Soon afterwards, photos began to emerge on social media of some officials purportedly failing to follow that advice – including Khamenei himself.
– Iran is getting a sense of humour – via twitter – it will soon be stopped
But others were highly critical, with one person labelling locally-made cars as “junk products”, and another sharing images of badly damaged Iranian cars in response.
In case anyone doubts that May is not actively carrying out the EU policy of population change note the silence of her BBC backers over the decision to allow unlimited migration from Croatia
Hey folks – who is going to be this weekend’s 1000 comment before the weekend?
I reported earlier that by joining For Britain (Ann Marie Waters Party) you have to accept that your data will be held outside the UK (US actually). I questioned whether the UK Data Protection laws would apply – I thought not. This is their reply:
“Many People have Paypal accounts or donate through crowdfunding, and most of these servers are hosted in the USA. We as a party are subject to the data protection law and require all holders of part or all of our data base to complete authorisation forms. Whilst strictly, the offshore servers may not be directly accountable to British law, they are indirectly accountable through contract. We are obliged to inform people that the data is held outside of the European Union. All available protections apply to our data and our volunteers and committee are legally accountable for their use of this.”
Question: does the reply clearly answer my question?
[“Whilst strictly, the offshore servers may not be directly accountable to British law,….”]
Call them. Automated service – you have 1 min to register your complaint.
First – make sure to keep cool and calm.
Second – to remain articulate rehearse your spiel before you call. Suggest along lines – “Concerning BBC’s complete failure to report the appalling sexual violence recently revealed in Telford………this contrasts with broad continued coverage of Worboys, Weinstein Westminster etc.”
……..let them know it is unacceptable to ignore their duty to report the news – impartially.
Man who claims to live in a tent in Sherwood Forest rings BBC Licencing to ask whether he needs a licence if his TV is run on solar power.
Wait through amusing pictures and BBC sounds until the BBC get back to him with further information regarding Licences and solar power.
One message comes across strongly; we at BBBC are not alone in opposing and mocking this worthless organization. It is being lampooned everywhere.
It used to be the case that a TV with self-contained batteries didn’t need a licence, but that was in the days when it was nearly impossible to have such a TV.
I have struggled to find out what the true legal position is now. Actually that is true of most law, not only is it badly written but the online versions are like looking through a key-hole. (I just had a look at the Equality Act 2010, which is supposed to be ‘modern and streamlined’. It is a mess and is full of inequalities and confusion.)
You may think online you are anonymous, you can create fake profiles and no-one can trace you. That’s wrong! The messages you type and send can be traced back to you.
The same laws apply to online messages, images and videos. What you post now can affect you later in life.
The useless Merkel pledges to learn from mistakes and ‘overcome polarisation’ bla bla.
But the AfD aren’t buying it: “Her speech was immediately dismissed by Alexander Gauland, co-leader of the AfD, who accused her of glossing over terrorism, crime and costs caused by the influx of more than a million asylum seekers.
The AfD, which is the main opposition party, also showed it would use its new position to dig out uncomfortable facts about immigration, revealing in a parliamentary answer that Germany sent €343 million in child benefit to foreign bank accounts last year.”
They’re going to “dig out uncomfortable facts…”
Something the world’s most trusted stopped doing years ago. Rather they bury uncomfortable facts.
I bet there`ll be a battle in Germany re “Free Speech” that will ensure that the AfD are made illegal for much they`re saying. Remember Merkel and Zuckerberg working on this, all this Cambridge Analytica stuff is more of the same. Germany has known fascism before-and will happily return to it as long as there`s no uniforms, and balaclavas and hipsters replace them.
The Euro was intended to create one “Reich” and one “Volk”-but without the need to invade. It`s going to implode, and repressive measures will be excused. Just history all this.
I see the national broadcaster is running, very prominently, an item about serial sexual abuse of minors which took place in a small village in Norway. The abuse had been going on for decades, and the story first surfaced in June 2016.
Question is – why are the BBC resurrecting this now ? It’s not really fresh or urgent.
Am I seriously paranoid or is this a not too subtle attempt to put the idea into people’s minds that the sort of vile abuse committed in Rochdale and Telford was neither unusual or tied to one particular culture or ethnic group?
Brexit : The 9 year old children in RToday
Today Oliver Kamm uses the Times Thunderer to do a character assassination on Heil Hamilton for daring to complain to BBC.
Kamm was on R4 being patronizing about politicians who said the National Debt is like a household debt.
The irony was he himself mischief act seized household debt as fixed budget..not you can borrow to save yourself money, eg buying insulation.
Funnily enough Stew, I was just coming on to post about Oliver Kamm as I heard him at 9.45 this Thursday morning. Probably the same programme? Ex City he was described as and now a journalist. But during the programme he praised Gordon Brown for using a very long, totally incomprehensible sentence including jargon that made it inaccessible to the lay man. But he then went on to criticise Margaret Thatcher for using the allegory of treating the country’s finances as though they were your own household. Of course it is an oversimplification but who left the country’s finances in better shape? Gordon or Margaret? I think it was Michael Rosen, well known Leftie who was chairing the programme. So the obvious question was not asked.
@Deborah : Rosen’s prog has agenda written all over it
title : Keywords of Our Time
ep1 #MeToo
ep2 Resilience (medical buzzword)
ep3 Prophets of Doom (not a word you hear that much ..tho it describes remoaners )
ep5 Post-fact
Today’s was
ep4 National Debt
Oliver Kamm at 9:45 said that people make a mistake in thinking government debt and household debt
And them himself mischaracterised household debt as simply deducting from a known budget.
Nope household debt does have many similarities with government debt
eg you might well borrow money to INVEST in new insulation or more efficient appliance that will save you money in the long run.
Even increasing your kids pocket money might save you money , as it teaches them prudence, and you might save money on clothes you have to buy them.
On FGM …. found this on the BBC site … 15th International Day of Zero Tolerance to FGM …
15 YEARS …
“ZERO Tolerance” …
“ZERO Arrests” ….
… the UK legal system generates its own comedy . . .
The fifteenth International Day of Zero Tolerance to FGM takes place on Tuesday 6th February. Jess Phillips MP and Zac Goldsmith MP, co-Chairs of the All Party Parliamentary Group on FGM discuss the role of their group, the main concerns around the continued practice of FGM in certain communities here in the UK and how to develop concrete ways of stopping it.
NHS training : Times say keeping staff is more important than new medical schools.
Prof Fink writes
There’s been a change, instead of staying with NHS, 1/3 of grads now leave within 3 years
Reason is is the EU working time directive has destroyed mentoring cos now shift systems are worked.
Also many staff jump out before they are pushed.
And Jeremy Hunt’s new contract.
– TheShipman reforms are a waste of time.
The GMC shouldn’t have accepted this.
Another writer says that male grads turn out to a better investment cos they are much likely to work full time than females… many who opt for part-time.
Let me see now, 10,000 officers at 20 pence per day, that’s £150 and six shillings in metric, right? Or do I mean Fahrenheit, I always get those two confused.
Quite honestly GWF I am bored about hearing about it.
It is quite obvious that this devious Prime Minister we have is trying to create a mini cold war to take attention away from all the domestic enrichment crimes and brexit sell outs she has committed to.
She better be careful not to poke the bear too much as it can still bite!
Oh I forgot we can still threaten them with our leading edge aircraft less aircraft carriers.
Quite honestly GWF I am bored about hearing about it.
It is quite obvious that this devious Prime Minister we have is trying to create a mini cold war to take attention away from all the domestic enrichment crimes and brexit sell outs she has committed to.
She better be careful not to poke the bear too much as it can still bite!
Oh I forgot we can still threaten them with our leading edge aircraft less aircraft carriers.
It is too obvious and Boris has been beyond insulting to the Russians. Quite honestly the sooner May is gone the better and if that means Corbyn then so be it. WE know where we are with him and a spell of chaos is just what we need .
The Conservative party is dead and needs to be buried.
DS – talking about this at work today, general conclusion was the same as yours. A period of Corbin Chaos might well force the Tories to sort themselves out or a new party to emerge.
The comparison Johnson made between Hitler and Putin, the 1936 Olympics and this year’s World Cup was quite appalling; particularly when you consider the sheer scale of the Russian war dead at the hands of the Axis forces.
I think Johnson has seriously damaged his credibility, by the way he tagged along with that d**khead Labour MP’s comment when he appeared before that select committee.
The EU doesn`t respect borders though does it?
So Russia is only doing what the EU says-and, as we saw in Crimea/Ukraine-the EUs efforts to interfere in Russian affairs and tender border histories has cause todays problems. Well done Obama, Juncker, Ashton and McCain…needs saying, never is though.
My boyfirend said some racist things about United players called Mick Martin and Paddy Roche, as he yelled at them in a game in 1975 or so.
Can I shop him for anti-Irish prejudice, they were both crap; but I know for a fact that he said something unpleasant about Liam Brady at that time-and he was a good player, so it says here?
So DS Nick Bailey, exposed we are to believe to Novichok, one of the most deadly nerve-toxins known to man with small traces capable of killing all in contact within minutes (actually nerve agents kill far more quickly) has just been released from hospital. What luck!
Harsh reality, but I’d imagine certain parties might be hoping the two Russians still in hospital do not do the same – or there might be some awkward questions to answer? On the other hand they could always put it down to the skill and dedication of the NHS staff.
Why is BBC Look North doing a Can Ukip survive item ?
They used news that the UKIP will cover their share of the Jane Collins MEP defamation case (lost to Rotherham Labour MPs who definitely didn’t know about groom/rape gangs before 2014)
They used that to go into an item giving the history of UK leaders
and predict its doom.
Time was when the BBCs regions used to have-you know”regional stories”. So where does “Look North” get off on fussing about the national prospects of a national political party? It`s NOT regional or local news is it?
Funny though-wherever you live in the country the BBC will be fussing over the local hospital and lack of nurses. will be sniping at businessmen in courts, will be condoning and excusing Islamic activity locally, and fussing over bedroom taxes, high rises,racism and disabled sporty types round their region(and stretched considerably as needs be). In other words-NO POINT in having a local BBC. The local reps are on fat salaries just to be barged out of the way if the national office gets mileage-and the demise of UKIP, the Dale Creggans, Mark Duggans and Raoul Moats and their vulnerabilities are always nectar to the BBC. All northern(yes Tottenham is N17, so the north no doubt)
Less so Rotherham, Telford , Newcastel or Tommy Mairs lack of NHS support in Batley/Spen.
Holly, I think it’s on Look North because the BBC are conscious of the amount of Brexit support in that area, so will publish anything that can be spun to imply that such support is fading, or that it’s proponents are in some way disorganised and rudderless.
I see it as part of the constant drip, drip, drip of propaganda from the ‘trusted’ BBC.
Alc4 still going after the Facebook data yawn. I’m guessing they think they are looking for journo awards from their peers because every one outside the bubble must be bored shitless.
If you are stupid enough to put your data onto the Facebook thing don’t be surprised if albeeb or some other outfit is going to exploit it. I hope anyone monitoring this site building a composite of me is having fun .
More project fear and propaganda.
“What will Brexit mean for Britain’s overseas territories?”
And for a laugh…………….”One of my good friends met me for breakfast. She was dressed in a black dress, crying her eyes out.”
How on earth did Great Britain manage to have an Empire and now a Commonwealth?
That’s 53 friendly nations around the world . Wake up Mrs May !
“What will Brexit mean for Britain’s overseas territories?”
Odd question, because I guess over 99 percent of the answers would be about Gibraltar. But then ignoring the Commonwealth Republics, the Queen rules over 100 territories in the World, but only England, Gibraltar, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales are in the European Union. As far as I can see, regulations on fishing, other regulations, protectionism, mass immigration, a trade deficit and payments to the EU give these five territories the lowest standard of living for any of the 45 predominately white Royal Commonwealth Territories in the World. That’s about 40 Territories (Akrotiri & Dhekelia to Yukon) politically and geographically isolated from the hideously white undemocratic and authoritarian European Union, but therefore with a much higher standard of living due to the democratic freedoms within those territories of those “Independent Sovereign” Realms that are “Independent of the European Union” and recognise Her Majesty the Queen as “Sovereign“.
At the moment, according to Philip Benwell, England, Gibraltar, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales are “Dependent Territories” within an “Independent Sovereign Realm” in which only 20 territories (Akrotiri & Dhekelia to Turks & Caicos Islands) are not dependent territories of the EU and therefore much better off than if they had been incorporated into the EU.
That terrible situation mentioned above is what is thought to be the reason why the Queen supports Brexit.
I believe Trevor MacDonald did a TV programme about Martin Luther King some years ago. I thought at the time that a better person to have done it would have been Julian Pettifer, who actually knew King and was the BBC North America correspondent during King’s period of fame.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
I see that remainers are claiming that the EU does sign off it’s books
I hadn’t realised that the EU had simply changed accounting language so that you can says your books are “signed off” when in fact they are full of errors.
AS it happens just this last year they also claim that they are largely free of errors for the first time
This graphic shows the story
I have been laid up at home for a couple of days and I watched a lot of BBC news today. On the dreadfully sad anniversary of the Westminster Bridge attack – I noticed, for the first time that BBC news will very occasionally say ‘Islamic Terrorism’ and then continue to say simply ‘Terrorism’ for a while. I noticed a bit of a pattern here – about 12 ‘Terrorism’ to 1 ‘Islamic Terrorism’. Presumably this is so that, when challenged, they can say that they DO mention the ‘I’ word when talking about terrorist butchery ? Surely, The BBC are better than this, aren’t they …….?
Hillbear ,
If you trawl back on the comments here you ll notice plenty of evidence of beeboids leaving out the motivation for these attacks . I reported on humph on toady not mentioning Islam at all this morning when he interviewed some MP who tried to save the dying security copper on the gates of the palace of wasted air.
Humph is on 650k a year so he ll say or not say anything in accordance with the deceptive editorial rule of al Beeb…
Agreed Fedup2 – for the first time ever, I have had a chance to listen to BBC News all day – and there are definitely ‘patterns’ to what they say. It’s like they have some ghastly committee that decides exactly how many times to mention certain things – they assume we don’t notice this stuff. Also, about once every 2 weeks, they will go for a whole day without sneering at Trump or misguided Leavers and then resume as usual the next day. What I am saying is that there seems to be a plan, a pattern to what they are trying to do and they think we can’t see what they are up to. I think they are sick and I no longer want to fund them !
It’s a matter of being able to spot and dissemble the language uses by beeboids . Example – Sopel – President Trump has backed down from imposing tariffs on the EU about steel . The use of “backed down “ infers confrontation but in reality he changed his mind . And rightly targeted the Chinks who’d steal your granny if there’s cash in it .,
The natural home of beeboids, like the Grauniad.
I like India and Indians, but really, who gives a toss about the minutiae of your name, and does it really deserve a whole narcissistic article, and is it really a ‘nightmare’, comparable say to starving in Calcutta or an acid attack in Bombay?
(Yes I know, it’s not Calcutta or Bombay anymore, I can’t keep up)
Guest – I wonder if the lovely Emily has found herself a new stalker to get a few column inches out of ….? And as for amok nitrate – would you buy a car from him?
AF Neil to Adonis
\\ Idea BBC News ‘annexed’ by Brexiteers is bonkers of a very high order.
Very, very high. Stratospheric, in fact.
I notice no factual corrections to my tweet.
But I’m delighted you’re back in politics (when did you leave?).
You are our Macron.
Can I be your campaign manager? //
The bBBC’s racism knows no bounds. On tonight’s NorthWest news they showed CCTV from Oldham tram station of three Muslim teenagers violently attacking a 49-year-old white man.
Their vox pop interviewed three people about whether they felt safe there: two women, one white and one black, and a black man. Not a Muslim or a white man in sight.
“Radio Manchester tweeted footage which is rubbish… At one point a train is parked on the opposite platform , are the plods too stupid to check the footage from it’s front facing camera ?”
I watched the footage and there is no “opposite platform” Stew.
Are you perhaps having a little smoke after your mum goes to bed every night? (Completely understandable)
Have you been away ‘rehabilitating’?
If you are now ‘clean’, perhaps you can tell us why you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich ?
maixi – talking of Mums; do you harbour much resentment to your own, given that she insisted on emptying the cat’s litter tray herself throughout the entire time she was pregnant with you?
You watched the footage? What did you think of it? Horrific isn’t it? Especially when you consider that the worst bits have been edited out. Instead of wasting everyone’s time with pedantry, why don’t you comment on the issue raised?
There is a platform opposite (but not directly opposite) which the tram in question will have stopped at immediately prior to coming into camera shot.
I think Stew’s point was why have they only released such grainy, distant images 2 weeks after the incident? There will be much better footage available from the CCTV cameras inside the tram that they are seen getting off. There are also CCTV cameras mounted on the underside of the shelter – why don’t they release that footage? Do they really want to catch these bastards?
To what extent does the BBC prop up the Guardian, @BBC? What transparency & aaccountablity by way of a balance sheet disclosing that to #tvlicence fee payers,will you compel the #BBC to publish,@CommonsCMS? Do BBC guest fees augment Guadian pay packets? #bbcbias#guardian#bbcqt
Aint life grand. In pre-migration days we had a fully operational police force, where every town had a police station open 7 days a week, bobbies on the beat were visible and would make a home visit even if washing was pinched from the line. Now we have an overwhelming population, crime includes bombings/rapings/knife and gun assaults/honour killings/the list is endless, police stations are closing, police visibility is as rare as hens teeth and we now have to report any crime online.
In pre-migration days our NHS worked without hitch. Our hospitals were spotless, our doctors wore white coats, nurses were pristeen in their appearance, MRSA was unheard of, TB had been eradicated, we saw a GP on demand who made home visits when necessary, we could also understand what they were saying. Now I don’t need to list the problems, but funny how we are constantly told the NHS wouldn’t function without overseas staff.
Yet we are told migrants to these shores enrich our lives. Um, how?
Someone up above on this site sticks the boot into Boris Johnson.
just borrowed his “Friends, Romans and Countrymen” book from a library.
He wrote it as a Telegraph hack during the mid 90s, as Major turned into Blair.
It`s very good as a guide to how and where the EU project went awry as it did, and it`s a good indicator of what problems we now have by letting the EU railroad a supine political elite , both Tory and Labour whilst their Federated States Madness was forming in the fetid minds of French civil servants and German bankers.This surreal time in the mid-90s accounts for much of the trouble we`re now in.
But you`d not know any of this by looking to the oaf we`ve got as Foreign Secretary nowadays. FFS Boris-read your own book to see what the EU is up to, and why Russia is now as it is.
Are all political hacks like this? Say one thing when you have no power-and then say the complete opposite at the very time you get elected to use that power given? And end up no better from those you scorned when reporting on them?
BBC webpage Correction issued about hurricane patterns
A whole 4 months, after a complaint by Paul Homewood
#1 The major take-away line at the end of the article was fundamentally changed
“IS BRINGING US” was replaced by
“Scientists are still analysing what this data will mean, but a warmer world MAY bring us …”
#2 A correction note was added right at the end of this long article
FFS that’s same as old newspapers burying a correction at the bottom of page 42
(Newspapers all now how prominent correction pages.)
Web correction notes belong right at the top next to the title.
And what good is a correction issued 3 months later and buried at the end ?
.. no one who tweeted the hype will tweet the correction.
A BBC Correction was issued And the article no longer contains that claim which was based on modelling which is not robust enough to say "IS BRINGING US" The previous use of certainty was
Not often a hand-picked QT audience backfires as badly as tonight’s sub-30 bunch. To their eternal, and contradictory, credit they came across not only as extraordinarily pro-Brexit, but anti a good many other aspects of our society that we’ve been led to expect to be pro, without a whoop or a jeer to be heard.
The cake was iced to perfection by Dimbledor’s face which grew longer as his temper shortened.
Pure delight.
…Finds £34M for Green Projects…
…£6M for Bus Driver Toilets…
…Just £1.4M to Stop Stabbing Epidemic
While maintaining that his budget doesn’t allow him to hire more police.
Khan Mocks Marking Brexit Day in London, Rather ‘Celebrate UKIP Abolished’
The Mayor of London has angrily dismissed the idea of marking Britain’s historic exit from the European Union (EU) in his city, suggesting he would rather celebrate the abolition of UKIP.
“has been cut by £700 million since 2010”
that’s your assertion Maxi
Maybe you’d like to present the Met budgets
For most police forces the central budget gray was reduced BUT they were also allowed to raise local funding.
Also Sadiq has a strange way as defining cuts
he says things like “will have to find an additional £400m”, he gets that from saying RISING costs mean that there will be a £400m hole in the budget.
“The number of police officers in London is by far and away the highest per head of population in the country, at 359 per 100,000, compared with 252 in Merseyside”
Re Sadiq’s allegations of police funding cuts
BBC “In 2015, the government announced that overall police budgets would be protected.
This meant the amount of money the police receive from the government would increase each year in line with inflation for the following five years.”
(The part of police funding that is funded from Council Tax across the UK has risen from 12% to about 30)
I have mentioned this before. Whilst I do not wish to critiicse your sexual preferences, when fisting, if the fist is inserted too far it might affect your process of reasoning. I suggest you act in moderation, as your post indicates otherwise.
Good to see Maxi reposting Tommy Robinson videos :
Tommy explains that in Al Quds marches “hundreds of people march to demand the deaths of Israeli Jews”
“The organisers have a quote on their website, we must all rise and destroy Israel”
Maxi, Free speech has the limit, that you are not allowed to call for violence against others.
Lauren Southern’s Luton action : Allah Loves gays posters
is certainly not a call to violence
It was inspired by Vice News article entitled “Was Jesus Gay?”
“The UK population is projected to increase by around 500,000 annually – equivalent to a new city the size of Liverpool every year. 75% of this growth is due to future migration. ”
Expect more coming in during the Brexit transition period. Thanks Mrs May, we have been invaded .
I’ve never got my head around that a passport gives the holder the nationality of that country, but how can it possibly change the state of mind. Someone born and bred elsewhere suddenly becomes ‘British’ , but mentally is still a native of their birthplace. I’m born and bred here, but an American passport would make me a US citizen, though I know in my head I would still be ‘English’ regardless. Thus when I watch those who have taken up residency in the UK and been granted British citizenship, I have skant regard for them when they start airing their views on the country I was born in, and they are here because of a little book. I am, of course, referring to the likes of Alibaba Brown.
I would be interested to hear the views of anyone on here who are in this country by dint of a passport, and if, mentally they still remain a native of their homeland.
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sadly John, I think that it may be that those two groups have only a single standard, a glazed far-left…
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Perfect example of a single-hammer roof structure, with obloid grunches, nibbled flangelets, perpendicular willy-braces, teeteekay phnarghs, decorated scrabsterites, knotted wanquers, plonkette tenants,…
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Morning Fed! Back in the eighties, I was working with a construction company and discovered rich pickings, building for the…
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
So when Iran says “Make Iran Great Again” … media silence .. it’s OK … push it to the back of the memory hole …
. . . .
It began with a televised address in Iran in celebration of Persian New Year on Tuesday, when Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei urged Iranians to support local products rather than importing from abroad. { 22mar2018}
Soon afterwards, photos began to emerge on social media of some officials purportedly failing to follow that advice – including Khamenei himself.
– Iran is getting a sense of humour – via twitter – it will soon be stopped
But others were highly critical, with one person labelling locally-made cars as “junk products”, and another sharing images of badly damaged Iranian cars in response.
Funny how the BBC stopped banging on about their detained staffer who trains activists
Yeh … what happened to her Stew? Getting a bit too near the bone for them eh?
Are you there, Roger Horrorbin?
When a retraction is made – the BBC should make it take up half of the website for 24 hours.
You could buy one if the numerous domains like
I see that after the Nazi Pug Dog has been arrested that the UK terrorist threat level dropped to … *sigh* …
In case anyone doubts that May is not actively carrying out the EU policy of population change note the silence of her BBC backers over the decision to allow unlimited migration from Croatia
Hey folks – who is going to be this weekend’s 1000 comment before the weekend?
In case anyone has any doubts about the messenger –
More and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more ad infinitem…………………………..
Em I don’t see any comment numbers here
I guess it says something on the front-page
Like 995 comments so far etc. ?
I reported earlier that by joining For Britain (Ann Marie Waters Party) you have to accept that your data will be held outside the UK (US actually). I questioned whether the UK Data Protection laws would apply – I thought not. This is their reply:
“Many People have Paypal accounts or donate through crowdfunding, and most of these servers are hosted in the USA. We as a party are subject to the data protection law and require all holders of part or all of our data base to complete authorisation forms. Whilst strictly, the offshore servers may not be directly accountable to British law, they are indirectly accountable through contract. We are obliged to inform people that the data is held outside of the European Union. All available protections apply to our data and our volunteers and committee are legally accountable for their use of this.”
Question: does the reply clearly answer my question?
[“Whilst strictly, the offshore servers may not be directly accountable to British law,….”]
Diversity … errr, is a bad thing now …..
“It’s important to understand there is a real diversity between victims, perpetrators and how grooming happens,” said Carly Adams, a specialist in child sexual exploitation at the Children’s Society.{independent 10dec2017}
Police are already arresting around 420 men every month over child sexual exploitation across England and Wales, and the numbers continue to grow.
Copy and paste this wherever you can.
BBC Complaints – 03700 100 222
Call them. Automated service – you have 1 min to register your complaint.
First – make sure to keep cool and calm.
Second – to remain articulate rehearse your spiel before you call. Suggest along lines – “Concerning BBC’s complete failure to report the appalling sexual violence recently revealed in Telford………this contrasts with broad continued coverage of Worboys, Weinstein Westminster etc.”
……..let them know it is unacceptable to ignore their duty to report the news – impartially.
Sometimes the BBC make unwanted connections …
Are all civilisations doomed to fall? …. Islamic calligraphy for the 21st Century …
Correct. Guido produces non stop criticism of Corbyn which is deserved, but oh dear, his support for May is damaging his credibility.
Man who claims to live in a tent in Sherwood Forest rings BBC Licencing to ask whether he needs a licence if his TV is run on solar power.
Wait through amusing pictures and BBC sounds until the BBC get back to him with further information regarding Licences and solar power.
One message comes across strongly; we at BBBC are not alone in opposing and mocking this worthless organization. It is being lampooned everywhere.
It used to be the case that a TV with self-contained batteries didn’t need a licence, but that was in the days when it was nearly impossible to have such a TV.
I have struggled to find out what the true legal position is now. Actually that is true of most law, not only is it badly written but the online versions are like looking through a key-hole. (I just had a look at the Equality Act 2010, which is supposed to be ‘modern and streamlined’. It is a mess and is full of inequalities and confusion.)
Interesting. So they tell us we need a tv licence for iplayer or for watching live tv on a mobile phone or iPad which runs on a battery!
So what if I charge my iPad from a caravan type solar panel?
London father cleared over FGM offences
Numerous points about this case to get annoyed about but I want to know why the BBC omit certain bits of news.
The 50 year old man is a solicitor as mentioned on all other news except for the BBC. Could it be because he is a Sharia solicitor by any chance?
BBC are a bit behind …. on the Paris Protests / Riots … PARIS ERUPTS: Furious scenes on streets of France as THOUSANDS rally against Macron {express 22mar2018@14:47}
Not BBC bias, though relevant I think.
Comments, as they say, could be going better. I fear I may be in trouble for sending them a pug gif. Heaven forbid anyone else should do the same.
So if one really was a Nazi wouldn’t that be a protected belief and if not why not?
The useless Merkel pledges to learn from mistakes and ‘overcome polarisation’ bla bla.
But the AfD aren’t buying it: “Her speech was immediately dismissed by Alexander Gauland, co-leader of the AfD, who accused her of glossing over terrorism, crime and costs caused by the influx of more than a million asylum seekers.
The AfD, which is the main opposition party, also showed it would use its new position to dig out uncomfortable facts about immigration, revealing in a parliamentary answer that Germany sent €343 million in child benefit to foreign bank accounts last year.”
They’re going to “dig out uncomfortable facts…”
Something the world’s most trusted stopped doing years ago. Rather they bury uncomfortable facts.
I bet there`ll be a battle in Germany re “Free Speech” that will ensure that the AfD are made illegal for much they`re saying. Remember Merkel and Zuckerberg working on this, all this Cambridge Analytica stuff is more of the same. Germany has known fascism before-and will happily return to it as long as there`s no uniforms, and balaclavas and hipsters replace them.
The Euro was intended to create one “Reich” and one “Volk”-but without the need to invade. It`s going to implode, and repressive measures will be excused. Just history all this.
I see the national broadcaster is running, very prominently, an item about serial sexual abuse of minors which took place in a small village in Norway. The abuse had been going on for decades, and the story first surfaced in June 2016.
Question is – why are the BBC resurrecting this now ? It’s not really fresh or urgent.
Am I seriously paranoid or is this a not too subtle attempt to put the idea into people’s minds that the sort of vile abuse committed in Rochdale and Telford was neither unusual or tied to one particular culture or ethnic group?
Not paranoid: realistic.
Brexit : The 9 year old children in RToday
Today Oliver Kamm uses the Times Thunderer to do a character assassination on Heil Hamilton for daring to complain to BBC.
Kamm was on R4 being patronizing about politicians who said the National Debt is like a household debt.
The irony was he himself mischief act seized household debt as fixed budget..not you can borrow to save yourself money, eg buying insulation.
Funnily enough Stew, I was just coming on to post about Oliver Kamm as I heard him at 9.45 this Thursday morning. Probably the same programme? Ex City he was described as and now a journalist. But during the programme he praised Gordon Brown for using a very long, totally incomprehensible sentence including jargon that made it inaccessible to the lay man. But he then went on to criticise Margaret Thatcher for using the allegory of treating the country’s finances as though they were your own household. Of course it is an oversimplification but who left the country’s finances in better shape? Gordon or Margaret? I think it was Michael Rosen, well known Leftie who was chairing the programme. So the obvious question was not asked.
@Deborah : Rosen’s prog has agenda written all over it
title : Keywords of Our Time
ep1 #MeToo
ep2 Resilience (medical buzzword)
ep3 Prophets of Doom (not a word you hear that much ..tho it describes remoaners )
ep5 Post-fact
Today’s was
ep4 National Debt
Oliver Kamm at 9:45 said that people make a mistake in thinking government debt and household debt
And them himself mischaracterised household debt as simply deducting from a known budget.
Nope household debt does have many similarities with government debt
eg you might well borrow money to INVEST in new insulation or more efficient appliance that will save you money in the long run.
Even increasing your kids pocket money might save you money , as it teaches them prudence, and you might save money on clothes you have to buy them.
On FGM …. found this on the BBC site … 15th International Day of Zero Tolerance to FGM …
15 YEARS …
“ZERO Tolerance” …
“ZERO Arrests” ….
… the UK legal system generates its own comedy . . .
The fifteenth International Day of Zero Tolerance to FGM takes place on Tuesday 6th February. Jess Phillips MP and Zac Goldsmith MP, co-Chairs of the All Party Parliamentary Group on FGM discuss the role of their group, the main concerns around the continued practice of FGM in certain communities here in the UK and how to develop concrete ways of stopping it.
. . . .
“Helena Morrissey, Jess Phillips and Zac Goldsmith MPs on FGM, 5-Year-Old Girls” { 05feb2018}
NHS training : Times say keeping staff is more important than new medical schools.
Prof Fink writes
There’s been a change, instead of staying with NHS, 1/3 of grads now leave within 3 years
Reason is is the EU working time directive has destroyed mentoring cos now shift systems are worked.
Also many staff jump out before they are pushed.
And Jeremy Hunt’s new contract.
– TheShipman reforms are a waste of time.
The GMC shouldn’t have accepted this.
Another writer says that male grads turn out to a better investment cos they are much likely to work full time than females… many who opt for part-time.
Vote Labour … Diane Abbott told me to …. not sure if the cross in the box means NO or YES? Confused!
Let me see now, 10,000 officers at 20 pence per day, that’s £150 and six shillings in metric, right? Or do I mean Fahrenheit, I always get those two confused.
The Russian threat
From the BBC
‘Theresa May said she would tell her fellow EU leaders that “the Russia threat” did not respect borders, as she arrived for a summit in Brussels.’
Fellow leaders post Brexit. We are not leaving short of massive protest. Moreover, she is all fired for extending the confrontation with Russia.
Quite honestly GWF I am bored about hearing about it.
It is quite obvious that this devious Prime Minister we have is trying to create a mini cold war to take attention away from all the domestic enrichment crimes and brexit sell outs she has committed to.
She better be careful not to poke the bear too much as it can still bite!
Oh I forgot we can still threaten them with our leading edge aircraft less aircraft carriers.
Quite honestly GWF I am bored about hearing about it.
It is quite obvious that this devious Prime Minister we have is trying to create a mini cold war to take attention away from all the domestic enrichment crimes and brexit sell outs she has committed to.
She better be careful not to poke the bear too much as it can still bite!
Oh I forgot we can still threaten them with our leading edge aircraft less aircraft carriers.
It is too obvious and Boris has been beyond insulting to the Russians. Quite honestly the sooner May is gone the better and if that means Corbyn then so be it. WE know where we are with him and a spell of chaos is just what we need .
The Conservative party is dead and needs to be buried.
DS – talking about this at work today, general conclusion was the same as yours. A period of Corbin Chaos might well force the Tories to sort themselves out or a new party to emerge.
The comparison Johnson made between Hitler and Putin, the 1936 Olympics and this year’s World Cup was quite appalling; particularly when you consider the sheer scale of the Russian war dead at the hands of the Axis forces.
I think Johnson has seriously damaged his credibility, by the way he tagged along with that d**khead Labour MP’s comment when he appeared before that select committee.
The EU doesn`t respect borders though does it?
So Russia is only doing what the EU says-and, as we saw in Crimea/Ukraine-the EUs efforts to interfere in Russian affairs and tender border histories has cause todays problems. Well done Obama, Juncker, Ashton and McCain…needs saying, never is though.
There should an enquiry into historical racial abuse football players suffered in the 1980s.
Someone was called a name 30 years ago and we need an inquiry? This stuff is beyond parody.
My boyfirend said some racist things about United players called Mick Martin and Paddy Roche, as he yelled at them in a game in 1975 or so.
Can I shop him for anti-Irish prejudice, they were both crap; but I know for a fact that he said something unpleasant about Liam Brady at that time-and he was a good player, so it says here?
Im worried. I once ate jam from a jar of Robertsons with a golly wog on it.
So DS Nick Bailey, exposed we are to believe to Novichok, one of the most deadly nerve-toxins known to man with small traces capable of killing all in contact within minutes (actually nerve agents kill far more quickly) has just been released from hospital. What luck!
Harsh reality, but I’d imagine certain parties might be hoping the two Russians still in hospital do not do the same – or there might be some awkward questions to answer? On the other hand they could always put it down to the skill and dedication of the NHS staff.
Not a bBBC item but, has anyone noticed the Tories selling the UK out over BREXIT? Again……..?
Not to mention contradicting stories on the Skripal assassination attempt. This story says he will die:
This story seems to contradict the above:
Why is BBC Look North doing a Can Ukip survive item ?
They used news that the UKIP will cover their share of the Jane Collins MEP defamation case (lost to Rotherham Labour MPs who definitely didn’t know about groom/rape gangs before 2014)
They used that to go into an item giving the history of UK leaders
and predict its doom.
Time was when the BBCs regions used to have-you know”regional stories”. So where does “Look North” get off on fussing about the national prospects of a national political party? It`s NOT regional or local news is it?
Funny though-wherever you live in the country the BBC will be fussing over the local hospital and lack of nurses. will be sniping at businessmen in courts, will be condoning and excusing Islamic activity locally, and fussing over bedroom taxes, high rises,racism and disabled sporty types round their region(and stretched considerably as needs be). In other words-NO POINT in having a local BBC. The local reps are on fat salaries just to be barged out of the way if the national office gets mileage-and the demise of UKIP, the Dale Creggans, Mark Duggans and Raoul Moats and their vulnerabilities are always nectar to the BBC. All northern(yes Tottenham is N17, so the north no doubt)
Less so Rotherham, Telford , Newcastel or Tommy Mairs lack of NHS support in Batley/Spen.
Holly, I think it’s on Look North because the BBC are conscious of the amount of Brexit support in that area, so will publish anything that can be spun to imply that such support is fading, or that it’s proponents are in some way disorganised and rudderless.
I see it as part of the constant drip, drip, drip of propaganda from the ‘trusted’ BBC.
Alc4 still going after the Facebook data yawn. I’m guessing they think they are looking for journo awards from their peers because every one outside the bubble must be bored shitless.
If you are stupid enough to put your data onto the Facebook thing don’t be surprised if albeeb or some other outfit is going to exploit it. I hope anyone monitoring this site building a composite of me is having fun .
The tip of the iceberg?
“Germany migrant jailed for life for murdering Freiburg student”
More project fear and propaganda.
“What will Brexit mean for Britain’s overseas territories?”
And for a laugh…………….”One of my good friends met me for breakfast. She was dressed in a black dress, crying her eyes out.”
How on earth did Great Britain manage to have an Empire and now a Commonwealth?
That’s 53 friendly nations around the world . Wake up Mrs May !
“What will Brexit mean for Britain’s overseas territories?”
Odd question, because I guess over 99 percent of the answers would be about Gibraltar. But then ignoring the Commonwealth Republics, the Queen rules over 100 territories in the World, but only England, Gibraltar, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales are in the European Union. As far as I can see, regulations on fishing, other regulations, protectionism, mass immigration, a trade deficit and payments to the EU give these five territories the lowest standard of living for any of the 45 predominately white Royal Commonwealth Territories in the World. That’s about 40 Territories (Akrotiri & Dhekelia to Yukon) politically and geographically isolated from the hideously white undemocratic and authoritarian European Union, but therefore with a much higher standard of living due to the democratic freedoms within those territories of those “Independent Sovereign” Realms that are “Independent of the European Union” and recognise Her Majesty the Queen as “Sovereign“.
At the moment, according to Philip Benwell, England, Gibraltar, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales are “Dependent Territories” within an “Independent Sovereign Realm” in which only 20 territories (Akrotiri & Dhekelia to Turks & Caicos Islands) are not dependent territories of the EU and therefore much better off than if they had been incorporated into the EU.
That terrible situation mentioned above is what is thought to be the reason why the Queen supports Brexit.
9pm ITV Martin Luther King
So what percentage of Martin Luther King progs these days are presented by white people ?
…not the 87% you’d expect
Tonight ITV presenter is Trevor MacDonald
I believe Trevor MacDonald did a TV programme about Martin Luther King some years ago. I thought at the time that a better person to have done it would have been Julian Pettifer, who actually knew King and was the BBC North America correspondent during King’s period of fame.
..unless you is a stale, pale, white man.
I see that remainers are claiming that the EU does sign off it’s books

I hadn’t realised that the EU had simply changed accounting language so that you can says your books are “signed off” when in fact they are full of errors.
AS it happens just this last year they also claim that they are largely free of errors for the first time
This graphic shows the story
Rotten to the core.
I have been laid up at home for a couple of days and I watched a lot of BBC news today. On the dreadfully sad anniversary of the Westminster Bridge attack – I noticed, for the first time that BBC news will very occasionally say ‘Islamic Terrorism’ and then continue to say simply ‘Terrorism’ for a while. I noticed a bit of a pattern here – about 12 ‘Terrorism’ to 1 ‘Islamic Terrorism’. Presumably this is so that, when challenged, they can say that they DO mention the ‘I’ word when talking about terrorist butchery ? Surely, The BBC are better than this, aren’t they …….?
AFAIK They don’t use “Islamic terrorism”
They occasionally use “ISLAMIST terrorism” as a term
Quite so Stew, in order to maintain the lie that it has nothing to do with islam.
Actually the correct term is Islamistical.
Hillbear ,
If you trawl back on the comments here you ll notice plenty of evidence of beeboids leaving out the motivation for these attacks . I reported on humph on toady not mentioning Islam at all this morning when he interviewed some MP who tried to save the dying security copper on the gates of the palace of wasted air.
Humph is on 650k a year so he ll say or not say anything in accordance with the deceptive editorial rule of al Beeb…
Agreed Fedup2 – for the first time ever, I have had a chance to listen to BBC News all day – and there are definitely ‘patterns’ to what they say. It’s like they have some ghastly committee that decides exactly how many times to mention certain things – they assume we don’t notice this stuff. Also, about once every 2 weeks, they will go for a whole day without sneering at Trump or misguided Leavers and then resume as usual the next day. What I am saying is that there seems to be a plan, a pattern to what they are trying to do and they think we can’t see what they are up to. I think they are sick and I no longer want to fund them !
It’s a matter of being able to spot and dissemble the language uses by beeboids . Example – Sopel – President Trump has backed down from imposing tariffs on the EU about steel . The use of “backed down “ infers confrontation but in reality he changed his mind . And rightly targeted the Chinks who’d steal your granny if there’s cash in it .,
Mary Beard is now in a art-architecture mosque, wearing a headscarf and gazing at the one piece of art a quote from the Koran.
Mary Beard – the best ever reason for the full burqa
Not not so fast ,
Nice hair cut , bit of lippy and a floaty dress she might be quite a catch . ….
Is she ‘Prof. Brian at the moon in Hawaii’ staring?
The BBC’s ability to inspect each other’s navels is spectacular.
Emily Maitless retweets the Bombay Bob ‘Oskins talking about himself in, where else, The New Statesman.
The natural home of beeboids, like the Grauniad.
I like India and Indians, but really, who gives a toss about the minutiae of your name, and does it really deserve a whole narcissistic article, and is it really a ‘nightmare’, comparable say to starving in Calcutta or an acid attack in Bombay?
(Yes I know, it’s not Calcutta or Bombay anymore, I can’t keep up)
Guest – I wonder if the lovely Emily has found herself a new stalker to get a few column inches out of ….? And as for amok nitrate – would you buy a car from him?
A Bombay Bob/Swiss Tony Mash up. What can go wrong?
Meanwhile… seeking the font of youth…
Bombay Bob and Benny Hill’s stunt double… what a pairing.
On your marks. Get set.
995 posts as of 21.45, or 996 with this one
Hah a is it me ?
And the winner is…
AF Neil to Adonis
\\ Idea BBC News ‘annexed’ by Brexiteers is bonkers of a very high order.
Very, very high. Stratospheric, in fact.
I notice no factual corrections to my tweet.
But I’m delighted you’re back in politics (when did you leave?).
You are our Macron.
Can I be your campaign manager? //
The bBBC’s racism knows no bounds. On tonight’s NorthWest news they showed CCTV from Oldham tram station of three Muslim teenagers violently attacking a 49-year-old white man.
Their vox pop interviewed three people about whether they felt safe there: two women, one white and one black, and a black man. Not a Muslim or a white man in sight.
Radio Manchester tweeted footage which is rubbish
At one point a train is parked on the opposite platform , are the plods too stupid to check the footage from it’s front facing camera ?
“Radio Manchester tweeted footage which is rubbish… At one point a train is parked on the opposite platform , are the plods too stupid to check the footage from it’s front facing camera ?”
I watched the footage and there is no “opposite platform” Stew.
Are you perhaps having a little smoke after your mum goes to bed every night? (Completely understandable)
Have you been away ‘rehabilitating’?
If you are now ‘clean’, perhaps you can tell us why you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich ?
Maxi up to his usual tricks – Seemed to disappear when Telford scandal appeared in the news. – I wonder why?
maixi – talking of Mums; do you harbour much resentment to your own, given that she insisted on emptying the cat’s litter tray herself throughout the entire time she was pregnant with you?
You watched the footage? What did you think of it? Horrific isn’t it? Especially when you consider that the worst bits have been edited out. Instead of wasting everyone’s time with pedantry, why don’t you comment on the issue raised?
There is a platform opposite (but not directly opposite) which the tram in question will have stopped at immediately prior to coming into camera shot.
I think Stew’s point was why have they only released such grainy, distant images 2 weeks after the incident? There will be much better footage available from the CCTV cameras inside the tram that they are seen getting off. There are also CCTV cameras mounted on the underside of the shelter – why don’t they release that footage? Do they really want to catch these bastards?
They were trying to give the Guardian away free at Tesco’s last weekend but I’d already bought a can of baked beans.
Aint life grand. In pre-migration days we had a fully operational police force, where every town had a police station open 7 days a week, bobbies on the beat were visible and would make a home visit even if washing was pinched from the line. Now we have an overwhelming population, crime includes bombings/rapings/knife and gun assaults/honour killings/the list is endless, police stations are closing, police visibility is as rare as hens teeth and we now have to report any crime online.
In pre-migration days our NHS worked without hitch. Our hospitals were spotless, our doctors wore white coats, nurses were pristeen in their appearance, MRSA was unheard of, TB had been eradicated, we saw a GP on demand who made home visits when necessary, we could also understand what they were saying. Now I don’t need to list the problems, but funny how we are constantly told the NHS wouldn’t function without overseas staff.
Yet we are told migrants to these shores enrich our lives. Um, how?
Someone up above on this site sticks the boot into Boris Johnson.
just borrowed his “Friends, Romans and Countrymen” book from a library.
He wrote it as a Telegraph hack during the mid 90s, as Major turned into Blair.
It`s very good as a guide to how and where the EU project went awry as it did, and it`s a good indicator of what problems we now have by letting the EU railroad a supine political elite , both Tory and Labour whilst their Federated States Madness was forming in the fetid minds of French civil servants and German bankers.This surreal time in the mid-90s accounts for much of the trouble we`re now in.
But you`d not know any of this by looking to the oaf we`ve got as Foreign Secretary nowadays. FFS Boris-read your own book to see what the EU is up to, and why Russia is now as it is.
Are all political hacks like this? Say one thing when you have no power-and then say the complete opposite at the very time you get elected to use that power given? And end up no better from those you scorned when reporting on them?
BBC webpage Correction issued about hurricane patterns
A whole 4 months, after a complaint by Paul Homewood
#1 The major take-away line at the end of the article was fundamentally changed
“IS BRINGING US” was replaced by
“Scientists are still analysing what this data will mean, but a warmer world MAY bring us …”
#2 A correction note was added right at the end of this long article
FFS that’s same as old newspapers burying a correction at the bottom of page 42
(Newspapers all now how prominent correction pages.)
Web correction notes belong right at the top next to the title.
And what good is a correction issued 3 months later and buried at the end ?
.. no one who tweeted the hype will tweet the correction.
The BBC doesn’t bother to list web corrections
So best search twitters for “BBC correction” o r BBC FakeNews
The have a page which lists some TV corrections
Not often a hand-picked QT audience backfires as badly as tonight’s sub-30 bunch. To their eternal, and contradictory, credit they came across not only as extraordinarily pro-Brexit, but anti a good many other aspects of our society that we’ve been led to expect to be pro, without a whoop or a jeer to be heard.
The cake was iced to perfection by Dimbledor’s face which grew longer as his temper shortened.
Pure delight.
FFS BBC have dept BBC-Teach
Bet their twitter is full of propaganda to turn out little lib-estab robots
Mayor Sadiq Khan Slips Cash to Somali Mosque Amidst £1.4m Handout for Knife Crime Campaigns
…Finds £34M for Green Projects…
…£6M for Bus Driver Toilets…
…Just £1.4M to Stop Stabbing Epidemic
While maintaining that his budget doesn’t allow him to hire more police.
Khan Mocks Marking Brexit Day in London, Rather ‘Celebrate UKIP Abolished’
The Mayor of London has angrily dismissed the idea of marking Britain’s historic exit from the European Union (EU) in his city, suggesting he would rather celebrate the abolition of UKIP.
slimy little toad.
Central Government funding of the Metropolitan Police has been cut by £700 million since 2010. That’s almost 40% less in real terms.
Yet strangely your beloved Breitbart makes no mention of this.
“has been cut by £700 million since 2010”
that’s your assertion Maxi
Maybe you’d like to present the Met budgets
For most police forces the central budget gray was reduced BUT they were also allowed to raise local funding.
Also Sadiq has a strange way as defining cuts
he says things like “will have to find an additional £400m”, he gets that from saying RISING costs mean that there will be a £400m hole in the budget.
“The number of police officers in London is by far and away the highest per head of population in the country, at 359 per 100,000, compared with 252 in Merseyside”
Re Sadiq’s allegations of police funding cuts
BBC “In 2015, the government announced that overall police budgets would be protected.
This meant the amount of money the police receive from the government would increase each year in line with inflation for the following five years.”
(The part of police funding that is funded from Council Tax across the UK has risen from 12% to about 30)
my typo above: “central budget gray” : GRANT
Lauren Southern welcomed at EU parliament by the Kent MEP
..Lauren was detained for 24 hours by Kent Police
See also Farage interview podcast
Here is your beloved Tommy defending freedom of speech:
“Luton Borough Council, remove this [poster] from our town. If you don’t someone else will…”
Ever get the feeling you’ve been had?
I don’t see your point…
Is Tommy Robinson a representative of the state?
Is he advocating for the incarceration of people for merely expressing thier views?
I think you need to go away and read up on what ‘freedom of speech’ actually means before posting such ignorant tripe in future.
Maxicony aka Zero
I have mentioned this before. Whilst I do not wish to critiicse your sexual preferences, when fisting, if the fist is inserted too far it might affect your process of reasoning. I suggest you act in moderation, as your post indicates otherwise.
Good to see Maxi reposting Tommy Robinson videos :
Tommy explains that in Al Quds marches “hundreds of people march to demand the deaths of Israeli Jews”
“The organisers have a quote on their website, we must all rise and destroy Israel”
Maxi, Free speech has the limit, that you are not allowed to call for violence against others.
Lauren Southern’s Luton action : Allah Loves gays posters
is certainly not a call to violence
It was inspired by Vice News article entitled “Was Jesus Gay?”
“The UK population is projected to increase by around 500,000 annually – equivalent to a new city the size of Liverpool every year. 75% of this growth is due to future migration. ”
Expect more coming in during the Brexit transition period. Thanks Mrs May, we have been invaded .
I’ve never got my head around that a passport gives the holder the nationality of that country, but how can it possibly change the state of mind. Someone born and bred elsewhere suddenly becomes ‘British’ , but mentally is still a native of their birthplace. I’m born and bred here, but an American passport would make me a US citizen, though I know in my head I would still be ‘English’ regardless. Thus when I watch those who have taken up residency in the UK and been granted British citizenship, I have skant regard for them when they start airing their views on the country I was born in, and they are here because of a little book. I am, of course, referring to the likes of Alibaba Brown.
I would be interested to hear the views of anyone on here who are in this country by dint of a passport, and if, mentally they still remain a native of their homeland.
“The Lib Dems have claimed their call for a referendum on the final Brexit deal is supported by eight liberal European prime ministers.”
Someone remind me and Sir Vince, just how many votes did the Lib Dems get in the last GE?
Al Beeb impartiality – One Al Beeb reporter interviewing another Al Beeb reporter.