Call them. Automated service – you have 1 min to register your complaint.
First – make sure to keep cool and calm.
Second – to remain articulate rehearse your spiel before you call. Suggest along lines – “Concerning BBC’s complete failure to report the appalling sexual violence recently revealed in Telford………this contrasts with broad continued coverage of Worboys, Weinstein Westminster etc.”
……..let them know it is unacceptable to ignore their duty to report the news – impartially.
I recently came across a mention of The Birkenhead Drill and that caused me to pull out an old book from my childhood that I remembered had a story about it. Right at the end the article said that the drill had been employed in 1954 on the Empire Windrush. Now there’s a BBC name for you, except, naturally they drop the ‘Empire’ bit to avoid scaring the new natives.
I knew that the Empire Windrush had been a troopship. What I didn’t know was that it had carried 150,000 passengers as the Monte Rosa for Nazi Germany! That rather dwarfs the 492 immigrants that she carried in 1948, which, relying on the ‘trusted’ BBC, is all she is known for.
Well, the language is leaving … Theresa May. According to the BBC R4 TOADY prog this morning, ‘Almost certainly’ has become ‘Probably’ and is now ‘Highly likely’.
What IS a puzzle, is the rush to judgement in the Skripal poisoning. Why? No questions asked by the BBC.
And language, whether in Welsh or not with Leanne Wood, leaves The Humph speechless. Leanne ‘Give-you-a-headache’ Wood is having a conference and emphasising that Plaid Cymru wishes to remain in the EU.
Plaid also wants to become more independent from the UK in order to have control over all matters concerning Wales. Those two positions are, of course, completely mutually exclusive. No questions asked by the BBC.
I wonder why?
The poor old Humph appears to be audibly treading water, trying to stop himself drowning in all the words of work, unable to question and probe as he used to. Time to retire, John. You have earned it. Go and enjoy your garden.
Yes up2, some will know that my ID on here means Welsh Language learner. Well, I began in 2008 and I am fully fluent now, having passed the exams too up to advanced level grade A.
However, why do I say that, well, I sometimes mix with folk who would give their right arm for Wales to be independent, and also part of the EU at the same time. Not one of them can see any contradiction in being under Frau Merkels jackboot, and thinking the country would be independent.
Plaid Cymru’s slogan by the way, is ” standing up for Wales”.
Yes, thats the headline grabber, and down in the small print you get “wales has always been a welcoming nation” I doubt you need me to translate that for you as “refugees welcome” here.
Again, none of the idiots can see any contradiction. Wales very firmly voted out in the referendum, only a plank like Leanne Wood ( pun intended) could try to argue for remain.
In twenty years time, she’ll be wondering why Labour is still running the Welsh Assembly.
Wasn’t it the ‘welcoming Welsh (nationalists)’ who came up with a new interpretation of “We will keep the home fires burning here.”?
It seems to be a common theme for the ‘independence’ type of nationalist – “we haven’t got enough supporters so let’s import those that don’t like our current ‘rulers'”.
I heard the lovely ms wood on toady and she did a thing for me which few politicians are able to do – made me laugh.
She said the majority Brexit leave vote wasn’t a vote to leave – it was a protest vote about Cameron . Her mind reading gifts are well known and her interviewer – Humph – must have a soft spot because he didn’t ask for evidence of that dumb assertion .
Good luck to wales if it wants independence . Any nation should be allowed to stand alone on its own economy and resources.
When I’ve gone there I’ve found the ‘English go home ‘ signs very kind and warming
6 minute video about children in poverty. All seem to be single parents not working, one dad has 4 kids and doesn’t work so I can’t see why any of them don’t have money to spend!?!
What’s really noticeable is that EVERY single kid is white. The BBC love to push diversity on us but in this case they don’t want to show immigrants in poverty as the narrative is all immigrants contribute to society whereas as whites live on benefits.
Oh dear! The Libby-Lefty Health Fascists and Alarmists banned secondary smoking about ten years ago and promised that the nation would benefit as result.
Less cancer. Less heart disease. More people surviving into a grand old age and able to shuffle to the Polling Booth to vote Leave. Oh, well, maybe not that last one as far as the Libby-Lefties who are Remainers are concerned.
It hasn’t happened at all. No gains, no benefits from the smoking ban. Except that that last one came true, despite everyone who is old falling off their twigs as they snap due to obesity. (That must mean a lot of young people must have voted Leave, too. What?! Impossible!!)
Did you see the news coverage yesterday of the triumphant return of the ‘ best teacher in the world’ ?
Back to her school.
Not a single white face anywhere.
I haven’t commented for such a long time. I feel that I’m returning to the stage after a long absence. As I spend huge amounts of time on here I have become concerned and wondering if anyone knows whether Alan is unwell, or what’s happening. I’d be lost if Biased BBC was to vanish.
As I don’t listen to ANY BBC radio (it was once on constantly)
nor watch their TV output (except the occasional documentary or drama) although when it comes to drama I rarely get passed past episode 1. It’s heartbreaking for me when I consider how incredibly brilliant things could be especially with such a huge budget. Given that our country is now a shithole, even though I don’t watch or trust the BBC I am so grateful to all of you on here.
I’m feeling very brave so I shall wish everyone a happy Easter and if Muslims or the BBC find it offensive too fucking bad.
Dear moodswing
Could you please give me any tips about reducing exposure to al Beeb ( apart from the ‘off switch ) it is so pervasive and a monopoly on this and that – that although I am rationing exposure I still absorb too much twisted language and so called values.
Obviously I don’t pay for it as my one issue of consciounce versus law breaking ….help please !
I also find my self displacing by writing here a bit too much – as for Alan – I think he’s ok as he is pretty active on the Twitter….
Why are they reporting health stories so much? Eight dead in a week in multicultural London and they are talking about the sugar in muffins.
What cowardly traitors they are, always looking for something other than news to report on as the horror of what their Uber liberalism has created unfolds around us.
I think there may a strong element of diversion to it, Beeb Bro.
Telford sex attacks on minors & young women – mention an obscure Norway community with rape cases. Legislation on smoking that we are told would make life rosy for everyone is not quite so successful – blame the people for becoming obese and scare them some more with the prospect of developing cancer.
The failure of personal responsibility undermines the Lefty-Libby/Alt-Left/HardLeft prescriptive way of life. So they raise the spectre of ‘the Right’ (despite it being more Leftism) as a diversion.
When will the great Middle wake up and say “Enough, already!” ?
An uncomfortable truth – the chap murdered in Stratford shopping centre a couple of miles from me was Romanian – no description of the killer is released which means non Whitee English .
Foreign gang fights don’t meet the Londonistan all together crap.
Let me show how you twist language … you don’t call it “Murdering people” you call it “Falling from heights” in Iran … Owen Jones (Powerful Journalist) and Jeremy Corbyn (Press TV) to raise this issue?
Falling from heights (in 2008) {wiki}
Iran may have used this form of execution for homosexuality. According to Amnesty International in 2008, Tayyeb Karimi and Yazdan were convicted of abduction, r*pe and theft and sentenced to death by a judge in Shiraz, Fars province, southern Iran, in May 2007.[58] They were to be thrown off a cliff or from a great height.[59] The judge ordered that they be executed in the way described. Four other men have been sentenced to 100 lashes each for their involvement in the same crimes.[59][60]
Al hambra’s cops dealing with a grey haired white women as they would not deal with bearded peaceful followers of the Government’s favourite religion. Woman arrest for blowing a toy plastic trumpet
Sheffield tree cut down protest woman standing at front
cop warns her about blowing her trumpet
she blows again
he warns do it again and I’ll arrest you
He walks away, she blows the Trumpet. the cop and colleague take her away.
Yes it is only a trumpet, but it is also a breach of the peace to disturb someones work environment.
Courts will let her go ..libs could smash up your car, stop your business for 2 days etc.. and the dumb judges will always be on their side.
At least the French used to have some shred of national self-interest. The EU was a Franco German racket from the start, and their national interests were established with the civil service being a French stitch up and the Euro and manufacturing being German dominated.
How the heck WE chose to get in there between these two is beyond me. We beat them in the war, and in wars beforehand-only Heath and Jenkins could have thought that they`d be happy to take us in as anything but the dopey, clapped out lefty dump that Wilson and Heath had created for us by 1975.
Think Heath SHOULD be dug up and have stones thrown at his corpse for evermore. Paedo?…who knows?…but traitor? 100%.
There seems to be a lot of people gloating that this is what brexiteers wanted, I don’t quite know how they figured that one out as its following EU rules that is the underlying cause.
I also fail to follow the governments logic in off-shoring this work
I dont know what the figures are
but if the british government decided to spend some money on say ohhh I dont know a train
what would be better value to the british tax payers
100m on a railway line in france using french workers for a french company
150m on a railway line in britain paying british workers for a british company who pay british taxes to the british government.
yes one is headline cheaper, but where are the benefits afterwards
This sounds like the usual problem of our unimaginative civil servants, blindly following EU “rules” that other nations are happy to side step, and like the fabled accountant, know the cost of everything and the value of nothing.
Oh GW…you know we all want you to say it!
So-to do a Rita Webb, to your Eric Morecambe
“Comments could be going better”…there, a dream fulfilled.
Need to get out don`t I?
From the Political Entity that bought you open borders and enticed people to leave their own countries and pay dictators in Turkey to NOT open the gates …. I give you a sad Guy ….
“Today I proudly wore this ribbon in remembrance of the horrific terrorist attacks in Brussels that hit us two years ago. We continue to fight for freedom, democracy and security together in Europe. Terror will never prevail ???????????????? #BrusselsAttacks” – Guy Verhofstadt @guyverhofstadt
Today I proudly wore this ribbon in remembrance of the horrific terrorist attacks in Brussels that hit us two years ago. We continue to fight for freedom, democracy and security together in Europe. Terror will never prevail ????????????????
Too short to hang him, too fat to be a shoelace. Utterly useless, like a plastic foreskin.
And -. like David Mellors twin brother without the Subbuteo-Guy personnifies the whole rancid EU lard barrel.
Brylcreem or lube?..still a greasy, nasty little merde.
The BBC no doubt will be embarrassing themselves again soon over the oil price. It is getting perilously close to $70 again for Brent Crude. Not a peep from the Beeb in my hearing on R4 so far this year. They had a bit of a panic about it at one point last year but only AFTER it had fallen from about $56 to $50.
B/news…………..Hostage situation in France – gunman in supermarket shouting his allegiance to Islamic State, and another incident in same town where a shooter fired at policeman.
The BBC very slow reporting any facts for this one. Usually they post Twitter screenshots for just about everything but in this case Twitter is alive with photos and videos of the area and the BBC choose not to show anything from Twitter.
A quick check on Russian Times… they are saying a “The man was shouting “Allahu Akbar” when he entered the supermarket”.
Sky News say a policeman is dead and another policeman is the one hostage.
BBC are playing down the dead person report saying authorities haven’t confirmed it and no mention of “Allahu Akbar”.
No no he was shouting “ Alan’s snack bar” the mussie s love that bar – even though it sells porkie pies.
1. Police to blame for failing to stop it
2. Security could have Been better
3. No one should have died
4. The mussie was unfairly treated
5. Lesson to be learnt
6 our thoughts and prayers ….
Lord Hanningfield
Paul White, Baron Hanningfield (Conservative) pleaded not guilty to six charges of false accounting, but was convicted at Chelmsford Crown Court on 26 May 2011.[180] He was given a 9-month sentence[181] which was confirmed when his appeal[182] against the conviction and sentence failed in July 2011. As a low-risk prisoner he was released in September 2011 on home detention after serving a quarter of the sentence.[183] After repaying the wrongly claimed £30,254.50 he returned to the House of Lords in April 2012.
– Lord Hanningfield said he was not guilty – and lied. Fined. Went back to his job.
What then IS the plural for a “gathering ” of travellers? A Dale Farm?
A Cambridge North?…a “murder”.
Or is that last one set aside for Muslim gangs only?
Sorry Stew-I`m sure he was trying to sing “Allah`s need is love”…but he got The Beatles song a bit mixed, due to NHS lack of funding for his speech therapy, lack of education funding for his TEFL courses.
Simple mistake-all Muslims seem to be making it these days.
If I were Putin I`d be really scared at May and her EU nail clippers over in Brussels. How much stronger can their language get?
Bow down Vlad. You`re in real danger of NOT getting Wills or Becks to attend your World Cup if you don`t `fess up!
There-we can expect Putin to crawl over to the Cream Puff tent in Media City, begging for Leona Lewis and James Corden to make his nation whole. As opposed to the hole that May is making of this nation she`s supposed to speak for.
Putin speaks for us better than she does. Scary.
Did I just hear BBC declaring that the Germans could have won WW1 had it not been for people like Walter Tull? I noticed this person being hugely hyped up by the BBC yesterday, as Britain’s first black professional footballer. Apparently he was also a huge hero on the field of conflict. The (black) Northampton Town manager was shown in Flanders fields, finding Tull’s grave.
Whereas I once would have looked at this story with interest and approval, the incessant push by the media to elevate black people to a lofty status not borne out by reality, give them roles in movies where the person portrayed was obviously not black, etc etc has made me quite cynical.
So now, with efforts to give him the George Cross posthumously, I examine this more closely. Was this for real or another hype-up by the Beeb, trying to change history? I ask because I know a little about Africa, some of the black racism that is currently making life difficult for whites in South Africa (where there is no problem with denigrating whites, publicly declaring their throats should be cut, preparations to grab land without compensation are in progress) etc etc
This, of course, has nothing directly to do with the footballing hero, but one does wonder what has happened to equality. Remember that? Equality?
I hope Spain appreciates the enrichment as much as the rest of Europe: “Spanish police have rescued 39 women and girls smuggled in from Nigeria and trafficked into sex work by a notorious Nigerian gang.
Europol says the victims were kept in “squalid conditions in caves” and intimidated with voodoo threats.”
Voodoo, squalor, underage girls, rape, forced prostitution… let us enjoy the rich diversity from these colourful cultures.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
Copy and paste this wherever you can.
BBC Complaints – 03700 100 222
Call them. Automated service – you have 1 min to register your complaint.
First – make sure to keep cool and calm.
Second – to remain articulate rehearse your spiel before you call. Suggest along lines – “Concerning BBC’s complete failure to report the appalling sexual violence recently revealed in Telford………this contrasts with broad continued coverage of Worboys, Weinstein Westminster etc.”
……..let them know it is unacceptable to ignore their duty to report the news – impartially.
I recently came across a mention of The Birkenhead Drill and that caused me to pull out an old book from my childhood that I remembered had a story about it. Right at the end the article said that the drill had been employed in 1954 on the Empire Windrush. Now there’s a BBC name for you, except, naturally they drop the ‘Empire’ bit to avoid scaring the new natives.
I knew that the Empire Windrush had been a troopship. What I didn’t know was that it had carried 150,000 passengers as the Monte Rosa for Nazi Germany! That rather dwarfs the 492 immigrants that she carried in 1948, which, relying on the ‘trusted’ BBC, is all she is known for.
The Very Late Weekend open thread appears to have become a Very Early one.
Well, the language is leaving … Theresa May. According to the BBC R4 TOADY prog this morning, ‘Almost certainly’ has become ‘Probably’ and is now ‘Highly likely’.
What IS a puzzle, is the rush to judgement in the Skripal poisoning. Why? No questions asked by the BBC.
And language, whether in Welsh or not with Leanne Wood, leaves The Humph speechless. Leanne ‘Give-you-a-headache’ Wood is having a conference and emphasising that Plaid Cymru wishes to remain in the EU.
Plaid also wants to become more independent from the UK in order to have control over all matters concerning Wales. Those two positions are, of course, completely mutually exclusive. No questions asked by the BBC.
I wonder why?
The poor old Humph appears to be audibly treading water, trying to stop himself drowning in all the words of work, unable to question and probe as he used to. Time to retire, John. You have earned it. Go and enjoy your garden.
Yes up2, some will know that my ID on here means Welsh Language learner. Well, I began in 2008 and I am fully fluent now, having passed the exams too up to advanced level grade A.
However, why do I say that, well, I sometimes mix with folk who would give their right arm for Wales to be independent, and also part of the EU at the same time. Not one of them can see any contradiction in being under Frau Merkels jackboot, and thinking the country would be independent.
Plaid Cymru’s slogan by the way, is ” standing up for Wales”.
Yes, thats the headline grabber, and down in the small print you get “wales has always been a welcoming nation” I doubt you need me to translate that for you as “refugees welcome” here.
Again, none of the idiots can see any contradiction. Wales very firmly voted out in the referendum, only a plank like Leanne Wood ( pun intended) could try to argue for remain.
In twenty years time, she’ll be wondering why Labour is still running the Welsh Assembly.
Wasn’t it the ‘welcoming Welsh (nationalists)’ who came up with a new interpretation of “We will keep the home fires burning here.”?
It seems to be a common theme for the ‘independence’ type of nationalist – “we haven’t got enough supporters so let’s import those that don’t like our current ‘rulers'”.
I remember “Come home to a real fire” buy a cottage in wales
I heard the lovely ms wood on toady and she did a thing for me which few politicians are able to do – made me laugh.
She said the majority Brexit leave vote wasn’t a vote to leave – it was a protest vote about Cameron . Her mind reading gifts are well known and her interviewer – Humph – must have a soft spot because he didn’t ask for evidence of that dumb assertion .
Good luck to wales if it wants independence . Any nation should be allowed to stand alone on its own economy and resources.
When I’ve gone there I’ve found the ‘English go home ‘ signs very kind and warming
‘Mummy’s not got money’ – the children in poverty in Oldham
6 minute video about children in poverty. All seem to be single parents not working, one dad has 4 kids and doesn’t work so I can’t see why any of them don’t have money to spend!?!
What’s really noticeable is that EVERY single kid is white. The BBC love to push diversity on us but in this case they don’t want to show immigrants in poverty as the narrative is all immigrants contribute to society whereas as whites live on benefits.
Im surprised they could find some white kids in oldham
Chadderton Tram stop
Oh dear! The Libby-Lefty Health Fascists and Alarmists banned secondary smoking about ten years ago and promised that the nation would benefit as result.
Less cancer. Less heart disease. More people surviving into a grand old age and able to shuffle to the Polling Booth to vote Leave. Oh, well, maybe not that last one as far as the Libby-Lefties who are Remainers are concerned.
It hasn’t happened at all. No gains, no benefits from the smoking ban. Except that that last one came true, despite everyone who is old falling off their twigs as they snap due to obesity. (That must mean a lot of young people must have voted Leave, too. What?! Impossible!!)
Let’s ban food and eating instead!
Did you see the news coverage yesterday of the triumphant return of the ‘ best teacher in the world’ ?
Back to her school.
Not a single white face anywhere.
Must have been to my London Borough – which is also full up with special needs schools ….
Sadly, you are not exaggerating. There was literally not one white child I could see in the entire school. Not even a Pole!
Enoch wasn’t exactly wrong, was he?
I haven’t commented for such a long time. I feel that I’m returning to the stage after a long absence. As I spend huge amounts of time on here I have become concerned and wondering if anyone knows whether Alan is unwell, or what’s happening. I’d be lost if Biased BBC was to vanish.
As I don’t listen to ANY BBC radio (it was once on constantly)
nor watch their TV output (except the occasional documentary or drama) although when it comes to drama I rarely get passed past episode 1. It’s heartbreaking for me when I consider how incredibly brilliant things could be especially with such a huge budget. Given that our country is now a shithole, even though I don’t watch or trust the BBC I am so grateful to all of you on here.
I’m feeling very brave so I shall wish everyone a happy Easter and if Muslims or the BBC find it offensive too fucking bad.
Dear moodswing
Could you please give me any tips about reducing exposure to al Beeb ( apart from the ‘off switch ) it is so pervasive and a monopoly on this and that – that although I am rationing exposure I still absorb too much twisted language and so called values.
Obviously I don’t pay for it as my one issue of consciounce versus law breaking ….help please !
I also find my self displacing by writing here a bit too much – as for Alan – I think he’s ok as he is pretty active on the Twitter….
Amen to that. All of it.
Why are they reporting health stories so much? Eight dead in a week in multicultural London and they are talking about the sugar in muffins.
What cowardly traitors they are, always looking for something other than news to report on as the horror of what their Uber liberalism has created unfolds around us.
I think there may a strong element of diversion to it, Beeb Bro.
Telford sex attacks on minors & young women – mention an obscure Norway community with rape cases. Legislation on smoking that we are told would make life rosy for everyone is not quite so successful – blame the people for becoming obese and scare them some more with the prospect of developing cancer.
The failure of personal responsibility undermines the Lefty-Libby/Alt-Left/HardLeft prescriptive way of life. So they raise the spectre of ‘the Right’ (despite it being more Leftism) as a diversion.
When will the great Middle wake up and say “Enough, already!” ?
An uncomfortable truth – the chap murdered in Stratford shopping centre a couple of miles from me was Romanian – no description of the killer is released which means non Whitee English .
Foreign gang fights don’t meet the Londonistan all together crap.
Let me show how you twist language … you don’t call it “Murdering people” you call it “Falling from heights” in Iran … Owen Jones (Powerful Journalist) and Jeremy Corbyn (Press TV) to raise this issue?
Falling from heights (in 2008) {wiki}
Iran may have used this form of execution for homosexuality. According to Amnesty International in 2008, Tayyeb Karimi and Yazdan were convicted of abduction, r*pe and theft and sentenced to death by a judge in Shiraz, Fars province, southern Iran, in May 2007.[58] They were to be thrown off a cliff or from a great height.[59] The judge ordered that they be executed in the way described. Four other men have been sentenced to 100 lashes each for their involvement in the same crimes.[59][60]
Radio 4 right now: Keywords for Our Time with David Wootton.
Must be uncomfortable listening for Theresa May.
Al hambra’s cops dealing with a grey haired white women as they would not deal with bearded peaceful followers of the Government’s favourite religion. Woman arrest for blowing a toy plastic trumpet
Sheffield tree cut down protest woman standing at front
cop warns her about blowing her trumpet
she blows again
he warns do it again and I’ll arrest you
He walks away, she blows the Trumpet. the cop and colleague take her away.
Yes it is only a trumpet, but it is also a breach of the peace to disturb someones work environment.
Courts will let her go ..libs could smash up your car, stop your business for 2 days etc.. and the dumb judges will always be on their side.
“Following a complaint from a member of the public, a 57-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of causing intentional harm or distress, under Section 4a of the Public Order Act 1986.”
Complaint from member of public could indeed be someone asleep with a baby or on nightshift
But the tree-fellers’ chain saws did not disturb the baby or night shift worker?
BBC not doing well at the mo.
DD does Dire on QT, and now…
France passports CANNOT be created outside of france apparently … All trade is equal, some trade is more equal than others.
At least the French used to have some shred of national self-interest. The EU was a Franco German racket from the start, and their national interests were established with the civil service being a French stitch up and the Euro and manufacturing being German dominated.
How the heck WE chose to get in there between these two is beyond me. We beat them in the war, and in wars beforehand-only Heath and Jenkins could have thought that they`d be happy to take us in as anything but the dopey, clapped out lefty dump that Wilson and Heath had created for us by 1975.
Think Heath SHOULD be dug up and have stones thrown at his corpse for evermore. Paedo?…who knows?…but traitor? 100%.
There seems to be a lot of people gloating that this is what brexiteers wanted, I don’t quite know how they figured that one out as its following EU rules that is the underlying cause.
I also fail to follow the governments logic in off-shoring this work
I dont know what the figures are
but if the british government decided to spend some money on say ohhh I dont know a train
what would be better value to the british tax payers
100m on a railway line in france using french workers for a french company
150m on a railway line in britain paying british workers for a british company who pay british taxes to the british government.
yes one is headline cheaper, but where are the benefits afterwards
This sounds like the usual problem of our unimaginative civil servants, blindly following EU “rules” that other nations are happy to side step, and like the fabled accountant, know the cost of everything and the value of nothing.
Oh GW…you know we all want you to say it!
So-to do a Rita Webb, to your Eric Morecambe
“Comments could be going better”…there, a dream fulfilled.
Need to get out don`t I?
My lips are sealed 😉
From the Political Entity that bought you open borders and enticed people to leave their own countries and pay dictators in Turkey to NOT open the gates …. I give you a sad Guy ….
“Today I proudly wore this ribbon in remembrance of the horrific terrorist attacks in Brussels that hit us two years ago. We continue to fight for freedom, democracy and security together in Europe. Terror will never prevail ???????????????? #BrusselsAttacks” – Guy Verhofstadt @guyverhofstadt
That’l stop em Guy!!!!!
Too short to hang him, too fat to be a shoelace. Utterly useless, like a plastic foreskin.
And -. like David Mellors twin brother without the Subbuteo-Guy personnifies the whole rancid EU lard barrel.
Brylcreem or lube?..still a greasy, nasty little merde.
The BBC no doubt will be embarrassing themselves again soon over the oil price. It is getting perilously close to $70 again for Brent Crude. Not a peep from the Beeb in my hearing on R4 so far this year. They had a bit of a panic about it at one point last year but only AFTER it had fallen from about $56 to $50.
Kamal! Simon! Where are you?
The UK Tax Payer pay for MPs to send chairs in Taxis (couldn’t ask a friend?) …
Taxi to transport staff serganomic chair
28 Apr 2017
Best News of the week … young people are thinking for themselves about Brexit ….. as NOT reported on the BBC!
Does the £3.5bn BBC
NewsOmission Service report on this amazing clip for others to see … no … but normally the BBC report on their own programmes …‘YOUNG PEOPLE VOTED FOR BREXIT TOO’ … Not sure this was quite what Question Time were expecting from their youth audience last night… {}
B/news…………..Hostage situation in France – gunman in supermarket shouting his allegiance to Islamic State, and another incident in same town where a shooter fired at policeman.
See how many times we hear ‘mental illness’ !!
For once the BBC have mentioned the word “jihadist” in the article. Usually they wait 24 hours after all the other news outlets say it first.
The BBC very slow reporting any facts for this one. Usually they post Twitter screenshots for just about everything but in this case Twitter is alive with photos and videos of the area and the BBC choose not to show anything from Twitter.
A quick check on Russian Times… they are saying a “The man was shouting “Allahu Akbar” when he entered the supermarket”.
Sky News say a policeman is dead and another policeman is the one hostage.
BBC are playing down the dead person report saying authorities haven’t confirmed it and no mention of “Allahu Akbar”.
No no he was shouting “ Alan’s snack bar” the mussie s love that bar – even though it sells porkie pies.
1. Police to blame for failing to stop it
2. Security could have Been better
3. No one should have died
4. The mussie was unfairly treated
5. Lesson to be learnt
6 our thoughts and prayers ….
Fedup, you forgot 7) Kumbaya.
A gunman is holding several people hostage in a supermarket in Trèbes, in the south of France. … French media say the man had earlier fired shots at some policemen who were jogging, wounding one of them, but not critically. .. Police special forces have rushed to the Super U shop, near Carcassonne. … A prosecutor says the gunman claims to be in the Islamic State group. { 23mar2018}
Notice the language from the BBC .. it is the EU that are adopting things, giving in … not the UK …
Brexit: EU adopts guidelines for negotiations on future relations { 23mar2018}
The text on trade, security and other issues was adopted within minutes in Brussels, clearing the way for the next phase of Brexit talks to get under way.
Politicians taking the money … We have not moved on …
Tony Blair’s expenses were shredded ‘by mistake’ when they were the subject of a legal bid to have them published.
Lord Hanningfield
Paul White, Baron Hanningfield (Conservative) pleaded not guilty to six charges of false accounting, but was convicted at Chelmsford Crown Court on 26 May 2011.[180] He was given a 9-month sentence[181] which was confirmed when his appeal[182] against the conviction and sentence failed in July 2011. As a low-risk prisoner he was released in September 2011 on home detention after serving a quarter of the sentence.[183] After repaying the wrongly claimed £30,254.50 he returned to the House of Lords in April 2012.
– Lord Hanningfield said he was not guilty – and lied. Fined. Went back to his job.
Excellent …. and the MPs (employee) got an 18% pay rise from 2010 without mentioning it to their employer (the people who pay them).
IPSA is responsible for setting and administering MPs’ pay and pensions, independently of both Parliament and Government.
Find out what your MP spends YOUR money on:
MP Pay April 2010 £65,738
MP Pay April 2018 £77,379
They always hide behind the
‘ independence’ of ipsa but who appoints ipsa? Comes back to MPs in the end – back scratching.
When you can’t use words and words are described as Hate you cannot describe the world you live in … it’s that simple.
What then IS the plural for a “gathering ” of travellers? A Dale Farm?
A Cambridge North?…a “murder”.
Or is that last one set aside for Muslim gangs only?
I believe it is a ‘caravan’ (in a public carpark). Allegedly.
BREAKING: ISIS fanatic who shot at police, took hostages and killed a man in a supermarket ‘shouted about Allah’.
Situation ongoing. He’s reportedly armed with grenades and wants ‘revenge for Syria’.
Sorry Stew-I`m sure he was trying to sing “Allah`s need is love”…but he got The Beatles song a bit mixed, due to NHS lack of funding for his speech therapy, lack of education funding for his TEFL courses.
Simple mistake-all Muslims seem to be making it these days.
Made me laugh anyway … BBC Pidgin 404 error …
Dem no see page – 404
Dis fit be becos you no type de address well. Abeg check de address and how you spell am.
Trouble in Paradise.
Soon Rob Burley will be challenging cads to duels, mark my words.
If I were Putin I`d be really scared at May and her EU nail clippers over in Brussels. How much stronger can their language get?
Bow down Vlad. You`re in real danger of NOT getting Wills or Becks to attend your World Cup if you don`t `fess up!
There-we can expect Putin to crawl over to the Cream Puff tent in Media City, begging for Leona Lewis and James Corden to make his nation whole. As opposed to the hole that May is making of this nation she`s supposed to speak for.
Putin speaks for us better than she does. Scary.
Did I just hear BBC declaring that the Germans could have won WW1 had it not been for people like Walter Tull? I noticed this person being hugely hyped up by the BBC yesterday, as Britain’s first black professional footballer. Apparently he was also a huge hero on the field of conflict. The (black) Northampton Town manager was shown in Flanders fields, finding Tull’s grave.
Whereas I once would have looked at this story with interest and approval, the incessant push by the media to elevate black people to a lofty status not borne out by reality, give them roles in movies where the person portrayed was obviously not black, etc etc has made me quite cynical.
So now, with efforts to give him the George Cross posthumously, I examine this more closely. Was this for real or another hype-up by the Beeb, trying to change history? I ask because I know a little about Africa, some of the black racism that is currently making life difficult for whites in South Africa (where there is no problem with denigrating whites, publicly declaring their throats should be cut, preparations to grab land without compensation are in progress) etc etc
This, of course, has nothing directly to do with the footballing hero, but one does wonder what has happened to equality. Remember that? Equality?
George Cross posthumously, yes if they give one to every other person who died as well
I hope Spain appreciates the enrichment as much as the rest of Europe: “Spanish police have rescued 39 women and girls smuggled in from Nigeria and trafficked into sex work by a notorious Nigerian gang.
Europol says the victims were kept in “squalid conditions in caves” and intimidated with voodoo threats.”
Voodoo, squalor, underage girls, rape, forced prostitution… let us enjoy the rich diversity from these colourful cultures.