11:15-12pm Radio4 \\Sue MacGregor reunites environmentalists and politicians
who fought fossil fuel industry lobbyists to secure the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol..which, for the first time, committed 38 developed countries to collectively cut their greenhouse gas emissions, took a gruelling diplomatic struggle to reach agreement in December 1997.
Featuring : Joanna Depledge formerly part of the the UN’s Climate Secretariat,
former British Environment Minster John Gummer (Lord Deben who now profits from green subsidised investments),
campaigner Tony Juniper of Friends of The Earth,
and lawyer Farhana Yamin, who was then policy advisor to the Alliance of Small Island Nations.// https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09z1dpk
Something called ‘Drill’ music is in line to be outlawed because of the inference in the lyrics to gang crime, murder and other nice activities. Two young black men were interviewed, and despite clearly being born here I had no idea what they were saying – mumbled replies, one appeared to be as high as a kite and barely articulate in a sarf lunnun way, and the other was someone called Guvnor B who recites this stuff but was a little more forthcoming. With idiots like this at the fore front of black culture there’s little wonder they feel ‘repressed’.
It’s still in pride of place on the BBC ‘News’ (loose term I know) website. Seemingly ‘1,200 people had joined the rally’. 1,200? Not exactly a major turnout is it? So why has it been on the front page of the website all day??
Any chance of us watching the Toys R Us closing ceremony?
Or indeed, all manner of companies closed down due to “fears about Brexit”. Well done BBC-you do nothing else but put the wind up anybody who`d like to make or create anything-and then blame Rees Mogg for the uncertainties. How DO they get away with this?
BBC 15 April : “Here is an extraordinary statistic: since the Volvo XC90 went on sale in the UK in 2002 it has sold over 50,000 vehicles, yet not a single person has been killed while driving it, or as a passenger…. the safest car it has ever tested.” BBC 12 April : “Tanya Krupenko’s Volvo XC90 was charging on their drive in Moseley, Birmingham, when it became engulfed in flames.”
With regard the Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast of Australia – I would be grateful if someone could ascertain the full costs to the BBC in preparing for it (pre-visits, planning etc), in the presentation and production that went into broadcasting it, the number of BBC staff involved, the number of guests invited onto the show and how much they were paid, costs associated in the publicity and marketing of it etc – essentially a full appraisal of the size of the BBC operation in terms of numbers of people involved and costs. Thanks.
Lucky you! Scott was a sometime contributor who was a total pain in the derriere and did nothing apart from snipe and make nasty remarks. If I remember correctly, he disappeared from the scene and someone by the name of Zero took his place. Zero subsequently vanished and , lo and behold, Maxi appeared. One could almost think that they were one and the same person …….
Bunny La Roche started on this site and achieved THIS level of fame?
What an alma mater we have here. Does Mr Vance send out certificates for us if we say something clever. Bunny surely deserves her fizzog up at the top of this site-she is exactly what all Roedean gals aspire to be, and we should be proud that she learned how to be articulate, clever and compassionate at this very online collage.
But I`m not wearing Alex Harveys castoffs as my uniform, let`s be clear about that.
Bunny La Roche.
Could have sworn that my hubby had one of her dodgy videos, some trollope with red feathers at the Windmill Club as I recall anyway.
He`s better now-but certainly the brazen tart had a name like that, as a stage name.
Looked like an Agnes to me-this one looks like Peter Beardsley before a burglary.
I see that England won the gold medal for netball at the
Commonwealth Games. I missed the 100 meters for
athletes with weak bladders on the BBC. Does anybody know who got
to the toilets first ? The BBC is number one for sport. The
only question is why do they cover the Grand National? It’s not
that diverse is it? I know there are horses and two or three women competing. BUT.
It is with great sadness that the BBC reports the apparent suicide of a human rights lawyer. He poured fossil fuel over his body and then set himself alight as a protest against Climate Change: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-43773650
Did I read that right?
Man sets fire to himself to combat global change and carbon emissions?
The News Quiz or the BBC won`t see any prospect of a joke here.
Elsewhere the man is described as a lawyer and champion of the LGQTBIXetc et al. Could it be that a climate change label might elicit more sympathy? Surely not?
The millionaire Hollywood star, Patrick Stewart has graciously left his mansion in California to fly Business class over to the UK to tell the poor how they got it wrong with the Brexit vote.
Patrick has not found his wages under cut by Polish immigrants, nor that his doctor isn’t available for three weeks, or that his children cannot get into their local school. So what on earth is anyone complaining about?
Fortunately, Patrick doesn’t know any UK fishermen, nor has he troubled himself to chat to the wretched, smelly, stupid oiks who actually inhabit these islands.
Clearly at a modest 5,437 miles from the UK he has a sharper perspective than those poor sods who actually live here and voted for Brexit.
We are indeed, grateful for Patrick to offer his well informed and heart felt opinions, and now he can f**k off back to where he came..
Scribbling, I’ve quoted this on my FB page, since it is so eloquently put.
It is receiving rave reviews.
Please do not sue for copyright, I have been honest in attribution.
Facebook, ah, now there’s a thing. I was signed up to it by a well meaning sister in law to showcase the items I make. I never used it, never filled in a profile or my address or any other personal details, and yet I still get emails telling me about me needing to ‘friend’ complete sodding strangers ! Today I tried to delete this obsolete account – oh yes, I put I a password and a ‘code’, but it wouldn’t accept it – tried 6 times and nothing. Interestingly there is no facility for contacting facebook direct, so I’ve had to make do with reporting a fault, and hoping I get to be obliterated from facebook forever, I’m not holding my breath though.
Address your complaints direct to Mark Zukkerberg, via the congressional committee etc etc in the US of A.
Any dodgy invites you had from blokes wanting to be pals are nothing to do with me lololol……
Brissles – not any beautiful young ladies wanting to be friends? I seem to attract them all the time. And they do not have any history on their timeline…LOL
I`m in a quandary. It seems that Arsenal Ladies are playing Everton Women. And Man City Ladies are playing Chelsea women or suchlike.
And , although I`ve got this wrong maybe-there was definitely a 5-Live distinction in the names. There are clearly “Ladies teams” and there are “Womens teams”.
Anybody care to tell me which one I should play for-I sense that if i`m a northern bint who scrubs the goalposts when the ball is not near me-then I`d be clearly suited to one of them.
If on the other hand, I was reclining in a chaise longue getting served my Pimms and fainting with attacks of the vapours, and lived in the south? I`d be the other.
I`m near Lincolnshire-which one should I claim to play for? Primary teacher, but voted for Brexit and no TV LIcence.
His mates are round later on, would hope to be able to join them in their endless talks about womens football and the wonders of disability scooter soccer in Utah.
I am absolutely amazed that Gary Lineker is allowed to present
Match of the Day. There must be a woman at the BBC that
can do the job . Nearly every sports presenter on the BBC is
a women now. So why is Lineker in his job ?
Problem solved.
My boyfriend has just come in, and says I can go straight into the Man United team, ladies, women-they really don`t care anymore.
Apparently I`m a better sweeper than anything on offer today. That`s a joke, he says.
Now I know I will get the ire of the pro Russian supporters of this website.
But why can we not call a spade a spade?
Corbyn is an out of out pacifist. There are no circumstances in which this left wing idealist would fight for his country.
Now I might not agree with pacificism but I can at least acknowledge an opinion genuinely held.
What is deplorable is when someone seeks to hide his pacifism by conjuring up instead all kinds of technicalites as an excuse for inaction and to oppose support for military action. Definite proof, a UN resolution. Deliberately raising the bar so high that it can never be attained. It sounds so superior but it is utterly self-righteous hypocrisy.
Not from me, Sluff, because I am not particularly pro-Russian. I do however want to see evidence collected and rightful (and righteous) prosecutions carried out thoroughly and effectively. And in a country with a ‘free media’ I want good, accurate reporting. In the Salisbury case, the BBC is doing no journalism whatsoever.
The name of the BZ-drug that was named in a link provided last evening on this Thread by joeadamsmith rang a bell in my memory. It took just a couple of minutes of research to link it to drugs with other uses that now include (for those taking stupid risks) ‘recreational’ purposes.
I have to say I am interested in how the Russians are built up into their current state of villainy – after dumping Communism and much of their recent political past – by both some of our politicians and the media, especially the BBC. [ Pounce alert! 😉 ] I assume it is because of ‘Putin’s’ treatment of Pussy Riot.,
Agree, too, Corbyn IS an out and out pacifist although that is only where Palestinians, M-East & NI terrorists and other aggressors are concerned as perceived victims in his eyes. That is what he wants to appear as but do not be deceived. His vituperative hatred of Conservatives and the Conservative Party can be seen on his face and heard in his voice when, for example, the Cameron/Osborne Benefit bill reduction plan was in operation and talked about in Corbyn’s presence. The same tends to be true with many (any?) Conservative policy these days.
Corbyn & McDonnell, especially, adopt what I consider to be a faux tone of voice, gentle & persistant, to press their case while trying to cover their hatred for any opposition to their policies of the day.
Uncomfortably, had I been an MP, I would have had to walk into the same Voting Lobby on the second Iraq War and also when voting against Cameron’s plan to assist and arm rebel groups (that would have included ISIS) in Syria when he was PM. But do it I would. And would still do so.
In hindsight, I think, Corbyn and I would have been proved correct.
You must be on something yourself if you think the BZ agent is used by druggies.
Joeadamsmith’s nonsense originates from a website quoting RT quoting Lavrov. Relevant information being left out of course.
If you go to the website of the lab in Spiez they refute Lavrov’s claim and say the British authorities claims about the substance are correct.
April 13, 2018. REUTERS/Grigory Dukor
Lavrov said experts from a laboratory based in the Swiss town of Spiez had analyzed a sample of the substance used in the poisoning.
Citing a report from the lab dated March 27, Lavrov said the evidence suggested the nerve agent used could be in the arsenal of the United States and Britain.
Lavrov read out parts of the report that he said showed the substance had traces of the BZ agent.
“This formulation was in the inventory of the United States, Britain and other NATO states,” Lavrov said, at an assembly of the Council on Foreign and Defence Policy.
The global chemical weapons watchdog concluded on Thursday that the poison that struck down the former Russian spy and his daughter Yulia last month was a highly pure type of Novichok nerve agent, backing Britain’s own findings.
British Prime Minister Theresa May has said it is highly likely that Moscow was behind the attack.
Russia has repeatedly denied any involvement in the poisoning.
Lavrov on Saturday said the report from the Swiss lab mentioned no nerve agents by name, such as Novichok, but instead gave a long chemical formula that points to a substance that has been developed by many countries.
“We, as you understand, have abilities to receive confidential information. And as this information concerns questions of life and death, we won’t keep this information secret,” Lavrov said.
Lavrov said the Swiss laboratory also identified a high concentration of A-234 agent, known as Novichok. Such a concentration would have quickly resulted in Skripal’s death, Lavrov said.
“Taking into account its (A-234) high volatility, the issue of identification of this poisoning substance in its initial state and in high concentration by specialists at the Spiez (research) center seems to be very suspicious,” Lavrov said.
Reporting by Andrey Ostroukh; Editing by Toby Chopra
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
Lavrov is simply a liar and biased bbc stooges simply parrot his lies.
ID – thanks for the follow-up. However, it was not nonsense.
Your Reuters report neither refutes nor backs up your comment about it being nonsense. The report you use states: “concluded on Thursday that the poison that struck down the former Russian spy and his daughter Yulia last month was a highly pure type of Novichok nerve agent, backing Britain’s own findings.” That being so, why isn’t Skripal dead? Why do none of the known facts back up that Skripal was poisoned by a “highly pure type of Novichok….?”
I can quite happily state that I am not a Russian stooge. But, I can happily state that there was no logical reason for the attack on Skripal. I can also state that on the known facts, the west has, in the past eg Iraq, deliberately lied to the public. Has/is deliberately lying over Syria. And that Russia’s actions, eg over Syria are legal – whereas those of the west are not.
Therefore, who would YOU trust more?
But, I would appreciate the website link that you refer to because I have just been to their website and not seen anything there that you report.
The Reuters report is not proof that Lavrov is a liar. I merely included that as a fuller account of what Lavrov said. Bits and pieces seem to get missed out to make the pro-Putin claims more credible or more difficult to verify.
Labor Spiez website directly contradicts Lavrov’s claim and confirms the claims of the British authorities. I have already posted this in German with your first post.
You might not be able or willing to see a “logical” reason but then you simply ignore a pattern of intimidation and murder typical of the Soviet era that has been revived by Putin.
I studied Russian at university and while working in Munich met a number of people connected with stations like Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty and VOA. A nonlethal bomb attack at Radio Liberty in 1981, the Markov affaire all helped create a climate of fear. Any sudden deaths or car accidents were certainly noted with interest.
The Salisbury incident tells the world that the British state is impotent and Putin can act as he wants on anyone’s sovreign territory and that Putin can eliminate detractors with impunity.
He can also be sure that many useful idiots and contrarians
in the West will muddy the waters for him
If you want to adopt a legalistic position and invoke all kinds of legal dicta like “innocent until proved guilty”, “due process” as if you were in a court of law then whether or not the British government lied in the past is irrelevant and the Salisbury must be “judged without bringing up past convictions”.
Weighing the moral puritg of the British state against that of the Russian is a strange way of determining what happened in Salisbury. The pattern of behaviour of the Russian state is more illuminating but then we know that these are all “false flags” to undermine Putin and so can be safely discounted. Trotsky?- another false flag – cui bono innit?
Labor Spiez is easy to find with a websearch once you know what Lavrov said. Search for “Nowitschok” or “Novitschok” on the site. Where is the report Lavrov referred to. Figment of his imagination?
I am currently reading the “Penkovsky Papers”, which concern the career of Oleg Penkovsky, a GRU colonel who spied for Britain, much like Sergei Skripal, but who was executed when he was discovered.
Penkovsky was writing in 1961/2. He said that the GRU had no hesitation in terminating spies who had outlived their usefulness. He also said they had a school to train assassins and saboteurs. It was all very matter of fact.
Although we now have no ideological conflict with Russia, it is, sadly, the case that Russia is ruled by a dedicated Chekist, who sees the world through the jaded eyes of a career KGB officer. A man of his limited experience would never have been allowed to get to the top of the USSR, where the secret police were always kept in check by the Party, especially after Beria tried to seize power following Stalin’s death, and was executed.
Russia is now ruled by a man who sees everything as a good KGB man would. The USSR used to eliminate “traitors” in the West using poison, and it seems that he shares exactly the same mindset, but without the political reasoning to see the damage he is doing.
Secret policemen have their role in totalitarian societies, but Putin’s behaviour proves it is a serious mistake to allow them to take political control. This is bad news for Russia, and the rest of us.
The defector Mitrokhin who was a KGB archivist collected a vast amount of files over a number of years which he handed over to the British security sevices when they exfiltrated him in 1992.
These files show the KGB went to great lengths trying to track down traitors to liquidate but during the cold war security was obviously tighter and their succes was limited. Why anyone would think Salisbury is anything other than par for the course is beyond me.
ID, check out BZ and its associated chemicals. That was why I referred to fentanyl and ketamine. We know that both of those are used ‘recreationally’ either alone or in mixes with other drugs. Do some journalistic research – am afraid the BBC will not do it for you.
I did not know the joeadamsmith source and questioned it. Did you read both of my posts fully? No?
I have checked out the BZ agent not “BZ drug” as you call it.
It is an incapacitating agent and was used by the Russians to end the Moscow theatre terrorist siege some years ago.
They succeeded in killing a large number of the hostages.
Just because chemicals belong to the same group does not mean they are the same thing. Farmers use organophosphates and nerve toxins can belong to this group but this does not mean farmers are using military grade nerve toxins as pesticides.
“journalistic research” is not just looking things up on the internet you also have to be able to understand what you read.
I can understand your “idee fixe” with the BBC and its pernicious and often malign influence but you should not let that push you over the edge into paranoia. The BBC may say 2+2 =7 but when RT says 2+2 = -8 you believe it because it’s not from the BBC.
I suppose years of “It’s nothing to do with Islam” etc. from the BBC produces exactly the type of psychological disorientation as you exhibit.
ID, I hope you paid attention to the last item on the 8am News this morning (Tue) on Radio 4 about Hull prison. Psycho-active drugs (ie. similar to ‘nerve agents’) including those that incapacitate (ketamine, for example, which is linked to BZ) are used recreationally and they are taking measures at Hull prison to stop prisoners getting their hands on such things.
I nowhere stated that the chemicals were (exactly, as you imply) ‘the same thing’ but chemicals that link together in chemistry do carry their family characteristics and to lesser or greater measure may mimic or replicate their effects down a chain.
Please show me where I stated this: “Just because chemicals belong to the same group does not mean they are the same thing. Farmers use organophosphates and nerve toxins can belong to this group but this does not mean farmers are using military grade nerve toxins as pesticides.”
I did not. The fact that you are putting words in my mouth suggest that you are another troll on here. Are you a BBC employee?
We on here certainly appear to have managed ‘to press your buttons’ over BZ. All I said was that the former OPCW member had misspoken and the BBC News presenter did not correct them and implied the BBC News presenter should have known enough to do so.
I suspect that you are maxi and/or wild and/or Scotty and/or ‘Manon’ trolling here in disguise. Am happy to debate with you if you leave the insults behind and keep a discussion going. If all you do is snipe and insult, I will treat you like I now treat maxi.
The BBC should know all this stuff and ask questions in relation to the Skripals and Syria, because they have previously broadcast it in other news at other times. In addition, as I pointed out it was easy for me to check, when joeadamsmith posted his link, because the drug name rang a bell from those previous news broadcasts by the BBC and elsewhere. All I had to do to confirm was check via the internet. I could have phoned a friend but at the time of night, maybe not.
If you go back and read my post carefully, you will see that I was being cautious about the information that joeadamsmith linked to in the same way I am cautious about what I am told by any political party, news organisation and anyone posting on the internet in a forum. Caution is not the same as paranoia.
Another factor you and wild and maxi should bear in mind, especially when insulting other posters and calling them stupid or idiots is that you do not know what educational, professional and life experience others posting here may have had and what contacts they have in the real world.
Be more careful in future. I will take your apology as a given and we will move on. Now it is up to you.
Like all good mathematicians, I stop reading at the first nonsequitur.
“I nowhere stated that the chemicals were (exactly, as you imply) ‘the same thing’ but chemicals that link together in chemistry do carry their family characteristics and to lesser or greater measure may mimic or replicate their effects down a chain.”
Cl, HCl, NaCl
What “family characteristics” are “carried down the chain”.?
What do you mean precisely?
Wouldn’t it be wise to want definite proof that someone had actually done something, before you set out to kill them?
I know Tony B. wasn’t all that fussy but that sets the bar pretty low.
I think one can agree with Corbyn on this one very specific issue, without actually being a Corbyn supporter. We know where he comes from (Plus, the mere thought of Diane Abbot as Home secretary chills the blood…)
I still believe greater caution is wise: it’s actually easy to jump in militarily, but with the Russians in Syria, it should be a last resort. This is not like WW2; a single mistake now could have a fatal consequence for us all.
I would go with your sentiment, but my gut feel is that there is something wrong somewhere. It’s all too quick and too slick, possibly a sign that this is -at least in part- an attempt to divert attention from other matters and serve other agendas.
Finally, think of Assad removed. The potential for chaos to ensue is big. Again, one can be grateful for the Russians being there to provide stability, without being ‘pro-Russian’.
All players in this are pursuing what they perceive to be their own interests; it was ever thus. As far as May goes, there are critical issues far closer to home, which -if left to fester- will do the UK great damage. And they’re much tougher to tackle than sending the RAF to bomb Syria.
What would really impress, is if she tackled them with the same vigour. But alas, her track record as Home Secretary does not suggest this will happen.
Corbyn would only agree to military action if there was a UN resolution.
But he knows that is impossible because the Russians, as permanent members, would exercise their veto.
Its pacifism masquerading as moral superiority.
At least Tony Benn fought in the RAF in WW2.
13 mins into Countryfile and the guy from activist group the Compassion in World Farming
(when you talk to them they admit their ultimate aim is ban animal farming altogether)
The guy will never tell you that you leave pigs to live naturally there is a high incidence of sows lying on their own piglets, hence the controlled environment of indoor sheds.
19:17pm and now we are on to the artist who dressed as a woman Percy Kelly
Anita “and that story really adds to his work”
Now a weak piece where they mislead by laying out five plates and assert that this represents the welfare standard with Organic being the last one and highest price. 1 minute BBC video clip
However in practice the welfare stardard depends on individual farm management.
Organic farmers can often be bad in animal welfare and food quality control.
Whereas mega -ag-corp might well be fastidious about them, as they are protecting a mega investment.
As a child I saw a piglet whose mother had laid on it. It’s whole side of skin had torn away from its body. I could count the ribs from the inside. As you can see, the memory of a 6 year old has stayed with me. I am all for protection by farrowing crate. But these animal activists that appear on Countryfile (no longer a farming programme, it is more about the coast these days) don’t seem to understand farmers are trying to produce food. If you are on a BBC salary you can afford free range eggs or outdoor bacon. But on the outskirts of Hull is a large housing estate, one of highest deprivation in the country. For people living there those extra few pence do count, but the BBC stars and their green friends don’t care about the poor when shopping In Hampstead .
After the success of last night’s Enoch show
BBC are already planning a series based on the format
whose working title is apparently “People We Don’t Agree With Are Evil”
First a show about Farage, then Thatcher
..says Alex Noble http://www.continentaltelegraph.com/2018/04/15/nein-nein-nein/
Having just finished watching the Fiona “Look at Me” Bruce show (aka Antiques Roadshow), I was aghast at the programme trailer following, which informed viewers of BBC that they were going to be treated to a three part series on …. guess what, the definitive history of the Stephen Lawrence case. Bloody hell, when will this obsession ever end? Message to the BBC: we are thoroughly sick of hearing about this case, which spawned, among other things, the egregious and wicked McPherson Report, and an undeserved Baronetcy.
The ultimate irony that scores, perhaps hundreds of young black men have been stabbed and or shot by other young black men during the years since Stephen Lawrence died appears to be lost on the BBC.
Mind you, they’d all be alive today if it weren’t for those savage Tory cuts.
The definitive history of the Stephen Lawrence case?
I trust that the BBC will also be producing a series on the many other victims of racism*, such as:
Fred Carter 64, 13 July 1993. Mark Sharp 39, 1993. Annie Castle 74, 22 August 1993. Billy Bryan 71, 22 August 1993. PC Patrick Dunne 44, 20 October 1993. Philip Gosling 13, February 1994. Emmanuel Hand 35, 15 May 1994. Richard Everitt 15, August 1994. Leslie Watkinson 66, 9 December 1994. Frank Dempsey 56, 7 February 1995. PC Philip Walters 28, April 1995. Thomas Kidd 61, 6 May 1995. Michael Dooher 19, 2 September 1995. Ted Howell 75, 9 November 1995. Danny Westmacott 16, 8 February 1996. Andrew Steventon 17, June 1996. Elizabeth Pinhorn 96, 9 June 1997. Nina MacKay 25, 24 October 1997. Louie Wade 53, 1998. James McParland 49, 4 April 1998. Brian Harvey 31, 1 August 1998. Peter Harvey 26, 1 August 1998. Winifred Sills 79, 1 May 2000. Elizabeth Amlot 39, 1 February 2001. Daisy Fenton 88, 30 March 2001. Rosie Ross 16, 12 May 2001. Hilda Lockert 86,15 May 2001. Anne Cypher 42, 19 May 2001. Amanda Clarke 32, 26 May 2001. Ross Parker 17, 23 September 2001. Kevin Jackson 31, 1 January 2002. Anthony O’Brien 24, 27 January 2002. Owain Leeson 17, 14 February 2002. Gavin Hopley 19,16 February 2002. Kriss Donald 15, October 2004.
This only covers 10 years or so following the death of Stephen Lawrence. An up to date list would probably fill an entire TV channel.
However, if the BBC (and SKY) want to include interviews of relatives who are doctors and baronesses, they might have a problem.
(*As a the Macpherson Report defined a racist incident as “any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person”, I claim that right and declare these “incidents” racist.)
Found myself driving home via BBC Radio Bristol(or is it Somerset?).
Anyway, it`s clearly a Caribbean phone in, grievance seeking notion of a show. You and Yours with blackface I suppose.
The bloke being interviewed has a petition to stop some Tory incompetence in benefits etc-join the club dear, being my take on it all. But the BBC is obviously allowing itself to rally the angry blacks of St Pauls into confrontation with the (admitedly useless and incompetent) Tory reforms to Universal Credit , pensions etc.
What bothers me is the sheer effrontery of the BBC inviting agitprop live on air, like some student station or hospital spoof of “fighting the power”. Never knew that this is now the way for the local BBC to get its lefty allies onside. So brazen-and NOT what local BBC output is meant to be doing. Guess the Tories deserve much of the bile, seeing they`re thick enough to assume that the PCS and Unison will NOT sabotage all that they introduce in the Job Centres. Naive oafs-but the BBC should not be offering itself out for the Hutu tribe of progressive revolutions like this load of race hustlers on Radio Bristol.
Thanks Stew.
Funny how we just accept all this.
The “Malcolm X” Centre!
What the heck did HE ever do in Bristol to merit getting his name on a council prefab?
The man was a racist, black supremacist and a very nasty little man. Nation Of Islam too, so a real threat.
Maybe the brothers and Black Panthers of DC might want to honour his seedy name-but why would Bristol?
Basically an Alinsky windup-well have Chavez Centres and Choudhury Streets in Slough before we know it. In this way they turn the public square into a colonising lefty battleground to mock us.
Should be the Olive Cooke Centre-local girl, died of charity begging letter overload.
We just get used to all this don`t we?
Been too busy to pay much attention to the news of late, and only caught bits and pieces re: the Hither Green burglar stabbing.
Like most on here, I suspect, I was pretty shocked at the way the BBC reported the incident. It has very much felt like the 78 year old householder is being targeted to me, when quite honestly, if a man came at me in my home and menaced me with a screwdriver whilst my family were home he’d be lucky to get away with a merely fatal stabbing.
Anyway, I’ve been thinking WTF about it all, especially the ‘tributes’ being stapled to the locals’ fences and the lack of journalistic/police/mayor reaction. Then I read this:
“Mr Vincent, who was from the travelling community, would have turned 38 on 15 April”
If he had done a decent day’s work instead of being a burglar ?
Fun facts… 5% of the prison population is Gypies/Travellers but they only make up 0.1% of the UK population. Muslims make up 15% of the prison population but are only 4.5% of the UK population.
Perhaps the fun statistic of the number of muslims in jail dictates whether the police prosecute them for any offence? That would account for the police lack of interest in prosecuting any muslim. If that’s the case, it’s nice to know that there is joined up thinking between police and prison service: one helping the other to keep the numbers (and hence the statistics) down.
A maxim for Al Beeb to take on board ………
“You can fool all the people some of the time, you can fool some of the people all the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.”
Local Park : gangs with guns, people in Nazi uniform
Yes it’s true I saw it yesterday there was one gang sat there with a pile of guns, another gang sat over there with a pile of guns, all openly in public.
And really there were some wearing Nazi uniform
The only non white guy , didn’t seem bothered..he was doing good business at his 1940’s sweet stall.
Same every weekend now different park every week,..since it’s war re-enactment season
“More than a thousand people have turned out for a rally in North London, to call for A People’s Vote on the final Brexit deal” …audio of Caroline Lucas
BBC 5Live News just now
..I just double checked the audio
..yes they reported a local demo of just a thousand people
.. Yep Alastair Campbell tweeted “Hundreds of people queueing round the block”
“Organisers said some 1,200 people were at the event, including MPs from all leading parties. Pro-Brexit campaigners also gathered outside.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-43774200
But how many of the 1,200 were Brexiteers ?
And ……………..
“I think we’ll get a great result and we’ll be able to have, not only a gigantic free trade deal with our friends and partners across the Channel, but we’ll be able to boldly go to areas we perhaps neglected over the past five years.”
Yes, The Commonwealth, formely the British Empire! “Up and at them” Rees-Mogg. http://thecommonwealth.org
I’ve said previously on here that my brother is a Labour councillor, – he is not only canvassing to keep his seat in the upcoming elections, but being a ‘moderate’, he, along with his colleagues are up against the Momentum faction of their own party, who are bussing in their own candidates to fight the seats. He is also hearing on the doorsteps that previous Labour voters are seeping away because of Corbyn and Abbott.
A heart warming story from the wonderful world of overpaid virtue-signalling celebs: Ed Sheeran, tireless look-at-me campaigner for the homeless, has applied to build railings around his £8million London pad to… keep rough sleepers out.
Windrush generation people claiming that some of them are getting “you will be deported” letters
‘cos you are on an illegal immigrant list, and you’ve lost your passport so you’ve got no proof.’
This looks like a setup ..that Corbythugs working in the Home Office are choosing to send those letters to Windrush people rather than people they know are really illegal immigrants.
One girls Mum was detained for 1 week, then at the point of deportation, they changed their minds and dropped her off at the train station to get home
Yep looks like a Corbythug set-up. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/apr/15/no-10-refuses-caribbean-request-to-discuss-children-of-windrush
120K petition that parliament will debate
Aren’t these the very people that were the descendants of slaves? Why on earth would they want to live here, Great Britain?
Are they not glad we had an empire that we now have to apologise for?
Perhaps they would like to return to their ‘Roots’?
Africa even? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-43746746/windrush-migrants-facing-deportation-threat
At the time of the Rhodes statue “controversy”, the BBC World Service was full of items demanding reparations for slavery, robbing ex-colonies of natural resources, retarding the development of countries formally under the colonial yoke, saddling countries like India with imperial laws against, say, homosexuality, that violated indigenous norms, various massacres and genocide. After that tirade, I was asking the same question as you. It would be self humiliation and a betrayal of your forebears to even contemplate coming to Britain.
But then, just like slaves who were liberated and became citizens in Rome, they and their descendents obtained a lifestyle better by far than their kin who had not been enslaved and left in their native lands.
If I was Head of Al Beeb I would employ covert researchers to find out what the viewers thought about the broadcaster. Then I would get them to infiltrate and counter any views that were exhibiting dissent, namely Al Beeb Trolls .
Sorry its not the Beeb, but watching Sky papers review, there is someone called Faiza Shaheen. God does she strangle the English language ! seemingly she is a ‘Dr’ with a list of impressive achievements, but is also Director of the Centre of Labour and Social Studies,…… which means and does what ????? another one out of the Afua Hirsch / Alibaba Brown mold. The media just cant get enough of these Asian/mixed race gobby know alls, and I’m sick to the back teeth of watching them.
it means CLASS, that’s clever init
“Prior to this, Faiza was Head of Inequality and Sustainable Development at Save the Children UK,… led global campaign on inequalities in child outcomes,”
(what about StC inequalities in their own office with their sleazy bosses ?)
Guido has some background https://order-order.com/2016/02/01/interchangeability-of-third-sector-lefties/
The following proves the BBC have direct access to and are working with the Syrian Rebels and those involved in the production of the “Syria Opposition Video” in Douma (claimed) – that led to Trump, Macron and May being impelled to drop bombs on Assad. The BBC are currently mounting a pressure campaign to urge Trump, Macron and May to continue to intervene and bomb Assad – claiming that the job is not done and they shouldn’t walk away.
The following is a carefully managed interview with the girl seen in the Syrian Opposition produced “Douma Video”. Note the girl refers to two bombing raids / shelling incidents:
1) According to her in the first incident she was in a basement of a building in Douma under heavy shelling when suddenly a barrel was dropped into the basement next to her, it did not explode but started fizzing. She was taken “UP” from the basement where doctors took her away to a medical point and then poured water on her, sprayed her and gave her an injection.
2) Then when they were sleeping the planes shelled and they were covered in dust. She was then taken “BACK DOWN” to the basement where she saw “them” bringing in the “Martyrs” and she could smell the “blood in the air”.
Now there are two possibilities – this was “real” – the Syrian Army dropped these bombs in two separate raids within about four to twelve hours of each other, OR this was all part of a carefully constructed production by a Syrian Rebel group, including the parents of the girl, in which the girl formed part of the production (she may not have even been aware that it was a production).
Not also that the BBC say the “Douma video” was produced SEVEN WEEKS AGO – yet the claimed chemical incident occurred seven days ago – so this is either evidence this was a false flag operation – or it is evidence of the BBC’s own shoddy production values.
Monday morning and the BBC News Channel are full of the joys of spring – going down on the farm to see the ‘gorgeous lambs’ and ask that inevitable Brexit question. Keep asking enough times and you’ll be sure to get an answer you want.
No such joy from BBC London News. Asad Ahmed brings us his top headline – Stephen Lawrence. The penny begins to drop. Don’t forget this was a ‘racist’ murder. Stephen’s dad has ‘forgiven’ his killers. This is not a news bulletin. It’s a moral lesson for the day. Hey, BBC, how about you change the name of the show – why not call it the BBC London: ‘This is Good, This is Bad, Show’.
By the way, we learn a couple of things from this latest of many many reports.
Stephen’s dad is a ‘Doctor’. Before we get excited about this boon for the NHS one suspects this will be an honorary acedemic institutional award. Fairly commonly dished out to various celebs. But the BBC were keen to use it.
And we also learn our Stephen was buried in Jamaica. I didn’t know that. The BBC never seem to have spelt that out. It came from the words of his father in the same breath as his forgiveness – so maybe that’s why we now know.
Yes, because I am nasty, I checked on this. Studying successfully for a medical degree or completing a research degree is not equivalent to being awarded an honorary degree. By convention, recipients are encouraged only to use the title in communication with educational stablishments, not with the wider public…. Or it becomes MISLEADING. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honorary_degree
So again, the bBBC mislead to further their agenda.
Has any one else gone on their phone and got a ‘Blocked ‘ message ? I was trying to think of what terrible thing I might have done to get thrown off this great site. Was it my declaration of love for baroness Shabi of tel aviv?
Anyway it works on a big iPad.
Toady bias
Al Beeb mindset; interviewing Lord West – the new interviewer could not conceive that the alleged chemical attack in Syria could have been done by anyone other than Assad -on and on – even Lord west gave reasons for why someone else might have done it to get the allies involved .
Don’t always agree with Lord West but on this he was spot on. Today newbie Martha floundered as she lacked the open mind to comprehend Admiral West’s point.
Theresa May will defend her decision to authorise airstrikes against Syria in front of MPs. But Labour's Shami Chakrabarti says the PM should have discussed it with parliament. pic.twitter.com/V9Sg0e0b4p
In civil court cases as I understand it, the decision is given on the balance of probability.
In criminal cases the test is beyond reasinable doubt.
But for Corbyn’s Labour Party to support military action , we need incontravertible proof and a UN resolution.
Presumably they would also want definite proof of extra terrestrial life forms.
This is out and out pacifism, pure and simple. But they don’t have the guts to admit it.
I am imagining a Sarin gas attack on the UK by, let us say, Iran. Corbyn would respond no doubt by urging caution, a UN resolution, a peace conference, and incontravertible proof the attack did not secretly come from a friendly country. Shami Chakibutty and Emily Thornberry would do what? Head for their mansion basements and pretend it never happened?
The BBC is in the vanguard for the Islamic takeover of the West. In this BBC news homepage propaganda piece they explain the US is an aging country needing more and more elderly carers. The solution according to the BBC requires a million more Muslim refugees and immigrants just like Philip. According to the BBC Philip is a loveable carer and Iraqi refugee. An elderly woman strapped to her chair says Philip is a wonderful person as Philip hovers menacing over her. In addition according to the BBC if illegal immigrants were forced to leave care homes up and down the country would have to close down. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-us-canada-43730216/a-solution-to-one-of-america-s-biggest-problems
Thank goodness that immigrants themselves will never age or require care in old age. Oh I know – we could just bring in ever more immigrants to look after them, in some sort of never-ending Blairian Ponzi scheme. Two countries with aged or ageing populations – Japan where 25% are over 65 and China, which the UN estimates will have 200 million pensioners by 2050, are taking a more realistic approach, investing heavily in robotics and actually structuring their societies to fit in around the requirements of their population. According to this report (sorry, it’s in Japanese), the Chinese market for robots and other elderly care items could be worth around $16 trillion by mid-century. They do not see any need at all for immigrants. https://www.dir.co.jp/report/asian_insight/20151119_010326.html
According to NHK world, the Japanese broadcaster, China now has the fastest aging population in the world. They are very worried that the aging population will halt growth but are not even contemplating importing cheap labour to solve the problem. China wants to use robotics to increase productivity and reduce the need for a vast unskilled manual labour force. Rather than import workers to work in Chinese factories, they export the factories to low-wage countries and import the goods produced abroad. Of course, the unions here would object to this as “loss of jobs” to their members, but of course their members lose their jobs anyway as they are undercut by imported labour. The UK media’s recent sudden interest in increasing productivity is laughable, as the goverment has been importing droves of unskilled, poorly educated labour since the war. The northern mill towns are a classic example of import unskilled, non-english speaking, poorly educated labour to work in an industry that was to be l be priced out of business by foreign competition. Building factories in Pakistan with a cheap import deal for the UK would have prevented generational social problems.
So, a big BBC story has been covering this anti-Brexit rally. I wasn’t at all surprised to spy a couple of Beeb “comedians” among the throng. But the pathetic numbers, 1200 people…Absolutely feeble considering the publicity this anti democratic rally has received.
FFS about 4,000-5,000 of us turned up on a freezing afternoon at Speakers’ Corner to see Tommy Robinson the other week. It got no publicity and no coverage from the media. There were no BBC “comedians” present, no TV cameras, no press.
We really are living the Orwellian dream, aren’t we?
I am in Portugal. We have BBC TV in our apartment. But I believe that
it’s a different BBC ? Has Islamabad TV taken over the BBC?
Here in Portugal quite a lot of the news reader’s reporters etc look
like they either come from Islamabad or the Indian sub continent?
Hi can you give us more details – is it in Portuguese or English? Does it call itself BBC or BBC Portugal …
I have heard from elsewhere that the BBC World Service in other countries tend to denigrate British culture and its history. The BBC World Service is still paid for by the British Taxpayer – yet there may be signs the BBC World Service is out to destroy the reputation of the indigenous British and to promote hatred and attacks against them. This is just what I have heard from one or two people. I have yet to look into this to check such claims.
Nairobi has taken over commercial TV’s advertisments.
There are more ‘Blacks’ in adverts than on the streets, rumour has it that they are having to import ‘talent’ from the USA to meet the 120% diversity target the ‘creatives’ have set themselves.
“Is there anger in the community?” Nick Robinson asked hopefully of someone from the ‘Windrush’ generation on R4 Toady this morning, many of whom apparently have not in 50 years odd bothered to get their papers in order, or done this for their descendants.
This reminds me of the frequent questions/assertions that were asked/made of Grenfell survivors about ‘anger’ in the community.
You get the impression that journalists are ever hopeful of locating some ‘anger’, stoking it, and if none can be found, engendering it.
Wonder why?
The role of BBC Anger and Protests Editor has yet to be adequately filled since Paul Mason left to pursue others interests as Graun/News Statsperson/Canary/‘Freelance’ Pidgen Brain.
There was a time when BBC reporters would ask “What do you think about xxxxxx”. These days it always seems to be “What do you feel about xxxxxx”. There’s no longer any place on the BBC for thought, only for emotion.
Fatty Boulton on Sky is doing his best to ‘stoke’ up this ‘anger in the community’, and yes, this lot have had half a century to sort their paperwork out – wouldn’t we if we moved abroad ? so it does go to show the lack of intelligence we’ve imported. Bet most of them know how to fill in forms for benefits though.
On Radio 4 Today at 7:40am they were telephone interviewing a lady who claimed the Syrian White Helmets are ISIS and sponsored by the West. Not the usual BBC interview so refreshing to hear something counter to the BBC narrative.
The interviewer thought she had this lady covered by saying “…but UN inspectors have proved the Syrian Govn. used chemical weapons in one attack…”
Lady being interviewed replied something like “both sides have used chemical weapons but White Helmets is all about regime change.”. She then went on for a good 45 seconds really stating her point and the interviewing just spoke over her saying “we are running out of time….love to hear your opinion but we have no time….sorry we have to leave it there” and cut her off. Whole interview was barely 60 seconds.
Interviewer “And now over to Nick Robinson to read the papers”
Toady tells us that wimmin see colour differently to men. Apparently that may be accounted for by women possessing four ‘cones’ in each of their eyes instead of three in men. No man has been known to possess four cones. This is pure discrimination and, as a male, (with only three cones), I demand parity and equality with wimmin. I must start a movement dedicated to demanding ‘conal’ parity. I should start, i guess, with either obtaining a willing celeb to join the ranks or present the concept to the BBC to broadcast the creation as a minor force for change. In the former, perhaps Dick Emery the second (can’t think of his name, the one who dresses and acts as a woman and recently joined the Labour National Committee? He always reminds me of Dick Emery as a woman with that gait, no, more ‘strut’ of a man masquerading as a woman in high heels). Come join me in creating further leftie/liberal madness……….
G… could you not just self-identify as a woman? Then, as sure as night follows day, the fourth cone would just appear automatically for you? You would then see more colours and be better placed when it comes to choosing shoes and handbags identifying teams in women’s football on the BBC. Remember: gender and biology are only social constructs and have no basis in, er, reality.
Thanks Ian,
You make a very good point. Maybe the Nuffield Trust could investigate? But, as you say, “….as night follows day…” (I’d prefer something more in context like, ‘darkness follows the light), that may be the easiest solution to obtain parity. But what if no extra cone arrived? I could be ‘aggrieved’. That would be a benefit of setting up an organization, helpline? Charity status, Government Grant. It goes on. But the real benefit of a group would lie in being a ‘section of the population’ which could be susceptible to hate speech (I couldn’t think of any reason why)………………
Please watch out for BBC news stories that are merely a cover to promote the Islamic festival of Ramadan. The first such story I have spotted today – the Mo Salah Ramadan Lantern: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-43761682
Mo Salah is a very good footballer that plays for Liverpool Football Club. Over the past year I have tracked how the BBC have purposely promoted him as an Icon for Islam.
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
– “… when immigration is too high …. it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
– Maybe Jacob Rees-Mogg should talk to his leader Theresa May?
JRM must now make a choice: the national interest or party political loyalty.
It looks like he has already chosen the latter. Whether this is due to familial influence/upbringing, naivety or selfishness I do not know.
Trusts spent £23.3 million pounds on translation services last year.
The NHS has spent £64.4 million on translation services in the last three financial years, a £9.4 million (17%) increase from 2007/8 – 2009/10.
This amount equates to a staggering £59k per day.
London Trusts comprised only 15% of the Trusts surveyed, but were responsible for 31% of the total spend.
45% of Trusts could not break down the cost of written translation.
Overall costs of translation are on the rise, whilst the cost of written translation is decreasing, which indicates that it is the cost of interpretation that is rising.
We’ve got the Croatians coming after the 18th June. What language to they speak? Whatever, the £23.3 million is about to go up. I wonder if Migration Watch who recently calculated that, as a result of all immigration (whether EU or otherwise), is a net loss to the taxpayer took these sort of figures into account. As above, (Tabs), 15% of the prison population is muslim. I am sure that when these sorts of peripheral costs are included, the taxpayer would be absolutely shocked at how much the immigrants are costing us to celebrate ‘diversity’. As I recall, Migration Watch concluded, it cost the UK taxpayer something in the region of > £13 billion a year.
NHS managers know that it’s a waste of money, but it’s self defence against lawyers. One Trust is about to pay millions because it didn’t bring in a translator to tell a new mother that she needed to feed her baby. The root cause of the problem is the legal system.
A legal system like ours was developed over a long period of time, in and for a homogenous society; as the UK becomes increasingly “diverse” its legal system will function less and less well.
If private eye was any good now it would have a ’lammy spotters corner’ for sightings of said expensive bicycle. If only it turned up on e bay “ unused gift from the taxpayer’.
It still doesn’t beat the 99p sink bung which a former lady Labour home. sec claimed – you know. – the one who put in the claim for porn dvds. – and she still gets hired by. Al Beeb to spout crap.
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Not BBC Wondering what the true president will announce tonight – about 2AM london time when he speaks to Congress…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Asia News — “USAID cuts shutter India’s first clinic for transgender people” “Vyjayanti Vasanta Mogli, a trans woman who has…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 At some stage these characters develop i kind of ‘ royal’ delivery which i think is based on the way…
AsISeeItMar 4, 11:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Netflix’s Black Doves update. I’m putting myself through this spy thriller like the preverbial Oscars-allied Sex Worker Community heart-of-gold hooker…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:57 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the TRANS man”? Aristotle.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 95% clean power by 2030 ** does not include bombing Russia https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cn9gxvppxqpo [img]https://sceeus.se/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/emerson-tabell.png[/img]
Philip_2Mar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC is at it again! Now they’re pushing drag queen prostitutes onto six-year-olds! The CBeebies website has listed Marsha…
vladMar 4, 10:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Wokies and normies and the BBC think that giving Ukraine enough arms and money to keep feeding their men into…
11:15-12pm Radio4 \\Sue MacGregor reunites environmentalists and politicians
who fought fossil fuel industry lobbyists to secure the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol..which, for the first time, committed 38 developed countries to collectively cut their greenhouse gas emissions, took a gruelling diplomatic struggle to reach agreement in December 1997.
Featuring : Joanna Depledge formerly part of the the UN’s Climate Secretariat,
former British Environment Minster John Gummer (Lord Deben who now profits from green subsidised investments),
campaigner Tony Juniper of Friends of The Earth,
and lawyer Farhana Yamin, who was then policy advisor to the Alliance of Small Island Nations.//
A Powell Balanced set of independent fearless truth telling then?
Is that Depledge name her stage one? Like Greening or Balls?
Something called ‘Drill’ music is in line to be outlawed because of the inference in the lyrics to gang crime, murder and other nice activities. Two young black men were interviewed, and despite clearly being born here I had no idea what they were saying – mumbled replies, one appeared to be as high as a kite and barely articulate in a sarf lunnun way, and the other was someone called Guvnor B who recites this stuff but was a little more forthcoming. With idiots like this at the fore front of black culture there’s little wonder they feel ‘repressed’.
See how the BBC promoted an anarchist rap artist who was inciting terrorism with his music on Radio 4 ‘s “Front Row” in 2006 at http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/08/legitmacy-to-incitement-by-extremist.html
I see the Beeb are gleefully reporting the Anti Brexit march in Londinium today. Wonder if they’ll start a ‘live update’ page to support it?
Tell them all to read the £9M leaflet that this Prime Minister sent out and watch this…..
It’s still in pride of place on the BBC ‘News’ (loose term I know) website. Seemingly ‘1,200 people had joined the rally’. 1,200? Not exactly a major turnout is it? So why has it been on the front page of the website all day??
Anyone watching the Commonwealth Games closing ceremony? Another celebration of multicultural bollocks.
“Anyone watching the Commonwealth Games closing ceremony?”
Er, no.
Any chance of us watching the Toys R Us closing ceremony?
Or indeed, all manner of companies closed down due to “fears about Brexit”. Well done BBC-you do nothing else but put the wind up anybody who`d like to make or create anything-and then blame Rees Mogg for the uncertainties. How DO they get away with this?
BBC 15 April : “Here is an extraordinary statistic: since the Volvo XC90 went on sale in the UK in 2002 it has sold over 50,000 vehicles, yet not a single person has been killed while driving it, or as a passenger…. the safest car it has ever tested.”
BBC 12 April : “Tanya Krupenko’s Volvo XC90 was charging on their drive in Moseley, Birmingham, when it became engulfed in flames.”
With regard the Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast of Australia – I would be grateful if someone could ascertain the full costs to the BBC in preparing for it (pre-visits, planning etc), in the presentation and production that went into broadcasting it, the number of BBC staff involved, the number of guests invited onto the show and how much they were paid, costs associated in the publicity and marketing of it etc – essentially a full appraisal of the size of the BBC operation in terms of numbers of people involved and costs. Thanks.
They must be gutted that the next one is in Birmingham!
It is far more “vibrant” than the Gold Coast though.
Why I do believe Scotty is back !
Who is / was Scotty? I have been engaging with this site for about 14 months now but don’t recall ever encountering this person.
Lucky you! Scott was a sometime contributor who was a total pain in the derriere and did nothing apart from snipe and make nasty remarks. If I remember correctly, he disappeared from the scene and someone by the name of Zero took his place. Zero subsequently vanished and , lo and behold, Maxi appeared. One could almost think that they were one and the same person …….
Ah criticising Scott, Zero, Maxi.
Oooh you are all far right bigots.
Does anyone remember Bunny La Roche who was with us for a time. Her moment of glory was when she contributed to QT, but had regular appearances here
Bunny La Roche started on this site and achieved THIS level of fame?
What an alma mater we have here. Does Mr Vance send out certificates for us if we say something clever. Bunny surely deserves her fizzog up at the top of this site-she is exactly what all Roedean gals aspire to be, and we should be proud that she learned how to be articulate, clever and compassionate at this very online collage.
But I`m not wearing Alex Harveys castoffs as my uniform, let`s be clear about that.
Don’t forget the Man with Clap on an Omnibus.
Bunny La Roche.
Could have sworn that my hubby had one of her dodgy videos, some trollope with red feathers at the Windmill Club as I recall anyway.
He`s better now-but certainly the brazen tart had a name like that, as a stage name.
Looked like an Agnes to me-this one looks like Peter Beardsley before a burglary.
Hi assumed Taffman meant “ID” (?)
Who is / was Scotty?
Al Beeb’s sockpuppet.
I see that England won the gold medal for netball at the
Commonwealth Games. I missed the 100 meters for
athletes with weak bladders on the BBC. Does anybody know who got
to the toilets first ? The BBC is number one for sport. The
only question is why do they cover the Grand National? It’s not
that diverse is it? I know there are horses and two or three women competing. BUT.
It is with great sadness that the BBC reports the apparent suicide of a human rights lawyer. He poured fossil fuel over his body and then set himself alight as a protest against Climate Change:
I am reminded of the following:
Did I read that right?
Man sets fire to himself to combat global change and carbon emissions?
The News Quiz or the BBC won`t see any prospect of a joke here.
Elsewhere the man is described as a lawyer and champion of the LGQTBIXetc et al. Could it be that a climate change label might elicit more sympathy? Surely not?
It was wrong of him to use fossil fuels and pollute the park . He should have used one of the wind farm whirligigs to chop his head off .
Self loathing homo tops himself in a moment of lucidity , before the disease could regain control
The millionaire Hollywood star, Patrick Stewart has graciously left his mansion in California to fly Business class over to the UK to tell the poor how they got it wrong with the Brexit vote.
Patrick has not found his wages under cut by Polish immigrants, nor that his doctor isn’t available for three weeks, or that his children cannot get into their local school. So what on earth is anyone complaining about?
Fortunately, Patrick doesn’t know any UK fishermen, nor has he troubled himself to chat to the wretched, smelly, stupid oiks who actually inhabit these islands.
Clearly at a modest 5,437 miles from the UK he has a sharper perspective than those poor sods who actually live here and voted for Brexit.
We are indeed, grateful for Patrick to offer his well informed and heart felt opinions, and now he can f**k off back to where he came..
Beautifully put!
Sarcasm at its very best…love it. Spot on! Who DO these people think they are??!
Scribbling, I’ve quoted this on my FB page, since it is so eloquently put.
It is receiving rave reviews.
Please do not sue for copyright, I have been honest in attribution.
Brave soul! I’m afraid I would be too afraid to add anything pro Brexit on my page as I work in telly often with the BBC. I’d be considered insane.
Thanky ou very much for passing it on though. I also put it on the Times comments site where a lot of people like it.
As they say in sci-fi movies, “we are not alone”
Most of my FB contacts think I should be sectioned under the mental health act.
But I battle onwards.
Good for you, make up for for cowards like me.
But some apparently agree on your FB page. SO not all bad
Facebook, ah, now there’s a thing. I was signed up to it by a well meaning sister in law to showcase the items I make. I never used it, never filled in a profile or my address or any other personal details, and yet I still get emails telling me about me needing to ‘friend’ complete sodding strangers ! Today I tried to delete this obsolete account – oh yes, I put I a password and a ‘code’, but it wouldn’t accept it – tried 6 times and nothing. Interestingly there is no facility for contacting facebook direct, so I’ve had to make do with reporting a fault, and hoping I get to be obliterated from facebook forever, I’m not holding my breath though.
Address your complaints direct to Mark Zukkerberg, via the congressional committee etc etc in the US of A.
Any dodgy invites you had from blokes wanting to be pals are nothing to do with me lololol……
…Any dodgy invites you had from blokes wanting to be pals are nothing to do with me lololol……
Dodgy I can deal with, sadly its the doddery who are in need of a carer that I seem to attract !
Brissles – not any beautiful young ladies wanting to be friends? I seem to attract them all the time. And they do not have any history on their timeline…LOL
Ah yes Joe, those Ruskies get everywhere !
I`m in a quandary. It seems that Arsenal Ladies are playing Everton Women. And Man City Ladies are playing Chelsea women or suchlike.
And , although I`ve got this wrong maybe-there was definitely a 5-Live distinction in the names. There are clearly “Ladies teams” and there are “Womens teams”.
Anybody care to tell me which one I should play for-I sense that if i`m a northern bint who scrubs the goalposts when the ball is not near me-then I`d be clearly suited to one of them.
If on the other hand, I was reclining in a chaise longue getting served my Pimms and fainting with attacks of the vapours, and lived in the south? I`d be the other.
I`m near Lincolnshire-which one should I claim to play for? Primary teacher, but voted for Brexit and no TV LIcence.
His mates are round later on, would hope to be able to join them in their endless talks about womens football and the wonders of disability scooter soccer in Utah.
I am absolutely amazed that Gary Lineker is allowed to present
Match of the Day. There must be a woman at the BBC that
can do the job . Nearly every sports presenter on the BBC is
a women now. So why is Lineker in his job ?
He’s a woman, too.
Problem solved.
My boyfriend has just come in, and says I can go straight into the Man United team, ladies, women-they really don`t care anymore.
Apparently I`m a better sweeper than anything on offer today. That`s a joke, he says.
Now I know I will get the ire of the pro Russian supporters of this website.
But why can we not call a spade a spade?
Corbyn is an out of out pacifist. There are no circumstances in which this left wing idealist would fight for his country.
Now I might not agree with pacificism but I can at least acknowledge an opinion genuinely held.
What is deplorable is when someone seeks to hide his pacifism by conjuring up instead all kinds of technicalites as an excuse for inaction and to oppose support for military action. Definite proof, a UN resolution. Deliberately raising the bar so high that it can never be attained. It sounds so superior but it is utterly self-righteous hypocrisy.
Not from me, Sluff, because I am not particularly pro-Russian. I do however want to see evidence collected and rightful (and righteous) prosecutions carried out thoroughly and effectively. And in a country with a ‘free media’ I want good, accurate reporting. In the Salisbury case, the BBC is doing no journalism whatsoever.
The name of the BZ-drug that was named in a link provided last evening on this Thread by joeadamsmith rang a bell in my memory. It took just a couple of minutes of research to link it to drugs with other uses that now include (for those taking stupid risks) ‘recreational’ purposes.
I have to say I am interested in how the Russians are built up into their current state of villainy – after dumping Communism and much of their recent political past – by both some of our politicians and the media, especially the BBC. [ Pounce alert! 😉 ] I assume it is because of ‘Putin’s’ treatment of Pussy Riot.,
Agree, too, Corbyn IS an out and out pacifist although that is only where Palestinians, M-East & NI terrorists and other aggressors are concerned as perceived victims in his eyes. That is what he wants to appear as but do not be deceived. His vituperative hatred of Conservatives and the Conservative Party can be seen on his face and heard in his voice when, for example, the Cameron/Osborne Benefit bill reduction plan was in operation and talked about in Corbyn’s presence. The same tends to be true with many (any?) Conservative policy these days.
Corbyn & McDonnell, especially, adopt what I consider to be a faux tone of voice, gentle & persistant, to press their case while trying to cover their hatred for any opposition to their policies of the day.
Uncomfortably, had I been an MP, I would have had to walk into the same Voting Lobby on the second Iraq War and also when voting against Cameron’s plan to assist and arm rebel groups (that would have included ISIS) in Syria when he was PM. But do it I would. And would still do so.
In hindsight, I think, Corbyn and I would have been proved correct.
You must be on something yourself if you think the BZ agent is used by druggies.
Joeadamsmith’s nonsense originates from a website quoting RT quoting Lavrov. Relevant information being left out of course.
If you go to the website of the lab in Spiez they refute Lavrov’s claim and say the British authorities claims about the substance are correct.
April 13, 2018. REUTERS/Grigory Dukor
Lavrov said experts from a laboratory based in the Swiss town of Spiez had analyzed a sample of the substance used in the poisoning.
Citing a report from the lab dated March 27, Lavrov said the evidence suggested the nerve agent used could be in the arsenal of the United States and Britain.
Lavrov read out parts of the report that he said showed the substance had traces of the BZ agent.
“This formulation was in the inventory of the United States, Britain and other NATO states,” Lavrov said, at an assembly of the Council on Foreign and Defence Policy.
The global chemical weapons watchdog concluded on Thursday that the poison that struck down the former Russian spy and his daughter Yulia last month was a highly pure type of Novichok nerve agent, backing Britain’s own findings.
British Prime Minister Theresa May has said it is highly likely that Moscow was behind the attack.
Russia has repeatedly denied any involvement in the poisoning.
Lavrov on Saturday said the report from the Swiss lab mentioned no nerve agents by name, such as Novichok, but instead gave a long chemical formula that points to a substance that has been developed by many countries.
“We, as you understand, have abilities to receive confidential information. And as this information concerns questions of life and death, we won’t keep this information secret,” Lavrov said.
Lavrov said the Swiss laboratory also identified a high concentration of A-234 agent, known as Novichok. Such a concentration would have quickly resulted in Skripal’s death, Lavrov said.
“Taking into account its (A-234) high volatility, the issue of identification of this poisoning substance in its initial state and in high concentration by specialists at the Spiez (research) center seems to be very suspicious,” Lavrov said.
Reporting by Andrey Ostroukh; Editing by Toby Chopra
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
Lavrov is simply a liar and biased bbc stooges simply parrot his lies.
ID – thanks for the follow-up. However, it was not nonsense.
Your Reuters report neither refutes nor backs up your comment about it being nonsense. The report you use states: “concluded on Thursday that the poison that struck down the former Russian spy and his daughter Yulia last month was a highly pure type of Novichok nerve agent, backing Britain’s own findings.” That being so, why isn’t Skripal dead? Why do none of the known facts back up that Skripal was poisoned by a “highly pure type of Novichok….?”
I can quite happily state that I am not a Russian stooge. But, I can happily state that there was no logical reason for the attack on Skripal. I can also state that on the known facts, the west has, in the past eg Iraq, deliberately lied to the public. Has/is deliberately lying over Syria. And that Russia’s actions, eg over Syria are legal – whereas those of the west are not.
Therefore, who would YOU trust more?
But, I would appreciate the website link that you refer to because I have just been to their website and not seen anything there that you report.
The Reuters report is not proof that Lavrov is a liar. I merely included that as a fuller account of what Lavrov said. Bits and pieces seem to get missed out to make the pro-Putin claims more credible or more difficult to verify.
Labor Spiez website directly contradicts Lavrov’s claim and confirms the claims of the British authorities. I have already posted this in German with your first post.
You might not be able or willing to see a “logical” reason but then you simply ignore a pattern of intimidation and murder typical of the Soviet era that has been revived by Putin.
I studied Russian at university and while working in Munich met a number of people connected with stations like Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty and VOA. A nonlethal bomb attack at Radio Liberty in 1981, the Markov affaire all helped create a climate of fear. Any sudden deaths or car accidents were certainly noted with interest.
The Salisbury incident tells the world that the British state is impotent and Putin can act as he wants on anyone’s sovreign territory and that Putin can eliminate detractors with impunity.
He can also be sure that many useful idiots and contrarians
in the West will muddy the waters for him
If you want to adopt a legalistic position and invoke all kinds of legal dicta like “innocent until proved guilty”, “due process” as if you were in a court of law then whether or not the British government lied in the past is irrelevant and the Salisbury must be “judged without bringing up past convictions”.
Weighing the moral puritg of the British state against that of the Russian is a strange way of determining what happened in Salisbury. The pattern of behaviour of the Russian state is more illuminating but then we know that these are all “false flags” to undermine Putin and so can be safely discounted. Trotsky?- another false flag – cui bono innit?
Labor Spiez is easy to find with a websearch once you know what Lavrov said. Search for “Nowitschok” or “Novitschok” on the site. Where is the report Lavrov referred to. Figment of his imagination?
I am currently reading the “Penkovsky Papers”, which concern the career of Oleg Penkovsky, a GRU colonel who spied for Britain, much like Sergei Skripal, but who was executed when he was discovered.
Penkovsky was writing in 1961/2. He said that the GRU had no hesitation in terminating spies who had outlived their usefulness. He also said they had a school to train assassins and saboteurs. It was all very matter of fact.
Although we now have no ideological conflict with Russia, it is, sadly, the case that Russia is ruled by a dedicated Chekist, who sees the world through the jaded eyes of a career KGB officer. A man of his limited experience would never have been allowed to get to the top of the USSR, where the secret police were always kept in check by the Party, especially after Beria tried to seize power following Stalin’s death, and was executed.
Russia is now ruled by a man who sees everything as a good KGB man would. The USSR used to eliminate “traitors” in the West using poison, and it seems that he shares exactly the same mindset, but without the political reasoning to see the damage he is doing.
Secret policemen have their role in totalitarian societies, but Putin’s behaviour proves it is a serious mistake to allow them to take political control. This is bad news for Russia, and the rest of us.
The defector Mitrokhin who was a KGB archivist collected a vast amount of files over a number of years which he handed over to the British security sevices when they exfiltrated him in 1992.
These files show the KGB went to great lengths trying to track down traitors to liquidate but during the cold war security was obviously tighter and their succes was limited. Why anyone would think Salisbury is anything other than par for the course is beyond me.
ID, check out BZ and its associated chemicals. That was why I referred to fentanyl and ketamine. We know that both of those are used ‘recreationally’ either alone or in mixes with other drugs. Do some journalistic research – am afraid the BBC will not do it for you.
I did not know the joeadamsmith source and questioned it. Did you read both of my posts fully? No?
I didn’t think so.
I think you may be the stooge, here.
I have checked out the BZ agent not “BZ drug” as you call it.
It is an incapacitating agent and was used by the Russians to end the Moscow theatre terrorist siege some years ago.
They succeeded in killing a large number of the hostages.
Just because chemicals belong to the same group does not mean they are the same thing. Farmers use organophosphates and nerve toxins can belong to this group but this does not mean farmers are using military grade nerve toxins as pesticides.
“journalistic research” is not just looking things up on the internet you also have to be able to understand what you read.
I can understand your “idee fixe” with the BBC and its pernicious and often malign influence but you should not let that push you over the edge into paranoia. The BBC may say 2+2 =7 but when RT says 2+2 = -8 you believe it because it’s not from the BBC.
I suppose years of “It’s nothing to do with Islam” etc. from the BBC produces exactly the type of psychological disorientation as you exhibit.
ID, I hope you paid attention to the last item on the 8am News this morning (Tue) on Radio 4 about Hull prison. Psycho-active drugs (ie. similar to ‘nerve agents’) including those that incapacitate (ketamine, for example, which is linked to BZ) are used recreationally and they are taking measures at Hull prison to stop prisoners getting their hands on such things.
I nowhere stated that the chemicals were (exactly, as you imply) ‘the same thing’ but chemicals that link together in chemistry do carry their family characteristics and to lesser or greater measure may mimic or replicate their effects down a chain.
Please show me where I stated this: “Just because chemicals belong to the same group does not mean they are the same thing. Farmers use organophosphates and nerve toxins can belong to this group but this does not mean farmers are using military grade nerve toxins as pesticides.”
I did not. The fact that you are putting words in my mouth suggest that you are another troll on here. Are you a BBC employee?
We on here certainly appear to have managed ‘to press your buttons’ over BZ. All I said was that the former OPCW member had misspoken and the BBC News presenter did not correct them and implied the BBC News presenter should have known enough to do so.
I suspect that you are maxi and/or wild and/or Scotty and/or ‘Manon’ trolling here in disguise. Am happy to debate with you if you leave the insults behind and keep a discussion going. If all you do is snipe and insult, I will treat you like I now treat maxi.
The BBC should know all this stuff and ask questions in relation to the Skripals and Syria, because they have previously broadcast it in other news at other times. In addition, as I pointed out it was easy for me to check, when joeadamsmith posted his link, because the drug name rang a bell from those previous news broadcasts by the BBC and elsewhere. All I had to do to confirm was check via the internet. I could have phoned a friend but at the time of night, maybe not.
If you go back and read my post carefully, you will see that I was being cautious about the information that joeadamsmith linked to in the same way I am cautious about what I am told by any political party, news organisation and anyone posting on the internet in a forum. Caution is not the same as paranoia.
Another factor you and wild and maxi should bear in mind, especially when insulting other posters and calling them stupid or idiots is that you do not know what educational, professional and life experience others posting here may have had and what contacts they have in the real world.
Be more careful in future. I will take your apology as a given and we will move on. Now it is up to you.
Like all good mathematicians, I stop reading at the first nonsequitur.
“I nowhere stated that the chemicals were (exactly, as you imply) ‘the same thing’ but chemicals that link together in chemistry do carry their family characteristics and to lesser or greater measure may mimic or replicate their effects down a chain.”
Cl, HCl, NaCl
What “family characteristics” are “carried down the chain”.?
What do you mean precisely?
Wouldn’t it be wise to want definite proof that someone had actually done something, before you set out to kill them?
I know Tony B. wasn’t all that fussy but that sets the bar pretty low.
I think one can agree with Corbyn on this one very specific issue, without actually being a Corbyn supporter. We know where he comes from (Plus, the mere thought of Diane Abbot as Home secretary chills the blood…)
I still believe greater caution is wise: it’s actually easy to jump in militarily, but with the Russians in Syria, it should be a last resort. This is not like WW2; a single mistake now could have a fatal consequence for us all.
I would go with your sentiment, but my gut feel is that there is something wrong somewhere. It’s all too quick and too slick, possibly a sign that this is -at least in part- an attempt to divert attention from other matters and serve other agendas.
Finally, think of Assad removed. The potential for chaos to ensue is big. Again, one can be grateful for the Russians being there to provide stability, without being ‘pro-Russian’.
All players in this are pursuing what they perceive to be their own interests; it was ever thus. As far as May goes, there are critical issues far closer to home, which -if left to fester- will do the UK great damage. And they’re much tougher to tackle than sending the RAF to bomb Syria.
What would really impress, is if she tackled them with the same vigour. But alas, her track record as Home Secretary does not suggest this will happen.
Corbyn would only agree to military action if there was a UN resolution.
But he knows that is impossible because the Russians, as permanent members, would exercise their veto.
Its pacifism masquerading as moral superiority.
At least Tony Benn fought in the RAF in WW2.
There’s a thing. First they beam down Planet Pat, and then in comes Space Cadet Andy. Again.
He got some direct Lord to Lord thing with Tone?
Owen, and even Surlenny, will be jelly.
As noted, the Loon with a View got plenty of space to air it, and of course the market rate failed to pick him up on the porkie. Again.
It’s like the BBC is utterly Brexit bent.
Patrick Stewart said “Jean-Luc Picard would have voted Remain”
of course he would, he’s “a space cadet”.
As Grant would say –
Stew – LOL!!
13 mins into Countryfile and the guy from activist group the Compassion in World Farming
(when you talk to them they admit their ultimate aim is ban animal farming altogether)
The guy will never tell you that you leave pigs to live naturally there is a high incidence of sows lying on their own piglets, hence the controlled environment of indoor sheds.
19:17pm and now we are on to the artist who dressed as a woman Percy Kelly
Anita “and that story really adds to his work”
Now a weak piece where they mislead by laying out five plates and assert that this represents the welfare standard with Organic being the last one and highest price. 1 minute BBC video clip
However in practice the welfare stardard depends on individual farm management.
Organic farmers can often be bad in animal welfare and food quality control.
Whereas mega -ag-corp might well be fastidious about them, as they are protecting a mega investment.
Countryside filmed their street item in Driffield
..where coincidentally the organiser of the local organic farmers market, got multiple convictions
As a child I saw a piglet whose mother had laid on it. It’s whole side of skin had torn away from its body. I could count the ribs from the inside. As you can see, the memory of a 6 year old has stayed with me. I am all for protection by farrowing crate. But these animal activists that appear on Countryfile (no longer a farming programme, it is more about the coast these days) don’t seem to understand farmers are trying to produce food. If you are on a BBC salary you can afford free range eggs or outdoor bacon. But on the outskirts of Hull is a large housing estate, one of highest deprivation in the country. For people living there those extra few pence do count, but the BBC stars and their green friends don’t care about the poor when shopping In Hampstead .
After the success of last night’s Enoch show
BBC are already planning a series based on the format
whose working title is apparently “People We Don’t Agree With Are Evil”
First a show about Farage, then Thatcher
..says Alex Noble
Having just finished watching the Fiona “Look at Me” Bruce show (aka Antiques Roadshow), I was aghast at the programme trailer following, which informed viewers of BBC that they were going to be treated to a three part series on …. guess what, the definitive history of the Stephen Lawrence case. Bloody hell, when will this obsession ever end? Message to the BBC: we are thoroughly sick of hearing about this case, which spawned, among other things, the egregious and wicked McPherson Report, and an undeserved Baronetcy.
The ultimate irony that scores, perhaps hundreds of young black men have been stabbed and or shot by other young black men during the years since Stephen Lawrence died appears to be lost on the BBC.
Mind you, they’d all be alive today if it weren’t for those savage Tory cuts.
God Almighty, they’ll be doing a review of the death in police custody of Steve Beko next. (for those young’uns he died in S.Africa in 1977)
The definitive history of the Stephen Lawrence case?
I trust that the BBC will also be producing a series on the many other victims of racism*, such as:
Fred Carter 64, 13 July 1993. Mark Sharp 39, 1993. Annie Castle 74, 22 August 1993. Billy Bryan 71, 22 August 1993. PC Patrick Dunne 44, 20 October 1993. Philip Gosling 13, February 1994. Emmanuel Hand 35, 15 May 1994. Richard Everitt 15, August 1994. Leslie Watkinson 66, 9 December 1994. Frank Dempsey 56, 7 February 1995. PC Philip Walters 28, April 1995. Thomas Kidd 61, 6 May 1995. Michael Dooher 19, 2 September 1995. Ted Howell 75, 9 November 1995. Danny Westmacott 16, 8 February 1996. Andrew Steventon 17, June 1996. Elizabeth Pinhorn 96, 9 June 1997. Nina MacKay 25, 24 October 1997. Louie Wade 53, 1998. James McParland 49, 4 April 1998. Brian Harvey 31, 1 August 1998. Peter Harvey 26, 1 August 1998. Winifred Sills 79, 1 May 2000. Elizabeth Amlot 39, 1 February 2001. Daisy Fenton 88, 30 March 2001. Rosie Ross 16, 12 May 2001. Hilda Lockert 86,15 May 2001. Anne Cypher 42, 19 May 2001. Amanda Clarke 32, 26 May 2001. Ross Parker 17, 23 September 2001. Kevin Jackson 31, 1 January 2002. Anthony O’Brien 24, 27 January 2002. Owain Leeson 17, 14 February 2002. Gavin Hopley 19,16 February 2002. Kriss Donald 15, October 2004.
This only covers 10 years or so following the death of Stephen Lawrence. An up to date list would probably fill an entire TV channel.
However, if the BBC (and SKY) want to include interviews of relatives who are doctors and baronesses, they might have a problem.
(*As a the Macpherson Report defined a racist incident as “any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person”, I claim that right and declare these “incidents” racist.)
Found myself driving home via BBC Radio Bristol(or is it Somerset?).
Anyway, it`s clearly a Caribbean phone in, grievance seeking notion of a show. You and Yours with blackface I suppose.
The bloke being interviewed has a petition to stop some Tory incompetence in benefits etc-join the club dear, being my take on it all. But the BBC is obviously allowing itself to rally the angry blacks of St Pauls into confrontation with the (admitedly useless and incompetent) Tory reforms to Universal Credit , pensions etc.
What bothers me is the sheer effrontery of the BBC inviting agitprop live on air, like some student station or hospital spoof of “fighting the power”. Never knew that this is now the way for the local BBC to get its lefty allies onside. So brazen-and NOT what local BBC output is meant to be doing. Guess the Tories deserve much of the bile, seeing they`re thick enough to assume that the PCS and Unison will NOT sabotage all that they introduce in the Job Centres. Naive oafs-but the BBC should not be offering itself out for the Hutu tribe of progressive revolutions like this load of race hustlers on Radio Bristol.
20:00 Kevin Philemon and Primrose Granville Malcolm X Centre

Thanks Stew.
Funny how we just accept all this.
The “Malcolm X” Centre!
What the heck did HE ever do in Bristol to merit getting his name on a council prefab?
The man was a racist, black supremacist and a very nasty little man. Nation Of Islam too, so a real threat.
Maybe the brothers and Black Panthers of DC might want to honour his seedy name-but why would Bristol?
Basically an Alinsky windup-well have Chavez Centres and Choudhury Streets in Slough before we know it. In this way they turn the public square into a colonising lefty battleground to mock us.
Should be the Olive Cooke Centre-local girl, died of charity begging letter overload.
We just get used to all this don`t we?
..Anyway, it`s clearly a Caribbean phone in, grievance seeking notion of a show. You and Yours with blackface I suppose…..
Thanks Alicia, that was my chuckle of the day !
BBC bias by omission again.
Been too busy to pay much attention to the news of late, and only caught bits and pieces re: the Hither Green burglar stabbing.
Like most on here, I suspect, I was pretty shocked at the way the BBC reported the incident. It has very much felt like the 78 year old householder is being targeted to me, when quite honestly, if a man came at me in my home and menaced me with a screwdriver whilst my family were home he’d be lucky to get away with a merely fatal stabbing.
Anyway, I’ve been thinking WTF about it all, especially the ‘tributes’ being stapled to the locals’ fences and the lack of journalistic/police/mayor reaction. Then I read this:
… all you need is the heading to the last photo. Should have been obvious from the start, but like I say haven’t been paying much attention recently.
“Mr Vincent, who was from the travelling community, would have turned 38 on 15 April”
“Mr Vincent, who was from the travelling community, would have turned 38 on 15 April”
If he had done a decent day’s work instead of being a burglar ?
… Is the word of this century
He would have turned 38 if he was safe in jail for all his past crimes …
Fun facts… 5% of the prison population is Gypies/Travellers but they only make up 0.1% of the UK population. Muslims make up 15% of the prison population but are only 4.5% of the UK population.
Perhaps the fun statistic of the number of muslims in jail dictates whether the police prosecute them for any offence? That would account for the police lack of interest in prosecuting any muslim. If that’s the case, it’s nice to know that there is joined up thinking between police and prison service: one helping the other to keep the numbers (and hence the statistics) down.
A woman stabbed to death by a man in London.
‘The Metropolitan Police say this appears to be a domestic incident, rather than part of a “knife-crime epidemic”.
So it has nothing to do with knife-crime or rather the knife crime epidemic?
When is a knife killing not a knife crime?
I guess when it will keep the stats of knife crime down
Or when it’s in Brixton and probably a case of terminal enrichment.
A maxim for Al Beeb to take on board ………
“You can fool all the people some of the time, you can fool some of the people all the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.”
Local Park : gangs with guns, people in Nazi uniform
Yes it’s true I saw it yesterday there was one gang sat there with a pile of guns, another gang sat over there with a pile of guns, all openly in public.
And really there were some wearing Nazi uniform
The only non white guy , didn’t seem bothered..he was doing good business at his 1940’s sweet stall.
Same every weekend now different park every week,..since it’s war re-enactment season
BBC2 10pm the London-Nigerian comedy show
BBC4 11pm The Alex Salmond story
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
“More than a thousand people have turned out for a rally in North London, to call for A People’s Vote on the final Brexit deal” …audio of Caroline Lucas
BBC 5Live News just now
..I just double checked the audio
..yes they reported a local demo of just a thousand people
.. Yep Alastair Campbell tweeted “Hundreds of people queueing round the block”
Sounds like it was a big flop?
“More than a thousand people” = less than two thousand.
Was Diane Abbott there ?
There’d be more turn out if a reality tv show moppet was attending a supermarket opening.
Sir Pat, Baldy Geezer, Loopy Lucas & Co may need to have a rethink.
“Organisers said some 1,200 people were at the event, including MPs from all leading parties. Pro-Brexit campaigners also gathered outside.”
But how many of the 1,200 were Brexiteers ?
And ……………..
“I think we’ll get a great result and we’ll be able to have, not only a gigantic free trade deal with our friends and partners across the Channel, but we’ll be able to boldly go to areas we perhaps neglected over the past five years.”
Yes, The Commonwealth, formely the British Empire! “Up and at them” Rees-Mogg.
I’ve said previously on here that my brother is a Labour councillor, – he is not only canvassing to keep his seat in the upcoming elections, but being a ‘moderate’, he, along with his colleagues are up against the Momentum faction of their own party, who are bussing in their own candidates to fight the seats. He is also hearing on the doorsteps that previous Labour voters are seeping away because of Corbyn and Abbott.
A heart warming story from the wonderful world of overpaid virtue-signalling celebs: Ed Sheeran, tireless look-at-me campaigner for the homeless, has applied to build railings around his £8million London pad to… keep rough sleepers out.
Ahh, sweet.
“Do as I say not as I do” – a core tenet of luvviedom.
Windrush generation people claiming that some of them are getting “you will be deported” letters
‘cos you are on an illegal immigrant list, and you’ve lost your passport so you’ve got no proof.’
This looks like a setup ..that Corbythugs working in the Home Office are choosing to send those letters to Windrush people rather than people they know are really illegal immigrants.
One girls Mum was detained for 1 week, then at the point of deportation, they changed their minds and dropped her off at the train station to get home
Yep looks like a Corbythug set-up.
120K petition that parliament will debate
The media should name these Windrush non-criminals deported
Seems to me there have been no actual deportations.
One thing might new immigrants trying to steal their identities.
FFs there is a Home Office Statement that Nolan didn’t mention
Aren’t these the very people that were the descendants of slaves? Why on earth would they want to live here, Great Britain?
Are they not glad we had an empire that we now have to apologise for?
Perhaps they would like to return to their ‘Roots’?
Africa even?
At the time of the Rhodes statue “controversy”, the BBC World Service was full of items demanding reparations for slavery, robbing ex-colonies of natural resources, retarding the development of countries formally under the colonial yoke, saddling countries like India with imperial laws against, say, homosexuality, that violated indigenous norms, various massacres and genocide. After that tirade, I was asking the same question as you. It would be self humiliation and a betrayal of your forebears to even contemplate coming to Britain.
But then, just like slaves who were liberated and became citizens in Rome, they and their descendents obtained a lifestyle better by far than their kin who had not been enslaved and left in their native lands.
What happened to the TV Licence petition Debate ?
If I was Head of Al Beeb I would employ covert researchers to find out what the viewers thought about the broadcaster. Then I would get them to infiltrate and counter any views that were exhibiting dissent, namely Al Beeb Trolls .
Sorry its not the Beeb, but watching Sky papers review, there is someone called Faiza Shaheen. God does she strangle the English language ! seemingly she is a ‘Dr’ with a list of impressive achievements, but is also Director of the Centre of Labour and Social Studies,…… which means and does what ????? another one out of the Afua Hirsch / Alibaba Brown mold. The media just cant get enough of these Asian/mixed race gobby know alls, and I’m sick to the back teeth of watching them.
Does she have a part-time job doubling on DFS ads?
it means CLASS, that’s clever init
“Prior to this, Faiza was Head of Inequality and Sustainable Development at Save the Children UK,… led global campaign on inequalities in child outcomes,”
(what about StC inequalities in their own office with their sleazy bosses ?)
Guido has some background
The following proves the BBC have direct access to and are working with the Syrian Rebels and those involved in the production of the “Syria Opposition Video” in Douma (claimed) – that led to Trump, Macron and May being impelled to drop bombs on Assad. The BBC are currently mounting a pressure campaign to urge Trump, Macron and May to continue to intervene and bomb Assad – claiming that the job is not done and they shouldn’t walk away.
The following is a carefully managed interview with the girl seen in the Syrian Opposition produced “Douma Video”. Note the girl refers to two bombing raids / shelling incidents:
1) According to her in the first incident she was in a basement of a building in Douma under heavy shelling when suddenly a barrel was dropped into the basement next to her, it did not explode but started fizzing. She was taken “UP” from the basement where doctors took her away to a medical point and then poured water on her, sprayed her and gave her an injection.
2) Then when they were sleeping the planes shelled and they were covered in dust. She was then taken “BACK DOWN” to the basement where she saw “them” bringing in the “Martyrs” and she could smell the “blood in the air”.
Now maybe someone interested in this could check whether the Syrians made two bombing raids over the area of Douma on 7th April – separated by at least several hours – the girl is clearly referring to two separate incidents.
Now there are two possibilities – this was “real” – the Syrian Army dropped these bombs in two separate raids within about four to twelve hours of each other, OR this was all part of a carefully constructed production by a Syrian Rebel group, including the parents of the girl, in which the girl formed part of the production (she may not have even been aware that it was a production).
Not also that the BBC say the “Douma video” was produced SEVEN WEEKS AGO – yet the claimed chemical incident occurred seven days ago – so this is either evidence this was a false flag operation – or it is evidence of the BBC’s own shoddy production values.
Sorry delete the last sentence – the BBC says this was Masa Seven, a week ago (not seven weeks ago!)
Just watched the’Briefing’ do a complete hatchet job on President Trump and Sally-BBC through and through-Bundock leading the charge.
I think I heard a BBBC clip advertising one of their own shows on R5Dead this morning.
Apparently, they’re doing a prog about NASA women in space, a subject about which I have vast experience of…
Whenever I go into the kitchen wearing muddy wellingtons, Mrs O’Blene hits the bloody roof!
Monday morning and the BBC News Channel are full of the joys of spring – going down on the farm to see the ‘gorgeous lambs’ and ask that inevitable Brexit question. Keep asking enough times and you’ll be sure to get an answer you want.
No such joy from BBC London News. Asad Ahmed brings us his top headline – Stephen Lawrence. The penny begins to drop. Don’t forget this was a ‘racist’ murder. Stephen’s dad has ‘forgiven’ his killers. This is not a news bulletin. It’s a moral lesson for the day. Hey, BBC, how about you change the name of the show – why not call it the BBC London: ‘This is Good, This is Bad, Show’.
By the way, we learn a couple of things from this latest of many many reports.
Stephen’s dad is a ‘Doctor’. Before we get excited about this boon for the NHS one suspects this will be an honorary acedemic institutional award. Fairly commonly dished out to various celebs. But the BBC were keen to use it.
And we also learn our Stephen was buried in Jamaica. I didn’t know that. The BBC never seem to have spelt that out. It came from the words of his father in the same breath as his forgiveness – so maybe that’s why we now know.
Yes, because I am nasty, I checked on this. Studying successfully for a medical degree or completing a research degree is not equivalent to being awarded an honorary degree. By convention, recipients are encouraged only to use the title in communication with educational stablishments, not with the wider public…. Or it becomes MISLEADING.
So again, the bBBC mislead to further their agenda.
OT, but a bit of Monday Morning fun…
Everything. At the bbc, they want everything. And some have got it to the tune of millions.
Has any one else gone on their phone and got a ‘Blocked ‘ message ? I was trying to think of what terrible thing I might have done to get thrown off this great site. Was it my declaration of love for baroness Shabi of tel aviv?
Anyway it works on a big iPad.
Toady bias
Al Beeb mindset; interviewing Lord West – the new interviewer could not conceive that the alleged chemical attack in Syria could have been done by anyone other than Assad -on and on – even Lord west gave reasons for why someone else might have done it to get the allies involved .
Don’t always agree with Lord West but on this he was spot on. Today newbie Martha floundered as she lacked the open mind to comprehend Admiral West’s point.
In civil court cases as I understand it, the decision is given on the balance of probability.
In criminal cases the test is beyond reasinable doubt.
But for Corbyn’s Labour Party to support military action , we need incontravertible proof and a UN resolution.
Presumably they would also want definite proof of extra terrestrial life forms.
This is out and out pacifism, pure and simple. But they don’t have the guts to admit it.
I am imagining a Sarin gas attack on the UK by, let us say, Iran. Corbyn would respond no doubt by urging caution, a UN resolution, a peace conference, and incontravertible proof the attack did not secretly come from a friendly country. Shami Chakibutty and Emily Thornberry would do what? Head for their mansion basements and pretend it never happened?
Has somebody finally put Shami in a straitjacket? About bloody time!
Talking bollocks is one thing, but having your earlobes cut to shape takes it to a new level.
“But Labour’s Shami Chakrabarti says”
There you go! I wanted to watch myself on the BBC News highlights later this evening to see how good I came across!
I suppose that to those peasants in the mills and factories up north who don’t know me I might even look goodish?!
The BBC is in the vanguard for the Islamic takeover of the West. In this BBC news homepage propaganda piece they explain the US is an aging country needing more and more elderly carers. The solution according to the BBC requires a million more Muslim refugees and immigrants just like Philip. According to the BBC Philip is a loveable carer and Iraqi refugee. An elderly woman strapped to her chair says Philip is a wonderful person as Philip hovers menacing over her. In addition according to the BBC if illegal immigrants were forced to leave care homes up and down the country would have to close down.
Thank goodness that immigrants themselves will never age or require care in old age. Oh I know – we could just bring in ever more immigrants to look after them, in some sort of never-ending Blairian Ponzi scheme. Two countries with aged or ageing populations – Japan where 25% are over 65 and China, which the UN estimates will have 200 million pensioners by 2050, are taking a more realistic approach, investing heavily in robotics and actually structuring their societies to fit in around the requirements of their population. According to this report (sorry, it’s in Japanese), the Chinese market for robots and other elderly care items could be worth around $16 trillion by mid-century. They do not see any need at all for immigrants. https://www.dir.co.jp/report/asian_insight/20151119_010326.html
According to NHK world, the Japanese broadcaster, China now has the fastest aging population in the world. They are very worried that the aging population will halt growth but are not even contemplating importing cheap labour to solve the problem. China wants to use robotics to increase productivity and reduce the need for a vast unskilled manual labour force. Rather than import workers to work in Chinese factories, they export the factories to low-wage countries and import the goods produced abroad. Of course, the unions here would object to this as “loss of jobs” to their members, but of course their members lose their jobs anyway as they are undercut by imported labour. The UK media’s recent sudden interest in increasing productivity is laughable, as the goverment has been importing droves of unskilled, poorly educated labour since the war. The northern mill towns are a classic example of import unskilled, non-english speaking, poorly educated labour to work in an industry that was to be l be priced out of business by foreign competition. Building factories in Pakistan with a cheap import deal for the UK would have prevented generational social problems.
So, a big BBC story has been covering this anti-Brexit rally. I wasn’t at all surprised to spy a couple of Beeb “comedians” among the throng. But the pathetic numbers, 1200 people…Absolutely feeble considering the publicity this anti democratic rally has received.
FFS about 4,000-5,000 of us turned up on a freezing afternoon at Speakers’ Corner to see Tommy Robinson the other week. It got no publicity and no coverage from the media. There were no BBC “comedians” present, no TV cameras, no press.
We really are living the Orwellian dream, aren’t we?
I am in Portugal. We have BBC TV in our apartment. But I believe that
it’s a different BBC ? Has Islamabad TV taken over the BBC?
Here in Portugal quite a lot of the news reader’s reporters etc look
like they either come from Islamabad or the Indian sub continent?
A glimpse into the future.
Hi can you give us more details – is it in Portuguese or English? Does it call itself BBC or BBC Portugal …
I have heard from elsewhere that the BBC World Service in other countries tend to denigrate British culture and its history. The BBC World Service is still paid for by the British Taxpayer – yet there may be signs the BBC World Service is out to destroy the reputation of the indigenous British and to promote hatred and attacks against them. This is just what I have heard from one or two people. I have yet to look into this to check such claims.
Foscari…. Yes.
Nairobi has taken over commercial TV’s advertisments.
There are more ‘Blacks’ in adverts than on the streets, rumour has it that they are having to import ‘talent’ from the USA to meet the 120% diversity target the ‘creatives’ have set themselves.
“Is there anger in the community?” Nick Robinson asked hopefully of someone from the ‘Windrush’ generation on R4 Toady this morning, many of whom apparently have not in 50 years odd bothered to get their papers in order, or done this for their descendants.
This reminds me of the frequent questions/assertions that were asked/made of Grenfell survivors about ‘anger’ in the community.
You get the impression that journalists are ever hopeful of locating some ‘anger’, stoking it, and if none can be found, engendering it.
Wonder why?
The role of BBC Anger and Protests Editor has yet to be adequately filled since Paul Mason left to pursue others interests as Graun/News Statsperson/Canary/‘Freelance’ Pidgen Brain.
Sorely missed.
There was a time when BBC reporters would ask “What do you think about xxxxxx”. These days it always seems to be “What do you feel about xxxxxx”. There’s no longer any place on the BBC for thought, only for emotion.
Fatty Boulton on Sky is doing his best to ‘stoke’ up this ‘anger in the community’, and yes, this lot have had half a century to sort their paperwork out – wouldn’t we if we moved abroad ? so it does go to show the lack of intelligence we’ve imported. Bet most of them know how to fill in forms for benefits though.
On Radio 4 Today at 7:40am they were telephone interviewing a lady who claimed the Syrian White Helmets are ISIS and sponsored by the West. Not the usual BBC interview so refreshing to hear something counter to the BBC narrative.
The interviewer thought she had this lady covered by saying “…but UN inspectors have proved the Syrian Govn. used chemical weapons in one attack…”
Lady being interviewed replied something like “both sides have used chemical weapons but White Helmets is all about regime change.”. She then went on for a good 45 seconds really stating her point and the interviewing just spoke over her saying “we are running out of time….love to hear your opinion but we have no time….sorry we have to leave it there” and cut her off. Whole interview was barely 60 seconds.
Interviewer “And now over to Nick Robinson to read the papers”
Nick, “The……time….is……….seven……….forty………one……..and…… now……we……will……look……at…….the……newspaper……..head…….lines…….today…………….Monday………………..16th……….April………………….twenty…………….eighteen……”
Sounded like they had a bit too much time and had to speak slowly to get back on track.
Toady tells us that wimmin see colour differently to men. Apparently that may be accounted for by women possessing four ‘cones’ in each of their eyes instead of three in men. No man has been known to possess four cones. This is pure discrimination and, as a male, (with only three cones), I demand parity and equality with wimmin. I must start a movement dedicated to demanding ‘conal’ parity. I should start, i guess, with either obtaining a willing celeb to join the ranks or present the concept to the BBC to broadcast the creation as a minor force for change. In the former, perhaps Dick Emery the second (can’t think of his name, the one who dresses and acts as a woman and recently joined the Labour National Committee? He always reminds me of Dick Emery as a woman with that gait, no, more ‘strut’ of a man masquerading as a woman in high heels). Come join me in creating further leftie/liberal madness……….
G… could you not just self-identify as a woman? Then, as sure as night follows day, the fourth cone would just appear automatically for you? You would then see more colours and be better placed when it comes to
choosing shoes and handbagsidentifying teams in women’s football on the BBC. Remember: gender and biology are only social constructs and have no basis in, er, reality.Thanks Ian,
You make a very good point. Maybe the Nuffield Trust could investigate? But, as you say, “….as night follows day…” (I’d prefer something more in context like, ‘darkness follows the light), that may be the easiest solution to obtain parity. But what if no extra cone arrived? I could be ‘aggrieved’. That would be a benefit of setting up an organization, helpline? Charity status, Government Grant. It goes on. But the real benefit of a group would lie in being a ‘section of the population’ which could be susceptible to hate speech (I couldn’t think of any reason why)………………
Please watch out for BBC news stories that are merely a cover to promote the Islamic festival of Ramadan. The first such story I have spotted today – the Mo Salah Ramadan Lantern:
Mo Salah is a very good footballer that plays for Liverpool Football Club. Over the past year I have tracked how the BBC have purposely promoted him as an Icon for Islam.
odd isnt it
Its like they dont know there were previously some decent premier league players who are muslim yaya toure for one
Great analysis of the presstitutes Carter.
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
– “… when immigration is too high …. it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
– Maybe Jacob Rees-Mogg should talk to his leader Theresa May?
My father’s view which has stood the test of time about Enoch Powell’s famous speech {Jacob_Rees_Mogg}
JRM must now make a choice: the national interest or party political loyalty.
It looks like he has already chosen the latter. Whether this is due to familial influence/upbringing, naivety or selfishness I do not know.
Trusts spent £23.3 million pounds on translation services last year.
The NHS has spent £64.4 million on translation services in the last three financial years, a £9.4 million (17%) increase from 2007/8 – 2009/10.
This amount equates to a staggering £59k per day.
London Trusts comprised only 15% of the Trusts surveyed, but were responsible for 31% of the total spend.
45% of Trusts could not break down the cost of written translation.
Overall costs of translation are on the rise, whilst the cost of written translation is decreasing, which indicates that it is the cost of interpretation that is rising.
We’ve got the Croatians coming after the 18th June. What language to they speak? Whatever, the £23.3 million is about to go up. I wonder if Migration Watch who recently calculated that, as a result of all immigration (whether EU or otherwise), is a net loss to the taxpayer took these sort of figures into account. As above, (Tabs), 15% of the prison population is muslim. I am sure that when these sorts of peripheral costs are included, the taxpayer would be absolutely shocked at how much the immigrants are costing us to celebrate ‘diversity’. As I recall, Migration Watch concluded, it cost the UK taxpayer something in the region of > £13 billion a year.
NHS managers know that it’s a waste of money, but it’s self defence against lawyers. One Trust is about to pay millions because it didn’t bring in a translator to tell a new mother that she needed to feed her baby. The root cause of the problem is the legal system.
A legal system like ours was developed over a long period of time, in and for a homogenous society; as the UK becomes increasingly “diverse” its legal system will function less and less well.
Trudeau supports Trump, Treezer and Macron.
United in a humanitarian cause.
God help us all if this Labour Party (not the one i used to vote for)get into power….F—–g unbelievable…
3 days and counting … will we see the UK MP (Labour) David Lammy’s £650 bike paid on expenses … “19th April, 2018 will be … Bicycle Day”.
If private eye was any good now it would have a ’lammy spotters corner’ for sightings of said expensive bicycle. If only it turned up on e bay “ unused gift from the taxpayer’.
It still doesn’t beat the 99p sink bung which a former lady Labour home. sec claimed – you know. – the one who put in the claim for porn dvds. – and she still gets hired by. Al Beeb to spout crap.