Stew – congratulations -.your victory has spoilt my weekend even more than listening to a director of the dimblby production company spouting liberal crap.
Any way – there was a fire in my neck of the woods last night and sadly someone died. Al beeb made it a national story in the belief they could turn it into another bloody grenfell . They thought it was a tower block . The last time I went past said building it wasn’t . Last week anyway .
Al beeb didn’t report the 40 year old followed into a lift and stabbed multiple times though -maybe londonistan victim 61
I disagree. Using the opposition tactics, target companies and institutions who provide sinecures for the gang of ennobled benefit scroungers. Being tied to such individuals may become a poisoned chalice from the loss of ‘influence’ that the abolition of the Lords would create.
UKIP should adopt this; the abolition of an unelected second chamber; as part of their election manifesto. I think it would attract quite a number of additional votes for the party.
Agree, but it would have to include details of how candidates for the elected second chamber would be selected. I’d like to see members from a wide range of jobs and professions, but I’m not sure how this could be achieved. I also fear that the wrong types of quota would be introduced.
We already have two layers of government stuck in the two/three party rut. The last thing we need is a second chamber which looks like the present one (minus a few bishops) but with greater powers by virtue of its elected status. That might be worse than what we have now.
Unfortunately any resurgence in the UKIP vote will only dilute the Conservative vote and let Corbyn into number 10. Labour have decimated the Economy every time they have been in power, but the current lot are on a totally different level. The damage they would do to the Economy, Law and Order and our Defense is frightening. Corbyn McDonald and Abbopotimus wielding incredible, destructive power their arrogance and incompetence vastly outweighing their combined IQ.
Marky -I predicted we’d hear more from the cranky as the oil price went up again. It’s hit 80 dollar s. If it gets near 100 dollars they’ll be getting the Braveheart dvd out again.
On the upside we can have a hard border with Scotland again
Oh, it`s the Left MM, makes complete sense to them.
Like that New York suicide who set fire to himself to raise awareness of burning fossil fools-like himself.
I don’t agree with that view. Yes easy to post a view on social media such as this to just let off steam . Personally l enjoy some one explaining to me that I am wrong without the accompanying abuse which is a feature of current times. This seems very rare in the current climate.
Another gay commuting suicide
And blaming anyone but himself for his miserableness.
That group seem way more likely to self end that normal folk.
If this fantastic warm weather is indeed due to anthropogenic global warming, I’d like to say a big thanks to anyone who helped out by releasing lovely Co2.
I would think they’re dumbfounded, DC, because they don’t have the slightest inkling of how the EU actually works and therefore how undemocratic it is.
Seems to me like they’ve not been ‘educated and informed’ enough.
John I C, No the article isn’t true. It was a funny April 1st article.
It was taking the mickey out of Nicola Sturgeon.
But I hope she doesn’t read it. It might give her more batty ideas.
Alan Johnson says the DECISION to destroy the landing cards (Windrush) was made under him in 2009, but their actual DESTRUCTION was under the Tories/LibDumbs in 2010. And it was the Border Agency wot did it, so -as Minister- he knew nuffink about it.
1)Decisions really, are what matters. However, successors shouldn’t simply have carried out Labour decisions if there were red lights (common sense) flashing and
2) Whatever happened to Ministerial Responsibility? That used to exist. (To his credit, Cameron did the honourable thing when he realised he’d botched it. He could simply have followed the May recipe and said that -while opposed to Brexit- he could ‘hear the voice of the People’ and, ‘for the sake of the country’, blah blah, he would stay on and implement.)
That very sound principle, that Ministers should know the big things happening in their departments seems to have died the death. The buck no longer stops….well….anywhere, really. Now you solve it all by simply apologising ad nauseum.
Where I like Alan Johnson’s approach (if true) is that he wanted to introduce biometric ID cards. Allegedly, that’s why the landing cards were to be destroyed.
SLOWLY, EVER SO SLOWLY, we are getting some facts. The media (BBC in particular) had it all worked out on day one, for reasons of their own. Now we can begin assessing whether those facts make sense. (eg, you don’t destroy landing cards BEFORE you have those biometric cards? Do you, Alan Johnson?)
And the Tories ‘didn’t like’ ID cards. Then suddenly, oh dear, let’s -in their absence- do something to create an ‘unfriendly environment’ for illegal immigration. Then we get the botch-up, providing the BBC et al with much ammo. And now we have the picture of the little Nazi SS Conservative tree: nasty party MK2? Oh dear…
It would only be relevant to impute any blame at all to Treezer Green if the decision to execute Johnson’s instructions had been referred to her by the Border Agency. You can’t expect a government of one colour to take responsibility for the cock-ups of a preceding government of a different colour.
Besides, there is a letter in today’s Times where a long-time employee and former head of the Border Agency says that until the passing of the Commonwealth Immigrants Act in 1962 there were no papers, immigrants just had to have their passports stamped.
Thanks for this Peter. Slowly, ever so slowly pieces of the puzzle are coming out of the box.
As for expecting a government to take responsibility for the cock-ups of a preceding government: imho there used to be a system whereby a ‘chain of command’ ensured the flow of all important issues to Ministers. They met regularly with their top departmental civil servants. They were elected and then appointed to decide. They also had a duty to acquaint themselves with key issues and spot any ‘unexploded bombs’ from going off.
That seems no longer to be happening? One possibility: the civil service has become politicised, and deliberately waits for the Minister (from the ‘other’ party) to fall into a hole? Second possibility: the people appointed as Ministers have been promoted way beyond their level of competence?
If the civil service HAS become politicised, I can think of one person (no, two actually) who worked very hard to make it so in the thirteen years they had available.
You could almost make an Irish man, a Scottish man and a Welsh man joke about it.
Maybe even throw in an Arab, pinning after the province the Romans created and named Palestine..
Scots complaints about BBC are usually of a different pattern
ie Nationalists complaining about BBC backing unionism over Scots independence.
Now they complain BBC promised a full Scottish News at Six, but is palming them off with a cut down, cut price version.
Daily Politics and all the justification ever needed to define the BBC as a prejudiced, biased and totalitarian organisation with its own standards and parameters, well outside the national interest – Polly Toynbee receiving yet another appearance fee for another jaded and faded pseudo-knowledgeable series of colander-based opinions.
Update : on Nick Timothy
Earlier I quoted his tweet..Guido now reports he has just closed hi Twitter account
Source is Nick Timothy former head of staff to Theresa May, sacked after the election
The so-called “hostile environment” strategy designed to limit illegal immigration actually began under Labour, not the Tories.
This is what Jeremy Corbyn calls “callousness”:
R4 Any Questions tonight
– Jonathan Dimbleby – Green Party
@AnnelieseDodds Labour and Cooperative MP for Oxford East. Rose Curry fan.
@LyallGrant Former UK Ambassador to UN and National Security Adviser to the PM until April 2017.
@JohnSentamu Archbishop of York, Primate of England and Metropolitan
– for the Conservatives, it’s Local Government Minister Rishi Sunak
Then after that on your 100% UNBIASED BBC
“8:45pm The Museum of Deportation”
Probably about the one in Florence
Photo of a woman probably its director Camilla Brunelli
It says that the BBC has travelled to Bridlington in Yorkshire, but as is usual with the BBC. None of the panel were born in Yorkshire. This never seems to happens with any other region. Bridlington has four Tory Councillors, three UKIP Councillors and one Labour Councillor, all white. The BBC panel has two Southerners, one Black, one Asian and one Scot. I couldn’t imagine a more politically or ethnically unrepresentative panel for the people of Bridlington.
Richard: Typical of the Dumbleby Propaganda Show. I won a bet as to the nature of the first question, easiest win ever.
I switched off after it was asked, brimming with the prescribed righteous indignation and outrage. Who needs it? I’d rather listen the birdsong, or even my loo flushing.
The issue about the Windrush Generation thing isn’t about race but about the incompetence of the civil service .
And what’s wrong with those vans ? They were inoffensive , and like bouncers who don’t use physical force to remove someone as a first resort , they gave illegals a chance to put their affairs in order and leave the country .
BBC … on the politics page it talks about Irish Border and Brexit … on the Brexit page it still hasn’t been updated … pushing a story that is 3 days old.
4:30pm R4
\\ Roger Bolton hosts a Brexit special
– and also asks if the BBC was right to air the Rivers of Blood speech in full.
– A panel of high-ranking BBC journalists and executives chew over listener complaints about the corporation’s coverage of Brexit.
– Before the referendum, Feedback was inundated with complaints from listeners who felt that the BBC was overly biased in favour of Remain.
But, in the months that have followed, that has shifted and the programme now receives more complaints from Remainers who see the BBC as the Brexit Broadcasting Corporation – in part thanks to a concerted online campaign.
(They mean orchestrated campaign)
– Ric Bailey the BBC’s Chief Political Adviser, Gavin Allen the controller of the BBC’s daily news programming, and Today presenter Nick Robinson respond to listener complaints from all sides.
– And, with some listeners saying that BBC comedy is too prone to bashing Brexit, is it possible to write a perfectly balanced comedy sketch?
Cabin Pressure creator John Finnemore takes up the challenge.
(He’s the least biased R$ comedian since his shows don’t usually do contemporary issues )
– A recent edition of Archive on 4 dealing with Enoch Powell’s 1968 Rivers of Blood speech quickly became the most talked about radio programme of the year.
(So they say .. I bet other biased progs got talked about more)
The documentary featured actor Ian McDiarmid recreating the speech in full interspersed with analysis from contributors.
But news of the broadcast of the speech in full caused many to question the BBC’s judgement and motives.
Mohit Bakaya, the Radio 4 commissioner for the programme, explains the reasoning.
(The “Extra bite of the cherry” technique, whereby the Beeboids get to attack a pet issue Lawson/Enoch on the pretence of talking about balance)
Nibor – I agree with your 1st sentence.
But there is a problem. For ‘some’ it’s been a wonderful opportunity to MAKE it about race.
This doesn’t have to be done explicitly at all: you merely mention it in the same breath as Stephen Lawrence and Enoch Powell, as was done on day one by someone interviewed on the BBC (I think, although it could have been ITV) and now, what’s happening?
It is to be regretted that the race issue is never far away. It needn’t be like that.
We could indeed focus on the real issue: incompetence. Incompetence to bring tears to your eyes. Earlier on I said we were slowly beginning to get the facts, eg The Alan Johnson interview.
We drop the heavy emotional stuff and look at what actually happened. No jumping in before we know what the story is. Piece the puzzle together. The whole Windrush thing is actually a big puzzle. Ditto for something like the Skripal poisoning. (No race thing there, from day 1 that was only about Russia -and Putin. Perhaps ‘some’
wanted to MAKE it about Russia?) And the Skripal issue has not yet been resolved.
But then everyone would have to shelve their much-loved agendas and narratives. Politicians. The media. Think it would be hard on them.
Today the court heard a message sent to Mr Johnson from his boss Fran Unsworth, deputy director of BBC news and current affairs at the time of the search and since promoted to director.
Her message said: ‘It was an excellent piece of work. It was a very good piece of journalism.’
Her message was read out by barrister Justin Rushbrooke, who is leading Sir Cliff’s legal team, who said it portrayed Mr Johnson as a ‘hero’.
Mr Rushbrooke said: ‘You were the hero of the day, not just in the local office, but in the national office.
‘You were the toast of the UK newsroom.’
Mr Johnson replied: ‘Editors seemed to be pleased that I had brought in the story.’
When asked what his ‘scoop’ was, the reporter said:
‘The news that Sir Cliff Richard was being investigated by the police and that they were searching his house.’
What’s the BBC got against cliff
Doesn’t he tick the important homo box..
Maybe we are in phase two. When closet homosexuals are dispissed for not being pink enough.
LISTEN | On the 50th anniversary of Enoch Powell's #RiversOfBlood speech, here he is explaining why a supporter of the federal European project can never be a patriot.
Certainly seems to be the case for our female BBC News Channel business reporter. She brings us the FTSE 100, the oil price and the Royal Mail share price.
Apparently the female CEO of the Royal Mail has stepped down – for the man in the street I’m guessing Arsen Wenger’s exit is bigger news but heyho this is the business news, right?
Err, no. Apparently it’s all about gonads. Really? Yes, because it is pointed out to the viewer at this juncture that she is one of only 7 out of 100 FTSE bosses who have the requisit reproductive organs with which to gain praise from the BBC.
And the Royal Mail share price is down two points “sadly” according to our BBC cheerleader for the girls team.
Well, there was me thinking the BBC weren’t really supposed to have ‘views’ on the news.
BBC … as women are beaten up because of the Koran in Iran … on the BBC home page … “The Koran also inspires the beauty Janina sees on the walls of the palace. “There are two lines in Kufic script, they’re able to develop a beautiful series of images just by perfecting the different types of calligraphy.””
Plan for June 22-24 The Great Get Together
Its not a public holiday but for some reason all over UK it will be legal to close a street for a street party.
Wonder which “get together” we might find Brendan and his mates at?
Justin? Sir Alan?
That`s MY Sunday School Guides outing gone. Prosecco, Doritos and somewhere secluded near Jimmy Saviles old gaff in Headingley.
Jo`s loss-but our gain perhaps?
A blatant attempt to hijack the TRUE meaning of 23/24 June and to smear any intended Brexit celebrations – now and in the future for ever and ever – as ‘insensitive’, not to mention racist and bigoted etc.
Get out the bunting.
The siege of Mafeking.
No, not THAT siege! The one going on at this very moment. President Ramaphosa left CHOGM early to return to South Africa as the city, and the Northwest Province, explodes in violence, riots, looting, etc
He will have to deal with it.
It used to be peaceful. Perhaps the ANC policy of making the country ungovernable, will come back to haunt him? After all, he was one of those who dreamt it up.
Or perhaps the people have, after 20 years of ANC rule, grown tired of the endless corruption? The non-delivery of promised services?
Or maybe the ANC has got too carried away with EWC (Expropriation Without Compensation) being the instant solution to the country’s problems? And it turns out not to be the magic bullet? Perhaps it gives the elite a chance to grab the goodies, a la Zimbabwe, and the people ‘on the ground’ are a step ahead of Comrade Ramaphosa and don’t really want to go down the Zimbabwe path?
Will we be seeing any reports from the BBC on this? Or are we too busy welcoming Zimbabwe back into the Commonwealth?
Interesting times.
PS. I apologise for using the ‘magic bullet’ analogy. Given the murder of so many hundreds of SA farmers, their families and/or servants (to the extent that Australia has had to make a public offer to take them in) that is not appropriate.
I’m willing to bet on a South African civil war within a few years – tribal stuff – suppose whitee will get the blame – ssuming there are any white South Africans still alive by then of course .,
2.after brexit we really will find out if we have any friends in the commonwealth or whether it’s just a sentimental club held together by affection for her maj.
Can’t see her son being held with much regard – all you have say is “ princess Di” and the man turns into a cad.
As BBC enjoy China and bash Britain … no mention of China’s Africa take over or the Tibet takeover or flouting international laws and having the most number of executions (not known) … China Good .. Britain Bad .. wonder why we are in a mess?
Virtue Signal overspill in to lib media-land
Open the Times
– center supplement 3 pages on gender imbalance in patent applications
– center Arts pages : photo if the BBC black youth Musician of The Year, photo Sting with Shaggy about their new album
Aha, got it now. Further to my earlier comment on President Ramaphosa having to rush back to SA because of the violence, Comrade Obed Bapela of the ANC NEC has now enlightened us. He has told Mahikeng residents he understands their anger. Apparently all the money has gone to big companies.
Nothing to do with the success of the ANC policy of making the country ungovernable. Nothing to do with corruption. I got it wrong again. You live and learn.
Protesters are apparently making their way to the ANC bigwig meeting chanting: ‘Shoot us, shoot us!’ and ‘We are not afraid of the cops!’
Echoes of the past. How strange.
Red herring, Stew? Who would have thought it? There are certainly a lot of them around.
Still, the BBC weren’t fooled. They knew from day one who done what.
South Africa is a kind of prototype for the Corbynistas.
Create a grievance society. Promise them stuff. Let them get angry. Let them be violent and explain it away, if at all, as ‘understandable frustration’. Meanwhile, fail to deliver.
Funny thing is, some South Africans, white and also black ( but not enough of the latter) know what’s going on. Other funny thing is, quite a few whites want the black population to do better, to free the black kids from the educational illiteracy of their parents, to get black people into senior positions on merit. But like the Corbynistas, doing the hard yards is not for enough leaders. Much easier to foment discord and point the finger of blame at someone.
Not bBBC yet one can imagine their sympathies.
A person of our acquaintance has to cope with an abusive home life. I will say no more. But I looked online at various sources of help for them.
There was a good list available, including a special one dedicated to BAME.
Forgive me but abuse is abuse. Can you imagine the outcry if a special abuse service was set up for white anglo saxon Christians?
Politically correct bollocks really is everywhere. And the BBC make absolutely sure it stays that way.
Paywalled news
Channel 4 hosts private dinner for BAME execs
By Manori Ravindran19 April
Alex Mahon and Ian Katz praised for ’open and honest conversations’ on diversity at dinner event
There was some late discussion in the last thread following my point that we should refuse re-admission to anyone who has fought for Islamic terror groups abroad, whatever their nationalities. Are we crazy or what? I asked.
Like most if not all people on this site I had no beef with Islam until certain members started trying to kill me. Twenty five years ago, if I thought about the matter at all, I respected it as one of the three great semitic religions of the world. I know my history but it belongs in the past. Only the snowflakes of today think it is a good idea to apologise for events that occurred before they were born. Faults on both sides, live and let live was my attitude.
But we have allowed over four million muslims to settle in Britain and it appears, if recent independent polling evidence is to be believed, that a quarter of them are “sympathetic” to jihad. Consider for a moment what this suggests. Jihad is the justifiable killing of the infidel and is allowed if not mandated in the Koran. Over one million muslims in this country seem relaxed about my violent death along with a similar attitude towards 56 million other Brits. That is a clear and present danger to the indigenous population and strikes me as intolerable. Allowing 400 ISIS killers back into the country is madness. Couldn’t we at least ask Mr Trump if we can park them in Guantanamo – at least until we are satisfied that they have all cooled off.
The liberal elites treat us like dummies. They pretend that there is no major threat. The Idiot Khan goes so far as to suggest that living with such terrorism is part and parcel of big City life. As much as it can, the state broadcaster has given up mentioning Islam to describe acts of jihad and insults an entire continent by referring to the muslim grooming gangs as Asian. And one even wonders about the security services after the foolish retiring head of counter terrorism in London Mark Rowley drew a false equivalence between Islamic and “right wing” terrorism.
I am not a religious man, but sometimes I can’t help feeling that with clowns like these in charge, only God can help us.
It need not be this way but the muslim community must wake up to the substantial problem on its doorstep. The Christian religious books have some horrific statements in them but reformation over the last five hundreds years has drawn most of their sting. Most people who accept the concepts of Christianity look for guidance from the New rather than the Old Testament. The Koran however is very much Old Testament in its thinking. That thinking revolves around primitive conflict between warring desert tribes and belongs to a different age. There are moderate muslims who note that many of the cultural attachments of their religion arose later than the time of the Prophet. To be fair to the BBC it tries to give them airtime, but they seem thin on the ground.
The BBC, the conservative government and the liberal elites behave as if the problem will go away and cover their ears and chant, “la la la, I can’t hear you”. Sadly that is not a policy – that is the wish of a weak society that is starting to lose the will to defend itself.
Excellent post Chris. I recognised the danger of Islam when I returned to Yorkshire in 2005 after living away for thirty years . I was shocked by the number of Muslims in the county . Then the London tube bombing occurred and I realised that some towns in Yorkshire were a hostile environment for a white Englishman and I have kept well away in N Yorks ever since.
I think that things are too far gone to be solved by generosity and compromise on our part. Islam all over the world takes but never gives. We have allowed ourselves to be invaded and our leaders are cowed, too scared of the consequences to make a stand . But if we don’t do something soon we will simply be converted by the book or by the sword.
Liberals all over the West are as useless as our lot are. My focus is on Trump and Orban and Visegrad. Can Trump defeat , what is to all intents and purposes, a coup by the left ? Can Orban and the rest of the Visegrad group defend themselves successfully against the liberal attack from Brussels? If they can , can they help save us from the liberal menace in the first place and then from Islam? To me these are the big questions of our time and make something like Brexit almost fade into a second order issue.
Doublethinker- You are right, and I’m sorry to hear about what happened to Chris.
Very few politicians have been able to interpret what is happening in a historical context. Trump has, but has made a lot of enemies in the process. I will say something about Visegrad later. Brexit is related to this issue, insofar as Merkel is hard at it, setting the tone; she has just agreed for Germany to take in another ten thousand of the 50 000 ‘refugees’ the EU wants to redistribute. After the 1.5million she took in last year. Inevitably, a lot of trouble manifesting itself there…can you blame the ‘refugees’ – those genuine ones, who will not be well-dressed young men with mobiles and Nikes? Gates of Vienna in a ‘peaceful’ fashion?
Theoretically, the UK has escaped this problem. In practice, there may well be a flow here, independent of the EU. (And/or internal growth?) The problem as Stew said: red herrings everywhere.
The Rowleys of this world are an irritant; he must know perfectly well that his comparison is BS. A little virtue signalling.
Another chocolate teapot….
I nearly forgot: Interesting to think that, along with Trump and Visegrad, Putin may know what’s happening?
Much hated in ‘the West’. Always a good sign?
D/Thinker is spot on in his observations of towns in Yorkshire. In the 50’s and 60’s I would spend the school holidays with grandparents in Rotherham. Loved it ! and so different from my home town in Thanet. Fast forward 50 years and the place is unrecognisable. Relatives say the town centre is a no go for whites, mosques on every other corner, and its not just different skin colour but Eastern Europeans have taken root also. All aside from the grooming scandal that’s completely finished this once proud town. Bleeding heart elites can rant on about bigots and racists for all their worth, but how many would actually buy a property in the centre of Rotherham eh ?
Europe will split. The east will remain predominantly christian supported by a strong US under Trump and his republican successors. who will maintain power for at least 2 more terms after Trump. The IG’s report coming up in may will destroy Obama’s legacy and ensure the Democrats are exposed for the corrupt liberal elite they have become. Western europe will descend into chaos and civil strife. Get out while you can.
“…….The Koran however is very much Old Testament in its thinking. That thinking revolves around primitive conflict between warring desert tribes and belongs to a different age.” And that’s what they pray to four times a day……….
CM and G, the Old Testament is all about wrongdoing and the need for liberation from it by a Higher Power.
The example of Israel, a people God chose and chose to love but who continually erred or actively rebelled, merely highlighted the need for a better sacrifice than the blood of bulls and goats.
Part 2 would not be possible without Part 1.
Part 1 would be a deep, sour abscess without Part 2 as a fulfilment, a culmination, of what Part 1 foretold and founded.
Um, I take it Arsene Wenger hasn’t died or is seriously ill in hospital ! because an alien landing would think he had popped his clogs the way the media are broadcasting updates/ tributes/ interviews/live feeds from the Emirates Stadium etc. There is famine/wars/sex scandals/idiots with their fingers on the button going on in the world, and we get a football manager leaving his job as headline news all day. I realise its of interest to many (God, even my Dad himself with a footy manager, so I know the workings), but to speak of him in reverential tones is bloody stupid – but then, a media who lionises sodding Beckham and his family its just par for the course.
Bris – I take it there’ll be the usual minutes clapping at the start of each footy game for a while and the PM doing the empty thoughts and prayers routine at the next PMQs.
An al beeb special – where were you when you heard Arsene was leaving gunners United . Apparently A comrade Corbyn has become an instant life long gunners fan . I thought he hated violence .
As an aside one of the political outfits on twitter noted that comrade Corbyn failed to wish Israel a happy 70th birthday but found the time to wish Pakistan a 70th birthday last year . Must be some religious reason – right?
I think Arsene deserves his own thread . Can I be first …? Please?
Corbyn a life-long Gunners fan? Why not?
Gordon Brown was an ardent Arctic Monkeys fan.
Arsene has been the Real Thing. They can take the special one and all the others…
If not that, Accrington Stanley are looking sound.
Snuffy, I like him too, but there was everyone from the bloody milkman to his dog walker being interviewed and filling up air time. Crackers ! Only in Britain.
Deep joy.
The Windrush folk who have fallen victim to the admittedly completely useless ( officially ‘not fit for purpose’ since 2006) Home Office are now going to be able to claim compensation.
LeftMob will be lining up the legal aid and going full-on grievance hunting and virtue-signalling.
Just one question. Where does the compensation money come from? From me? As a taxpayer? Why the hell should I pay for the cock up?
Let the politicians and civil servants fork out from their ‘hard earned’ inflation protected bombproof pension schemes.
I suppose d abbot and Lammy will be bidding for Millions . Personally if people who cared enough to come to the mother country didn’t formalise their nationality they can’t have been too bothered can they .
Maybe give a tax rebate for anyone who can prove material loss but otherwise send them each s passport application form .
I suppose they’ll be another group of third worlders
Guessing in Blighty on the make soon enough . The new PPI.
“The Prophet Mohammed declared all men were free – no one being superior to another except by way of righteous conduct. He further took great steps to abolish slavery and liberate women across the Arab world whose status as chattel was widespread. This was long before similar battles were won in the West against unjust slavery and for the liberation of women.”
666 comes from the later part of ‘Supper’s ready’, one of the best songs by Genesis.
I once had a car with a 666 number plate, and Mrs O’blene refused to let me keep it in case we got attacked by witches or something…
The Battle of Hastings was fought four-hundred years after the year 666…
Apart from that, I can’t really add much to these comments, except to say ‘have a nice day…’! I for one will of course not be watching anything on the BBC, although I did turn on Dotun for a while until the blasted boring football bits came on.
I enjoy listening to Radio Four’s so called “News Quiz”.
It gives me a unique insight into why Nigel Farage (of this parish) is hero-worshipped across large swaths of the land. I understand why the eastern European states are turning to populist leaders. I completely get Donald J Trump.
“Illegal immigration doesn’t mean you are a criminal. It just means that you don’t have the right papers or an official at the Home Office doesn’t like you” – Jeremy Hardy, News Quiz, April 20, 2018.
This would appear to be the same clown who is described as a “comedian” and is employed by the BBC to present a programme called “Jeremy Hardy speaks to the nation”. He also appears on” I’m sorry I haven’t a clue”.
Other than sod the British rule of law, comment almost escapes me.
If I find myself listening to the News Quiz, I find myself shouting ‘YOU’RE NOT FUNNY’ at the radio.
Shouted at the radio at least three times today. Apart from the News Quiz, there was someone on the mid day news praising the new mosque in Lincoln which is going ahead despite ‘far right’ protests, and Feedback gave the impression that no one in the whole country thinks that Enoch was right.
In media and politician speak, ‘Far right’ = isn’t too keen on islamisation.
Re the nice new mosque in Lincoln, where the nice peaceful muslims will be praying. You might find this of interest:
Hugh Fitzgerald’s account of what goes on at a visit a nice friendly mosque day.
If you know very little, or nothing, about Islam, you will not know what questions to ask, nor what answers to challenge. You won’t know the true meaning of the word “Islam.” You won’t know about the limits on who can receive Zakat, or about the cursing of kuffars in the five daily prayers. You won’t know about all the verses that command Believers to wage Jihad in the Qur’an. You won’t know about the verses that tell Muslims to “strike terror” in the hearts of the Unbelievers. You won’t know that in the Qur’an Muslims are described as the “best of peoples,” while Infidels are “the most vile of creatures.” Before attending one of these events, try to prepare yourself as best you can. You could start by googling “Jihad,” “Jizyah,” “taqiyya,” “dhimmi” and go from there, reading the Qur’an, online, with exegetical commentaries. The more you know, the more difficult it will be to lead you astray.
Please note ‘the cursing of kuffars in the five daily prayers’.
Rob in Cheshire October 29, 2017 at 1:59 pm
In the 1980s Hardy married the American comedienne Kit Hollerbach, who used to work with him on the comedy circuit and on radio.
They are no longer married. He has since admitted on air that the marriage was a sham, to enable Hollerbach to stay in the UK.
Amazingly, it appears that the authorities have no interest in pursuing this matter, even though he has publicly admitted committing a crime. How strange is that? It must be great to be one of the left wing protected class.
‘’No cause of death was announced,
He suffered from health problems including acute pancreatitis, in part due to excessive drinking’’
Alright, I give in, why the BBC interest?
Need google for that ..
Looks right up BBCs street ( no pun intended)
‘16. Avicii, “Silhouettes”
Avicii’s “Silhouettes” opens to our lead character waking to a liquor-laden apartment before he sets off to undergo sex reassignment surgery. Reflecting on visions of the past, once self-medicated with alcohol, the protagonist finally finds peace with her new self, and also a new lover. The Swedish DJ’s video gives a harrowing account of trans identity and the emotions involved with the surgical procedures.,,
Windrush foul up or a deliberate scam to allow May to surreptitiously allow hundreds of thousands of illegals and other migrants UK citizenship?
This is the real reason why this non story is being pushed so hard.
All over Europe the population is slowly waking up to the fact that the elites cannot be trusted and so the globalist agenda is being pushed harder to replace populations at a faster rate.
Only this week French President Micron told the world that he wanted to open the doors to every migrant that wanted to come:
Just because the people are waking up, don’t expect the global elites to take it lying down, they have a plan and they’re not going to allow the plebs to spoil it !
I had a quick read of that Macron article, Thoughtful.
Reuters quotes Macron having a dig at Brexit by saying that the best way to have relations with the European Union was by being a member.
As to your suggestion, it is interesting. If you are right, it would suggest that Ms May has been learning from Ms Merkel even faster than even I could have imagined. And, having an interest in Education, I’ve been thinking about that quite a lot.
Thoughtful, did you hear Carolyn Quinn on PM? Rubbishing the Commonwealth & Royal Family with a strong hint that the Commonwealth countries do not like our Imperial past. Actually Carolyn, I think it is you and the BBC that still do not like thoughts of days of Empire and the Commonwealth countries had moved on from that long, long ago.
She then goes on to cover Macron and his major speech. Today, was it? Mentions deGaulle in favourable terms. Wasn’t he the President of the Imperialist Fourth Republic? No mention from Carolyn, no questions asked. Funny that. I wonder why?
They had not long before in the same programme, done an item on Arsene Wenger’s retirement. The Scots footie pundit contributor observes that Wenger at his and Arsenal’s most successful time, built that success by recruiting players largely from Francophone Africa.
I agree with Owen on this
but Owen Jones is part of the same clique.
“Owen Jones mother was a University Lecturer, he went to Oxford”
Owen feels ganged up and bullied and he bullied Andrew Neil by trying to get him sacked.
Bullies often try to claim victimhood, he only being called out, no one is trying to get him sacked.
“Truly baffling” — Dr Lee Rotherham of Veterans for Britain explains why ministers’ strategy on EU defence integration risks giving defence policy via a successor exit treaty. Full story:
— Veterans for Britain (@VeteransBritain) April 20, 2018
“The Empire Windrush was built in Nazi Germany as a troop carrier. Initially named the Monte Rosa, it was launched in 1930 as a cruise ship, and became a favourite cruise ship of top Nazi officials. When the war began she was first used as a barracks ship, and then as a troop carrier for the invasion of Norway. Stationed in Norway, she became an accommodation ship attached to the Tirpitz.
At the end of the war, as the Germans fled the Red Army, she was used as an evacuation ship. In May 1945 she was seized by the Allies and handed over to the British Ministry of Transport. Two years later she was renamed Empire Windrush and, run by the New Zealand Shipping Company on behalf of the British Government, was put into service carrying troops between Southampton, Gibraltar, Suez, Aden, Columbo, Singapore and Hong Kong. Over the years she ran this route, extended during the Korean War to Japan, in 1948 she made one other journey – from Australia to Britain, via Kingston Jamaica, where emigrants, enticed by newspaper advertisements offering one-way berths to Britain for £28 10s each, embarked.
Three years after the defeat of Hitler, the ship that heralded an ineradicable change to the complexion of Britain was a Nazi troop carrier.”
“The Empire Windrush has acquired an iconic status almost equal to that of the Mayflower. With good reason. Both ships heralded a great tragedy for the indigenous people, who helplessly watched vast numbers of aliens settled on their shores to utterly change the nature of their land. And in our case this catastrophic change is lauded by some as being good for us!”
“Dark Albion A Requiem for the English” David Abbott.
Have I Got News for You summary.
After 14 minutes of the usual attacks on the government and Trump ( hilarious – Jeremy Hunt’s name sounds a bit like c***) we get a Dianne Abbott joke. The audience give a pregnant pause of the ‘ should we be laughing at this’ kind followed by a muted laugh.
And….errr……that was all there was in terms of having a go at current Labour. Jezza got away scot free, Again.
As impartial and unbiased as ever.
Haven’t watched it for years . I guess al beeb keeps it going as a propaganda exercise as well as giving friends of beeboids trying to be ‘ comedians’ a bit of air time . Fortunately it shows them up to be the smug unfunny lefty shits they often are – but as I say – thankfully it’s been years since I’ve watched it.
Another day without the al beeb – except footy and the blessed Dads Army . The rest is dross .
Let’s examine the claim from the Kremlin, according to the BBC and others, that is being spread (reported?) by RT, that the attempt on the life of the Skripals was from British Intelligence Services (I assume meaning MI5) using a replica of a Soviet era nerve agent. The BBC are keen to blame RT for spreading disinformation yet leave their own deficiencies in that area unremarked.
What motive would MI5 have for killing Sergei Skripal and possibly his daughter also although she might be collateral damage, merely accidentally caught up in the poisoning of her father? No questions asked, by the way, by the BBC.
The only thing I can think of, and have mentioned here before, is that the Russians had ‘turned’ Skripal and he was supplying them again with intelligence on the UK. Again, no questions asked by the BBC.
Would they assassinate rather than gather evidence and arrest Sergei Skripal and put him on trial? Highly unlikely. It is not that British Intelligence has never assassinated anyone it is just that, in this instance, such a trial would be useful at putting Russia and Putin under pressure. Again, no questions asked by the BBC.
If MI5 wanted to kill Skripal, would they choose such a messy and imprecise method. Again, no questions asked by the BBC. I think that obviously they would not. The cost of clearing up this whole mess must be rocketing. Yet again, no questions on that asked by the BBC, as far as I know. Certainly the savings obtained by terminating any pension paid by HMG to Skripal would be far exceeded by the costs so far.
It is a highly unlikely scenario and one to put at the bottom of any list of possible explanations, in my view, if not completely discounted.
All indications are that its MI6 not MI5. Whether the Kremlin or the British Government is spreading disinformation is a matter of opinion, its up to journalists to prove it. We do know that someone lied to Boris about Novichok agents being something only the Russians could make. Like all media outputs, RT don’t have or provide any information not known by other sources, but are asking the questions that other media outlets are not asking, such as is it true that according to Dr Steven Davies, Consultant in emergency medicine, Accident and Emergency, Salisbury District Hospital. None of the patients experienced the symptoms of nerve agents. Does this prove that the Salisbury incident is a false flag operation. Porton Down is nearby and there was a chemical weapons training exercise just before the incident. Why is Security at the Hospital virtually none existent while Sergei Skripal is supposedly still in the Hospital. Also, as Yulia Skripal had to borrow a phone to contact her family, why is their no proof that she is free to communicate with her family, the media or anyone else. The timetable of events and masses of contradictions could point to the possibility that MI6 were targeting Yulia Skripal with Novichok, but that the Russians have fooled MI6 into thinking that Novichok is a Nerve Agent that works, but in reality it does not, and has never worked as a nerve agent. Therefore this could suggest that Dr Davies had found that the Skripals had only experienced Organophosphate poisoning. That would explain that the peculiar delayed actions now being suggested for Salisbury are Psychological operations (PSYOP), which are planned operations to convey to the media through clean up operations and demolishing houses, to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behaviour of individuals to blame Russia without the need for any proof. That’s why there are rumours that RT is soon to be subjected to censorship by being removed from its Freeview channel and closed down in Britain. Disinformation can be proved to be wrong, but the problem we have is the lack of any information. So to close down RT will make Britain more isolated from reality than any other nation in the west, especially with Britain having BBC News, but not Fox News.
Richard, one small problem, Six are not mainland, not homeland. Five are homeland.
If there is one thing about UK Civil Service that would survive a world nuclear war then, along with the cockroaches, it would be boundaries between departments and layers of authority in the UK Civil Service.
I hold no brief at all for Russia or Putin, but it is worth listening to their side of the story. If RT goes, Sputnik may still remain. And there are others. ‘Fairness’: one of our much professed values, applies here.
Sorry about this to anyone monitoring this site to ‘keep an eye on it’, but when you can’t trust your own media, who are in ‘re-education’ mode, you tend to want to hear the other side of the story.
C5 now Rivers of Blood: 50 Years On
A 10 second clip of Enoch at the start and it’s moved on to be a story chronicling the life of immigrants since the speech,
Malcom X’s visit etc,
There’s only been 2 white faces on the screen, complaining about black customs.
Ad it has that dreadful brainwashing background music as well.
ah I just saw another bit. We got intro to the local black MP and then another 20 second shot of a stunt the prog did : They seemingly filled a church hall with BME and made them watch the Enoch Powell video, however after a few comments they’d quickly moved on to another item.
I watched it for an hour before I could tolerate no more and switched off…should I bother to watch the final half-hour? The sooner all awful white folk are dead and gone, the sooner that all those left can live in peace and harmony I suppose 🙁
An impartial programme might have been interesting.
Its a Windrush wankfest on Newshite.
A panel of black grievance monkeys announcing with pride the end of any attempts at all to counter unfettered open door mass immogration.
And there is Kirsty Wark nodding sagely in that understanding way so beloved of LeftMob zealots when one if their favourite anti-British topics presents itself.
Absolutely moronic.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
Say something on the new thread then.
(You can’t win them all)
Previously : Link back to old thread 2 pages of posts from earlier today, …… last 24 hours
Now over 54,000 signatures
Give the electorate a referendum on the abolition of the House of Lords
A lot of angry people, but not enough to have any effect whatsoever on our ‘masters’ and their acolytes.
Stew – congratulations -.your victory has spoilt my weekend even more than listening to a director of the dimblby production company spouting liberal crap.
Any way – there was a fire in my neck of the woods last night and sadly someone died. Al beeb made it a national story in the belief they could turn it into another bloody grenfell . They thought it was a tower block . The last time I went past said building it wasn’t . Last week anyway .
Al beeb didn’t report the 40 year old followed into a lift and stabbed multiple times though -maybe londonistan victim 61
I disagree. Using the opposition tactics, target companies and institutions who provide sinecures for the gang of ennobled benefit scroungers. Being tied to such individuals may become a poisoned chalice from the loss of ‘influence’ that the abolition of the Lords would create.
UKIP should adopt this; the abolition of an unelected second chamber; as part of their election manifesto. I think it would attract quite a number of additional votes for the party.
Agree, but it would have to include details of how candidates for the elected second chamber would be selected. I’d like to see members from a wide range of jobs and professions, but I’m not sure how this could be achieved. I also fear that the wrong types of quota would be introduced.
We already have two layers of government stuck in the two/three party rut. The last thing we need is a second chamber which looks like the present one (minus a few bishops) but with greater powers by virtue of its elected status. That might be worse than what we have now.
Perhaps people who comment on line about the bias of albeeb should be appointed to the second chamber .
Can’t be too long before a few imams demand a seat next to the bishops . Every one keeps bashing them.
“Can’t be too long before a few imams demand a seat next to the bishops.”
Good point. Surprised it hasn’t happened already.
Unfortunately any resurgence in the UKIP vote will only dilute the Conservative vote and let Corbyn into number 10. Labour have decimated the Economy every time they have been in power, but the current lot are on a totally different level. The damage they would do to the Economy, Law and Order and our Defense is frightening. Corbyn McDonald and Abbopotimus wielding incredible, destructive power their arrogance and incompetence vastly outweighing their combined IQ.
71,000 plus (including mine) at 09:00 today, Saturday.
85,000 Sunday afternoon.
Comedy that writes itself ….
“I want Scotland to be an independent Country, I want Scotland to be an independent Country in the European Union.” – Nicola Sturgeon (SNP)
Marky -I predicted we’d hear more from the cranky as the oil price went up again. It’s hit 80 dollar s. If it gets near 100 dollars they’ll be getting the Braveheart dvd out again.
On the upside we can have a hard border with Scotland again
“On the upside we can have a hard border with Scotland again”
That’ll put most of the fun back into running away to Gretna Green again!
Oh, it`s the Left MM, makes complete sense to them.
Like that New York suicide who set fire to himself to raise awareness of burning fossil fools-like himself.
Do you think we no longer think … we just react. No thought. Just protest and shout.
I don’t agree with that view. Yes easy to post a view on social media such as this to just let off steam . Personally l enjoy some one explaining to me that I am wrong without the accompanying abuse which is a feature of current times. This seems very rare in the current climate.
Another gay commuting suicide
And blaming anyone but himself for his miserableness.
That group seem way more likely to self end that normal folk.
If this fantastic warm weather is indeed due to anthropogenic global warming, I’d like to say a big thanks to anyone who helped out by releasing lovely Co2.
There are many people in Wales who believe in the same thing.
When I point out the idiocy, they appear dumbfounded.
I would think they’re dumbfounded, DC, because they don’t have the slightest inkling of how the EU actually works and therefore how undemocratic it is.
Seems to me like they’ve not been ‘educated and informed’ enough.
And I’m sure I’ve read that she’s going to change over to driving on the right in Scotland, to conform to what the EU does.
If that’s true then she’s barking mad.
John I C, No the article isn’t true. It was a funny April 1st article.
It was taking the mickey out of Nicola Sturgeon.
But I hope she doesn’t read it. It might give her more batty ideas.
Nicola isn’t very bright. I know I’m not but Nicola thinks she is fabulous. I doubt any therapist would be brave enough to take her as client.
Alan Johnson says the DECISION to destroy the landing cards (Windrush) was made under him in 2009, but their actual DESTRUCTION was under the Tories/LibDumbs in 2010. And it was the Border Agency wot did it, so -as Minister- he knew nuffink about it.
1)Decisions really, are what matters. However, successors shouldn’t simply have carried out Labour decisions if there were red lights (common sense) flashing and
2) Whatever happened to Ministerial Responsibility? That used to exist. (To his credit, Cameron did the honourable thing when he realised he’d botched it. He could simply have followed the May recipe and said that -while opposed to Brexit- he could ‘hear the voice of the People’ and, ‘for the sake of the country’, blah blah, he would stay on and implement.)
That very sound principle, that Ministers should know the big things happening in their departments seems to have died the death. The buck no longer stops….well….anywhere, really. Now you solve it all by simply apologising ad nauseum.
Where I like Alan Johnson’s approach (if true) is that he wanted to introduce biometric ID cards. Allegedly, that’s why the landing cards were to be destroyed.
SLOWLY, EVER SO SLOWLY, we are getting some facts. The media (BBC in particular) had it all worked out on day one, for reasons of their own. Now we can begin assessing whether those facts make sense. (eg, you don’t destroy landing cards BEFORE you have those biometric cards? Do you, Alan Johnson?)
And the Tories ‘didn’t like’ ID cards. Then suddenly, oh dear, let’s -in their absence- do something to create an ‘unfriendly environment’ for illegal immigration. Then we get the botch-up, providing the BBC et al with much ammo. And now we have the picture of the little Nazi SS Conservative tree: nasty party MK2? Oh dear…
It would only be relevant to impute any blame at all to Treezer Green if the decision to execute Johnson’s instructions had been referred to her by the Border Agency. You can’t expect a government of one colour to take responsibility for the cock-ups of a preceding government of a different colour.
Besides, there is a letter in today’s Times where a long-time employee and former head of the Border Agency says that until the passing of the Commonwealth Immigrants Act in 1962 there were no papers, immigrants just had to have their passports stamped.
Thanks for this Peter. Slowly, ever so slowly pieces of the puzzle are coming out of the box.
As for expecting a government to take responsibility for the cock-ups of a preceding government: imho there used to be a system whereby a ‘chain of command’ ensured the flow of all important issues to Ministers. They met regularly with their top departmental civil servants. They were elected and then appointed to decide. They also had a duty to acquaint themselves with key issues and spot any ‘unexploded bombs’ from going off.
That seems no longer to be happening? One possibility: the civil service has become politicised, and deliberately waits for the Minister (from the ‘other’ party) to fall into a hole? Second possibility: the people appointed as Ministers have been promoted way beyond their level of competence?
If the civil service HAS become politicised, I can think of one person (no, two actually) who worked very hard to make it so in the thirteen years they had available.
You could almost make an Irish man, a Scottish man and a Welsh man joke about it.
Maybe even throw in an Arab, pinning after the province the Romans created and named Palestine..
Times Letter : Landing cards are a red herring, cos they weren’t routinely issued at the time.
Says Former Chief Immigration Officer Peter Hillman
In a second letter a judge describes the immigration office as still dysfunctional & not got for purpose, cos of mass of confusing laws.
Scots complaints about BBC are usually of a different pattern
ie Nationalists complaining about BBC backing unionism over Scots independence.
Now they complain BBC promised a full Scottish News at Six, but is palming them off with a cut down, cut price version.
Daily Politics and all the justification ever needed to define the BBC as a prejudiced, biased and totalitarian organisation with its own standards and parameters, well outside the national interest – Polly Toynbee receiving yet another appearance fee for another jaded and faded pseudo-knowledgeable series of colander-based opinions.
Update : on Nick Timothy
Earlier I quoted his tweet..Guido now reports he has just closed hi Twitter account
The accusation is that when he claimed ‘Theresa May didn’t support the idea of the Go Home vans’ ..other people came forward to say May had personally approved the van ads wording.
J Vine is covering the story of a black youth killed in London
… you won’t be able to guess which one.
June Sarpong yesterday said “The media is ALWAYS talking about Enoch Powell”
R4 Any Questions tonight
– Jonathan Dimbleby – Green Party
@AnnelieseDodds Labour and Cooperative MP for Oxford East. Rose Curry fan.
@LyallGrant Former UK Ambassador to UN and National Security Adviser to the PM until April 2017.
@JohnSentamu Archbishop of York, Primate of England and Metropolitan
– for the Conservatives, it’s Local Government Minister Rishi Sunak
Then after that on your 100% UNBIASED BBC
“8:45pm The Museum of Deportation”
Probably about the one in Florence
Photo of a woman probably its director Camilla Brunelli
It says that the BBC has travelled to Bridlington in Yorkshire, but as is usual with the BBC. None of the panel were born in Yorkshire. This never seems to happens with any other region. Bridlington has four Tory Councillors, three UKIP Councillors and one Labour Councillor, all white. The BBC panel has two Southerners, one Black, one Asian and one Scot. I couldn’t imagine a more politically or ethnically unrepresentative panel for the people of Bridlington.
Richard: Typical of the Dumbleby Propaganda Show. I won a bet as to the nature of the first question, easiest win ever.
I switched off after it was asked, brimming with the prescribed righteous indignation and outrage. Who needs it? I’d rather listen the birdsong, or even my loo flushing.
Comey on BBC TV 13h00. Trump-bashing will go on regardless of Windrush etc….
Oh yes, and buy his book.
The issue about the Windrush Generation thing isn’t about race but about the incompetence of the civil service .
And what’s wrong with those vans ? They were inoffensive , and like bouncers who don’t use physical force to remove someone as a first resort , they gave illegals a chance to put their affairs in order and leave the country .
BBC … on the politics page it talks about Irish Border and Brexit … on the Brexit page it still hasn’t been updated … pushing a story that is 3 days old.
4:30pm R4
\\ Roger Bolton hosts a Brexit special
– and also asks if the BBC was right to air the Rivers of Blood speech in full.
– A panel of high-ranking BBC journalists and executives chew over listener complaints about the corporation’s coverage of Brexit.
– Before the referendum, Feedback was inundated with complaints from listeners who felt that the BBC was overly biased in favour of Remain.
But, in the months that have followed, that has shifted and the programme now receives more complaints from Remainers who see the BBC as the Brexit Broadcasting Corporation – in part thanks to a concerted online campaign.
(They mean orchestrated campaign)
– Ric Bailey the BBC’s Chief Political Adviser, Gavin Allen the controller of the BBC’s daily news programming, and Today presenter Nick Robinson respond to listener complaints from all sides.
– And, with some listeners saying that BBC comedy is too prone to bashing Brexit, is it possible to write a perfectly balanced comedy sketch?
Cabin Pressure creator John Finnemore takes up the challenge.
(He’s the least biased R$ comedian since his shows don’t usually do contemporary issues )
– A recent edition of Archive on 4 dealing with Enoch Powell’s 1968 Rivers of Blood speech quickly became the most talked about radio programme of the year.
(So they say .. I bet other biased progs got talked about more)
The documentary featured actor Ian McDiarmid recreating the speech in full interspersed with analysis from contributors.
But news of the broadcast of the speech in full caused many to question the BBC’s judgement and motives.
Mohit Bakaya, the Radio 4 commissioner for the programme, explains the reasoning.
(The “Extra bite of the cherry” technique, whereby the Beeboids get to attack a pet issue Lawson/Enoch on the pretence of talking about balance)
Nibor – I agree with your 1st sentence.
But there is a problem. For ‘some’ it’s been a wonderful opportunity to MAKE it about race.
This doesn’t have to be done explicitly at all: you merely mention it in the same breath as Stephen Lawrence and Enoch Powell, as was done on day one by someone interviewed on the BBC (I think, although it could have been ITV) and now, what’s happening?
It is to be regretted that the race issue is never far away. It needn’t be like that.
We could indeed focus on the real issue: incompetence. Incompetence to bring tears to your eyes. Earlier on I said we were slowly beginning to get the facts, eg The Alan Johnson interview.
We drop the heavy emotional stuff and look at what actually happened. No jumping in before we know what the story is. Piece the puzzle together. The whole Windrush thing is actually a big puzzle. Ditto for something like the Skripal poisoning. (No race thing there, from day 1 that was only about Russia -and Putin. Perhaps ‘some’
wanted to MAKE it about Russia?) And the Skripal issue has not yet been resolved.
But then everyone would have to shelve their much-loved agendas and narratives. Politicians. The media. Think it would be hard on them.
BBC vs Cliff trial
Today the court heard a message sent to Mr Johnson from his boss Fran Unsworth, deputy director of BBC news and current affairs at the time of the search and since promoted to director.
Her message said: ‘It was an excellent piece of work. It was a very good piece of journalism.’
Her message was read out by barrister Justin Rushbrooke, who is leading Sir Cliff’s legal team, who said it portrayed Mr Johnson as a ‘hero’.
Mr Rushbrooke said: ‘You were the hero of the day, not just in the local office, but in the national office.
‘You were the toast of the UK newsroom.’
Mr Johnson replied: ‘Editors seemed to be pleased that I had brought in the story.’
When asked what his ‘scoop’ was, the reporter said:
‘The news that Sir Cliff Richard was being investigated by the police and that they were searching his house.’
What’s the BBC got against cliff
Doesn’t he tick the important homo box..
Maybe we are in phase two. When closet homosexuals are dispissed for not being pink enough.
Maybe Enoch got the wrong country … Eid .. Bangladesh … sep2016 …
They do say markets are all about sentiment.
Certainly seems to be the case for our female BBC News Channel business reporter. She brings us the FTSE 100, the oil price and the Royal Mail share price.
Apparently the female CEO of the Royal Mail has stepped down – for the man in the street I’m guessing Arsen Wenger’s exit is bigger news but heyho this is the business news, right?
Err, no. Apparently it’s all about gonads. Really? Yes, because it is pointed out to the viewer at this juncture that she is one of only 7 out of 100 FTSE bosses who have the requisit reproductive organs with which to gain praise from the BBC.
And the Royal Mail share price is down two points “sadly” according to our BBC cheerleader for the girls team.
Well, there was me thinking the BBC weren’t really supposed to have ‘views’ on the news.
The BBC’s chairman David Clementi has said the corporation faces a huge challenge with the “smartphone generation.”
Also BBC admits its monopoly on sport on the radio is gone forever
BBC … as women are beaten up because of the Koran in Iran … on the BBC home page … “The Koran also inspires the beauty Janina sees on the walls of the palace. “There are two lines in Kufic script, they’re able to develop a beautiful series of images just by perfecting the different types of calligraphy.””
Islam good
Islam bad
Plan for June 22-24 The Great Get Together
Its not a public holiday but for some reason all over UK it will be legal to close a street for a street party.
Wonder which “get together” we might find Brendan and his mates at?
Justin? Sir Alan?
That`s MY Sunday School Guides outing gone. Prosecco, Doritos and somewhere secluded near Jimmy Saviles old gaff in Headingley.
Jo`s loss-but our gain perhaps?
A blatant attempt to hijack the TRUE meaning of 23/24 June and to smear any intended Brexit celebrations – now and in the future for ever and ever – as ‘insensitive’, not to mention racist and bigoted etc.
Get out the bunting.
The siege of Mafeking.
No, not THAT siege! The one going on at this very moment. President Ramaphosa left CHOGM early to return to South Africa as the city, and the Northwest Province, explodes in violence, riots, looting, etc
He will have to deal with it.
It used to be peaceful. Perhaps the ANC policy of making the country ungovernable, will come back to haunt him? After all, he was one of those who dreamt it up.
Or perhaps the people have, after 20 years of ANC rule, grown tired of the endless corruption? The non-delivery of promised services?
Or maybe the ANC has got too carried away with EWC (Expropriation Without Compensation) being the instant solution to the country’s problems? And it turns out not to be the magic bullet? Perhaps it gives the elite a chance to grab the goodies, a la Zimbabwe, and the people ‘on the ground’ are a step ahead of Comrade Ramaphosa and don’t really want to go down the Zimbabwe path?
Will we be seeing any reports from the BBC on this? Or are we too busy welcoming Zimbabwe back into the Commonwealth?
Interesting times.
PS. I apologise for using the ‘magic bullet’ analogy. Given the murder of so many hundreds of SA farmers, their families and/or servants (to the extent that Australia has had to make a public offer to take them in) that is not appropriate.
I’m willing to bet on a South African civil war within a few years – tribal stuff – suppose whitee will get the blame – ssuming there are any white South Africans still alive by then of course .,
2.after brexit we really will find out if we have any friends in the commonwealth or whether it’s just a sentimental club held together by affection for her maj.
Can’t see her son being held with much regard – all you have say is “ princess Di” and the man turns into a cad.
Do listen to the James Delingpole podcast on Breitpart, which is largely about the S. African situation.
News : Our dear leader sends his best wishes to Arsen Wenger.
… Is is the club in his Islington constituency ?
As BBC enjoy China and bash Britain … no mention of China’s Africa take over or the Tibet takeover or flouting international laws and having the most number of executions (not known) … China Good .. Britain Bad .. wonder why we are in a mess?
The power of BBC omission …
. . .
“They will also note that China was the most important country to push back against what had seemed like an inevitable tide of democratisation.
One thing is almost certain – a century from now, China will still be a place of fascination for those who live there and those who live with it, and its rich history will continue to inform its present and future direction.”
Virtue Signal overspill in to lib media-land
Open the Times
– center supplement 3 pages on gender imbalance in patent applications
– center Arts pages : photo if the BBC black youth Musician of The Year, photo Sting with Shaggy about their new album
Aha, got it now. Further to my earlier comment on President Ramaphosa having to rush back to SA because of the violence, Comrade Obed Bapela of the ANC NEC has now enlightened us. He has told Mahikeng residents he understands their anger. Apparently all the money has gone to big companies.
Nothing to do with the success of the ANC policy of making the country ungovernable. Nothing to do with corruption. I got it wrong again. You live and learn.
Protesters are apparently making their way to the ANC bigwig meeting chanting: ‘Shoot us, shoot us!’ and ‘We are not afraid of the cops!’
Echoes of the past. How strange.
Red herring, Stew? Who would have thought it? There are certainly a lot of them around.
Still, the BBC weren’t fooled. They knew from day one who done what.
South Africa is a kind of prototype for the Corbynistas.
Create a grievance society. Promise them stuff. Let them get angry. Let them be violent and explain it away, if at all, as ‘understandable frustration’. Meanwhile, fail to deliver.
Funny thing is, some South Africans, white and also black ( but not enough of the latter) know what’s going on. Other funny thing is, quite a few whites want the black population to do better, to free the black kids from the educational illiteracy of their parents, to get black people into senior positions on merit. But like the Corbynistas, doing the hard yards is not for enough leaders. Much easier to foment discord and point the finger of blame at someone.
Not bBBC yet one can imagine their sympathies.
A person of our acquaintance has to cope with an abusive home life. I will say no more. But I looked online at various sources of help for them.
There was a good list available, including a special one dedicated to BAME.
Forgive me but abuse is abuse. Can you imagine the outcry if a special abuse service was set up for white anglo saxon Christians?
Politically correct bollocks really is everywhere. And the BBC make absolutely sure it stays that way.
Paywalled news
Channel 4 hosts private dinner for BAME execs
By Manori Ravindran19 April
Alex Mahon and Ian Katz praised for ’open and honest conversations’ on diversity at dinner event
There was some late discussion in the last thread following my point that we should refuse re-admission to anyone who has fought for Islamic terror groups abroad, whatever their nationalities. Are we crazy or what? I asked.
Like most if not all people on this site I had no beef with Islam until certain members started trying to kill me. Twenty five years ago, if I thought about the matter at all, I respected it as one of the three great semitic religions of the world. I know my history but it belongs in the past. Only the snowflakes of today think it is a good idea to apologise for events that occurred before they were born. Faults on both sides, live and let live was my attitude.
But we have allowed over four million muslims to settle in Britain and it appears, if recent independent polling evidence is to be believed, that a quarter of them are “sympathetic” to jihad. Consider for a moment what this suggests. Jihad is the justifiable killing of the infidel and is allowed if not mandated in the Koran. Over one million muslims in this country seem relaxed about my violent death along with a similar attitude towards 56 million other Brits. That is a clear and present danger to the indigenous population and strikes me as intolerable. Allowing 400 ISIS killers back into the country is madness. Couldn’t we at least ask Mr Trump if we can park them in Guantanamo – at least until we are satisfied that they have all cooled off.
The liberal elites treat us like dummies. They pretend that there is no major threat. The Idiot Khan goes so far as to suggest that living with such terrorism is part and parcel of big City life. As much as it can, the state broadcaster has given up mentioning Islam to describe acts of jihad and insults an entire continent by referring to the muslim grooming gangs as Asian. And one even wonders about the security services after the foolish retiring head of counter terrorism in London Mark Rowley drew a false equivalence between Islamic and “right wing” terrorism.
I am not a religious man, but sometimes I can’t help feeling that with clowns like these in charge, only God can help us.
It need not be this way but the muslim community must wake up to the substantial problem on its doorstep. The Christian religious books have some horrific statements in them but reformation over the last five hundreds years has drawn most of their sting. Most people who accept the concepts of Christianity look for guidance from the New rather than the Old Testament. The Koran however is very much Old Testament in its thinking. That thinking revolves around primitive conflict between warring desert tribes and belongs to a different age. There are moderate muslims who note that many of the cultural attachments of their religion arose later than the time of the Prophet. To be fair to the BBC it tries to give them airtime, but they seem thin on the ground.
The BBC, the conservative government and the liberal elites behave as if the problem will go away and cover their ears and chant, “la la la, I can’t hear you”. Sadly that is not a policy – that is the wish of a weak society that is starting to lose the will to defend itself.
Excellent post Chris. I recognised the danger of Islam when I returned to Yorkshire in 2005 after living away for thirty years . I was shocked by the number of Muslims in the county . Then the London tube bombing occurred and I realised that some towns in Yorkshire were a hostile environment for a white Englishman and I have kept well away in N Yorks ever since.
I think that things are too far gone to be solved by generosity and compromise on our part. Islam all over the world takes but never gives. We have allowed ourselves to be invaded and our leaders are cowed, too scared of the consequences to make a stand . But if we don’t do something soon we will simply be converted by the book or by the sword.
Liberals all over the West are as useless as our lot are. My focus is on Trump and Orban and Visegrad. Can Trump defeat , what is to all intents and purposes, a coup by the left ? Can Orban and the rest of the Visegrad group defend themselves successfully against the liberal attack from Brussels? If they can , can they help save us from the liberal menace in the first place and then from Islam? To me these are the big questions of our time and make something like Brexit almost fade into a second order issue.
Doublethinker- You are right, and I’m sorry to hear about what happened to Chris.
Very few politicians have been able to interpret what is happening in a historical context. Trump has, but has made a lot of enemies in the process. I will say something about Visegrad later. Brexit is related to this issue, insofar as Merkel is hard at it, setting the tone; she has just agreed for Germany to take in another ten thousand of the 50 000 ‘refugees’ the EU wants to redistribute. After the 1.5million she took in last year. Inevitably, a lot of trouble manifesting itself there…can you blame the ‘refugees’ – those genuine ones, who will not be well-dressed young men with mobiles and Nikes? Gates of Vienna in a ‘peaceful’ fashion?
Theoretically, the UK has escaped this problem. In practice, there may well be a flow here, independent of the EU. (And/or internal growth?) The problem as Stew said: red herrings everywhere.
The Rowleys of this world are an irritant; he must know perfectly well that his comparison is BS. A little virtue signalling.
Another chocolate teapot….
I nearly forgot: Interesting to think that, along with Trump and Visegrad, Putin may know what’s happening?
Much hated in ‘the West’. Always a good sign?
“…….who will not be well-dressed young men with mobiles and Nikes?” Compliments of Soros/UN et al.
D/Thinker is spot on in his observations of towns in Yorkshire. In the 50’s and 60’s I would spend the school holidays with grandparents in Rotherham. Loved it ! and so different from my home town in Thanet. Fast forward 50 years and the place is unrecognisable. Relatives say the town centre is a no go for whites, mosques on every other corner, and its not just different skin colour but Eastern Europeans have taken root also. All aside from the grooming scandal that’s completely finished this once proud town. Bleeding heart elites can rant on about bigots and racists for all their worth, but how many would actually buy a property in the centre of Rotherham eh ?
Have you seen the new hotel in The Yarrow Building, Brissles?
I did some work on that – it seems to be a success too!
Is that Broadstairs ?
Europe will split. The east will remain predominantly christian supported by a strong US under Trump and his republican successors. who will maintain power for at least 2 more terms after Trump. The IG’s report coming up in may will destroy Obama’s legacy and ensure the Democrats are exposed for the corrupt liberal elite they have become. Western europe will descend into chaos and civil strife. Get out while you can.
Or tool up as appropriate for those who cannot get out.
G, you don’t need to be US citizen to join the NRA
“…….The Koran however is very much Old Testament in its thinking. That thinking revolves around primitive conflict between warring desert tribes and belongs to a different age.” And that’s what they pray to four times a day……….
CM and G, the Old Testament is all about wrongdoing and the need for liberation from it by a Higher Power.
The example of Israel, a people God chose and chose to love but who continually erred or actively rebelled, merely highlighted the need for a better sacrifice than the blood of bulls and goats.
Part 2 would not be possible without Part 1.
Part 1 would be a deep, sour abscess without Part 2 as a fulfilment, a culmination, of what Part 1 foretold and founded.
Very different from the Quran, I think.
NHS surgeon voted Doctor of the Year was forced to resign after being accused of racism for raising concerns about the abilities of three Asian colleagues, a tribunal has heard.
Um, I take it Arsene Wenger hasn’t died or is seriously ill in hospital ! because an alien landing would think he had popped his clogs the way the media are broadcasting updates/ tributes/ interviews/live feeds from the Emirates Stadium etc. There is famine/wars/sex scandals/idiots with their fingers on the button going on in the world, and we get a football manager leaving his job as headline news all day. I realise its of interest to many (God, even my Dad himself with a footy manager, so I know the workings), but to speak of him in reverential tones is bloody stupid – but then, a media who lionises sodding Beckham and his family its just par for the course.
My reaction to the news
Bris – I take it there’ll be the usual minutes clapping at the start of each footy game for a while and the PM doing the empty thoughts and prayers routine at the next PMQs.
An al beeb special – where were you when you heard Arsene was leaving gunners United . Apparently A comrade Corbyn has become an instant life long gunners fan . I thought he hated violence .
As an aside one of the political outfits on twitter noted that comrade Corbyn failed to wish Israel a happy 70th birthday but found the time to wish Pakistan a 70th birthday last year . Must be some religious reason – right?
I think Arsene deserves his own thread . Can I be first …? Please?
Corbyn a life-long Gunners fan? Why not?
Gordon Brown was an ardent Arctic Monkeys fan.
Arsene has been the Real Thing. They can take the special one and all the others…
If not that, Accrington Stanley are looking sound.
I like Arsene Wenger!
I’m not even an Arsenal supporter.
Wenger had, has, style.
No manager can actually totally determine what their players do on the pitch. Bit like the Old & New Testaments, eh?
Snuffy, I like him too, but there was everyone from the bloody milkman to his dog walker being interviewed and filling up air time. Crackers ! Only in Britain.
It is big news. It is the first Football Manager not to be sacked for I don’t remember how long.
France is pushing back … “No shaking of hand .. no passport” … aren’t the British the intolerant nation?
. . .
A French appeals court has upheld a ruling denying an Algerian woman citizenship after she refused to shake the hand of a senior official.
The woman, who has not been named, said her “religious beliefs” prevented her from shaking the hand of the male official in the citizenship ceremony. { 20apr2018}
In 2016, a Swiss regional authority ruled that two Muslim pupils at a Swiss school had to shake hands with their female teacher, or face a fine.
Deep joy.
The Windrush folk who have fallen victim to the admittedly completely useless ( officially ‘not fit for purpose’ since 2006) Home Office are now going to be able to claim compensation.
LeftMob will be lining up the legal aid and going full-on grievance hunting and virtue-signalling.
Just one question. Where does the compensation money come from? From me? As a taxpayer? Why the hell should I pay for the cock up?
Let the politicians and civil servants fork out from their ‘hard earned’ inflation protected bombproof pension schemes.
I suppose d abbot and Lammy will be bidding for Millions . Personally if people who cared enough to come to the mother country didn’t formalise their nationality they can’t have been too bothered can they .
Maybe give a tax rebate for anyone who can prove material loss but otherwise send them each s passport application form .
I suppose they’ll be another group of third worlders
Guessing in Blighty on the make soon enough . The new PPI.
They get full marks for self awareness, at least.
From an Islamic owned production … a critical view of Islam … Yemen is a misunderstanding between two religions of peace …
“In other words, Islam isn’t just compatible with Western values; it started to espouse and establish them long before western democracies. Islamic and Western values are one and the same, and they have been for longer than you could possibly imagine.“
“The Prophet Mohammed declared all men were free – no one being superior to another except by way of righteous conduct. He further took great steps to abolish slavery and liberate women across the Arab world whose status as chattel was widespread. This was long before similar battles were won in the West against unjust slavery and for the liberation of women.”
I see that the last two open threads ended when the number of comments reached 666. Is this an attempt to ward off GCHQ monitoring?
What the Devil is going on?
(I’ll get me coat ……)
RJ- You too, are going on ze list. Vot iz your name?
(Pass me mine as well, Lobster.)
It could be an Omen ?
I already have my coat on .
666 comes from the later part of ‘Supper’s ready’, one of the best songs by Genesis.
I once had a car with a 666 number plate, and Mrs O’blene refused to let me keep it in case we got attacked by witches or something…
The Battle of Hastings was fought four-hundred years after the year 666…
Apart from that, I can’t really add much to these comments, except to say ‘have a nice day…’! I for one will of course not be watching anything on the BBC, although I did turn on Dotun for a while until the blasted boring football bits came on.
If you look at your phone upside-down it’s what you need to ring for the emergency services.
The things they say (contd)
I enjoy listening to Radio Four’s so called “News Quiz”.
It gives me a unique insight into why Nigel Farage (of this parish) is hero-worshipped across large swaths of the land. I understand why the eastern European states are turning to populist leaders. I completely get Donald J Trump.
“Illegal immigration doesn’t mean you are a criminal. It just means that you don’t have the right papers or an official at the Home Office doesn’t like you” – Jeremy Hardy, News Quiz, April 20, 2018.
This would appear to be the same clown who is described as a “comedian” and is employed by the BBC to present a programme called “Jeremy Hardy speaks to the nation”. He also appears on” I’m sorry I haven’t a clue”.
Other than sod the British rule of law, comment almost escapes me.
If I find myself listening to the News Quiz, I find myself shouting ‘YOU’RE NOT FUNNY’ at the radio.
Shouted at the radio at least three times today. Apart from the News Quiz, there was someone on the mid day news praising the new mosque in Lincoln which is going ahead despite ‘far right’ protests, and Feedback gave the impression that no one in the whole country thinks that Enoch was right.
In media and politician speak, ‘Far right’ = isn’t too keen on islamisation.
Re the nice new mosque in Lincoln, where the nice peaceful muslims will be praying. You might find this of interest:
Hugh Fitzgerald’s account of what goes on at a visit a nice friendly mosque day.
If you know very little, or nothing, about Islam, you will not know what questions to ask, nor what answers to challenge. You won’t know the true meaning of the word “Islam.” You won’t know about the limits on who can receive Zakat, or about the cursing of kuffars in the five daily prayers. You won’t know about all the verses that command Believers to wage Jihad in the Qur’an. You won’t know about the verses that tell Muslims to “strike terror” in the hearts of the Unbelievers. You won’t know that in the Qur’an Muslims are described as the “best of peoples,” while Infidels are “the most vile of creatures.” Before attending one of these events, try to prepare yourself as best you can. You could start by googling “Jihad,” “Jizyah,” “taqiyya,” “dhimmi” and go from there, reading the Qur’an, online, with exegetical commentaries. The more you know, the more difficult it will be to lead you astray.
Please note ‘the cursing of kuffars in the five daily prayers’.
Does that mean he ll be posting here under the pseudo name of “lefty shit” – no offence maxi .
Yeah I know “ you’re a disgrace fedup “
DJ Avicii, top electronic dance music artist, dies at 28
No never heard of him, but I am getting on a bit.
‘’No cause of death was announced,
He suffered from health problems including acute pancreatitis, in part due to excessive drinking’’
Alright, I give in, why the BBC interest?
Need google for that ..
Looks right up BBCs street ( no pun intended)
‘16. Avicii, “Silhouettes”
Avicii’s “Silhouettes” opens to our lead character waking to a liquor-laden apartment before he sets off to undergo sex reassignment surgery. Reflecting on visions of the past, once self-medicated with alcohol, the protagonist finally finds peace with her new self, and also a new lover. The Swedish DJ’s video gives a harrowing account of trans identity and the emotions involved with the surgical procedures.,,
Who ??????
Me neither.
Windrush foul up or a deliberate scam to allow May to surreptitiously allow hundreds of thousands of illegals and other migrants UK citizenship?
This is the real reason why this non story is being pushed so hard.
All over Europe the population is slowly waking up to the fact that the elites cannot be trusted and so the globalist agenda is being pushed harder to replace populations at a faster rate.
Only this week French President Micron told the world that he wanted to open the doors to every migrant that wanted to come:
Just because the people are waking up, don’t expect the global elites to take it lying down, they have a plan and they’re not going to allow the plebs to spoil it !
He is France’s Tony Blair.
Hang your heads in shame french voters.
I had a quick read of that Macron article, Thoughtful.
Reuters quotes Macron having a dig at Brexit by saying that the best way to have relations with the European Union was by being a member.
As to your suggestion, it is interesting. If you are right, it would suggest that Ms May has been learning from Ms Merkel even faster than even I could have imagined. And, having an interest in Education, I’ve been thinking about that quite a lot.
Thoughtful, did you hear Carolyn Quinn on PM? Rubbishing the Commonwealth & Royal Family with a strong hint that the Commonwealth countries do not like our Imperial past. Actually Carolyn, I think it is you and the BBC that still do not like thoughts of days of Empire and the Commonwealth countries had moved on from that long, long ago.
She then goes on to cover Macron and his major speech. Today, was it? Mentions deGaulle in favourable terms. Wasn’t he the President of the Imperialist Fourth Republic? No mention from Carolyn, no questions asked. Funny that. I wonder why?
They had not long before in the same programme, done an item on Arsene Wenger’s retirement. The Scots footie pundit contributor observes that Wenger at his and Arsenal’s most successful time, built that success by recruiting players largely from Francophone Africa.
Yes, you guessed it.
The old French Empire.
OK for France but definitely not OK for the UK.
You are hypocrites, BBC.
I agree with Owen on this
but Owen Jones is part of the same clique.
“Owen Jones mother was a University Lecturer, he went to Oxford”
Owen feels ganged up and bullied and he bullied Andrew Neil by trying to get him sacked.
Bullies often try to claim victimhood, he only being called out, no one is trying to get him sacked.
I’ve always considered Owen Jones to be a cult.
Or something like that …..
Add Defence to the sell-out list
“The Empire Windrush was built in Nazi Germany as a troop carrier. Initially named the Monte Rosa, it was launched in 1930 as a cruise ship, and became a favourite cruise ship of top Nazi officials. When the war began she was first used as a barracks ship, and then as a troop carrier for the invasion of Norway. Stationed in Norway, she became an accommodation ship attached to the Tirpitz.
At the end of the war, as the Germans fled the Red Army, she was used as an evacuation ship. In May 1945 she was seized by the Allies and handed over to the British Ministry of Transport. Two years later she was renamed Empire Windrush and, run by the New Zealand Shipping Company on behalf of the British Government, was put into service carrying troops between Southampton, Gibraltar, Suez, Aden, Columbo, Singapore and Hong Kong. Over the years she ran this route, extended during the Korean War to Japan, in 1948 she made one other journey – from Australia to Britain, via Kingston Jamaica, where emigrants, enticed by newspaper advertisements offering one-way berths to Britain for £28 10s each, embarked.
Three years after the defeat of Hitler, the ship that heralded an ineradicable change to the complexion of Britain was a Nazi troop carrier.”
“The Empire Windrush has acquired an iconic status almost equal to that of the Mayflower. With good reason. Both ships heralded a great tragedy for the indigenous people, who helplessly watched vast numbers of aliens settled on their shores to utterly change the nature of their land. And in our case this catastrophic change is lauded by some as being good for us!”
“Dark Albion A Requiem for the English” David Abbott.
It’s no coincidence Tony Blair named his company after the Windrush is it?
What was that about rubbing the right’s nose in diversity?
Have I Got News for You summary.
After 14 minutes of the usual attacks on the government and Trump ( hilarious – Jeremy Hunt’s name sounds a bit like c***) we get a Dianne Abbott joke. The audience give a pregnant pause of the ‘ should we be laughing at this’ kind followed by a muted laugh.
And….errr……that was all there was in terms of having a go at current Labour. Jezza got away scot free, Again.
As impartial and unbiased as ever.
Haven’t watched it for years . I guess al beeb keeps it going as a propaganda exercise as well as giving friends of beeboids trying to be ‘ comedians’ a bit of air time . Fortunately it shows them up to be the smug unfunny lefty shits they often are – but as I say – thankfully it’s been years since I’ve watched it.
Another day without the al beeb – except footy and the blessed Dads Army . The rest is dross .
Let’s examine the claim from the Kremlin, according to the BBC and others, that is being spread (reported?) by RT, that the attempt on the life of the Skripals was from British Intelligence Services (I assume meaning MI5) using a replica of a Soviet era nerve agent. The BBC are keen to blame RT for spreading disinformation yet leave their own deficiencies in that area unremarked.
What motive would MI5 have for killing Sergei Skripal and possibly his daughter also although she might be collateral damage, merely accidentally caught up in the poisoning of her father? No questions asked, by the way, by the BBC.
The only thing I can think of, and have mentioned here before, is that the Russians had ‘turned’ Skripal and he was supplying them again with intelligence on the UK. Again, no questions asked by the BBC.
Would they assassinate rather than gather evidence and arrest Sergei Skripal and put him on trial? Highly unlikely. It is not that British Intelligence has never assassinated anyone it is just that, in this instance, such a trial would be useful at putting Russia and Putin under pressure. Again, no questions asked by the BBC.
If MI5 wanted to kill Skripal, would they choose such a messy and imprecise method. Again, no questions asked by the BBC. I think that obviously they would not. The cost of clearing up this whole mess must be rocketing. Yet again, no questions on that asked by the BBC, as far as I know. Certainly the savings obtained by terminating any pension paid by HMG to Skripal would be far exceeded by the costs so far.
It is a highly unlikely scenario and one to put at the bottom of any list of possible explanations, in my view, if not completely discounted.
All indications are that its MI6 not MI5. Whether the Kremlin or the British Government is spreading disinformation is a matter of opinion, its up to journalists to prove it. We do know that someone lied to Boris about Novichok agents being something only the Russians could make. Like all media outputs, RT don’t have or provide any information not known by other sources, but are asking the questions that other media outlets are not asking, such as is it true that according to Dr Steven Davies, Consultant in emergency medicine, Accident and Emergency, Salisbury District Hospital. None of the patients experienced the symptoms of nerve agents. Does this prove that the Salisbury incident is a false flag operation. Porton Down is nearby and there was a chemical weapons training exercise just before the incident. Why is Security at the Hospital virtually none existent while Sergei Skripal is supposedly still in the Hospital. Also, as Yulia Skripal had to borrow a phone to contact her family, why is their no proof that she is free to communicate with her family, the media or anyone else. The timetable of events and masses of contradictions could point to the possibility that MI6 were targeting Yulia Skripal with Novichok, but that the Russians have fooled MI6 into thinking that Novichok is a Nerve Agent that works, but in reality it does not, and has never worked as a nerve agent. Therefore this could suggest that Dr Davies had found that the Skripals had only experienced Organophosphate poisoning. That would explain that the peculiar delayed actions now being suggested for Salisbury are Psychological operations (PSYOP), which are planned operations to convey to the media through clean up operations and demolishing houses, to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behaviour of individuals to blame Russia without the need for any proof. That’s why there are rumours that RT is soon to be subjected to censorship by being removed from its Freeview channel and closed down in Britain. Disinformation can be proved to be wrong, but the problem we have is the lack of any information. So to close down RT will make Britain more isolated from reality than any other nation in the west, especially with Britain having BBC News, but not Fox News.
Richard, one small problem, Six are not mainland, not homeland. Five are homeland.
If there is one thing about UK Civil Service that would survive a world nuclear war then, along with the cockroaches, it would be boundaries between departments and layers of authority in the UK Civil Service.
I hold no brief at all for Russia or Putin, but it is worth listening to their side of the story. If RT goes, Sputnik may still remain. And there are others. ‘Fairness’: one of our much professed values, applies here.
Sorry about this to anyone monitoring this site to ‘keep an eye on it’, but when you can’t trust your own media, who are in ‘re-education’ mode, you tend to want to hear the other side of the story.
‘Security at the Hospital non-existent’.
Salisbury is my hospital and I can assure you it’s easier to escape from Alcatraz…I’m surprised Yulia was freed 😉
C5 now Rivers of Blood: 50 Years On
A 10 second clip of Enoch at the start and it’s moved on to be a story chronicling the life of immigrants since the speech,
Malcom X’s visit etc,
There’s only been 2 white faces on the screen, complaining about black customs.
Ad it has that dreadful brainwashing background music as well.
I’ll watch the Viking doco on PBS
ah I just saw another bit. We got intro to the local black MP and then another 20 second shot of a stunt the prog did : They seemingly filled a church hall with BME and made them watch the Enoch Powell video, however after a few comments they’d quickly moved on to another item.
I watched it for an hour before I could tolerate no more and switched off…should I bother to watch the final half-hour? The sooner all awful white folk are dead and gone, the sooner that all those left can live in peace and harmony I suppose 🙁
An impartial programme might have been interesting.
BBC make wacky claim, scientist complains
They do the stealth edit thing ..and that’s supposed to be OK
(Radio 4 Costing the Earth original title claim “Spring now begins on average 26 days earlier than it did 10 years ago” )
Its a Windrush wankfest on Newshite.
A panel of black grievance monkeys announcing with pride the end of any attempts at all to counter unfettered open door mass immogration.
And there is Kirsty Wark nodding sagely in that understanding way so beloved of LeftMob zealots when one if their favourite anti-British topics presents itself.
Absolutely moronic.