Carole Cadwalladr says she isn't going to investigate Remain campaign spending. We did, and found they did exactly the same thing as Vote Leave, only on a far, far greater scale >>
I know whataboutery is weak rhetoric, but one is aghast at their chutzpah for suggesting dirty play on the part of the Trump team and Vote Leave. As if the side with establishment support would not be far, far worse. Imagine the tricks they pulled we know nothing about?
Just the stuff we know about is terrible: Obama saying he would punish a leave vote (we know how evil it is to meddle in others’ elections); Governor of Bank of England brazenly supporting Remain – a sackable offence; the BBC’s sickening level of Remain support; an all hands on deck approach colouring every last inch of their output.
We accept their bias as normal but it really is so totally out of order given their charter demands impartiality. No other professionals could breach their contractual duty so badly and get away with it; it’s like a doctor prescribing poison to a patient. What did that wan*ker Prick Robinson say? “No bias against understanding.” Meaning: we tell you what to think because we know best. Even though anyone looking at the modern Britain they have created knows how spectacularly wrong they have been about pretty much everything.
Don’t forget, we had two former Prime Ministers going to Northern Ireland and effectively saying “If the UK votes Leave, get ready to get your bombs and bullets out, boyos!”.
That struck me at the time, and still does, as an arrestable offence: inciting others to an act or acts of terrorism. I assume Police in Northern Ireland looked at that closely, at the time, to see if an offence had been committed.
If not, it is still not too late under the Statute of Limitations, to get John Major & Tony Blair into an interview suite and cell in Belfast.
It was so glorious that we stood up to the bullies both here and in the US. It has also exposed a very dark side to the establishment. The cynical among us knew this anyway, but now everyone knows.
God imagine how nauseating the BBC would have been had Clinton! My only worse fear is that one day the women’s football team win the World Cup. Can you imagine how nauseating their coverage would be?
Beeb – “the tricks they pulled we know nothing about”, or even the brazenly open and illegal ones like £10m for leaflets from the posturing PM of the time!
‘Despite’ all that propaganda, he still got it so wrong and luckily is away with the fairies now.
Only appeared only my timeline because impartial bbc types like Samira Ahmed ‘liked’ this post by ex-colleague and Remain camp Ben.
The outing of the whistleblower who exposed evidence of law breaking by the Leave campaign as gay, thereby endangering his family in Pakistan, was completely unacceptable & the PM must act.
Toady goes blue peter. Must have been part of the deal to get rid of the current head girl to stick her in a jet plane on a jolly. Al Beeb lives on anniversaries and thank god for the RFC / RAF.
They had a bit on genda but in the limited bit I heard l didn’t hear the normal criticism of the RAF al Beeb normally wrongly throws at them .
It was a good distraction from the health and safety madness of the Manchester fire brigade leading to sitting around on overtime whilst all hell breaks loose. And of course it distracts from Islamic terrorism and the fact that uk courts are filling up with Muslim men plotting attacks or organising the rape of white girls.
I can’t start flying a plane instead of teaching French just because I have to explain the subjunctive which is so difficult.
A disgraceful amount of their ‘news’ is about stuff that is actually happening or that matters to most people. They retreat from reality as what they have created with their reckless uber liberalism is not a pretty sight.
“It was a good distraction from the health and safety madness of the Manchester fire brigade…”.
I was actually sickened by the broadcasting of all the ‘system’s’ failures. Yes, many need to look at their reaction to the incident. Yet not one mention of the failure of the ruling elite to stop these savages from the RoP getting in to the UK so start with. Fact is, if the Roper was not in the UK it would not have happened. Those who have lived in the Middle East, will be familiar with that widely applied principle to non-muslim workers.
Dear oh dear…system failure alright…..useless senior officers who don’t want to rock the boat, even if they can see the system is crap….what was needed there was a couple of sub-officers saying, sod this, let’s go to work, and shamed their leaders…but maybe the rot has settled on the ordinary fireman as it has on the Police….God help us all…i would have kicked their arses and gone in myself, show them up….and i’m 61…scandalous
The BBC won’t be able to explain that but they would make a link that the next Islamic terror attack in the UK was caused purely by the Leave campaign over spending.
So this group MPs and Lords know full well that having a gay relative abroad endangers a family living in Pakistan. So either these fools believe that magically when people arrive in the UK from Pakistan they drop these prejudices against gays , or they just don’t want to think about the implications of what they are petitioning about.
Eventually the many self contradictions of the leftist world view will bring the whole edifice of global socialism crashing down. The big question is will this be soon enough to enable us to avoid being taken over by Islam.
Thanks for the link – it really rams home the sad face that the House of Lords is just a holding pen for the political class retirement home . I can not see a reason for its existance .
If you ever get a chance go visit the Palace of Westminster – you’ll realise how out of touch MPs can become because of the false traditions and procedures. Move it to Birmingham in an ordinary building methinks.sadly the place doesn’t speak for me.
Spot on.
I went to a HoC reception two days before the guy with poor driving skills went over Westminster Bridge.
It is a totally archaic relic. The dimly lit corridors and meeting points. The ancient woodwork. Dracula would feel at home there. But as a modern parliamentary facility, utterly useless. Goodness knows the mindsets of those who work there?
Keep the facade by all means but erase what is behind it and start again. At reasonable cost, by the way. No gold-plating.
I have to disagree. I toured the building a few years ago and thought it a wonderful place. Steeped in history and heritage, it made me proud to be British.
It’s just a shame that the inhabitants are, with a few exceptions, such a bunch of disappointing, self centred, pretentious, spineless individuals.
Moodswing6 – Yes unfortunately it is. My brother recently got a job working for the MOD and I had to ask myself that if you were asked at the interview why you wanted the job, whether it would be a good thing or bad thing to say that I would enjoy the feeling of pride in working for my country.
So disappointing that feeling pride about this once great nation when walking around it’s capital is something that nowadays you would have to mention with caveats and excuses.
Payne – a lot of the stuff is reproduction – destroyed by fires and bombs . You’re meant to feel privileged to be there . I think it would make an excellent museum or theme park – but there again today I’m feeling like a republican – but when prince Phillip kicks it ( media waiting with whole programmathons ) I might be a weak monarchist again..
We differ but I respect your view … hear that maxi?
I hear what you are saying and I’m sure a lot of it is reproduction. I think it was just the history and the feeling that we have some kind of legacy in the world and that is ‘still’ an example of it. I still even now feel a flutter of excitement when I come round the corner into Parliament Square and see the iconic and world famous Big Ben.
Clearly, it’s the building and what it stood for in bygone times that is what generates the swell of pride. Those working in it now fill me with disappointment and contempt.
Find myself agreeing in part with both Sluff and Payne. I’d keep the magnificent old heap for special occasions and/or making money out of tourists (hotel?) but would prefer to send our Parliament to Coventry [ 😉 close to geographic centre of GB & NI ] into a modern, secure and efficient building.
Well, if the BBC can piss millions up the wall in their move to Salford, anything’s possible!
After all, the tax-payer picks up the tab so to hell with it all!
The Lords farce will never be able to wither and die; we’re still in the dark ages where the old ermined plonkers on the benches actually contribute anything.
Bradford would be good , plenty of taxis to shuttle all our good lady MP’s back and forward to a nearby terraced houses that they could rent/buy on the cheap
I feel rather in favour of the place, not all the people. I have attended meetings there and contributed my useless knowledge towards legislation with a few MPs and Lords who had something to contribute. Over the years I noticed the perfect people in traditional clothes sitting outside important meeting rooms and concluded that they are the new elite.
Perhaps the rest of the country should start sending the right people then?
If voters in Rotherham can re-elect labour after what has been happening, I don’t see what improvement a different building in a different city would make. They don’t spend their whole time in the HoP. An idiot is an idiot, regardless of where his desk is located. Furthermore, local government officials in modest buildings up and down the country are no better, possibly even worse.
Any alternative vote will do – it doesn’t take much to destroy the smug complacency of the mainstream parties. One (doubtful) UKIP MP was enough to get the Conservatives rattled.
Actually, I think many offer themselves to ‘the system’ with the best of intentions but sooner or later get corrupted by that ‘system’. The fault – and corrupting – would appear to lie with the political Parties and – to an extent – the Civil Service.
There are notable exceptions. Funnily, some Leave Campaigners come to mind: Kate Hoey and Frank Field. They appear to have remained totally uncorrupted by ‘the system’, think independently for themselves but overwhelmingly seek to represent the views and wishes of their constituents and to maximise their constituents’ wellbeing.
Thus it should always be but, alas – frequently, is not.
We Brexiteers wanted Article 50 in the post on the Monday morning after. The EU wanted Article 50 to arrive in the post within days rather than weeks and got a bit irritated when it didn’t turn up after some months.
How would you like it, BBC, if David Cameron was still PM with a majority of 12 and the UK was out of the EU on 5 July THIS YEAR?
Its probably because the Remainers are spending £40 Billion on building a massive lifeboat in the Port of Brussels. It wont be launched until 29th March 2019, travelling down the Brussels–Scheldt Maritime Canal to Antwerp. Then they need 20 months in Antwerp for repairs to the boat. They then go down the Scheldt and then turn west across the North Sea, doing some fishing on the way, but as they travel down the Thames towards the Houses of Parliament they then realise they don’t need the fish, so dump them in the Thames. They then reach home on the 31st December 2020 just as the fireworks on the Thames kicks off on the 1st January 2021. The Remainers in the lifeboat and those Remainers welcoming them home such as Theresa May, Lord Heseltine and Tony Blair, are then all burnt to death by a horrendous fireworks accident.
Kaiser thank you for two great laughs. The Bradford taxis with lady MP’s in the back and fairy lights hanging. I can’t stop laughing. It’s wonderful. Do you think Muslims ever laugh?
Does everybody remember last year’s summer? Do you remember endless warm summer evenings 2017 sitting on your terrace, drinking wine and watching the growing number of goldfinches in your garden? Well apart from it not being my lifestyle whilst not watching the BBC, according to the RSPB and reported on the BBC Today this morning, last year’s warm weather was the reason for the increase in goldfinch numbers. Well apart from (Male readers shut their eyes), I never got out of my winter tights except I think for one day, my summer was not the same as RSPB/BBC’s.
We are travelling this weekend a couple of hundred miles and so the weather forecasts have been quite important, especially when last weekend the Met Office was forecasting -10C. We are now not hearing anything quite that extreme. These are the people who can predict temperature in 100 years time? Right.
At one time they professed to being able to give a rough prediction a year ahead. If I recall correctly, and charged a large fee for the service which was targeted toward those that work with/on the land. Needless to say, that ‘service’ didn’t last long. As one that has taught basic meteorology for sailing purposes, the Met Office is perhaps only good for a week ahead. Caveat: perhaps.
Deborah, you are spot on. I hate extremely hot weather and the humidity in London can be extreme. I remember last summer very well. There were 3 days of sudden high temperatures 30 plus. It may have been March or April even before summer but I was fearful that things were going to remain uncomfortable.
From memory there were no more extended heat wave periods.
In general the summer was a flop.
You have to laugh at the BBC. Campaign against fake news, express endless outrage at the ‘apparent promise’ made on the Brexit bus even though it was clearly a suggestion, yet they run a main headline that says “Shoppers to pay plastic bottle deposit”.
They aren’t. It’s part of a discussion in a consultation paper that has yet to be agreed. The article even states “Full details are subject to consultation and yet to be decided, including how big the deposit will be.” How then can the headline so emphatic?
News from off-shore Cornwall where a £42m wave technology renewable power system has so far produced not so much as a Duracell’s worth of electricity despite being ‘in operation’ for the past 8 years.
Shortly to be re-named in a ceremony involving a recycled bottle of elderflower cordial the Harrabin-Monbiot Renewable Power Reserve, the development is hoped to become cost effective on or about April 1 2177.
Meanwhile several million tons of coal providing self-sufficiency for the whole of the UK for at least 600 years remains unmined
Its chucking it down with rain here today.
No sun.
And the trees are motionless.
No wind.
I wonder how Roger Harrabin is heating and lighting his house?
Strangely the % of our electricity from renewables does not seem to be making it onto the BBC news agenda today.
Well, at the mo on R4 Maxine Peake is interviewing some self-proclaimed hippy who strikes out for equality and liberation, hates the patriarchy etc. What Maxine thinks is fantastic is this Cosi fanny tutti’s attempted destruction of ‘civilisation’. I only listened to a few minutes, realised I was wading in garbage, and switched off. Never heard of this Cosi person and don’t want to. Typical BBC R4 though…
It follows up at 9.30 on a programme on whether the ‘family’ is necessary. Has EVERYONE who works at the BBC attended the Frankfurt school?
9.45, something about ‘The Channel’ in which feminists and feminism get much mention before we’ve even begun. And the barbaric English language. Think I’ve more or less answered my question.
The BBC always carefully selects which actors /singers /celebrities
that do interviews etc on it’s behalf. Here is Maxine Peake’s political biography on Wikipeadia…
“Peake brings her views into much of her work. She is a feminist and socialist. She was active in communist organisations during her youth and a member of Communist Party of Britain. In January 2014, Peake won the first Bolton Socialist Club Outstanding Contribution to Socialism Award, for using her work to oppose the government’s “crippling austerity measures”.
In July 2015, Peake endorsed Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign in the Labour Party leadership election. She wrote on her website: “For me, Jeremy Corbyn is our only beacon of hope to get the Labour Party back on track, get the electorate back in touch with politics and save this country from the constant mindless bullying of the vulnerable and poor.”
In January 2016, Peake featured in the Climate Coalition’s short film I Wish For You as Mia, with Jeremy Irons starring as her grandfather, to highlight the urgency on combating climate change.
In 2016, Peake along with numerous other celebrities, toured the UK to support Jeremy Corbyn’s bid to become Prime Minister.
In April 2017, she endorsed Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn in the 2017 UK general election. She said: “I am a Corbyn supporter. My mind boggles why people treat him like the anti-Christ, but it goes to show people are a lot more right-wing than they like to believe. People say he’s not been vocal, but he is out at grassroots. Every time I go somewhere, he’s there.” In May 2017, she took part in a Labour Party election broadcast.”
Maxine is a committed socialist who supports Corbyn and has appeared in several BBC drama productions. She is of the working class who speaks for the working class against the capitalist overlords.
Looks like Maxine has learned some bad things from capitalism though, just hope her comrades are not aware of her financial acumen or they will think she is just another luvvie hypocrite.
“Maxine Peake uses a loophole in the law to pay less tax on her company while campaigning for Jeremy Corbyn and calling for the rich to pay higher taxes”
Just fix the problems. People do not care if leaders have sex with multiple partners, might disapprove of homosexuality or whatever. Just get us a job, keep us safe and leave us alone.
He is meeting with Kim Jong Un and could broker world peace yet still they attack?
It shows what a sham democracy is. Ha is not one of them so they will never accept him. Were it not for his wealth he would never have been able to become president, in spite of the massive support he has from his people which is what democracy was meant to be all about. If you do not play their game and do as you are told you will never get your name on the ballot paper.
This Christopher Wylie thing is interesting. I read the Standard’s report yesterday and three thoughts immediately occurred:
1. If he was so upset by the claimed breach of Election/Referendum funding rules, why did he not speak out at the time as well as informing the Commissioner?,
2. If he was so upset and did not speak out, why did he not immediately leave for alternative employment, and,
3. If he was very upset over excessive Leave Campaign spending of hundreds of thousands, why is he not even more upset over the supposed breach of the spirit of, if not actual, rule by the Remain Campaign of £9m on the famous leaflet sent to all UK households?
It is all very suspicious. Very, very suspicious. Don’t think Wylie would be paid to do this – would certainly hope not – but he may well have one eye on the book & chat show market here and in the USA.
Personally, I am starting to bracket him, Noakes and all the CA/AIQ people and their firms in the same class as Julian Assange and that other bloke – can’t remember his name, another Christopher ????????? who claimed to be ex-GCHQ – who was trying to blacken Donald Trump at the end of 2016 and early last year.
I’m aware of the protections available to ‘whistle-blowers’ for some years now, so it is impossible that Wylie did not know about them. In addition, by remaining in post while a ‘claimed fraud against the electorate’ took place, it could be argued that Wylie was aiding and abetting. He would have credibility had he spoken up then. Now? Zilch!
Now, it appears that Christopher Wylie is merely trying to undo the Referendum vote and he should be dismissed as such.
I think some of the Remain voters among the electorate are becoming distinctly uneasy about all of this anti-Brexiting and are changing their minds. I certainly hope so.
Christopher Steele, one of the authors/compilers of the fake Russian dossier on Donald Trump that was paid for by the Democrats and the Clinton Foundation, and was the main (perhaps only) basis for instigating the infamous Muller Inquiry. Of course, the origin and falsity of that dossier was known to the FBI, DOJ and the Muller team, but not declared to the FISA judge originally, nor on any of the occasions when the FISA warrant was renewed. Indeed, the deputy AG, Rod Rosenstein, signed off at least one renewal knowing the evidence was false, i.e. committed a felony. Did we hear all this from the BBC? The question is purely rhetorical.
MW, that’s the bloke. Thanks. I AM getting to be an oldie – memory is going.
We did hear from the BBC that Noakes at Cambridge Analytica is a fantasist and a bullshitter, great at convincing people to give him loads of money to ‘influence’ things. I was a bit surprised that they did such a hatchet job on someone who had the potential to be used to attempt to disrupt Brexit somewhat.
BBC organisation at its incompetent best or maybe a rare bit of balance.
You can hear it on Radio iPlayer, R4’s Profile last Saturday 7.02pm/repeated Sunday.
I am always surprised by how short the individual and collective memory has become . I guess it’s 24 hour ‘news’ waffle which makes a world ending story which is gone 2 hours later – remember the charity scandal? Gone . And so has memory of the remain propaganda of the Brexit campaign.
I remember HRH dimbly s face at 0420? On the great day when he announced the result because I really believed voters had been brainwashed to remain. Thankfully not,
Plenty of sleepers placed in the Brexit camp as part of the remain plan. Easy to do since they had so much money and power.plenty of dirty tricks as the countdown really gets going …
Fed, sure – spot on. We know that anyway from the election of Corbyn as Labour leader. Probably also the reason for UKIP’s demise. The other Parties will have had their ‘plants’ therein. One got caught, if I recall correctly, setting up their boss for a rule breach.
Am reminded of Robert Hardy playing Winston Churchill on TV in the 1980s and growling: “Politics is foul!”.
Old people are afraid of change and hanker over times past , says the BBC and the liberal left .
Young people look to the future and embrace change and challenges .
Leaving the EU is the biggest change for decades , and there will be big challenges ahead , say the BBC and liberal left .
So who voted for that then , BBC , according to your news and current affairs programmes ?
Am also reminded of that expenses limit breaching pro-Remain EU Referndum leaflet: A vote to Leave is a Vote to Leave the EU. Cannot be clearer than that!
Us oldies (goodness, do I really have to bracket myself in that group?) can read and reason and write.
We are told regularly by the BBC and our Universities and tertiary education sector that British youngsters, leaving school at 18 and entitled to vote, often lack those basic skills.
Old people are afraid of change and hanker over times before being brainwashed by Facebook. Young people look to the future and embrace brainwashing by Facebook.
Therefore if the Liberals destroy Facebook, then young people will become as anti-establishment as the old were in the 1960’s or in the old days of the French and Russian revolutions, when the rich educated elitists at Oxford University and the House of Lords were afraid of being killed by the masses of poor uneducated young working class proletariat of the Chartist movement. Or the Labour Party, when it was run by poor but intelligent working class people, rather than the rich but low IQ middle class people that are attracted to the Labour Party today. Labour today is dominated by elitist Libtard morons with power, fake working class fraudsters resentful about being thick when compared to their middle class siblings, parents and ancestors.
How the questions are loaded eh ? Adam Boulton on Sky is asking the question “how is Brexit affecting you, and what do you expect to happen next ?” – this is put to business owners as he jollies his way around the country. Its negative, negative, negative by all the journalists whichever channel you watch. It really pisses me off.
Yes I agree .. why has this supposed ” probing analytical ” journalist been promoted on Skye? He us absolutely useless !! What does he ever probe or “out” . This seems to me to be some kind of nepotism otherwise he wouldn’t be so useless!!
No bad news on Jeremy Corbyn’s anti-semitism on the BBC £3.5bn News Omission Service … see an item listed at the bottom of the page, mixed in with others.
That BBC search results “algorithm” looks like it has had some human control in the ordering of the results. What search engine places old news above the latest news especially on a so called “news” website?!?
I see that the Victoria Derbyshire BBC show this morning has given yet another 35 mins of the show to promote LGBT issues. This time its “homophobia in care homes”
And the BBCs presenter of said programme is, you’ve guessed it – Gay!
The ‘liberal left’ has problems with Trump and Brexit because they don’t like either, and have thus set about undermining both, without the slightest concern for the democratic process they claim to love so much. We will be getting endless tales about data harvesting, Russian interference, ‘lies’ on a bus, prostitutes’ stories, misspent money etc etc. It will not cease.
We will have the unelected, who are very obviously unelected, eg Gina Millar, and the unelected who pretend that they are somehow legitimate, eg The Lords, endlessly campaigning against Brexit. The media will give people like the former a lot of undeserved attention. That will not cease.
And, forgive me for being ‘unpatriotic’, but I very much doubt that May’s loud campaign against the Russians is anything other than an attempt to distract from her own poor performance in both senior posts she has held in government and -conceivably- to divert attention from the ever-lengthening (and ever more watered down?) Brexit process.
Is she trying -at the same time- to appear as a sort of ‘Iron Lady’ mark two? A feminist Churchill, ‘fighting them on the beaches’ while actually needlessly handing the EU a lot of power in the transition period? All immigration issues EU and non EU go to the back of the attention que?
Yes, the Russians may well be behind the Novichok affair, but would it be too cynical to observe that this issue has popped up at a very convenient time? Is it really far more about Internal image-bolstering than Foreign affairs?
It would seem Khalid Masood (Westminster Attack 22.03.2017 5 Innocents Killed) was on benefits which comes out of National Insurance payments by the workers of the UK. Thus, it would seem prior to these findings the workers in the UK were unknowingly funding terrorism.
But now we know terrorists operate using welfare benefits it would seem we are knowingly paying terrorists.
Can I suggest that the Government please make sure NI payments by UK workers don’t go into the hands of terrorists by removing the terrorists in the first place. Can you also calculate how much we have/are funded terrorism via welfare benefits by simply getting all known terrorists (left,right,islamic) arrested to-date and those on the watch list and check welfare payments made to them or their immediate family (under various names possibly).
Another example is where imams preaching intolerance such as Anjem Choudary (preached hate 1999-2016) to his hundreds of worshippers (5 times a day, everyday), can all imams be checked if they are on welfare benefits, paid by UK workers, and these payments be stopped immediately. It is the community that needs to fund the imams if they want religious teachings, similar to how the Church of England was funded with donations in the past.
. . . .
The father-of-four (Anjem Choudary preaching hate 1999-2016) takes home more than £25,000 a year in benefits and lives in a £320,000 house in Leytonstone
. . .
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers…give it up or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
Fortunately, sooner or later the whole LBGTQXYZ nonsense will collapse under its own absurdities and contradictions.
Talking of which the meeja have been gushing about a previously male soldier marrying a previously female actor, or was it the other way round? As one extremely vulgar and unromantic acquaintance put it: so they’re back to square one, jus using different holes. Disgusting.
The UK decides it is no longer interested in the future so ensure Government backed projects stop the future from happening … but BBC blame it on social media.
I would say low teen pregnancies are not due to social media but to do with:
1. Nice Muslim men rapists providing the morning after pill to white girls in every major UK town.
2. Nice Muslims sewing up the girls labia so she cannot have sex until she is mutilated again on her wedding night.
3. Threat of honour killings by the girls Muslim father.
4. Not worth getting pregnant now to get a council house as those houses go to immigrants who arrived just yesterday.
My theory above has as much “research” as the BBC article.
Tabs I got into trouble here because I suggested that a certain custom of certain men from a certain diverse background weren’t allowed to take the virginity of their future wives so used other means, won’t hear a documentary about that on al Beeb any time soon . – and if anyone doesn’t like this tasteless face the “ report comment” button is next tho the “ reply “ one ….
I should add that this was an East Londonistan practice and I don’t know if they do it in the rest of the califate of Blighty .
Flipping channels last night I came upon the bBC Parliament channel.
Rees-Mogg was giving a lecture on the positives of Brexit.
It looked as if he had been put inside one of those Mr Pugh portable toilets with very poor sound quality.
He was followed by the Remain ambassador and Papal Knight , Anthony Blair who was all in soft glow, sumptuous surroundings and excellent sound production.
How can this contrast be explained?
The effect it had on myself was……..the harder the Brexit the better………oh and if the EU persist in this Irish nonsense………no £38 billion unless you build your customs post on the Irish Republican side of the border.
But Blair has that haunted look that shabi has -deep down they know they’re gonna burn when the reaper comes a knocking – price of selling a soul on eBay . Blair sold his to bush . Shabi sold hers to Corbyn . Corbyn never had one
So, if we now have #WorldHijabDay and a #WorldTurbanDay (coming soon I imagine) … when do we get a #WorldFreedomFromHeadGearDay
– where people who have to wear Hijabs and Turbans have to take them off for a whole day?
Vlad yesterday pointed to the BBC’s dishonesty regarding the primary causes of anti-Semitism in France. Here’s a couple more examples:
—1. Ilan Halimi, a Jewish man was held captive for three weeks, severely tortured, set alight and thrown naked on a roadside to die by a gang of Muslims known as ‘The Barbarians’. Their leader, Youssouf Fofana, was sentenced to life. Or, as the BBC prefers to call him, ‘The leader of a Paris gang’, ‘a convicted petty criminal’ and ‘a French citizen of Ivorian origin’. You’ll learn almost nothing on motive or background from the BBC articles, but of course looking elsewhere you get to see what actual journalists are capable of, rather than the social engineers and religious apologists clogging up the beeb:
“The Barbarians were driven by a tribal, predatory code that glorifies brutality, authorities say, a subculture nourished on violent films; rap music that curses France and politicians; Islamic fundamentalist literature; and jihadist videos.”
As Fofana entered the courtroom, he “smirked at Halimi’s relatives and shouted “Allahu akbar!” (“God is Greatest!” in Arabic)” […] giving his identity to the judge as “Arabs African revolt barbarian salafist army”.
—2. Two Jewish brothers are cut up by a van, the driver shouting “You dirty Jews! Bastards! You’re all going to die!”. After forcing their car to a stop outside a shisha cafe, according to multiple reports a group of men of “North African origin” or “Middle Eastern-looking” came out and joined in the assault. The van driver reportedly saying [translated from original French]: ‘Come, there are two people in front, we are going to smash Jews’ […] “Five men are then immediately out of the establishment, while the driver was looking for an object in the back of his vehicle.” That object turned out to be a hacksaw.
The beeb doesn’t like to speculate on the geographical, religious or ideological provenance of the attackers. Or bother to mention the messy business about a shisha bar and its customers. True to form, it glaringly evades any proper analysis with a throwaway comment about social problems, telling us that that Parisian suburb “suffers from high unemployment and urban deprivation.” Thus planting the suggestion that going at Jews with a hacksaw is a problem caused by civic underfunding.
And, as if the apologetics couldn’t be turned up higher than 11, the BBC quotes an eyewitness who said he had seen “no kippas”. “I saw neither Jew nor Muslim nor Christian nor atheist at the scene,” he said. “As for the brothers’ account, I heard nothing of the kind.” Just an “eyewitness”, BBC?
No. That eyewitness who saw no Jews and no Muslims was the shisha bar owner — the shisha bar whose customers stepped out to punch and kick the brothers, one of them threatening to kill them if they moved. The shisha bar and customers who were reported by countless other news sources, but who were all spectacularly airbrushed out of the BBC’s ‘coverage’. (All this, despite the full details being linked in the BBC’s own article).
W1A is an insane puppet show run by globalist imagineers — in no serious way can you call any of this journalism.
As PMQ’s reporting by the BBBC distorts the improbablity of Labour ever getting anywhere, it is clear that as the Labour leader follows his inexecrable path to oblivion over the next few months, the vultures are circling to peck his nest.
The BBBC are in close touch with the next alternatives to Corbyn, McDonnell and the rest (they’ll ignore Diane Abbott as irrelevant), the noisy brigade of ‘New-Hopers’ are out buying new suits and pants for the battle ahead.
Corbyn is now dead meat, as his disgraceful anti-semitism shows, as does his inability to grasp any real facts about health, the NHS and the rest, so it doesn’t take rocket science to do the opposite in his ‘party’, or whatever you call his cabal of momentified misfits!
However, as Labout aren’t in government, there’s sod-all they can really do about it!
It’s going to be a good year; the Brexit days are ticking, the Blair/Major snog-in is out of puff, (well they were shagged out in the first place), and it’s a good ride up to next Spring!
Look at that earnest expression on the face of the Eagle woman. She cares passionately about the washing machine issue. Or something. Like the nodding agreement to everything the sainted Corbyn utters at PMQs by strategically situated black equality shadow minister, Dawn Butler.
Scrobie “It’s going to be a good year; the Brexit days are ticking, the Blair/Major snog-in is out of puff, (well they were shagged out in the first place), and it’s a good ride up to next Spring!
Marvellous times!”
I certainly hope so.
Can’t help feeling we are only going to get out of the EU on our knees. Go to church this Easter and avoid the Christmas Rush!
[ Sorry! I’ll get me coat but old ‘uns are good ‘uns! 😉 ]
Fourth Plinth in London is unveiled by Sadiq Khan … everyone claps slowly and asks if the emperor has any clothes on?
“Be it so. This burning of widows (India/suttee) is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
– Charles James Napier on the subject of suttee {wiki}
Probably one of the first decent things this bloke has ever done in his political career. A least there is a little decency there, though well buried under fossilied layers of race hustling bullshit.
Its a pity he wasn’t quite so visible in his condemnation of white northern girls being raped by “men” from Rotherham, Telford and Oxford.
4pm R4 Hook up’ culture – Laurie explores a new sexual culture on American campuses and asks if it has a British counterpart.
#FatSlags is not a new idea
Complaint Summary: MPs have had 18% pay increase during a recession!
Full Complaint: With the BBC’s £3.5bn News Service and it’s unique funding that demands that people pay Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker’s wages under threat of prosecution can you please investigate why the MPs who shout austerity and for the Many, not the Few have had an 18% pay increase when everyone else was on a pay freeze? If the BBC chased these stories then maybe the UK MPs would be directing their attention on the people they are meant to serve rather than themselves. MP Pay April 2010 £65,738 MP Pay April 2018 £77,379 Would that be a good story? You could also include how big a pay increase Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans had since joining the BBC compared to Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn!
. . . .
Many thanks for getting in touch regarding BBC News coverage of MP’s pay. (David Lammy’s £650 Bike on expenses and MPs giving themselves 18% pay rise since 2010 during the recession and austerity)
I understand you feel there should be more coverage of pay increases to UK MPs during and after the recession.
We know that not everyone will agree with our choices on which stories to cover, or the order in which they appear. Our news editors make these complex decisions, based on the editorial merit of all the stories at hand. We accept that not everyone will agree with each decision.
A range of factors affect how we put together our news bulletins. Is it breaking news, or a dated story? Does it follow on from a recent event, or change our understanding of things? Is it unusual, or attracting national interest? We consider these things and also put great importance on verifying events and building up a clear picture – before reporting in a reliable and trustworthy way.
Editorial decisions are more of a judgement call, than an exact science – so you’ll even find variety from one BBC programme to the next. Time constraints, the expected audience profile and the style of each bulletin or current affairs programme can all play a part. We appreciate the feedback that our audience give us when it’s felt a story has been overlooked – it too can inform our on-going work. Suggestions for other stories to consider can be made here:…
It is nonetheless the case that the BBC covers UK politics comprehensively and I have included links below to our dedicated politics page of the BBC News Website, which regularly updates with news as it happens, as well as recent coverage of MPs pay increase.
We do fully appreciate the points you have raised on this issue. Please rest assured that we’ll make sure your strong views are circulated to the news programme teams. We have also added your feedback to an overnight report sent daily to programme makers and senior management across the BBC.
8pm R4 MoralMaze : Big Data & Facebook etc.
Worried Facebook-users have been discovering that the social network held even more data about them than they had feared:
The more these jokes are spread and the more people hear them the more it will undermine Corbyns credibility as a future leader. Make sure the jokes are spread to as many people as you possibly can.
Ten killed in the capital in twelve days, most of them BAME. Where is the Beeb’s trademark outrage? They managed a week of coverage over the Presidents’ club evening. I thought black lives mattered? Alas, instead they report on plastic bottles and a consensual sexual relationship with Trump.
Still, by 2020 they will have reached peak diversity at which point the heavens will open and we’ll have paradise on Earth; gangsters will feel so empowered by black newsreaders they will join hands with their rivals and sing.
There are some real cultural issues at play here which urgently need to be addressed. What is their plan? Ignore it and make it illegal to talk about it. They have bet the house on this crazy multicultural experiment working. It is not.
I might in the future want to become a lady and it seems that it is possible and quite attractive, especially to stop the #GenderLifeGap and retire early at 60. I have found a website that shows many a penis and have decided to hate it. Can all penises be removed from the internet so as not to poke me in the eye with their nasty shafts?
Look North in Yorkshire have a week long feature looking at Brexit and its potential effects on “our region”.
The other night a young neck-beard reporter went to York (voted massively Remain) to speak to people there about what they thought about the UK leaving the EU. You could tell he liked it and was among like minds.
Then he went to Doncaster (voted 79% Leave) and wandered about interviewing folk, he spoke to one chap who told him that he voted Leave because:
“All you hear around hear is Polish.”
“Well, what’s wrong with that?” Neck-beard swiftly responds.
The chap then did some back pedalling, probably not wanting to appear “Rayciss”. He should have replied that nothing at all was wrong with that, if they were in Warsaw and not South Yorkshire; had he done so though, I don’t think that particular exchange would have made it into the programme.
Funny really that one driver for brexit was Blair/brown allowing unrestricted eastern immigration to UK on the basis of 64k arriving in year one when actually at least a million turned up and crushed the country ever after . The Poles and others were not at fault but labour was/is.
They’re not at fault for choosing to come here because the Traitorous 11% have let them; they are at fault when so many of them get p***ed up and drive HGVs on our motorways killing folk.
Following on from Taffman, how about this for a story which something tells me may not make it into a prominent position on our world class impartial broadcaster’s news coverage
‘Juncker aide given top EU job in ‘coup’ that may have been illegal, say MEPs’
SNP pakistani lawyer now representing Catalonian fugitive.
The SNP have decided to contest The European Arrest Warrant of some Catalonian troublemaker.
Wonder how this sits with their European masters and any potential membership application for a future independent Scotland.
It might be that they are well aware that application will never be made.
A news reporter goes to see a Jewish man who has been going to the western wall in Israel to pray once a day for 70 years, the reporter goes up to him and says, “hello I”m a reporter for the BBC and we know you”re quite famous around this wall so we were wondering if we could ask you a few questions.” The man agrees and she asks, “so we were wondering; what have you actually been praying for all of these years?”The man replies, “I have been praying for peace between the Jews and Arabs and for all world hatred and terrorism to stop, and for my children and grandchildren to grown up in a peaceful world.” The news reporter says, “Wow that”s truly beautiful, how do you feel after doing this for 70 years?”The man replies, “I feel like I”ve been talking to a fucking brick wall.”
I think the British Jews realise now it does not pay in this country to get on quietly and in peace with others in this country, but to whinge, whine, complain at every opportunity and spread hatered and intolerance and attack the values of the mother country, seems to be working for a certain other sector…
Spent an interesting afternoon trawling YouTube focusing on free speech and associated topics. Contributors, in the main, concluded that any limit on free speech had never ultimately worked and indeed, made things a whole lot worse. The other conclusion was that (and in particular) the UK had recently developed a reputation for the heavy handed stifling of FS. That’s a measure of how concerned the State is right now that that major rioting could break out at the drop of a hat. Something will trigger it whether that be the revelation of many more muslim child rapists following their ‘religion’ or something else. It will just take that, ‘little something’ which we cannot imagine right now. It will be the people on one side, the police on the other and islamists on the other. Naturally the State would win but to be left in what form? Decimated with no credibility whatever. Only a military rule intervening would suffice to perhaps quiet things down. Sorry to be a doom monger but the people can only be taunted for so long and as Katie Hopkins has said, ‘she can feel the seething anger and that’s building up rapidly’.
G – people have been saying stuff like that for years. Look at all the crime, atrocities and assorted problems that Third World immigration has brought along with it into Britain these sixty years past.
Yet nothing ever happens, any new party which sets out to tackle it or any main stream politician who dares to give voice to the silenced majority view: are destroyed.
I think the majority of people here are so cowed by now that as long as the fridge is full, they’ve got a big telly with full Sky package and have a couple of cars outside their house; they’re inured to the crime, the rape gangs, the terrorism and just try and insulate themselves from it all via white flight and rose coloured spectacles.
I really can’t see how things will ever change here for the better, for the indigenous population.
We have at least two generations that think it is racist to call Macron a Frenchman, sexist to call a married woman by her husband’s name and hate speech to say what you think. Marriage is about spending big money on a group foreign holiday, homosexuality is the normal, biological sex is a social construct and children a fashion accessory. Feelings are all, especially those that you might imagine someone else might have; facts are inconvenient and oppressive.
Meanwhile the police, local authorities and immigration services are run by immigrants that despise the natives for their weakness. In Germany already the young men that might have formed the police or army are now in the minority; soon the same will be true here. Far from opposing the changes our polticians encourage them.
The shining star that is Western civilisation is about to go super-nova, a brief spark in the darkness of eternity. These were the best of times, an anomaly soon to beforgotten. Alan’s Snack Bar.
Not so sure. Why the draconian legislation if they didn’t fear uprising? Their fear is rightly heightened by what’s happening in Germany et al. right now. The Germans have awoken as the Austrians and now the Italians. They’re doing something about the EU Governments’ intended mass purge and replacement of white nationals by islam. Trite, but everything has a breaking point when under pressure. I can’t see the police turning on their own. It will not be a case of hooligans rioting on a Saturday night.
G – the Germans haven’t “awoken”. If they had Merkel and her party would have been permanently consigned to the political dustbin, for what they inflicted on that country, yet she ended up remaining in power.
It will be interesting to see what the krauts do with the Muslims bearing in mind their recent track record. Methinks Muslims will feel uncomfortable pretty soon and look to go somewhere else – somewhere more accomodating …. can you guess where?
Bring it on it is about bloody time the silent majority got onto the streets, watch Tommy Robinson in Hyde park to get a taste of it, the police were there but powerless with the anger and frustration of the crowd, islamists are good at rioting, whinging and whining and burning flags its all they know, their raison d’etre, but there are millions and millions of us they will not know the “sleeping monster” they have awoken until it is far too late
Amazed last night on BBC2’s Newsnight they announced that in relation to Lord Kerslake’s report on the Manchester Arena bombing they would concentrate on his criticisms of the media who had pestered victims’ families. They then interviewed one victim’s parents who despite much prompting by Kirstie Squawk could not find all that much to complain about except the sheer number of journalists contacting them for interviews. Kirstie nodded furiously at that…
Hang on. How did Newsnight get an interview?
The BBC had obviously decided not to address the criticism of the absurd fire service decision to avoid the Arena for 2 HOURS.
Can’t have public sector heroes hauled over the coals especially when you can condemn the tabloids.
Wait until the Grenfell fire report to see BBC/Newsnight twisting on a mammoth scale.
Channel93 now prog about spousal immigration into the UK
“Oh these rules are tough, why can’t I bring my spouse into the UK ?”
..lot of emotional blackmail…”he missed our daughters first words” etc.
The point is almost everyone of them can get on a plane and go and live with their spouse in their spouses country.
(UK rules were toughened up recently with a a requirement that your spouse should not be a burden on the state, so you have to show you have a salary of £18K+ etc.)
Know all about that, my Chinese wife took the wrong English test ( a higher standard of test but the wrong examining board) now more problems after thousands of pounds spent, yet interesting that I can go to London and not hear English spoken for most of the day, how does that work then ?
citizenship through a spousal visa 3 years so far and thousands of pound spent so far, thinking she should upset Xi Pingpong then become an asylum seeker
I don’t think you actually have to actually upset anyone Annunaki – you just have to say you have. Maybe a hint to the authorities that your wife bats for the other side, or she could probably get away with saying she is an unaccompanied minor (providing she is under 50) also goes down well when it comes to getting asylum.
I feel very sorry for you and your missus when your wife obviously wants to do the right thing and make a proper contribution to society you almost get punished for it.
When it comes to migrating to the UK honesty and good moral standards is an expensive mugs game.
My nephew married a lovely Russian girl last September (she works as a translator), and she has been rejected twice now for entry to the UK – and in light of recent events she has nil chance of joining her husband. So married life for them could be in another part of the world.
When I was in Russia 2009 Russian young women asked me why they couldn’t get UK visas.
AFAIK it was a sex exploitation issue, young Russian girls had been lured to UK for them to be sold into sexual slavery.
Stopping the entry of all, was the defence against this.
Second referendum ? WTF its like calling racism antisemitism, if you rephrase it it sounds less insidious, how many times willl they demand another vote until they get the result they want ? its the silent seething majority that won through the ballot box and not on Twitter, youtube or the BBC website or anywhere else, an absolute attack on democracy to not accept what the majority want
They look like a bunch amateur actors from a local drama group reading the script for a village farce?
It should be worth a watch if you have a TV telly tax .
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
Well, number one, where shall we start ? lost for words for a change…..wish the BBC was sometimes
Thanks go to Rufus McDufus !!!!!
Carole suddenly not going to be the go to gal on the bbc, or simply not asked questions the bbc doesn’t fancy her having to field?
Colour me shocked.
I know whataboutery is weak rhetoric, but one is aghast at their chutzpah for suggesting dirty play on the part of the Trump team and Vote Leave. As if the side with establishment support would not be far, far worse. Imagine the tricks they pulled we know nothing about?
Just the stuff we know about is terrible: Obama saying he would punish a leave vote (we know how evil it is to meddle in others’ elections); Governor of Bank of England brazenly supporting Remain – a sackable offence; the BBC’s sickening level of Remain support; an all hands on deck approach colouring every last inch of their output.
We accept their bias as normal but it really is so totally out of order given their charter demands impartiality. No other professionals could breach their contractual duty so badly and get away with it; it’s like a doctor prescribing poison to a patient. What did that wan*ker Prick Robinson say? “No bias against understanding.” Meaning: we tell you what to think because we know best. Even though anyone looking at the modern Britain they have created knows how spectacularly wrong they have been about pretty much everything.
Beeb Bro, you missed one!
Don’t forget, we had two former Prime Ministers going to Northern Ireland and effectively saying “If the UK votes Leave, get ready to get your bombs and bullets out, boyos!”.
That struck me at the time, and still does, as an arrestable offence: inciting others to an act or acts of terrorism. I assume Police in Northern Ireland looked at that closely, at the time, to see if an offence had been committed.
If not, it is still not too late under the Statute of Limitations, to get John Major & Tony Blair into an interview suite and cell in Belfast.
It was so glorious that we stood up to the bullies both here and in the US. It has also exposed a very dark side to the establishment. The cynical among us knew this anyway, but now everyone knows.
God imagine how nauseating the BBC would have been had Clinton! My only worse fear is that one day the women’s football team win the World Cup. Can you imagine how nauseating their coverage would be?
Beeb – “the tricks they pulled we know nothing about”, or even the brazenly open and illegal ones like £10m for leaflets from the posturing PM of the time!
‘Despite’ all that propaganda, he still got it so wrong and luckily is away with the fairies now.
Only appeared only my timeline because impartial bbc types like Samira Ahmed ‘liked’ this post by ex-colleague and Remain camp Ben.
But it’s ok, and impartial, as such things do not mean endorsement. Apparently.
But why on Earth should such a thing endanger family in Pakistan? Perhaps the BBC could explain.
Maybe Sarah Montague could nip over in her Tornado to ‘report’, so long as she eases up on the faith- based exclamations of riot-instigation?
Toady watch
Toady goes blue peter. Must have been part of the deal to get rid of the current head girl to stick her in a jet plane on a jolly. Al Beeb lives on anniversaries and thank god for the RFC / RAF.
They had a bit on genda but in the limited bit I heard l didn’t hear the normal criticism of the RAF al Beeb normally wrongly throws at them .
It was a good distraction from the health and safety madness of the Manchester fire brigade leading to sitting around on overtime whilst all hell breaks loose. And of course it distracts from Islamic terrorism and the fact that uk courts are filling up with Muslim men plotting attacks or organising the rape of white girls.
I can’t start flying a plane instead of teaching French just because I have to explain the subjunctive which is so difficult.
A disgraceful amount of their ‘news’ is about stuff that is actually happening or that matters to most people. They retreat from reality as what they have created with their reckless uber liberalism is not a pretty sight.
“It was a good distraction from the health and safety madness of the Manchester fire brigade…”.
I was actually sickened by the broadcasting of all the ‘system’s’ failures. Yes, many need to look at their reaction to the incident. Yet not one mention of the failure of the ruling elite to stop these savages from the RoP getting in to the UK so start with. Fact is, if the Roper was not in the UK it would not have happened. Those who have lived in the Middle East, will be familiar with that widely applied principle to non-muslim workers.
Dear oh dear…system failure alright…..useless senior officers who don’t want to rock the boat, even if they can see the system is crap….what was needed there was a couple of sub-officers saying, sod this, let’s go to work, and shamed their leaders…but maybe the rot has settled on the ordinary fireman as it has on the Police….God help us all…i would have kicked their arses and gone in myself, show them up….and i’m 61…scandalous
The BBC won’t be able to explain that but they would make a link that the next Islamic terror attack in the UK was caused purely by the Leave campaign over spending.
But this is allowed in pakland:
What strange times in which we are living.
Taliban won’t allow it.
Well said. It’s almost like a state that we give foreign aid to has elements of blatant homophobia within it’s ranks…
It says more about the bigotry of Islam and is an admission by Labour/BBC that they are fully aware of it’s existence, despite the rhetoric.
So this group MPs and Lords know full well that having a gay relative abroad endangers a family living in Pakistan. So either these fools believe that magically when people arrive in the UK from Pakistan they drop these prejudices against gays , or they just don’t want to think about the implications of what they are petitioning about.
Eventually the many self contradictions of the leftist world view will bring the whole edifice of global socialism crashing down. The big question is will this be soon enough to enable us to avoid being taken over by Islam.
“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive” – Sir Walter Scott.
Double we have already been taken over by Islam.
UK Lords Allowances and expenses claims 2017/18
* Baroness Chakrabarti x 12 shows @ £3,600
* Lord Lloyd-Webber x 0 shows £0.00
* Lord Stephen x 15 @ £4,500 PLUS £1,293 for Child Care
Lords Allowances site
Thanks for the link – it really rams home the sad face that the House of Lords is just a holding pen for the political class retirement home . I can not see a reason for its existance .
If you ever get a chance go visit the Palace of Westminster – you’ll realise how out of touch MPs can become because of the false traditions and procedures. Move it to Birmingham in an ordinary building methinks.sadly the place doesn’t speak for me.
Spot on.
I went to a HoC reception two days before the guy with poor driving skills went over Westminster Bridge.
It is a totally archaic relic. The dimly lit corridors and meeting points. The ancient woodwork. Dracula would feel at home there. But as a modern parliamentary facility, utterly useless. Goodness knows the mindsets of those who work there?
Keep the facade by all means but erase what is behind it and start again. At reasonable cost, by the way. No gold-plating.
I have to disagree. I toured the building a few years ago and thought it a wonderful place. Steeped in history and heritage, it made me proud to be British.
It’s just a shame that the inhabitants are, with a few exceptions, such a bunch of disappointing, self centred, pretentious, spineless individuals.
I too was once proud. Now when I see the Houses of Parliament all I feel is disgust. Isn’t it now thought crime to feel proud of your country?
Moodswing6 – Yes unfortunately it is. My brother recently got a job working for the MOD and I had to ask myself that if you were asked at the interview why you wanted the job, whether it would be a good thing or bad thing to say that I would enjoy the feeling of pride in working for my country.
So disappointing that feeling pride about this once great nation when walking around it’s capital is something that nowadays you would have to mention with caveats and excuses.
Payne – a lot of the stuff is reproduction – destroyed by fires and bombs . You’re meant to feel privileged to be there . I think it would make an excellent museum or theme park – but there again today I’m feeling like a republican – but when prince Phillip kicks it ( media waiting with whole programmathons ) I might be a weak monarchist again..
We differ but I respect your view … hear that maxi?
Once Prince Phillip and The Queen goes … we are all knackered!
I hear what you are saying and I’m sure a lot of it is reproduction. I think it was just the history and the feeling that we have some kind of legacy in the world and that is ‘still’ an example of it. I still even now feel a flutter of excitement when I come round the corner into Parliament Square and see the iconic and world famous Big Ben.
Clearly, it’s the building and what it stood for in bygone times that is what generates the swell of pride. Those working in it now fill me with disappointment and contempt.
Find myself agreeing in part with both Sluff and Payne. I’d keep the magnificent old heap for special occasions and/or making money out of tourists (hotel?) but would prefer to send our Parliament to Coventry [ 😉 close to geographic centre of GB & NI ] into a modern, secure and efficient building.
Well, if the BBC can piss millions up the wall in their move to Salford, anything’s possible!
After all, the tax-payer picks up the tab so to hell with it all!
The Lords farce will never be able to wither and die; we’re still in the dark ages where the old ermined plonkers on the benches actually contribute anything.
Bradford would be good , plenty of taxis to shuttle all our good lady MP’s back and forward to a nearby terraced houses that they could rent/buy on the cheap
Nobody who hasn’t visited Bradford would understand that rather Manning (sadly gone) guffaw Kaiser!
I feel rather in favour of the place, not all the people. I have attended meetings there and contributed my useless knowledge towards legislation with a few MPs and Lords who had something to contribute. Over the years I noticed the perfect people in traditional clothes sitting outside important meeting rooms and concluded that they are the new elite.
Stop and think !
A modern facility was built in Edinburgh.
10 x over budget.
Spanish Architect.
Fucking Hideous.
Annual maintenance £1.8 Million.
To quote President Trump – it’s a shithole.
Thatcher, aah but …
… we wouldn’t let that happen in England …
… for a new UK Parliament building …
… would we?
“A modern facility was built in Edinburgh.”
Good point.
And it’s just as full of wankers.
“The ancient woodwork.”
Your definition of “ancient” must be different from mine. I believe parts of the Capitol are older.
The old really old part is Westminster Hall.
Should be:
The only really old part ….
It’s the House of Lords that contain all the really old useless parts.
Perhaps the rest of the country should start sending the right people then?
If voters in Rotherham can re-elect labour after what has been happening, I don’t see what improvement a different building in a different city would make. They don’t spend their whole time in the HoP. An idiot is an idiot, regardless of where his desk is located. Furthermore, local government officials in modest buildings up and down the country are no better, possibly even worse.
Any alternative vote will do – it doesn’t take much to destroy the smug complacency of the mainstream parties. One (doubtful) UKIP MP was enough to get the Conservatives rattled.
Love that.
“An idiot is an idiot, regardless of where his desk is located”
I agree, rt, good post.
Actually, I think many offer themselves to ‘the system’ with the best of intentions but sooner or later get corrupted by that ‘system’. The fault – and corrupting – would appear to lie with the political Parties and – to an extent – the Civil Service.
There are notable exceptions. Funnily, some Leave Campaigners come to mind: Kate Hoey and Frank Field. They appear to have remained totally uncorrupted by ‘the system’, think independently for themselves but overwhelmingly seek to represent the views and wishes of their constituents and to maximise their constituents’ wellbeing.
Thus it should always be but, alas – frequently, is not.
I believe it is the established parties rather than the HoP which are to blame. Too old, too incestuous, and too entrenched.
A very big kicking is needed, IMO.
Compare and contrast.
BBC coverage of, for example, ‘Plebgate’
BBC coverage of continued Corbyn tolerance of anti-semitism.
How nice of Bercow to give the Beeb a handy distraction from the anti Semitism.
Remember their blanket coverage of the murders inspired by Black Lives Matter and how they memory holed Charlottesville?
Oh, wait . . .
Sluff, or BBC coverage of Vince Cable’s amazing slur on the electorate.
The petulant whinge is a nice touch.
Why is it taking so long? Because we have a Remainer in Number 10.
BBC? Complaining about length of negotiations?
Methinks the lady doth protest too much!
We Brexiteers wanted Article 50 in the post on the Monday morning after. The EU wanted Article 50 to arrive in the post within days rather than weeks and got a bit irritated when it didn’t turn up after some months.
How would you like it, BBC, if David Cameron was still PM with a majority of 12 and the UK was out of the EU on 5 July THIS YEAR?
And a bugger Brexit corporation!
Its probably because the Remainers are spending £40 Billion on building a massive lifeboat in the Port of Brussels. It wont be launched until 29th March 2019, travelling down the Brussels–Scheldt Maritime Canal to Antwerp. Then they need 20 months in Antwerp for repairs to the boat. They then go down the Scheldt and then turn west across the North Sea, doing some fishing on the way, but as they travel down the Thames towards the Houses of Parliament they then realise they don’t need the fish, so dump them in the Thames. They then reach home on the 31st December 2020 just as the fireworks on the Thames kicks off on the 1st January 2021. The Remainers in the lifeboat and those Remainers welcoming them home such as Theresa May, Lord Heseltine and Tony Blair, are then all burnt to death by a horrendous fireworks accident.
Anjem Choudary backs Remain campaign as EU protects against deportations – HE DEMANDS TO KNOW WHAT THE FINAL DEAL WILL BE.
I’d like to see some fairy lights hanging from his beard
I would prefer to see him hanging from some fairy lights
Or hung with a set of fairy lights, the ones which randomly blink on and off.
And powered from 33kv high voltage line!
Kaiser thank you for two great laughs. The Bradford taxis with lady MP’s in the back and fairy lights hanging. I can’t stop laughing. It’s wonderful. Do you think Muslims ever laugh?
I’ve just read the others from Al and Oak. This is some of the best fun I’ve had in years.
Does everybody remember last year’s summer? Do you remember endless warm summer evenings 2017 sitting on your terrace, drinking wine and watching the growing number of goldfinches in your garden? Well apart from it not being my lifestyle whilst not watching the BBC, according to the RSPB and reported on the BBC Today this morning, last year’s warm weather was the reason for the increase in goldfinch numbers. Well apart from (Male readers shut their eyes), I never got out of my winter tights except I think for one day, my summer was not the same as RSPB/BBC’s.
We are travelling this weekend a couple of hundred miles and so the weather forecasts have been quite important, especially when last weekend the Met Office was forecasting -10C. We are now not hearing anything quite that extreme. These are the people who can predict temperature in 100 years time? Right.
At one time they professed to being able to give a rough prediction a year ahead. If I recall correctly, and charged a large fee for the service which was targeted toward those that work with/on the land. Needless to say, that ‘service’ didn’t last long. As one that has taught basic meteorology for sailing purposes, the Met Office is perhaps only good for a week ahead. Caveat: perhaps.
Deborah, you are spot on. I hate extremely hot weather and the humidity in London can be extreme. I remember last summer very well. There were 3 days of sudden high temperatures 30 plus. It may have been March or April even before summer but I was fearful that things were going to remain uncomfortable.
From memory there were no more extended heat wave periods.
In general the summer was a flop.
You have to laugh at the BBC. Campaign against fake news, express endless outrage at the ‘apparent promise’ made on the Brexit bus even though it was clearly a suggestion, yet they run a main headline that says “Shoppers to pay plastic bottle deposit”.
They aren’t. It’s part of a discussion in a consultation paper that has yet to be agreed. The article even states “Full details are subject to consultation and yet to be decided, including how big the deposit will be.” How then can the headline so emphatic?
Because the decision has already been made and the “consultation” is a charade?
News from off-shore Cornwall where a £42m wave technology renewable power system has so far produced not so much as a Duracell’s worth of electricity despite being ‘in operation’ for the past 8 years.
Shortly to be re-named in a ceremony involving a recycled bottle of elderflower cordial the Harrabin-Monbiot Renewable Power Reserve, the development is hoped to become cost effective on or about April 1 2177.
Meanwhile several million tons of coal providing self-sufficiency for the whole of the UK for at least 600 years remains unmined
Its chucking it down with rain here today.
No sun.
And the trees are motionless.
No wind.
I wonder how Roger Harrabin is heating and lighting his house?
Strangely the % of our electricity from renewables does not seem to be making it onto the BBC news agenda today.
Spot on.
Well, at the mo on R4 Maxine Peake is interviewing some self-proclaimed hippy who strikes out for equality and liberation, hates the patriarchy etc. What Maxine thinks is fantastic is this Cosi fanny tutti’s attempted destruction of ‘civilisation’. I only listened to a few minutes, realised I was wading in garbage, and switched off. Never heard of this Cosi person and don’t want to. Typical BBC R4 though…
It follows up at 9.30 on a programme on whether the ‘family’ is necessary. Has EVERYONE who works at the BBC attended the Frankfurt school?
9.45, something about ‘The Channel’ in which feminists and feminism get much mention before we’ve even begun. And the barbaric English language. Think I’ve more or less answered my question.
The BBC always carefully selects which actors /singers /celebrities
that do interviews etc on it’s behalf. Here is Maxine Peake’s political biography on Wikipeadia…
“Peake brings her views into much of her work. She is a feminist and socialist. She was active in communist organisations during her youth and a member of Communist Party of Britain. In January 2014, Peake won the first Bolton Socialist Club Outstanding Contribution to Socialism Award, for using her work to oppose the government’s “crippling austerity measures”.
In July 2015, Peake endorsed Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign in the Labour Party leadership election. She wrote on her website: “For me, Jeremy Corbyn is our only beacon of hope to get the Labour Party back on track, get the electorate back in touch with politics and save this country from the constant mindless bullying of the vulnerable and poor.”
In January 2016, Peake featured in the Climate Coalition’s short film I Wish For You as Mia, with Jeremy Irons starring as her grandfather, to highlight the urgency on combating climate change.
In 2016, Peake along with numerous other celebrities, toured the UK to support Jeremy Corbyn’s bid to become Prime Minister.
In April 2017, she endorsed Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn in the 2017 UK general election. She said: “I am a Corbyn supporter. My mind boggles why people treat him like the anti-Christ, but it goes to show people are a lot more right-wing than they like to believe. People say he’s not been vocal, but he is out at grassroots. Every time I go somewhere, he’s there.” In May 2017, she took part in a Labour Party election broadcast.”
Maxine is a committed socialist who supports Corbyn and has appeared in several BBC drama productions. She is of the working class who speaks for the working class against the capitalist overlords.
Looks like Maxine has learned some bad things from capitalism though, just hope her comrades are not aware of her financial acumen or they will think she is just another luvvie hypocrite.
“Maxine Peake uses a loophole in the law to pay less tax on her company while campaigning for Jeremy Corbyn and calling for the rich to pay higher taxes”
Marx-ine Peake would be more apt
RE: Stormy Daniels.
Just fix the problems. People do not care if leaders have sex with multiple partners, might disapprove of homosexuality or whatever. Just get us a job, keep us safe and leave us alone.
He is meeting with Kim Jong Un and could broker world peace yet still they attack?
It shows what a sham democracy is. Ha is not one of them so they will never accept him. Were it not for his wealth he would never have been able to become president, in spite of the massive support he has from his people which is what democracy was meant to be all about. If you do not play their game and do as you are told you will never get your name on the ballot paper.
Their lead story is about plastic bottles!
This Christopher Wylie thing is interesting. I read the Standard’s report yesterday and three thoughts immediately occurred:
1. If he was so upset by the claimed breach of Election/Referendum funding rules, why did he not speak out at the time as well as informing the Commissioner?,
2. If he was so upset and did not speak out, why did he not immediately leave for alternative employment, and,
3. If he was very upset over excessive Leave Campaign spending of hundreds of thousands, why is he not even more upset over the supposed breach of the spirit of, if not actual, rule by the Remain Campaign of £9m on the famous leaflet sent to all UK households?
It is all very suspicious. Very, very suspicious. Don’t think Wylie would be paid to do this – would certainly hope not – but he may well have one eye on the book & chat show market here and in the USA.
Personally, I am starting to bracket him, Noakes and all the CA/AIQ people and their firms in the same class as Julian Assange and that other bloke – can’t remember his name, another Christopher ????????? who claimed to be ex-GCHQ – who was trying to blacken Donald Trump at the end of 2016 and early last year.
I’m aware of the protections available to ‘whistle-blowers’ for some years now, so it is impossible that Wylie did not know about them. In addition, by remaining in post while a ‘claimed fraud against the electorate’ took place, it could be argued that Wylie was aiding and abetting. He would have credibility had he spoken up then. Now? Zilch!
Now, it appears that Christopher Wylie is merely trying to undo the Referendum vote and he should be dismissed as such.
I think some of the Remain voters among the electorate are becoming distinctly uneasy about all of this anti-Brexiting and are changing their minds. I certainly hope so.
Christopher Steele, one of the authors/compilers of the fake Russian dossier on Donald Trump that was paid for by the Democrats and the Clinton Foundation, and was the main (perhaps only) basis for instigating the infamous Muller Inquiry. Of course, the origin and falsity of that dossier was known to the FBI, DOJ and the Muller team, but not declared to the FISA judge originally, nor on any of the occasions when the FISA warrant was renewed. Indeed, the deputy AG, Rod Rosenstein, signed off at least one renewal knowing the evidence was false, i.e. committed a felony. Did we hear all this from the BBC? The question is purely rhetorical.
MW, that’s the bloke. Thanks. I AM getting to be an oldie – memory is going.
We did hear from the BBC that Noakes at Cambridge Analytica is a fantasist and a bullshitter, great at convincing people to give him loads of money to ‘influence’ things. I was a bit surprised that they did such a hatchet job on someone who had the potential to be used to attempt to disrupt Brexit somewhat.
BBC organisation at its incompetent best or maybe a rare bit of balance.
You can hear it on Radio iPlayer, R4’s Profile last Saturday 7.02pm/repeated Sunday.
I am always surprised by how short the individual and collective memory has become . I guess it’s 24 hour ‘news’ waffle which makes a world ending story which is gone 2 hours later – remember the charity scandal? Gone . And so has memory of the remain propaganda of the Brexit campaign.
I remember HRH dimbly s face at 0420? On the great day when he announced the result because I really believed voters had been brainwashed to remain. Thankfully not,
Plenty of sleepers placed in the Brexit camp as part of the remain plan. Easy to do since they had so much money and power.plenty of dirty tricks as the countdown really gets going …
Fed, sure – spot on. We know that anyway from the election of Corbyn as Labour leader. Probably also the reason for UKIP’s demise. The other Parties will have had their ‘plants’ therein. One got caught, if I recall correctly, setting up their boss for a rule breach.
Am reminded of Robert Hardy playing Winston Churchill on TV in the 1980s and growling: “Politics is foul!”.
Old people are afraid of change and hanker over times past , says the BBC and the liberal left .
Young people look to the future and embrace change and challenges .
Leaving the EU is the biggest change for decades , and there will be big challenges ahead , say the BBC and liberal left .
So who voted for that then , BBC , according to your news and current affairs programmes ?
Nibor, excellent post & reasoning.
At W1A:
Brains put on hold. “Er …. ”
Am also reminded of that expenses limit breaching pro-Remain EU Referndum leaflet: A vote to Leave is a Vote to Leave the EU. Cannot be clearer than that!
Us oldies (goodness, do I really have to bracket myself in that group?) can read and reason and write.
We are told regularly by the BBC and our Universities and tertiary education sector that British youngsters, leaving school at 18 and entitled to vote, often lack those basic skills.
So yang people look to the future eagerly to embrace the teachings of a seventh century crazy who shagged children
Old people are afraid of change and hanker over times before being brainwashed by Facebook. Young people look to the future and embrace brainwashing by Facebook.
Therefore if the Liberals destroy Facebook, then young people will become as anti-establishment as the old were in the 1960’s or in the old days of the French and Russian revolutions, when the rich educated elitists at Oxford University and the House of Lords were afraid of being killed by the masses of poor uneducated young working class proletariat of the Chartist movement. Or the Labour Party, when it was run by poor but intelligent working class people, rather than the rich but low IQ middle class people that are attracted to the Labour Party today. Labour today is dominated by elitist Libtard morons with power, fake working class fraudsters resentful about being thick when compared to their middle class siblings, parents and ancestors.
How the questions are loaded eh ? Adam Boulton on Sky is asking the question “how is Brexit affecting you, and what do you expect to happen next ?” – this is put to business owners as he jollies his way around the country. Its negative, negative, negative by all the journalists whichever channel you watch. It really pisses me off.
“Adam Boulton”
How this guy got to be a TV news presenter puzzles me?
I call him: Mr Charismatic.
Yes I agree .. why has this supposed ” probing analytical ” journalist been promoted on Skye? He us absolutely useless !! What does he ever probe or “out” . This seems to me to be some kind of nepotism otherwise he wouldn’t be so useless!!
No bad news on Jeremy Corbyn’s anti-semitism on the BBC £3.5bn News Omission Service … see an item listed at the bottom of the page, mixed in with others.
That BBC search results “algorithm” looks like it has had some human control in the ordering of the results. What search engine places old news above the latest news especially on a so called “news” website?!?
I see that the Victoria Derbyshire BBC show this morning has given yet another 35 mins of the show to promote LGBT issues. This time its “homophobia in care homes”
And the BBCs presenter of said programme is, you’ve guessed it – Gay!
the islamophilia in care homes would appear to be a more relevant subject
The ‘liberal left’ has problems with Trump and Brexit because they don’t like either, and have thus set about undermining both, without the slightest concern for the democratic process they claim to love so much. We will be getting endless tales about data harvesting, Russian interference, ‘lies’ on a bus, prostitutes’ stories, misspent money etc etc. It will not cease.
We will have the unelected, who are very obviously unelected, eg Gina Millar, and the unelected who pretend that they are somehow legitimate, eg The Lords, endlessly campaigning against Brexit. The media will give people like the former a lot of undeserved attention. That will not cease.
And, forgive me for being ‘unpatriotic’, but I very much doubt that May’s loud campaign against the Russians is anything other than an attempt to distract from her own poor performance in both senior posts she has held in government and -conceivably- to divert attention from the ever-lengthening (and ever more watered down?) Brexit process.
Is she trying -at the same time- to appear as a sort of ‘Iron Lady’ mark two? A feminist Churchill, ‘fighting them on the beaches’ while actually needlessly handing the EU a lot of power in the transition period? All immigration issues EU and non EU go to the back of the attention que?
Yes, the Russians may well be behind the Novichok affair, but would it be too cynical to observe that this issue has popped up at a very convenient time? Is it really far more about Internal image-bolstering than Foreign affairs?
If it was possible to upvote/like more than once then I would have fnw.
Thousands of Britain’s brave veterans are homeless but a jihadi scumbag like Muhammad Abid had two council houses and sponged off the welfare system. Our pathetic government has all the wrong priorities! {twitter 28mar2018}
. . ..
Let us all stop funding UK terrorism!
It would seem Khalid Masood (Westminster Attack 22.03.2017 5 Innocents Killed) was on benefits which comes out of National Insurance payments by the workers of the UK. Thus, it would seem prior to these findings the workers in the UK were unknowingly funding terrorism.
But now we know terrorists operate using welfare benefits it would seem we are knowingly paying terrorists.
Can I suggest that the Government please make sure NI payments by UK workers don’t go into the hands of terrorists by removing the terrorists in the first place. Can you also calculate how much we have/are funded terrorism via welfare benefits by simply getting all known terrorists (left,right,islamic) arrested to-date and those on the watch list and check welfare payments made to them or their immediate family (under various names possibly).
Another example is where imams preaching intolerance such as Anjem Choudary (preached hate 1999-2016) to his hundreds of worshippers (5 times a day, everyday), can all imams be checked if they are on welfare benefits, paid by UK workers, and these payments be stopped immediately. It is the community that needs to fund the imams if they want religious teachings, similar to how the Church of England was funded with donations in the past.
. . . .
The father-of-four (Anjem Choudary preaching hate 1999-2016) takes home more than £25,000 a year in benefits and lives in a £320,000 house in Leytonstone
. . .
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers…give it up or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
Fortunately, sooner or later the whole LBGTQXYZ nonsense will collapse under its own absurdities and contradictions.
Talking of which the meeja have been gushing about a previously male soldier marrying a previously female actor, or was it the other way round? As one extremely vulgar and unromantic acquaintance put it: so they’re back to square one, jus using different holes. Disgusting.
Oh Christopher, how we miss you.
He is still here … in video and books. Just how he wanted it to be.
The UK decides it is no longer interested in the future so ensure Government backed projects stop the future from happening … but BBC blame it on social media.
“Is social media to thank for low teen pregnancy rates?” { 28mar2018}
I would say low teen pregnancies are not due to social media but to do with:
1. Nice Muslim men rapists providing the morning after pill to white girls in every major UK town.
2. Nice Muslims sewing up the girls labia so she cannot have sex until she is mutilated again on her wedding night.
3. Threat of honour killings by the girls Muslim father.
4. Not worth getting pregnant now to get a council house as those houses go to immigrants who arrived just yesterday.
My theory above has as much “research” as the BBC article.
Tabs I got into trouble here because I suggested that a certain custom of certain men from a certain diverse background weren’t allowed to take the virginity of their future wives so used other means, won’t hear a documentary about that on al Beeb any time soon . – and if anyone doesn’t like this tasteless face the “ report comment” button is next tho the “ reply “ one ….
I should add that this was an East Londonistan practice and I don’t know if they do it in the rest of the califate of Blighty .
Flipping channels last night I came upon the bBC Parliament channel.
Rees-Mogg was giving a lecture on the positives of Brexit.
It looked as if he had been put inside one of those Mr Pugh portable toilets with very poor sound quality.
He was followed by the Remain ambassador and Papal Knight , Anthony Blair who was all in soft glow, sumptuous surroundings and excellent sound production.
How can this contrast be explained?
The effect it had on myself was……..the harder the Brexit the better………oh and if the EU persist in this Irish nonsense………no £38 billion unless you build your customs post on the Irish Republican side of the border.
But Blair has that haunted look that shabi has -deep down they know they’re gonna burn when the reaper comes a knocking – price of selling a soul on eBay . Blair sold his to bush . Shabi sold hers to Corbyn . Corbyn never had one
So, if we now have #WorldHijabDay and a #WorldTurbanDay (coming soon I imagine) … when do we get a #WorldFreedomFromHeadGearDay
– where people who have to wear Hijabs and Turbans have to take them off for a whole day?
Today I wasn’t the only #MP in UK Parliament to wear a #Turban!! Absolutely amazing to see dozens of MPs from across the political spectrum at the #Turban Awareness Day event and wear a turban whilst learning more about its significance for the #Sikh community. {twitter}
Try Circumcision for the Day? Try FGM for the Day?
Looks like another, ‘have to read’ book based on common sense –
But, needless to say, Treezer & Co and her close European friends/allies will not want to listen.
Vlad yesterday pointed to the BBC’s dishonesty regarding the primary causes of anti-Semitism in France. Here’s a couple more examples:
—1. Ilan Halimi, a Jewish man was held captive for three weeks, severely tortured, set alight and thrown naked on a roadside to die by a gang of Muslims known as ‘The Barbarians’. Their leader, Youssouf Fofana, was sentenced to life. Or, as the BBC prefers to call him, ‘The leader of a Paris gang’, ‘a convicted petty criminal’ and ‘a French citizen of Ivorian origin’. You’ll learn almost nothing on motive or background from the BBC articles, but of course looking elsewhere you get to see what actual journalists are capable of, rather than the social engineers and religious apologists clogging up the beeb:
“The Barbarians were driven by a tribal, predatory code that glorifies brutality, authorities say, a subculture nourished on violent films; rap music that curses France and politicians; Islamic fundamentalist literature; and jihadist videos.”
As Fofana entered the courtroom, he “smirked at Halimi’s relatives and shouted “Allahu akbar!” (“God is Greatest!” in Arabic)” […] giving his identity to the judge as “Arabs African revolt barbarian salafist army”.
—2. Two Jewish brothers are cut up by a van, the driver shouting “You dirty Jews! Bastards! You’re all going to die!”. After forcing their car to a stop outside a shisha cafe, according to multiple reports a group of men of “North African origin” or “Middle Eastern-looking” came out and joined in the assault. The van driver reportedly saying [translated from original French]: ‘Come, there are two people in front, we are going to smash Jews’ […] “Five men are then immediately out of the establishment, while the driver was looking for an object in the back of his vehicle.” That object turned out to be a hacksaw.
The beeb doesn’t like to speculate on the geographical, religious or ideological provenance of the attackers. Or bother to mention the messy business about a shisha bar and its customers. True to form, it glaringly evades any proper analysis with a throwaway comment about social problems, telling us that that Parisian suburb “suffers from high unemployment and urban deprivation.” Thus planting the suggestion that going at Jews with a hacksaw is a problem caused by civic underfunding.
And, as if the apologetics couldn’t be turned up higher than 11, the BBC quotes an eyewitness who said he had seen “no kippas”. “I saw neither Jew nor Muslim nor Christian nor atheist at the scene,” he said. “As for the brothers’ account, I heard nothing of the kind.” Just an “eyewitness”, BBC?
No. That eyewitness who saw no Jews and no Muslims was the shisha bar owner — the shisha bar whose customers stepped out to punch and kick the brothers, one of them threatening to kill them if they moved. The shisha bar and customers who were reported by countless other news sources, but who were all spectacularly airbrushed out of the BBC’s ‘coverage’. (All this, despite the full details being linked in the BBC’s own article).
W1A is an insane puppet show run by globalist imagineers — in no serious way can you call any of this journalism.
Excellent post TM.
As PMQ’s reporting by the BBBC distorts the improbablity of Labour ever getting anywhere, it is clear that as the Labour leader follows his inexecrable path to oblivion over the next few months, the vultures are circling to peck his nest.
The BBBC are in close touch with the next alternatives to Corbyn, McDonnell and the rest (they’ll ignore Diane Abbott as irrelevant), the noisy brigade of ‘New-Hopers’ are out buying new suits and pants for the battle ahead.
Corbyn is now dead meat, as his disgraceful anti-semitism shows, as does his inability to grasp any real facts about health, the NHS and the rest, so it doesn’t take rocket science to do the opposite in his ‘party’, or whatever you call his cabal of momentified misfits!
However, as Labout aren’t in government, there’s sod-all they can really do about it!
It’s going to be a good year; the Brexit days are ticking, the Blair/Major snog-in is out of puff, (well they were shagged out in the first place), and it’s a good ride up to next Spring!
Marvellous times!
UK MPs had a pay rise of 18% from 2010 during the recession and austerity… how can they talk of austerity and pay gaps with a straight face?
April 2010 £65,738
April 2018 £77,379
18% !!!!
Look at that earnest expression on the face of the Eagle woman. She cares passionately about the washing machine issue. Or something. Like the nodding agreement to everything the sainted Corbyn utters at PMQs by strategically situated black equality shadow minister, Dawn Butler.
Scrobie “It’s going to be a good year; the Brexit days are ticking, the Blair/Major snog-in is out of puff, (well they were shagged out in the first place), and it’s a good ride up to next Spring!
Marvellous times!”
I certainly hope so.
Can’t help feeling we are only going to get out of the EU on our knees. Go to church this Easter and avoid the Christmas Rush!
[ Sorry! I’ll get me coat but old ‘uns are good ‘uns! 😉 ]
A Russian spy, and IRA terrorist supporter, a racist and anti Semite walk into a bar.
The barman says “what can I get you Mr Corbyn?”
Fourth Plinth in London is unveiled by Sadiq Khan … everyone claps slowly and asks if the emperor has any clothes on?
“Be it so. This burning of widows (India/suttee) is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
– Charles James Napier on the subject of suttee {wiki}
Rev. 14.8 …Babylon is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
Labour MPs who attended a solidarity demonstration against antisemitism in the party are being targeted for deselection by members and attacked on social media. {theguardian 28mar2018} … will this appear on BBC News Service?
Probably one of the first decent things this bloke has ever done in his political career. A least there is a little decency there, though well buried under fossilied layers of race hustling bullshit.
Its a pity he wasn’t quite so visible in his condemnation of white northern girls being raped by “men” from Rotherham, Telford and Oxford.
Decency? Virtue signalling you mean.
Another example of BBC’s uselessness and/or current state of turmoil – as if you need one – can be found here:
Guess what essential information is missing?
F1 have replaced sexy ladies with pink cars …. oh well …
Bang goes my interest in F1.
4pm R4 Hook up’ culture – Laurie explores a new sexual culture on American campuses and asks if it has a British counterpart.
#FatSlags is not a new idea
Ah, the BBC have responded ….
Complaint Summary: MPs have had 18% pay increase during a recession!
Full Complaint: With the BBC’s £3.5bn News Service and it’s unique funding that demands that people pay Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker’s wages under threat of prosecution can you please investigate why the MPs who shout austerity and for the Many, not the Few have had an 18% pay increase when everyone else was on a pay freeze? If the BBC chased these stories then maybe the UK MPs would be directing their attention on the people they are meant to serve rather than themselves. MP Pay April 2010 £65,738 MP Pay April 2018 £77,379 Would that be a good story? You could also include how big a pay increase Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans had since joining the BBC compared to Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn!
. . . .
Many thanks for getting in touch regarding BBC News coverage of MP’s pay. (David Lammy’s £650 Bike on expenses and MPs giving themselves 18% pay rise since 2010 during the recession and austerity)
I understand you feel there should be more coverage of pay increases to UK MPs during and after the recession.
We know that not everyone will agree with our choices on which stories to cover, or the order in which they appear. Our news editors make these complex decisions, based on the editorial merit of all the stories at hand. We accept that not everyone will agree with each decision.
A range of factors affect how we put together our news bulletins. Is it breaking news, or a dated story? Does it follow on from a recent event, or change our understanding of things? Is it unusual, or attracting national interest? We consider these things and also put great importance on verifying events and building up a clear picture – before reporting in a reliable and trustworthy way.
Editorial decisions are more of a judgement call, than an exact science – so you’ll even find variety from one BBC programme to the next. Time constraints, the expected audience profile and the style of each bulletin or current affairs programme can all play a part. We appreciate the feedback that our audience give us when it’s felt a story has been overlooked – it too can inform our on-going work. Suggestions for other stories to consider can be made here:…
It is nonetheless the case that the BBC covers UK politics comprehensively and I have included links below to our dedicated politics page of the BBC News Website, which regularly updates with news as it happens, as well as recent coverage of MPs pay increase.……
We do fully appreciate the points you have raised on this issue. Please rest assured that we’ll make sure your strong views are circulated to the news programme teams. We have also added your feedback to an overnight report sent daily to programme makers and senior management across the BBC.
They should make the overnight report public since you pay for it.
8pm R4 MoralMaze : Big Data & Facebook etc.
Worried Facebook-users have been discovering that the social network held even more data about them than they had feared:
Who do I believe?
‘Anything but dramatic’: What experts say about Germany’s latest crime report
Angela Merkel admits German NO-GO zones are ‘a REALITY’
Labour have new slogan:
Labour for the moany – not the Jew
The more these jokes are spread and the more people hear them the more it will undermine Corbyns credibility as a future leader. Make sure the jokes are spread to as many people as you possibly can.
Ten killed in the capital in twelve days, most of them BAME. Where is the Beeb’s trademark outrage? They managed a week of coverage over the Presidents’ club evening. I thought black lives mattered? Alas, instead they report on plastic bottles and a consensual sexual relationship with Trump.
Still, by 2020 they will have reached peak diversity at which point the heavens will open and we’ll have paradise on Earth; gangsters will feel so empowered by black newsreaders they will join hands with their rivals and sing.
There are some real cultural issues at play here which urgently need to be addressed. What is their plan? Ignore it and make it illegal to talk about it. They have bet the house on this crazy multicultural experiment working. It is not.
Black lives matter right? What a vacuous joke that is .
They’ll march about killings in America but here? Why worry?
Black lives matter unless the perps are black too, then not so much, shhh.
Dear Amber Rudd,
I might in the future want to become a lady and it seems that it is possible and quite attractive, especially to stop the #GenderLifeGap and retire early at 60. I have found a website that shows many a penis and have decided to hate it. Can all penises be removed from the internet so as not to poke me in the eye with their nasty shafts?
Many Thanks,
Maunday Thursday al beeb is doing a day of programmes about life after brexit . Black arm bands all round .
Or perhaps al beeb is moving through the grieving process of acceptance . Or maybe not .
They will always hope that the result can be annulled or watered down before 2019 – 2021 or however long we remain tied to the EUreich.
Look North in Yorkshire have a week long feature looking at Brexit and its potential effects on “our region”.
The other night a young neck-beard reporter went to York (voted massively Remain) to speak to people there about what they thought about the UK leaving the EU. You could tell he liked it and was among like minds.
Then he went to Doncaster (voted 79% Leave) and wandered about interviewing folk, he spoke to one chap who told him that he voted Leave because:
“All you hear around hear is Polish.”
“Well, what’s wrong with that?” Neck-beard swiftly responds.
The chap then did some back pedalling, probably not wanting to appear “Rayciss”. He should have replied that nothing at all was wrong with that, if they were in Warsaw and not South Yorkshire; had he done so though, I don’t think that particular exchange would have made it into the programme.
Funny really that one driver for brexit was Blair/brown allowing unrestricted eastern immigration to UK on the basis of 64k arriving in year one when actually at least a million turned up and crushed the country ever after . The Poles and others were not at fault but labour was/is.
They’re not at fault for choosing to come here because the Traitorous 11% have let them; they are at fault when so many of them get p***ed up and drive HGVs on our motorways killing folk.
Forty scientific papers this year suggest climate is normal and evidence suggests the north and south poles are not warming up.
I am sure a highly trained climate scientist like Harrabin can refute them
Al beeb big on worboys again
If fedup was running Blighty this would never have happened because mr worboys would have been hanged .
Here is your “unbiased” view of Brexit by the “impartial” Broadcaster .
😀 😀 😀
Did you spot any Biased headlines ?
Following on from Taffman, how about this for a story which something tells me may not make it into a prominent position on our world class impartial broadcaster’s news coverage
‘Juncker aide given top EU job in ‘coup’ that may have been illegal, say MEPs’
“Brexit in Wales: Would Welsh voters do it again?”
Or how to disfigure the proud and ancient Red Dragon of Wales ……………
We voted out !
“Brexit: ‘Still a lot to do’ on UK and EU security deal”
More project fear ?
There is a HYS running .
“A Brexit dilemma: Spain or Scotland?”
No dilemma, just leave if you love Europe so much.
The remainers threatened to, didn’t they?
SNP pakistani lawyer now representing Catalonian fugitive.
The SNP have decided to contest The European Arrest Warrant of some Catalonian troublemaker.
Wonder how this sits with their European masters and any potential membership application for a future independent Scotland.
It might be that they are well aware that application will never be made.
No sign of the nodding dog on tv tho
A news reporter goes to see a Jewish man who has been going to the western wall in Israel to pray once a day for 70 years, the reporter goes up to him and says, “hello I”m a reporter for the BBC and we know you”re quite famous around this wall so we were wondering if we could ask you a few questions.” The man agrees and she asks, “so we were wondering; what have you actually been praying for all of these years?”The man replies, “I have been praying for peace between the Jews and Arabs and for all world hatred and terrorism to stop, and for my children and grandchildren to grown up in a peaceful world.” The news reporter says, “Wow that”s truly beautiful, how do you feel after doing this for 70 years?”The man replies, “I feel like I”ve been talking to a fucking brick wall.”
I think the British Jews realise now it does not pay in this country to get on quietly and in peace with others in this country, but to whinge, whine, complain at every opportunity and spread hatered and intolerance and attack the values of the mother country, seems to be working for a certain other sector…
Spent an interesting afternoon trawling YouTube focusing on free speech and associated topics. Contributors, in the main, concluded that any limit on free speech had never ultimately worked and indeed, made things a whole lot worse. The other conclusion was that (and in particular) the UK had recently developed a reputation for the heavy handed stifling of FS. That’s a measure of how concerned the State is right now that that major rioting could break out at the drop of a hat. Something will trigger it whether that be the revelation of many more muslim child rapists following their ‘religion’ or something else. It will just take that, ‘little something’ which we cannot imagine right now. It will be the people on one side, the police on the other and islamists on the other. Naturally the State would win but to be left in what form? Decimated with no credibility whatever. Only a military rule intervening would suffice to perhaps quiet things down. Sorry to be a doom monger but the people can only be taunted for so long and as Katie Hopkins has said, ‘she can feel the seething anger and that’s building up rapidly’.
G – people have been saying stuff like that for years. Look at all the crime, atrocities and assorted problems that Third World immigration has brought along with it into Britain these sixty years past.
Yet nothing ever happens, any new party which sets out to tackle it or any main stream politician who dares to give voice to the silenced majority view: are destroyed.
I think the majority of people here are so cowed by now that as long as the fridge is full, they’ve got a big telly with full Sky package and have a couple of cars outside their house; they’re inured to the crime, the rape gangs, the terrorism and just try and insulate themselves from it all via white flight and rose coloured spectacles.
I really can’t see how things will ever change here for the better, for the indigenous population.
We have at least two generations that think it is racist to call Macron a Frenchman, sexist to call a married woman by her husband’s name and hate speech to say what you think. Marriage is about spending big money on a group foreign holiday, homosexuality is the normal, biological sex is a social construct and children a fashion accessory. Feelings are all, especially those that you might imagine someone else might have; facts are inconvenient and oppressive.
Meanwhile the police, local authorities and immigration services are run by immigrants that despise the natives for their weakness. In Germany already the young men that might have formed the police or army are now in the minority; soon the same will be true here. Far from opposing the changes our polticians encourage them.
The shining star that is Western civilisation is about to go super-nova, a brief spark in the darkness of eternity. These were the best of times, an anomaly soon to beforgotten. Alan’s Snack Bar.
Not so sure. Why the draconian legislation if they didn’t fear uprising? Their fear is rightly heightened by what’s happening in Germany et al. right now. The Germans have awoken as the Austrians and now the Italians. They’re doing something about the EU Governments’ intended mass purge and replacement of white nationals by islam. Trite, but everything has a breaking point when under pressure. I can’t see the police turning on their own. It will not be a case of hooligans rioting on a Saturday night.
G – the Germans haven’t “awoken”. If they had Merkel and her party would have been permanently consigned to the political dustbin, for what they inflicted on that country, yet she ended up remaining in power.
You don’t think the landslide elections will have any effect of stated policies in Germany? I’m not that quite deluded.
It will be interesting to see what the krauts do with the Muslims bearing in mind their recent track record. Methinks Muslims will feel uncomfortable pretty soon and look to go somewhere else – somewhere more accomodating …. can you guess where?
Bring it on it is about bloody time the silent majority got onto the streets, watch Tommy Robinson in Hyde park to get a taste of it, the police were there but powerless with the anger and frustration of the crowd, islamists are good at rioting, whinging and whining and burning flags its all they know, their raison d’etre, but there are millions and millions of us they will not know the “sleeping monster” they have awoken until it is far too late
Amazed last night on BBC2’s Newsnight they announced that in relation to Lord Kerslake’s report on the Manchester Arena bombing they would concentrate on his criticisms of the media who had pestered victims’ families. They then interviewed one victim’s parents who despite much prompting by Kirstie Squawk could not find all that much to complain about except the sheer number of journalists contacting them for interviews. Kirstie nodded furiously at that…
Hang on. How did Newsnight get an interview?
The BBC had obviously decided not to address the criticism of the absurd fire service decision to avoid the Arena for 2 HOURS.
Can’t have public sector heroes hauled over the coals especially when you can condemn the tabloids.
Wait until the Grenfell fire report to see BBC/Newsnight twisting on a mammoth scale.
Channel93 now prog about spousal immigration into the UK
“Oh these rules are tough, why can’t I bring my spouse into the UK ?”
..lot of emotional blackmail…”he missed our daughters first words” etc.
The point is almost everyone of them can get on a plane and go and live with their spouse in their spouses country.
(UK rules were toughened up recently with a a requirement that your spouse should not be a burden on the state, so you have to show you have a salary of £18K+ etc.)
Know all about that, my Chinese wife took the wrong English test ( a higher standard of test but the wrong examining board) now more problems after thousands of pounds spent, yet interesting that I can go to London and not hear English spoken for most of the day, how does that work then ?
Is that to get citizenship or just to get a spousal visa ?
citizenship through a spousal visa 3 years so far and thousands of pound spent so far, thinking she should upset Xi Pingpong then become an asylum seeker
I don’t think you actually have to actually upset anyone Annunaki – you just have to say you have. Maybe a hint to the authorities that your wife bats for the other side, or she could probably get away with saying she is an unaccompanied minor (providing she is under 50) also goes down well when it comes to getting asylum.
I feel very sorry for you and your missus when your wife obviously wants to do the right thing and make a proper contribution to society you almost get punished for it.
When it comes to migrating to the UK honesty and good moral standards is an expensive mugs game.
My nephew married a lovely Russian girl last September (she works as a translator), and she has been rejected twice now for entry to the UK – and in light of recent events she has nil chance of joining her husband. So married life for them could be in another part of the world.
When I was in Russia 2009 Russian young women asked me why they couldn’t get UK visas.
AFAIK it was a sex exploitation issue, young Russian girls had been lured to UK for them to be sold into sexual slavery.
Stopping the entry of all, was the defence against this.
Second referendum ? WTF its like calling racism antisemitism, if you rephrase it it sounds less insidious, how many times willl they demand another vote until they get the result they want ? its the silent seething majority that won through the ballot box and not on Twitter, youtube or the BBC website or anywhere else, an absolute attack on democracy to not accept what the majority want
More propaganda ?
“What do people think about Brexit?”
They look like a bunch amateur actors from a local drama group reading the script for a village farce?
It should be worth a watch if you have a TV telly tax .
They are the Archers inbred neighbours, not so much a gene pool more of a puddle