Racial and genda PARITY- a new word to me in the PC lexicon . Some son of the empire now running the young vic to do art reflecting the country … so stabbings, suicide vests and driving on the pavement to follow then .
Al Beeb is pushing a new campaign – sending stuff back the country of origin. – but not people it seems…
The Tory chair of some parliamentary committee thingy is on Toady with Martha taking about Cambridge analytica again. Damien Collins – a staunch remainer. – poor sod.got caught. Wrongfully claiming. 4000 grand for one his homes in London .
There was no declaration of Brexit view in this biased interview. Just more attempts to undermine democracy .
Looks like the Bbc Editor in Chief has the Newswatch focus nailed…
Questions I'd be asking if I were a health corr: How many hospitals have refused to treat Windrush Brits such as Albert Thompson who has cancer? What wd have happened if they'd gone ahead & ignored the Home Office? Does refusing essential radiotherapy count as doing no harm?
We’re getting the full propaganda works this week from the BBC. Tonight we’ll be lectured (YET AGAIN!) about the Lawrence case. Christ, I’m looking forward to that!
Then we’ve got this bullshit about the Windrush generation facing deportation…although absolutely no-one has been deported, or will be.
On Toady, in full pc lecture mode, we heard from poor discriminated black people and how horrible and racist whites are. Just how many times do I have to hear that old chestnut “no blacks, no dogs, no Irish”?
We’re told of the massive contribution that these folk have made to Britain. How did we ever cope without them?
We’ve had The wonderful Enoch Powell’s speeches ripped to bits by half witted, cowardly trash who aren’t fit to wipe his arse.
And then I tune into LBC and hear there’s been yet another stabbing.
Oh dear, I wonder who might be responsible?!
The Beeb, possibly because they’re so intent on bringing us news about the murder of Stephen Lawrence that occurred 25 years ago, and lecturing us on our racist attitudes, seem to have missed this murder that happened last night. Two others died in London on Sunday evening.
Black on black crime.
The “No Irish No Blacks No Dogs” appears to be a myth. It was probably fabricated in the 1980s by some Irish wallowers in victimhood, the same type of people who wave Palestinian flags at Glasgow Celtic games.
Z, I seriously doubt that from what I have been told by eye-witnesses. You also need to check the major news agency photo-archives because I think there is contemporary visual evidence in existence.
What a lot of people have forgotten, although the BBC did make brief reference to it in (one of the?) extended trails in News programmes about the 50th anniversary broadcast, the Powell speech brought about a change in society, esp. in London where I received my experiences. Those notices in boarding house windows fairly soon disappeared and there was a change in attitude to race among different groups.
Z, aah, it was your imprecise language that misled me! (An important lesson for the BBC there.) Specifically including the Irish with ‘Blacks’ and ‘Dogs’ on that poster. I’ve no idea about that. It could have been set up. Depends very much on the integrity of the photographer and house owner, if the two were different.
What some BAME colleagues and acquaintances and friends have said to me is that they have actually encountered restrictions, being turned away, or having seen the signs in windows.
Oh, and after posting on here yesterday and going off to do other stuff, I remembered a name from back in childhood days, listening to BBC Home Service News on the wireless: check out a landlord with the name Peter Rachman.
More dishonest and stupid reporting on Today this morning. Nigel Oakes identifies an effective propaganda technique used by Hitler. A silly, perfidious, outraged academic called Emma Briant reports this private, off-the-cuff conversation. The conclusion is drawn that the whole Leave campaign was Nazi in nature.
Z, agree that was disgraceful and went counter to the pre-7am statements on the matter but Briant (Bryant?) was allowed to get away with it by the BBC. No corrections or restraint or caution from Nick or Martha. ‘All Brexit voters are Nazis’, the BBC are happy and content to convey the message.
I’m afraid the war on Brexit and Brexiteers continues and it is a very dirty one from the Remain side.
Weapons of mass defamation are being employed by Remain.
Sitting on the brown, faux-leather sofa in the living room is “Cherub”, from Romania, in a dark red bra and knickers, and nude patent heels from Primark.
Hang on…. I thought all immigrants were architects, engineers and doctors?!? What will happen to the UK brothels once we leave the EU?
The cops run out of evidence in the St Lawrence case but the beeb will never let us forget . A three part doco (WTAF) starts tonight, no doubt with lots of nulabour love, tory hate and racism everywhere. Stephens mummy on the beeb this morning getting her arse kissed and doing a bit of race baiting and telling us Stephen wanted to be an architect and was very creative. Pull the other one.
And very conveniently we have Lammy grandstanding and keeping ‘Lammy Race Baiting Inc’ going at full speed. And the beeb help him by screaming Windrush ‘Scandal’ every chance they can. Labour made themselves looked like spoilt brats yesterday in parliament (take a bow creasy) but today the media go full anti tory with smiles and venom. Cant have labour looking bad as London needs to be turned red in a few weeks. Sly news and ITV were just as bad as they do all they can to get corbyn into no 10 and reap that utopian socialaist future. Muppets
Back to Salisbury (sorry, Pounce) but it is also about the BBC and the paucity of their News & Current Affairs coverage.
Compare and contrast the amount of Windrush coverage today on TODAY with the amount of coverage of the Skripal poisoning. The BBC is back in questioning, searching, inquisitive and accusing mode on Windrush, something noticeably lacking on the Skripal affair.
How about enquiring about the current health of D-S Nick Bailey, BBC?
On a brighter note, at least they have woken up in the BBC Newsroom to the fact that it is the 70th Anniversary of the first Windrush sailing and the not the 50th Anniversary as they suggested yesterday.
'I don't want to hide who I am any longer'. ❤️️????Lesley received advice through a hidden earpiece when she went looking for love again. #TheSecretHelperspic.twitter.com/jvHShu7A0Q
Re Windrush rules
They are legal as long as they arrived before 1971, AND they have NOT left for more than a 2 year period.
Hence if HO think you went to live back in the Caribbean they are correct to ask you to prove that you went back for less than 2 years
Most knew the rules so regularised their status easily and cheaply decades ago.
Stew: You mention facts.
It’s no longer about facts, if it ever was.
One poor old (Jamaican) lady having a go at whitey on R4 this morning was more than happy to drag Stephen Lawrence into the Windrush affair to show that whitey was just one never-ending continuum of badness.
The ‘mea culpa’ has done its work, and you can now mix up any ‘facts’ you like with any other. Those who have smelled blood feel that they are now ready to go for the kill.
Lawrence and Wishrush have fitted seamlessly into a narrative, in the same way Skripal, Douma, and RAF raid did.
“to show that whitey was just one never-ending continuum of badness.”
Oh really?
At the risk being accused of trying to promote my earlier post, I’m taking the liberty of posting this bit again because it seems relevant:
Fred Carter 64, 13 July 1993. Mark Sharp 39, 1993. Annie Castle 74, 22 August 1993. Billy Bryan 71, 22 August 1993. PC Patrick Dunne 44, 20 October 1993. Philip Gosling 13, February 1994. Emmanuel Hand 35, 15 May 1994. Richard Everitt 15, August 1994. Leslie Watkinson 66, 9 December 1994. Frank Dempsey 56, 7 February 1995. PC Philip Walters 28, April 1995. Thomas Kidd 61, 6 May 1995. Michael Dooher 19, 2 September 1995. Ted Howell 75, 9 November 1995. Danny Westmacott 16, 8 February 1996. Andrew Steventon 17, June 1996. Elizabeth Pinhorn 96, 9 June 1997. Nina MacKay 25, 24 October 1997. Louie Wade 53, 1998. James McParland 49, 4 April 1998. Brian Harvey 31, 1 August 1998. Peter Harvey 26, 1 August 1998. Winifred Sills 79, 1 May 2000. Elizabeth Amlot 39, 1 February 2001. Daisy Fenton 88, 30 March 2001. Rosie Ross 16, 12 May 2001. Hilda Lockert 86,15 May 2001. Anne Cypher 42, 19 May 2001. Amanda Clarke 32, 26 May 2001. Ross Parker 17, 23 September 2001. Kevin Jackson 31, 1 January 2002. Anthony O’Brien 24, 27 January 2002. Owain Leeson 17, 14 February 2002. Gavin Hopley 19,16 February 2002. Kriss Donald 15, October 2004.
Theresa – I forgot to mention that this dear old lady also brought E.P. into this Windrush/ Lawrence tale, to give the badness continuum its potency (in her eyes). Shame on anyone who thinks the BBC prompted any of this.
The Jamaican Prime Minister -in London- has picked up the story, so the old lady wasn’t without effect. And May has now apologised to 12 Caribbean Leaders.
Please give me the link to your original post. Ta.
PS Just watching the 13h00 news on TV one, and I see another (the same?) Dear Old Lady saying: ‘Why am I illegal?’ We now see the ship itself, as we have several times on the BBC over the last 24 hours. Norman Smith says ‘there is genuine uproar and people are aghast’.
Norman says Lammy says the son of an immigrant in his constituency faces ‘deportation’ tomorrow.
Surprised we haven’t seen Lammy in person. Suppose he has important stuff to do.
She actually has serious health problems and some of that is no doubt made worse by her weight and size.
I actually feel for her (no, that’s not the same way as Jezza – definitely not – but in normal, human, compassionate terms) and think she should retire as an MP and get herself sorted out with a healthy diet and proper rest and no political angst. And no alcohol. Well, very little.
She can be at peace with herself and her achievements. Now she needs to care for Diane Abbott and her family and be around for them.
Diane, go and enjoy health and life and retirement. You have earned it.
RJ, my turn for being hauled up for imprecise language. DA has got herself elected, turned up, spoken a lot, all paid for by the taxpayer, and is now qualifying for a generous pension, paid for by the taxpayer.
There is a Commonwealth meeting imminently.
Naturally, the only thing the right-on bBBC want to talk about is LGBT pqrs xyz issues.
On Toady at 0735 the increasingly odious Robinson interviews a male Trinidadian bishop opposed to LGBT equality. Robinson gives him a very hard time. Harsh, almost vicious. F37 commonwealth countries share the bishop’s general views. Toenails then interviews a Namibian lady campaigner for LGBT issues. Robinson gives her a very easy time indeed. Soft, sympathetic.
I thought the BBC was supposed to be impartial?
OK so if Robinson and his bosses want to harass and belittle a religious figure from the Commonwealth about their attitude to the BBC’s progressive issue of the day, why not go for the most regressive country? Why not do a hostile interview with a Pakistani Imam? Eh? I wonder why not!
* Flag with Gun on it (for peace).
* Poster in background with oppressive theocratic dictator asking for tolerance.
* Labour MP of 34 years smiling and giving talks.
He has benefited from collective msm amnesia led by al beeb . I remember the C bad word in the 70s and there after which is why I’m truly astonished he got the top job and is viewed by snowflakes with affection .
As an aside. I’m sitting patiently waiting to be first on the new Fred. I’ve tasted the glory once and want it again -.just like ‘pep’ or not .
CAIRO (Reuters) – Egypt’s government press centre called on Tuesday for Egyptian officials and prominent individuals to boycott the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) after a report on human rights it said was “flagrantly fraught with lies”.
Rights groups say there is a growing crackdown against political opponents ahead of the election, while Egypt has banned scores of local news websites since May.
Monica Crowley – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwLZ6UWkRaY
Worth watching this 27 min video in my opinion. The UK has its own “Swamp” and many of the members of the “Swamp” have been exposed by the Brexit Referendum. Shame there’s no Donald Trump to redress the balance.
Safer than what?
a scaffolder?
Breaking news:
Lazy slag with low morals likes getting paid to lay on her back.
Hillariously interviwed in here bra and panties.
Uses that annoying rising innotation at the end of most sentences, making them sound like a question?
Claims to have gone to university…
BBC lapping up her every word.
Was at one of Tony Benns “Tolpuddle” rallies just before he died. Think it was 2008.
Anyway, he was on the same stage as a prostitutes spokeslady from Columbia or somewhere similarly casual and dangerous at one and the same time.
The organisers were flummoxed, are they prostitutes or sex workers? A collective or a brothel?
Anyway, poor Tony was a man out of time, poor guy simply was nonplussed. Like to think that he too saw his Labour Party turning into a painted freak show.
No old principles, no Israel-just a load of Owen Jones types and tattooed lesbians whooping and hollering at Billy Bragg.
Nearly all from Bristol, tone deaf-matronly busty, and scary. Only a man would have ironed that banner they yell beneath. And no union in living memory would have used it, seeing as it would have represented real blokes who actually made things, didn`t just pimp off the Council or Quango for Columbian Sex Traffic Warders.
Goodbye Labour-welcome Chavez in a Rochdale KFC. That`s Labour.
* Most refugees to be jobless for years, German minister warns.
* German police flex muscles to calm refugee tensions.
* Refugee rights snarl up coalition talks.
* Weidmann links EU migration to German pay pressure.
Is that the same cheerleading bitch for remain, the FT ?
Funny how they dont say:
”but in 5 to 10 the majority will have already returned to their now safe home countries…”
Sarah Sellers ran the 26.2 mile (42km) course in a time of two hours 44 minutes four seconds, finishing just minutes behind Linden.
Monday’s race was only the second marathon that the 26-year-old nurse has run. The first, in Utah, she won to qualify for the prestigious Boston event.
She was a keen track and field competitor in college, but is an unknown to the professional running world. Spectators on social media could only find accounts for a country music star of the same name.
Funny that because I found her straight away ….a gifted athlete winning a marathon whatever next !!
Huge congratulations to former Weber State track standout Sarah Callister Sellers who finished second at the Boston Marathon, in just her second marathon. Best finish ever by a Utah native in Boston. She was a nine-time Big Sky Conference champion in her Weber State University Track and Field career from 2009-12. #WeAreWeber
I wonder why there’s such a squeeze on school places?
No chance of the BBC exploring.
It’s not like they are journalists.
The whole thing is presented as though the shortages are just normal, part and parcel etc
Well, what do you know? The officer who was gathering intelligence on Stephen Lawrence has been named by BBC TV news.
Stephen’s friend Duane says this is the beginning of another long campaign….
Oh dear.
Well, what do you know? The officer who was gathering intelligence on Stephen Lawrence has been named by BBC TV news.
Stephen’s friend Duane says this is the beginning of another long campaign….
Oh dear.
Well, what do you know? The officer who was gathering intelligence on Stephen Lawrence has been named by BBC TV news.
Stephen’s friend Duane says this is the beginning of another long campaign….
Oh dear.
The tale of 60 killed so far this year in London, by contrast, has received not a mention. Not even a whisper….
My turn to apologise now. (Can’t leave it all to ‘ministers’) I seem to have pressed ‘post comment’ three times.
Strange coincidence that BBC decide to do the 3 part Lawrence doco, on the lead into the council elections,
… Convenient for Tory bashers.
I expect Tory bashers working in Home Office engineered the Windrush thing
BTW the John Prescott show is on Channel5 tonight.
BBC Irony & Volvo XC90 SUV
#1 March 20 in Arizona Homeless lady killed by Uber-self-driving Volvo XC90 SUV http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Elaine_Herzberg
#2 April 12 in Birmingham a Volvo XC90 hybrid bursts into flames while left on charge
#3 April 15 fawning BBC news article
*Volvo XC90* ‘The most significant development since the safety belt’ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-43752226
New prog for modern Britain
“: Sex, headscarves and Yassmin Abdel-Magied
No Country For Young Women
We take a no-filter dive into what it’s like for Black and British Asian women to navigate a white world. Joined by mechanical engineer and Muslim activist Yassmin Abdel-Magied.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p064hphr
Guest : Australian Muslim who’s been in the UK only 6 months after being laughed out of Australia
“Family jailed for keeping men as ‘slaves’ ordered to pay victims thousands”
“Jurors were told Mr Hughes was beaten “all the time” if he did not do as he was told and was made to live in appalling conditions. The victim was diagnosed with brittle bone disease osteoporosis after years of malnutrition.”
If it hadn’t been Travellers committing these inhumane acts then wouldn’t the BBC be all over this appalling slavery story?
Oh, and if you are wondering about how much sympathy the other travellers have for the people whose lives they destroyed, then here is a picture of them expressing their remorse.
The problem with the Windrush/Lawrence affair (they have long ago been linked by the BBC) is that it has generated a lot of heat but very little light.
Take Windrush. Roughly how many people were deported when they were here legally? How is it possible, in this day and age, for anyone not to leave a substantial ‘paper trail’? How would the authorities distinguish between a ‘legal’, who has somehow managed not to leave such a trail, and an illegal, who has deliberately destroyed his/her documentation? There are many more questions.
When the Tories voted down the need for every resident to carry an identity card they were foolish, I remember thinking at the time.
On this small Island with its big immigration problem that would be an essential; to think that this requirement is somehow ‘illiberal’ sets us up nicely for the situation we have now.
Add to this the race card, which bedevils everything. Take Lammy, last night on R4. He could have calmly presented some facts and figures and credible sources. If there have been illegal ‘deportations’, he could have made a strong case. He was asked some good questions. There could have been an illuminating discussion. Instead he went for outrage, lots of heat. Zero information.
Take May. She apologises without qualification. That basically is an admission of guilt. But for what? An illegal ‘deportation’? Ten? A hundred? A hundred thousand? All with no paper proof of any kind? It beggars belief.
The timing of all of this is also very suspicious. The confluence of certain events right on CHOGM. And nobody is manipulating anything? So we have the Powell speech, the Lawrence commemoration, the Windrush business, large -scale murder in London with little sign of the police drawing a few red lines, etc…
The ‘R’ word hangs heavily over everything, even when its use is carefully avoided. Coincidence?
May is desperate to be seen as the “nice” conservative not a “nasty” one.
She has precided over The Tories changing from a party with well defined beliefs and philosophy into a party which jumps onto pretty much every PC wagon that passes by. Under May the Tories are intellectually and morally bankrupt. All she cares about is winning elections and I suspect therefore she thinks that by sucking up to the left with pro immigration PC policies – sacks of Muslims votes will flood her way.
She also needs the MSM on side and in particular the pro remain BBC. Hence as the political coward she is. Instead of saying to them the people voted to leave I will give it to them. She has deliberately allowed herself to go for the BBC approved softest brexit possible. The same with this , Aunty wants more and easier immigration Theresa will give it to them. With the BBC she has entered into a Faustian pact but is too dim to realise it.
With regard to the Windrush debacle she is like a rabbit caught in the headlights . She appointed another dull “remain” technocrat as Home Secretary – and like her leader she is actually fairly incompetent and probably sees her position as Home Sec purely as a waiting room for the top job rather than the second most important job in the land.
No on this Windrush thing, Theresa will wear sack cloth and ashes for a very long time indeed. She will revel in the verbal scourging of race baiter Lammy with all its unpleasant undertones of institutional racism (including all of us whiteys) and in all likelihood will willingly co-operate in attempt to make the immigration system more “humane” – and we all know where that is going.
In short she is probably the most woeful Prime Minister for years and personally I actually rate her worse than Blair. He was bright but crooked – May on the other hand is like a discarded snot rag blowing down the street – unwholesome with no real sense of purpose and carried along by whatever puff of wind blows the hardest. And by ecc the likes of Lammy can certainly “blow hard”
I fear you are spot on, Oaknash. To crown it all, how do you get to be P.M. when you’ve gifted the opposition the most wonderful two-word label to describe your own party, they could ever have dreamt of?
The current episode at the Home Office also has a surreal air to it. Does one wake up in a cold sweat at night thinking: come back, D.C., all is forgiven? No, that’s just flitting from one nightmare into another…
BBC where 50% of news is them talking about themselves
6pm News : ‘Here is David Attenborough, his Blue Planet has had a plankton named after it, the great man ….(cut to great man talking about plankton are part of carbon cycle, and we shouldn’t mess with that, tick box)’ blah blah David Shuckmann
Oh how the Beeb are struggling today..Pound up against dollar and Euro, highest number jobs ever recorded, lowest unemployment, declining inflation, increasing wages. Trump looks like he has made headway with North Korea….and how do they report all of this…
With a whisper or a Sopel….he just had to get a dig at Trump…not ‘look he has done what he said he would, but – it’ shows how he likes a gamble’..he was spitting his words out..
However Windrush is causing great angst amongst the white liberals – now I think it is absolutely wrong what has happened but why can’t our press and politicians be like the Prime Minister of Jamaica , Andrew Holness – his calm focussed and accepting speech was a model unlike David Lammy who ranted and accused, making it a racial and not an administrative issue..
We're interested in using this video on BBC/ partner outlets. Do you know who filmed it? If so, would we be able to use it? Please follow and DM. Thanks.
DoublethinkerMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I disagree with how Zelensky and the West has been going about this war for the last three years. Ukraine…
Fedup2Mar 4, 08:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the almighty Bowen lives with a permanent sneer now . I think it comes from the years these…
JohndaMar 4, 08:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeremy Bowen just described Trump as distasteful in his approach to Kiev. It’s not his job to critique. No place…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 08:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 bbc verify is on the case:- Can Europe fill the gap now the US has paused military support for Ukraine?…
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1896693369948311986?s=61 Clever. This may see ‘review’ their stances.
AsISeeItMar 4, 08:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 TSMC acts as tariffs loom… The world’s biggest chipmaker is set to unveil a $100bn investment in advanced manufacturing facilities…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 08:28 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Islam – winning the game of terror and attrition – do we close all Churches so we don’t offend Islam?
AsISeeItMar 4, 08:26 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ” jokey snog” – Spain’s ex-football chief Luis Rubiales found guilty of sexual assault Nice one Marky. You’re a fellow…
JohnCMar 4, 08:26 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Six things that could get more expensive for Americans under Trump tariffs https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cvgpvq20qmdo Attempts to write pointless articles for the…
As Katty might say in a long tweet…. “Boom!”.
Toady again
Racial and genda PARITY- a new word to me in the PC lexicon . Some son of the empire now running the young vic to do art reflecting the country … so stabbings, suicide vests and driving on the pavement to follow then .
Al Beeb is pushing a new campaign – sending stuff back the country of origin. – but not people it seems…
1st Performance? “Colonialism”. I guess I can work out where that’s going……………………Evil Whitey.
Toady. Again. Sorry.
The Tory chair of some parliamentary committee thingy is on Toady with Martha taking about Cambridge analytica again. Damien Collins – a staunch remainer. – poor sod.got caught. Wrongfully claiming. 4000 grand for one his homes in London .
There was no declaration of Brexit view in this biased interview. Just more attempts to undermine democracy .
Found on order-order.com ….
No dates on the images so be careful. But makes an interesting image. Also, if taken just prior or after vote can be misleading.
Interesting article on this same set of pictures from 2014…
Looks like the Bbc Editor in Chief has the Newswatch focus nailed…
We’re getting the full propaganda works this week from the BBC. Tonight we’ll be lectured (YET AGAIN!) about the Lawrence case. Christ, I’m looking forward to that!
Then we’ve got this bullshit about the Windrush generation facing deportation…although absolutely no-one has been deported, or will be.
On Toady, in full pc lecture mode, we heard from poor discriminated black people and how horrible and racist whites are. Just how many times do I have to hear that old chestnut “no blacks, no dogs, no Irish”?
We’re told of the massive contribution that these folk have made to Britain. How did we ever cope without them?
We’ve had The wonderful Enoch Powell’s speeches ripped to bits by half witted, cowardly trash who aren’t fit to wipe his arse.
And then I tune into LBC and hear there’s been yet another stabbing.
Oh dear, I wonder who might be responsible?!
The Beeb, possibly because they’re so intent on bringing us news about the murder of Stephen Lawrence that occurred 25 years ago, and lecturing us on our racist attitudes, seem to have missed this murder that happened last night. Two others died in London on Sunday evening.
Black on black crime.
The “No Irish No Blacks No Dogs” appears to be a myth. It was probably fabricated in the 1980s by some Irish wallowers in victimhood, the same type of people who wave Palestinian flags at Glasgow Celtic games.
Z, I seriously doubt that from what I have been told by eye-witnesses. You also need to check the major news agency photo-archives because I think there is contemporary visual evidence in existence.
What a lot of people have forgotten, although the BBC did make brief reference to it in (one of the?) extended trails in News programmes about the 50th anniversary broadcast, the Powell speech brought about a change in society, esp. in London where I received my experiences. Those notices in boarding house windows fairly soon disappeared and there was a change in attitude to race among different groups.
My source is the above letter in the Guardian, Up2snuff.
Z, aah, it was your imprecise language that misled me! (An important lesson for the BBC there.) Specifically including the Irish with ‘Blacks’ and ‘Dogs’ on that poster. I’ve no idea about that. It could have been set up. Depends very much on the integrity of the photographer and house owner, if the two were different.
What some BAME colleagues and acquaintances and friends have said to me is that they have actually encountered restrictions, being turned away, or having seen the signs in windows.
Oh, and after posting on here yesterday and going off to do other stuff, I remembered a name from back in childhood days, listening to BBC Home Service News on the wireless: check out a landlord with the name Peter Rachman.
More dishonest and stupid reporting on Today this morning. Nigel Oakes identifies an effective propaganda technique used by Hitler. A silly, perfidious, outraged academic called Emma Briant reports this private, off-the-cuff conversation. The conclusion is drawn that the whole Leave campaign was Nazi in nature.
Z, agree that was disgraceful and went counter to the pre-7am statements on the matter but Briant (Bryant?) was allowed to get away with it by the BBC. No corrections or restraint or caution from Nick or Martha. ‘All Brexit voters are Nazis’, the BBC are happy and content to convey the message.
I’m afraid the war on Brexit and Brexiteers continues and it is a very dirty one from the Remain side.
Weapons of mass defamation are being employed by Remain.
The BBC are carefully spending the TV License fee by visiting brothels!
The brothel operating ‘in full view of police’
Sitting on the brown, faux-leather sofa in the living room is “Cherub”, from Romania, in a dark red bra and knickers, and nude patent heels from Primark.
Hang on…. I thought all immigrants were architects, engineers and doctors?!? What will happen to the UK brothels once we leave the EU?
The cops run out of evidence in the St Lawrence case but the beeb will never let us forget . A three part doco (WTAF) starts tonight, no doubt with lots of nulabour love, tory hate and racism everywhere. Stephens mummy on the beeb this morning getting her arse kissed and doing a bit of race baiting and telling us Stephen wanted to be an architect and was very creative. Pull the other one.
And very conveniently we have Lammy grandstanding and keeping ‘Lammy Race Baiting Inc’ going at full speed. And the beeb help him by screaming Windrush ‘Scandal’ every chance they can. Labour made themselves looked like spoilt brats yesterday in parliament (take a bow creasy) but today the media go full anti tory with smiles and venom. Cant have labour looking bad as London needs to be turned red in a few weeks. Sly news and ITV were just as bad as they do all they can to get corbyn into no 10 and reap that utopian socialaist future. Muppets
Times like this I tot up all I have saved over the years being tvl free, legally.
Then watch a doco on Netflix or Prime.
Back to Salisbury (sorry, Pounce) but it is also about the BBC and the paucity of their News & Current Affairs coverage.
Compare and contrast the amount of Windrush coverage today on TODAY with the amount of coverage of the Skripal poisoning. The BBC is back in questioning, searching, inquisitive and accusing mode on Windrush, something noticeably lacking on the Skripal affair.
How about enquiring about the current health of D-S Nick Bailey, BBC?
On a brighter note, at least they have woken up in the BBC Newsroom to the fact that it is the 70th Anniversary of the first Windrush sailing and the not the 50th Anniversary as they suggested yesterday.
Not creepy at all.
Re Windrush rules
They are legal as long as they arrived before 1971, AND they have NOT left for more than a 2 year period.
Hence if HO think you went to live back in the Caribbean they are correct to ask you to prove that you went back for less than 2 years
Most knew the rules so regularised their status easily and cheaply decades ago.
Starbucks better be on alert.
Stew: You mention facts.
It’s no longer about facts, if it ever was.
One poor old (Jamaican) lady having a go at whitey on R4 this morning was more than happy to drag Stephen Lawrence into the Windrush affair to show that whitey was just one never-ending continuum of badness.
The ‘mea culpa’ has done its work, and you can now mix up any ‘facts’ you like with any other. Those who have smelled blood feel that they are now ready to go for the kill.
Lawrence and Wishrush have fitted seamlessly into a narrative, in the same way Skripal, Douma, and RAF raid did.
“to show that whitey was just one never-ending continuum of badness.”
Oh really?
At the risk being accused of trying to promote my earlier post, I’m taking the liberty of posting this bit again because it seems relevant:
Fred Carter 64, 13 July 1993. Mark Sharp 39, 1993. Annie Castle 74, 22 August 1993. Billy Bryan 71, 22 August 1993. PC Patrick Dunne 44, 20 October 1993. Philip Gosling 13, February 1994. Emmanuel Hand 35, 15 May 1994. Richard Everitt 15, August 1994. Leslie Watkinson 66, 9 December 1994. Frank Dempsey 56, 7 February 1995. PC Philip Walters 28, April 1995. Thomas Kidd 61, 6 May 1995. Michael Dooher 19, 2 September 1995. Ted Howell 75, 9 November 1995. Danny Westmacott 16, 8 February 1996. Andrew Steventon 17, June 1996. Elizabeth Pinhorn 96, 9 June 1997. Nina MacKay 25, 24 October 1997. Louie Wade 53, 1998. James McParland 49, 4 April 1998. Brian Harvey 31, 1 August 1998. Peter Harvey 26, 1 August 1998. Winifred Sills 79, 1 May 2000. Elizabeth Amlot 39, 1 February 2001. Daisy Fenton 88, 30 March 2001. Rosie Ross 16, 12 May 2001. Hilda Lockert 86,15 May 2001. Anne Cypher 42, 19 May 2001. Amanda Clarke 32, 26 May 2001. Ross Parker 17, 23 September 2001. Kevin Jackson 31, 1 January 2002. Anthony O’Brien 24, 27 January 2002. Owain Leeson 17, 14 February 2002. Gavin Hopley 19,16 February 2002. Kriss Donald 15, October 2004.
Badness huh?
Theresa – I forgot to mention that this dear old lady also brought E.P. into this Windrush/ Lawrence tale, to give the badness continuum its potency (in her eyes). Shame on anyone who thinks the BBC prompted any of this.
The Jamaican Prime Minister -in London- has picked up the story, so the old lady wasn’t without effect. And May has now apologised to 12 Caribbean Leaders.
Please give me the link to your original post. Ta.
PS Just watching the 13h00 news on TV one, and I see another (the same?) Dear Old Lady saying: ‘Why am I illegal?’ We now see the ship itself, as we have several times on the BBC over the last 24 hours. Norman Smith says ‘there is genuine uproar and people are aghast’.
Norman says Lammy says the son of an immigrant in his constituency faces ‘deportation’ tomorrow.
Surprised we haven’t seen Lammy in person. Suppose he has important stuff to do.
My earlier post doesn’t add anything really – just drawing attention to the numerous, and mostly forgotten, white victims of racist crime.
Tried to link but doesn’t seem to work. New here, not very expert I’m afraid. Weekend open thread, yesterday April 16th, 2:11pm.
Many Thanks, Theresa.
Hadn’t seen your list before. May they rest in Peace.
Food for thought.
Unemployment down … so BBC compare to something else so it’s now a failure …. (would be interesting to see previous stories) …
BBC : Wage growth fails to overtake inflation again {bbc.co.uk 17apr2018}
BBC fail to mention that MP pay has risen 18% since 2010! Recession proof jobs!
Now 5 Live is live from Leicester
to talk WOMEN and space
Diane Abbott: what goes on in her head?
GW, nah, the amount of space she occupies.
She actually has serious health problems and some of that is no doubt made worse by her weight and size.
I actually feel for her (no, that’s not the same way as Jezza – definitely not – but in normal, human, compassionate terms) and think she should retire as an MP and get herself sorted out with a healthy diet and proper rest and no political angst. And no alcohol. Well, very little.
She can be at peace with herself and her achievements. Now she needs to care for Diane Abbott and her family and be around for them.
Diane, go and enjoy health and life and retirement. You have earned it.
U2S, I would dispute your last four words.
RJ, my turn for being hauled up for imprecise language. DA has got herself elected, turned up, spoken a lot, all paid for by the taxpayer, and is now qualifying for a generous pension, paid for by the taxpayer.
I think the taxpayer should now call the shots.
M/s Abbott, please retire.
There is a Commonwealth meeting imminently.
Naturally, the only thing the right-on bBBC want to talk about is LGBT pqrs xyz issues.
On Toady at 0735 the increasingly odious Robinson interviews a male Trinidadian bishop opposed to LGBT equality. Robinson gives him a very hard time. Harsh, almost vicious. F37 commonwealth countries share the bishop’s general views. Toenails then interviews a Namibian lady campaigner for LGBT issues. Robinson gives her a very easy time indeed. Soft, sympathetic.
I thought the BBC was supposed to be impartial?
OK so if Robinson and his bosses want to harass and belittle a religious figure from the Commonwealth about their attitude to the BBC’s progressive issue of the day, why not go for the most regressive country? Why not do a hostile interview with a Pakistani Imam? Eh? I wonder why not!
The first person on Mars ‘should be a woman’
Usual BBC pointless article promoting woman over men at any cost.
A senior Nasa engineer has said the first person to set foot on Mars should be a woman.
Why should the person have feet? Surely a simple trip to Mars should have full disabled access with wheel chair ramps.
Tabs, will she be from Venus?
Will they be using transorbital shuttles?
Gender-specific spacecraft seem so 1970s
It should be a Kalahari Bushman. Sorry I mean Bushwoman.
Bushperson. Oh God I give up.
Oh and Buzz Aldrin should check his privilege. Pale, male and stale, he literally stole a berth on Apollo 11 from the LGBTQXYZ community imo.
* Flag with Gun on it (for peace).
* Poster in background with oppressive theocratic dictator asking for tolerance.
* Labour MP of 34 years smiling and giving talks.
He has benefited from collective msm amnesia led by al beeb . I remember the C bad word in the 70s and there after which is why I’m truly astonished he got the top job and is viewed by snowflakes with affection .
As an aside. I’m sitting patiently waiting to be first on the new Fred. I’ve tasted the glory once and want it again -.just like ‘pep’ or not .
2015 Photo caption : Student who photographed Jeremy Corbyn standing by Hezbollah flag says he will not allow it to be ‘taken out of context’
Egypt calls for BBC boycott amid dispute over critical report { 27feb2018}
CAIRO (Reuters) – Egypt’s government press centre called on Tuesday for Egyptian officials and prominent individuals to boycott the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) after a report on human rights it said was “flagrantly fraught with lies”.
Rights groups say there is a growing crackdown against political opponents ahead of the election, while Egypt has banned scores of local news websites since May.
Monica Crowley – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwLZ6UWkRaY
Worth watching this 27 min video in my opinion. The UK has its own “Swamp” and many of the members of the “Swamp” have been exposed by the Brexit Referendum. Shame there’s no Donald Trump to redress the balance.
‘A brothel’s a safer place for me to work’
Louise has been a sex worker for five years, and currently works in a brothel.
She told Victoria Derbyshire that people “can’t get their heads round” the idea she enjoys her job.
Watch the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire ”
Safer than what?
a scaffolder?
Breaking news:
Lazy slag with low morals likes getting paid to lay on her back.
Hillariously interviwed in here bra and panties.

Uses that annoying rising innotation at the end of most sentences, making them sound like a question?
Claims to have gone to university…
BBC lapping up her every word.
“Claims to have gone to university”
money well spent on some useless degree then
The BBC have strippers. Do they count as sex workers?
You know why they call it the Naked Podcast ?
… cos it’s better than calling it
“2 BBC Overweight Women Talk About Their Overeating.”
Was at one of Tony Benns “Tolpuddle” rallies just before he died. Think it was 2008.
Anyway, he was on the same stage as a prostitutes spokeslady from Columbia or somewhere similarly casual and dangerous at one and the same time.
The organisers were flummoxed, are they prostitutes or sex workers? A collective or a brothel?
Anyway, poor Tony was a man out of time, poor guy simply was nonplussed. Like to think that he too saw his Labour Party turning into a painted freak show.
No old principles, no Israel-just a load of Owen Jones types and tattooed lesbians whooping and hollering at Billy Bragg.
Nearly all from Bristol, tone deaf-matronly busty, and scary. Only a man would have ironed that banner they yell beneath. And no union in living memory would have used it, seeing as it would have represented real blokes who actually made things, didn`t just pimp off the Council or Quango for Columbian Sex Traffic Warders.
Goodbye Labour-welcome Chavez in a Rochdale KFC. That`s Labour.
‘Uses that annoying rising innotation at the end of most sentences, making them sound like a question?’
I hate that insecure tone as well. Corbyn does it all the time.
It sounds a bit like an Australian.
Shhhhh …. “Up to three quarters of Germany’s refugees will still be unemployed in five years’ time, according to a government minister, in a stark admission of the challenges the country faces in integrating its huge migrant population.” {ft.com 22jun2017}
* Most refugees to be jobless for years, German minister warns.
* German police flex muscles to calm refugee tensions.
* Refugee rights snarl up coalition talks.
* Weidmann links EU migration to German pay pressure.
Is that the same cheerleading bitch for remain, the FT ?
Funny how they dont say:
”but in 5 to 10 the majority will have already returned to their now safe home countries…”
As Rome (UK) burns … the BBC are running out of things to report on … so take their clothes off …. on radio …. The BBC reporters who strip off to host The Naked Podcast {bbc.co.uk 16apr2018}
Sarah Sellers ran the 26.2 mile (42km) course in a time of two hours 44 minutes four seconds, finishing just minutes behind Linden.
Monday’s race was only the second marathon that the 26-year-old nurse has run. The first, in Utah, she won to qualify for the prestigious Boston event.
She was a keen track and field competitor in college, but is an unknown to the professional running world. Spectators on social media could only find accounts for a country music star of the same name.
Funny that because I found her straight away ….a gifted athlete winning a marathon whatever next !!
Huge congratulations to former Weber State track standout Sarah Callister Sellers who finished second at the Boston Marathon, in just her second marathon. Best finish ever by a Utah native in Boston. She was a nine-time Big Sky Conference champion in her Weber State University Track and Field career from 2009-12. #WeAreWeber
What marathon?
links help!
Primary school places – not got what you wanted?

I wonder why there’s such a squeeze on school places?
No chance of the BBC exploring.
It’s not like they are journalists.
The whole thing is presented as though the shortages are just normal, part and parcel etc
Well, what do you know? The officer who was gathering intelligence on Stephen Lawrence has been named by BBC TV news.
Stephen’s friend Duane says this is the beginning of another long campaign….
Oh dear.
Well, what do you know? The officer who was gathering intelligence on Stephen Lawrence has been named by BBC TV news.
Stephen’s friend Duane says this is the beginning of another long campaign….
Oh dear.
Well, what do you know? The officer who was gathering intelligence on Stephen Lawrence has been named by BBC TV news.
Stephen’s friend Duane says this is the beginning of another long campaign….
Oh dear.
The tale of 60 killed so far this year in London, by contrast, has received not a mention. Not even a whisper….
My turn to apologise now. (Can’t leave it all to ‘ministers’) I seem to have pressed ‘post comment’ three times.
“Stephen’s friend Duane says this is the beginning of another long campaign….”
That would be Mr “Who called you fucking cunts anyway, pigs, I only called an ambulance” Brooks?
Strange coincidence that BBC decide to do the 3 part Lawrence doco, on the lead into the council elections,
… Convenient for Tory bashers.
I expect Tory bashers working in Home Office engineered the Windrush thing
BTW the John Prescott show is on Channel5 tonight.
“BTW the John Prescott show is on Channel5 tonight.”
I’m washing my hair.
Some expenses by MP Jared O’mara … TV License paid by you via UK MPs …
BBC Irony & Volvo XC90 SUV
#1 March 20 in Arizona Homeless lady killed by Uber-self-driving Volvo XC90 SUV
#2 April 12 in Birmingham a Volvo XC90 hybrid bursts into flames while left on charge
#3 April 15 fawning BBC news article
*Volvo XC90* ‘The most significant development since the safety belt’
Ah, Birmingham fire was arson
Hull are there really racist gangs attacking Polish people for no reason at all ?
Now why would BBC drop dico about Remainiacs like Adonis & Soubry ?
…probably cos they asked their dirty secrets not be exposed.
New prog for modern Britain
“: Sex, headscarves and Yassmin Abdel-Magied
No Country For Young Women
We take a no-filter dive into what it’s like for Black and British Asian women to navigate a white world. Joined by mechanical engineer and Muslim activist Yassmin Abdel-Magied.”
Guest : Australian Muslim who’s been in the UK only 6 months after being laughed out of Australia
Oddly, not on the BBC Wales news.
“Family jailed for keeping men as ‘slaves’ ordered to pay victims thousands”
“Jurors were told Mr Hughes was beaten “all the time” if he did not do as he was told and was made to live in appalling conditions. The victim was diagnosed with brittle bone disease osteoporosis after years of malnutrition.”
If it hadn’t been Travellers committing these inhumane acts then wouldn’t the BBC be all over this appalling slavery story?
Oh, and if you are wondering about how much sympathy the other travellers have for the people whose lives they destroyed, then here is a picture of them expressing their remorse.
The problem with the Windrush/Lawrence affair (they have long ago been linked by the BBC) is that it has generated a lot of heat but very little light.
Take Windrush. Roughly how many people were deported when they were here legally? How is it possible, in this day and age, for anyone not to leave a substantial ‘paper trail’? How would the authorities distinguish between a ‘legal’, who has somehow managed not to leave such a trail, and an illegal, who has deliberately destroyed his/her documentation? There are many more questions.
When the Tories voted down the need for every resident to carry an identity card they were foolish, I remember thinking at the time.
On this small Island with its big immigration problem that would be an essential; to think that this requirement is somehow ‘illiberal’ sets us up nicely for the situation we have now.
Add to this the race card, which bedevils everything. Take Lammy, last night on R4. He could have calmly presented some facts and figures and credible sources. If there have been illegal ‘deportations’, he could have made a strong case. He was asked some good questions. There could have been an illuminating discussion. Instead he went for outrage, lots of heat. Zero information.
Take May. She apologises without qualification. That basically is an admission of guilt. But for what? An illegal ‘deportation’? Ten? A hundred? A hundred thousand? All with no paper proof of any kind? It beggars belief.
The timing of all of this is also very suspicious. The confluence of certain events right on CHOGM. And nobody is manipulating anything? So we have the Powell speech, the Lawrence commemoration, the Windrush business, large -scale murder in London with little sign of the police drawing a few red lines, etc…
The ‘R’ word hangs heavily over everything, even when its use is carefully avoided. Coincidence?
May is desperate to be seen as the “nice” conservative not a “nasty” one.
She has precided over The Tories changing from a party with well defined beliefs and philosophy into a party which jumps onto pretty much every PC wagon that passes by. Under May the Tories are intellectually and morally bankrupt. All she cares about is winning elections and I suspect therefore she thinks that by sucking up to the left with pro immigration PC policies – sacks of Muslims votes will flood her way.
She also needs the MSM on side and in particular the pro remain BBC. Hence as the political coward she is. Instead of saying to them the people voted to leave I will give it to them. She has deliberately allowed herself to go for the BBC approved softest brexit possible. The same with this , Aunty wants more and easier immigration Theresa will give it to them. With the BBC she has entered into a Faustian pact but is too dim to realise it.
With regard to the Windrush debacle she is like a rabbit caught in the headlights . She appointed another dull “remain” technocrat as Home Secretary – and like her leader she is actually fairly incompetent and probably sees her position as Home Sec purely as a waiting room for the top job rather than the second most important job in the land.
No on this Windrush thing, Theresa will wear sack cloth and ashes for a very long time indeed. She will revel in the verbal scourging of race baiter Lammy with all its unpleasant undertones of institutional racism (including all of us whiteys) and in all likelihood will willingly co-operate in attempt to make the immigration system more “humane” – and we all know where that is going.
In short she is probably the most woeful Prime Minister for years and personally I actually rate her worse than Blair. He was bright but crooked – May on the other hand is like a discarded snot rag blowing down the street – unwholesome with no real sense of purpose and carried along by whatever puff of wind blows the hardest. And by ecc the likes of Lammy can certainly “blow hard”
I fear you are spot on, Oaknash. To crown it all, how do you get to be P.M. when you’ve gifted the opposition the most wonderful two-word label to describe your own party, they could ever have dreamt of?
The current episode at the Home Office also has a surreal air to it. Does one wake up in a cold sweat at night thinking: come back, D.C., all is forgiven? No, that’s just flitting from one nightmare into another…
BBC where 50% of news is them talking about themselves
6pm News : ‘Here is David Attenborough, his Blue Planet has had a plankton named after it, the great man ….(cut to great man talking about plankton are part of carbon cycle, and we shouldn’t mess with that, tick box)’ blah blah David Shuckmann
Oh how the Beeb are struggling today..Pound up against dollar and Euro, highest number jobs ever recorded, lowest unemployment, declining inflation, increasing wages. Trump looks like he has made headway with North Korea….and how do they report all of this…
With a whisper or a Sopel….he just had to get a dig at Trump…not ‘look he has done what he said he would, but – it’ shows how he likes a gamble’..he was spitting his words out..
However Windrush is causing great angst amongst the white liberals – now I think it is absolutely wrong what has happened but why can’t our press and politicians be like the Prime Minister of Jamaica , Andrew Holness – his calm focussed and accepting speech was a model unlike David Lammy who ranted and accused, making it a racial and not an administrative issue..
BREAKING – Seems there was a Starbucks on Windrush, but only the POSH side.
Envy of the world.