758 Responses to Easter Weekend Open Thread

  1. G.W.F. says:

    First, close the BBC


    • Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

      Hi, perhaps the message should be to end the license fee (and make them accountable to those wishing to subscribe to them).

      Hat tip to Rufus McDufus for helping to keep this site going. I hope Alan is well and thank him for all his efforts if he has decided to move on with other things.


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      Damn-just back from the Parish Social, no messaging from my flunkies.
      This won`t be the first time GWF has claimed the crown here…and what a start.
      Need we say more-can this not be the Eleventh Commandment that God forgot to chisel out.?
      Blog of the month already!

      “And only when He saw that the BBC was closed-and it wath pleaseth and goodly, did He deign to rest up and watch the snooker”


    • taffman says:

      Second , thank Rufus McDufus.


      • Deborah says:

        Me too, would like to thank Rufus, Alan (wherever he is at the moment) and anyone else that might be behind the scenes).


  2. Maturecheese says:

    I agree


  3. Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

    It is Easter and of course the BBC runs a pro-Islam story for Easter. On the BBC homepage they have an image of a statue of Mary and the baby Jesus with the headline: Why is Mary so important in Christianity and Islam? When you click on the link you find it is yet another attempt by the BBC to promote and normalise Islam:


    • Tabs says:

      I’m surprised the BBC mentioned the fact that Mary is the ONLY woman mentioned in the Quran….. let that sink in a while for all those progressive Liberals that want woman equality and immigration in one happy Utopia.


      • Alicia Sinclair says:

        Suppose that Esther, Ruth, Deborah, Zipporah, Miriam, Hannah, Elizabeth were all kidnapped and kept as slaves by Boko Haram way back.
        Only Jesus Himself would have ensured His mum wasn`t taken as a child bride, had Islam raised its head in His time.
        Poor Mary Magdalene would have had no chance, nor Tamar.
        Thank God for Jesus.


      • StewGreen says:

        @Tabs a few women are mentioned but always “wife of” , “daughter of” etc.
        “Mary is the ONLY woman mentioned in the Quran” by HER OWN NAME

        Strange that libs never mention that the vast majority of characters in the Koran are male


    • Moodswing6 says:

      Can someone tell me if this intense force feeding of Islam by the BBC is in collusion with our security services and the government because they are so petrified at what they have created. I find it disgusting that they are so pro Islam. Although I’m becoming grumpy and angry about everything. Especially the BBC on camera presenters. What a useless bunch of non entities who earn vast amounts of money that they simply do not deserve. The other advice I need is who in the f..k do I vote for. Labour is a complete no go zone but given the dismal performance of May and Rudd together with the entire useless bunch of the Tory dummy sucking cabinet who could have moved to get her out, I’m left confused, bewildered and angry.
      Perhaps even on the verge of another mood swing.


      • Payne by name says:

        I totally hear you. Labour are a dangerous joke, the liberals a deceitful joke and the Tories a spineless joke.

        May and Cameron have taken them to a place where they stand for nothing apart from what their media advisors tell them is the right thing to do.

        No convictions, no principles and absolutely nothing to convince me that they have a plan for getting this country out of the Islam obsessed, PC following, SJW appeasing, free speech destroying mess that we are in.


      • BRISSLES says:

        …. I’m becoming grumpy and angry about everything…..

        Fear not Moodswing, you’re not on your own ! I’ve found it happening to me over the past 5 years or so, even to the point of becoming the proverbial letter writer to the papers – morphing into Mrs Disgusted from Tunbridge Wells ! The government, rising prices, migration, the feckless young, have always been targets for decades of moaning and whingeing, but times have rapidly changed since the Millennium, with the rise of Islam, political correctness, health & safety, unparalleled migration and Brexit. Clearly Brexit would never have got off the ground if migration had been quelled, but we are where we are now, and so there is more to be grumpy about.


      • joeadamsmith says:

        Hi. Have you read about the Lancaster Plan? It was made out to be a spoof and yet……… The meat, so to speak, starts about a third of the way through: http://www.newenglishreview.org/custpage.cfm?frm=184244&sec_id=184244


    • tarien says:

      What a load of utter shit pots-excuse my anger, but how dare this supposed British Corporation allow itself to promote such antagonistic progs. The Government as such no longer controls the Media-those that do very sadly now control the Government of this rather sad small nation sitting on the northern edge of Europe with only a pitiful band of Sociolistic/Communists warngling in Westminster. The Media and in particular the BBC have not the slightest regard for the palace of the people, they have ranged themselves against particularly those that voted OUT of the EU. Let us all pray and hope that a new dawn might break over this land, but I hear you call ‘is there the will to change direction?’


  4. theisland says:

    Happy Easter to everyone here.

    Borders, Territorial waters, Defence!


  5. vlad says:

    A previous blogger suggests the dearth of Christian films over the Easter period may be due to muslim control over programming at the beebistan.

    I have no idea, but what is certain is that increasingly we will see the ascendance of muslim power, and the muslim vote, just as we’ve had grey, gay, bme power / vote etc.

    The recent Channel 4 Dispatches highlighted the phenomenon when the lobby group MEND told its members that muslim voters were the ‘king-makers’ due to the heavy concentration of 3 million muslims in certain key areas.

    So in future you can expect all political parties to kow-tow ever more to muslims.

    Corbyn and May are already heroically showing the way.

    This has been described as the second stage of Islamic conquest.

    (A pusillanimous Church – that believes in nothing much except being nice and tolerant to those who wish us harm or seek to conquer – doesn’t help much. It’s an open goal for any cult with a bit of self-belief.)




    • tarien says:

      Yes Vlad the second stage of the Muslim conquest is making its way throughout-the last leader of Lybia claimed that Islam did not need swords to fight the battle it would be won through the wombs of the women-and so now we see it growing with one the most popular names in the UK as Muhammed or Mahammed not sure which but lets agree its the stealth of Islam creeping across us. Countryfile wants to promote the opportunity for a young prog-presenter-who do they show as prospective candidates-you guessed it majority Muslims and othe Asians types and only one white girl-what does that tell us? What do they think it tells us.Subjugation of how the public in general must think, the propaganda of Multicuturalism is making its headway.


  6. John Bull says:

    Have you noticed how several Easter egg manufacturers have removed the name Easter from their Easter Egg packaging and now call them chocolate eggs. Apparently its been done so it does not upset a certain religious minority? I suppose its all part of governments move to integrate us?


    • taffman says:

      John Bull
      We don’t need to integrate, its the ‘newcomers’ that need to integrate.
      Successive governments are not reflecting the will of the majority of the people of Great Britain.


      • vlad says:

        Boycott Sainsbury’s. Consumer power.


      • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

        GWF, a few weeks back I reported here the ‘survey’ I had done of the ‘eggs’ on Tesco shelves.
        At that time, all but Thorntons had no trace of the word ‘easter’ on them. That included my usual choccy choice of Lindt.
        Cadbury of course, aside from the Easter issue, is totally halal compliant, and their goods stayed mainly on the shelves.
        They HAVE changed their packaging now, Cadbury now have packs with Easter on the outside.
        Responding to market shifts? I hope so.


    • Despairada says:

      Someone on ‘The Now Show’ (Radio 4) this morning claiming that ‘Easter’ has never featured on chocolate eggs sold at Easter. Whether that’s true or not, we always called them Easter eggs.
      Is this another changing history moment?


      • Terminal Moraine says:

        Something that really twisted my melon was discovering the “Mandela Effect”. Remember Jaws’ love interest in the film Moonraker? Has reality itself shifted?


    • BRISSLES says:

      JB the Easter Egg packaging has been commented on by lots of people. Our Christianity is being airbrushed by stealth, but to have manufacturers join in the travesty is beyond the pale. Sadly its mainly those of a certain age who are noticing this, and yes we can boycott the companies, but it has to be done in the millions not just the few hundred, because the pinch won’t be felt.


  7. fakenewswatcher says:

    Anyone here recall how I predicted some months ago that we would be hearing a lot more about ‘decolonisation’? I stated that it would become the next big buzzphrase, after, ‘racism’ to promote thinly-disguised anti-white, anti-British sentiments i.a. On the surface it will merely purport to be some sort of anti-discrimination thing. But oh, ‘the sins of the past’ hover above ever so (un)subtly…
    Well, the next big step has been taken, as you can read if you ‘take the Telegraph’ (today’s copy): ‘Cambridge students step up decolonisation campaign’.
    Even the classics society, it is reported, is having a look at ‘what decolonisation would look like’ in its curriculum! (Roman colonisation?) Some universities have resisted, but various faculties in Cambridge, including in the sciences, seem to be playing along.
    Getting Oxford to take down a statue of Rhodes is a firm objective. Presumably, this was modelled on the successful campaign at the university of Cape Town.
    Personally, I think resistance or not, we will be hearing a great deal more about ‘decolonisation’, when it spills from the campuses into the mainstream.
    It plays heavily on white guilt and has found a wonderful trigger word – an opportunity not to be missed.
    A footnote: A white lady has been jailed for three years in SA for calling a black policeman insulting names. While I agree that that behaviour is well out of order, the sentence contrasts sharply with what has happened to Julius Malema, ie nothing. He, it appears, can threaten whites with horrific violence -you can find the details easily – but this is apparently not ‘hate speech’. And he is a key opposition leader in SA. I mention this in passing, as double standards are falling firmly into place there (and here?).
    Racism has many faces. Not all of them are white. A little study of human history everywhere will show this. Ditto slavery. Just do a little serious research.
    But however much the situation has improved, there will be self-promoting opportunists, waiting to make hay from the past…


    • popeye says:

      Re colonisation, indeed the Classics can look at Roman colonisation but there were others, notably British and European (boo, hiss) which, though so despised by the Beeb et al, did leave countries, previously with primitive cultures, in a far better state with education, good health and standards of living. But what about other colonisation, are they as equally bad – well not according to the Beeb. For example, the first wave of Islamisation of North Africa and parts of Europe (apparently the Crusades trying to RECLAIM, not conquer, lands they previously controlled is a BAD THING – pace “1066 and all that”). Then the Ottoman colonisation of much of Europe – again, was this a bad thing? It appears we can have good and bad colonialism – who decides which is which? It appears to be the Beeb and their ilk, and they certainly are not on the side of Western Civilisation.


      • vlad says:

        I remember a beebistan ‘documentary’ (i.e. propaganda) about the rapid spread of islam in the early centuries, gushing enthusiastically that it was a testament to its vitality and virility. (No doubt the same virility as is evident in Rochdale, Rotherham, Cologne et al.)

        Funny, when it’s other countries or faiths conquering by sword, fire and blood, it’s vitality; when it’s the mostly benign spread of the British Empire mainly by trade, or Christianity mainly by missionaries, schools and hospitals – it’s evil imperialism.

        (This is not to ignore abuses, but they were the exception rather than the rule.)

        Double standards yet again.


        • G.W.F. says:

          Here islam account of the Crusades neither the Church nor the BBC will show.


    • Richard Pinder says:

      Theresa May calls Decolonisation the “Implementation Period“.

      It seems bonkers for Cambridge students to fight for independence for countries once ruled over by Cambridge educated Bureaucrats in London, who after decolonisation of the British Empire in the sixties then found alternative jobs in Brussels in 1973. Now for the first time Cambridge students face the prospect of no Empire to rule over, so they turn into mad Pro-European imperialist hypocrites fighting against Britain returning to the more multiracial Commonwealth, but without any jobs for useless Cambridge students.

      The Commonwealth nations have either at best not regarded colonisation as a bad thing, or at worst, with the exception of the Irish Republic and the United States, forgiven Britain and the Queen, who is still the ruler of 16 Realms and 100 Territories, comprising the largest territory under the rule of a single person in the 21st Century (Putin comes second) as well as being the Head of the Commonwealth. Also there are 30 territorial flags in the world with a Union Jack.

      So we have the fact that the Colonies of the British Empire in the 19th Century, the Dominions of the British Commonwealth of the 20th Century and the Realms of the Royal Commonwealth of the of the 21st Century. All comprise the biggest Empire-Dominion-Realm in the World.

      What next, marches against colonisation by students at York University, expulsion of Italian, German, Danish, French and Belgian students.

      71 Yorkshire colonised by Romans
      406 Yorkshire decolonised from Romans
      450 Yorkshire colonised by Angles
      867 Yorkshire colonised by Danes
      954 Yorkshire decolonised from Danes
      1066 Yorkshire colonised by Normans
      1973 Yorkshire colonised by Europe
      2021 Yorkshire decolonised from Europe

      Please notice (see above) that in 2021,Yorkshire will still be colonised by the Angles of England and the Normans in the House of Lords.


  8. Richard Pinder says:

    Nigel Farage is on telly for 45 minutes: Saturday, 9.30pm to 10.15pm , BBC Parliament, Freeview Channel 232.


  9. John Bull says:

    I was listening to Lady Lawrence on radio 4 a few days ago, you know who I mean Stephen Lawrence’s mother, they gave her a peerage after her son was murdered. Well she was saying Brexit had made people more racist and she had heard comments like go back to where you came from. Of course the BBC were loving this as you can imagine. Comments such as this are considered racist, but conversely when in South Africa and Zimbabwe, when white farmers who have farmed the land for over 200 years are forcibly removed and many murdered, have there possessions and land stolen by government or militia the western press in particular the BBC virtually ignore it.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I really love baroness Lawrence -Who Can Say No wrong and will land up on the 4th plinth in traf square – her sunbjective opinion about brexit racism should be tempered by objective stats about the colours killing each other on a bi daily basis in londonistan ( apols sentence length).

      Her and her industry destroyed the police and we live with the consequences – worse to come of course if the economy heads south.


      • fakenewswatcher says:

        The Steven Lawrence murder, like any other murder, has to be unreservedly condemned. Like any other murder. To ascribe a racial dimension to this where one social group is innocent and another is guilty by implication is unacceptable.
        (I recall a photograph of Steven L raising a fist in an apparent black power salute, which has entirely vanished from the media. I have always wondered what that says? )
        To denigrate an entire police force as a result, smearing ALL officers with the same brush, as it were, is unfair and bizarre. Why the powers that be endorsed the McPherson report…?
        To promote his mother to the peerage is equally bizarre. There are many murders and many murderers of all colours, shapes and sizes. They all have parents.
        Anyway, I see Cressida Dick is telling us WHY violence happens: social media. An interviewee on ITV news says it was the cuts. In the US it is ‘the guns’. Excuses, excuses for an ever-deteriorating moral situation. And, of course, no one is to blame for their behaviour. It’s always someone else’s fault. Or something in society.
        Strange, that in a ‘me, me’ society, it’s never really me wot did that thing I did…


        • Payne by name says:

          I was thinking of Stephen Lawrence when the report qas dropping about the H&S obsessed firemen who declined racing to the aid of the Manchester bombing.

          Many were quick to point out that it wasn’t the firemen on the ground but just the nasty top management. Funny but when the Lawrence report branded the police institutionally racist I didn’t hear the same apologists for the ordinary policemen.

          Personally, I agree with the repory about the firemen. Their militant union’s obsession with regulation and H&S has hobbled theses people to the point where they don’t actually fight fire and don’t even appear on the top 10 list of most dangerous job.

          Given the women they employ have differeny entry criteria, it’s a good job they don’t carry people out of buildings anymore.


    • vlad says:

      Boy is she milking it.

      And boy are the beeb milking her.


  10. countryblues says:

    I’ve seen a succession of rough, tough Aussie cricketers crying on TV recently…those very same cricketers who over years have been mocking, ruthless and heartless in their pursuit of any advantage over their opponents.

    I did not enjoy their discomfort but, at the same time, there was no sympathy for them within me. I’m wondering if I’m being harsh? 🙁


    • Fedup2 says:

      No you’re not being too harsh . I know nothing about cricket but if a player is so casual in cheating as to be caught as they were … how long has that been going on ? How valid are their “wins”. ?

      Obviously England doesn’t cheat – they just stand at the wicket without a bat apparently . I blame the Russians


      • Fedup2 says:

        The two terrorists detained by Kurds are trying to get back to UK. Al beeb obviously likes them . I would like to know why they are being given publicity and why they are still alive .


        • taffman says:

          ‘Yea yea yea !’
          They give them a nice cuddly name ‘The Beatles’. How long will it take for Al Beeb to run a HYS? – if any?
          They need a trip to GITMO.


          • Fedup2 says:

            Taff – I left the cuddly name out of my comment on purpose as I think it is obscene to associate a pop band with those vermin .


            • vlad says:

              I wonder what Paul and Ringo think of the cultural appropriation of their names.


        • Despairada says:

          Those two are so ugly I can hardly bear to look at them.
          Well, I suppose people can’t help their looks but maybe the badness is coming out on the outside!


        • Sluff says:

          It was first on the bBBC 1 evening news.
          I’m sure lots of the bBC’s favourite Yuman Rights lawyers are even now working out how many millions in legal aid they can squeeze out of representing the ‘Beatles’ while they defend them.


        • GRIM REAPER says:

          Well, Fedup2, i blame the Kurds….they should have soaked these two in petrol and burned them to death…like Isis did to captives…remember?


        • Al Shubtill says:

          It’s unfortunate they didn’t fall into the hands of the Syrians, Russians or Iranians; if they had I don’t think all these questions about UK citizenship and fair trials would arise.


    • johnnythefish says:

      ‘I do not enjoy their discomfort….’

      I am absolutely loving the come-uppance of these arrogant, uncouth, unsporting excuses for cricketers and their loud-mouthed braggart of a coach. The worst of the bunch, Warner, was even made vice captain.

      They have been exposed for what they are and they and Cricket Australia, the Australian press and Australia supporters deserve to have their noses rubbed in the mountain of ordure they have created.

      Luvvin every minute.


      • Moodswing6 says:

        I don’t follow cricket and while I was brought up in Australia I’m not defending what’s now been exposed, however it’s not just Australians or cricket. It seems that every sport is now corrupted in some way. Given the outrageous costs involved staging the Olympics and the cheating at every level I think it’s time for a tea break.


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      What on earth is going on?
      Why would former sportsmen CRY at stuff like this?
      Is this since Kevin Rudd got into power there?
      Thought they were tough once, Lillie and Marsh back then wasn`t it?
      How long before we have mixed cricket teams?Intersexual fops


      • The General says:

        Could be something to do with the loss of several million dollars in wages and sponsorship !!!!!!

        Their wives must be furious.


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      Countryblues: you didnt enjoy the discomfort? I did.
      Bloody snowflakes.
      Bugger their discomfort, cheating bastards.
      There I feel better now.


      • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

        And I’ve just found that johnnythe fish has expressed his delight, much more eloquently than I.


        • johnnythefish says:

          Cheers, DC.

          The yobbish culture of the Australian test team and their coach was echoed by the Australian press and condoned by Cricket Australia in their selection of Warner as vice captain. The players’ crass and gloating behaviour in press conferences was celebrated when it should have been condemned.

          Now it has reached it’s logical conclusion and it’s suddenly all shock horror and, surpise, surprise, the thin veneer of machismo of these self-appointed strong men of cricket rapidly melts away to reveal the blubbing crybabies that lie beneath. Nothing new there – they always resort to whingeing when things aren’t going their way. And as for changing the culture to follow the NZ model (you know, the sporting approach ruthlessly mocked onfield by the Australians in their last series)….don’t hold your breath.


          • MartinW says:

            It might be a good moment for the cricket authorities to impose an absolute ban on sledging, a despicable practice for which the term “not cricket” could have been coined.


  11. Right Angle says:

    In case anyone would like to have a listen, here is President Trump’s Easter message (under 2 minutes):

    I was going to put up PM May’s Easter message as well, but there’s a snag — I can’t seem to find it. I did do a Google search “BBC Theresa May Easter message”.

    I assume it will be published on Easter Sunday itself.

    In the meantime, to those who celebrate / observe this most important event in the Christian calendar, Happy Easter!


  12. Sluff says:

    Biased BBC majoring today on the underwhelming observation that children from ‘underprivileged’ families do less well at school. Its all those budding doctors and enginner parents who somehow had a bad break.
    Then the BBC bang on about how Southern England children do wores than Northern England children. Mmmmmm.
    Funny thing is, because of the Unions and national pay scales, teachers in the south earn the same as thise in the north. But in the north, a teacher salary is pretty good compared with other workers, so the north should get the best teachers, yes? In the south, recruitment can be very difficult indeed.
    So…..best teachers, worst results. The bBBC don’t seem to have noticed.


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      Think we can all see now why teachers don`t like the idea of payment by results.
      Far cheaper to get the lardy mums to dole out the colouring worksheets and give them leaflets on legalising cannabis.
      That`s all teachers do in secondary school for 85% of the time.
      They loved Blair, Brown and Obama-they crave migration and crime-pays well, employs no end of mentors and excuse moochers. So the unions love it.
      Get them out of school on perpetual holiday until Gove returns with a spine, He saw the problems, but Cameron removed him.
      Can we get a seance teacher to summon up Rhodes Boyson?


      • imaynotalwaysloveyou says:

        I think the Blair-Brown years were particularly bad for pandering to all manner of public sector employees, and we haven’t seen any appetite from the Tories to reverse the trend.

        It has resulted in a depressing world of useless guardian-reading box-tickers in the workplace, Marxist babysitters instead of teachers, ‘Fire-chief’ bureaucrats who won’t go near a fire – and incompetent diversity-hires like Cressida Dick.


  13. Nibor says:

    A couple of points I would like the BBC , Guardian and virtue signallers to take in .

    1; It’s not the Brexiteers that are making the EU nationals fear for their future here . It’s you, the BBC ,with James O Brien and all the other Remoaners who keep telling them that racism has gone rampant , the country has turned nasty and fascists are taking over and are going to kick them all out .
    Try , beeboids , to stick to the truth and stop worrying the EU nationals .

    2; Their future here will be MORE stable if we limit or stop immigration .
    Notice how one wave of immigrants come in , then are replaced by a second wave , then a third and as the EU expands itself , a fourth , fifth , sixth , tenth , twentieth .
    So if we stop immigration now , the EU nationals will be secure than if we stay in the EU and it expands through Turkey , Ukraine , Albania , all the way to North Korea .

    So cool yourself down , Beeboids , Remoaners , Job gob and virtues signallers , don’t tell half truths or total lies and let the EU nationals live in peace .


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      Leo McKinstry in Today’s Mail wrote an article worth reading, concerning especially George Orwell and HIS ENGLAND. I was unaware of this book by O, but it looks worth a read. The article shows up the Blairs and the Cleggs of this world in no uncertain fashion, and why what we mean when we talk about patriotism, this is a GOOD patriotism. Makes you happy you voted Brexit (if you had any doubts) otherwise you could chuck all of Orwell in the bin.
      Think I’ll send May and Rudd a copy. Just in case Brexit doesn’t entirely mean Brexit and Freedom’s just a word…
      Won’t send Beeb bigwigs a copy: they wouldn’t understand it. Worse, they wouldn’t want to understand it.


  14. Synchronised says:

    Eddie Izzard replacing some non entity on Labour’s NEC. Funniest thing he’s ever likely to do or has ever done.


    • taffman says:

      Would anyone vote for a party that employs a man dressed up as a woman posing as a circus clown?
      It must be April Fool!
      You Just can’t make it up.


      • BRISSLES says:

        Surely Grayson Perry must be in the running at the next by-election !
        Izzard is a fair actor, in the films I’ve seen him in, its a pity he doesn’t stick to it.


  15. Tabs says:

    I watched the BBC News summary a few hours ago. Almost every bit of news had Muslims in it…
    1. The “Beatles” lovable Muslim duo.
    2. Russian nerve gas (very rushed report as the BBC had to get onto Muslim victims)
    3. Muslim victims in Gaza

    Then local news had…
    1. The Iranian jailed (ex BBC journalist) Muslim woman (victim)

    There was another article about Muslims in there somewhere but I was trying to put my foot through the TV so I forgot the details.


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      Tabs- I believe that lovely duo are afraid of ‘rendition and torture’ if they have a trial here. It couldn’t happen to a nicer couple.


      • RJ says:

        “Tabs- I believe that lovely duo are afraid of ‘rendition and torture’ if they have a trial here”

        Is that as in “rendition them limb from limb”?


        • Alicia Sinclair says:

          Only the BBC and its like would consider this news.
          Drop them out of the helicopter as we fly them over Turkey.
          Who wants bloodied sacks of shit like these two.?
          And if I were a Beatle, I`d sue the BBC for besmirching their reputations by linking these two crud with their fine legacy.
          They`d have burned their passports-end of. In fact if the Kurds killed them hideously, we should reward them by letting two thousand Yazidis, Pershmega into the country by way of thanks.
          Anything less-and we don`t deserve to win do we?


      • popeye says:

        I wonder what a Shiner-type creature will be planning next? Maybe a trip to the ECHR where those liberal luvvies will state that by depriving them of citizenship their ‘uman rights have indeed be violated. The wonderfully compassionate Mrs Rudd could then, reluctantly, give them citizenship back and they are brought to the UK for trial. “Aah, but..”, says our Shiner-creature, “…with all the bad publicity there is no chance of a fair trial”. “Indeed,” states one of our marvellously liberal judges, “Case dismissed”. Then the Shiner-creature can get his 30 pieces of silver by suing on their behalf for wrongful arrest, the terrorists get anonymity and a council house each (plus another one for their wives – each) and they all live happily ever after; well except for 60 million seething real Brits!


  16. fakenewswatcher says:

    Maybe we should be the more mature party and give up on the tit-for-tat stuff with Russia, Aeroflot etc. for the moment. Does it serve any further purpose? Whatever the truth (and if it turns out ‘they’ did break Art.1 of the Chemical Weapons Convention, we can resume the debate, and multilateral enforcement will take its course) ‘they’ will have got the message by now bigtime. For one thing, we can’t be sure who ‘they’ are yet. The bigwigs there have no option but to stand firm as they see it, if the escalation continues.
    At this stage we don’t need to drift into Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0 or have some irritated Russian patriot Colonel push a button without Kremlin authority, ending forever this Green and Pleasant/ sceptered Isle.
    Having a Trident out there somewhere to retaliate won’t be much of a comfort.


  17. vlad says:

    Whether Putin personally ordered Salisbury or not, he certainly green-lighted countless other murders of dissidents and critics both at home and abroad (including many brave journalists – take note beeboids – who were willing to die to speak unpopular truths. Not to mention Crimea, Ukraine, Georgia, and cyberattacks against various countries.
    A bit of serious pushback is long overdue and will do him no harm at all.


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      Can`t see any leader in western Europe or Canada “pushing back” on anything.
      As we saw in Afpak and Iraq,no decent fighting man surely would heed the orders of those who would Blackman them at the first chance.
      Way too many top brass who want to work for the BBC, as opposed to having fought. No good soldier stands a chance with leaders and politicos like we see today. Which is why we got stuffed and trussed unless we had Americans besides us. Lion cubs lead by lambs as far as I can figure out.


    • Al Shubtill says:

      It won’t do him any harm but it may well do us, when we’re paying £400 per month for gas next winter.


  18. vlad says:

    “Russia asks to visit Yulia Skripal in Hospital…”

    What, to finish her off?



    • Al Shubtill says:

      Er…Maybe because she’s a Russian citizen poisoned in a foreign state and Russia has the right, under international law, for representatives of its embassy in that state to be given access to see her.


    • vlad says:

      Maybe the Russians could bring her some tea and sushi in hospital.


      • Al Shubtill says:

        Perhaps you could pop down and show here the evidence she’d been poisoned, along with her father, by the Russian State; with a “weapons grade nerve agent” 9x more deadly than VX – which itself we were told kills within minutes.

        It would be great if you could and then share it with the rest of us, because no one else appears to be able to do so.


      • fakenewswatcher says:

        I’ve certainly no desire to say nice things about Putin he doesn’t deserve, or sweet talk murder. I was saying let’s wait for the current investigation by the OPCW to take its course. Also, watch Peter Hitchens’ video about Putin and how his ‘state’ is rather different to our ‘state’.
        Any one of the issues you mention has two sides; from our point of view the baddy is always obvious.
        So, we all know Putin had Litvineko killed by Luguvoy.. Or do we? Was polonium actually put in by Mr S. from Italy? You could make a good case…
        We all know that Putin ordered the Russians to invade Crimea. Was there an earlier statement by Z. Brezhinski that it was a US objective to have a base in Crimea by 2015? Didn’t quite happen, but interesting to note, and how that could be perceived by ‘them’.
        Look at how the former Warsaw Pact ‘buffer’ has vanished, frequently to turn into a NATO state. Who’s been doing the expanding…? The other way around, we could have Putin looking across the channel from France…
        All this is actually irrelevant, though. I was saying: there are always risks to escalation with nuclear armed states. For Kim, Trump, Putin, whoever. If you get it right, phew! But if you get it wrong…
        So let’s see if the ‘proper channels’ work.
        And above all, let’s not be distracted from the actual invasion of Europe, currently in progress, and for the potential for that to grow massively in the near future. Certain media are softening us up daily
        for this, with the same enthusiasm they have to ‘get Putin’.


  19. Fedup2 says:

    This April first is going to be very different difficult to discern truth from fool. For instance Twitter is saying mr Edward izzard is to replace Corbyns’ Friend on their polit bureuro replacing the lady disciple anti Semite .

    Another good one is londonistan having a higher murder rate than New York.

    Or the Home Office losing track of 800 000 “visitors”

    Or al beeb doing comedy .

    This deserves a separate blog thing .


  20. davylars says:

    Turkish border guards are shooting Syrian refugees fleeing war, says Human Rights Watch
    And it’s from the Indie. So it must be true..
    Human Rights Watch said it had spoken to 16 Syrian refugees, 13 of whom said border guards had shot towards them as they tried to cross while still in Syria, killing 10 people, including one child, and injuring several more..


  21. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC Panorama title you are unlikely to see:-

    ‘Is Islam New Labour?’


  22. taffman says:

    “Telford authorities ‘still failing to tackle child abuse’ amid grooming investigation”
    How does the BBC cover this tragedy ?……………..


    • vlad says:

      Taffman – typical beeb tactics: distract, divert, deflect, dis-inform, deceive, disguise, dissemble…



  23. vlad says:

    Sanctimonious little creep, a real beeboid.


  24. Dover Sentry says:

    “”Ms Shawcroft will be replaced on the NEC by comedian Eddie Izzard””.

    “”Anti-Semitism row official Christine Shawcroft quits Labour NEC””

    “”He had previously said he wanted to stand for the executive to “break down barriers” and make the party more welcoming to groups who feel “isolated or excluded”.””



  25. Richard Pinder says:

    Tony Blair has announced that he is going to change sex and convert to Islam.


  26. boohanna says:



  27. Guest Who says:

    Interesting from two senior representatives whose views, of course, are their own. Thread worth a gander too.

    Wonder if they have any thoughts on ‘reporting’ of other events out there that are big on consequences but a bit iffy on context and key facts?

    Or are there limits to integrity that career constraints can still impose?


  28. Guest Who says:

    Interestingly, this chap is also the founder of Scientists4EU, a mysteriously well funded outfit that has spammed Facebook feeds using a fascinating algorithm, for over a year, telling those of a science/facts bent via sponsored ads just how beastly to ‘science’ Brexit is… will be.

    Using Owen Jones rules, surely the bbc will now have him on every show they can manage for the next few weeks?


    • Guest Who says:

      Here’s a co-leader of the resistance sharing a bit of friendly fire from renowned representative publication of the nation, the Offshore Trust:

      The irony of a bbc-special ‘framed as a question’ headline is to be savoured.


  29. Guest Who says:

    Other than 20,000 beeboids hanging on his every utterance and ready to waft him into the studio at the nearest hint he feels he has not be accorded due coverage, I wonder what his ‘followership of the ring’ actually comprises, as he has blocked half the planet by now.


  30. Guest Who says:

    “The Hamas Propaganda Machine” and what does not get shared. Sounds familiar.

    Interesting comments thread, especially the paucity of argument in counter to facts.

    No wonder the bbc shuts down HYS left, left and left of centre.


  31. WiganCookie says:

    Eddie Izzard, Labour NEC. Now I get it, look at today’s date

    Nice one Labour, almost had me there.


  32. Sluff says:

    Its Easter Day today.
    So naturally on the Sunday programme (radio 4, Religious or semi-religious themed version of Toady) the main focus was on………black equality !!!!!!
    Only on the biased BBC……….


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      Stourtons Godawful prattling prelate show also managed to miss out that little story of anti-Jewish sentiment, going through the left and liberals like a dose of salts. By far, the biggest political story this week, the Jews have never had to demonstrate outside the Commons before. Never.
      But Stourton reckons that robot vicars is more important in religious, cultural terms than the Brownshirts of Labour back and on the march once more.
      How typical of Stourton and the BBC-is it still a Muslim in charge, or is it atheists like James Purnell letting this shit onto the radio by way of “religious programming”?


  33. NISA says:

    BBC World Service “Weekend” programme had coverage of “Hope to Nope” exhibition at London’s Design Museum. Obama’s disciples have produced images of Trump accompanied by swastikas and sound impressions of him as a stupid, uneducated person (e.g.on lines of “How can I do a trade deal with China when I can’t understand a word they say? Is this a trade deal or a Chinese Restaurant order”?). Rather childish, but observed without criticism by the BBC Arts bod.


  34. Guest Who says:

    Now I have seen everything. BBC Pidgen running ‘news’ from Saddo’s vast PR machine:

    “Him dem who am de saviour of London him hurl out yet another happy happy to all three of us for the nailing of dem beardy fella on de pole”.


  35. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC Online News:

    “Pubs in danger: Six charts on how the British drink”


    Interesting that their map of the UK clearly shows that London has the lowest level of alcohol consumption.

    Shouldn’t the BBC be asking why?

    Or would to do so invite ‘islamophobic’ facts about muslims not drinking alcohol and who now comprise a massive percentage of the London population?


  36. Guest Who says:

    Is there a bbc paper review today, or not, he asks, innocently…


  37. scribblingscribe says:


    How the Labour anti-Semitism saga unfolded
    …er Saga? Really BBC? Not ‘controversy’? Not ‘events’?

    “A row about anti-Semitism in the Labour Party has been prompted by Jeremy Corbyn’s comments on an allegedly anti-Semitic mural in 2012.”
    ..er allegedly anti-semetic, BBC? Really?

    “the former London Mayor Ken Livingstone made his own comments that were alleged to have been anti-Semitic.”

    That magical word ‘alleged’ again BBC. No BBC. Following a labour party investigation into his views, he was suspended for 2 years and then the ban extended following further revelations.

    “Mr Livingstone said he was not suggesting Hitler was a Zionist, adding that the Nazi leader was “a monster from start to finish”.”

    Erm sorry BBC, yes he did say exactly that in a BBC interview, Adolf Hitler “was supporting Zionism before he went mad and ended up killing six million Jews”. Come on BBC, you are lying about what he actually said to you.

    Ah yes, the BBC, the most trusted broadcaster in the world.


    • thirdoption says:

      Even worse is today’s BBC news headline:-

      “Labour Party ‘not connected’ to abusive anti-Jewish messages”

      The fact that everyone who posts the messages is a labour party supporter seems to have been lost on our national treasure of a broadcaster.


      • DickMart says:

        Yes, once again when the Labour Party is the subject of controversy, the BBC always leads with their defence. When it’s the Tories under attack from Labour, the BBC obligingly promotes the attack, not the defence.


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      And Paddy O Connell tried to hound Lord Carlile into equivocating the anti-Jewish bile since 2015 and before with a few tweets telling Gina Miller to butt out of the Supreme Court fiddlings. “The Brexitoreez are just as bad aren`t they”? being the gist of Paddys concerns.
      This is how anti-Semitism works. Vile anti-Jewish Trots on £3 a ticket isn`t really THAT big a deal according to Paddy. Mere bilge apparently, laddish bantz I guess.
      The BBC have really got to go.


      • Dave S says:

        The whole lot of them are in a panic. Soon the US and other countries will be hearing about it and trouble coming down the road.
        Damage limitation time and it won’t work


  38. countryblues says:

    I’ve searched through today’s newspaper twice for their April Fools’ joke but, I can’t identify it! Looking at all the articles, it might be on any or every page…the point being, that I just can’t tell any more 🙁

    It’s sad that I don’t trust anything I read in the papers or hear on TV any more. Will the BBC have a joke piece today? Will I be able to spot it if they do? Someone had better let me know 🙁


    • G says:

      “Spaghetti trees”? Bit like islamic integration – thats the April Fool’s joke.


      • G.W.F. says:

        Muslim community in Telford submit names of groomers and demand prosecution.
        April Fool!


      • countryblues says:

        Hehe…you can’t fool me! I know spaghetti trees are real because I’ve seen them on the trusted BBC 😉


  39. G says:

    High on the schedule in the European islamic calendar has been the annual Easter riots. You know, when all the islamic engineers, doctors, nurses and scientists decide to display their pure hatred of the west. I’ve not heard a peep this year. Needless to say, would not from our, “Most Trusted Broadcaster” aka, “another beauty” so, perhaps the hosting EU countries have this year got it under control? When I refer to, “control”, I, of course, mean the media rather than the rioters who somewhere right now will be carrying out their good work.


  40. scribblingscribe says:


    Times reporting how the murder rate of London is higher than that of New York’s.

    Good thing Boris, or another Tory, isn’t mayor of London. The poor BBC would exhaust itself blaming the Mayor of London for the increase in violent acts. Sadiq Khan being a labour mayor of a certain religion, appears to have no responsibility for anything negative occurring within the city’s walls.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Happy Easter to one and all .

      Even the londonistan evening standard cannot keep up . Tanzanian woman stabbed to death in harringay ( not “get”) on Good Friday . Running at a rate of one every three days. Must be a lot of overtime for the police and plenty of practice for the medics .
      Fedup2 theory is the rapid increase in populations and density who added to the stress.
      Simplistic but better that the dumb idea about internet usage expounded by the current top cop .

      An appropriate time for the Resurrection of the Lord


      • G says:

        “Must be a lot of overtime for the police and plenty of practice for the medics .” It’ll take police off their main task of seeking out those who dare to utter ‘Hate Speech’………..


        • G.W.F. says:


          Have to feel sorry for the cops.
          You pose in painted fingernails, allow revelers to rub themselves against female officers, look like a chump twerking in carnivals, ride around in rainbow cop cars, and still the Londonistanies kill each other and anyone else.


          • Fedup2 says:

            You forgot the taking selfies at murder scenes – enough to show the mentality of law and order these days


            • Al Shubtill says:

              I remember when Lee Rigby, was murdered seeing some police fooling around putting up barrier tape at the scene; this was in full view of the world’s media, so they either didn’t care or are so thick they didn’t realise how shabby it looked.


    • Dave S says:

      WE are seeing the slow but accelerating death of London as a safe and great city. It has no future unless there is a real change.
      The question is simple.
      Do we enforce the rule of law or not.
      English tradition is that the common law is over and above anyone and that it has to be enforced.
      I do not think our police and the Home Secretary have the stomach for it.


  41. Sluff says:

    First story on BBC website is headlined ‘Labour not connected to abusive posts’. BBCLabour doing what is expected of it.

    IMaybe it’s just me but I can’t help feeling that if the BBC headline had been ‘Labour associates itself with anti-semitic posts in order to shore up its core vote’ then it might be more odious but it would at least have greater credibility.


  42. Sluff says:

    Not biased BBC as such but part of the left wing ‘victimhood’ culture.
    BBC headlinining ‘no school for 4000 special needs pupils’.
    Now I know this esteemed website does not especially favour the education system. But schools these days have to cater for SEN children- an ever growing group not through intrinsic need but ever more lax definitions; as well as ‘looked after children’ (who get positive discrimination in school admission policies), then there is the prevent strategy, harrassment and bullying, LGBT support, standing in for various parental deficiencies etc etc. (Although no policies for the biggest under-achievers, white working class boys). After all the special interests are covered there is little time left to actually do some normal educating.
    Would it be simpler all round if the Department for Education closed and just moved under the wing of Social Services?


    • JimS says:

      It seems to be a common practice in primary schools to group children around a table of four.

      How can a teacher address the whole class at once and don’t the pair of children sitting opposite provide a constant distraction to the other two children?


      • taffman says:

        If you go to the theatre, cinema or church, you sit facing the action not each other. Simples
        “Lessons to be learned” for the so called expert educationalists ?


  43. Fedup2 says:

    World at one watch

    Joni diamond – chaired

    Talking about the research conducted by The Sunday Times – interestingly not al beeb – on anti semites on labour supporting Facebooks groups- 400 000 followers apparently .

    Our jonni raced to say these followers were not Labour Party people . But anyone with a bit of a memory will recall the evil works of Comrade Corbyn and his friends from the seventies onwards until he was sanitised and becomes a friendly puppet of comrade macdonald.

    Al beeb will kill this as soon as it can . It’s up to decent newspapers to keep people informed .

    After anti semitism al beeb went into full multicultural rant about Mr Orban in Hungary . Thank god for him .


    • Fedup2 says:

      World at one update

      Mr diamond tells a German mp that it it not a Muslim invasion as she said and Blighty is happy with 3 000 000 muslims . Classic al beeb bias and party line from the state sharia broadcaster .

      The Germans have already had enough of the hays fraus undemocratic idea of importing 1 5 000 000 Muslim guest workers into the EUReich . Let’s hope they do more about it than Blighty did as we are rapidly forced to change to their ways.


      • vlad says:

        We are like the proverbial frogs in slowly boiling water, habituated and anaesthetised to invaders. The Germans are getting it full-on and fast.
        Let’s see how they react. Will post-war guilt override their survival instinct or will they come to their senses at the 11th hour?

        (PS. No frogs were hurt in the making of this post and no racial slur implied against the French, a fine upstanding people.)


      • Despairada says:

        I was listening to that and Diamond said that there had been muslims in the UK for DECADES. As if that length of time was a clincher for us all to be totally used to it.

        What it does mean is that there are still many people who remember a more or less islam free nation and can make comparisons.


        • Fedup2 says:

          I hit the “off” when diamond came out with the party line bias. As vlad says -the boiling frog analogy is so near to the truth.
          I wonder what/ if Wimmin and queers and others such as non Muslims
          Will do when it is too late to get control back again after the non sense inclusivity – multicultural nonsense is found to be that .


        • Al Shubtill says:

          There were Muslims in Yugoslavia for centuries, it didn’t stop them and their erstwhile kaffir neighbours hating and then killing each other as soon as they were able. Time is irrelevant.


          • Despairada says:

            Quite. And the muzzies eventually carved out Kosovo, a muslim country for themselves.


    • Dave S says:

      They hate Orban. A true European .


  44. StewGreen says:

    MoreThanEqual : 100 years of the RAF,
    and who do BBC Radio Lincolnshire choose as one of their interviewees ?
    The first trans person in the RAF
    … on now on the repeat show
    This is the first time I have seen a presenter tweet directly to an item time

    All this week @BBCRadioLincs I’ve been talking about #RAF100
    Today I asked “Is it still difficult to be #LBGT or Transgender in the Armed Forces?
    Caroline Paige @caz_paige told me her story:


    • rthornton says:

      “The first trans person in the RAF”

      21st Century interpretation of “The First of the Few”.

      So proud.


    • Fedup2 says:

      10 July – formal celebration of RAF – flypast – the abbey – al beeb will probably turn it into a multi ethnic it’s a knockout with some beeboid on a jolly in Dresden – twinned with Mecca .


    • Al Shubtill says:

      Those RAF personnel who have given their lives for this country, must be looking down wondering why they bothered; when they view the absolute s**thole that their nation has become.


      • Dave S says:

        I knew a now gone Bomber Command senior officer who had to be prevented from flying when well over his number of missions. A most modest man who only said that he felt it was not right for him to ask the crews under his command do do something if he could not take part.
        He never said this to any of us. It only came out after he died.
        Proper people from a different time.


        • Fedup2 says:

          I had the privilege of visiting an mod library and seeing the 6 books of bomber command crew losses 1939 to 1945- and how the thickness to the books reflect the losses of the 38000 young men to whom decent people will always be thankful – as well -of course – those lucky enough to survive.


  45. vlad says:

    The heroic Maajid Nawaz confronts muslims with the less savoury teachings of the koran and other ‘scriptures’. Watch them squirm.
    Of course no whitey dare make the same glaringly obvious points for fear of being labelled you know what, so the brave man is on his own. Hated by muslims, ‘liberals’ and lefties alike.


    • Despairada says:

      So why isn’t Nawaz an ex muslim then?
      He’s still part of the problem.


      • vlad says:

        Perhaps he’s cherry-picking what he sees as the ‘good’ bits while rejecting the bad bits. But he of all people should realise you can’t pick-and-choose when it’s all supposed to be the ‘revealed word of God’, of which not one word or surah can be altered. Which makes any significant Reformation nigh-on impossible, despite the best efforts of a few moderates.


      • Foscari says:

        Despairada-I believe Nawaz to be a VERY brave man. he is a
        moderate Muslim . He is fighting like mad to help reform
        his religion. It could well cost him his life. As for being a
        Muslim . He has every right There are million upon
        millions of peaceful Muslims . My dear friend who
        died last year was a Muslim and it was an honour
        for me to attend his memorial service.
        Many of you know how I write on this website. But
        when a fair minded person is attacked for his very
        brave views , I will defend him.


        • BRISSLES says:

          I do wish he’d give his tongue a rest on the Pledge ! he barely gives anyone else a chance to speak before he gets his oar in again. Cant warm to the man at all.


        • Teddy Bear says:

          My jury is still out on whether Nawaz is involved in taqiyya (deception) for the Islamic agenda and should be watched very carefully.
          I called him once on LBC in response to his question about what can be done to combat this terrorism.
          The point I was trying to make was that we need to go after the source of this terrorism which in reality is the various Islamic nation leaders, each vying for ‘top position’, and using their religion to ensure that their subjects see ‘The West’ or other religions and factions as the ‘real enemy’ so that they themselves won’t be turned against. Secondly to increase their own power within the Islamic world.
          My reference for this was a book written by Jossef Bodansky ‘The High Cost of Peace’, who is an expert in the goings on within the Islamic world, and was an adviser to the White House, and had predicted 9/11.
          As an example, I went on to say that quite possibly the real purpose of taking out Saddam, which Bush referred to as THE WAR ON TERROR, was to serve as a ‘whispered’ example to the rest of the Islamic world that if you mess with us this is what will happen to you. Actually a very good strategy, and we noticed that immediately Gaddafi for one became a very good boy.
          It would have worked further but for the fact that our very own media, along with other self-interested parties demonised Bush for this ‘illegal’ war.

          Before I could continue my vision to counter the Islamic agenda, Nawaz interrupted to ask me to tell him where had Saddam shown any support for Al Qaeda. While I don’t see this as particularly relevant, although he had, as Al Qaeda is just one of many groups vying for power, I said I couldn’t remember the details offhand and would need to look it up.

          At this point Nawaz cut me off to state unequivocally that Saddam NEVER HAD, and he knew for a fact that Saddam was against Al Qaeda.
          In this way he dismissed the real and only way that we can combat terrorism – BY ATTACKING THE SOURCE.

          Perhaps Nawaz can explain this:

          and this:

          Just to clarify I have no doubts about our Pounce here or Raheem Kassam, and there is a valid point about why would anybody who can see how easy it is to use Islam as a means to dominate others adhere to this religion. Coming 700 years after Jesus what can be seen as enriching in this religion?


        • Despairada says:

          I’m not saying that muslims can’t be nice or peaceful or brave.

          If I saw a muslim in trouble not of their making I would try to help.

          But islam doesn’t have to be violent to be a problem. There is still the cultural smothering. Also it is not enough for muslims to say that they are not violent so what’s not to like.

          One thing that bothers me is the claim to the moral high ground, all that painting by numbers false piety, praying, fasting, special food and so-called ‘religious dress’. It seems to be partly about tribal markers as much as religion. Also, the more the establishment panders to islam and supports de facto islamic blasphemy law, the more they feel emboldened to be more islamic.

          Anyway, how can islam be reformed? They’d have to take bad Mo out of it and them it wouldn’t really be islam since Mo being the seal of the prophets is the basis of islam.


          • Payne by name says:

            I think my concern is those that say they are moderate muslims yet still follow the daily intrusion of praying regularly or fasting.

            Your religion is affecting the scheduling of your day or affecting your intake of food.

            It’s hard to believe that someone would let their faith affect them to that extent yet still describe themselves as moderate.

            If their god is telling them to do those things (and they are doing them), why would they ignore the other stuff he is commanding?


        • Oaknash says:

          I totally agree Foscari. Whilst I believe that Nawaz is somewhat deluded and naive in his belief that Islam can change ( when we all know it cant). At least on the whole he does not seem shy of highlighting many of the problems the dear prophet has bought to our society (and like Tommy Robinson) in my book has certainly put his head above the parapet and may well lose it one day.

          I would go further and say that if all the Muslims who came to the UK had the same questioning attitude about their religion as Nawaz then apart from the sheer numbers there would not be a problem.

          Unfortunately this does not seem to be the case and this is as much due to our own cowardly politicians (who do not back up people like Nawaz and instead prefer appeasement to those making accusations about the concocted Islamaphobia “crime”) as it is due to many of the enrichers own medieval attitudes imported from their own shithole countries of origin.

          We need to be careful in who we attack. And when there is a Muslim making a genuine attempt to deal with these problems in his own society then he must be supported in that.


        • Holly Selassie says:

          Agree 100% Foscari. Nawaz is not my cup of tea either. But he daily runs risks that we don`t.
          Islam will lop the apostates head off before the kuffar, the people of their books.
          Can`t condone any comments where we`re only making a contribution to a debate-whilst expecting him to make a sacrifice that we don`t need to do.
          In fact, the appalling lack of support for Nawaz, Namazie, Hirsi Ali etc shows how spineless and gutless our culture has become. My parents used to say that I could say what I liked ” it`s a free country”.
          Not so now. Nawaz deserves our thanks and support, despite being nowhere like the finished article we`d have chosen.
          But he`s in mortal danger-I`m not.


  46. Despairada says:

    On this Easter Sunday I would like to draw attention to the persecution of Christians in the Middle East.


    While the MSM and politicians are busy sucking up to islam, islam is busy removing Christianity from the world.

    Whatever your stance on God, you can’t disagree that a religion essentially based on something nice is being replaced by one based on something very nasty indeed.

    If you don’t support the Christian faiths you wont end up with nothing, you’ll end up with islam.


    • G says:

      Jordan Petersons view on islam and Christianity? One concerns a warlord who ‘achieved’ all by warring and killing and the other, goodness and turning the other cheek. Say no more. No need to.


    • vlad says:

      Even the useless Pope and Archbish can’t be bothered to speak out about the persecution and ethnic cleansing of Christians – why should anyone else?


  47. Fedup2 says:

    Londonistan killing update

    15 weeks so far in 2018 – an added death by stabbing in April —a 20 year old . My count is above 32 but we ll soon need to stop counting . I am truly surprised that al beeb isn’t paying more attention to this – even with a Muslim labour human rights lawyer bus drivers son – man of the people mayor .


  48. G.W.F. says:

    Very grateful to the BBC for putting my mind to rest regarding the choice of flowers for the Royal Wedding.

    ‘Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have chosen white garden roses, peonies and foxgloves for their wedding day.’

    What kind of man has to get involved in picking flowers for his wedding?
    The flowers will probably outlast the marriage



    • rthornton says:


      What is the matter with you?


    • vlad says:

      GWF. All part of the feminisation, emasculation and sentimentalisation of what’s left of British manhood, and the meeja.
      No wonder we’re sitting ducks for fanatically motivated invaders.


      • BRISSLES says:

        Well, my late husband didn’t know a dandelion from a Lily, and his reply to the wedding arrangements back in 1979 was “you know what you want, so just go ahead and do it”. His perfect ‘get out’ for dealing with the minutiae of wedding details – he knew his only job was to turn up – sober !!!!


      • G.W.F. says:

        Thank you. That was my point. The article was a BBC attempt once more to emasculate men. Why otherwise mention that he helped choose the flowers?


  49. vlad says:

    We are vis-à-vis islam in the same situation as we were vis-à-vis communism last century: an aggressive, supremacist, triumphalist, absolutist, dogmatic, intolerant and ruthless alien ideology seeks world domination and threatens our very way of life.
    And what do the so-called ‘liberal’-left do? They accuse those few brave souls who point out the dangers of ‘crying wolf’, of scaremongering, of being divisive etc. They refer sneeringly to ‘islamophobia’ as they once sneered at ‘reds under the beds’. We won that battle (just – though it’s still being fought and may need to be fought again as new generations forget, in part because of the biased education system and media) but I doubt we’ll win the next one. The demographics are against us, not to mention the evil beebistan.

    Happy Easter everyone.


    • G says:

      Communism: started Late 19th Century;
      islam: started 7th Century.
      Which one is the greatest scourge of mankind?


  50. popeye says:

    Just caught BBC News report on the 100th anniversary of the RAF. Three cadets interviewed, very smart, erudite and intelligent, a credit to the RAF. From what I saw from the band and guard marching there was a distinct lack of diversity. This observation is reinforced because I know, I just KNOW, that if there had been just a single BAME within the confines of the airfield they would have been front and centre of the interviewees. Cynical, moi? Nah!