Plenty of village idiots, maybe the Archers inbred neighbours, where the family trees don’t branch that much, not so much a gene pool more of a puddle, who knows, “pummelled us with information about immigration and the NHS” hmmmm and the BBC admits it is not “scientific” well that’s a revelation, but a “flavour” oh yes and we know what kind of flavour they prefer….bitter
O/T Someone compiled a list 35 tweets long of Tory councillors etc. that got in trouble.
#1 all political parties have corruption etc. We can see that from the expenses scandal. So the list for Labour is going to be similar.
#2 on his list ‘said something racist’ is the most common accusation. And that can be a bit subjective .
Another accusation is ‘once dressed as a Nazi at a party’
#3 One named person is Conrad Black ..well apart from him being an Ex-owner, he’s had nothing to do with UK Tories cos he’s a Canadian.
Hmm saying a racist word on Facebook, is not in the same league as sitting on knowledge of groom/rape gangs and not doing anything about it.
”He had a regular partner in the UK, but picked up the superbug after a sexual encounter with a woman in south-east Asia.
The main antibiotic treatment – a combination of azithromycin and ceftriaxone – has failed to treat the disease.
Of those infected, about one in 10 heterosexual men and more than three-quarters of women, and gay men, have no easily recognisable symptoms.”
Story ticks all the boxes to please the BBC, male, hetero, asia.
looking at that last paragraph, no not their favourite oxymoron ‘gay men’ , but the BBC saying homo males like 75% of women have no easily recognisable symptoms?
Are they saying bent males catch it up the arse or something , or is it just bad grammar.
And can this super strain get through even green/ yellow condoms , hence the photo?
Westmonster reports one of T Mays people in the home office was told that she wanted stop and search reduced to get black votes because they bitch about it so much .
Less stop and search means more killing . So plenty more work for the undertakers. But on the upside at least the coroner can see freshly killed black kids on the “body worn camera” . Effing sick
That just shows how thick Ma May and her advisers are, ethnic minorities are no more inclined to vote for the Tories anymore than they will for the GOP in the US; regardless of how much they are pandered to by them.
If this is true, it only shows that Theresa is even more stupid than I ever thought.
By and large, blacks and ethnic minorites do not vote Conservative, and they never will. That is why it is:
i) stupid to alienate white voters, who will vote for you, to curry favour with black voters, who will not vote for you:
ii) stupid to allow the immigration every year of tens of thousands of African and Asian immigrants who WILL NEVER VOTE FOR YOU!
Demographic transformation is the way the Left will cement its hold on power, It is why Corbyn, who is probably not anti-Semitic, sucks up to the most vicious muslim anti-Semites. There are more muslims than Jews! That’s where the votes are. It’s as simple as that.
And still Theresa the Appeaser doesn’t get it. What a pathetic loser that woman is.
It’s not just that – it’s the multi cultures rubbing up against each other sometime leading to death. Whitee for ever makes the mistake of making ‘black’ just one section when it is a lot . Caveat -I’m a whitee -and only got this talking to all sorts of coloured people .
And – for the love of god – teaching race relations back in something called “ the day”.
I could understand the black riots in the eighties as I knew an ex schoolfriend, I use that word advisedly, maybe “colleague” who joined the Met and was a disgusting individual one quote : “if we see a black guy in a car with a white woman we will kick his rear light in and do him for that or a bald tyre because we know he is a pimp” I have never forgotten that in 30 years that the police would conduct themselves in such a fashion, he boasted about smoking dope and hardcore porn video nights at Hendon police training, and having his choice of prostitutes (dogs he called them) if he turned a blind eye to their activities, he also purchased a number of Arthur Scargill rubber masks when they were seconded onto the miners strike and all wore them on the minibus thru the picket lines waving ten pound notes out of the window to those who had no income, this situation is entirely different, that cunt and his truly racist ilk got exactly wht they deserved, a kick up the arse
The problem is that like most institutions in the UK, the pendulum has swung too far the other way; which is now why we have policing so steeped in political correctness and multiculturalism that it is hardly worth the name.
Some news on the Skripal poising and at least the BBC appear to be up there with other news agencies and not left waiting for prompts from posts on here.
Apparently, with the police focusing on Julia Skripal (and the Skripals’ movements on the day – maxi please note!) they now think the poison was administered via (or I assume at) Sergei Skripal’s front door. That does make an assassination attempt by a third party more likely: no CCTV cameras, a possibility of disguise, the ease of getaway, etc.. However, that does not remove Julia Skripal from the list of suspects nor does it rule out Sergei Skripal obtaining and using the poison.
I wonder if BBC News & CA will be sharp enough to ask why the restaurant table was destroyed? I wonder, too, if they will talk to any British experts in chemistry to see if a ‘Novichoks’-style poison would take so long, some hours, to take effect. So far, the implication from experts on Radio4 were that the two components need to be mixed, the poison contained, delivered and then administered as soon as possible with the effects almost immediate and the unleashed poison’s effectiveness diminishing rapidly once in the air. Also, if the BBC have the opportunity to interview the police again, will they ask whether the police have established a clear timeline of the Skripal’s movements on that day?
One of the most curious things about this affair has been the BBC’s complete lack – as a News organisation – of curiosity.
Not so for other news organisations. Apparently the Independent (no longer a newspaper – online) was doing rather more journalism than the BBC despite far less resources. They carried the news today that our PM, Theresa May, had ‘Done a Ronnie (Reagan)’ and revealed unprecedented information from our security services to get leaders of other countries on-side. If they are correct, that does suggest that a culprit and their ‘Controller’ have been identified.
Latest news is that it looks like the two parts of the Novochok agent where administered independently. Part one was administered at the Skripal’s home on Christie Miller Road in Salisbury. Part two was administered at the Zizzi restaurant in the centre of Salisbury. This would explain why Nick Bailey was the only other person to become effected by the Novochok agents. Reports indicate that Bailey not only examined Sergei and Yulia Skripal on the bench where they sat in The Maltings, Salisbury. But he then visited their home address after they had been taken to Salisbury District Hospital.
Also the government statement about Novochok agents being “of a type developed by Russia” seems to be causing problems of trust.
This in fact is a lie, the fact is that Novochok agents are of a type developed by the Soviet Union in Nukus, Uzbekistan. The US Department of Defence and the CIA decontaminated and dismantled the Nukus site under an agreement with the Government of Uzbekistan. Scientists at Porton Down report that the US federal contracts registry reveals that the Pentagon’s Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) has funded military projects at Porton Down. I am told that the Novochok agents are in a powder form and that Porton Down scientists produce and test the dissemination of chemical agents. A private contractor called, Red Scientific Ltd, was awarded a contract to explore techniques that could be used to manipulate the flow ability of dry powders to test the delivery of solid particulates by inhalation and to apply a variety of innovative powder manipulation techniques to an unidentified powder. The project’s stated goal was to improve the efficiency of aerosolisation over the current techniques used by Porton Down.
British Scientists at Porton Down have said before about wondering whether all those suspicious foreign contractors at Porton Down are being eliminated from their inquiries by the investigators?
Richard, helpful information. More than the BBC provide!
That’s very possible & plausible but that would require the ‘assassin’ to move with the Skripals (and into CCTV range) while remaining unobserved by them. Somewhat unlikely but maybe a Zizzi employee? If the staff roster suddenly went down by one as soon as the Skripals were into their meal that would enable the security services to be certain it was a Russian ordered, direct agent or third-party ‘hit’, hence the PM’s certainty in her very early statements.
Funny that no questions have been asked by the police: “Have you seen this man or woman? We wish to interview them in regard to the Skripal poisoning.” or by the BBC to that effect. No apparent usual port/airport closures or alerts in these circumstances. All apparently very casual and very relaxed. Very, very strange.
Did the security services know who the likely assassin was in advance and were tracking him or her anyway? BBC: ask some questions on our behalf, please.
On the other hand, a two-stage administering of the nerve agent might put the spotlight firmly back on the possibility or probability of a joint suicide or Julia Skripal as the solo perpetrator.
I wonder what discussion goes on in the BBC N&CA newsroom on this? Or are they only interested in undermining Brexit at present?
Don’t think it matters where in the old USSR the Novichoks were first created. The Soviet command exercised power over all they commanded and no sensible protagonist would only have only one lab – in the 1980s precisely targeted missile age – developing secret (chemical) weapons. The usual thing is to disperse facilities to ensure that some survive, even if others are destroyed by enemy action.
A big question for the BBC and for any on-air interview contributors is why Porton Down & the security services could be so certain, so quickly, to enable the PM’s statements but the Organisation for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons require at least fourteen days, perhaps three weeks, to identify the chemical used? Again, no questions on this curious disconnect from the vastly & uniquely funded news organisation known as the BBC.
Aerosolisation research? Indeed. Wind, rain and gravity would tend to make a powder nerve agent extremely unreliable as a mass weapon, especially one with a very short ‘half-life’. Another interesting aspect to some BBC R4 news reports has been the recent use of the word ‘military’ in respect to the ‘Novichok’ nerve agent.
“British Scientists at Porton Down have said before about wondering whether all those suspicious foreign contractors at Porton Down are being eliminated from their inquiries by the investigators?” Is that a downside to the private sector encroaching too far in a formerly State controlled industry, Richard? 😉
Update: If the BBC 8am News is correct, the ‘Novichok’ poison was complete and on the front door handle of the Skripal house, not just in Part A form with Part B to be administered later.
That is a big IF as far as the present state BBC N&CA is concerned. Can we trust their accuracy?
If that report is accurate, that raises once again why the nerve agent took so long to act? Poorly mixed? Incorrect proportions?
“Did the security services know who the likely assassin was in advance and were tracking him or her anyway? BBC: ask some questions on our behalf, please.”
The obvious answer from anyone who knows (and hence has signed the OSA) is a carefully disguised ‘No comment’. You just talk round the question for five minutes without saying anything.
Indeed, DR, but OSA or not, that doesn’t stop the highly financed BBC getting their highly paid News presenter to ASK THE QUESTION.
Remember, that in the case of the TOADY presenters, they are experienced interviewers. Just asking the question in the right way and then letting the OSA wielding policeman or Civil Servant waffle around a “No Comment” does at least let the listener know that the BBC are actually doing their job! The listener – content that the question has been asked – can make of it what they will.
There appears to have been some massive news gathering and relaying delinquencies and deficiencies on the part of the BBC on many matters recently, not just the Skripal case.
How about this for a telling indictment of our politically correct, snowflake times, as shown on the BBC.
‘The Generation Game’ is coming back- with (naturally) two female hosts, with (naturally) the lesbian box ticked. I suppose heterosexual male presenters are totally out of the question these days. Weird how back in the day, dear old Larry Grayson was well loved by all- no box ticking in those days, just pick an ideal person for the job.
But there is more. In the trailer, we see the famous plate-spinning game. Sue Perkins, as host, is not just wearing her spectacles but also some safety glasses on top of them !!!!!!
Did Brucie ever sue the BBC for health and safety failings?
I never realised a spinning plate could be so deadly dangerous.
Absolutely, totally, pathetic.
The beeb are increasingly keen to administer to the female population, but I’m pretty sure comments like that constitute a penal offence and will get you a stiff sentence nowadays*.
*(I’m pretty sure saying stiff or penal will get you a sentence nowadays)
Yesterday afternoon slot had a new presenter on Money for Nothing. I thought that they seemed a little strange, possibly gay. Nope, not gay but transgender. A she to he with the matching tattoo’s giving it away.
An hour earlier ‘Doctors’ had an ongoing story about a young boy wanting to change his gender, although it does seem that the boys mother always wanted a baby girl, have to see how that pans out this afternoon.
I’m still trying to get my head around the Army captain who started as a man then became a woman, marrying a chap who started off as a woman ! Talk about think of a number and add 9, multiply by ….zzzzzzz
What world are we living in ????
Excellent post, pug, understatement ” Curious that the vote holds up when we haven’t heard a thing from the dark forces of all those supposed pro-Leave propagandists but what we have had for the last 18 months is a constant bombardment from Remain’s Project Fear propagandists, not least the BBC ” included!
I might have said that double the forces of Hell have been unleashed by Remain to get the EU Referendum decision overturned and they continue to batter Brexiteers almost daily.
Makes you think that the prize – freedom from the EU – must be really worthwhile and actually realisable. A land of milk and honey?
I won’t go back to Egypt. Keep looking to the Pillar of Cloud and the Pillar of Fire and doggedly follow!
Plenty of islamists being just as hateful wonder why the BBC failed to report a demonstration in Hyde park and a speech attended by thousands about free speech in this country ?
\\ 1. Thou shall Rape, Marry, and Divorce Pre-pubescent Girls. Koran 65:4
2. Thou shall have Sex Slaves and Work Slaves. Koran 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30
3. Thou shall Beat Sex Slaves, Work Slaves, and Wives. Koran 4:347. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims to guarantee receiving 72 virgins in heaven. Koran 9:111
4. Thou shall have 4 Muslim male witnesses to prove rape. Koran 24:13
5. Thou shall Kill those who insult Islam or Mohammed. Koran 33:57
6. Thou shall Crucify and Amputate non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
8. Thou shall Kill anyone who leaves Islam. Koran 2:217, 4:89
9. Thou shall Behead non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
10. Thou shall Kill AND be Killed for Islamic Allah. Koran 9:5
11. Thou shall Terrorize non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 8:60
12. Thou shall Steal and Rob from non-Muslims. Koran Chapter 8 (Booty/Spoils of War)
13. Thou shall Lie to Strengthen Islam. Koran 3:28, 16:106
14. Thou shall Fight non-Muslim even if you don’t want to. Koran 2:216
15. Thou shall not take non-Muslims as friends. Koran 5:51
16. Thou shall Call non-Muslims Pigs and Apes. Koran 5:60, 7:166, 16:106
17. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as the vilest creatures deserving no mercy. Koran 98:6
18. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as sworn enemies. Koran 4:101
19. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims for not converting to Islam. Koran 9:29
20. Thou shall Extort non-Muslims to keep Islam strong. Koran 9:29.//
From @JeannRoberts, I haven’t checked those but 9:5 is a standard
Hi StewGreen, not all of these interpretations are correct or at least contained within the Quran – unless whoever compiled this list is also referring to Hadith’s that develop / elaborate upon the Quranic lines.
For example I know that in the Quran there is no mention of receiving 72 virgins in heaven, but I am aware that the Quran mentions on numerous occasions certain general rewards in heaven for good Muslims.
The Hadiths as far as I understand it, are supposedly witness accounts of Muhammad’s life, that includes additional context for several of the Quranic lines (at the time of utterance by Muhammad). And it is from one of the hadiths that the reward of 72 virgins is mentioned – as far as I am aware. I have read the Quran fairly closely (various approved English translations with comments), but not yet any of the hadiths.
@CorbynistaEdith the instigator of Tommy’s ban says she OPPOSES the ban
Apparently this is the tweet to me that got Tommy Robinson banned from Twitter. I want to be clear about this: I don't agree with his views but I also don't believe he should have been banned. Free speech is central to democracy. We have to fight to protect it.
— Long-Baileyista Edith (@CorbynistaEdith) March 28, 2018
I’m guessing that this is the tweet that provoked Tommy’s
If you're voting to eliminate Islam over world poverty, you need to have long, hard look in the mirror.
— Long-Baileyista Edith (@CorbynistaEdith) March 22, 2018
“Since 2013, brother Tommy Robinson had every chance to mock and [verbally] attack me. But he didn’t. We exchanged thoughts and news through messages, and heard each other’s perspectives. He is harsh on those who wish to destroy his country and threaten its citizens. #iamtommy”
COMMENT: Today I am ashamed to be British. The freedom to challenge opposing views is the cornerstone to our democracy. ….
Not wanting to seem pessimistic, or some sort of troublemaker, but do you think all the Worboys/parole board prominence has been engineered to take peoples’ mind off certain other sexual activities? No, not Stormy.
Beltane – where is the same level of outrage exhibited by al Beebus regarding Worboys, for the decision to grant parole after being in prison for 12 years, with that of the ringleader of the Telford Muslim rape gang?
He was sentenced to twenty two years and is set to be released after serving five. Where are all the howls for Judicial Review from MPs and feminazis? Where’s the pressure on the Justice Secretary from the MSM about this decision?
altnewsmedia won’t survive if it depends on youtube as the main means of distribution. There really needs to be an alternative platform to youtube. Currently youtube can control the narrative. And youtube is part of the Google global network – which has monopolised the internet in the same way that Microsoft monopolised the personal computer.
Thou shalt have 72 virgins, and they seem to want a taste of it on the streets of Rotheram / Glasgow / Oxford as well, only two valid reasons for that: they are so insecure as a male they need to bully, so children are their preferred partners and so small pricked its their only hope of feeling like a man if they met a real grown English woman it would frighten the life out of them they can dominate and bully their wife and family, force ther daughter to marry underage and probably sample her as well, and join with their fellow religious nutters to attack the values of this country due to its “immorality”
Funny. or not, i was in a meeting today and the chairman said “when i was in the home office they had to provide tvs and food during the world cup otherwise we were in trouble with staffing” fiascos and shambles is about right if these are the people looking after our borders
I woke up to BBC Radio 4 about 6:50am. They were “interviewing” a Spanish dancer who was also guest editor of R4 Today so no bias there then… and the dancer was worried about her employment after Brexit. In fact the whole article was about ‘Arts and Brexit’ and even went as far saying there have been no plays so far about “Brexit”. Next person interviewed, on a totally different subject, was moaning about wanting a 2nd Referendum.
I counted “Brexit” mentioned 40 times over those 10 minutes.
Then the 7:00am news. First item…..”Brexit” and the number of months left before we leave. 2nd item ‘more bad news for Corbyn’ (but skipped over very quickly). 3rd item about nerve gas.
I have a shower and come back out to hear R4 talk about…..”Brexit”
Obviously some Corbyn/Labour party news needs burying today!!!
The bbc seem to think repetition is effective, not least when they control the edit of what is repeated, by whom, and then filtered further for ‘analysis’.
Their daily ‘news’ email:
Brexit, one year to go
Story detail
A year from today, the talking will be over and the UK will finally leave the EU. To mark this milestone, Theresa May is setting off on a whistlestop tour of all four nations of the UK. With a visit to a factory in Ayrshire and a baby group in Newcastle, lunch with farmers near Belfast and a business meeting in south Wales, the highly choreographed event is reminiscent of a final pre-election push.
The symbolism’s obvious enough, says the BBC’s deputy political editor John Pienaar, the UK is leaving the EU as one. The prime minister will be determinedly upbeat today, promising the future “will be a bright one” and the country strong and united. However, he adds, she is still to convince the leaders of the devolved nations, as well as those who voted Remain, that they won’t lose out.
With a year to go, where is Brexit up to? An agreement has been struck on the “divorce bill”, but we’re yet to reach a deal on the future UK-EU trading arrangement. The Irish border remains a sticking point. Why’s it all taking so long? Well, there’s a lot to sort out – here’s everything you need to know and some of the key questions that you’ve been asking us to answer.
And if you feel like you’ve had your fill of Brexit cliches, you’re not alone. The ball, the cliff-edge, the cake… here are our top five.
There are some words and phrases about Brexit that politicians just can’t seem to live without.
One year on from Theresa May getting the Brexit ball rolling, here’s our cliché countdown.
‘Our cliche countdown’ BbC? That about sums your efforts to sway the narrative perfectly.
But there is also ‘the highly choreographed event’. What political dog and pony show ever is not? This piece is dripping with allusion and outright editorialising, and bbc ‘quotes’ the like of which any supposedly professional media organisation with pretensions of impartiality should be ashamed. If they had any shame.
Then we have ‘- here’s everything you need to know’. Er, no. That is actually just what the bbc wants you to think you need to know. Go elsewhere to get up to speed on what the force funded state propagandist does not.
Oh, plus… ’and some of the key questions that you’ve been asking us to answer’. Here, fixed that for you: ‘and some of the key questions we like to chew over between ourselves and selected friends based on a few we can claim you have been asking us to answer out of many we don’t have barge poles long enough to risk’.
Truly desperate stuff from Sky news in their campaign against Brexit.
They have a headline today “I’m a Brit winemaker in France – Brexit puts my future at risk”.
The article then describes how the couple have lived in France for 20 years, have four children who were born in France and are French citizens.
They go to say that they feel “fundamentally British and European…..” even though they haven’t lived here or paid a penny in tax for last 20 years.
They say that they feel let down by the Government because after Brexit they won’t have the same freedom of movement and it may affect their ability to go to Spain or Italy to live.
May I suggest that they are politely informed that we don’t give a toss what they think.
“May I suggest that they are politely informed that we don’t give a toss what they think.” Agreed.
Dear whoever you are, 15 years outside UK currently means you don’t get to vote or have a say in what people who pay taxes here voted for. You have de facto emigrated and can have a say in what happens in France. Your children have the right to a national vote in France. You can, after 5 years try to be a French citizen and vote. Good luck!
Womens Day on TOADY Prog this morning. A Year for Undermining Brexit Day.
But it is Matthew Price who is made to wear the scarf at 6.10am. Draping the black lace scarf over his head, Mishal pushes him in front of the crystal ball and insists that he predicts the future for us all.
The crystal ball is not used for useful purposes such as ‘Will my family and I remain healthy or will one of us develop cancer or heart disease?’ or ‘Will my family and I manage to avoid any acts of terrorism (God forbid there are any) in the year ahead?’ or even ‘Will there be a war with Russia?’ but instead to try to undermine Brexit. There’s a surprise. Some local people from Stockton on Tees are brought on to ask questions about Brexit. They have the most sullen, dull voices imaginable. Reluctant contributors? Or the best the BBC can find?
For a change, it is Mishal – in a factory – who is badly mic’d and muffled by noise. The contributors come in loud & clear, especially when being negative about Brexit.
At 8.15am Mishal gets to give Liam Fox MP a hostile, Third Degree interrogation on Brexit in a desire to know the future in detail. I have always regarded fortune telling as something to be avoided as it is done for the worst purposes, often by charlatans and frauds.
Now, Anthony Charles Lynton Blair is rolled out for an interrogation on Brexit by Sarah at 8.35am. Will she be soft and kind or as tough as Mishal was with Liam Fox? No, she isn’t. Sarah is even helpful, asking leading questions. She lets Tony Blair speak at length.
I hope Mr Blair’s words produce the usual response that he gets these days from all his listeners!
Hey ho and we’re off to Ireland. No expense spared by the BBC in undermining and trying to overturn Brexit today! Toadies!!
Up2. Good summary.
I think Mischal had to look up the word ‘factory’ in the dictionary to see what it meant and what one was. Something rarely encounterered by the London Oxbridge types in the BBC bubble.
But there was a telling throwaway moment at about 0740 when she said something like ‘what does Brexit mean for Us’. Get that. Us!
Thus inadvertently placing the BBC inside the issue with vested interests and opinions and not just reporting on it.
In other words, validating everything we say on this site.
It was a heavy day for bias on Toady this morning.
Around 0750 Robinson starts yet another Brexit whingeing article with, in terms ‘lets talk to a Brexiteer and a Remainer. First, Jacob Rees Mogg’
JRM was given exactly one sentence.
Then it was over to Nicky Morgan for a whole series of segments, further augmented by a contribution from Ken Clarke.
After several minutes, JRM had a second sentence. And that was it.
‘We’re impartial’ bleats Toenails periodically.
Like hell you are.
Good post, Sluff. I wasn’t fully listening at that point – typing furiously – probably because NR made me furious with that stupid, unthinking question. Certainly didn’t hear JRM.
Phew, only one sentence! The BBC obviously perceive him to be a serious pro-Brexit threat to their desire to Remain.
Diane Coyle is Rory Cellan-Jones wife
(I really thought he was married to Elon Musk )
Diane Coyle OBE, CBE is an economist and a former advisor to the UK Treasury. She was vice-chairman of the BBC Trust 2009-2015
Salary: £77,005 (for her part time BBC role)
Coyle is a Visiting Professor at the University of Manchester’s Institute for Political and Economic Governance.[6] She is employed by EDF Energy on its stakeholder advisory panel,[13] on which her former BBC Trust colleague Chris Patten also sits.[14] Coyle is also a member of the UK Border Agency’s Migration Advisory Committee.
Coyle was previously a presenter on BBC Radio 4.
BBC want to remove religion from head wear …. Hijab is OK … nothing to do with religion … Jeremy’s hat means nothing … nothing to do with supporting Russia ….
I wonder how al beeb will spin away the dreadful driver who drove into a group of jogging soldiers in France – sure he hasn’t called out “Alan’s snack bar” nor a Norwegian with mental issues” – just an ordinary mo petty criminal who can’t drive ….
It’s on the web but al beeb is busy mourning brexit
Possibly not for gays either.
Or Jews.
Or non-believers.
Or Christians, Buddhists, Hindus…
Or apostates.
Pop-concert goers.
Bacon lovers.
Black dogs.
Halal-tortured animals.
But apart from that, great.
Not too sure there pug.
I`ve got nice eyes and am a dab hand with my wands and palates.
And, as I age I`ll go south as we all do, so a burqa prevents any fussing at the mirror before going out.
But, the inevitable bruising around the kidneys may not be as visible as the occasional black eye as rewarded to me from my Master Slave for Allah. So I`m confused.
Probably a good time to revisit my ability to blend, browns, blues and purples to make a passable bruise, and then say I work for the BBCs Drama team. Glad I used to help others get out of hockey with my earlier efforts now. Nothing`s wasted is it?
Two days to no Licence. Hope I`ll be getting a card or two!
Grenfell Towers-accident-cue outrage, demonstrations and calls for revolution and heads to roll.
Manchester Arena-deliberate-silence, candles, tealights,Gallagher brothers, don`t look back in anger-and who cut the fire service budget the previous year?
Patterns here eh MM?
Same goes for Jo Cox.
Had she been a Tory MP, killed by a Muslim-this would now be a general moaning enquiry into why psychotropic drugs were not available to Eddie-Al Mair after 5pm in Birstall Polyclinic?
But as she was a charity troughing Labour do gooder, killed by somebody with Nazi regalia in an Amazon jiffy bag-well Tommy Mair is the very body, soul and mind of Brexit, of Trump and what happens if you don`t pay your TV Licence as they choose to portray it.
Personally, I think Eddie Mair is responsible for far more deaths and destruction that Tommy. They just don`t make the news . It`s not news if it condemns the BBCs point men is it?
“In related news, Islamist financier Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal owns about 35 million shares of Twitter. ”
The “show me the bodies” rule applies
… The bodies of all those killed by crowds shouting blasphemy seems to show that Islam in general TODAY , not just a few terrorist nutters does condone killing.
Yesterday there was a newspaper story about honour rape.
A son had raped a family’s daughter, the offending family said that the only was put his family in the same situation, the community of the Pakistani town seemed to agree with that.
You could be referring to Chicago.
“While Latino gangs have remained more hierarchical, black gangs have splintered into small, disparate factions, whose disputes are less over territory and profits, and more over personal insults or shames, often fueled by social media, he said.”
“Crime Persists in Chicago’s Most Segregated Neighborhoods”
The sign of the future.
Hey 4:30pm on Thursday’s Inside Science is always live with Adam Buxton under contract to present or his cover (since Buxton is writing a book) .. Yet today the 4:30pm slot is filled a repeat of a Brexit prog with the normal Inside Science on its evening repeat slot of 9pm
(There is another Brexit prog at 8-9pm with Evan Davis, and David Aaronovitch)
BTW 4pm The Book prog is again about an ethnic Nigerian author
“Uzodinma Iweala (born November 5, 1982) is an American author and physician of Nigerian descent”
Hard to believe hundreds of returning ‘Islamicists’ let back in to roam the streets unchecked, while someone like Lauren Southern is refused entry. Seems like Free Speech is more dangerous than potential bombers! Rudd is every bit as useless and bigoted as May ever was. You listen to them droning on about ‘openess’ and ‘tolerance’ and you suddenly realise those phrases have replaced Freedom and the Rule of Law! Weasel words…
No surprise then, that we have Babylon represented on plinth 4, to demonstrate the fallen city spoken of in Rev 14.8! Khan’s big grin on the relevant photo says: see, we have stuffed you…
Under Merkel Berlin is heading the same way. She ‘hijacked’ the CDU to serve her own purposes, and they are totally blinded.
The new Foreign Minister, Heiko Maas (Socialist SPD) sees ‘the Right’ as Germany’s biggest threat. What a fool! (And take a look at him, quite a sinister one too.) The Germans will slowly wake up, but they are still too cowered and the economy is still doing too well for a real good kick up the a…, that is needed. Austria is awake. Notably no Russian diplomats expelled from there. Tough luck Ms May, you can’t fool all of the people all of the time!
No armed and dangerous Russians roaming the streets. OK, Salisbury happened, but there are more questions than answers. Ref Tony Blair’s dodgy dossier…
And, speaking of dodgy dossiers, R I P Dr Kelly. Knew too much.
Well done, Tony and Alistair.
‘There are more questions than answers’ seems to be the song constantly drifting across the country yet again.
Seem to remember the Beeb had some issues then. Will we get any truth out of them now?
At this time of year when we remember THE slain martyr who rose from the dead and now lives among us-I too think of David Kelly and Arnaud Beltrame this Easter.
Jesus was the first among equals, and is now out on His own as Gods Son. Doddy will be having his first Easter “back home”, and -like you Fakey, I`ve read the end of The Book and can now enjoy what is soon to come. The BBC going will be a first downpayment that will expose Babylon for what it now is.
A world of Cleggs, Pattens and Blairs, Soubrys and Grieves.
Who knew such bland, anodyne pinboards could be the very hell we once feared? Personally, I left the Catholics when Blair was let in. Blair is irredeemable, and any Christian in high office should be telling him this.
Thankfully , he`s only Campbells sweatsock. Now THAT is evil incarnate.
Holly ,
I feel sorry for Blair – he is so deluded that he cannot see the need to seek forgiveness for his many wrongs . Anyway – he was a barrister and they have no soul anyway as they sold it for the brief . History will curse him.
As he converted to the true religion I guess he thought it would get him nearer to the presidency of the EUreich . But not to be – he didn’t do “god’ remember?
You would think that if any of the rich and famous actually believed that man-made CO2 is going to destroy the planet, they would at least modify their behavior – sell a house or two, fly commercial, that kind of thing. In 2009 the Prince of Wales said that we had just 96 months left to avert “irretrievable climate change and ecosystem collapse”. If the Prince actually believed any of this tosh he might have cut back on his own vast carbon footprint. He might have reassessed his own spoilt-rotten lifestyle recently given another public airing in Tom Bower’s latest book.
Driving in his limo from Palace to Palace, unable to use commercial aircraft because he finds the first class seats too uncomfortable, our future King stated in 2009 that we could no longer afford consumerism and the “age of convenience” was over. Well not for him, it would appear. How much better things were in the old days when the peasants were poor and knew their place!
Al Gore is another who is fond of apocalyptic warnings issued from his mansion in Tennessee. The same grand residence in fact that in 2007 was said to have an electricity bill 20 times the average family home. In 2013 Gore sold his publishing interests to Al Jazeera, a Qatar run propaganda tv channel funded by massive oil and gas sales. Prior to the sale the former US vice president had complained about what he described as the excessive influence of fossil fuel money in the television business. But all the green showboating took a backseat when he banked a $100m profit on the sale. He later declared himself “very comfortable” with what was of course a sale of his principles.
The list of hypocrites who lecture us about so-called global warming and fly around the world on huge private jets is impressive – Richard Branson and Bill Gates come readily to mind. Over 1,200 private jets alone are said to be required to fly all the blowhards to Davos so that they can worry among themselves about all the damage that other people are doing to the planet.
Help is at hand however in absolving the great and the good. Leonardo DiCaprio told the UN in 2014 that it was not just about telling people to change their light bulbs or buy hybrid cars. “This disaster has grown beyond choices that individuals make”, he helpfully suggested. “I stand before you today calling for rigorous government action secure in the knowledge that I will not be changing my own carbon-impressive lifestyle”, he did not say.
Of course the global warming scare is starting to run it course. It has had a good 30 years innings but there is only so many times that you can say we are all going to fry in the next ten years. After a while people start to think about checking out specialised medical facilities. Global temperatures appear to be rising no quicker than in previous warming periods and the direct and sole link with man-made CO2 was largely discredited in the recent 15-year temperature pause. Far from suggesting “settled” science, no climate computer model has been accurate in predicting temperature in 30 years. It is time to add this failed scare to all the other piles of sandwich board predictions declaring global cooling, acid rain, ozone layer destruction and nuclear winter. In fact this is already being quietly done and there is much more to be heard these days about “extreme” weather, in other words weather.
But the scares just keep coming. According to the Washington Post: “Within a few years it is predicated that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coast cities uninhabitable”. Furthermore “great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones …. while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared”. I should just point out that these comments were published on November 2, 1922.
The great and the good never truly believed any of the manufactured scares, not for a nanosecond.
Just a quick shufti through the latest articles on this site highlights the expensive, pointless nonsense we are expected to swallow in the interests of “saving the planet” (which seems to be doing all right on its own, thank you, when you cast a glance at the real data).
Until recently, only developed countries were obligated or encouraged to provide climate finance for developing countries. But several countries classified by the UNFCCC as developing — such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia — have the financial capacity to contribute. { dec2015}
– Saudi Arabia defined as a developing country, in what sense?
– ‘U.S. would double its annual grant-based contribution to adaptation in developing countries by 2020’ – that is pay more money to Saudi Arabia?
The key point it that the ultra wealthy have more to lose than the average pleb if the global warming stuff is to be believed . I don’t accept it, there are too many variables . If mankind could predict the weathe 90% I might pay more attention. Explain the ices ages ? No . So after just a 100 years of industrialisation we are to believe their predictions . Do do,
BBC Breakfast, that Blue-Peterised editorial runt, third cousin once removed of Radio 4’s Today… got itself in on the Brexit-one-year-off (or hopefully not) theme.
Riding a cocked up horse into the market town of Banbury (somewhat cross that we’re exiting the EU).
Why Banbury? It voted ‘narrowly’ to exit from the Brussels suzerainty. The word ‘narrowly’ is emphasised more than you may think warranted for an Out victory by more than a million votes but hey-ho…
Full marks to the BBC researchers who found a female boxer from Rumania ‘fighting outside the ring to stay in the UK’
Sometimes there’s no point in weighing biases – one can only stand back in wonder at the sheer audacity of the BBC.
Clearly its a ‘no news’ day, as all the news channels are having a field day of Brexit with everything. Yesterday it was plastic pollution, today its Brexit, tomorrow…… ?
Infowars’ Alex Jones, a man described as a ‘far-right conspiracy’ theorist by the BBC, has interviewed Shania Hobbs, Scottish-Pakistani, ex-Muslim and anti FGM advocate.
If a man, branded as a racist and a misogynist, is prepared to stand beside Hobbs and strongly advocate for the rights of Moslem women what does this say about the supposedly ‘feminist’ BBC? Where is their condemnation or anger with regard to FGM? A BBC web page report on a recent court case seems to suggest that the vile practice is only unacceptable if it has been used as a form of child punishment rather than an expression of culture:
‘The prosecution told the jury the FGM did not happen for cultural or family reasons, but as a punishment.
However, Kate Bex QC, defending the father, suggested FGM was “predominantly perpetrated by female cutters on women” for reasons including “purification, honour and social acceptance”.’
There’s often a strategically placed ‘however’ when it comes to the BBC and its views on Islam and the implications of this one are quite horrific. Tens of thousands of Moslem women living in the UK have had the practice perpetrated on them but there have been no successful criminal prosecutions. However, when it comes to placing a rasher of bacon on the steps of a mosque…
You might also note that the only people the achingly politically Correct CPS have prosecuted have all been men ! Not good when those responsible have all been women !
The act is appallingly badly framed though, it should be the case that if a child in a parents care is subjected to FGM at any time then the parents are both legally responsible, as per parental responsibility. However Muslim privilege makes sure that the law is never going to affect them, as we can see, it never has.
Sorry to go TransAtlantic again but, in spite of my age and, it would appear, similarly to many of today’s ‘yoof’, I don’t watch or listen to the BBC much any more. George Noory, presenter of Coast to Coast, an American radio programme and podcast covering many subjects concerned with alternative news and politics, recently stated on his programme that he didn’t vote because he felt that the act of voting would compromise his freedom as a news reporter to ‘call a story as he saw it’ regardless of political colour. I’d like to know many BBC news reporters would be prepared to make a similar statement on air?
Women demand authoritarian methods used against them are used against men even more so … 2018 …. in 2018 …
Iranian women’s rights activists are demanding the authorities enforce a law that would see men guilty of harassment, catcalling and manspreading in public receive up to 74 lashes.
The Tehran municipality has been presented with a series of posters designed by a feminist group calling attention to a law that provides for corporal punishment for men harassing women.
Women showing their hair in public can be jailed for up to two months or fined $25, but in late December Iranian police said they would no longer arrest women for failing to observe the code – in a bid to appease youth and reformers.
The Times reports that “young people watch more Netflix than BBC”, listen to more Spotify than BBC radio, etc. But like every bad, outdated government program, the bureaucracy will fight to the death to keep its funding despite becoming ever more irrelevant.
A Brexit dilemma: Spain or Scotland?
”It’s easy to understand why so many Scots settle on the Costa Blanca, with its sandy beaches, all-day breakfasts and the promise of sunshine 300 days a year.”
Patronizing BBC
I’m off to live in Spain,
it was the all day breakfasts wot did it…
Then a photo of a bloke doing a teapot impersonation
‘ “Since Brexit kicked in we have started to buy less bikes from the UK due to the fact that bikes have gone up in value – they charge us more for the same bike,” he explained.’
Great… a businessman who doesn’t understand the difference between cost and value.
Then more sob stories and fears, how people are confused, but no mention of the fact the EU itself hasn’t bothered to say anything about residency rights post brexit.
Finally , buried deep how the number of Brits has fallen due to Brexit (in 2012)
”The number of UK citizens registered as resident in Spain has fallen in the past five years – from 397,892 in 2012 to 240,785 in 2017.”
“Since Brexit kicked in we have started to buy less (fewer – Grammar Nazi correction) bikes from the UK due to the fact that bikes have gone up in value – they charge us more for the same bike,” he explained.’ Funny, I thought with the value of the pound dropping UK exports were cheaper. Not much of a businessman then
And the lefty media whinges when Trump calls them out as “Fake News” President Trump replaced Mr Shulkin (as Veterans Affairs Secretary) on Wednesday with the president’s personal doctor, Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson.
With all the whirl wind of crisis surrounding the Fascists at the moment it might have been expected that any decent leader of the opposing party would take the opportunity to administer the coup de grace and seize the moral high ground at the same time. Unfortunately the Tories don’t have a decent leader, come to that they don’t even have a leader !
May is on the front page of the BBC in full appeasement mode promising a united Britain post Brexit, and more spending on education. Her only statement on anti Semitism appears to be in the niche online Jewish News.
Maraget Thatcher would have been all over Jeremy Corbyn like a rash, the man wouldn’t have known what had hit him from the number of punches being landed on him, but May is such a coward. such a consensus seeker she’s preferred to do absolutely nothing!
At a time when Labour anti-Semitism is making world wide headlines and Britain needs a leader figure to stand up and make it clear that such behaviour is unacceptable and will not be tolerated May is nowhere to be seen.
Thank God she wasn’t around in the 1930s or she’d be receiving that nice Mr Hitler for tea in Downing street.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Plenty of village idiots, maybe the Archers inbred neighbours, where the family trees don’t branch that much, not so much a gene pool more of a puddle, who knows, “pummelled us with information about immigration and the NHS” hmmmm and the BBC admits it is not “scientific” well that’s a revelation, but a “flavour” oh yes and we know what kind of flavour they prefer….bitter
I first read something about this years ago. A classic example of how misleading statistics can be.
Never heard it explained or mentioned on TV, anywhere.
The stop and search race myth
O/T Someone compiled a list 35 tweets long of Tory councillors etc. that got in trouble.
#1 all political parties have corruption etc. We can see that from the expenses scandal. So the list for Labour is going to be similar.
#2 on his list ‘said something racist’ is the most common accusation. And that can be a bit subjective .
Another accusation is ‘once dressed as a Nazi at a party’
#3 One named person is Conrad Black ..well apart from him being an Ex-owner, he’s had nothing to do with UK Tories cos he’s a Canadian.
Hmm saying a racist word on Facebook, is not in the same league as sitting on knowledge of groom/rape gangs and not doing anything about it.
Man has ‘world’s worst’ super-gonorrhoea

”He had a regular partner in the UK, but picked up the superbug after a sexual encounter with a woman in south-east Asia.
The main antibiotic treatment – a combination of azithromycin and ceftriaxone – has failed to treat the disease.
Of those infected, about one in 10 heterosexual men and more than three-quarters of women, and gay men, have no easily recognisable symptoms.”
Story ticks all the boxes to please the BBC, male, hetero, asia.
looking at that last paragraph, no not their favourite oxymoron ‘gay men’ , but the BBC saying homo males like 75% of women have no easily recognisable symptoms?
Are they saying bent males catch it up the arse or something , or is it just bad grammar.
And can this super strain get through even green/ yellow condoms , hence the photo?
Westmonster reports one of T Mays people in the home office was told that she wanted stop and search reduced to get black votes because they bitch about it so much .
Less stop and search means more killing . So plenty more work for the undertakers. But on the upside at least the coroner can see freshly killed black kids on the “body worn camera” . Effing sick
“Former Home Office speechwriter says Theresa May came out against stop & search
as political move to appeal to black voters.
We’re seeing the result of soft justice every day in our capital city.”
That just shows how thick Ma May and her advisers are, ethnic minorities are no more inclined to vote for the Tories anymore than they will for the GOP in the US; regardless of how much they are pandered to by them.
If this is true, it only shows that Theresa is even more stupid than I ever thought.
By and large, blacks and ethnic minorites do not vote Conservative, and they never will. That is why it is:
i) stupid to alienate white voters, who will vote for you, to curry favour with black voters, who will not vote for you:
ii) stupid to allow the immigration every year of tens of thousands of African and Asian immigrants who WILL NEVER VOTE FOR YOU!
Demographic transformation is the way the Left will cement its hold on power, It is why Corbyn, who is probably not anti-Semitic, sucks up to the most vicious muslim anti-Semites. There are more muslims than Jews! That’s where the votes are. It’s as simple as that.
And still Theresa the Appeaser doesn’t get it. What a pathetic loser that woman is.
From the look of things his tackle has shrivelled up anyway – probably all those antibiotics – or are we looking at someone on a journey?
It has long been known they suffer from lack of a male role model i.e. father so join gangs instead.. but you will never hear that in public generally
It’s not just that – it’s the multi cultures rubbing up against each other sometime leading to death. Whitee for ever makes the mistake of making ‘black’ just one section when it is a lot . Caveat -I’m a whitee -and only got this talking to all sorts of coloured people .
And – for the love of god – teaching race relations back in something called “ the day”.
I could understand the black riots in the eighties as I knew an ex schoolfriend, I use that word advisedly, maybe “colleague” who joined the Met and was a disgusting individual one quote : “if we see a black guy in a car with a white woman we will kick his rear light in and do him for that or a bald tyre because we know he is a pimp” I have never forgotten that in 30 years that the police would conduct themselves in such a fashion, he boasted about smoking dope and hardcore porn video nights at Hendon police training, and having his choice of prostitutes (dogs he called them) if he turned a blind eye to their activities, he also purchased a number of Arthur Scargill rubber masks when they were seconded onto the miners strike and all wore them on the minibus thru the picket lines waving ten pound notes out of the window to those who had no income, this situation is entirely different, that cunt and his truly racist ilk got exactly wht they deserved, a kick up the arse
The problem is that like most institutions in the UK, the pendulum has swung too far the other way; which is now why we have policing so steeped in political correctness and multiculturalism that it is hardly worth the name.
Sounds a nice balanced sort of chap.
Some news on the Skripal poising and at least the BBC appear to be up there with other news agencies and not left waiting for prompts from posts on here.
Apparently, with the police focusing on Julia Skripal (and the Skripals’ movements on the day – maxi please note!) they now think the poison was administered via (or I assume at) Sergei Skripal’s front door. That does make an assassination attempt by a third party more likely: no CCTV cameras, a possibility of disguise, the ease of getaway, etc.. However, that does not remove Julia Skripal from the list of suspects nor does it rule out Sergei Skripal obtaining and using the poison.
I wonder if BBC News & CA will be sharp enough to ask why the restaurant table was destroyed? I wonder, too, if they will talk to any British experts in chemistry to see if a ‘Novichoks’-style poison would take so long, some hours, to take effect. So far, the implication from experts on Radio4 were that the two components need to be mixed, the poison contained, delivered and then administered as soon as possible with the effects almost immediate and the unleashed poison’s effectiveness diminishing rapidly once in the air. Also, if the BBC have the opportunity to interview the police again, will they ask whether the police have established a clear timeline of the Skripal’s movements on that day?
One of the most curious things about this affair has been the BBC’s complete lack – as a News organisation – of curiosity.
Not so for other news organisations. Apparently the Independent (no longer a newspaper – online) was doing rather more journalism than the BBC despite far less resources. They carried the news today that our PM, Theresa May, had ‘Done a Ronnie (Reagan)’ and revealed unprecedented information from our security services to get leaders of other countries on-side. If they are correct, that does suggest that a culprit and their ‘Controller’ have been identified.
Latest news is that it looks like the two parts of the Novochok agent where administered independently. Part one was administered at the Skripal’s home on Christie Miller Road in Salisbury. Part two was administered at the Zizzi restaurant in the centre of Salisbury. This would explain why Nick Bailey was the only other person to become effected by the Novochok agents. Reports indicate that Bailey not only examined Sergei and Yulia Skripal on the bench where they sat in The Maltings, Salisbury. But he then visited their home address after they had been taken to Salisbury District Hospital.
Also the government statement about Novochok agents being “of a type developed by Russia” seems to be causing problems of trust.
This in fact is a lie, the fact is that Novochok agents are of a type developed by the Soviet Union in Nukus, Uzbekistan. The US Department of Defence and the CIA decontaminated and dismantled the Nukus site under an agreement with the Government of Uzbekistan. Scientists at Porton Down report that the US federal contracts registry reveals that the Pentagon’s Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) has funded military projects at Porton Down. I am told that the Novochok agents are in a powder form and that Porton Down scientists produce and test the dissemination of chemical agents. A private contractor called, Red Scientific Ltd, was awarded a contract to explore techniques that could be used to manipulate the flow ability of dry powders to test the delivery of solid particulates by inhalation and to apply a variety of innovative powder manipulation techniques to an unidentified powder. The project’s stated goal was to improve the efficiency of aerosolisation over the current techniques used by Porton Down.
British Scientists at Porton Down have said before about wondering whether all those suspicious foreign contractors at Porton Down are being eliminated from their inquiries by the investigators?
Richard, helpful information. More than the BBC provide!
That’s very possible & plausible but that would require the ‘assassin’ to move with the Skripals (and into CCTV range) while remaining unobserved by them. Somewhat unlikely but maybe a Zizzi employee? If the staff roster suddenly went down by one as soon as the Skripals were into their meal that would enable the security services to be certain it was a Russian ordered, direct agent or third-party ‘hit’, hence the PM’s certainty in her very early statements.
Funny that no questions have been asked by the police: “Have you seen this man or woman? We wish to interview them in regard to the Skripal poisoning.” or by the BBC to that effect. No apparent usual port/airport closures or alerts in these circumstances. All apparently very casual and very relaxed. Very, very strange.
Did the security services know who the likely assassin was in advance and were tracking him or her anyway? BBC: ask some questions on our behalf, please.
On the other hand, a two-stage administering of the nerve agent might put the spotlight firmly back on the possibility or probability of a joint suicide or Julia Skripal as the solo perpetrator.
I wonder what discussion goes on in the BBC N&CA newsroom on this? Or are they only interested in undermining Brexit at present?
Don’t think it matters where in the old USSR the Novichoks were first created. The Soviet command exercised power over all they commanded and no sensible protagonist would only have only one lab – in the 1980s precisely targeted missile age – developing secret (chemical) weapons. The usual thing is to disperse facilities to ensure that some survive, even if others are destroyed by enemy action.
A big question for the BBC and for any on-air interview contributors is why Porton Down & the security services could be so certain, so quickly, to enable the PM’s statements but the Organisation for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons require at least fourteen days, perhaps three weeks, to identify the chemical used? Again, no questions on this curious disconnect from the vastly & uniquely funded news organisation known as the BBC.
Aerosolisation research? Indeed. Wind, rain and gravity would tend to make a powder nerve agent extremely unreliable as a mass weapon, especially one with a very short ‘half-life’. Another interesting aspect to some BBC R4 news reports has been the recent use of the word ‘military’ in respect to the ‘Novichok’ nerve agent.
“British Scientists at Porton Down have said before about wondering whether all those suspicious foreign contractors at Porton Down are being eliminated from their inquiries by the investigators?” Is that a downside to the private sector encroaching too far in a formerly State controlled industry, Richard? 😉
Update: If the BBC 8am News is correct, the ‘Novichok’ poison was complete and on the front door handle of the Skripal house, not just in Part A form with Part B to be administered later.
That is a big IF as far as the present state BBC N&CA is concerned. Can we trust their accuracy?
If that report is accurate, that raises once again why the nerve agent took so long to act? Poorly mixed? Incorrect proportions?
Come on BBC! Ask some questions.
I have had similar trouble with Araldite.
“Did the security services know who the likely assassin was in advance and were tracking him or her anyway? BBC: ask some questions on our behalf, please.”
The obvious answer from anyone who knows (and hence has signed the OSA) is a carefully disguised ‘No comment’. You just talk round the question for five minutes without saying anything.
Indeed, DR, but OSA or not, that doesn’t stop the highly financed BBC getting their highly paid News presenter to ASK THE QUESTION.
Remember, that in the case of the TOADY presenters, they are experienced interviewers. Just asking the question in the right way and then letting the OSA wielding policeman or Civil Servant waffle around a “No Comment” does at least let the listener know that the BBC are actually doing their job! The listener – content that the question has been asked – can make of it what they will.
There appears to have been some massive news gathering and relaying delinquencies and deficiencies on the part of the BBC on many matters recently, not just the Skripal case.
How about this for a telling indictment of our politically correct, snowflake times, as shown on the BBC.
‘The Generation Game’ is coming back- with (naturally) two female hosts, with (naturally) the lesbian box ticked. I suppose heterosexual male presenters are totally out of the question these days. Weird how back in the day, dear old Larry Grayson was well loved by all- no box ticking in those days, just pick an ideal person for the job.
But there is more. In the trailer, we see the famous plate-spinning game. Sue Perkins, as host, is not just wearing her spectacles but also some safety glasses on top of them !!!!!!
Did Brucie ever sue the BBC for health and safety failings?
I never realised a spinning plate could be so deadly dangerous.
Absolutely, totally, pathetic.
I notice that the insufferable Richard Osman of Countdown fame is in the trailer as well.
Not wishing to get under your shell Lobbie, but isnt Osman on pointless!
Have they moved Hewer out of countdown.
I must get out more.
Stuff – most of al Beebus’ output these days (IMHO) is just a box ticking exercise.
Box tickling?
The beeb are increasingly keen to administer to the female population, but I’m pretty sure comments like that constitute a penal offence and will get you a stiff sentence nowadays*.
*(I’m pretty sure saying stiff or penal will get you a sentence nowadays)
Yesterday afternoon slot had a new presenter on Money for Nothing. I thought that they seemed a little strange, possibly gay. Nope, not gay but transgender. A she to he with the matching tattoo’s giving it away.
An hour earlier ‘Doctors’ had an ongoing story about a young boy wanting to change his gender, although it does seem that the boys mother always wanted a baby girl, have to see how that pans out this afternoon.
I’m still trying to get my head around the Army captain who started as a man then became a woman, marrying a chap who started off as a woman ! Talk about think of a number and add 9, multiply by ….zzzzzzz
What world are we living in ????
Brissles: “What world are we living in ?”
A mixed up, muddled up, shook up one.
I blame Lola!
Excellent post, pug, understatement ” Curious that the vote holds up when we haven’t heard a thing from the dark forces of all those supposed pro-Leave propagandists but what we have had for the last 18 months is a constant bombardment from Remain’s Project Fear propagandists, not least the BBC ” included!
I might have said that double the forces of Hell have been unleashed by Remain to get the EU Referendum decision overturned and they continue to batter Brexiteers almost daily.
Makes you think that the prize – freedom from the EU – must be really worthwhile and actually realisable. A land of milk and honey?
I won’t go back to Egypt. Keep looking to the Pillar of Cloud and the Pillar of Fire and doggedly follow!
11pm News : “Tommy Robinson has been banned from Twitter”
“He is judged to have breached the websites hateful content policy”
Guardian says \\ permanently banned by Twitter
for posting “Islam promotes killing people.” //
Plenty of islamists being just as hateful wonder why the BBC failed to report a demonstration in Hyde park and a speech attended by thousands about free speech in this country ?
image someone just tweeted

\\ 1. Thou shall Rape, Marry, and Divorce Pre-pubescent Girls. Koran 65:4
2. Thou shall have Sex Slaves and Work Slaves. Koran 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30
3. Thou shall Beat Sex Slaves, Work Slaves, and Wives. Koran 4:347. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims to guarantee receiving 72 virgins in heaven. Koran 9:111
4. Thou shall have 4 Muslim male witnesses to prove rape. Koran 24:13
5. Thou shall Kill those who insult Islam or Mohammed. Koran 33:57
6. Thou shall Crucify and Amputate non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
8. Thou shall Kill anyone who leaves Islam. Koran 2:217, 4:89
9. Thou shall Behead non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
10. Thou shall Kill AND be Killed for Islamic Allah. Koran 9:5
11. Thou shall Terrorize non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 8:60
12. Thou shall Steal and Rob from non-Muslims. Koran Chapter 8 (Booty/Spoils of War)
13. Thou shall Lie to Strengthen Islam. Koran 3:28, 16:106
14. Thou shall Fight non-Muslim even if you don’t want to. Koran 2:216
15. Thou shall not take non-Muslims as friends. Koran 5:51
16. Thou shall Call non-Muslims Pigs and Apes. Koran 5:60, 7:166, 16:106
17. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as the vilest creatures deserving no mercy. Koran 98:6
18. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as sworn enemies. Koran 4:101
19. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims for not converting to Islam. Koran 9:29
20. Thou shall Extort non-Muslims to keep Islam strong. Koran 9:29.//
From @JeannRoberts, I haven’t checked those but 9:5 is a standard
Thank God it’s a religion of peace. Imagine if it were a religion of war.
It definitely is a religion of peace, Barry and Dave told us it is so.
And that’s just the koran. Then there’s all the hadith, the sunnah and the sira.
Hi StewGreen, not all of these interpretations are correct or at least contained within the Quran – unless whoever compiled this list is also referring to Hadith’s that develop / elaborate upon the Quranic lines.
For example I know that in the Quran there is no mention of receiving 72 virgins in heaven, but I am aware that the Quran mentions on numerous occasions certain general rewards in heaven for good Muslims.
The Hadiths as far as I understand it, are supposedly witness accounts of Muhammad’s life, that includes additional context for several of the Quranic lines (at the time of utterance by Muhammad). And it is from one of the hadiths that the reward of 72 virgins is mentioned – as far as I am aware. I have read the Quran fairly closely (various approved English translations with comments), but not yet any of the hadiths.
Plenty of support on Twitter for TR under #iamTommy
@CorbynistaEdith the instigator of Tommy’s ban says she OPPOSES the ban
I’m guessing that this is the tweet that provoked Tommy’s
“Since 2013, brother Tommy Robinson had every chance to mock and [verbally] attack me. But he didn’t. We exchanged thoughts and news through messages, and heard each other’s perspectives. He is harsh on those who wish to destroy his country and threaten its citizens. #iamtommy”
COMMENT: Today I am ashamed to be British. The freedom to challenge opposing views is the cornerstone to our democracy. ….
Anne Marie Waters also banned/barred
@saperkins retweeted the following 2 days ago
Not wanting to seem pessimistic, or some sort of troublemaker, but do you think all the Worboys/parole board prominence has been engineered to take peoples’ mind off certain other sexual activities? No, not Stormy.
wimmin seem pretty selective about who they want locked up it seems
Beltane – where is the same level of outrage exhibited by al Beebus regarding Worboys, for the decision to grant parole after being in prison for 12 years, with that of the ringleader of the Telford Muslim rape gang?
He was sentenced to twenty two years and is set to be released after serving five. Where are all the howls for Judicial Review from MPs and feminazis? Where’s the pressure on the Justice Secretary from the MSM about this decision?
And they seem to be getting away with it the new witch hunt mentality
David Vance’s video : Ireland Unsafe For the Irish
..has been removed by YouTube
altnewsmedia won’t survive if it depends on youtube as the main means of distribution. There really needs to be an alternative platform to youtube. Currently youtube can control the narrative. And youtube is part of the Google global network – which has monopolised the internet in the same way that Microsoft monopolised the personal computer.
@MaajidNawaz tweeted
I’m bringing the @CountDankulaTV free speech debate to @ThePledge on @SkyNews Thursday at 8pm. Tune in!
Thou shalt have 72 virgins, and they seem to want a taste of it on the streets of Rotheram / Glasgow / Oxford as well, only two valid reasons for that: they are so insecure as a male they need to bully, so children are their preferred partners and so small pricked its their only hope of feeling like a man if they met a real grown English woman it would frighten the life out of them they can dominate and bully their wife and family, force ther daughter to marry underage and probably sample her as well, and join with their fellow religious nutters to attack the values of this country due to its “immorality”
“600,000 foreign visitors lost in border shambles” – The Times
Will Al Beeb cover this fiasco and disgrace ?
How many are terrorists and spies ?
Funny. or not, i was in a meeting today and the chairman said “when i was in the home office they had to provide tvs and food during the world cup otherwise we were in trouble with staffing” fiascos and shambles is about right if these are the people looking after our borders
Re the Home Office, I caught about 5 mins of the Committee meeting yesterday on the work of the Home Sec. – with Rudd and her Permanent Sec.
Five mins was bad enough – perhaps a little light viewing over the Easter weekend?
I woke up to BBC Radio 4 about 6:50am. They were “interviewing” a Spanish dancer who was also guest editor of R4 Today so no bias there then… and the dancer was worried about her employment after Brexit. In fact the whole article was about ‘Arts and Brexit’ and even went as far saying there have been no plays so far about “Brexit”. Next person interviewed, on a totally different subject, was moaning about wanting a 2nd Referendum.
I counted “Brexit” mentioned 40 times over those 10 minutes.
Then the 7:00am news. First item…..”Brexit” and the number of months left before we leave. 2nd item ‘more bad news for Corbyn’ (but skipped over very quickly). 3rd item about nerve gas.
I have a shower and come back out to hear R4 talk about…..”Brexit”
Obviously some Corbyn/Labour party news needs burying today!!!
The bbc seem to think repetition is effective, not least when they control the edit of what is repeated, by whom, and then filtered further for ‘analysis’.
Their daily ‘news’ email:
Brexit, one year to go
Story detail
A year from today, the talking will be over and the UK will finally leave the EU. To mark this milestone, Theresa May is setting off on a whistlestop tour of all four nations of the UK. With a visit to a factory in Ayrshire and a baby group in Newcastle, lunch with farmers near Belfast and a business meeting in south Wales, the highly choreographed event is reminiscent of a final pre-election push.
The symbolism’s obvious enough, says the BBC’s deputy political editor John Pienaar, the UK is leaving the EU as one. The prime minister will be determinedly upbeat today, promising the future “will be a bright one” and the country strong and united. However, he adds, she is still to convince the leaders of the devolved nations, as well as those who voted Remain, that they won’t lose out.
With a year to go, where is Brexit up to? An agreement has been struck on the “divorce bill”, but we’re yet to reach a deal on the future UK-EU trading arrangement. The Irish border remains a sticking point. Why’s it all taking so long? Well, there’s a lot to sort out – here’s everything you need to know and some of the key questions that you’ve been asking us to answer.
And if you feel like you’ve had your fill of Brexit cliches, you’re not alone. The ball, the cliff-edge, the cake… here are our top five.
There are some words and phrases about Brexit that politicians just can’t seem to live without.
One year on from Theresa May getting the Brexit ball rolling, here’s our cliché countdown.
‘Our cliche countdown’ BbC? That about sums your efforts to sway the narrative perfectly.
But there is also ‘the highly choreographed event’. What political dog and pony show ever is not? This piece is dripping with allusion and outright editorialising, and bbc ‘quotes’ the like of which any supposedly professional media organisation with pretensions of impartiality should be ashamed. If they had any shame.
Then we have ‘- here’s everything you need to know’. Er, no. That is actually just what the bbc wants you to think you need to know. Go elsewhere to get up to speed on what the force funded state propagandist does not.
Oh, plus…
’and some of the key questions that you’ve been asking us to answer’. Here, fixed that for you: ‘and some of the key questions we like to chew over between ourselves and selected friends based on a few we can claim you have been asking us to answer out of many we don’t have barge poles long enough to risk’.Truly desperate stuff from Sky news in their campaign against Brexit.
They have a headline today “I’m a Brit winemaker in France – Brexit puts my future at risk”.
The article then describes how the couple have lived in France for 20 years, have four children who were born in France and are French citizens.
They go to say that they feel “fundamentally British and European…..” even though they haven’t lived here or paid a penny in tax for last 20 years.
They say that they feel let down by the Government because after Brexit they won’t have the same freedom of movement and it may affect their ability to go to Spain or Italy to live.
May I suggest that they are politely informed that we don’t give a toss what they think.
“May I suggest that they are politely informed that we don’t give a toss what they think.” Agreed.
Dear whoever you are, 15 years outside UK currently means you don’t get to vote or have a say in what people who pay taxes here voted for. You have de facto emigrated and can have a say in what happens in France. Your children have the right to a national vote in France. You can, after 5 years try to be a French citizen and vote. Good luck!
Nick Robinson on a TOADY segment today at 7.52am approx. posits “What does it mean for MPs to work for you?”.
Nick, same as the BBC. You should work for US because we pay YOU.
If you ask that question and do not know the answer, you should resign and leave the BBC, Nick!
Womens Day on TOADY Prog this morning. A Year for Undermining Brexit Day.
But it is Matthew Price who is made to wear the scarf at 6.10am. Draping the black lace scarf over his head, Mishal pushes him in front of the crystal ball and insists that he predicts the future for us all.
The crystal ball is not used for useful purposes such as ‘Will my family and I remain healthy or will one of us develop cancer or heart disease?’ or ‘Will my family and I manage to avoid any acts of terrorism (God forbid there are any) in the year ahead?’ or even ‘Will there be a war with Russia?’ but instead to try to undermine Brexit. There’s a surprise. Some local people from Stockton on Tees are brought on to ask questions about Brexit. They have the most sullen, dull voices imaginable. Reluctant contributors? Or the best the BBC can find?
For a change, it is Mishal – in a factory – who is badly mic’d and muffled by noise. The contributors come in loud & clear, especially when being negative about Brexit.
At 8.15am Mishal gets to give Liam Fox MP a hostile, Third Degree interrogation on Brexit in a desire to know the future in detail. I have always regarded fortune telling as something to be avoided as it is done for the worst purposes, often by charlatans and frauds.
Now, Anthony Charles Lynton Blair is rolled out for an interrogation on Brexit by Sarah at 8.35am. Will she be soft and kind or as tough as Mishal was with Liam Fox? No, she isn’t. Sarah is even helpful, asking leading questions. She lets Tony Blair speak at length.
I hope Mr Blair’s words produce the usual response that he gets these days from all his listeners!
Hey ho and we’re off to Ireland. No expense spared by the BBC in undermining and trying to overturn Brexit today! Toadies!!
Up2. Good summary.
I think Mischal had to look up the word ‘factory’ in the dictionary to see what it meant and what one was. Something rarely encounterered by the London Oxbridge types in the BBC bubble.
But there was a telling throwaway moment at about 0740 when she said something like ‘what does Brexit mean for Us’. Get that. Us!
Thus inadvertently placing the BBC inside the issue with vested interests and opinions and not just reporting on it.
In other words, validating everything we say on this site.
It was a heavy day for bias on Toady this morning.
Around 0750 Robinson starts yet another Brexit whingeing article with, in terms ‘lets talk to a Brexiteer and a Remainer. First, Jacob Rees Mogg’
JRM was given exactly one sentence.
Then it was over to Nicky Morgan for a whole series of segments, further augmented by a contribution from Ken Clarke.
After several minutes, JRM had a second sentence. And that was it.
‘We’re impartial’ bleats Toenails periodically.
Like hell you are.
Good post, Sluff. I wasn’t fully listening at that point – typing furiously – probably because NR made me furious with that stupid, unthinking question. Certainly didn’t hear JRM.
Phew, only one sentence! The BBC obviously perceive him to be a serious pro-Brexit threat to their desire to Remain.
I am somewhat shocked Rory still around and screwing up still, given his missus must have a pension pot to rival that of Botney by now.
Diane Coyle is Rory Cellan-Jones wife
(I really thought he was married to Elon Musk )
Diane Coyle OBE, CBE is an economist and a former advisor to the UK Treasury. She was vice-chairman of the BBC Trust 2009-2015
Salary: £77,005 (for her part time BBC role)
Coyle is a Visiting Professor at the University of Manchester’s Institute for Political and Economic Governance.[6] She is employed by EDF Energy on its stakeholder advisory panel,[13] on which her former BBC Trust colleague Chris Patten also sits.[14] Coyle is also a member of the UK Border Agency’s Migration Advisory Committee.
Coyle was previously a presenter on BBC Radio 4.
I am somewhat shocked Rory still around and screwing up still, given his missus must have a pension pot to rival that of Botney by now.
BBC want to remove religion from head wear …. Hijab is OK … nothing to do with religion … Jeremy’s hat means nothing … nothing to do with supporting Russia ….
Hat quiz: How much do you know about headwear? { 29mar2018}
I wonder how al beeb will spin away the dreadful driver who drove into a group of jogging soldiers in France – sure he hasn’t called out “Alan’s snack bar” nor a Norwegian with mental issues” – just an ordinary mo petty criminal who can’t drive ….
It’s on the web but al beeb is busy mourning brexit
Those loitering outside banks tend to be bank robbers.
Simple common sense but if you ignore it – blood on the hands job

Possibly not for gays either.
Or Jews.
Or non-believers.
Or Christians, Buddhists, Hindus…
Or apostates.
Pop-concert goers.
Bacon lovers.
Black dogs.
Halal-tortured animals.
But apart from that, great.
not good for young white girls in Rochdale either.
or Keighley
or Newcastle
or Rotherham
or Peterborough
or Aylesbury
or Oxford
or Bristol
Not too sure there pug.
I`ve got nice eyes and am a dab hand with my wands and palates.
And, as I age I`ll go south as we all do, so a burqa prevents any fussing at the mirror before going out.
But, the inevitable bruising around the kidneys may not be as visible as the occasional black eye as rewarded to me from my Master Slave for Allah. So I`m confused.
Probably a good time to revisit my ability to blend, browns, blues and purples to make a passable bruise, and then say I work for the BBCs Drama team. Glad I used to help others get out of hockey with my earlier efforts now. Nothing`s wasted is it?
Two days to no Licence. Hope I`ll be getting a card or two!
Both these men were paid a handsome amount from the BBC, wages paid under threat of prosecution to the public ….
600K Foreign Visitors (includes criminals?)
20K Terrorist Watch List! (not being watched all the time)
200 Jihadists Roaming London un tracked!
“The current threat level for international terrorism in the UK is SEVERE.” {29mar2018}
UK 2018 …
Terrorist (actual) Attack … silence.
Russian (suspected) Attack … expel diplomats!
Grenfell Towers-accident-cue outrage, demonstrations and calls for revolution and heads to roll.
Manchester Arena-deliberate-silence, candles, tealights,Gallagher brothers, don`t look back in anger-and who cut the fire service budget the previous year?
Patterns here eh MM?
Same goes for Jo Cox.
Had she been a Tory MP, killed by a Muslim-this would now be a general moaning enquiry into why psychotropic drugs were not available to Eddie-Al Mair after 5pm in Birstall Polyclinic?
But as she was a charity troughing Labour do gooder, killed by somebody with Nazi regalia in an Amazon jiffy bag-well Tommy Mair is the very body, soul and mind of Brexit, of Trump and what happens if you don`t pay your TV Licence as they choose to portray it.
Personally, I think Eddie Mair is responsible for far more deaths and destruction that Tommy. They just don`t make the news . It`s not news if it condemns the BBCs point men is it?
“In related news, Islamist financier Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal owns about 35 million shares of Twitter. ”
The “show me the bodies” rule applies
… The bodies of all those killed by crowds shouting blasphemy seems to show that Islam in general TODAY , not just a few terrorist nutters does condone killing.
Yesterday there was a newspaper story about honour rape.
A son had raped a family’s daughter, the offending family said that the only was put his family in the same situation, the community of the Pakistani town seemed to agree with that.
Also a previous case from last year
You could be referring to Chicago.
“While Latino gangs have remained more hierarchical, black gangs have splintered into small, disparate factions, whose disputes are less over territory and profits, and more over personal insults or shames, often fueled by social media, he said.”
“Crime Persists in Chicago’s Most Segregated Neighborhoods”
The sign of the future.
In exceptional circumstances, we (BBC) may share your information without your permission if we reasonably believe you might be breaking the law, for example on hate speech, and such disclosure is allowed under the relevant laws, including data protection law.
Hey 4:30pm on Thursday’s Inside Science is always live with Adam Buxton under contract to present or his cover (since Buxton is writing a book) .. Yet today the 4:30pm slot is filled a repeat of a Brexit prog with the normal Inside Science on its evening repeat slot of 9pm
(There is another Brexit prog at 8-9pm with Evan Davis, and David Aaronovitch)
BTW 4pm The Book prog is again about an ethnic Nigerian author
“Uzodinma Iweala (born November 5, 1982) is an American author and physician of Nigerian descent”
Hard to believe hundreds of returning ‘Islamicists’ let back in to roam the streets unchecked, while someone like Lauren Southern is refused entry. Seems like Free Speech is more dangerous than potential bombers! Rudd is every bit as useless and bigoted as May ever was. You listen to them droning on about ‘openess’ and ‘tolerance’ and you suddenly realise those phrases have replaced Freedom and the Rule of Law! Weasel words…
No surprise then, that we have Babylon represented on plinth 4, to demonstrate the fallen city spoken of in Rev 14.8! Khan’s big grin on the relevant photo says: see, we have stuffed you…
Under Merkel Berlin is heading the same way. She ‘hijacked’ the CDU to serve her own purposes, and they are totally blinded.
The new Foreign Minister, Heiko Maas (Socialist SPD) sees ‘the Right’ as Germany’s biggest threat. What a fool! (And take a look at him, quite a sinister one too.) The Germans will slowly wake up, but they are still too cowered and the economy is still doing too well for a real good kick up the a…, that is needed. Austria is awake. Notably no Russian diplomats expelled from there. Tough luck Ms May, you can’t fool all of the people all of the time!
No armed and dangerous Russians roaming the streets. OK, Salisbury happened, but there are more questions than answers. Ref Tony Blair’s dodgy dossier…
Should we be really worried … anti-semitism on the rise .. and ….
* Merkel’s Military Revival
* A Hitler-Era Abortion Law Haunts Merkel, and Germany
* May, Merkel Agree to Counter ‘Increased Russian Aggression’
* Jeremy Corbyn admits hundreds of anti-Semitism cases referred in Labour since 2015
* Jeremy Corbyn told anti-Semitism row chief must go
Always peaceful – March 27 newspapers “3 people killed in Hindu-Muslim rioting in India’s West Bengal”
Hindu Festival triggered Muslims into rioting
Other media are reporting Surgeon sexual accusation tribunal hearing
And, speaking of dodgy dossiers, R I P Dr Kelly. Knew too much.
Well done, Tony and Alistair.
‘There are more questions than answers’ seems to be the song constantly drifting across the country yet again.
Seem to remember the Beeb had some issues then. Will we get any truth out of them now?
At this time of year when we remember THE slain martyr who rose from the dead and now lives among us-I too think of David Kelly and Arnaud Beltrame this Easter.
Jesus was the first among equals, and is now out on His own as Gods Son. Doddy will be having his first Easter “back home”, and -like you Fakey, I`ve read the end of The Book and can now enjoy what is soon to come. The BBC going will be a first downpayment that will expose Babylon for what it now is.
A world of Cleggs, Pattens and Blairs, Soubrys and Grieves.
Who knew such bland, anodyne pinboards could be the very hell we once feared? Personally, I left the Catholics when Blair was let in. Blair is irredeemable, and any Christian in high office should be telling him this.
Thankfully , he`s only Campbells sweatsock. Now THAT is evil incarnate.
Holly ,
I feel sorry for Blair – he is so deluded that he cannot see the need to seek forgiveness for his many wrongs . Anyway – he was a barrister and they have no soul anyway as they sold it for the brief . History will curse him.
As he converted to the true religion I guess he thought it would get him nearer to the presidency of the EUreich . But not to be – he didn’t do “god’ remember?
Was MP Laura’s curry paid for by the public purse or her own wages (which are paid from the public purse)?
Will it appear on their expenses?
You would think that if any of the rich and famous actually believed that man-made CO2 is going to destroy the planet, they would at least modify their behavior – sell a house or two, fly commercial, that kind of thing. In 2009 the Prince of Wales said that we had just 96 months left to avert “irretrievable climate change and ecosystem collapse”. If the Prince actually believed any of this tosh he might have cut back on his own vast carbon footprint. He might have reassessed his own spoilt-rotten lifestyle recently given another public airing in Tom Bower’s latest book.
Driving in his limo from Palace to Palace, unable to use commercial aircraft because he finds the first class seats too uncomfortable, our future King stated in 2009 that we could no longer afford consumerism and the “age of convenience” was over. Well not for him, it would appear. How much better things were in the old days when the peasants were poor and knew their place!
Al Gore is another who is fond of apocalyptic warnings issued from his mansion in Tennessee. The same grand residence in fact that in 2007 was said to have an electricity bill 20 times the average family home. In 2013 Gore sold his publishing interests to Al Jazeera, a Qatar run propaganda tv channel funded by massive oil and gas sales. Prior to the sale the former US vice president had complained about what he described as the excessive influence of fossil fuel money in the television business. But all the green showboating took a backseat when he banked a $100m profit on the sale. He later declared himself “very comfortable” with what was of course a sale of his principles.
The list of hypocrites who lecture us about so-called global warming and fly around the world on huge private jets is impressive – Richard Branson and Bill Gates come readily to mind. Over 1,200 private jets alone are said to be required to fly all the blowhards to Davos so that they can worry among themselves about all the damage that other people are doing to the planet.
Help is at hand however in absolving the great and the good. Leonardo DiCaprio told the UN in 2014 that it was not just about telling people to change their light bulbs or buy hybrid cars. “This disaster has grown beyond choices that individuals make”, he helpfully suggested. “I stand before you today calling for rigorous government action secure in the knowledge that I will not be changing my own carbon-impressive lifestyle”, he did not say.
Of course the global warming scare is starting to run it course. It has had a good 30 years innings but there is only so many times that you can say we are all going to fry in the next ten years. After a while people start to think about checking out specialised medical facilities. Global temperatures appear to be rising no quicker than in previous warming periods and the direct and sole link with man-made CO2 was largely discredited in the recent 15-year temperature pause. Far from suggesting “settled” science, no climate computer model has been accurate in predicting temperature in 30 years. It is time to add this failed scare to all the other piles of sandwich board predictions declaring global cooling, acid rain, ozone layer destruction and nuclear winter. In fact this is already being quietly done and there is much more to be heard these days about “extreme” weather, in other words weather.
But the scares just keep coming. According to the Washington Post: “Within a few years it is predicated that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coast cities uninhabitable”. Furthermore “great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones …. while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared”. I should just point out that these comments were published on November 2, 1922.
The great and the good never truly believed any of the manufactured scares, not for a nanosecond.
Just a quick shufti through the latest articles on this site highlights the expensive, pointless nonsense we are expected to swallow in the interests of “saving the planet” (which seems to be doing all right on its own, thank you, when you cast a glance at the real data).
It’s about time the scaremongers gave up, because they’ve so obvious lost the plot now, nobody believes a word they say. A bit like the BBC, really.
Then, of course, there’s this:
…and this
…and this:
Until recently, only developed countries were obligated or encouraged to provide climate finance for developing countries. But several countries classified by the UNFCCC as developing — such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia — have the financial capacity to contribute. { dec2015}
– Saudi Arabia defined as a developing country, in what sense?
– ‘U.S. would double its annual grant-based contribution to adaptation in developing countries by 2020’ – that is pay more money to Saudi Arabia?
The key point it that the ultra wealthy have more to lose than the average pleb if the global warming stuff is to be believed . I don’t accept it, there are too many variables . If mankind could predict the weathe 90% I might pay more attention. Explain the ices ages ? No . So after just a 100 years of industrialisation we are to believe their predictions . Do do,
BBC Breakfast, that Blue-Peterised editorial runt, third cousin once removed of Radio 4’s Today… got itself in on the Brexit-one-year-off (or hopefully not) theme.
Riding a cocked up horse into the market town of Banbury (somewhat cross that we’re exiting the EU).
Why Banbury? It voted ‘narrowly’ to exit from the Brussels suzerainty. The word ‘narrowly’ is emphasised more than you may think warranted for an Out victory by more than a million votes but hey-ho…
Full marks to the BBC researchers who found a female boxer from Rumania ‘fighting outside the ring to stay in the UK’
Sometimes there’s no point in weighing biases – one can only stand back in wonder at the sheer audacity of the BBC.
Clearly its a ‘no news’ day, as all the news channels are having a field day of Brexit with everything. Yesterday it was plastic pollution, today its Brexit, tomorrow…… ?
The rota would indicate that it will probably be Trump, again…
Infowars’ Alex Jones, a man described as a ‘far-right conspiracy’ theorist by the BBC, has interviewed Shania Hobbs, Scottish-Pakistani, ex-Muslim and anti FGM advocate.
If a man, branded as a racist and a misogynist, is prepared to stand beside Hobbs and strongly advocate for the rights of Moslem women what does this say about the supposedly ‘feminist’ BBC? Where is their condemnation or anger with regard to FGM? A BBC web page report on a recent court case seems to suggest that the vile practice is only unacceptable if it has been used as a form of child punishment rather than an expression of culture:
‘The prosecution told the jury the FGM did not happen for cultural or family reasons, but as a punishment.
However, Kate Bex QC, defending the father, suggested FGM was “predominantly perpetrated by female cutters on women” for reasons including “purification, honour and social acceptance”.’
There’s often a strategically placed ‘however’ when it comes to the BBC and its views on Islam and the implications of this one are quite horrific. Tens of thousands of Moslem women living in the UK have had the practice perpetrated on them but there have been no successful criminal prosecutions. However, when it comes to placing a rasher of bacon on the steps of a mosque…
You might also note that the only people the achingly politically Correct CPS have prosecuted have all been men ! Not good when those responsible have all been women !
The act is appallingly badly framed though, it should be the case that if a child in a parents care is subjected to FGM at any time then the parents are both legally responsible, as per parental responsibility. However Muslim privilege makes sure that the law is never going to affect them, as we can see, it never has.
Sorry to go TransAtlantic again but, in spite of my age and, it would appear, similarly to many of today’s ‘yoof’, I don’t watch or listen to the BBC much any more. George Noory, presenter of Coast to Coast, an American radio programme and podcast covering many subjects concerned with alternative news and politics, recently stated on his programme that he didn’t vote because he felt that the act of voting would compromise his freedom as a news reporter to ‘call a story as he saw it’ regardless of political colour. I’d like to know many BBC news reporters would be prepared to make a similar statement on air?
Women demand authoritarian methods used against them are used against men even more so … 2018 …. in 2018 …
Iranian women’s rights activists are demanding the authorities enforce a law that would see men guilty of harassment, catcalling and manspreading in public receive up to 74 lashes.
The Tehran municipality has been presented with a series of posters designed by a feminist group calling attention to a law that provides for corporal punishment for men harassing women. 26feb2018
Women showing their hair in public can be jailed for up to two months or fined $25, but in late December Iranian police said they would no longer arrest women for failing to observe the code – in a bid to appease youth and reformers.
Caring Labour under Corbyn…disgusting
The Times reports that “young people watch more Netflix than BBC”, listen to more Spotify than BBC radio, etc. But like every bad, outdated government program, the bureaucracy will fight to the death to keep its funding despite becoming ever more irrelevant.
A Brexit dilemma: Spain or Scotland?

”It’s easy to understand why so many Scots settle on the Costa Blanca, with its sandy beaches, all-day breakfasts and the promise of sunshine 300 days a year.”
Patronizing BBC
I’m off to live in Spain,
it was the all day breakfasts wot did it…
Then a photo of a bloke doing a teapot impersonation
‘ “Since Brexit kicked in we have started to buy less bikes from the UK due to the fact that bikes have gone up in value – they charge us more for the same bike,” he explained.’
Great… a businessman who doesn’t understand the difference between cost and value.
Then more sob stories and fears, how people are confused, but no mention of the fact the EU itself hasn’t bothered to say anything about residency rights post brexit.
Finally , buried deep how the number of Brits has fallen due to Brexit (in 2012)
”The number of UK citizens registered as resident in Spain has fallen in the past five years – from 397,892 in 2012 to 240,785 in 2017.”
“Since Brexit kicked in we have started to buy less (fewer – Grammar Nazi correction) bikes from the UK due to the fact that bikes have gone up in value – they charge us more for the same bike,” he explained.’ Funny, I thought with the value of the pound dropping UK exports were cheaper. Not much of a businessman then
And the lefty media whinges when Trump calls them out as “Fake News”
President Trump replaced Mr Shulkin (as Veterans Affairs Secretary) on Wednesday with the president’s personal doctor, Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson.
Jackson is the Presidential doctor who has served under GWB & Obama. The BBC wants its readership to think that Trump has appointed a crony.
With all the whirl wind of crisis surrounding the Fascists at the moment it might have been expected that any decent leader of the opposing party would take the opportunity to administer the coup de grace and seize the moral high ground at the same time. Unfortunately the Tories don’t have a decent leader, come to that they don’t even have a leader !
May is on the front page of the BBC in full appeasement mode promising a united Britain post Brexit, and more spending on education. Her only statement on anti Semitism appears to be in the niche online Jewish News.
Maraget Thatcher would have been all over Jeremy Corbyn like a rash, the man wouldn’t have known what had hit him from the number of punches being landed on him, but May is such a coward. such a consensus seeker she’s preferred to do absolutely nothing!
At a time when Labour anti-Semitism is making world wide headlines and Britain needs a leader figure to stand up and make it clear that such behaviour is unacceptable and will not be tolerated May is nowhere to be seen.
Thank God she wasn’t around in the 1930s or she’d be receiving that nice Mr Hitler for tea in Downing street.