556 Responses to Midweek Open Thread

  1. StewGreen says:

    Times full page ad for an org called The Truth Project
    calling for CSE survivors to get in touch with them



  2. fakenewswatcher says:

    Thanks, Al. This is interesting. Another piece of a jigsaw which may, or may not, give us an accurate picture. When we have enough pieces, we should be able to tell which picture is the right one…


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      Many other interesting pieces would include interview with former UK Ambassador, Craig Murray, to Uzbekistan and G Galloway on You Tube. Of course, one has to take these people with a pinch of salt, but we get other perspectives.There are still others.
      A startling one is former UK agent, Cristopher Steele, whose dossier was the basis for the ‘Russian’ interference in the Trump/Clinton campaign. He is currently involved in generating accusations against Russia for their involvement in other EU state elections, it seems.


  3. NISA says:

    BBC TV news bulletins about the fate of the former UK passport holding IS head hackers do not bother showing video of their current situation, we only hear that a relative of a victim claims that they appear to be on vacation. Does the BBC think that such pictures may undermine the sympathetic case they are promoting?
    The vermin can be seen in their leisurewear with mobile phone on this Telegraph page


  4. AsISeeIt says:

    A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

    It’s always interesting to listen to how lefties slip and slide around language when they are forced to talk about something they would rather not mention.

    A teachers union leader on the News Channel is given a fair amount of time and space to put his case for a big pay rise and more teacher recruitment. The BBC interviewer meanwhile only tentatively suggesting the government case that numbers of teachers have in fact increased.

    Ah but, says the union chap, we’ve had a “population spurt”

    Well, that’s a rather roundabout way to refer to our present situation of hyper immigration. I wonder what subject the guy used to teach before he was a union boss? English perhaps? We know Shakespear is pretty much off the curriculum now.

    You know language matters to these people. They felt the need to change the longstanding and slightly amusing name of their union from NUT to the National Education Union. So let’s not be surprised when immigration becomes a population spurt.


  5. Holly Selassie says:

    It`s our last day as TV Licence payers today!
    Hope to organise a bonfire of old licences by some local BBC outlet nearby before too long.
    Maybe a small pile of old tellies, before he takes them to the tip.
    Oh happy day.


  6. Fedup2 says:

    Interesting that albeeb and the msm doesn’t seem concerned about the massive amount of advertise going on for a second referendum .

    Where is the cash coming from ? Who is funding it ? Even if successful and there is a proper brexit result the rejoiners still won’t accept. Dead politicians like hesseltine mandelson major Blair and Patton keep on being dug up from their graves. Only rejoiners listen to those anti democratic has beens


  7. Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

    It is Easter and of course the BBC runs a pro-Islam story for Easter. On the BBC homepage they have an image of a statue of Mary and the baby jesus with the headline: Why is Mary so important in Christianity and Islam? When you click on the story you find it is yet another attempt by the BBC to promote and normalise Islam:


  8. Fedup2 says:

    Noticeable lack of religious films over the Easter period … i suppose the muzzies have control of programming now … just saying


  9. Sir_Arthur_Strebe-Grebling says:

    The funeral of Stephen Hawking, one of this country’s (and the world’s) finest scientists, was held today. For the bBBC the most important aspect was that an actor spoke in the service and some other luvvies turned up to get publicity for themselves.


  10. fakenewswatcher says:

    Holly- I get where you’re coming from. I think the BBC are capable of making some good programmes and are ad-free (the latter also seems to be changing, regrettably).
    The problem is, they are going down the road of re-education, propaganda, changing society and rewriting history. Once they used to genuinely entertain and educate. There was quality. Along came PC, and everything is changing. So where I used to be OK with a licence fee, I now share your sentiment. Alas.


  11. StewGreen says:

    Vine listener now reporting “gang of Asians robbing parts off peoples cars in Luton”