II accidentally saw some moments of “Master Chef” last night and was appalled to see the blatant disregard of hygiene. Food was being put on a plate, ready for consumption, with bare hands, and nobody preparing food had their hair covered.
The German Ambassador has been called in to the Russian Foreign Ministry, so we can expect the next stage of the tit-for-tat expulsion game.
An interesting analysis from Moscow by German news media says that Russia is not back in a ‘cold war’ with the West, but a ‘hybrid’ war, in which cyber warfare, propaganda and sanctions are key features.
Also interesting I found, not having heard this before, was the allegation that former US Security Adviser, Brezhinsky, had set as a goal that the US should have a base in the Crimea by 2015. This not having happened, we are apparently moving into the next stage, it is claimed.
I wonder if The Donald is aware of this, if it is true, and what his opinion would then be?
I am old enough to remember the ‘Armageddon’ atmosphere during the Cuban missile crisis. Do we really want to go back there again?
An interesting article I can largely agree with. There are so many banana peels waiting for the unwary, the Irish border issue is only one.
What about ‘Nothing is agreed until everything is agreed’?
Or the fact that parliament hijacked an exercise in Direct Democracy to take unto its own bosom the decision whether to ‘go ahead’ with Brexit, under the fog from the smoke grenade that we are a ‘representative’ democracy?
Interesting also, the idea that May will pull us back into the EU for ‘security’ reasons. Now THAT would fit in perfectly with the staging of a ‘hybrid’ war by various parties, as I mentioned above.
Security in numbers, and all that.
Where are we really with Brexit/BRINO? Doubt the BBC will enlighten us.
BBC Radio4 doesn’t want to report on “Foreign people stealing goats for religious purposes”
The 11:30am show was about get assigned a random postcode and report on events there.
The girl goes to the place Codicote, Hertfordshire
First finds the pub is haunted, but then new from the pub worker that people keep stealing his goats
Killed one in the field, left their knife with DNA not traced etc.
“A lof of these foreign people they do things their way”
7 goats and 15 lambs in the last 4 years
Presenter dismisses “I wasn’t convinced that this case is relevant to Britain as a whole”
So she moves on to reporting stories of workers coming from “up north” “groups of men” ..She decided this was her story and spent next 25 mins on that , these Northern men coming down cos there are no jobs and finding southern life a different country.
Direct audio link : https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09wvrt8#playt=6m8s
in response to a Tucker Carlson video
Tucker Carlson: “The patriarchy is gone” http://mm4a.org/Z2w
I wonder if they have edited the video cos Tucker’s show was 3 weeks ago
Original Excerpt from the Men In America show Ep1 March 7th
I note that the hijinks in Duisberg, Germany haven’t received much coverage from Aunty, as yet. That’s hardly a surprise…
Members of the enriching communities, Kurds, Turks and Lebanese decided to hold an impromptu street riot. Well, it’s cultural, innit?
About 80 men armed with machetes, iron bars and baseball bats set upon each other. How vibrant! Sounds just like the Notting Hill Carnival.
Police flooded the area and managed to bring things under control.
Of course, if it was something important like a Somali athlete who thought a security man at a German airport was a tad brusque, they’d be all over it.
But rioting immigrants, machetes, iron bars, nah…
You don’t hear much about the Turkish invasion of Syria either, do you, Jeff ? But then, T is a ‘member’ of NATO, gets billions in bribes from the EU, locks up any dissenters or suspected dissenters at home, shoots down Russian planes, rams Greek ships and has long occupied half of Cyprus, after invading it. Currently negotiating for EU membership. Junker and Tusk manage to keep a straight face while they do it. Merkel will be cracking open the bubbly.
Hardly a whisper.
If I were Greek I’d be worried about several islands becoming part of the Ottoman Empire 2.0. However, the ‘West’ has other fish to fry, so don’t expect the story to feature in the BBC anytime soon.
Wonder why?
Jeff: “About 80 MEN armed with machetes, iron bars and baseball bats set upon each other. How VIBRANT! Sounds just like the Notting Hill Carnival.”
Aaah, but was it also DIVERSE? It doesn’t sound like there were any equal opportunities there for a start. That’s probably why the Beeb didn’t report it.
Not much I watch on the BBC these days, but I am enjoying the Top Of The Pops 1985, but it would seem that Auntie is editing them so as not to offend..
Last nights edition was presented by Mr Suntan Gary Davies and a little known black DJ Dixie Peach. Back in July 1985 Gary Davies introduced the show saying that Dixie Peach was the only Radio 1 Dj with a better suntan, Peach took it in good humour.
Last nights repeat had an obvious clunky edit where this was removed. The ironic thing was that the incident was referred to earlier this year in ‘The Story Of 1985’ and Peach himself stated that he was not offended.
BBC massaging history again, that was how things were then. I had a good friend was half caste (can I still say that?) who gave as good as he got and we all got on and laughed about it, there were no tensions and we remain good friends today. He himself can’t get his head around all this offence by proxy and the BBC have played their part in stoking up these tensions.
I’m now wondering if they’ll edit the word faggot from Dire Straits Money For Nothing which must be coming up in a future show..
For the past couple of Christmas’s Channel 4 have been showing a repeat of Chas and Dave’s Cockney Knees Up, orignally shown about 1982.
There’s Eric Clapton, Jimmy Cricket and one or two other comedians and musicians.
However a certain Jim Davidson is missing. He was in the original as you can see because he’s named in the credits.
I remember watching this all those years ago with my old gran. She was laughing and said, “Oh, that Jim, how does he get away with it?”
Well Nan, he doesn’t, not these days.
You know, the only thing George Orwell got wrong was the date…
They have prime real estate miles of coastline, but these
Muslims have a knack turned everywhere they live into a shithole, blaming everyone else.
What is the protest about?
”The Great March of Return protests were starting on Friday, as 30 March marks Land Day, which commemorates the killing of six protesters by Israeli security forces during demonstrations over land confiscation in 1976.”
This story is something to watch. Hamas as of late has lost a lot of support and need to do something in which to reverse their lot. So they get hundreds of thousands to camp out on the border in which to demand they are allowed back home (Thus earning the support of the left and the muslims world) They say only women and children will be taking part, that the protest will be peaceful
Then have numerous groups attack the border fence , resulting in mass casualties and hey presto, Hamases lot in the world rises, wallets open up, and you have the possibility that it will draw in Turkey (who will send in a fleet with supplies) Iran via Syria and Lebanon, mass protests in the west, an increase of anti-Semitism and as this is the west we will be all brainwashed into thinking that jews are evil and Muslims are peaceful.
On that note, the first person killed was apparently a farmer working in his field. Really. Out of all the thousands rioting, An Israeli sniper misses and hits a sole farmer in his field. The bBC coverage is a disgrace as it paints a pro Islamic terrorist picture whilst mention nothing of the actual facts on the ground.
Had US car companies worked with the US government to hide illegal emissions, killed over 30,000 people and damaged the health of hundreds of thousands more, then the BBC and liberal elite would have squealed from the rooftops for justice. The shouty people in the street would have made up fresh placards calling for the perpetrators to be imprisoned, and the BBC would be running continuous programs about how evil the murderous yanks were.
But as the deaths are caused by German car companies who created the emissions deceit by working with the EU then it isn’t a problem.
scribblingscribe, Gaps between emissions from lab tests and real world tests have been known about since 2001 (wiki). VW took the cover up to a new level with their emissions cheating device built into the engine management software.
Diesel was promoted as a more environmentally friendly fuel as part of the EU’s response to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide (CO₂). (theconversation).
It has been known since 2008 that soot from low-emission diesel engines penetrates deeper into lung tissue than fumes from older models (chemistryworld) and presents a very real and immediate health issue.
If I can assemble the above facts in about 30 minutes then why has our wonderful Panorama not investigated. This is the real scandal, it is not always what the BBC presents that is biased, it is what they choose to allow to remain hidden from public perception.
VW haven’t killed anyone
UK air is vastly cleaner than 50 years ago
There are no individual death certificates with pollution written on as the cause in the UK.
It is plausible that background factors like pollution , knock days off everyone’s lifespan.
The pollution issue is developing world women cooking indoors over wood fires.
How amusing that golden girl six-figure auto-cue Carrie Gracie is reading the news today on BBC News Channel and brings us the headline:
‘Unjustifiably high salaries paid by some academies’.
Oh dear me. It gets better:
‘MPs on the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) highlighted how 102 academy trusts paid some senior staff over £150,000 a year. And in two-thirds of cases where the government had challenged this, it had not been satisfied with the response’
‘PAC said: “Unjustifiably high salaries use public money that could be better spent….”
Do you really think our overpaid, self-absorbed BBC ‘celebrities’ have the slightest idea of what the word ‘shame’ actually means? It is a concept as out of fashion as ‘tolerance’ and ‘openess’ are in fashion.
That silly young woman had nothing to say but “Supposing it was Christians who were doing the raping?” or “What about all the rapes committed by white people in this country?” and TR very patiently answered her again and again but was wasting his breath. A very frustrating interview to watch.
Just spent an hour on the phone in a queue waiting to make an appointment with a GP.
I can’t understand why it takes longer and longer. The beebeestan assure me it’s nothing to do with hundreds of thousands of migrants pouring in. And anyway they’re all doctors and engineers, so as well as building all the new hospitals and clinics required, they’ll be treating us in them too. Wonderful, I say.
Which makes the ever increasing waiting lists all the more inexplicable.
I’m sure Brexit’s to blame somehow.
Should have told them you wanted to book an appointment to have your daughters booked for FGM, faster than you could utter Allah ackba they would have fitted you in. I mean its not as if they would prosecute you for saying so.
(35 years FGM banned, not 1 prosecution)
Maybe if I’d said I wanted an op to become a woman so I could marry my girlfriend who’s having an op to become a man, then we’d want IVF treatment so we could both have babies out of our arses, that might have worked? Beeb might have done a sympathetic documentary about our agony and our brave decisions too.
If you fear the FGM aspect with the new body Vlad, might be better to claim for a multiple personality thing like we hippy chicks read about in that book Sybil.
One of my personalities has just come back from a hideous care home open day with aching feet and £68 with her uniform to wash and starch for Wednesday. But another one is about to go out, get pie-eyed and refuse to pay for my rose and nibbles, because he`s got PTSD after watching Simon Schama reenact the Tet offensive in `nam using subbuteo players. It`s bound to have been on somewhere in this mad season on telly.
I`m developing an SEN brat who refuses to go to school, and gets me a blue badge as well as a sun lounger for his acne in ten years time. The Council tax will be going into his name mid April.
I’m in France, and if I need to go to the doctor, I just go. All right, there may, at times, be a wait, but they don’t mess about with appointments, unless you specifically want one, in which case it is after 15:00 in the afternoon. No receptionists, either. Seems to work quite well.
The UK and Albania are the only countries in Europe that try to fund their health services through general taxation and then have it run by the great and good from Common Purpose.
Countries like France foolishly have their health services run by professionals and every individual pays for their own health care. Also, when immigrants go to these countries to work, they have to buy insurance for themselves and their entire families who have settled with them. Crazy eh? When will they learn about the NHS, the envy of the world?
But though we can’t see a doctor when we want, ambulances don’t arrive on time and people wait months in agony for operations, there is a plus side to the NHS. Doctors and nurses are the highest paid in Europe and the people working for the health quangos pay themselves £400K a year, plus expenses, plus absurd pensions.
Doctors and engineers be buggered, I see more and more of ’em becoming tv presenters, or making a profession out of being interviewed about their life’s ‘journey’ on Victoria Derbyshire.
As for getting an appointment with the GP – appointment ? whats that ? we’re told to use our local pharmacist more, but I’ve got a better idea, get a diagnosis when taking your dog to the vet, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I can ALWAYS get an appointment the same day or within 24 hours – funny that.
Women’s football, and here’s the problem – The other day we see a short match report featuring a glaringly bad defensive error leading to a goal being conceded. The male BBC commentator dare not criticise the play of either team. So whereas in the men’s game the same mistake would have been called out here we witness the goal attributed to ‘good luck’. Come on, BBC, either we’re equal and treated just the same way or we’re different.
What no photo of a woman in black robes disciplining little Mohamud?
Or a black fella slapping his mixed race child?
And I thought BBC loved showing diversify .
Its time for a call to be made to Abolish the Welsh Assembly.
Lets have another referendum to get rid of the overblown bureaucratic, expensive white elephant.
I wonder if they get them from the same place they do all those pictures of white hands holding blades, which are used when they want to report on knife crime?
And the girl getting thumped by both parents?
No-this is fiction. How many couples in Wales are still together long enough to thump the same kid?
And I`ve yet to meet a mum who beats her kid whilst wearing the same outfit.
“It is believed the fire was caused accidentally” Believed by whom? Some hack at a beeb studio following default orders from above: “not related to terrorism”?
Tried to look into the Passion Story on Radio 4.
3pm today, unable to go to church.
Heard a sentence or two about tragedy and the evil involved.
Silly me though-not Calvary, so I find out a sentence later. They spoke of Grenfell instead.
Never again-won`t the BBC EVER stick to something approaching truth in real time?
I listen in to Thought For The Day largely to see whether it’ll be a sensible one (the Jewish chap is normally ok) or the wannabe trendy COE person. A few years ago I remember he mentioned school students under a huge amount of stress and made a link between GCSE revision and Jesus’ ‘stressful’ 40 nights in the dessert. I genuinely love listening to see how they’ll manage to crowbar the comment page of the Guardian into somehow being about the apostles.
Not really a BBC story but will you all please accept my apologies.
Earlier on this week I suggested that “Mastermind” David Lammy attending the Jewish protest (over anti antisemitism in the Labour party) was the first decent thing that Lammy had ever done in his political career.
I now realise that I was wrong. As it appears that it was only shallow political grandstanding for the media. Apparently he has now reported “Leave EU” to the police for “Hate” crime for reporting the glaringly obvious fact, that the Labour party ignores anti antisemitism to appease Muslim voters.
This man really does appear to be a small minded, oppressive, race hustling despot of the highest order. The tragedy is – is that I would not be surprised if the likes of Amber tells the coppers to “go for it” as I am sure the Tories would also like a piece of the action when it comes to bagging some of the “vibrant vote share” and of course anything which stops us pointing out their craven cowardice when dealing with the “Religion of Peace” must be seen as a good thing.
Yet again these unpleasant authoritarian politicians are doing their utmost to destroy freedom of speech and try and force us into constant self censorship when discussing anything to do with the “Religion of Peace”
I used a break at work to go online with the lefties locally.
They`re incandescent and raging about being seen as “anti-Semitic”. Then go on to prove with every tweet and post that they`re vile Jew baiting scum. So we need to keep drilling deep with this anti-Semitic” trope-it`s true, and there`s no sanctuary for them.
What really galls them is their long-declared self-certification for being “anti-racist”-and now we all know they`re exactly the opposite. Anti-racist is a core pillar of their self-definition, and they call Tories out for being racist scum.
It`s like the NHS-only THEIR tanks and disability scooters, sex change tattoo parlours and Islamic massage portaloos are aloowed on their Dale Farm field. If the Tories were serious about power they`d dig daily into the racist, aborting euthanising COHSE bullies that have replaced decent working class workers in hospitals, media and council offices.
They are extremely upset and easily goaded into far worse nastiness-we need to lance every damned gumboil on the left.
Jeremy Corby, BBC R4’s TWatO informs me, has sent out a Passover Letter to the Labour Party.
I wonder whether he will send out an Easter Letter to the Labour Party on Sunday, perhaps with the first sentence “Jesus is risen.”. Will the members reply, “He is risen indeed!” ?
If not, the Passover Letter will appear to be a bit .. er …. umh … ‘obvious’.
Not Al Beeb but has anyone noticed the huge rise in multi-culti advertisements on TV since Brexit. Has there been some sort of government directive?
IMHO the adds do not represent the vast majority of our population.
Yes, and I’m sick to death of them. There seem to be so many “mixed race” families, that one is hard pushed to believe it. Just about every advert has some tinted person in it, giving the impression that they, and mixed race families are the norm. I find this offensive, and wish them to desist. It’s advertisers being “right-on”, and “diverse”.
I watch so little television these days, for just this reason (and the BBC multi-culti rubbish, as well, of course).
One way to curb this propagandist assault is to stop buying products from firms who advertise thusly, AND to send a letter to them informing them of the reason you will no longer buy their products.
According to Wiki, the 2011 census and the indexmundi, the breakdown of ethnic groups in the uk is …
white 87.2%, black/African/Caribbean/black British 3%, Asian/Asian British: Indian 2.3%, Asian/Asian British: Pakistani 1.9%, mixed 2%, other 3.7% (2011 est.)
According to Scribblingscribe’s view, the advertisers think it is 40% black, 60% white.
I wonder if the advertisers realise that these adverts full of frizzy-haired kids make me think they are just aimed at customers in London, and can be safely ignored by the rest of the country where we hardly ever see a half-caste.
Yep, and there must never be all white presenting hosts. Programmes must have one person of colour in the line-up. Homes Under the Hammer, Countryfile, Money for Nothing, Repair Shop etc. Some inarticulate chap with a low IQ called Jay Blades who’s only skill is painting the leg of a chair a different colour, is now being pushed front and centre on presenting a couple of these programmes – and seems a shooin for the line up of Strictly next season. Ore Oduba now gets where castor oil cant and is prostituting himself out for maximum tv exposure. Chinese and Afro/Caribbean Antique dealers we’ve never heard of are getting more air time. The hosts of Master Chef and Pointless had better be on P45 alert.
Like you, I cannot understand why painting one leg a different colour is somehow cutting edge and a worthy thing to do, and agree that inserting a coloured (blackish) face into every conceivable programme irrespective of merit is indefensible. That the BBC does this is, actually, racist. The sole criterion should be on merit, and a fine example of this is the use of Ronnie Archer Morgan and Lennox Cato on Antiques Roadshow, both of whom are very knowledgeable and personable, and an asset to the programme.
Anybody seen any adverts for bacon or pork in recent history?
Have they been warned off advertising any products with them?
Just asking-seen lots of chicken, lamb-but no bacon or pork in recent memory.
I see Up2snuff , the BBC celebrating the melting pot in that article.
Amazing all that culture exchange, with great artists feeding of each other, and all in times of little migration.
Flash to today with mass movement and unlimited ‘enrichment’
and we end up with this:
”Searching for the sublime: The man who paints in the ocean” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-43584232 https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/660/cpsprodpb/156AA/production/_100622778_6201b12f-34d8-4cea-894d-a1f976b4b30c.jpg[/img
First the article references Hokusai and Turner
Wait a minute aren’t we setting a high bar here for Peter Matthews ?
”He exchanged surfboard for drawing board and, from the Cornish coast to the Hawaiian swell, started immersing himself in the ocean for hours – sometimes days – at a time. He keeps the tools of the trade – some charcoal pencils and gel pens – in his hat, and drifts about with a piece of paper pinned to a wooden board, scribbling on it as he bobs in the waves.
He will often enter the water at first light and crawl out in the evening, spending the night in a tent on the beach. And while he sleeps, the water continues to work for him – he leaves his drawing in a rock pool, so it will remain soaked in seawater and change overnight.”
”5 Hours In and With the Atlantic Ocean #2 (England)”
oh well I suppose his heart is in the right place.
unlike the BBC
taffman, not necessarily. Derivative, perhaps? Following on from the example of others?
I don’t know when he started doing that sort of thing (whether he pioneered it) but others have mixed and meddled with nature’s more direct influence in their art. Painting water colour landscapes in gentle rain, for example. I seem to recall the great JMW Turner took things to that limit, albeit with his sketchbooks rather than the work itself. I have seen one or two of them and am struggling to recall whether they are rain spattered but think they are in places and that he tried to replicate that when painting later.
Mind you, they were just aide-memoires for later use, anyway, when painting under cover. Think there may have been one or two photographers who developed films in rivers or put barely fixed prints into the water’s edge at the coast to let nature play a part in the finished results.
All grist to the mill in the struggle to get noticed! Am unenthusiastic about Peter Matthews’ results and think I’ll settle for some Thomas Joshua Cooper instead.
Interesting development in the Seth Rich case, his brother Aaron is suing the Washington Times for including him as a WikiLeaks source. It’s the first time I have heard that Aaron Rich was included in the story. It seems to have been coordinated because the BBC seems to have planned to put out a documentary about the Seth Rich murder about two weeks ago. The documentary goes out on Easter Sunday. The inclusion of Aaron Rich in the story looks like a successful coordinated Trojan Horse plan (including the BBC) to deflect from everything else that is being censored.
Will be watching the BBC documentary to find out the names that are “Not” Censored and the names of people who are censored.
Good that BBC feedback led on news blackout on anti Brexit marches. Good robust interview. Terrible answers by the suit. Need to keep pressure on https://t.co/yIfQasrN2g
It’s incredible that the monster is still given attention – the stress of seeing brexit coming must adversely affect is poor mental health poor thing. Still remember his true character coming out when he demanded air on c4 news.
OMG! ????@BBCRadio4 Feedback actually questioning its coverage of the anti #Brexit marches last weekend! First item!!! Well done guys! The complaining is making a difference!#StopBrexithttps://t.co/IOb2i14V3f
From the horse’s mouth …………..
“In theory we could leave tomorrow if Parliament simply repealed the European Communities Act, the legislation that took us in to the EU (or the EEC as it then was) in the first place.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-43572391
Nigel Farage is on telly for 45 minutes: Saturday, 9.30pm to 10.15pm , BBC Parliament, Freeview Channel 232.
Meanwhile, the Jews are emigrating to Israel, the English are emigrating to New England, the Welsh are emigrating to New South Wales and the Scots are emigrating to Nova Scotia.
Meanwhile the Liberals want their Islamic friends to come to Britain, and are prepared to blast the hell out of the Middle East if they refuse.
Meanwhile Tony Blair wants to put Brexit supporters into Gas Chambers and Emily Thornberry wants to put anyone with a white van into them as well.
Meanwhile the Liberal Establishment hates Jews, Christians, Russians, Catalonians, European Popular Democrats, Trump supporters, Brexit supporters, Atmospheric Physicists, Uneducated White Working Class people and anyone who violates the Pro-Islamic hatred laws, by talking about terrorism at Speakers Corner.
taffman, that would have been great but ‘not playing by the rules’ and ‘not cricket’ .. er.. well, maybe forget that last bit. We had to file an Article 50 Notice because that was what was required by the Lisbon Treaty.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the EU, member States tailor the observance of the rules of the EU to suit their individual desires and national priorities. We could and should have done that (and remained in the EU perhaps?) but were let down, some might say betrayed, by our Civil Service and our political class.
It is highly ironic that, probably, the major driver for the result on 23 June 2016 was that very let-down or betrayal.
The very people who wanted to keep us in the EU caused the Leave vote. Amazing! Stupid! And amazingly stupid on their part.
The bBBC cannot help themselves. Without a trace of irony on the 10pm news our Rita reports that the Israelis have killed 15 Palestinians. She could have said 20,000 Palestinians tried to invade Israel while they thought the army were at home with their families for Passover .
The next but one story was that Shawcross would stand down if Corbyn asked her too from the National Executive. No mention of her anti-Semitism just her support of Corbyn.
Paygap : next Wednesday 10pm C5 have the prog Why Do Men Earn More Than Women?” with Karen Brady more
In the pay world Channel 5 is rubbing the BBC’s face in it C5 have a MEAN AVERAGE paygap of -2.9% (ie in FAVOUR of women) (C5 has more women in middle management)
The MEDIAN is +2.1% (better measure cos it removes the skewing effect of a few big earners)
Iignore bonuses cos not everyone gets them
Publishing corps are usually about 2/3 women, yet even though they are in a minority men earn more .
I don’t agree with measuring complex things by simple measures like gender, but people who take more time off to care or kids/relatives or have sickness like menopause will earn less. Imagine if you fired men easily if they get a long term illness and were more sympathetic towards women, those women would seem to have a low salary, when in fact the men had none.
@spikedonline tweeted
So in Britain in 2018
– people are convicted for telling “grossly offensive” jokes.
– MPs call on the police to investigate political groups they disagree with.
– The liberal press calls for the largest vote in history to be overthrown.
* The fight to defend freedom and democracy is real *
Thank you – nice to have an early morning laugh. Lord sugar will now be on the ‘banned’ list – twitter, face page account cancelled . Re educated – as some Labour Party mouth piece described complainers yesterday.
What’s great about this is that it has got to John McDonald – the true leader of the comrades. He ll be in charge of the firing squads come the glorious uprising
Londonistan has hit the 30 dead from stabbing stat. One every 3 days this year . The Londonistan top cop blames anti social media for increases in violent crime. Right . Let’s ban something . The guardian reports that stop and search has dropped by two thirds as a result of Mrs mays excellent idea to make nice with the kids. On the upside less money for lawyers sueing for racist cos black boys get upset .
As populations in Londonistan rapidly increases stress levels do to leading to shorter tempers and the knowledge of a soft policing system. Plus you get free medical treatment . Yep – carry on stabbing – couldn’t make it up.
What is all this crime doing for tourism? I live down the road from London and I do not want to go there. Why bother if you live in another country?
Khan blames cuts as if with billions and over 30,000 officers there is nothing he can do. God I hate that leftist attitude of blaming someone else and never taking control, whether it be ‘structural racism’ or ‘unconscious bias.’ Khan needs to take responsibility and sort it out. We are rapidly becoming a laughing stock.
According to the BBC narrative, Khan would bring strength through his ‘diversity.’ What absolute bollocks – his character is more important than his ‘diversity.’ Think how many equally incompetent people have been promoted above their abilities because lunatic leftists have decreed ‘diversity’ more important than competence?
Social media is terrible for breeding envy, but I never stab someone who makes me feel jealous on social media; I would never even raise my voice to them. Maybe it is because my evil white, male British culture has taught me it is not ok to stab people to death if they upset you.
It’s not just social media, is it? Why are some cultures more violent than others? To criticise another’s belief is ‘hate crime’ though, even if that belief causes members of that ‘community’ to kill each other.
Cressida Dick is described by the BBC as UK’s top Police Officer on-line and on air as the country’s Senior Police Officer.
“The UK’s top police officer has blamed social media for normalising violence and leading more children to commit stabbings and murders.”
If I recall correctly, she is neither. Policing is now a devolved competence and the Metropolitan Police come under the authority of the Mayor of London as does its budget, Mayor of London please note. It may be historically the first police force but now it stands alone. There are separate Chiefs in the home nations. In addition, Cressida Dick was only appointed last year so in seniority terms, I would have thought that she will be outranked by Chiefs of other forces who were appointed in prior years.
More inaccuracy from the BBC who point at new media, especially, as well as other media and accuse them of FalseNews and FakeNews.
She is most senior because it’s the biggest force and she is paid most . Police have been denatured by the labour Human Rights Act with its liberalisation.
It merely reflects the shambolic country Blighty has become. They are educated not to upset people by stopping and searching them .
Hence weapons will be readily available and even if you get caught and convicted you won’t be inside for long. Hence a murder in Londonistan every 2 days on average .
As for comments about social media – how would a 56 year old know about the workings of the minds of these animals?
The National Living Wage rises to £7.83 per hour tomorrow. That's a boost for the UK's poorest workers over the age of 25. But one charity says that it's still not enough to cover the real cost of living, especially in London. pic.twitter.com/FVNbB93jQQ
“Jeremy Corbyn has made several statements condone… er, condemning… Anti-Semitism in the Labour Party”
An amusing slip – on a rather series issue – from a BBC reporter just now on the News Channel. That was BBC chap Jonathan Blake struggling with both a dodgy sound connection and perhaps with the Corporation’s own conflicted attitudes.
Here’s what I think: The BBC finds its natural political allies in the centre left. Blair was their absolute doyen – massive pay rises to the higher ranks of the public sector, wide scale cultural marxism but happily a distain for the working class and little in the way of scary economic socialism. Gordon Brown splashed the cash on the public sector but the money to pay for the splurge was not squeezed out of the middle class in taxation but borrowed.
Corbyn is the enemy of the Blairites but here’s the rub – he’s the great old white hope for Labour and if ever he is criticised the BBC gets a bucket load of grief from their friends – the campaigners, the social justice warriors, the fellow travellers, indeed the muslims. The hope on the left is that they win the next election with the silly old dope – but should Corbyn not be willing keep us in the EU he will be shoved aside for someone who will.
You have to be very careful when listening to Corbyn, because he is speaking a language which is not the same as the rest of us. It might sound like English, but it is not.
Thanks to years of the left deciding a different or even no definition to words the weaselly Corbyn can decide his own definition for anti Semitism and when he talks about it that is exactly what he is doing.
The Left found that if they used the word ‘Jew’ or ‘Jewish’ they could be arrested, so they avoided that, by using the word ‘Zionist’ and so a dichotomy began, where it was OK to use the most repellent anti-Semitic language as long as the protective word ‘Zionist’ was included.
You could call for the destruction of Israel, a second holocaust, a city free of Jews proving the word ‘Jew’ was not used, and the alternative ‘Zionist’ was.
So when Corbyn talks about ‘anti-Semitism’ and being opposed to it, he genuinely means it, but it is not the same definition as the rest of the country are using.
“The hope on the left is that they win the next election with the silly old dope – but should Corbyn not be willing keep us in the EU he will be shoved aside for someone who will.”
Spot on. They failed to get him out at the beginning, so have been biding their time and ‘playing him’ ever since. As loathsome as Corbyn is he is no worse than the Blairites.
No doubt the BBC will be reporting the latest Palestinian activity they call the “great return march” where they walk towards the homes and land from which they have been forcibly expelled since 1948.
You can however make a pretty firm bet that the BBC will not be asking the migrants who claimed they were from Syria when they will be making the great return home now it’s safe to do so.
Muslim privilege means that the BBC will never question or criticise the RoP in a march to get something they desire, while avoiding that they don’t (such as returning home).
I note that the Daily Express are appearing to suggest – in an incomplete sentence on their front page today – that a ‘gang’ may have been behind the Skripal poisoning. Perhaps a use of careless language from the DE or have they found out something that the BBC have not discovered, despite their vast resources, and not even really considered on R4?
I do hope that the PM had her facts straight when she addressed Parliament and instructed the recall (dismissal) of the Russian ‘diplomats’.
Yes, it could get very messy if it does turn out to have been a criminal gang or something other than a Kremlin-driven assassination attempt. And not just Trump ‘railroaded’ but other European leaders plus Australia as well. The embarrassment will be colossal; think Suez x10 or x20!
I currently put my faith in Porton Down, MI5 and MI6 and the police on this matter together with Richard Pinder’s insider info (as the BBC have been particularly and conspicuously useless in their coverage) and just hope they have got it right.
Never mind, we should know by the end of next week what the OPCW have found, assuming their findings are released.
I have been trying to research this whole business. I came across the UK power point presentation, detailing its evidence, in the Russian gazette ‘Kommersant’. The evidence is circumstantial, although convincing in that context. There is no specific smoking gun , as such- i.e. ‘beyond doubt’.
Did we see anything of this on the BBC, which I would have missed?
Haven’t seen it elsewhere in UK media either.
What has alarmed me is the escalation (not only diplomatic expulsions) by the various parties and where this could lead in a ‘worst case’ scenario. It wouldn’t be pretty.
Especially not for the UK, which the Russians see as the ‘ringleader’ in this affair.
Amusing that the Beeb use a photo that shows a woman in a business meeting ‘doing it the wrong way’. For those who do not know about such things, in presentations you should talk to the faces not to the screen.
To be fair, in my experience, men make the same ‘mistake’. It would also have made for a less dynamic illustrative picture but even so, it raises a doubt: are women in business paid less than men for comparable jobs because they are not as good?
Be careful BBC, when choosing your photos and pictures to illustrate your web pages. You may be sending out the wrong messages or unintended messages.
As most of what they have to say is pure unfounded speculation, and largely bollocks, I don’t think it really matters whether or not they face the camera.
The BBC informs us
City of immigrants
London was predominantly a city of immigrants, and it’s possible these characters came about as a result of Shakespeare’s exposure to Muslims and non-white people living and working in London in the 16th Century.
– really BBC, little is known of Shakespeares life but you know he met Muslims. Ok.
The BBC list 10 paintings, half of them reference the middle east and muslims.
Justin Webb in the Times doesn’t sound he’s impartial.
It sounds like he’s saying “we the left”
Democrats must put their own houses in orderand stop hoping that sex scandals will defeat the president
– When is the American left going to stop chasing shadows and start hitting Donald Trump ? After all the marches and talk of resistance. After all the outrage, White House chaos, crazy tweets and Russian weirdness. When are they going to get a grip and pull him down? The Stormy Daniels affair epitomises their impotence.
….Remember Juanita Broaddrick , one of the women who accused Bill Clinton of sexual attacks, also alleged that she was threatened, but in her case it was by Hillary Clinton at a fundraising event.
(ends) “Defeating the Trump presidency” is a slogan in need of a strategy
..They need a unified message, a story to tell.
Instead they have a vague memory of Strormy ..
I’ve never heard him help plan the Republican/Trump supporters strategies like that
Perhaps the full article makes it clear, but is he bemoaning the fact that Hillary Clinton survived such allegations, or has he simply not thought it through?
Whatever, you need more than allegations. Anyone can allege. You need evidence.
Sounds a little like the imaginary bugs in A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick.
Seems a nice enough girl, of course the BBC don’t ask the cause of her anxiety. Best guess: the dystopian London lifestyle; it being unpleasantly choked with immigrant trash and half the males are mincing tutti-fruttis.
The modern left judge things by the messenger not the message
Today, they shout and dismiss using the word “racist”
..just the same way as 70’s bigots used the word “black”
Hence when someone complained about a Labour candidate had posted Holocaust denial on Facebook, Labour’s upholder of standards Chritine Shawcroft took one look at the messenger classed him as a bad un, and didn’t actually check the Facebook post, and said te candidate was OK.
“Two Britons accused of being Islamic State members have complained they will not get a fair trial because the UK government has stripped them of their citizenship.”
Perhaps the beebistan should send a reporter out to Syria to interview these unjustly treated torturers and murderers.
“So Mr Ringo, what was it about racist, islamophobic Britain that first drove you to join ISIS to torture and murder infidels?”
“And why are you desperate to come back to racist, islamophobic Britain to stand a fair trial?”
Students all being Corbynistas ?
Nope, The NUS pesidential elections , The Corbynista candidate got 15%
The incumbent a former drug dealer, black single parent got 51%
“Student chief Shakira Martin reaches out to Tories after defeating left ”
of course she is still pretty left
Also the activists stormed the stage and occupied it after the welfare debate was forced to be cut short by organisers as the discussion had exceeded time limitations.
In protest of this, students stormed the stage to continue discussion about the remaining social issues, such as the rights of student sex workers and abortion in Northern Ireland.
Student chief Shakira Martin reaches out to Tories after defeating left – The Times https://t.co/ORTZpxjgdk
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A different subject:
II accidentally saw some moments of “Master Chef” last night and was appalled to see the blatant disregard of hygiene. Food was being put on a plate, ready for consumption, with bare hands, and nobody preparing food had their hair covered.
Remind me never to eat in the BBC canteen.
Have they yet got over the failure of licence fee payers to provide sufficient microwaves to ensure no queues for their baked spuds?
The German Ambassador has been called in to the Russian Foreign Ministry, so we can expect the next stage of the tit-for-tat expulsion game.
An interesting analysis from Moscow by German news media says that Russia is not back in a ‘cold war’ with the West, but a ‘hybrid’ war, in which cyber warfare, propaganda and sanctions are key features.
Also interesting I found, not having heard this before, was the allegation that former US Security Adviser, Brezhinsky, had set as a goal that the US should have a base in the Crimea by 2015. This not having happened, we are apparently moving into the next stage, it is claimed.
I wonder if The Donald is aware of this, if it is true, and what his opinion would then be?
I am old enough to remember the ‘Armageddon’ atmosphere during the Cuban missile crisis. Do we really want to go back there again?
FNW – We do want a “cold war ” if it means “we” can cover up and distort the brexit betrayal and of course mass sex crimes by “asian” men.
Its becoming a little too Orwellesque for my liking with Oceania in constant war with Eurasia.
Brexit or BRINO?
My take is that the BBC and Government have been working hand in hand over the great Brexit betrayal
An interesting article I can largely agree with. There are so many banana peels waiting for the unwary, the Irish border issue is only one.
What about ‘Nothing is agreed until everything is agreed’?
Or the fact that parliament hijacked an exercise in Direct Democracy to take unto its own bosom the decision whether to ‘go ahead’ with Brexit, under the fog from the smoke grenade that we are a ‘representative’ democracy?
Interesting also, the idea that May will pull us back into the EU for ‘security’ reasons. Now THAT would fit in perfectly with the staging of a ‘hybrid’ war by various parties, as I mentioned above.
Security in numbers, and all that.
Where are we really with Brexit/BRINO? Doubt the BBC will enlighten us.
BBC Radio4 doesn’t want to report on “Foreign people stealing goats for religious purposes”
The 11:30am show was about get assigned a random postcode and report on events there.
The girl goes to the place Codicote, Hertfordshire
First finds the pub is haunted, but then new from the pub worker that people keep stealing his goats
Killed one in the field, left their knife with DNA not traced etc.
“A lof of these foreign people they do things their way”
7 goats and 15 lambs in the last 4 years
Presenter dismisses “I wasn’t convinced that this case is relevant to Britain as a whole”
So she moves on to reporting stories of workers coming from “up north” “groups of men” ..She decided this was her story and spent next 25 mins on that , these Northern men coming down cos there are no jobs and finding southern life a different country.
Direct audio link : https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09wvrt8#playt=6m8s
She didn’t look too hard, cos at the start of the month a man was jailed for £3.5m fire arson in the village
Speaking of what the bbc doesn’t want to report, which Bolshie editor did Samira drag in to stroke on what this weekend?
There is nothing listed this week on the @NewsWatchBBC twitter account
On the website the next show is listed as 06/04/2018
All Beeboids are at their villas in Tuscanny guess
She just tweeted in caps
in response to a Tucker Carlson video
Tucker Carlson: “The patriarchy is gone” http://mm4a.org/Z2w
I wonder if they have edited the video cos Tucker’s show was 3 weeks ago
Original Excerpt from the Men In America show Ep1 March 7th
I note that the hijinks in Duisberg, Germany haven’t received much coverage from Aunty, as yet. That’s hardly a surprise…
Members of the enriching communities, Kurds, Turks and Lebanese decided to hold an impromptu street riot. Well, it’s cultural, innit?
About 80 men armed with machetes, iron bars and baseball bats set upon each other. How vibrant! Sounds just like the Notting Hill Carnival.
Police flooded the area and managed to bring things under control.
Of course, if it was something important like a Somali athlete who thought a security man at a German airport was a tad brusque, they’d be all over it.
But rioting immigrants, machetes, iron bars, nah…
Oh Duisberg that was March 28th
..videos are on Twitter
They also attacked the police. What joy awaits europe over the next few decades
You don’t hear much about the Turkish invasion of Syria either, do you, Jeff ? But then, T is a ‘member’ of NATO, gets billions in bribes from the EU, locks up any dissenters or suspected dissenters at home, shoots down Russian planes, rams Greek ships and has long occupied half of Cyprus, after invading it. Currently negotiating for EU membership. Junker and Tusk manage to keep a straight face while they do it. Merkel will be cracking open the bubbly.
Hardly a whisper.
If I were Greek I’d be worried about several islands becoming part of the Ottoman Empire 2.0. However, the ‘West’ has other fish to fry, so don’t expect the story to feature in the BBC anytime soon.
Wonder why?
Jeff: “About 80 MEN armed with machetes, iron bars and baseball bats set upon each other. How VIBRANT! Sounds just like the Notting Hill Carnival.”
Aaah, but was it also DIVERSE? It doesn’t sound like there were any equal opportunities there for a start. That’s probably why the Beeb didn’t report it.
Not much I watch on the BBC these days, but I am enjoying the Top Of The Pops 1985, but it would seem that Auntie is editing them so as not to offend..
Last nights edition was presented by Mr Suntan Gary Davies and a little known black DJ Dixie Peach. Back in July 1985 Gary Davies introduced the show saying that Dixie Peach was the only Radio 1 Dj with a better suntan, Peach took it in good humour.
Last nights repeat had an obvious clunky edit where this was removed. The ironic thing was that the incident was referred to earlier this year in ‘The Story Of 1985’ and Peach himself stated that he was not offended.
BBC massaging history again, that was how things were then. I had a good friend was half caste (can I still say that?) who gave as good as he got and we all got on and laughed about it, there were no tensions and we remain good friends today. He himself can’t get his head around all this offence by proxy and the BBC have played their part in stoking up these tensions.
I’m now wondering if they’ll edit the word faggot from Dire Straits Money For Nothing which must be coming up in a future show..
The edit is obvious in the first minute
Original 1985 broadcast:
Last nights repeat (you need to log into the Iplayer)
The single version always said “queenie”, but they just miss out the whole verse these days on radio.
For the past couple of Christmas’s Channel 4 have been showing a repeat of Chas and Dave’s Cockney Knees Up, orignally shown about 1982.
There’s Eric Clapton, Jimmy Cricket and one or two other comedians and musicians.
However a certain Jim Davidson is missing. He was in the original as you can see because he’s named in the credits.
I remember watching this all those years ago with my old gran. She was laughing and said, “Oh, that Jim, how does he get away with it?”
Well Nan, he doesn’t, not these days.
You know, the only thing George Orwell got wrong was the date…
Gaza-Israel border: Clashes ‘leave five Palestinians dead and hundreds injured’

They have prime real estate miles of coastline, but these
Muslims have a knack turned everywhere they live into a shithole, blaming everyone else.
What is the protest about?
”The Great March of Return protests were starting on Friday, as 30 March marks Land Day, which commemorates the killing of six protesters by Israeli security forces during demonstrations over land confiscation in 1976.”
This story is something to watch. Hamas as of late has lost a lot of support and need to do something in which to reverse their lot. So they get hundreds of thousands to camp out on the border in which to demand they are allowed back home (Thus earning the support of the left and the muslims world) They say only women and children will be taking part, that the protest will be peaceful
Then have numerous groups attack the border fence , resulting in mass casualties and hey presto, Hamases lot in the world rises, wallets open up, and you have the possibility that it will draw in Turkey (who will send in a fleet with supplies) Iran via Syria and Lebanon, mass protests in the west, an increase of anti-Semitism and as this is the west we will be all brainwashed into thinking that jews are evil and Muslims are peaceful.
On that note, the first person killed was apparently a farmer working in his field. Really. Out of all the thousands rioting, An Israeli sniper misses and hits a sole farmer in his field. The bBC coverage is a disgrace as it paints a pro Islamic terrorist picture whilst mention nothing of the actual facts on the ground.
You don’t, for one minute, expect ‘facts on the ground’ from them, do you? It’s the narrative, facts get in the way.
Maybe off topic but –
“I wonder why it has not happened here?”
I think I can explain this to you Celtic Mist.
Had US car companies worked with the US government to hide illegal emissions, killed over 30,000 people and damaged the health of hundreds of thousands more, then the BBC and liberal elite would have squealed from the rooftops for justice. The shouty people in the street would have made up fresh placards calling for the perpetrators to be imprisoned, and the BBC would be running continuous programs about how evil the murderous yanks were.
But as the deaths are caused by German car companies who created the emissions deceit by working with the EU then it isn’t a problem.
I hope that helps.
scribblingscribe, Gaps between emissions from lab tests and real world tests have been known about since 2001 (wiki). VW took the cover up to a new level with their emissions cheating device built into the engine management software.
Diesel was promoted as a more environmentally friendly fuel as part of the EU’s response to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide (CO₂). (theconversation).
It has been known since 2008 that soot from low-emission diesel engines penetrates deeper into lung tissue than fumes from older models (chemistryworld) and presents a very real and immediate health issue.
If I can assemble the above facts in about 30 minutes then why has our wonderful Panorama not investigated. This is the real scandal, it is not always what the BBC presents that is biased, it is what they choose to allow to remain hidden from public perception.
VW haven’t killed anyone
UK air is vastly cleaner than 50 years ago
There are no individual death certificates with pollution written on as the cause in the UK.
It is plausible that background factors like pollution , knock days off everyone’s lifespan.
The pollution issue is developing world women cooking indoors over wood fires.
How amusing that golden girl six-figure auto-cue Carrie Gracie is reading the news today on BBC News Channel and brings us the headline:
‘Unjustifiably high salaries paid by some academies’.
Oh dear me. It gets better:
‘MPs on the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) highlighted how 102 academy trusts paid some senior staff over £150,000 a year. And in two-thirds of cases where the government had challenged this, it had not been satisfied with the response’
‘PAC said: “Unjustifiably high salaries use public money that could be better spent….”
Luckily our Carrie, apparently, has no shame.
Do you really think our overpaid, self-absorbed BBC ‘celebrities’ have the slightest idea of what the word ‘shame’ actually means? It is a concept as out of fashion as ‘tolerance’ and ‘openess’ are in fashion.
Our Carrie is getting about a bit these days …
Now I know. Glad I don’t watch telly.
The eventual response will, one suspects, be predictable
Tommy Robinson talks to RT about free speech (33 mins).
That silly young woman had nothing to say but “Supposing it was Christians who were doing the raping?” or “What about all the rapes committed by white people in this country?” and TR very patiently answered her again and again but was wasting his breath. A very frustrating interview to watch.
Just spent an hour on the phone in a queue waiting to make an appointment with a GP.
I can’t understand why it takes longer and longer. The beebeestan assure me it’s nothing to do with hundreds of thousands of migrants pouring in. And anyway they’re all doctors and engineers, so as well as building all the new hospitals and clinics required, they’ll be treating us in them too. Wonderful, I say.
Which makes the ever increasing waiting lists all the more inexplicable.
I’m sure Brexit’s to blame somehow.
Should have told them you wanted to book an appointment to have your daughters booked for FGM, faster than you could utter Allah ackba they would have fitted you in. I mean its not as if they would prosecute you for saying so.
(35 years FGM banned, not 1 prosecution)
Maybe if I’d said I wanted an op to become a woman so I could marry my girlfriend who’s having an op to become a man, then we’d want IVF treatment so we could both have babies out of our arses, that might have worked? Beeb might have done a sympathetic documentary about our agony and our brave decisions too.
If you fear the FGM aspect with the new body Vlad, might be better to claim for a multiple personality thing like we hippy chicks read about in that book Sybil.
One of my personalities has just come back from a hideous care home open day with aching feet and £68 with her uniform to wash and starch for Wednesday. But another one is about to go out, get pie-eyed and refuse to pay for my rose and nibbles, because he`s got PTSD after watching Simon Schama reenact the Tet offensive in `nam using subbuteo players. It`s bound to have been on somewhere in this mad season on telly.
I`m developing an SEN brat who refuses to go to school, and gets me a blue badge as well as a sun lounger for his acne in ten years time. The Council tax will be going into his name mid April.
Brexit and the elderly, don’t you know. We hear that almost every day.
I’m in France, and if I need to go to the doctor, I just go. All right, there may, at times, be a wait, but they don’t mess about with appointments, unless you specifically want one, in which case it is after 15:00 in the afternoon. No receptionists, either. Seems to work quite well.
The UK and Albania are the only countries in Europe that try to fund their health services through general taxation and then have it run by the great and good from Common Purpose.
Countries like France foolishly have their health services run by professionals and every individual pays for their own health care. Also, when immigrants go to these countries to work, they have to buy insurance for themselves and their entire families who have settled with them. Crazy eh? When will they learn about the NHS, the envy of the world?
But though we can’t see a doctor when we want, ambulances don’t arrive on time and people wait months in agony for operations, there is a plus side to the NHS. Doctors and nurses are the highest paid in Europe and the people working for the health quangos pay themselves £400K a year, plus expenses, plus absurd pensions.
So not all bad.
Doctors and engineers be buggered, I see more and more of ’em becoming tv presenters, or making a profession out of being interviewed about their life’s ‘journey’ on Victoria Derbyshire.
As for getting an appointment with the GP – appointment ? whats that ? we’re told to use our local pharmacist more, but I’ve got a better idea, get a diagnosis when taking your dog to the vet, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I can ALWAYS get an appointment the same day or within 24 hours – funny that.
Women’s football, and here’s the problem – The other day we see a short match report featuring a glaringly bad defensive error leading to a goal being conceded. The male BBC commentator dare not criticise the play of either team. So whereas in the men’s game the same mistake would have been called out here we witness the goal attributed to ‘good luck’. Come on, BBC, either we’re equal and treated just the same way or we’re different.
Wales smacking ban consultation closing

A last call has been made for people’s views on plans to outlaw the smacking of children in Wales.
What no photo of a woman in black robes disciplining little Mohamud?
Or a black fella slapping his mixed race child?
And I thought BBC loved showing diversify .
Yup, when you need pictures of naughty whitey, they’re freely available. Cannot imagine the BBC portraying
what you mention.
Its time for a call to be made to Abolish the Welsh Assembly.
Lets have another referendum to get rid of the overblown bureaucratic, expensive white elephant.
I wonder if they get them from the same place they do all those pictures of white hands holding blades, which are used when they want to report on knife crime?
And the girl getting thumped by both parents?
No-this is fiction. How many couples in Wales are still together long enough to thump the same kid?
And I`ve yet to meet a mum who beats her kid whilst wearing the same outfit.
“All four accused were cleared of all the charges they faced after a nine-week trial. ”
“Fire at Stansted”
‘A Flying Gas Main’ anyone? Anything on Al Beeb yet?
“It is believed the fire was caused accidentally” Believed by whom? Some hack at a beeb studio following default orders from above: “not related to terrorism”?
Tried to look into the Passion Story on Radio 4.
3pm today, unable to go to church.
Heard a sentence or two about tragedy and the evil involved.
Silly me though-not Calvary, so I find out a sentence later. They spoke of Grenfell instead.
Never again-won`t the BBC EVER stick to something approaching truth in real time?
I listen in to Thought For The Day largely to see whether it’ll be a sensible one (the Jewish chap is normally ok) or the wannabe trendy COE person. A few years ago I remember he mentioned school students under a huge amount of stress and made a link between GCSE revision and Jesus’ ‘stressful’ 40 nights in the dessert. I genuinely love listening to see how they’ll manage to crowbar the comment page of the Guardian into somehow being about the apostles.
Not really a BBC story but will you all please accept my apologies.
Earlier on this week I suggested that “Mastermind” David Lammy attending the Jewish protest (over anti antisemitism in the Labour party) was the first decent thing that Lammy had ever done in his political career.
I now realise that I was wrong. As it appears that it was only shallow political grandstanding for the media. Apparently he has now reported “Leave EU” to the police for “Hate” crime for reporting the glaringly obvious fact, that the Labour party ignores anti antisemitism to appease Muslim voters.
This man really does appear to be a small minded, oppressive, race hustling despot of the highest order. The tragedy is – is that I would not be surprised if the likes of Amber tells the coppers to “go for it” as I am sure the Tories would also like a piece of the action when it comes to bagging some of the “vibrant vote share” and of course anything which stops us pointing out their craven cowardice when dealing with the “Religion of Peace” must be seen as a good thing.
Yet again these unpleasant authoritarian politicians are doing their utmost to destroy freedom of speech and try and force us into constant self censorship when discussing anything to do with the “Religion of Peace”
I used a break at work to go online with the lefties locally.
They`re incandescent and raging about being seen as “anti-Semitic”. Then go on to prove with every tweet and post that they`re vile Jew baiting scum. So we need to keep drilling deep with this anti-Semitic” trope-it`s true, and there`s no sanctuary for them.
What really galls them is their long-declared self-certification for being “anti-racist”-and now we all know they`re exactly the opposite. Anti-racist is a core pillar of their self-definition, and they call Tories out for being racist scum.
It`s like the NHS-only THEIR tanks and disability scooters, sex change tattoo parlours and Islamic massage portaloos are aloowed on their Dale Farm field. If the Tories were serious about power they`d dig daily into the racist, aborting euthanising COHSE bullies that have replaced decent working class workers in hospitals, media and council offices.
They are extremely upset and easily goaded into far worse nastiness-we need to lance every damned gumboil on the left.
BBC News
Donald J. Trump told a crowd of supporters that Roseanne was a TV show “about us”.
Quick, someone nail Katty’s iPad cover shut.
Jeremy Corby, BBC R4’s TWatO informs me, has sent out a Passover Letter to the Labour Party.
I wonder whether he will send out an Easter Letter to the Labour Party on Sunday, perhaps with the first sentence “Jesus is risen.”. Will the members reply, “He is risen indeed!” ?
If not, the Passover Letter will appear to be a bit .. er …. umh … ‘obvious’.
Not Al Beeb but has anyone noticed the huge rise in multi-culti advertisements on TV since Brexit. Has there been some sort of government directive?
IMHO the adds do not represent the vast majority of our population.
Yes, and I’m sick to death of them. There seem to be so many “mixed race” families, that one is hard pushed to believe it. Just about every advert has some tinted person in it, giving the impression that they, and mixed race families are the norm. I find this offensive, and wish them to desist. It’s advertisers being “right-on”, and “diverse”.
I watch so little television these days, for just this reason (and the BBC multi-culti rubbish, as well, of course).
One way to curb this propagandist assault is to stop buying products from firms who advertise thusly, AND to send a letter to them informing them of the reason you will no longer buy their products.
According to Wiki, the 2011 census and the indexmundi, the breakdown of ethnic groups in the uk is …
white 87.2%, black/African/Caribbean/black British 3%, Asian/Asian British: Indian 2.3%, Asian/Asian British: Pakistani 1.9%, mixed 2%, other 3.7% (2011 est.)
According to Scribblingscribe’s view, the advertisers think it is 40% black, 60% white.
Watching some adverts, I occasionally get the idea they think it’s 60% black / 40% white.
Crass embarrassing virtue signalling – always gives me a steer what not to buy taff
I wonder if the advertisers realise that these adverts full of frizzy-haired kids make me think they are just aimed at customers in London, and can be safely ignored by the rest of the country where we hardly ever see a half-caste.
Yep, and there must never be all white presenting hosts. Programmes must have one person of colour in the line-up. Homes Under the Hammer, Countryfile, Money for Nothing, Repair Shop etc. Some inarticulate chap with a low IQ called Jay Blades who’s only skill is painting the leg of a chair a different colour, is now being pushed front and centre on presenting a couple of these programmes – and seems a shooin for the line up of Strictly next season. Ore Oduba now gets where castor oil cant and is prostituting himself out for maximum tv exposure. Chinese and Afro/Caribbean Antique dealers we’ve never heard of are getting more air time. The hosts of Master Chef and Pointless had better be on P45 alert.
Like you, I cannot understand why painting one leg a different colour is somehow cutting edge and a worthy thing to do, and agree that inserting a coloured (blackish) face into every conceivable programme irrespective of merit is indefensible. That the BBC does this is, actually, racist. The sole criterion should be on merit, and a fine example of this is the use of Ronnie Archer Morgan and Lennox Cato on Antiques Roadshow, both of whom are very knowledgeable and personable, and an asset to the programme.
Anybody seen any adverts for bacon or pork in recent history?
Have they been warned off advertising any products with them?
Just asking-seen lots of chicken, lamb-but no bacon or pork in recent memory.
What are the Ambassadors thinking?
‘ 1/125 second at f8 – why is he taking so long? ‘
I see Up2snuff , the BBC celebrating the melting pot in that article.
Amazing all that culture exchange, with great artists feeding of each other, and all in times of little migration.
Flash to today with mass movement and unlimited ‘enrichment’
and we end up with this:
”Searching for the sublime: The man who paints in the ocean”
First the article references Hokusai and Turner

Wait a minute aren’t we setting a high bar here for Peter Matthews ?
”He exchanged surfboard for drawing board and, from the Cornish coast to the Hawaiian swell, started immersing himself in the ocean for hours – sometimes days – at a time. He keeps the tools of the trade – some charcoal pencils and gel pens – in his hat, and drifts about with a piece of paper pinned to a wooden board, scribbling on it as he bobs in the waves.
He will often enter the water at first light and crawl out in the evening, spending the night in a tent on the beach. And while he sleeps, the water continues to work for him – he leaves his drawing in a rock pool, so it will remain soaked in seawater and change overnight.”
”5 Hours In and With the Atlantic Ocean #2 (England)”
oh well I suppose his heart is in the right place.
unlike the BBC
He’s nuts .
taffman, not necessarily. Derivative, perhaps? Following on from the example of others?
I don’t know when he started doing that sort of thing (whether he pioneered it) but others have mixed and meddled with nature’s more direct influence in their art. Painting water colour landscapes in gentle rain, for example. I seem to recall the great JMW Turner took things to that limit, albeit with his sketchbooks rather than the work itself. I have seen one or two of them and am struggling to recall whether they are rain spattered but think they are in places and that he tried to replicate that when painting later.
Mind you, they were just aide-memoires for later use, anyway, when painting under cover. Think there may have been one or two photographers who developed films in rivers or put barely fixed prints into the water’s edge at the coast to let nature play a part in the finished results.
All grist to the mill in the struggle to get noticed! Am unenthusiastic about Peter Matthews’ results and think I’ll settle for some Thomas Joshua Cooper instead.
Interesting development in the Seth Rich case, his brother Aaron is suing the Washington Times for including him as a WikiLeaks source. It’s the first time I have heard that Aaron Rich was included in the story. It seems to have been coordinated because the BBC seems to have planned to put out a documentary about the Seth Rich murder about two weeks ago. The documentary goes out on Easter Sunday. The inclusion of Aaron Rich in the story looks like a successful coordinated Trojan Horse plan (including the BBC) to deflect from everything else that is being censored.
Will be watching the BBC documentary to find out the names that are “Not” Censored and the names of people who are censored.
Uh-oh, if he is happy…
It’s incredible that the monster is still given attention – the stress of seeing brexit coming must adversely affect is poor mental health poor thing. Still remember his true character coming out when he demanded air on c4 news.
There’s no need for a Party of Islam.
They have the Labour Party in their grasp.
With 3 million and growing by the day, they have ALL parties in their grasp.
From the horse’s mouth …………..
“In theory we could leave tomorrow if Parliament simply repealed the European Communities Act, the legislation that took us in to the EU (or the EEC as it then was) in the first place.”
IMHO We should have left 23 June 2016.
Nigel Farage is on telly for 45 minutes: Saturday, 9.30pm to 10.15pm , BBC Parliament, Freeview Channel 232.
Meanwhile, the Jews are emigrating to Israel, the English are emigrating to New England, the Welsh are emigrating to New South Wales and the Scots are emigrating to Nova Scotia.
Meanwhile the Liberals want their Islamic friends to come to Britain, and are prepared to blast the hell out of the Middle East if they refuse.
Meanwhile Tony Blair wants to put Brexit supporters into Gas Chambers and Emily Thornberry wants to put anyone with a white van into them as well.
Meanwhile the Liberal Establishment hates Jews, Christians, Russians, Catalonians, European Popular Democrats, Trump supporters, Brexit supporters, Atmospheric Physicists, Uneducated White Working Class people and anyone who violates the Pro-Islamic hatred laws, by talking about terrorism at Speakers Corner.
taffman, that would have been great but ‘not playing by the rules’ and ‘not cricket’ .. er.. well, maybe forget that last bit. We had to file an Article 50 Notice because that was what was required by the Lisbon Treaty.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the EU, member States tailor the observance of the rules of the EU to suit their individual desires and national priorities. We could and should have done that (and remained in the EU perhaps?) but were let down, some might say betrayed, by our Civil Service and our political class.
It is highly ironic that, probably, the major driver for the result on 23 June 2016 was that very let-down or betrayal.
The very people who wanted to keep us in the EU caused the Leave vote. Amazing! Stupid! And amazingly stupid on their part.
They played us for suckers – all of them
The bBBC cannot help themselves. Without a trace of irony on the 10pm news our Rita reports that the Israelis have killed 15 Palestinians. She could have said 20,000 Palestinians tried to invade Israel while they thought the army were at home with their families for Passover .
The next but one story was that Shawcross would stand down if Corbyn asked her too from the National Executive. No mention of her anti-Semitism just her support of Corbyn.
“She could have said 20,000 Palestinians tried to invade Israel while they thought the army were at home with their families for Passover”.
Maybe, as with dirty great big noisy rockets, the combined might of the BBC Monkey Crew out there neither heard nor saw anything again?
Mishal must be rubbing furiously with her board of colour rubber.
Paygap : next Wednesday 10pm C5 have the prog Why Do Men Earn More Than Women?” with Karen Brady more
In the pay world Channel 5 is rubbing the BBC’s face in it
C5 have a MEAN AVERAGE paygap of -2.9% (ie in FAVOUR of women) (C5 has more women in middle management)
The MEDIAN is +2.1% (better measure cos it removes the skewing effect of a few big earners)
For BBC the numbers are 10.7% and 9.3%
(Guess that doesn’t include the BBC’s many freelancers)
Iignore bonuses cos not everyone gets them
Publishing corps are usually about 2/3 women, yet even though they are in a minority men earn more .
I don’t agree with measuring complex things by simple measures like gender, but people who take more time off to care or kids/relatives or have sickness like menopause will earn less. Imagine if you fired men easily if they get a long term illness and were more sympathetic towards women, those women would seem to have a low salary, when in fact the men had none.
@spikedonline tweeted

So in Britain in 2018
– people are convicted for telling “grossly offensive” jokes.
– MPs call on the police to investigate political groups they disagree with.
– The liberal press calls for the largest vote in history to be overthrown.
* The fight to defend freedom and democracy is real *
Christopher we miss you, RIP.
Pakistanis are speaking out
Check this blog by Pakistani girl
(one who seems to spend time in the UK and Canada)
“Two members of Islamic State cell dubbed ‘The Beatles’ complain of losing UK citizenship”
Anything on Al Beeb yet ?
Beeb pursuing its black agenda as usual. On Newsbeat today 6 of the 7 photos are of blacks.
And of course an endless investigation into some black who committed a brutal robbery in Mississippi.
“A man who committed a brutal robbery as a teenager in Missouri, firing a gun at two people, will be in prison until he dies. Is that fair?”
Beeb as SJW as usual, might as well be the Black Broadcasting Corp.
Cartoon + News Summary for the past week:
Not BBC but hilarious.
Lord Sugar tweets corbyn meme triggering rabid socialists.
Thank you – nice to have an early morning laugh. Lord sugar will now be on the ‘banned’ list – twitter, face page account cancelled . Re educated – as some Labour Party mouth piece described complainers yesterday.
What’s great about this is that it has got to John McDonald – the true leader of the comrades. He ll be in charge of the firing squads come the glorious uprising
Non toady watch
Londonistan has hit the 30 dead from stabbing stat. One every 3 days this year . The Londonistan top cop blames anti social media for increases in violent crime. Right . Let’s ban something . The guardian reports that stop and search has dropped by two thirds as a result of Mrs mays excellent idea to make nice with the kids. On the upside less money for lawyers sueing for racist cos black boys get upset .
As populations in Londonistan rapidly increases stress levels do to leading to shorter tempers and the knowledge of a soft policing system. Plus you get free medical treatment . Yep – carry on stabbing – couldn’t make it up.
What is all this crime doing for tourism? I live down the road from London and I do not want to go there. Why bother if you live in another country?
Khan blames cuts as if with billions and over 30,000 officers there is nothing he can do. God I hate that leftist attitude of blaming someone else and never taking control, whether it be ‘structural racism’ or ‘unconscious bias.’ Khan needs to take responsibility and sort it out. We are rapidly becoming a laughing stock.
According to the BBC narrative, Khan would bring strength through his ‘diversity.’ What absolute bollocks – his character is more important than his ‘diversity.’ Think how many equally incompetent people have been promoted above their abilities because lunatic leftists have decreed ‘diversity’ more important than competence?
‘Met chief blames social media for violence.’
Social media is terrible for breeding envy, but I never stab someone who makes me feel jealous on social media; I would never even raise my voice to them. Maybe it is because my evil white, male British culture has taught me it is not ok to stab people to death if they upset you.
It’s not just social media, is it? Why are some cultures more violent than others? To criticise another’s belief is ‘hate crime’ though, even if that belief causes members of that ‘community’ to kill each other.
The Met chief is a laughing stock.
Cressida Dick is described by the BBC as UK’s top Police Officer on-line and on air as the country’s Senior Police Officer.
“The UK’s top police officer has blamed social media for normalising violence and leading more children to commit stabbings and murders.”
If I recall correctly, she is neither. Policing is now a devolved competence and the Metropolitan Police come under the authority of the Mayor of London as does its budget, Mayor of London please note. It may be historically the first police force but now it stands alone. There are separate Chiefs in the home nations. In addition, Cressida Dick was only appointed last year so in seniority terms, I would have thought that she will be outranked by Chiefs of other forces who were appointed in prior years.
More inaccuracy from the BBC who point at new media, especially, as well as other media and accuse them of FalseNews and FakeNews.
Box ticking common purpose vanity appointment if ever there was one Up2.
She is most senior because it’s the biggest force and she is paid most . Police have been denatured by the labour Human Rights Act with its liberalisation.
It merely reflects the shambolic country Blighty has become. They are educated not to upset people by stopping and searching them .
Hence weapons will be readily available and even if you get caught and convicted you won’t be inside for long. Hence a murder in Londonistan every 2 days on average .
As for comments about social media – how would a 56 year old know about the workings of the minds of these animals?
When Chris Met James.
Comments could be going better, frankly.
Again, CCBGB so far.
“Jeremy Corbyn has made several statements condone… er, condemning… Anti-Semitism in the Labour Party”
An amusing slip – on a rather series issue – from a BBC reporter just now on the News Channel. That was BBC chap Jonathan Blake struggling with both a dodgy sound connection and perhaps with the Corporation’s own conflicted attitudes.
Here’s what I think: The BBC finds its natural political allies in the centre left. Blair was their absolute doyen – massive pay rises to the higher ranks of the public sector, wide scale cultural marxism but happily a distain for the working class and little in the way of scary economic socialism. Gordon Brown splashed the cash on the public sector but the money to pay for the splurge was not squeezed out of the middle class in taxation but borrowed.
Corbyn is the enemy of the Blairites but here’s the rub – he’s the great old white hope for Labour and if ever he is criticised the BBC gets a bucket load of grief from their friends – the campaigners, the social justice warriors, the fellow travellers, indeed the muslims. The hope on the left is that they win the next election with the silly old dope – but should Corbyn not be willing keep us in the EU he will be shoved aside for someone who will.
The bbc weighs in. And to do it hides behind human shields.
You have to be very careful when listening to Corbyn, because he is speaking a language which is not the same as the rest of us. It might sound like English, but it is not.
Thanks to years of the left deciding a different or even no definition to words the weaselly Corbyn can decide his own definition for anti Semitism and when he talks about it that is exactly what he is doing.
The Left found that if they used the word ‘Jew’ or ‘Jewish’ they could be arrested, so they avoided that, by using the word ‘Zionist’ and so a dichotomy began, where it was OK to use the most repellent anti-Semitic language as long as the protective word ‘Zionist’ was included.
You could call for the destruction of Israel, a second holocaust, a city free of Jews proving the word ‘Jew’ was not used, and the alternative ‘Zionist’ was.
So when Corbyn talks about ‘anti-Semitism’ and being opposed to it, he genuinely means it, but it is not the same definition as the rest of the country are using.
“The hope on the left is that they win the next election with the silly old dope – but should Corbyn not be willing keep us in the EU he will be shoved aside for someone who will.”
Spot on. They failed to get him out at the beginning, so have been biding their time and ‘playing him’ ever since. As loathsome as Corbyn is he is no worse than the Blairites.
No doubt the BBC will be reporting the latest Palestinian activity they call the “great return march” where they walk towards the homes and land from which they have been forcibly expelled since 1948.
You can however make a pretty firm bet that the BBC will not be asking the migrants who claimed they were from Syria when they will be making the great return home now it’s safe to do so.
Muslim privilege means that the BBC will never question or criticise the RoP in a march to get something they desire, while avoiding that they don’t (such as returning home).
The BBC steers clear of identifying the violent anti semitic attacks on Jews and The Labour Party remains quiet as well, why would that be then?
I note that the Daily Express are appearing to suggest – in an incomplete sentence on their front page today – that a ‘gang’ may have been behind the Skripal poisoning. Perhaps a use of careless language from the DE or have they found out something that the BBC have not discovered, despite their vast resources, and not even really considered on R4?
I do hope that the PM had her facts straight when she addressed Parliament and instructed the recall (dismissal) of the Russian ‘diplomats’.
And if Treezer’s facts are not upheld then Trump is going to look like an
arsehole for backing her.
Sadly, I think Trump has been railroaded here.
Yes, it could get very messy if it does turn out to have been a criminal gang or something other than a Kremlin-driven assassination attempt. And not just Trump ‘railroaded’ but other European leaders plus Australia as well. The embarrassment will be colossal; think Suez x10 or x20!
I currently put my faith in Porton Down, MI5 and MI6 and the police on this matter together with Richard Pinder’s insider info (as the BBC have been particularly and conspicuously useless in their coverage) and just hope they have got it right.
Never mind, we should know by the end of next week what the OPCW have found, assuming their findings are released.
I have been trying to research this whole business. I came across the UK power point presentation, detailing its evidence, in the Russian gazette ‘Kommersant’. The evidence is circumstantial, although convincing in that context. There is no specific smoking gun , as such- i.e. ‘beyond doubt’.
Did we see anything of this on the BBC, which I would have missed?
Haven’t seen it elsewhere in UK media either.
What has alarmed me is the escalation (not only diplomatic expulsions) by the various parties and where this could lead in a ‘worst case’ scenario. It wouldn’t be pretty.
Especially not for the UK, which the Russians see as the ‘ringleader’ in this affair.
Perhaps Treezers own WMD faux pas?
Maybe in order to try to undermine Brexit?
WLS-C in the wilderness years: “Politics is foul!”
This is a very interesting view of the situation between Russia, the UK and US; by a former agent in the French security services.
Amusing that the Beeb use a photo that shows a woman in a business meeting ‘doing it the wrong way’. For those who do not know about such things, in presentations you should talk to the faces not to the screen.
To be fair, in my experience, men make the same ‘mistake’. It would also have made for a less dynamic illustrative picture but even so, it raises a doubt: are women in business paid less than men for comparable jobs because they are not as good?
Be careful BBC, when choosing your photos and pictures to illustrate your web pages. You may be sending out the wrong messages or unintended messages.
Weather forecasters should also address the camera, otherwise they turn away from their microphone and are inaudible.
As most of what they have to say is pure unfounded speculation, and largely bollocks, I don’t think it really matters whether or not they face the camera.
BBC wimmin presenters always face the camera and offer an occasional chance for men to look up their legs.
The BBC website is at it again.
The BBC informs us
City of immigrants
London was predominantly a city of immigrants, and it’s possible these characters came about as a result of Shakespeare’s exposure to Muslims and non-white people living and working in London in the 16th Century.
– really BBC, little is known of Shakespeares life but you know he met Muslims. Ok.
The BBC list 10 paintings, half of them reference the middle east and muslims.
The tweet they use to promote that page
Justin Webb in the Times doesn’t sound he’s impartial.
It sounds like he’s saying “we the left”
I’ve never heard him help plan the Republican/Trump supporters strategies like that
Perhaps the full article makes it clear, but is he bemoaning the fact that Hillary Clinton survived such allegations, or has he simply not thought it through?
Whatever, you need more than allegations. Anyone can allege. You need evidence.
“When are they going to get a grip and pull him down?”
Yep, sounds fair and impartial to me.
Where does the BBC find these people?
The artist who gives her drawings away free to commuters
Not just an “artist” but someone with some anxiety.
Sounds a little like the imaginary bugs in A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick.
Seems a nice enough girl, of course the BBC don’t ask the cause of her anxiety. Best guess: the dystopian London lifestyle; it being unpleasantly choked with immigrant trash and half the males are mincing tutti-fruttis.
EU migrant Alexandru Dusca, arrested in Britain over savage rape evaded justice for 2 years after he was bailed and used freedom of movement rules to slip back to his native Romania
\\ Your search – site:bbc.co.uk “Alexandru Dusca” Romania – did not match any documents //
The modern left judge things by the messenger not the message
Today, they shout and dismiss using the word “racist”
..just the same way as 70’s bigots used the word “black”
Hence when someone complained about a Labour candidate had posted Holocaust denial on Facebook, Labour’s upholder of standards Chritine Shawcroft took one look at the messenger classed him as a bad un, and didn’t actually check the Facebook post, and said te candidate was OK.
Diversity : For some reason the Civil Service is dropping it’s accelerated diversity programme
…wonder if they were finding problems.
“Two Britons accused of being Islamic State members have complained they will not get a fair trial because the UK government has stripped them of their citizenship.”
Perhaps the beebistan should send a reporter out to Syria to interview these unjustly treated torturers and murderers.
“So Mr Ringo, what was it about racist, islamophobic Britain that first drove you to join ISIS to torture and murder infidels?”
“And why are you desperate to come back to racist, islamophobic Britain to stand a fair trial?”
Treezer has probably called her Mayor of London to find them comfortable accommodation, plus benefits and a blind eye turned to any raping
Students all being Corbynistas ?
Nope, The NUS pesidential elections , The Corbynista candidate got 15%
The incumbent a former drug dealer, black single parent got 51%
“Student chief Shakira Martin reaches out to Tories after defeating left ”
of course she is still pretty left
Also the activists stormed the stage and occupied it after the welfare debate was forced to be cut short by organisers as the discussion had exceeded time limitations.
In protest of this, students stormed the stage to continue discussion about the remaining social issues, such as the rights of student sex workers and abortion in Northern Ireland.