The Department of Work and Pensions response to my FoI Act request. I asked for inter alia :
2. For the individual five years as in 1 above, please provide the numbers and proportions of those prosecuted for EU citizens residing and/or working in the UK.
3. Please duplicate 2 above for all other immigrants to the UK.
In reply, I receive a table:
Year Number Of Successful Benefit Fraud Prosecutions
2012 – 2013 8,100
2013 – 2014 8,000
2014 – 2015 6,100
2015 – 2016 5,100
2016 – 2017 4,600
Prosecution figures include England, Scotland & Wales.
So, population is going up and up and up year on year and numbers of claimants is equally going up and up and up but the prosecutions are coming down. The DWP tell me they do not, “capture” the EU workers / other immigrant prosecutions so cannot distinguish within the figures given………
Draw your own conclusions as to what’s happening with taxpayers money.
R4 now “and now for something from the Grantham institute”
“If you can’t recycle plastic, you can re-use.
Sheffield University chemist Tony Ryan is working to convert old polyurethane foam mattresses into hydroponic allotment beds so that people at a Syrian refugee camp in Jordan can grow their own crops. Roland Pease reports.”
J Grantham = Big green hedgefund corp
BBC sent it’s top expert to Syria : Rev Giles Fraser
He tweeted his selfies
“With the Grand Mufti of Syria”
His signature authorises half of Syria’s death sentences.
In the Times David Aranovitch is furious about Fraser, cos he saw how his own parents were fooled by similar Soviet stooges.
Vacantly saw a copy of the Independent cheapie in the staffroom earlier.
Do they really hope to get us interested in news when its headline is about plastic straws and ear buds?
Russia?, Mueller, Leveson, bloody Windrush?
How many circles of non-news, nudges where news ought to be must we descend until something worth the bleached wood pulp is written then printed.
A load of black pensioners thinking that they are about to get sent back to their Caribbean holiday houses, when there`s nothing to warrant this?
A ban on coloured kiddie straws and Poundland ear buds?
And this is what the elite choose to put out to us?
They`ve really lost their bearings, it`s as if they`ve all forgotten what journalism is supposed to do.
Good post Holly. I would also add that the younger generation of the Royal Family are going all out in promoting the “right-on” causes like the LGBGT and mental health issues in younger people. Fair enough, and I suppose being in photo calls surrounded by a mixed bag of teenagers is good PR, especially now that Meghan the Mover and Social Climber has joined the ranks. Sadly I’ve yet to hear any of them putting their colours to the mast of the elderly and the crisis there is in social care. High fiving smiley youngsters is so much better than kneeling down to an 80 year old in a wheelchair. Personally I think that mental issues have never been so prominent in youngsters and why is that ? both parents working ? social media? bedroom isolation? There, I’ve picked 3 questions that were never relevant 50 years ago, and it was unheard of for kids to have ‘issues’. Equally, 50 years ago I would probably be dead in 5 years so care for the elderly was never an issue either – few were in Homes as most died at home ! Teenage mental health can be addressed and rectified, but elderly care needs more prominence which the Royals can take a stand on. I shan’t hold my breath, – its not fashionable.
Like yours too Brissles.
Have yet to see any boy footballers with any “ADHD” when they`re playing for our school team-even though they and their parents wave the excuse around when they`re acting up in class.
Basically, it`s a Blue Badge free pass, as well as a pretext to excuse their awful parents lifestyle choices, as well as useless and content free teaching, as enforced by the state.
If I were a kid, getting all this global warming tripe and getting told that blokes only want to stop me getting on in life, I`d be a basket case, whining on cBBC and seeking compo, a free pass to some victimhood safe space.
My gran knew of people who`d survived the Blitz, far less fuss when things were real and not made up, contrived nanny state whinges.
Live well, love and respect your elders, They paid taxes, and sacrificed plenty to bring you up.
Can`t say that for many kids today, sad to say. I don`t blame them for being miserable and stupid,
If they don`t get a grip, Islam will do it for them.
When they can prove mental “illness” exists (except for the heavy end of schizophrenia), I`ll take it out of the quack and phoney file I keep my “climate change” twaddle in.
Bad parents, crap culture, no sleep, too many screens and screams-and too much BBC culture and rapcrap. And all this said in my best primary school calm voice in the story corner, in case it scares the adults.
When they can prove mental “illness” exists (except for the heavy end of schizophrenia), I`ll take it out of the quack and phoney file I keep my “climate change” twaddle in….
Yep, I worked in the Psychiatric wing of our local hospital for many years, and yes there were self harmers and serious cases of schizophrenia, but those teenagers we read of who suffer from depression and take their own lives, is really down to bullying and social media. And again because the whip hand has been taken from the teachers to discipline, the bullying culture has really taken hold – its a circle that never ends.
Brissles, bullying is also done by Government, the media, special interest groups, etc, today in the UK. In addition, it has never been easier to be a victim in our present culture.
How true, Up2-bullying is ongoing and relentless.
The old have been bludgeoned into losing their inheritance, their savings so cheaply. There is pressure to die early, and not thwart the multiculti vibrancy of Islam, the EU and Corbyns Dreamers. And none of that “experience or history” lark either-this only confuses, upsets and brings facts where feelings need to be.
Yes, there is REAL depression and schizophrenia-but the states victimising, bullying and pestering of those who won`t sing their company song is very dangerous. It will surely blow soon, with unknown consequences.
“UK temperatures top 29C in hottest April day since 1949”
Some parts of Wales did not get higher than 18C.
More propaganda maxi ?
A great deal of effort has been made by Theresa May and the BBC to persuade the public that the Novichok nerve poison that nearly killed the Skripals was of “military grade”. It was nothing of the sort. Novichok is composed of two relatively harmless chemicals that only become dangerous when mixed. The chemicals themselves could be made by many chemists around the world. “Military grade” is a meaningless term – poison is poison and sometimes the military use it.
All the circumstantial evidence over the Salisbury attack points to Russian involvement and it is possible that the British Government has secret intelligence that directly links some part of the Russian State. There are many powerful forces in Russia and it is not unreasonable to speculate that many of them could get hold of Novichok that was developed in the Soviet Union in the 1970s and 80s.
But why keep banging on about “military grade” Novichok? Maybe to reassure the general public that the attack was a one-off sponsored by Russia gangsters and unlikely to be a general threat. But Novichok is relatively easy to make and can be transported across frontiers in well shielded everyday containers. The fear must be that a dedicated terrorist group could cause havoc if it got into their hands. The security services have always been extremely worried about the use of nerve poisons such as Sarin and Novichok and the potential for widespread casualties. At the highest level they are considered a much more potent threat than Islamic loonies who run amok with carving knives.
Hopefully behind the “military grade” smokescreen, something is being done. Hopefully Mayor Khan’s remark that living with terrorist attacks are “part and parcel” of life in big cities is ignored in the security services for the contemptible naivety it is.
OPCW itself uses the term “military grade” at
Are you saying OPCW uses “meaningless terms”?
Or are they involved in the conspiracy?
If novichoks and sarin are so easy to make, why hasn’t Big Beard terrorism taken advantage?
“Precedent: The Tokyo sarin attacks 1995
Civilian-based CW terrorist attacks are mercifully few. This may be due to lack of expertise and a preference for the tried and tested conventional improvised explosive device (IED). The main precedent is the sarin attacks on the Tokyo underground in March 1995 by the Aum Shinrikyo extremist cult. The instant contamination of hundreds of commuters by military-use CWs posed a totally different and more urgent set of response problems on a terrorist prime target —the transit system of a major capital city. That only 12 people were killed was due to the fact that the sarin was not of military grade, but almost 5,000 were exposed and hospitalised, including 135 ambulance workers. During the first 24 hours, 10 people died, nine at the accident site and one just after arrival at hospital. While lessons have been learnt from the incident, most notably improved response and personal protective equipment for first responders, the level of panic and chaos caused by the attacks would likely be repeated if multiple attacks occurred in enclosed spaces such as city subway trains.”
Who knew that Lord William was a “social reformer”?
At least he`s not a “musician”, “singer”, “relevant”, “talented” or those other discriminatory things that might put him in some kind of category where we might “respect” or “listen to” him.
Wonder if Caligulas horse knew three chords and the truth? Poor Billy only knows two.
A ricepaper phoney, personally I`d spend less time on hounding Cliff Richard; and more on what happened to Ian McLagan.
Like to think that playing in Braggs band might not be good for any REAL musicians health, and is it coincidence that McLagan died after “working with” Bragg?
Just smearing Lefties, as they do to us and ours.
Fry-Shaftesbury-Pankhurst-of course. Who else but Bragg for the pantheon?
Was Bragg the one who got onto the BBC by bringing John Peel a chicken masala…think she was over the Texan state age for a fling though.
So wasn`t Bragg basically bribing his way onto the radio-which was once called payola? Can we have an enquiry into this please BBC?
PS-or was it Andy Kershaw?…
The remain camp seems to be back on track scheming it’s schemes after the lords of waste voted to stay in the EU yesterday . Staying in the customs union means obeying thevEU court which means staying in the EU.
Al beeb is quiet about this – scheming away until the remainers win the vote in the commons next week .
One of my favourite labour lovelies – Evette Cooper Testicles – sorry Balls – is leading the charge . Another pop corn job .
An unbiased broadcaster would report these shenanigans but not al beeb.
UK temperatures top 29C in hottest April day since 1949
”These lucky people enjoyed the sunshine beside the Thames at Richmond in London”
Sounds like it was captioned for 5 year olds.
And the photo maybe only selected because it shows a ‘white’ man appearing to leer and lean in for a better view.
(bloody amateur – I’d be at the base of the hill..)
Of course it’s BBC so they have to put a downer on the lovely weather, with high pollen and London marathon warnings
Then end the article by begging for free photos
”Are you enjoying the sunshine in your area? You can share your photos by emailing”
He’ll be arranging a photo shoot at one of those hideous solar farms, squinting excitedly at the sun and burbling about how we get all this solar-powered energy ‘almost for free’ (as he did with wind power on a news item some months ago).
Q: How can you tell when a BBC reporter is giving you fake news?
“Carney: Brexit uncertainty could delay interest rate rise”
He’s back on form again! Who employed him ?
Why does he remind me of Tommy Cooper? Perhaps he should get a fez and another job as a comedian.
Although Al Beeb would not employ him because they don’t do comedy.
400 million people in the EU, but seemily we could not find a suitable candidate so hire a Canadian.
Who goes on the champion the EU…
Guess the economy is still too fragile to raise rates after 9 years, which should tell us somebody isnt doing their job properly.
The bBBC bigging up Windrush for all its worth.
Is it just me, or is there a certain symmetry that the Windrush story (which we learn dates back to 2009) is suddenly and conveniently raised between the Labour anti-semitism issues and the local elections?
To coin a phrase, one might even say ‘For the many (Windrush) not the few (Jews)’
Sluff-There is more to the “Windrush” stoty than anyone is
willing to talk about. Even I wont write what I think is
the truth. BUT even ” Labour” in 2009 and before knew what
was going on.
Yes there have been some terrible mistakes with honest to good
folk who came over from the Carribean . But I very much doubt
if the BBC or in fact any of the establishement will realy look
into certain “problems.” It’s a politically correct racial minefield.
I just watched the Londonistan Programme on the BBC after
the 6PM national news ,and something was different. There
was a section on a remberence service for fireman who
lost their lives in Walthamstow during the Second World War.
This was unusual for this programme which is meant to be
for the ethnic community in London. Mostly presented by
ethnic news readers and reporters. BUT this clip was about
indigenous Londoners. We are down to around 20-25% now.
What was to be the payback?
We were told that this years BBC Proms will not just be about
flag waving. It will be more INCLUSIVE!! You can just see the
diversity editor or positive discrimination sub editor writing this script for the presenter.
So what can we expect in the Albert Hall this summer? The
LGBT symphony orchestra playing excerpts from John Gay’s ” Beggar’s Opera” I
better not change the first vowel ! I wonder who will play Polly Peachum?
St Georges Day on Monday Eddy.
Only hope we can be British again, when Labour and the SNP get rooted out by the real patriots of this country round our islands.
I can’t pretend I have followed the ins and outs of the Skripal poisoning case, and really can’t extract what might be the ‘truth’ about what Russia says and our own corrupt MSM claims – but here is a reasonable post on it :
I suppose the point is that, whether we house Russian ‘businessmen’ who have annoyed Putin, or thousands of Albanian hoodlums, Romanian roma or our own adopted stabby gangs of moped riders – the truth is all our recent governments have zero concern at all for the safety of us poor bystanders who never asked for this injection of cultural diversity. Is there anyone at the Home Office who knows about due diligence?
Now that science has become ‘multi-disciplinary’ there are lots of ‘liberal arts’ lecturers only too willing to ensure that ‘ethical considerations’ have to take place before anyone so much as puts a bunsen burner under a test tube.
Where though are all the ‘ethical considerations’ studies that should have been undertaken before the live experiments on real people were carried out to change forever family, nation and sexuality?
A dangerous drug can be taken off the market, a flawed aircraft design can be grounded. A single-parent child can never have a father, a nation that has become a hotel can never again be a nation, unless the ‘guests’ are chucked out and once your ‘bits’ are cut-off , ‘X-Y’ women demand cervical smears and what was once so is now the opposite, can sanity ever be regained?
Ethics? Where they used to make Fords, innit?
I’m working my way through Jordan Peterson’s ’12 rules’. I must say that I’m a bit disappointed as the simple but important messages underlying the rules are buried in mythology/Bible quotes, presumably lifted from ‘Maps of Meaning’.
While I can quite believe that ancient stories can contain universal truths I have never been one for analysing literature line by line, (I just want a ‘good’ story). A better book could have been written in 24 pages!
What is certainly true is that none of the reviews that I have read were written by people who have read the book. Cathy Newman’s researcher at least flicked through Chapter One, the others just wrote what others of their tribe had posted about Peterson, (they probably never looked at ANY of his videos either).
He’s critical of Dawkins and atheism in general. Has not – as far as I know – mentioned any specific religious beliefs he may have. Agnostic?? Catholic?
I suspect he belongs to the ‘if God doesn’t exist it is necessary to invent Him’ school.
I think a strong case can be made that the culture of the West would not be as it is (was?) without the Jewish/Christian moral framework. That doesn’t mean that God has to exist, just that those that developed the framework believed that He does.
An analogy: During WW2 there was a need for floating electric cables for minesweeping but it was thought to be impossible to make such things. Then someone said that they were possible because the Canadians used them to power dredgers on the Great Lakes. Well if the Canadians can make such cables so could we, and we did. Later they found out that the Canadians didn’t have floating cables, they were conventional cables lashed to wooden pontoons. ‘Faith’ in the existance of non-existant cables produced results!
I note he relies much on Jung’s theory of archtypes which embrace lots of religious and historic myths. I was surprised that Cathy Newman’s feminists never criticised this aspect. I did have a go at Jung long ago and considered Wittgentein’s work on language as a repository for collective though of greater value.
If there are 100 people waiting in the immigration office some of them will be genuine.
But many will be fake , yet have NGOs and Leigh Day suing the government on their behalf, therefore taking staff time from the genuine cases.
so #1 Maybe staff were too busy with these fakes, so didn’t get to Windrush cases
– But I still think these scenarios are possible
#2 That Home Office hired staff who haven’t got a clue, and are probably foreign themselves
or #3 libmob staff deliberately didn’t process Windrush claims ..thus help Labour and hinder May
Newsnight and the dumb bint lived up to expectations. Entirely partial and dishonest, incapable of asking Comey any tough questions. I won’t go into that. I could be here all night. But the lack of professionalism was nowhere better illustrated as when they displayed Bob Mueller’s profile with the name Christopher Wray underneath it and vice-versa. How can you trust a media outlet that cannot distinguish between the Special Counsel and the Director of the FBI?
Jesus Christ.
Possibly the worst QT ever.
Windrush – compo compo compo
Syria – Russians Russians Russians (no Trump)
London Knife Crime – somehow came round to Stephen Lawrence
Liz Truss is a disgrace of a ‘Conservative’
A complete pile of shite.
I suspected it would be, you’ve confirmed my spidey sense was right to be tingling and I made the correct choice to avoid.
Spot on re Truss too, she always has been.
Truss may well be a total failure as a Conservative MP – from a wealth of options – but from the BBC’s point of view she’s perfect, ticks every box, practically guaranteed to provide audience groans and catcalls. Do you think it a coincidence that the QT team habitually ask for minor-role females to represent the government? The policy is the clearest example you could wish for to illustrate how spurious the BBC feminist agenda is at heart.
To be fair, the colossus that is Emily Nugee-Thornbury did not exactly shine either, but with two more from the panel of five to directly support her, with one impartial – as if the BBC know the meaning of the word – she didn’t need to. And the predictably partisan audience iced the cake. Another tour de force, a credit to the worlds most respected newsmonger.
There is a huge push to block the result of the referendum.
In my opinion, since the vote for independence, all the media are promulgating Great Britain as being bad, very bad…………….
Take the coincidence of the sudden increase of multi-culti adverts appearing on the telly which do not represent the population of this country.
The coincidence of the Windrush ‘scandal’ erupting at the same time as CHOGM, the media is bigging up something that could be easily solved.
Borris and his ‘liberal Brexit’
Carney and his ‘Brexit talks could delay rates rise’.
The Irish ‘Hard ’border that no one wants, except the EU.
Next, we will see Nigel Farage being vilified.
We Brexiteers are getting ‘close to the target’, hence all flak and propaganda.
Keep steadfast, democracy will prevail in the end.
Time to crash out .
We voted out mainly because of too much immigration…….
Despite all the “hostility”, Racism and so called xenophobia, more and more immigrants want to come in legally and illegally.
Time to crash out of the undemocratic EU now !
Shwmae Rhif Saith
Yes but its being convoluted into something we did NOT vote for.
And here is a reminder to the Remainers that want a second vote………….
Wasted my time on QT tonight. Can it really be that poor and the panel so inept?
Time to put it in it’s box for the last time.
Knife crime was classic. Drugs and gangs are the cause and what do we get. Bleating about cuts and sure start or something like it. Also we must not stop and search because it is racist. Tell that to the mothers of the dead young people. If a district is predominately BME then it follows that more will be stopped. Is there nobody left to point this out?
Pathetic delusion that is now threatening the future of London , Bristol and other places. Actually it is getting close to the point of no return and I give it 2 to three years at most before those that can flee .
See Mark Steyn on this .Good and to the point.
“Pound Falls on Carney rate comments”
He doesn’t appear to have the Midas touch does he?
Does he know anything about Great Britain or money ?
Who the hell employed him?
If there’s one constant within the financial traders market is has to be that its participants are fully versed in the ways and means of avoiding UK tax bills.
Silly suggestion but you don’t think Carney’s comments were designed to cause a run on the pound? Only two days ago sterling had practically achieved pre-referendum parity with the dollar. Now it’s over 3 cents down.
Canadian-Schmadanian. Has anyone actually checked Carney’s passport?
An absolute classic on TW (Brillo) tonight.
Alan Johnson first had a go at Rudd (IMHO – a useless female of the bovine species, to be polite!) for blaming HO minions for the Windrush furore.
Having been, then, challenged by Brillo that there was documentary proof that the decision to destroy the relevent landing cards was taken under ‘his watch’ he then proceeded to blame Border Agency minions (nuffing to do wiv me guv) followed by a protracted waffle about why it was a reasonable decision.
These politicians wonder why they are treated with such approbrium!!!!?????
The BBC article looks like a plug for this book by a lefty research assistant at the University of Glasgow with the surname of Hirsch (no relation?).
Re the UKIP manifesto – there is an unfortunate spelling error at the bottom of page 6 “unneccersary”. This probably shouldn’t matter in the great scheme of things but it does. It is only seven pages so there’s no excuse really.
I know this is really yesterday’s news but did anyone hear the R4 World at One with the Grenadian Prime minister..he seemed like another sensible chap from the Commonwealth but the interviewer just kept throwing loaded questions…’what do you think about the term hostile to immigrants’ (despite it not being used for years) you think they should get compensation? Do you think Prince Charles should be next head of Commonwealth? He had positive considered answers for most and when that happen – no discussion just another loaded question..and guess what the summary headline was…a negative take on one aspect of what he said…twisted out of all recognition with no context.
It was the BBC at its best – why do they hate the UK so much at the BBC….why are we still paying them ? Rant over
The Foreign Minister of Vanuatu, who was graciously given an audience by Michal Hussein on the Today programme this morning, was also very straightforward with his answers. The jarring note came at the end of the piece where he was asked whether Prince Charles should be the next head of the Commonwealth. He said without qualification – “Yes”. Oh dear. La Hussein was not having that, so followed up with questions (statements) saying but … but…, but… She wouldn’t accept his first reply, but sought, as usual, to impose and promote her own socialist anti-establishment views. The woman is a monster.
Martin…I heard that and said same to my wife…it’s the BBC protocol..push with the questions until somebody says something they can twist into their rhetoric.
She is on now and expanding Windrush to every immigrant…why can’t they just except this is a one off issue that even Trevor Phillips said yesterday could be sorted quickly and easily..NO the BBC want to push it ..BBC = Bash Britain Constantly
Martin, you beat me to it. It was actually the PM of Vanuatu, a place that gave Mishal Husain some problems with pronunciation. I thought it was a very disrespectful interview. That is the vibe I picked up on.
I suspect some residual hostility between the Indian sub-Continent and an island community with migrants thereon.
I wondered if that was a ‘views her own’ moment from our Mishal? Or is that the BBC’s attitude to Crown and Commonwealth?
James, this chap was being interviewed on Sky earlier in the week by Fatty Boulton who used exactly the same questioning tactics – every word was negative, and it was to the PM’s credit that he clearly wasn’t going to play his game, in fact the PM was quite relaxed and measured in his replies while poor old Fatty was getting rattled by the minute !
James, the rant is far from over – not until the hated propagandist has disappeared into a cesspit of its own digging.
And I don’t just want the fetid organisation arbitrarily closed down. I want it converted to a subscription service so all those in its employ experience the slow suffocation of viewer antipathy as intelligent patriotic view tax payers turn off in their tens of thousands cutting off the undeserved £Billions in receives in tax money.
Then – the rant will be over.
Starting to see what attributes you need to be a sports reporter at BBC. Anyone notice on Breakfast today not a single male presenter except the token Charlie…is this BBC equality?
JamesArthur- I have said this many times before. Gary Lineker’s
days are numbered as Match of the Day presenter. To be
honest I can see the programme being ditched and replaced
by ” Womens rugby match of the day.” The BBC would have
a plethora of women sports reporters to front the programme.
This video clip claiming to be a #BBC news report about NATO and Russia has been circulating widely, particularly on WhatsApp. We'd like to make absolutely clear that it's a #fake and does not come from the BBC.
This week the House of Lords struck a blow against the democratic vote we took, as a result this petition was started – please sign if you value our democracy.
Significant news from Salisbury from Ian Boyd. It rather suggests the Skripals more as a source, rather less as ‘victims’.
Will the BBC ask any questions? Don’t think there have been any so far in TOADY but I’ve only been listening since the 6.30am news headlines. Were there any in the first half hour?
Still an hour to go. Over to you, BBC.
PS: Have the BBC been counting on their fingers? Nine hotspots: House, Cemetery, Pub, Restaurant, Town Centre plus three at the Police Station. Any questions about that, BBC?
The answer to both: no. She doesn’t interview Ian Boyd but someone else. Sorry, I’ve instantly forgotten the name. Cunningham?
Mishal cannot count and doesn’t ask why the Council Offices should be contaminated even if they are in the same building as the Police Station. Mere carelessness? Or something else? Mishal cannot think while sitting down, let alone on her feet, so no questions asked.
Mishal seems more concerned about shopping in Salisbury and maybe having a drink or meal there. Not about finding out what happened. No questions asked about the welfare of the Skripals or D-S Nick Bailey.
Have the BBC totally lost their brains AND their humanity?
” It rather suggests the Skripals more as a source, rather less as ‘victims’.
More incoherent conspiracy babble.
The Skripals were manufacturing novichok themselves and “things went wrong”.??
ID, you forget that Sergei Skripal was Army intelligence (GRU)* not FSB/KGB as we were originally led to believe. It is highly likely – if it was a Russian sourced nerve agent and ‘military grade’ and ‘military usage’ (unlikely as that may be under Conventions) – that he may have had either direct access to it or have known a contact who could supply it.
*assuming that late revelation from the BBC was accurate.
Toady as expected is hammering the windrush thingy like a Lawrence job. In response I suggest the following –
Every person who came from the islands gets a tax free 1 million pounds from the government
Every person still living in the islands be invited to come to Britain and given free housing education health care and other benefits such as free Argos vouchers
No person with a black face should be subject to British law
And entitled to compensation as a presumption if not treated nicely
I know this is silly but enough is enough . I wish that bloody windrush was called boaty mcboat face to at least give whitee wrong doers like me a laugh.
Feddy, I’ve been shouting the same thing at the tele ! “just forget border control (its a joke anyway) and let everyone in regardless” . There’s now some bloke called Okri whingeing about the African immigrants being treated the same as the West Indians. Its jumping on the black bandwagon time folks !! Pound signs and the magic word of ‘compensayshun’ with lawyers waiting in the wings rubbing their hands at the Windrush Windfall. Afua Hirsch must be laughing her socks off.
Thank you, GW, for letting a bit of Irish charm work!
Do you know, I think I’m none the wiser, although I get the impression it was yet another BBC attack on President Trump. I definitely think that I am not genetically and mentally suited to Twitter but am also suffering from my age.
I cannot just summon enough ‘inner teenager’ from within to cope with it.
However the key point, noted by comments erring on the unkind, was the need to send a very expensive blonde bimbo over there to lob bbc set-up questions that could not be covered by their very expensive beauty already supposedly on station to do so.
Guest – I was looking for the viewing figures for the newsnight programme – I regularly watched it years ago when it had journalists on it and was fair in its presentation . But once the mad paxo dropped his ego on it I gave up. Glad i dont pay for it.
As an aside I bet President Trump will run for a second term even if only to deal with the FBI and other agencies infected by Clinton/ Obama friends
Newsnight epitomises the bbc reputation as broadcast Guardian; uniquely propped up left lib advocacy with influence in bubble circles way in excess of that warranted by actual audience numbers.
Under Ian Katz its ratings were plummeting.
Can’t even bring to mind his replacement, but vaguely recall it may be a wimmin.
Or her influence on audience figures since.
Still, nice to get a bit of Spring shopping in the Big Apple.
I haven’t a clue what these Twitter clips are about either.
I imagine these twit fans just pick up on key search words and construct their own story around them i.e. “Trump, Biased, BBC” might mean that the BBC thinks that Trump is biased or Trump thinks that the BBC is biased. The Twitterati then re-tweet this tosh to their own twits to give two different stories from the same drop of guano a life of their own.
What?! She said THAT to Comey? Of course, I didn’t watch the interview (not watched Newsnight for years) but does anyone know whether 1) Matthis confronted Comey with the fact that recently admitted that he knew the fake Russian dossier was organised and paid for by the DNC and Clinton Foundation? 2) Did she ask him why he did not disclose that fact to the FISA court (which would have prevented any Special Council (Muller) investigation even starting? 3) Did she ask him whether knowingly presenting false documents to a FISA court is a statutory felony which could lead to imprisonment? 4) Did she confront him with the fact that he illegally passed on confidential FBI documents to a New York journalist (he admitted so in a Congressional hearing under oath)? 5) Did she ask him why he wrote an exoneration of Hilary Clinton in respect of the e-mail scandal (felony) before the legal case was heard? I could go on. Comey is a monster and guilty of many misdemeanours and felonies. He should be indicted and charged.
Will the BBC ask any awkward question to Comey … NEVER … we must be nice … where did you keep your illegal notes on Trump and Hillary … your Government secrets ….
“TONIGHT: @maitlis is live from New York. She sits down with @comey and asks whether the president has anyone sensible around him to stop impulsive behaviour? #newsnight at 22:30 on @BBCTwo”
. . . .
This needs clarification – I thought I heard Marr say ‘William’ under his breath in the Clinton interview @0:55, it was not very clear what and why he is muttering.
Listen closely to @0:55 as Marr mutters something which I thought was ‘Will’?
“Will?” – Marr mutters, not clear but is what I thought he said
“After all we have someone admitting to being a sexual assaulter in the Oval office.” – Hillary Clinton
This is amazing, the term applies to Clinton more than Trump. The phrase ‘in the’ suggests it is the now (2017), present tense. This is double conflated speech.
– ‘someone’ – could mean Trump or Clinton
– ‘in the’ suggests the present, now so Trump
– ‘Oval Office’ rather than White house
– ‘admitting to being a sexual assaulter’ – Trump or Clinton?
– BBC, your £3.5bn News Service is failing to get to the facts – too many questions raised by this interview.
Danny has forgotten the Chinese cockle pickers who drowned just a few miles from Beverly Hughes holiday home in the Lakes too.
She was our local MP. As typical a product of Blair worship as you`d ever find.
Why can’t Justin Webb, even bring himself to say that the UK is leaving the EU?
It is always that we are leaving: “in theory”; “potentially” etc etc.
Great to hear him getting some good Realpolitik schooling, by a Singaporean official on Toady this morning though.
The BBC in print, The Guardian, has an hilarious piece by Yanis Varoufakis, “Yanis Varoufakis: Marx predicted our present crisis – and points the way out”.
In this drivel Yanis Varoufakis mentions Yanis Varoufakis as much as Marx and Engels. Indeed, you will get a good advert for Yanis Varoufakis’s books and how Yanis Varoufakis was the hero of the Greek disaster.
So the one question Yanis Varoufakis should ask Yanis Varoufakis is …
Is this the same Marx who failed to predict liberal democracy, house owning proletariat, how the proletariat would become the bourgeoisie, whose theory of labour became a millstone around the necks of peoples of the old Soviet Union to Venezuela?
Yep. No doubt some berk at the BBC is already planning on making this nonsense a radio 4 or BBC program.
Just thinking back to childhood and playing cricket. As a child and then as a teen, did I want to play limited overs cricket? No!
That was what I was forced to play. What I really wanted was to play cricket for three days, four days, five days.
As a teen, did I really want to watch limited overs cricket? No. Even county games seemed to short-change the spectator; the best cricket of all lasted for five days, with the match running into the last half-hour. Losing just those final 30 minutes was also a bit of a downer.
Head boy beeboid talking to head girl beeboid about running marathons . 6 minutes of things wealthy beeboids really care about . For those who watch the marathon play – spot the non white face in the general race .
The marathon is just another part of the charity industry and one day the truth will out about where the money goes .
More ‘Rivers of Blood’ analysis from Al Beeb on their website – this time reporter Elizabeth Glinka takes poet Benjamin Zephaniah to watch the speech with several Wolverhampton students. Their reactions made me despair for this countries future, such as this statement from one female student: “The language he used was quite sophisticated and maybe at the time, because of that sophistication, a lot of people believed in what he was saying.” Er, no love, your generation have been dumbed down to such an extent that you have no idea that that ‘sophistication’ was perfectly understood by the people at that time. It’s a bit like the argument from ‘Remainer’s’ who imply that the 52% didn’t know what they were voting for – of course we did, we aren’t stupid – unlike current Wolverhampton students, by the looks of it.
The BBC start of by arguing that the “only white kid in the class” might have been fake and the school was never identified. They guess Powell was talking about West Park in Wolverhampton.
BBC would rather try and catch Powell out on one of his sentences rather than analyse his warning.
Windrush: Just listened to a R4 interview with David Laws (former LibDem minister) and David Wood (former Border Force officer). Both were saying that there were ‘safeguards’ built into the system that seems to have failed so badly.
I would love to have heard more about that, but the interviewer didn’t want to know. She wanted to talk about the Windrush affair and that certain Mr Thompson, about who we felt yesterday on this site there were pertinent questions to be asked.
Mr Wood, unfortunately, wasn’t prepared to take that up, and even had he been, the interviewer would have diverted him rapidly away.
And Thompson has been so well established as a credible victim that merely the mention of the name is enough to serve the interviewer’s cause.
I think it was James MacArthur who noticed here yesterday how the manner in which questions were asked, decided the interview outcome.
So, for instance, you can ask an OPEN question, such as: ‘what do you think should now happen with people who feel they have been wronged?’ Or you can ask a CLOSED or LEADING question: ‘Do you think this man should receive compensation?’
In the latter instance, the person questioned can only say ‘yes’ or ‘no’. He or she has been led to the required answer. In this case because no-one is going to answer that with a ‘no’ for many reasons.
The MSM interviewers hold all the cards in these interviews, unless they are dealing with very shrewd and seasoned interviwees.
They have practice. They are well-prepared. They know their questions and their strategy to attain the outcome they want. They steer the interview. They ask a lot of closed /leading questions. They know that if emotions have taken over, you can easily manipulate your interviewee.
Unless you are a Lammy, well -practiced at this game, who adopts outrage as a strategy and steamrolls over the interviewer, ignoring questions and basically just making a speech, you – in turn- will come off second best. Also, in the Lammy interview on R4, he was doing what the interviewer actually wanted (I suspect) – so no serious challenges.
The media also have another HUGE advantage in all of this. Marshall McLuhan I think it was who said: the Medium IS the Message. You can say an awful lot without verbalising anything explicitly. You pick the coverage you want, when you want, and you choose the visual images you want, if it’s TV. You pick the approach to the interview you want. You fit in a little speech of your own; after all, an interviewee is unlikely to stop you!
If it’s radio, you need to create those images with trigger words. Listen to the Laws/Woods interview this morning on Toady, and you will see how its done.
We have to get wise about this people. If you think the ‘liberals’ (who are mostly not actually liberals) on the Bbc are winning the argument, as i’ve tried to show above: zey haf vayz und meanz.
The awful sue mcgregor presided over a love in of climate change believer lovies talking about an agreement to make punters pay carbon taxes .
I took it for 15 minutes but then it was off switch time again . I’m getting better at it
Fed, LOL! I used to like Sue but on this one (and I think the series as a whole may have been subverted by ‘socio-econo-political’ aims) she is playing useful idiot to platform the Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change thing.
Dropping false facts, too. 30% of US carbon emissions from cars in the early 1990s? No way! That figure would have included ALL oil-burning vehicles but might exclude aircraft.
I’m listening to try to spot more errors from Ritula’s 100% Perfect BBC although our Stew is probably scribbling furiously on a note pad as I write. Almost a form of self-abuse just carrying on listening!
Interestingly the female contributor, Joanna Depledge, gave the game away rather. It is not so much care for the environment, for the planet, more about attacking the USA, the oil industry, the nuclear industry and the automotive industry globally. More about global hegemony for so-called ‘Greenies’ than hedging low-level islands when the highest tides roll in.
Tony Juniper has just claimed it was all about reducing emissions. Why then has the global community embraced so much global sport and sport played at night time since The Kyoto Protocol? That is a 21st Century INCREASE in emissions. There are many other examples of where the UK Government – alone or with others – has increased emissions since Kyoto.
AS soon as I heard the word “Kyoto”-I quickly left the Beeb.
You can write the script yourself.
Would much rather have heard her look into the seismic impact of Enochs speech, hell even the death of Prince or Victoria Wood? Columbine or Oklahoma , even the Titanic!
ANYTHING but greenie quangos glorying in getting pubs closed, brownouts in winter, diesel cars under Browns regime. It was this kind of do-nothing Chicken Licking that gave us Jo Cox and Ed Davey.
PS-was told that the fruit people sell their stuff in bowls so as not to have to measure it out in pounds and ounces.
I`m now boycotting all of those who do this-I want imperial back on out streets on March 30th next year, and will get my Facebook chums to publicise it.
If I see a CE sticker on anything after that date, I will boycott it. NO E.U rules or thoughts to apply from April 2019. We`ve gone.
Windrush : Is it the fault of this government for introducing the rule that for employment, renting, and NHS care you must produce proper citizenship proof ?
No, it’s the fault of previous governments for not having it.
So this guy got a £66K NHS bill for cancer treatment and he claims that’s cos the HO won’t grant him the documents he deserves.
Yes but out of 20 similar people how many people were faking it and giving the HO the run around ?
In the media I see cases like
#1 “I have been here since 1975” well you are illegal, cos in 71 they announced the time limit would be 1973
#2 I went back to Jamaica and now they won’t let me back in
Well the rule is if you leave for more than 2 years before regularlising your immigration status you lose your citizenship, you lose your British residency.
TYpically what some people did was take Jamaican passports and travel on those, instead of applying for British passports.
ON Gameshow’s Sunday morning show a lefty tried to shut down debate by shouting that we know that we know that foreigners using the NHS is tiny tiny amount.
Now we see from the £66K case that we don’t know how many Caribbean patients are legal or not legal.
Last year a consultant at St George’s SW London, Sad Dick Khan’s constituency iirc, said over one third of births were to mothers who were not entitled to free NHS treatment. Tooting is, of course, substantially enriched so easy to provide a welcoming address and GP registration for foreign cousins/paying visitors.
Just watched Victoria Derbyshire – surprised to see Rotherham ‘survivor’ on there. They even flashed up a few mug-shots of the perpetrators. Then reality hit home ! One of the questions the girl was asked was ‘ You admit that you lied about your age – how responsible do you feel you were for your situation ?’ Maybe I am being OVER cynical here – but the girl seemed to have been expertly coached in her responses and gave all the answers that the interviewer was after. Surely, even the BBC is not THIS bad ?? Somebody, PLEASE, tell me I’m wrong on this
Sammy Woodhouse has just had the first 10 minutes of Woman’s House
Thankfull the abuse she suffered is not as bad as a lib-woman receiving a couple of tweets (well that’s how libs think)
Jane Garvey “Your abuser Mad-Ash* came from an Asian family, a MUSLIM family and had links to people in the police,
..he was helped by at least one police officer with whom he appeared to be quite matey even had friends in the police”
Sammy “Some people weren’t just turning a blind eye , they were actually involved
some of the police officers and people in the council have been alleged to rape children as well
…Him and his brothers /gang ran Rotherham
.. the rule in my case was that no professional was allowed to visit me alone cos they might be working for him”
* He was sentenced to 35 years
That interview was OK , but still not the sympathetic matey conversation the BBC have with lib women.
“Offenders rely on your fear of being identified
The professionals encourage you to remain anonymous
but for me giving up my anonymity was the most empowering thing”
“people can’t have not known to me and the many other girls
..the authorities knew eg about him and the 55 girls linked to him and his brothers ”
Remember at age 15 made an official compaint..thats about 2002
..the police chose to not follow through
..and we are asked to believe that Labout politicians knew nothing until 2013″
The interview seem very rushed at the end they prog quickly moved on.
Ah Victoria Derbyshire show broadcast Sammy Woodhouse around 9:40am so I’m guessing that was prerecorded cos she was live on Woman’s Hour at 10am
Victoria put out at least 3 tweet videos, note they chose a dark skinned interviewer Tina Daheley (Sikh)
– second 1 and half minute one
– driving at 14 when he did armed robberies
Customs Union vote
\\ This is real reason the EU is working with UK Fifth Columnists in the Lords & Commons to try to trap U.K. in the Customs Union;
they are ‘terrified’ of a ‘supercompetitive’ Britain outside – according to @BBCkatyaadler //
BBC Question Time is rubbish … tell the BBC you are offended having to pay for it … I’m offended that the BBC don’t shed light on our politicians … (with text this time)
BBC Complaint Summary: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
Full Complaint:
Dear BBC,
I am offended that I have to pay the TV Tax and the wages of Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker and Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans when I don’t listen to them or share their views.
Can you please produce a BBC TV programme that will show people how they can stop paying for the BBC TV Tax – please present it with the TOP TEN BBC GENDER PAY GAP LEADERS.
Also, send me a link from your £3.5bn BBC News Service that tells me how to stop having to pay for your service. You could do a great service to the public who you serve by going over the UK MPs expenses and ensuring they are not abusing the gift every year. I see a MP David Lammy claimed for a bike on 17Oct2014 “Daisy Cycle Scheme” at a cost of £649.98. As it is Ride A Bike day today (19th) I would expect to see David Lammy shouting about it and saving the world. Would be interesting to know if other MPs have bought bikes as well – in no way am I picking on David Lammy, it was just this case highlights the problem.
Also found that MPs pay for TV Licenses using MP expenses (i.e. UK Tax Payer Money).
Here is a link for one of your many journalists to find out what is happening. On it you will see MPs have given themselves an 18% pay rise since 2010 during a recession and austerity.
Stew- I find the Windrush case so particularly interesting because there will have been genuine injustice and distress, but instead of cool heads looking at WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED and where systems failed and why, and whether there were safeguards, and if not, why not -this whole thing has been hijacked by the media for purposes of political propaganda, and -less surprising- by politicians to pursue partisan aims.
The politicians can -in a sense-‘be forgiven’ because that’s what they do. The media, by contrast, are hugely culpable in all of this. Especially the ‘impartial’ BBC. Exceptionally poor reporting, as far as establishing the facts goes. The emotional bandwagon rolled from day one, to get the narrative over (presumably you had to, because the SL business and the EP affair had to run more or less concurrently to give your narrative maximum effect; one of the first Windrush ‘victims’ explicitly made the connection to these other two stories, also on day one). Quite surprising, really.
65 million people in the UK … no outrage with 2000 extremists were left alone after a terrorist attack … enough is enough of this fake outrage. How many people affected by WindRush?
the ultimate tweet Perkins quotes
“Jesus. Less than six months after becoming Home Secretary, Theresa May presided over the destruction of Windrush disembarkation cards.”
So she must have tweeted that before the May pointed out the decision had been made under a Labour government
..And think about it , does the destruction of the boarding cards make a real difference ?
Ultimately it was the responsibility of Windrush children to regularise their immigration status ans most would have done after the 1971 rules were announced.
Sue works for an organisation that forces people to pay for her wages with threat of prosecution … even Nurses going to food banks when Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker enjoys a pay rise this year as the TV Tax goes up … this BBC is filth!
Worth sharing re Green hypocrisy BBC never challenges
@GreenpeaceUK tweeted
What is life like on board a Greenpeace ship in the middle of the Antarctic Ocean?
Prepare to be blown away by the daily musings of Chris as he sails around one of the most magical places on Earth
Ben Pile replies
Day 1. Burned lots of diesel.
Day 2. More diesel burned.
Day 3. Some more diesel burned.
Note the new war on plastics, which are an oil industry by-product
When you and I use plastics it does NOT go to make harm, it does NOT go in the ocean
We put our plastic in the correct it goes into the correct processing .. ie some recycled and rest SAFELY burnt as a fuel in high temperature incinerators.
The war on plastics really helps Green Hedgefunds who are betting against the oil industry.
(In Chinese areas takeaways always give you wooden disposabole chopsticks
..yet it’s argued that plastic ones would be better, cos the wood ones mean a lot of forest is destroyed.
andyjsnapeMar 4, 09:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 UK ads target Iraq to deter small boat crossings More like an advertisement for the UK, JUST INFORCE BORDER…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “On 26 October 2012, Ford announced that, as part of a larger cutback of their European production capacity, the Southampton…
JohnCMar 4, 09:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What is happening is so far beyond anything which makes sense to me that I’m in the old ‘Sherlock Holmes’…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:08 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 UK Army 80K UK Terror Watch List 40K ……………………………… Mr Khan said he assisted UK forces to source accommodation before…
diggMar 4, 09:07 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A perfect example of chinless boneheads unwittingly destroying the UK from within.
diggMar 4, 09:05 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Starmer is obviously basking in the glow of being the main man in this shit-show, you can hear it in…
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Is the UK becoming less attractive for students? All good. Blonde but still qualifies for media reporter training.
moggiemooMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I love the way Starmer is front and centre, the natural 1st target for a sniper, I’d wager.
DoublethinkerMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I disagree with how Zelensky and the West has been going about this war for the last three years. Ukraine…
BBC .. Windrush 6 references yesterday … Windrush 0 references today …
The Department of Work and Pensions response to my FoI Act request. I asked for inter alia :
2. For the individual five years as in 1 above, please provide the numbers and proportions of those prosecuted for EU citizens residing and/or working in the UK.
3. Please duplicate 2 above for all other immigrants to the UK.
In reply, I receive a table:
Year Number Of Successful Benefit Fraud Prosecutions
2012 – 2013 8,100
2013 – 2014 8,000
2014 – 2015 6,100
2015 – 2016 5,100
2016 – 2017 4,600
Prosecution figures include England, Scotland & Wales.
So, population is going up and up and up year on year and numbers of claimants is equally going up and up and up but the prosecutions are coming down. The DWP tell me they do not, “capture” the EU workers / other immigrant prosecutions so cannot distinguish within the figures given………
Draw your own conclusions as to what’s happening with taxpayers money.
R4 now “and now for something from the Grantham institute”
“If you can’t recycle plastic, you can re-use.
Sheffield University chemist Tony Ryan is working to convert old polyurethane foam mattresses into hydroponic allotment beds so that people at a Syrian refugee camp in Jordan can grow their own crops. Roland Pease reports.”
J Grantham = Big green hedgefund corp
Stew, Bob Flowerdew is well ahead of him there.
BBC sent it’s top expert to Syria : Rev Giles Fraser
He tweeted his selfies
“With the Grand Mufti of Syria”
His signature authorises half of Syria’s death sentences.
In the Times David Aranovitch is furious about Fraser, cos he saw how his own parents were fooled by similar Soviet stooges.
Another potential Terry Waite.
We can but hope.
My thoughts too.
A severe dose of reality is what these bien pensants need.
Vacantly saw a copy of the Independent cheapie in the staffroom earlier.
Do they really hope to get us interested in news when its headline is about plastic straws and ear buds?
Russia?, Mueller, Leveson, bloody Windrush?
How many circles of non-news, nudges where news ought to be must we descend until something worth the bleached wood pulp is written then printed.
A load of black pensioners thinking that they are about to get sent back to their Caribbean holiday houses, when there`s nothing to warrant this?
A ban on coloured kiddie straws and Poundland ear buds?
And this is what the elite choose to put out to us?
They`ve really lost their bearings, it`s as if they`ve all forgotten what journalism is supposed to do.
Good post Holly. I would also add that the younger generation of the Royal Family are going all out in promoting the “right-on” causes like the LGBGT and mental health issues in younger people. Fair enough, and I suppose being in photo calls surrounded by a mixed bag of teenagers is good PR, especially now that Meghan the Mover and Social Climber has joined the ranks. Sadly I’ve yet to hear any of them putting their colours to the mast of the elderly and the crisis there is in social care. High fiving smiley youngsters is so much better than kneeling down to an 80 year old in a wheelchair. Personally I think that mental issues have never been so prominent in youngsters and why is that ? both parents working ? social media? bedroom isolation? There, I’ve picked 3 questions that were never relevant 50 years ago, and it was unheard of for kids to have ‘issues’. Equally, 50 years ago I would probably be dead in 5 years so care for the elderly was never an issue either – few were in Homes as most died at home ! Teenage mental health can be addressed and rectified, but elderly care needs more prominence which the Royals can take a stand on. I shan’t hold my breath, – its not fashionable.
Like yours too Brissles.
Have yet to see any boy footballers with any “ADHD” when they`re playing for our school team-even though they and their parents wave the excuse around when they`re acting up in class.
Basically, it`s a Blue Badge free pass, as well as a pretext to excuse their awful parents lifestyle choices, as well as useless and content free teaching, as enforced by the state.
If I were a kid, getting all this global warming tripe and getting told that blokes only want to stop me getting on in life, I`d be a basket case, whining on cBBC and seeking compo, a free pass to some victimhood safe space.
My gran knew of people who`d survived the Blitz, far less fuss when things were real and not made up, contrived nanny state whinges.
Live well, love and respect your elders, They paid taxes, and sacrificed plenty to bring you up.
Can`t say that for many kids today, sad to say. I don`t blame them for being miserable and stupid,
If they don`t get a grip, Islam will do it for them.
When they can prove mental “illness” exists (except for the heavy end of schizophrenia), I`ll take it out of the quack and phoney file I keep my “climate change” twaddle in.
Bad parents, crap culture, no sleep, too many screens and screams-and too much BBC culture and rapcrap. And all this said in my best primary school calm voice in the story corner, in case it scares the adults.
When they can prove mental “illness” exists (except for the heavy end of schizophrenia), I`ll take it out of the quack and phoney file I keep my “climate change” twaddle in….
Yep, I worked in the Psychiatric wing of our local hospital for many years, and yes there were self harmers and serious cases of schizophrenia, but those teenagers we read of who suffer from depression and take their own lives, is really down to bullying and social media. And again because the whip hand has been taken from the teachers to discipline, the bullying culture has really taken hold – its a circle that never ends.
Brissles, bullying is also done by Government, the media, special interest groups, etc, today in the UK. In addition, it has never been easier to be a victim in our present culture.
How true, Up2-bullying is ongoing and relentless.
The old have been bludgeoned into losing their inheritance, their savings so cheaply. There is pressure to die early, and not thwart the multiculti vibrancy of Islam, the EU and Corbyns Dreamers. And none of that “experience or history” lark either-this only confuses, upsets and brings facts where feelings need to be.
Yes, there is REAL depression and schizophrenia-but the states victimising, bullying and pestering of those who won`t sing their company song is very dangerous. It will surely blow soon, with unknown consequences.
“UK temperatures top 29C in hottest April day since 1949”
Some parts of Wales did not get higher than 18C.
More propaganda maxi ?
27C here in God’s Own County, something of a shock after Tuesday when you needed a fleece on.
A great deal of effort has been made by Theresa May and the BBC to persuade the public that the Novichok nerve poison that nearly killed the Skripals was of “military grade”. It was nothing of the sort. Novichok is composed of two relatively harmless chemicals that only become dangerous when mixed. The chemicals themselves could be made by many chemists around the world. “Military grade” is a meaningless term – poison is poison and sometimes the military use it.
All the circumstantial evidence over the Salisbury attack points to Russian involvement and it is possible that the British Government has secret intelligence that directly links some part of the Russian State. There are many powerful forces in Russia and it is not unreasonable to speculate that many of them could get hold of Novichok that was developed in the Soviet Union in the 1970s and 80s.
But why keep banging on about “military grade” Novichok? Maybe to reassure the general public that the attack was a one-off sponsored by Russia gangsters and unlikely to be a general threat. But Novichok is relatively easy to make and can be transported across frontiers in well shielded everyday containers. The fear must be that a dedicated terrorist group could cause havoc if it got into their hands. The security services have always been extremely worried about the use of nerve poisons such as Sarin and Novichok and the potential for widespread casualties. At the highest level they are considered a much more potent threat than Islamic loonies who run amok with carving knives.
Hopefully behind the “military grade” smokescreen, something is being done. Hopefully Mayor Khan’s remark that living with terrorist attacks are “part and parcel” of life in big cities is ignored in the security services for the contemptible naivety it is.
OPCW itself uses the term “military grade” at
Are you saying OPCW uses “meaningless terms”?
Or are they involved in the conspiracy?
If novichoks and sarin are so easy to make, why hasn’t Big Beard terrorism taken advantage?
“Precedent: The Tokyo sarin attacks 1995
Civilian-based CW terrorist attacks are mercifully few. This may be due to lack of expertise and a preference for the tried and tested conventional improvised explosive device (IED). The main precedent is the sarin attacks on the Tokyo underground in March 1995 by the Aum Shinrikyo extremist cult. The instant contamination of hundreds of commuters by military-use CWs posed a totally different and more urgent set of response problems on a terrorist prime target —the transit system of a major capital city. That only 12 people were killed was due to the fact that the sarin was not of military grade, but almost 5,000 were exposed and hospitalised, including 135 ambulance workers. During the first 24 hours, 10 people died, nine at the accident site and one just after arrival at hospital. While lessons have been learnt from the incident, most notably improved response and personal protective equipment for first responders, the level of panic and chaos caused by the attacks would likely be repeated if multiple attacks occurred in enclosed spaces such as city subway trains.”
“Why is Billy Bragg at the Bank of England?”
When was this “social reformer” elected to parliament ?
What has he reformed ?
Perhaps it is near to his East End home.
Silly me, he lives in “hideously white” Dorset now, doesn’t he?
Epitome of a champagne socialist?
Al Beeb is full of em.
I wonder if he has ever been funded by the poor TV Licence payer ?
Who knew that Lord William was a “social reformer”?
At least he`s not a “musician”, “singer”, “relevant”, “talented” or those other discriminatory things that might put him in some kind of category where we might “respect” or “listen to” him.
Wonder if Caligulas horse knew three chords and the truth? Poor Billy only knows two.
A ricepaper phoney, personally I`d spend less time on hounding Cliff Richard; and more on what happened to Ian McLagan.
Like to think that playing in Braggs band might not be good for any REAL musicians health, and is it coincidence that McLagan died after “working with” Bragg?
Just smearing Lefties, as they do to us and ours.
Fry-Shaftesbury-Pankhurst-of course. Who else but Bragg for the pantheon?
What is it with scruffy looking musicians thinking they know best all the time?
Was Bragg the one who got onto the BBC by bringing John Peel a chicken masala…think she was over the Texan state age for a fling though.
So wasn`t Bragg basically bribing his way onto the radio-which was once called payola? Can we have an enquiry into this please BBC?
PS-or was it Andy Kershaw?…
No it was Peel, another left wing c**t. I recall reading a good article, which referenced the pair of them but not in a good way.
I dream of the day when someone asks about the David Lammy bike ….
… I have asked the BBC to chase David Lammy on his bike ….
The remain camp seems to be back on track scheming it’s schemes after the lords of waste voted to stay in the EU yesterday . Staying in the customs union means obeying thevEU court which means staying in the EU.
Al beeb is quiet about this – scheming away until the remainers win the vote in the commons next week .
One of my favourite labour lovelies – Evette Cooper Testicles – sorry Balls – is leading the charge . Another pop corn job .
An unbiased broadcaster would report these shenanigans but not al beeb.
UK temperatures top 29C in hottest April day since 1949
”These lucky people enjoyed the sunshine beside the Thames at Richmond in London”
Sounds like it was captioned for 5 year olds.
And the photo maybe only selected because it shows a ‘white’ man appearing to leer and lean in for a better view.
(bloody amateur – I’d be at the base of the hill..)
Of course it’s BBC so they have to put a downer on the lovely weather, with high pollen and London marathon warnings
Then end the article by begging for free photos
”Are you enjoying the sunshine in your area? You can share your photos by emailing”
Stand by for the latest climate scientology coming to you from Mr Harrabin any moment now…
He’ll be arranging a photo shoot at one of those hideous solar farms, squinting excitedly at the sun and burbling about how we get all this solar-powered energy ‘almost for free’ (as he did with wind power on a news item some months ago).
Q: How can you tell when a BBC reporter is giving you fake news?
A: When you see their lips moving.
The picture: Sure not Sweden………………..
Those beside the Thames don’t even realise what’s coming………….
“Carney: Brexit uncertainty could delay interest rate rise”
He’s back on form again! Who employed him ?
Why does he remind me of Tommy Cooper? Perhaps he should get a fez and another job as a comedian.
Although Al Beeb would not employ him because they don’t do comedy.
400 million people in the EU, but seemily we could not find a suitable candidate so hire a Canadian.
Who goes on the champion the EU…
Guess the economy is still too fragile to raise rates after 9 years, which should tell us somebody isnt doing their job properly.
The bBBC bigging up Windrush for all its worth.
Is it just me, or is there a certain symmetry that the Windrush story (which we learn dates back to 2009) is suddenly and conveniently raised between the Labour anti-semitism issues and the local elections?
To coin a phrase, one might even say ‘For the many (Windrush) not the few (Jews)’
Sluff-There is more to the “Windrush” stoty than anyone is
willing to talk about. Even I wont write what I think is
the truth. BUT even ” Labour” in 2009 and before knew what
was going on.
Yes there have been some terrible mistakes with honest to good
folk who came over from the Carribean . But I very much doubt
if the BBC or in fact any of the establishement will realy look
into certain “problems.” It’s a politically correct racial minefield.
I just watched the Londonistan Programme on the BBC after
the 6PM national news ,and something was different. There
was a section on a remberence service for fireman who
lost their lives in Walthamstow during the Second World War.
This was unusual for this programme which is meant to be
for the ethnic community in London. Mostly presented by
ethnic news readers and reporters. BUT this clip was about
indigenous Londoners. We are down to around 20-25% now.
What was to be the payback?
We were told that this years BBC Proms will not just be about
flag waving. It will be more INCLUSIVE!! You can just see the
diversity editor or positive discrimination sub editor writing this script for the presenter.
So what can we expect in the Albert Hall this summer? The
LGBT symphony orchestra playing excerpts from John Gay’s ” Beggar’s Opera” I
better not change the first vowel ! I wonder who will play Polly Peachum?
We are ethnic in our own country
They train us to see ourselves as bland and nothing, no culture. for example we are referred to as White not British.
St Georges Day on Monday Eddy.
Only hope we can be British again, when Labour and the SNP get rooted out by the real patriots of this country round our islands.
I can’t pretend I have followed the ins and outs of the Skripal poisoning case, and really can’t extract what might be the ‘truth’ about what Russia says and our own corrupt MSM claims – but here is a reasonable post on it :
I suppose the point is that, whether we house Russian ‘businessmen’ who have annoyed Putin, or thousands of Albanian hoodlums, Romanian roma or our own adopted stabby gangs of moped riders – the truth is all our recent governments have zero concern at all for the safety of us poor bystanders who never asked for this injection of cultural diversity. Is there anyone at the Home Office who knows about due diligence?
Now that science has become ‘multi-disciplinary’ there are lots of ‘liberal arts’ lecturers only too willing to ensure that ‘ethical considerations’ have to take place before anyone so much as puts a bunsen burner under a test tube.
Where though are all the ‘ethical considerations’ studies that should have been undertaken before the live experiments on real people were carried out to change forever family, nation and sexuality?
A dangerous drug can be taken off the market, a flawed aircraft design can be grounded. A single-parent child can never have a father, a nation that has become a hotel can never again be a nation, unless the ‘guests’ are chucked out and once your ‘bits’ are cut-off , ‘X-Y’ women demand cervical smears and what was once so is now the opposite, can sanity ever be regained?
Ethics? Where they used to make Fords, innit?
Thomas Sowell
What are we going to about the House Of Lords? Is it worth asking for help from the BBC?
I’m working my way through Jordan Peterson’s ’12 rules’. I must say that I’m a bit disappointed as the simple but important messages underlying the rules are buried in mythology/Bible quotes, presumably lifted from ‘Maps of Meaning’.
While I can quite believe that ancient stories can contain universal truths I have never been one for analysing literature line by line, (I just want a ‘good’ story). A better book could have been written in 24 pages!
What is certainly true is that none of the reviews that I have read were written by people who have read the book. Cathy Newman’s researcher at least flicked through Chapter One, the others just wrote what others of their tribe had posted about Peterson, (they probably never looked at ANY of his videos either).
He’s critical of Dawkins and atheism in general. Has not – as far as I know – mentioned any specific religious beliefs he may have. Agnostic?? Catholic?
I suspect he belongs to the ‘if God doesn’t exist it is necessary to invent Him’ school.
I think a strong case can be made that the culture of the West would not be as it is (was?) without the Jewish/Christian moral framework. That doesn’t mean that God has to exist, just that those that developed the framework believed that He does.
An analogy: During WW2 there was a need for floating electric cables for minesweeping but it was thought to be impossible to make such things. Then someone said that they were possible because the Canadians used them to power dredgers on the Great Lakes. Well if the Canadians can make such cables so could we, and we did. Later they found out that the Canadians didn’t have floating cables, they were conventional cables lashed to wooden pontoons. ‘Faith’ in the existance of non-existant cables produced results!
Jim, think Peterson may have had a parental Christian-ish influence. Quaker, perhaps? Think he has indicated he is currently an agnostic or atheist.
I note he relies much on Jung’s theory of archtypes which embrace lots of religious and historic myths. I was surprised that Cathy Newman’s feminists never criticised this aspect. I did have a go at Jung long ago and considered Wittgentein’s work on language as a repository for collective though of greater value.
Possibly not what the bbc would have wanted.
Any connection to Cox??
If there are 100 people waiting in the immigration office some of them will be genuine.
But many will be fake , yet have NGOs and Leigh Day suing the government on their behalf, therefore taking staff time from the genuine cases.
so #1 Maybe staff were too busy with these fakes, so didn’t get to Windrush cases
– But I still think these scenarios are possible
#2 That Home Office hired staff who haven’t got a clue, and are probably foreign themselves
or #3 libmob staff deliberately didn’t process Windrush claims ..thus help Labour and hinder May
Newsnight and the dumb bint lived up to expectations. Entirely partial and dishonest, incapable of asking Comey any tough questions. I won’t go into that. I could be here all night. But the lack of professionalism was nowhere better illustrated as when they displayed Bob Mueller’s profile with the name Christopher Wray underneath it and vice-versa. How can you trust a media outlet that cannot distinguish between the Special Counsel and the Director of the FBI?
Jesus Christ.
Possibly the worst QT ever.
Windrush – compo compo compo
Syria – Russians Russians Russians (no Trump)
London Knife Crime – somehow came round to Stephen Lawrence
Liz Truss is a disgrace of a ‘Conservative’
A complete pile of shite.
more fool you , for watching/listening
Mind you I watched the London lib elite bubbleworld idiots on the Sy’s the Pledge … except for big Phil ex SAS who was OK
Boris’s remainiac sister Rachael is a Liberal Party idiot
I suspected it would be, you’ve confirmed my spidey sense was right to be tingling and I made the correct choice to avoid.
Spot on re Truss too, she always has been.
And yet….She was on Chopper’s Brexit Podcast today and was pleasant and amusing and very positive about Brexit.
Truss may well be a total failure as a Conservative MP – from a wealth of options – but from the BBC’s point of view she’s perfect, ticks every box, practically guaranteed to provide audience groans and catcalls. Do you think it a coincidence that the QT team habitually ask for minor-role females to represent the government? The policy is the clearest example you could wish for to illustrate how spurious the BBC feminist agenda is at heart.
To be fair, the colossus that is Emily Nugee-Thornbury did not exactly shine either, but with two more from the panel of five to directly support her, with one impartial – as if the BBC know the meaning of the word – she didn’t need to. And the predictably partisan audience iced the cake. Another tour de force, a credit to the worlds most respected newsmonger.
There is a huge push to block the result of the referendum.
In my opinion, since the vote for independence, all the media are promulgating Great Britain as being bad, very bad…………….
Take the coincidence of the sudden increase of multi-culti adverts appearing on the telly which do not represent the population of this country.
The coincidence of the Windrush ‘scandal’ erupting at the same time as CHOGM, the media is bigging up something that could be easily solved.
Borris and his ‘liberal Brexit’
Carney and his ‘Brexit talks could delay rates rise’.
The Irish ‘Hard ’border that no one wants, except the EU.
Next, we will see Nigel Farage being vilified.
We Brexiteers are getting ‘close to the target’, hence all flak and propaganda.
Keep steadfast, democracy will prevail in the end.
Time to crash out .
We voted out mainly because of too much immigration…….
“Hostile environment to ILLEGAL immigrants”.
First used by Alan Johnson, Home Secretary (Labour).
Despite all the “hostility”, Racism and so called xenophobia, more and more immigrants want to come in legally and illegally.
Time to crash out of the undemocratic EU now !
Shwmae taffman
That’s what we voted for.
Shwmae Rhif Saith
Yes but its being convoluted into something we did NOT vote for.
And here is a reminder to the Remainers that want a second vote………….
Source is Nick Timothy former head of staff to Theresa May, sacked after the election
Wasted my time on QT tonight. Can it really be that poor and the panel so inept?
Time to put it in it’s box for the last time.
Knife crime was classic. Drugs and gangs are the cause and what do we get. Bleating about cuts and sure start or something like it. Also we must not stop and search because it is racist. Tell that to the mothers of the dead young people. If a district is predominately BME then it follows that more will be stopped. Is there nobody left to point this out?
Pathetic delusion that is now threatening the future of London , Bristol and other places. Actually it is getting close to the point of no return and I give it 2 to three years at most before those that can flee .
See Mark Steyn on this .Good and to the point.
@DaveS ThomasEvansGB watches Question Time so you only need to read his commentary
“Pound Falls on Carney rate comments”
He doesn’t appear to have the Midas touch does he?
Does he know anything about Great Britain or money ?
Who the hell employed him?
The Moron!
taffman, the traders make money out of it. Hopefully, they are also UK taxpayers.
If there’s one constant within the financial traders market is has to be that its participants are fully versed in the ways and means of avoiding UK tax bills.
Silly suggestion but you don’t think Carney’s comments were designed to cause a run on the pound? Only two days ago sterling had practically achieved pre-referendum parity with the dollar. Now it’s over 3 cents down.
Canadian-Schmadanian. Has anyone actually checked Carney’s passport?
An absolute classic on TW (Brillo) tonight.
Alan Johnson first had a go at Rudd (IMHO – a useless female of the bovine species, to be polite!) for blaming HO minions for the Windrush furore.
Having been, then, challenged by Brillo that there was documentary proof that the decision to destroy the relevent landing cards was taken under ‘his watch’ he then proceeded to blame Border Agency minions (nuffing to do wiv me guv) followed by a protracted waffle about why it was a reasonable decision.
These politicians wonder why they are treated with such approbrium!!!!?????
More Anti Brexit propaganda ……….
“After Enoch”
Anybody know the number of stabbings in London tonight?
Number 7
What ever happened to “Black Lives Matter” ?
It only applies if ‘Whiteys’ involved.
ref. The Flabbot.
I hope you are supporting our local side on Saturday.
The BBC article looks like a plug for this book by a lefty research assistant at the University of Glasgow with the surname of Hirsch (no relation?).
Re the UKIP manifesto – there is an unfortunate spelling error at the bottom of page 6 “unneccersary”. This probably shouldn’t matter in the great scheme of things but it does. It is only seven pages so there’s no excuse really.
I know this is really yesterday’s news but did anyone hear the R4 World at One with the Grenadian Prime minister..he seemed like another sensible chap from the Commonwealth but the interviewer just kept throwing loaded questions…’what do you think about the term hostile to immigrants’ (despite it not being used for years) you think they should get compensation? Do you think Prince Charles should be next head of Commonwealth? He had positive considered answers for most and when that happen – no discussion just another loaded question..and guess what the summary headline was…a negative take on one aspect of what he said…twisted out of all recognition with no context.
It was the BBC at its best – why do they hate the UK so much at the BBC….why are we still paying them ? Rant over
The Foreign Minister of Vanuatu, who was graciously given an audience by Michal Hussein on the Today programme this morning, was also very straightforward with his answers. The jarring note came at the end of the piece where he was asked whether Prince Charles should be the next head of the Commonwealth. He said without qualification – “Yes”. Oh dear. La Hussein was not having that, so followed up with questions (statements) saying but … but…, but… She wouldn’t accept his first reply, but sought, as usual, to impose and promote her own socialist anti-establishment views. The woman is a monster.
Martin…I heard that and said same to my wife…it’s the BBC protocol..push with the questions until somebody says something they can twist into their rhetoric.
She is on now and expanding Windrush to every immigrant…why can’t they just except this is a one off issue that even Trevor Phillips said yesterday could be sorted quickly and easily..NO the BBC want to push it ..BBC = Bash Britain Constantly
Wonder if ‘not enough dead Israelis’ has a tally of acceptability on other topics?
A reminder of how this gets handled internally:
Martin, you beat me to it. It was actually the PM of Vanuatu, a place that gave Mishal Husain some problems with pronunciation. I thought it was a very disrespectful interview. That is the vibe I picked up on.
I suspect some residual hostility between the Indian sub-Continent and an island community with migrants thereon.
I wondered if that was a ‘views her own’ moment from our Mishal? Or is that the BBC’s attitude to Crown and Commonwealth?
Sadly, I suspect it may be the latter or both.
James, this chap was being interviewed on Sky earlier in the week by Fatty Boulton who used exactly the same questioning tactics – every word was negative, and it was to the PM’s credit that he clearly wasn’t going to play his game, in fact the PM was quite relaxed and measured in his replies while poor old Fatty was getting rattled by the minute !
James – Do you feel the G PM was just a stage prop here and that it was all about what the interviewer wanted? I listened and did.
James, the rant is far from over – not until the hated propagandist has disappeared into a cesspit of its own digging.
And I don’t just want the fetid organisation arbitrarily closed down. I want it converted to a subscription service so all those in its employ experience the slow suffocation of viewer antipathy as intelligent patriotic view tax payers turn off in their tens of thousands cutting off the undeserved £Billions in receives in tax money.
Then – the rant will be over.
Bbc again in its happy place, though Newsbeatthemonkey and VDose will be jelly.
Starting to see what attributes you need to be a sports reporter at BBC. Anyone notice on Breakfast today not a single male presenter except the token Charlie…is this BBC equality?
JamesArthur- I have said this many times before. Gary Lineker’s
days are numbered as Match of the Day presenter. To be
honest I can see the programme being ditched and replaced
by ” Womens rugby match of the day.” The BBC would have
a plethora of women sports reporters to front the programme.
Ironically, the bbc is also setting itself up as an arbiter of truth…
This week the House of Lords struck a blow against the democratic vote we took, as a result this petition was started – please sign if you value our democracy.
Just saw an interesting comment – what if Russia nuked London in retaliation for the army attacking our own citizens on Bloody Sunday??
Significant news from Salisbury from Ian Boyd. It rather suggests the Skripals more as a source, rather less as ‘victims’.
Will the BBC ask any questions? Don’t think there have been any so far in TOADY but I’ve only been listening since the 6.30am news headlines. Were there any in the first half hour?
Still an hour to go. Over to you, BBC.
PS: Have the BBC been counting on their fingers? Nine hotspots: House, Cemetery, Pub, Restaurant, Town Centre plus three at the Police Station. Any questions about that, BBC?
The answer to both: no. She doesn’t interview Ian Boyd but someone else. Sorry, I’ve instantly forgotten the name. Cunningham?
Mishal cannot count and doesn’t ask why the Council Offices should be contaminated even if they are in the same building as the Police Station. Mere carelessness? Or something else? Mishal cannot think while sitting down, let alone on her feet, so no questions asked.
Mishal seems more concerned about shopping in Salisbury and maybe having a drink or meal there. Not about finding out what happened. No questions asked about the welfare of the Skripals or D-S Nick Bailey.
Have the BBC totally lost their brains AND their humanity?
It certainly appears so.
” It rather suggests the Skripals more as a source, rather less as ‘victims’.
More incoherent conspiracy babble.
The Skripals were manufacturing novichok themselves and “things went wrong”.??
ID, you forget that Sergei Skripal was Army intelligence (GRU)* not FSB/KGB as we were originally led to believe. It is highly likely – if it was a Russian sourced nerve agent and ‘military grade’ and ‘military usage’ (unlikely as that may be under Conventions) – that he may have had either direct access to it or have known a contact who could supply it.
*assuming that late revelation from the BBC was accurate.
The BBC lost their brains in May 1949. Why do I say that?
Clue: It was the last time I could Trust my wireless.
Quarter of a million £ a year’s worth…
Worth drilling down the links.
GW, I tend to lose the will to live just clicking on one Twitter item. I am so glad that never caught me.
Please provide a precis.
Go on.
Aah, go on!
As you asked so sweetly…
Windrush Watch
Toady as expected is hammering the windrush thingy like a Lawrence job. In response I suggest the following –
Every person who came from the islands gets a tax free 1 million pounds from the government
Every person still living in the islands be invited to come to Britain and given free housing education health care and other benefits such as free Argos vouchers
No person with a black face should be subject to British law
And entitled to compensation as a presumption if not treated nicely
I know this is silly but enough is enough . I wish that bloody windrush was called boaty mcboat face to at least give whitee wrong doers like me a laugh.
Feddy, I’ve been shouting the same thing at the tele ! “just forget border control (its a joke anyway) and let everyone in regardless” . There’s now some bloke called Okri whingeing about the African immigrants being treated the same as the West Indians. Its jumping on the black bandwagon time folks !! Pound signs and the magic word of ‘compensayshun’ with lawyers waiting in the wings rubbing their hands at the Windrush Windfall. Afua Hirsch must be laughing her socks off.
Thank you, GW, for letting a bit of Irish charm work!
Do you know, I think I’m none the wiser, although I get the impression it was yet another BBC attack on President Trump. I definitely think that I am not genetically and mentally suited to Twitter but am also suffering from my age.
I cannot just summon enough ‘inner teenager’ from within to cope with it.
The angle taken was/is inevitable.
However the key point, noted by comments erring on the unkind, was the need to send a very expensive blonde bimbo over there to lob bbc set-up questions that could not be covered by their very expensive beauty already supposedly on station to do so.
Guest – I was looking for the viewing figures for the newsnight programme – I regularly watched it years ago when it had journalists on it and was fair in its presentation . But once the mad paxo dropped his ego on it I gave up. Glad i dont pay for it.
As an aside I bet President Trump will run for a second term even if only to deal with the FBI and other agencies infected by Clinton/ Obama friends
Newsnight epitomises the bbc reputation as broadcast Guardian; uniquely propped up left lib advocacy with influence in bubble circles way in excess of that warranted by actual audience numbers.
Under Ian Katz its ratings were plummeting.
Can’t even bring to mind his replacement, but vaguely recall it may be a wimmin.
Or her influence on audience figures since.
Still, nice to get a bit of Spring shopping in the Big Apple.
I haven’t a clue what these Twitter clips are about either.
I imagine these twit fans just pick up on key search words and construct their own story around them i.e. “Trump, Biased, BBC” might mean that the BBC thinks that Trump is biased or Trump thinks that the BBC is biased. The Twitterati then re-tweet this tosh to their own twits to give two different stories from the same drop of guano a life of their own.
What happens on Twitter should stay on Twitter.
What?! She said THAT to Comey? Of course, I didn’t watch the interview (not watched Newsnight for years) but does anyone know whether 1) Matthis confronted Comey with the fact that recently admitted that he knew the fake Russian dossier was organised and paid for by the DNC and Clinton Foundation? 2) Did she ask him why he did not disclose that fact to the FISA court (which would have prevented any Special Council (Muller) investigation even starting? 3) Did she ask him whether knowingly presenting false documents to a FISA court is a statutory felony which could lead to imprisonment? 4) Did she confront him with the fact that he illegally passed on confidential FBI documents to a New York journalist (he admitted so in a Congressional hearing under oath)? 5) Did she ask him why he wrote an exoneration of Hilary Clinton in respect of the e-mail scandal (felony) before the legal case was heard? I could go on. Comey is a monster and guilty of many misdemeanours and felonies. He should be indicted and charged.
You could ask her… or Samira.
But at best a grumpy Esme Wren (looked her up) may turn up to say there was not time to cover matters the bbc feel are best suppressed.
BBC Selling books .. that is all …
Will the BBC ask any awkward question to Comey … NEVER … we must be nice … where did you keep your illegal notes on Trump and Hillary … your Government secrets ….
“TONIGHT: @maitlis is live from New York. She sits down with @comey and asks whether the president has anyone sensible around him to stop impulsive behaviour? #newsnight at 22:30 on @BBCTwo”
. . . .
This needs clarification – I thought I heard Marr say ‘William’ under his breath in the Clinton interview @0:55, it was not very clear what and why he is muttering.
Listen closely to @0:55 as Marr mutters something which I thought was ‘Will’?
“Will?” – Marr mutters, not clear but is what I thought he said
“After all we have someone admitting to being a sexual assaulter in the Oval office.” – Hillary Clinton
This is amazing, the term applies to Clinton more than Trump. The phrase ‘in the’ suggests it is the now (2017), present tense. This is double conflated speech.
– ‘someone’ – could mean Trump or Clinton
– ‘in the’ suggests the present, now so Trump
– ‘Oval Office’ rather than White house
– ‘admitting to being a sexual assaulter’ – Trump or Clinton?
– BBC, your £3.5bn News Service is failing to get to the facts – too many questions raised by this interview.
YouTube Marr Hillary
Danny clearly has all fingers and toes super crossed.
Danny has forgotten the Chinese cockle pickers who drowned just a few miles from Beverly Hughes holiday home in the Lakes too.
She was our local MP. As typical a product of Blair worship as you`d ever find.
Why can’t Justin Webb, even bring himself to say that the UK is leaving the EU?
It is always that we are leaving: “in theory”; “potentially” etc etc.
Great to hear him getting some good Realpolitik schooling, by a Singaporean official on Toady this morning though.
The BBC in print, The Guardian, has an hilarious piece by Yanis Varoufakis, “Yanis Varoufakis: Marx predicted our present crisis – and points the way out”.
In this drivel Yanis Varoufakis mentions Yanis Varoufakis as much as Marx and Engels. Indeed, you will get a good advert for Yanis Varoufakis’s books and how Yanis Varoufakis was the hero of the Greek disaster.
So the one question Yanis Varoufakis should ask Yanis Varoufakis is …
Is this the same Marx who failed to predict liberal democracy, house owning proletariat, how the proletariat would become the bourgeoisie, whose theory of labour became a millstone around the necks of peoples of the old Soviet Union to Venezuela?
Yep. No doubt some berk at the BBC is already planning on making this nonsense a radio 4 or BBC program.
Just a cool Vince Cable, with all the attendant flummery from a desperate elite who seek bad boys and sages by way of cover.
Just thinking back to childhood and playing cricket. As a child and then as a teen, did I want to play limited overs cricket? No!
That was what I was forced to play. What I really wanted was to play cricket for three days, four days, five days.
As a teen, did I really want to watch limited overs cricket? No. Even county games seemed to short-change the spectator; the best cricket of all lasted for five days, with the match running into the last half-hour. Losing just those final 30 minutes was also a bit of a downer.
Toady watch
Head boy beeboid talking to head girl beeboid about running marathons . 6 minutes of things wealthy beeboids really care about . For those who watch the marathon play – spot the non white face in the general race .
The marathon is just another part of the charity industry and one day the truth will out about where the money goes .
BBC clang!
The 100% accuracy they set for themselves blown away by Sue McGregor on The Reunion. “Margaret Thatcher’s Government had given way to Tony Blair’s.”
More ‘Rivers of Blood’ analysis from Al Beeb on their website – this time reporter Elizabeth Glinka takes poet Benjamin Zephaniah to watch the speech with several Wolverhampton students. Their reactions made me despair for this countries future, such as this statement from one female student: “The language he used was quite sophisticated and maybe at the time, because of that sophistication, a lot of people believed in what he was saying.” Er, no love, your generation have been dumbed down to such an extent that you have no idea that that ‘sophistication’ was perfectly understood by the people at that time. It’s a bit like the argument from ‘Remainer’s’ who imply that the 52% didn’t know what they were voting for – of course we did, we aren’t stupid – unlike current Wolverhampton students, by the looks of it.
and more “analysis” here
The BBC start of by arguing that the “only white kid in the class” might have been fake and the school was never identified. They guess Powell was talking about West Park in Wolverhampton.
BBC would rather try and catch Powell out on one of his sentences rather than analyse his warning.
Was Powell right all along? Not many white face in the West Park school today
Windrush: Just listened to a R4 interview with David Laws (former LibDem minister) and David Wood (former Border Force officer). Both were saying that there were ‘safeguards’ built into the system that seems to have failed so badly.
I would love to have heard more about that, but the interviewer didn’t want to know. She wanted to talk about the Windrush affair and that certain Mr Thompson, about who we felt yesterday on this site there were pertinent questions to be asked.
Mr Wood, unfortunately, wasn’t prepared to take that up, and even had he been, the interviewer would have diverted him rapidly away.
And Thompson has been so well established as a credible victim that merely the mention of the name is enough to serve the interviewer’s cause.
I think it was James MacArthur who noticed here yesterday how the manner in which questions were asked, decided the interview outcome.
So, for instance, you can ask an OPEN question, such as: ‘what do you think should now happen with people who feel they have been wronged?’ Or you can ask a CLOSED or LEADING question: ‘Do you think this man should receive compensation?’
In the latter instance, the person questioned can only say ‘yes’ or ‘no’. He or she has been led to the required answer. In this case because no-one is going to answer that with a ‘no’ for many reasons.
The MSM interviewers hold all the cards in these interviews, unless they are dealing with very shrewd and seasoned interviwees.
They have practice. They are well-prepared. They know their questions and their strategy to attain the outcome they want. They steer the interview. They ask a lot of closed /leading questions. They know that if emotions have taken over, you can easily manipulate your interviewee.
Unless you are a Lammy, well -practiced at this game, who adopts outrage as a strategy and steamrolls over the interviewer, ignoring questions and basically just making a speech, you – in turn- will come off second best. Also, in the Lammy interview on R4, he was doing what the interviewer actually wanted (I suspect) – so no serious challenges.
The media also have another HUGE advantage in all of this. Marshall McLuhan I think it was who said: the Medium IS the Message. You can say an awful lot without verbalising anything explicitly. You pick the coverage you want, when you want, and you choose the visual images you want, if it’s TV. You pick the approach to the interview you want. You fit in a little speech of your own; after all, an interviewee is unlikely to stop you!
If it’s radio, you need to create those images with trigger words. Listen to the Laws/Woods interview this morning on Toady, and you will see how its done.
We have to get wise about this people. If you think the ‘liberals’ (who are mostly not actually liberals) on the Bbc are winning the argument, as i’ve tried to show above: zey haf vayz und meanz.
“….so what you’re saying is …”
Fedup – Yes, that too.
Off switch watch
The awful sue mcgregor presided over a love in of climate change believer lovies talking about an agreement to make punters pay carbon taxes .
I took it for 15 minutes but then it was off switch time again . I’m getting better at it
Fed, LOL! I used to like Sue but on this one (and I think the series as a whole may have been subverted by ‘socio-econo-political’ aims) she is playing useful idiot to platform the Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change thing.
Dropping false facts, too. 30% of US carbon emissions from cars in the early 1990s? No way! That figure would have included ALL oil-burning vehicles but might exclude aircraft.
I’m listening to try to spot more errors from Ritula’s 100% Perfect BBC although our Stew is probably scribbling furiously on a note pad as I write. Almost a form of self-abuse just carrying on listening!
Interestingly the female contributor, Joanna Depledge, gave the game away rather. It is not so much care for the environment, for the planet, more about attacking the USA, the oil industry, the nuclear industry and the automotive industry globally. More about global hegemony for so-called ‘Greenies’ than hedging low-level islands when the highest tides roll in.
Tony Juniper has just claimed it was all about reducing emissions. Why then has the global community embraced so much global sport and sport played at night time since The Kyoto Protocol? That is a 21st Century INCREASE in emissions. There are many other examples of where the UK Government – alone or with others – has increased emissions since Kyoto.
Well done Fedup. Very soon you will graduate to not listening at all – unless your blood pressure is dangerously low, of course
Ta scrib – I’m going al beeb free for the rest of Friday – hope I don’t weaken . A lot of stuff on you tube is free!!
AS soon as I heard the word “Kyoto”-I quickly left the Beeb.
You can write the script yourself.
Would much rather have heard her look into the seismic impact of Enochs speech, hell even the death of Prince or Victoria Wood? Columbine or Oklahoma , even the Titanic!
ANYTHING but greenie quangos glorying in getting pubs closed, brownouts in winter, diesel cars under Browns regime. It was this kind of do-nothing Chicken Licking that gave us Jo Cox and Ed Davey.
PS-was told that the fruit people sell their stuff in bowls so as not to have to measure it out in pounds and ounces.
I`m now boycotting all of those who do this-I want imperial back on out streets on March 30th next year, and will get my Facebook chums to publicise it.
If I see a CE sticker on anything after that date, I will boycott it. NO E.U rules or thoughts to apply from April 2019. We`ve gone.
Windrush : Is it the fault of this government for introducing the rule that for employment, renting, and NHS care you must produce proper citizenship proof ?
No, it’s the fault of previous governments for not having it.
So this guy got a £66K NHS bill for cancer treatment and he claims that’s cos the HO won’t grant him the documents he deserves.
Yes but out of 20 similar people how many people were faking it and giving the HO the run around ?
In the media I see cases like
#1 “I have been here since 1975” well you are illegal, cos in 71 they announced the time limit would be 1973
#2 I went back to Jamaica and now they won’t let me back in
Well the rule is if you leave for more than 2 years before regularlising your immigration status you lose your citizenship, you lose your British residency.
TYpically what some people did was take Jamaican passports and travel on those, instead of applying for British passports.
ON Gameshow’s Sunday morning show a lefty tried to shut down debate by shouting that we know that we know that foreigners using the NHS is tiny tiny amount.
Now we see from the £66K case that we don’t know how many Caribbean patients are legal or not legal.
Last year a consultant at St George’s SW London, Sad Dick Khan’s constituency iirc, said over one third of births were to mothers who were not entitled to free NHS treatment. Tooting is, of course, substantially enriched so easy to provide a welcoming address and GP registration for foreign cousins/paying visitors.
IIRC, is Tooting not enjoying the part time GP representative services of a Junior Doctor MP juggling two roles as only a Labour woman can?
Just watched Victoria Derbyshire – surprised to see Rotherham ‘survivor’ on there. They even flashed up a few mug-shots of the perpetrators. Then reality hit home ! One of the questions the girl was asked was ‘ You admit that you lied about your age – how responsible do you feel you were for your situation ?’ Maybe I am being OVER cynical here – but the girl seemed to have been expertly coached in her responses and gave all the answers that the interviewer was after. Surely, even the BBC is not THIS bad ?? Somebody, PLEASE, tell me I’m wrong on this
Sammy Woodhouse has just had the first 10 minutes of Woman’s House
Thankfull the abuse she suffered is not as bad as a lib-woman receiving a couple of tweets (well that’s how libs think)
Jane Garvey “Your abuser Mad-Ash* came from an Asian family, a MUSLIM family and had links to people in the police,
..he was helped by at least one police officer with whom he appeared to be quite matey even had friends in the police”
Sammy “Some people weren’t just turning a blind eye , they were actually involved
some of the police officers and people in the council have been alleged to rape children as well
…Him and his brothers /gang ran Rotherham
.. the rule in my case was that no professional was allowed to visit me alone cos they might be working for him”
* He was sentenced to 35 years
That interview was OK , but still not the sympathetic matey conversation the BBC have with lib women.
“Offenders rely on your fear of being identified
The professionals encourage you to remain anonymous
but for me giving up my anonymity was the most empowering thing”
“people can’t have not known to me and the many other girls
..the authorities knew eg about him and the 55 girls linked to him and his brothers ”
Remember at age 15 made an official compaint..thats about 2002
..the police chose to not follow through
..and we are asked to believe that Labout politicians knew nothing until 2013″
The interview seem very rushed at the end they prog quickly moved on.
Ah Victoria Derbyshire show broadcast Sammy Woodhouse around 9:40am so I’m guessing that was prerecorded cos she was live on Woman’s Hour at 10am
Victoria put out at least 3 tweet videos, note they chose a dark skinned interviewer Tina Daheley (Sikh)
– second 1 and half minute one
– driving at 14 when he did armed robberies
Customs Union vote
\\ This is real reason the EU is working with UK Fifth Columnists in the Lords & Commons to try to trap U.K. in the Customs Union;
they are ‘terrified’ of a ‘supercompetitive’ Britain outside – according to @BBCkatyaadler //
BBC Question Time is rubbish … tell the BBC you are offended having to pay for it … I’m offended that the BBC don’t shed light on our politicians … (with text this time)
BBC Complaint Summary: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
Full Complaint:
Dear BBC,
I am offended that I have to pay the TV Tax and the wages of Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker and Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans when I don’t listen to them or share their views.
Can you please produce a BBC TV programme that will show people how they can stop paying for the BBC TV Tax – please present it with the TOP TEN BBC GENDER PAY GAP LEADERS.
Also, send me a link from your £3.5bn BBC News Service that tells me how to stop having to pay for your service. You could do a great service to the public who you serve by going over the UK MPs expenses and ensuring they are not abusing the gift every year. I see a MP David Lammy claimed for a bike on 17Oct2014 “Daisy Cycle Scheme” at a cost of £649.98. As it is Ride A Bike day today (19th) I would expect to see David Lammy shouting about it and saving the world. Would be interesting to know if other MPs have bought bikes as well – in no way am I picking on David Lammy, it was just this case highlights the problem.
Also found that MPs pay for TV Licenses using MP expenses (i.e. UK Tax Payer Money).
Here is a link for one of your many journalists to find out what is happening. On it you will see MPs have given themselves an 18% pay rise since 2010 during a recession and austerity.
I look forward to your response.
Stew- I find the Windrush case so particularly interesting because there will have been genuine injustice and distress, but instead of cool heads looking at WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED and where systems failed and why, and whether there were safeguards, and if not, why not -this whole thing has been hijacked by the media for purposes of political propaganda, and -less surprising- by politicians to pursue partisan aims.
The politicians can -in a sense-‘be forgiven’ because that’s what they do. The media, by contrast, are hugely culpable in all of this. Especially the ‘impartial’ BBC. Exceptionally poor reporting, as far as establishing the facts goes. The emotional bandwagon rolled from day one, to get the narrative over (presumably you had to, because the SL business and the EP affair had to run more or less concurrently to give your narrative maximum effect; one of the first Windrush ‘victims’ explicitly made the connection to these other two stories, also on day one). Quite surprising, really.
Hear, hear! Good post, fnw.
No fluffy toy?
65 million people in the UK … no outrage with 2000 extremists were left alone after a terrorist attack … enough is enough of this fake outrage. How many people affected by WindRush?
the ultimate tweet Perkins quotes
“Jesus. Less than six months after becoming Home Secretary, Theresa May presided over the destruction of Windrush disembarkation cards.”
So she must have tweeted that before the May pointed out the decision had been made under a Labour government
..And think about it , does the destruction of the boarding cards make a real difference ?
Ultimately it was the responsibility of Windrush children to regularise their immigration status ans most would have done after the 1971 rules were announced.
I caught the tail end of the Toady piece before I could reach across the kitchen and switch over to a music station.
As I did so I realised the BBC has changed the spelling of ‘squirrel’ to ‘Windrush’.
I wonder what percentage of the population is sufficiently stupid not to see right through this diversionary tactic?
Stew. It’s always somebody else fault. The BBC still haven’t manged to voice any true figures for those affected or to what extent.
Trevor Phillips ex Racial Equalities said this issue can be sorted quickly -now if he is of that opinion why is the BBC not being as calm?
Sue works for an organisation that forces people to pay for her wages with threat of prosecution … even Nurses going to food banks when Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker enjoys a pay rise this year as the TV Tax goes up … this BBC is filth!
…she wrote, buffing up her credentials with the BBC as best she could.
Looks like the lad(y) queer has been on the red again ….
Worth sharing re Green hypocrisy BBC never challenges
Ben Pile replies
Day 1. Burned lots of diesel.
Day 2. More diesel burned.
Day 3. Some more diesel burned.
Stew, it was very interesting how the Greenies progressed their learning about carbon emissions:
It’s all the fault of cars.
It’s all the fault of cars and trucks*.
It’s all the fault of cars, trucks* and aircraft.
It’s all the fault of cars, trucks, aircraft and electricity generation.
It’s all the fault of cars, trucks, aircraft, electricity generation and methane.
It’s all the fault of cars, trucks, aircraft, electricity generation, methane and housing.
It’s all the fault of cars, trucks, aircraft, electricity generation, methane, housing and farming.
It’s all the fault of cars, trucks, aircraft, electricity generation, methane, housing, farming and shipping.
* Amazingly oil powered taxis, buses and trains are totally innocent, OK?
Note the new war on plastics, which are an oil industry by-product
When you and I use plastics it does NOT go to make harm, it does NOT go in the ocean
We put our plastic in the correct it goes into the correct processing .. ie some recycled and rest SAFELY burnt as a fuel in high temperature incinerators.
The war on plastics really helps Green Hedgefunds who are betting against the oil industry.
(In Chinese areas takeaways always give you wooden disposabole chopsticks
..yet it’s argued that plastic ones would be better, cos the wood ones mean a lot of forest is destroyed.