Brissles, my dear old thing (well, it is the cricket season), had I known that you were lurking in the vicinity, I would have said “After you” and held the door open. Am very sorry, m’dear!
As JimS was also around at the time and had something rather more worthwhile to post, I had better help Fedup with his Decade of Apology, and pop down this Thread and apologise profusely to Jim as well.
A big ‘thank you’ to Stew for turning me into a Channel 4 Soap or Cop Show. I’ll have to try to be a bit more widely referential in future instead of merely quoting Sergeant Phil in ‘last word’-mode.
Enjoy the ability to speak freely (thanks bBBC administrators) .. on the website people are learning how to type to stop their posts and words getting removed from the site. Amber Rudd would be proud .. ..
. . .
‘Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.
I saw the reference to Guido but not the discussion.
However, I am getting very concerned with Geedo which used to allow fairly open discussion but is now tightening up on moderation. Not merely to keep people on topic but various other issues.
There is a topic on Bercow’s bullying and MPs standing up to him. My comment below was removed. Others are noting the level of moderation.
‘MPs standing up to the Speaker!! Ho ho. This bunch of cowards will let anyone bully them.
They are too gutless to stand up to ugly men who rape our children’
You comment is OK but harsh. Guido called me a racist (Hate Crime?), but with no evidence … his response was … “We banned a batch of people for making racist or race related comments. Am totally fed up with this, you were a guest and now you have been thrown out.” –
I imagine that people have flooded the site and reported everyone. I found a comment on calling white old people gammon faces (which I find funny) … and asked why this person was allowed to comment but not myself? Oh well, £200K funding to the Amber Rudd Hate Crime Hub was worth it … no one can debate anything! No comment = No Hate.
And just for the record, islam is not a race even though muslims are trying their best through the UN to get it classified as such. So if Guido Fawkes has been got at by them, I suppose he might have to take their threats seriously, because our government won’t do so and provide him any protection. We’ve all seen what they did to Tommy Robinson, Kevin Crehan and Tim Burton.
MM I’ve noticed that you have been disappeared on Guido along with some others I see when I dip in, is it some kind of purge? It’s seems so bizarre that one of the sites I enjoy dropping into – even if I disagree with some of the comments, I enjoy the outspokenness – it is/was one that held outspoken views as a kind of badge of honour and now seems to be shutting itself down…. What’s going on?
Not sure … this was the response from … “We banned a batch of people for making racist or race related comments. Am totally fed up with this, you were a guest and now you have been thrown out.” … did not say which comments I was banned for which was a bit annoying, but it is his site to do as he pleases.
. . . .
A twitter feed started up posting the comments made on Guido and taking them out of context and displaying them (can’t find twitter feed).
We have had a crackdown as we do periodically because the place was becoming infested with people who were just obsessed with race issues, some of them pretty unpleasant.
Never heard of the site, but I find it absolutely bizarre that anyone in the UK could be obsessed with race.
I could see that someone, who suddenly finds they are living next to a giant festering open sewer and rubbish dump, might be consumed with a desire to steer the conversation towards flies, rats, violent aromas etc .
But you’d think anyone lucky enough to embraced by enriching vibrant diversity wouldn’t be obsessed with a single issue.
I think comments directed to David Lammy or Diane Abbott are seen as racist, even when it’s about their politics and double standards. I guess if you don’t shout at Theresa May and Amber Rudd in the same manner you are racist ….criticise Islam … Islamophobia … criticise coloured politicians … racist … criticise mass immigration … xenophobic … criticise difference of opinion .. you are hate criminal …. criticise celebrities not taking in refugees … you are nasty … etc …
I’m afraid some of the race issues facing us ARE pretty unpleasant. Though many of them are not actually race, but culture.
It may suit some to pretend they aren’t real, and that preventing people discussing them will make them go away. But it will make the eventual solution that much worse.
The problem is that the BBC sees this as one of its primary roles – ‘managing’ the discussion of controversial issues such as race and culture. For’managing’ read ‘controlling’.
A speakeasy, also called a blind pig or blind tiger, is an illicit establishment that sells alcoholic beverages allows free speech.
Such establishments came into prominence in the United States UK during the Prohibition era (1920–1933, longer in some states) (2018 – onwards). During that time, the sale, manufacture, and transportation (bootlegging) of alcoholic beverages words was illegal throughout the United States.[1]
It is our freedom of speech and debate that sets the Western world apart from others. We lose that we are nothing more than a dictatorship … China and Russia mimic it until it goes to far … Turkey destroyed it.
“The online retail giant acknowledged its decision to remove one-star reviews of Clinton’s memoir, What Happened, claiming they have the right to uphold reviews from legitimate customers.”
I have been banned by Guido Fawkes from commenting on his blog. But he hasn’t told me what I wrote that upset him; or has someone with more clout had a word with him about people who say things they don’t like?
BBC web page report on the Toronto killings. More pictures of people lighting candles but none of the carnage which is the reality.
The picture at the end of the report says it all. “Were not all like that” subliminal message. God I despise the BBC.
Synchronised- The ” Big Brother” of the BBC is their diversity dept.
They are in
complete control of the BBC website. Be it with continuous
leader stories or pictures of Tiger Woods in the Masters at
Augusta. Mo Farah in the London Marathon. In fact ANYTHING
to do with DIVERSITY.
The word they use is inclusive. As I have written before the only
runners I was interested in the marathon was those running for
charity and not for PRIZE MONEY.
Big brother at the BBC wants you too see pictures of Moslem’s
signing a consolation book in Toronto. The BBC wants the Proms
to be more “inclusive ” this season with less flag waving.
I shall go and listen and see a Bruckner symphony at the
Proms. If you want to see something more “inclusive” maybe the
LGBT symphony orchestra plaingy Jon Gay’s B*ggars Opera
may be more in line with what the BBC want you to see!
Enjoy your Proms ! I am going to see a performer later this year who outsells Rod Stewart & Elton John, and has sold more albums than Take That (not hard) – in fact 40 million worldwide. Its Andre Rieu – and surprisingly his type of music doesn’t appeal to the masses that are BAEM !!
Please tune in to Andre Rieu on You Tube. He has a wide range of music and an audience that really interacts.
As an elderly dancer with canines, his music features in many of my videos.
Enjoy. Don’t tell the BBC
I have been promming regularly for many years. When I am at the Albert Hall I look around and see very few non white faces and those are usually Chinese or similar. Mind I don’t go to proms that are reggae inspired etc where the balance may be different.
Someone on the Beeb was recently speaking about the area roughly between Longitude E70° and E130°, and was slightly dismissive of East and South-East Asia but the way they referred to ‘south’ Asia (in reality, probably truly meaning West and North-West Asia) was ever so subtly different. Central Asia and North Asia were also not mentioned at all. I think they may have been ‘de-existed’ in BBC atlases.
It wouldn’t surprise me.
Unfortunately I cannot remember the context, let alone the programme. Probably because I was silently screaming at the radio …..
9:30am R4 Those immigrants coming over here, not integrating and taking over
They are talking about ring necked parakeets, noisy irritating scaring small birds away from the bird tables.
“And Climate Change will make this worse”
Keeping the dream (of Obama) alive … most other Presidents step to the side … not the Obama Foundation and the Royal Foundation …. side by side … with the BBC promoting at every chance.
(p.s. Dear BBC’s Katty Kay – will the royalties from your book sales, as promoted on BBC twitter, reduce the BBC TV License? Katty has replaced her photo on twitter of her face with that of her book. Plug! Pug! Plug!)
Following from class in the media debate kicked off by @OwenJones84 , it’s an issue in TV too. For ages I wondered how some young producers survived as, say, doc makers when jobs so on/off & short. Then doh! Realised cos they had the money not to worry about whether they worked.
Baroness Cox, who was part of the delegation, said “there’s terror on both sides” when she was asked on the Today programme why she did not raise the issue of alleged human rights abuses with the Grand Mufti, Syria’s top Muslim cleric, when she met him.
“there’s terror on both sides” – just like there are Hijabs on both sides … one side you get to wear them and the other you get beaten and thrown in prison for not wearing a Hijab.
G – that was my addition … I believe it happens in Majority Muslim countries at the moment. The ones that are intolerant of tolerance but want everyone to be tolerant of intolerance.
I would like to know the view of someone like David Starkey in relation to the abolition of the HoL. Thankfully the petition is still rising. However, even if there were 10 million signatures we would still be treated with contempt.
The House of Lords petition should have been worded with …. “Remove one House of Lord member and get a nurse for the NHS (£35K).” … all Labour members would have to agree … even Jeremy Corbyn.
Isn’t it funny how there are no photographs or ‘disturbing’ video footage released of the Toronto Jihad?
Last month in Syria it was wall to wall choking children and victims in full technicolour.
On that thought, is it legally legitimate for someone to launch a knee-jerk, retaliatory pre-emptive attack on a ROP’er who is likely to be sympathetic to the Jihad without any evidence to illustrate our revulsion at the use of vans in Jihad?
I think rufus lost a golden opportunity with regard to this Fred. It should have been named with Steven Lawrence Fred in accordance with al beeb guidelines .
How come they are putting a statue of some nobody girlie up in parliament square when it should have been St Steven ,Doreen and his dad
It is sometimes hard not to slip into what I have hitherto regarded as fantasy land – the great Conspiracy Theory wilderness.
Recent events, including but not limited to, the Syrian ‘gassing’, the Salisbury Surprise, the timing of the Windrush nonsense, St Stephen’s Day, Count Dankula and the endless banning of North American journalists, the media silence over the Las Vegas shootings, flying gas mains redux, apparently motiveless killer cars and vans… after a while I do start to wonder if we aren’t being fed a pack of lies. Just now and then. For example, whenever there’s a BBC news broadcast.
Perhaps, (bang on trans trend come to think of it!) I seem to be turning from Scully into Mulder.
All part of the conspiracy. Now all the media and arms of the State (police in particular) cannot be trusted to tell the public the truth. I don’t think it is PC, that may well have been a part of it a while ago, but I now think particularly throughout Europe, the EU is aware that there is growing simmering anger against islam and they just want to keep the lid on it. Very much as the ‘Dictators’ in the Middle East have done, perhaps for centuries and continue to do (those who have yet to benefit from the West’s desire (‘Regime Change’) to change all that).
‘Police cannot be trusted to tell the public the truth’. There’s a little more they can’t be trusted to do.
Look no further than the French/Italian border, where police were doing nothing to prevent illegal ‘visitors’ at various points of crossing, Col de L’Echelle/Briancon on Sunday. Groups of civilians, trying to protect the Alpine crossings, succeeded for a while, doing the job of border guards. The thin blue line merely retreated and retreated. Embarrassing in spades.
Later a certain organisation we find operating worldwide, forced their way through the barriers, dragging about 30 ‘refugees’ into France with them.
This is the result when the concept of borders has become a joke and, knowing this, ‘guests’ and their ‘assistants’ treat the police with utter contempt. They shove them aside. Red flags flutter.
Etc etc. So much for Macron’s big words.
Then again, with the final destination probably being Germany or the UK, French and Italian police are probably not that bothered. In Germany Merkel will be waiting to have a ‘selfie’ taken with herself & ‘guests’.
What about it Amber? Could wipe out a multitude of ‘sins’.
You’re wrong . She needs electing . Think how many seats she’s worth . Afra will be peed off to have competition for the national chip on the shoulder award .
Shared from a FB ex-Navy page and met with almost universal agreement:
25 years ago a young man lost his life due to the colour of his skin. This was a terrible thing to happen. The Prime Minister announced yesterday that from now on the 22nd of April will be known as Stephen Lawrence Memorial Day to celebrate his life and legacy.
Although very sad, Stephen was not a special or exceptional person, he didn’t go out if his way for others or to help his community or carry out charity work. His life was that of an average teenager and other than being murdered held no legacy. He was a teenage boy who was unlucky enough to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
WPC Yvonne Fletcher was murdered by terrorists in the street in the line of duty.
PC Keith Blakelock was butchered by black rioters in Tottenham in the line of duty.
WPC Sharon Bechonivsky was murdered by robbers in Rotherham while on duty.
WPC’s Nichola Hughes & Fiona Bone were shot and blown up while responding to a 999 by Dale Cregan.
Drummer Lee Rigby was mown down and murdered by black ‘terrorists’.
PC Keith Palmer was stabbed to death by terrorist while guarding the Palace of Westminster.
Kriss Donald was a 14 year old lad from Scotland kidnapped burnt and butchered to dealth by a gang of Asian men.
All these people were murdered because of race and religion.
Where are these people’s day of commemoration??? Brave people who paid the ultimate sacrifice while trying to protect and defend the British people and our way of life!!!
The Prime Minister and government say that want to eradicate racism and build an undivided multicultural society. Then why do they divide us with actions like this, actions that can only be reasoned to appease minorities and political correctness.
62 people have lost their lives on the streets of our Capital this year due to gun and knife crime. Most of which have been gang related black on black attacks.
The biggest threat to the black youth of today are other black youth. So instead of memorialising an isolated racist attack from a quarter of a century ago by a group of uneducated idiots which has no relevance of today’s society.
Why not memorialise a day like 7/7 or the London Bridge and Westminster attacks. A day when our country was attacked and there were victims of all races, religions and walks of life. A day when our society came together regardless of race and religion and helped those in need around them. A day of unity not segregation.
Maybe I’m wrong and this boy deserves his day or maybe I’m right and all Teresa May has done has fuel racism and separation. Who knows? I’m sure we’ll find out.
Popeye: nice one. Core text should go to No.10, the media, any open blogs. We should all join in with that.
Do those fools think nobody’s watching them? Do they think nobody cares? Do they think we don’t see through them? Do they think we don’t know their motives?
We need to let them know.
I know your list is not supposed to be exhaustive, but can I add the name of PC Patrick Dunne? It sticks in my mind solely because it happened later in the same year but has received relatively little attention:
“PC Patrick Dunne was murdered on duty on 20th October 1993. We will never forget.
On 20th October 1993 PC Dunne attended a domestic dispute at a house in Cato Road in Clapham. On hearing gunshots he left the house to investigate. Gary Lloyd Nelson and two others had just executed William Danso in a hail of bullets in the doorway of his house. Nelson said Danso disrespected him by refusing him entry to a nightclub then breaking up a fight in which Nelson was involved. PC Dunne was in full uniform and wearing a relective jacket, and as such was easily identifiable as a police officer. He was unarmed As he emerged from the house to investigate the gunshots he was shot in the chest by Gary Lloyd Nelson. A celebratory shot was fired into the air and Nelson and his accomplices left the scene laughing.
Nelson was convicted of the murder in 2006 and sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum term of 35 years.”
Thanks for this Theresa. And for your previous list. Please post that again. Important we let everyone know we’re watching. Especially those in government. And that we know what they’re up to.
They’re counting on us to be too busy watching soaps, footie etc to care. They think all the ‘uneducated’ are at it…
I’ve realised something else. After a year of watching this couple doing their leadership thing, I’ve come to the conclusion that there is now nothing Ms Merkel can teach Ms May in the undermining and betraying stakes. And doing it all with a straight face and nice words. Perhaps there never was.
I copied it off the internet some time ago but it only goes as far as 2004. Don’t know who compiled it originally, or precisely where it came from, but it clearly needs updating.
I’ll see if I can find an up to date version because I think it contains important reminders. However, even looking at it is probably a hate crime.
Great post – although I can’t believe it is true.
it’s a shame the Government didn’t have a poll with your list. I can guess it wouldn’t be Stephen Lawrence day – like you said he was an ordinary lad who was killed by some idiots who have no relationship to the average ‘white’ person in his country, then or now. Still the BBC will have another day to fill some space every year
It’s just another nail in the coffin of common sense, another step up for PC .
We’re doomed, all doomed
It’s not just the BBC though, we all need to play our part. Every time someone in the pub, party, restaurant, office, or whatever, decides to indulge in a bit of virtue signalling by fawning over the Lawrences, I believe it’s important to say “But remember Patrick Dunne, Keith Blakelock, Kriss Donald, Richard Everitt, Danny Westmacott, Alan Cartwright* etc
I’ve done it and responses vary. The most common is a blank stare because the name meant nothing. On one occasion, someone said “But Stephen Lawrence was a particularly bad murder.” Oh yes? And what is a good murder? Stephen Lawrence was a sadly typical murder – a spontaneous explosion of teenager on teenager violence. Kriss Donald’s murder, which involved torture, was arguably worse.
Don’t let lazy, trendy, right-on, guilt ridden, usually middle class virtue signallers get away with it. You might lose a friend or two, but you might find a few allies as well. There’s an air of intimidation around the subject and it has to stop.
The most common is a blank stare because the name meant nothing..
That’s the thing Theresa, give it 10 years when another generation is knocking back the shots, they’ll be thinking that Stephen Lawrence was probably a footballer who played for Crystal Palace at some time. I mean, if today’s lot don’t even know who Frank Sinatra was, then Stephen Lawrence hasn’t got a hope in hell of being remembered.
Sorry, but its an utter waste of time, and sad though it is, there are more far worthy recipients to receive this accolade.
Can I add David Rathband to this?
I`ll never forget a nation gloating and enjoying the Raoul Maot hunt in 2010, and not giving a damn about what he`d just done.
That poor man, RIP David.
Maybe we slipped off a cliff then, more than we realised.
Had Moat been hanged-we might not now be getting the likes of Creggan, Duggan-and now Vincent.
And I’ll add Ross Parker to this list of shame. Ross was murdered by a gang of “Asian men” not three miles from me in Peterborough City Centre in 2001 just days after 9/11 – sprayed with mace, then repeatedly stabbed and beaten with a hammer. Only 4 men were charged, with 3 being convicted. Like Kriss Donald’s murder, it was all but ignored by politicians and national media. 2 of the 3 are up for parole at the end of the year.
BTW not Rotherham but Bradford
PC Sharon Beshenivsky was a West Yorkshire Police constable shot dead by a criminal gang during a robbery in Bradford on 18 November 2005, becoming the seventh female police officer in Great Britain to be killed on duty.
RIP //
I see that the beloved BBC News is doing wall-to-wall coverage of the usual “luvvie” suspects encouraging yet more stupid school children to stand in front of that new Statue in Londonstan while being photographed holding up those stupid, silly signs again!
Good grief!
Yep! I think “cotton wool” (and lots of it) will be my only long term investment for my retirement! Tis sure to be in great demand by the British public for at least the next 300 years!
* “attended a school for students with special needs”
* “He wasn’t a social person, but from what I remember he was absolutely harmless,”.
* “quite brilliant”.
* “had not been violent”.
* “did not seem to have many friends.”
* “not previously known to authorities”.
Minassian had previously attended a school for students with special needs in north Toronto, former classmates said.
He would be seen walking around Thornlea Secondary School with his head down and hands clasped tightly together making meowing noises, Shereen Chami told Reuters.
I am readingthe diaries of Ivan Maisky who was the Soviet Ambassador in London during the war until he fell foul of Stalin. In it he writes in 1942 what i found to be a chilling prediction of our future under a communist world government .
I paraphrase , ‘ in the 21st century when communism is fully developed the problem will be creating a unified humanity . National distinctions should not be entirely eliminated , there should be some diversity in the world, but it will be necessary to merge those motley national streams into a single bursting stream of humanity. National differences should enrich and not divide mankind. Vestiges of the past may linger in people’s minds and we will have to think of special measures to accelerate the process of creating a unified humanity.’
A high ranking communist wrote this 75 years ago and yet it reads as though it was written yesterday by members of the globalist liberal left. Communism may have been routed economically by Capitalism but our liberal elites are hell bent on creating the Utopian ‘ unified humanity’ that Maisky writes of.
I have never been one to believe in conspiracy theories , particularly ones involving hundreds of world leaders , but is it crediblethat Maisky’s prediction so closely matches where we are today unless events have been steered towards such an outcome?
Brilliant! It never really went away!
Workers of the world unite!
So, what did we learn?
Communism needed a ‘Vanguard Party’, the workers being too stupid to do anything on their own, until the state ‘withered away’.
So the Communist Party was born: Nomenklatura in dachas, and all that.
Today it’s the ‘uneducated’ deplorables. Voted for Brexit? Yes? Well, didn’t know what you were voting for. See. Stupid. Now, Remainers- they all know exactly. And what goes on in the EU. Fully briefed.
Our vanguard party sits in the ‘Lords’. Disguised in ermine. No sign of Lenin there, so we don’t know nuffink about it!
It always needs to be borne in mind that the underpinnings of modern ‘liberal’ thought stemmed directly from the Communist ‘Frankfurt School’ which infested US universities from the 1940s onward.
That might seem like a long while ago but in geo-political terms it isn’t. By the time you have placed your students into positions of power, who then set about doing the same for their students, until you have reached critical mass and subverted the entire political system, that’s how long it takes.
In fact, the silent coup that has taken place has been remarkably quick and has met very little opposition. It’s far less costly and more effective than mounting a full scale war.
Regrettably, you’re right, GC. Many of those students became journalists. Joined some broadcasters and infected much of the press. Ditto a lot of marketing/advertising.
The question is: is it 5 to 12 or are we currently listening to the peel of midnight?
I wish I knew, fakenewswatcher! I try to keep my comments short so didn’t go into the subject in any depth but it’s clear that the takeover of higher education and the growth in the numbers of young people being inducted into the Leftist sausage machine are far from coincidental.
Another little twist is the way access to media jobs has now followed the professions in that only those who have been suitably brainwashed can take part. It’s how the BBC, Sky, the legacy press and so on act in such a political lockstep.
Trouble is when you try to explain this to anyone, even those who are right-leaning, they look at you like you’re some kind of conpiracy theorist. These tend to be the same people who shake their heads at every imposition of Cultural Marxism such as the extreme elements of transgenderism whilst muttering ‘It’s barmy, what’s the country coming to’, failing to recognise the agenda that will eventually destroy everything they believe in.
With its pro-Islam, pro-mass immigration, pro-climate change, anti–British, anti-Israel, minority-obsessed agendas the BBC, whilst portraying itself as truthful and impartial and emboldened by a Soviet-style governance system, is the wolf in sheep’s clothing of Cultural Marxism. It is a major threat to this country’s security and prosperity and has to be closed down without delay.
Lefty Luvvie knight SIR Mark Rylance in top pompous form on the Toady programme. He is a Shakespeare denier. Hearing first from a Professor from Birmingham University, we we told Shakespeare all written by Shakespeare, why any doubt?
The thespian titan (former voice of Flop in the Cbeebies “Bing” the bunny show) is then introduced as “Oscar winning actor, SIR Mark Rylance” and is addressed as Sir Mark by the humble BBC gal. Sir however is so grand that he refers to the Prof as Mr and tells us himself that he is an Oscar winner, should we have missed that.
BBC have an eye on the prize … India with it’s Gender Gap and #MeToo … not forgetting women being flogged in the streets for adultery … #StreetDefecationGap …. #CasteSystemGap … #DiversityOfEuropeansGap … repeat “ALL CULTURES ARE EQUAL” ….
BBC News Channel at 12pm trumpets the BBC’s particular sense of priorities.
Number one headline – a new statue is unveiled in London
Female presenter Carole Walker in the studio links to a female reporter interviewing a female campaigner about the female sculpture by a female sculptor.
Apparently this is massive historic news because it is a female – and the female PM has something to say. (by the way she’s a rather dud PM and I doubt she’ll ever warrant a statue)
So what else is the news today?
Oh wait… there’s a man, a Muslim man with something to say – he’s only a little man – Sadiq Khan.
Number two headline is something about TSB bank customer IT problems – tell us something new! Naughty naughty TSB haven’t got back to the female BBC reporter with a comment – so no new news there then.
Labour’s Corbyn and the Jewish thing – nothing too much worry about – it just needs to be hurried up a bit (putting it right not making it worse, obviously) Seems it has got worse under Corbyn. But I guess Blairites would say that, wouldn’t they. And Corbyn is a bloke. A lefty bloke – so his heart is in the right place.
Oh, and 10 people were ploughed down in Canada by a van – absolutely no idea why? Female reporter again. But there’s a vigil planned. So that’s alright then.
Maybe it was something the chap saw on telly that gave him the idea? Something just made him mad, maybe?
These things go in trends you know. Some bright spark invents a thing and lots of lame nobodies copy. You can’t patent the idea of ramming people down with a vehicle. But the real credit should still go to the popularisers of the thing. It’s only fair.
I recall a W E Johns story taking the micky out of the white feather girls. Biggles was home on leave, dressed in mufti, when a woman gave him a white feather. The chap he was with suggested he put it in his hat, as if anyone deserved a feather in his cap it was Biggles.
If they would like a head’s up, how about this “grossly offensive” joke which is still actually hosted on YouTube. It is one of the best one-liners ever, and comes from the late Graham Chapman. It is repeated here by his fellow Monty Python member Eric Idle.
… ” it would appear that the U.K.’s citizenry are not willing to hand over their freedoms to our joke-constabulary just yet.”
Spain: “……A recent Islamic State document included a list of grievances against Spain for wrongs allegedly done to Muslims since the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa on July 16, 1212.”
It would be quite farcical if it weren’t that they mean it for real. Seems Spain and in particular Catalonia is increasingly about to bear the brunt.
Meanwhile in Germany, the delusion continues……….
I wait for the islamic armies in Europe and the UK to start up the final war.
Is it a trend? Is it a statement of the bleeding obvious? Is it just more noticeable now? Am I just thick and it has finally dawned on me?
The taxpayer is increasingly played for a sap by the authorities on behalf of the public sector-dependent grievance monkeys.
An early example of this is a case example of a road improvement in…..Essex from memory. A road was improved but in so doing an element of hazard was caused at a pedestrian crossing. There was a successful claim made. The ruling was that the council did not have to improve the road but in so doing had to do so to a very high standard. Perversely doing nothing did notvyield a claim. The improvement yielded the claim. Not exactly an encouragement for progress.
Grenfell. The autistic man last week prevented from going on a fairground ride. Windrush. More and more, those reliant on public services and the legal profession that supports them are now demanding ever more gold plated treatment and the craven public services are caving in. The result is not just the wealth redistribution defined by the original service provided but another tranche defined by endless litigation at the slightest deficiency of that service. Perversely, a standard acceptable to most paying out of their own pockets is being deemed unacceptable in the public service sector by the representatives of those who do not have to pay out of their own pockets. Of course the grievance hungry BBC feel like every day is Christmas. There is literally so much to criticise the government about if one chooses to look.
The poor bloody taxpayers, or licence fee payers, needless to say, foot the bills as it is easier for the powers that be to pay up than to fight the taxpayers’ corner. The Corbynistas meanwhile see this as a tactical benefit because anything that puts the market economy under excess strain is to be welcomed.
A coalition of the Corbynistas, the liberal elite, craven authorities, and cynical public services receivers.
I do wish more taxpayers would wake up more often.
BBC the news service that generate it’s own news BBC licence fee to rise by £3.50 in April
“The UK’s annual television licence fee is to rise to £150.50 from £147, the government has announced.”
– A shame the BBC didn’t have open comments on this story about taking more money from nurses and giving it to Chris Evans and Gary Linker!
The liberal / left and BBC are grouping victim groups but it doesn’t add up .
1; the Windrush Generation are losing out etc . This is bad bad but let’s continue
2; EU nationals are afraid ” due to Brexit ” about their status here .
Well that’s two sets of people , not racially , politically , culturally or historically related .
a; we have hordes of people in Calais and elsewhere who feel once they’re in the UK everything will be better for them . they don’t think there will be any controls on them and they can be employed , housed , on benefits and use the NHS . Openly and blatantly .
b; we have illegals , bogus asylum seekers , chancers idlers and crooks from all over the world who have no fear of their status here , some preach insurrection by minority groups . They aren’t afraid of publicity and definitely not afraid of the Home Office or Immgration service . Some even commit crimes and risk imprisonement , but not deportation .
So the ones who are here legally are worried but the ones who are here illegally are not !?
Hmm, The BBC may as well save money by pulling the Daily Politics today Tuesday. We have had an SNP MP claiming EU nationals will be deported when we leave the EU and a Welsh Speaker claiming discrimination against Welsh speakers.
They could encourage further divisions within our once great nation, divisions which the EU Commission will exploit.
One day after the new Steven Lawrence annual memorial day (nope, me neither) we have a high profile unveiling in Parliament Square of a statue of someone I’ve never heard of. But crucially, she was a woman. That’s all that counts.
Some woman bemoans the fact that only 3% of statues are of women. Could it be that this is the correct proportion in terms of historic contribution? Or am I just an old relic and the exploits of people like Nelson, Churchill, or the Dule of Wellington really don’t count when political correctness is what really matters?
I would bet you one thing….that the lady who has displaced Brillo would not ask the SNP ” why do you want out of the Union of the United Kingdom , but insist on rejoining the EU”
They have no credible answer for that.
The republican core of the SNP simply do not like the English….
Fortunately a lot of Scots have seen through them now…… and surely enough of a majority to kill their independence forever.
ps There are striking similarities between Corbynism and the SNP surge of a few years ago………..fuelled by rebels……….
The New European website (Pro EU) is associating Flat Earth Believers with Trump and Brexit Voters (52% / 17.4m) …. wonder if the BBC will do the same?
Watching the unfolding shambles of Brexit, and the Trump White House being exposed as not just a criminal enterprise but an incompetent criminal enterprise, I don’t know how you could come to any other conclusion.
. . .
Do you really believe we went to the moon?!” now you’ve got the Flat Earthers saying to the moon-truthers “Ha! Do you really believe the moon EXISTS?!”
I read railway magazines and everything is upbeat , to the point that there seems to be excess passengers .
Railway stations are being modernised , Siemens and other constructors are expanding or investing millions in new premises , and no ones predicting a downturn .
Now are these experts the same as the doom merchants about Brexit ?
Why would you build new , expand and upgrade infrastructure for a country going into decline ?
If we are going into economic hardship there would be three features of it ;
People would travel less for business and employment
People would travel less for leisure or personal reasons .
How else are we going to move the all the ‘Windrush generation’ Jamaicans. Pakistanis, Indians, Canadians, Australians etc. that suddenly realise that they could have been ‘here’ rather than ‘there’?
Toronto: BBC lunchtime TV1 newsreader tells us Islamicists and ‘right-wingers’ have been driving cars into crowds ‘in the past’; sounded like a sort of 50/50 situation. A little fact-twisting. No, quite a lot, actually.
The propaganda gets ever more blatant and dishonest.
BBC bias ever more pronounced.
Al beeb is trumpeting the watering down of the ‘joint enterprise” doctrine in criminal law which basically says if a crime such as murder is committed and you are part of the group involved you’ll go down even if you didn’t do the actual evil deed.
Al beeb s “law in action “ – aka defence weekly was big on getting this doctrine changed – well today the House of Lords have started . It could end with those convicted of killing Steven Lawrence getting off . Oops
This is not a coincidence or a new strategy. Gardner, BBC security correspondent, was employing it regularly a year or two ago.
He must have been following Uncle Joe’s dictum, about the bigger the lie etc
Oh yes, and: apply at regular intervals.
Is the daily politics turning into ‘wimmin’s hour’
They have an occasional token bloke on now and again but just lately it’s been a wimmin’s talking shop.
Today, jo swinson was talking to jo Corbyn and some scotch bird saying that we should have another referenum on the Brexit deal with the options of accepting whatever watered down deal May eventually concedes her way to, or staying in the eu.
In essence, the out vote meaning a choice between staying in or staying mostly in (brino)
Why are these evident simple points never challenged.
Swinson actually thinks this is a good idea, staying in or virtually staying in after ineffectual negotiations.
Just leave for God’s sake.
Note the contradiction
Statue issue : “its wrong to focus on men, we have to think about women too”
– Racist Killings : people killed largely cos of their ethnicity..somehow it’s OK to focus on only Stephen Lawrence.
.. When commenters above can name people were targeted for killing/abuse cos they have white skin.
Not forgetting that other brown/black people have been killed/targeted by white thugs eg a Rotherham Pakistani pensioner.
“The Public paying the BBC TV Tax under threat of prisonAlice laughed: “There’s no use trying,” they she said; “one can’t believe impossible things.”
“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the BBCQueen.
“When I was younger, I always did it for 24 hours a dayhalf an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast BBC News Report.”
I’ll just drop this book recommendation here, again. It really should be read by all who can. It puts the whole thing into greater perspective, than I ever could, and endorses and expands upon everything Douglas Murray has written:
“Travels in Cultural Nihilism: some essays” by Stephen Pax leonard.
A statue of a woman has been unveiled outside Parliament: stop the clocks, stop work and weep tears of joy at this momentous event – the most interesting, significant and original event to have ever happened. We need a BBC crew of at least 1000 people to cover the event.
I’m trying to guess what the third lunatic endorsement the PM will make to prove just how far out of touch with her voters she is –
The last idiot legalised queer marriage – maybe she ll legalise all drugs overnight and have a spliff in the chamber before PMQs just to show how “down with the kids “ the stupid old bat is –
She is competing with Mr G Brown to be the most recent crap PM
Looks like a hybrid of Billy Bremner and Nicola Sturgeon. Bit of Max Clifford perhaps after his first night in chokey.
Imagine she`s waiting to cover her son as he changes at the beach.
Note the Parliament Square statue issue is a matter of context
The statues there are all ex-prime ministers hence they do not reflect the make up of general public as politicians were until recently all men.
– The statues at hospitals of nurses are all women that discrimatory ?
Furthermore statues are not a general thing, but a hobby of a certain type of people from a certain era.
We tend in this modern era not to focus on individuals, but rather the communal effort
eg we think about the Bletchly codebreakers rather than just Turing.
Furthermore worldwide there are actually a lot of statues of women ..mainly from religion.
– ancient statues were all Earth Mothers
– then statues of Indian goddesses
– And there’s loads of statues of Mother Mary.
… I’ll give you that Buddha was a man.
100 people will die from SEPSIS today
…. symptoms
Slurred speech/confusion
Extreme shivering/muscle ache
Passing no urine
Severe breathlessness
I feel like death”
Skin mottled … doesn’t go white if pressed.
.. Immediately phone and ask for diagnosis.
As time is critical.
4:30pm R4 honours Audre Lorde the black, gay poet and activist
who still inspires the women’s movement today.
Professor Akwugo Emejulu tells Matthew Parris why Audre has meant so much to nursing.
Oi Sluff and Stewie!
Had nearly all of this show on my radio on the way home from a crap day at work.
Laughed myself silly. An old queen(Parris) clucking over the empty laundry basket with some black sociology type from Warwick, and some unpronouncable Yankee fresh from a day trip to Harlem-sorry Harlow.
Utter crap-they all lost the will to live. This black lesbian “poet” did nothing, but be black, die of cancer have kids and be gay, let other black lesbos camp out in her loft apartment in NYC.
And that`s it.
She was however an icon, a symbol-but of what, no-one knew.
They all got paid. And I know now that it`s thirty five fat black lesbian blowhards from Mexico PolyCollegicia that can fit on the head of my gearstick.
Apparently though she was “so blatant as to be missed”.
The BBC put this stuff out, and nobody but themselves either laugh or listen.
Heck, even a pan of grits with Nadiya and Bonnie Greer would have topped these humming hopeless harpies.
See-I`m a poetess today too.
Next week Miss Anne Elk talks to Joan Cleese in a one way mirror about the poetry of wet spoons as a cultural resource. That should kill half an hour, as Matthew eats whatever the EU has sent him. How the hell did Maggie not run this oaf out of town?
If you go to the petition home page it shows the hourly click rate for the most popular petitions. I’ve seen this particular at over 1000 signatures an hour.
8pm The HIJAB for the under 8’s
Hate mail for headmistress who tried ro ban it
What is really at the root of the outrage given that Islam does not require children to cover their heads?
And what is motivating the trend for younger girls -some as young as four- to wear the hijab, when previous generations would not have veiled so young?
Female Muslim campaigners have warned that it should be fiercely rejected’ as it ‘sexualises’ young girls. Ofsted has voiced …
We used to laugh at “first world problems”.
All solved then I`m guessing, seeing as we`re now having to contend with third world ones.
And that is putting it way too highly.
Guess we`ll find now how many floors of hell we`ll need to avoid to see where THIS particular basement will end.
99 , Jay Z said.
My understanding is that a muslim girl should cover her head from the time that a muslim man would find her sexually attractive. In the UK that needs to be from birth – unless we import a lot of goats.
* Hitler was sorry that he could not bring the unity he wanted to the world.
* Mugabe says the diamond he stole was just lying around.
* Cameron says the £9 million leaflet was not biased.
. . . . Guardian Explain How We Can Still Remove Trump . . . . .
Just another leftist fantasy . Trump is growing in strength every day. The Russian collusion allegation are now on the verge of being discredited and dropped, as is the obstruction of justice allegation. Trumps approval rating is steadily climbing and is now high 40’s or higher. Now that the Russia thing has disappeared as an option to impeach the President the left are dreaming of using the 25th to do it. But it is highly unlikely that even those Republicans who hate Trump , and there are plenty, would dare to move against him if his ratings are above the mid 30’s . Also as millions of Americans realise that they have been persistently lied to by the Democrats and their MSM lapdogs about Russian collusion for 18 months they are going to switch their support to the President. It really is becoming a possibility that the whole failed Russian collusion conspiracy could guarantee that the President will win a second term and he can then freely implement his agenda.Liberals watch out!,,
‘Experts warned…..that 100% reliance on renewable energy will destroy Britain’s economy and cause widespread death and social chaos due to inevitable power cuts.’
Just watching the 6PM news on the BBC. There has just been
a feature on the new statue of a WOMEN in Parliament Square.
Absolutely great! We then had a diatribe from a feminst telling
us how under represented women are in all forms of
modern life. It was then back to the studio for “Women’s Hour”
where in London anyway we watch women presenting the news
nationally and locally at least 80% of the time!
Fos I saw some of that and it really is dawning that I’m in a foreign country now – is it cos I’ve been around since the sixties . Watching the sistas seeing themselves on the 6 o’clock news was off switch time .
Then I tried – stupidly – c4 news – and they were having a black race love a – thon which again has led to the off switch.
Good to hear from you . On the late shift eh? Glad you read my comment about my dad- who came from the Republic – the case I make is that I grew up surrounded by people who spoke English , had similar religious beliefs and a common history – however painful that might have been .
You , Maxi , appear to write on this forum just to do your cut and paste routine in an attempt to undermine the views of those who share their thoughts here. You contribute nothing and would be far more comfortable with the so called “ comments are free “ on The Guardian – but perhaps that’s where you work – or al beeb of course
Hope your friend is okay – The one treated in Guys .
By bringing the Windrush generation and skin colour into it you have deliberately distorted Fedups point.
Interesting, though, when I challenged you on a previous thread with an example of precisely where multicultural, multilingual Britain is heading, which was friends’ granddaughter in Newham being the only white kid in her class and the (white, English) teacher talking Urdu to to the burka-clad mums at the school gates, you were nowhere to be seen.
Then there was the ”teacher of the year”, who won the dubious honour because she was able to communicate with all her pupils through the many different languages she had learned.
ITV Calendar have asked people to vote for 3 of 5 nominations to receive lottery money
– Sheffield Gay cafe, Sheffield refugee centre, Pensioner support in Chesterfield, Hull Kingston Rovers fitness and nutrition programme, workshops, Art workshops for recovery from addiction/challenges in Grimsby.
(The first 2 projects are in the biggest city, so might get the most votes)
Do you ever thing this decade will be known as the time of the Apology ?
It seems that if some one apologises everything is okay . If an apology is demanded and someone is slow giving the apology the media builds up a head of steam . Apologising for being slow to apologise .
The hippy Home Secretary – Rudd – apologised for the department she is meant to be in charge of as though it was a distraction from her day job of self promotion .
The man has an Armenian name, around 95% Christian country. Last thing I read in the Daily Mail (yeah I know) suggests it’s more like a bloke bemoaning the fact he couldn’t get laid, and went postal. Best wait for the trial to find out what gave him him those pesky ‘mental issues’.
Ian Rushlow did actually mention the Armenian connection on the previous thread. I think there have been a few documented spree killers driven bonkers by lacking the social skills to successfully interact with women. Militant feminism and utter disregard for males in western state schools hasn’t helped.
But still it’s 10 people, total strangers going about their business, dead. Lots more injured and mentally scarred for life.
He gave himself up so there’s no chance of mistaken identity. Sod the mental issues – I’d say hang him, but of course Canada won’t.
I don’t get the inference – I write here a lot about the killings and stabbings in London. And the lack of concern by al Beeb. The shootings in a waffle shop in America is less of an issue to me than killings here – of black kids whose names are forgotten a week after their killing.
It seems as if the London killings are being deliberately downplayed. Our progressive media seems to be in a turmoil . The fact that it is nearly all black young people disturbs them.
I wonder how the parents feel ? Ignored and marginalised perhaps.
It does not make any difference the colour of the murdered to me. This is an new situation and threatens the peace and the very future of London. It looks as if the police are losing control.
Imagine the same situation in the 1950s . There would be uproar .
These killings need to be stopped and that will take serious policing.
I do not accept that the black community will refuse to cooperate with the police . This sounds like the usual progressive propaganda from white and black activists.
Well, I’m an equal opportunity hanger & flogger. So yes I’ve no problem saying the ‘Waffle House’ shooter should probably get the noose/lethal injection. At least there’s a chance of that outcome in Tennessee.
Agreed -I may – I’m pro capital punishment and the firing squad would be appropriate for that one . Maxi – any thoughts? Or another inspiring cut and paste?
Why do your posts here remind me of Evan Davis? Are you well remunerated?
Why do you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich?
What did he have in common with other white gun toting nutters, Maxi? Mormonism? Christian Science?
What do the Islamist nutters across the globe – Syria, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indonesia, Somalia, Nigeria, Yemen, Saudi, Lebanon etc – responsible for tens of thousands of deaths and ethnic cleansing on an epic scale – have in common?
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
Rats! Just made my big BBC moan on the old Thread.
Oh well, maybe I’m first here. Does that count for anything?
I’m so cross with the BBC that I have nothing more to add here. I’m off for now – have a great day everyone.
…. Does that count for anything?….
Course it does – it means I can reply and be runner-up !!!! Lol !
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, it is the cricket season), had I known that you were lurking in the vicinity, I would have said “After you” and held the door open. Am very sorry, m’dear!
As JimS was also around at the time and had something rather more worthwhile to post, I had better help Fedup with his Decade of Apology, and pop down this Thread and apologise profusely to Jim as well.
Previously : Up2Stuff moaning about R4Today
And from 4pm last night the page before that where we talked about the petition against the House of Troughers
A big ‘thank you’ to Stew for turning me into a Channel 4 Soap or Cop Show. I’ll have to try to be a bit more widely referential in future instead of merely quoting Sergeant Phil in ‘last word’-mode.
Enjoy the ability to speak freely (thanks bBBC administrators) .. on the website people are learning how to type to stop their posts and words getting removed from the site. Amber Rudd would be proud .. ..
. . .
‘Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.
– 1984, Orwell
I saw the reference to Guido but not the discussion.
However, I am getting very concerned with Geedo which used to allow fairly open discussion but is now tightening up on moderation. Not merely to keep people on topic but various other issues.
There is a topic on Bercow’s bullying and MPs standing up to him. My comment below was removed. Others are noting the level of moderation.
‘MPs standing up to the Speaker!! Ho ho. This bunch of cowards will let anyone bully them.
They are too gutless to stand up to ugly men who rape our children’
You comment is OK but harsh. Guido called me a racist (Hate Crime?), but with no evidence … his response was … “We banned a batch of people for making racist or race related comments. Am totally fed up with this, you were a guest and now you have been thrown out.” –
I imagine that people have flooded the site and reported everyone. I found a comment on calling white old people gammon faces (which I find funny) … and asked why this person was allowed to comment but not myself? Oh well, £200K funding to the Amber Rudd Hate Crime Hub was worth it … no one can debate anything! No comment = No Hate.
And just for the record, islam is not a race even though muslims are trying their best through the UN to get it classified as such. So if Guido Fawkes has been got at by them, I suppose he might have to take their threats seriously, because our government won’t do so and provide him any protection. We’ve all seen what they did to Tommy Robinson, Kevin Crehan and Tim Burton.
MM I’ve noticed that you have been disappeared on Guido along with some others I see when I dip in, is it some kind of purge? It’s seems so bizarre that one of the sites I enjoy dropping into – even if I disagree with some of the comments, I enjoy the outspokenness – it is/was one that held outspoken views as a kind of badge of honour and now seems to be shutting itself down…. What’s going on?
Not sure … this was the response from … “We banned a batch of people for making racist or race related comments. Am totally fed up with this, you were a guest and now you have been thrown out.” … did not say which comments I was banned for which was a bit annoying, but it is his site to do as he pleases.
. . . .
A twitter feed started up posting the comments made on Guido and taking them out of context and displaying them (can’t find twitter feed).
. . . ..
In September 2004,[11] Staines began the “Guido Fawkes Blog of plots, rumours and conspiracy”. The name is an alternative of Guy Fawkes, and continues that symbolism with the masthead slogan “tittle tattle, gossip and rumours about Westminster’s Mother of Parliaments. Written from the perspective of the only man to enter parliament with honest intentions. The intention being to blow it up with gunpowder…”
guidofawkes NotModBot Bill Quango MP • 12 minutes ago
We have had a crackdown as we do periodically because the place was becoming infested with people who were just obsessed with race issues, some of them pretty unpleasant.
This is not the place for them.
Never heard of the site, but I find it absolutely bizarre that anyone in the UK could be obsessed with race.
I could see that someone, who suddenly finds they are living next to a giant festering open sewer and rubbish dump, might be consumed with a desire to steer the conversation towards flies, rats, violent aromas etc .
But you’d think anyone lucky enough to embraced by enriching vibrant diversity wouldn’t be obsessed with a single issue.
I think comments directed to David Lammy or Diane Abbott are seen as racist, even when it’s about their politics and double standards. I guess if you don’t shout at Theresa May and Amber Rudd in the same manner you are racist ….criticise Islam … Islamophobia … criticise coloured politicians … racist … criticise mass immigration … xenophobic … criticise difference of opinion .. you are hate criminal …. criticise celebrities not taking in refugees … you are nasty … etc …
I’m afraid some of the race issues facing us ARE pretty unpleasant. Though many of them are not actually race, but culture.
It may suit some to pretend they aren’t real, and that preventing people discussing them will make them go away. But it will make the eventual solution that much worse.
Why is this person not allowed to ask why they can’t comment?
The problem is that the BBC sees this as one of its primary roles – ‘managing’ the discussion of controversial issues such as race and culture. For’managing’ read ‘controlling’.
A speakeasy, also called a blind pig or blind tiger, is an illicit establishment that
sells alcoholic beveragesallows free speech.Such establishments came into prominence in the
United StatesUK during the Prohibition era(1920–1933, longer in some states)(2018 – onwards). During that time, the sale, manufacture, and transportation (bootlegging) ofalcoholic beverageswords was illegal throughout the United States.[1]
haha like it!
It is our freedom of speech and debate that sets the Western world apart from others. We lose that we are nothing more than a dictatorship … China and Russia mimic it until it goes to far … Turkey destroyed it.
Oldie from Guido
We have arrived … Amazon removes one-star reviews from Hillary Clinton’s new book { 15sep2017}
“The online retail giant acknowledged its decision to remove one-star reviews of Clinton’s memoir, What Happened, claiming they have the right to uphold reviews from legitimate customers.”
I have been banned by Guido Fawkes from commenting on his blog. But he hasn’t told me what I wrote that upset him; or has someone with more clout had a word with him about people who say things they don’t like?
John Redwood tells us there is a campaign by the ‘remainers’ to trash the WTO.
What a surprise then that the last Inside Business does just that!
Jim, so sorry for barging you out of the top spot with your worthwhile post.
The Remain mob are really turning the heat on again. That relief around Skripal time and Easter was very short-lived.
The afternoon drama on R4 today had a snide reference to Brexiteers, their vote in June 2016 and memory and the past.
BBC web page report on the Toronto killings. More pictures of people lighting candles but none of the carnage which is the reality.
The picture at the end of the report says it all. “Were not all like that” subliminal message. God I despise the BBC.
Synchronised- The ” Big Brother” of the BBC is their diversity dept.
They are in
complete control of the BBC website. Be it with continuous
leader stories or pictures of Tiger Woods in the Masters at
Augusta. Mo Farah in the London Marathon. In fact ANYTHING
to do with DIVERSITY.
The word they use is inclusive. As I have written before the only
runners I was interested in the marathon was those running for
charity and not for PRIZE MONEY.
Big brother at the BBC wants you too see pictures of Moslem’s
signing a consolation book in Toronto. The BBC wants the Proms
to be more “inclusive ” this season with less flag waving.
I shall go and listen and see a Bruckner symphony at the
Proms. If you want to see something more “inclusive” maybe the
LGBT symphony orchestra plaingy Jon Gay’s B*ggars Opera
may be more in line with what the BBC want you to see!
I also want to be “inclusive”. Inclusive in the 84+% of the White British population which is increasingly disenfranchised and neglected.
Enjoy your Proms ! I am going to see a performer later this year who outsells Rod Stewart & Elton John, and has sold more albums than Take That (not hard) – in fact 40 million worldwide. Its Andre Rieu – and surprisingly his type of music doesn’t appeal to the masses that are BAEM !!
Brissles, thanks. I learn something new every day. Rieu had not appeared on my radar, so to speak.
We see him every Christmas at Wembley – superb. Mentioned him to my Aussie family but they knew already; he’s the biggest seller there!
Please tune in to Andre Rieu on You Tube. He has a wide range of music and an audience that really interacts.
As an elderly dancer with canines, his music features in many of my videos.
Enjoy. Don’t tell the BBC
I suspect that Prom audiences are “inclusive” – but inclusive of SE Asians. Unfortunately, this is the wrong type of “Asian” for the BBC.
Last concert I went to, not the Proms, no shortage of people of “oriental” origin – a term which might be unfashionable, but is more meaningful.
I have been promming regularly for many years. When I am at the Albert Hall I look around and see very few non white faces and those are usually Chinese or similar. Mind I don’t go to proms that are reggae inspired etc where the balance may be different.
Someone on the Beeb was recently speaking about the area roughly between Longitude E70° and E130°, and was slightly dismissive of East and South-East Asia but the way they referred to ‘south’ Asia (in reality, probably truly meaning West and North-West Asia) was ever so subtly different. Central Asia and North Asia were also not mentioned at all. I think they may have been ‘de-existed’ in BBC atlases.
It wouldn’t surprise me.
Unfortunately I cannot remember the context, let alone the programme. Probably because I was silently screaming at the radio …..
9:30am R4 Those immigrants coming over here, not integrating and taking over
They are talking about ring necked parakeets, noisy irritating scaring small birds away from the bird tables.
“And Climate Change will make this worse”
Keeping the dream (of Obama) alive … most other Presidents step to the side … not the Obama Foundation and the Royal Foundation …. side by side … with the BBC promoting at every chance.
(p.s. Dear BBC’s Katty Kay – will the royalties from your book sales, as promoted on BBC twitter, reduce the BBC TV License? Katty has replaced her photo on twitter of her face with that of her book. Plug! Pug! Plug!)
. . .
Barack and I are thrilled to congratulate The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on their newest arrival! We hope to meet him soon for a Kensington Palace pajama party. I’ll wear my robe! {KattyKay Twitter}
He shoots… he misses…
Rob must by now be wondering if who the bbc wants to speak for are worth the grief:
Wow … worth listening to .. “Propaganda coup … a visit where you (Baroness Cox) met with mass murderers. (Grand Mufti, Syria) ” ….
Christian delegation to Syria criticised { 24apr2018}
A group of peers and priests from the UK have been criticised after they met with Syrian MPs, religious leaders and citizens.
Baroness Cox, who was part of the delegation, said “there’s terror on both sides” when she was asked on the Today programme why she did not raise the issue of alleged human rights abuses with the Grand Mufti, Syria’s top Muslim cleric, when she met him.
“there’s terror on both sides” – just like there are Hijabs on both sides … one side you get to wear them and the other you get beaten and thrown in prison for not wearing a Hijab.
“… get beaten and thrown in prison for not wearing a Hijab.” Did she disclose where this heinous act is perpetrated?
G – that was my addition … I believe it happens in Majority Muslim countries at the moment. The ones that are intolerant of tolerance but want everyone to be tolerant of intolerance.
I was surprised hearing that item today. It is over a week old. The visit was made around the time of the aftermath of the Duma gas attack.
This week it’s all about the bloody customs union using the Irish border as the excuse.
Sensible words from Bill Cash who knows a thing or two about the EU.
I’m giving JRM the benefit of the doubt over Brexit – despite him being somewhat mealy-mouthed in the new Moggcast – but interesting constitutional speculation about Treezer from 15:00 onwards should the government lose the customs union vote in the HoC.
I would like to know the view of someone like David Starkey in relation to the abolition of the HoL. Thankfully the petition is still rising. However, even if there were 10 million signatures we would still be treated with contempt.
The House of Lords petition should have been worded with …. “Remove one House of Lord member and get a nurse for the NHS (£35K).” … all Labour members would have to agree … even Jeremy Corbyn.
Lord Mandelson, Lord Kinnock and Lord Prescott might be a bit miffed
They could be replaced by 10 nurses each … an rejoice at helping the people!
Isn’t it funny how there are no photographs or ‘disturbing’ video footage released of the Toronto Jihad?
Last month in Syria it was wall to wall choking children and victims in full technicolour.
On that thought, is it legally legitimate for someone to launch a knee-jerk, retaliatory pre-emptive attack on a ROP’er who is likely to be sympathetic to the Jihad without any evidence to illustrate our revulsion at the use of vans in Jihad?
I think rufus lost a golden opportunity with regard to this Fred. It should have been named with Steven Lawrence Fred in accordance with al beeb guidelines .
How come they are putting a statue of some nobody girlie up in parliament square when it should have been St Steven ,Doreen and his dad
Not sulking no justice not first . Again
Fed, LOLx5, x10 even. See references to free speech in relation to Order-Order; we will all have to be that creative soon.
Samizdat rules.
Along with Molesworth, KO?
It is sometimes hard not to slip into what I have hitherto regarded as fantasy land – the great Conspiracy Theory wilderness.
Recent events, including but not limited to, the Syrian ‘gassing’, the Salisbury Surprise, the timing of the Windrush nonsense, St Stephen’s Day, Count Dankula and the endless banning of North American journalists, the media silence over the Las Vegas shootings, flying gas mains redux, apparently motiveless killer cars and vans… after a while I do start to wonder if we aren’t being fed a pack of lies. Just now and then. For example, whenever there’s a BBC news broadcast.
Perhaps, (bang on trans trend come to think of it!) I seem to be turning from Scully into Mulder.
My Conspiracy Theory is called Stupidity Theory … you can hardly tell the difference.
Luv it, GC. LOL x25! Brilliant.
Killer last line.
All part of the conspiracy. Now all the media and arms of the State (police in particular) cannot be trusted to tell the public the truth. I don’t think it is PC, that may well have been a part of it a while ago, but I now think particularly throughout Europe, the EU is aware that there is growing simmering anger against islam and they just want to keep the lid on it. Very much as the ‘Dictators’ in the Middle East have done, perhaps for centuries and continue to do (those who have yet to benefit from the West’s desire (‘Regime Change’) to change all that).
you can keep screwing down the lid on the pressure cooker
but your just delaying an even bigger bang
‘Police cannot be trusted to tell the public the truth’. There’s a little more they can’t be trusted to do.
Look no further than the French/Italian border, where police were doing nothing to prevent illegal ‘visitors’ at various points of crossing, Col de L’Echelle/Briancon on Sunday. Groups of civilians, trying to protect the Alpine crossings, succeeded for a while, doing the job of border guards. The thin blue line merely retreated and retreated. Embarrassing in spades.
Later a certain organisation we find operating worldwide, forced their way through the barriers, dragging about 30 ‘refugees’ into France with them.
This is the result when the concept of borders has become a joke and, knowing this, ‘guests’ and their ‘assistants’ treat the police with utter contempt. They shove them aside. Red flags flutter.
Etc etc. So much for Macron’s big words.
Then again, with the final destination probably being Germany or the UK, French and Italian police are probably not that bothered. In Germany Merkel will be waiting to have a ‘selfie’ taken with herself & ‘guests’.
What about it Amber? Could wipe out a multitude of ‘sins’.
Oh yes, police looking on passively. Now, where have we seen that before?
Mandy Richards update….!!!!
The people of Worcester may be safe after all….
You’re wrong . She needs electing . Think how many seats she’s worth . Afra will be peed off to have competition for the national chip on the shoulder award .
Ha Ha Ha…didnt think of that
Shared from a FB ex-Navy page and met with almost universal agreement:
25 years ago a young man lost his life due to the colour of his skin. This was a terrible thing to happen. The Prime Minister announced yesterday that from now on the 22nd of April will be known as Stephen Lawrence Memorial Day to celebrate his life and legacy.
Although very sad, Stephen was not a special or exceptional person, he didn’t go out if his way for others or to help his community or carry out charity work. His life was that of an average teenager and other than being murdered held no legacy. He was a teenage boy who was unlucky enough to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
WPC Yvonne Fletcher was murdered by terrorists in the street in the line of duty.
PC Keith Blakelock was butchered by black rioters in Tottenham in the line of duty.
WPC Sharon Bechonivsky was murdered by robbers in Rotherham while on duty.
WPC’s Nichola Hughes & Fiona Bone were shot and blown up while responding to a 999 by Dale Cregan.
Drummer Lee Rigby was mown down and murdered by black ‘terrorists’.
PC Keith Palmer was stabbed to death by terrorist while guarding the Palace of Westminster.
Kriss Donald was a 14 year old lad from Scotland kidnapped burnt and butchered to dealth by a gang of Asian men.
All these people were murdered because of race and religion.
Where are these people’s day of commemoration??? Brave people who paid the ultimate sacrifice while trying to protect and defend the British people and our way of life!!!
The Prime Minister and government say that want to eradicate racism and build an undivided multicultural society. Then why do they divide us with actions like this, actions that can only be reasoned to appease minorities and political correctness.
62 people have lost their lives on the streets of our Capital this year due to gun and knife crime. Most of which have been gang related black on black attacks.
The biggest threat to the black youth of today are other black youth. So instead of memorialising an isolated racist attack from a quarter of a century ago by a group of uneducated idiots which has no relevance of today’s society.
Why not memorialise a day like 7/7 or the London Bridge and Westminster attacks. A day when our country was attacked and there were victims of all races, religions and walks of life. A day when our society came together regardless of race and religion and helped those in need around them. A day of unity not segregation.
Maybe I’m wrong and this boy deserves his day or maybe I’m right and all Teresa May has done has fuel racism and separation. Who knows? I’m sure we’ll find out.
Popeye: nice one. Core text should go to No.10, the media, any open blogs. We should all join in with that.
Do those fools think nobody’s watching them? Do they think nobody cares? Do they think we don’t see through them? Do they think we don’t know their motives?
We need to let them know.
Outstanding post.
I know your list is not supposed to be exhaustive, but can I add the name of PC Patrick Dunne? It sticks in my mind solely because it happened later in the same year but has received relatively little attention:
“PC Patrick Dunne was murdered on duty on 20th October 1993. We will never forget.
On 20th October 1993 PC Dunne attended a domestic dispute at a house in Cato Road in Clapham. On hearing gunshots he left the house to investigate. Gary Lloyd Nelson and two others had just executed William Danso in a hail of bullets in the doorway of his house. Nelson said Danso disrespected him by refusing him entry to a nightclub then breaking up a fight in which Nelson was involved. PC Dunne was in full uniform and wearing a relective jacket, and as such was easily identifiable as a police officer. He was unarmed As he emerged from the house to investigate the gunshots he was shot in the chest by Gary Lloyd Nelson. A celebratory shot was fired into the air and Nelson and his accomplices left the scene laughing.
Nelson was convicted of the murder in 2006 and sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum term of 35 years.”
Thanks for this Theresa. And for your previous list. Please post that again. Important we let everyone know we’re watching. Especially those in government. And that we know what they’re up to.
They’re counting on us to be too busy watching soaps, footie etc to care. They think all the ‘uneducated’ are at it…
I’ve realised something else. After a year of watching this couple doing their leadership thing, I’ve come to the conclusion that there is now nothing Ms Merkel can teach Ms May in the undermining and betraying stakes. And doing it all with a straight face and nice words. Perhaps there never was.
“And for your previous list.”
I copied it off the internet some time ago but it only goes as far as 2004. Don’t know who compiled it originally, or precisely where it came from, but it clearly needs updating.
I’ll see if I can find an up to date version because I think it contains important reminders. However, even looking at it is probably a hate crime.
Great post – although I can’t believe it is true.
it’s a shame the Government didn’t have a poll with your list. I can guess it wouldn’t be Stephen Lawrence day – like you said he was an ordinary lad who was killed by some idiots who have no relationship to the average ‘white’ person in his country, then or now. Still the BBC will have another day to fill some space every year
It’s just another nail in the coffin of common sense, another step up for PC .
We’re doomed, all doomed
It’s not just the BBC though, we all need to play our part. Every time someone in the pub, party, restaurant, office, or whatever, decides to indulge in a bit of virtue signalling by fawning over the Lawrences, I believe it’s important to say “But remember Patrick Dunne, Keith Blakelock, Kriss Donald, Richard Everitt, Danny Westmacott, Alan Cartwright* etc
I’ve done it and responses vary. The most common is a blank stare because the name meant nothing. On one occasion, someone said “But Stephen Lawrence was a particularly bad murder.” Oh yes? And what is a good murder? Stephen Lawrence was a sadly typical murder – a spontaneous explosion of teenager on teenager violence. Kriss Donald’s murder, which involved torture, was arguably worse.
Don’t let lazy, trendy, right-on, guilt ridden, usually middle class virtue signallers get away with it. You might lose a friend or two, but you might find a few allies as well. There’s an air of intimidation around the subject and it has to stop.
The most common is a blank stare because the name meant nothing..
That’s the thing Theresa, give it 10 years when another generation is knocking back the shots, they’ll be thinking that Stephen Lawrence was probably a footballer who played for Crystal Palace at some time. I mean, if today’s lot don’t even know who Frank Sinatra was, then Stephen Lawrence hasn’t got a hope in hell of being remembered.
Sorry, but its an utter waste of time, and sad though it is, there are more far worthy recipients to receive this accolade.
Can I add David Rathband to this?
I`ll never forget a nation gloating and enjoying the Raoul Maot hunt in 2010, and not giving a damn about what he`d just done.
That poor man, RIP David.
Maybe we slipped off a cliff then, more than we realised.
Had Moat been hanged-we might not now be getting the likes of Creggan, Duggan-and now Vincent.
And I’ll add Ross Parker to this list of shame. Ross was murdered by a gang of “Asian men” not three miles from me in Peterborough City Centre in 2001 just days after 9/11 – sprayed with mace, then repeatedly stabbed and beaten with a hammer. Only 4 men were charged, with 3 being convicted. Like Kriss Donald’s murder, it was all but ignored by politicians and national media. 2 of the 3 are up for parole at the end of the year.
BTW not Rotherham but Bradford
PC Sharon Beshenivsky was a West Yorkshire Police constable shot dead by a criminal gang during a robbery in Bradford on 18 November 2005, becoming the seventh female police officer in Great Britain to be killed on duty.
RIP //
“Maybe I’m wrong and this boy deserves his day”
I see that the beloved BBC News is doing wall-to-wall coverage of the usual “luvvie” suspects encouraging yet more stupid school children to stand in front of that new Statue in Londonstan while being photographed holding up those stupid, silly signs again!
Good grief!
Yep! I think “cotton wool” (and lots of it) will be my only long term investment for my retirement! Tis sure to be in great demand by the British public for at least the next 300 years!
Petition for removing the trough currently at 102,665. With a bit of luck, the squeeling should soon begin.
I hope they expose and talk about expenses …. would be interesting.
Reporter James Moore, with Newtalk 1010, told the BBC he had heard reports that Minassian was regarded as being “quite brilliant”. Canada’s Globe and Mail quotes a fellow student as saying Minassian was good at working with specialised computer chips used to process images. { 24apr2018}
* “attended a school for students with special needs”
* “He wasn’t a social person, but from what I remember he was absolutely harmless,”.
* “quite brilliant”.
* “had not been violent”.
* “did not seem to have many friends.”
* “not previously known to authorities”.
I think we know where this is going, do we not?
We need more support for those who …. read a book that asks you to subjugate the world.
I am readingthe diaries of Ivan Maisky who was the Soviet Ambassador in London during the war until he fell foul of Stalin. In it he writes in 1942 what i found to be a chilling prediction of our future under a communist world government .
I paraphrase , ‘ in the 21st century when communism is fully developed the problem will be creating a unified humanity . National distinctions should not be entirely eliminated , there should be some diversity in the world, but it will be necessary to merge those motley national streams into a single bursting stream of humanity. National differences should enrich and not divide mankind. Vestiges of the past may linger in people’s minds and we will have to think of special measures to accelerate the process of creating a unified humanity.’
A high ranking communist wrote this 75 years ago and yet it reads as though it was written yesterday by members of the globalist liberal left. Communism may have been routed economically by Capitalism but our liberal elites are hell bent on creating the Utopian ‘ unified humanity’ that Maisky writes of.
I have never been one to believe in conspiracy theories , particularly ones involving hundreds of world leaders , but is it crediblethat Maisky’s prediction so closely matches where we are today unless events have been steered towards such an outcome?
Brilliant! It never really went away!
Workers of the world unite!
So, what did we learn?
Communism needed a ‘Vanguard Party’, the workers being too stupid to do anything on their own, until the state ‘withered away’.
So the Communist Party was born: Nomenklatura in dachas, and all that.
Today it’s the ‘uneducated’ deplorables. Voted for Brexit? Yes? Well, didn’t know what you were voting for. See. Stupid. Now, Remainers- they all know exactly. And what goes on in the EU. Fully briefed.
Our vanguard party sits in the ‘Lords’. Disguised in ermine. No sign of Lenin there, so we don’t know nuffink about it!
It always needs to be borne in mind that the underpinnings of modern ‘liberal’ thought stemmed directly from the Communist ‘Frankfurt School’ which infested US universities from the 1940s onward.
That might seem like a long while ago but in geo-political terms it isn’t. By the time you have placed your students into positions of power, who then set about doing the same for their students, until you have reached critical mass and subverted the entire political system, that’s how long it takes.
In fact, the silent coup that has taken place has been remarkably quick and has met very little opposition. It’s far less costly and more effective than mounting a full scale war.
Regrettably, you’re right, GC. Many of those students became journalists. Joined some broadcasters and infected much of the press. Ditto a lot of marketing/advertising.
The question is: is it 5 to 12 or are we currently listening to the peel of midnight?
I wish I knew, fakenewswatcher! I try to keep my comments short so didn’t go into the subject in any depth but it’s clear that the takeover of higher education and the growth in the numbers of young people being inducted into the Leftist sausage machine are far from coincidental.
Another little twist is the way access to media jobs has now followed the professions in that only those who have been suitably brainwashed can take part. It’s how the BBC, Sky, the legacy press and so on act in such a political lockstep.
None of this was accidental.
You have hit the nail squarely on the head GC.
Trouble is when you try to explain this to anyone, even those who are right-leaning, they look at you like you’re some kind of conpiracy theorist. These tend to be the same people who shake their heads at every imposition of Cultural Marxism such as the extreme elements of transgenderism whilst muttering ‘It’s barmy, what’s the country coming to’, failing to recognise the agenda that will eventually destroy everything they believe in.
With its pro-Islam, pro-mass immigration, pro-climate change, anti–British, anti-Israel, minority-obsessed agendas the BBC, whilst portraying itself as truthful and impartial and emboldened by a Soviet-style governance system, is the wolf in sheep’s clothing of Cultural Marxism. It is a major threat to this country’s security and prosperity and has to be closed down without delay.
Lefty Luvvie knight SIR Mark Rylance in top pompous form on the Toady programme. He is a Shakespeare denier. Hearing first from a Professor from Birmingham University, we we told Shakespeare all written by Shakespeare, why any doubt?
The thespian titan (former voice of Flop in the Cbeebies “Bing” the bunny show) is then introduced as “Oscar winning actor, SIR Mark Rylance” and is addressed as Sir Mark by the humble BBC gal. Sir however is so grand that he refers to the Prof as Mr and tells us himself that he is an Oscar winner, should we have missed that.
This is getting odd …. Owen Jones (Part of the Media Establishment) vs the British Media Establishment (which includes Owen Jones) …
For the Many (whoever you want as friends), Not the Few (who ever you want to be enemies) …
… wonder if the BBC are media establishment or the BBC are the Few or the Many?
New Solids – Owen Jones vs the British Media Establishment | | Or, why did the commentariat lose their shit over well worn criticisms?
BBC have an eye on the prize … India with it’s Gender Gap and #MeToo … not forgetting women being flogged in the streets for adultery … #StreetDefecationGap …. #CasteSystemGap … #DiversityOfEuropeansGap … repeat “ALL CULTURES ARE EQUAL” ….
Is Bollywood ready for #MeToo? { 24apr2018}
Actresses open up about sexual harassment in Bollywood and why more women haven’t spoken out.
BBC News Channel at 12pm trumpets the BBC’s particular sense of priorities.
Number one headline – a new statue is unveiled in London
Female presenter Carole Walker in the studio links to a female reporter interviewing a female campaigner about the female sculpture by a female sculptor.
Apparently this is massive historic news because it is a female – and the female PM has something to say. (by the way she’s a rather dud PM and I doubt she’ll ever warrant a statue)
So what else is the news today?
Oh wait… there’s a man, a Muslim man with something to say – he’s only a little man – Sadiq Khan.
Number two headline is something about TSB bank customer IT problems – tell us something new! Naughty naughty TSB haven’t got back to the female BBC reporter with a comment – so no new news there then.
Labour’s Corbyn and the Jewish thing – nothing too much worry about – it just needs to be hurried up a bit (putting it right not making it worse, obviously) Seems it has got worse under Corbyn. But I guess Blairites would say that, wouldn’t they. And Corbyn is a bloke. A lefty bloke – so his heart is in the right place.
Oh, and 10 people were ploughed down in Canada by a van – absolutely no idea why? Female reporter again. But there’s a vigil planned. So that’s alright then.
Maybe it was something the chap saw on telly that gave him the idea? Something just made him mad, maybe?
These things go in trends you know. Some bright spark invents a thing and lots of lame nobodies copy. You can’t patent the idea of ramming people down with a vehicle. But the real credit should still go to the popularisers of the thing. It’s only fair.
Statue of Lady Thatcher … no!
Statue of Lady who shamed boys to go to war to be killed – yeah!
But the militant history of feminist war supporters in Britain, and the audacity of the ‘White Feather Girls’ who shamed young men into enlisting, must also be remembered in this centenary year
I recall a W E Johns story taking the micky out of the white feather girls. Biggles was home on leave, dressed in mufti, when a woman gave him a white feather. The chap he was with suggested he put it in his hat, as if anyone deserved a feather in his cap it was Biggles.
Let the Purge of 2018 begin … Douglas Murray starts with placing memories to expunge in front of all to see …
But the law in modern Britain — specifically modern Scotland — does not abide by this principle. Having solved all burglaries, muggings, rapes, and parking offenses in the nation, the Scottish police decided that it was necessary to arrest and charge Count Dankula. The authorities then chose to prosecute him. – Douglas Murray
. . .
If they would like a head’s up, how about this “grossly offensive” joke which is still actually hosted on YouTube. It is one of the best one-liners ever, and comes from the late Graham Chapman. It is repeated here by his fellow Monty Python member Eric Idle.
… ” it would appear that the U.K.’s citizenry are not willing to hand over their freedoms to our joke-constabulary just yet.”
Worlds best oneliner {youtube} – Graham Chapmans fantastic oneliner response to a German guard outside Dachau.
Spain: “……A recent Islamic State document included a list of grievances against Spain for wrongs allegedly done to Muslims since the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa on July 16, 1212.”
It would be quite farcical if it weren’t that they mean it for real. Seems Spain and in particular Catalonia is increasingly about to bear the brunt.
Meanwhile in Germany, the delusion continues……….
I wait for the islamic armies in Europe and the UK to start up the final war.
“If you look at the boat load coming into Spain at the moment, they all sub-saharan men. And if we say you can come in this year, then more people will come next year and more the year after. And the public know that, the public are sensible. Only the people who have a voice in the media and the politicians are the ones who are insane.” {youtube @7:42}
“Douglas Murray: ‘Nicola Sturgeon and Lily Allen are hypocrites over migrants’” {youtube @6:20 sep2017}
Is it a trend? Is it a statement of the bleeding obvious? Is it just more noticeable now? Am I just thick and it has finally dawned on me?
The taxpayer is increasingly played for a sap by the authorities on behalf of the public sector-dependent grievance monkeys.
An early example of this is a case example of a road improvement in…..Essex from memory. A road was improved but in so doing an element of hazard was caused at a pedestrian crossing. There was a successful claim made. The ruling was that the council did not have to improve the road but in so doing had to do so to a very high standard. Perversely doing nothing did notvyield a claim. The improvement yielded the claim. Not exactly an encouragement for progress.
Grenfell. The autistic man last week prevented from going on a fairground ride. Windrush. More and more, those reliant on public services and the legal profession that supports them are now demanding ever more gold plated treatment and the craven public services are caving in. The result is not just the wealth redistribution defined by the original service provided but another tranche defined by endless litigation at the slightest deficiency of that service. Perversely, a standard acceptable to most paying out of their own pockets is being deemed unacceptable in the public service sector by the representatives of those who do not have to pay out of their own pockets. Of course the grievance hungry BBC feel like every day is Christmas. There is literally so much to criticise the government about if one chooses to look.
The poor bloody taxpayers, or licence fee payers, needless to say, foot the bills as it is easier for the powers that be to pay up than to fight the taxpayers’ corner. The Corbynistas meanwhile see this as a tactical benefit because anything that puts the market economy under excess strain is to be welcomed.
A coalition of the Corbynistas, the liberal elite, craven authorities, and cynical public services receivers.
I do wish more taxpayers would wake up more often.
BBC the news service that generate it’s own news BBC licence fee to rise by £3.50 in April
“The UK’s annual television licence fee is to rise to £150.50 from £147, the government has announced.”
– A shame the BBC didn’t have open comments on this story about taking more money from nurses and giving it to Chris Evans and Gary Linker!
A bit of help here please .
The liberal / left and BBC are grouping victim groups but it doesn’t add up .
1; the Windrush Generation are losing out etc . This is bad bad but let’s continue
2; EU nationals are afraid ” due to Brexit ” about their status here .
Well that’s two sets of people , not racially , politically , culturally or historically related .
a; we have hordes of people in Calais and elsewhere who feel once they’re in the UK everything will be better for them . they don’t think there will be any controls on them and they can be employed , housed , on benefits and use the NHS . Openly and blatantly .
b; we have illegals , bogus asylum seekers , chancers idlers and crooks from all over the world who have no fear of their status here , some preach insurrection by minority groups . They aren’t afraid of publicity and definitely not afraid of the Home Office or Immgration service . Some even commit crimes and risk imprisonement , but not deportation .
So the ones who are here legally are worried but the ones who are here illegally are not !?
We are all illegal. We are all dreamers. We are all immigrants. We are all *sigh*
Hmm, The BBC may as well save money by pulling the Daily Politics today Tuesday. We have had an SNP MP claiming EU nationals will be deported when we leave the EU and a Welsh Speaker claiming discrimination against Welsh speakers.
They could encourage further divisions within our once great nation, divisions which the EU Commission will exploit.
One day after the new Steven Lawrence annual memorial day (nope, me neither) we have a high profile unveiling in Parliament Square of a statue of someone I’ve never heard of. But crucially, she was a woman. That’s all that counts.
Some woman bemoans the fact that only 3% of statues are of women. Could it be that this is the correct proportion in terms of historic contribution? Or am I just an old relic and the exploits of people like Nelson, Churchill, or the Dule of Wellington really don’t count when political correctness is what really matters?
Margret Thatcher …. or Eddie Izzard?
I would bet you one thing….that the lady who has displaced Brillo would not ask the SNP ” why do you want out of the Union of the United Kingdom , but insist on rejoining the EU”
They have no credible answer for that.
The republican core of the SNP simply do not like the English….
Fortunately a lot of Scots have seen through them now…… and surely enough of a majority to kill their independence forever.
ps There are striking similarities between Corbynism and the SNP surge of a few years ago………..fuelled by rebels……….
A favourite … “Andrew Neil is fed up with Seema Malhotra’s question dodging”
We’ve been very clear’…”…..we’ve said very clearly……NOTHING!
Stupidity of our politicians in 2018 … when questioned correctly
. . . .
Nick Robinson: Why hasn’t it happened?
Diane Abbott: You’d have to ask the UN but we think…
Nick Robinson: I’ll tell you why it hasn’t happened, because Russia have vetoed such a call six times. (for independent chemical investigations)
Nick Robinson puts Diane Abbott on the spot over Syria { 13apr2018}
Might one also add
‘Stupidity of race card playing electors in Hackney in 2017’?
Yes …. we are all stupid to believe that politicians represent the people, and not themselves.
The New European website (Pro EU) is associating Flat Earth Believers with Trump and Brexit Voters (52% / 17.4m) …. wonder if the BBC will do the same?
“It’s increasingly difficult to pick out individual instances of insanity from the constant droning white noise of craziness, says MITCH BENN” {theneweuropean 24apr2018}
Watching the unfolding shambles of Brexit, and the Trump White House being exposed as not just a criminal enterprise but an incompetent criminal enterprise, I don’t know how you could come to any other conclusion.
. . .
Do you really believe we went to the moon?!” now you’ve got the Flat Earthers saying to the moon-truthers “Ha! Do you really believe the moon EXISTS?!”
No. Really. They think it’s a big lamp.
White noise doesn’t ‘drone’, that’s the point, it’s wonderfully ‘diverse’ and ‘equal’!
Just a little thought , BBC .
I read railway magazines and everything is upbeat , to the point that there seems to be excess passengers .
Railway stations are being modernised , Siemens and other constructors are expanding or investing millions in new premises , and no ones predicting a downturn .
Now are these experts the same as the doom merchants about Brexit ?
Why would you build new , expand and upgrade infrastructure for a country going into decline ?
If we are going into economic hardship there would be three features of it ;
People would travel less for business and employment
People would travel less for leisure or personal reasons .
Less freight would be moved .
So why the spending of the money ?
How else are we going to move the all the ‘Windrush generation’ Jamaicans. Pakistanis, Indians, Canadians, Australians etc. that suddenly realise that they could have been ‘here’ rather than ‘there’?
Toronto: BBC lunchtime TV1 newsreader tells us Islamicists and ‘right-wingers’ have been driving cars into crowds ‘in the past’; sounded like a sort of 50/50 situation. A little fact-twisting. No, quite a lot, actually.
The propaganda gets ever more blatant and dishonest.
BBC bias ever more pronounced.
How about this for the ultimate brass neck:
Bbc news at one: Toronto
During the report, the following statement:
“Of course, both islamic and far right terrorists have used vehicles to attack people.”
Can you bloody believe the level of dishonesty behind that statement?
Sorry fake yer just beat me to it.
Al beeb is trumpeting the watering down of the ‘joint enterprise” doctrine in criminal law which basically says if a crime such as murder is committed and you are part of the group involved you’ll go down even if you didn’t do the actual evil deed.
Al beeb s “law in action “ – aka defence weekly was big on getting this doctrine changed – well today the House of Lords have started . It could end with those convicted of killing Steven Lawrence getting off . Oops
‘far right terrorists’ – radicalised by the BBC because of ‘3 Girls’ (which hides the true size of the problem)!
This is not a coincidence or a new strategy. Gardner, BBC security correspondent, was employing it regularly a year or two ago.
He must have been following Uncle Joe’s dictum, about the bigger the lie etc
Oh yes, and: apply at regular intervals.
Come one – it’s all about inclusive terrorism these days . Your right – pretty cynical propaganda .
Is the daily politics turning into ‘wimmin’s hour’
They have an occasional token bloke on now and again but just lately it’s been a wimmin’s talking shop.
Today, jo swinson was talking to jo Corbyn and some scotch bird saying that we should have another referenum on the Brexit deal with the options of accepting whatever watered down deal May eventually concedes her way to, or staying in the eu.
In essence, the out vote meaning a choice between staying in or staying mostly in (brino)
Why are these evident simple points never challenged.
Swinson actually thinks this is a good idea, staying in or virtually staying in after ineffectual negotiations.
Just leave for God’s sake.
“Say this government (Conservative/Theresa May) took leave of its senses and decided to keep us effectively in EU by staying in the customs union… who would vote for us?… I don’t see how politically this is going to work… I don’t think it will happen in the first place but if it did it would be put right through ballot box.” {}
Note the contradiction
Statue issue : “its wrong to focus on men, we have to think about women too”
– Racist Killings : people killed largely cos of their ethnicity..somehow it’s OK to focus on only Stephen Lawrence.
.. When commenters above can name people were targeted for killing/abuse cos they have white skin.
Not forgetting that other brown/black people have been killed/targeted by white thugs eg a Rotherham Pakistani pensioner.
“The Public paying the BBC TV Tax under threat of prison
Alicelaughed: “There’s no use trying,” theyshesaid; “one can’t believe impossible things.”“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the BBC
Queen.“When I was younger, I always did it for 24 hours a day
half an houra day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast BBC News Report.”Alice in Wonderland.
I’ll just drop this book recommendation here, again. It really should be read by all who can. It puts the whole thing into greater perspective, than I ever could, and endorses and expands upon everything Douglas Murray has written:
“Travels in Cultural Nihilism: some essays” by Stephen Pax leonard.
A statue of a woman has been unveiled outside Parliament: stop the clocks, stop work and weep tears of joy at this momentous event – the most interesting, significant and original event to have ever happened. We need a BBC crew of at least 1000 people to cover the event.
Don’t worry, it won’t be long before some enterprising “visitors” try to rape it…
See the words you have to twist … “a physical assault accident” … an accident that was a physical assault .. an intentional accident ???!!!!
SWABI: A transgender person was shot dead in a physical assault accident that took place in Kalu Khan area of Swabi district on Sunday, said Trans Action Pakistan.
Do you like my new Tea Towel?
Funny! ….. or is that sexist comedy?
National Trust blasted for ‘sexist’ tea towel to mark 100 years of women’s suffrage

I’m trying to guess what the third lunatic endorsement the PM will make to prove just how far out of touch with her voters she is –
The last idiot legalised queer marriage – maybe she ll legalise all drugs overnight and have a spliff in the chamber before PMQs just to show how “down with the kids “ the stupid old bat is –
She is competing with Mr G Brown to be the most recent crap PM
That statue Should improve beer sales …
Looks like a hybrid of Billy Bremner and Nicola Sturgeon. Bit of Max Clifford perhaps after his first night in chokey.
Imagine she`s waiting to cover her son as he changes at the beach.
I think the towel refers to a Bristol brewery….She must have nicked it !!!!
Note the Parliament Square statue issue is a matter of context
The statues there are all ex-prime ministers hence they do not reflect the make up of general public as politicians were until recently all men.
– The statues at hospitals of nurses are all women that discrimatory ?
Furthermore statues are not a general thing, but a hobby of a certain type of people from a certain era.
We tend in this modern era not to focus on individuals, but rather the communal effort
eg we think about the Bletchly codebreakers rather than just Turing.
Furthermore worldwide there are actually a lot of statues of women ..mainly from religion.
– ancient statues were all Earth Mothers
– then statues of Indian goddesses
– And there’s loads of statues of Mother Mary.
… I’ll give you that Buddha was a man.
… in whatever religion women are ordained, that religion will not last long. As families that have more women than men are easily destroyed by robbers, as a plentiful rice-field once infested by rice worms will not long remain, as a sugarcane field invaded by red rust will not long remain, even so the True Dharma will not last long.
Take the word ISLAM and make it sound like a nice political party … we are truly in a big mess …
Take, for instance, Belgium’s ISLAM Party, which now hopes to participate in the country’s October local elections in 28 regions. (Its name serves as an acronym for “Integrité, Solidarité, Liberté, Authenticité, Moralité.) {frontpagemag 24apr2018}
Moralité. – L’Alternative par excellence
Times TV supplement: 2 pages about Mr & Mr Tim Daly and there surrogate baby project.
“I wanti be remembered as a sportsman, not the gay dad”
100 people will die from SEPSIS today
…. symptoms
Slurred speech/confusion
Extreme shivering/muscle ache
Passing no urine
Severe breathlessness
I feel like death”
Skin mottled … doesn’t go white if pressed.
.. Immediately phone and ask for diagnosis.
As time is critical.
Envy of the world.
4:30pm R4 honours Audre Lorde the black, gay poet and activist
who still inspires the women’s movement today.
Professor Akwugo Emejulu tells Matthew Parris why Audre has meant so much to nursing.
A programme eagerly anticpated by literally tens of listeners…..
Oi Sluff and Stewie!
Had nearly all of this show on my radio on the way home from a crap day at work.
Laughed myself silly. An old queen(Parris) clucking over the empty laundry basket with some black sociology type from Warwick, and some unpronouncable Yankee fresh from a day trip to Harlem-sorry Harlow.
Utter crap-they all lost the will to live. This black lesbian “poet” did nothing, but be black, die of cancer have kids and be gay, let other black lesbos camp out in her loft apartment in NYC.
And that`s it.
She was however an icon, a symbol-but of what, no-one knew.
They all got paid. And I know now that it`s thirty five fat black lesbian blowhards from Mexico PolyCollegicia that can fit on the head of my gearstick.
Apparently though she was “so blatant as to be missed”.
The BBC put this stuff out, and nobody but themselves either laugh or listen.
Heck, even a pan of grits with Nadiya and Bonnie Greer would have topped these humming hopeless harpies.
See-I`m a poetess today too.
Next week Miss Anne Elk talks to Joan Cleese in a one way mirror about the poetry of wet spoons as a cultural resource. That should kill half an hour, as Matthew eats whatever the EU has sent him. How the hell did Maggie not run this oaf out of town?
I timed the counter on the petition:
for exactly five minutes. Signatories rose by 49. It is consistently rising at a fairly regular pace, in fact, I recall, just as it was when I signed it at roughly 65K. Still going strong!! At 1621 – 108,676, a further 75!
Might be from Vatican City … ‘-)
Currently (16.42) 108,972. The petition map is almost ‘red’.
One more now. Me too !
If you go to the petition home page it shows the hourly click rate for the most popular petitions. I’ve seen this particular at over 1000 signatures an hour.
8pm The HIJAB for the under 8’s
Hate mail for headmistress who tried ro ban it
What is really at the root of the outrage given that Islam does not require children to cover their heads?
And what is motivating the trend for younger girls -some as young as four- to wear the hijab, when previous generations would not have veiled so young?
Female Muslim campaigners have warned that it should be fiercely rejected’ as it ‘sexualises’ young girls. Ofsted has voiced …
We used to laugh at “first world problems”.
All solved then I`m guessing, seeing as we`re now having to contend with third world ones.
And that is putting it way too highly.
Guess we`ll find now how many floors of hell we`ll need to avoid to see where THIS particular basement will end.
99 , Jay Z said.
My understanding is that a muslim girl should cover her head from the time that a muslim man would find her sexually attractive. In the UK that needs to be from birth – unless we import a lot of goats.
Man who sends millions (not confirmed yet, but will be when country opens up) to the gulag …. ‘Uncontrollable grief’ of Kim Jong-un over North Korea bus disaster {theguardian 24apr2018} … and fires rockets at other countries … attempts to get portrayed in media as sensitive … REALLY GUARDIAN?! (soon to be reported by BBC)
* Hitler was sorry that he could not bring the unity he wanted to the world.
* Mugabe says the diamond he stole was just lying around.
* Cameron says the £9 million leaflet was not biased.
. . . . Guardian Explain How We Can Still Remove Trump . . . . .
Unfit for office? How the 25th amendment could remove Trump – video explainer … but Merkel and Juncker are Great!
Just another leftist fantasy . Trump is growing in strength every day. The Russian collusion allegation are now on the verge of being discredited and dropped, as is the obstruction of justice allegation. Trumps approval rating is steadily climbing and is now high 40’s or higher. Now that the Russia thing has disappeared as an option to impeach the President the left are dreaming of using the 25th to do it. But it is highly unlikely that even those Republicans who hate Trump , and there are plenty, would dare to move against him if his ratings are above the mid 30’s . Also as millions of Americans realise that they have been persistently lied to by the Democrats and their MSM lapdogs about Russian collusion for 18 months they are going to switch their support to the President. It really is becoming a possibility that the whole failed Russian collusion conspiracy could guarantee that the President will win a second term and he can then freely implement his agenda.Liberals watch out!,,
There are despots all over the World … but it seems that Trump is the only one to have 24/7 dedicated news service dedicated to moaning about him.
… where was the free press and BBC when Satanic Verses fatwa was renewed in 2016?
… where was the free press and BBC when China turns into a dictatorship with an emperor who cannot be removed?
Stupid is as stupid reports … UK powers on without coal for three days { 24apr2018}
“However, experts warned that power generated by coal was largely being replaced by gas, another fossil fuel rather than renewable sources.”
– BBC Real Title: “UK powers on without coal for three days, USING GAS INSTEAD { 24apr2018}
40% of Uk power now comes from Germany and France, both of which are increasingly using coal.
So to say we are becoming less relaint on coal maybe be the BBC gettinga little over excited.
5% from the French maybe, do the Germans fax the other 35% given there is no interconnector?
See National Grid Status
‘Experts warned…..that 100% reliance on renewable energy will destroy Britain’s economy and cause widespread death and social chaos due to inevitable power cuts.’
Never to be heard on the BBC.
BBC progs 3 months ago : very excited ” look Finland has a Universal Income experiment !”
Today : \\ Finland just killed off its universal income.
I guess it ran of other people’s money //
As many have warned …

What an obscene idea- as bad as getting social benefits without making a contribution .
Tyranny on continues …. “Wibble. I’m frightened to try to write more that that. Just wibble.”
Hmnnn 2.
It seems like only yesterday…
With a well deserved H/T to ITTB…
Just watching the 6PM news on the BBC. There has just been
a feature on the new statue of a WOMEN in Parliament Square.
Absolutely great! We then had a diatribe from a feminst telling
us how under represented women are in all forms of
modern life. It was then back to the studio for “Women’s Hour”
where in London anyway we watch women presenting the news
nationally and locally at least 80% of the time!
Fos I saw some of that and it really is dawning that I’m in a foreign country now – is it cos I’ve been around since the sixties . Watching the sistas seeing themselves on the 6 o’clock news was off switch time .
Then I tried – stupidly – c4 news – and they were having a black race love a – thon which again has led to the off switch.
Despair .
“Fos I saw some of that and it really is dawning that I’m in a foreign country now…”
What part of Ireland did your Dad come from, Fedup2?
Good to hear from you . On the late shift eh? Glad you read my comment about my dad- who came from the Republic – the case I make is that I grew up surrounded by people who spoke English , had similar religious beliefs and a common history – however painful that might have been .
You , Maxi , appear to write on this forum just to do your cut and paste routine in an attempt to undermine the views of those who share their thoughts here. You contribute nothing and would be far more comfortable with the so called “ comments are free “ on The Guardian – but perhaps that’s where you work – or al beeb of course
Hope your friend is okay – The one treated in Guys .
“the case I make is that I grew up surrounded by people who spoke English , had similar religious beliefs and a common history”
The children of the Windrush generation also; “grew up surrounded by people who spoke English , had similar religious beliefs and a common history”.
The only difference between you and them is skin colour.
But apparently that’s all it takes for you to consider yourself as British; and them as Foreigners.
Thank you for asking, my friend was rushed into hospital with breathing difficulties yesterday morning but seems to be much improved this evening.
By bringing the Windrush generation and skin colour into it you have deliberately distorted Fedups point.
Interesting, though, when I challenged you on a previous thread with an example of precisely where multicultural, multilingual Britain is heading, which was friends’ granddaughter in Newham being the only white kid in her class and the (white, English) teacher talking Urdu to to the burka-clad mums at the school gates, you were nowhere to be seen.
Then there was the ”teacher of the year”, who won the dubious honour because she was able to communicate with all her pupils through the many different languages she had learned.
Not too late, the floor is still yours….
You keeping records of people Maxi?
ITV Calendar have asked people to vote for 3 of 5 nominations to receive lottery money
– Sheffield Gay cafe, Sheffield refugee centre, Pensioner support in Chesterfield, Hull Kingston Rovers fitness and nutrition programme, workshops, Art workshops for recovery from addiction/challenges in Grimsby.
(The first 2 projects are in the biggest city, so might get the most votes)
Why not a chocolate fountain with Dale Winton spurting forth?
The bloke was good on Trump, so I found out in C/W.
Please Holly!
Just the thought of Dale Winton spurting…
Do you ever thing this decade will be known as the time of the Apology ?
It seems that if some one apologises everything is okay . If an apology is demanded and someone is slow giving the apology the media builds up a head of steam . Apologising for being slow to apologise .
The hippy Home Secretary – Rudd – apologised for the department she is meant to be in charge of as though it was a distraction from her day job of self promotion .
Have they found out what religion that van in Toronto was yet?
The man has an Armenian name, around 95% Christian country. Last thing I read in the Daily Mail (yeah I know) suggests it’s more like a bloke bemoaning the fact he couldn’t get laid, and went postal. Best wait for the trial to find out what gave him him those pesky ‘mental issues’.
They say converts are the worst
Ian Rushlow did actually mention the Armenian connection on the previous thread. I think there have been a few documented spree killers driven bonkers by lacking the social skills to successfully interact with women. Militant feminism and utter disregard for males in western state schools hasn’t helped.
But still it’s 10 people, total strangers going about their business, dead. Lots more injured and mentally scarred for life.
He gave himself up so there’s no chance of mistaken identity. Sod the mental issues – I’d say hang him, but of course Canada won’t.
Strangely no mention of the murder of four people by a gunman in Tennessee just two days ago on Biased-BBC?
No questioning of the perpetrator’s motives?
No questioning of the perpetrator’s religion?
No questioning of the BBC’s description of him as having “mental health issues”?
How curious…
So you are a racist
I don’t get the inference – I write here a lot about the killings and stabbings in London. And the lack of concern by al Beeb. The shootings in a waffle shop in America is less of an issue to me than killings here – of black kids whose names are forgotten a week after their killing.
It seems as if the London killings are being deliberately downplayed. Our progressive media seems to be in a turmoil . The fact that it is nearly all black young people disturbs them.
I wonder how the parents feel ? Ignored and marginalised perhaps.
It does not make any difference the colour of the murdered to me. This is an new situation and threatens the peace and the very future of London. It looks as if the police are losing control.
Imagine the same situation in the 1950s . There would be uproar .
These killings need to be stopped and that will take serious policing.
I do not accept that the black community will refuse to cooperate with the police . This sounds like the usual progressive propaganda from white and black activists.
Well, I’m an equal opportunity hanger & flogger. So yes I’ve no problem saying the ‘Waffle House’ shooter should probably get the noose/lethal injection. At least there’s a chance of that outcome in Tennessee.
Agreed -I may – I’m pro capital punishment and the firing squad would be appropriate for that one . Maxi – any thoughts? Or another inspiring cut and paste?
Why do your posts here remind me of Evan Davis? Are you well remunerated?
Why do you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich?
What did he have in common with other white gun toting nutters, Maxi? Mormonism? Christian Science?
What do the Islamist nutters across the globe – Syria, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Tunisia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indonesia, Somalia, Nigeria, Yemen, Saudi, Lebanon etc – responsible for tens of thousands of deaths and ethnic cleansing on an epic scale – have in common?
Go on, think hard, you can do it…