Anybody any idea when Lady Brooke is taking up her new role in the BBC R4 World at One?
I’m looking forward to her unbiased BBC approach to dealing with news items.
Poor old Shaun Ley. Overlooked and/or held down for a second time.
Also, I wonder what Ed Stourton has done to upset his superiors so that he, as a Lunchtime news/TWatO presenter of even longer standing, is ruled out of that job as well? Then there is Mark Mardell, obnoxious as he can be, but still senior to Sarah.
Oh! Silly me!
They are all men.
Well, I hope Sarah is not being paid any more than the men. Equality, fairness, seniority and all that ….
I wish Sarah Montague well. I will certainly prefer listening to her than Mark Mardell. She should also at least do better in the job than dear old Martha Kearney who really struggled without a TV autocue to read. Am surprised Martha has not retired from the BBC in order to spend more time with her bees.
They nearly killed her in 2015 as I recall.
Spirit of the Beehive, Islam and insect petting zoos for the BBC lefties all whooshing around in my birdsnest of a mind today. Got the day off, feeling silly.
On the subject of the BBC and Syria – oh, well, someone has mentioned it so I’d better join in – thank God for Lord Dannatt, retired British General, talking some sense on Syria as a contributor on TWatO.
Is it just me or did I notice, toward the end of the item, a certain froideur at that point creeping between Mark Mardell and his microphone in the TWatO Studio?
”What does Tracey Emin’s latest art piece mean?
Tracey Emin’s latest art piece has been unveiled at St Pancras International station.”
Well I’m no Sherlock Holmes, but as this is the BBC….
‘I was thinking about Europe’
Tracey Emin’s latest art piece has been unveiled at St Pancras International station.
She said she wanted to send both a message about “love” and one about Brexit.
“It isn’t pushing people away, it isn’t pushing the whole of Britain away, it isn’t about Britain being demoted to some tiny demented island in the North Sea,” she said.
“It’s about people like me saying I’m very proud to be British and I’m very proud to be part of Europe and I’d like to stay that way.”
A bit rich from Tracy as her home town, Margate has been ruined by immigrants.
In these politically correct times when anything controversial seems to lead to snowflake meltdown I am unable to ask which group are the worst, thieving scumbags, the Romani Gypos or the Pikeys.
Shame, because I’d love to know the answer.
The tragedy is that she has produced quite accomplished drawings, so does have (or had) the skill. But seeing where the silly money is, has preferred to make her name with rubbish. In the circumstances, one can hardly blame her!
I was born and brought up in the Thanet area, and not surprisingly, despite everyone knowing who she is, no one will lay claim to knowing her, praising her or even saying how glad they are she put Margate on the map ! thank God for the Turner Gallery !
My comment @ 5:08 was based on a quite faint recollection that I had seen, in the long distant past, some really quite good ‘mainstream’ drawings by Tracy Emin. However, I have just done a quick web search for her drawings and have been appalled at what I found. Up2snuff’s description of it as ‘schoolboy porn’ just about sums it up. Maybe there is some decent stuff out there, but I won’t waste time trying to find it.
“Barnier: UK can change mind on single market until end of 2020”
I think that they are getting worried. Very worried.
Thereâs plenty of space on HYS……………..
‘”Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and ‘smart!'” Mr Trump said in his tweet. ‘
Then a video with a warning about disturbing images.
what kids getting their hair washed?
or a toddler crying after being tapped on the back a little too hard.
Maybe it’s the presenter weirdly not looking at the camera several times.
I agree. Does he really think that videos of kids getting their hair washed proves that Assad gassed them?
Surely someone must have told him that the so called rebels have been caught out faking Syrian war crimes before.
Is he so dumb to think that provoking a major confrontation with Russia will cause the MSM to stop accusing him of relying on Russia to fix the elections for him?
He is not going to win a few Dem votes this way for the mid term elections.
I have to conclude that Trump is not the great leader of a movement that wants America back.
The Russians boxed President trump into doing something as opposed to his useless predecessor . He ainât stupid and will be clever to avoid a âlose loseâ. Maybe he ll do a deal to get us and the frogs to do the deed.
Supreme Irony Department
Radio 4’s PM Programme, not long before the end at 5.58pm today plays Robert Kennedy’s campaign speech in Indianopolis on the evening of the day that Martin Luther King was murdered. Kennedy’s speech was heartfelt and challenged American’s enraged by the murder not to rush to judgements or seek revenge.
A compare and contrast moment with the BBC’s coverage of the Skripal attack and Douma attack and the government response.
As ‘they say’ – you could not make it up.
I think the top echelons of the Beeb, all the way down to Presenter level (and maybe a notch or two below) have self-awareness ratings in the minus range.
Saturday Mail : Romanian gangster convicted of attempted murder in his own country simply fled to UK
has been granted leave to stay after a judge rejected an extradition request at Westminster magistrates’ court,
claiming Adrian Predaâs human rights would be breached if he returned to Romania’s overcrowded jails.
No one in their right mind would look at this bunch and not know exactly where all this is going in the not too distant future. Enjoy being wound up………..
One of the ropers keeps repeating ‘free country, we should be allowed to pray innit.’ Yeah, like Christians would be allowed to pray in public in any muslim country.
“When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.”
These are people who do not have the ability or capacity to listen when someone is dealing with their questions. Their normal behaviour is that of an uncontrolled mob of savages.
Suppose a pack of English families set up home in Rome and then decided to play cricket in St. Peter’s square every Sunday, I wonder how that would be received?
Do Muslims in Islamic countries do public worship or is this reserved for Dal Al-Harb their ‘house of war’, or, as we call it, our (only) home?
Since when did coppers start wearing glasses with little chains round their neck, like you might see on a librarian (if there are any left)?
No disrespect to librarians, but we will soon be facing a modern Rorke’s Drift, and we need something a bit better than a common purpose ponce with a clipboard attempting to uphold law and order.
Just watched skyâs news coverage of the US reaction to the chemical attack in Syria.
The Sky journalist in the states thought she was on Have I got News For You, delivering the item as if Trump was stupid and contradicting himself. Because no politician has said one thing before getting into office and another afterwards.
It was toe curling to witness the snide manner in which she delivered the lines, as if sharing a joke that everyone would be aware of.
I have added a comment to help Owen see another side of the BBC’s political wing bias:
And Sarah Smith, the BBCâs replacement for Andrew Neil, is the daughter of John Smith, the former Labour leader.
And Laura Kuenssberg family are financial donors to the Labour party, her father personally funded some Scottish labour MPs.
And Jo Coburn has been paid thousands by the Labour Party for various jobs, and in the 2015 election used the word âweâ when interviewing a labour person.
Letâs do Newsnight. Until recently its editor was Ian Katz. A former Guardian editor. He appointed another Guardian editor as his number two. They then replaced the political correspondence with the political correspondent from the Guardian. Their economics editor was the Guardian columnist Paul Mason.
Don’t recall you troubling your readers over that Owen.
There is a swing door between the Labour Party and the BBC news room. Clive Lewis going from being a BBC unbiased reporter to become Labourâs shadow minister for Treasury while Orla Guerin bounces from being unsuccessful Labour candidate to working as a BBC reporter.
James Purnell went from being Labour MP to BBCâs director of radio.
Iâve worked with the BBC for decades, wonderful people, but Owen, politically, you would get on with them all.
I understand Owen Jones has written yet another attack. He's clearly campaigning to have me fired from the BBC. So be it. I don't intend to respond. I'll just have a chuckle watching this again:
I’m just baffled as to what the BBC see in the little twerp? Apart from his mother, what does ANYBODY see in him, yet the BBC keep bringing him on to “commentate”……
Scribbling: “Jo Coburn has been paid thousands by the Labour Party for various jobs, and in the 2015 election used the word âweâ when interviewing a labour person.” – as did, famously, James Naughtie.
Then there is the table on payments that a regular on here researched and put up not so long ago that showed that of all the ‘contributors’ to BBC content from the Conservative Party, they must have been on air on BBC TV & Radio far less than their Labour Party equivalents judging by the amount paid.
Think Owen should get on with them well. After all, is not now a millionaire thanks to his appearances and books in addition to his Guardian income?
SS – I always liked the nice little touch when Mischael “self Rightious”
Hussein was talking about “Jeremy” rather than ” Jeremy Corbyn” just as if she was still at the previous nights Islington Labour party fund raiser.
… Andrew Neil, the presenter of the BBC’s flagship political programmes Daily Politics and This Week, is chairman of the spectator magazine. R4 Editor Sarah Sands campaigned for the Tory mayor in 3 elections. BBC Media Editor Amol Rajan campaigned for the Tories at last two elections. BBC’s political editor, Nick Robinson, was once chairman of the Young Conservatives. His former senior political producer, Thea Rogers, became George Osborne’s special advisor in 2012. BBC’s economics editor Stephanie Flanders left for a ÂŁ400,000-a-year job at that notorious leftwing hotbed, JP Morgan, she was replaced by its business editor Robert Peston. His position was taken by Kamal Ahmed from the rightwing Sunday Telegraph, a journalist damned forspinning government propaganda in the run-up to the Iraq war reporter. Sunday/Daily politics Eleanor Garnier her dad was a Tory MP until last election
… swing door eh ??? … it must swing both ways then, but then again as I always say, not a fag paper between the Tories and red Tories of the PLP … ffs wake up people
… there are enough of those back stabbing bast-rds to vote for war, just to destabilise Jeremy Corbyn it is that insane.
We desperately need a clear out in Westminster, and quick.
… and what, WHAT! is that contemptible, utter sh-tbag T. May up to?
anyway … looks like the Al BBC is preparing to load up the body bags, I do hope that
it is their of age children, and likewise the politicians (who bleat war rants), children who are first on the front line!. They re always willing to fight till the last drop of other peoples blood.
You can t even say that today, because a push of a button it could be all of us.
Iâll take issue with you on the backgrounds of those of I am aware.
Kamal Ahmed was at the Telegraph, but he was also political editor of the Observer and prior to that was exec news editor on the Guardian.
Amol Rajan was editor on the Independent newspaper, the bible for people further left than the guardian. He has described himself as âI am a neo-Aristotelian, semi-consequentialist, Whig radicalâ. When he backed the coalition it was said it was because of pressure from the owner Evgeny Lebedev.
Stephanie Flanders dated Ed Milliband and Ed balls before marrying a Guardian writer. She worked for the democrat, Clinton/Obama appointee Lawrence Summers.
Peston did work on the Telegraph but his parents were staunch left wingers, his father being economic advisor for Michael Foot.
If I have time Iâll research the others you mentioned. If they were right wing then they would not have been comfortable at the BBC. I have worked with the BBC for almost 4 decades and have yet to meet a non Guardian reader.
Oddly, many people who work for J P Morgan or the Financial Times or even the Economist are innate lefties.
Only the little people get their jobs from adverts. These people are all left wing Common Purpose shills. They look after each other, and we get to pay!
@nogginator I’ve had to check that “Amol supported the Tories claim before”
It’s BS that derives from mad Labour activists propaganda
The root is that Amol’s Independent said it supported the idea of the Liberals getting into power in the coalition government.
Are you seriously suggesting that al beeb has a right wing bias? Tell me Iâve interpreted you incorrectly . As a right winger whenever I expose myself to al beeb – with the exception of Brillo itâs just a fucking smug guardian fest of wealthy beeboids who have no idea what it is to live on an east London council estate at Fedup does.
Fed, I live in a West London estate. Very grateful to have a flat but tired of disrespectful residents. Itâs almost 1.30am and I am being subjected to a drone like banging beat sometimes rap style of music. It stops for short periods then starts again. I once did a 3am walkabout to try and locate which flat without success. I wonât mention the spitting, smoking and rubbish dumping. There is a garbage shute at the end of my corridor and the silly fools try to shove full size black garbage bags into it. I saw the cleaner dragging a rather large flat screen television down the corridor. It had been dumped by the garbage shute. The large commercial bins in the car park meant for the disposal of household waste had a mattress thrown on top. The list is endless. The BBC would bend over backwards for the residents of my building but only from a very safe distance. In general I find myself in a constant state of disbelief at how rapidly our society is declining. Imagine if the BBC was functioning as a genuine, brilliant informative broadcaster. The positive influence would be incredible. The music is still playing and I feel sick and sad. I blame the BBC for everything.
I do feel for you Moodswing, your environment sounds horrendous. Yes, I agree, our society IS declining and will only get worse. We shall never see a return where home dwellers, whatever their situation, respecting others or looking after their home. Along hedgerows and motorways the amount of rubbish strewn is at epidemic proportions, and nobody is ‘bothered’ anymore. A play area car park close to me is regularly tidied up of bottles, cans and takeaway detritus, then at night its inhabited by youths in cars who dump their rubbish again – despite there being a huge waste bin which is barely used. Druggies / gangs / gypsies / criminal migrants are all helping to turn this country into the shit hole of Europe.
Sorry to hear about this. I can only suggest getting away as soon as possible – I moved out of London to a small, friendly, ‘unenriched’ village in East Anglia and it is one of the best things I did. In the meantime, some ‘white noise’ headphones are quite good at blocking out loud music from neighbours.
The brilliant Peter Ford destroys the BBC's lies live on air, to the frustration of the babbling, war propagandizing radio host. Pure eloquence and logic, Peter Ford, former British ambassador to Syria.
Great piece, thanks for posting that GW; notice how the al Beebus drone peremptorily cuts him off at the end without Ford finishing speaking and with no thanks or comment on what he’s just heard.
GW – yes thanks 6 minutes well spent – President Trump seems boxed in to take action now but the point about the emotional response to unverified video shown again and again is well made .
Do you ever notice how – if an interviewee on any programme goes off message they suddenly run out of time because theyâve got to do the sport/ weather / traffic ? Itâs the standard Toady practice but seems on the evidence of this clip part of the al beeb producer cook book .,
Yes I noticed that – Mr Ford got the Beeboid ‘curt cutoff’ which people get when they say the ‘wrong’ things on air but the presenter isn’t actually able to counter their arguments.
GW, thanks for putting that up. I am now consoled that I am not the only ‘idiot’ around. đ Wonder if there will be any ‘wild’ comments on that now on here?
That clip also made me think back to the period, say for about six months or more after November 9th 2016, when the LeftMob and Libbies, including the BBC, were all going around, holding their heads and hankies and moaning “Woe, woe and thrice woe – Trump has been elected – he will destroy us all in WW3!” and now they seem positively delighted that he is leading the charge to drop more bombs or missiles from the West on Syria.
Excellent clip Guest – Ford brilliantly and succinctly summarises everything I have been trying to say to anyone who would listen over the past few days.
Why do our politicians and MSM never learn? We still have that putrifying goul – The Blair creature and champion of the “Dodgy Dossier” only recently peddalling his latest tainted offerings.
And we all know how trustworthy the “white Helmets” and friends are – yet still our leaders think that a foreign policy based on emotion, illogic, hand wringing, deceit and posturing is more effective and safer than a policy based on logic and “Realpolitik”
Anyone would think that maybe our leaders need a new war between Oceania and Eurasia. Lets just hope it doesnt bite all of us on the arse.
Thank you Guest. Sometimes I think I am going it alone.
I note that Geedo, who has been acting odd lately, has taken to sneering at the idea that the gas attack might be a fake. Like our Prime Minister, and possibly Trump, Geedo now follows the logic of emotion and joins the MSM in refusing to exercise critical investigation..
Ironically comrade Corbyn might have called this one right – to debate it – but for the wrong reason . If we – NATO – can avoid being conned into ww3 so much the better.
So ex-Ambassador Peter Ford, who did Arabic Studies at Oxford, has worked extensively in the Middle East as a diplomat and knows more about the region than the entire bbc pool of hacks combined, says it’s a ploy by Islamists to get the West to do their bidding – or bombing.
Mmm, calm, experienced expert or hysterical babbling beeboid. Whom to trust? Tough call.
Peter Ford has also said this: âThe fall of the regime will be opening a Pandoraâs Box such as we saw with the fall of Gaddafi in Libya and when Saddam Hussein fell.â He said: âIs this what David Cameron really wants, to open another Pandoraâs Box? Does he not realise that the fall of the Assad regime would lead to the massacres of Christians, Shias, Alawites, Druze and other minorities?
Interesting how defence of borders gets viewed variably.
The Israelis must be wishing they had used AA missiles on the young me… children in fatigues storming through burning tyres in honour of St. Winnieâs planting.
The Russians moved deployed their latest S-400 missile system not long after, the Turks haven’t done much pushing either since then; the jet was shot down with help from the US too via AWACS.
Sir Arthur
No one needs to be lonely these days – If you want some female “company” You only need to reach out and “playfully” grab it by the throat (as recommended by St Brendan and various “Vibrant” New Year Revelers at Cologne.)
I’ve given up trying to understand the ghastly Middle East, let alone have a view on the rights and wrongs of the various parties. But one thing seems clear: every Western intervention makes things worse, not least for ourselves, and we should only intervene if there is a clear national interest. Which there isn’t.
Totally agree. Even if we had perfect intelligence it must be impossible to ‘strike back’ with any precision. Who would we be attacking anyway? The corner shop that supplied the bleach?
Just imagine how we would have reacted if the French Air Force had taken out a school on the Shankill Road, (missing the RUC police station), because some fellow Catholics claimed a bit of ‘police brutality’ had ‘crossed a red-line’?
Fact is, Bush and Blair lifted the lid violently in the Middle East and we Europeans have been suffering the consequences ever since. Having lived and worked in the ME I can say with some authority (I believe) that the people are, in the main, erratic and violent hotheads who are now happily infecting Europe and the UK with their form of lunacy derived from islam.
Nope, too busy sniffing around the opportunity of more war reporting, I suspect.
Mrs May looks happy to oblige. ‘Let’s get in there and shoot…well…er anybody really. We get to use our military toys. I get to be a big name in the history books. Not going to come behind Winston, no sireeee. Parliament? Bunch of wimps. Probably vote down action, yet again. Nobody’s going to stop me ‘n Donald. Somewhere along the line we’re bound to hit somebody who has chemical weapons. (There is even a chance that) Justice will be served.
Everybody wins.’
The World Tonight Radio4 and Data Harvesting in Old Street, London. The BBC keep refering to Old Street (the newest ‘Silicon Valley’ in the UK) as East London.
BBC, please don’t give a place a geographical location without looking at a map. You are really bad at geography and knowing your way around the world, despite your massive funding and staffing.
Old Street is north London. Strictly, it is the northern side of central London or just north of, just outside of, The City of London.
In relation to Old Street, East London is Whitechapel/Tower, West London is Holborn and South London is Elephant & Castle. BBC, have you got that? Old Street is north, OK? Look at a compass: north is opposite south, east is opposite west.
Am I just being a miserable cantankerous right wing un pc old git,
But, am I the only one who finds the coverage of the Commonwealth games unwatchable.
Reason. It has been diluted with the para games.
Every time I want to watch it, I find it unwatchable because I really donât have any interest in whatâs happening.
PC correctness shoved down our throats.
And here we have the ridiculous situation of not enough para competitors entering making the whole thing a farce
I think they deserve more than this, hence the reason why they should be separate.
Anyway a Totally un politically correct joke.
Breaking news…Para games.
Man with one arm beats man with one leg in arse kicking competition….
Davy – bit harsh methinks . Iâve got clean hands because I donât watch any of it . Itâs nice that there is still an empire meet up and good for the friends and family for a jolly – whether para or the other games.
And itâs a good opportunity for al beeb to put on their non white faces to commentate on ping pong at 4 in the morning so that they can go on to do something important like footy
Disabled individuals who overcome adversity to participate in sports are to be admired, but the liberal obsession with it is akin to Victorians looking at freaks in circuses (the Bearded Lady. The Two Headed Man. The Dwarf etc.). As a disabled friend of mine puts it: it is ‘cripple porn’.
Mr M Zuckerberg – a company owner resident in America has become a comedy feature of the al beeb website as a result of appearing before a senate committee on this and that .
Itâs an interesting lesson on dumbing down . Mr zuckerberg has used his brain to build a company which has made him very rich . But al beeb sees him as that term of abuse – â an anorakâ and so subject to abuse .
Disclosure – I have never used mr zuckerberg products such as the Facebook but salute his talent – unlike al beeb .
I donât think al beeb takes sides on the terms of Trump / Putin . Itâs more about what can undermine Blighty the most – be it sexual – religious – economic – identity – race – issuesâ or of course- brexit – which has been given a rest during half term whilst the grown up politicians and beeboids have been away together .
Iâm staying awake should rufus put up another blog stream … Iâm gonna be first again !!!
The BBC is anti-Trump, anti-Putin, anti- aspects of Russia, anti-Assad and Pro-Syrian Rebels. In general the BBC will take an opportunistic view of issues. The BBC would prefer Trump and the West to kill Syrian troops and President Assad and for the Syrian Rebels to take over Syria. The BBC will keep their options open in blaming Trump if it leads to WWIII. The BBC have been working closely with the Syrian Rebels, they have a team of reporters embedded with them, in return the BBC acts as their propaganda wing and mouthpiece – the Syrian Rebels give them the stories and the images to broadcast through the BBC World and Home services.
The published version of al beeb – the Guardian – is claiming that after 25 years of investigating the death of mr s Lawrence the policechave run out of leads .
Iâm sure that al beeb will say that the investigation. should carry on for another 25 years so that many involved are dead and cold
They report another Groundhog survey that people want to fund the NHS. How many in the survey? Were they representative of the whole U.K.?
I am even more suspicious of these ubiquitous surveys to support agendas having done some paid market research myself on Tuesday. We agreed to everything, put it was partly because we were in a circle and you had to explain any ânoâ vote which put social pressure on you; it was also late at night so we wanted to get home fast and âyesâ votes were quicker; also we were being paid which affects your response.
Of course our totally not fake BBC uses such surveys as intellectual ballast for their non stop agenda all the time. Odd how the results of every single survey and âleakâ fit their agenda.
Why is their website so dire? Lead stories are often up to a week old and the main stories are often just adverts/plugs disguised as news or stuff recycled – and often made worse in the process – from other websites.
James Purnell, the ÂŁ300k per year âdirector of strategy has opted for the bold strategy of doing as little as humanly possible in case someone gets offended – absolutely pathetic. Why not send a crack team of snowflake reporters to investigate scary London streets? Could Carrie â180k not enoughâ Gracie not get her hands dirty? There is no getting amongst it or passion.
We deserve better. They moan about the bedroom tax or something being underfunded etc, but the real scandal is the tv tax. We pay them a fortune to do nothing. They rob from the poor to make themselves rich then insult the poor in their programmes.
This youtube clip of 17 March 2018 says the Russians in Syria have uncovered a covert plot by certain Western Secret Services allied with the Syrian Rebels to stage a fake chemical attack and blame it on Assad in order to provoke a US – NATO attack on Assad. They claim it will take place sometime over the next few weeks. And a few weeks time on the 7th April 2018 came the report of a Chemical Attack in Eastern Ghouta …
I look at RT on a regular basis for interesting and important news that does not appear on the BBC, but always with an eye out for propaganda and bias (the two networks are alike in so many ways, are they not?!). I do regard this news about embedded CIA agents, etc in Ghouta with a good deal of scepticism, but if true, it is pretty dire. It is clear that Assad is the only leader who protects all faiths in Syria and, in my opinion, the west should do nothing to destabilise him at the present time.
I agree with you Martin. The other site to get the Russian side of any argument is ‘Sputnik’. This and RT are merely important to look at if you want both sides of the story. They are, in principle, no more believable or unbelievable than the BBC or ITV; merely, you suddenly realise that there seem to be many conflicting ‘truths’ out there, and it is always wise to get the full picture.
There are also other sites like ‘Die Welt’ for the view from (in this case) uninvolved parties. I was interested to see also You Tube sources like ‘Syriangirl’, contained in the Infowars Watson interview published on this site yesterday. She won’t give you the whole truth, but if you explore her videos on YT, you get a much better understanding of the complex issues that are Syria.
After shilling for war in Syria for three days, The Humph is getting cold feet and expressing doubts.
Questions not asked and answered by the BBC on Syria and Russia. They keep talking about Iran and Russia as allies with President Assad and his forces.
I seriously doubt that.
1. The Russians do not like Islam and Muslims and Iran is very much an Islamic regime, and,
2. Putin is said to be very favourably disposed to the Russian Orthodox Church and the last time I looked, the Russian Orthodox Church and Islam were not in the cosiest of relationships.
BBC – perhaps you could spend a little of your ÂŁ3.6bn income on doing some News & Current Affairs research on that and the ACTUAL involvement of Iran in Syria. I could be wrong of course.
On the other hand, Iran’s supposed involvement might be solely in just a little support for Hezbollah who were in one or two of the hundred or so different fighting factions in the Syrian Civil War as well as maybe some backing for one or two other groups in case the Hezbollah ones fail & fall.
On the subject of that war, there is news the Government flag is flying over Douma/Duma. The BBC Newsreader prominently and very firmly states when relaying this news to us that it is an unconfirmed report.
Compare and contrast, as the Examiners say, with other news brought to us at the weekend or even five weeks ago …..
Did I just hear a report on R4 that 50% of all appeals against asylum decisions made by the Home office are upheld? That the system is not fit for purpose, according to the Law Society? If I heard that correctly, A Rudd is falling down on the job big time?
Apparently the disgusting BBC are trying to wriggle out of responsibility for being on hand in a helicopter to film the police raiding Cliff Richard’s flat when he was not at home. He was apparently suspected of being involved in what, exactly? A Dan Johnson was mentioned, but it wasn’t clear whether he was responsible for the operation on behalf of the BBC?
Charges against Cliff were dropped and the Law settled out of court.
Beeb think this was a ‘public interest’ story. To me all these cases of police leaks to the beeb when raids are to take place, in order to name publicly still innocent people, is an immoral (if not criminal ?) business. It seems a reckless disregard for people’s privacy is OK for our national broadcaster.
Both the BBC and the police would rather that the public was not aware of the sometimes degree of apparent collusion between them; now, that revelation would indeed be ‘in the public interest’. They may also wish to avoid paying damages to their victims, although perhaps they would spin this as trying to save the money of the licence payers.
On the BBC ‘news’ website (, it states the following: “The BBC’s defence… It claims that there is no right to anonymity in law.”
Factually untrue. For instance, victims of a sex attack have a legal right to privacy under the Sexual Offences Act 2003. This includes people who have made an allegation of rape which is being investigated by police, being put before the courts, or has not resulted in a conviction. Indeed, when a victim chooses to wave this anonymity – not an easy decision to make – it is considered newsworthy. Here is an example of such a case, as reported by… the BBC:
On R4, Justin Webb is currently outraged at the suggestion that we don’t know for sure who did what to whom is Syria. Incredulous. Has it not occurred to him that the evidence is not at all clear? One interviewee is very gently suggesting there should be clear strategy and objectives if we are to go into Syria. I agree.
This morning the OPCW is making public its findings in the Skripal poisoning investigation. Now, if it was Novichok and Russia is found guilty, today would be the day for Ms May to sally forth and make loud noises.
But that’s now way in the past, and she is making loud noises on the next chemical weapons issue, again on a situation in which the actors and victims are not as clear as she and Donald make out.
Investigate the other side of the story and you realize this.
The consequences of rushing into a potential conflict with Russia need far more caution and sober investigation. And look what a stuff up Lybia was. And that one didn’t have the Russian element.
Owen Jones is one of the most devious, lying,bullshitting lefties in existence. This cretin wants to get Andrew Neil sacked from the BBC for his anti Labour bias.Andrew Neil is by far the most impartial presenter on TV. No matter what political persuasion you may be from he will give you a grilling.
Listen to Owen Jones in his interview with Andrew Neil, no wonder he wants him sacked because Andrew Neil makes him look like and reiterates that he is a complete DICK
“The right wing domination of our media”
Yes dear, keep taking the tablets ……..
Presumably that’ll be the “Right Wing” BBC, Channel 4, Guardian, Independent, Metro, i, Mirror, Morning Star ….
Let’s face it, Treezer is not accomplished at making major decisions with or without the limp Cabinet.
The media has not got past using the word, “…suspected…” chemical weapon poisoning. I would have thought that Jeremy Bowen would have been in there like a rocket to pontificate upon the ‘poison’. But no. Why not? And, furthermore, why have the Thugs of the World, the Russians, vetoed anyone from going in there to confirm? It all, (forgive me) Stinks.
Here is my dream for this week.
Treezer takes the major decision to go to war without Parliamentary approval. All the bombers revving up and Navy on the high seas
Then Trump, the businessman, does a deal with Putin and its off.
Silly woman.
Theresa May has proven herself to be a weak and foolish leader. With her in charge Jeremy Corbyn has a great opportunity to win the next election. I don’t think Theresa May cares about the country – this is just a career move for her being Prime Minister. Her next job will be probably be a high paying job as an adviser in Brussels or Riyadh.
The Times reports that the once unimaginable could actually happen, a Nobel peace prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi prosecuted for crimes against humanity in the International Criminal Court.
Hopefully next time they’ll go after someone who really deserves it like Barack Obama.
Footnote: As well as muslims, High Wycombe has a large population of Poles. No doubt they will all be lobbying their government back home to let in more enrichers so their country may become as vibrant as High Wycombe. And no doubt thy will be all ears next time the idiot Pope instructs them to.
Stella Creasy should have been asked what do penises have to do with flying a plane? I mean why does she have to reduce everything to penises – is she sex mad?
DJ Humphrey seemed to be getting a tad excited this morning at the prospect of war!
In amongst the war games there was a brief mention that the bBC were due up in court defending their reprehensible action in the hunting down of Sir Cliff Richard….helicopter and all.
Their defence seems to be that they, acting in the public interest have a right superior to the privacy of the individual.
Where in this mob’s charter does it give them license to become involved in stitch ups?
President Trump has twittered again changing the line about mission strikes. Al beeb / Sopel will have a collective hissy fit. Hopefully it will be easier to identify and target Assad later.
Donald J. Trump
Never said when an attack on Syria would take place. Could be very soon or not so soon at all! In any event, the United States, under my Administration, has done a great job of ridding the region of ISIS. Where is our âThank you America?â
11:15 AM – Apr 12, 2018
Ho ho. Treezer and Macron will deal with the Ruskies. No problem Don.
Sorry the London Mayor won’t allow you to come to our royal wedding
In my vibrant borough there was an early morning shooting – no one hit apparently – and today the next door borough has had its first fatal stabbing in over a week .
Looks like things are warming up again. Al beeb got bored with it because of the lack of white blame and much prefer preparing to send Sophie or humph to the Third World War special .
Mark Lardell on TWATo discussing a child abuse cover up in Rochdale with the current (Labour, of course) MP. No, not the recent grooming case but an 80âs one of abuse of children in care.
A Labour apparatchik has been accused of perjury at an earlier enquiry and has today been suspended by his party. No linking by Lardell of serial abuse and cover up by Labour.
BBC covers the newspapers
I have often argued that May is a BBC creature and reflects their policies and priorities. Stupid cow thinks dressing up like that will win votes from the perfect people
Amol is presenting an anniversary documentary on the visionary Enoch Powell speech this weekend . I guess heath sacking Powell was the start of the repression of the views of the ordinary British .
However hard al beeb and others try – that resistance will always be there. Debating with my self whether to listen – amol sounds as though heâs always trying to sell me a dodgy hi fi .
” amol sounds as though heâs always trying to sell me a dodgy hi fi .” Yes, bit like the radio ads where the ‘small print’ is rattled off so quickly you cannot understand any of it. He’d be referred to as a ‘spiv’ in my younger day. I hope no one takes that expression as me making ‘Hate Speech’………………..
G – it doesnât seem to be very far from criticism to hate speech does it? This goes free speech . Maybe itâs something to do with my culture ….
On a more shocking issue I never thought Iâd hear a senior police officer supporting a dead burglars family trying to intimidate the public . If they want to leave flowers stick them on the criminal bastards â grave- or whatever pickeys do with their dead.
The bbc Media Editor still not too up on how social media works, and fast catching up with Nick âwhat I meant wasâ Robbo for scrabbling…
Naively, I assumed people would click on the link. So let me clarify, for @Andrew_Adonis and others, that the speech is broken up, and critiqued by voices from across the spectrum. Not just read out in a single go. Though of course some will still object
Regarding the tax rise to fund NHS:
Are the plebs so stupid they cant see a simple tax increase that gets spent on other things?
Like increasing foreign aid maybe?
Talk about thick!
Is today opposite day? Trump seemingly lost the plot and charging headlong into another war with Syria. Theresa May licking his boots ready to stand with him. Jeremy Corbyn, of all people, warning of the dangers of yet another illegal war and taking action without parliamentary approval.
Theresa May taking action without parliamentary approval is essential her sticking two fingers up to the general population, the people who vote in Parliament.
BBC currently at sixes and sevens, unsure of who to support.
I disagree – al beeb showing plenty of footage of navy ships at sea – they canât wait for their â surgical strikeâ video handouts from the military .
Strange really I thought theyâd take the Corbyn â donât kill any one we can all be friends â uk foreign policy approach .
“…..her sticking two fingers up to the general population, the people who vote in Parliament.” If, ‘reducing immigration to the tens of thousands’ failure was the sure sign (if any were needed).
Topic on a British Radio station’s book programme
“Middle-class blackness” (in London of course )
Diana Evans,.. new novel Ordinary People set in South London in 2008 when two couples find themselves at a moment of reckoning. Ordinary People opens with Barack Obama’s election victory and is framed by that event and the death of Michael Jackson in 2009.
As London’s Southbank Centre prepares to stage a day-long live reading of Nigerian author Chinua Achebe’s epoch-defining African novel Things Fall Apart, we’ll be talking to the organisers about the joys and challenges of bringing the work to life.
So the only people paying will be the 25 60? Age range . Personally I think every one under 65 should pay -particularly the fat kids – even if itâs only a small sum – I say this as someone who chooses to use the bus – except when the kids come out from school .
How much damage has the lie that immigration always brings a country wealth, done?
Want easy money? Get a house in Newcastle fill the basement with homeless slaves from Slovakia all doing menial jobs for you.
Then sit back and enjoy the highlife, cos you are claiming benefits in all their names.
Times…ongoing trial of Rafael family Slovakian gypsey gang.
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 At some stage these characters develop i kind of â royalâ delivery which i think is based on the way…
AsISeeItMar 4, 11:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Netflix’s Black Doves update. I’m putting myself through this spy thriller like the preverbial Oscars-allied Sex Worker Community heart-of-gold hooker…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:57 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 âGive me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the TRANS manâ? Aristotle.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 95% clean power by 2030 ** does not include bombing Russia [img][/img]
Philip_2Mar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC is at it again! Now theyâre pushing drag queen prostitutes onto six-year-olds! The CBeebies website has listed Marsha…
vladMar 4, 10:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Wokies and normies and the BBC think that giving Ukraine enough arms and money to keep feeding their men into…
JohnCMar 4, 10:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Any more ‘Lammy’ and he will pop. When someone looks like that, it is usually an indicator to the character…
JohnCMar 4, 10:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 They told you wrong : they have paused, not halted, offensive operations only against Russia. Nothing to do with ‘monitoring’…
Anybody any idea when Lady Brooke is taking up her new role in the BBC R4 World at One?
I’m looking forward to her unbiased BBC approach to dealing with news items.
Hopefully she might get head hunted because of her unique top talent and land up on the 0300 show on al jaz
Poor old Shaun Ley. Overlooked and/or held down for a second time.
Also, I wonder what Ed Stourton has done to upset his superiors so that he, as a Lunchtime news/TWatO presenter of even longer standing, is ruled out of that job as well? Then there is Mark Mardell, obnoxious as he can be, but still senior to Sarah.
Oh! Silly me!
They are all men.
Well, I hope Sarah is not being paid any more than the men. Equality, fairness, seniority and all that ….
I wish Sarah Montague well. I will certainly prefer listening to her than Mark Mardell. She should also at least do better in the job than dear old Martha Kearney who really struggled without a TV autocue to read. Am surprised Martha has not retired from the BBC in order to spend more time with her bees.
They nearly killed her in 2015 as I recall.
Spirit of the Beehive, Islam and insect petting zoos for the BBC lefties all whooshing around in my birdsnest of a mind today. Got the day off, feeling silly.
On the subject of the BBC and Syria – oh, well, someone has mentioned it so I’d better join in – thank God for Lord Dannatt, retired British General, talking some sense on Syria as a contributor on TWatO.
Is it just me or did I notice, toward the end of the item, a certain froideur at that point creeping between Mark Mardell and his microphone in the TWatO Studio?
”What does Tracey Emin’s latest art piece mean?
Tracey Emin’s latest art piece has been unveiled at St Pancras International station.”
Well I’m no Sherlock Holmes, but as this is the BBC….
‘I was thinking about Europe’
Tracey Emin’s latest art piece has been unveiled at St Pancras International station.
She said she wanted to send both a message about “love” and one about Brexit.
“It isn’t pushing people away, it isn’t pushing the whole of Britain away, it isn’t about Britain being demoted to some tiny demented island in the North Sea,” she said.
“It’s about people like me saying I’m very proud to be British and I’m very proud to be part of Europe and I’d like to stay that way.”
A bit rich from Tracy as her home town, Margate has been ruined by immigrants.
“her home town, Margate”
Where she was raped at aged 13 and thought it par for the course.
About 40 years ago.
No surprise she’s pro-EU, her father’s a Turkish Cypriot and her mother’s a Romani gypsy.
In these politically correct times when anything controversial seems to lead to snowflake meltdown I am unable to ask which group are the worst, thieving scumbags, the Romani Gypos or the Pikeys.
Shame, because I’d love to know the answer.
Thought it looked familiar?
Different time – same shit….unfortunately more than one born every minute………..
“700 inmates flagged up over concerns they hold extreme Islamist or far-right beliefs.”
The libmedia will spin anything to not have “Islamist” alone in a title
Seems mainstream push for a ban on headscarves in German schools for girls aged under 14
Relax – it won’t affect British Prime Ministers:
So this then is in fact a piece of blatantly politic “art” displayed in a public space.
Its not art .
She is not an artist, she just calls herself an artist, Al Beeb believes her and promotes her rubbish as “art” .
But surely the Sistine Chapel pales into insignificance compared to an unmade bed?
Lobster you should be served thermador!
The tragedy is that she has produced quite accomplished drawings, so does have (or had) the skill. But seeing where the silly money is, has preferred to make her name with rubbish. In the circumstances, one can hardly blame her!
I have seen some of her so-called ‘drawings’.
‘Schoolboy porn’ would be a suitable genre to file them under in a WPB in my view.
I was born and brought up in the Thanet area, and not surprisingly, despite everyone knowing who she is, no one will lay claim to knowing her, praising her or even saying how glad they are she put Margate on the map ! thank God for the Turner Gallery !
It was the Turner, Brissles, who inflicted her blue (how appropriate) ink, childish scribbles on me.
I found the two 6″x4″ photo enprints she exhibited on the wall nearby rather better and more fulfilling in their artistic content.
My comment @ 5:08 was based on a quite faint recollection that I had seen, in the long distant past, some really quite good ‘mainstream’ drawings by Tracy Emin. However, I have just done a quick web search for her drawings and have been appalled at what I found. Up2snuff’s description of it as ‘schoolboy porn’ just about sums it up. Maybe there is some decent stuff out there, but I won’t waste time trying to find it.
“Barnier: UK can change mind on single market until end of 2020”
I think that they are getting worried. Very worried.
Thereâs plenty of space on HYS……………..
Brexit: ‘Bonfire of rules’ mean more costs than benefits, CBI says
The top HYS says it all !
But has Al Beeb published this bit of good Brexit news ?……….
“British exports to grow at “fastest pace since 2011″ according to HSBC forecasts”
Syria war: Trump says missiles ‘will be coming’
‘”Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and ‘smart!'” Mr Trump said in his tweet. ‘
Then a video with a warning about disturbing images.
what kids getting their hair washed?
or a toddler crying after being tapped on the back a little too hard.
Maybe it’s the presenter weirdly not looking at the camera several times.
Fuck Trump if he falls for this false flag attack
Eddy Booth
I agree. Does he really think that videos of kids getting their hair washed proves that Assad gassed them?
Surely someone must have told him that the so called rebels have been caught out faking Syrian war crimes before.
Is he so dumb to think that provoking a major confrontation with Russia will cause the MSM to stop accusing him of relying on Russia to fix the elections for him?
He is not going to win a few Dem votes this way for the mid term elections.
I have to conclude that Trump is not the great leader of a movement that wants America back.
Beginning to look like a one time President
The Russians boxed President trump into doing something as opposed to his useless predecessor . He ainât stupid and will be clever to avoid a âlose loseâ. Maybe he ll do a deal to get us and the frogs to do the deed.
I thought that the supporters at his campaign rallies were all shouting:
“Build the Wall!”
I must have misheard, as it turns out they were yelling:
“More foreign wars!”
So he’s just doing what the people who elected him, want him to.
Oh well, one consolation when all the shit kicks off with the Russkies is that in any war the first target will be the state broadcaster.
Supreme Irony Department
Radio 4’s PM Programme, not long before the end at 5.58pm today plays Robert Kennedy’s campaign speech in Indianopolis on the evening of the day that Martin Luther King was murdered. Kennedy’s speech was heartfelt and challenged American’s enraged by the murder not to rush to judgements or seek revenge.
A compare and contrast moment with the BBC’s coverage of the Skripal attack and Douma attack and the government response.
As ‘they say’ – you could not make it up.
I think the top echelons of the Beeb, all the way down to Presenter level (and maybe a notch or two below) have self-awareness ratings in the minus range.
Aargh, mea culpa!
I see that I have committed an apostrophe crime. I think I had better find something that else that I can do while germ-ridden.
I heard that and thought it piss poor. Iâm biased against the corruption of the Kennedys anyway despite apparently sharing the same faith.
Wonder if we ll get any speechâs from the non left?
And don`t forget that only a few years beforehand Kennedy authorised the FBI to wiretap Kings phones and communications. Will the BBC point THAT out?
Saturday Mail : Romanian gangster convicted of attempted murder in his own country simply fled to UK
has been granted leave to stay after a judge rejected an extradition request at Westminster magistrates’ court,
claiming Adrian Predaâs human rights would be breached if he returned to Romania’s overcrowded jails.
No one in their right mind would look at this bunch and not know exactly where all this is going in the not too distant future. Enjoy being wound up………..
look at the video camera on the cops hideously yellow plastic coat,
how did we come to this…
One of the ropers keeps repeating ‘free country, we should be allowed to pray innit.’ Yeah, like Christians would be allowed to pray in public in any muslim country.
As Douglas Murray points out, they’re very quick to talk about minority rights when they’re a minority, but not at all when they’re a majority.
Then there’s only one law (guess whose) and you’d better submit… or else.
Islam doesn’t mean Submission for nothing.
“When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.”
Do these young men come across as spiritually and religiously driven or are they perhaps sectionally, politically and tribally motivated?
FFS! How does a copper expect to be taken seriously with those “Are You Being Served?” glasses round his neck?
Then again maybe he thinks it’s safer NOT to be taken seriously?
These are people who do not have the ability or capacity to listen when someone is dealing with their questions. Their normal behaviour is that of an uncontrolled mob of savages.
Suppose a pack of English families set up home in Rome and then decided to play cricket in St. Peter’s square every Sunday, I wonder how that would be received?
Do Muslims in Islamic countries do public worship or is this reserved for Dal Al-Harb their ‘house of war’, or, as we call it, our (only) home?
Since when did coppers start wearing glasses with little chains round their neck, like you might see on a librarian (if there are any left)?
No disrespect to librarians, but we will soon be facing a modern Rorke’s Drift, and we need something a bit better than a common purpose ponce with a clipboard attempting to uphold law and order.
Just watched skyâs news coverage of the US reaction to the chemical attack in Syria.
The Sky journalist in the states thought she was on Have I got News For You, delivering the item as if Trump was stupid and contradicting himself. Because no politician has said one thing before getting into office and another afterwards.
It was toe curling to witness the snide manner in which she delivered the lines, as if sharing a joke that everyone would be aware of.
That’s a pretty good summary of the modern media – our news reporters think they are HIGNFY and HIGNFY comedians think they are newscasters.
ÂŁ80K Reward for being a failed lefty
Amazing what gets you the top slot overseeing the BBC.
Impartially. Apparently.
Still, Sharon knows what matters.
Owen Jones is deriding the BBC for being too right wing on the basis of Andrew Neil on the politics show
I have added a comment to help Owen see another side of the BBC’s political wing bias:
And Sarah Smith, the BBCâs replacement for Andrew Neil, is the daughter of John Smith, the former Labour leader.
And Laura Kuenssberg family are financial donors to the Labour party, her father personally funded some Scottish labour MPs.
And Jo Coburn has been paid thousands by the Labour Party for various jobs, and in the 2015 election used the word âweâ when interviewing a labour person.
Letâs do Newsnight. Until recently its editor was Ian Katz. A former Guardian editor. He appointed another Guardian editor as his number two. They then replaced the political correspondence with the political correspondent from the Guardian. Their economics editor was the Guardian columnist Paul Mason.
Don’t recall you troubling your readers over that Owen.
There is a swing door between the Labour Party and the BBC news room. Clive Lewis going from being a BBC unbiased reporter to become Labourâs shadow minister for Treasury while Orla Guerin bounces from being unsuccessful Labour candidate to working as a BBC reporter.
James Purnell went from being Labour MP to BBCâs director of radio.
Iâve worked with the BBC for decades, wonderful people, but Owen, politically, you would get on with them all.
That video is delightful
I’m just baffled as to what the BBC see in the little twerp? Apart from his mother, what does ANYBODY see in him, yet the BBC keep bringing him on to “commentate”……
Scribbling: “Jo Coburn has been paid thousands by the Labour Party for various jobs, and in the 2015 election used the word âweâ when interviewing a labour person.” – as did, famously, James Naughtie.
Then there is the table on payments that a regular on here researched and put up not so long ago that showed that of all the ‘contributors’ to BBC content from the Conservative Party, they must have been on air on BBC TV & Radio far less than their Labour Party equivalents judging by the amount paid.
Think Owen should get on with them well. After all, is not now a millionaire thanks to his appearances and books in addition to his Guardian income?
SS – I always liked the nice little touch when Mischael “self Rightious”
Hussein was talking about “Jeremy” rather than ” Jeremy Corbyn” just as if she was still at the previous nights Islington Labour party fund raiser.
The BBC – re-defining “professionality”
… Andrew Neil, the presenter of the BBC’s flagship political programmes Daily Politics and This Week, is chairman of the spectator magazine. R4 Editor Sarah Sands campaigned for the Tory mayor in 3 elections. BBC Media Editor Amol Rajan campaigned for the Tories at last two elections. BBC’s political editor, Nick Robinson, was once chairman of the Young Conservatives. His former senior political producer, Thea Rogers, became George Osborne’s special advisor in 2012. BBC’s economics editor Stephanie Flanders left for a ÂŁ400,000-a-year job at that notorious leftwing hotbed, JP Morgan, she was replaced by its business editor Robert Peston. His position was taken by Kamal Ahmed from the rightwing Sunday Telegraph, a journalist damned forspinning government propaganda in the run-up to the Iraq war reporter. Sunday/Daily politics Eleanor Garnier her dad was a Tory MP until last election
… swing door eh ??? … it must swing both ways then, but then again as I always say, not a fag paper between the Tories and red Tories of the PLP … ffs wake up people
… there are enough of those back stabbing bast-rds to vote for war, just to destabilise Jeremy Corbyn it is that insane.
We desperately need a clear out in Westminster, and quick.
… and what, WHAT! is that contemptible, utter sh-tbag T. May up to?
anyway … looks like the Al BBC is preparing to load up the body bags, I do hope that
it is their of age children, and likewise the politicians (who bleat war rants), children who are first on the front line!. They re always willing to fight till the last drop of other peoples blood.
You can t even say that today, because a push of a button it could be all of us.
Iâll take issue with you on the backgrounds of those of I am aware.
Kamal Ahmed was at the Telegraph, but he was also political editor of the Observer and prior to that was exec news editor on the Guardian.
Amol Rajan was editor on the Independent newspaper, the bible for people further left than the guardian. He has described himself as âI am a neo-Aristotelian, semi-consequentialist, Whig radicalâ. When he backed the coalition it was said it was because of pressure from the owner Evgeny Lebedev.
Stephanie Flanders dated Ed Milliband and Ed balls before marrying a Guardian writer. She worked for the democrat, Clinton/Obama appointee Lawrence Summers.
Peston did work on the Telegraph but his parents were staunch left wingers, his father being economic advisor for Michael Foot.
If I have time Iâll research the others you mentioned. If they were right wing then they would not have been comfortable at the BBC. I have worked with the BBC for almost 4 decades and have yet to meet a non Guardian reader.
Oddly, many people who work for J P Morgan or the Financial Times or even the Economist are innate lefties.
Perhaps they read the Guardian looking for their next job in the media vacancies pages.
Only the little people get their jobs from adverts. These people are all left wing Common Purpose shills. They look after each other, and we get to pay!
Isn’t life grand? Or in their case, ÂŁ200 grand!
@nogginator I’ve had to check that “Amol supported the Tories claim before”
It’s BS that derives from mad Labour activists propaganda
The root is that Amol’s Independent said it supported the idea of the Liberals getting into power in the coalition government.
Are you seriously suggesting that al beeb has a right wing bias? Tell me Iâve interpreted you incorrectly . As a right winger whenever I expose myself to al beeb – with the exception of Brillo itâs just a fucking smug guardian fest of wealthy beeboids who have no idea what it is to live on an east London council estate at Fedup does.
Fed, I live in a West London estate. Very grateful to have a flat but tired of disrespectful residents. Itâs almost 1.30am and I am being subjected to a drone like banging beat sometimes rap style of music. It stops for short periods then starts again. I once did a 3am walkabout to try and locate which flat without success. I wonât mention the spitting, smoking and rubbish dumping. There is a garbage shute at the end of my corridor and the silly fools try to shove full size black garbage bags into it. I saw the cleaner dragging a rather large flat screen television down the corridor. It had been dumped by the garbage shute. The large commercial bins in the car park meant for the disposal of household waste had a mattress thrown on top. The list is endless. The BBC would bend over backwards for the residents of my building but only from a very safe distance. In general I find myself in a constant state of disbelief at how rapidly our society is declining. Imagine if the BBC was functioning as a genuine, brilliant informative broadcaster. The positive influence would be incredible. The music is still playing and I feel sick and sad. I blame the BBC for everything.
I do feel for you Moodswing, your environment sounds horrendous. Yes, I agree, our society IS declining and will only get worse. We shall never see a return where home dwellers, whatever their situation, respecting others or looking after their home. Along hedgerows and motorways the amount of rubbish strewn is at epidemic proportions, and nobody is ‘bothered’ anymore. A play area car park close to me is regularly tidied up of bottles, cans and takeaway detritus, then at night its inhabited by youths in cars who dump their rubbish again – despite there being a huge waste bin which is barely used. Druggies / gangs / gypsies / criminal migrants are all helping to turn this country into the shit hole of Europe.
Sorry to hear about this. I can only suggest getting away as soon as possible – I moved out of London to a small, friendly, ‘unenriched’ village in East Anglia and it is one of the best things I did. In the meantime, some ‘white noise’ headphones are quite good at blocking out loud music from neighbours.
Great piece, thanks for posting that GW; notice how the al Beebus drone peremptorily cuts him off at the end without Ford finishing speaking and with no thanks or comment on what he’s just heard.
GW – yes thanks 6 minutes well spent – President Trump seems boxed in to take action now but the point about the emotional response to unverified video shown again and again is well made .
Do you ever notice how – if an interviewee on any programme goes off message they suddenly run out of time because theyâve got to do the sport/ weather / traffic ? Itâs the standard Toady practice but seems on the evidence of this clip part of the al beeb producer cook book .,
Yes I noticed that – Mr Ford got the Beeboid ‘curt cutoff’ which people get when they say the ‘wrong’ things on air but the presenter isn’t actually able to counter their arguments.
GW, thanks for putting that up. I am now consoled that I am not the only ‘idiot’ around. đ Wonder if there will be any ‘wild’ comments on that now on here?
That clip also made me think back to the period, say for about six months or more after November 9th 2016, when the LeftMob and Libbies, including the BBC, were all going around, holding their heads and hankies and moaning “Woe, woe and thrice woe – Trump has been elected – he will destroy us all in WW3!” and now they seem positively delighted that he is leading the charge to drop more bombs or missiles from the West on Syria.
I sigh! It is a strange old world at times.
Excellent clip Guest – Ford brilliantly and succinctly summarises everything I have been trying to say to anyone who would listen over the past few days.
Why do our politicians and MSM never learn? We still have that putrifying goul – The Blair creature and champion of the “Dodgy Dossier” only recently peddalling his latest tainted offerings.
And we all know how trustworthy the “white Helmets” and friends are – yet still our leaders think that a foreign policy based on emotion, illogic, hand wringing, deceit and posturing is more effective and safer than a policy based on logic and “Realpolitik”
Anyone would think that maybe our leaders need a new war between Oceania and Eurasia. Lets just hope it doesnt bite all of us on the arse.
They always have this- we are short of time bollox on the radio- as an excuse to hurry and harass people.
What happened to easygoing lifestyles
Eddy, they always have time to report on the death of a relatively unknown pop star or preferably an American musician.
This morning on TODAY, the prospects of and for WW3 had to be cut short with a report that Lindsey Buckingham has left Fleetwood Mac.
Up – I thought I had a dry sense of humour but yours is positively dehydrated – ha ha I tip me hat.
Thank you Guest. Sometimes I think I am going it alone.
I note that Geedo, who has been acting odd lately, has taken to sneering at the idea that the gas attack might be a fake. Like our Prime Minister, and possibly Trump, Geedo now follows the logic of emotion and joins the MSM in refusing to exercise critical investigation..
Ironically comrade Corbyn might have called this one right – to debate it – but for the wrong reason . If we – NATO – can avoid being conned into ww3 so much the better.
I sigh too.
Good point – I have not heard any of the usual anti-Trump voices criticising the President for moving towards war with Syria.
So ex-Ambassador Peter Ford, who did Arabic Studies at Oxford, has worked extensively in the Middle East as a diplomat and knows more about the region than the entire bbc pool of hacks combined, says it’s a ploy by Islamists to get the West to do their bidding – or bombing.
Mmm, calm, experienced expert or hysterical babbling beeboid. Whom to trust? Tough call.
Peter Ford has also said this: âThe fall of the regime will be opening a Pandoraâs Box such as we saw with the fall of Gaddafi in Libya and when Saddam Hussein fell.â He said: âIs this what David Cameron really wants, to open another Pandoraâs Box? Does he not realise that the fall of the Assad regime would lead to the massacres of Christians, Shias, Alawites, Druze and other minorities?
When a Russian plane infringed on Turkey , they shot it down
..they Russians haven’t pushed them again
Interesting how defence of borders gets viewed variably.
The Israelis must be wishing they had used AA missiles on the young me… children in fatigues storming through burning tyres in honour of St. Winnieâs planting.
The Russians moved deployed their latest S-400 missile system not long after, the Turks haven’t done much pushing either since then; the jet was shot down with help from the US too via AWACS.
Is Gary Robertson IDS s secret love child ??( see a long way above where this posting landed up ^)
Saint Jo Cox’s loneliness commission has been wound down after husband Brendan resigns from charities for inappropriate behaviour.
Yes … I heard that he and all his friends had a leaving party in the telephone box in Downing St.
Sir Arthur
No one needs to be lonely these days – If you want some female “company” You only need to reach out and “playfully” grab it by the throat (as recommended by St Brendan and various “Vibrant” New Year Revelers at Cologne.)
I’ve given up trying to understand the ghastly Middle East, let alone have a view on the rights and wrongs of the various parties. But one thing seems clear: every Western intervention makes things worse, not least for ourselves, and we should only intervene if there is a clear national interest. Which there isn’t.
Totally agree. Even if we had perfect intelligence it must be impossible to ‘strike back’ with any precision. Who would we be attacking anyway? The corner shop that supplied the bleach?
Just imagine how we would have reacted if the French Air Force had taken out a school on the Shankill Road, (missing the RUC police station), because some fellow Catholics claimed a bit of ‘police brutality’ had ‘crossed a red-line’?
Vlad – agreed – I naively though we might get cheaper oil after Kuwait but got no benefit from it.
Fact is, Bush and Blair lifted the lid violently in the Middle East and we Europeans have been suffering the consequences ever since. Having lived and worked in the ME I can say with some authority (I believe) that the people are, in the main, erratic and violent hotheads who are now happily infecting Europe and the UK with their form of lunacy derived from islam.
Have the BBC asked at all today whether the OPCW Inspectors have reported on the Skripal poisoning yet?
Nope, too busy sniffing around the opportunity of more war reporting, I suspect.
Mrs May looks happy to oblige. ‘Let’s get in there and shoot…well…er anybody really. We get to use our military toys. I get to be a big name in the history books. Not going to come behind Winston, no sireeee. Parliament? Bunch of wimps. Probably vote down action, yet again. Nobody’s going to stop me ‘n Donald. Somewhere along the line we’re bound to hit somebody who has chemical weapons. (There is even a chance that) Justice will be served.
Everybody wins.’
Up – time to blame the Chinese – theyâve been getting an easy time except for the tarif wars
Fed, old Kim Jong Wotsit is getting a bit of an easy ride at present. He must be lovin’ it.
BBC News Thursday morning has at last (nearly three weeks – how come Porton did it in 5 minute?) informed me that the OPCW will report today.
Is the PM biting her nails?
Is Bojo seeking a return to journalism? “Move aside George, my fat bottom needs a platform!”
The World Tonight Radio4 and Data Harvesting in Old Street, London. The BBC keep refering to Old Street (the newest ‘Silicon Valley’ in the UK) as East London.
BBC, please don’t give a place a geographical location without looking at a map. You are really bad at geography and knowing your way around the world, despite your massive funding and staffing.
Old Street is north London. Strictly, it is the northern side of central London or just north of, just outside of, The City of London.
In relation to Old Street, East London is Whitechapel/Tower, West London is Holborn and South London is Elephant & Castle. BBC, have you got that? Old Street is north, OK? Look at a compass: north is opposite south, east is opposite west.
ÂŁ3.6bn for that.
Am I just being a miserable cantankerous right wing un pc old git,
But, am I the only one who finds the coverage of the Commonwealth games unwatchable.
Reason. It has been diluted with the para games.
Every time I want to watch it, I find it unwatchable because I really donât have any interest in whatâs happening.
PC correctness shoved down our throats.
And here we have the ridiculous situation of not enough para competitors entering making the whole thing a farce
I think they deserve more than this, hence the reason why they should be separate.
Anyway a Totally un politically correct joke.
Breaking news…Para games.
Man with one arm beats man with one leg in arse kicking competition….
Davy – bit harsh methinks . Iâve got clean hands because I donât watch any of it . Itâs nice that there is still an empire meet up and good for the friends and family for a jolly – whether para or the other games.
And itâs a good opportunity for al beeb to put on their non white faces to commentate on ping pong at 4 in the morning so that they can go on to do something important like footy
Hi Davylars – in the able bodied women’s boxing event – there was one weight category where there were so few entrants that one boxer received a bye to the semi-final and hence was automatically awarded a bronze medal: the losers of the two semi-finals in the boxing competition are both given a bronze medal and are not required to box again in the competition.
Disabled individuals who overcome adversity to participate in sports are to be admired, but the liberal obsession with it is akin to Victorians looking at freaks in circuses (the Bearded Lady. The Two Headed Man. The Dwarf etc.). As a disabled friend of mine puts it: it is ‘cripple porn’.
The problem in the Middle East isn’t this faction or that: it’s the murderous cult that underlies them all.
Spot on !
A death cult .
Mr M Zuckerberg – a company owner resident in America has become a comedy feature of the al beeb website as a result of appearing before a senate committee on this and that .
Itâs an interesting lesson on dumbing down . Mr zuckerberg has used his brain to build a company which has made him very rich . But al beeb sees him as that term of abuse – â an anorakâ and so subject to abuse .
Disclosure – I have never used mr zuckerberg products such as the Facebook but salute his talent – unlike al beeb .
Whoâs side is Al Beeb on?
Trump or Russia?
I donât think al beeb takes sides on the terms of Trump / Putin . Itâs more about what can undermine Blighty the most – be it sexual – religious – economic – identity – race – issuesâ or of course- brexit – which has been given a rest during half term whilst the grown up politicians and beeboids have been away together .
Iâm staying awake should rufus put up another blog stream … Iâm gonna be first again !!!
Yes best stay awake . The early bird gets the worm . But remember , the second mouse gets the cheese .
The BBC is anti-Trump, anti-Putin, anti- aspects of Russia, anti-Assad and Pro-Syrian Rebels. In general the BBC will take an opportunistic view of issues. The BBC would prefer Trump and the West to kill Syrian troops and President Assad and for the Syrian Rebels to take over Syria. The BBC will keep their options open in blaming Trump if it leads to WWIII. The BBC have been working closely with the Syrian Rebels, they have a team of reporters embedded with them, in return the BBC acts as their propaganda wing and mouthpiece – the Syrian Rebels give them the stories and the images to broadcast through the BBC World and Home services.
This also seems to be the Government’s policy too.
The published version of al beeb – the Guardian – is claiming that after 25 years of investigating the death of mr s Lawrence the policechave run out of leads .
Iâm sure that al beeb will say that the investigation. should carry on for another 25 years so that many involved are dead and cold
They report another Groundhog survey that people want to fund the NHS. How many in the survey? Were they representative of the whole U.K.?
I am even more suspicious of these ubiquitous surveys to support agendas having done some paid market research myself on Tuesday. We agreed to everything, put it was partly because we were in a circle and you had to explain any ânoâ vote which put social pressure on you; it was also late at night so we wanted to get home fast and âyesâ votes were quicker; also we were being paid which affects your response.
Of course our totally not fake BBC uses such surveys as intellectual ballast for their non stop agenda all the time. Odd how the results of every single survey and âleakâ fit their agenda.
Why is their website so dire? Lead stories are often up to a week old and the main stories are often just adverts/plugs disguised as news or stuff recycled – and often made worse in the process – from other websites.
James Purnell, the ÂŁ300k per year âdirector of strategy has opted for the bold strategy of doing as little as humanly possible in case someone gets offended – absolutely pathetic. Why not send a crack team of snowflake reporters to investigate scary London streets? Could Carrie â180k not enoughâ Gracie not get her hands dirty? There is no getting amongst it or passion.
We deserve better. They moan about the bedroom tax or something being underfunded etc, but the real scandal is the tv tax. We pay them a fortune to do nothing. They rob from the poor to make themselves rich then insult the poor in their programmes.
Beeb Bro, they don’t even listen to their own news broadcasts.
Big laugh during News Bulletin at 6.30am on TOADY:
UK is letting millions stay in country because HO mess up their applications
Millions of people from EU will miss out on residence permission after Brexit because they do not know they need to apply.
LOL x1000
This youtube clip of 17 March 2018 says the Russians in Syria have uncovered a covert plot by certain Western Secret Services allied with the Syrian Rebels to stage a fake chemical attack and blame it on Assad in order to provoke a US – NATO attack on Assad. They claim it will take place sometime over the next few weeks. And a few weeks time on the 7th April 2018 came the report of a Chemical Attack in Eastern Ghouta …
I look at RT on a regular basis for interesting and important news that does not appear on the BBC, but always with an eye out for propaganda and bias (the two networks are alike in so many ways, are they not?!). I do regard this news about embedded CIA agents, etc in Ghouta with a good deal of scepticism, but if true, it is pretty dire. It is clear that Assad is the only leader who protects all faiths in Syria and, in my opinion, the west should do nothing to destabilise him at the present time.
I agree with you Martin. The other site to get the Russian side of any argument is ‘Sputnik’. This and RT are merely important to look at if you want both sides of the story. They are, in principle, no more believable or unbelievable than the BBC or ITV; merely, you suddenly realise that there seem to be many conflicting ‘truths’ out there, and it is always wise to get the full picture.
There are also other sites like ‘Die Welt’ for the view from (in this case) uninvolved parties. I was interested to see also You Tube sources like ‘Syriangirl’, contained in the Infowars Watson interview published on this site yesterday. She won’t give you the whole truth, but if you explore her videos on YT, you get a much better understanding of the complex issues that are Syria.
BBC web-site – essential news from the Home Page
Someone has died, sadly, from a pop group, the Overtones, 2nd day of coverage.
Me, neither.
Oh dear, how sad. Never mind.
After shilling for war in Syria for three days, The Humph is getting cold feet and expressing doubts.
Questions not asked and answered by the BBC on Syria and Russia. They keep talking about Iran and Russia as allies with President Assad and his forces.
I seriously doubt that.
1. The Russians do not like Islam and Muslims and Iran is very much an Islamic regime, and,
2. Putin is said to be very favourably disposed to the Russian Orthodox Church and the last time I looked, the Russian Orthodox Church and Islam were not in the cosiest of relationships.
BBC – perhaps you could spend a little of your ÂŁ3.6bn income on doing some News & Current Affairs research on that and the ACTUAL involvement of Iran in Syria. I could be wrong of course.
On the other hand, Iran’s supposed involvement might be solely in just a little support for Hezbollah who were in one or two of the hundred or so different fighting factions in the Syrian Civil War as well as maybe some backing for one or two other groups in case the Hezbollah ones fail & fall.
On the subject of that war, there is news the Government flag is flying over Douma/Duma. The BBC Newsreader prominently and very firmly states when relaying this news to us that it is an unconfirmed report.
Compare and contrast, as the Examiners say, with other news brought to us at the weekend or even five weeks ago …..
Did I just hear a report on R4 that 50% of all appeals against asylum decisions made by the Home office are upheld? That the system is not fit for purpose, according to the Law Society? If I heard that correctly, A Rudd is falling down on the job big time?
Apparently the disgusting BBC are trying to wriggle out of responsibility for being on hand in a helicopter to film the police raiding Cliff Richard’s flat when he was not at home. He was apparently suspected of being involved in what, exactly? A Dan Johnson was mentioned, but it wasn’t clear whether he was responsible for the operation on behalf of the BBC?
Charges against Cliff were dropped and the Law settled out of court.
Beeb think this was a ‘public interest’ story. To me all these cases of police leaks to the beeb when raids are to take place, in order to name publicly still innocent people, is an immoral (if not criminal ?) business. It seems a reckless disregard for people’s privacy is OK for our national broadcaster.
Both the BBC and the police would rather that the public was not aware of the sometimes degree of apparent collusion between them; now, that revelation would indeed be ‘in the public interest’. They may also wish to avoid paying damages to their victims, although perhaps they would spin this as trying to save the money of the licence payers.
On the BBC ‘news’ website (, it states the following: “The BBC’s defence… It claims that there is no right to anonymity in law.”
Factually untrue. For instance, victims of a sex attack have a legal right to privacy under the Sexual Offences Act 2003. This includes people who have made an allegation of rape which is being investigated by police, being put before the courts, or has not resulted in a conviction. Indeed, when a victim chooses to wave this anonymity – not an easy decision to make – it is considered newsworthy. Here is an example of such a case, as reported by… the BBC:
On R4, Justin Webb is currently outraged at the suggestion that we don’t know for sure who did what to whom is Syria. Incredulous. Has it not occurred to him that the evidence is not at all clear? One interviewee is very gently suggesting there should be clear strategy and objectives if we are to go into Syria. I agree.
This morning the OPCW is making public its findings in the Skripal poisoning investigation. Now, if it was Novichok and Russia is found guilty, today would be the day for Ms May to sally forth and make loud noises.
But that’s now way in the past, and she is making loud noises on the next chemical weapons issue, again on a situation in which the actors and victims are not as clear as she and Donald make out.
Investigate the other side of the story and you realize this.
The consequences of rushing into a potential conflict with Russia need far more caution and sober investigation. And look what a stuff up Lybia was. And that one didn’t have the Russian element.
Owen Jones is one of the most devious, lying,bullshitting lefties in existence. This cretin wants to get Andrew Neil sacked from the BBC for his anti Labour bias.Andrew Neil is by far the most impartial presenter on TV. No matter what political persuasion you may be from he will give you a grilling.
Listen to Owen Jones in his interview with Andrew Neil, no wonder he wants him sacked because Andrew Neil makes him look like and reiterates that he is a complete DICK
Farage on Syria
So what should we do if we topple Assad?. asks Nigel.
Tweets by LeaveEUOfficial
Oh dear. Can this be controlled? I only wanted to post one tweet – Nigel’s interview – and it has gone out of control
Sorry folks
Or, for that matter, any anthropologist.
“The right wing domination of our media”
Yes dear, keep taking the tablets ……..
Presumably that’ll be the “Right Wing” BBC, Channel 4, Guardian, Independent, Metro, i, Mirror, Morning Star ….
What a little toad Owen Jones is.
Let’s face it, Treezer is not accomplished at making major decisions with or without the limp Cabinet.
The media has not got past using the word, “…suspected…” chemical weapon poisoning. I would have thought that Jeremy Bowen would have been in there like a rocket to pontificate upon the ‘poison’. But no. Why not? And, furthermore, why have the Thugs of the World, the Russians, vetoed anyone from going in there to confirm? It all, (forgive me) Stinks.
Here is my dream for this week.
Treezer takes the major decision to go to war without Parliamentary approval. All the bombers revving up and Navy on the high seas
Then Trump, the businessman, does a deal with Putin and its off.
Silly woman.
Theresa May has proven herself to be a weak and foolish leader. With her in charge Jeremy Corbyn has a great opportunity to win the next election. I don’t think Theresa May cares about the country – this is just a career move for her being Prime Minister. Her next job will be probably be a high paying job as an adviser in Brussels or Riyadh.
The Times reports that the once unimaginable could actually happen, a Nobel peace prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi prosecuted for crimes against humanity in the International Criminal Court.
Hopefully next time they’ll go after someone who really deserves it like Barack Obama.
I see some colourful and vibrant animals have been enriching each other with acid in High Wycombe.
Probably drugs related, or bicycle theft related. Kids and their bikes, eh?
Tragically a woman who happened to be in the wrong place died during the enrichment.
The beeb buries the news in Regions as usual, and forgets to provide a pic of the diverse enrichers.
With names like Xeneral (sic) Webster and Saqib Hussain, we can assume they were Oxford Men.
The innocent victim was a nurse, who was sitting on a park bench after visiting her daughter’s grave.
RIP Joanne Rand.
RIP Britain.
Footnote: As well as muslims, High Wycombe has a large population of Poles. No doubt they will all be lobbying their government back home to let in more enrichers so their country may become as vibrant as High Wycombe. And no doubt thy will be all ears next time the idiot Pope instructs them to.
Stella Creasy MP tells us in The Guardian that ‘you don’t need a penis to fly a plane’.
Yes but you do need a licence… and a cockpit and joystick!
Or a functioning brain to be an MP.
Stella Creasy is proof that you don’t!
Stella Creasy should have been asked what do penises have to do with flying a plane? I mean why does she have to reduce everything to penises – is she sex mad?
Reading a bit much Guardian for Dykes and BBC Newsbeathemonkee
DJ Humphrey seemed to be getting a tad excited this morning at the prospect of war!
In amongst the war games there was a brief mention that the bBC were due up in court defending their reprehensible action in the hunting down of Sir Cliff Richard….helicopter and all.
Their defence seems to be that they, acting in the public interest have a right superior to the privacy of the individual.
Where in this mob’s charter does it give them license to become involved in stitch ups?
President Trump has twittered again changing the line about mission strikes. Al beeb / Sopel will have a collective hissy fit. Hopefully it will be easier to identify and target Assad later.
Donald J. Trump
Never said when an attack on Syria would take place. Could be very soon or not so soon at all! In any event, the United States, under my Administration, has done a great job of ridding the region of ISIS. Where is our âThank you America?â
11:15 AM – Apr 12, 2018
Ho ho. Treezer and Macron will deal with the Ruskies. No problem Don.
Sorry the London Mayor won’t allow you to come to our royal wedding
Londonistan crime update
In my vibrant borough there was an early morning shooting – no one hit apparently – and today the next door borough has had its first fatal stabbing in over a week .
Looks like things are warming up again. Al beeb got bored with it because of the lack of white blame and much prefer preparing to send Sophie or humph to the Third World War special .
Mark Lardell on TWATo discussing a child abuse cover up in Rochdale with the current (Labour, of course) MP. No, not the recent grooming case but an 80âs one of abuse of children in care.
A Labour apparatchik has been accused of perjury at an earlier enquiry and has today been suspended by his party. No linking by Lardell of serial abuse and cover up by Labour.
BBC covers the newspapers
I have often argued that May is a BBC creature and reflects their policies and priorities. Stupid cow thinks dressing up like that will win votes from the perfect people
She d do better with the full face version .
Amol is presenting an anniversary documentary on the visionary Enoch Powell speech this weekend . I guess heath sacking Powell was the start of the repression of the views of the ordinary British .
However hard al beeb and others try – that resistance will always be there. Debating with my self whether to listen – amol sounds as though heâs always trying to sell me a dodgy hi fi .
” amol sounds as though heâs always trying to sell me a dodgy hi fi .” Yes, bit like the radio ads where the ‘small print’ is rattled off so quickly you cannot understand any of it. He’d be referred to as a ‘spiv’ in my younger day. I hope no one takes that expression as me making ‘Hate Speech’………………..
G – it doesnât seem to be very far from criticism to hate speech does it? This goes free speech . Maybe itâs something to do with my culture ….
On a more shocking issue I never thought Iâd hear a senior police officer supporting a dead burglars family trying to intimidate the public . If they want to leave flowers stick them on the criminal bastards â grave- or whatever pickeys do with their dead.
The bbc Media Editor still not too up on how social media works, and fast catching up with Nick âwhat I meant wasâ Robbo for scrabbling…
Caption : Prime Minister at a SiKH temple yesterday
Then page 3 of Times runs the now quite old story
“Queen maybe descendant of Muhammad”
Regarding the tax rise to fund NHS:
Are the plebs so stupid they cant see a simple tax increase that gets spent on other things?
Like increasing foreign aid maybe?
Talk about thick!
Is today opposite day? Trump seemingly lost the plot and charging headlong into another war with Syria. Theresa May licking his boots ready to stand with him. Jeremy Corbyn, of all people, warning of the dangers of yet another illegal war and taking action without parliamentary approval.
Theresa May taking action without parliamentary approval is essential her sticking two fingers up to the general population, the people who vote in Parliament.
BBC currently at sixes and sevens, unsure of who to support.
More –
I disagree – al beeb showing plenty of footage of navy ships at sea – they canât wait for their â surgical strikeâ video handouts from the military .
Strange really I thought theyâd take the Corbyn â donât kill any one we can all be friends â uk foreign policy approach .
“…..her sticking two fingers up to the general population, the people who vote in Parliament.” If, ‘reducing immigration to the tens of thousands’ failure was the sure sign (if any were needed).
Topic on a British Radio station’s book programme
“Middle-class blackness” (in London of course )
Corby announces plan for free bus travel for under 25
…. There’s 2 buses a day to town from my village.
So the only people paying will be the 25 60? Age range . Personally I think every one under 65 should pay -particularly the fat kids – even if itâs only a small sum – I say this as someone who chooses to use the bus – except when the kids come out from school .
How much damage has the lie that immigration always brings a country wealth, done?
Want easy money? Get a house in Newcastle fill the basement with homeless slaves from Slovakia all doing menial jobs for you.
Then sit back and enjoy the highlife, cos you are claiming benefits in all their names.
Times…ongoing trial of Rafael family Slovakian gypsey gang.