I used to ‘dislike’ the BBC news, that soon turned into ‘distrust’ and then ‘disdain’ and then ‘despair’, now it has become ‘despise’. Just today for example, lots of coverage of ‘Windrush’, unelected peers voting against the government (oh, you can sense the glee from their reporters), an expected dig at Trump but virtually no mention that both Canada and India have expressed a wish to complete trade deals the day of Brexit. The BBC are so stuck up their own ars*holes that I think ‘despise’ is the correct ‘D’ word to use. Why do I pay my licence fee for these despotic (oh another ‘D’) prats. They’d rather sell their own country down the drain then report anything for the good of the country. DESPICABLE PRICKS.
Chalky welcome to the club. The problem is that the coverage by itv and sky aim much different . Shame there’s no Fox News or equivalent . I risk not paying the tv tax .
Fed, they knew about the lies within a decade of 1917, if not almost immediately. Remember Samizdat? In the 1970s, the Russian population became increasingly emboldened to speak for truth against the lies.
In the 2010s, the British population is still becoming increasingly credulous.
Sunday BBC More or Less ..redeemed itself, after become in this last year part of the SJW deception
This WS episode More More or Less: Are We Breathing Unsafe Air?
“The World Health Organisation say that 95% of people who live in cities breathe UNSAFE AIR.”
Their trick is to cherrypick just one pollutant PM2.5
The super expert debunked the WHO’s generalisations
** “If you got rid of all the transport in London, the benefit would be 2μg/m3**
..meaning 20-30 days of life ”
ie you’d live one month longer on a 90 year lifespan if we got rid of all transport ..is that worth it ? of giving up all that convenience ?
Stew – like al beeb the WHO once had a kind of objective authority but the UN institutions were infected by snowflakes ages ago devaluing anything they say – just like al beeb .
Stew, the BBC were busy telling the world via its web-site the other day that if you eat a single (red meat) sausage you take half an hour off your life. Puts some diesel pollution into context …
… you would think.
PS: Get rid of all transport in London? That is heresy, Stew. Do you not realise that the London bus is looked upon as a god by ‘some people’ ?
Al beeb 10 o clock news – haven’t watched it for ages – announcing the death of TVs Dale Winton . As a fact – no reason stated – and an unsaid discomfort which no doubt will come out in the papers in the morning . RIP Dale .
\\Describing the meeting Minister Peter Eriksson said
“Basically, we believe that the law needs to be maintained better, for too long of a time, one can say almost anything without being held responsible. *
They are often not known even to the authorities** .”//
What like Charlie Hebdo you mean ?
Hebdo are NOT responsible for a Islamist picking up a gun after they see a cartoon
\\ Eriksson claimed that he had already met with Facebook previously in Dublin saying that Facebook would give the government access to identifying information of posters **
and added, “It’s important, especially in the electoral campaign, that we do not get negative campaigns where we do not know who is behind them.*** ” //
**FFS the principle of anonymity is important
*** that “negative campaigns”
might well be criticising a government on it’s anti-gay or anti-apostate or pro-FGM policy
So it might be vital that the opposers can keep their anonymity.
Stew – guess we are in peak Facebook ( I’m one of the dozen people in the world unknown to it) .
Non al beeb bias but if you get a chance have a look at an advert by IKEA which manages to be offensive to both the KKK and the Saudi wahabi Muslim who think the place of Wimmin is on their backs with their legs open .
I just saw some dumb bint on Newsnight, ably supported by baldy, telling us how racist the UK is and how the Commonwealth is just an extension of the British Empire. She also told us how some caribbean states are suing the UK for reparations for the slave trade.
Are they going to sue those African states that participated in the slave trade, long after Britain became the first nation in recorded history to outlaw it? Perhaps she could have put in a word for the West Africa Squadron, just one aspect of that purportedly dreadful Empire.
The Royal Navy established the West Africa Squadron at substantial expense in 1808 after Parliament passed the Slave Trade Act of 1807. The squadron’s task was to suppress the Atlantic slave trade by patrolling the coast of West Africa. With a home base at Portsmouth, it began with two small ships, the 32-gun fifth-rate frigate HMS Solebay and the Cruizer-class brig-sloop HMS Derwent. At the height of its operations, the squadron employed a sixth of the Royal Navy fleet and marines.
The British Empire, The Slave Trade, Racist, Racist, The Commonwealth, Bad! Bad! Bad! they shout.
So why on earth do so many immigrants legal or otherwise want to live here?
Because they want to live in countries which have the living standards and quality of life of Western European societies, which means they have to move to countries settled, developed and run by Western Europeans; since they have proven themselves to be utterly incapable of creating anything even approaching such societies in their own countries.
Talking about fighting the Imperialism of the past, what about the present. I think the last two Imperial edicts imposed on the British Empire were by the Labour Party. One was to abolish the death penalty for murder and treason in the colonies. The other was to legalise homosexuality through all UK overseas territories. Also I believe, even Jamaica is considering becoming a republic, because of interference by Britain, getting the Privy Council to keep commuting the death penalty in the name of her Majesty the Queen of Jamaica. So today the main interference by Britain in the independence of Commonwealth nations is by Liberal Fascists, not British Imperialists.
You cant kill but you can knock down statues of rich well educated British Imperialists because they are all dead members of the elitist House of Lords, but you can kill but not knock down statues of rich well educated Liberal Fascists because most of them are living members of the elitist House of Lords.
Pleasing to see Beeboid Dan Johnson, looking a lot less smug coming out of court after giving evidence in Cliff Richard’s case against his employer; than he did when he was going in.
I can never understand why the countries that have gained dependence from us never carried on ‘progressing’ after we left. I’m thinking all those buildings in the Indian cities and outposts such as railway stations, that haven’t seen a lick of paint since we left in 1948, and don’t get me started on the shanty towns in the Caribbean. I visited some of the larger islands a few years ago, NOT the touristy hotel areas, and honestly, most of them I wouldn’t want to see again.
”TV presenter Dale Winton, who hosted Supermarket Sweep, has died at the age of 62, his agent has said.
She did not give details on the cause of death.
He told ITV’s Loose Women show in 2006 about his struggle with depression”
I must be doing something right, I’ve never heard of him.
No cause of death?
Best guess ”suicide brought on by gay self loathing” will be on the death certificate.
BBC won’t report it though.
Classy a BBC podcast only prog begins with the presenters kids insulting Trump “Yeh Donald plrrrr, that’s what we call him”
– Another Radio4 project made up of smug London-land lefty-people
Starring these alleged comedians :
Mae Martin – Canadian
Bisha K Ali – London : Ex Muslim from strict family
Ned Sedgewick – self described as “Lovey lefty liberal snowflake” – Lancaster
Steve Ali – Syrian refugee who previously volunteered in Calais with Help Refugees and is now living in London,
(created by Deborah Frances-White the Australian London comedienne)
Their guest is Jess Fostekew one of the “3 Girls” actresses from the BBC drama (Posh English) ..they don’t ask her about that drama http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p06136wp
RD, think we can take comfort that the flak from maxi, ID, Wild and so in is now getting really heavy. We are not just close to or over the target, we must be hitting it again and again with some accuracy.
Yes, the Great Salisbury HMG false flag scenario has been laid bare by the stalwarts of Biasedbbc. Scales dropping from eyes all over the world. Clearly the Deep State is now worried. Al’s Dr. Busby youtube expose was the clincher.
You must now be anxious that the Deep State will be trying to liquidate you. Flee to the safety of Moscow. I see media reports of some sickeningly perverse autoerotic practice going fatally wrong.
What a strange coincidence!. Even as I write the Joke o’Burn show is explaining “false flags”, “deep state” “fud”. They have obviously been reading your posts and trying to strike back
April 19, 2018 at 2:31 am :
‘Have you ever considered not permanently wallowing in your own self pity, Stew?’
March 27, 2018 at 3:43 am :
‘Nice. I was actually in Guy’s with a friend waiting 6 hours for a bed today before she gave up and went home. I’ve lost count of the number of nights I’ve spent sitting on a plastic chair in an A&E corridor.’
Self pity eh?
The BBC has been found wanting in its key news operation on Brexit, on Salisbury and on Syria and Duma specifically. We’ve hit the target hard and maxi (with others on here) doesn’t like it.
The emir doesn’t seem to like being touched by a kaffir does he? Silly Justin will learn the error of his ways under the caliphate. He should get rid of the Christian tie as well, that’s just another provocation.
Just wondering if this will come up at the presser. You just know it’s on a lot of peoples’ minds in that room. Including the President’s. https://t.co/rCl5YpbURi
I have followed the BBC website for over a year now.
One story I have noted was of a black man accusing a white man of racism. At the time the BBC highly publicised / headlined the allegation.
Well the white man has recently been cleared of racism. So what do the BBC do? They downplay the fact that the white man has been cleared – it doesn’t make any headline in any of the main pages. However, the BBC do repeat the allegation of the Black Man – the black man stands by his allegation says the BBC – and this is headlined more prominently than the white man’s clearance.
The BBC is so predictable. The only solution is to end the BBC tax and make Parliament accountable for this shite of a national broadcaster.
Was listening to the BBC “World Service” this morning. They were advertising tomorrows offering of right on, liberal, hand wringing piece of radio excrement
What struck me is how complete their propaganda seems to be .
The presenter came out with “And tomorrow we bring you the story of a man who for a while was the most wanted man in Sweden – despite him being an Iraqui refugee”
I thought to myself Quelle surprise!
Whilst I am sure this particular story for certain is likely to show this particular “refugee” as either a noble/victim type of person.
Knowing what has been going on in Sweden – I wonder whether the rest of the world share my cynical reaction or fully buy into the BBC world view that all these “refugees” are victims or look on with incredulity at the slow motion cultural suicide the West seems to inflicting upon itself.
“The only solution is to end the BBC tax and make Parliament accountable for this shite of a national broadcaster.” Unfortunately that just means that those of us who have legally escaped this tax would have to pay it, albeit indirectly.
Hi David R, that is why we must make Parliament accountable for the BBC. However once the BBC tax is removed – it will be natural for government grants to be eroded in time by the demands of the Treasury. My own view is that it is necessary as a minimum to break up the BBC – its news propaganda units currently have access to and makes us of its fiction (drama etc) production units.
Plenty of time for rubbishing the Commonwealth
Plenty of time for an American (Ben Rhodes?) to rubbish Trump
Plenty of time for the Proms dumbing down
Plenty of time to attack the Conservatives over (illegal) immigration
Plenty of time for ‘bigging up’ the BBC & Attenborough over Blue Planet
Plenty of time for Leonard Bernstein
Plenty of time for day old news about Dale Winton
Not enough time to sort out problems in the Home Office
Not enough time to remember deceased Chinese cockle pickers
Not enough time to ask sensible questions about why plastic is getting into oceans, who is actually putting it there.
(Clue for Sarah Sands: it is not small children driving to the Indian Ocean and dumping their straws en masse on top of a turtle.)
Today Israel celebrates it’s 70th birthday. The Jewish State is unlikely to get birthday greetings from the BBC despite its many achievements in medicine and science, humanitarian work and much more. See http://www.verygoodnewsisrael.blogspot.com
For example introducing effective methods of irrigating crops with little water and also ways to produce clean drinking water have directly saved millions of lives worldwide. In the UK, half of household water is recycled by an Israeli company.
There are so many medical innovations from Israel but this one deserves a special mention. Israel has literally allowed the paralysed to walk again. In 2017 Israel’s Re-Walk had already helped more than 100 paraplegics take their first steps towards mobility – some can be seen in this short video. https://www.youtube.com/embed/Nb8v0H866wU?rel=0
A bit more TOADY Watch
Govey on to talk plastic and environment: wonder if The Humph is knowledgeable enough to ask about cardboard stem cotton buds which have been introduced by manufacturers, some years ago, WITHOUT legislation?
From the article text:
“Albert Thompson – not his real name”
Why is he not using his real name? Be easier to find if he has paid his PAYE and NI all these years. Has he got a criminal record he wants to keep quiet?
Although the 63-year-old is not technically of the Windrush generation”
So nothing to do with Windrush whatsoever apart from he is also black and from Jamaica. Very misleading title from an impartial unbiased BBC.
Tabs – You are not supposed to listen carefully and ask rational questions; you are supposed to get very emotional at the sight of a victim with tears in his eyes, who is unwell, and feel really bad.
So bad, that you simply do not start generating dangerous thoughts or relevant questions.
Because you do know that would make you ‘complicit’ in his situation, don’t you? That’s how all of these work.
However, if you make a grovelling apology, or even two if you want, you may be able to redeem yourself.
(Knowing exactly what you are apologising for is unnecessary). Letter to BBC saying you had improper thoughts?
How is it Boris gets slaughtered by referring to Putin’s behaviour as being reminiscent of Hitler, but Lord Kerslake can make snide remarks about “Nazi” style attempts to remove illegal immigrants?
Our beloved Beeb actually flag this up with no hint of criticism.
Oh, and when we’re informed that Kerslake is a “Corbyn adviser” he’s actually written articles in The Guardian supporting the Labour leader.
He’s also passionately anti Brexit.
The term “hostile environment” was coined specifically for illegal immigrants. What’s wrong with that?
And while we’re still wiping our eyes over the “Windrush” debacle, there’s already talk of compensation.
What’s wrong with that? Well, the BBC doesn’t accept that there’s any such thing as illegal immigration. Therefore any attempt to deal with it is an attack on all immigrants.
Some even more TOADY Watch: The Humph is interviewing an artist about his creation of five pods with air from cities across the world.
The Humph has put his brain on hold. The artist has explained that London air could not be included because of various regulations. That means London air is bad. Actually, it is worse it is BAD, really bad, vile, evil, malodorous.
Er, but it is so closely controlled by regulations.
The Humph doesn’t remember a popular and very regular BBC statement that everyone is living longer (old people clog up NHS hospitals!) which will be because of all that bad air or bad regulations or something.
I disagree about London air – I’m addicted to the smell and taste of it . Also – it’s nice to be able to see what you are breathing
Any way – I only caught I tiny bit of toady so it’s a good day . A fine son of that lovely Dorset village – Burton Bradstock – one of the homes of the brother of Melvyn – mr billy Bragg . A truly professional lefty
In the worst possible way.
Al beeb love him and let him rant on about this and that . I only listened a bit before hitting the off switch . Me and al beeb are finished for the rest of the day.,any suggestions for alternive news welcome
Fed, don’t have a problem with it myself, even though I’m developing a lung ‘something’/problem/severe wheeze. Funny thing is, the lung thing is worse when I’m away in much cleaner air but less troublesome in central London. Docs can’t figure it, nor can I, except by attributing it to conditioning.
The Bragg thing was amazing, wasn’t it. BBC + Billy Bragg: never mind reality, let us push the propaganda.
Same on In Our Time. Bragg Attack Part 2.
Let’s use fiction and talk about imagined, fictional characters to distort reality, attack Christianity, the church, 19th/20th century Britain, etc, etc.
I was being ironic about the air – I must stop doing that as sometimes I upset people here. I’d switched of both mr and lord Bragg . I suspect both might be Lords during A comrade Corbyn regime . All wearing boiler suits and waving a little red book .
I see the strategy by al beeb and other remainers to screw up the commonwealth is working well . Bring Blighty down post brexit so we beg to go back into the EU Reich and start learning German or French .
Fed, thought you might be but it was too good to miss to play along.
Have relatives and friends from oop Nawth, so I know about sparrows flying backwards to keep the smoke out of their eyes and waking people up with their coughing at dawn.
Yes, join you in flagging up Ed West’s ‘The Diversity Illusion” as another well worth a read. Only one copy in the House of Commons Library. Yes, I checked some years ago. No interest apparently my MP’s in reading it judging by the number of times it is recorded as being loaned.
BBC TV is obviously the number one channel for sports on TV.
But what is your favourite sporting event ? Is it women’s football?
women’s rugby? women’s cricket? women’s hockey, netball?
The list is endless.
Is it time , as it is with news presenters to have mostly women
presenting sports coverage. Should Gary Lineker be sent packing
and be replaced by one of the plethora of women capable of
performing the job at the BBC. And should the divesity department
pick this candidate?
Lord Armstrong of Ilminster ….
Daily Allowance … £3,900.
Travel … £567.
House of Lords Publication of Financial Support for Members
1 – 30 November 2017
Financial support for members explained
Most members do not receive a salary for their parliamentary duties but are eligible to receive allowances and, within certain limits, the travel expenses they incur in fulfilling their parliamentary duties.
Members who are not paid a salary may claim a flat rate attendance allowance of £150 or £300 for each sitting day they attend the House. This daily allowance replaces the separate overnight subsistence, day subsistence and office costs in the previous system. Entitlement is determined by attendance, not residence criteria.
Members who receive a ministerial or office holders’ salary are not entitled to claim the allowances based on attendance.
Will the BBC stop at nothing when promoting black people?
Here is a utterly crap piece of shitty pointless reporting about a black school pupil making a short video of himself wanting to be the head boy. It’s gone “viral” because he says “don’t be racist, vote for black he is snack”.
Tabs, on Saturday the BBC were telling us that the words ‘head boy’ and ‘head girl’ aren’t ‘inclusive’ enough and, following on, surely the term ‘black head boy’ is even less so? Isn’t the BBC ‘snack-teenager’ report both racist and sexist?
The Beeb are incredibly patronisng towards blacks. They treat them as though they’re intellectually deficient; it’s blatant racism, but dare not speak its name.
There are echoes of Dr Johnson’s attitude towards women preachers. “…a woman’s preaching is like a dog walking on its hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all.”
Don’t think old Sam would get a slot on Woman’s Hour…
Gender identity is becoming vague. Many migrants of ‘colour’, especially second and third generation, are becoming successful in careers. Many recent immigrants are white skinned and, in some cases, slightly more hostile to other migrants and/or their religion.
Differentiation is becoming difficult on gender and career.
The BBC, already inclined to a form of liberal-Leftism, therefore choose politics and a Libby-Left/Hard-Left/Alt-Left Nazi line for differentiation, ‘those’ from ‘them’ from ‘us’ and from the ‘others’. They are blind to their racist attitude; they think they are being inclusive.
Quite, Cassandra! And I know how Jim Kirk would have voted, he was constantly anti-establishment! I wish they’d stop using actors and celebrities to punch the old Brexit message home. Do they think we’ll be brainwashed because someone appeared on Star Trek? He (Patrick S) is no more qualified than anyone else to spout forth, though I respect his freedom of speech to do so. Why don’t they get a celebrity who voted ‘Leave’ on to give it all a bit of balance???I liked a lot of these actors and now just seeing them makes me mad!
Kirk, with those views would have been given the same treatment as another Canadian, Lauren Southern.
Someone should have taken offence to Stewart claiming he wanted to come to the UK to exercise free speech at Hyde Park.
On the daily politics yesterday I twice heard it used that the bus going round with the message was to make it ‘hostile’ for immigrants here.
The message was ‘hostile’ to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and not against all immigrants.
This lie was not corrected or even mentioned.
Interesting “impartial” language used by the BBC here.
First the title “Syria war: The online activists pushing conspiracy theories“.
And the first paragraph “As the investigation continues into another alleged chemical attack in Syria, one group of influential online activists is busy spreading their version of events.”
Further into the article they claim the woman writes for a website that has “an extreme right bias”. The BBC use speech marks as if quoting an unknown person saying it is extreme right therefore it is now an established fact.
The rest of the article is nothing more than a witch hunt to try and identify who she is and where she is – probably in the hope she will be attacked/killed/silenced. The BBC list everything she supports that the BBC don’t support i.e. Russia, Assad.
The whole article makes it very clear the BBC don’t agree with people like her posting on Twitter (probably because they have more followers than the BBC do – they actually compare her number of followers to BBC journalists!). If you complain to the BBC they always reply “we gave a balanced report allowing the viewer to make their own mind up”. Yeah right!
Old Maxincony seems to have an inside track at the BBC.
In which case he may be able to tell us when Portillo will be doing one of his rail journey series across the Middle East so he can show us how multicultural, tolerant, peaceful and progressive these Muslim countries are.
Woman’s Hour was supposed to be Rotherham survivor Sammy Woodhouse, but that has been postponed until Friday :
– Sammy Woodhouse is campaigning for a change in the law to pardon child sexual exploitation survivors for crimes committed while they were being groomed.
– Sammy was abused from the age of 14 by a gang in Rotherham.
– She joins Jenni to talk about how her parents tried in vain to help her, how she didn’t realise for years how she had been targeted and how since going to court and seeing her abusers jailed she has regained control of her life as told in her book ‘Just A Child’.
As @Marky says : CSE is soft language for Mainly Pakistanic gangs grooming/raping/controlling/pimping underage white girls, whilst authorities turn a blind eye , cos they don’t want to seem racist.
Instead of Sammy today we got a woman teacher complaining “Katie Hopkins ruined my life, she said I took my class to a Trump protest, when all I did was take a banner the kids had made in class”
– Ah that item was a REPEAT that Emma Barnett did in December
as WomansHour have created a new campaign “women whose digital reputations have been trashed by strangers” *
..If I recall it was a long article about all kinds of liberal brainwashing, the bit about that teacher was only one part, even though one line made the mistake of saying the children were at the march.
I quote Alan’s BiasedBBC thread from December
\\…she claims she in no way influenced how the children thought, and she did not take any children on the march with her.
.. oddly the brainwashing of kids with ‘fake news’ wasn’t Barnett’s concern. Attacking the Mail and Hopkins was…however was the Mail’s story ‘fake news’ or just an error ?//
The WH Campaign
These women are so ???? but have had to be because their digital reputations have been trashed by strangers, boyfriends and even their brothers.
– Join us @BBCWomansHour at 10am to find out if, and how, they can #TakeBackConTROLL through a very exciting project with @motherlondon
If a teacher had her children make a political banner, whether it is for or against BBC views, then she should not be allowed anywhere near a classroom.
“The children need to learn about protest” was her answer
I had a deprived childhood ..no teacher schooled us on how to protest
.. So I guess I will sue the Education Ministry for millions.
– Today’s kids have it easy, cos they get told who/what to vote for ..instead of having to think themselves.
That BBC campaign is worse, cos actually it’s organised with an Advertising agency.
Take Back ConTROLL – that’s what a group of women are trying to do after being abused online.
– Here at Woman’s Hour we brought these four women together with a London advertising agency, Mother, to see if together they could come up with a campaign that would help them reclaim their identity online and find a solution for this growing social problem.
– Emma Barnett went to meet them and over the next few weeks you will hear Charley, Jackie, Charlotte and Kelly all share their experiences. Today it’s Charley.
“Jeremy Corbyn, Theresa May, Boris Johnson and Sadiq Khan bore the brunt of social media attacks with the quartet receiving more than 50 per cent of the total number of abusive tweets sent to UK politicians in the run up to June 8.
Almost six per cent of messages directed at male Conservative candidates were found to be abusive while about two per cent of mentions involving female Labour candidates were abusive.”
So clearly woman’s hour and emma burnett should invite tory male mps onto its program.
Whilst we talk about Owen Jones the BBC have left this story on their Brexit Page as MAIN STORY for 2 days (17th April .. now 19th Apr) saying the EU will get whatever it asks for … even after Guy and Macron are pushing for more EU … BBC £3.5bn News OMISSIONS Service …
What a stupid headline from the BBC. of COURSE the E.U are “relaxed”. They have their beaks in our tea, and were relaxed about Cologne, no accounts being signed off, riots in Greece, ATM collapse in Cyprus, unfettered immigration onto Germany as well as horsemeat scandals, antifreeze poisonings, Spain on the verge of civil war.
That`s why we`re going, Their currency is going to collapse very soon, they`ll bring on a third world war that they`ll lose and they`ll sit clueless as Russia, Turkey and Chine fight over the ashes.
But as long as they can keep their perks and wine troughs, they`ll be “relaxed”.
No other organisation on earth would have ex SS and traitorous lefties riddled through it like cancer. Barosso, Junchker, Verhofstad are low grade quislings from pigmy nations. And they`re not even wanted in THOSE.
Graham Norton has led tributes to TV and radio presenter Dale Winton, who has died at the age of 62.
Looks like he is doing an half-Al Jolson .
Excuse me for not giving a flying licence fee about him;
or if my theory of suicide due to complications caused by advanced full blown gayness, and the ensuing and inevitable self loathing, offends.
But it seems our, so called, investigative journalists in the media haven’t come up with a better theory; just that he died.
I blame the gay cheerleaders who clapped and applauded his every little mince, rather than tell him at an early age to sort his head out and get himself cured.
If he had done that he wouldn’t have died a virgin aged 62.
Yes I suppose you could argue there are better targets for my derision in the BBC /show biz field, but in my eyes anyone taking BBC coin during the Jimmy Saville abuse era, but saying nothing, is guilty and isn’t worth any pity.
Looking at the tributes pouring in from the bent community-
to avoid catching anything, I’d advise steering well clear of the funeral and fallout zone (10 miles) as the air is bound to be thick with a nasty miasma of HIV/GAY heavy particles.
Lets just hope he wasn’t an intimate chum of Elton John, as I fear we might be in for another Candle in the Wind respray.
Jesus Christ, Eddy, what are you on?
I’m not in the slightest pc, but there’s no need to be quite so offensive and to gloat when the poor bloke’s just died.
I wasn’t a fan, but…
Have a heart!
I would have thought that the conspiracy theorists who slavishly follow any propaganda line from RT would be more undermining.
I noticed the reliance on RT as some sort of counterweight to BBC bias some time ago. But what RT says is irrelevant when examining BBC bias. It seems to have reached epidemic proportions today. It merely reinforces the line that Trump became president because of Russian interference and likewise for the referendum . Those who do not see that RT is not an impartial information provider and has an agenda of its own are simply undermining their own credibilty when it comes to the bbc.
Roland Deschain
Thats rude, maybe it’s you who are here to give the site a bad name,
even if only subconsciously.
I know the gay lobby have used brainwashing of the population, to train them to shut down any other view.
Ha ha I like the gist,
but actually the gay and muslim community appear to have a pact where they never attack or criticize each other.
Even though you’d think they would be each others primary targets.
I guess they both hate normal society, and might as well have a truce, at least until its destroyed.
Anyway I’m off out sunbathing , don’t want to catch ricketts .
I follow the group called Gays Against Sharia who post some bloody good stuff.
But they are hated and demonized as far far right Nazis etc from the mainstream political left gay community.
Any shit you can dole at the mainstream gay icons is music to my ears.
Dales life and times meant nothing to me, but did read about his recent decline and death, and it saddended me.
Nice guy, no point or purpose, despite his seeming fame and wealth. And some think that he had no reason to die-after all, he had a new Channel 5 series coming up!
Like George Michael, we`re talking having a plan and meaning to your life that the media, the fans and the money fail to satisfy,
Richard Corey? Kurt Cobain?
Thank God, we can go off and have babies…these poor lonely and shallow blokes are a symptom of our age, I guess.
As Walliams says-hope he`s found the peace he sought, if only we`d get some programme about this miserable waste of unfulfilled blokes. Ant McPartlin being only the latest.
Probably easier to marry a woman, have kids and know Jesus, but if it was that easy blokes would have been doing it these last 2000 years and more. Hmm.
RIP Dale anyway.
More ways of hiding the wrong type of news on the BBC website. I was reading through the Midlands Live page for today when I came across this titbit of reporting:
Four men from Burton upon Trent who exploited vulnerable girls for sexual gratification, are due to be sentenced today at Stafford Crown Court.
Staffordshire Police
Taiyab Hussain, 19, Mohammed Hizar Rizwan, 18, Shaheem Ratyal, 19, and Sohail Raja Ali, 19, pleaded guilty to various child sex offences on 9 February.
Staffordshire Police officers were told by four girls, who were just 13 and 14 years old at the time of the offences, that they had been sexually abused between December 2016 and March 2017.
No actual link to a story. A search of the BBC site revealed there is no story on this but of course the BBC can claim they reported it (nice of them to include the names although I can’t see any link beyond them all being ‘men’)
That will teach them … no more SnapChat … lessons will be learnt … next it will be the naughty step …
‘Four men jailed for child grooming and treating “teenage girls like trophies” have been banned from using Snapchat.
Taiyab Hussain, 19, Mohammed Hizar Rizwan, 18, Shaheem Ratyal, 19, and Sohail Raja Ali, 19, all from Burton upon Trent, pleaded guilty to various child grooming offences in February.
Radio 4 Today:
Towards the end of that 8:10 slot, Humph steered the conversation round to windrush and how the sympathy engendered by that meant that the populace didn’t mind immigration any more. Gove gave a response designed to not tar himself with any accusation of racism or anti immigrant feeling. I (sort of) remember that because I was disappointed that someone, Gove, who I thought usually had sensible and realistic opinions is so keen to take the easy line.
I have every sympathy for the people who are caught up in the ‘Windrush’ problem. However, the media are trying to describe it in terms of political malice rather than administrative incompetence. In any case, the problems wouldn’t have arisen if the parents had made sure their children had their own passports. Many years ago, an acquaintance of mine found out in his forties that he was a stateless person because his (German) mother hadn’t bothered to make sure he had his own passport.
Our sympathy for this group is supposed to shut down criticism of other immigrant groups and the decisions that led to them being here, or the sheer stupendous numbers. The more there are the more the shrinking indigenous should like it.
“Gove gave a response designed to not tar himself with any accusation of racism or anti immigrant feeling.”
Which has, in my view, been the whole point in this. Make it difficult to be associated with wanting to sort out illegal immigration. Sure, some poor black folk will have their lives ruined, but it’s collateral damage in the greater good.
I too suspect this windrush faux drama is designed to beat whitey/brexiteers/the british round the head some more
as far as we can see, it affects 50-150 people (a generation in bbc parlance)
the so called BBC has found some (all) lovely hard working civic minded people caught in the cock up to interview for best effect.
no one has been deported, no one is ever going to be deported, and it costs a couple of hundred to get legal, which they will now get free
and verhofftwat now has another stick with which to make more demands
a great piece of propaganda work by the infested swamp dwellers and troughers
really wtf are the home office doing suddenly chasing around a few dozen Caribbean pensioners, when they have never shown the slightest interest or inclination in finding and removing seriously dangerous/crooked/demented foreigners and illegals before.
The philosopher Karl Popper defined the “Paradox of Tolerance” as follows:
“Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them… We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.”
Only problem with that is ‘our’ tolerance has been adapted over time to enable a modern functioning society to prosper without being cruel, and keeping certain principles which encourage free speech. ‘Their’ tolerance is to ensure the ruin of the country as quickly as possible, with gulags, torture and short life-expectancy as guaranteed.
1. Allow the elected members of the EU parliament to draft and propose their own bills to be voted upon.
2. Allow EU citizens to propose bills through MEPs to be voted on by the EU parliament.
Then, you’ll actually have what is called a ‘democracy’.
Will the BBC report on this … I think not … The EU has gone mad … off the rails … totalitarian governments produce stupid wars … more EU … more EU … more more more …. (confuse it with Europe as well) ….
. . . .
“We need to reinvent, to refound Europe! https: // bit.ly/2HyesNp
# IamEuropean # GenerationEurope ????????”
“A warning from history. The last time populism had such support during the WWII period. A retreat to nationalism and extremism will not deliver to future brighter. # IamEuropean # GenerationEurope ”
Still looks like David Mellor as someone here once said.
Even to his choice of Chelsea blue lighting.
A real creep isn`t he?
And he seems to want Europe refunded-not refounded.
For we saw what his like were up, and we want our money back. And to get the heck out whilst we still can.
Did anyone else miss the Teddy Bear Naming scandal of 2007 … did you say 7th Century … nope 2007 … Baron Ahmed helped out … Teddy Bear …
In November 2007 (Nazir Ahmed, Baron Ahmed) Ahmed was involved in a diplomatic effort to secure the release of Gillian Gibbons from custody in Sudan. The teacher, Gillian Gibbons, allowed her class to name a teddy bear Muhammad. Ahmed, from Britain’s ruling Labour Party, and Baroness Warsi, an opposition Conservative, visited Khartoum and had a meeting with the President of Sudan. Miss Gibbons, who had been given a fifteen-day prison sentence, was released after eight days following a Presidential pardon and allowed to return to the UK.[23]
No BBC cameras and news team but there were 6 fire engines in my street when I just arrived home. Some fuckwit left their stove on. 18th floor. Left it on and went out. A few weeks ago there was another letter under my door about a balcony fire in another block close by. I had no idea about it but I guessed it must have been smoking. I was right. A fireman confirmed this to me. Some idiot from the culture we must all obey was smoking a shisha pipe on their balcony. The embers fell between the wood. There are plans to replace the wood with tiles. I’ve met a few white British residents who still reside here in my building after 20 years. Is it a coincidence that now these estate blocks are occupied by mainly Muslims that we are having fire problems.
Of course no BBC here because the building is still standing, no deaths or injury’s. Would someone please pass me my medication and pour me a drink.
BBC to monster Thatcher, just like they monstered Enoch.
But a typical lefty has a different take.
It's now confirmed the most hated evil Britain ???????? has had is having by the TORY BBC a five part documentary on her your BBC or at least it was till Torys took it over " THATCHER " who stole the children's milk , who put thousands of MINERS on the scrap heap of life, EVIL EVIL
Oh dear, dont you find the lefties somewhat gobsmacked when you tell them the facts?
That Wilson and his sidekick, hero of the left, Wedgie Benn, closed more mines in 5 yrs than Thatcher did in 11.
Plus, the milk snatcher wasnt the first to steal the free milk, Labour did, but she took it from primary schools.
For some reason, they seem to get a bit upset with facts.
The more stupid ones are able to tell me that Maggie closed them out of spite, wilsons was market driven. Since feelings and opinions count more for lefties, they seem to think its a killer blow. Facts? Meh, who needs ’em lol.
We have a problem with ‘white guilt’. Unlike any other, it seems kinda permanent and collective. Come to think of it, there seems to be no other, no matter what happens where.
The BBC, and others will make sure it stays that way.
See current news and series.
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://x.com/bbcnews/status/1896834511125541255?s=61 Is the UK becoming less attractive for students? All good. Blonde but still qualifies for media reporter training.
moggiemooMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I love the way Starmer is front and centre, the natural 1st target for a sniper, I’d wager.
DoublethinkerMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I disagree with how Zelensky and the West has been going about this war for the last three years. Ukraine…
Fedup2Mar 4, 08:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the almighty Bowen lives with a permanent sneer now . I think it comes from the years these…
JohndaMar 4, 08:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeremy Bowen just described Trump as distasteful in his approach to Kiev. It’s not his job to critique. No place…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 08:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 bbc verify is on the case:- Can Europe fill the gap now the US has paused military support for Ukraine?…
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1896693369948311986?s=61 Clever. This may see ‘review’ their stances.
AsISeeItMar 4, 08:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 TSMC acts as tariffs loom… The world’s biggest chipmaker is set to unveil a $100bn investment in advanced manufacturing facilities…
I used to ‘dislike’ the BBC news, that soon turned into ‘distrust’ and then ‘disdain’ and then ‘despair’, now it has become ‘despise’. Just today for example, lots of coverage of ‘Windrush’, unelected peers voting against the government (oh, you can sense the glee from their reporters), an expected dig at Trump but virtually no mention that both Canada and India have expressed a wish to complete trade deals the day of Brexit. The BBC are so stuck up their own ars*holes that I think ‘despise’ is the correct ‘D’ word to use. Why do I pay my licence fee for these despotic (oh another ‘D’) prats. They’d rather sell their own country down the drain then report anything for the good of the country. DESPICABLE PRICKS.
Chalky welcome to the club. The problem is that the coverage by itv and sky aim much different . Shame there’s no Fox News or equivalent . I risk not paying the tv tax .
Yeah, agree wholeheartedly. If I’d wanted to subscribe to the Guardian I would have had a choice in the matter!
Chalky, look on the bright side. If you watch the BBC occasionally you’ll never need to buy a copy of the Guardian.
If the BBC ever developed any integrity it would do wonders for the Guardian’s sales figures.
You can rely on BBC to “Be-Behind-Corbyn”
Thought I’d give al beeb a swerve for the day and dip into RT. RT is fixated on Salisbury – suggesting it’s a real raw nerve for the Ruskis.
It’s far easier to see the RT bias with people with British accents who have sold out to the Russians .
If you think about it how could the Russians ever know the difference between the truth and a lie ? Their system has lived on a lie since 1917 .
Fed, they knew about the lies within a decade of 1917, if not almost immediately. Remember Samizdat? In the 1970s, the Russian population became increasingly emboldened to speak for truth against the lies.
In the 2010s, the British population is still becoming increasingly credulous.
It will change. One day. I hope.
Sunday BBC More or Less ..redeemed itself, after become in this last year part of the SJW deception
This WS episode More More or Less: Are We Breathing Unsafe Air?
“The World Health Organisation say that 95% of people who live in cities breathe UNSAFE AIR.”
Their trick is to cherrypick just one pollutant PM2.5
The super expert debunked the WHO’s generalisations
** “If you got rid of all the transport in London, the benefit would be 2μg/m3**
..meaning 20-30 days of life ”
ie you’d live one month longer on a 90 year lifespan if we got rid of all transport ..is that worth it ? of giving up all that convenience ?
Stew – like al beeb the WHO once had a kind of objective authority but the UN institutions were infected by snowflakes ages ago devaluing anything they say – just like al beeb .
Stew, the BBC were busy telling the world via its web-site the other day that if you eat a single (red meat) sausage you take half an hour off your life. Puts some diesel pollution into context …
… you would think.
PS: Get rid of all transport in London? That is heresy, Stew. Do you not realise that the London bus is looked upon as a god by ‘some people’ ?
Al beeb 10 o clock news – haven’t watched it for ages – announcing the death of TVs Dale Winton . As a fact – no reason stated – and an unsaid discomfort which no doubt will come out in the papers in the morning . RIP Dale .
FFS Swedish government is going Stalinesque
\\Describing the meeting Minister Peter Eriksson said
“Basically, we believe that the law needs to be maintained better,
for too long of a time, one can say almost anything without being held responsible. *
They are often not known even to the authorities** .”//
What like Charlie Hebdo you mean ?
Hebdo are NOT responsible for a Islamist picking up a gun after they see a cartoon
\\ Eriksson claimed that he had already met with Facebook previously in Dublin saying that Facebook would give the government access to identifying information of posters **
and added, “It’s important, especially in the electoral campaign, that we do not get negative campaigns where we do not know who is behind them.*** ” //
**FFS the principle of anonymity is important
*** that “negative campaigns”
might well be criticising a government on it’s anti-gay or anti-apostate or pro-FGM policy
So it might be vital that the opposers can keep their anonymity.
Stew – guess we are in peak Facebook ( I’m one of the dozen people in the world unknown to it) .
Non al beeb bias but if you get a chance have a look at an advert by IKEA which manages to be offensive to both the KKK and the Saudi wahabi Muslim who think the place of Wimmin is on their backs with their legs open .
codewords “More Diversity”
= Fewer White Straight Conservative Males
I just saw some dumb bint on Newsnight, ably supported by baldy, telling us how racist the UK is and how the Commonwealth is just an extension of the British Empire. She also told us how some caribbean states are suing the UK for reparations for the slave trade.
Are they going to sue those African states that participated in the slave trade, long after Britain became the first nation in recorded history to outlaw it? Perhaps she could have put in a word for the West Africa Squadron, just one aspect of that purportedly dreadful Empire.
The Royal Navy established the West Africa Squadron at substantial expense in 1808 after Parliament passed the Slave Trade Act of 1807. The squadron’s task was to suppress the Atlantic slave trade by patrolling the coast of West Africa. With a home base at Portsmouth, it began with two small ships, the 32-gun fifth-rate frigate HMS Solebay and the Cruizer-class brig-sloop HMS Derwent. At the height of its operations, the squadron employed a sixth of the Royal Navy fleet and marines.
The British Empire, The Slave Trade, Racist, Racist, The Commonwealth, Bad! Bad! Bad! they shout.
So why on earth do so many immigrants legal or otherwise want to live here?
Because they want to live in countries which have the living standards and quality of life of Western European societies, which means they have to move to countries settled, developed and run by Western Europeans; since they have proven themselves to be utterly incapable of creating anything even approaching such societies in their own countries.
Talking about fighting the Imperialism of the past, what about the present. I think the last two Imperial edicts imposed on the British Empire were by the Labour Party. One was to abolish the death penalty for murder and treason in the colonies. The other was to legalise homosexuality through all UK overseas territories. Also I believe, even Jamaica is considering becoming a republic, because of interference by Britain, getting the Privy Council to keep commuting the death penalty in the name of her Majesty the Queen of Jamaica. So today the main interference by Britain in the independence of Commonwealth nations is by Liberal Fascists, not British Imperialists.
You cant kill but you can knock down statues of rich well educated British Imperialists because they are all dead members of the elitist House of Lords, but you can kill but not knock down statues of rich well educated Liberal Fascists because most of them are living members of the elitist House of Lords.
What about compensation for the victims of the ten times more brutal Islamic slave trade which was going on at the same time?
Oh, silly me, the BBC never mentions that so it obviously didn’t happen.
Good old Memory Hole.
Pleasing to see Beeboid Dan Johnson, looking a lot less smug coming out of court after giving evidence in Cliff Richard’s case against his employer; than he did when he was going in.
That little twerp was all over grenfell as well. He has form
I can never understand why the countries that have gained dependence from us never carried on ‘progressing’ after we left. I’m thinking all those buildings in the Indian cities and outposts such as railway stations, that haven’t seen a lick of paint since we left in 1948, and don’t get me started on the shanty towns in the Caribbean. I visited some of the larger islands a few years ago, NOT the touristy hotel areas, and honestly, most of them I wouldn’t want to see again.
TV presenter Dale Winton dies aged 62

Actor David Walliams (r) said he was heartbroken by the death of his friend
”TV presenter Dale Winton, who hosted Supermarket Sweep, has died at the age of 62, his agent has said.
She did not give details on the cause of death.
He told ITV’s Loose Women show in 2006 about his struggle with depression”
I must be doing something right, I’ve never heard of him.
No cause of death?
Best guess ”suicide brought on by gay self loathing” will be on the death certificate.
BBC won’t report it though.
Not necessary.
Eddy – if Mr Winton offed himself just pray for his soul . There’s no need for much else. It certainly doesnt affect views about al beeb does it?
Eddy find a better target – there are plenty in the al beeb output
Eddy Booth,
“Best guess ”suicide brought on by gay self loathing” will be on the death certificate.”
You’re quite the little charmer aren’t you, Eddy.
maxicony aka zero
Do you ever have a feeling of self loathing after a bout of fisting and race play?
You’re quite the little charmer aren’t you?
Has David Walliams come out of the closet yet?
Just wait until the bbc gets on this…. unless… there’s something about keeping enquiry outcomes secret they like….?
Classy a BBC podcast only prog begins with the presenters kids insulting Trump “Yeh Donald plrrrr, that’s what we call him”
– Another Radio4 project made up of smug London-land lefty-people
Starring these alleged comedians :
Mae Martin – Canadian
Bisha K Ali – London : Ex Muslim from strict family
Ned Sedgewick – self described as “Lovey lefty liberal snowflake” – Lancaster
Steve Ali – Syrian refugee who previously volunteered in Calais with Help Refugees and is now living in London,
(created by Deborah Frances-White the Australian London comedienne)
Their guest is Jess Fostekew one of the “3 Girls” actresses from the BBC drama (Posh English) ..they don’t ask her about that drama
The bbc is in its happy place again.
“smug London-land lefty-people”
Have you ever considered not permanently wallowing in your own self pity, Stew?
Have you ever considered not permanently wallowing in your own self righteousness?
RD, think we can take comfort that the flak from maxi, ID, Wild and so in is now getting really heavy. We are not just close to or over the target, we must be hitting it again and again with some accuracy.
Yes, the Great Salisbury HMG false flag scenario has been laid bare by the stalwarts of Biasedbbc. Scales dropping from eyes all over the world. Clearly the Deep State is now worried. Al’s Dr. Busby youtube expose was the clincher.
You must now be anxious that the Deep State will be trying to liquidate you. Flee to the safety of Moscow. I see media reports of some sickeningly perverse autoerotic practice going fatally wrong.
What a strange coincidence!. Even as I write the Joke o’Burn show is explaining “false flags”, “deep state” “fud”. They have obviously been reading your posts and trying to strike back
“we must be hitting it again and again with some accuracy.”
Hitting what? Your pro-Putin drum?
April 19, 2018 at 2:31 am :
‘Have you ever considered not permanently wallowing in your own self pity, Stew?’
March 27, 2018 at 3:43 am :
‘Nice. I was actually in Guy’s with a friend waiting 6 hours for a bed today before she gave up and went home. I’ve lost count of the number of nights I’ve spent sitting on a plastic chair in an A&E corridor.’
Self pity eh?
tp, good point, well remembered.
The BBC has been found wanting in its key news operation on Brexit, on Salisbury and on Syria and Duma specifically. We’ve hit the target hard and maxi (with others on here) doesn’t like it.
BBC credibility is shrinking fast.
Has Al beeb reported this …………………………….
“LONDON (Reuters) – Canada and Britain will be able to quickly pursue a new trade deal after Brexit, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau told British counterpart Theresa May at a bilateral meeting on Wednesday, according to May’s office.”
Or this …………
LONDON (Reuters) – Britain will be just as important to India after it leaves the EU as it is now, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi told his British counterpart Theresa May on Wednesday, May’s spokeswoman said.
Perhaps their researchers will pick it up here ?
Onward and upwards Brexiteers !
Treezer lent Trudeau her toy boy Mayor Khan for a cuddle
The emir doesn’t seem to like being touched by a kaffir does he? Silly Justin will learn the error of his ways under the caliphate. He should get rid of the Christian tie as well, that’s just another provocation.
Katty has found an angle she can work with:
Girl is on a roll now…
“Good evening, and here is the BBC ‘you just know’ news…”
Is this the root of problems with the NHS…………
“Hospitals recruit managers faster than doctors and nurses”
Has the BBC finally got its ‘finger on the pulse’?
I have followed the BBC website for over a year now.
One story I have noted was of a black man accusing a white man of racism. At the time the BBC highly publicised / headlined the allegation.
Well the white man has recently been cleared of racism. So what do the BBC do? They downplay the fact that the white man has been cleared – it doesn’t make any headline in any of the main pages. However, the BBC do repeat the allegation of the Black Man – the black man stands by his allegation says the BBC – and this is headlined more prominently than the white man’s clearance.
The BBC is so predictable. The only solution is to end the BBC tax and make Parliament accountable for this shite of a national broadcaster.
Was listening to the BBC “World Service” this morning. They were advertising tomorrows offering of right on, liberal, hand wringing piece of radio excrement
What struck me is how complete their propaganda seems to be .
The presenter came out with “And tomorrow we bring you the story of a man who for a while was the most wanted man in Sweden – despite him being an Iraqui refugee”
I thought to myself Quelle surprise!
Whilst I am sure this particular story for certain is likely to show this particular “refugee” as either a noble/victim type of person.
Knowing what has been going on in Sweden – I wonder whether the rest of the world share my cynical reaction or fully buy into the BBC world view that all these “refugees” are victims or look on with incredulity at the slow motion cultural suicide the West seems to inflicting upon itself.
Hitherto known by the BBC as, “doing a Cliff”? ‘Hang em’ out to dry’ irrespective of right or wrong.
“The only solution is to end the BBC tax and make Parliament accountable for this shite of a national broadcaster.” Unfortunately that just means that those of us who have legally escaped this tax would have to pay it, albeit indirectly.
Hi David R, that is why we must make Parliament accountable for the BBC. However once the BBC tax is removed – it will be natural for government grants to be eroded in time by the demands of the Treasury. My own view is that it is necessary as a minimum to break up the BBC – its news propaganda units currently have access to and makes us of its fiction (drama etc) production units.
Plenty of time for rubbishing the Commonwealth
Plenty of time for an American (Ben Rhodes?) to rubbish Trump
Plenty of time for the Proms dumbing down
Plenty of time to attack the Conservatives over (illegal) immigration
Plenty of time for ‘bigging up’ the BBC & Attenborough over Blue Planet
Plenty of time for Leonard Bernstein
Plenty of time for day old news about Dale Winton
Not enough time to sort out problems in the Home Office
Not enough time to remember deceased Chinese cockle pickers
Not enough time to ask sensible questions about why plastic is getting into oceans, who is actually putting it there.
(Clue for Sarah Sands: it is not small children driving to the Indian Ocean and dumping their straws en masse on top of a turtle.)
Today Israel celebrates it’s 70th birthday. The Jewish State is unlikely to get birthday greetings from the BBC despite its many achievements in medicine and science, humanitarian work and much more. See http://www.verygoodnewsisrael.blogspot.com
For example introducing effective methods of irrigating crops with little water and also ways to produce clean drinking water have directly saved millions of lives worldwide. In the UK, half of household water is recycled by an Israeli company.
There are so many medical innovations from Israel but this one deserves a special mention. Israel has literally allowed the paralysed to walk again. In 2017 Israel’s Re-Walk had already helped more than 100 paraplegics take their first steps towards mobility – some can be seen in this short video. https://www.youtube.com/embed/Nb8v0H866wU?rel=0
Thought it was May Lynn!
Lynette, thanks for the reminder. God bless Israel.
A bit more TOADY Watch
Govey on to talk plastic and environment: wonder if The Humph is knowledgeable enough to ask about cardboard stem cotton buds which have been introduced by manufacturers, some years ago, WITHOUT legislation?
Short video on BBC called
Windrush row: I was denied NHS cancer treatment
From the article text:
“Albert Thompson – not his real name”
Why is he not using his real name? Be easier to find if he has paid his PAYE and NI all these years. Has he got a criminal record he wants to keep quiet?
Although the 63-year-old is not technically of the Windrush generation”
So nothing to do with Windrush whatsoever apart from he is also black and from Jamaica. Very misleading title from an impartial unbiased BBC.
Tabs – You are not supposed to listen carefully and ask rational questions; you are supposed to get very emotional at the sight of a victim with tears in his eyes, who is unwell, and feel really bad.
So bad, that you simply do not start generating dangerous thoughts or relevant questions.
Because you do know that would make you ‘complicit’ in his situation, don’t you? That’s how all of these work.
However, if you make a grovelling apology, or even two if you want, you may be able to redeem yourself.
(Knowing exactly what you are apologising for is unnecessary). Letter to BBC saying you had improper thoughts?
I agree with the above but you forgot you are supposed to also get angry at the Tories and the suggest how Corbyn can make the country better.
How is it Boris gets slaughtered by referring to Putin’s behaviour as being reminiscent of Hitler, but Lord Kerslake can make snide remarks about “Nazi” style attempts to remove illegal immigrants?
Our beloved Beeb actually flag this up with no hint of criticism.
Oh, and when we’re informed that Kerslake is a “Corbyn adviser” he’s actually written articles in The Guardian supporting the Labour leader.
He’s also passionately anti Brexit.
The term “hostile environment” was coined specifically for illegal immigrants. What’s wrong with that?
And while we’re still wiping our eyes over the “Windrush” debacle, there’s already talk of compensation.
What’s wrong with that? Well, the BBC doesn’t accept that there’s any such thing as illegal immigration. Therefore any attempt to deal with it is an attack on all immigrants.
So what’s new? The communist Kerslake gets billing on the BBC. Colour me surprised – not!
Interesting slant. Tippy toes.
To be fair, not a reporter. Bet her earwig was melting with instructions.
Not viewing the rubbish that comes out the BBC televised so called, “News”, I missed this one. However it does shed more light on the BBC’s posture to the Syrian situation and goes further to highlight the inherent bias.
Some even more TOADY Watch: The Humph is interviewing an artist about his creation of five pods with air from cities across the world.
The Humph has put his brain on hold. The artist has explained that London air could not be included because of various regulations. That means London air is bad. Actually, it is worse it is BAD, really bad, vile, evil, malodorous.
Er, but it is so closely controlled by regulations.
The Humph doesn’t remember a popular and very regular BBC statement that everyone is living longer (old people clog up NHS hospitals!) which will be because of all that bad air or bad regulations or something.
Double ooops!
I disagree about London air – I’m addicted to the smell and taste of it . Also – it’s nice to be able to see what you are breathing
Any way – I only caught I tiny bit of toady so it’s a good day . A fine son of that lovely Dorset village – Burton Bradstock – one of the homes of the brother of Melvyn – mr billy Bragg . A truly professional lefty
In the worst possible way.
Al beeb love him and let him rant on about this and that . I only listened a bit before hitting the off switch . Me and al beeb are finished for the rest of the day.,any suggestions for alternive news welcome
Londonistan killing count holding at 60 it seems
Fed, don’t have a problem with it myself, even though I’m developing a lung ‘something’/problem/severe wheeze. Funny thing is, the lung thing is worse when I’m away in much cleaner air but less troublesome in central London. Docs can’t figure it, nor can I, except by attributing it to conditioning.
The Bragg thing was amazing, wasn’t it. BBC + Billy Bragg: never mind reality, let us push the propaganda.
Same on In Our Time. Bragg Attack Part 2.
Let’s use fiction and talk about imagined, fictional characters to distort reality, attack Christianity, the church, 19th/20th century Britain, etc, etc.
I was being ironic about the air – I must stop doing that as sometimes I upset people here. I’d switched of both mr and lord Bragg . I suspect both might be Lords during A comrade Corbyn regime . All wearing boiler suits and waving a little red book .
I see the strategy by al beeb and other remainers to screw up the commonwealth is working well . Bring Blighty down post brexit so we beg to go back into the EU Reich and start learning German or French .
Fed, thought you might be but it was too good to miss to play along.
Have relatives and friends from oop Nawth, so I know about sparrows flying backwards to keep the smoke out of their eyes and waking people up with their coughing at dawn.
Yes, join you in flagging up Ed West’s ‘The Diversity Illusion” as another well worth a read. Only one copy in the House of Commons Library. Yes, I checked some years ago. No interest apparently my MP’s in reading it judging by the number of times it is recorded as being loaned.
BBC TV is obviously the number one channel for sports on TV.
But what is your favourite sporting event ? Is it women’s football?
women’s rugby? women’s cricket? women’s hockey, netball?
The list is endless.
Is it time , as it is with news presenters to have mostly women
presenting sports coverage. Should Gary Lineker be sent packing
and be replaced by one of the plethora of women capable of
performing the job at the BBC. And should the divesity department
pick this candidate?
Talking of waste of UK Tax Payer money and being responsible with other people’s votes and money …
Celebrate Bike Day (19th April) by asking David Lammy where his £650 bike paid on expenses has gone …From the Many, To the Few!
** P.S. After today I will give up on this lost cause, I did send this information to the BBC as well.
House of Lords expenses {visit to see what they charge the UK tax payer}
Lord Armstrong of Ilminster ….
Daily Allowance … £3,900.
Travel … £567.
House of Lords Publication of Financial Support for Members
1 – 30 November 2017
Financial support for members explained
Most members do not receive a salary for their parliamentary duties but are eligible to receive allowances and, within certain limits, the travel expenses they incur in fulfilling their parliamentary duties.
Members who are not paid a salary may claim a flat rate attendance allowance of £150 or £300 for each sitting day they attend the House. This daily allowance replaces the separate overnight subsistence, day subsistence and office costs in the previous system. Entitlement is determined by attendance, not residence criteria.
Members who receive a ministerial or office holders’ salary are not entitled to claim the allowances based on attendance.
Will the BBC stop at nothing when promoting black people?
Here is a utterly crap piece of shitty pointless reporting about a black school pupil making a short video of himself wanting to be the head boy. It’s gone “viral” because he says “don’t be racist, vote for black he is snack”.
Is it just me or does this kind of reporting come across as patronising as if to say “well done for being black and able to speak and use a camera”?
Tabs, on Saturday the BBC were telling us that the words ‘head boy’ and ‘head girl’ aren’t ‘inclusive’ enough and, following on, surely the term ‘black head boy’ is even less so? Isn’t the BBC ‘snack-teenager’ report both racist and sexist?
The Beeb are incredibly patronisng towards blacks. They treat them as though they’re intellectually deficient; it’s blatant racism, but dare not speak its name.
There are echoes of Dr Johnson’s attitude towards women preachers. “…a woman’s preaching is like a dog walking on its hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all.”
Don’t think old Sam would get a slot on Woman’s Hour…
Seeing that clever lad with a camera reminded me of another clever lad with a camera. Amazing how they learn
Do I get a job with the BBC for this report?
What do you say Maximony
G.W.F., not maxi but ID who works for the Beeb, apparently. Assuming, of course, we can believe them. I take it on trust.
I thought you only took RT on trust and that nice Mr. Lavrov of course.
Жополизы Путина соединаетесь!
Why are we constantly having our attention drawn to differences in skin colour?
And why is it always the Left who are obsessed by it?
Isn’t it all bit self-defeating for their so-called ‘equality’ agenda?
jtf, dunno. Can make a suggestion.
Gender identity is becoming vague. Many migrants of ‘colour’, especially second and third generation, are becoming successful in careers. Many recent immigrants are white skinned and, in some cases, slightly more hostile to other migrants and/or their religion.
Differentiation is becoming difficult on gender and career.
The BBC, already inclined to a form of liberal-Leftism, therefore choose politics and a Libby-Left/Hard-Left/Alt-Left Nazi line for differentiation, ‘those’ from ‘them’ from ‘us’ and from the ‘others’. They are blind to their racist attitude; they think they are being inclusive.
Does that make any sense?
I assume “snack” means something in the vernacular. Because otherwise it just comes across like he couldn’t think of a rhyme.
“Vote for white, he is sh…. not very good”
According to UrbanDictionary website snack means “looking good right now”. So not only can that lad speak and use a camera he is also not very modest.
“Vote for white, you know it’s right”
Just waiting for the BBC film crew, or the PC PCs!
Whilst the UK twists and turns and burns …. BBC focus on straws … you have a choice DEMOCRACY or FEWER STRAWS … you cannot have both …
BBC have gone mad …. fictional characters will soon get a vote … and 16 year olds and animals … “Actor Sir Patrick Stewart, who played Charles Xavier in the X-Men films based on the comic books, said the famous character would have voted Remain.” {bbc.co.uk 15apr2018}
Quite, Cassandra! And I know how Jim Kirk would have voted, he was constantly anti-establishment! I wish they’d stop using actors and celebrities to punch the old Brexit message home. Do they think we’ll be brainwashed because someone appeared on Star Trek? He (Patrick S) is no more qualified than anyone else to spout forth, though I respect his freedom of speech to do so. Why don’t they get a celebrity who voted ‘Leave’ on to give it all a bit of balance???I liked a lot of these actors and now just seeing them makes me mad!
Patrick Stewart should now be remembered as Capt Jean-Claude Picard.
Locutus of Berk.
Kirk, with those views would have been given the same treatment as another Canadian, Lauren Southern.
Someone should have taken offence to Stewart claiming he wanted to come to the UK to exercise free speech at Hyde Park.
On the daily politics yesterday I twice heard it used that the bus going round with the message was to make it ‘hostile’ for immigrants here.
The message was ‘hostile’ to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and not against all immigrants.
This lie was not corrected or even mentioned.
It’s what all the EUrophiles say
Isn’t our Keir so, so clever?
PS If May DID have such a policy, it certainly didn’t work, did it? Nowhere near down to ‘tens of thousands’?
Spot the BBC difference … 20 minutes difference … so funny ….
LOL!!! Its just relentless isn’t it. Transparently relentless!
Rome (UK) burns … BBC report on rise in temperature due to Climate Change!
as straws are now some kind of devils tool im rather surprised the picture wasnt of some fat chav whitey
They appear to have associated nice black ladies with evil
She is fondling the straw before putting it in her mouth
There’ll be complaints next that blacks are being blamed for plastic pollution! By the way, those bongs look small.
Interesting “impartial” language used by the BBC here.
First the title “Syria war: The online activists pushing conspiracy theories“.
And the first paragraph “As the investigation continues into another alleged chemical attack in Syria, one group of influential online activists is busy spreading their version of events.”
Further into the article they claim the woman writes for a website that has “an extreme right bias”. The BBC use speech marks as if quoting an unknown person saying it is extreme right therefore it is now an established fact.
The rest of the article is nothing more than a witch hunt to try and identify who she is and where she is – probably in the hope she will be attacked/killed/silenced. The BBC list everything she supports that the BBC don’t support i.e. Russia, Assad.
The whole article makes it very clear the BBC don’t agree with people like her posting on Twitter (probably because they have more followers than the BBC do – they actually compare her number of followers to BBC journalists!). If you complain to the BBC they always reply “we gave a balanced report allowing the viewer to make their own mind up”. Yeah right!
they seem to suggest she in in america not Syria so therefore fake and invalid
but always seem to forget to tell us their oft quoted “syrian observatory for human rights” is one man in coventry
They can’t see the irony in that statement!
“one group of influential……busy spreading their version of events.”
Old Maxincony seems to have an inside track at the BBC.
In which case he may be able to tell us when Portillo will be doing one of his rail journey series across the Middle East so he can show us how multicultural, tolerant, peaceful and progressive these Muslim countries are.
Waddya think Maxi?
“Waddya think Maxi?”
Maxi doesn’t do thinking…just copy and paste.
Woman’s Hour was supposed to be Rotherham survivor Sammy Woodhouse, but that has been postponed until Friday :
As @Marky says : CSE is soft language for Mainly Pakistanic gangs grooming/raping/controlling/pimping underage white girls, whilst authorities turn a blind eye , cos they don’t want to seem racist.
Instead of Sammy today we got a woman teacher complaining “Katie Hopkins ruined my life, she said I took my class to a Trump protest, when all I did was take a banner the kids had made in class”
– Ah that item was a REPEAT that Emma Barnett did in December
as WomansHour have created a new campaign “women whose digital reputations have been trashed by strangers” *
..If I recall it was a long article about all kinds of liberal brainwashing, the bit about that teacher was only one part, even though one line made the mistake of saying the children were at the march.
I quote Alan’s BiasedBBC thread from December
\\…she claims she in no way influenced how the children thought, and she did not take any children on the march with her.
.. oddly the brainwashing of kids with ‘fake news’ wasn’t Barnett’s concern. Attacking the Mail and Hopkins was…however was the Mail’s story ‘fake news’ or just an error ?//
The WH Campaign
If a teacher had her children make a political banner, whether it is for or against BBC views, then she should not be allowed anywhere near a classroom.
“The children need to learn about protest” was her answer
I had a deprived childhood ..no teacher schooled us on how to protest
.. So I guess I will sue the Education Ministry for millions.
– Today’s kids have it easy, cos they get told who/what to vote for ..instead of having to think themselves.
That BBC campaign is worse, cos actually it’s organised with an Advertising agency.
“Jeremy Corbyn, Theresa May, Boris Johnson and Sadiq Khan bore the brunt of social media attacks with the quartet receiving more than 50 per cent of the total number of abusive tweets sent to UK politicians in the run up to June 8.
Almost six per cent of messages directed at male Conservative candidates were found to be abusive while about two per cent of mentions involving female Labour candidates were abusive.”
So clearly woman’s hour and emma burnett should invite tory male mps onto its program.
Whilst we talk about Owen Jones the BBC have left this story on their Brexit Page as MAIN STORY for 2 days (17th April .. now 19th Apr) saying the EU will get whatever it asks for … even after Guy and Macron are pushing for more EU … BBC £3.5bn News OMISSIONS Service …
BBC Brexit Page: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/politics/uk_leaves_the_eu
We are negotiating?
like having a fat butcher negotiate for vegetarians
“City regulator faces £30m Brexit bill”
About a days subscription payment to the bastards of Brussels!
What a stupid headline from the BBC. of COURSE the E.U are “relaxed”. They have their beaks in our tea, and were relaxed about Cologne, no accounts being signed off, riots in Greece, ATM collapse in Cyprus, unfettered immigration onto Germany as well as horsemeat scandals, antifreeze poisonings, Spain on the verge of civil war.
That`s why we`re going, Their currency is going to collapse very soon, they`ll bring on a third world war that they`ll lose and they`ll sit clueless as Russia, Turkey and Chine fight over the ashes.
But as long as they can keep their perks and wine troughs, they`ll be “relaxed”.
No other organisation on earth would have ex SS and traitorous lefties riddled through it like cancer. Barosso, Junchker, Verhofstad are low grade quislings from pigmy nations. And they`re not even wanted in THOSE.

Graham Norton has led tributes to TV and radio presenter Dale Winton, who has died at the age of 62.
Looks like he is doing an half-Al Jolson .
Excuse me for not giving a flying licence fee about him;
or if my theory of suicide due to complications caused by advanced full blown gayness, and the ensuing and inevitable self loathing, offends.
But it seems our, so called, investigative journalists in the media haven’t come up with a better theory; just that he died.
I blame the gay cheerleaders who clapped and applauded his every little mince, rather than tell him at an early age to sort his head out and get himself cured.
If he had done that he wouldn’t have died a virgin aged 62.
Yes I suppose you could argue there are better targets for my derision in the BBC /show biz field, but in my eyes anyone taking BBC coin during the Jimmy Saville abuse era, but saying nothing, is guilty and isn’t worth any pity.
Looking at the tributes pouring in from the bent community-
to avoid catching anything, I’d advise steering well clear of the funeral and fallout zone (10 miles) as the air is bound to be thick with a nasty miasma of HIV/GAY heavy particles.
Lets just hope he wasn’t an intimate chum of Elton John, as I fear we might be in for another Candle in the Wind respray.
Jesus Christ, Eddy, what are you on?
I’m not in the slightest pc, but there’s no need to be quite so offensive and to gloat when the poor bloke’s just died.
I wasn’t a fan, but…
Have a heart!
Eddy, it looks to me like you’re just on here to discredit the site, so why don’t you make like a tree.
Good point RD. Sufficient for the likes of small-minded Maxi to tar us all with the same brush.
I would have thought that the conspiracy theorists who slavishly follow any propaganda line from RT would be more undermining.
I noticed the reliance on RT as some sort of counterweight to BBC bias some time ago. But what RT says is irrelevant when examining BBC bias. It seems to have reached epidemic proportions today. It merely reinforces the line that Trump became president because of Russian interference and likewise for the referendum . Those who do not see that RT is not an impartial information provider and has an agenda of its own are simply undermining their own credibilty when it comes to the bbc.
Roland Deschain
Thats rude, maybe it’s you who are here to give the site a bad name,
even if only subconsciously.
I know the gay lobby have used brainwashing of the population, to train them to shut down any other view.
So why don’t you make like a cardboad cereal box.
Eddy don’t you know you can only express anti gay feelings and get away with it if you’re a Muslim!
Ha ha I like the gist,
but actually the gay and muslim community appear to have a pact where they never attack or criticize each other.
Even though you’d think they would be each others primary targets.
I guess they both hate normal society, and might as well have a truce, at least until its destroyed.
Anyway I’m off out sunbathing , don’t want to catch ricketts .
I follow the group called Gays Against Sharia who post some bloody good stuff.
But they are hated and demonized as far far right Nazis etc from the mainstream political left gay community.
Any shit you can dole at the mainstream gay icons is music to my ears.
Dales life and times meant nothing to me, but did read about his recent decline and death, and it saddended me.
Nice guy, no point or purpose, despite his seeming fame and wealth. And some think that he had no reason to die-after all, he had a new Channel 5 series coming up!
Like George Michael, we`re talking having a plan and meaning to your life that the media, the fans and the money fail to satisfy,
Richard Corey? Kurt Cobain?
Thank God, we can go off and have babies…these poor lonely and shallow blokes are a symptom of our age, I guess.
As Walliams says-hope he`s found the peace he sought, if only we`d get some programme about this miserable waste of unfulfilled blokes. Ant McPartlin being only the latest.
Probably easier to marry a woman, have kids and know Jesus, but if it was that easy blokes would have been doing it these last 2000 years and more. Hmm.
RIP Dale anyway.
More ways of hiding the wrong type of news on the BBC website. I was reading through the Midlands Live page for today when I came across this titbit of reporting:
Four men from Burton upon Trent who exploited vulnerable girls for sexual gratification, are due to be sentenced today at Stafford Crown Court.
Staffordshire Police
Taiyab Hussain, 19, Mohammed Hizar Rizwan, 18, Shaheem Ratyal, 19, and Sohail Raja Ali, 19, pleaded guilty to various child sex offences on 9 February.
Staffordshire Police officers were told by four girls, who were just 13 and 14 years old at the time of the offences, that they had been sexually abused between December 2016 and March 2017.
No actual link to a story. A search of the BBC site revealed there is no story on this but of course the BBC can claim they reported it (nice of them to include the names although I can’t see any link beyond them all being ‘men’)
That will teach them … no more SnapChat … lessons will be learnt … next it will be the naughty step …
‘Four men jailed for child grooming and treating “teenage girls like trophies” have been banned from using Snapchat.
Taiyab Hussain, 19, Mohammed Hizar Rizwan, 18, Shaheem Ratyal, 19, and Sohail Raja Ali, 19, all from Burton upon Trent, pleaded guilty to various child grooming offences in February.
Send for Phil Shiner-this has simply GOT to be an infringement of their rights to access kiddies and juvenile porn.
Radio 4 Today:
Towards the end of that 8:10 slot, Humph steered the conversation round to windrush and how the sympathy engendered by that meant that the populace didn’t mind immigration any more. Gove gave a response designed to not tar himself with any accusation of racism or anti immigrant feeling. I (sort of) remember that because I was disappointed that someone, Gove, who I thought usually had sensible and realistic opinions is so keen to take the easy line.
I have every sympathy for the people who are caught up in the ‘Windrush’ problem. However, the media are trying to describe it in terms of political malice rather than administrative incompetence. In any case, the problems wouldn’t have arisen if the parents had made sure their children had their own passports. Many years ago, an acquaintance of mine found out in his forties that he was a stateless person because his (German) mother hadn’t bothered to make sure he had his own passport.
Our sympathy for this group is supposed to shut down criticism of other immigrant groups and the decisions that led to them being here, or the sheer stupendous numbers. The more there are the more the shrinking indigenous should like it.
“Gove gave a response designed to not tar himself with any accusation of racism or anti immigrant feeling.”
Which has, in my view, been the whole point in this. Make it difficult to be associated with wanting to sort out illegal immigration. Sure, some poor black folk will have their lives ruined, but it’s collateral damage in the greater good.
This has been no accident.
I too suspect this windrush faux drama is designed to beat whitey/brexiteers/the british round the head some more
as far as we can see, it affects 50-150 people (a generation in bbc parlance)
the so called BBC has found some (all) lovely hard working civic minded people caught in the cock up to interview for best effect.
no one has been deported, no one is ever going to be deported, and it costs a couple of hundred to get legal, which they will now get free
and verhofftwat now has another stick with which to make more demands
a great piece of propaganda work by the infested swamp dwellers and troughers
really wtf are the home office doing suddenly chasing around a few dozen Caribbean pensioners, when they have never shown the slightest interest or inclination in finding and removing seriously dangerous/crooked/demented foreigners and illegals before.
The philosopher Karl Popper defined the “Paradox of Tolerance” as follows:
“Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them… We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.”
Only problem with that is ‘our’ tolerance has been adapted over time to enable a modern functioning society to prosper without being cruel, and keeping certain principles which encourage free speech. ‘Their’ tolerance is to ensure the ruin of the country as quickly as possible, with gulags, torture and short life-expectancy as guaranteed.
“We need to reinvent, to refound Europe! https: // bit.ly/2HyesNp
# IamEuropean # GenerationEurope ????????” @guyverhofstadt
– reinvent! (into what?)
– refound! (into what?)
. . . .
“… because they (EU Commission) talk in generalities. You hear it very frequently in European speeches. You must have heard it many times. I’m one of the few people who says ‘What do you mean by that?. What do you mean by European Union? What do you mean by monetary union? What do you mean by United States of Europe? What do you mean? What do you mean?’ ” – Margaret Thatcher {@00:59 bbc.co.uk}
Der Fourth Reich! Heil Verhofstadt!!
I genuinely believe Verhofstadt is mad
Verhofstadt is a peculiar looking fellow: like a cricket that’s just been belted with a rolled up newspaper, eyes everywhere.
Al, LOL …
Can you describe Barnier and Juncker for us.
1. Allow the elected members of the EU parliament to draft and propose their own bills to be voted upon.
2. Allow EU citizens to propose bills through MEPs to be voted on by the EU parliament.
Then, you’ll actually have what is called a ‘democracy’.
I think we all know how likely that is…
Will the BBC report on this … I think not … The EU has gone mad … off the rails … totalitarian governments produce stupid wars … more EU … more EU … more more more …. (confuse it with Europe as well) ….
. . . .
“We need to reinvent, to refound Europe! https: // bit.ly/2HyesNp
# IamEuropean # GenerationEurope ????????”
“A warning from history. The last time populism had such support during the WWII period. A retreat to nationalism and extremism will not deliver to future brighter. # IamEuropean # GenerationEurope ”
There’s a simple answer for the mp’s who are worried about this rise in ‘populism’
Listen to the people, what they want instead of what you and your mates want to impose on us.
Carry on ignoring the concerns of the populations and this ‘popularism’ that you are afraid of will grow.
Simply put, Represent your voters and not the so called elite.
Still looks like David Mellor as someone here once said.
Even to his choice of Chelsea blue lighting.
A real creep isn`t he?
And he seems to want Europe refunded-not refounded.
For we saw what his like were up, and we want our money back. And to get the heck out whilst we still can.
Did anyone else miss the Teddy Bear Naming scandal of 2007 … did you say 7th Century … nope 2007 … Baron Ahmed helped out … Teddy Bear …
In November 2007 (Nazir Ahmed, Baron Ahmed) Ahmed was involved in a diplomatic effort to secure the release of Gillian Gibbons from custody in Sudan. The teacher, Gillian Gibbons, allowed her class to name a teddy bear Muhammad. Ahmed, from Britain’s ruling Labour Party, and Baroness Warsi, an opposition Conservative, visited Khartoum and had a meeting with the President of Sudan. Miss Gibbons, who had been given a fifteen-day prison sentence, was released after eight days following a Presidential pardon and allowed to return to the UK.[23]
Naming a Teddy Bear Mohammed …
On 25 November 2007, Gibbons was arrested, interrogated and then put in a cell at a local police station.[1] On 28 November, it was reported that she had been formally charged under Section 125 of the Sudanese Criminal Act, for “insulting religion, inciting hatred, sexual harassment, racism, prostitution and showing contempt for religious beliefs”.[9][10] This carries a maximum sentence of imprisonment, a fine, or 40 lashes.
Is it a hate crime to mention this? Amber Rudd?
We’ve got the equivalent with the all embracing Hate Speech. Just one step on to Totalitarianism.
No BBC cameras and news team but there were 6 fire engines in my street when I just arrived home. Some fuckwit left their stove on. 18th floor. Left it on and went out. A few weeks ago there was another letter under my door about a balcony fire in another block close by. I had no idea about it but I guessed it must have been smoking. I was right. A fireman confirmed this to me. Some idiot from the culture we must all obey was smoking a shisha pipe on their balcony. The embers fell between the wood. There are plans to replace the wood with tiles. I’ve met a few white British residents who still reside here in my building after 20 years. Is it a coincidence that now these estate blocks are occupied by mainly Muslims that we are having fire problems.
Of course no BBC here because the building is still standing, no deaths or injury’s. Would someone please pass me my medication and pour me a drink.
BBC to monster Thatcher, just like they monstered Enoch.
But a typical lefty has a different take.
5 part doco reports Variety
I’d guess from that William Allen doesn’t do coherent argument.
Oh dear, dont you find the lefties somewhat gobsmacked when you tell them the facts?
That Wilson and his sidekick, hero of the left, Wedgie Benn, closed more mines in 5 yrs than Thatcher did in 11.
Plus, the milk snatcher wasnt the first to steal the free milk, Labour did, but she took it from primary schools.
For some reason, they seem to get a bit upset with facts.
The more stupid ones are able to tell me that Maggie closed them out of spite, wilsons was market driven. Since feelings and opinions count more for lefties, they seem to think its a killer blow. Facts? Meh, who needs ’em lol.
We have a problem with ‘white guilt’. Unlike any other, it seems kinda permanent and collective. Come to think of it, there seems to be no other, no matter what happens where.
The BBC, and others will make sure it stays that way.
See current news and series.