Anyone hear Jon Sopell (soapbox) last few days.
Day 1. He accuses Trump of telling Syria when they will attack and plays a 5 years old recording of Trump asking why (Obama) telegraphs the attacks..Message is Trump is an idiot. Then Trump says the Russian- US relationship is worst ever. Soapbox lists a number of time point like Cuban missile crisis preceded by Worse than..message Trump is an idiot.
Next day Trump hasn’t given any times and is back tracking – so doing exactly what Sopel accused him of not doing the day before…Now the message is Trump is a indecisive idiot..
It is clear Sopel hates Trump and he fails to report the news but provided his somewhat bias opinions.
Today the BBC announce the US-Russian relationship is at its lowest this century..any comment Mr Sopel? The BBC is fast becoming a joke…paid for by us..
LBC Reporting and no doubt the BBC will that we should apologise to all the countries colonised by the British during the years of Empire. Also, whilst we are in full apologetic mode make apologies for 18th Century slavery. For peoples of the Empire we should apologise and also ask for passports back from all those who have unfortunately been given the right to live in this country through our previous colonial exploitation.
The ex-head of FBI James Comey sacked by @realDonaldTrump compares him to Sammy The Bull Gravano. Here’s our @BBCNewsnight film on Trump’s links with the mob, Fat Tony Salerno and Russian-born gangster Felix Sater.
Noticed two countries getting attacked by BBC 10.00pm news last night, cos they don’t like their policies/politicians:
1. Switzerland. They have the audacity to decide about which of their 40,000 Eritrean asylum seekers do not have a valid case. They may be conscripted, apparently, if they go home. They claim. This constitutes a Human Rights abuse, it seems. Tsk, tsk.
2. Holland. They now have a growing ‘far Left’ and ‘far Right’. You could hear that the ‘far Left’ were no problem, being basically just the Greens rebranded. But the far ‘right’ were a big problem, and were heavily trashed by the BBC correspondent.
3 Also heavily trashed by Lord Adonis (who sounded really INTOLERANT) was the BBCs intention of broadcasting a voiced representation of THE Enoch Powell speech. Adonis could hardly contain his fury. This could even be illegal, he argued, as it would constitute Hate Speech.
Adonis is one of those nutters who wouldn’t recognise Free Speech if it fell on him. We got glimpses of his socialist paradise, in which everyone had better do as Reichsfuehrer Adonis says, or else.
Lord Adonis is the man with the bright idea of setting up yet another new left leaning centrist party, because there haven’t been sufficient failures of the Lib Dems, the Liberals, the Social democrats, and maybe he thinks we can all do with a laugh when no one votes for those who think they have an innate right to rule over us.
Now Lord Adonis wants to protect us from hearing Enoch Powell’s speech. I think we should say to Lord Adonis if you can censor what we can see and watch then we should be allowed to censor what you can see or watch. So Lord Adonis, no Guardian Independent newspaper or BBC for you.
I notice the beeb’s critical piece on Viktor Orban is still festering away on its Home page, where it has been since well before the Hungarian election. No doubt the delusional beeb hoped it would sway the vote. Bad luck beeb, he got a thumping majority. And no doubt they’re leaving it there for the readers to metaphorically throw rotten tomatoes at, a bit like a man in the stocks in past centuries. But I wonder if it might be having the opposite effect with at least some readers agreeing with the headline: The man who thinks Europe has been invaded.
The beeb propagandising for the Far Right, tut tut.
Quite right Vlad…The beeb hate Orban but wait a minute, isn’t our national broadcaster supposed to bring us NEWS? Not biased personal opinion or outrage at result of a democratic vote? Festering snake-pit that it is.
Sorry not BBC, but Education…Completely incandescent as a result of helping child with RE GCSE Revision….The religions studied are Christianity and Islam. A snapshot, word-for-word extract follows in subject of gender equality (my comments in brackets)…
All people are created equal in the Image of God.
Jesus respected women, welcomed them as disciples, and showed that they were capable of more than domestic tasks (note the snide reference to domestic tasks or is that just me? Men carry out dirty, thankless tasks too – we just don’t need to highlight ‘domestic’ in this context).
The command to love one’s neighbour means that discrimination is wrong. Paul taught that all people are equal.
Some traditional Christians interpret Bible texts literally and think husbands should rule over their wives (WTF???? This in a national curriculum in this country in the 21st Century???? Maybe US bible-belt fundamentalists believe that, but it is not the ‘norm’. Why mention fundamentalism in Christianity but not in Islam?) and that women should mainly stay at home and care for children (Again, this is women’s choice, they should not be sneered at for taking child-rearing seriously) but most Christians today see marriage as an equal partnership (subliminal negative thread running through…I don’t know any Christian of any age or gender who doesn’t see marriage as an equal partnership).
God created all people equal from a single soul and with the same spiritual human nature (now doesn’t that sound more appealing…)
Muhammad worked to unite the tribes in Madinah into one community (ummah) under God with equality and justice for all. (Equality and justice for all????)
Men and women have the same religious and moral responsibilities and will be rewarded by God for their good deeds.
Islamic law recognises the full property rights of women before and after marriage. A wife can keep her maiden name and be financially supported.
– Well, I just don’t know where to start with this….lies by omission, no mention of Muhammad’s wife being a child aged 11, Female genital mutilation, wife-beating, stoning women (not men) who commit adultery to death. Our youngsters are being indoctrinated against Christianity as some sexist old-fashioned irrelevance, while Islam is portrayed as progressive (so Christian wives can’t keep maiden name???). What about Muslim men marrying non-muslin women (who I believe have to convert to Islam) but the other way round is not acceptable? I’ve been reading up on comments by Majid Nawaz and Aayan Hirsi Ali and they tell a very different story…This gives a completely unbalanced view with no negatives mentioned under Islam whatsoever. Biased, blinkered BS….
Christianity is not perfect, but they’re not giving a balanced view.
Extracts from AQA Religious Studies Revision Guide A Page 81.
Somehow they must have overlooked the entry in the koran
Sura 4 Women
”Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband’s] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance – [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.”
The beebistan are just as bad: on their ‘bitesize’ propaganda page (note the weasel word ‘different’):
Although the rights of women are different to those of men, they do have the right to choose whom they marry, to divorce, to study, to own property, to conduct business and to take part in politics.
The Prophet Muhammad stressed the importance of women and the respect that should be shown to them when he said: Paradise lies at the feet of your mother. (Sunan An-Nasa’i).
And below is the picture they use to illustrate how ‘liberated’ muslimas are, taken, perversely, in Iran of all places, where the Morality Police would be onto these women for showing their hair in public quicker than a muslim onto a 9-year-old.
Young women in Iran
Somehow they also forgot the bits advocating wife-beating :
and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them.
Quran (38:44) – “And take in your hand a green branch and beat her with it, and do not break your oath…”
The child will be your slave. When she has begotten (a child), flog her…
Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 969 – Requires that a married woman be “put in a separate room and beaten lightly” if she “act in a sexual manner toward others.” According to the Hadith, this can be for an offense as petty as merely being alone with a man to whom she is not related.
“Beaten lightly” doesn’t sound too bad, does it? Trouble is, one man’s ‘lightly’ is another man’s ‘beaten to within an inch of her life’.
” Trouble is, one man’s ‘lightly’ is another man’s ‘beaten to within an inch of her life’.” Much like a person, “offended” by hate speech. As usual, it all comes down to the length of a piece of string (in metric or Imperial). Nice to know we are converging with the Religion of Peace in many ways.
What would happen if the child gave an intelligent alternative view of the religion that we are all supposed to pretend is nice? Fail automatically I suppose.
‘Homelessness minister, Heather Wheeler, has said she has “no idea” why homelessness is rising – but is on record ruling out welfare ‘reform’ and council cuts as causes.’
Hopelessness Ministers and state media clearly have no idea.
Oh how the thugs of the World (the Russians) are squealing now! There’s not a radio news broadcast that doesn’t contain some Vlad or Lergi or another condemning the action against Syria the West is contemplating. Since 2000 the Russians have invaded, Georgia and Ukraine. I don’t recall they hesitated when faced with World condemnation.
Sky News just pulled the plug on a former UK General (didn’t get his name but looked like Hugh Laurie, at least on Skype) as soon as he started to support the Peter Ford line of “why on earth would Assad snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?”! It appears to be an opinion not required by British MSM
Well it’s clear there is a de facto internet troll army who jump up to say “Putin didn’t do it”,
When they know nothing about whatever is in question.
It looks like compulsive brainwashed behaviour.
Evidence is often incomplete but there are bodies of Russian journalists, defectors , Ukrainians, Malaysians, Dutch airline passengers etc.
And we should not forget them.
And those who jump up to say ” Putin did it”.
I dont know, any more than you do, but are you part of the other ‘internet troll army’ who says he did it?
And a far greater number of dead in the Middle East who could have still been alive enjoying their old repressive regimes had it not been for Western politicians who claimed that democracy was waiting to burst out.
@Nisa Added up the dead due to Russian & Chinese direct/indirect interference have you ?
Chechnya, Tibet , Afghanistan etc.
It’ a pitz di-etz isn’t it ?
@DC “are you part of the other ‘internet troll army’ who says he did it?, evidence”
Man who puts words into my mouth I’ve never said, now asks for evidence.
That’s the standard we expect from the BBC
Think we all know that when you get such a consensus for action, then you`re up against a confederacy of dunces in cahoots against the British people.
Putin is in no way innocent in general, but this Salisbury cook up seems like a plan to undermine the people, keep us in some EU alliance and try to remove Trump and the Brexit vote under some pretext.
Because they were ignored in 2016, the elites seem to be going for broke . They`ve collectively lost all sense of proportion and sense, and now want some kind of war using our kids. Just to thwart our vote to leave and regain some kind of power and status once more.
No-Trump needs to let the pathetic EU cobble together their rancid ragbag of Macron and Merkel, let may herself go and fight.
To leave Corbyn looking statesmanlike is a real worry, but this episode is doing just that.
Holly, yes, Putin could have done it but other likely possibilities exist that are far stronger than a conspiracy theory that it was a MI5/6 ‘set-up’ ordered by the PM or someone on her behalf to achieve the ends you suggest. That is possible but likely? On a scale of 1-10?
Especially when there is other evidence of Russian emigres here being targeted by ‘Moscow’ if not directly by Putin. It is strange that no questions have been asked on BBC R4 about the Russian found dead the same weekend the Skripals were poisoned.
Whoever ordered and facilitated the Skripal attack, what I think is HIGHLY significant is the disinformation and lack of information put out by BBC Radio4. For example, in TWatO this lunchtime, they muddied the waters further – apparently Skripal was not FSB(KGB) – which I think they had led us to believe – but GRU (Russian Military Intelligence). Where did that suddenly come from? If they cannot get suitable interview contributors it should not stop them posing sensible questions on air and letting them hang there. That is their job.
The BBC web-site about the Skripals with news of Julia’s release from hospital does not mention the fact that they let drop recently (by accident?) that she is engaged to be married. One brief on air mention a few days ago with a query about the fiance, then no more questions asked.
I don’t know much about internet troll armies. But my point in posting these pictures was to draw attention to a simple fact.
These pictures, and hundreds similar, (Google Images – the Russians did it) have been doing the rounds for few years and I see them as the response of ordinary folk displaying their skepticism towards a media and its politicians who treat the people as simpletons.
You may find similar memes covering the well worn remark ‘Despite Brexit’.
We might not know much about either subject but we know when the media think we are fools.
PS. I won a competition for a photo of my dogs wrecking something and blaming the Russians. It can be classified as an example of British humour
GWF, Lord Adonis thinks that only ‘upper class parents and their children’ are not fools. Said, effectively, several times on air re Enoch Powell MP Speech Anniversary by Andrew Adonis (BBC R4 TWT – 10 to 10.45pm 12th April)
If you are not in that privileged group (‘The 1%’? ‘The 5%’?) then Lord Adonis (one time Labour Education Minister? if so, it is his fault!) does obviously think you and I are very ignorant and fools and not to be trusted with information or allowed to debate, perhaps even to vote.
Found myself wondering last night whether Adonis could be reported to the Police for that as a Hate Crime. Is ‘Class’ covered by that law?
R4 drama now, is another lefty w@nkfest as they cram in every non lefty misdemeanor by means of a plot in which a wax museum decides which exhibits to melt down.
Eg one of the exhibits, runs a chain of schools tweeted something 6 years that is now considered offensive (alluding to Tony Young) etc.
UK ministers’ ridiculous policy on EU defence: 1. Accept the EU invitation to stay in EU Commission military structures. 2. Then ask the EU Commission to relinquish control over them.
It’s as if officials WANT the UK to be trapped in 1. knowing that 2. will never happen.
— Veterans for Britain (@VeteransBritain) April 13, 2018
Reading some of the background to Powell’s speech, to be broadcast in full(ish) on Saturday – the prospect of which seems to have upset one or two deeply significant minds – I’m reminded of the part that repressed professional umbrage-taker Edward Heath played at the time.
History will define the depths to which this soft and petty man subsequently subjected his country, but not only did he sack one of his few truly honourable and erudite MPs for voicing painful truths, he went on to engineer our ‘acceptance’ by the then EEC, under entirely false pretences. Including the signing away of our inherent fishing rights, the one major, traditional and affordable source of healthy protein available to all, at which point Enoch Powell, being an honourable man, resigned.
On the other hand, today’s academics, politicians and the BBC – not to be confused in any way with reflected concepts of honour or patriotism – will undoubtedly prefer to renew the glue on Enoch’s ‘racist’ label.
– another bite of the cherry at bashing Lord Lawson’s largely correct 6 min R4Today August item
– BBC Director of Radio and Music Bob Shennan discussing the future of BBC Radio
– Begins with “too much bashing of Corby over antisemitism”, the BBC’s head of Westminster addresses criticisms of how the corporation has handled allegations of anti-Semitism in Labour,
– @Marthakearney and @Sarah_Montague swap tips
People still listen to Enoch Powell half a century after his famous speech, while nobody cares what @Andrew_Adonis says about anything. No wonder he's so bitter about the BBC broadcasting the Rivers of Blood speech tomorrow!
I understand that he was only one of two people to enter the war as a Private and leave it as a Brigadier. He was a towering intellect – the polar opposite of Diane Abbott and Adonis.
Enoch Powell:
Graduated from Cambridge with Double First.
Professor of Ancient Greek at age of 25.
Accomplished poet.
Spoke 14 languages, many fluently, including Urdu, Russian, Welsh, German, Portuguese, Latin.
Elected multiple times – was an MP continuously from 1950 to 1987.
Man with a silly name.
Jeremy Vine can be a little innocent at times with the result that, just sometimes he hits upon the truth.
This lunchtime he was defending Enoch Powell to the extent that the ‘Black man having the whip hand’ wasn’t Powell’s words but those of a constituent so it was wrong to quote just the phrase on its own.
Then a moment’s reflection. Really it was quite sneaky using that technique, one could say things that were naughty and then blame it on someone else!
Well done Jeremy! A bit more reflection and perhaps the penny will drop that the BBC does this hourly – “Some say…”.
As I understood it, Powells rivers of blood idea from Vergil describes that blood flowing from murdered migrants, not the migrants doing the murdering.
So Stephen Lawrence, the poor Spanish bloke killed on London Bridge last year are very much victims of migration in the round, if not directly.
The likes of Adonis might once have been educated to know this. And with a name like his, he`d be expected to know some classics before opening his lazy Labour and unelected mouth.
When privileged empty placemen like Adonis get to fill the Lords, then we know Labour left their suicide capsules behind to poison the democratic process. People like Clegg and Adonis personify this.
4:55pm Listening Project, paid for by National Archive British Library
But mostly only airing leib/left views
Prog is about refugees and a woman who houses them.
Just thinking again of the BBC ‘muddying waters’, accidentally this time, I think. Poor Jonny Dymond is going to get some stick from the Gardeners Question Time Chair and Panel if he bumps into any of them around BH or Salford.
On TWatO today, the BBC had found, IIRC, a Brit who had worked for the OPCW in the past. Jonny was interviewing about the Douma attack and the inspection that is going ahead. I think the guy misspoke, inadvertently said the wrong thing on air (it happens), but he was talking about what gases may have been used. He mentioned the obvious civilian uses for chlorine and moved on to talk about organophosphates and said “there was no civilian use for them”.
Does anyone know WHO filmed the ‘chemical attack’ in Douma? I have heard that it was the ‘white helmets’ or the ‘Army of Islam’, but it seems to be the sole ‘proof’ of the attack, so it would be good to know. After all, it could lead to WW3! Noticed one of the hosers-down wiping the hair of a ‘victim’ with his bare hands. Would you do that?
Either of those two organisations are BAD news, if you do a little research. And on THAT basis we see US v Russia being set up, with Mrs May ever so keen to join the fray. It beggars belief…
Annoyingly, I find myself agreeing with Jeremy Corbyn and -even worse- Vince Cable. Never thought I’d see the day…
fnw, please see the link, posted by Pounce to ‘bellingcat’ w-s on this Thread on the previous page to this one. Syrian Civil Defence is mentioned re Video #6 of 6. Is that an alternative name for the White Helmets?
Re other question: if it was chlorine gas (strictly chlorine + other chemicals, IIRC, you need other chemicals to make a significantly dangerous gas from bleach) then yes, should not be problem. Sarin on the other hand would, as you infer, transmit from victim to responder. Effectively, that is what happened to D-S Nick Bailey when he helped the Skripals.
Whatever the cost, GW you can bet your life it wont come out of the pockets of the three bastards who ordered the helicopter that filmed plod going through his drawers, looking for 30 year old evidence.
Don’t remember similar happening when the ginger git, Evans was accused a while back!
BBC Look North : happy story about SOFT opening of Lincoln £2m mosque
(They’ll be other TV specials for the official opening in May)
“He said the mosque was needed because the current one was too small to cater for the Muslim community in Lincoln,
which includes students at Lincoln University.”
The face of each wing looks to have loopholes for 3 riflemen above a firing position for something larger. They’ve also cleared the glacis for an unrestricted field of fire. Plod isn’t going to be able to cross that open ground to breach the wall.
The BBC are playing a transcription of Enoch Powell’s rivers of blood speech (r4 at 2000 on Sat).
But are using it as an opportunity for wholescale denigration of him. The awful One Show being a case in point.
Do you remember how Andrew Gilligan was castigated over the dodgy dossier. He had to fall on his sword because he got some detail wrong, but he was basically on the right lines. As was said by Ben Bradlee in ‘All the Presidents Men’, he screwed up but he wasnt wrong.
The bBBC are now using the same tactic against Powell. He could not accurately predict the next 50 years in detail but was he wrong about the direction of travel? Ask the abused children in Rochdale, Rotherham, Telford, etc. Ask the communities with public services straining under the effects of unfettered mass immigration. Their answers may be rather different from those of the overpaid groupthink socialists at the BBC.
11.05pm on BBC2 with @afuahirsch & @kenanmalik
discussing the Assassination of Katie Hopkins,
@IainDale says he will on with @wmarybeard on the panel discussing offensive art in general — and the right (or not) to offend.
Discussing “The Wound” a film banned by the Xhosa South African king ,
cos #1 it portrays the secret circumcision ritual which sometimes goes wrong and boys dies
#2 the 2 boys in the film are gay lovers
Garden centres pray for better weather as sales slide
The UK’s garden centres are suffering after the country’s spate of bad weather, with sales at their worst levels in at least five years.
No mention of man made global warming?
At least they are no longer telling us to ditch the lawn for palm trees
Reviewing the ‘women’s’ 800m, won by Caster Semenya, the BBC reviewer actually used the term ‘intersex’ in the context that there was a second ‘intersex’ competitor in the ‘women’s’ 800m.
A taste of things to come, I fear. Give it a few years.
What if a homo male self identifies as a female and changes it’s
‘legal’ gender, which category will it be placed in for sports ?
If it was barred from the womens event, wouldn’t it have a good chance of winning a court case?
The Russians have spied on two Russians for five years, say MI6.
But as far as I know only the Russians have allowed us to hear the actual voice of Yulia Skripal, in that recorded conversation with her cousin. She told her cousin that she could not call her back on that phone as she had it temporarily, so Yulia must have persuaded somebody else in the hospital to lend her a phone, without MI6 realising. Now her family say that her Mobile Phone has been disconnected. Her family including her next of kin have not been able to contact or hear her voice since. Nor has anybody else. This could be a violation of the law which applies to communication with the next of kin. As the BBC had recently interviewed a Russian who clamed to have been poisoned twice and survived, I would have thought it essential that Yulia Skripal should have been give a televised interview as soon as possible, to remove doubts that she had been abducted by MI6. Instead we are supposed to trust that a statement from Scotland Yard, is from Yulia Skripal. It claims she has access to friends and family, “but at the moment I do not wish to avail myself of their services, but, if I change my mind I know how to contact them” “I thank my cousin Viktoria for her concern for us, but ask that she does not visit me or try to contact me for the time being“. Her first free act was to phone her cousin from the hospital, so that seems fake. It looks like MI6 are desperately trying to brainwash her into following the consensus narrative about the evil Putin attempting to poison her with the doorknob, and is being kept totally isolated from any sources that may confirm her doubts. This is what is called at the BBC, “sent for training“. The training would involve persuading her to distrust her Russian family and friends and isolate herself from them and go to America for plastic surgery. If she still shows doubts, then they would have to dispose her by giving her to the CIA, who would then pass her on to someone else, who would pass her on to someone else and so on, until she accidentally falls down a mine shaft, while nobody in the intelligence services genuinely does not know what happened to her. Meanwhile reports are that like Pablo Miller, Yulias fiancée, Stepan Vikeev has gone missing and the family think Vikeev’s mother has got something to do with the poisoning.
Reports are that the chemical attack was delivered by helicopters dropping canisters, which where dropped on the hospital but strangely caused most casualties underground. Now the reports are that the Chemical Attack was fabricated just like the previous Chemical Attacks. It looks like the hardliners fabricated the chemical operation by poisoning the many children of the prisoners they held underground using yellow canisters containing chlorine. The French have evidence that yellow canisters were used. Also, it seems that evidence of British American involvement exists in the form of pay packets for the rebels which link to an America company.
Perhaps Enoch felt there was nothing wrong with an essentially white and Christian sovereign state remaining an essentially white and Christian sovereign state?
There can be no problem with Japan remaining essentially populated by Japanese -Buddhist, Shinto, whatever, or Egypt populated essentially by Muslim Arabs etc etc , so why a problem with Enoch’s view? Should Japan or Egypt suddenly be forced to become ‘multicultural’? Would THEY be ‘racist’ if they wanted to stay the way they are? Of course not.
He felt he had to sound a warning and used rather overly vivid language, perhaps out of frustration? I can’t see that he wanted to harm anyone in any way. From the little I’ve heard, he was warning against self-harm? So the BBC giving us the full version is a good thing. That way I can see if and where I got it wrong.
Hanif Kureishi said on the bBc R4 last night Britain was successfully integrated and thus proof that Enoch was wrong. But, he claimed, there was still ‘structural racism’. I wonder if there is not a contradiction there?
I have been wondering ever since the subversive Macpherson report what ‘structural’ racism is? (The entire Met force was deemed to be so). I can think of the odd state where race was used as a criterion in legislation; that may be the answer? The UK has no such legislation, however.
So, what can Hanif be referring to? If he was badly treated by one or more individual, based on his race, that is not only most regrettable, but today even criminal. He himself feels the UK is a success. So where is the ‘structure’? Does it imply that I, as a white person (who would treat him with the same respect accorded to anyone else, if I met him) am part of that structure? If yes, would that not also be a form of racism?
To his credit, Hanif did not want the speech to be stopped. So we shall see, or rather, hear. He did appear to suggest that ‘racism’ could be linked to ‘education’. I think I know what he was implying, and that is not to his credit. (Another form of ‘discrimination’?)
Adonis also spoke on that R4 (news) programme. The less said about him, the better.
Anyone who isn’t blind, mad or socialist would realise that the only ‘benefits’ of mass immigration and multicultural policies has been a massive increase in crime, and a similarly massive increase in the welfare budget.
”Chinese police have used facial recognition technology to locate and arrest a man who was among a crowd of 60,000 concert goers.
Police said the 31-year-old, who was wanted for “economic crimes”, was “shocked” when he was caught.
Mr Ao was identified by cameras at the concert’s ticket entrance, and apprehended by police after he had sat down with other concert goers.”
BBC just take the Chinese artificial intelligence recognition technology success claim at face value (groan) without questioning it. Nor do they ask what economic crime actually means.
”Mr Li also told China Daily that there were several cameras at the ticket entrances equipped with facial recognition technology.
‘I wouldn’t have gone’
Mr Ao had reportedly driven 90km (56 miles) from Zhangshu to Nanchang with his wife specially to catch the concert.
News site Kan Kan released footage that appeared to show the suspect speaking in police custody, saying: “If I knew, I wouldn’t have gone [to the concert].”
Well no kidding….
A Brtish crim with a bit more elan would have said:
” Naturally I would have still gone to the concert if I’d known,
Jacky Cheung is my favourite!”
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Anyone hear Jon Sopell (soapbox) last few days.
Day 1. He accuses Trump of telling Syria when they will attack and plays a 5 years old recording of Trump asking why (Obama) telegraphs the attacks..Message is Trump is an idiot. Then Trump says the Russian- US relationship is worst ever. Soapbox lists a number of time point like Cuban missile crisis preceded by Worse than..message Trump is an idiot.
Next day Trump hasn’t given any times and is back tracking – so doing exactly what Sopel accused him of not doing the day before…Now the message is Trump is a indecisive idiot..
It is clear Sopel hates Trump and he fails to report the news but provided his somewhat bias opinions.
Today the BBC announce the US-Russian relationship is at its lowest this century..any comment Mr Sopel? The BBC is fast becoming a joke…paid for by us..
“The BBC is fast becoming a joke…paid for by us..”
It is no more a joke than any of its comedy is. It is a tragedy.
Adrian Chiles show
“And to talk about the military situation in Syria, we have travel writer Simon Reeve”
FFS he a top expert ..NOT
LBC Reporting and no doubt the BBC will that we should apologise to all the countries colonised by the British during the years of Empire. Also, whilst we are in full apologetic mode make apologies for 18th Century slavery. For peoples of the Empire we should apologise and also ask for passports back from all those who have unfortunately been given the right to live in this country through our previous colonial exploitation.
Are we going to apologize to the poor old USA?
More great news on the economy despite Brexit, will the BBC report this..will they bollocks..
He and Katty should get a room.
Or he could write a book and save on marketing.
Noticed two countries getting attacked by BBC 10.00pm news last night, cos they don’t like their policies/politicians:
1. Switzerland. They have the audacity to decide about which of their 40,000 Eritrean asylum seekers do not have a valid case. They may be conscripted, apparently, if they go home. They claim. This constitutes a Human Rights abuse, it seems. Tsk, tsk.
2. Holland. They now have a growing ‘far Left’ and ‘far Right’. You could hear that the ‘far Left’ were no problem, being basically just the Greens rebranded. But the far ‘right’ were a big problem, and were heavily trashed by the BBC correspondent.
3 Also heavily trashed by Lord Adonis (who sounded really INTOLERANT) was the BBCs intention of broadcasting a voiced representation of THE Enoch Powell speech. Adonis could hardly contain his fury. This could even be illegal, he argued, as it would constitute Hate Speech.
Adonis is one of those nutters who wouldn’t recognise Free Speech if it fell on him. We got glimpses of his socialist paradise, in which everyone had better do as Reichsfuehrer Adonis says, or else.
Lord Adonis wants to censor what we see, read and hear.
Lord Adonis is the man with the bright idea of setting up yet another new left leaning centrist party, because there haven’t been sufficient failures of the Lib Dems, the Liberals, the Social democrats, and maybe he thinks we can all do with a laugh when no one votes for those who think they have an innate right to rule over us.
Now Lord Adonis wants to protect us from hearing Enoch Powell’s speech. I think we should say to Lord Adonis if you can censor what we can see and watch then we should be allowed to censor what you can see or watch. So Lord Adonis, no Guardian Independent newspaper or BBC for you.
I notice the beeb’s critical piece on Viktor Orban is still festering away on its Home page, where it has been since well before the Hungarian election. No doubt the delusional beeb hoped it would sway the vote. Bad luck beeb, he got a thumping majority. And no doubt they’re leaving it there for the readers to metaphorically throw rotten tomatoes at, a bit like a man in the stocks in past centuries. But I wonder if it might be having the opposite effect with at least some readers agreeing with the headline: The man who thinks Europe has been invaded.
The beeb propagandising for the Far Right, tut tut.
Quite right Vlad…The beeb hate Orban but wait a minute, isn’t our national broadcaster supposed to bring us NEWS? Not biased personal opinion or outrage at result of a democratic vote? Festering snake-pit that it is.
Sorry not BBC, but Education…Completely incandescent as a result of helping child with RE GCSE Revision….The religions studied are Christianity and Islam. A snapshot, word-for-word extract follows in subject of gender equality (my comments in brackets)…
All people are created equal in the Image of God.
Jesus respected women, welcomed them as disciples, and showed that they were capable of more than domestic tasks (note the snide reference to domestic tasks or is that just me? Men carry out dirty, thankless tasks too – we just don’t need to highlight ‘domestic’ in this context).
The command to love one’s neighbour means that discrimination is wrong. Paul taught that all people are equal.
Some traditional Christians interpret Bible texts literally and think husbands should rule over their wives (WTF???? This in a national curriculum in this country in the 21st Century???? Maybe US bible-belt fundamentalists believe that, but it is not the ‘norm’. Why mention fundamentalism in Christianity but not in Islam?) and that women should mainly stay at home and care for children (Again, this is women’s choice, they should not be sneered at for taking child-rearing seriously) but most Christians today see marriage as an equal partnership (subliminal negative thread running through…I don’t know any Christian of any age or gender who doesn’t see marriage as an equal partnership).
God created all people equal from a single soul and with the same spiritual human nature (now doesn’t that sound more appealing…)
Muhammad worked to unite the tribes in Madinah into one community (ummah) under God with equality and justice for all. (Equality and justice for all????)
Men and women have the same religious and moral responsibilities and will be rewarded by God for their good deeds.
Islamic law recognises the full property rights of women before and after marriage. A wife can keep her maiden name and be financially supported.
– Well, I just don’t know where to start with this….lies by omission, no mention of Muhammad’s wife being a child aged 11, Female genital mutilation, wife-beating, stoning women (not men) who commit adultery to death. Our youngsters are being indoctrinated against Christianity as some sexist old-fashioned irrelevance, while Islam is portrayed as progressive (so Christian wives can’t keep maiden name???). What about Muslim men marrying non-muslin women (who I believe have to convert to Islam) but the other way round is not acceptable? I’ve been reading up on comments by Majid Nawaz and Aayan Hirsi Ali and they tell a very different story…This gives a completely unbalanced view with no negatives mentioned under Islam whatsoever. Biased, blinkered BS….
Christianity is not perfect, but they’re not giving a balanced view.
Extracts from AQA Religious Studies Revision Guide A Page 81.
Somehow they must have overlooked the entry in the koran
Sura 4 Women
”Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband’s] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance – [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.”
Exactly Eddy! Thanks for posting that quote, I’d heard Majid Nawaz mention it on LBC.
Ah yes, pro-islamic indoctrination starts young in Christendom… almost as young as child-sex in islam.
The beebistan are just as bad: on their ‘bitesize’ propaganda page (note the weasel word ‘different’):
Although the rights of women are different to those of men, they do have the right to choose whom they marry, to divorce, to study, to own property, to conduct business and to take part in politics.
The Prophet Muhammad stressed the importance of women and the respect that should be shown to them when he said: Paradise lies at the feet of your mother. (Sunan An-Nasa’i).
And below is the picture they use to illustrate how ‘liberated’ muslimas are, taken, perversely, in Iran of all places, where the Morality Police would be onto these women for showing their hair in public quicker than a muslim onto a 9-year-old.

Young women in Iran
Somehow they also forgot the bits advocating wife-beating :
and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them.
Quran (38:44) – “And take in your hand a green branch and beat her with it, and do not break your oath…”
The child will be your slave. When she has begotten (a child), flog her…
Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 969 – Requires that a married woman be “put in a separate room and beaten lightly” if she “act in a sexual manner toward others.” According to the Hadith, this can be for an offense as petty as merely being alone with a man to whom she is not related.
“Beaten lightly” doesn’t sound too bad, does it? Trouble is, one man’s ‘lightly’ is another man’s ‘beaten to within an inch of her life’.
” Trouble is, one man’s ‘lightly’ is another man’s ‘beaten to within an inch of her life’.” Much like a person, “offended” by hate speech. As usual, it all comes down to the length of a piece of string (in metric or Imperial). Nice to know we are converging with the Religion of Peace in many ways.
What would happen if the child gave an intelligent alternative view of the religion that we are all supposed to pretend is nice? Fail automatically I suppose.
OT, but does have a bearing on a topic not so dear to BBC home affairs hearts.
‘Homelessness minister, Heather Wheeler, has said she has “no idea” why homelessness is rising – but is on record ruling out welfare ‘reform’ and council cuts as causes.’
Hopelessness Ministers and state media clearly have no idea.
Farage tells us what is really going on …….
In addition to quoting, ‘quotes’ and “quotes”, the BBC also uses parentheses for effect. Hence this is an interesting resource:
BBC 2 9pm Part 2) of Neil Morrissey cop drama
“True Citizens – the extreme right nationalist group seem involved in Mahalia’s death”
Oh how the thugs of the World (the Russians) are squealing now! There’s not a radio news broadcast that doesn’t contain some Vlad or Lergi or another condemning the action against Syria the West is contemplating. Since 2000 the Russians have invaded, Georgia and Ukraine. I don’t recall they hesitated when faced with World condemnation.
Sky News just pulled the plug on a former UK General (didn’t get his name but looked like Hugh Laurie, at least on Skype) as soon as he started to support the Peter Ford line of “why on earth would Assad snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?”! It appears to be an opinion not required by British MSM
It has become an internet craze – blaming the Russians. Only our politicians and the media cannot see they are being laughed at
Well it’s clear there is a de facto internet troll army who jump up to say “Putin didn’t do it”,
When they know nothing about whatever is in question.
It looks like compulsive brainwashed behaviour.
Evidence is often incomplete but there are bodies of Russian journalists, defectors , Ukrainians, Malaysians, Dutch airline passengers etc.
And we should not forget them.
And those who jump up to say ” Putin did it”.
I dont know, any more than you do, but are you part of the other ‘internet troll army’ who says he did it?
And a far greater number of dead in the Middle East who could have still been alive enjoying their old repressive regimes had it not been for Western politicians who claimed that democracy was waiting to burst out.
@Nisa Added up the dead due to Russian & Chinese direct/indirect interference have you ?
Chechnya, Tibet , Afghanistan etc.
It’ a pitz di-etz isn’t it ?
@DC “are you part of the other ‘internet troll army’ who says he did it?, evidence”
Man who puts words into my mouth I’ve never said, now asks for evidence.
That’s the standard we expect from the BBC
You kicked it off mate…
Think we all know that when you get such a consensus for action, then you`re up against a confederacy of dunces in cahoots against the British people.
Putin is in no way innocent in general, but this Salisbury cook up seems like a plan to undermine the people, keep us in some EU alliance and try to remove Trump and the Brexit vote under some pretext.
Because they were ignored in 2016, the elites seem to be going for broke . They`ve collectively lost all sense of proportion and sense, and now want some kind of war using our kids. Just to thwart our vote to leave and regain some kind of power and status once more.
No-Trump needs to let the pathetic EU cobble together their rancid ragbag of Macron and Merkel, let may herself go and fight.
To leave Corbyn looking statesmanlike is a real worry, but this episode is doing just that.
Holly, yes, Putin could have done it but other likely possibilities exist that are far stronger than a conspiracy theory that it was a MI5/6 ‘set-up’ ordered by the PM or someone on her behalf to achieve the ends you suggest. That is possible but likely? On a scale of 1-10?
Especially when there is other evidence of Russian emigres here being targeted by ‘Moscow’ if not directly by Putin. It is strange that no questions have been asked on BBC R4 about the Russian found dead the same weekend the Skripals were poisoned.
Whoever ordered and facilitated the Skripal attack, what I think is HIGHLY significant is the disinformation and lack of information put out by BBC Radio4. For example, in TWatO this lunchtime, they muddied the waters further – apparently Skripal was not FSB(KGB) – which I think they had led us to believe – but GRU (Russian Military Intelligence). Where did that suddenly come from? If they cannot get suitable interview contributors it should not stop them posing sensible questions on air and letting them hang there. That is their job.
The BBC web-site about the Skripals with news of Julia’s release from hospital does not mention the fact that they let drop recently (by accident?) that she is engaged to be married. One brief on air mention a few days ago with a query about the fiance, then no more questions asked.
No BBC page mentiones Stepan Vikeev
but newspapers do
( I note the way the topic swayed from Syria into Salisbury)
Stew, “( I note the way the topic swayed from Syria into Salisbury)”
Any connection on my part, Stew, is purely accidental.
I don’t know much about internet troll armies. But my point in posting these pictures was to draw attention to a simple fact.
These pictures, and hundreds similar, (Google Images – the Russians did it) have been doing the rounds for few years and I see them as the response of ordinary folk displaying their skepticism towards a media and its politicians who treat the people as simpletons.
You may find similar memes covering the well worn remark ‘Despite Brexit’.
We might not know much about either subject but we know when the media think we are fools.
PS. I won a competition for a photo of my dogs wrecking something and blaming the Russians. It can be classified as an example of British humour
GWF, Lord Adonis thinks that only ‘upper class parents and their children’ are not fools. Said, effectively, several times on air re Enoch Powell MP Speech Anniversary by Andrew Adonis (BBC R4 TWT – 10 to 10.45pm 12th April)
If you are not in that privileged group (‘The 1%’? ‘The 5%’?) then Lord Adonis (one time Labour Education Minister? if so, it is his fault!) does obviously think you and I are very ignorant and fools and not to be trusted with information or allowed to debate, perhaps even to vote.
Found myself wondering last night whether Adonis could be reported to the Police for that as a Hate Crime. Is ‘Class’ covered by that law?
That blonde is looking at some kind of award for that. Katty will be jelly.
Interesting comments coming back.
R4 drama now, is another lefty w@nkfest as they cram in every non lefty misdemeanor by means of a plot in which a wax museum decides which exhibits to melt down.
Eg one of the exhibits, runs a chain of schools tweeted something 6 years that is now considered offensive (alluding to Tony Young) etc.
“… our ministers and officials are disgracefully signing us up to this overarching European Defence Union. Our politicians have committed us to sending huge sums of money and abiding by strict EU procurement rules which are the foundation of the European Defence Union.”
Reading some of the background to Powell’s speech, to be broadcast in full(ish) on Saturday – the prospect of which seems to have upset one or two deeply significant minds – I’m reminded of the part that repressed professional umbrage-taker Edward Heath played at the time.
History will define the depths to which this soft and petty man subsequently subjected his country, but not only did he sack one of his few truly honourable and erudite MPs for voicing painful truths, he went on to engineer our ‘acceptance’ by the then EEC, under entirely false pretences. Including the signing away of our inherent fishing rights, the one major, traditional and affordable source of healthy protein available to all, at which point Enoch Powell, being an honourable man, resigned.
On the other hand, today’s academics, politicians and the BBC – not to be confused in any way with reflected concepts of honour or patriotism – will undoubtedly prefer to renew the glue on Enoch’s ‘racist’ label.
– another bite of the cherry at bashing Lord Lawson’s largely correct 6 min R4Today August item
– BBC Director of Radio and Music Bob Shennan discussing the future of BBC Radio
– Begins with “too much bashing of Corby over antisemitism”, the BBC’s head of Westminster addresses criticisms of how the corporation has handled allegations of anti-Semitism in Labour,
– @Marthakearney and @Sarah_Montague swap tips
The prog’s real title is “what lib/left mob think about Radio4”
Enoch vs aDunce
I understand that he was only one of two people to enter the war as a Private and leave it as a Brigadier. He was a towering intellect – the polar opposite of Diane Abbott and Adonis.
Enoch Powell was elected as a Member of Parliament.
Adonis – Who he ?
Enoch Powell:
Graduated from Cambridge with Double First.
Professor of Ancient Greek at age of 25.
Accomplished poet.
Spoke 14 languages, many fluently, including Urdu, Russian, Welsh, German, Portuguese, Latin.
Elected multiple times – was an MP continuously from 1950 to 1987.
Man with a silly name.
Jeremy Vine can be a little innocent at times with the result that, just sometimes he hits upon the truth.
This lunchtime he was defending Enoch Powell to the extent that the ‘Black man having the whip hand’ wasn’t Powell’s words but those of a constituent so it was wrong to quote just the phrase on its own.
Then a moment’s reflection. Really it was quite sneaky using that technique, one could say things that were naughty and then blame it on someone else!
Well done Jeremy! A bit more reflection and perhaps the penny will drop that the BBC does this hourly – “Some say…”.
As I understood it, Powells rivers of blood idea from Vergil describes that blood flowing from murdered migrants, not the migrants doing the murdering.
So Stephen Lawrence, the poor Spanish bloke killed on London Bridge last year are very much victims of migration in the round, if not directly.
The likes of Adonis might once have been educated to know this. And with a name like his, he`d be expected to know some classics before opening his lazy Labour and unelected mouth.
When privileged empty placemen like Adonis get to fill the Lords, then we know Labour left their suicide capsules behind to poison the democratic process. People like Clegg and Adonis personify this.
I wish I could give you 10 likes for your last line! Brilliant!
4:55pm Listening Project, paid for by National Archive British Library
But mostly only airing leib/left views
Prog is about refugees and a woman who houses them.
“A refugee and the host who shares her home with his family discuss the benefits the arrangement brings”
Just thinking again of the BBC ‘muddying waters’, accidentally this time, I think. Poor Jonny Dymond is going to get some stick from the Gardeners Question Time Chair and Panel if he bumps into any of them around BH or Salford.
On TWatO today, the BBC had found, IIRC, a Brit who had worked for the OPCW in the past. Jonny was interviewing about the Douma attack and the inspection that is going ahead. I think the guy misspoke, inadvertently said the wrong thing on air (it happens), but he was talking about what gases may have been used. He mentioned the obvious civilian uses for chlorine and moved on to talk about organophosphates and said “there was no civilian use for them”.
No on-air question or correction from Jonny.
Does anyone know WHO filmed the ‘chemical attack’ in Douma? I have heard that it was the ‘white helmets’ or the ‘Army of Islam’, but it seems to be the sole ‘proof’ of the attack, so it would be good to know. After all, it could lead to WW3! Noticed one of the hosers-down wiping the hair of a ‘victim’ with his bare hands. Would you do that?
Either of those two organisations are BAD news, if you do a little research. And on THAT basis we see US v Russia being set up, with Mrs May ever so keen to join the fray. It beggars belief…
Annoyingly, I find myself agreeing with Jeremy Corbyn and -even worse- Vince Cable. Never thought I’d see the day…
fnw, please see the link, posted by Pounce to ‘bellingcat’ w-s on this Thread on the previous page to this one. Syrian Civil Defence is mentioned re Video #6 of 6. Is that an alternative name for the White Helmets?
Re other question: if it was chlorine gas (strictly chlorine + other chemicals, IIRC, you need other chemicals to make a significantly dangerous gas from bleach) then yes, should not be problem. Sarin on the other hand would, as you infer, transmit from victim to responder. Effectively, that is what happened to D-S Nick Bailey when he helped the Skripals.
Link to Bellingcat’s video 6
I wonder what the number will be, or will the BBC go for an exemption?
Whatever the cost, GW you can bet your life it wont come out of the pockets of the three bastards who ordered the helicopter that filmed plod going through his drawers, looking for 30 year old evidence.
Don’t remember similar happening when the ginger git, Evans was accused a while back!
BBC Look North : happy story about SOFT opening of Lincoln £2m mosque
(They’ll be other TV specials for the official opening in May)
“He said the mosque was needed because the current one was too small to cater for the Muslim community in Lincoln,
which includes students at Lincoln University.”
“…bring local communities together”. Sunni as well as Shiite?
Is there no town or city in England free of f-ing islam?
According to the 2011 Census, only the Isles of Scilly.
Is it rude to ask who paid for it?
The face of each wing looks to have loopholes for 3 riflemen above a firing position for something larger. They’ve also cleared the glacis for an unrestricted field of fire. Plod isn’t going to be able to cross that open ground to breach the wall.
7:30pm BBC1 ..2 songs from Lily Allen
..probably accompanied by Gary Lineker banging the SJW drum
The BBC are playing a transcription of Enoch Powell’s rivers of blood speech (r4 at 2000 on Sat).
But are using it as an opportunity for wholescale denigration of him. The awful One Show being a case in point.
Do you remember how Andrew Gilligan was castigated over the dodgy dossier. He had to fall on his sword because he got some detail wrong, but he was basically on the right lines. As was said by Ben Bradlee in ‘All the Presidents Men’, he screwed up but he wasnt wrong.
The bBBC are now using the same tactic against Powell. He could not accurately predict the next 50 years in detail but was he wrong about the direction of travel? Ask the abused children in Rochdale, Rotherham, Telford, etc. Ask the communities with public services straining under the effects of unfettered mass immigration. Their answers may be rather different from those of the overpaid groupthink socialists at the BBC.
11.05pm on BBC2 with @afuahirsch & @kenanmalik
discussing the Assassination of Katie Hopkins,
@IainDale says he will on with @wmarybeard on the panel discussing offensive art in general — and the right (or not) to offend.
Discussing “The Wound” a film banned by the Xhosa South African king ,
cos #1 it portrays the secret circumcision ritual which sometimes goes wrong and boys dies
#2 the 2 boys in the film are gay lovers
My TV guide says they will discuss also Madeleine Albright’s book “FASCISM : A Warning”

New Tim Worstall essay
Actually “Magazines aimed at that BAME population have lots of BAME people on their covers.
We’ve solved the problem itself.”
He is seeking an explanation. Not from the broadcaster who just shoved it out. Likely wise.
If true, I “died” just before the roman invasion!
in the pub having a laugh
what the government/bbc wants:
Guess which activity really shortens your life..
Garden centres pray for better weather as sales slide
The UK’s garden centres are suffering after the country’s spate of bad weather, with sales at their worst levels in at least five years.
No mention of man made global warming?
At least they are no longer telling us to ditch the lawn for palm trees
Reviewing the ‘women’s’ 800m, won by Caster Semenya, the BBC reviewer actually used the term ‘intersex’ in the context that there was a second ‘intersex’ competitor in the ‘women’s’ 800m.
A taste of things to come, I fear. Give it a few years.
George Orwell, where are you now?
What if a homo male self identifies as a female and changes it’s
‘legal’ gender, which category will it be placed in for sports ?
If it was barred from the womens event, wouldn’t it have a good chance of winning a court case?
The Russians have spied on two Russians for five years, say MI6.
But as far as I know only the Russians have allowed us to hear the actual voice of Yulia Skripal, in that recorded conversation with her cousin. She told her cousin that she could not call her back on that phone as she had it temporarily, so Yulia must have persuaded somebody else in the hospital to lend her a phone, without MI6 realising. Now her family say that her Mobile Phone has been disconnected. Her family including her next of kin have not been able to contact or hear her voice since. Nor has anybody else. This could be a violation of the law which applies to communication with the next of kin. As the BBC had recently interviewed a Russian who clamed to have been poisoned twice and survived, I would have thought it essential that Yulia Skripal should have been give a televised interview as soon as possible, to remove doubts that she had been abducted by MI6. Instead we are supposed to trust that a statement from Scotland Yard, is from Yulia Skripal. It claims she has access to friends and family, “but at the moment I do not wish to avail myself of their services, but, if I change my mind I know how to contact them” “I thank my cousin Viktoria for her concern for us, but ask that she does not visit me or try to contact me for the time being“. Her first free act was to phone her cousin from the hospital, so that seems fake. It looks like MI6 are desperately trying to brainwash her into following the consensus narrative about the evil Putin attempting to poison her with the doorknob, and is being kept totally isolated from any sources that may confirm her doubts. This is what is called at the BBC, “sent for training“. The training would involve persuading her to distrust her Russian family and friends and isolate herself from them and go to America for plastic surgery. If she still shows doubts, then they would have to dispose her by giving her to the CIA, who would then pass her on to someone else, who would pass her on to someone else and so on, until she accidentally falls down a mine shaft, while nobody in the intelligence services genuinely does not know what happened to her. Meanwhile reports are that like Pablo Miller, Yulias fiancée, Stepan Vikeev has gone missing and the family think Vikeev’s mother has got something to do with the poisoning.
Reports are that the chemical attack was delivered by helicopters dropping canisters, which where dropped on the hospital but strangely caused most casualties underground. Now the reports are that the Chemical Attack was fabricated just like the previous Chemical Attacks. It looks like the hardliners fabricated the chemical operation by poisoning the many children of the prisoners they held underground using yellow canisters containing chlorine. The French have evidence that yellow canisters were used. Also, it seems that evidence of British American involvement exists in the form of pay packets for the rebels which link to an America company.
Perhaps Enoch felt there was nothing wrong with an essentially white and Christian sovereign state remaining an essentially white and Christian sovereign state?
There can be no problem with Japan remaining essentially populated by Japanese -Buddhist, Shinto, whatever, or Egypt populated essentially by Muslim Arabs etc etc , so why a problem with Enoch’s view? Should Japan or Egypt suddenly be forced to become ‘multicultural’? Would THEY be ‘racist’ if they wanted to stay the way they are? Of course not.
He felt he had to sound a warning and used rather overly vivid language, perhaps out of frustration? I can’t see that he wanted to harm anyone in any way. From the little I’ve heard, he was warning against self-harm? So the BBC giving us the full version is a good thing. That way I can see if and where I got it wrong.
Hanif Kureishi said on the bBc R4 last night Britain was successfully integrated and thus proof that Enoch was wrong. But, he claimed, there was still ‘structural racism’. I wonder if there is not a contradiction there?
I have been wondering ever since the subversive Macpherson report what ‘structural’ racism is? (The entire Met force was deemed to be so). I can think of the odd state where race was used as a criterion in legislation; that may be the answer? The UK has no such legislation, however.
So, what can Hanif be referring to? If he was badly treated by one or more individual, based on his race, that is not only most regrettable, but today even criminal. He himself feels the UK is a success. So where is the ‘structure’? Does it imply that I, as a white person (who would treat him with the same respect accorded to anyone else, if I met him) am part of that structure? If yes, would that not also be a form of racism?
To his credit, Hanif did not want the speech to be stopped. So we shall see, or rather, hear. He did appear to suggest that ‘racism’ could be linked to ‘education’. I think I know what he was implying, and that is not to his credit. (Another form of ‘discrimination’?)
Adonis also spoke on that R4 (news) programme. The less said about him, the better.
Anyone who isn’t blind, mad or socialist would realise that the only ‘benefits’ of mass immigration and multicultural policies has been a massive increase in crime, and a similarly massive increase in the welfare budget.
Chinese man caught by facial recognition at pop concert
Jacky Cheung is one of Hong Kong’s most famous singers
”Chinese police have used facial recognition technology to locate and arrest a man who was among a crowd of 60,000 concert goers.
Police said the 31-year-old, who was wanted for “economic crimes”, was “shocked” when he was caught.
Mr Ao was identified by cameras at the concert’s ticket entrance, and apprehended by police after he had sat down with other concert goers.”
BBC just take the Chinese artificial intelligence recognition technology success claim at face value (groan) without questioning it. Nor do they ask what economic crime actually means.
”Mr Li also told China Daily that there were several cameras at the ticket entrances equipped with facial recognition technology.
‘I wouldn’t have gone’
Mr Ao had reportedly driven 90km (56 miles) from Zhangshu to Nanchang with his wife specially to catch the concert.
News site Kan Kan released footage that appeared to show the suspect speaking in police custody, saying: “If I knew, I wouldn’t have gone [to the concert].”
Well no kidding….
A Brtish crim with a bit more elan would have said:
” Naturally I would have still gone to the concert if I’d known,
Jacky Cheung is my favourite!”
No problem then for burqa wearers or Antifa thugs then, Eddy.