4. There are lots of other questions that the BBC and the MSM could and should have raised, without any speculation.
There has been an amazing dereliction of duty, by and large, by the UK media on this. Their supine position is most peculiar.
It is almost like an old-fashioned D-notice has been slapped on the whole media. But it appears that is not the case.
The consequences for the Prime Minister could be quite severe if it is found that it was a mutual suicide, or, Julia Skripal had been persuaded to, or had decided to, kill her father for some reason or reasons yet to be ascertained, or, it was a ‘gangster hit’ – all using a stolen or illegally acquired or constructed ‘nerve agent’. She has, effectively, misled the House. She has to sack herself. That’s a resigning matter. That will lead to a Leadership Election in the Conservative Party. Inevitably, there will be calls for a General Election.
Will there be any consequences for the BBC?
I wonder …
Thought about it. Nah, they’ll get away with very, seriously sloppy work.
Up – I agree – I’ve been trying not to engage too much in this but as you say the consequences of an alternative ‘real truth ‘ such as bungled suicide , actual double suicide using stolen product is an alarming one.
Perhaps the media don’t want to be accused of playing the kremlin disinformation game but as you say if the investigation found something other that a Russian attack its goodbye Teresa and hello…… ?
I say again no offence intended. I reread what I wrote but couldn’t find an upset but done done.
Oh god, that would be so deliciously rich if it wasn’t the Russians and it was the daughter.
Just to highlight again to the MSM (not that they’d accept it) how utterly stupid and backward they look when running around without any due process or rational thinking, waving their hands in the air screaming “it’s the Ruskies, it’s the Ruskies”.
It’s just such blatant attention shifting isn’t it. They’re destroying the fabric of our society, dismantling our culture and heritage and allowing young women to be treated like disposable trash but let’s just keep pointing and shouting at the big bad bear over the horizon that will never materialise.
“I THINK what you are saying is that I have lied and created a fictional narrative around the Skripals and the attack. No, I haven’t.”
Very interesting that you should react in such a way, Up2snuff.
“Check it for yourself. The officer detailed the number of statements that had been taken from witnesses. He said he couldn’t reveal full details of the investigation so far. He went on to say ‘at the present time, their attention is directed toward Julia Skripal.’”
I did check it…
And guess what. The officer didn’t say what you said he did. Closest he got was in answer to whether the investigation was focusing on the car;
‘Our focus is on the movements of the Skripals’, he said.
You can hear this for yourself. Radio4, TODAY, Tuesday, 2:37:00.
It’s almost like you’ve created a fictional narrative…
I’m astonished. You seem to be under the same “tin foil hat” as Owen “Pretty Boy” Jones. The state lied about WMDs in Iraq for some nefarious reason. Nerve gas is a WMD so there must be lying about Salisbury. But then what do I know. I foolishly exposed myself as a Russian troll by posting in Russian. However, if you had got your cui bonoing right you would have realised that I am a Ukrainian agent provocateur. Simples!.
iD – ah so the Ukrainians give the daughter a lip balm which she uses and contaminates dad and the copper who bravely tries cp mouth to mouth thing in order for the rooskies to get the blame .
Russia says UK may be behind ex-spy chemical attack.
The nerve agent attack was to STOP them giving evidence of HILLARY CLINTON CRIMES.
President Vladimir Putin is determined to destroy the JEW World Order Khazarian Criminal Mafia.
VIVA President Vladimir Putin
VOTED Best President World Wide.
RUSSIA is NOT the Enemy.
UK Prime Minister Theresa May is a JEW World Order PUPPET.
UK is a shambles stuck in no mans land.
I wonder what Noam Chumpski says? Could it be the Dutch wot’s to blame?
Salisbury : I think the commenters here are dumber than the PM.
When there is an information void, there is no need to fill it, just leave it.
It’s libs who are afraid to and end up fillying uncertainty with fake certainty eg on Brexit.
What I see is people applying draughts level rules to a chess game.
If youve been on anything complex like a military operation then you know things can’t be judged from the outside.
Set aside the Salisbury incident.
In general we are about sending signals that any leader should stick within a moral code..which means that people who oppose him/her should not live in fear of death.
Unusually there is no report of a yoof killing so far today . Obviously time for a story about Londonistan is getting safer” and the mayor “mo” someone doing a photo op closing another police station .
Anyone hear the Toady interview with MP Matthew Hancock about 0815? I just turned on to hear him say, in response to a question about Russia, that the Russians are determined to undermine our democratic way of life (there followed a brief description of our, “democracy”). I shocked the cat, I have to admit, by bursting out laughing. Yes, laughter at an item of serious news? But surely it wasn’t serious news was it? Seems to me that the attempted murder of two people does not compare with those who are really (not attempting to) undermining our democratic way of life and are killing and maiming hundreds on our streets. Naturally, I am referring to islam.
Government mismanagement all over again. Why Oh! why can’t we have leadership who really understand where the problem really lies?
G – using disinformation to undermine our way of life – I thought that self destructive fool -Hancock – was talking about al Beeb – the Russians are nothing in comparison to the al Beeb onslaught of propaganda .
I think there was a Newsnight story just after the Russian election in which substituting UK for Russia could easily have worked.
Many parties, same outcome.
We are getting a lot of fuss about Facebook at the moment and whether its users ‘opted in’ to having their data being ‘re-purposed’. I’m more concerned that at no time did I ever ‘tick the box’ for mass immigration, losing our EU vetos, reducing our rebate and stuffing the House of Lords with people whose heads should be on spikes on Westminster Bridge!
I doubt I’m alone in wondering at the rank hypocrisy of the BBC pontificating about any other country’s elections when our own are so riddled with fraud.
From the suspicious behaviour surrounding the Thanet poll, to the scandalous misuse of postal voting and never forgetting the immigration for votes policies of Labour, it would be far more appropriate if the BBC helped put our house in order first.
Gina Miller and all her political bag carriers have done FAR more to discredit and neuter ” our democratic way of life” than anything that Putin could ever do.
We vote brexit-they spend every waking hour trying to overturn that decision. In the US, they vote Trump-and all the Deep State does is try to invalidate the result with no end of straw men, usually called Ivan.
So no-Putins no problem. But when Corbyn and his mates can double vote and terrify MPs at Grenfell-democracy is already slipping away from us.
9am Melvyn opening of prog “writing about America” ” he was worried that the people could easily elect a despotic charismatic leader who would undermine democracy”
topic : French aristocrat Tocqueville observing the American system in 1835
Do I spot them trying to allude to Trump ?
Wonder if they will draw any modern comparisons in ‘In Our Time’?
Unfortunately, one contributor has already pulled the rug from under the Trump-hating BBC. Americans, as a generalisation, ‘want to make money’.
Donald Trump, the money maker, was elected by people who want to ‘get on’ and ‘make money’, especially aspirational, BAME swing or former Democrat voters. They did not like Hillary Clinton and what she offered and chose Donald Trump as their new President.
I googled and found no Tocqueville discussion with the phrase “despotic charismatic leader ”
Some discussions mention “charismatic leader”
eg “In Jackson’s demagoguery, Tocqueville observed the chauvinism of a charismatic leader who invited an anxious democratic people to identify the nation’s destiny with his own. ”
(that’s kind of similar , but not even hos own words)
Yes, of course it will. Rampant capitalists will shift jobs in plumbing, vegetable harvesting, car washing and general building straight overseas the moment Brexit happens (if it ever does).
The Left’s characteristic inability to reason is so common that you can’t help wondering if being stupid and a socialist are interdependent.
Ah well, you see MM, it all depends on how you define the word ‘majority’. One current school of thought believes that a significant number thought they were voting for the Dickens’ character ‘Ma Jorrity’ and this simple mistake has led to the high levels of angst in those opposed. The Booker Prize committee, including Ken Clarke and Anna Soubry, are investigating.
Mensheviks were the Duma Majority, the Bolsheviks were the Minority. After the Germans had sent Lenin home to Russia in a sealed train to create trhe revolution and nobble any WW1 Alliance between Russia and the West-unsurprisingly, Lenins Bolsheviks DID become the Majority. But by murdering the Mensheviks and all who opposed Lenin.
The Majority voted to leave, the EU Bolsheviks have decided that we`re chicken. Not so,
The BBC £3.5bn News Service – created so we forget about our own Nation’s news and concerns… relax .. the BBC have omitted it!
BBC Sports Relief.
BBC Children in Need.
BBC Jerry (Corbyn) Christmas Jumper on main website.
BBC Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker’s opinion.
BBC Gender Pay Gap.
BBC Jimmy Saviles favorite Safe Spaces.
BBC International Women’s Channel.
BBC Hate Corbyn Gate.
Here Comes the Groom …. {steynonline 21mar2018}“If with regard to language, clarity is the remedy (as Orwell would say), shouldn’t the ‘Asian Grooming Gangs’ be re-named ‘Moslem R*pe Gangs’? I’ve been trying to make the case that they should at the local council I work for, but over here in the UK one can be hauled in for hate speech at the drop of a hat.”
11am FOOC doing it’s normal SJW stuff
– Illegal migrants in Athens helped at a Greek anarchist centre
– Museum dedicated to Socialist Evo Morales in Bolivia …who seems to becoming leader for life
– Conspiracy theories in Afghanistan “It’s the British” “oh there’s good reasons for that , used a buffer between Iran and Russia”
– George Washington’s estate (Trump bashing ?)
– Nigerian kidnapped school girls returned by Islamists
Radio Labour
The 11:30 prog was ‘ the new rise in political pop’
.. Which means socialist songs
The star interviewed was ethnic-Syrian girl singer ..
Her opening words “There no such thing as indigenous British”
… hmm thats ike saying that. There are no Australian Aborigines or no Inuit etc.
“Which do you value more? Truth or Freedom? And every single person said freedom. Which do you value more Unity or Diversity. Everyone but one said Diversity.” – Trey Gowdy
This day last year, I reported a blatant benefit fraudster to the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP). I discovered the fraud had been taking place for over five years with the collusion of the, ‘Social Landlord’ whose position was, ‘as long as the benefits are rolling in to cover the rent, who cares?’. Yes, you say, ‘doubtless the DWP was on this like a ton of bricks’. Well no, actually. It appears they, like the social landlord, couldn’t give a toss. I wonder if the fact that the fraudster is a EU citizen residing with her children in the UK and working in a £9 perhour part time job could have anything to do with it?
Doesn’t surprise me. My colleague reported his ex wife’s fraud several times when she was taking benefits whilst working cash in hand. She talked her way out of it and has never been caught or punished. Meanwhile he overpaid his child support because his ex lied about the kids leaving school and starting work. He could t have know as she denied him contact. The CSA refused to pay him back several thousands of pounds despite agreeing he had overpaid as they deemed they were not culpable.
Another gaffe from Foreign Secretary Boris who compares Putin’s World Cup with Hitler’s Olympics.
What was that? He was simply agreeing with the comment made by Labour MP Ian Austin earlier in the day? Strange, that’s not how it came over on the BBC, they must have missed the connection.
Not the bbbc but who’s idea was it to give George Galloway a platform on Talk Radio. The lefties are loving him, phoning in and licking his backside.
Someone asked on the lines of “what are we supposed to do about the increasing threat from Islamic terrorism?”
Guess what George blamed…our foreign policy!
Let’s not discuss the real issue-what their Islamic scriptures instruct them to do!
As The Times reported a few months ago, Muslims were told by their leaders in some London boroughs, such as Tower hamlets, to foster indiginous white children. As I recall, the BBC werent troubled by the allegation and played down the consequences.
“Trump threatens former VP Biden with physical violence”
That is a headline on Sky website atm. It is shown with an aggressive picture of Trump.
If anyone troubles to read the item and gets more than half way through they would see Biden prompted that reaction by saying “If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.”
And then Trump responds to that in the only way Trump knows how. Like for like.
So, the headline should read Biden Threatens Trump with Physical Violence, or Trump responds to Biden’s physical Violence threat.
Man from Labour Party who confuses a religion with a race asks for forgiveness but the tolerant religion wants more than forgiveness (sack him) even though it speaks of forgiveness … man says he will re-educated himself (asked for further diversity training) and begs for forgiveness … man not quite ready to convert to a new religion … but time will tell.
“I do not believe that councillor Dempster’s comments constitute racism, or believe he is a racist, but he understands the hurt they have caused and he has apologised.
Turkey has never even acknowledged the fact that they committed genocide against the Armenians in 1916, let alone apologised or made reparations – so they really expect people to believe that Islam teaches the importance of forgiveness? If it teaches one thing only, it’s the importance of lying to get what you want.
As Sahab continues to release regular messages from Ayman al Zawahiri, posting two more discussions from the al Qaeda leader in recent days. In the latest message, disseminated online yesterday (Mar. 20), Zawahiri reminds viewers that his organization considers America to be the “first enemy” of Muslims around the globe.
Terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks in Germany. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in public places visited by foreigners. The German government has announced that increased security has been put in place as a precaution at public buildings, major events, transport hubs and large public gatherings.
Terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks in France. Attacks could be indiscriminate. Due to ongoing threats to France by Islamist terrorist groups, and recent French military intervention against Daesh (formerly referred to as ISIL), the French government has warned the public to be extra vigilant and has reinforced its own domestic and overseas security measures. You should be vigilant in public places and follow the advice of local French authorities.
Foreign travel advice: Sweden
Terrorists are likely to try to carry out attacks in Sweden. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places visited by foreigners.
“Foreign travel advice: Sweden – Terrorists are likely to try to carry out attacks in Sweden. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places visited by foreigners. ”
I watched The Falklands Play on YouTube last night. That was the one where the Beeb commissioned a writer to write a play on the Falklands war but then didn’t like that the final draft portrayed Maggie in a good light.
Even though the writer had thoroughly researched the play taking extracts from Hansard etc, the Beeb had to shelve it because they didn’t want Maggie to look too favourable.
Did it ever occur to them that maybe she just was that good or that capable in that kind of situation? Despite their desire for her to be portrayed as some blood thirsty warrior bitch, perhaps she was an impressive leader who had the skills and determination to be the leader that we needed at that particular time. I mean I thought the default was that we gave women the benefit of the doubt but seemingly not her.
It’s really poor form that she doesn’t get the props for how she handled that crisis but rather incessantly blamed for leaving the islands exposed (there was a garrison of 42 marines on the island) because the lightly armed survey ship Endurance which only patrolled the waters from Dec- Mar was being pulled and because the dove like FCO had put forward some options to Mrs T for resolving the Falklands problem.
It’s just so telling and indicative that our very own broadcasting corporation is so spiteful that it would feel the need to scupper or delay a production because it showed someone they disliked in a positive light.
I haven’t seen it but some of the other stuff on YouTube – such as the paras on the falklands is also a version albeeb wouldn’t show .
Personally I think history will favour Mrs T in a way al beeb never can – in the same way that Blair’s image is tarnishing so quickly even whilst still alive the shit .
Yes, you are right on anything related to the Falklands. They loved milking the conflict for all of it’s emotional drama and the chance for their reporters to make a name for themselves but then couldn’t bring themselves to admit that the fundamental cause of it was a hostile nation invading our sovereign land.
It’s here if you wanted to check it out
Maybe history will favour her as it’s now doing with Reagan who I know at the time used to get pilloried for being stupid and forgetful. However, there will always be someone claiming that she stole their milk, started the war, sucked off Pinochet, favoured apartheid and destroyed our manufacturing.
It is deeply gratifying to us who loathed him from the beginning that the egregious Blair has fallen completely out of favour. Even my young children could not stand his voice on the radio when he came to power; they could tell he was a wrong ‘un.
The Falklands play is really good I think, as a modern political drama – and probably one of the few straightforwardly non-pc things they have aired in a generation! Of course the commissioning and production had a lot of issues and ‘controversy’ – so the BBC probably only finally aired it in 2002 through gritted teeth.
I clicked the R4 drama at 2:25pm and heard some girl character moaning “Daily Mail reader ..xenophobis ..blah blah”
…a few mins later the character was drunk on the phone trying to lull some Polish lads”.
..BBC drama have lost the plot.
today’s R4 drama
“Kuba, a jaw-droppingly handsome hipster barista, is part of a new breed of Polish immigrant who no longer needs to escape hardship but rather wants to explore the world.
Working in a popular third-wave coffee shop in Shoreditch, London, he has mastered the British accent and almost passes as a “native”.
The night after the Brexit vote, Kuba is severely beaten, losing not only his good looks but oddly enough his perfect British accent too.
This drama, about the complex and sometimes uncomfortable issues of British identity and xenophobia, is narrated by the Queen, voiced by Lin Sagovsky”.
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Beeb orgasming over their racism-of-the-day story:
“Police: Are black knife deaths being ignored?
Knife deaths aren’t causing the outrage they should because the majority of victims come from black communities, a top UK officer says.”
Of course another reason the beebistan may be ignoring the attacks is that their favourite victim group are the ones COMMITTING all those stabbings.
(And PS: another useless creepy PC PC who knows how to get some diversity credits for his career promotion)
So instead of actually doing something about the situation like robust policing, stop and search, etc, the police do nothing but go whining to the press to show how diverse and multiculturally sensitive they are.
We’re doomed.
Time we thought outside the box about ‘gang-on-gang’ crime: arm them to the teeth and let them wipe each other out.
(Any survivors should then be disarmed pronto before they turn on the rest of the population.)
“Knife deaths aren’t causing the outrage they should because the majority of victims come from black communities, a top UK officer says.”
How about we tell both sides of that story?…
“Knife attacks aren’t causing the outrage they should because the majority of perpetrators come from black communities.”
Dave, see 2 or 3 posts above…
The police are well aware that the situation is deteriorating very fast and that the media and politicians of all parties are refusing to face up to it.
This is putting the police in an impossible position . Infiltrated by Common Purpose and abandoned by the progressives on all sides.
A Narco state is what we are becoming with armed gangs fighting to control the huge drug business and money.
Time is short now before London, Bristol, Manchester,Nottingham and other places become war zones . The drug gangs are now spreading into the shires and quite frankly the police cannot cope.
In many ways this is a much greater threat than terrorism not that the media will admit to this.
There is anecdotal evidence that in London private security is taking over from the police in rich areas. Who they are and who pays is best not asked.
The rule of law can break down very quickly and without any real warning. It is a bad situation made worse by denial on all sides.
Dave S
All because of political correctness .
The bBC, the sacking of a teacher who berated the military and half the story:
Anti-military’ California teacher fired for video rant
“A California teacher has been fired for making negative comments about members of the military, US media report. Gregory Salcido, 49, was caught on video in January saying members of the military are “not intellectual people” and “the freaking lowest of our low”. The high school teacher was fired after an investigation into his remarks, according to the Los Angeles Times. Mr Salcido denies being anti-military but said he maintains the military is not the best option for his students. “My goal, as it relates to my students, related to the military, is to get them to do everything to get to college,” Mr Salcido said at a city council meeting on 13 February.”
According to the bbC, this poor techer was sacked for stating the truth about thick American soldiers. Here is what the bBC doesn’t tell you:
“The video of Salcido first went viral in January, in which he can be heard chastising 17-year-old student Victor Quinonez for wearing a U.S. Marines sweatshirt and calling military members the “lowest of our low.” He has been on leave since.”
Get that, he was abusing a student, there lies the reason he was sacked, also he disparaged foreign people in his outburst. Funny how the bBC left all that out.
The bBC, the biggest promoter of fake news in the world.
It is so delicious that they first ran with the ‘fake news’ meme to explain Trump and Brexit. Trump has turned it back on them so brilliantly and brutally. It has been glorious to see them hoist by their own petard – what lying, snivelling traitors they are.
LBC Farage : No nothing libs keep phoning him and thinking they are going to catch him out
For third time in last week a caller has called as if having a crib sheet in front of them
..”Ah but Mr Farage you are not a democrat cos you sat on the EU Fishing Committee and hardly went”
Farage replies ‘of course I hardly went , cos I found out it had no power the EU parliament MEPs cannot propose new legislation only non-elected EU commissioners can do that”
typo of course : Know nothing
Still on the beebistan webshite Home page: “The Rohingya children trafficked for sex”
Still NOT on the beebistan webshite Home page, or anywhere in sight: “The Telford children trafficked for sex”
Nor on the Home Page – the common denominator between perpetrators in Telford and in Bangladesh….
8:45pm Radio4 BBC super twists Rotherham ?
They’ve found a white Christian groomed by white men
My False-Equivalence alarm is sounding
“The gang of white local men would hang around at ice rinks to meet and groom girls for sex.
… After a couple of meetings at the ice rink they invited us to a party, and we all went.”
“I was held down while one of the men rubbed newspaper in my face with one hand and broke my arm with the other.
And I kept silent. ”
“It didn’t even occur to us to tell an adult what had happened.”
(Terrible , but that stands against 1,500 victms of groom/rape/pimp by the ethnic-Pak gangs)
The Silence of the Lamb, Katie Edwards’ Radio 4 Lent Talk, which is being broadcast on 21 March at 8.45pm
The text is ALMOST the same as this morning’s Guardian article
The gang of white local men would hang around at ice rinks to meet and groom girls for sex. And to me – and no doubt to my friends – they were the loveliest, funniest people I had ever met. They weren’t like the immature spotty lads at school, grabbing at our bodies and spitting insults. The men complimented us, stroked our hair and held our hands. After a couple of meetings at the ice rink they invited us to a party, and we all went.
Two stories are being played out here ….
“The gang of white local men would hang around at ice rinks to meet and groom girls for sex. And to me – and no doubt to my friends – they were the loveliest, funniest people I had ever met. ” – Guardian
. . . .
In Rotherham, the majority of known perpetrators were of
Pakistani heritage including the five men convicted in 2010.
“The gang of white local men…”
Doesn’t trip off the tongue somehow – was she groomed to say ‘white’ I wonder, or did the beeb / grauniad insert it?
And had they been brown / black men would the colour have been omitted? They wouldn’t even have had to: people have learnt to self-censor when reporting crime, especially to the media. People now ‘know’ not to say something like ‘a gang of black men mugged me’ for fear of seeming racist. The same fear that allows muslim paedo-crime, black gun and knife crime, acid attacks etc to flourish across our fair land.
We’re doomed.
Respect to all victims
but the story does seem magnificently convenient
We’ve had 20 years of Rotherham Pak groom/rape/pimp gangs
.. and here out of nowhere the Guardian/BBC highlight this story out of nowhere.
.. If she did not come forward to the Jay inquiry ..she let future victims down.
One side we have dozens of guilty verdicts from courts.
..and on the other we have ONE story with no physical evidence.
The possibility scenario ranges from 100% false to 100% true.
Men? Not transgender women?
Note how these crimes are anecdotal and never go to court.
I remember they had a black victim of groomers who conveniently remained anonymous. They had a black actor play him. I would wager my house and children that he did not exist.
Started reading a bit from The Guardian article.
So let me get this straight. She gets touched up as a 10 year girl in a bookshop, rushes out to her three female aunts who all tell her to stop being mardy.
Right so the very first instance of abuse where someone could have instilled in her the notion that this isn’t right and she is failed by three WOMEN who tell her to ignore it.
But it all sounds odd anyway. She goes shopping with her aunts and wants to buy a book, so she goes into the shop on her own while her aunts wait outside. Who does that? Who goes shopping with a minor and waits outside while they peruse the shelves.
The phrase “gang of white local men” doesn’t ring true. The choice of words is to make a point.
People on this site should listen to themselves:
“’The gang of white local men…’ Doesn’t trip off the tongue somehow”
“the story does seem magnificently convenient”
“Note how these crimes are anecdotal and never go to court.”
“it all sounds odd anyway.”
“The phrase “gang of white local men” doesn’t ring true.”
The crimes in Rotherham et al carried on for so long uninterrupted because the handful of victims brave enough to go to the police weren’t believed. Exactly the same happened with Saville and many other cases that have since come to light.
Yet here we have a collection of people refusing to believe, doubting the story, of a sexual abuse victim for one and only one single reason; because she said “white”.
Bit early to be making a grand return based on ‘people’ power, ain’t it?
Tear gas set off in Kosovo parliament
”This is the moment when opposition politicians set off tear gas canisters in Kosovo’s parliament, prompting its evacuation.
The stunt was a bid to disrupt voting on a bill to ratify a border agreement with Montenegro – paving the way to EU visa-free travel and, it is hoped, eventual EU membership.”
it is hoped?
no bias there then…..
Today, over 90% of Kosovo’s population are from Muslim family backgrounds, most of whom are ethnic Albanians.
Maybe one day somebody will do that in the parliamentary chambers at Westminster, with something a bit more potent than tear gas.
Facebook’s Zuckerberg admits mistakes over Cambridge Analytica
‘Mark Zuckerberg: “I started Facebook, and at the end of the day I’m responsible” ‘
Did Mark Zuckerberg just admit he’s responsible for Donald Trump’s election triumph ?
No not at all,
I just felt like using libtard lingo…
I don’t understand why so few have ever thought to themselves ‘how can facebook be making money’?
I mean the adverts, really, they’re hardly that intrusive. So surely it’s obvious that the only way they could be making any money in this noble, public service that they are offering, is selling the data.
Q&A with Aaron Brown, Fishing for Leave.
Tells you everything you need to know about the CFP, quotas etc. and the duplicity of this government and civil servants as they sell out our country.
Channel 4 ‘News’ are going completely over-the-top crazy about this Cambridge Analytica thing. It is a piddling little non-story in all honesty. Even reasonable left of centre people will acknowledge that fact. Our Channel 4 team are working themselves up into a lather of self righteous anger. Why?
Because their butt-hurt refusal to accept Donald Trump as President is much more deep and visceral than we imagined.
Our victory hurts them every single day. HOORAY!!
New radio4 Weather podcast
ep 1 Should we still be worried about the ozone layer?
It’s one of those under cover BBC podcasts that is never broadcast on the radio .#agenda ?
“Far right” boo word : George Galloway just did a preview of his new RT doco
“my new film #PatriotGames the story of Britain’s far-right #Fascism #NationalFront #BNP #EDL #FootballLadsAlliance #Racism #AntiSemitism #Islamophobia #JoCox #Mosley #Blackshirts”
“featuring @GoodwinMJ & @LeeJasper ”
“Last year 4 right wing terrorist attacks were averted” (dingaling, big claims without context is misdirection)
They he started banging on about “Jo Cox”
… (That immediately docks his credibility a one off political assassination DOES NOT constitute a terrorist attack)
Appalling nonsense from Galloway.
Mair was a mental health nut as much as a right winger.
Indeed, far more a nut than a racist.
He had bought Nazi rubbish online, I recall-but he was NOT part of a network. As a mental health case, he`d hardly function as Mr Network would he? A loner in his mums house wasn`t he?
So should we now make Community Care nutters into “a network of psychiatric cases, trying to bring down the countrys government then?
Utter junk. But RT-who DO have a problem with their right wing thugs back home-choose to let George speak for their agenda.
It is on the bbc; so it must be true. Who knew?
Yes, think we`ve all been saying that there`s not enough blacks, muslims, disabled and gays on our public sector, eco responsible, freeview adverts and previews of programmes.
I1d say that it`s harder to find a normal heterosexual white family on a given ad than the United Colours of Bennetton effluent that pour on us every day.
Heck,even Martin Webster said this on RT, first thing he`s ever said that I agreed with.
not enough blacks in commercials
really every couple I see on the tele adverts seems to have a black man in it
It’s a little rich of the Beeb to be commenting on commercials isn’t it given that they are in their ivory tower of not having to be troubled with such annoyances as considering where your revenue is coming from.
Prime candidate for Specsavers advert then !
Brissles is number 800! Well done girl! One for the feminists here.
Well done Brissels, I am ready to spring mine on 1000.
Oh hell I fell asleep waiting for the 1000 -here’s to 2000….
Did you guys used to hang around the BBC Political, Economic & Business Editors’ Blogs just playing ‘bingo’ with the Thread counters there?
Do you still do that?
Oh, I forgot. Laura ‘Part-time’ Kuenssberg doesn’t allow Comments on her Blog. Now, what political colour is the BBC Director who is responsible for the BBC web-site? Wouldn’t be an ex-Labour Party MP and former Government Minister by any chance?
I wonder ……
Happy days.
Beyond the early closings and referrals as the regulars found their narrow safety zone of the narrative spinning out of control in open debate, there were the car crashes when the big guns thought they knew best.
Hugs, Thommo, There Went Mr. Jordan… Over promoted and too proud reputations left smouldering in print.
Up – I don’t post anywhere else and gchq will confirm that, I do however look at the mail online blogs as well as the hugely comedic starlets flaunting their gym toned something or other on holiday with their bo in bling land .
How do you manage on Ebay?
Pay for food or free food from food banks?
Politicians across the board took an 18% pay rise from 2010 when everyone talked about austerity and recession …. so how come as employers of Diane Abbott and Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May the UK citizen’s could not freeze their pay increase of 18%?
2009 expense scandal … then a 2010 to 2018 pay increase of 18%
Heard a few minutes of the Moral Maze tonight. Anne McElvoy seemed to think that blaming “the west” for the arrival of Putin was wrong, it being so long ago.
Seems to sum up the goldfish bowl view of history. Even a relatively serious adult on a flagship BBC Radio 4 show thinks that thirty years ago is way too long to account for what`s occurring today.
Try telling the Chinese THAT Anne.
Serious countries like China, Russia, Iran and Turkey, Egypt and Israel live their history every day, good and bad. McElvoy is a trivial older snowflake if she thinks our treatment of Yeltsin has had no long term effect on what Russia-and Putin- now choose to do with us.
Westerners “blaming the west” currently seems to be the only historical thought process.
“And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?”.
The converse of this question is used to explain everything from muslim terrorism to Putin’s attack. Someone feeling hurt about the crusades is the reason for 9/11. Some ridiculous Dolchstosslegende is required to explain Putin’s expansionist plans. The Versaille treaty was too harsh A proud nation was humiliated and Hitler was the result.
Russian ressentiments against the Britain seem to date back a long way. Did it all go start to go wrong when Gytha of Wessex married Vladimir Monomach. Who knows, who cares? At least the article below explains the rivalry in terms of diametrically opposed interests, rather than hurt feelings.
Ретроспективный взгляд на историю российско-британских отношений свидетельствует о том, что со времен Гиты Уэссекской — супруги Владимира Мономаха, отец которой Гаральд Годвинсон был убит в битве с Гильомом Бастардом (он же Вильгельм Завоеватель) при Гатингсе, отношения Руси/России и Англии/Британии были либо никакими, либо напряженными. Даже в редкие времена военных союзов (против Бонапарта и Гитлера) стороны не доверяли друг другу, имели диаметрально противоположные интересы и только общая опасность временно удерживала их в одном лагере
РИА Новости
Comrade ID – if you are one of those Russian trolls you failed as You posted in Russian . Pajalsta anglichanin . ( English please ) comrade
“Comrade ID” a cruel jibe, indeed!
I thought I was showing solidarity with the new biasedbbc fashion of Putin worship. Lond live the Great Leader!
Ha ha – i tried Russian once in order to learn the words “ I surrender “ on ‘no not again olga ‘ but as you see I failed brother.
Russia-like China, like Egypt, like Turkey, like Iran and like Japan-are more like civilisations that countires.
They should not be trivialised or mocked, humiliated or taken on unless you can back it up. These have all been empires (embryonic , more often real enough)-not piddling little countries like most of the ones we know.
Russia, India etc…only a mug would take them on, an idiot EU seems to think it“ll survive when Russia goes. Other way round Junker. Russia is a massive power that we betrayed in 1989-99. Putin is the result.
– Tue Times : cos French law forbids the jailing of minors
so gypsies bought 3 teenage slave girls and trained them to steal.
– Next Bond Girl Will Reflect #MeToo Era, Says Director Danny Boyle
Riposte in the Times by Charlotte Gill
– Racism : 5 ExeterLaw Societ students have been suspended
over racist comment Whats App group
– Top London law boss Bill Voge goes for “communications of a sexual nature” with woman he never met.
– Second-year Bristol University (black) student Omojola Ogundipe, 20, dies suddenly
(not suicide) Gospel singer and green.
– Not seen on BBC
Six reasons to be optimistic about Brexit (Brexiteers are too gloomy) by alice thomson (remainer)
I would normally rail against bringing any PC nonsense into the Bond films but I have to say that the woeful writers for the last couple of films have brought this on themselves.
The sex scene in Skyfall after the young woman reveals that she was sold as a child into sex slavery is uncomfortable, as well as unplausible and unpalatable (as most of the film was).
Likewise, the ‘love scene’ in Spectre with Monica Belluci after she has just buried her husband is equally stupid, un-erotic and lazy (like most of the film was).
Maybe they should just write Bond as being an alpha in seemingly the worlds most dangerous group – single white male – where other races, genders and faiths simply wilt in his presence like a plant starved of sunlight and oxygen.
I haven’t seen “Spectre”, but “Skyfall” was nonsense from beginning to end. None of it made a blind bit of sense.
If the new Bond is directed by Danny Boyle I predict it will be even worse. I can’t stand anything he does, up to and including the Olympic opening ceremony.
I used to know some guys who worked on special effects at Pinewood. They are the ones I feel sorry for if politically correct morons finally kill off the Bond franchise.
Could you imagine “Live and Let Die” being made today?
I think it’s one of the best Bond films and none of the Daniel Craig garbage comes close to matching it. The latest films are just Jason Bourne rip-offs with English accents.
It won’t be long now before Al Beeb blame Facebook for the Brexit vote for freedom ?
Channel 4 Homeland Programme … it managed to mention Brexit & Russia & Hacking in the same sentence.
Rob Burley thinks Ch4 are amazeballs.
For some reason.
taffman, yesterday’s London Evening Standard (owned by a Russian, edited by a former Chancellor of the Exchequer who is pro-Remain) was dropping a hint to that effect. A very large hint to that effect.
They don’t want to go down that route though because if Facebook had any influence on the EU Referendum result, it was probably in favour of the Remain side.
Two friends of mine who are very pro-Remain are on Facebook. I am pro-Leave and am not on Facebook. I suspect that if I researched further, I would find more Remain voters than Leave voters on Facebook.
Perhaps the result should have been far more definite and conclusive in favour of Leave than some people shouting about Facebook and CA and Russians would really like?
Taff, Naga Rugmuncher already did it while interviewing on the brekkie prog this morning, that bloke from the Dept of Culture Media and Sport (DCMS, which Naga incorrectly labelled Digital media.)
She tried three times to get him to link brexit with the Analytica bollocks.
She also failed miserably with the bloke before him from De la rue printers.
He kept on telling her the printing of the passports was only going to France because of the EU procurement tendering rules, and that once we are out if the EU we can do it our own way.
It simply wasnt able to penetrate her thick biased skull.
BBC late as usual, but I’m sure they will be gloating about this Government decision soon…

Lets rub the Brexit voters noses it in again by giving the £490 million
new passport printing job to a French company …
Courtesy of The Scum
Home Office accused of ‘national humiliation’ after deciding new blue British passports will be made in FRANCE
I wonder how it feels to live in a country where the government doesn’t hate the people, but puts them first?
Along with most Britons, I’ve no idea.
Toady watch again
Beeboid Justin did an interview with the M.D. of de la rue – a British company which produces passports at the factory in Gateshead – which is in Britain.
He invited Rudd and May to tell his staff about the contract going to France. Now I know about EU tendering rules – which are fucking awful – and cannot see why ~HMG couldn’t get round them at Brexit .
” … strict civil service procurement rules” my arse.
More corruption.
No other European country would do this.
The bbc facilitating such ‘invitations’ seems oddly skewed on guest and topic.
the french merely cited national security and got a french firm to print theirs
but it does seem a little strange there is no security concerns about the french printing ours
This government doesn’t hate all the people, just the ones who are British, White, Heterosexual, Christian etc. It positively loves the 15% that aren’t.
“The government had lost the trust of the people. Therefore, it was time for them to elect a new people”, to paraphrase Brecht.
Would be a great feeling to have a government on your side! I can’t believe this, heard about the passports on LBC while driving this morning, almost pranged the car. They just have NO idea do they. The trouble is, come the next general election, who the hell do we vote for? More of the same (no thanks) or Labour (I’m off, RIP Britain).
This nation is in need of a new party and and proper leader .
That is NOT the right colour blue. The old passport was very dark, almost black.
Increasingly they are covering more fringe women’s sports on Five Live. It really annoys me as nobody cares – I have never met a single sports fan who gets excited about the women’s Champions’ League. As well as being extremely bad, women’s football has no cultural history like the men’s game which is half of what it is to be a football fan. They always patronisingly say how well they are doing.
Women’s football is not unpopular because of ‘oppression’ but biological differences such as less testosterone in females. Equally you can tell a single a man a mile off because of how badly dressed he is – a woman would not let you go out like that. Also it is so much better living with a woman than a man to keep the place from descending into bedlam – many landlords say they only want women for a tenancy.
This is why free speech is the bedrock of a free society. We all make mistakes and it helps everyone if someone can draw attention to them without fear of conviction for thought crime. There is so much flawed and muddled thinking in the billion pound ‘equalities’ industry which people are too terrified to point out, and which the equalities practitioners are paid to ensure becomes entrenched.
A billion pounds a year squandered on a house built on sand, i.e. equal outcomes for all regardless of choice or proclivity? How many life saving cancer drugs could that buy? Maybe when hell has frozen over the BBC will do a Panorama about it?
Beeb- agree on the wimmins sport – I get requests to do those al Beeb surveys using the website so I give them both barrels which , if the beeboids could read English and had a sense of humour would greatly enjoy.
On you comment about single men – you have a point – when I go out and choose to wear clothes I am not always taylored and often forget my trousers … a lady wife might tell me.
Indeed beep Brother. The BBC pretends that no woman in the UK has ever uttered the phrase, “oh no, not football again tonight. Its always on.”
And no matter how crap our womens teams or disabled ones turn out to be-rest assured that they`ll get the Celtic Card…i.e a free pass, excused as plucky and battling. Whereas England-and the mens team-are always getting criticised and given no slack by the media.
Being white and English, being male is all that they need-they don`t even spare the black players, as far as I`m aware.
Man U ?
One of the more egregious institutional biases of the BBC is their increasing adherence to lefty identity politics in sports presentation.
Do you need an example? This morning on BBC tv Katherine Downes is keen to share the news that Manchester United have decided to set up a women’s football team. But she doesn’t leave it there. Now comes the heavily biased editorialising because she insists that the club’s failure up until now to create a women’s branch of the brand has been “scandalous”. Is our Katherine just one rogue campaigner on the BBC payroll? Of course not, it’s BBC house policy to push this divisive identity agenda. We see that because both fellow presenters Charlie and Naga approve like a pair of nodding toy dogs. And don’t think this thing is ever going away. Any politically correct concession can’t be treated positively, it’s just more proof of the terrible patriarchal system, right? So it can’t simply be treated as good news for the ladies that Man U have bent to pressure.
ASI see
I’d do a comedy sketch with 25 wimmin doing their footy all 8 months pregnant – the goalies would be the highlight diving for the ball.
Agreed-what kind of non-story was THAT re United getting a womens team? When I meet ONE woman who gives a damn who`s not employed by the BBC, or already owned by the leisure industry-I`ll let you know.
Toady watch
Humph manages to report on the anniversary of the Westminster attack last year without mentioning the evil Islamic motivation . Poor PC Keith Palmer sacrificed his life for the huge number of shit politicians who are responsible for his death by allowing vermin into Blighty .
The sign they should put up a sign saying ‘Londonistan disunited’
England 27 for 9. It would have been good if they’d remembered to take their bats with them. I know that’s bad even though I’m a footy bod.
Don’t post very often, but view the bias every day….keeps me sane!
Just found an article on their website highlighting child abuse in a small Norwegian community….pity they had to go to the Artic Circle to find this hideous crime….they could have just popped up the M1, then M6 to Telford.
Laugh my socks off (not at the crime of course), but the way they omit the obvious. They must think we are bloody stupid!
It is NOT fit for purpose and needs closing NOW!
A rather strange article, to put it mildly. It starts with the headline: a community of just 2000 people with 151 cases of sex crime. It sounds bad – sex crimes are bad, of course – but it is spread over 60 years, meaning an average of 2-3 cases per year. How does that compare with the national averages for Norway and other European countries? Is it statistically significant? Consider the name of the town – Tysfjord. Phonetically, that’s not a million miles from a name like ‘Telford’ – unhappy coincidence?
We then get a little bit closer to the awkward stuff: a disproportionate number of the offenders and victims are from ‘the indigenous Sami community – Scandinavia’s original inhabitants’ (indigenous, eh. That’s not a term they ever use when describing Britain’s original inhabitants). However, terms like ‘ethnic division’, ‘discrimination’, ‘racism’ and ‘Norwegianisation’ are quickly laced in, along with an attempt to ‘explain’ things with a reference to Sami culture. Oh, and how investigations were hampered by the Norwegian authorities.
The purpose of the article is very much along the lines of: yes, the BBC can discuss sexual abuse of children, but just not when it is close to home (“Don’t mention Telford! Or Rochdale! Or Rotherham! Etc”). But another revealing insight is contained within the link article at the bottom of the page: “Rather than being offered protection, teenagers groomed and coerced into having sex faced criminal charges of prostitution. A major factor was the public – and professional – perception of the abused girls, who were often dismissed as troublemakers.” No, BBC, do not try to blame the public in this way. The problem is 100% attributable to the ‘professional’: the politicians who created the problem through immigration; the police, councillors and social workers who ignored it; the national broadcaster that connived to cover it up and deflect attention and continues to do so.
@Ian, spot on analysis. It is a bizarrely timed article in light of events in the UK. Also found these bits revealing:
—”Norway’s national government is funding projects to promote cohesion and build resilience. Community events are better attended now by both Sami people and Norwegians.”
—”Sami culture is inclusive […] so we must find a way to live together, because everybody is in this circle of life”.
Er… building resilience? How about taking an uncompromising look at the causes and perpetrators without all the social engineering guff.
Inclusivity and community cohesion for the win at the BBC, whatever the topic.
Humph interviewed deputy chief constable os Cambridge about the old bill failing to meet the 999 targets . I checked the pay level ( sad aren’t I? He is on about £120 000 a year. Humph is on 6 Times that much … ….
There was no discussion of the need to prioritise 999 response other such important things as wearing blue nail polish, prosecuting people with Pugs and snooping on internet nonsense ‘ hate crime ‘.
I heard that, too – what an appalling interview! Both his ‘expert’ guest and the deputy CC were allowed to waffle the usual sociological virtue signalling about victims of crime, while the interviewer went nowhere near the question of how much police time is being wasted by sticking iPlod in front of computers to monitor vicious, evil people like, um, Count Dankula and his Nazi dog.
Later, though he expressed surprise at the claim of a massive increase in the number of domestic abuse calls, he missed another open goal by not asking whether the increase was due to inflationary recording or whether the calls were about genuine cases of domestic abuse.
A typically amateurish performance from the BBC.
BBC Breakfast had some blonde piece from HM Inspector of Constabulary. What she said was indecipherable, PC speak and full of evasions and random twadde. No chance of us knowing the obvious.
1. If crime`s going down, how come so much more of it is going on.
2. Do certain areas have certain crime issues which the police are unable and unwilling to do anything about? And would anybody tell us what they are?
3. Why do more people now reckon on getting away with being criminals, compared to just a generation ago? And why won`t anybody check if that`s correct-or do they hope if they don`t measure it, it can`t be true.
4. Has migration and islam got anything to do with it all-especially cases of child abuse, attacks on women, and gang stabbings and drugs?
Our blonde poppet wouldn` t DREAM of feeding we racists with some inconvenient truths like those I seek above-and our BBC interviewere lady wouldn`t be so crass and insensitive to ask such questions.
More money, more therapy and let`s hit those targets seeming to be all they`ve got to say.
Meanwhile in Telford…
While I am grumbling about Today (listened to for just long enough to make tea this morning, then ‘off’ for the rest of the day, so bad has R4 become) I mustn’t neglect to comment on their choice of media for the ‘what the papers say’ section. This was led, if that’s the right word, by a comment from the amateurish, American, far Left websites, HuffPo and Politico! What next, Labour list or Mumsnet? Why not that other hive of ignorance, Moneysavingexpert?
Hard though it may be to believe but the BBC grows less adult by the week.
If ever a trusted, transparent, independent investigative report was warranted, it is for the balance in appearance of BBC source titles, especially on a ‘speaking for the nation’ vs. Beebspeak-approves ABC ratings basis.
The community of 2,000 people with 151 cases of sex crime
Hmmm where is this place? BBC Broadcasting House? Telford? Rochester?
No, the BBC have travelled far and wide to find white skinned sex crimes in Norway rather than report on the Muslim rape gangs in the UK and across the whole of Europe.
See! I SAID it was “Norwegians” all along.
Before opening her mouth on the subject of Russia and Putin again, the Prime Minister would do well to talk to Salisbury Police who are investigating the Skripal poisoning.
In an interview with Mishal Husain on TODAY on, I think, Tuesday, the senior officer suggested that they were some way from establishing what had exactly happened and where, and who was responsible for the attack. The officer said that at the present time, their attention is directed toward Julia Skripal.
Up – you raise a horrible image – which could be depicted as propaganda by some … but if it turned out that the Russian State was not responsible for the poisoning how would Blighty look ? This is fiction because that truth would never come out .,
Fed, you may have to explain that post more fully to me.
I THINK what you are saying is that I have lied and created a fictional narrative around the Skripals and the attack. No, I haven’t.
Go on BBC iPlayer, listen to TODAY on, I think, Tuesday. I think it was in the third hour of the programme, possibly after the half-time sport. I am reporting what the officer in charge of/involved with at senior level (and authorised to talk to the BBC) actually said. Check it for yourself. The officer detailed the number of statements that had been taken from witnesses. He said he couldn’t reveal full details of the investigation so far. He went on to say “at the present time, their attention is directed toward Julia Skripal.”
You can hear this for yourself.
I will accept an apology from you for this personal slur so I take that as a given.
Up – no I’m not accusing you at all -apologise for any distress
I fully take your point That there seems certainty about the perpetrator as opposed to the possibility of maybe having jumped to a conclusion a bit quick and the implication if the government got it wrong.
If there is anything that I have learned about governments it that they are not always the brightest people in the world, go with group think and are slow to admitting error. What I am saying is if the conclusion already jumped to is that Russia did it turned out to be wrong how would UK look. Please tell me you understand this.
Fed, apology accepted, as I hinted at above.
Yes, thinking some steps ahead is important for everyone but especially so for politicians, and Governments. You would have thought that HMG with ‘Cobra’ briefings would have all the facts.
Also, what is really interesting in this is how brainless the media have been, especially our favourite BBC. They, to a man (other genders are available), have also assumed ‘it was the Putin and the Russians’. None that I can see, from almost exclusively front page consumption, have raised sensible questions. None. At all. Whatsoever. This has been quite remarkable.
No questions about the delivery of poison from attacker to victim. No questions about route the Skripals took on that Sunday. No questions about the order of the events. No questions about the condition of the Skripals and or the policeman, Nick Bailey, UNTIL yesterday. Then, I had to look on-line and I found – according to an ITV, not BBC, web-site news feed – that his condition had improved to the point where he might leave hospital. That news item also revealed he had given CPR to the Skripals and was thus affected by the nerve agent via saliva/breath of the victims. The BBC have never enquired about that, at all, in my hearing on BBC Radio4. There are lots of other questions that the BBC and the MSM could and should have raised, without any speculation.
There has been an amazing dereliction of duty, by and large, by the UK media on this. Their supine position is most peculiar.
It is almost like an old-fashioned D-notice has been slapped on the whole media. But it appears that is not the case.
The consequences for the Prime Minister could be quite severe if it is found that it was a mutual suicide, or, Julia Skripal had been persuaded to, or had decided to, kill her father for some reason or reasons yet to be ascertained, or, it was a ‘gangster hit’ – all using a stolen or illegally acquired or constructed ‘nerve agent’. She has, effectively, misled the House. She has to sack herself. That’s a resigning matter. That will lead to a Leadership Election in the Conservative Party. Inevitably, there will be calls for a General Election.
Will there be any consequences for the BBC?
I wonder …
Thought about it. Nah, they’ll get away with very, seriously sloppy work.
Up – I agree – I’ve been trying not to engage too much in this but as you say the consequences of an alternative ‘real truth ‘ such as bungled suicide , actual double suicide using stolen product is an alarming one.
Perhaps the media don’t want to be accused of playing the kremlin disinformation game but as you say if the investigation found something other that a Russian attack its goodbye Teresa and hello…… ?
I say again no offence intended. I reread what I wrote but couldn’t find an upset but done done.
Oh god, that would be so deliciously rich if it wasn’t the Russians and it was the daughter.
Just to highlight again to the MSM (not that they’d accept it) how utterly stupid and backward they look when running around without any due process or rational thinking, waving their hands in the air screaming “it’s the Ruskies, it’s the Ruskies”.
It’s just such blatant attention shifting isn’t it. They’re destroying the fabric of our society, dismantling our culture and heritage and allowing young women to be treated like disposable trash but let’s just keep pointing and shouting at the big bad bear over the horizon that will never materialise.
“I THINK what you are saying is that I have lied and created a fictional narrative around the Skripals and the attack. No, I haven’t.”
Very interesting that you should react in such a way, Up2snuff.
“Check it for yourself. The officer detailed the number of statements that had been taken from witnesses. He said he couldn’t reveal full details of the investigation so far. He went on to say ‘at the present time, their attention is directed toward Julia Skripal.’”
I did check it…
And guess what. The officer didn’t say what you said he did. Closest he got was in answer to whether the investigation was focusing on the car;
‘Our focus is on the movements of the Skripals’, he said.
You can hear this for yourself. Radio4, TODAY, Tuesday, 2:37:00.
It’s almost like you’ve created a fictional narrative…
I’m astonished. You seem to be under the same “tin foil hat” as Owen “Pretty Boy” Jones. The state lied about WMDs in Iraq for some nefarious reason. Nerve gas is a WMD so there must be lying about Salisbury. But then what do I know. I foolishly exposed myself as a Russian troll by posting in Russian. However, if you had got your cui bonoing right you would have realised that I am a Ukrainian agent provocateur. Simples!.
iD – ah so the Ukrainians give the daughter a lip balm which she uses and contaminates dad and the copper who bravely tries cp mouth to mouth thing in order for the rooskies to get the blame .
The wonderful world of troll -I’m off to RT .
RT is for cissies. I prefer Press TV
Russia says UK may be behind ex-spy chemical attack.
The nerve agent attack was to STOP them giving evidence of HILLARY CLINTON CRIMES.
President Vladimir Putin is determined to destroy the JEW World Order Khazarian Criminal Mafia.
VIVA President Vladimir Putin
VOTED Best President World Wide.
RUSSIA is NOT the Enemy.
UK Prime Minister Theresa May is a JEW World Order PUPPET.
UK is a shambles stuck in no mans land.
I wonder what Noam Chumpski says? Could it be the Dutch wot’s to blame?
Salisbury : I think the commenters here are dumber than the PM.
When there is an information void, there is no need to fill it, just leave it.
It’s libs who are afraid to and end up fillying uncertainty with fake certainty eg on Brexit.
What I see is people applying draughts level rules to a chess game.
If youve been on anything complex like a military operation then you know things can’t be judged from the outside.
Set aside the Salisbury incident.
In general we are about sending signals that any leader should stick within a moral code..which means that people who oppose him/her should not live in fear of death.
Londonistan crime update
Unusually there is no report of a yoof killing so far today . Obviously time for a story about Londonistan is getting safer” and the mayor “mo” someone doing a photo op closing another police station .
Anyone hear the Toady interview with MP Matthew Hancock about 0815? I just turned on to hear him say, in response to a question about Russia, that the Russians are determined to undermine our democratic way of life (there followed a brief description of our, “democracy”). I shocked the cat, I have to admit, by bursting out laughing. Yes, laughter at an item of serious news? But surely it wasn’t serious news was it? Seems to me that the attempted murder of two people does not compare with those who are really (not attempting to) undermining our democratic way of life and are killing and maiming hundreds on our streets. Naturally, I am referring to islam.
Government mismanagement all over again. Why Oh! why can’t we have leadership who really understand where the problem really lies?
G – using disinformation to undermine our way of life – I thought that self destructive fool -Hancock – was talking about al Beeb – the Russians are nothing in comparison to the al Beeb onslaught of propaganda .
I think there was a Newsnight story just after the Russian election in which substituting UK for Russia could easily have worked.
Many parties, same outcome.
We are getting a lot of fuss about Facebook at the moment and whether its users ‘opted in’ to having their data being ‘re-purposed’. I’m more concerned that at no time did I ever ‘tick the box’ for mass immigration, losing our EU vetos, reducing our rebate and stuffing the House of Lords with people whose heads should be on spikes on Westminster Bridge!
I doubt I’m alone in wondering at the rank hypocrisy of the BBC pontificating about any other country’s elections when our own are so riddled with fraud.
From the suspicious behaviour surrounding the Thanet poll, to the scandalous misuse of postal voting and never forgetting the immigration for votes policies of Labour, it would be far more appropriate if the BBC helped put our house in order first.
Gina Miller and all her political bag carriers have done FAR more to discredit and neuter ” our democratic way of life” than anything that Putin could ever do.
We vote brexit-they spend every waking hour trying to overturn that decision. In the US, they vote Trump-and all the Deep State does is try to invalidate the result with no end of straw men, usually called Ivan.
So no-Putins no problem. But when Corbyn and his mates can double vote and terrify MPs at Grenfell-democracy is already slipping away from us.
9am Melvyn opening of prog “writing about America” ” he was worried that the people could easily elect a despotic charismatic leader who would undermine democracy”
topic : French aristocrat Tocqueville observing the American system in 1835
Do I spot them trying to allude to Trump ?
Funny, I thought, funny.
Wonder if they will draw any modern comparisons in ‘In Our Time’?
Unfortunately, one contributor has already pulled the rug from under the Trump-hating BBC. Americans, as a generalisation, ‘want to make money’.
Donald Trump, the money maker, was elected by people who want to ‘get on’ and ‘make money’, especially aspirational, BAME swing or former Democrat voters. They did not like Hillary Clinton and what she offered and chose Donald Trump as their new President.
Memo to BBC: Guys, get over it!
Well said, Up2. Also, do I detect a trace of ‘Dud’ in your opening line? 🙂
Yeah, I bin a bit dud for years, mate!
I googled and found no Tocqueville discussion with the phrase “despotic charismatic leader ”
Some discussions mention “charismatic leader”
eg “In Jackson’s demagoguery, Tocqueville observed the chauvinism of a charismatic leader who invited an anxious democratic people to identify the nation’s destiny with his own. ”
(that’s kind of similar , but not even hos own words)
SG – I thought they’d done that already with FDR.
In Jeremy Corbyn and his spokesman, we have a different type of figure: people who view their country’s intelligence services as though they are enemies. The fact that the same people have a tendency to view any and all of the nation’s enemies as friends may be entirely coincidental. Or it may not. Either way it is a reminder of how dangerous it is that people who should be sitting in their family basement wearing tin hats are only a few government slip-ups away from controlling the state they have always abhorred. – Douglas Murray
UK passports ‘to be made in France after Brexit’ { 22mar2018}
Comments …

Yes, of course it will. Rampant capitalists will shift jobs in plumbing, vegetable harvesting, car washing and general building straight overseas the moment Brexit happens (if it ever does).
The Left’s characteristic inability to reason is so common that you can’t help wondering if being stupid and a socialist are interdependent.
They call us little englanders. I’m offended that must be hate crime.
I don’t care where my passport is made or what colour it is, only that I am about to lose my rights as a citizen of the European Union because of this useless, spineless Government not standing up to a minority of xenophobic Little Englanders.” { 22mar2018}
That ‘minority’ had the majority of votes in the referendum.
Ah well, you see MM, it all depends on how you define the word ‘majority’. One current school of thought believes that a significant number thought they were voting for the Dickens’ character ‘Ma Jorrity’ and this simple mistake has led to the high levels of angst in those opposed. The Booker Prize committee, including Ken Clarke and Anna Soubry, are investigating.
Mensheviks were the Duma Majority, the Bolsheviks were the Minority. After the Germans had sent Lenin home to Russia in a sealed train to create trhe revolution and nobble any WW1 Alliance between Russia and the West-unsurprisingly, Lenins Bolsheviks DID become the Majority. But by murdering the Mensheviks and all who opposed Lenin.
The Majority voted to leave, the EU Bolsheviks have decided that we`re chicken. Not so,
The BBC £3.5bn News Service – created so we forget about our own Nation’s news and concerns… relax .. the BBC have omitted it!
BBC Sports Relief.
BBC Children in Need.
BBC Jerry (Corbyn) Christmas Jumper on main website.
BBC Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker’s opinion.
BBC Gender Pay Gap.
BBC Jimmy Saviles favorite Safe Spaces.
BBC International Women’s Channel.
BBC Hate Corbyn Gate.
Here Comes the Groom …. {steynonline 21mar2018}“If with regard to language, clarity is the remedy (as Orwell would say), shouldn’t the ‘Asian Grooming Gangs’ be re-named ‘Moslem R*pe Gangs’? I’ve been trying to make the case that they should at the local council I work for, but over here in the UK one can be hauled in for hate speech at the drop of a hat.”
11am FOOC doing it’s normal SJW stuff
– Illegal migrants in Athens helped at a Greek anarchist centre
– Museum dedicated to Socialist Evo Morales in Bolivia …who seems to becoming leader for life
– Conspiracy theories in Afghanistan “It’s the British” “oh there’s good reasons for that , used a buffer between Iran and Russia”
– George Washington’s estate (Trump bashing ?)
– Nigerian kidnapped school girls returned by Islamists
Radio Labour
The 11:30 prog was ‘ the new rise in political pop’
.. Which means socialist songs
The star interviewed was ethnic-Syrian girl singer ..
Her opening words “There no such thing as indigenous British”
… hmm thats ike saying that. There are no Australian Aborigines or no Inuit etc.
“Which do you value more? Truth or Freedom? And every single person said freedom. Which do you value more Unity or Diversity. Everyone but one said Diversity.” – Trey Gowdy
“What is the benefit of the FREEDOM to be WRONG?”
This day last year, I reported a blatant benefit fraudster to the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP). I discovered the fraud had been taking place for over five years with the collusion of the, ‘Social Landlord’ whose position was, ‘as long as the benefits are rolling in to cover the rent, who cares?’. Yes, you say, ‘doubtless the DWP was on this like a ton of bricks’. Well no, actually. It appears they, like the social landlord, couldn’t give a toss. I wonder if the fact that the fraudster is a EU citizen residing with her children in the UK and working in a £9 perhour part time job could have anything to do with it?
Doesn’t surprise me. My colleague reported his ex wife’s fraud several times when she was taking benefits whilst working cash in hand. She talked her way out of it and has never been caught or punished. Meanwhile he overpaid his child support because his ex lied about the kids leaving school and starting work. He could t have know as she denied him contact. The CSA refused to pay him back several thousands of pounds despite agreeing he had overpaid as they deemed they were not culpable.
Another gaffe from Foreign Secretary Boris who compares Putin’s World Cup with Hitler’s Olympics.
What was that? He was simply agreeing with the comment made by Labour MP Ian Austin earlier in the day? Strange, that’s not how it came over on the BBC, they must have missed the connection.
BBC producing an incredible piece of FakeNews here:
Dimbleby père would have been proud of it!
(Youngsters on here may not know that Richard Dimbleby presented a classic 1 April joke on the BBC about spaghetti growing on trees.)
I remember it. The sad thing, is that the yoof of today would probably believe it.
Not the bbbc but who’s idea was it to give George Galloway a platform on Talk Radio. The lefties are loving him, phoning in and licking his backside.
Someone asked on the lines of “what are we supposed to do about the increasing threat from Islamic terrorism?”
Guess what George blamed…our foreign policy!
Let’s not discuss the real issue-what their Islamic scriptures instruct them to do!
Report on Halal … NO! Report on sugar .. YES!
A blueberry muffin ‘could have day’s worth of sugar’ { 22mar2018}
. . .
“Halal meat labelling plan rejected by MPs” { 22mar2018}
Conservative Philip Davies, who proposed the Commons debate, said there was a “huge public demand” to know more about where food came from.
But consumer affairs minister Jenny Willott said the government did not think regulation was the best approach.
Mr Davies’ amendment to the Consumer Rights Bill failed by 264 votes.
Philip Davies is a good chap.
And once again here is yet another pro Islam article from the BBC
Why aren’t Muslim families fostering children?
Video looks very similar to the BBC Countryside piece on Sunday that had a sit down with a Muslim family who are “saving the British lamb industry”.
Please remind me but what does the first “B” stand for in BBC?
As The Times reported a few months ago, Muslims were told by their leaders in some London boroughs, such as Tower hamlets, to foster indiginous white children. As I recall, the BBC werent troubled by the allegation and played down the consequences.
Adoption does not exist in islam.
I believe this is because the prophet of god (pbuh) wanted to shag a woman who was married to his adopted son, which would have been incest.
Luckily, after a quick word with allah, mohammed was able to report that there was no such thing as adoption, and hence he was able to bonk away.
Bad news for all orphans in islam, but hey, so long as the prophet gets his end away, it’s all good. What a religion!
“Trump threatens former VP Biden with physical violence”
That is a headline on Sky website atm. It is shown with an aggressive picture of Trump.
If anyone troubles to read the item and gets more than half way through they would see Biden prompted that reaction by saying “If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.”
And then Trump responds to that in the only way Trump knows how. Like for like.
So, the headline should read Biden Threatens Trump with Physical Violence, or Trump responds to Biden’s physical Violence threat.
The BBC has a rival in anti Trump nonsense.
It’s encouraging to see that most of the comments on their Twitter feed have called them out on fake news for that.
2018 … UK … not Brass Eye or Monty Python …
Police ‘take days’ to respond to 999 calls (erosion of law)
First rebels leave defeated Syrian town (dictator wins who is part of NATO)
I’m living in hell, says France’s Sarkozy (victimhood)
Why aren’t more Muslim families fostering? (do they have to?)
More pupils take term-time holidays (because it’s cheaper)
Are black knife deaths being ignored? (based on?)
Muffin a day ‘can take entire sugar limit’ (sugar is evil)
Man from Labour Party who confuses a religion with a race asks for forgiveness but the tolerant religion wants more than forgiveness (sack him) even though it speaks of forgiveness … man says he will re-educated himself (asked for further diversity training) and begs for forgiveness … man not quite ready to convert to a new religion … but time will tell.
“I do not believe that councillor Dempster’s comments constitute racism, or believe he is a racist, but he understands the hurt they have caused and he has apologised.
“Our religion teaches the importance of forgiveness.”
Turkey has never even acknowledged the fact that they committed genocide against the Armenians in 1916, let alone apologised or made reparations – so they really expect people to believe that Islam teaches the importance of forgiveness? If it teaches one thing only, it’s the importance of lying to get what you want.
Almost like history is repeating …. America is the first enemy … oh dear ….who said that in the past …. this won’t end well …
Al Qaeda chief says America is the ‘first enemy’ of Muslims
As Sahab continues to release regular messages from Ayman al Zawahiri, posting two more discussions from the al Qaeda leader in recent days. In the latest message, disseminated online yesterday (Mar. 20), Zawahiri reminds viewers that his organization considers America to be the “first enemy” of Muslims around the globe.
… meanwhile it’s Buddhists that are evil ….
At least 30 Buddhist men carried out a series of attacks on Muslim homes in a village in Ayeyawady Region on Tuesday night, Myanmar Muslim Media has reported.
– Will the BBC report on this.
Safer in Europe …. The EU brought you peace …
Foreign travel advice: Germany
Terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks in Germany. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in public places visited by foreigners. The German government has announced that increased security has been put in place as a precaution at public buildings, major events, transport hubs and large public gatherings.
Foreign travel advice : France
Terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks in France. Attacks could be indiscriminate. Due to ongoing threats to France by Islamist terrorist groups, and recent French military intervention against Daesh (formerly referred to as ISIL), the French government has warned the public to be extra vigilant and has reinforced its own domestic and overseas security measures. You should be vigilant in public places and follow the advice of local French authorities.
Foreign travel advice: Sweden
Terrorists are likely to try to carry out attacks in Sweden. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places visited by foreigners.
“Foreign travel advice: Sweden – Terrorists are likely to try to carry out attacks in Sweden. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places visited by foreigners. ”
? Visitors are very likely to find unexploded hand grenades in the streets and when found, they are encouraged to report the location of such devices to the police?
I watched The Falklands Play on YouTube last night. That was the one where the Beeb commissioned a writer to write a play on the Falklands war but then didn’t like that the final draft portrayed Maggie in a good light.
Even though the writer had thoroughly researched the play taking extracts from Hansard etc, the Beeb had to shelve it because they didn’t want Maggie to look too favourable.
Did it ever occur to them that maybe she just was that good or that capable in that kind of situation? Despite their desire for her to be portrayed as some blood thirsty warrior bitch, perhaps she was an impressive leader who had the skills and determination to be the leader that we needed at that particular time. I mean I thought the default was that we gave women the benefit of the doubt but seemingly not her.
It’s really poor form that she doesn’t get the props for how she handled that crisis but rather incessantly blamed for leaving the islands exposed (there was a garrison of 42 marines on the island) because the lightly armed survey ship Endurance which only patrolled the waters from Dec- Mar was being pulled and because the dove like FCO had put forward some options to Mrs T for resolving the Falklands problem.
It’s just so telling and indicative that our very own broadcasting corporation is so spiteful that it would feel the need to scupper or delay a production because it showed someone they disliked in a positive light.
I haven’t seen it but some of the other stuff on YouTube – such as the paras on the falklands is also a version albeeb wouldn’t show .
Personally I think history will favour Mrs T in a way al beeb never can – in the same way that Blair’s image is tarnishing so quickly even whilst still alive the shit .
Yes, you are right on anything related to the Falklands. They loved milking the conflict for all of it’s emotional drama and the chance for their reporters to make a name for themselves but then couldn’t bring themselves to admit that the fundamental cause of it was a hostile nation invading our sovereign land.
It’s here if you wanted to check it out
Maybe history will favour her as it’s now doing with Reagan who I know at the time used to get pilloried for being stupid and forgetful. However, there will always be someone claiming that she stole their milk, started the war, sucked off Pinochet, favoured apartheid and destroyed our manufacturing.
It is deeply gratifying to us who loathed him from the beginning that the egregious Blair has fallen completely out of favour. Even my young children could not stand his voice on the radio when he came to power; they could tell he was a wrong ‘un.
The Falklands play is really good I think, as a modern political drama – and probably one of the few straightforwardly non-pc things they have aired in a generation! Of course the commissioning and production had a lot of issues and ‘controversy’ – so the BBC probably only finally aired it in 2002 through gritted teeth.
Nowadays they’d never let an even mildly right-leaning drama on to the screen.
It is surprising that they produced it and then aired it but it is now pretty tough to get hold of and hence why I had to watch it on YouTube.
And yes, it is a very good film/play.
I clicked the R4 drama at 2:25pm and heard some girl character moaning “Daily Mail reader ..xenophobis ..blah blah”
…a few mins later the character was drunk on the phone trying to lull some Polish lads”.
..BBC drama have lost the plot.
today’s R4 drama
“Kuba, a jaw-droppingly handsome hipster barista, is part of a new breed of Polish immigrant who no longer needs to escape hardship but rather wants to explore the world.
Working in a popular third-wave coffee shop in Shoreditch, London, he has mastered the British accent and almost passes as a “native”.
The night after the Brexit vote, Kuba is severely beaten, losing not only his good looks but oddly enough his perfect British accent too.
This drama, about the complex and sometimes uncomfortable issues of British identity and xenophobia, is narrated by the Queen, voiced by Lin Sagovsky”.