You can take the Labour stooge out of the bbc. But…
So the way to combat anti-semitism is to smear British muslims in the most disgusting way, and accuse Labour of the most hideous calculating racism? This is appalling beyond words
Hello @metpoliceuk I would like to report this crime. Please investigate. This tweet is a crime under the Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006: "Use of threatening words or behaviour, or any written material which is threatening or intends thereby to stir up religious hatred."
How can it be a smear when one of the founding events of islam was the massacre of the Jewish Banu Qurayza (not sure of spelling) by the so called prophet.
A silver bullet argument if ever I saw one. Indeed the massacre of a Jewish tribe and its justification during the takeover and conquest of Medina is integral to Islam and forms a significant part of the Quran. I have never seen it stated so simply. Furthermore it was the Jewish tribe that came to Muhammed’s help when he was first being thrown out of Mecca for trouble-making – they offered him refuge in Medina. That didn’t turn out too well for them.
In politically correct circles you can’t say Islam = Jew hatred. But you can say it creates problems and you can say Islam = treating Jews as second class citizens, with limited opportunities and having to pay a “protection” tax (called Jizya).
Beebistan not so keen on stories from Oxford these days, but very, very keen on stories about Cambridge – in particular a place called Cambridge Analytica.
(Can’t seem to find it on a map though, must be very small.)
Still using that offensive ‘grooming’ term which sanitises the evil premeditated intention to turn young girls into rape victims.
Now where has that death penalty gone.?
Al Beeb is reducing attacks by Muslims on allied soldiers ( French this morning) into a routine. It’s buried on world news on their site – soon to disappear and not mentioned in radio news at all.
Makes you wonder where these peasants come from in paki land or similar ? Some dirt village ? Msm won’t go near that . It shows that multiculturalism doesn’t work if they are not forced to adopt western civilised ways, but our betters let them in without our consent in the false belief that they deserved a better life when all they deserve is death.
“…Harold Wilson ‘What the British people wanted was a bit of peace and quiet. Anything for a quiet life’. You know and I know that this is the great drag on democracy. Does my voice count, so you leave it to a well organised tiny minority. Now you ask have people learned? Yes, they are learning that if you do leave it to that tiny well organised minority … Unpleasant things happen. And then you recoil from that. In part you expect your politicians to do something about it, the question is whether the people themselves will back up the politicians.”
– Margaret Thatcher
“Margaret Thatcher – Capitalism and a Free Society”
Interesting that al Beeb reports that Tommy Robinson has been banned from Twitter and I think he is also off the Facebook too. So much for freedom of speech America.
Any freedom left on the Internet is soon to be extinguished this site must be on the shut down list .
Meanwhile AQ and ISIS and the wahabi Saudis pump western oil profits back into propaganda sources , madrasahs and mosques all over Europe .
* Have voters changed their minds about Brexit?
* UK hopes to roll over 40 EU trade deals, says Liam Fox
*’I feel betrayed’: Listeners give their views on Brexit
I ask you all to forgive this post bacuase it is not directly related to the BBC. However in my defence I will say that everything that is wrong with this wonderful, amazing country has everything to do with the vile corrupt organisation that the BBC is.
I attempted to change a paper £10 note for a plastic one at the bank. My first and closest choice was LLOYDS BANK. Listening to an ad of theirs and I quote maybe not exactly word for word.
“Britain has seen great change over the past 250 years and through it all we have always been by your side”
I knew what the first response would be. “Are you AN EXISTING LLOYDS CUSTOMER?”
So I left and proceeded to my bank BARCLAYS. Yes I could change it but only if I were to pay it into my account and unfortunately our systems are down. The word FRAUD was also mentioned, Give me a break here. “FRAUD” A £10 UK bank note and the shite consultant was mentioning the word fraud to me. Alright I confess I do have moodswings. Given what I’ve been through and what I’m meant to accept as the world as it now it is…..I’m beyond trying to rationalise any of it. In my anger and frustration I tore up the note, left the bank and threw it by the side of the ATM MACHINES. Perhaps a little foolish but I’m glad I did it. I don’t need a GP, I don’t need an ambulance all I need is another glass of wine.
An astonishing story here of a home for vulnerable Welsh children being established in the property of Oldhams Pakistani Muslim Mayor, not only that but it’s right in the middle of a Pakistani Muslim area where the riots were opposite a dark unlit park !
It beggars belief that anyone could think this was appropriate given what has gone on, but talking to the Mail news desk, the snowflake there said that it’s more important not to offend or stereotype Muslims, and that not all Muslims are like that. The fact that some of them are and that this attitude is precisely why all the previous rapes were allowed to happen completely passed her by.
This needs some urgent publicity a few potentially offended Muslims are not as important as the rape of children !
Opening a children’s home in the muslim area of Oldham sounds about as inspired as opening an Islamic centre on Ground Zero.
Or the Ground Zero Victory Terror Mosque as it became known.
Inexplicably, the locals objected (those that were still alive) which just goes to show how islamophobic they are.
Quick, tell the Beebistan: I think I’ve finally discovered what the paedophile rape and grooming gangs all have in common.
It’s been staring us in the face all along, hidden in plain sight, but now it’s obvious.
Now that we’ve solved the riddle of the nothing-to-do-with-islam rape gangs, perhaps we can help the beebistan and the police solve the mystery of the nothing-to-do-with-islam terror attacks worldwide.
Let’s see now, Paris, Nice, Berlin, Wetsminster Bridge, London Bridge, Madrid, Charlie Hebdo, San Bernardino, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan…
It has to be the letter ‘i’.
I’m moving to somewhere safe, like Manchester.
6:16pm BBC1 suddenly Telford is being covered
A woman who doesn’t want to be identified says grooming is still going on, cos her SON was being groomed
.. Camera shows woman in unBritish sitting room, a red cloth covering her head to ankles
.. We only see to ankles skirt and heavily bracelets on wrist.
Is she Pakistani, Turkish, Roma , Albanian etc ?
My often repeated message to Al Beeb and maxi………………..
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”.
This is a question rather than a post.
Yesterday evening there was an “incident” involving a car in the Golders Green area of London. Now, most of us will know that this is home to lots of the Jewish community, who will have been celebrating Passover.
A car came off the road, ran along the pavement and seriously injured an elderly man and several others. The police have apparently said this wasn’t terrorist related. but…
The story seems to have died a death and to be blunt I just don’t trust the MSM or the police for that matter to tell us the truth.
Heard anything?
Caught partially on video
One guy is already swept onto the bonnet and the car shoots along pavement towards an orthodox Jew hit him , then smashes into pharmacy
Doesn’t look like someone driving at a crowd.
Could even be a dead guy at the wheel.
Heard nothing. But then, could there be a substantial amount of censorship going on?
For instance, has it been reported in the UK that 60 US diplomats have been expelled from Russia and the consulate in St Petersburg closed? Seen nothing here….
Austria did not follow this predictable and ridiculous expulsion business, wanting to be a bridge between Russia and the West. Wise man, young Kurz. Who is escalating and what are the possible consequences? Not reported in Britain?
The BBC are repeatedly keen to identify all manner of perceived inequalities.
Here’s one they appear to have overlooked.
Perhaps their ‘investigative journalists’ could get on the case.
Rochdale, Oxford, Rotherham, Telford, Bristol, Newcastle etc.
Whilst white offenders seem to be ‘significantly under-represented’, Labour councils seem to be ‘significantly over-represented’.
Could this possibly be related to the fact that immigrants from many countries that..errr….show a preference for a certain religion,….. get immediate voting rights in local council elections?
‘Vote for the party that turns a blind eye to child abuse of indigenous white girls’’
Not very catchy, I grant you.
But apparently effective.
“Could this possibly be related to the fact that Commonwealth and EU immigrants get immediate voting rights in local council elections?” Voting rights? No need, they are employed by those same local authorities in great numbers and they influence from within: hiding and or destroying any evidence or flagging up to their colleagues likely problems. That’s the way asians work.
As I’ve not had a TV Licence since last September, I pay attention to what friends with TV licenses say or describe. Seems on the One Year to Brexit BBC coverage, it was only to be expected that the BBC would take every opportunity to extol the virtues of remaining in the EU. Viewers were not dissapointed. I say, ‘disappointed’ because friends are acutely aware of the BBC’s biases and in particular their hostility toward Brexit. The expression is, “Wall-to-Wall” derogatory remarks or, detailed explanations as to how it will be impossible to extricate ourselves from the giant spiders web that is the EU. Occasionally some things do inadvertently ‘slip out the bag’ though. I’m told that the Welsh Political Correspondent, one Nick Servini when interviewed said, that, “going about” as any correspondent would, he could not detect any fall in the numbers wanting Brexit. He, apparently qualified that by adding, ‘In fact, if anything the numbers have now hardened with more people wanting to leave than had previously sought to remain’.
Anyway, it’s all a sideshow. In the background, still ticking away quietly and gaining momemtum is the overall plan – The White Genocide of the UK much along the lines of Europe.
Friends tell me that the BBC are very obviously cramming blacks and asians onto every tv frame available in an attempt to convince the viewer that that group make up 75% or more of the population. Seems that there is a long queue of blacks and asians leading up to the back door of W1A 1AA awaiting a preferential job interview since the BBC declared it had no place for white employees. Its called, ‘Positive Discrimination’. Perhaps that predominance might account for the deterioration in programme quality?
Congratulations on joining the no tv tax club . I’m still due a visit any day now .
It’s unfortunate for the welch political establishment that rhe country voted out by a big majority if I remember . Thank god somes ‘ got their head screwed on.
The thing about black faces is true, there is a charity which times the amount of non white faces on tv . I guess it’s the same with advertising – black man white women. See kfc adverts .
Disclosure – I’m English ( well kind of Anglo Irish really ) but I’d pass the England v Ireland test and support the ref.
It looks as if the wheels are well and truly coming off the “Weapons Grade Nerve Agent Attack” story in Salisbury, turns out it was the door handle wot dunnit.
FFS! This entire narrative has got more holes in it than a tramp’s socks.
Oh! And the daughter now appears to be improving, after being poisoned by a nerve agent that we were told was 9x more potent than VX which itself kills in minutes; as was demonstrated with the rapid dispatch of Whu Flung Dung’s half-brother at that Malaysian airport.
Maybe it wasn’t a “Weapons Grade” nerve agent at all? Perhaps it was just one for the home or office.
Even Jezza Swine on his show today, who isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer by any stretch, smelt the subtle waft of BS emanating from this whole tale; whilst the expert he interviewed from Leeds University was careful in his answers about the latest “Death Handle” revelations from the police.
Ma May, saw an opportunity with this “attack” to deflect attention away from her weakness and poor leadership, negotiating with the scEUm and she rode it like a Derby winner.
Unfortunately, the whole thing is b******s, obviously so when the circumstances are analysed objectively.
They have also involved a lot of other countries in their lies, which unfortunately (for Ma et al) could yet prove extremely awkward for them; it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch though, in my view.
There are so many questions, Al. For instance, if you have to wear the fancy spacegear to survive proximity to Novichok, how on earth did the Russians get it onto the Skripal’s door handle? I could make a list, but I think you could as well…
The last time there seemed to be so many serious questions (still unanswered?) was when Dr Kelly’s body was found. I am actually not a fan of conspiracy theories in general, but some particular cases close to home -which should be of concern for all citizens (see Maggie Thatcher interview on this site)-do call for some more convincing explanations than are forthcoming….
”There will be no British referee at the World Cup this summer for the first time since 1938.
Fifa has chosen 36 officials for the tournament in Russia but none from England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.”
Britain hating BBC must be happy about that, wait for them demand more ethnic minorities and women refs in our football leagues…
Hey, hasn’t gay Formula 1 just sacked all the lovely grid girls?
maybe just maybe..
R4 ran a positive story on Brexit at 4.30, and compliments for that BBC. Even Caroline Flint MP kept it level. I kept listening (in disbelief )for the catch. Right at the end we had a ‘humorous’ insert hammering Farage and blue passports.
Oh well…
Not the BBC, but it might just as well have been, with Robert ‘Vowelstrangler’ Peston providing a stream of negativity from the North East whose residents, evidently, are so thick and deprived they had no idea what they really voted for with their massive and ill-advised support for Brexit.
Sadly, even his attempt to identify with the working man by opting to wear a flat cap perched on top of his head like a cowpat on an unkempt collie only increased the air of ineptness on an inept and transparently biased presentation. Didn’t he work for Auntie once?
Maajid says Count Dankula is not hate speech
“Hate speech is when you trying to incite violence”
Ferrari has brought up Charlie Hebdo
MN says yes the cartoon is fine , cos you have the right to offend.
Ferrari says Count Dankula is guilty
but even June Sarpong doesn’t think he should be jailed
Rachel Johnson said her paper the Mail dropped her article which was sympathetic to him short clip
The BBC feckers are claiming Telford was about white gangs of men sexually abusing Muslim boys – they are interviewing a Muslim woman or at least a woman dressed up to look Muslim. Unbelievable! Talk about fecking fake news. If this isn’t proof the BBC are fecking the English people, I don’t know what is. The whole point of this article is to make the claim white men are sexually abusing Muslim boys in Telford. There is no other point to the article.
I saw this as well and thought exactly the same. Trying to cover up or change the aspect of the criminals involved. Quite frankly, our so called national broadcaster is so out of touch with reality it makes you think who has the audacity to dream up the narrative!! Quite frankly, they are the enemy within and need to be shut down NOW!!
.. and this is *part* of the reason I have just cancelled my TV Licence. I watch no BBC news at all … it’s either dumbed down froth or leftie globalist propaganda and I centainly do not believe anything they tell me. I used to watch Sky on Freeview but they are just as bad so now I don’t watch them anymore and as for Kay Burley … shit!!! . Everything is repeats and any drama is agenda .. I sit and wait for the PC characters arriving. The only place which seems to have normal TV drama is France .. i.e Spiral. OK there are Asians and Blacks and a woman Inspector but I don’t feel it’s contrived .. it’s normal life! I used to be an avid R4 listener pre PC agenda days and will never forgive the BBC for ruining this frequency. I remember when the culls first started on R4 IMO, when they stopped the playing of the “jingoistic” music at around 5.30am. All it was was military marches and English traditional music like Greensleeves .. but no they didn’t have the time to play that ‘cos they **needed** more time for “news”. I have to say that I was incensed by this at the time as I felt part of my past was being obliterated but now I know why they did it!! Have just bought Orwell’s biography and 1984 to re-read. Bloody frightening what these propagandists are doing to our country’s traditions. If I knew how to fight back I would .. I’m too old to man the barricades .. sorry woman the barricades .. so I start by cancelling my TV licence! Tell me it isn’t futile?
Crone – I concur with everything you have said. No its not futile. And just like an Oak tree growing from a tiny acorn – Small acts of resistance when done en mass will eventually accumulate to an unstoppable force
So keep your dander up and keep on banging away and lets hope the sheepie will continue to awake.
It’s definitely faked, and there are many clues that it is faked. Watch the video. There is an image of a covered woman. There are clues to indicate she is a British Pakistani Muslim woman.
She claims to be a worried mother. We do not hear her voice – the BBC use a voice over. The BBC say the mother is only speaking ANONYMOUSLY. The mother claims her son is being abused by WHITE MEN, LOTS OF DIFFERENT WHITE MEN. There then follows a LONG SPEECH in which SHE SUDDENLY BECOMES AN AUTHORITY ON EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING ON IN TELFORD – HISTORICALLY AND CURRENTLY. SHE TURNS OUT TO BE THE LEADING EXPERT ON THE SUBJECT. She says there are WHITE MEN and BLACK MEN abusing BLACK GIRLS and INDIAN GIRLS and even PAKISTANI GIRLS.
Basically the BBC have colluded with a British Pakistani activist and the BBC use the opportunity to read out a prepared statement that could have been written by propandists from the British Muslim Council. The BBC even state that it is only ALLEGATIONS that working class white girls have been targeted in Telford.
The BBC need to be called out for this blatant piece of fake news and the anonymous mother needs to be named.
Maybe others (e.g. StewGreen) can check whether this is a BBC created story – or whether other media channels / newspapers have interviewed this “mother”.
I really think effort needs to be made into digging further into this as it is certain that this is fake news – and the “mother / Telford expert” is a British – Pakistani activist or equivalent.
Ha you daft wassock, I was literally typing whilst you said that.
The point is BBC has the resources to get stories right in the first place, but misses basic steps.
The abused boy’s mother told the BBC her son was abused by “different white men” and the abuse was “going on in all races”.
– “It’s not just Asian men who are doing it,” she said. “It’s white men, it’s black men”.
– She added victims were also of different background types.
– “The girls are white, Indian, black, there’s even Pakistani girls”.
** Before yesterday there was no mentions of Telford-abusing-boys on Twitter **
Strangely there was a white man Darren Swift who abused boys in Rotherham 1980-997 he was jailed in 2015 (when his home address was listed as Telford)
You’d expect to find lots of reference to Telford-gay-boys
but just one tweet from 3 years ago
when someone complained of spotting a 53 year old gay put on dating app his preference for boys
This is so laughably FAKE NEWS – what is the best way to complain about this nonsense ? Presumably, no point going through the BBC ? OFCOM ? If enough people complain, we may get some sort of response. This is just getting silly now and the BBC are embarrassing us all – how has this once-great and respected organisation become such a laughing stock ???
It’s the beebistan doing what it does best: muddy the waters, throw sand in your eyes, smoke and mirrors, distract, confuse, misinform, blame the victims and make the guilty into victims.
Damage limitation in defence of their favourite cult – quick, invent some bogus counter-narrative.
vlad I agree .. but they need to be pinned down for the propagandist crap they are. This is the way to get to them .. by proving that they are constructing fake scenarios to cover ROP crimes! It needs someone who knows how to do it. I don’t but I will applaud anyone on this site who *can* do it x
If it wasn’t true it would make an excellent comedy script.
I love the thought of all these dead keen, right on BBC journos freshly out of the LSE, having to go around to schools, (especially in say an area with a high Hindu population) exposing fake news and then having to trying to explain why when mass rape is committed by Pakistani Muslim males, according to the BBC, they suddenly morph into “Asian” males.
Maybe they could also explain why it was more important to hear tributes to Doddy than hear about mass rape and murders committed by “Asian” men in Telford.
Oh hang on – I forgot an anonymous Muslim (or is she now “Asian”) mother has said it was the whites wot did it to her son – so there you have it. At the end of the day its all whiteys fault.
No argument aunty has spoken!
ps – I wonder if this is why Maxi has been so quiet of late. Maybe he’s been busy educating the children of the masses.
Odd isn’t it that while the Labour party gaze at their navels and hope that anti-Semitism will go away, nobody, anywhere, is asking the most obvious question – why?
Why should a party with long and honourable association with Jewish socialists and communism – principally founded by a Jew, Marx – now want to cut links, de-select members and howl verbal and electronic abuse? I mean, it’s almost as though there were some bitterly – you could even say religiously and fanatically – opposed group infiltrating Labour and wishing every last Jew and Israeli dead. Lucky there’s nothing like that in the UK, so it must be some other reason.
That apart, it should be remembered that Jews have always been persecuted by ‘the Left’, Beltane. They were sent to the Gulags in Russia along with criminals, rebels, Christians and anyone else seen as a threat to ‘the State’, the Party and ‘the system’. When the doors opened in the early/mid-1990s, Russian and other east European Jews left Europe and the population of Israel increased dramatically.
Goes back a bit further than that Up2. If one religion, Christianity, holds another, Judaism, responsible for the death of the Son of its God, there’s been hell to pay ever since.
Pope Benedict XVI finally absolved the Jews from responsibility for the death of Jesus in…..wait for it….2011. The pogroms in Russia and Poland were regular features long before Russian communism. The Christian west has since become more realistic and humane, other have not moved forward from the 14th century.
It was the revelation of The Talmud to Pope Gregory IX, which caused the Jews to become the “ultimate outsiders” in Europe from the 13th century onwards.
Recommend reading this weeks Spectator which has 2 good articles on anti-semitism on the left.
Outside of those articles Jews were attracted to the type of socialism that did not marginalise them as outsiders .There was always another type of socialism one based on envy and that always overlapped with anti-Semitism.
Farage mentioned this in his LBC show
Guardian app has 3.2 million active users. They say Facebook profiles have an average of 185 friends. That means they potentially harvested the data of 590 million accounts, over 10x what Cambridge Analytica collected:
“The Guardian app harvests your personal data from your Facebook page and also the data of all of your friends – the exact same central allegation the Observer has been making against Cambridge Analytica. The privacy policy of the Guardian Facebook app makes clear if you don’t grant permission to have your and your friends’ social media data harvested you cannot use the app:”
“”Baroness Brinton is a member of the Liberal Democrat Federal Policy Committee and Vice Chair of the Federal Conference Committee. She also chairs the Liberal Democrat Diversity Engagement Group and has a particular interest in increasing the number of women, black, Asian, and minority ethnic MPs.””
A bit late but while I remember here is my entry for the ‘biased BBC dredging the bottom of the Remoaner barrel’.
On Toady this morning, the BBC featured a concern that post Brexit the EHIC card for a Brit working in Germany may not carry across if the person later moved jobs to Portugal.
Oh well. That’s it then. Better stay in !
You really just cannot make it up.
”Without mentioning the bus (yes, that bus), the boldest promise in the referendum that sticks in people’s minds was to provide more money for the NHS.”
Wasn’t that before the establishment traitors agreed a £40,000.000.000 ‘divorce ‘ gift to the EU. Before we gave our future fish away, etc etc.
And yes it sticks in people’s minds , it was mentioned every single day by remoaners with no other angle to attack for months on end.
Then went quiet, only to be resurrected by Theresa May bizarrely pretending to be a leaver
”There is of course, absolutely nothing that’s certain about the political or financial picture this time next year. I hate to think how out of kilter this blog might seem on re-reading in 12 months’ time.”
”Kuenssberg’s earnings as a BBC journalist were in the range £200,000 – £249,999 per annum in July 2017”
not bad for a blogger….
I chose to avoid the al Beeb Brexit day because I didn’t want to hear the anti Brexit propaganda . By now it’s just remainers talking to remainers.
We should just tell Eire it’s untenable for them to stay in the ReichEU – and get an Irish prime minister instead of a foreigner.
The remainers seem to think that they’d win a second referendum . This is a result of group think denial. In the refendum there was no mention of a second or third one – just bloody leave. Al Beeb won’t focus on that because we are all to think to vote to stay in the ReichEU.
It is not entirely clear who wrote the Telford ‘white gang’ article for the BBC and/or recorded the video. The piece following on is by Sima Kotecha, who quotes from it. Perhaps one could ask her whether she is able to provide anything more by way of substantiation, other than quoting from an anonymous article featuring an anonymous red shape with an anonymous voice-over. Was this, for instance, reported to the police? Did the police take any action? If not so reported, did Ms/Mr Kotecha and/or author attempt to report it to the Law? etc etc
BBC 10 o’clock news
Report about pollution in Beijing China
Apparently it would appear that pollution levels have dropped this winter by 25%. Showing blue skies instead of the usual grey haze.
All down to factories being forced to shut down for using coal and forced to change to gas.
What disturbed me was them showing all of those empty factories that had just been abandoned during mid production.
Once again they just want to promote the green issues about this.
No mention at all about the poor factory workers loosing their livelihood .
What would they say if this happened here due to a Tory government policy..
Coal is a perfectly clean fuel so long as it is burnt to make electricity at efficient power stations. Coal being burnt in grates and back yard boilers does not fully combust, and leads to the clouds of smog which were choking Beijing.
So there was no need to convert to gas, just use electricity produced by modern, efficient coal powered power stations. Just like the ones China is building by the dozens in fact. But that does not fit the BBC’s narrative, so down the memory hole it goes.
And the award for creative advertising work on Windfarm Promotion, goes to BBC’s Pa.ul Murphy for putting together 2 packages on BBC Look North tonight
probably in cooperation with with Greenblob PR guys ECIU
Balance ?..yeh
– 6:30pm segment was with Richard B.lack of ECIU (former BBC) ,
– 10:35pm seg was with head of PR of the Wind industry lobby group
with a token 27 words from an anti-turbine campaigner …. whose concerns were quickly dismissed by Murphy
I made notes I’ll post them somewhere. Here’s 2 quick examples
Of course the 2 PR professionals pushed a lot of dodgy claims
Star of the 6:30pm show was Richard Bl ack who got about 5 mins
“Surveys show that only 2-3% oppose windfarms”
..then 20 mins later the show ended with the presenter
reading out 7-10 messages all opposed to windfarms cos no one messaged with support
Later at 10:35pm “”Emma Pinchbeck is from Renewables UK PR”
EP ” I think many people would be interested in better wind turbines
That are going to produce CHEAP power for consumers”
(No wind turbine produces cheap electricity that is why on average they are SUBSIDISED to 2.5-3 times cost of gas made power
and even more when all factors are counted eg extra network costs & inefficiencies)
Lets be clear the BBC gave 2 long segment s to 2 professional Greenblob PR people ..and gave an opposer 27 words
That’s not a figleaf of balance , that’s a clover leaf of balance.
Given all the fuss about how American users of Facebook might have had their data misused to vote in Trump, (but brilliantly used to vote in Obama) it is easy to forget that, nearer to home, their is an organisation that keeps track of every household, even those that don’t subscribe to its services.
This self-same organisation requires people to ‘sign-up’ to receive digital content, even the stuff that is legally free. It claims, like Cambridge Analytics, that this enables it to direct the ‘right’ material to the ‘right’ people. Imagine the political power that gives this near-monopoly provider!
I think it is high time that the BBC exposed this scandal. Oh, wait, I think I can see a problem with that.
One of those ‘must be getting it about right’ efforts no doubt for the ‘no such thing as dire publicity’ in bbc PR, and another along with The Canary editorial team off the QT panel for a few weeks.
That bit on the power of the bbc might need playing down though.
Has Katty offered her spare room yet to that poor wee ‘child’ in the suit whose Tourettic outbursts are making him the darling of blonde cougars coast to coast (except this one )
Quote from the Labour members Jewish conspiracy letter
Monday’s protest was the “onslaught” of a “very powerful special interest group”
using its “immense strength” and “history and influence”
to “employ the full might of the BBC”…
Imagine if such an entity was unleashed anything less than impartially at, say, a referendum from over a year ago?
In other news, the BBC are milking the cry of a young child (definitions vary) about his being denied the chance to have another crack at their mutual top topic in his lifetime.
I see the so called bbc has just told me that Jerusalem only had a brief period of being Christian, but is now islamic. What The Actual Fuck? Off switch, smooth radio soothes my jangling nerve endings.
Designer-stubbled young hunk luvvie comes to perch on the BBC Breakfast sofa just following the appearance of the cutsie pet mutt item. “I’ll send the drycleaning bill to the dog” quip both our Charlie and the thesbian heart throb. So audience, put out of your mind the issue of the rising cost of pet insurance (and for heavens sake don’t make any mental equivalence with the costs of the NHS – ‘cos that’s sort of free to the world and his wife, ‘cos that’s a human right, right?). Now let’s plug an upcoming BBC drama because the BBC don’t do advertising.
Short digression: An older relative of mine, in his more socialistic days in the 1970s, once mused: ‘I think the BBC should be allowed to advertise – but just to promote the Nationalised Industries, like British Leyland, British Railways etc’. Well, we still have millions employed in the public sector (some might argue perhaps even less productively than at Leylands) and have you noticed, by God, do the BBC promote our public sector!
Back to the dog hairs on the sofa. This young luvvie chap is to appear in a BBC Agatha Christie adaptation. He almost incurs our Naga’s nervous wrath by joking about the weather in Scotland. Gosh that’s tantamount to racism these days son. Don’t you know there are a million SNP kilted keyboard warriors out there ready to cyber lynch any BBC bod that would dare to even smile at your little gag? Some horrible right-wing ideas have to be challenged, right? We are a public service broadcaster and so you will be persuaded to believe the Trussachs are a temporate zone.
Another odd comment was that this luvvie chap claimed never to have read or even to have seen on telly an Agatha Christie. What kind of rarified bubble has this posh young buck grown up in? I ask considering his choice of career? Obviously our public school educated cultural elite no longer have to serve an apprenticeship treading the boards in rep or indeed be oblidged join some kind of regional fringe lefty theatre troop endlessly waiting for Godot so as to get their breaks. The BBC now serves as route one for the self perpetuating cultural bubble class. We happily put on shows for the plebs but oh my, it’s not our culture.
Jangling nerves. I get those, but since moment x I don’t very often. At moment x I realised that I was wrong. The BBC was no longer a quality broadcaster, where you get reliable news, informative comment and enjoyable entertainment. It had morphed into something else: the enemy within.
Once you tell yourself you are listening because you need to keep an eye on the enemy, there are still good programmes but they are a bonus, you become more shockproof.
You realise that almost every programme, no matter what the subject, will probably conform to an underlying narrative. History will be rewritten. Smug self-righteousness will hang like a cloud in the studio most of the time. etc etc You are listening to propaganda from those who want to RADICALLY change this country from what it once was, into something else.
Example: watched Simon Shama on ‘Civilisation’ last night. Great programme on art and artists. But when you’re watching the enemy, you KNOW. The narrative burbled away in plain sight, but with a sort of restraint. Some interesting theory. At the end came the punch-line: what the ‘West’ brought to the peaceful and heavenly sub-continent, where art had established a blissful paradise on earth was ‘machines, money and muskets’.
At that point we were chilling out in Lahore, I think. So I was not jangled. I expected a bomb to land, and when it did, I shrugged. very nice things had been said about Western art, but you kinda knew what was coming.
Was still able to enjoy the art, though, even agree with Shama on lots of art appreciation.
It’s like Novichok. Watch/listen with your protective mental suit on. When they bring out the poison, and they will, you know you’re protected. And you assess who’s doing what without getting jangled.
You could watch without paying the tax, vlad (and -of course- you watch to report here).
But should you not then also expect a knock on the door from a Obergruppenfuehrer, SS? The odd punch below the ribcage? A visit to HMP where most Islamicists and ‘left-wing’ rabble never go cos they’re so fashionable, the odd intent to blow up a few people or overthrow the government, notwithstanding?
Can Shameless Shami survive these Labour revelations?
More seriously, consider how the anti semitic revelations will impact favourably on the perfect people who make up so much of Labour’s devout and peaceful followers. Any sign that Labour does not like Jews will be an answer to their prayers.
GWF – Of course Lady Shameless will survive these allegations because the MSM and left leaning establishment want her to .
In her last little favour for the Labour party (as far as I know) she did not even mention the fact that much of the hostility towards the Jews in the Labour party may well be due to Labours decision to court the followers of the “religion of peace” at the expense of other long standing supporters. Of course dear old Uncle Jeremy would never be aware that some of his supporters harbour such views as he is such a decent fellow.
I suspect that Lady Shameless will be very busy with buckets of “brownwash” over the next few weeks as that is the least she can do after getting such a nice gong from Uncle Jeremy. And being effnik herself (and of course suffering from waycism herself) who could doubt her motivations and honesty?
Yet again the left seem to ignore ongoing problems with certain sections of our society despite knowing that ultimately if left unchecked all our values and freedoms will be destroyed.
One thing is for sure: any affirmative action well paid non-job going, any inequality, any injustice, any frivolous lawsuit and one of the huge Chakrabarti clan will be on hand to cash in.
Wonder what that name means?
”Chakraborty (Chôkrôbôrti চক্রবর্তী) is a surname meaning ′Ruler of the country′ or ′Emperor′ of Bengali and Assamese Brahmin people in the Indian states of West Bengal, Assam and Tripura and in Bangladesh.”
Yes, it’s a bit rich that members of this ruling Brahmin caste are over here lecturing us on equality..
I have been pumping a daily message onto my facebook page wondering when one of the politics progs was going to drag Shami on to answer some questions.
Mind you, not much chance of any response on FB, most on there think I’m completely deranged, and should be sectioned.
Indeed absolutely what did happen as predicted. But added to this supreme insult to us the voting public, was to learn of this nations worst traitor T Blair being given air time on Thursday BBC radio. The US/UK invasion of Iraq in case some may have forgotten , utterly without credible pretext, is the major crime of the twenty-first century. The invasion led to the death of hundreds of thousands of people in a country where the civilian society had already been devastated by American and British sanctions that were regarded as ‘genocidal’ by the two distinguished international diplomats who administered them and resigned in protest for this reason. The invasion also generated millions of refugees, (of which a million landed in Europe)- largely destroyed the country and instigated a sectarian conflict that is now tearing apart Iraq and the entire region-how can Blair sleep at night, one might ask? It is an astounding fact about our intellectual and moral culture that an informed and enlightened circles it can be called, blandly ‘the liberation of Iraq.’ The BBC must also accept much blame as well for their support of such an horrendous invasion of Iraq as well as the catastrophe of Lybia. In 2015 was 1000 yrs since the signing of the Magna Carta-what we had to do right then or failed to do would determine what kind of world would have greeted that event-It is not an attractive prospect however if present tendencies persist-not least because the Great Charter is being shredded before our eyes.
Adrian Chiles on R5 just redeemed himself
First he played Heseltime really hamming it up..saying Brexit is the end of the Earth “Think of the children” etc.
Then Chiles gave the opposite point of view.
I wasn’t going to post over Easter but caught the last 10 minutes – apparently one of the presenters has left today . One beeboid being replaced by another. But a full on love fest that beeboids love to do. I wonder how diverse the next one will be – black girl I reckon – definitely of the queer type for box ticking – or maybe a trans thing .
Sarah Montugue left, to be still with us for the 1pm news.
If your prediction is correct, Humphrys will probably stage a love-fest twice as long. Im sure listeners appreciate the pointless non-stop banter.
AsISeeItMar 10, 08:04 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Posters hereabouts will jostle and jockey for that prized top of the shop number one spot. Whereas a last comment…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 2016 Brexit – control our borders – 2025 borders open with increase crossing. 2016 Brexit – control our VAT- 2025…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:00 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Border Patrol recorded 58,038 encounters with migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in August, according to a Pew Research Center…
JohnCMar 10, 07:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I posted earlier Marco, the BBC are celebrating his ‘appointment’ with such a fanfare in a ‘live update’ article…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think Trump made a big mistake in taking measures against Canada and joking about it becoming the 51 st…
harry142857Mar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC approved type of enricher. Welcomed to the UK: Palestinian asylum seeker gunman who called on God to ‘kill all…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A warning from the future! And one which we can all see is not a exaggerated threat. Prof Betz and…
MarcoMar 10, 07:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney Wef candidate and green scam artist ,he ticks all the globalist boxes including the BBC but the good…
pugnaziousMar 10, 07:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It is possible to stop the flow….you just have to want to…and Labour, the Tories and France just don’t want…
You can take the Labour stooge out of the bbc. But…
In the Channel 4 Dispatches, MEND leader declares: You muslims are the King makers.
Sadly, and terrifyingly, he’s right and the parties know it.
How can it be a smear when one of the founding events of islam was the massacre of the Jewish Banu Qurayza (not sure of spelling) by the so called prophet.
islam = Jew hatred, it’s on the tin.
A silver bullet argument if ever I saw one. Indeed the massacre of a Jewish tribe and its justification during the takeover and conquest of Medina is integral to Islam and forms a significant part of the Quran. I have never seen it stated so simply. Furthermore it was the Jewish tribe that came to Muhammed’s help when he was first being thrown out of Mecca for trouble-making – they offered him refuge in Medina. That didn’t turn out too well for them.
In politically correct circles you can’t say Islam = Jew hatred. But you can say it creates problems and you can say Islam = treating Jews as second class citizens, with limited opportunities and having to pay a “protection” tax (called Jizya).
Police have f*cked up again … it’s up to the victims to help the police ….
“Det Ch Insp Mark Glover said the convictions were only possible because of the “incredible bravery” of the gang’s victims.”
“Reporting restrictions previously prevented the case being reported, and two other men involved in the trial cannot be named for legal reasons.”
“Oxford men guilty of sexual exploitation ‘on a massive scale'” { 24mar2018}
This time, it’s “Oxford Men”…………….. Good ol’ BBC: predictable in their preferences as always.
Yeah, bloody Oxford Men, all the same…
Beebistan not so keen on stories from Oxford these days, but very, very keen on stories about Cambridge – in particular a place called Cambridge Analytica.
(Can’t seem to find it on a map though, must be very small.)
Still using that offensive ‘grooming’ term which sanitises the evil premeditated intention to turn young girls into rape victims.
Now where has that death penalty gone.?
Al Beeb is reducing attacks by Muslims on allied soldiers ( French this morning) into a routine. It’s buried on world news on their site – soon to disappear and not mentioned in radio news at all.
Makes you wonder where these peasants come from in paki land or similar ? Some dirt village ? Msm won’t go near that . It shows that multiculturalism doesn’t work if they are not forced to adopt western civilised ways, but our betters let them in without our consent in the false belief that they deserved a better life when all they deserve is death.
“…Harold Wilson ‘What the British people wanted was a bit of peace and quiet. Anything for a quiet life’. You know and I know that this is the great drag on democracy. Does my voice count, so you leave it to a well organised tiny minority. Now you ask have people learned? Yes, they are learning that if you do leave it to that tiny well organised minority … Unpleasant things happen. And then you recoil from that. In part you expect your politicians to do something about it, the question is whether the people themselves will back up the politicians.”
– Margaret Thatcher
“Margaret Thatcher – Capitalism and a Free Society”
Thanks for this, Marky. Great stuff. If only we had her around now…
Interesting that al Beeb reports that Tommy Robinson has been banned from Twitter and I think he is also off the Facebook too. So much for freedom of speech America.
Any freedom left on the Internet is soon to be extinguished this site must be on the shut down list .
Meanwhile AQ and ISIS and the wahabi Saudis pump western oil profits back into propaganda sources , madrasahs and mosques all over Europe .
Did they mention Tommy is leading a protest march on 6th May from Speakers Corner to Twitter HQ in london (wherever that is).
BBC HOME … who decides what goes here?
* Have voters changed their minds about Brexit?
* UK hopes to roll over 40 EU trade deals, says Liam Fox
*’I feel betrayed’: Listeners give their views on Brexit
I ask you all to forgive this post bacuase it is not directly related to the BBC. However in my defence I will say that everything that is wrong with this wonderful, amazing country has everything to do with the vile corrupt organisation that the BBC is.
I attempted to change a paper £10 note for a plastic one at the bank. My first and closest choice was LLOYDS BANK. Listening to an ad of theirs and I quote maybe not exactly word for word.
“Britain has seen great change over the past 250 years and through it all we have always been by your side”
I knew what the first response would be. “Are you AN EXISTING LLOYDS CUSTOMER?”
So I left and proceeded to my bank BARCLAYS. Yes I could change it but only if I were to pay it into my account and unfortunately our systems are down. The word FRAUD was also mentioned, Give me a break here. “FRAUD” A £10 UK bank note and the shite consultant was mentioning the word fraud to me. Alright I confess I do have moodswings. Given what I’ve been through and what I’m meant to accept as the world as it now it is…..I’m beyond trying to rationalise any of it. In my anger and frustration I tore up the note, left the bank and threw it by the side of the ATM MACHINES. Perhaps a little foolish but I’m glad I did it. I don’t need a GP, I don’t need an ambulance all I need is another glass of wine.
An astonishing story here of a home for vulnerable Welsh children being established in the property of Oldhams Pakistani Muslim Mayor, not only that but it’s right in the middle of a Pakistani Muslim area where the riots were opposite a dark unlit park !
It beggars belief that anyone could think this was appropriate given what has gone on, but talking to the Mail news desk, the snowflake there said that it’s more important not to offend or stereotype Muslims, and that not all Muslims are like that. The fact that some of them are and that this attitude is precisely why all the previous rapes were allowed to happen completely passed her by.
This needs some urgent publicity a few potentially offended Muslims are not as important as the rape of children !
Children’s home or harem?
I’ve just linked to this story over at Breitbart in their coverage of another shocking story to come out of Oldham:
Interesting that Plod is keeping quiet about the attacks possibly being racially motivated.
One can only assume the victims were ‘Asian’ too.
Opening a children’s home in the muslim area of Oldham sounds about as inspired as opening an Islamic centre on Ground Zero.
Or the Ground Zero Victory Terror Mosque as it became known.
Inexplicably, the locals objected (those that were still alive) which just goes to show how islamophobic they are.
I’d guess Muslim men in the area would approve on the basis of it being ‘an amenity’.
Since muslims don’t have pubs, the guys need somewhere to go of an evening.
The application came before planning committee because the Mayor of Oldham, Councillor Shadab Qumer, is the landlord for the property.
Quick, tell the Beebistan: I think I’ve finally discovered what the paedophile rape and grooming gangs all have in common.
It’s been staring us in the face all along, hidden in plain sight, but now it’s obvious.
Rochdale, Peterborough, Rotherham, Bristol, Oldham, Oxford…
They all have the letter O in them!!
Oxford even has 2, hence the prevalence of rape gangs there.
Look out Oslo, you’re next.
And you really wouldn’t want to be a white teenage girl in the town of Bosobolo in the Congo.
We are truly foooooooooked.
The girls certainly were.
In fairness to the BBC they have narrowed it down to “Asian” men. So that includes Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Bangeldesh, Thai etc.
The BBC need more rape data to see any pattern beyond that.
The Singaporeans are the worst.
“They all have the letter O in them!!”
In that case, I have a friend in Oswaldtwistle and I’m warning her to get out, now.
Broadbottom (Cheshire), Shitlingthorpe (Yorkshire), Horneyman (Kent), Slackbottom (Yorkshire) and Boggy Bottom (Herts) are clearly out. Brown Willy (Cornwall) doesn’t sound too promising either.
I’m thinking maybe Giggleswick (N Yorkshire).
thornton, you clearly haven’t read my well-researched comment a few posts down. Giggleswick will not do, oh dear no.
Oh sh*t.
BBC just won’t let it go…
‘I’m 18 – will I ever get to vote on Brexit?’
Answer is NO! The fact this kid has to ask such a stupid question just shows he is not intelligent to have voted in the first place.
I’m waiting for the follow up BBC videos…. “I was too old to walk to the polling station, can I still vote for Leave?” just to be impartial.
Now that we’ve solved the riddle of the nothing-to-do-with-islam rape gangs, perhaps we can help the beebistan and the police solve the mystery of the nothing-to-do-with-islam terror attacks worldwide.
Let’s see now, Paris, Nice, Berlin, Wetsminster Bridge, London Bridge, Madrid, Charlie Hebdo, San Bernardino, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan…
It has to be the letter ‘i’.
I’m moving to somewhere safe, like Manchester.
6:16pm BBC1 suddenly Telford is being covered
A woman who doesn’t want to be identified says grooming is still going on, cos her SON was being groomed
.. Camera shows woman in unBritish sitting room, a red cloth covering her head to ankles
.. We only see to ankles skirt and heavily bracelets on wrist.
Is she Pakistani, Turkish, Roma , Albanian etc ?
Grooming still going on in Rochdale too, according to a reliable legal source close to the jtf family (who works there).
My often repeated message to Al Beeb and maxi………………..
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”.
BBC : Oxford men guilty of sexual exploitation ‘on a massive scale’
For a moment there I thought the Bullingdon Club had struck again – until I saw the mug shots.
That’s what they want you to think – Bullingdon.
Bless Tony Blair – msm sticks him on the tv to stiffen the backbone of brexiteers like me. He really does want that ReichEU job .
Yep he’s all over the Channel4 news screen now being interviwed by Justin Webb
My father switched over
(dunno why he watches C4 News anyway)
This is a question rather than a post.
Yesterday evening there was an “incident” involving a car in the Golders Green area of London. Now, most of us will know that this is home to lots of the Jewish community, who will have been celebrating Passover.
A car came off the road, ran along the pavement and seriously injured an elderly man and several others. The police have apparently said this wasn’t terrorist related. but…
The story seems to have died a death and to be blunt I just don’t trust the MSM or the police for that matter to tell us the truth.
Heard anything?
Clearly the perp was non-white otherwise we would have heard all about it endlessly.
Caught partially on video
One guy is already swept onto the bonnet and the car shoots along pavement towards an orthodox Jew hit him , then smashes into pharmacy
Doesn’t look like someone driving at a crowd.
Could even be a dead guy at the wheel.
Immediately a largely Jewish crowd run to the rescue, one guy has security written on a black jacket as if Jewish school guard.
Crowd lifts the broken security grill out of the way and tries to lift car off victim ends
Also … Mail, The Sun
…videos edited together
Heard nothing. But then, could there be a substantial amount of censorship going on?
For instance, has it been reported in the UK that 60 US diplomats have been expelled from Russia and the consulate in St Petersburg closed? Seen nothing here….
Austria did not follow this predictable and ridiculous expulsion business, wanting to be a bridge between Russia and the West. Wise man, young Kurz. Who is escalating and what are the possible consequences? Not reported in Britain?
Number of trans in BBC-land continues to vastly outnumber the real world
The BBC are repeatedly keen to identify all manner of perceived inequalities.
Here’s one they appear to have overlooked.
Perhaps their ‘investigative journalists’ could get on the case.
Rochdale, Oxford, Rotherham, Telford, Bristol, Newcastle etc.
Whilst white offenders seem to be ‘significantly under-represented’, Labour councils seem to be ‘significantly over-represented’.
Could this possibly be related to the fact that immigrants from many countries that..errr….show a preference for a certain religion,….. get immediate voting rights in local council elections?
‘Vote for the party that turns a blind eye to child abuse of indigenous white girls’’
Not very catchy, I grant you.
But apparently effective.
“Could this possibly be related to the fact that Commonwealth and EU immigrants get immediate voting rights in local council elections?” Voting rights? No need, they are employed by those same local authorities in great numbers and they influence from within: hiding and or destroying any evidence or flagging up to their colleagues likely problems. That’s the way asians work.
As I’ve not had a TV Licence since last September, I pay attention to what friends with TV licenses say or describe. Seems on the One Year to Brexit BBC coverage, it was only to be expected that the BBC would take every opportunity to extol the virtues of remaining in the EU. Viewers were not dissapointed. I say, ‘disappointed’ because friends are acutely aware of the BBC’s biases and in particular their hostility toward Brexit. The expression is, “Wall-to-Wall” derogatory remarks or, detailed explanations as to how it will be impossible to extricate ourselves from the giant spiders web that is the EU. Occasionally some things do inadvertently ‘slip out the bag’ though. I’m told that the Welsh Political Correspondent, one Nick Servini when interviewed said, that, “going about” as any correspondent would, he could not detect any fall in the numbers wanting Brexit. He, apparently qualified that by adding, ‘In fact, if anything the numbers have now hardened with more people wanting to leave than had previously sought to remain’.
Anyway, it’s all a sideshow. In the background, still ticking away quietly and gaining momemtum is the overall plan – The White Genocide of the UK much along the lines of Europe.
Friends tell me that the BBC are very obviously cramming blacks and asians onto every tv frame available in an attempt to convince the viewer that that group make up 75% or more of the population. Seems that there is a long queue of blacks and asians leading up to the back door of W1A 1AA awaiting a preferential job interview since the BBC declared it had no place for white employees. Its called, ‘Positive Discrimination’. Perhaps that predominance might account for the deterioration in programme quality?
Congratulations on joining the no tv tax club . I’m still due a visit any day now .
It’s unfortunate for the welch political establishment that rhe country voted out by a big majority if I remember . Thank god somes ‘ got their head screwed on.
The thing about black faces is true, there is a charity which times the amount of non white faces on tv . I guess it’s the same with advertising – black man white women. See kfc adverts .
Disclosure – I’m English ( well kind of Anglo Irish really ) but I’d pass the England v Ireland test and support the ref.
It looks as if the wheels are well and truly coming off the “Weapons Grade Nerve Agent Attack” story in Salisbury, turns out it was the door handle wot dunnit.
FFS! This entire narrative has got more holes in it than a tramp’s socks.
Oh! And the daughter now appears to be improving, after being poisoned by a nerve agent that we were told was 9x more potent than VX which itself kills in minutes; as was demonstrated with the rapid dispatch of Whu Flung Dung’s half-brother at that Malaysian airport.
Maybe it wasn’t a “Weapons Grade” nerve agent at all? Perhaps it was just one for the home or office.
Even Jezza Swine on his show today, who isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer by any stretch, smelt the subtle waft of BS emanating from this whole tale; whilst the expert he interviewed from Leeds University was careful in his answers about the latest “Death Handle” revelations from the police.
Ma May, saw an opportunity with this “attack” to deflect attention away from her weakness and poor leadership, negotiating with the scEUm and she rode it like a Derby winner.
Unfortunately, the whole thing is b******s, obviously so when the circumstances are analysed objectively.
They have also involved a lot of other countries in their lies, which unfortunately (for Ma et al) could yet prove extremely awkward for them; it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch though, in my view.
There are so many questions, Al. For instance, if you have to wear the fancy spacegear to survive proximity to Novichok, how on earth did the Russians get it onto the Skripal’s door handle? I could make a list, but I think you could as well…
The last time there seemed to be so many serious questions (still unanswered?) was when Dr Kelly’s body was found. I am actually not a fan of conspiracy theories in general, but some particular cases close to home -which should be of concern for all citizens (see Maggie Thatcher interview on this site)-do call for some more convincing explanations than are forthcoming….
Maggie interview? Pray tell where, one is interested.
World Cup 2018: No British referee chosen for tournament
By Mandeep Sanghera
BBC Sport
”There will be no British referee at the World Cup this summer for the first time since 1938.
Fifa has chosen 36 officials for the tournament in Russia but none from England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.”
Britain hating BBC must be happy about that, wait for them demand more ethnic minorities and women refs in our football leagues…
Hey, hasn’t gay Formula 1 just sacked all the lovely grid girls?
maybe just maybe..
That’s all the diversity we need in Europe.
Who wants to look at them when you can look at this. This is what a “real” woman looks like!
Congratulations please people my first ever image!
For God’s sake.
Look, I don’t know who moderates this damn blog but can you try to maintain some standards please, or at least issue some sort of warning?
Some of us have work to do and need to concentrate.
thorn – I will take that as a congratulation!
Must be due a Russian ref in the first game – certain -…unless the English team is fitted up with cocaine abuse by putins boys .
R4 ran a positive story on Brexit at 4.30, and compliments for that BBC. Even Caroline Flint MP kept it level. I kept listening (in disbelief )for the catch. Right at the end we had a ‘humorous’ insert hammering Farage and blue passports.
Oh well…
Not the BBC, but it might just as well have been, with Robert ‘Vowelstrangler’ Peston providing a stream of negativity from the North East whose residents, evidently, are so thick and deprived they had no idea what they really voted for with their massive and ill-advised support for Brexit.
Sadly, even his attempt to identify with the working man by opting to wear a flat cap perched on top of his head like a cowpat on an unkempt collie only increased the air of ineptness on an inept and transparently biased presentation. Didn’t he work for Auntie once?
Sky 233 now The Pledge is discussing free speech
Maajid says Count Dankula is not hate speech
“Hate speech is when you trying to incite violence”
Ferrari has brought up Charlie Hebdo
MN says yes the cartoon is fine , cos you have the right to offend.
Ferrari says Count Dankula is guilty
but even June Sarpong doesn’t think he should be jailed
Rachel Johnson said her paper the Mail dropped her article which was sympathetic to him
short clip
The BBC feckers are claiming Telford was about white gangs of men sexually abusing Muslim boys – they are interviewing a Muslim woman or at least a woman dressed up to look Muslim. Unbelievable! Talk about fecking fake news. If this isn’t proof the BBC are fecking the English people, I don’t know what is. The whole point of this article is to make the claim white men are sexually abusing Muslim boys in Telford. There is no other point to the article.
And the BBC claim it was only ALLEGEDLY that working class white girls were victims …
I saw this as well and thought exactly the same. Trying to cover up or change the aspect of the criminals involved. Quite frankly, our so called national broadcaster is so out of touch with reality it makes you think who has the audacity to dream up the narrative!! Quite frankly, they are the enemy within and need to be shut down NOW!!
.. and this is *part* of the reason I have just cancelled my TV Licence. I watch no BBC news at all … it’s either dumbed down froth or leftie globalist propaganda and I centainly do not believe anything they tell me. I used to watch Sky on Freeview but they are just as bad so now I don’t watch them anymore and as for Kay Burley … shit!!! . Everything is repeats and any drama is agenda .. I sit and wait for the PC characters arriving. The only place which seems to have normal TV drama is France .. i.e Spiral. OK there are Asians and Blacks and a woman Inspector but I don’t feel it’s contrived .. it’s normal life! I used to be an avid R4 listener pre PC agenda days and will never forgive the BBC for ruining this frequency. I remember when the culls first started on R4 IMO, when they stopped the playing of the “jingoistic” music at around 5.30am. All it was was military marches and English traditional music like Greensleeves .. but no they didn’t have the time to play that ‘cos they **needed** more time for “news”. I have to say that I was incensed by this at the time as I felt part of my past was being obliterated but now I know why they did it!! Have just bought Orwell’s biography and 1984 to re-read. Bloody frightening what these propagandists are doing to our country’s traditions. If I knew how to fight back I would .. I’m too old to man the barricades .. sorry woman the barricades .. so I start by cancelling my TV licence! Tell me it isn’t futile?
Crone – I concur with everything you have said. No its not futile. And just like an Oak tree growing from a tiny acorn – Small acts of resistance when done en mass will eventually accumulate to an unstoppable force
So keep your dander up and keep on banging away and lets hope the sheepie will continue to awake.
It’s definitely faked, and there are many clues that it is faked. Watch the video. There is an image of a covered woman. There are clues to indicate she is a British Pakistani Muslim woman.
She claims to be a worried mother. We do not hear her voice – the BBC use a voice over. The BBC say the mother is only speaking ANONYMOUSLY. The mother claims her son is being abused by WHITE MEN, LOTS OF DIFFERENT WHITE MEN. There then follows a LONG SPEECH in which SHE SUDDENLY BECOMES AN AUTHORITY ON EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING ON IN TELFORD – HISTORICALLY AND CURRENTLY. SHE TURNS OUT TO BE THE LEADING EXPERT ON THE SUBJECT. She says there are WHITE MEN and BLACK MEN abusing BLACK GIRLS and INDIAN GIRLS and even PAKISTANI GIRLS.
Basically the BBC have colluded with a British Pakistani activist and the BBC use the opportunity to read out a prepared statement that could have been written by propandists from the British Muslim Council. The BBC even state that it is only ALLEGATIONS that working class white girls have been targeted in Telford.
The BBC need to be called out for this blatant piece of fake news and the anonymous mother needs to be named.
Smacks of “some people are saying”
Maybe others (e.g. StewGreen) can check whether this is a BBC created story – or whether other media channels / newspapers have interviewed this “mother”.
I really think effort needs to be made into digging further into this as it is certain that this is fake news – and the “mother / Telford expert” is a British – Pakistani activist or equivalent.
Stew Green … our intrepid undercover/overcover reporter! Go Stew Go!!!
Ha you daft wassock, I was literally typing whilst you said that.
The point is BBC has the resources to get stories right in the first place, but misses basic steps.
Oh Stew!! I love being called a daft wassock .. it’s what I’ve always wanted to be! Thank you x
Well the BBC’s sudden finding would have absolutely nothing to do with a coming Football Lads march in Telford on March 30
Her story could be true
It could also be a result of the Hatey no Hopers creative department
BBC’s March 29 story
Copied by the Mail
** Before yesterday there was no mentions of Telford-abusing-boys on Twitter **
Strangely there was a white man Darren Swift who abused boys in Rotherham 1980-997 he was jailed in 2015 (when his home address was listed as Telford)
You’d expect to find lots of reference to Telford-gay-boys
but just one tweet from 3 years ago
when someone complained of spotting a 53 year old gay put on dating app his preference for boys
Stew … exactly !!
This is so laughably FAKE NEWS – what is the best way to complain about this nonsense ? Presumably, no point going through the BBC ? OFCOM ? If enough people complain, we may get some sort of response. This is just getting silly now and the BBC are embarrassing us all – how has this once-great and respected organisation become such a laughing stock ???
It’s the beebistan doing what it does best: muddy the waters, throw sand in your eyes, smoke and mirrors, distract, confuse, misinform, blame the victims and make the guilty into victims.
Damage limitation in defence of their favourite cult – quick, invent some bogus counter-narrative.
A bit like Putin.
vlad I agree .. but they need to be pinned down for the propagandist crap they are. This is the way to get to them .. by proving that they are constructing fake scenarios to cover ROP crimes! It needs someone who knows how to do it. I don’t but I will applaud anyone on this site who *can* do it x
If it wasn’t true it would make an excellent comedy script.
I love the thought of all these dead keen, right on BBC journos freshly out of the LSE, having to go around to schools, (especially in say an area with a high Hindu population) exposing fake news and then having to trying to explain why when mass rape is committed by Pakistani Muslim males, according to the BBC, they suddenly morph into “Asian” males.
Maybe they could also explain why it was more important to hear tributes to Doddy than hear about mass rape and murders committed by “Asian” men in Telford.
Oh hang on – I forgot an anonymous Muslim (or is she now “Asian”) mother has said it was the whites wot did it to her son – so there you have it. At the end of the day its all whiteys fault.
No argument aunty has spoken!
ps – I wonder if this is why Maxi has been so quiet of late. Maybe he’s been busy educating the children of the masses.
Odd isn’t it that while the Labour party gaze at their navels and hope that anti-Semitism will go away, nobody, anywhere, is asking the most obvious question – why?
Why should a party with long and honourable association with Jewish socialists and communism – principally founded by a Jew, Marx – now want to cut links, de-select members and howl verbal and electronic abuse? I mean, it’s almost as though there were some bitterly – you could even say religiously and fanatically – opposed group infiltrating Labour and wishing every last Jew and Israeli dead. Lucky there’s nothing like that in the UK, so it must be some other reason.
That apart, it should be remembered that Jews have always been persecuted by ‘the Left’, Beltane. They were sent to the Gulags in Russia along with criminals, rebels, Christians and anyone else seen as a threat to ‘the State’, the Party and ‘the system’. When the doors opened in the early/mid-1990s, Russian and other east European Jews left Europe and the population of Israel increased dramatically.
Goes back a bit further than that Up2. If one religion, Christianity, holds another, Judaism, responsible for the death of the Son of its God, there’s been hell to pay ever since.
Pope Benedict XVI finally absolved the Jews from responsibility for the death of Jesus in…..wait for it….2011. The pogroms in Russia and Poland were regular features long before Russian communism. The Christian west has since become more realistic and humane, other have not moved forward from the 14th century.
It was the revelation of The Talmud to Pope Gregory IX, which caused the Jews to become the “ultimate outsiders” in Europe from the 13th century onwards.
Recommend reading this weeks Spectator which has 2 good articles on anti-semitism on the left.
Outside of those articles Jews were attracted to the type of socialism that did not marginalise them as outsiders .There was always another type of socialism one based on envy and that always overlapped with anti-Semitism.
Farage mentioned this in his LBC show
Guardian app has 3.2 million active users. They say Facebook profiles have an average of 185 friends. That means they potentially harvested the data of 590 million accounts, over 10x what Cambridge Analytica collected:
“The Guardian app harvests your personal data from your Facebook page and also the data of all of your friends – the exact same central allegation the Observer has been making against Cambridge Analytica. The privacy policy of the Guardian Facebook app makes clear if you don’t grant permission to have your and your friends’ social media data harvested you cannot use the app:”
BBC 3CR (Three Counties Radio) at 3.45 pm today.
The guest speaker was negative as regards Brexit.
She stated that after Brexit, transplant organs would be held up at borders and lives put at risk.
There was no challenge to this view. She also prattled on about cancer treatment being threatened by Brexit. Again, no challenge.
She is a Liberal Democrat.
“”Baroness Brinton is a member of the Liberal Democrat Federal Policy Committee and Vice Chair of the Federal Conference Committee. She also chairs the Liberal Democrat Diversity Engagement Group and has a particular interest in increasing the number of women, black, Asian, and minority ethnic MPs.””
Dover – that’s a good one – so organs matched from Blighty to the mainland will be held up to. It’s like saying we ll eat Eu citizens first born. Boo!
And now, another instalment of Katty’s Wishful Thinking
More effectively than anyone else eh?
They can’t have set a very high bar
One is a dumb blonde simply trying to make a fast buck to please cynical paymasters.
The other some all over the Hill adult ‘actor’.
So Donald Trump is alleged to have had consensual sex with an adult woman 12 years ago. Do you get impeached for that now?
Even if it is true, this is purely a private matter between Mr and Mrs Trump. Since when did the BBC turn into the News of the World?
A bit late but while I remember here is my entry for the ‘biased BBC dredging the bottom of the Remoaner barrel’.
On Toady this morning, the BBC featured a concern that post Brexit the EHIC card for a Brit working in Germany may not carry across if the person later moved jobs to Portugal.
Oh well. That’s it then. Better stay in !
You really just cannot make it up.
You can’t use an EHIC card if you LIVE in that country, they are only for temporary tourists AFAIK
Does the Brexit dividend actually exist?
Laura Kuenssberg
”Without mentioning the bus (yes, that bus), the boldest promise in the referendum that sticks in people’s minds was to provide more money for the NHS.”
Wasn’t that before the establishment traitors agreed a £40,000.000.000 ‘divorce ‘ gift to the EU. Before we gave our future fish away, etc etc.
And yes it sticks in people’s minds , it was mentioned every single day by remoaners with no other angle to attack for months on end.
Then went quiet, only to be resurrected by Theresa May bizarrely pretending to be a leaver
”There is of course, absolutely nothing that’s certain about the political or financial picture this time next year. I hate to think how out of kilter this blog might seem on re-reading in 12 months’ time.”
”Kuenssberg’s earnings as a BBC journalist were in the range £200,000 – £249,999 per annum in July 2017”
not bad for a blogger….
I chose to avoid the al Beeb Brexit day because I didn’t want to hear the anti Brexit propaganda . By now it’s just remainers talking to remainers.
We should just tell Eire it’s untenable for them to stay in the ReichEU – and get an Irish prime minister instead of a foreigner.
The remainers seem to think that they’d win a second referendum . This is a result of group think denial. In the refendum there was no mention of a second or third one – just bloody leave. Al Beeb won’t focus on that because we are all to think to vote to stay in the ReichEU.
It is not entirely clear who wrote the Telford ‘white gang’ article for the BBC and/or recorded the video. The piece following on is by Sima Kotecha, who quotes from it. Perhaps one could ask her whether she is able to provide anything more by way of substantiation, other than quoting from an anonymous article featuring an anonymous red shape with an anonymous voice-over. Was this, for instance, reported to the police? Did the police take any action? If not so reported, did Ms/Mr Kotecha and/or author attempt to report it to the Law? etc etc
BBC 10 o’clock news
Report about pollution in Beijing China
Apparently it would appear that pollution levels have dropped this winter by 25%. Showing blue skies instead of the usual grey haze.
All down to factories being forced to shut down for using coal and forced to change to gas.
What disturbed me was them showing all of those empty factories that had just been abandoned during mid production.
Once again they just want to promote the green issues about this.
No mention at all about the poor factory workers loosing their livelihood .
What would they say if this happened here due to a Tory government policy..
Coal is a perfectly clean fuel so long as it is burnt to make electricity at efficient power stations. Coal being burnt in grates and back yard boilers does not fully combust, and leads to the clouds of smog which were choking Beijing.
So there was no need to convert to gas, just use electricity produced by modern, efficient coal powered power stations. Just like the ones China is building by the dozens in fact. But that does not fit the BBC’s narrative, so down the memory hole it goes.
It appears neither Sky nor another major broadcaster quite up to holding certain powers to account. For some reason.
And the award for creative advertising work on Windfarm Promotion, goes to BBC’s Pa.ul Murphy for putting together 2 packages on BBC Look North tonight
probably in cooperation with with Greenblob PR guys ECIU
Balance ?..yeh
– 6:30pm segment was with Richard B.lack of ECIU (former BBC) ,
– 10:35pm seg was with head of PR of the Wind industry lobby group
with a token 27 words from an anti-turbine campaigner …. whose concerns were quickly dismissed by Murphy
I made notes I’ll post them somewhere. Here’s 2 quick examples
Of course the 2 PR professionals pushed a lot of dodgy claims
Star of the 6:30pm show was Richard Bl ack who got about 5 mins
“Surveys show that only 2-3% oppose windfarms”
..then 20 mins later the show ended with the presenter
reading out 7-10 messages all opposed to windfarms cos no one messaged with support
Later at 10:35pm “”Emma Pinchbeck is from Renewables UK PR”
EP ” I think many people would be interested in better wind turbines
That are going to produce CHEAP power for consumers”
(No wind turbine produces cheap electricity that is why on average they are SUBSIDISED to 2.5-3 times cost of gas made power
and even more when all factors are counted eg extra network costs & inefficiencies)
Lets be clear the BBC gave 2 long segment s to 2 professional Greenblob PR people ..and gave an opposer 27 words
That’s not a figleaf of balance , that’s a clover leaf of balance.
BBC’s GlobaWarming / Greendream bias tracked on a daily basis by Paul Homewood
Given all the fuss about how American users of Facebook might have had their data misused to vote in Trump, (but brilliantly used to vote in Obama) it is easy to forget that, nearer to home, their is an organisation that keeps track of every household, even those that don’t subscribe to its services.
This self-same organisation requires people to ‘sign-up’ to receive digital content, even the stuff that is legally free. It claims, like Cambridge Analytics, that this enables it to direct the ‘right’ material to the ‘right’ people. Imagine the political power that gives this near-monopoly provider!
I think it is high time that the BBC exposed this scandal. Oh, wait, I think I can see a problem with that.
One of those ‘must be getting it about right’ efforts no doubt for the ‘no such thing as dire publicity’ in bbc PR, and another along with The Canary editorial team off the QT panel for a few weeks.
That bit on the power of the bbc might need playing down though.
Has Katty offered her spare room yet to that poor wee ‘child’ in the suit whose Tourettic outbursts are making him the darling of blonde cougars coast to coast (except this one )
Speaking of the peroxide dudshell, Facebook has helpfully used its algorithms to remind me of this:
And speaking of The Canary, it seems like it, along with the bbc, feels it is not ‘the media’.
Quote from the Labour members Jewish conspiracy letter
Monday’s protest was the “onslaught” of a “very powerful special interest group”
using its “immense strength” and “history and influence”
to “employ the full might of the BBC”…
Imagine if such an entity was unleashed anything less than impartially at, say, a referendum from over a year ago?
In other news, the BBC are milking the cry of a young child (definitions vary) about his being denied the chance to have another crack at their mutual top topic in his lifetime.
I see the so called bbc has just told me that Jerusalem only had a brief period of being Christian, but is now islamic. What The Actual Fuck? Off switch, smooth radio soothes my jangling nerve endings.
Do they mention how Jerusalem came to be islamic?
Hint: it wasn’t exactly peaceful.
Beebee him go long long on dem tunder & lightning ting today. Need cartoons for Trending.
Designer-stubbled young hunk luvvie comes to perch on the BBC Breakfast sofa just following the appearance of the cutsie pet mutt item. “I’ll send the drycleaning bill to the dog” quip both our Charlie and the thesbian heart throb. So audience, put out of your mind the issue of the rising cost of pet insurance (and for heavens sake don’t make any mental equivalence with the costs of the NHS – ‘cos that’s sort of free to the world and his wife, ‘cos that’s a human right, right?). Now let’s plug an upcoming BBC drama because the BBC don’t do advertising.
Short digression: An older relative of mine, in his more socialistic days in the 1970s, once mused: ‘I think the BBC should be allowed to advertise – but just to promote the Nationalised Industries, like British Leyland, British Railways etc’. Well, we still have millions employed in the public sector (some might argue perhaps even less productively than at Leylands) and have you noticed, by God, do the BBC promote our public sector!
Back to the dog hairs on the sofa. This young luvvie chap is to appear in a BBC Agatha Christie adaptation. He almost incurs our Naga’s nervous wrath by joking about the weather in Scotland. Gosh that’s tantamount to racism these days son. Don’t you know there are a million SNP kilted keyboard warriors out there ready to cyber lynch any BBC bod that would dare to even smile at your little gag? Some horrible right-wing ideas have to be challenged, right? We are a public service broadcaster and so you will be persuaded to believe the Trussachs are a temporate zone.
Another odd comment was that this luvvie chap claimed never to have read or even to have seen on telly an Agatha Christie. What kind of rarified bubble has this posh young buck grown up in? I ask considering his choice of career? Obviously our public school educated cultural elite no longer have to serve an apprenticeship treading the boards in rep or indeed be oblidged join some kind of regional fringe lefty theatre troop endlessly waiting for Godot so as to get their breaks. The BBC now serves as route one for the self perpetuating cultural bubble class. We happily put on shows for the plebs but oh my, it’s not our culture.
Jangling nerves. I get those, but since moment x I don’t very often. At moment x I realised that I was wrong. The BBC was no longer a quality broadcaster, where you get reliable news, informative comment and enjoyable entertainment. It had morphed into something else: the enemy within.
Once you tell yourself you are listening because you need to keep an eye on the enemy, there are still good programmes but they are a bonus, you become more shockproof.
You realise that almost every programme, no matter what the subject, will probably conform to an underlying narrative. History will be rewritten. Smug self-righteousness will hang like a cloud in the studio most of the time. etc etc You are listening to propaganda from those who want to RADICALLY change this country from what it once was, into something else.
Example: watched Simon Shama on ‘Civilisation’ last night. Great programme on art and artists. But when you’re watching the enemy, you KNOW. The narrative burbled away in plain sight, but with a sort of restraint. Some interesting theory. At the end came the punch-line: what the ‘West’ brought to the peaceful and heavenly sub-continent, where art had established a blissful paradise on earth was ‘machines, money and muskets’.
At that point we were chilling out in Lahore, I think. So I was not jangled. I expected a bomb to land, and when it did, I shrugged. very nice things had been said about Western art, but you kinda knew what was coming.
Was still able to enjoy the art, though, even agree with Shama on lots of art appreciation.
It’s like Novichok. Watch/listen with your protective mental suit on. When they bring out the poison, and they will, you know you’re protected. And you assess who’s doing what without getting jangled.
Better still, don’t pay the Extortion Tax.
There’s only one good reason to watch the bbc: to report the bias on sites like this.
You could watch without paying the tax, vlad (and -of course- you watch to report here).
But should you not then also expect a knock on the door from a Obergruppenfuehrer, SS? The odd punch below the ribcage? A visit to HMP where most Islamicists and ‘left-wing’ rabble never go cos they’re so fashionable, the odd intent to blow up a few people or overthrow the government, notwithstanding?
Now that the world has finally caught up with the grim anti-Semitism of the Labour Party, can we move the spotlight on to the BBC?
I demand a full, thorough, no stone unturned, inquiry from Shami Chakrabarti into anti-Semitism at the BBC.
Perhaps it could look at Orla Guerin, Tim Wilcox, Jeremy Bowen and details of the Balen report.
You may say it will be written on the backs of flying bacon providers, but you may have said the same about the Labour party a few days ago.
Can Shameless Shami survive these Labour revelations?
More seriously, consider how the anti semitic revelations will impact favourably on the perfect people who make up so much of Labour’s devout and peaceful followers. Any sign that Labour does not like Jews will be an answer to their prayers.
One hopes Shami doesnt survive these revelations.
GWF – Of course Lady Shameless will survive these allegations because the MSM and left leaning establishment want her to .
In her last little favour for the Labour party (as far as I know) she did not even mention the fact that much of the hostility towards the Jews in the Labour party may well be due to Labours decision to court the followers of the “religion of peace” at the expense of other long standing supporters. Of course dear old Uncle Jeremy would never be aware that some of his supporters harbour such views as he is such a decent fellow.
I suspect that Lady Shameless will be very busy with buckets of “brownwash” over the next few weeks as that is the least she can do after getting such a nice gong from Uncle Jeremy. And being effnik herself (and of course suffering from waycism herself) who could doubt her motivations and honesty?
Yet again the left seem to ignore ongoing problems with certain sections of our society despite knowing that ultimately if left unchecked all our values and freedoms will be destroyed.
Anybody would think that this is what they want.
One thing is for sure: any affirmative action well paid non-job going, any inequality, any injustice, any frivolous lawsuit and one of the huge Chakrabarti clan will be on hand to cash in.
Wonder what that name means?
”Chakraborty (Chôkrôbôrti চক্রবর্তী) is a surname meaning ′Ruler of the country′ or ′Emperor′ of Bengali and Assamese Brahmin people in the Indian states of West Bengal, Assam and Tripura and in Bangladesh.”
Yes, it’s a bit rich that members of this ruling Brahmin caste are over here lecturing us on equality..
More ‘trying to’. Outside bbc studios the lectures seem to be getting poor reception.
Dia Chakravarty is superb, however; right up there with Isabel Oakeshott.
I have been pumping a daily message onto my facebook page wondering when one of the politics progs was going to drag Shami on to answer some questions.
Mind you, not much chance of any response on FB, most on there think I’m completely deranged, and should be sectioned.
A vintage #CCBGB thread unfurls…
Looks like Aunty is having a great Easter thus far…
Indeed absolutely what did happen as predicted. But added to this supreme insult to us the voting public, was to learn of this nations worst traitor T Blair being given air time on Thursday BBC radio. The US/UK invasion of Iraq in case some may have forgotten , utterly without credible pretext, is the major crime of the twenty-first century. The invasion led to the death of hundreds of thousands of people in a country where the civilian society had already been devastated by American and British sanctions that were regarded as ‘genocidal’ by the two distinguished international diplomats who administered them and resigned in protest for this reason. The invasion also generated millions of refugees, (of which a million landed in Europe)- largely destroyed the country and instigated a sectarian conflict that is now tearing apart Iraq and the entire region-how can Blair sleep at night, one might ask? It is an astounding fact about our intellectual and moral culture that an informed and enlightened circles it can be called, blandly ‘the liberation of Iraq.’ The BBC must also accept much blame as well for their support of such an horrendous invasion of Iraq as well as the catastrophe of Lybia. In 2015 was 1000 yrs since the signing of the Magna Carta-what we had to do right then or failed to do would determine what kind of world would have greeted that event-It is not an attractive prospect however if present tendencies persist-not least because the Great Charter is being shredded before our eyes.
Adrian Chiles on R5 just redeemed himself
First he played Heseltime really hamming it up..saying Brexit is the end of the Earth “Think of the children” etc.
Then Chiles gave the opposite point of view.
Still a rubbish show tho
Toady watch
I wasn’t going to post over Easter but caught the last 10 minutes – apparently one of the presenters has left today . One beeboid being replaced by another. But a full on love fest that beeboids love to do. I wonder how diverse the next one will be – black girl I reckon – definitely of the queer type for box ticking – or maybe a trans thing .
Sarah Montugue left, to be still with us for the 1pm news.
If your prediction is correct, Humphrys will probably stage a love-fest twice as long. Im sure listeners appreciate the pointless non-stop banter.
Peculiar games of non-musical chairs at the BBC.
Well, it is Radio 4 News & Current Affairs.
Where’s Carrie?