Many people use the term “military grade” to refer to pure chemicals but it still doesn’t mean anything. Elements and compounds are what they are. Of course compounds can be contaminated but this is a function of how they are made in the laboratory rather than any “military” involvement. My information is that compounds such as Novichok can be made by an expert chemist and then easily transported in their two constituent non-toxic formulations
You note the 1995 Sarin attack on the Tokyo subway. This attack sent shivers down the spines of security people and you correctly identify why this was so. And this was largely before the worldwide indiscriminate terrorism launched by Islamic fanatics.
Lessons to be learnt. Well we can follow the “Don’t look back in anger” route and accept the contemptible bollocks spoken by Mayor Khan that terrorism in just a way of life in a big city. Good luck on that one. Or we can address that that we have a real problem. A start could be made by persuading our muslim community that it is no longer acceptable for independent polling to reveal that around 25% of its number is “sympathetic” to the aims of jihad. That number needs a sharp move of one, preferably two, decimal points to the left. If not you might like to re-locate to parts of the world where civil war is endemic such as the undemocratic (except Israel) Middle East. Is it unreasonable to tell the muslim community that it has a specific problem and concerted action is needed on their part to reassure the rest of us? If it fails to do so it seems unrealistic to expect Britain to continue allowing people into this country whose views are so wickedly at variance with the indigenous population. Needless to say a start can be made by refusing re-admission to anyone who has fought for Islamic terror groups abroad, whatever their nationalities.
Letting 400 of these people back as we have done. Are we crazy or what?
remember the bad old days of racist terrible horrible britain, when we had a lost luggage office and bobbies were armed with a short piece of wood a whistle and a pointy hat and all you could eat was chips and suet.
yesterday the train station broadcast a “dont leave your luggage hanging about it will be destroyed” message
oddly the train in today did the same one, rather than the usual please have your tickets ready for inspection blurb
on the forecourt were police officers with MACHINE GUNS (not noticed them since the wake of the manchester bombing)
so if your going near manchester piccadilly keep your eyes open just in case they know something that we aren’t allowed to.
still just how terrible would life be without chicken tikka massala eh.
“We will not allow them to change our way of life” – utter bol**cks.
In fact, quite the opposite: the elite are encouraging dissent and a potential civil war. No one to represent us. Nobody.
“Are we crazy or what?”
Err….the majority cant be that stupid, can they?
But the majority keep on voting along the traditional duopoly system that has, for decades, betrayed all sense and reason and filled our country with cultures who detest us.
Aided and abetted by all of the broadcast media, and most of the print version, enough of the voters are blinded to reality and become filled with the virtue signalling mentality, ravaged by ‘white privelege’ and ‘colonial guilt’.
Any emerging political movement that calls the media bollocks for what it is, becomes demonised as hitler-like, when of course we all know that old madolf heatlump was a raving socialist lefty.
What on earth can be done, who knows.
War has arrived, invited in by the clever people. Lets just hope it’s the clever bastards who get tossed off high buildings first.
But then, it’ll be small comfort to watch.
““Are we crazy or what?”
Err….the majority cant be that stupid, can they?”
Yes, the majority can be that stupid – until it’s too late, or almost, then they wake up and start voting for the sort of people they should have been listening to decades ago.
Human nature, perhaps, but no less damaging for that.
Yes, NaCl is NaCl. But road salt refers to its application more than anything. You can use table salt for mouthwash but could it be used for an IV drip? The military has the resources to go for the most direct and effective production route and maintain secrecy. If you are making DIY nerve agents who knows what production paths your “raw materials” have gone through and what will be left behind in the final product or products.
If nerve agents are as easy to make as is claimed, it is a mystery why islamic terrorists have used explovise belts rather than an easy to conceal nerve agent.
Keeping 20,000+ Big Beard Gefährder as the Germans call them under constant surveillance also seems to be an excercise innfutility.
BBC On Brexit … lead article (the one they want to push) is 3 (17.04.2018) days old .. ah, if you went to the page and scanned it you would think nothing was happening … nothing to see …
Stew: They’re SO clever, aren’t they? Imagine all the high fives…
But criticize it and you’ll hear all about Enoch’s speech, Stephen Lawrence and Windrush (however irrelevant to the message in the picture).
Yes, I do believe they’re on a roll…
Stronger .. because it gives us influence (unless it is tampon vat tax).
Safer … because strength in numbers, like 1 million people from Africa coming to help Europe out who are living in Germany who are trying to pay them to go back home.
Better off .. because it gives us access to the Worlds largest market, except Africa on our doorstep but let’s keep feeding China.
Glorious weather here.
But, being the BBC their radio weather forecast focused on poor West Wales , only having a temp of 7 degrees.
Imagine the BBC are off down there to Pembroke as I write, blaming climate freezing and Brexit.
Anyway-I`m NOT enjoying this weather, hope you`ll all show solidarity with the coastal Taffs.
Ice cream vans run on diesel-are you HAPPY about that you Gaia gang bangers?
But I digress-having just heard “You and Yours” for all of ten minutes, am seeking out a recyclable and ethically-sourced piece of rope to hang myself.
Oh-and if Mike Reid even knew that his “Runaround” would become an audio game, where blind lesbians and miserabilists bump into each other wailing around endless recycled first world non-issues, he`d be spinning in his Nick (Nick Cave=grave!..vital to make up our own Cockney Rhyming slang, or else the Waynes will take over the asylum!…)
Leave it aht, you mappets!!! Ter…riff …ick!
There will always be a welcome berth at the BBC surely? Unless the sulks and rants and demands to be invited on or be accused of bias have worn thin even there?
Did I hear rightly? TWatO: Another mosque somewhere needs extending due to expansion. Do the English really want to know this? I didn’t hear but I have to assume that’s Londonistan or Bradford or some other blossoming UK islamic caliphate. What was touching though is the BBC needing to report that the iman or someone took time out to approach the local “white” (I’m sure I heard the expression used) people to discuss the implications. Apparently no ‘whitey’ in dissent. Yet more one-sided accommodation. Lovely. When critical mass is reached will they bother to approach the local ‘whiteys’ to ascertain their positiion on having their heads hacked off or their wives stoned or they homosexual sons or lesbian daughters being thrown off a high building in accordance with their cult handbook? If building work is required, I do hope they build the minaret high enough to deal with the latter.
The year is 2018 … Will Sadiq Khan (believes Islam is great) or Jeremy Corbyn (protests for Al Quds) comment?
.. “I condemn all forms of dancing, oh, wait … ” …
Iran arrests official after youths dance at shopping centre concert { 19apr2018}
. . . .
“Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.”
—Ayatollah Khomeini, jan1980 (80 million Muslim people follow this man’s beliefs and ideas in 2017).
Iranian government beat the people up but say they don’t want to beat up the people whilst they beat then up … Jeremy? Sadiq? Tulip? Warsi?
. . . . as the UK Foreign Office hand out Hijabs ….
GMar 4, 12:32 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC – “A German Man”. A German man can be a naturalised German ex Arab…….. Just saying.
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 12:28 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Wimmin to have to pay a £10k stud fee. Well they can do it with horses, can’t they? Any…
tomoMar 4, 12:26 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We should see *who* curated that list of “inspirational mums” – and they should be confronted on their choices. [img][/img]…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 12:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Davie wears suit and tie as he squirms in front of DCMS Committee:
wwfcMar 4, 12:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 With everything going on in the world a lighter note some idiots in a field dancing to Benny Hill lol…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Same with that euro pop thing – shows every year the descent of Europe
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I identify as someone who doesn’t feel right paying taxes. Don’t try and sublimate my being.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “… sublimate someone’s natural way of being” … Harriet Harman condemns paper’s ‘smear campaign’ The Daily Mail has questioned…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:34 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC Culture — “Edward II: Did a gay love affair spark a 14th-Century royal crisis?” RSC co-artistic director Daniel Evans:…
ID, thanks for replying to my post.
Many people use the term “military grade” to refer to pure chemicals but it still doesn’t mean anything. Elements and compounds are what they are. Of course compounds can be contaminated but this is a function of how they are made in the laboratory rather than any “military” involvement. My information is that compounds such as Novichok can be made by an expert chemist and then easily transported in their two constituent non-toxic formulations
You note the 1995 Sarin attack on the Tokyo subway. This attack sent shivers down the spines of security people and you correctly identify why this was so. And this was largely before the worldwide indiscriminate terrorism launched by Islamic fanatics.
Lessons to be learnt. Well we can follow the “Don’t look back in anger” route and accept the contemptible bollocks spoken by Mayor Khan that terrorism in just a way of life in a big city. Good luck on that one. Or we can address that that we have a real problem. A start could be made by persuading our muslim community that it is no longer acceptable for independent polling to reveal that around 25% of its number is “sympathetic” to the aims of jihad. That number needs a sharp move of one, preferably two, decimal points to the left. If not you might like to re-locate to parts of the world where civil war is endemic such as the undemocratic (except Israel) Middle East. Is it unreasonable to tell the muslim community that it has a specific problem and concerted action is needed on their part to reassure the rest of us? If it fails to do so it seems unrealistic to expect Britain to continue allowing people into this country whose views are so wickedly at variance with the indigenous population. Needless to say a start can be made by refusing re-admission to anyone who has fought for Islamic terror groups abroad, whatever their nationalities.
Letting 400 of these people back as we have done. Are we crazy or what?
Chris – is it retail grade
Industrial grade
Military grade
Lew grade ?
Kind of levels of purity – but not meaning much.
Wonder if the spy bloke nicked some and used it by mistake or similar – we ll never hear the truth .
“terrorism in just a way of life in a big city”
remember the bad old days of racist terrible horrible britain, when we had a lost luggage office and bobbies were armed with a short piece of wood a whistle and a pointy hat and all you could eat was chips and suet.
yesterday the train station broadcast a “dont leave your luggage hanging about it will be destroyed” message
oddly the train in today did the same one, rather than the usual please have your tickets ready for inspection blurb
on the forecourt were police officers with MACHINE GUNS (not noticed them since the wake of the manchester bombing)
so if your going near manchester piccadilly keep your eyes open just in case they know something that we aren’t allowed to.
still just how terrible would life be without chicken tikka massala eh.
“We will not allow them to change our way of life” – utter bol**cks.
In fact, quite the opposite: the elite are encouraging dissent and a potential civil war. No one to represent us. Nobody.
“Are we crazy or what?”
Err….the majority cant be that stupid, can they?
But the majority keep on voting along the traditional duopoly system that has, for decades, betrayed all sense and reason and filled our country with cultures who detest us.
Aided and abetted by all of the broadcast media, and most of the print version, enough of the voters are blinded to reality and become filled with the virtue signalling mentality, ravaged by ‘white privelege’ and ‘colonial guilt’.
Any emerging political movement that calls the media bollocks for what it is, becomes demonised as hitler-like, when of course we all know that old madolf heatlump was a raving socialist lefty.
What on earth can be done, who knows.
War has arrived, invited in by the clever people. Lets just hope it’s the clever bastards who get tossed off high buildings first.
But then, it’ll be small comfort to watch.
““Are we crazy or what?”
Err….the majority cant be that stupid, can they?”
Yes, the majority can be that stupid – until it’s too late, or almost, then they wake up and start voting for the sort of people they should have been listening to decades ago.
Human nature, perhaps, but no less damaging for that.
Yes, NaCl is NaCl. But road salt refers to its application more than anything. You can use table salt for mouthwash but could it be used for an IV drip? The military has the resources to go for the most direct and effective production route and maintain secrecy. If you are making DIY nerve agents who knows what production paths your “raw materials” have gone through and what will be left behind in the final product or products.
If nerve agents are as easy to make as is claimed, it is a mystery why islamic terrorists have used explovise belts rather than an easy to conceal nerve agent.
Keeping 20,000+ Big Beard Gefährder as the Germans call them under constant surveillance also seems to be an excercise innfutility.
BBC On Brexit … lead article (the one they want to push) is 3 (17.04.2018) days old .. ah, if you went to the page and scanned it you would think nothing was happening … nothing to see …
BBC Brexit Page
Godwin’s law

and typical lib/left projection
..and they call themselves “against hatespeech”
Yet they make up images like this
This will make you smile ….
He (Peston) admitted he felt “ashamed” that himself and the people he’d surrounded himself with “were out of touch with millions of people”.
Stew: They’re SO clever, aren’t they? Imagine all the high fives…
But criticize it and you’ll hear all about Enoch’s speech, Stephen Lawrence and Windrush (however irrelevant to the message in the picture).
Yes, I do believe they’re on a roll…
Totalitarian verses freedom.
665 Days since EU Referendum on 24jun2016.
665 Days since UK Politician said he’d back the UK people’s decision and then quit.
0 Days since leaving the EU.
“Tonight will be making the positive case why our great Country UK is stronger, safer and better off by being in the European Union” – Amber Rudd @3:27 {youtube}
Stronger .. because it gives us influence (unless it is tampon vat tax).
Safer … because strength in numbers, like 1 million people from Africa coming to help Europe out who are living in Germany who are trying to pay them to go back home.
Better off .. because it gives us access to the Worlds largest market, except Africa on our doorstep but let’s keep feeding China.
Glorious weather here.
But, being the BBC their radio weather forecast focused on poor West Wales , only having a temp of 7 degrees.
Imagine the BBC are off down there to Pembroke as I write, blaming climate freezing and Brexit.
Anyway-I`m NOT enjoying this weather, hope you`ll all show solidarity with the coastal Taffs.
Ice cream vans run on diesel-are you HAPPY about that you Gaia gang bangers?
But I digress-having just heard “You and Yours” for all of ten minutes, am seeking out a recyclable and ethically-sourced piece of rope to hang myself.
Oh-and if Mike Reid even knew that his “Runaround” would become an audio game, where blind lesbians and miserabilists bump into each other wailing around endless recycled first world non-issues, he`d be spinning in his Nick (Nick Cave=grave!..vital to make up our own Cockney Rhyming slang, or else the Waynes will take over the asylum!…)
Leave it aht, you mappets!!! Ter…riff …ick!
There will always be a welcome berth at the BBC surely? Unless the sulks and rants and demands to be invited on or be accused of bias have worn thin even there?
Did I hear rightly? TWatO: Another mosque somewhere needs extending due to expansion. Do the English really want to know this? I didn’t hear but I have to assume that’s Londonistan or Bradford or some other blossoming UK islamic caliphate. What was touching though is the BBC needing to report that the iman or someone took time out to approach the local “white” (I’m sure I heard the expression used) people to discuss the implications. Apparently no ‘whitey’ in dissent. Yet more one-sided accommodation. Lovely. When critical mass is reached will they bother to approach the local ‘whiteys’ to ascertain their positiion on having their heads hacked off or their wives stoned or they homosexual sons or lesbian daughters being thrown off a high building in accordance with their cult handbook? If building work is required, I do hope they build the minaret high enough to deal with the latter.
The year is 2018 … Will Sadiq Khan (believes Islam is great) or Jeremy Corbyn (protests for Al Quds) comment?
.. “I condemn all forms of dancing, oh, wait … ” …
Iran arrests official after youths dance at shopping centre concert { 19apr2018}
. . . .
“Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.”
—Ayatollah Khomeini, jan1980 (80 million Muslim people follow this man’s beliefs and ideas in 2017).
Iranian government beat the people up but say they don’t want to beat up the people whilst they beat then up … Jeremy? Sadiq? Tulip? Warsi?
. . . . as the UK Foreign Office hand out Hijabs ….
“Disturbing video morality police beating a woman for “inadequate” hijab. Govt ministers say they will investigate but WE want compulsory hijab to be gone”