I’ll leave it for someone else to claim to be first.
Did anyone else bother to listen to Natalie Haynes programme on Juvenal yesterday? I mistakenly thought that a programme about a Roman author would be interesting. Instead she brought on Armando Iannucci to comment on Juvenal. In his first spot he attacked President Trump. In his second spot he attacked President Trump.
I see the al beeb aided Damian Collins show aka a parliamentary committee is chatting to Britney about blowing whistles on non brexit contracts . I guess Soros and Branson are buying a whole stream of conscience stricken snow flakes to keep the al beeb remainer fire burning.
Our Damien being a remainer of course . Britney the second whistle blower – oops I did it again.
As an aside toady used tapes private conversations of some sap saying he admired the way nazis uses propaganda . So do I —and someone in the al beeb uses the same techniques updated to replace the nighttime torchlight stuff with collective feelgoid crap like red nose and sports thingy and the thing with the bear to exploit the natural good nature of we British types .
It was quite funny that the BBC World service decided to devote a large proportion of their Outlook programme to a story of a woman who saves dogs in the “occupied ” West Bank who have been hit by Arab drivers. They are treated in animal clinics in Israel and found homes there because Palestinian Arabs don’t like pets.
I wonder if I can persuade the BBC to do a programme on stray cats in Netanya !
Thanks RJ.
Glad to know that-finally-I`ve come first here to the top of the blog.
would dedicate this , my victory to all the worlds oppressed.
And hope this will get me a nomination for this years Noble Price.
Having just watched Daily Politics, i have to say even by the incredible Bias standards of the BBC today’s show left me speechless.
It was one anti Tory criticism after another.
Jo Coburn was appalling, aggressive, constantly interrupted the Tory representative and even worse not factual.
Ah well…!!
Oh dear, it seems BBC man Dan Johnson, coins a new acronym with which to replace that now outdated British bit in the corporate title of our national broadcaster. I leave readers hereabouts to suggest a third initial – perhaps Radio 4 listeners have already been prompted as to a suitable candidate for the C word?
This bombastic alliterative and self-congratulatory outburst comes in this BBC reporter’s private (from the public up until now) text conversation with the press office at South Yorkshire Police as revealed today in court.
Give it up BBC. Go subscription. Then you can be as tabloid or alternatively as Guardianista as your hearts desire. The only restraint will be finding the willingly paying audience.
Now I have to apologise a second time. (This is fun, can see why May and Rudd enjoy it so much) The BBC DID mention the London killings, right at the end of the news. Reason: someone else was killed last night.
No further details.
Fake – according to the London evening standard it was an 18 year law student in good old east londonistan – my neck of the woods – body number 60. Killings go up with heat so police tape sellers should make a good profit this year. As I said earlier I’m predicting 140 dead by year end.
body number 60
That is what I thought.
According to the BBC 38 mins ago
The teenager’s death comes after two people died from stab wounds in London on Sunday. Almost 40 people have been stabbed to death in the capital this year.
Wait until Diane Abbott becomes Home Sect. The numbers will continue to decrease.
Couldn`t we use the useless dead(as opposed to the genuine good un`s )-wasted on London streets to fill all our potholes.
Henry Vincent would finally be doing something-and as his clan said “he was too good to walk this earth”. Well, at least we`d be not so good about wiping our shitty shoes on such a foreskin of a felon.
The trouble with this country is that so many of us will tolerate virtually anything because it seems to have become confused with being civilised and, dare I say it, “Christian”. We’ve been conditioned into accepting backward standards because the perpetrators generally belong to groups favoured by the BBC and, like idiots, we’ve accepted it hook, line and sinker through fear of being labelled. The “spell words” have worked – or rather, we’ve allowed them to work.
The people of Rotherham and elsewhere seem to be relatively unriled in spite of extreme provocation and, even though London’s murder stats have been bad before (but better than Glasgow’s most of the time), and New York has been far more successful than other cities at reducing crime, bad publicity at the beginning of 2018 will have a bad effect on a tourism industry worth billions. Where are the protests from business?
Tolerance taken to extremes is just plain stupid. Meanwhile, idiot Macron says that “Europe has its destiny bound with Africa”. Who the hell voted for that? Rather not, thanks all the same.
We`re well past Christian Theresa? Indeed, we`re even past post-Christian.
Hence our problems, once you boot God out of it-and Jesus in particular-well, wave yourselves off and into a clueless hell?
Sadly for the godless, stupid and atheists who offer nothing else-Islam is coming to stuff its throne bush up the hole in our culture. And stuff the ozone layer then!
T, (aren’t you too busy for all this running t’country?).
I have accepted none of the above. I have used up several fingers worth of skin writing to the globalist propaganda outfit known as Aunty protesting soooooo many issues – admittedly pissing in the wind. How have we allowed a small minority of pimple faced speckle chinned to dictate how we should think/feel and what we should believe in, and to pay for the insult!
I am waiting only for the marching to begin and then perhaps we will have our day.
Fed up.. I’m surprised that they only have the tape in red or blue I would have thought that some nice feel good Rainbow coloured tape (with a little logo perhaps like We are on the case.) would be more appropriate. Oh and i’ll raise you on your 140 to 155.
TWATo at about 1.15 about the Windrush ‘scandal’ with a second generation long term immigrant. Circa 2014 he needed documentation, i didn’t catch why, but had never travelled before and hadn’t needed documentation. What does he do to prove who he is/was… he gets a Jamaican passport and then finds that his benefits are stopped, presumably again because he was Jamaican and couldn’t prove he had been here.
So rather than go through with the procedure to establish his UK identity he gets a Jamaican passport and winders why he has problems.
Now is it Generation Windrush…or the Windrush Generation? BIG difference.
One of them features toffs and buffoons in their sponsored tennis whites, poncing around Burford and simply loving their brass rubbings with the workers and their poor, vulnerable families. Before heading back to town to report it all for us, as if Orwell hadn`t done a bang up job of it.
I`m All Right Jack(1958)-Sidney Windrush embodies the BBC chattering classes, but was ONLY AN ACTOR.
Unlike the BBC and its wankie hankies at the Guardian who actually live “on set” 24/7 in their own fetid fantasies like Lily Allen and Bob Geldorf.
It looks like Robert Fisk has confirmed that the chemical attack in Douma did not happen. Also the hardliners who temporarily suspended the ceasefire so that the White Helmets (MI6) could do their job in Douma were the non-Syrian element of Jaysh Al-Islam. It looks like the White Helmets initiated a training exercise like that training exercise in Salisbury just before the poisoning incident. Also their are reports that Boris Johnson has said he no longer trusts MI6.
Richard, I am very sceptical about the ‘Chemical attack ‘ in Syria and have said so on this site. But I would have thought that Robert Fisk was not a good source to quote because he is usually anti-British.
It is a bit like Jeremy Corbyn on Syria. He may seem to agree with us on this one incident but he is constantly anti-British and has supported many enemy causes. Isn’t this scraping the barrel?
This is not a hostile comment. I would like opinions
YD, think you need to ‘triangulate’ information and cross check with as many sources as possible. Of course that is what the BBC should be doing for us with journalists and an editorial team we can trust or ought to be able to trust.
Yes, Fisk has been abrasively ‘anti’ at times but he is one reporter who I still have some respect for and he has, IIRC, infiltrated himself to places where other journalists give up and stay in and report from the nearest Hilton.
But logical reasoning can be applied, as done by Admiral Lord West (a Labour Peer) recently on BBC R4. Was it as recently as the weekend or yesterday?
What have we been told about who is fighting? Ordinary people. Revolutionaries. Volunteers. And no doubt professional mercenaries who may or may not be Muslims or sympathetic to pure anti-Assad-ism.
All or some of those can melt away, leave the region, even leave the country. Then reform, return in another guise or move on to the next conflict.
President Assad wants to win, end the war and bring peace to Syria.
Why attack women & children using precious (scarce?) weaponry or even using improvised weapons, especially if the effect is not worthwhile, doesn’t actually kill soldiers, doesn’t remove the fighting opposition. Gas is a slightly vague weapon as combatants in WW1 discovered when the wind direction changes.
“The objective was to scare.” it was merely tactical. On people who are scared already? Yeah, right.
You have either:
Limited weaponry (but good supplies of yellow paint) and have to hurriedly improvise bombs from available chemistry and drop with unsuitable craft (helicopters & gas bombs don’t really go well together)
~ or ~
You are supplied by the Russians who are continually upgrading their weaponry to try to catch up with the West and have some more precisely targeting ordnance and with whatever the Iranians (if they are as involved as the BBC suggest) have available and with these resources, at the end of a long war that you wish to finish, you then choose to not use all of that military capability and instead
~ target ~
Non-combatants, not the fighters.
After 7 years fighting Assad had won in Douma and our Islamist allies were withdrawing, so he had no motive to use chemical weapons which was the only thing likely to bring the Yanks down on him.
The BBC confidentally reported that Assad was responsible despite the fact that they didn’t even have a reporter in country!
May has started a war with Assad that will bring death to our streets when the true culprits were almost certanly our allies The Army of Islam: https://bit.ly/2qB4bFQ
“Relations are a lot more normalised between the UK and the rest of the us after the Salisbury attacks and the show of solidarity with Britain at the EU leaders’ summit two weeks ago,” one European diplomat told me.
(one European diplomat told me)
. . . .
“The UK makes a fuss, tells us things are unacceptable – like the financial settlement (the so-called Brexit bill), and like allowing EU citizens the right to stay permanently in the UK, even if they only move there in the transition period after Brexit – but the British Government gives in, in the end. Even if they dress up the fact to make it more acceptable at home.”
(one European diplomat told me)
“but the British Government gives in, in the end” “but the British Government gives in, in the end”
“For now then, the EU thinks Ireland will be another UK capitulation.”
For anyone still assuming this Windrush story comes out coincidentally now, then think again.
BBC man Dominic Casciani – who has previously serrupticiously covered up the ethinicity of his own convicted mugger (using libary images of white hands in cuffs to illustrate his report) now today promotes yet another assualt on our racist police force courtesy of the gift that keeps giving the Lawrence case. Talk about re-hash, this one is about the undercover cops again.
The. Enoch Powell speech, winrush, Lawrence. , commonwealth do do. Great fun. All because the British people since war 2 were not consulted on the immigration policies of various colours of. Government. A disgrace turning. Blighty into a country I don’t recognise any more.
It’s no longer a case of being busy heaping up our funeral pyre: it alight and we’re on top of it, along with all the future generations; my God! How they’ll curse us.
Suttee and Sweep I guess!
Dedicated to Enoch Powell, this quip…do we having a ruling on when a quip officially becomes a joke?
The BBC won`t know, let`s ask something funnier like a burning orphanage survivor.
What is Fred Flintstones favourite Middle East holiday destination?
Abu Dhabi Doo!
Of course the real answer is that there IS no favourite Middle Eastern destination, but the BBC would go if we all said Raqqa was having a tranny ski slalom event, where we could yet get a medal.
And one more before matron calls by with a face mask for my bottom.
I was hit by a rhythm stick, and am now suing for personal Ian Dury. I said this in a Wurzels voice, so it`s really funny. You vill laff !
What doom and gloom story can the bBBC dredge up today?
It’s housing! Big 1pm news story. Apparently 34% of millenials will never live in a house they own.
Cue outrage and much tut-tutting from our fine impartial broadcster.
Then it is revealed the current rate is 24%, so getting ‘worse’ maybe but disaster? Maybe not.
But surely rich countries like Germany, Austria, Switzerland do much better than the UK under the ‘evil Tories’?. Errrrrrr, no. They are way, way down! http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Housing_statistics
There are lots of housing factors of course. Not that the BBC will mention them. Turns out some countries with the highest owner-occupier rates, mainly Eastern Europe, also have the greatest overcrowding, or the most flats and fewest houses. Meanwhile, the UK record in subsidised housing is among the best.
So what we actually have here is what the biased BBC really does best. Shit-stirring to suit its own Corbynista agenda.
Aw poor likkle milleniums, never having a home of their own to buy, and subjected to a lifetime of renting. Well, guess what ! my parents and hundreds of thousands like them never owned their own home either, and did they whinge or cry into their cornflakes, er, no, they just go on with life.
I also read with total astonishment today, that those adult kids who are still living at home on incredible salaries, are actually sponging off their parents ! with some only giving £200 per month for their keep – with take home pay around £1,500. God on a bike, I was giving that to my Mum back in the 70’s when my take home pay was less than half that !
There was (yet another) article on The Poor Millennials in the Telegraph the other week.
There was one ‘heartening’ example where a mother wouldn’t take rent/housekeeping from her own little snowflake because she was ‘saving hard’ for a house deposit.
However turns out this particular snowflake was also setting aside just as much each month for ‘travel’.
No, don`t blame these kids at all.
They were sold a crock by Thatcher, Major-and lest we forget-Blair and Brown, in particular. All peddled the Big Lie
That they`re thick, sexually confused, drug addled and collapse into puddles on contact with reality has been a long term project, with their parents and schools, STD Clinics and yooniloony vouchers is not their fault.
It`s ours, we failed to deal with all this as it unravelled.
A Brownshirt Corbyn Cult is the result.
“They didn`t start the fire”-we simply warmed our tootsies by the flames.
Ah well, it will soon be Islams problem unless we remember what the hell we`re here for, and will act now.
Hell-remember that?
Sheep with no shepherd, just an ululating halal cutthroat with a Zen hipster looking down on the carnage with sad, cow eyes.
Not guilty at all FedUp, know I did what I could. As many here would have done.
National Service-after Alexander Blackman? Armed Services no longer an option, they`re about the only young cohort without crippling debts that won`t shouldn`t be paid.
Immigration, divorce and family destruction have created no security for those born and bred here-but because they`ve not been taught since the National Curriculum came in (1988)-then they don`t know what they missed.
Blair sold them shit university provision, and Labour got clean away because the Tories were morally and intellectually bankrupt after losing Thatcher and Lawson. Sacking Ridley was her “Trump and Bannon” moment.
Not our fault, but as we used to sing while having fun in 1981-“people getting angry”. They deserved houses if only to prop up the Tory idea of having a stake in society, as we got. Blair caused this, Osborne bottled his chance, and now we`ve got real trouble ahead.
Hence the litmus test of Brexit-if they dare to try and close our escape routes and fire doors then they`ll pay. Signs are all there, things aligning as they must.
With all due respect Sluff.
And we may not have told you properly. But today was “plastics awareness day”. I took the leaflets from the library telling me of all this , and made a rather fetching origami swan( thank you Robert Harbin). I`m sure that Attenborough has something due out soon, got to say that I thought of peeing in one of the empty water bottles on display-but knew it would take an age, and I`d probably only disgrace myself in my beige trousers( my wife was driving, and I hoped to get a lift home). So it was Plastics Awareness Day-i`ve got my Excaliber Grid Plan here, and housing only pertains to today in that a hermit crab might live in a plastic bottle, not a student.
Leveson, Russian dossiers soon-not Hillsborough though , as long as Grenfell stays live.
Glad to help.
Housing was covered on Today this morning (Tuesday). I woke up to hear that a third of young people may never own their homes.
It has always been the case that some young people don’t own their own homes. I suspect with time as people have the time to save, the pertentage owning goes up. I can also predict (without receiving a large grant from the EU) that a large number of graduates gaining mickey mouse degrees from minor universities are likely to have the greatest percentage never owning. Although i recently met some graduates of a red brick university with degrees in child care that, may i suggest, in times past would have struggled to get 5 CSEs.
The problem is that “education” is now a business all of its own, a very lucrative one at that; hence why so many more Firsts are now being got, compared to years ago when they were like rocking horse ordure.
..Although i recently met some graduates of a red brick university with degrees in child care that, may i suggest, in times past would have struggled to get 5 CSEs…..
Agree with you on that Deborah. Much as I love her, I have a niece who gained a B.Sc at a top Uni, and is now in her 30’s, but her common sense/general knowledge is practically nil, and I’ve lost count at the times I’ve done a bit of eye rolling when she cannot answer or grasp the simplest bit of knowledge. We may not have been out and out geniuses in ‘times past’, but we were far more worthy University candidates.
Making everyone go to university creates a housing shortage.
..A city like Lincoln had no university
but now it has one with 13,000 students
Huddersfield 19,000
And now those students live in houses workers used to live in
Thus local house prices have been pushed up.
‘The nerve agent used to poison former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia was delivered “in a liquid form”, the Department for Environment says.’
‘Only “a very small amount” was used on the pair….
….A massive clean-up operation is beginning to decontaminate nine sites in the city – it will take several months and cost millions of pounds.’
Yet only a day or so ago we were told the Novichok was in powder form and due to the damp conditions became significantly reduced in effectiveness – which would tend to support the reality of the Skripal’s recovery from this ‘lethal nerve agent’.
Never mind, a lengthy clean up taking months and costing millions will ensure no further risks to the public. None of whom have shown any signs or even side-effects despite large areas of Salisbury being contaminated, requiring a lengthy clean up taking months and costing millions.
Just to confirm. A major clean-up costing millions over many months will paralyse large areas of Salisbury, despite no reports of any members of the public showing symptoms of exposure to a toxic nerve agent. Oh, and by the way, it was the Russians. All clear now?
When I say ‘all clear’ that should not be taken to infer that the risk to members of the public has reduced or diminished. Understood?
The great Parliamentary debate on Syria.
A Labour MP asks Treezer if she participated in the attack because Trump asked her.
May replies very strongly that Trump did not ask and that she acted independently, not in response to any other head of state.
The Labour MP should have asked whether Treezer was asked or told what to do by her Saudi masters
I listened to a podcast by Tim Montgomery and Douglas Murray in which the two of them agreed that compared to most other countries broadcasters the BBC does a fine job! I know Montgomery’s is an ex wet Tory and is now a liberal lefty so his views are not a surprise , but Douglas Murray thinking the BBC was good came as.a shock. He seemed to believe that in most countries broadcasters are so polarised that you never get a programme where opposing views are treated equally but that on the BBC this happens often.
Well in my experience of the BBC output this almost never happens , when does a right of centre guest ever get an equal say ? When do you see a documentary made from a right of centre viewpoint? When do you ever see pro Brexit programmes ? When do you ever see someone opposed to mass migration given a fair hearing?
It may well be true that in the USA the broadcasters are even more extreme in their political affiliation than the BBC but they don’t receive public money and so have no obligation to be neutral. Personally I would rather have the US system and take the programmes knowing their political stance and taking it into account , just like I do when choosing the newspaper that I buy, rather than the BBC ‘s leftist bias masquerading under the banner of faux impartiality .
I’m afraid that for whatever reason Douglas Murray is either living in cloud cuckoo land or has some reason to suck up to the BBC.
It’s curious. Some while ago, I heard Farage say the Biased BBC did a good job. Why? I sure don’t know. The way Farage has been treated by the BBBC and in particular the frump Mishal, suggests some sort of appeasement?
Yes Farage says some odd things on his LBC showcase.
Like “I don’t believe we are in a war with Islam because if we were we would lose”. Much praise for Corbyn too.
I don’t pay much attention to the BBC these days but I think I saw a clip of him on Newsshite – he is supposedly the eminence grise behind the upsurge in racism since the referendum. His sudden attack of beebophilia is odd,
I take it that if neither Trump or Macron had sent planes in then May would have acted alone and sent the RAF in to bomb these well known about chemical warfare dumps.
Is that acting independently?
Or is she telling lies.
The immigration mess – ideal popcorn job – will hippy amber still be in the job come the weekend ? If not I think we are due for a black home sec.
some immigration lawyer was on albeeb spouting about people having their identity checked. No challenge. – no contrary view.
The home office has always been the ministry of fuck ups as
john Reid found if I recall. This one looks like a case study
With members of the First Division fingerprints all over it.
If the government deliberately wished to discredit as racist those who think there should be controls on who enters the country, they really couldn’t have done a better job.
Lots of ‘talking heads’ at great pains to say there are Sir Arthur, but no actual examples of anyone being deported. Strangely a young black man was interviewed saying he was fir-ee free from Grenadine and he just wanted to stay here and help his Mum ‘who was ill’, hmmmmmmm. Lots of room for abuse of the system here – just like Grenfell me thinks.
Nice to see the passers-by throwing stuff at him, not taking it lying down like they probably would here, where it’s the protesters who’d get arrested for islamophobia and hate crime.
maxincony — yes my bad. I did carry out a minor online check before posting (incl. gellerreport.com) but seems it is the Ain El Fouara Fountain in Algeria, not in Italy as you say.
From Wiki — “On 22 April 1997, the statue was damaged in a bomb blast blamed on Islamists and on 28 February 2006 a Islamist with a hammer damaged the statue. Each time it was repaired. On 18 December 2017, a man defaced the statue for a third time, removing the facial features and breasts with a hammer and chisel.”
I am happy for the moderator to pull the post, as accurate facts should always be respected.
As ToobiWan suggests above, perhaps all three attacks on the naked female statue were simply carried out by people with mental health issues.
The BBC being inventive, and uncharacteristically numerate, to push the line that earnings still not keeping pace with inflation
The year-long squeeze on wages is nearing an end, official figures for the three months to February suggest.
Using the consumer prices index (CPI) average wages went up by 2.8%, still below the 2.9% inflation rate.
Wait! I hear you cry, the inflation rate was 2.7% last month. Well for the BBC’s purposes a rate of 2.9% is produced by taking a 3 month rolling average. Clever!!!! Kamel Ahmed earning his keep.
Top BBCLondon sory.
A gang of Heathrow workers smuggled over £30m of cocaine from Brazil. Two baggage handlers switch bags onto domestic carousels to avoid customs.
Amazingly, photos of the gang are shown. 13 people. It’s fair to say white anglo saxons are ‘significantly under-represented’.
I demand equality !
Well, it appears there are 50,000 FIFTY THOUSAND Windies who will be affected by the non-Id issue. The Government will no way be able to sort out this mess, so will resort to giving out wholesale passports etc, so we can expect to see uncontrolled migration coming from the Windies on illegally got documentation.
How much for the court costs and how much to keep them in prison. Some of them were caught but what about those just as nasty still handling the baggage
“He [man]says the drug, which is also known as Lyrica, was given to him after he broke his foot in a go-karting accident earlier this year [made him gay]”
Oh dear, well I’ve been taking pregabalin for a long time and still find Mr BCW extremely sexy so I think somehow it may not be the tablets at fault, but the man concerned was on a long river in Egypt!
Oh dear, well I’ve been taking pregabalin for a long time and still find Mr BCW extremely sexy so I think somehow it may not be the tablets at fault, but the man concerned was on a long river in Egypt!
“He [man]says the drug, which is also known as Lyrica, was given to him after he broke his foot in a go-karting accident earlier this year [made him gay]”
Or, because they were amongst the first of the newly manufactured straight off the production line batch that were “Made in Britain!”
Links back to previous thread : Last 24 hours ……. Tuesday morning
…jeez on my phone I’ve only just noticed that a midweek thread, had started on a Tuesday morning.
Trades Description Act (Sales of Goods) 1999 here SG.
Do we sue David or Alan from crushing our dreams? I was hoping to medal and there`s a kidney dialysis machine on hold now I failed to come top of the blog as my spandex hugging trainer had intimated by the Jimmy Savile Portakabin here at Red Nose Central. My tears dry alone-but a bit of bitcoin in Danegeld form might get me through to my inevitable rehab in Lourdes in September.
I listened to Jezza Vine this lunchtime discussing the Windrush Outrage, Jez interviewed an old chap who’d come here as a six year old with his parents; who’d eft his other two brothers in Jamaica (?).
Swine thought the treatment he’d received was terrible but in the course of the interview he revealed that he’d been receiving a pension since the age of 50, WTF! Yet there was no further discussion as to what this pension was for, or what job he’d been doing to have received one so young; earlier he’d mentioned that he’s worked “for a housing association”.
There was, of course, discussion of “compensation” natch.
There has also been much press about the chap from the W.I who has been charged £54,000 for hospital treatment. Interestingly and indignantly said he didn’t have 54p let alone £54,000. Today I read he has a string of garages ! – no mention of that in any broadcast though is there.
Yep, have said this all along in previous comments. Most of them might be thick as sh….. but not where there is a major con to be pulled to their benefit.
My house will be a no go zone for both the tv and radio this evening.
I’ve had this Windrush crap up to and beyond my bleedin’ ear’oles and the Beeb are doing a special on the Lawrence debacle of 25 years ago.
Jesus H Christ, don’t they ever leave off? This is mental torture.
I know more about the Lawrence family than I do my own. Oh, and while I’m on the subject, in the 25 long years since that ghastly murder, how many other young blacks have perished; but the hands of other young blacks?
It must run into the thousands.
And how many could I name?
Not a single bleedin’ one of them!
I wonder why…
Jeff – Also, Theresa left us a long list of many mostly white victims with dates, earlier today. I can’t say they were ‘household names’ in the manner you allude to. Add the current ongoing carnage and you can but wonder what lies behind the high profile of the SL series…
Beltane-Poor old Salisbury…what amount of lost tourist revenue is one looking at, I wonder? The Novichok is just one of many strange tales hanging unresolved in the air at the moment. The combined efforts of G.Orwell and Ian Fleming would be hard put to keep up.
Which story do we put on top of the list as the strangest?
Maybe the tale of the Border Force that ‘destroyed’ the documentation of apparently many Jamaicans, leaving their UK residence status unclear? Or the odd appearance of the EP speech to slot in neatly with one or two narratives favoured by certain broadcasters? Or do we leave it with the liquid/powder Novichok which, according to a Swiss chemical lab quoted in ‘Zero Hedge’, was something quite different?
I wouldn’t know where to begin.
Labor Spiez website itself has a denial of Lavrov’s claims. They confirm the British authorities assessment of the nerve agent.
Is Zero Hedge a font of truth? What are they basing their assertions on? Where is the report Lavrov referred to? Is an OPCW lab leaking information to the Russians and not others?
Do you think the Oleg Gordievsky incident in 2007?/2008 has relevance ?
In this country the burden of proof rests with the party who are making claims against another party, yet in the Salisbury instance that appears to be reversed.
The Russian State has to prove that an accusation made against it, is false. Yet when they produce evidence of their own or question the accuser, they are immediately discredited by it being denounced as “fake” or scoffed at for daring even to doubt the veracity of HMG claims.
It would appear that this isn’t even a case of guilty until proven innocent but guilty until proved even more guilty. The whole episode hasn’t been the May government’s finest hour (sparse pickings anyway) and that’s putting it politely.
People apply the same legalistic arguments to terrorists.
The idea that you send Plod round to Syria to investigate Big Beard atrocies seems strange. Do we assume Big Beard returnees are always innocent because there is no prospect of finding any reliable evidence of a forensic nature, exculpatory or incriminating or does one draw reasonable inferences on the basis of circumstantial evidence. Surveillance is the solution offered by the legalistic.
No one would think of holding a judicial enquiry to determine whether or not it was the Japs wot done it at Pearl Harbour. Churchillian false flag?
Did the Americans send the FBI over to Japan after Pearl Harbour? Innocent until proven guilty.
What do you actually think the facts of the case are?
Hearsay evidence is not evidence and cui bono arguments are thinksay evidence -equally suspect.
I thought the discussion was about the “Weapon Grade Nerve Agent (Non-Fatal)” poisoning in Salisbury, what does that have to do with returning Jihadis or the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour? I half-expected you to fall foul of Godwin’s Law (again) but I suppose WW2 Imperial Japan comes close enough.
If you were accused of attempted murder by poisoning, on the basis the police “knew” you’d done it and that you then had to prove you weren’t guilty of the crime; would you be content to face criminal justice of such a fashion?
If you are prepared to listen to another viewpoint about L’Affaire Skripal than HMG’s, which seems to alter every few days, then I suggest you listen to this eccentrically attired chap, whose job was to analyse chemical compounds and discover amongst other things their constituent structure and origin.
You are a complete fool.
I have embarrassed myself by even taking you slightly seriously.
Extract from Wiki the nec plus ultra in truth
“Additionally, Busby alleges the Japanese Government is involved in a conspiracy to spread radioactive contamination throughout Japan, in an effort to hide cancer clusters from epidemiologists and thus hinder litigation (cancer clusters are typically statistically identified by comparison with an unexposed cohort).[3] Gerry Thomas, professor of molecular pathology at the department of surgery and cancer at Imperial College, London, condemned the “anti-radiation” pills as useless and described the claims made by Busby as ludicrous. Ohtsura Niwa, professor at the Kyoto University Radiation Biology Center and CEO of BioMedics Japan, disagreed with Busby’s contention that radiation is being deliberately spread throughout Japan. Niwa noted that the ownership of dosimeters in Japan is now widespread and if radioactive contamination was actively spread about, people would know. Niwa also agreed with Thomas, that mineral supplements cannot guard against strontium, uranium and plutonium radioisotopes. Similar mineral supplements are widely available in chemists in Tokyo, at 1/8th cost offered by Busby Laboratories.[3][40]”
I bet he’s appeared on RT
Goodbye Biasedbbc.
Life’s too short to waste on the “tin foil hat” brigade.
I can now confess that I am a BBC employee.
My task was to write BBC-critical contributions, carefully calibrated to assess various attitudes and influences.
It was perceptive of you to realise what was going on.
No, I’m deadly serious.
I “self identified” as a BBC employee a week or so ago.
The effect was life-changing. Now I even want to reverse Brexit!
ID – the feeling is mutual I assure you, your inability to engage in debate / discussion with those who don’t share your view, without insult is both tiresome and tedious.
Perhaps you were also one of Tony’s cheerleaders too, when he took the UK into war in Iraq based on nothing more than dubious evidence and lies.
You attack those here who rightly question the Skripal narrative presented by HMG, yet offer no explanation of why we should just accept it nor attempt to justify the claims which have been made by its members, in relation to the poisoning.
I suppose I should be grateful for small mercies, at least you didn’t tortuously invoke non-existent WW2 comparisons (Hitler, Pearl Harbour etc) in your latest missive.
Al, what that guy said about the chemistry, that appears to add up to me. Not so sure about the reason for Gulf 2, Libya and meddling but not committing in Syria early on. Not sure about his nuclear war & radiation theories, either.
It is interesting that there appears to be some BBC disinformation now around the actual nerve agent. Accidental or deliberate? OPCW were careful & specific. Very pure, declining to call it ‘Novichok’ but definitely Soviet-era. Could still be 1980s out of the four decades but we were also told that by the BBC & their contributors that the Novichoks were ‘new’ and had distinct ‘fingerprints’.
Hi ID: Zero Hedge is simply the source of another piece of information. Like all other pieces of information, it may -or may not- be correct/reliable. It is a piece of a jigsaw that may or may not fit.
The OPCW lab shouldn’t be leaking info, but with human beings involved, you never can tell.
I have read Mogl’s assessment, however, and also the evaluation of the possibility that the BZ was simply a control sample.
The Gordievsky case seems relevant: Wiki says Xanax ended him in hospital, so not quite as harmful as Novichok! If you’re looking for a pattern, the Novichok itself has an interesting history, easy to look up.
On balance, I have to go with HM version of matters, but there are unanswered questions, and it seems we haven’t yet heard the last of this episode. What is shocking is the damage done to Salisbury, both in a financial and a human sense.
Yes I’ve read what I suppose is a version of Stefan Moegl’s assessment in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung. The article is on the lab’s website. Where did you find his original report?
I seem to remember that thallium was suggested as the poison used on Gordievsky. What is Xanax?
But the suicide note did not mention climate specifically at all. It said “Pollution ravages our planet, oozing inhabitability via air, soil, water and weather,” and “Most humans on the planet now breathe air made unhealthy by fossil fuels, and many die early deaths as a result — my early death by fossil fuel reflects what we are doing to ourselves.”
Compare the headline of the Biased Bullshit Corporation with headlines from other news sources:
NYT – Prominent Lawyer in Fight for Gay Rights Dies After Setting Himself on Fire in Prospect Park
Grauniad – David Buckel, prominent New York LGBT lawyer, dies after setting himself on fire
CNN – Prominent gay rights lawyer sets himself on fire in protest suicide
Times – David Buckel, environmentalist lawyer, burns himself alive
The BBC seems to be the only headline making the fake claim that it was about climate change. H/T Paul Matthews
Rufus, are David Vance and Alan alright? David hasn’t created a thread since 19 December and Alan since 11 March. You’re doing a great job holding the fort down by yourself, but I’m worried as to the health of the other two.
DV is tweeting regularly on @DVATW. Guess he’s got bored here – after all, he’s been doing it for some time. As for Alan, who knows? It’s clear this site could do with more contributors, at a time when BBC bias has never been more brazen.
It could also do with some more engagement from the owners – whoever they are these days. I recall the changeover from when Natalie Solent and Co passed it on to someone whose approach to posters managed to cause a split and the formation of a splinter B-BBC! Fortunately, David Vance took over and the ship was soon righted again. But there has never been much communication between the owners and the posters. Whatever happened to ‘The all-seeing Eye’ for example? And who is ‘Rufus McDufus’?
Hopefully this site will continue to run as it’s important that those with the vision to see what is happening to our society by the various propaganda regimes have an outlet.
I have emailed David Vance a while ago to check that everything was alright but so far have not received a reply. It is disconcerting that there has been no notification from anybody about what is going on. Alan was putting a lot of effort into his posts when he suddenly ‘vanished’.
So just in case the site should go down for any reason I would be happy to open mine again for posting. I would however ask for a few old timers from this site to be the moderators. and keep the site organised properly.
Please understand this is a ‘just in case’ option, and hopefully it won’t be necessary.
GC – you like me are from the days of Natalie Solent and go a long way back.
I actually chose my website as a better way of preserving all the observations posted and offered it to Natalie after I set it up. She was too busy with the existing site and her own to take it on so I just kept it going.
I too remember the jerk she passed B-BBC on to and was happy when DV took it over.
The search for truth in the rubble of Douma – and one doctor’s doubts over the chemical attack
How come the BBC never report any of this.
It’s what I have thought all along, but never put my head above the parapet..
The Russians have a tremendous amount of information, which they have been gradually collecting from hacking computer systems here and in the US, about people within the elites of both countries regarding all their corruption and wrong doing.
These folk are now worried what the Russians are planning to do with all this stuff and it looks like they’ve decided on a strategy to deal with it.
Yes, all the TV images ever seemed to show was a bunch of distressed children having cold water poured over their heads and Fisk’s excellent report appears to have a compelling reason as to why they needed the fresh water.
BBC Activist organisation to rebuild Grenfell GYm
lib-land, lib-land uber alles
DIYSOS Presenter Nick Knowles said: “It is the biggest and morally most important project we have done in a long time.”
We still need trades for our upcoming build for #Grenfell community! Build dates May 15th – 28th. If you can help, please email diysos@bbc.co.uk with trade/contact details etc. We're meeting trades this Wed & Thurs to look through plans & schedule pic.twitter.com/b6xZPgKBkT
“Morally, the most important project” eh?
That word “morally” again.
Heard some poppet this morning on Today this morning. She had recorded some Brexit supporters for an “academic project”, one of who was correct, the other a bit of a tool. But the interviewer clucked her agreement with what was being said.
She gave the tapes to the Today show, where it was implied that Brexit was obtained using Nazi tactics. The academic snitch said she was acting morally, and that tactical talk of how the Nazis kept power was not to be a defence for Wigmore.
Hmm-secret recordings under the guise of independent academic interview for research? The Olympics Spectaculars of Berlin 36, London 2012? Brownshits hunting down Jews in certain universities? One European currency across a United Europe run from Berlin and Frankfurt? Abortions and euthanasia? Neuroscientific excuses for deviancy, crime and coming eugenics perhaps? Pagan worship of all things green and natural, zealous anti-smoking and ceaseless public health and hygiene propaganda?
Social monitoring for dissenting opinion? National Socialistic totalising bureaucracy? Cradle to grave free services with lifelong dependency on the state, no opposition but a cowed parody of the ruling consensus?
No Emma dear-seems we HAVE to draw technical lessons from the Nazis-and when Martha and yourself had the impasse in silence, it was clear that you both KNOW why we need to see how the tie dye Nazis like yourselves came about, And to deal with you when we`re forced to.
PS- THESE taped conversations were broadcast, those of Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness in regard of IRA action? Boston?
No-why on earth would the BBC bother with THAT leaked and unauthorised indiscretion?
Hmm I’m thinking that “secret recordings” are forbidden in university research, each programme needs ethics approval.
It’s normal for research subjects to sign approval, but secret recording would be a different level.
“secret recordings” are allowed for journalistic purposes.
Laws apply to telephone “Recordings of telephone conversations fall into a category of their own. Anyone using a telephone is subject to licence conditions under the Telecommunications Act 1984. They require you to make every reasonable effort to inform callers that their call may be recorded, “
Hope none of those trades people intend to leave any building materials unguarded, or they could find lots of garden sheds being built in the locality !
‘Yo, yeh we at the BBC are so right-on.. we’ve made this NEW podcast for Muslim and black women to talk about sex and swear and talk about racism”
Since projection is a libmob characteristic, everything they accuse others of , is actually a projection of their own flaws.
The podcast is NOT INCLUSIVE at all,
you have to one of us Woman +Muslim +London-person.. with typical way that spills into Nigerian culture
White people are disparaged as “the privileged class”, clearly a ridiculous naive grouping, cos there’s all types in life..and I imagine short, ugly working class whites , don’t have half the advantages of tall, beautiful, upper class whites.
There’s the presenters unconscious racism as the London-NIgerian presenter starts talking about sex , and immediately says “the thing about black men”, which tells us she doesn’t think about having sex with white people.
Yet a few minutes later talking about Tinder she plays the victim, saying black women are the bottom of the dating pile,with Asian men, cos they are not seen as appeasing like Asian women are ..and she asserts white men/women are of course top of the pile.
Many of us here are familiar with their guest Yassmin Abdel-Magied the famous Australian Muslim race-baiter, but these presenters appear not to know of her worldwide notoriety.
The BBC licence fee assumes the BBC is a radio/TV broadcaster, but this is one of their range of podcast ONLY shows
.. why does this home-made show get to be elevated to the advantage BBC salary & marketing, when everyone else just puts their podcast up on the internet themselves ?
E01: Sex, headscarves and Yassmin Abdel-Magied, No Country For Young Women – BBC Radio https://t.co/NvHaSWUvTQ
Podcast is subtitled “cos we are a black thing” “How to fit in a WHITE world”
The presenters last tweet is of course a retweet of some racebaiting from David Lammy
A shameful day in our history.
Shame on the Home Secretary. Shame on the PM. Heads must roll. When my parents arrived here they arrived as British citizens.
If you lay down with dogs then you get fleas and that is what has happened with far-right rhetoric.
I do wish these politicians wouldn’t speak for me. ‘A shameful day in our history’ – honestly ? I couldn’t give a fig one way or t’other. Let Lammy go and bleat in the ear of Afua Hirsch about ‘our’ country if he needs to sound off, and while he’s at it, perhaps he like to let us know if his grandparents fought for ‘our’ country in the last war.
Last night was the Parliamentary debate re the air strikes in Syria. Many Labour MP’s turned on Corbyn – but funnily enough I had to read that through the Parliamentary sketches in the Telegraph and the Daily Mail. No mention of it on the BBC.
Today there has been a Parliamentary debate on anti-Semitism. Corbyn didn’t stay for the whole debate. By going on to Guido I heard some really powerful speeches and really shocking statements. But the BBC has a really tough time deciding what they have time for their editorial decisions in their News programmes and sadly they didn’t have time to mention either Corbyn’s difficulty last night nor the anti-Semitism debate tonight. But they did have time to go on and on about the Windrush people. Why am I not surprised?
bBBC NorthWest solved the problem from the parliamentary ‘debate’ on Labour antisemitism: they selected for broadcast the bit of Luciana Berger’s speech where she said four men were now imprisoned after sending her antisemitic material, three of them from far-right organisations.
Job done.
Guessing that Jo, a settled university graduate bringing home her boyfriend to her comfortably off parents who`ve worked hard all their lives-and with the news that they`ll be getting married next year, and hope to have children once settled ?
Well that`ll be perverted and deviant-and really ought to be banned.
Maybe a black colleague at work and a suspected old flatmate who just might be gay, but no one asked or cared then?
Mad, literally Mad(to quote Enoch)
A Taste of Honey boring? It’s got Rita Tushingham in it! How could it be? Sigh. Sorry Alicia you wouldn’t understand, it’s a male thing!
Rita, oh Rita. Sigh!
Stew reading about the border force interview made me feel so ashamed to be holding a British Passport. I’m really lost for words. As for demolition then let it be the Houses of Parliament.
I once looked at that building with pride as I also did when ever I saw the famous BBC logo. It might be more cost effective if we can get Parliament and the BBC demolished as a package.
From the article: “…misogynistic tropes which have repeatedly been used against women, now being used by cis women against trans women.”
It’s impossible to keep track of which minority group is attacking another any more. Does utopian 21st century equality mean we all hate each other all the time?
P.S. Stew — ‘H/T Paul Joseph Watson’: does this refer to a half-time show like the Super Bowl? Got to be honest, I was kind of hoping to watch some cheerleaders instead
Women of all gender and none?
Only a Green oddball could ever conceive of such a sentence.
But obviously they can all conceive, just like Loretta in “The Life Of Brian”?
Little did I know that this religious satire would one day be a Green Party training manual.
Still though-at least we`ll be able to get the lids off at the W.I jam sales now, and get all our reverse parking done quicker.
Alicia, this country seems to get crazier by the day.
I am reading an excellent book at the moment: “Travels In Cultural Nihilism” a collection of essays by Stephen Pax Leonard, published by Arktos.
It’s like “The Strange Death Of Europe” on steroids, every page seems to have some precise description of (yet) another one of the many ways in which the West is destroying itself.
I can’t recommend it highly enough, wonderfully written.
Verily, the beeb’s cup runneth over: Windrush… Starbucks… Saint Stephen of Lawrence. So much racism to virtue signal on the Home page, so much race baiting to whip up, ad nauseam.
And it distracts from the almost daily murders on the mean streets of Londonistan.
Talking about the Liberal Fascist nutters ruling Britain with the “Britain Requires Acceptance of Islamisation” policy. This would explain the reason why Theresa May ordered an attack on Syria.
Reports are that of the 10,000 prisoners in Douma, only 200 remained alive. So it doesn’t look as if there were many Christians or child prisoners left to gas. The MI6 backed Jaysh al-Islam
used thousands of prisoners to dig the tunnels in Douma.
I would suggest that left-wing people and right-wing people are normal, while the Liberal Fascists in the middle ground are going insane. Dangerous days with Climate Change, Brexit, Islam and many other liberal fascist causes being assaulted by reality, the Liberals seem to want to bring the rest of us down with them.
Disagree, Richard, and so would the history books.
Left and Right (actually the two sides of the same coin – probably not even that, the same side of the one coin) have caused problems for the rest of the world since the mid-nineteenth century. We who are not Left or Right inevitably have to clear up (and pay for) the mess those two sides cause.
Its usually simple clues that can tell you what the truth may be.
For instance the term “out group” was mentioned by some liberals. This was used instead of “group”. This indicates that the people who use the term “out group” instead of “group” are perverted by their upbringing. It implies that Liberals are perverted by “out group” loyalties caused by being brought up by a nanny and sent to a boarding school. This means that they are abnormally bonded with a nanny (out group) but not with their mother (group). This would explain why white middle-class Liberals show more loyalty towards Islam or Blacks (the out group) than their own people (the group). This would explain how this unique perverted ideology of the Liberals came about, and why its now undermining our civilisation.
The Home Secretary @AmberRuddHR has many questions to answer over the plight of the #windrushkids but I wonder if The Sun & The Mail might just have another agenda fuelling their criticism of Remainer Rudd? pic.twitter.com/4iB26C5fHA
No denying the Rudd/May combo is rivalling the Ladies Who Labour on competence, but hiding behind wistful gazes at newspapers is…. well… par for the course now.
I don’t understand how al beeb rules allow self loving fools like Robinson use Twitter this way. If ever there was a beeboid who needs a slap it be he.
Rudd and the government are doing the Windrush cockup purposely,
they don’t care about looking silly, so long as people start asking will this happen to my Polish min wage cleaner in the future?
Better stay in the EU just in case…
Amber may be useless. But not quite the point.
Which is….
Is Robinson going to be as vitriolic with Flabbott?
And as guessing the agenda of the Guardian and the Mirror?
Think we all know the answers to those questions.
“Hello Dianne, how lovely of you to come and see us again. What would you like to tell us today, without me interrupting of course”.
Sopey is upset! President Trump has been doing some thinking and acting outside the box, unlike the LeftLibbies poster boy who previously occupied the Oval Office. Sopey doesn’t like it. The thought that the CIA director might engage in some spying out the land. John, there is a long, honourable, tradition of espionage in the world. Preparing for diplomacy. Peace talks maybe?
Aaah! That is what you don’t like.
You really wanted a punch up between two Presidents and their armies.
Or you wanted President Trump to ask your permission or at least notify you first before acting in this way?
You beat me to it . I felt sorry for Sopel – having to report such unexpected good news . He really sounded depressed – how he must yearn to get back to really important things like prostitutes – chaotic White House- the democrat fbi .
Bias by ignoring – the anti Semitic debate in Parliament yesterday seems to be being down played by al beeb – it had to mention it in the parliamentary report . Twitter reported the John Mann speech which is truly powerful ( you tube) .
And the issue is tearing labour apart – which al beeb is ignoring . Shameful . Declaration – i am neither Jewish nor labour .
She came accross as thick as pigshit in the the bbc video.
A ”marine biologist”, by trade ?
”She said she would rather work as a prostitute than in a petrol station on minimum wage. ”
So neither the newspaper nor the bbc do what journalists ought to, and ask questions like:
Why aren’t the police closing the operation down, do senior police now decide which law breaking to ignore? – surely thats not their call or job remit.
The prostitute, (supposedly) made a bad judgment by choosing a degree, in a field she appears she has no interest in working in, and also getting saddled with a £ 20,000 student debt.
Why not ask her about this, and how does she know she isn’t making another mistake with the whoring.
No, it never happened to me in Starbucks or any other cafe.
Thats not because of the fact I’d never sit in those places without buying anything, nor because I’d never refuse to leave when asked by the staff and certainly not if asked several times by the police.
It just never happended because I’m white.
So starbucks are ”Closing Thousands
of Stores for RacialBias Training”
Be great if homeless people start using it as a day centre and the piss weak coffee chain goes bust.
Thank you for the post. It really is something when you have to google people on. Al Beeb to assess the value of the people al Beeb allow to speak to the public. Both characters you talk about – Bryant and Collins are so biased as to of no objective value. .
Were we not told by the BBC last week that Duma (Douma) was the last territory holding out against President Assad? Now this morning, it suddenly appears to be Idlib. The BBC cannot now hide behind the excuse that they cannot get their correspondents into Syria.
West Indian passports – will brexit it be like it says nick ? Oh yes says Diane . Amazing . Apparently neither have heard of the internet -which if I remember righty didn’t exist as all this foreign labour was shipped to Blighty to make it more err vibrant and colourful.
Q. Anti Semitism isn’t nice is it Diane ? A that’s right nick .
Stabbings in londonistan – don’t bother – we ain’t talking about that no more . Must be dueca fatality today as it’s averaging one every 2.5 days.
At least I can stand three hours of TOADY when sustained by the wit on here. Without the other posts here, I’d have probably headed for a high building or a railway line …
Lobbie, yeah, doubly bad, different reason as well as being depressed by the BBC! Hopefully Biased BBC is a low-level but high humour ‘ring of steel’ for you, a good place to hide.
It’s not only the wit, Up2 that gives this site a lot of merit, but simply the fact that we can chat outside of the stifling confines of the ‘One Dimensional Man’ set-ups like the BBC are trying to create.
I remember this book from uni in the late sixties; it was a ‘lefty’ work, written by someone associated with the Frankfurt School. (There are still many of Marcuse’s thoughts I agree with.)
But the real insights I can remember, have to do with the creation of ‘utterly conformist’ humans who need to submit to an environment demanding utter conformity; there is One dimension, and it is absolutely everywhere (or words like that).
Marcuse intended to undermine, make no mistake, but what he actually did is to paint a vivid picture of a society where free thinking and expressing is unacceptable. He helped create the crap we are in today, but -ironically- he also pointed to the way out. At least, that’s what I take from it having not read it for half a century.
The likes of the BBC -and others- are hoping to radically change our society. They are actually showing us -every day- what the One Dimensional Man now required by that society looks like: ‘open’, ‘tolerant’, obsessed with equality ( and therefore unable to discriminate -in the good sense, where discrimination is between ‘good’ and ‘bad’), and where people are able to apply common sense rather than PC. So, for instance, you can now be ‘gender-fluid’ and identify as one of many genders (I wonder what Marcuse would have made of that?) and ‘be whatever you want to be’ a deceptive current favourite in One dimensional thinking.
So wit or otherwise, we can take off our straitjackets here for a short while, before going back into a society where every word has to be measured in case it ‘offends someone’ and possibly gets you sanctioned in some way by a state which pretends to like free thinking but really doesn’t.
The likes of Amber are the new guardians of what you may -or may not- think and say.
“….the creation of ‘utterly conformist’ humans who need to submit to an environment demanding utter conformity; there is One dimension, and it is absolutely everywhere or words like that.”
Sounds like Aldous Huxley’s, ‘Brave New World’.
That is what I was hinting at the other day. We are in danger of adopting the grey drab uniform of the Soviets just as the Russians try to get away from all that together with the oligarchs and criminals that have ripped them off during the first phase of liberalisation.
Took a few moments to enjoy spring in a Square in London yesterday. Fifty years ago this summer it was a scene of a major protest demonstration. One one corner I spotted a statue. From behind it looked like it was of Robert Kennedy. I went closer and saw from the front that it was a tribute to former President Reagan but something more, to President Gorbachev and the end of the Iron Curtain. Two multi-dimensional men?
Sorry, brackets close after ‘PC’ not the word ‘bad’ –rather changes the meaning of the sentence.
A good One dimentionalist ‘closer-down’ of free discussion in the name of free discussion btw is Amol Rajan. Listen very carefully to what he does at the very end of the recent EP speech.
Yes, Amol was angry but it seemed just a little fake to me. No idea what discrimination he faced growing up in Tooting in the 1990s but I AM CERTAIN it was better for him then than, say, in the 1960s.
fakenewswatcher — really good comments. Please do repost this again; one dimensionality is the reason I look outside the MSM for analysis.
(If you haven’t already come across it, Erich Fromm’s “Fear of Freedom” is an insightful take on the tension between individual freedom and societal conformity and control.)
Thank you TM. Had a good buddy at uni who was greatly into Fromm, and that rings a bell. Will check it out. I didn’t keep my Herbert Marcuse, but it keeps ringing bells as well, when I look at society, our MSM etc.
Did the odd degree in Politics, so coming back to it in retirement to pose the question: why is it, that when we have all the trappings of a democracy, it feels so close to Totalitarianism (One Dimension)?
Lurking beneath that question: is it actually only me that’s changed, or not? Were things ever thus?
It really bothers me that in a society that is allegedly so ‘open’, there are so many topics that are almost ‘off limits’.
So many single words that can close down a discussion in an instant. Their scope becomes ever broader (eg ‘racism’ now also includes ‘racialism’, as I discovered at the end of the EP speech broadcast on R4- almost as if, on its own, the word no longer did the trick.) Invent ever newer ones: feel free to tear down a statue you don’t like; if you’re engaged in ‘decolonisation’, that’s only natural.
And when the ‘bad guys’ are that easily distinguished from the ‘good guys’, do we have one-dimensional language as well?
FNW, if I recall rightly, there’s an in-built ‘yearning for submission’ Fromm talks about. It’s not so clear cut as each of us seeking freedom from totalitarianism. Because this inevitably takes us to a point where we begin to ‘individuate’ — and with that arises a fear of isolation, since we also possess an inherent need to connect with other people and society at large.
Which is why authoritarianism proves so seductive in whatever flavour (left or right). Conformity provides an antidote to the anxiety felt when you realise you’re the master of your own fate, so to speak.
I also think there’s merit in the idea of the Jungian idea of repression of the ‘shadow’. Idealism of any kind allows the subscriber to identify with a certain moral purity, because they’re aligned with the good, with the wholesome (i.e. socially normative) view. It allows the personality to avoid confrontation with their own shadow (where they would realise that they, too, harbour ugly and unwholesome aspects). Instead they project it outwards (always outing others for their sexist, racist views etc).
E.g. the politician promoting family values whilst having a homosexual affair in secret. Or the statesman who publicly espouses inclusivity and tolerance and gets caught making anti-semitic comments. And so on.
But why more now than 20,30,40 years ago I don’t know. Perhaps the shadows have grown darker… or our collective fear of freedom has grown stronger?
They smear you and attempt to dismiss
It’s important to recognise that word like “racist and far-right” are boo-words intended smear you as unholy and thus close discussion down
fnw: “Did the odd degree in Politics, so coming back to it in retirement to pose the question: why is it, that when we have all the trappings of a democracy, it feels so close to Totalitarianism (One Dimension)?”
For me, as a BBC R4 devotee/watcher/critic it is because the BBC is no longer, as far as R4 & its w-s are concerned, has become very, very controlling, very-Leftish Nazi-ish (heading toward Hard-Left but shrinking back slightly at the thought of Comrade Corbyn as PM) and very greedy for power and money.
I think, too, they are being joined by others in the print and broadcast media but I cannot speak really about TV as I don’t watch even the stuff I’m legally allowed to watch on catch-up. Certainly the Guardian has become a fascistic/nazi-ish paper, Toynbee & Jones have proved that.
We still have new media but I see sinister signs that attempts are being made, with the BBC in the lead, to hobble and/or beat them into line.
For the second time recently I have been a little amused at the irony of consecutive topics on “Today”. They had Rachael Sylvester to come in to be critical of Leavers being swayed by calls for tighter immigration. They followed that by Humphrys calling for tighter controls to reduce the importation of foreign plant & insect pests. A couple of weeks ago the BBC visitors to Ullswater were pulling up on non-native daffodils.
Final subject on Toady earlier: dangerous species of lifeforms which seriously damage or kill indigenous species of tree or plant. Serious problems in Japan at present. Expert explains that we always have to be vigilant and thorough at borders and that was a problem with Globalisation. He said it needed a concerted effort to halt the import of these dangerous bugs. All sorts of expressions used which would totally apply to the movement of, you know who. In fact simply replacing the names of the dangerous species of bugs with you know who, would immediately flag up the question, “why are we not treating one infection the same as another”?
As we know, the BBC will not condemn in any way you know who and the movement of that dangerous infection around the World. So, using the BBC’s sleight of hand style of reporting, could it be that exchanging the reference to bugs and infections which invade indigenous plants and trees when introduced, they were really referring to you know who? You wouldn’t really know with the BBC would you?
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Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
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JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
I’ll leave it for someone else to claim to be first.
Did anyone else bother to listen to Natalie Haynes programme on Juvenal yesterday? I mistakenly thought that a programme about a Roman author would be interesting. Instead she brought on Armando Iannucci to comment on Juvenal. In his first spot he attacked President Trump. In his second spot he attacked President Trump.
The BBC is obsessed.
Why wasn’t it me? 3rd -the shame
I see the al beeb aided Damian Collins show aka a parliamentary committee is chatting to Britney about blowing whistles on non brexit contracts . I guess Soros and Branson are buying a whole stream of conscience stricken snow flakes to keep the al beeb remainer fire burning.
Our Damien being a remainer of course . Britney the second whistle blower – oops I did it again.
As an aside toady used tapes private conversations of some sap saying he admired the way nazis uses propaganda . So do I —and someone in the al beeb uses the same techniques updated to replace the nighttime torchlight stuff with collective feelgoid crap like red nose and sports thingy and the thing with the bear to exploit the natural good nature of we British types .
But I thought it was common knowledge that the Romans hated Trump.
And I shudder to think what Virgil had to say about Brexit.
Lobster – F.A.B ?
ODM (O Deus meus), as Kattius Kaius might declaim.
It was quite funny that the BBC World service decided to devote a large proportion of their Outlook programme to a story of a woman who saves dogs in the “occupied ” West Bank who have been hit by Arab drivers. They are treated in animal clinics in Israel and found homes there because Palestinian Arabs don’t like pets.
I wonder if I can persuade the BBC to do a programme on stray cats in Netanya !
Dogs hit by cars eh? I wonder if that’s where they go to practise.
Thanks RJ.
Glad to know that-finally-I`ve come first here to the top of the blog.
would dedicate this , my victory to all the worlds oppressed.
And hope this will get me a nomination for this years Noble Price.
Here, …. sixpence in used postage stamps …..
Having just watched Daily Politics, i have to say even by the incredible Bias standards of the BBC today’s show left me speechless.
It was one anti Tory criticism after another.
Jo Coburn was appalling, aggressive, constantly interrupted the Tory representative and even worse not factual.
Ah well…!!
“Bonkers but Brilliant…”
Oh dear, it seems BBC man Dan Johnson, coins a new acronym with which to replace that now outdated British bit in the corporate title of our national broadcaster. I leave readers hereabouts to suggest a third initial – perhaps Radio 4 listeners have already been prompted as to a suitable candidate for the C word?
This bombastic alliterative and self-congratulatory outburst comes in this BBC reporter’s private (from the public up until now) text conversation with the press office at South Yorkshire Police as revealed today in court.
Give it up BBC. Go subscription. Then you can be as tabloid or alternatively as Guardianista as your hearts desire. The only restraint will be finding the willingly paying audience.
Judging by the evidence being put by msm al. Beeb is dead in the water on this.
I remember seeing coverage live and even then thought it was breathtaking daytime Tv. Complete with a helicopter .
Why hasn’t there been an investigation into who at SYP tipped Johnson and what could possibly (£) have prompted them to do so?
Now I have to apologise a second time. (This is fun, can see why May and Rudd enjoy it so much) The BBC DID mention the London killings, right at the end of the news. Reason: someone else was killed last night.
No further details.
Fake – according to the London evening standard it was an 18 year law student in good old east londonistan – my neck of the woods – body number 60. Killings go up with heat so police tape sellers should make a good profit this year. As I said earlier I’m predicting 140 dead by year end.
Albeeb got bored with it last week.
body number 60
That is what I thought.
According to the BBC 38 mins ago
The teenager’s death comes after two people died from stab wounds in London on Sunday. Almost 40 people have been stabbed to death in the capital this year.
Wait until Diane Abbott becomes Home Sect. The numbers will continue to decrease.
Couldn`t we use the useless dead(as opposed to the genuine good un`s )-wasted on London streets to fill all our potholes.
Henry Vincent would finally be doing something-and as his clan said “he was too good to walk this earth”. Well, at least we`d be not so good about wiping our shitty shoes on such a foreskin of a felon.
My local rag has named the dead 18 year old as Sami Sidhome. Dead at the scene in EastLondonistan.
Not figuring in al Beeb news. Still dead though.
The trouble with this country is that so many of us will tolerate virtually anything because it seems to have become confused with being civilised and, dare I say it, “Christian”. We’ve been conditioned into accepting backward standards because the perpetrators generally belong to groups favoured by the BBC and, like idiots, we’ve accepted it hook, line and sinker through fear of being labelled. The “spell words” have worked – or rather, we’ve allowed them to work.
The people of Rotherham and elsewhere seem to be relatively unriled in spite of extreme provocation and, even though London’s murder stats have been bad before (but better than Glasgow’s most of the time), and New York has been far more successful than other cities at reducing crime, bad publicity at the beginning of 2018 will have a bad effect on a tourism industry worth billions. Where are the protests from business?
Tolerance taken to extremes is just plain stupid. Meanwhile, idiot Macron says that “Europe has its destiny bound with Africa”. Who the hell voted for that? Rather not, thanks all the same.
We`re well past Christian Theresa? Indeed, we`re even past post-Christian.
Hence our problems, once you boot God out of it-and Jesus in particular-well, wave yourselves off and into a clueless hell?
Sadly for the godless, stupid and atheists who offer nothing else-Islam is coming to stuff its throne bush up the hole in our culture. And stuff the ozone layer then!
Wouldn’t like to think that our future depends on backward and stupid superstition, of any variety.
We don’t need to introduce anything except mass deportation. Confine superstition to the Middle East, where it belongs.
Stuff it up the hole in your culture… Leonard Cohen?
T, (aren’t you too busy for all this running t’country?).
I have accepted none of the above. I have used up several fingers worth of skin writing to the globalist propaganda outfit known as Aunty protesting soooooo many issues – admittedly pissing in the wind. How have we allowed a small minority of pimple faced speckle chinned to dictate how we should think/feel and what we should believe in, and to pay for the insult!
I am waiting only for the marching to begin and then perhaps we will have our day.
Fed up.. I’m surprised that they only have the tape in red or blue I would have thought that some nice feel good Rainbow coloured tape (with a little logo perhaps like We are on the case.) would be more appropriate. Oh and i’ll raise you on your 140 to 155.
TWATo at about 1.15 about the Windrush ‘scandal’ with a second generation long term immigrant. Circa 2014 he needed documentation, i didn’t catch why, but had never travelled before and hadn’t needed documentation. What does he do to prove who he is/was… he gets a Jamaican passport and then finds that his benefits are stopped, presumably again because he was Jamaican and couldn’t prove he had been here.
So rather than go through with the procedure to establish his UK identity he gets a Jamaican passport and winders why he has problems.
Now is it Generation Windrush…or the Windrush Generation? BIG difference.
One of them features toffs and buffoons in their sponsored tennis whites, poncing around Burford and simply loving their brass rubbings with the workers and their poor, vulnerable families. Before heading back to town to report it all for us, as if Orwell hadn`t done a bang up job of it.
I`m All Right Jack(1958)-Sidney Windrush embodies the BBC chattering classes, but was ONLY AN ACTOR.
Unlike the BBC and its wankie hankies at the Guardian who actually live “on set” 24/7 in their own fetid fantasies like Lily Allen and Bob Geldorf.
It looks like Robert Fisk has confirmed that the chemical attack in Douma did not happen. Also the hardliners who temporarily suspended the ceasefire so that the White Helmets (MI6) could do their job in Douma were the non-Syrian element of Jaysh Al-Islam. It looks like the White Helmets initiated a training exercise like that training exercise in Salisbury just before the poisoning incident. Also their are reports that Boris Johnson has said he no longer trusts MI6.
Richard, I am very sceptical about the ‘Chemical attack ‘ in Syria and have said so on this site. But I would have thought that Robert Fisk was not a good source to quote because he is usually anti-British.
It is a bit like Jeremy Corbyn on Syria. He may seem to agree with us on this one incident but he is constantly anti-British and has supported many enemy causes. Isn’t this scraping the barrel?
This is not a hostile comment. I would like opinions
YD, think you need to ‘triangulate’ information and cross check with as many sources as possible. Of course that is what the BBC should be doing for us with journalists and an editorial team we can trust or ought to be able to trust.
Yes, Fisk has been abrasively ‘anti’ at times but he is one reporter who I still have some respect for and he has, IIRC, infiltrated himself to places where other journalists give up and stay in and report from the nearest Hilton.
But logical reasoning can be applied, as done by Admiral Lord West (a Labour Peer) recently on BBC R4. Was it as recently as the weekend or yesterday?
What have we been told about who is fighting? Ordinary people. Revolutionaries. Volunteers. And no doubt professional mercenaries who may or may not be Muslims or sympathetic to pure anti-Assad-ism.
All or some of those can melt away, leave the region, even leave the country. Then reform, return in another guise or move on to the next conflict.
President Assad wants to win, end the war and bring peace to Syria.
Why attack women & children using precious (scarce?) weaponry or even using improvised weapons, especially if the effect is not worthwhile, doesn’t actually kill soldiers, doesn’t remove the fighting opposition. Gas is a slightly vague weapon as combatants in WW1 discovered when the wind direction changes.
“The objective was to scare.” it was merely tactical. On people who are scared already? Yeah, right.
You have either:
Limited weaponry (but good supplies of yellow paint) and have to hurriedly improvise bombs from available chemistry and drop with unsuitable craft (helicopters & gas bombs don’t really go well together)
~ or ~
You are supplied by the Russians who are continually upgrading their weaponry to try to catch up with the West and have some more precisely targeting ordnance and with whatever the Iranians (if they are as involved as the BBC suggest) have available and with these resources, at the end of a long war that you wish to finish, you then choose to not use all of that military capability and instead
~ target ~
Non-combatants, not the fighters.
It does not add up.
It is possible.
But it just does not add up.
Douma was under the control of the Army of Islam who the UN said had used Sarin gas against the Kurds in 2016: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-22424188
After 7 years fighting Assad had won in Douma and our Islamist allies were withdrawing, so he had no motive to use chemical weapons which was the only thing likely to bring the Yanks down on him.
The BBC confidentally reported that Assad was responsible despite the fact that they didn’t even have a reporter in country!
May has started a war with Assad that will bring death to our streets when the true culprits were almost certanly our allies The Army of Islam: https://bit.ly/2qB4bFQ
Be afraid … “Brexit: Why Brussels seems relaxed about the end game” {bbc.co.uk 17apr2018}
“Relations are a lot more normalised between the UK and the rest of the us after the Salisbury attacks and the show of solidarity with Britain at the EU leaders’ summit two weeks ago,” one European diplomat told me.
(one European diplomat told me)
. . . .
“The UK makes a fuss, tells us things are unacceptable – like the financial settlement (the so-called Brexit bill), and like allowing EU citizens the right to stay permanently in the UK, even if they only move there in the transition period after Brexit – but the British Government gives in, in the end. Even if they dress up the fact to make it more acceptable at home.”
(one European diplomat told me)
“but the British Government gives in, in the end”
“but the British Government gives in, in the end”
“For now then, the EU thinks Ireland will be another UK capitulation.”
For anyone still assuming this Windrush story comes out coincidentally now, then think again.
BBC man Dominic Casciani – who has previously serrupticiously covered up the ethinicity of his own convicted mugger (using libary images of white hands in cuffs to illustrate his report) now today promotes yet another assualt on our racist police force courtesy of the gift that keeps giving the Lawrence case. Talk about re-hash, this one is about the undercover cops again.
Timing is everything, I suppose.
As I. See
The. Enoch Powell speech, winrush, Lawrence. , commonwealth do do. Great fun. All because the British people since war 2 were not consulted on the immigration policies of various colours of. Government. A disgrace turning. Blighty into a country I don’t recognise any more.
It’s no longer a case of being busy heaping up our funeral pyre: it alight and we’re on top of it, along with all the future generations; my God! How they’ll curse us.
Suttee and Sweep I guess!
Dedicated to Enoch Powell, this quip…do we having a ruling on when a quip officially becomes a joke?
The BBC won`t know, let`s ask something funnier like a burning orphanage survivor.
What is Fred Flintstones favourite Middle East holiday destination?
Abu Dhabi Doo!
Of course the real answer is that there IS no favourite Middle Eastern destination, but the BBC would go if we all said Raqqa was having a tranny ski slalom event, where we could yet get a medal.
And one more before matron calls by with a face mask for my bottom.
I was hit by a rhythm stick, and am now suing for personal Ian Dury. I said this in a Wurzels voice, so it`s really funny. You vill laff !
What doom and gloom story can the bBBC dredge up today?
It’s housing! Big 1pm news story. Apparently 34% of millenials will never live in a house they own.
Cue outrage and much tut-tutting from our fine impartial broadcster.
Then it is revealed the current rate is 24%, so getting ‘worse’ maybe but disaster? Maybe not.
But surely rich countries like Germany, Austria, Switzerland do much better than the UK under the ‘evil Tories’?. Errrrrrr, no. They are way, way down!
There are lots of housing factors of course. Not that the BBC will mention them. Turns out some countries with the highest owner-occupier rates, mainly Eastern Europe, also have the greatest overcrowding, or the most flats and fewest houses. Meanwhile, the UK record in subsidised housing is among the best.
So what we actually have here is what the biased BBC really does best. Shit-stirring to suit its own Corbynista agenda.
Weren’t we being told a few years ago than more renting and less obsession with ownership were the way to go?
Aw poor likkle milleniums, never having a home of their own to buy, and subjected to a lifetime of renting. Well, guess what ! my parents and hundreds of thousands like them never owned their own home either, and did they whinge or cry into their cornflakes, er, no, they just go on with life.
I also read with total astonishment today, that those adult kids who are still living at home on incredible salaries, are actually sponging off their parents ! with some only giving £200 per month for their keep – with take home pay around £1,500. God on a bike, I was giving that to my Mum back in the 70’s when my take home pay was less than half that !
There was (yet another) article on The Poor Millennials in the Telegraph the other week.
There was one ‘heartening’ example where a mother wouldn’t take rent/housekeeping from her own little snowflake because she was ‘saving hard’ for a house deposit.
However turns out this particular snowflake was also setting aside just as much each month for ‘travel’.
They. Just. Don’t. Get. It.
And nor do their parents.
Is it because they’d rather spend 10 years in further education / world travel than start on the career ladder as soon as possible?
No, don`t blame these kids at all.
They were sold a crock by Thatcher, Major-and lest we forget-Blair and Brown, in particular. All peddled the Big Lie
That they`re thick, sexually confused, drug addled and collapse into puddles on contact with reality has been a long term project, with their parents and schools, STD Clinics and yooniloony vouchers is not their fault.
It`s ours, we failed to deal with all this as it unravelled.
A Brownshirt Corbyn Cult is the result.
“They didn`t start the fire”-we simply warmed our tootsies by the flames.
Ah well, it will soon be Islams problem unless we remember what the hell we`re here for, and will act now.
Hell-remember that?
Sheep with no shepherd, just an ululating halal cutthroat with a Zen hipster looking down on the carnage with sad, cow eyes.
You might feel responsible but I don’t . I’d have some sort of national service for failures – otherwise no benefits.
Not guilty at all FedUp, know I did what I could. As many here would have done.
National Service-after Alexander Blackman? Armed Services no longer an option, they`re about the only young cohort without crippling debts that won`t shouldn`t be paid.
Immigration, divorce and family destruction have created no security for those born and bred here-but because they`ve not been taught since the National Curriculum came in (1988)-then they don`t know what they missed.
Blair sold them shit university provision, and Labour got clean away because the Tories were morally and intellectually bankrupt after losing Thatcher and Lawson. Sacking Ridley was her “Trump and Bannon” moment.
Not our fault, but as we used to sing while having fun in 1981-“people getting angry”. They deserved houses if only to prop up the Tory idea of having a stake in society, as we got. Blair caused this, Osborne bottled his chance, and now we`ve got real trouble ahead.
Hence the litmus test of Brexit-if they dare to try and close our escape routes and fire doors then they`ll pay. Signs are all there, things aligning as they must.
With all due respect Sluff.
And we may not have told you properly. But today was “plastics awareness day”. I took the leaflets from the library telling me of all this , and made a rather fetching origami swan( thank you Robert Harbin). I`m sure that Attenborough has something due out soon, got to say that I thought of peeing in one of the empty water bottles on display-but knew it would take an age, and I`d probably only disgrace myself in my beige trousers( my wife was driving, and I hoped to get a lift home). So it was Plastics Awareness Day-i`ve got my Excaliber Grid Plan here, and housing only pertains to today in that a hermit crab might live in a plastic bottle, not a student.
Leveson, Russian dossiers soon-not Hillsborough though , as long as Grenfell stays live.
Glad to help.
Housing was covered on Today this morning (Tuesday). I woke up to hear that a third of young people may never own their homes.
It has always been the case that some young people don’t own their own homes. I suspect with time as people have the time to save, the pertentage owning goes up. I can also predict (without receiving a large grant from the EU) that a large number of graduates gaining mickey mouse degrees from minor universities are likely to have the greatest percentage never owning. Although i recently met some graduates of a red brick university with degrees in child care that, may i suggest, in times past would have struggled to get 5 CSEs.
The problem is that “education” is now a business all of its own, a very lucrative one at that; hence why so many more Firsts are now being got, compared to years ago when they were like rocking horse ordure.
..Although i recently met some graduates of a red brick university with degrees in child care that, may i suggest, in times past would have struggled to get 5 CSEs…..
Agree with you on that Deborah. Much as I love her, I have a niece who gained a B.Sc at a top Uni, and is now in her 30’s, but her common sense/general knowledge is practically nil, and I’ve lost count at the times I’ve done a bit of eye rolling when she cannot answer or grasp the simplest bit of knowledge. We may not have been out and out geniuses in ‘times past’, but we were far more worthy University candidates.
Making everyone go to university creates a housing shortage.
..A city like Lincoln had no university
but now it has one with 13,000 students
Huddersfield 19,000
And now those students live in houses workers used to live in
Thus local house prices have been pushed up.
File under non-sequiturs
‘The nerve agent used to poison former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia was delivered “in a liquid form”, the Department for Environment says.’
‘Only “a very small amount” was used on the pair….
….A massive clean-up operation is beginning to decontaminate nine sites in the city – it will take several months and cost millions of pounds.’
Yet only a day or so ago we were told the Novichok was in powder form and due to the damp conditions became significantly reduced in effectiveness – which would tend to support the reality of the Skripal’s recovery from this ‘lethal nerve agent’.
Never mind, a lengthy clean up taking months and costing millions will ensure no further risks to the public. None of whom have shown any signs or even side-effects despite large areas of Salisbury being contaminated, requiring a lengthy clean up taking months and costing millions.
Just to confirm. A major clean-up costing millions over many months will paralyse large areas of Salisbury, despite no reports of any members of the public showing symptoms of exposure to a toxic nerve agent. Oh, and by the way, it was the Russians. All clear now?
When I say ‘all clear’ that should not be taken to infer that the risk to members of the public has reduced or diminished. Understood?
The BBC told us that the table the Skripals sat at in Zizzi’s had been removed and destroyed.
A big question now arises: Were Porton Down correct in their first analysis?
followed by
Why was the bench not removed and destroyed?
Am listening to the whole of TOADY, near enough, this morning to see if the BBC will ask?
Anne Marie Waters on Windrush deportations and illegals
Well said Ann Marie.
It is fairly obvious that the state is selecting people from the perfect culture
The great Parliamentary debate on Syria.
A Labour MP asks Treezer if she participated in the attack because Trump asked her.
May replies very strongly that Trump did not ask and that she acted independently, not in response to any other head of state.
The Labour MP should have asked whether Treezer was asked or told what to do by her Saudi masters
I listened to a podcast by Tim Montgomery and Douglas Murray in which the two of them agreed that compared to most other countries broadcasters the BBC does a fine job! I know Montgomery’s is an ex wet Tory and is now a liberal lefty so his views are not a surprise , but Douglas Murray thinking the BBC was good came as.a shock. He seemed to believe that in most countries broadcasters are so polarised that you never get a programme where opposing views are treated equally but that on the BBC this happens often.
Well in my experience of the BBC output this almost never happens , when does a right of centre guest ever get an equal say ? When do you see a documentary made from a right of centre viewpoint? When do you ever see pro Brexit programmes ? When do you ever see someone opposed to mass migration given a fair hearing?
It may well be true that in the USA the broadcasters are even more extreme in their political affiliation than the BBC but they don’t receive public money and so have no obligation to be neutral. Personally I would rather have the US system and take the programmes knowing their political stance and taking it into account , just like I do when choosing the newspaper that I buy, rather than the BBC ‘s leftist bias masquerading under the banner of faux impartiality .
I’m afraid that for whatever reason Douglas Murray is either living in cloud cuckoo land or has some reason to suck up to the BBC.
Book sales!
Probably done a Hislop and sold his. soul. I’m guessing mr Murray does not read this blog.
It’s curious. Some while ago, I heard Farage say the Biased BBC did a good job. Why? I sure don’t know. The way Farage has been treated by the BBBC and in particular the frump Mishal, suggests some sort of appeasement?
Yes Farage says some odd things on his LBC showcase.
Like “I don’t believe we are in a war with Islam because if we were we would lose”. Much praise for Corbyn too.
I don’t pay much attention to the BBC these days but I think I saw a clip of him on Newsshite – he is supposedly the eminence grise behind the upsurge in racism since the referendum. His sudden attack of beebophilia is odd,
I take it that if neither Trump or Macron had sent planes in then May would have acted alone and sent the RAF in to bomb these well known about chemical warfare dumps.
Is that acting independently?
Or is she telling lies.
I am sick of the racists at the bBBC stirring it about ‘Windrush children’. Is there any evidence that any of them was actually deported?
The immigration mess – ideal popcorn job – will hippy amber still be in the job come the weekend ? If not I think we are due for a black home sec.
some immigration lawyer was on albeeb spouting about people having their identity checked. No challenge. – no contrary view.
The home office has always been the ministry of fuck ups as
john Reid found if I recall. This one looks like a case study
With members of the First Division fingerprints all over it.
If the government deliberately wished to discredit as racist those who think there should be controls on who enters the country, they really couldn’t have done a better job.
Lots of ‘talking heads’ at great pains to say there are Sir Arthur, but no actual examples of anyone being deported. Strangely a young black man was interviewed saying he was fir-ee free from Grenadine and he just wanted to stay here and help his Mum ‘who was ill’, hmmmmmmm. Lots of room for abuse of the system here – just like Grenfell me thinks.
Italian Idol not going down well with Muslims —
Half-naked Greek statue covered for a conference on Islam in Italy. Although according to the organiser, it was covered “only for ceremonial reasons” and because it “clashed with the setting” of the conference.
Still, perhaps we should be grateful whenever a red satin sheet is preferable to a hammer: Muslim destroying statue of Infant Jesus with Mother Mary.
“Mental issues!”
If he plays his cards right, he could be the next head of Historic England.
Good one Al, lol 🙂
The religion of nut jobs strikes again.
Nice to see the passers-by throwing stuff at him, not taking it lying down like they probably would here, where it’s the protesters who’d get arrested for islamophobia and hate crime.
Terminal Moraine,
“Muslim destroying statue of Infant Jesus with Mother Mary.
In Algeria not Italy. Not a statue of Mary & Jesus. Muslims were trying to stop him.
But otherwise spot on.
maxincony — yes my bad. I did carry out a minor online check before posting (incl. gellerreport.com) but seems it is the Ain El Fouara Fountain in Algeria, not in Italy as you say.
From Wiki — “On 22 April 1997, the statue was damaged in a bomb blast blamed on Islamists and on 28 February 2006 a Islamist with a hammer damaged the statue. Each time it was repaired. On 18 December 2017, a man defaced the statue for a third time, removing the facial features and breasts with a hammer and chisel.”
I am happy for the moderator to pull the post, as accurate facts should always be respected.
As ToobiWan suggests above, perhaps all three attacks on the naked female statue were simply carried out by people with mental health issues.
The BBC being inventive, and uncharacteristically numerate, to push the line that earnings still not keeping pace with inflation
The year-long squeeze on wages is nearing an end, official figures for the three months to February suggest.
Using the consumer prices index (CPI) average wages went up by 2.8%, still below the 2.9% inflation rate.
Wait! I hear you cry, the inflation rate was 2.7% last month. Well for the BBC’s purposes a rate of 2.9% is produced by taking a 3 month rolling average. Clever!!!! Kamel Ahmed earning his keep.
Top BBCLondon sory.
A gang of Heathrow workers smuggled over £30m of cocaine from Brazil. Two baggage handlers switch bags onto domestic carousels to avoid customs.
Amazingly, photos of the gang are shown. 13 people. It’s fair to say white anglo saxons are ‘significantly under-represented’.
I demand equality !
Sluff—-no you’re wrong- Albeeb has redefined equality as parity.
I saw that story too- plenty of sons of the empire in that lot.
Much vibrancy.
Photos of Heathrow Cocaine baggage handlers
The Windrush Legacy – the gift that keeps on giving.
Well, it appears there are 50,000 FIFTY THOUSAND Windies who will be affected by the non-Id issue. The Government will no way be able to sort out this mess, so will resort to giving out wholesale passports etc, so we can expect to see uncontrolled migration coming from the Windies on illegally got documentation.
“so will resort to giving out wholesale passports etc”
And I don’t doubt that the “etc” will include significant amounts of public cash to alleviate their hurt feelings.
How much for the court costs and how much to keep them in prison. Some of them were caught but what about those just as nasty still handling the baggage
“He [man]says the drug, which is also known as Lyrica, was given to him after he broke his foot in a go-karting accident earlier this year [made him gay]”
Or that effeminate gay male nurse caring for him!
..Hmm a one in a million thing or a made up story ?
Oh dear, well I’ve been taking pregabalin for a long time and still find Mr BCW extremely sexy so I think somehow it may not be the tablets at fault, but the man concerned was on a long river in Egypt!
Oh dear, well I’ve been taking pregabalin for a long time and still find Mr BCW extremely sexy so I think somehow it may not be the tablets at fault, but the man concerned was on a long river in Egypt!
“He [man]says the drug, which is also known as Lyrica, was given to him after he broke his foot in a go-karting accident earlier this year [made him gay]”
Or, because they were amongst the first of the newly manufactured straight off the production line batch that were “Made in Britain!”
Links back to previous thread : Last 24 hours ……. Tuesday morning
…jeez on my phone I’ve only just noticed that a midweek thread, had started on a Tuesday morning.
Trades Description Act (Sales of Goods) 1999 here SG.
Do we sue David or Alan from crushing our dreams? I was hoping to medal and there`s a kidney dialysis machine on hold now I failed to come top of the blog as my spandex hugging trainer had intimated by the Jimmy Savile Portakabin here at Red Nose Central. My tears dry alone-but a bit of bitcoin in Danegeld form might get me through to my inevitable rehab in Lourdes in September.
I listened to Jezza Vine this lunchtime discussing the Windrush Outrage, Jez interviewed an old chap who’d come here as a six year old with his parents; who’d eft his other two brothers in Jamaica (?).
Swine thought the treatment he’d received was terrible but in the course of the interview he revealed that he’d been receiving a pension since the age of 50, WTF! Yet there was no further discussion as to what this pension was for, or what job he’d been doing to have received one so young; earlier he’d mentioned that he’s worked “for a housing association”.
There was, of course, discussion of “compensation” natch.
There has also been much press about the chap from the W.I who has been charged £54,000 for hospital treatment. Interestingly and indignantly said he didn’t have 54p let alone £54,000. Today I read he has a string of garages ! – no mention of that in any broadcast though is there.
Sorry, the W.I is the West Indies, not the Women’s Institute !
Brissles – The current episode is going to bring out the con artists in their droves?
Grenfell Tower Mk II.
Yep, have said this all along in previous comments. Most of them might be thick as sh….. but not where there is a major con to be pulled to their benefit.
My house will be a no go zone for both the tv and radio this evening.
I’ve had this Windrush crap up to and beyond my bleedin’ ear’oles and the Beeb are doing a special on the Lawrence debacle of 25 years ago.
Jesus H Christ, don’t they ever leave off? This is mental torture.
I know more about the Lawrence family than I do my own. Oh, and while I’m on the subject, in the 25 long years since that ghastly murder, how many other young blacks have perished; but the hands of other young blacks?
It must run into the thousands.
And how many could I name?
Not a single bleedin’ one of them!
I wonder why…
Jeff – Also, Theresa left us a long list of many mostly white victims with dates, earlier today. I can’t say they were ‘household names’ in the manner you allude to. Add the current ongoing carnage and you can but wonder what lies behind the high profile of the SL series…
Beltane-Poor old Salisbury…what amount of lost tourist revenue is one looking at, I wonder? The Novichok is just one of many strange tales hanging unresolved in the air at the moment. The combined efforts of G.Orwell and Ian Fleming would be hard put to keep up.
Which story do we put on top of the list as the strangest?
Maybe the tale of the Border Force that ‘destroyed’ the documentation of apparently many Jamaicans, leaving their UK residence status unclear? Or the odd appearance of the EP speech to slot in neatly with one or two narratives favoured by certain broadcasters? Or do we leave it with the liquid/powder Novichok which, according to a Swiss chemical lab quoted in ‘Zero Hedge’, was something quite different?
I wouldn’t know where to begin.
Labor Spiez website itself has a denial of Lavrov’s claims. They confirm the British authorities assessment of the nerve agent.
Is Zero Hedge a font of truth? What are they basing their assertions on? Where is the report Lavrov referred to? Is an OPCW lab leaking information to the Russians and not others?
Do you think the Oleg Gordievsky incident in 2007?/2008 has relevance ?
In this country the burden of proof rests with the party who are making claims against another party, yet in the Salisbury instance that appears to be reversed.
The Russian State has to prove that an accusation made against it, is false. Yet when they produce evidence of their own or question the accuser, they are immediately discredited by it being denounced as “fake” or scoffed at for daring even to doubt the veracity of HMG claims.
It would appear that this isn’t even a case of guilty until proven innocent but guilty until proved even more guilty. The whole episode hasn’t been the May government’s finest hour (sparse pickings anyway) and that’s putting it politely.
People apply the same legalistic arguments to terrorists.
The idea that you send Plod round to Syria to investigate Big Beard atrocies seems strange. Do we assume Big Beard returnees are always innocent because there is no prospect of finding any reliable evidence of a forensic nature, exculpatory or incriminating or does one draw reasonable inferences on the basis of circumstantial evidence. Surveillance is the solution offered by the legalistic.
No one would think of holding a judicial enquiry to determine whether or not it was the Japs wot done it at Pearl Harbour. Churchillian false flag?
Did the Americans send the FBI over to Japan after Pearl Harbour? Innocent until proven guilty.
What do you actually think the facts of the case are?
Hearsay evidence is not evidence and cui bono arguments are thinksay evidence -equally suspect.
I thought the discussion was about the “Weapon Grade Nerve Agent (Non-Fatal)” poisoning in Salisbury, what does that have to do with returning Jihadis or the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour? I half-expected you to fall foul of Godwin’s Law (again) but I suppose WW2 Imperial Japan comes close enough.
If you were accused of attempted murder by poisoning, on the basis the police “knew” you’d done it and that you then had to prove you weren’t guilty of the crime; would you be content to face criminal justice of such a fashion?
If you are prepared to listen to another viewpoint about L’Affaire Skripal than HMG’s, which seems to alter every few days, then I suggest you listen to this eccentrically attired chap, whose job was to analyse chemical compounds and discover amongst other things their constituent structure and origin.
You are a complete fool.
I have embarrassed myself by even taking you slightly seriously.
Extract from Wiki the nec plus ultra in truth
“Additionally, Busby alleges the Japanese Government is involved in a conspiracy to spread radioactive contamination throughout Japan, in an effort to hide cancer clusters from epidemiologists and thus hinder litigation (cancer clusters are typically statistically identified by comparison with an unexposed cohort).[3] Gerry Thomas, professor of molecular pathology at the department of surgery and cancer at Imperial College, London, condemned the “anti-radiation” pills as useless and described the claims made by Busby as ludicrous. Ohtsura Niwa, professor at the Kyoto University Radiation Biology Center and CEO of BioMedics Japan, disagreed with Busby’s contention that radiation is being deliberately spread throughout Japan. Niwa noted that the ownership of dosimeters in Japan is now widespread and if radioactive contamination was actively spread about, people would know. Niwa also agreed with Thomas, that mineral supplements cannot guard against strontium, uranium and plutonium radioisotopes. Similar mineral supplements are widely available in chemists in Tokyo, at 1/8th cost offered by Busby Laboratories.[3][40]”
I bet he’s appeared on RT
Goodbye Biasedbbc.
Life’s too short to waste on the “tin foil hat” brigade.
ID, have you met maxincony yet ?
I can now confess that I am a BBC employee.
My task was to write BBC-critical contributions, carefully calibrated to assess various attitudes and influences.
It was perceptive of you to realise what was going on.
ID your joking 😀 😀 😀
And we thought we had just lost you .
No, I’m deadly serious.
I “self identified” as a BBC employee a week or so ago.
The effect was life-changing. Now I even want to reverse Brexit!
ID – the feeling is mutual I assure you, your inability to engage in debate / discussion with those who don’t share your view, without insult is both tiresome and tedious.
Perhaps you were also one of Tony’s cheerleaders too, when he took the UK into war in Iraq based on nothing more than dubious evidence and lies.
You attack those here who rightly question the Skripal narrative presented by HMG, yet offer no explanation of why we should just accept it nor attempt to justify the claims which have been made by its members, in relation to the poisoning.
I suppose I should be grateful for small mercies, at least you didn’t tortuously invoke non-existent WW2 comparisons (Hitler, Pearl Harbour etc) in your latest missive.
Al, what that guy said about the chemistry, that appears to add up to me. Not so sure about the reason for Gulf 2, Libya and meddling but not committing in Syria early on. Not sure about his nuclear war & radiation theories, either.
It is interesting that there appears to be some BBC disinformation now around the actual nerve agent. Accidental or deliberate? OPCW were careful & specific. Very pure, declining to call it ‘Novichok’ but definitely Soviet-era. Could still be 1980s out of the four decades but we were also told that by the BBC & their contributors that the Novichoks were ‘new’ and had distinct ‘fingerprints’.
Hi ID: Zero Hedge is simply the source of another piece of information. Like all other pieces of information, it may -or may not- be correct/reliable. It is a piece of a jigsaw that may or may not fit.
The OPCW lab shouldn’t be leaking info, but with human beings involved, you never can tell.
I have read Mogl’s assessment, however, and also the evaluation of the possibility that the BZ was simply a control sample.
The Gordievsky case seems relevant: Wiki says Xanax ended him in hospital, so not quite as harmful as Novichok! If you’re looking for a pattern, the Novichok itself has an interesting history, easy to look up.
On balance, I have to go with HM version of matters, but there are unanswered questions, and it seems we haven’t yet heard the last of this episode. What is shocking is the damage done to Salisbury, both in a financial and a human sense.
Yes I’ve read what I suppose is a version of Stefan Moegl’s assessment in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung. The article is on the lab’s website. Where did you find his original report?
I seem to remember that thallium was suggested as the poison used on Gordievsky. What is Xanax?
Pollution in suicide note, became “Climte Change” in BBC headlines
– The BBC headline (and it was the same on Radio 4) is
David Buckel: US lawyer sets himself on fire in climate protest
But the suicide note did not mention climate specifically at all. It said “Pollution ravages our planet, oozing inhabitability via air, soil, water and weather,” and “Most humans on the planet now breathe air made unhealthy by fossil fuels, and many die early deaths as a result — my early death by fossil fuel reflects what we are doing to ourselves.”
Compare the headline of the Biased Bullshit Corporation with headlines from other news sources:
NYT – Prominent Lawyer in Fight for Gay Rights Dies After Setting Himself on Fire in Prospect Park
Grauniad – David Buckel, prominent New York LGBT lawyer, dies after setting himself on fire
CNN – Prominent gay rights lawyer sets himself on fire in protest suicide
Times – David Buckel, environmentalist lawyer, burns himself alive
The BBC seems to be the only headline making the fake claim that it was about climate change. H/T Paul Matthews
Rufus, are David Vance and Alan alright? David hasn’t created a thread since 19 December and Alan since 11 March. You’re doing a great job holding the fort down by yourself, but I’m worried as to the health of the other two.
DV is tweeting regularly on @DVATW. Guess he’s got bored here – after all, he’s been doing it for some time. As for Alan, who knows? It’s clear this site could do with more contributors, at a time when BBC bias has never been more brazen.
Thanks Roland.
It could also do with some more engagement from the owners – whoever they are these days. I recall the changeover from when Natalie Solent and Co passed it on to someone whose approach to posters managed to cause a split and the formation of a splinter B-BBC! Fortunately, David Vance took over and the ship was soon righted again. But there has never been much communication between the owners and the posters. Whatever happened to ‘The all-seeing Eye’ for example? And who is ‘Rufus McDufus’?
It’s all a bit disengaged and impersonal.
Hopefully this site will continue to run as it’s important that those with the vision to see what is happening to our society by the various propaganda regimes have an outlet.
I have emailed David Vance a while ago to check that everything was alright but so far have not received a reply. It is disconcerting that there has been no notification from anybody about what is going on. Alan was putting a lot of effort into his posts when he suddenly ‘vanished’.
So just in case the site should go down for any reason I would be happy to open mine again for posting. I would however ask for a few old timers from this site to be the moderators. and keep the site organised properly.
Please understand this is a ‘just in case’ option, and hopefully it won’t be necessary.
Like you, I hope this site continues but it’s reassuring to know there’s a possible backup, just in case. For which, thank you.
GC – you like me are from the days of Natalie Solent and go a long way back.
I actually chose my website as a better way of preserving all the observations posted and offered it to Natalie after I set it up. She was too busy with the existing site and her own to take it on so I just kept it going.
I too remember the jerk she passed B-BBC on to and was happy when DV took it over.
The search for truth in the rubble of Douma – and one doctor’s doubts over the chemical attack
How come the BBC never report any of this.
It’s what I have thought all along, but never put my head above the parapet..
Oh, and it’s from the Indie…
Perhaps the official story will one day be discredited and doubters like me will no longer be described as shills for Putin.
To think so many MPs and media people have accepted Treezer’s version. A woman who believes that Islam is a religion of peace.
Now we should cast doubt on her statement that she has no intention of escalating the conflict towards regime change.
Pull the other one Treezer.
The Russians have a tremendous amount of information, which they have been gradually collecting from hacking computer systems here and in the US, about people within the elites of both countries regarding all their corruption and wrong doing.
These folk are now worried what the Russians are planning to do with all this stuff and it looks like they’ve decided on a strategy to deal with it.
Yes, all the TV images ever seemed to show was a bunch of distressed children having cold water poured over their heads and Fisk’s excellent report appears to have a compelling reason as to why they needed the fresh water.
BBC Activist organisation to rebuild Grenfell GYm
lib-land, lib-land uber alles
DIYSOS Presenter Nick Knowles said: “It is the biggest and morally most important project we have done in a long time.”
“Morally, the most important project” eh?
That word “morally” again.
Heard some poppet this morning on Today this morning. She had recorded some Brexit supporters for an “academic project”, one of who was correct, the other a bit of a tool. But the interviewer clucked her agreement with what was being said.
She gave the tapes to the Today show, where it was implied that Brexit was obtained using Nazi tactics. The academic snitch said she was acting morally, and that tactical talk of how the Nazis kept power was not to be a defence for Wigmore.
Hmm-secret recordings under the guise of independent academic interview for research? The Olympics Spectaculars of Berlin 36, London 2012? Brownshits hunting down Jews in certain universities? One European currency across a United Europe run from Berlin and Frankfurt? Abortions and euthanasia? Neuroscientific excuses for deviancy, crime and coming eugenics perhaps? Pagan worship of all things green and natural, zealous anti-smoking and ceaseless public health and hygiene propaganda?
Social monitoring for dissenting opinion? National Socialistic totalising bureaucracy? Cradle to grave free services with lifelong dependency on the state, no opposition but a cowed parody of the ruling consensus?
No Emma dear-seems we HAVE to draw technical lessons from the Nazis-and when Martha and yourself had the impasse in silence, it was clear that you both KNOW why we need to see how the tie dye Nazis like yourselves came about, And to deal with you when we`re forced to.
PS- THESE taped conversations were broadcast, those of Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness in regard of IRA action? Boston?
No-why on earth would the BBC bother with THAT leaked and unauthorised indiscretion?
Hmm I’m thinking that “secret recordings” are forbidden in university research, each programme needs ethics approval.
It’s normal for research subjects to sign approval, but secret recording would be a different level.
“secret recordings” are allowed for journalistic purposes.
Laws apply to telephone “Recordings of telephone conversations fall into a category of their own. Anyone using a telephone is subject to licence conditions under the Telecommunications Act 1984. They require you to make every reasonable effort to inform callers that their call may be recorded, “
Hope none of those trades people intend to leave any building materials unguarded, or they could find lots of garden sheds being built in the locality !
“DIYSOS Presenter Nick Knowles said: “It is the biggest and morally most important project we have done in a long time.”
And if you think that that excuse is going to let you off the hook from doing something live on “children in need” you can think again buddie!
‘Yo, yeh we at the BBC are so right-on.. we’ve made this NEW podcast for Muslim and black women to talk about sex and swear and talk about racism”
Since projection is a libmob characteristic, everything they accuse others of , is actually a projection of their own flaws.
The podcast is NOT INCLUSIVE at all,
you have to one of us Woman +Muslim +London-person.. with typical way that spills into Nigerian culture
White people are disparaged as “the privileged class”, clearly a ridiculous naive grouping, cos there’s all types in life..and I imagine short, ugly working class whites , don’t have half the advantages of tall, beautiful, upper class whites.
There’s the presenters unconscious racism as the London-NIgerian presenter starts talking about sex , and immediately says “the thing about black men”, which tells us she doesn’t think about having sex with white people.
Yet a few minutes later talking about Tinder she plays the victim, saying black women are the bottom of the dating pile,with Asian men, cos they are not seen as appeasing like Asian women are ..and she asserts white men/women are of course top of the pile.
Many of us here are familiar with their guest Yassmin Abdel-Magied the famous Australian Muslim race-baiter, but these presenters appear not to know of her worldwide notoriety.
The BBC licence fee assumes the BBC is a radio/TV broadcaster, but this is one of their range of podcast ONLY shows
.. why does this home-made show get to be elevated to the advantage BBC salary & marketing, when everyone else just puts their podcast up on the internet themselves ?
Podcast is subtitled “cos we are a black thing” “How to fit in a WHITE world”
The presenters last tweet is of course a retweet of some racebaiting from David Lammy
I do wish these politicians wouldn’t speak for me. ‘A shameful day in our history’ – honestly ? I couldn’t give a fig one way or t’other. Let Lammy go and bleat in the ear of Afua Hirsch about ‘our’ country if he needs to sound off, and while he’s at it, perhaps he like to let us know if his grandparents fought for ‘our’ country in the last war.
Ah @Sadia Azmats is the ethnic-Indian Muslim presenter
Last night was the Parliamentary debate re the air strikes in Syria. Many Labour MP’s turned on Corbyn – but funnily enough I had to read that through the Parliamentary sketches in the Telegraph and the Daily Mail. No mention of it on the BBC.
Today there has been a Parliamentary debate on anti-Semitism. Corbyn didn’t stay for the whole debate. By going on to Guido I heard some really powerful speeches and really shocking statements. But the BBC has a really tough time deciding what they have time for their editorial decisions in their News programmes and sadly they didn’t have time to mention either Corbyn’s difficulty last night nor the anti-Semitism debate tonight. But they did have time to go on and on about the Windrush people. Why am I not surprised?
bBBC NorthWest solved the problem from the parliamentary ‘debate’ on Labour antisemitism: they selected for broadcast the bit of Luciana Berger’s speech where she said four men were now imprisoned after sending her antisemitic material, three of them from far-right organisations.
Job done.
Even Talking Pictures Channel can get in with Ofcom & lib-establishment
Cos art students stuffing #MoreThanEqual victimgroups at us is not a new thing
Guessing that Jo, a settled university graduate bringing home her boyfriend to her comfortably off parents who`ve worked hard all their lives-and with the news that they`ll be getting married next year, and hope to have children once settled ?
Well that`ll be perverted and deviant-and really ought to be banned.
Maybe a black colleague at work and a suspected old flatmate who just might be gay, but no one asked or cared then?
Mad, literally Mad(to quote Enoch)
A Taste of Honey boring? It’s got Rita Tushingham in it! How could it be? Sigh. Sorry Alicia you wouldn’t understand, it’s a male thing!
Rita, oh Rita. Sigh!
“Cos art students stuffing #MoreThanEqual victimgroups at us is not a new thing”
Showing the classic British film “A Taste of Honey” on TV is “stuffing victimgroups at us”?
Oh you poor little victim. Who’s projecting now?
Glad to hear you Maxi – bloody love you . Hope you’re mate is okay .
Any views about al beeb gratefully received. X
maxicony aka zero
Its that last’ sentence that does it – always an attempt to cause pain. Is that what turns you on about fisting?
Have pity, he’s an attention seeker. Bless!
He is an ardent supporter of an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
UK Border Force Interview with Identitarian Activist Reveals Entry to Britain Requires Acceptance of ‘Islamisation’
Stew reading about the border force interview made me feel so ashamed to be holding a British Passport. I’m really lost for words. As for demolition then let it be the Houses of Parliament.
I once looked at that building with pride as I also did when ever I saw the famous BBC logo. It might be more cost effective if we can get Parliament and the BBC demolished as a package.
as ever “Full Equality together” … only includes the victimgroup not men/WhiteMen
H/T Paul Joseph Watson
From the article: “…misogynistic tropes which have repeatedly been used against women, now being used by cis women against trans women.”
It’s impossible to keep track of which minority group is attacking another any more. Does utopian 21st century equality mean we all hate each other all the time?
P.S. Stew — ‘H/T Paul Joseph Watson’: does this refer to a half-time show like the Super Bowl? Got to be honest, I was kind of hoping to watch some cheerleaders instead
Stew, are not ‘men’ actually included there, in that last word before https?
“and none?”
You mean they aren’t human?
Worse, vesnadog, in the UK it seems males are becoming non-entities as far as the BBC are concerned.
Women of all gender and none?
Only a Green oddball could ever conceive of such a sentence.
But obviously they can all conceive, just like Loretta in “The Life Of Brian”?
Little did I know that this religious satire would one day be a Green Party training manual.
Still though-at least we`ll be able to get the lids off at the W.I jam sales now, and get all our reverse parking done quicker.
Alicia, this country seems to get crazier by the day.
I am reading an excellent book at the moment: “Travels In Cultural Nihilism” a collection of essays by Stephen Pax Leonard, published by Arktos.
It’s like “The Strange Death Of Europe” on steroids, every page seems to have some precise description of (yet) another one of the many ways in which the West is destroying itself.
I can’t recommend it highly enough, wonderfully written.
Thanks for the heads-up, I’ve ordered it for my Kindle.
The author is a Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford; whether he’s detonated a nuclear bomb in his career by writing this book remains to be seen.
Verily, the beeb’s cup runneth over: Windrush… Starbucks… Saint Stephen of Lawrence. So much racism to virtue signal on the Home page, so much race baiting to whip up, ad nauseam.
And it distracts from the almost daily murders on the mean streets of Londonistan.
Talking about the Liberal Fascist nutters ruling Britain with the “Britain Requires Acceptance of Islamisation” policy. This would explain the reason why Theresa May ordered an attack on Syria.
The leaders of the Christian communities in Syria have condemned the British government, and indicate that the “Britain Requires Acceptance of Islamisation” policy had betrayed the Christians of Syria. http://syriacpatriarchate.org/2018/04/a-statement-issued-by-the-patriarchates-of-antioch-and-all-the-east-for-the-greek-orthodox-syrian-orthodox-and-greek-melkite-catholic/
Reports are that of the 10,000 prisoners in Douma, only 200 remained alive. So it doesn’t look as if there were many Christians or child prisoners left to gas. The MI6 backed Jaysh al-Islam
used thousands of prisoners to dig the tunnels in Douma.
I would suggest that left-wing people and right-wing people are normal, while the Liberal Fascists in the middle ground are going insane. Dangerous days with Climate Change, Brexit, Islam and many other liberal fascist causes being assaulted by reality, the Liberals seem to want to bring the rest of us down with them.
Disagree, Richard, and so would the history books.
Left and Right (actually the two sides of the same coin – probably not even that, the same side of the one coin) have caused problems for the rest of the world since the mid-nineteenth century. We who are not Left or Right inevitably have to clear up (and pay for) the mess those two sides cause.
Its usually simple clues that can tell you what the truth may be.
For instance the term “out group” was mentioned by some liberals. This was used instead of “group”. This indicates that the people who use the term “out group” instead of “group” are perverted by their upbringing. It implies that Liberals are perverted by “out group” loyalties caused by being brought up by a nanny and sent to a boarding school. This means that they are abnormally bonded with a nanny (out group) but not with their mother (group). This would explain why white middle-class Liberals show more loyalty towards Islam or Blacks (the out group) than their own people (the group). This would explain how this unique perverted ideology of the Liberals came about, and why its now undermining our civilisation.
Hubble, bubble, ‘wonder’ some trouble….
No denying the Rudd/May combo is rivalling the Ladies Who Labour on competence, but hiding behind wistful gazes at newspapers is…. well… par for the course now.
I don’t understand how al beeb rules allow self loving fools like Robinson use Twitter this way. If ever there was a beeboid who needs a slap it be he.
Rudd and the government are doing the Windrush cockup purposely,
they don’t care about looking silly, so long as people start asking will this happen to my Polish min wage cleaner in the future?
Better stay in the EU just in case…
Amber may be useless. But not quite the point.
Which is….
Is Robinson going to be as vitriolic with Flabbott?
And as guessing the agenda of the Guardian and the Mirror?
Think we all know the answers to those questions.
“Hello Dianne, how lovely of you to come and see us again. What would you like to tell us today, without me interrupting of course”.
TOADY watching
Sopey is upset! President Trump has been doing some thinking and acting outside the box, unlike the LeftLibbies poster boy who previously occupied the Oval Office. Sopey doesn’t like it. The thought that the CIA director might engage in some spying out the land. John, there is a long, honourable, tradition of espionage in the world. Preparing for diplomacy. Peace talks maybe?
Aaah! That is what you don’t like.
You really wanted a punch up between two Presidents and their armies.
Or you wanted President Trump to ask your permission or at least notify you first before acting in this way?
You beat me to it . I felt sorry for Sopel – having to report such unexpected good news . He really sounded depressed – how he must yearn to get back to really important things like prostitutes – chaotic White House- the democrat fbi .
Bias by ignoring – the anti Semitic debate in Parliament yesterday seems to be being down played by al beeb – it had to mention it in the parliamentary report . Twitter reported the John Mann speech which is truly powerful ( you tube) .
And the issue is tearing labour apart – which al beeb is ignoring . Shameful . Declaration – i am neither Jewish nor labour .
Maybe he can get back to sucking up to minor Arab princes and flogging their wives’ gold flecked soaps in return for a freebie in the sun?
Blonde on blonde. Seems it is a day for bbc types to mutter darkly about right wing tabloids, or cite them in support.
I d sell my body if evolution made depressed saggy middle aged men “hot” but unfortunately it didn’t . I wonder if I can trade it in ? .
She came accross as thick as pigshit in the the bbc video.
A ”marine biologist”, by trade ?
”She said she would rather work as a prostitute than in a petrol station on minimum wage. ”
So neither the newspaper nor the bbc do what journalists ought to, and ask questions like:
Why aren’t the police closing the operation down, do senior police now decide which law breaking to ignore? – surely thats not their call or job remit.
The prostitute, (supposedly) made a bad judgment by choosing a degree, in a field she appears she has no interest in working in, and also getting saddled with a £ 20,000 student debt.
Why not ask her about this, and how does she know she isn’t making another mistake with the whoring.
She is an immoral slut, end of.
“Marine Biologist” That sounds a bit fishy to me …….
Watch out Lobbie, she may be potty as well.
“Video of this man complaining to Starbucks that he has been denied use of the toilet, because he is black, has gone viral.”
Wonder why?
“BBC: Has this ever happened to you, or have you seen it happen to others?”
Looking like a good week’s worth. Minimum.
No, it never happened to me in Starbucks or any other cafe.
Thats not because of the fact I’d never sit in those places without buying anything, nor because I’d never refuse to leave when asked by the staff and certainly not if asked several times by the police.
It just never happended because I’m white.
So starbucks are ”Closing Thousands
of Stores for RacialBias Training”
Be great if homeless people start using it as a day centre and the piss weak coffee chain goes bust.
Thank you for the post. It really is something when you have to google people on. Al Beeb to assess the value of the people al Beeb allow to speak to the public. Both characters you talk about – Bryant and Collins are so biased as to of no objective value. .
Toady watch
The big 0810 interview – labour anti Jewish debate ? No. Foreign stuff again – Syria – off switch
Chakrabati? Livingstone ? No.
TOADY Watch – more
Were we not told by the BBC last week that Duma (Douma) was the last territory holding out against President Assad? Now this morning, it suddenly appears to be Idlib. The BBC cannot now hide behind the excuse that they cannot get their correspondents into Syria.
Toady – even more
Diane abbot having a nice chat with nick.
West Indian passports – will brexit it be like it says nick ? Oh yes says Diane . Amazing . Apparently neither have heard of the internet -which if I remember righty didn’t exist as all this foreign labour was shipped to Blighty to make it more err vibrant and colourful.
Q. Anti Semitism isn’t nice is it Diane ? A that’s right nick .
Stabbings in londonistan – don’t bother – we ain’t talking about that no more . Must be dueca fatality today as it’s averaging one every 2.5 days.
When Nick Met Diane.
“I’ll have absolutely none of what she’s drinking”.
Even more TOADY watch.
The Humph: “The wrong President got elected in, er, for Cuba. In America, I mean.”
Yeah, right.
Be careful what you wish for, Humph.
It is relentless from the BBC. Anti-Brexit. Anti-Trump. Anti-Conservative Party/Government.
Yet, no questions about Salisbury and Skripals.
No questions about Duma and ‘evidence’.
On five minutes left and we are on to gardening.
Too late.
Katty on the first flight over.
Aisle seat up front.
Even yet more TOADY watch, yes, three hours but nothing on Salisbury or Duma.
No curiosity.
No questions.
It is almost like six weeks and two days have been erased from the past.
At least I can stand three hours of TOADY when sustained by the wit on here. Without the other posts here, I’d have probably headed for a high building or a railway line …
I have to keep well away from high buildings!
Especially in “enriched” areas!
Lobbie, yeah, doubly bad, different reason as well as being depressed by the BBC! Hopefully Biased BBC is a low-level but high humour ‘ring of steel’ for you, a good place to hide.
Tip -if you are heading for a railway line can I suggest you check whether they are on strike again before you go .
It’s a PMQ pop corn day ….Brillo will need to watch his BP if he’s on as opposed to that -so bad she’s funny beeboid -. must do some work sometime
Fed, LOL X100.
You have me chuckling so much that I shall instead head for the kitchen and have another cup of tea.
You ‘saved’ me!
It’s not only the wit, Up2 that gives this site a lot of merit, but simply the fact that we can chat outside of the stifling confines of the ‘One Dimensional Man’ set-ups like the BBC are trying to create.
I remember this book from uni in the late sixties; it was a ‘lefty’ work, written by someone associated with the Frankfurt School. (There are still many of Marcuse’s thoughts I agree with.)
But the real insights I can remember, have to do with the creation of ‘utterly conformist’ humans who need to submit to an environment demanding utter conformity; there is One dimension, and it is absolutely everywhere (or words like that).
Marcuse intended to undermine, make no mistake, but what he actually did is to paint a vivid picture of a society where free thinking and expressing is unacceptable. He helped create the crap we are in today, but -ironically- he also pointed to the way out. At least, that’s what I take from it having not read it for half a century.
The likes of the BBC -and others- are hoping to radically change our society. They are actually showing us -every day- what the One Dimensional Man now required by that society looks like: ‘open’, ‘tolerant’, obsessed with equality ( and therefore unable to discriminate -in the good sense, where discrimination is between ‘good’ and ‘bad’), and where people are able to apply common sense rather than PC. So, for instance, you can now be ‘gender-fluid’ and identify as one of many genders (I wonder what Marcuse would have made of that?) and ‘be whatever you want to be’ a deceptive current favourite in One dimensional thinking.
So wit or otherwise, we can take off our straitjackets here for a short while, before going back into a society where every word has to be measured in case it ‘offends someone’ and possibly gets you sanctioned in some way by a state which pretends to like free thinking but really doesn’t.
The likes of Amber are the new guardians of what you may -or may not- think and say.
“….the creation of ‘utterly conformist’ humans who need to submit to an environment demanding utter conformity; there is One dimension, and it is absolutely everywhere or words like that.”
Sounds like Aldous Huxley’s, ‘Brave New World’.
fnw, good post.
That is what I was hinting at the other day. We are in danger of adopting the grey drab uniform of the Soviets just as the Russians try to get away from all that together with the oligarchs and criminals that have ripped them off during the first phase of liberalisation.
Took a few moments to enjoy spring in a Square in London yesterday. Fifty years ago this summer it was a scene of a major protest demonstration. One one corner I spotted a statue. From behind it looked like it was of Robert Kennedy. I went closer and saw from the front that it was a tribute to former President Reagan but something more, to President Gorbachev and the end of the Iron Curtain. Two multi-dimensional men?
Sorry, brackets close after ‘PC’ not the word ‘bad’ –rather changes the meaning of the sentence.
A good One dimentionalist ‘closer-down’ of free discussion in the name of free discussion btw is Amol Rajan. Listen very carefully to what he does at the very end of the recent EP speech.
fnw, misplaced bracket no problem to me.
Yes, Amol was angry but it seemed just a little fake to me. No idea what discrimination he faced growing up in Tooting in the 1990s but I AM CERTAIN it was better for him then than, say, in the 1960s.
fakenewswatcher — really good comments. Please do repost this again; one dimensionality is the reason I look outside the MSM for analysis.
(If you haven’t already come across it, Erich Fromm’s “Fear of Freedom” is an insightful take on the tension between individual freedom and societal conformity and control.)
Thank you TM. Had a good buddy at uni who was greatly into Fromm, and that rings a bell. Will check it out. I didn’t keep my Herbert Marcuse, but it keeps ringing bells as well, when I look at society, our MSM etc.
Did the odd degree in Politics, so coming back to it in retirement to pose the question: why is it, that when we have all the trappings of a democracy, it feels so close to Totalitarianism (One Dimension)?
Lurking beneath that question: is it actually only me that’s changed, or not? Were things ever thus?
It really bothers me that in a society that is allegedly so ‘open’, there are so many topics that are almost ‘off limits’.
So many single words that can close down a discussion in an instant. Their scope becomes ever broader (eg ‘racism’ now also includes ‘racialism’, as I discovered at the end of the EP speech broadcast on R4- almost as if, on its own, the word no longer did the trick.) Invent ever newer ones: feel free to tear down a statue you don’t like; if you’re engaged in ‘decolonisation’, that’s only natural.
And when the ‘bad guys’ are that easily distinguished from the ‘good guys’, do we have one-dimensional language as well?
FNW, if I recall rightly, there’s an in-built ‘yearning for submission’ Fromm talks about. It’s not so clear cut as each of us seeking freedom from totalitarianism. Because this inevitably takes us to a point where we begin to ‘individuate’ — and with that arises a fear of isolation, since we also possess an inherent need to connect with other people and society at large.
Which is why authoritarianism proves so seductive in whatever flavour (left or right). Conformity provides an antidote to the anxiety felt when you realise you’re the master of your own fate, so to speak.
I also think there’s merit in the idea of the Jungian idea of repression of the ‘shadow’. Idealism of any kind allows the subscriber to identify with a certain moral purity, because they’re aligned with the good, with the wholesome (i.e. socially normative) view. It allows the personality to avoid confrontation with their own shadow (where they would realise that they, too, harbour ugly and unwholesome aspects). Instead they project it outwards (always outing others for their sexist, racist views etc).
E.g. the politician promoting family values whilst having a homosexual affair in secret. Or the statesman who publicly espouses inclusivity and tolerance and gets caught making anti-semitic comments. And so on.
But why more now than 20,30,40 years ago I don’t know. Perhaps the shadows have grown darker… or our collective fear of freedom has grown stronger?
All good stuff to contemplate!
They smear you and attempt to dismiss
It’s important to recognise that word like “racist and far-right” are boo-words intended smear you as unholy and thus close discussion down
fnw: “Did the odd degree in Politics, so coming back to it in retirement to pose the question: why is it, that when we have all the trappings of a democracy, it feels so close to Totalitarianism (One Dimension)?”
For me, as a BBC R4 devotee/watcher/critic it is because the BBC is no longer, as far as R4 & its w-s are concerned, has become very, very controlling, very-Leftish Nazi-ish (heading toward Hard-Left but shrinking back slightly at the thought of Comrade Corbyn as PM) and very greedy for power and money.
I think, too, they are being joined by others in the print and broadcast media but I cannot speak really about TV as I don’t watch even the stuff I’m legally allowed to watch on catch-up. Certainly the Guardian has become a fascistic/nazi-ish paper, Toynbee & Jones have proved that.
We still have new media but I see sinister signs that attempts are being made, with the BBC in the lead, to hobble and/or beat them into line.
For the second time recently I have been a little amused at the irony of consecutive topics on “Today”. They had Rachael Sylvester to come in to be critical of Leavers being swayed by calls for tighter immigration. They followed that by Humphrys calling for tighter controls to reduce the importation of foreign plant & insect pests. A couple of weeks ago the BBC visitors to Ullswater were pulling up on non-native daffodils.
Well spotted, NISA! My attention was elsewhere.
Final subject on Toady earlier: dangerous species of lifeforms which seriously damage or kill indigenous species of tree or plant. Serious problems in Japan at present. Expert explains that we always have to be vigilant and thorough at borders and that was a problem with Globalisation. He said it needed a concerted effort to halt the import of these dangerous bugs. All sorts of expressions used which would totally apply to the movement of, you know who. In fact simply replacing the names of the dangerous species of bugs with you know who, would immediately flag up the question, “why are we not treating one infection the same as another”?
As we know, the BBC will not condemn in any way you know who and the movement of that dangerous infection around the World. So, using the BBC’s sleight of hand style of reporting, could it be that exchanging the reference to bugs and infections which invade indigenous plants and trees when introduced, they were really referring to you know who? You wouldn’t really know with the BBC would you?