Trump’s heads-up tweet gave Russia time to get out of the way (deliberately?) and Assad time to get himself and his hard wear out of danger.
It’s down to the spittle and bile which sprays everywhere when she grabs her bbbc Iphone in the back of a taxi, and shrieks constantly while the driver tries to get her to somewhere as quickly as possible as she is soooo important.
The last time I had to see her was when Donald Trump won the vote, and she was shaking with indignation while realising that nobody really gave a hoot for her opinions.
I used to have one of them JimS .. and I wasn’t a waycist when I was a kid … I didn’t even know what it meant then but I damn well do now (once went to the local village Gala in a Golliwog costume at age 8? .. blimey it was hot!! and it was a hot day) .. Wish I’d kept the money box .. sure to be worth a fortune when we get back to being a normal society??
What’s all this past tense malarky. I still have one.
And I’ve had it as a child and my continuing memory is of the happy smiling face. So the diversity nazis can screw themselves.
Only our clueless, misdirected, politicised, Common Purpose, PC Plod could trivialise and infantalise knife crime and murder by fronting their limp knife amnesty campaign with the Cookie Monster.
So this Saturday will see the 50th anniversary of Enoch Powell’s ‘infamous’ speech read in its entirety – and not merely its most contentious and deliberately misunderstood words. Excellent idea, high time the true and unexpurgated version was aired, though the chances are slim, bearing in mind the promotor.
Apparently the speech will be ‘sectionalised’ with informed and, naturally, unbiased comment from suitably great minds giving us a more up-to-date and realistic interpretation of what Enoch really meant. And so its true, prophetic and erudite message will be massaged and cut into acceptable sound-bites. For the public good, of course.
Who will get the job, do you think? Alibhai-Brown? Toynbee? Little Owen? Not-so Bonnie Greer? Their words of wisdom will undoubtedly outnumber Enoch’s patrician prose but please, feel free to add your own suggestions….
Bel -al beeb has a new screamer – afra ? Something . I’m still debating whether to listen but think I might swerve it on the ground that there will be no one to take the pro Powell view.
I’m guessing they’ll say there s no river of blood … yet … and such thoughts have to be surpressed to prevent people thinking about burning books mosques or Moslems . My words are carefully chosen as I do not want the extreme police videoing me at 5 in the morning as they put the cuffs on.
I’d put my money on ms abbot , the baroness Lawrence Who Can Say No Wrong – and maybe Trevor Phillips as the voice of sanity .
Maybe not rivers when one is blown up…only rivers on the mean streets of Hackney, but maybe Mr Powell could not imagine a scenario where we invite people into our country and they plant bombs and behead soldiers in the sreets, , that this nation could come to such an abominable state and where the BBC seeks to defend them through concentrating on their alleged troubled backgrounds and radicalised rather than condemning their motives outright without any mitigating excuses
“Apparently the speech will be ‘sectionalised’ with informed and, naturally, unbiased comment from suitably great minds giving us a more up-to-date and realistic interpretation of what Enoch really meant.”
I guess that panel will be chaired by Dimblebore surrounded by the usual handpicked Question Time crowd ……………
Not just rape, after group raping them, they tied up 12 year olds and whipped them while shouting racial abuse at them in Oxford and made them talk on the phone to the rapists wives while being raped and were handed to their sons to play with and abuse as presents, so not only the rapists families are complicit along with police who were contacted and did nothing, the schools they were taken out of in broad daylight during the middle of the day for rape by asian taxi drivers and the social services
The BBC is ruthless in suppressing developments that do not fit its pre-arranged and biased news agenda. Missing from its recent headlines was the sensational information that CO2 emissions in the United Kingdom fell last year by a whopping 3.8% at a time when the European Union recorded a 1.5% increase. Only three other countries recorded a decrease, notably the United States. Needless to say the news didn’t come from some publicity-seeking hick university, but was the considered analysis of the International Energy Agency, a top-level body connected to the OECD.
It is obvious why the news dropped under the radar at the BBC. Improvements in UK CO2 emissions have occurred because of a switch from coal to cleaner gas. In the US, gas fracking and hydroelectric power have led the charge. In both countries intermittent and highly subsidised wind and solar power made little contribution. Meanwhile in Germany, emissions in CO2 continue to rise despite the disastrous Energiewende push to drive a low carbon energy policy. In Germany the huge influx of random amounts of unstorable subsidised wind and solar power has caused chaos in the wholesale energy market with prices known to quadruple and fall away at other times to zero. Overall the German green energy policy is said to have accrued costs of over 400 billion euros. It need hardly be added that prices for the electricity consumer are much higher in Germany than the US.
The Guardian was quicker off the mark to try to head off the IEA danger. The BBC at print dug up some activist outfit called Oil Change International to suggest that the 30-member country IEA was influenced by the oil industry. In Guardianista land this is of course the house smear. Its use is routine to describe any organisation or individual that doesn’t sign up to the new green religion. Your correspondent, meanwhile, rather approves of the oil industry since it helped make the materials and keeps warm his snug northern latitude house. Without it he would be living in an unheated mud hut – a large one of course since he would have to accommodate his horse and assorted livestock.
He digresses. Back to the IEA report and it is noted that the United States has reported CO2 emission declines for three years in a row. In Trumpstown, Orange is the New Green.
The BBC never entertains debate on what a safe MINIMUM level of atmospheric CO2 might be.
Nor do they ever consider historical levels of CO2 and what impact they had – if any – on climate in the past and thence conclude, or at least debate, if there is any correlation between the two.
Strange, that, for an organisation founded on the principles of educating and informing.
But then again, maybe we expect too much of The Old Dear, especially as one of it’s leading correspondents has difficulty in distinguishing between ‘hardware’ and ‘hard wear’ (Katty Kay, you know who you are……hopefully).
Every schoolperson knows that the level is the number of Harrabins per cubic lump, multiplied by the difference in salaries emerging between male, trans, other bbbc autocue-readers, then chucked into a Dyson sort of machine and twirled around for a few minutes.
The answer will be in Abbottspeak, and will certainly have lots of noughts equating to bum measurements.
A stunning silence of censorship from our national broadcaster in this debate : and left to the Telegraph to comment :
The view of some Islamic preachers towards white women can be appalling. They encourage their followers to believe that these women are habitually promiscuous, decadent, and sleazy—sins which are made all the worse by the fact that they are kaffurs or non-believers. Their dress code, from miniskirts to sleeveless tops, is deemed to reflect their impure and immoral outlook. According to this mentality, these white women deserve to be punished for their behaviour by being exploited and degraded.[18]
Hargey blames the agencies of the state, including the police, social services and the care system, who ″seemed eager to ignore the sickening exploitation that was happening before their eyes. Terrified of accusations of racism, desperate not to undermine the official creed of cultural diversity, they took no action against obvious abuse.”
In the same newspaper, journalist Allison Pearson claimed that “fear of racism” had allowed sex crimes against white girls by Pakistani Muslims to become a serious problem not only in Oxford but throughout the country. She described the Pakistani Muslim community as “essentially a Victorian society that has landed like Doctor Who’s Tardis on a liberal, permissive planet it despises”.[4] She criticised the views of Sue Berelowitz, the Deputy Children’s Commissioner, who has attempted to downplay the over-representation of certain groups in sex-crimes against children. While expressing relief that some action was now being taken against the problem, she concluded that trouble was still in store: “what remains is a political class still far too timid to challenge growing and alarming separatism in Muslim education and law.”
Chakrabati and her ilk I hope will answer for these ruined lives and the crimes they have enabled through creating that culture of fear and also happening to create a very lucrative career for herself paid for by British taxpayers, yet a stunning silence on this matter of blatant organised, community led, racially motivated crime from this little madam, seems a lot of tumbleweed moments from our media especially Al Beeb
Open war on Cliff Richard before even being charged or arrested, endless articles about Jimmy Saville, and now Cyril Smith, soul searching and report after report yet stunning silence on organised racist sex abuse by muslims even those prosecuted and sentenced
Cliff has been pictured riding on the London Underground without being bothered by fellow travellers. Its said that the other passengers were young and wouldn’t know who he was. I say more like they were foreigners – who else lives in London ?
TV is organising British groups’ lives
7:30pm ITV Sends Over 65’s to exercise bootcamp
8pm BBC2 sends struggling kids to live with brainy kids’ families*
9pm Channel 5 sends delinquent kids to Indian Private schools
* You know the homes where kids are made to do their homework and go to bed before 11pm
65 way too late. Lowestoft could manage a good 30 minutes of TV in electric wheelchair racing, an education in our nation’s health to see fleets of them up and down the high street occupied by 30 year old onwards at up to £12000 a pop, nice fish and chips there and locals seem to agree
“UK Right wing terrorist suspect”
Guess where he was born ?
… Yep EU migrant from Finland
‘Serving British soldier, Corporal Mikko Vehvilainen, had a photograph which showed him giving a Nazi-type salute at a memorial to his native Finland’s independence, in 1917.’
A Birmingham Crown Court jury cleared him on Thursday of possession of a terrorism document – the Anders Breivik manifesto – and two counts of stirring up racial hatred relating to forum posts on a white nationalist website.
Vehvilainen’s phone showed 900 visits to white nationalist website
In Vehvilainen’s wardrobe, where he kept his uniform, police found a Nazi flag pinned to the inside of the door.
Vehvilainen’s barrister told jurors, at the start of the trial, it was “not in dispute that he (Vehvilainen) is a racist”, but that it was not a crime simply to hold such views.
Vehvilainen, of the Royal Anglian Regiment, was an Afghan veteran, Army boxer and a well-regarded non-commissioned officer.
– He on trial with
#1 his fellow soldier Mark Barrett 25 who was acquitted of membership of the proscribed far-right organisation National Action, on Thursday.
#2 a 23-year-old man convicted of having terrorism document the White Resistance Manual
Hmm if only we could investigate the wardrobes of some of our diverse guests from Bury Park, Luton and their “special schools” what wonders would be revealed ? and would they be revealed via our taxpayer funded national broadcaster in the national interest ? answers on a postcard please in the bin
Just read it and had to laugh, BBC breathtakingly revealed he had a “warhammer” and just how does that differentiate from a “peacehammer” I will pop off to Wicks tomorrow and ask the experts I am flummoxed oh and he had knives in his house, quell surprise better hide mine in case I am raided but will then have to live on soup I suppose.
“One of Wales’s largest farms is to put a new focus on producing venison because of fears about the future of lamb exports after Brexit.”
They don’t let up do they ?
HYS is not going their way .
Rochdale : are we saying that one reason libmob didn’t take action on Pak Groom/rape gangs was cos their own lot were too busy covering up their own abuse of BOYS ?
“boys were sexually abused in public toilets across the road from the borough council’s offices over a 20-year period.”
‘Report says that Labour Leader of council must have known of abuse, he was a friend of Cyril Smith’
\\The IICSA concluded that from 1989 onwards the police, Rochdale Council’s social services and education departments, as well as staff at Knowl View, knew youngsters were being subjected to sexual exploitation for money in public toilets.//
It is this very soul searching and looking for reasons that deflects from arresting the sick bastards as the BBC is trying to do now, instead of putting them on trial and locking them up or, preferably, deporting them but only as far as the deepest part of the North Sea. So, please do not let these bastards (and that includes the racist BBC) use weasle words and debate to deflect from what has happened with organised muslim rape gangs across the country as the BBC is doing now, or drag you into that, concentrate solely on who is responsible and prosecute, nothing else and that includes the authoriies and officers complicit in this sickness from those who bowed and scraped and begged to get into this county then have clearly shown their true evil and hatred for this country and its inhabitants
“Carmakers fear rising trade barriers after Brexit”
“A storm is brewing as clouds gather over Bristol Port, with the rain set to fall on tens of thousands of vehicles parked in the port’s car compounds, ready for export by ship, or destined for UK dealerships.”
Yet even more Brexit Fear with some colourful wording with the added caption ……………….”Despite uncertainty about Brexit, BMW has said it will assemble its new Mini in the UK”
Lord Adonis has twittered a copy of his letter to Ofcom demanding that it stops al beeb broadcasting the E. Powell speech programme onnSaturday night at 8pm.
I smell a rat – has something been fixed to look like something else ? Such as evidencing right wing bias for the likes of o Jones minor to use.
If it is as it appears then I am definitely losing contact with values in Blighty such as the absence of discussion or freedom .
And it seems to be happening very quickly
Lord Adonis has now tipped me toward listening or downloading said programme however snowflake amol makes it
Enoch might have been wrong about Rivers of blood, but a steady stream, yes.
How many knifings and shootings in past few months? And it’s not even summer yet, when things really kick off.
The body count for Londonistan is 56 to date . There is a lot of variety in that count . It’s more complicated than blacks killing blacks although there is a kind of “under class “ theme.
Asylum seekers my arse, lie about their age to get in here, too cowardly to fight for their country, they would rather run away. always shouting abuse at speakers corner when they are in a gang, prey upon young girls, use booby trap bombs, never stand and fight unless they outnumber at least 5 to 1, thank God they were never here in the second world war, they would have run away to any country that would take them rather than stand and fight but they are happy to abuse those that fought for our freedom with impunity it seems (as long as they are in a gang)
Jordan Peterson said, “Shared beliefs simplify the world… because people who know what to expect from one another can act together to tame the world. There is perhaps nothing more important than the maintenance of this organization – this simplification. If it is threatened, then the great ship of state rocks.”
In a nutshell that tells us what is so wrong-headed about the dogma of multiculturism and mass immigration. Life is complicated enough without having to negotiate around the beliefs and values of alien neighbours.
An Asian beeboid talking to an Asian writer about e. Powell and the famous speech . No wonder white people are feeling oppressed in what used to be their country .
The beeboid described the speech as a” racist rant” the Asian writer said mr Powell was just wrong – in his view . Adonis was on and said al beeb will break the law by broadcasting the speech as “ incitement”. And then he linked it to Brexit- we’ll he would wouldn’t he. ??
I smell an injunction coming on… if Adonis believes what he himself says …
Enochs crime was simply
a) being brave enough to state the problem, as given him by his constituents
b) being proved to be correct-in fact, in his projections of how many black people would reside in London, Leicester and Birmingham in 1993 , he was terrifyingly accurate. Had he known that where he meant black, it would be Muslim he`d have been spot on. He couldn`t have forseen the Muslim rise, because they hadn`t the claim that the Caribbean immigrants had. And Powell could not have known that we`d just let them in, with even less regard that we`d done for black migrants.
Powell was our last prophet. And scum like Adonis and rent a gob lockdown weasels at the BBC will never remove the affection for, and vindication of, Powell for as long as we still have England.
AND-Powell was 100% correct about the EU in his 1992 book. No wonder Adonis and the other bedwetters of Blairs era hate him so.
Except that the British Jew is a loyal and integrated member of the community and part of a small in number persecuted race. The Muslim in Britain refuses to integrate because he is superior and part of a death cult with 2.5 billion members that persecutes when it can.
Ah, missed you maxi.
Glad to see your back .
Now, how about one example of Al Beeb Bias from you or are you ‘hard wired’?
Tell the readers why you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich?
Oh, “This has made my day, Butler this `as!”
I seem to have caught the fragile Maxi Bird-a shy little twit of the day, that even Packham or Ed Byrne would fail to snare. Yet here he is-in my shopping bag, in need of some nurture.
Sorry Maxi-you deliberately missed my point. Who cares what colour came in, in sheer numerical terms he`s a prophet?
And keep your idiot anti-Semitism out of this, if you think 20 million Muslims is batter for us that the 6 million Jews wiped out by the likes of you-you`re even more of a crook and cuk that I thought.
Now f—-off!
And close the oven door after you as you leave. God Bless Israel and the Jews forever!
Here is a low priority story from the BBC: A man who groomed, abducted and raped a 12-year-old girl has been jailed for 23 years.
Ibrahim Hussain, 35, of Woodcross Court, Bradford, took the girl in July 2017 when he was on bail for assaulting a 16-year-old.
The 12-year-old was raped three times by Hussain and also assaulted by five other unknown men.
Judge David Hatten QC said she had been attacked by what was “essentially a pack of ravenous wolves”.
Hussain had denied – but was found guilty of – sexual assault, rape, child abduction and arranging or facilitating child sexual exploitation at Bradford Crown Court.
Notice how the BBC don’t mention “Muslim” or “Islam” or “Pakistani” or “British Pakistani” or “Bangladeshi”. Also note how the BBC do not link it with the past and present epidemic of rape by this community on white girls, treating it as a separate, isolated, incident.
Successive governments are putting foreign people before our own. They have been betraying the nation in the name of political correctness.
End Foreign Aid and spend the money at home hunting down the predators and protecting our children.
Do such crimes fall under the (silly) heading of “hate crimes”? They ought to, because the rapists are explicitly justifying themselves by their hatred of kaffirs.
libEstab respect career criminal families , but not murdered soldier Lee Rigby
In January, a memorial to Lee Rigby was removed because a council deemed it "unsightly". Now cops back floral memorial to dead burglar Henry Vincent. Britain, 2018: it's OK to pay respects to a career criminal, but not a fallen war hero?
\\ Under section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986 a person is guilty of causing harassment, alarm and distress if they ‘display any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting, within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress thereby’. // HT @Pcar
“libEstab respect career criminal families , but not murdered soldier Lee Rigby… ‘In January, a memorial to Lee Rigby was removed because a council deemed it “unsightly”.’
Typically lazy, always ignorant 2+2=5 thinking, Stew:
“Greenwich Council said it removed the shrine following requests from Mr Rigby’s family.”
Oh a BBC link which is contradicted by other media
– Mirror “Lee Rigby’s unofficial memorial in Woolwich taken down by council for looking ‘unsightly’ after requests from local residents”
– Sun \\ Lee Rigby’s unofficial memorial taken down for looking ‘unsightly’//
Same for Express, Mail, Local news etc.
They quote a statement made by the council
“The site was not only extremely unsightly but upsetting for local residents and children from the neighbouring primary school who had to see the artefacts every day …”
“They quote a statement made by the council
‘The site was not only extremely unsightly but upsetting for local residents and children from the neighbouring primary school who had to see the artefacts every day …’”
They also quote;
“The site is also not befitting of a dignified memorial to Fusilier Rigby – his family have previously recognised the Garrison Church as the official local memorial… The Council consulted residents, the school and Lee’s family before taking any action.”
You’re not doing yourself any favours playing these silly little games Stew.
Maxi “You’re not doing yourself any favours playing these silly little games Stew.”
As ever you are projecting
I guess it is the sneering attitude and unreasonableness of people like you that is responsible for people being against the lib mob, and why they voted against the libEstablishment and for Brexit & Trump.
I simply reposted a tweet, whose main point was that the Lee Rigby shrine was ordered to be removed.
You happened to find the ONE media story which said that
“Greenwich Council said it removed the shrine following REQUESTS from Mr Rigby’s family.”
No other media actually said that
I look forward to you digging up an original statement from the council, saying that.
And No, “The Council consulted …” is not the same.
(They authorities often CONSULT people and do the opposite of the opinion they got”
Hi maxi
Good to see you back . Hope you and your friend are okay . I’m sorry you haven’t cut and pasted any of my comments . I feel let down.
I’d be pleased if you just posted your own view about al beeb – presumably defending it as an unbiased national broadcaster instead of the goebbals like liberal multicultural pro Islam evil machine it is.evidence would be good too
Oh, can I get a prize here, for coaxing Maxi out of -well, wherever he`s been-these past few weeks?
Maybe I`m the nearest thing on this site to a honeytrap, a jailbait setup to entrap cyber oddities like Maxi.
Fair made my day this has, does my husband know of my Mata Hari like allure?
Will be on air for the rest of the day-Doc Martens it is lads!
Listening to Radio 2 just before 7pm they were bleating about female cricket. Apparently there are only 55 statues of cricketers in the world and none of them are of women!
So you take a class of people of whom hardly any play the game and expect equal representation! How about the class of 15 year old boys? I bet several orders of magnitude of them play the game to a far higher standard yet there are no statues of them.
Equality is a good game isn’t it?
I heard that and then the diatribe about there’s still sexism in cricket – and all the males broadcasters making the usual BBC hear hear support. Exactly how long has female cricket even been a ‘thing’…give it time and then start moaning. It seems nowadays – mainly on BBC and similar leaning vehicles that all females have to do is get involved and they have to be elevated quickly…
Unfortunately for cricket, even the venerable ‘Wisden’ has been infected with the blight of PC. They’ve named five cricketers of the year since 1889 and, up until this year, only two women had ever been thus included – Claire Taylor in 2009 and Charlotte Edwards in 2014. The 2018 list has just been released – three out of the five are women!! Pathetic.
13 March 2018 – Reports of hardline Jaysh al-Islam fighters, planning to stage a chemical weapons attack against civilians and blame it on the Syrian forces.
23 March 2018 – After a deal was reached between the Syrian government and Faylaq al-Rahman, a ceasefire was enforced for the Jobar pocket (half way between Douma and Damascus). The ceasefire allowed for the immediate evacuation of wounded, with rebel fighters allowed to carry their weapons and civilians their belongings. Under the deal, those who chose to remain were to be guaranteed safety from government reprisals as the Russians would supervise the evacuations.
24 March 2018 – About 950 left the Jobar pocket by bus.
25 March 2018 – About 5,400 left the Jobar pocket by bus.
26 March 2018 – About 6,750 left the Jobar pocket by bus.
29 March 2018 – Donald Trump announced that the US would be withdrawing forces from Syria “very soon” and “let the other people take care of it”
31 March 2018 – The last buses left the Jobar pocket, including about six members of the Elite Squadron ( E Squadron) SAS who were carrying out special operations as directed by the Foreign Office.
1 April 2018 – A deal had been reportedly reached between the Jaysh al-Islam rebels and the Syrian government in Douma to evacuate the wounded from the city to rebel territory in Idlib province. By this point, Faylaq al-Rahman rebels who were stranded in Douma during the offensive had already been evacuated along with hundreds of civilians.
2 April 2018 – Buses arrived in Douma with about 1,100 rebels and their family members being transported out of the city.
3 April 2018 – About 600 rebels were evacuated from Douma by bus.
4 April 2018 – About 650 rebels were evacuated from Douma by bus.
5 April 2018 – Evacuations are suspended due to disagreement within Jaish-al Islam, hard-liners demanding they stay and fight.
6 April 2018 – The battle recommences, Jaish-al Islam hard-liners start shelling Damascus, Syrian warplanes targeted Douma for the first time in 10 days. The Syrian government immediately launched an air and ground offensive on the town.
7 April 2018 – Syrian forces are infiltrating Jaysh Al-Islam’s primary line of defence reaching Douma’s southern outskirts. A chemical attack on Douma is reported.
8 April 2018 – Jaish-al Islam hard-liners lose control and the ceasefire is restored.
9 April 2018 – Civilians storm rebel warehouses that were packed with food, while the rebels burned their tanks, heavy weapons and other military vehicles.
10 April 2018 – About 2,000 rebels leave Douma by bus.
11 April 2018 – About 4,000 rebels leave Douma by bus.
12 April 2018 – The last of the rebels and probably as the paranoia indicates, British and Americans, left Douma and the Syrian Army took full control of the city.
I have a suspicion that the false flag operation involved one or two of the Syrian Rebel factions – presumably including Jaysh Al-Islam, and Western advisers – which I am certain includes elements linked to the BBC. The BBC are so very closely linked to the Syrian Rebels, they are evidently being very selective in their reporting.
Furthermore it seems to me there are likely elements within the US and British secret services that are also providing advice, training, and guidance. Both the US & British have continually declared their strong support publically to the “Syrian Rebel” coalition, there can be little doubt of their involvement. Your information suggesting various agents / special soldiers being caught up and trapped in these region of rebel held suburbs of Damascus provides additional confirmation. It would not surprise me if some of these activities are going on beyond the direct knowledge of Donald Trump and Theresa May.
The false flag chemical operation seems to have involved some of the long held hostages of Jaysh Al-Islam – who killed and drugged some of their child captives on video – one of the videos apparently shows some kids dying from carbon monoxide poisoning in an underground prison – but packaged as the product of a chemical attack.
and here is a little something to support that view from ISW: Q&A: CHEMICAL WEAPONS ATTACK IN SYRIA Q: What was the Bashar al Assad regime looking to achieve in the latest chemical attack in Damascus?
Cafarella: Bashar al Assad’s attack against civilians in Damascus was textbook regime depravity. Assad’s forces targeted the Douma neighborhood’s largest hospital and other civilian infrastructure in order to inflict maximum casualties. Assad’s goal was to break the will of the local civilian population and force the surrender of the anti-regime jihadist group, Jaysh al-Islam, that has operated in the area. He succeeded. Jaysh al-Islam accepted a surrender deal the day after the attack to evacuate Eastern Ghouta.
Assad, enabled by his allies Russia and Iran, likely also sought to test his freedom of action and impunity. He and his backers likely calculated that the U.S. would not respond if they escalated now, after President Donald Trump signaled his ultimate desire to withdraw from Syria after defeating remaining Islamic State of Iraq and al Sham (ISIS) forces in southeastern Syria. Assad has routinely increased the barbarity of his violence against Syrian civilians to determine what he can get away with without risking a serious Western reprisal.
Assad and his backers also sought to limit the extent to which the U.S. could verify the attack in order to mitigate the risks that the U.S. would be able to determine the credibility of local reporting. They reportedly disguised the nerve agent with Chlorine, an industrial agent used as a makeshift chemical weapon. They also conducted the attack in a besieged enclave in Damascus, far from the reach of U.S.-backed rebels or international observers.
Pounce, thanks for that info. I got as far as Item 1. before there was a contradiction in the ‘Open Source’ information. IIRC, we were told by the BBC, and people on the BBC, that the gas in Douma in April 2018 was deployed by shelling.
Actually not true, as all the photo evidence from the scene and from previous scenes have shown that yellow gas canisters have been used for the delivery of the chemicals via the use of a Hip Helo. That said I fully understand the stance against going to war as this country is war weary. Personally I would say f this and talk to Assad saying we will rebuild one of your towns using local people (But with British supervision) but only on the condition that they take back each and every Syrian in the UK. A lot cheaper than a few Tomahawk missiles at £1 million a pop and we get to off load all those 40 year old children
Pounce, that ‘photo evidence’ certainly suggests gas canisters but photos as you well know can be staged and that often gives the game away. Both contributors (from Syria) to BBC News and the BBC themselves, IIRC, stated ‘shelling’. My memory on such matters also suggests that only a few gases can be deployed by shelling – you will be able to confirm that from a military angle – and chlorine gas is one such.
There is obviously the ‘fog of war’ that might obscure accurate reporting but it is essential to work with accurate information if you may be on the point of taking your country to war.
For example, the clear IMPLICATION from last night’s news, repeated this morning, is that French intelligence has definite information that Assad’s forces deployed chlorine gas in Douma. The BBC are reporting Macron as being definite.
Nick Robinson is talking about this right now.
Oh no! NR is now talking to Diane Abbott. Now the fog of war will thicken some more!
The Pounce plan for peace in Syria. Interesting. Concur to an extent.
I certainly would agree that partnership in rebuilding is likely to do far more and achieve far more than even the original military action, as far as Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya are concerned. Almost forcible repatriation? Not sure about that. Am sure the Human Rights Lawyers would be in there to earn megabucks.
I think that is also true as far as (UK) overseas aid is concerned. Actually build things (example I often use, c/o BBC N&CA/FooC some years ago – a farmers co-operative in Ghana) and improve lives in Africa, India, whereever, is the way to go.
I am staggered that only after 7 (seven!) years of a highly assymetrical civil war in Syria are politicians are only now getting up on their back legs and saying “More bombing may not work. We need to get peace talks under way.”
I have always felt that one of the greatest strengths of the British military was the tremendous back-up skills that they had. Road and bridge builders, civil engineers, mechanics, etc., and that deploying those might often achieve more than the fighting skills.
it is time to complain again, bastard BBC reports outrage in India over muslim child rape victim but when we protest over here over muslims gang raping our children we are labelled far right, how bloody twisted has the BBC become ?
Theresa May is ‘off the hook’ (at least temporarily) for possibly misleading Parliament on the Skripal poisoning and Bojo is also safe.
The BBC should be on the hook for a lack of precision in reporting the OPCW findings. It’s hard to know whether it is carelessness or deliberate obfuscation.
Putin is now definitely on the hook. He gets a copy of the full report. Obviously, if he ordered & enabled the attack, it will go in the bin and he will carry on with the denials. But if it was down to a rogue FSB Group or a criminal group in Russia, he really needs to hunt them down and hand them over.
If it was none of those causes he’s a bit stuck. All Putin can do is help with information for the British investigators. Not sure that is very likely, either.
Thank goodness for Frank Gardner’s precision of tone & language. No confusion for him. He appeared to have read the two-page public version carefully and reported with exactness. It was a Soviet-era nerve agent, so I assume from that 1950-1990 – not specifically a 1980s weapon, and was NOT described by the OPCW as a ‘Novichok’. The chemicals used, apparently, were very pure. That would appear to suggest there is no ‘fingerprint’ to identify a particular laboratory, contrasting with what we have previously been told.
Meanwhile, we have a surprising piece of information about Julia Skripal. Glossed over by the BBC who sort of manage half a question on Wednesday or Thursday but no more despite a full item about Miss Skripal, today, having to live under police protection.
The BBC are more exercised over singing at football matches.
It’s profoundly saddening to know that the BBC, for the moment apparently so keen to bang the war drum, would blithely turn on Britain and her forces in an instant and revert to form – supporting and encouraging every anti-British entity and notion. It took decades for the BBC to accept as a given that the bombing of Dresden was wrong. I’d give the BBC a couple of hours before they’d start to criticise now. For goodness sake, Trump, May, Macron… stay out of it. It’s Putin’s trap, it’s an Islamist trap, it’s a liberal media trap.
I think al beeb just liked filming coffins covered in the union flag coming into Brize and then indulging in pseudo grief .
All very well for albeeboids to say “ something must done” but they are cavalier about the consequences and the suffering .
The bBCs agenda is to replace the Government with a marxist one which according to them will bring in a new age of human rights where criminals are treated as heros, where victims have to run for their lives, where knife crime is the norm, where Islamic terrorists can only be victims and where the f-ing call to prayer will be broadcast 5 times a day on the bBC and if anybody complains they will be openly beheaded.
The UK will go to war against Israel , leave NATO and join Russia, we will also rejoin the EU and as penance pay double our subs for 50 years as punishment. All you f-ing white bastards will be shipped off to work the fields and your homes will be given over to poor third world people who are the victims of the British empire. (Currently that fat cunt Thornberry is demanding the PM apologise for the British empire)
Meat will be banned (except for Muslims) as will be Alcohol (But not for party leaders) Vehicles will be banned as will all forms of energy production bar solar and wind.
Animals will no longer be allowed as pets, and everybody will be hit with a breathing tax. All churches will be replaced with mosques and all former members of the British army who served in NI/Iraq/Afghanistan/Syria will be executed.
Any white person who is seen to fancy the opposite sex will be sent for re-education and the age of consent will be brought down to 6 years of age in which to accommodate Muslims.
All police officers will have to be non white, gay and have painted finger nails
Stop and search will be brought back, but it will only target white people so they understand what poor black thugs had to put up with. In fact in London under Mayor Khant, distribution centres will be set up so that blacks, and Muslims can receive knives, guns and drugs for free and that will be run by a big fat women who used to run a kids charity.
And before I can utter Alis snack bar, a quick butchers at the bBC reveals this:
The thing is for years the left and especially the bBC have railed against the BE, colonialism and outside interference of other nations. The bBC continues this with articles about black face, racism, and accepting different cultures into our midsts, yet for some very strange reason they don’t subscribe to the very same rulebook they demand we all adhere to. I mean the story above is primarily a Western way of life which simply isn’t acceptable in a lot of countries. But to the so called enlightened wankers at the bBC whilst telling us all that we can’t tell others how to run their lives, they have no problem doing just that.
Pounce /DPGive the boy a break – he’s having a baby!
Hes got scans to go to
pre natal classes (where I understand they teach you when to pant and when to push )
bedrooms to paint
big decisons water birth/conventional or epidural ?
Is he breast feeding (I hear breast is best) or bottle feeding?
And on top of all of this he has to go out and train so he can win gold medals for us!
As I said earlier, get the buses outside of Westminster for the array of incompetent sycophants in this excuse for a cabinet … containing all of their (of age) children to be shipped off to be the cannon fodder.
Likewise any of the drum banging tossers at the Al BBC …. always willing to rant and fight to the very last drop of someone else s blood.
This whole sorry situation reeks of carefully confected propaganda
Not so much biased bbc as useless bbc.
Front page on website is that drinking one unit of alcohol a day can reduce life expectancy, as this leads to increases in various conditions.
When oh when will they differentiate between life expectancy , which has risen significantly and is a huge nett drain on resources, NHS, social care etc. and/because ‘quality-of-life’ life expectancy (which) has increased little. Mr S senior died after 6 years of worsening dementia and if the bbc story is correct then I assure you that he would have wished he had drunk a whole lot more, not less, and died more quickly. Living longer does not carry quite the same attraction if you are unable to walk, can’t communicate, doubly incontinent, and have little brain function.
Still, as we know, journalism and investigation is not exactly the bBBC’s strong point. Not when there is an ‘evil tory underfunding public services’ agenda to be had.
Outlook on World Service about gay farmers; they have set up a helpline to help those coming out, which sounds like a parody but is not. It is so patronising saying BAME individuals, homosexual should or women need special treatment or a helpline. 99% plus will treat you reasonably, and for the 1% that do not then I am sure they can deal with the situation effectively – maybe just shake your head wryly and talk to someone else.
They are salivating over Comey’s memoir.
“CNN describes it as the most explosive testimony about a sitting president ever.”
CNN! The most dishonest fake news artists on the planet!
Is it a good idea to have a national broadcaster….?
‘BEIJING, March 13 (Xinhua) — China plans to form a state radio and television administration, said a document released Tuesday on structure reform of the State Council, or the cabinet.
The proposed administration directly under the State Council will be responsible for drafting policies and measures for radio and television management and their implementation, coordinating development of broadcasting undertakings and industries, promoting institutional reform in the sectors….’
‘BEIJING, Sept. 4 (Xinhua) — China has banned the streaming of drama that does not have a government permit, with online dramas now subject to the same regulation as that of regular television series.
The creation and planning of major Internet dramas should be subject to archival administration, according to a circular on television drama, published Monday.
The oversight of the ideological and artistic merit of content must be strengthened before a drama is streamed online, according to the circular issued jointly by five government departments.’
I was shocked because I landed up agreeing with Diane abbot. Being more cautious about accepting the Syria events as al beeb sees them and not doing the aim of Islamic terrorists in getting the allied air forces to do their work
I get the feeling after the initial revulsion more has been done on what really happened and the USA is willing to wait for the inspectors to report.
Any one would know that’s After Salisbury another chemical attack might well cause a “reflex action” to achieve isis aims . I’m speculating here as an arm chair chess player
The lesson about stopping the wheels turning for war once they start turning need to be remembered .,Obama left Syria to the Russians and that mistake can’t be rectified any time soon
Fed, I was a bit shocked, too, by feeling that NR was being a right total herbert for just going round in circles trying get the ShadyHosec to plant one or both feet in her mouth.
Shameful, BBC.
Mr Robinson, do you not realise that it makes both you and the BBC look very stupid and nasty?
FE2/SNUFF – Ditto, The words Diane Abbot and sensible answer do not normally go together but yes for once Abbot and Corbyn seem to have got this one right. However because of the shock to my system I am now seeking PTSD counselling.
BBC Fake science on BBC Breakfast yet again. Live linkup to Goon Hilly Downs in Cornwall for a chat with the BBC technical expert “we have been talking about it all morning… our mobile phone calls use satellites….”
No they don’t, maybe BBC were talking about a firm making satellite linked phones for remote areas.
In Australia you can’t really justify putting cell towers everywhere, you can use an Inmarsat phone, but the calls are expensive.
As we have a woman in 10 Downing Street – again – as PM, I have just reminded myself of an example of a clear benefit of going to war, the right war. 1982 and liberating the Falkland Islands.
It was said by many, some years after the conflict that that event showed the Russians that the sheer professionalism and courage of a volunteer, career military versus the conscripts and ‘others’ that the Russian Generals had at their disposal, was a significant factor in the new realism of Russian leaders like Gorbachev and Yeltsin that eventually led, with Reagan’s help, to the dismantling of the USSR and the end of the Berlin Wall & the ‘Iron Curtain’.
OT but this is revving up to be a nice popcorn issue.
Given that the Powell speech has been mostly referenced & kept relevant by people who like it, the BBC decision to afford it such importance will feel like a win to them. It was a racist rant. But chalk-stripes & a plummy accent somehow excuse the naked bigotry. Plus ca change…
… Wouldn t take long to list all of the “amazing contribution” that Islamic immigration has made.
Mass child gang rape, abhorrence of Halal, FGM, widespread social unrest, widespread corruption deliberately to conceal all of the former, a racist, discriminatory, hateful ideology etc etc…
Feel free to continue ad nauseum
The beeb’s rush to war reminds me of an episode of Hornblower.
There are striking parallels with how the elites think and who we support.
The episode covers supporting a French loyalist army invading to take back France from Napoleon. Only the loyalists turn out to be bloodthirsty thugs who, once they take over, start butchering any opposition using the Guillotine. A lot of people get killed for no reason and the population did not support them.
If we start a shooting war without strong evidence I think the last few lines of that episode will be our Epitaph. Hornblower to his captain: ” What were we doing there sir? We brought nothing but death, destruction and defeat.”
It is important to choose your war carefully and then prosecute it even better.
In 1982, and again in 1991 for Gulf1, there was of course the advantage of ‘a moral high ground’ handed to the future liberators by those who had already invaded.
New York’s murder rate is still 3 times that of London
although you can cherry pick an odd month with lower murders
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Certainly done wonders for corner shops selling fake vodka and fags to kids
Field Marshall Katty on strategic manoeuvres…
Katty Kay – “hard wear”
Good grief! Is there no bottom to their depths of ignorance and stupidity.
It’s down to the spittle and bile which sprays everywhere when she grabs her bbbc Iphone in the back of a taxi, and shrieks constantly while the driver tries to get her to somewhere as quickly as possible as she is soooo important.
The last time I had to see her was when Donald Trump won the vote, and she was shaking with indignation while realising that nobody really gave a hoot for her opinions.
Silly bitch really.
That’s knife crime sorted out.
Next problem? Hiring a carpenter to fix the ping pong table in the yoof club
What kind of cowards carry three seaxes on their coat of arms?
Is a ‘cookie’ slang for a ‘blade’? Why else have the cookie monster?
Wouldn’t this be more culturally appropriate?
I used to have one of them JimS .. and I wasn’t a waycist when I was a kid … I didn’t even know what it meant then but I damn well do now (once went to the local village Gala in a Golliwog costume at age 8? .. blimey it was hot!! and it was a hot day) .. Wish I’d kept the money box .. sure to be worth a fortune when we get back to being a normal society??
I had one too ! Is it racist to have one now ? Its ‘diversity’ I would have thought.
What’s all this past tense malarky. I still have one.
And I’ve had it as a child and my continuing memory is of the happy smiling face. So the diversity nazis can screw themselves.
well spotted
Only our clueless, misdirected, politicised, Common Purpose, PC Plod could trivialise and infantalise knife crime and murder by fronting their limp knife amnesty campaign with the Cookie Monster.
God help this country.
Well at least the yoof will know where to get a blade in a hurry if they forget to take their own with them . That’s great service .
“Working in partnership” !translated = We’ll paint the cars, you tell us where they are”.
Cop-out as usual.
So this Saturday will see the 50th anniversary of Enoch Powell’s ‘infamous’ speech read in its entirety – and not merely its most contentious and deliberately misunderstood words. Excellent idea, high time the true and unexpurgated version was aired, though the chances are slim, bearing in mind the promotor.
Apparently the speech will be ‘sectionalised’ with informed and, naturally, unbiased comment from suitably great minds giving us a more up-to-date and realistic interpretation of what Enoch really meant. And so its true, prophetic and erudite message will be massaged and cut into acceptable sound-bites. For the public good, of course.
Who will get the job, do you think? Alibhai-Brown? Toynbee? Little Owen? Not-so Bonnie Greer? Their words of wisdom will undoubtedly outnumber Enoch’s patrician prose but please, feel free to add your own suggestions….
Bel -al beeb has a new screamer – afra ? Something . I’m still debating whether to listen but think I might swerve it on the ground that there will be no one to take the pro Powell view.
I’m guessing they’ll say there s no river of blood … yet … and such thoughts have to be surpressed to prevent people thinking about burning books mosques or Moslems . My words are carefully chosen as I do not want the extreme police videoing me at 5 in the morning as they put the cuffs on.
I’d put my money on ms abbot , the baroness Lawrence Who Can Say No Wrong – and maybe Trevor Phillips as the voice of sanity .
Maybe not rivers when one is blown up…only rivers on the mean streets of Hackney, but maybe Mr Powell could not imagine a scenario where we invite people into our country and they plant bombs and behead soldiers in the sreets, , that this nation could come to such an abominable state and where the BBC seeks to defend them through concentrating on their alleged troubled backgrounds and radicalised rather than condemning their motives outright without any mitigating excuses
“Who will get the job, do you think? Alibhai-Brown? Toynbee? Little Owen? Not-so Bonnie Greer?”
There is only one man for the job: arise, Sir Lenworth Henry.
Is there no relief from that alleged comic ? I thought we had an appeal to achieve this, the classic Trevor Mc Doughnut skit, hmm, well done
“Apparently the speech will be ‘sectionalised’ with informed and, naturally, unbiased comment from suitably great minds giving us a more up-to-date and realistic interpretation of what Enoch really meant.”
I guess that panel will be chaired by Dimblebore surrounded by the usual handpicked Question Time crowd ……………
My remorse is absolute, but I must add the paramount choice before anyone realises who it was I forgot: The Baroness Chakrabhati, no less.
I think for unbiased moral integrity there is no one more fitting than baroness Chakrabati of Tel aviv.
Perhaps the Russians will hire her to do a report of Salisbury or Rotherham council on the non existence organised Asian paedo rape gangs
Not just rape, after group raping them, they tied up 12 year olds and whipped them while shouting racial abuse at them in Oxford and made them talk on the phone to the rapists wives while being raped and were handed to their sons to play with and abuse as presents, so not only the rapists families are complicit along with police who were contacted and did nothing, the schools they were taken out of in broad daylight during the middle of the day for rape by asian taxi drivers and the social services
The BBC is ruthless in suppressing developments that do not fit its pre-arranged and biased news agenda. Missing from its recent headlines was the sensational information that CO2 emissions in the United Kingdom fell last year by a whopping 3.8% at a time when the European Union recorded a 1.5% increase. Only three other countries recorded a decrease, notably the United States. Needless to say the news didn’t come from some publicity-seeking hick university, but was the considered analysis of the International Energy Agency, a top-level body connected to the OECD.
It is obvious why the news dropped under the radar at the BBC. Improvements in UK CO2 emissions have occurred because of a switch from coal to cleaner gas. In the US, gas fracking and hydroelectric power have led the charge. In both countries intermittent and highly subsidised wind and solar power made little contribution. Meanwhile in Germany, emissions in CO2 continue to rise despite the disastrous Energiewende push to drive a low carbon energy policy. In Germany the huge influx of random amounts of unstorable subsidised wind and solar power has caused chaos in the wholesale energy market with prices known to quadruple and fall away at other times to zero. Overall the German green energy policy is said to have accrued costs of over 400 billion euros. It need hardly be added that prices for the electricity consumer are much higher in Germany than the US.
The Guardian was quicker off the mark to try to head off the IEA danger. The BBC at print dug up some activist outfit called Oil Change International to suggest that the 30-member country IEA was influenced by the oil industry. In Guardianista land this is of course the house smear. Its use is routine to describe any organisation or individual that doesn’t sign up to the new green religion. Your correspondent, meanwhile, rather approves of the oil industry since it helped make the materials and keeps warm his snug northern latitude house. Without it he would be living in an unheated mud hut – a large one of course since he would have to accommodate his horse and assorted livestock.
He digresses. Back to the IEA report and it is noted that the United States has reported CO2 emission declines for three years in a row. In Trumpstown, Orange is the New Green.
The BBC never entertains debate on what a safe MINIMUM level of atmospheric CO2 might be.
Nor do they ever consider historical levels of CO2 and what impact they had – if any – on climate in the past and thence conclude, or at least debate, if there is any correlation between the two.
Strange, that, for an organisation founded on the principles of educating and informing.
But then again, maybe we expect too much of The Old Dear, especially as one of it’s leading correspondents has difficulty in distinguishing between ‘hardware’ and ‘hard wear’ (Katty Kay, you know who you are……hopefully).
Oh come on, Mr Fish!
Every schoolperson knows that the level is the number of Harrabins per cubic lump, multiplied by the difference in salaries emerging between male, trans, other bbbc autocue-readers, then chucked into a Dyson sort of machine and twirled around for a few minutes.
The answer will be in Abbottspeak, and will certainly have lots of noughts equating to bum measurements.
A stunning silence of censorship from our national broadcaster in this debate : and left to the Telegraph to comment :
The view of some Islamic preachers towards white women can be appalling. They encourage their followers to believe that these women are habitually promiscuous, decadent, and sleazy—sins which are made all the worse by the fact that they are kaffurs or non-believers. Their dress code, from miniskirts to sleeveless tops, is deemed to reflect their impure and immoral outlook. According to this mentality, these white women deserve to be punished for their behaviour by being exploited and degraded.[18]
Hargey blames the agencies of the state, including the police, social services and the care system, who ″seemed eager to ignore the sickening exploitation that was happening before their eyes. Terrified of accusations of racism, desperate not to undermine the official creed of cultural diversity, they took no action against obvious abuse.”
In the same newspaper, journalist Allison Pearson claimed that “fear of racism” had allowed sex crimes against white girls by Pakistani Muslims to become a serious problem not only in Oxford but throughout the country. She described the Pakistani Muslim community as “essentially a Victorian society that has landed like Doctor Who’s Tardis on a liberal, permissive planet it despises”.[4] She criticised the views of Sue Berelowitz, the Deputy Children’s Commissioner, who has attempted to downplay the over-representation of certain groups in sex-crimes against children. While expressing relief that some action was now being taken against the problem, she concluded that trouble was still in store: “what remains is a political class still far too timid to challenge growing and alarming separatism in Muslim education and law.”
There is now enough evidence of the abuse of British children to justify Assad and the Russians bombing the shit out of this country
Hope they have smart bombs smart enough to recognise minarets….
Chakrabati and her ilk I hope will answer for these ruined lives and the crimes they have enabled through creating that culture of fear and also happening to create a very lucrative career for herself paid for by British taxpayers, yet a stunning silence on this matter of blatant organised, community led, racially motivated crime from this little madam, seems a lot of tumbleweed moments from our media especially Al Beeb
The nccl was the same back in the 1970s when Hattie Harmon supported PIE. Easy to look away from decency and common sense
Open war on Cliff Richard before even being charged or arrested, endless articles about Jimmy Saville, and now Cyril Smith, soul searching and report after report yet stunning silence on organised racist sex abuse by muslims even those prosecuted and sentenced
Cliff has been pictured riding on the London Underground without being bothered by fellow travellers. Its said that the other passengers were young and wouldn’t know who he was. I say more like they were foreigners – who else lives in London ?
TV is organising British groups’ lives
7:30pm ITV Sends Over 65’s to exercise bootcamp
8pm BBC2 sends struggling kids to live with brainy kids’ families*
9pm Channel 5 sends delinquent kids to Indian Private schools
* You know the homes where kids are made to do their homework and go to bed before 11pm
Don’t you just love it when these over-paid ‘creatives’ all have the same idea?
65 way too late. Lowestoft could manage a good 30 minutes of TV in electric wheelchair racing, an education in our nation’s health to see fleets of them up and down the high street occupied by 30 year old onwards at up to £12000 a pop, nice fish and chips there and locals seem to agree
“UK Right wing terrorist suspect”
Guess where he was born ?
… Yep EU migrant from Finland
‘Serving British soldier, Corporal Mikko Vehvilainen, had a photograph which showed him giving a Nazi-type salute at a memorial to his native Finland’s independence, in 1917.’
A Birmingham Crown Court jury cleared him on Thursday of possession of a terrorism document – the Anders Breivik manifesto – and two counts of stirring up racial hatred relating to forum posts on a white nationalist website.
Vehvilainen’s phone showed 900 visits to white nationalist website
In Vehvilainen’s wardrobe, where he kept his uniform, police found a Nazi flag pinned to the inside of the door.
Vehvilainen’s barrister told jurors, at the start of the trial, it was “not in dispute that he (Vehvilainen) is a racist”, but that it was not a crime simply to hold such views.
Vehvilainen, of the Royal Anglian Regiment, was an Afghan veteran, Army boxer and a well-regarded non-commissioned officer.
– He on trial with
#1 his fellow soldier Mark Barrett 25 who was acquitted of membership of the proscribed far-right organisation National Action, on Thursday.
#2 a 23-year-old man convicted of having terrorism document the White Resistance Manual
Ah BBC have put a story just now
Hmm if only we could investigate the wardrobes of some of our diverse guests from Bury Park, Luton and their “special schools” what wonders would be revealed ? and would they be revealed via our taxpayer funded national broadcaster in the national interest ? answers on a postcard please in the bin
Just read it and had to laugh, BBC breathtakingly revealed he had a “warhammer” and just how does that differentiate from a “peacehammer” I will pop off to Wicks tomorrow and ask the experts I am flummoxed oh and he had knives in his house, quell surprise better hide mine in case I am raided but will then have to live on soup I suppose.
“One of Wales’s largest farms is to put a new focus on producing venison because of fears about the future of lamb exports after Brexit.”
They don’t let up do they ?
HYS is not going their way .
Rochdale : are we saying that one reason libmob didn’t take action on Pak Groom/rape gangs was cos their own lot were too busy covering up their own abuse of BOYS ?
“boys were sexually abused in public toilets across the road from the borough council’s offices over a 20-year period.”
‘Report says that Labour Leader of council must have known of abuse, he was a friend of Cyril Smith’
\\The IICSA concluded that from 1989 onwards the police, Rochdale Council’s social services and education departments, as well as staff at Knowl View, knew youngsters were being subjected to sexual exploitation for money in public toilets.//
It is this very soul searching and looking for reasons that deflects from arresting the sick bastards as the BBC is trying to do now, instead of putting them on trial and locking them up or, preferably, deporting them but only as far as the deepest part of the North Sea. So, please do not let these bastards (and that includes the racist BBC) use weasle words and debate to deflect from what has happened with organised muslim rape gangs across the country as the BBC is doing now, or drag you into that, concentrate solely on who is responsible and prosecute, nothing else and that includes the authoriies and officers complicit in this sickness from those who bowed and scraped and begged to get into this county then have clearly shown their true evil and hatred for this country and its inhabitants
“Carmakers fear rising trade barriers after Brexit”
“A storm is brewing as clouds gather over Bristol Port, with the rain set to fall on tens of thousands of vehicles parked in the port’s car compounds, ready for export by ship, or destined for UK dealerships.”
Yet even more Brexit Fear with some colourful wording with the added caption ……………….”Despite uncertainty about Brexit, BMW has said it will assemble its new Mini in the UK”
Lord Adonis has twittered a copy of his letter to Ofcom demanding that it stops al beeb broadcasting the E. Powell speech programme onnSaturday night at 8pm.
I smell a rat – has something been fixed to look like something else ? Such as evidencing right wing bias for the likes of o Jones minor to use.
If it is as it appears then I am definitely losing contact with values in Blighty such as the absence of discussion or freedom .
And it seems to be happening very quickly
Lord Adonis has now tipped me toward listening or downloading said programme however snowflake amol makes it
Saturday night 8 pm Hyde park 6 May……..the silent majority 87 %
Enoch might have been wrong about Rivers of blood, but a steady stream, yes.
How many knifings and shootings in past few months? And it’s not even summer yet, when things really kick off.
I’m suspecting , now that the guardian has taken it up, that there’ll be the regulation 100 000 petition by snowflakes soon protesting the broadcast .
Allowing al beeb to back down or appear heroic depending on personal view.
Blood splattered by bombs, even he could not imagine we could be stupid enough to let these animals into our country and give them passports
The body count for Londonistan is 56 to date . There is a lot of variety in that count . It’s more complicated than blacks killing blacks although there is a kind of “under class “ theme.
I fear E Powell’s prediction will be fulfilled
Asylum seekers my arse, lie about their age to get in here, too cowardly to fight for their country, they would rather run away. always shouting abuse at speakers corner when they are in a gang, prey upon young girls, use booby trap bombs, never stand and fight unless they outnumber at least 5 to 1, thank God they were never here in the second world war, they would have run away to any country that would take them rather than stand and fight but they are happy to abuse those that fought for our freedom with impunity it seems (as long as they are in a gang)
Nuff said
I hope they kept those rifles, they will be needed again one day.
Nuff said….
Jordan Peterson said, “Shared beliefs simplify the world… because people who know what to expect from one another can act together to tame the world. There is perhaps nothing more important than the maintenance of this organization – this simplification. If it is threatened, then the great ship of state rocks.”
In a nutshell that tells us what is so wrong-headed about the dogma of multiculturism and mass immigration. Life is complicated enough without having to negotiate around the beliefs and values of alien neighbours.
World tonight
An Asian beeboid talking to an Asian writer about e. Powell and the famous speech . No wonder white people are feeling oppressed in what used to be their country .
The beeboid described the speech as a” racist rant” the Asian writer said mr Powell was just wrong – in his view . Adonis was on and said al beeb will break the law by broadcasting the speech as “ incitement”. And then he linked it to Brexit- we’ll he would wouldn’t he. ??
I smell an injunction coming on… if Adonis believes what he himself says …
Enochs crime was simply
a) being brave enough to state the problem, as given him by his constituents
b) being proved to be correct-in fact, in his projections of how many black people would reside in London, Leicester and Birmingham in 1993 , he was terrifyingly accurate. Had he known that where he meant black, it would be Muslim he`d have been spot on. He couldn`t have forseen the Muslim rise, because they hadn`t the claim that the Caribbean immigrants had. And Powell could not have known that we`d just let them in, with even less regard that we`d done for black migrants.
Powell was our last prophet. And scum like Adonis and rent a gob lockdown weasels at the BBC will never remove the affection for, and vindication of, Powell for as long as we still have England.
AND-Powell was 100% correct about the EU in his 1992 book. No wonder Adonis and the other bedwetters of Blairs era hate him so.
Alicia Sinclair,
“Had he known that where he meant black, it would be Muslim he`d have been spot on.”
If only Oswald had known that where he meant Jew, it would be Muslim he`d have been spot on…
Except that the British Jew is a loyal and integrated member of the community and part of a small in number persecuted race. The Muslim in Britain refuses to integrate because he is superior and part of a death cult with 2.5 billion members that persecutes when it can.
Ah, missed you maxi.
Glad to see your back .
Now, how about one example of Al Beeb Bias from you or are you ‘hard wired’?
Tell the readers why you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich?
With Maxi back, it’s feeding time for you Taffman.
Enjoy your meal.
Oh, “This has made my day, Butler this `as!”
I seem to have caught the fragile Maxi Bird-a shy little twit of the day, that even Packham or Ed Byrne would fail to snare. Yet here he is-in my shopping bag, in need of some nurture.
Sorry Maxi-you deliberately missed my point. Who cares what colour came in, in sheer numerical terms he`s a prophet?
And keep your idiot anti-Semitism out of this, if you think 20 million Muslims is batter for us that the 6 million Jews wiped out by the likes of you-you`re even more of a crook and cuk that I thought.
Now f—-off!
And close the oven door after you as you leave. God Bless Israel and the Jews forever!
“Leaked EU files show Brussels cover-up and collusion on Putin’s Gazprom abuses”
So *again* Germany is exposed as one of the biggest rule-breakers within the EU.
Will the EU take action against them?
also Telegraph premium ..use your free account
Here is a low priority story from the BBC:
A man who groomed, abducted and raped a 12-year-old girl has been jailed for 23 years.
Ibrahim Hussain, 35, of Woodcross Court, Bradford, took the girl in July 2017 when he was on bail for assaulting a 16-year-old.
The 12-year-old was raped three times by Hussain and also assaulted by five other unknown men.
Judge David Hatten QC said she had been attacked by what was “essentially a pack of ravenous wolves”.
Hussain had denied – but was found guilty of – sexual assault, rape, child abduction and arranging or facilitating child sexual exploitation at Bradford Crown Court.
Notice how the BBC don’t mention “Muslim” or “Islam” or “Pakistani” or “British Pakistani” or “Bangladeshi”. Also note how the BBC do not link it with the past and present epidemic of rape by this community on white girls, treating it as a separate, isolated, incident.
BBC Look North Leeds did actually tweet the story
“Bradford rapist jailed for 23 years for attacking girl, 12”
Successive governments are putting foreign people before our own. They have been betraying the nation in the name of political correctness.
End Foreign Aid and spend the money at home hunting down the predators and protecting our children.
Do such crimes fall under the (silly) heading of “hate crimes”? They ought to, because the rapists are explicitly justifying themselves by their hatred of kaffirs.
libEstab respect career criminal families , but not murdered soldier Lee Rigby
\\ Under section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986 a person is guilty of causing harassment, alarm and distress if they ‘display any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting, within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress thereby’. // HT @Pcar
“libEstab respect career criminal families , but not murdered soldier Lee Rigby… ‘In January, a memorial to Lee Rigby was removed because a council deemed it “unsightly”.’
Typically lazy, always ignorant 2+2=5 thinking, Stew:
“Greenwich Council said it removed the shrine following requests from Mr Rigby’s family.”
Oh a BBC link which is contradicted by other media
– Mirror “Lee Rigby’s unofficial memorial in Woolwich taken down by council for looking ‘unsightly’ after requests from local residents”
– Sun \\ Lee Rigby’s unofficial memorial taken down for looking ‘unsightly’//
Same for Express, Mail, Local news etc.
They quote a statement made by the council
“The site was not only extremely unsightly but upsetting for local residents and children from the neighbouring primary school who had to see the artefacts every day …”
“They quote a statement made by the council
‘The site was not only extremely unsightly but upsetting for local residents and children from the neighbouring primary school who had to see the artefacts every day …’”
They also quote;
“The site is also not befitting of a dignified memorial to Fusilier Rigby – his family have previously recognised the Garrison Church as the official local memorial… The Council consulted residents, the school and Lee’s family before taking any action.”
You’re not doing yourself any favours playing these silly little games Stew.
Maxi “You’re not doing yourself any favours playing these silly little games Stew.”
As ever you are projecting
I guess it is the sneering attitude and unreasonableness of people like you that is responsible for people being against the lib mob, and why they voted against the libEstablishment and for Brexit & Trump.
I simply reposted a tweet, whose main point was that the Lee Rigby shrine was ordered to be removed.
You happened to find the ONE media story which said that
“Greenwich Council said it removed the shrine following REQUESTS from Mr Rigby’s family.”
No other media actually said that
I look forward to you digging up an original statement from the council, saying that.
And No, “The Council consulted …” is not the same.
(They authorities often CONSULT people and do the opposite of the opinion they got”
We certainly don’t want schoolchildren reminded of that murder, do we?
Hi maxi
Good to see you back . Hope you and your friend are okay . I’m sorry you haven’t cut and pasted any of my comments . I feel let down.
I’d be pleased if you just posted your own view about al beeb – presumably defending it as an unbiased national broadcaster instead of the goebbals like liberal multicultural pro Islam evil machine it is.evidence would be good too
Sleep well .
Oh, can I get a prize here, for coaxing Maxi out of -well, wherever he`s been-these past few weeks?
Maybe I`m the nearest thing on this site to a honeytrap, a jailbait setup to entrap cyber oddities like Maxi.
Fair made my day this has, does my husband know of my Mata Hari like allure?
Will be on air for the rest of the day-Doc Martens it is lads!
“Climate change dials down Atlantic Ocean heating system”
“So what your saying is”……………….Its going to get colder ?
Its already colder.
CO2 passing 400 parts per million didn’t warm the gaff up.
lets try 500
It’s because of the end of the 22 year Pause/Hiatus/Peak and the beginning of the 22 year Mini-Ice Age.
Some actress (I meant actor – honest )
I’ve never heard of moaning about sexism at work
”Corrie star on being asked to strip for ad audition”
What a voice too….
Better idea, instead watch Benny hill conduct an interview :
but will she pass the maths test ?
WARNING suspense
That cheered me up no end. But then – sadness that this harmless fun is now banned.
Listening to Radio 2 just before 7pm they were bleating about female cricket. Apparently there are only 55 statues of cricketers in the world and none of them are of women!
So you take a class of people of whom hardly any play the game and expect equal representation! How about the class of 15 year old boys? I bet several orders of magnitude of them play the game to a far higher standard yet there are no statues of them.
Equality is a good game isn’t it?
And, inconveniently for the BBC, the 15 year old boys would thrash the English woman’s team every time.
I heard that and then the diatribe about there’s still sexism in cricket – and all the males broadcasters making the usual BBC hear hear support. Exactly how long has female cricket even been a ‘thing’…give it time and then start moaning. It seems nowadays – mainly on BBC and similar leaning vehicles that all females have to do is get involved and they have to be elevated quickly…
Unfortunately for cricket, even the venerable ‘Wisden’ has been infected with the blight of PC. They’ve named five cricketers of the year since 1889 and, up until this year, only two women had ever been thus included – Claire Taylor in 2009 and Charlotte Edwards in 2014. The 2018 list has just been released – three out of the five are women!! Pathetic.
This is the timetable of events in Syria.
13 March 2018 – Reports of hardline Jaysh al-Islam fighters, planning to stage a chemical weapons attack against civilians and blame it on the Syrian forces.
23 March 2018 – After a deal was reached between the Syrian government and Faylaq al-Rahman, a ceasefire was enforced for the Jobar pocket (half way between Douma and Damascus). The ceasefire allowed for the immediate evacuation of wounded, with rebel fighters allowed to carry their weapons and civilians their belongings. Under the deal, those who chose to remain were to be guaranteed safety from government reprisals as the Russians would supervise the evacuations.
24 March 2018 – About 950 left the Jobar pocket by bus.
25 March 2018 – About 5,400 left the Jobar pocket by bus.
26 March 2018 – About 6,750 left the Jobar pocket by bus.
29 March 2018 – Donald Trump announced that the US would be withdrawing forces from Syria “very soon” and “let the other people take care of it”
31 March 2018 – The last buses left the Jobar pocket, including about six members of the Elite Squadron ( E Squadron) SAS who were carrying out special operations as directed by the Foreign Office.
1 April 2018 – A deal had been reportedly reached between the Jaysh al-Islam rebels and the Syrian government in Douma to evacuate the wounded from the city to rebel territory in Idlib province. By this point, Faylaq al-Rahman rebels who were stranded in Douma during the offensive had already been evacuated along with hundreds of civilians.
2 April 2018 – Buses arrived in Douma with about 1,100 rebels and their family members being transported out of the city.
3 April 2018 – About 600 rebels were evacuated from Douma by bus.
4 April 2018 – About 650 rebels were evacuated from Douma by bus.
5 April 2018 – Evacuations are suspended due to disagreement within Jaish-al Islam, hard-liners demanding they stay and fight.
6 April 2018 – The battle recommences, Jaish-al Islam hard-liners start shelling Damascus, Syrian warplanes targeted Douma for the first time in 10 days. The Syrian government immediately launched an air and ground offensive on the town.
7 April 2018 – Syrian forces are infiltrating Jaysh Al-Islam’s primary line of defence reaching Douma’s southern outskirts. A chemical attack on Douma is reported.
8 April 2018 – Jaish-al Islam hard-liners lose control and the ceasefire is restored.
9 April 2018 – Civilians storm rebel warehouses that were packed with food, while the rebels burned their tanks, heavy weapons and other military vehicles.
10 April 2018 – About 2,000 rebels leave Douma by bus.
11 April 2018 – About 4,000 rebels leave Douma by bus.
12 April 2018 – The last of the rebels and probably as the paranoia indicates, British and Americans, left Douma and the Syrian Army took full control of the city.
13 April 2018 – Today
I have a suspicion that the false flag operation involved one or two of the Syrian Rebel factions – presumably including Jaysh Al-Islam, and Western advisers – which I am certain includes elements linked to the BBC. The BBC are so very closely linked to the Syrian Rebels, they are evidently being very selective in their reporting.
Furthermore it seems to me there are likely elements within the US and British secret services that are also providing advice, training, and guidance. Both the US & British have continually declared their strong support publically to the “Syrian Rebel” coalition, there can be little doubt of their involvement. Your information suggesting various agents / special soldiers being caught up and trapped in these region of rebel held suburbs of Damascus provides additional confirmation. It would not surprise me if some of these activities are going on beyond the direct knowledge of Donald Trump and Theresa May.
The false flag chemical operation seems to have involved some of the long held hostages of Jaysh Al-Islam – who killed and drugged some of their child captives on video – one of the videos apparently shows some kids dying from carbon monoxide poisoning in an underground prison – but packaged as the product of a chemical attack.
If you have the time have a butchers at this:
Open Source Survey of Alleged Chemical Attacks in Douma on 7th April 2018
and here is a little something to support that view from ISW:
Q: What was the Bashar al Assad regime looking to achieve in the latest chemical attack in Damascus?
Cafarella: Bashar al Assad’s attack against civilians in Damascus was textbook regime depravity. Assad’s forces targeted the Douma neighborhood’s largest hospital and other civilian infrastructure in order to inflict maximum casualties. Assad’s goal was to break the will of the local civilian population and force the surrender of the anti-regime jihadist group, Jaysh al-Islam, that has operated in the area. He succeeded. Jaysh al-Islam accepted a surrender deal the day after the attack to evacuate Eastern Ghouta.
Assad, enabled by his allies Russia and Iran, likely also sought to test his freedom of action and impunity. He and his backers likely calculated that the U.S. would not respond if they escalated now, after President Donald Trump signaled his ultimate desire to withdraw from Syria after defeating remaining Islamic State of Iraq and al Sham (ISIS) forces in southeastern Syria. Assad has routinely increased the barbarity of his violence against Syrian civilians to determine what he can get away with without risking a serious Western reprisal.
Assad and his backers also sought to limit the extent to which the U.S. could verify the attack in order to mitigate the risks that the U.S. would be able to determine the credibility of local reporting. They reportedly disguised the nerve agent with Chlorine, an industrial agent used as a makeshift chemical weapon. They also conducted the attack in a besieged enclave in Damascus, far from the reach of U.S.-backed rebels or international observers.
Pounce, thanks for that info. I got as far as Item 1. before there was a contradiction in the ‘Open Source’ information. IIRC, we were told by the BBC, and people on the BBC, that the gas in Douma in April 2018 was deployed by shelling.
Actually not true, as all the photo evidence from the scene and from previous scenes have shown that yellow gas canisters have been used for the delivery of the chemicals via the use of a Hip Helo. That said I fully understand the stance against going to war as this country is war weary. Personally I would say f this and talk to Assad saying we will rebuild one of your towns using local people (But with British supervision) but only on the condition that they take back each and every Syrian in the UK. A lot cheaper than a few Tomahawk missiles at £1 million a pop and we get to off load all those 40 year old children
Pounce, that ‘photo evidence’ certainly suggests gas canisters but photos as you well know can be staged and that often gives the game away. Both contributors (from Syria) to BBC News and the BBC themselves, IIRC, stated ‘shelling’. My memory on such matters also suggests that only a few gases can be deployed by shelling – you will be able to confirm that from a military angle – and chlorine gas is one such.
There is obviously the ‘fog of war’ that might obscure accurate reporting but it is essential to work with accurate information if you may be on the point of taking your country to war.
For example, the clear IMPLICATION from last night’s news, repeated this morning, is that French intelligence has definite information that Assad’s forces deployed chlorine gas in Douma. The BBC are reporting Macron as being definite.
Nick Robinson is talking about this right now.
Oh no! NR is now talking to Diane Abbott. Now the fog of war will thicken some more!
The Pounce plan for peace in Syria. Interesting. Concur to an extent.
I certainly would agree that partnership in rebuilding is likely to do far more and achieve far more than even the original military action, as far as Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya are concerned. Almost forcible repatriation? Not sure about that. Am sure the Human Rights Lawyers would be in there to earn megabucks.
I think that is also true as far as (UK) overseas aid is concerned. Actually build things (example I often use, c/o BBC N&CA/FooC some years ago – a farmers co-operative in Ghana) and improve lives in Africa, India, whereever, is the way to go.
I am staggered that only after 7 (seven!) years of a highly assymetrical civil war in Syria are politicians are only now getting up on their back legs and saying “More bombing may not work. We need to get peace talks under way.”
Yeah, right.
The Pounce plan for peace in Syria.
Comment #2.
I have always felt that one of the greatest strengths of the British military was the tremendous back-up skills that they had. Road and bridge builders, civil engineers, mechanics, etc., and that deploying those might often achieve more than the fighting skills.
it is time to complain again, bastard BBC reports outrage in India over muslim child rape victim but when we protest over here over muslims gang raping our children we are labelled far right, how bloody twisted has the BBC become ?
Here is the link
Classic BBC, they only use the word “Muslim” when they are a victims.They do not hesitate to say the alleged rapist is a Hindu.
If the BBC were impartial then this would be reported as “Asian child raped by Asian man”.
As its all bad news, here’s something to put a smile on your face: (Check out the earrings)
I was offended by the lack of ‘diversity’ 😉
TOADY Watch for War
Theresa May is ‘off the hook’ (at least temporarily) for possibly misleading Parliament on the Skripal poisoning and Bojo is also safe.
The BBC should be on the hook for a lack of precision in reporting the OPCW findings. It’s hard to know whether it is carelessness or deliberate obfuscation.
Putin is now definitely on the hook. He gets a copy of the full report. Obviously, if he ordered & enabled the attack, it will go in the bin and he will carry on with the denials. But if it was down to a rogue FSB Group or a criminal group in Russia, he really needs to hunt them down and hand them over.
If it was none of those causes he’s a bit stuck. All Putin can do is help with information for the British investigators. Not sure that is very likely, either.
Thank goodness for Frank Gardner’s precision of tone & language. No confusion for him. He appeared to have read the two-page public version carefully and reported with exactness. It was a Soviet-era nerve agent, so I assume from that 1950-1990 – not specifically a 1980s weapon, and was NOT described by the OPCW as a ‘Novichok’. The chemicals used, apparently, were very pure. That would appear to suggest there is no ‘fingerprint’ to identify a particular laboratory, contrasting with what we have previously been told.
Meanwhile, we have a surprising piece of information about Julia Skripal. Glossed over by the BBC who sort of manage half a question on Wednesday or Thursday but no more despite a full item about Miss Skripal, today, having to live under police protection.
The BBC are more exercised over singing at football matches.
I wonder why?
It’s profoundly saddening to know that the BBC, for the moment apparently so keen to bang the war drum, would blithely turn on Britain and her forces in an instant and revert to form – supporting and encouraging every anti-British entity and notion. It took decades for the BBC to accept as a given that the bombing of Dresden was wrong. I’d give the BBC a couple of hours before they’d start to criticise now. For goodness sake, Trump, May, Macron… stay out of it. It’s Putin’s trap, it’s an Islamist trap, it’s a liberal media trap.
I think al beeb just liked filming coffins covered in the union flag coming into Brize and then indulging in pseudo grief .
All very well for albeeboids to say “ something must done” but they are cavalier about the consequences and the suffering .
The bBCs agenda is to replace the Government with a marxist one which according to them will bring in a new age of human rights where criminals are treated as heros, where victims have to run for their lives, where knife crime is the norm, where Islamic terrorists can only be victims and where the f-ing call to prayer will be broadcast 5 times a day on the bBC and if anybody complains they will be openly beheaded.
The UK will go to war against Israel , leave NATO and join Russia, we will also rejoin the EU and as penance pay double our subs for 50 years as punishment. All you f-ing white bastards will be shipped off to work the fields and your homes will be given over to poor third world people who are the victims of the British empire. (Currently that fat cunt Thornberry is demanding the PM apologise for the British empire)
Meat will be banned (except for Muslims) as will be Alcohol (But not for party leaders) Vehicles will be banned as will all forms of energy production bar solar and wind.
Animals will no longer be allowed as pets, and everybody will be hit with a breathing tax. All churches will be replaced with mosques and all former members of the British army who served in NI/Iraq/Afghanistan/Syria will be executed.
Any white person who is seen to fancy the opposite sex will be sent for re-education and the age of consent will be brought down to 6 years of age in which to accommodate Muslims.
All police officers will have to be non white, gay and have painted finger nails
Stop and search will be brought back, but it will only target white people so they understand what poor black thugs had to put up with. In fact in London under Mayor Khant, distribution centres will be set up so that blacks, and Muslims can receive knives, guns and drugs for free and that will be run by a big fat women who used to run a kids charity.
And before I can utter Alis snack bar, a quick butchers at the bBC reveals this:
The thing is for years the left and especially the bBC have railed against the BE, colonialism and outside interference of other nations. The bBC continues this with articles about black face, racism, and accepting different cultures into our midsts, yet for some very strange reason they don’t subscribe to the very same rulebook they demand we all adhere to. I mean the story above is primarily a Western way of life which simply isn’t acceptable in a lot of countries. But to the so called enlightened wankers at the bBC whilst telling us all that we can’t tell others how to run their lives, they have no problem doing just that.
Oh look there’s that ‘H’ word again.
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Pounce /DPGive the boy a break – he’s having a baby!
Hes got scans to go to
pre natal classes (where I understand they teach you when to pant and when to push )
bedrooms to paint
big decisons water birth/conventional or epidural ?
Is he breast feeding (I hear breast is best) or bottle feeding?
And on top of all of this he has to go out and train so he can win gold medals for us!
@Pounce: Dr Heinz Kiosk, thou shouldst be living at this hour!
As I said earlier, get the buses outside of Westminster for the array of incompetent sycophants in this excuse for a cabinet … containing all of their (of age) children to be shipped off to be the cannon fodder.
Likewise any of the drum banging tossers at the Al BBC …. always willing to rant and fight to the very last drop of someone else s blood.
This whole sorry situation reeks of carefully confected propaganda
Not so much biased bbc as useless bbc.
Front page on website is that drinking one unit of alcohol a day can reduce life expectancy, as this leads to increases in various conditions.
When oh when will they differentiate between life expectancy , which has risen significantly and is a huge nett drain on resources, NHS, social care etc. and/because ‘quality-of-life’ life expectancy (which) has increased little. Mr S senior died after 6 years of worsening dementia and if the bbc story is correct then I assure you that he would have wished he had drunk a whole lot more, not less, and died more quickly. Living longer does not carry quite the same attraction if you are unable to walk, can’t communicate, doubly incontinent, and have little brain function.
Still, as we know, journalism and investigation is not exactly the bBBC’s strong point. Not when there is an ‘evil tory underfunding public services’ agenda to be had.
Outlook on World Service about gay farmers; they have set up a helpline to help those coming out, which sounds like a parody but is not. It is so patronising saying BAME individuals, homosexual should or women need special treatment or a helpline. 99% plus will treat you reasonably, and for the 1% that do not then I am sure they can deal with the situation effectively – maybe just shake your head wryly and talk to someone else.
They are salivating over Comey’s memoir.
“CNN describes it as the most explosive testimony about a sitting president ever.”
CNN! The most dishonest fake news artists on the planet!
I’ve often heard of Jolly Farmers; are gay farmers the same?
Is it a good idea to have a national broadcaster….?
‘BEIJING, March 13 (Xinhua) — China plans to form a state radio and television administration, said a document released Tuesday on structure reform of the State Council, or the cabinet.
The proposed administration directly under the State Council will be responsible for drafting policies and measures for radio and television management and their implementation, coordinating development of broadcasting undertakings and industries, promoting institutional reform in the sectors….’
‘BEIJING, Sept. 4 (Xinhua) — China has banned the streaming of drama that does not have a government permit, with online dramas now subject to the same regulation as that of regular television series.
The creation and planning of major Internet dramas should be subject to archival administration, according to a circular on television drama, published Monday.
The oversight of the ideological and artistic merit of content must be strengthened before a drama is streamed online, according to the circular issued jointly by five government departments.’
Toady watch special
Robinson interviewing Diane Abbot .
I was shocked because I landed up agreeing with Diane abbot. Being more cautious about accepting the Syria events as al beeb sees them and not doing the aim of Islamic terrorists in getting the allied air forces to do their work
I get the feeling after the initial revulsion more has been done on what really happened and the USA is willing to wait for the inspectors to report.
Any one would know that’s After Salisbury another chemical attack might well cause a “reflex action” to achieve isis aims . I’m speculating here as an arm chair chess player
The lesson about stopping the wheels turning for war once they start turning need to be remembered .,Obama left Syria to the Russians and that mistake can’t be rectified any time soon
Fed, I was a bit shocked, too, by feeling that NR was being a right total herbert for just going round in circles trying get the ShadyHosec to plant one or both feet in her mouth.
Shameful, BBC.
Mr Robinson, do you not realise that it makes both you and the BBC look very stupid and nasty?
FE2/SNUFF – Ditto, The words Diane Abbot and sensible answer do not normally go together but yes for once Abbot and Corbyn seem to have got this one right. However because of the shock to my system I am now seeking PTSD counselling.
Back in the day, Cambridge University were looking to break the mould and needed a useful black idiot as their first undergraduate.
They chose Diane Abbott and what an idiot she’s turned out to be.
BBC Fake science on BBC Breakfast yet again. Live linkup to Goon Hilly Downs in Cornwall for a chat with the BBC technical expert “we have been talking about it all morning… our mobile phone calls use satellites….”
Errr no they don’t!
No they don’t, maybe BBC were talking about a firm making satellite linked phones for remote areas.
In Australia you can’t really justify putting cell towers everywhere, you can use an Inmarsat phone, but the calls are expensive.
Seems to me BBC are just reproducing the corps PR
..cos Iridium have had a satellite phone network since 1998
As we have a woman in 10 Downing Street – again – as PM, I have just reminded myself of an example of a clear benefit of going to war, the right war. 1982 and liberating the Falkland Islands.
It was said by many, some years after the conflict that that event showed the Russians that the sheer professionalism and courage of a volunteer, career military versus the conscripts and ‘others’ that the Russian Generals had at their disposal, was a significant factor in the new realism of Russian leaders like Gorbachev and Yeltsin that eventually led, with Reagan’s help, to the dismantling of the USSR and the end of the Berlin Wall & the ‘Iron Curtain’.
OT but this is revving up to be a nice popcorn issue.
Quick to report this………………
“London Stock Exchange names David Schwimmer as new boss”
But how about this?………………….
“Goldman Sachs CEO: Brexit effects not as bad as I thought … for now”
Brexit omission anyone?
“Live from city desk”- £ is nearly 1.16 to the Euro
Is Schwimmer that annoying person who was in “Friends”?
Nicky Campbell now
“We are talking about the amazing contribution immigration makes to our country”
That seems a simplistic black/white narrative, in a full colour complex world.
… Wouldn t take long to list all of the “amazing contribution” that Islamic immigration has made.
Mass child gang rape, abhorrence of Halal, FGM, widespread social unrest, widespread corruption deliberately to conceal all of the former, a racist, discriminatory, hateful ideology etc etc…
Feel free to continue ad nauseum
“the amazing contribution immigration makes to our country”
1. Terrorism
2. Knife crime
3. Gun crime
4. Paedophile gangs
5. Drug mules
6. Female Genital Mutiliation
7. Rioting
8. Pressure on education, health and housing
9. Foreign prisoners
10. Voters for the Labour Party
11. No-go areas
12. Increased anti-semitism
13. Increased mysogyny
14. Increased homophobia
15. People trafficking
16. Unemployment
17. Sub-standard politicians
18. Ethnic cleansing
19. Internecine conflict
20. Public corruption.
Good post Ian
Also Political Correctness and Positive Discrimination
So then, there have been 56 people -mostly black- who have been knifed to death.
Just where are Black Lives Matter?
or are they just a part of a Soros backed militant army.
It’s very similar to the cowardly Feminist movement who keep very quiet when young girls get raped by Muslim gangs.
A pathetic bunch.
Cowards the lot of them
The beeb’s rush to war reminds me of an episode of Hornblower.
There are striking parallels with how the elites think and who we support.
The episode covers supporting a French loyalist army invading to take back France from Napoleon. Only the loyalists turn out to be bloodthirsty thugs who, once they take over, start butchering any opposition using the Guillotine. A lot of people get killed for no reason and the population did not support them.
If we start a shooting war without strong evidence I think the last few lines of that episode will be our Epitaph. Hornblower to his captain: ” What were we doing there sir? We brought nothing but death, destruction and defeat.”
gb, good post & recall.
It is important to choose your war carefully and then prosecute it even better.
In 1982, and again in 1991 for Gulf1, there was of course the advantage of ‘a moral high ground’ handed to the future liberators by those who had already invaded.
New York’s murder rate is still 3 times that of London
although you can cherry pick an odd month with lower murders