Jeremy Corbyn, Diane Abbott and John McDonald have issued a joint statement strongly condemning the choice of the name Louis for the third child of the Duke and Duchess of Westminster. The statement points out that the choice of the name Louis is a direct provocation to their friends in the IRA by inferring that the Lord Louis Mountbatten, a person legitimately slain by the heroic Provisionals, was a person to be commemorated. The statement also states that by popular acclaim Karl or Josef would have been more appropriate
Is this for real!! Just imagine what the three stooges would have said if he had been called Benjamin . By the way are we still allowed to Christen children or has that been banned because it’s offensive to our enrichers?
Didn’t Louis Mountbatten fight in WW2 against fascists? I thought Diane Abbott, whose face appears on the FB profile of the Unite Against Fascism gang would see him as a comrade.
Wrong sort of fascist I suppose.
I did like the way the Beeb dragged on a journo who had predicted that choice – without doing any prior research themselves – to wax lyrical over the Frenchness of that name. She repeatedly pronounced it ‘Louie’.
Er? It appears it isn’t French. The French apparently borrowed it for its Germanic meaning which may well have come from an even older root, possibly Latinate or Scandinavian.
I don’t recall Lord Louis Mountbatten being frequently refered to as ‘Louie’ but more as ‘Lewis’. Can anyone help on that?
I suspect Rufus and the others secretly enjoy watching to see who is signed in at any given moment and, of those, who is active on the Thread before starting a new one.
Well, you gotta have some fun to lighten the load placed on us all by the Beeb and its ‘oids’.
I pay close attention to the titanic struggle on the other side of the Atlantic because I think that is where the fate of the Western world will be decided. President Trump is heroically standing up to the swamp , which includes many traitorous Republicans , almost the entire MSM and increasingly hard left Democrats who resemble Momentum more than the Democratic Party of JFK and Johnston in the 60’s.
I find that if you watch Fox and then sample the news on NBC, CBS or CNN the contrast is total. Fox claim that the IG report will show serious wrong doing on the part of key Democrats and high government officials , the biggest scandal in US political history, bigger than Watergate. Yet this is hardly ever mentioned on the other networks who fill their airtime with vitriol about the President and his associates.
I’m sure that the anti Trump stance by the MSM is keeping many American citizens in the dark about the way in which the Democrats have flouted the law and constitution. Hopefully the day of reckoning is coming when the IG report is published in a week or two when even the anti Trump MSM won’t be able to keep it from the people who ought to be outraged and keep the lefties out of power for years.
All this goes to show the power of the media in determining the news agenda and the ability to control what people know, which in turn allows elites to manipulate the law as they choose. One standard of law for those they like or need and quite a different standard for those they don’t need or like.
It also con firms what we on this site have long known , that before any major shift back to the centre can occur in UK politics the BBC has to be got rid of. The fact that successive Tory governments allow the BBC to remain unreformed , let alone getting rid of it, demonstrates that by and large they are happy to be a socialist party. Our choice is between hard and soft left with both main Parties happy to kowtow to Islam. We need to rescued from outside these shores.
Agreed doublethinker.
Things like “Deep State” and “Fake News” are now known to we mushrooms.
And, as so many people are walking out on the BBC and refusing to take it-they are desperate people.
I blame Nixon and Watergate. If they`d separated the real wrongdoing with the massive hack over-reactions and posturing, we might still have an honest media.
They`ve really got above themselves.
The political opportunism and pointless tallies of how many Tories they can remove is pretty sick. the country is in trouble, yet these pigmies of the press and their legal chums do all they can to remove any democratic means we have.
Leaked reports here, leaked memos there.
Enquiries, watchdogs, safeguarding lunacies?
There`s no governing going on at all, the paralysis in the country is obvious. And these paralysing wasps in the unelected, busybody and oversalaried sector will be surely made to pay.
Just liberal quangos and IEDs left to blow up anybody who thinks for themselves, wants to leave the EU, is a heterosexual white parent of boys or likes Trump.
They make me spit, we`re due some revenge aren`t we?
More Or Less devoted nearly all its first half to why women CEOs aren`t reaching state targets as some quango-bloke-requires.
How come THAT target is OK, but stymieing illegals in the country by the Home Office is NOT OK?
The report leaking epidemic seems to me to be a strong indication that the civil service has been penetrated by the hard left and that they are intent on inflicting maximum damage on our government. The civil service has been soft left for decades but I think that amount of damage being inflicted is now much greater than ever before, the game has changed and the gloves are off. It wouldn’t surprise me if we found that some particularly damaging policy memos that have been leaked are entirely fabricated by leftists designed to damage the government.
The same type of thing is happening in the USA where officials in the FBI and Dept of Justice are not doing what their elected political bosses actually are ordering them to do. There too it seems the civil service has been successfully penetrated by the left. I’m not sure that the usual methods available to liberal democracy are able to cope with this type of leftist infiltration.
DT – I am beginning to think you are right on this. We now have a “Tory” government which appears to be quite happy to be led by the nose by the BBC/MSM and the left when it comes to creating or adjusting legislation so that it concurs with the left/BBC’s latest obsession ranging from so called “hate crime” (which really means the confected crime of Islamophobia), “gay” rights, migrants rights, feminist tea cup storms and even to the extent of many Tories being quite relaxed by robbing us of the brexit vote. And we now have the BBC having the Government running around like headless chickens over this Windrush nonsense with Bojo singing the BBCs line that as migration control is too difficult we may as well give them all an amnesty.
I would like to think that we can sort our own problems out but I am afraid a combination of political cowardice and cynicism shown by the Tories has meant that these days socialism is the only game in town either blue or red.
The Goverment even tried to turn a blind eye to Tory election expense rigging to prevent Farage being elected. I do now think that no serious opposition party will be allowed to take root in this country because these bastards will do everything in their power (legal or not) to prevent it. And if I was Gerald Batten I would be very careful about what I say on the phone.
We have even seen police forces at demos trying to direct anti migration marches towards “Hope not Hate”/antifa counter demos and standing back as projectiles rained down on the marchers.
No – democracy in this country has been murdered with the BBC being a willing accomplice. The left will fight tooth and nail to retain their power because they have no other real choice. I am afraid Trump will have more than enough of his own worries to deal with, without having to spend time helping us. Which means as a nation we either surrender or fight. Lets just hope the sheepies wake up before it is too late.
Worth keeping an eye on who is actively getting mobbed up here, (stop Trump campaign) those who have joined our country and done their best to obtain a British passport now plotting to do what they do best (placards, shouting, screaming abuse and burning flags) now plotting to use our British soil to persue their anti American agenda during President Trumps visit to the UK, oh how the USA will wonder what has happened to the UK when he is confronted by thousands of howling screaming muslims objecting to a visit to the UK by a democtratically elected leader of its traditional ally, and many here may wonder too…. all brandishing a British passport. hmm small wonder he is stonger than most in controlling who he allows in his country and we may well wonder what the hell they are doing here if they have such an interest in the middle east and its religious fanatics the USA seeks to prevent immigrating to their country.
Trouble is Annunuki – Trump may just walk away (and who can blame him). As Trump realises (as we here do) that British Government and “justice” is “no longer fit for purpose.
When the US voters see the predicted chaos and riot I am sure they will write this country off and who will blame them. To think it will not affect business is ridiculous. It will and increasingly.
Astonishingly what you are referring to is hardly know about by the vast majority of people. It will be a bombshell once the reports start coming and the ensuing prosecutions are enacted. Leaving aside the attempt by the HRC campaign to weaponise the IC, the DOJ and FBI and use them to destroy Trump’s Presidential run and his Presidency (remarkably it is ongoing) It’s now beginning to look increasingly likely that those mails on Anthony Wiener’s laptop will lead to the prosecutions not only of Comey et al but Loretta Lynch and the Clinton’s themselves. It is incredible that no one appears to be aware that we are on the verge of a major scandal that will rock not just Washington but also our Government because our intel services and members of our government were involved.
Dont expect to hear about this on the BBC any time soon. Being on Breitbart I am sure Aunty would label this story “fake news” anyhow.
I must be honest though (and I actually feel bad about this) – I no longer feel any sympathy for the victims of these sort of crimes in circumstances such as this. More like serves you right.
There is an old adage “if you play with fire then expect to get burnt”
OT, but given the thread so far has been one of.. off colour so far I’ll allow it.
Plus this mighty tome is under the benign oversight of the ex-DG of the BBC, I believe, perhaps seeking to expand the BBC’s commitment to unprofessional speculation further.
There seem something oddly Stalinist about the rush to shove anyone saying stuff not approved by the Party into a loony bin, and I do believe the BBC has dutifully passed on similar attempts about POTUS himself.
And as we speak, Katty, Jon & Anthony hit ‘RT’ on their twitter feeds by way of ‘reporting’…. Allegedly.
Just heard Carolyn Quinn on PM.
Just a few minutes mind.
They precised something they said on a series about hi-tech firms and how they`re reacting to Brexit.
I did hear Wednesdays with a bioscience firm, the interviewee reckoned on getting more flexibility , less red tape to strangle her company. Clearly she was happy with Brexit within limits.
But todays PM summed her up as fretting over visas for migrants.
No-don`t recall that at all. Not saying it wasn`t said, but it was NOT the main point of her interview.
But the BBC found it, made it up, added it later revised it and edited it in their heads to make it so.
This is all the BBC do-and tonight, unbelievably that had the cheek to ask an A.I firm about fact checking for “fake news”. I`m guessing so they can smash it up one day.
Lying creeps, back to Pat Condell-all the news I need for today.
And only the BBC could make an Abba new track into a series of sneers.
Hope those old dears in the band are safe in Stockholm-can`t imagine they`ll be touring Gothenburg or Malmo ever again. old ladies (and blokes) aren`t safe there are they?
“Under Attack”-“The Visitors”? How true!
My North American correspondent (T Morrison) notes that Trump does not qualify since he is not a murderous terrorist (Arafat), someone with no achievements (Obama and Carter) or a corrupt political organisation (EU). Also the Norwegians have a record for giving it to the wrong guy. Reagan ended the Cold War while Gorbachev got the Nobel.
\\ The Sheffield Somali community is the second largest and one of the oldest in the United Kingdom,
with the first Somalis having arrived in Britain during the interwar period and more arriving, particularly to work in the city’s steel industry, between the 1940s and 1960s. //
Brace yourselves, gentle readers! Next Saturday (5th May), to celebrate the old fraud’s birthday, BBC R4’s ever-failing drama department has a real treat in store, which I’m sure no BBBC devotee is going to miss. Yes, the towering intellects at Radio Pyongyang have finally managed the impossible, scaled the forbidding heights and other suitably stirring soviet era concepts:. they are broadcasting a dramatisation of Marx’s Das Kapital .
And no, you didn’t get the date wrong. It is not April 1st.
Presumably, as Marx is directly responsible for a body count way in excess of Hitler’s, they are according Adolf the runner’s up prize and will be treating us to a musical version of Mein Kampf the week after?
Lib fantasy : ‘Gun control will stop school atrocities’
Contradicted by news
At least seven Chinese middle school children were stabbed to death and 12 wounded when a disgruntled former pupil ran amok, in one of the country’s worst such attacks
Damn, does that mean I will have to sit at home for four hours surrounded by screaming kids and bleeding brused drunks puking on the sofa shouting abuse in my front room now ? thank God for technology,
Its easy, we have many unemployed, all we do is force all the hoodies and single mothers from the job centres into medical school, many already have a time honoured working knowledge of many psychotherapeutic chemicals and an expertise in weighing and assessing their quantities that would put many a professional pharmacist to shame. , combined with their solid professional experience in the issuing and obtaining of sick notes and medical certificates it seems we have an untapped massive resource of potential medical genuises lurking withing our inner cities and council estates
Any way I have been almost al beeb free for 36 hours except for hearing fatty Mardell doing a propaganda job on the common market/ eec /Eu as applicable cleverly describing the Blighty attitude to the ReichEU as it developed from a customs unions to a hideous federal monster . He left out that bit in the al beeb stylee thinking that any punter able to listen to a c—t like mardell wouldn’t spot the cynical perversion of the truth .
I’m guessing the royal baby is named after a type of designer baggage in the hope of getting a discount.
Still surprised he wasn’t called Phillip. . Prince Phil had a ring to it .
A jihadist with family ties to the inner circle of Islamic State’s leader, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, has been arrested in western Turkey preparing to be smuggled to Europe
Growth down, is it all Brexit ?
\\ The operator of Madame Tussauds and the London Dungeon
said that its attractions in the capital had continued to suffer fallout from last year’s terrorist attacks,
but it remained confident over its prospects
Universities skint ?
Cos they consistently collect about £2bn more that they spend each year
\\ Universities are “hoarding” £44 billion of reserves,
more than the entire annual schools budget, according to a report on their finances.//
Worth keeping an eye on who is actively getting mobbed up here in the UK, (stop Trump campaign) those who have joined our country and done their best to obtain a British passport now plotting to do what they do best (placards, shouting, screaming abuse and burning flags) now plotting to use our British soil to persue their anti American agenda during President Trumps visit to the UK, oh how the USA will wonder what has happened to the UK when he is confronted by thousands of howling screaming muslims objecting to a visit to the UK by a democtratically elected leader of its traditional ally, and many here may wonder too…. all brandishing a British passport. hmm small wonder he is stonger than most in controlling who he allows in his country and we may well wonder what the hell they are doing here if they have such an interest in the middle east and its religious fanatics the USA seeks to prevent immigrating to their country.
For a head of state to be disrespected in the way it seems promised is pretty shameful . I just hope President Trump chooses the interviewer for his visit carefully. It is a tradition . The only journo of any quality fit to conduct such an interview is Brillo. There is no one in al beeb c4 itv or sky worthy of that job.
No doubt it will turn out to be an ethnic like the work experience girlie on Toady .. meeeshelll.
Please accept my humble apologies for the size of this picture. I am trying my fxxxing best.
Pussy hats for the anti Trump demo are available on E Bay. If you want to be filmed by the BBC opposing Twump make sure you are wearing one.
Brendan O’Neil of Spiked made an accurate observation when he said: ”The big anti-Trump demo won’t really be a political march – it will be a middle-class primal scream’.
PS. See how the clitoris has been replaced with a head – just to show they are not opposed toFGM, which would be racist
Catch Lionel Nation on YT discussing the beginning of the end of the ‘Hollywood death grip’ and how things are changing in the U.S.
He tends to ramble a bit and be a very ‘right brain’ person. But he is very entertaining. Oh, and were you a Cosby fan? Better not look. And Clinton next?
Pity we here in the UK are still in the death grip of the Beeb. Caught a bit of Dumbleby and four puffed-up dwarfs on R4 wanting to know if we had any questions.
Yes we have. The hour is most certainly here. But where is the man?
I’m a floating voter. Come election time my vote is up for grabs by either a Party with some sensible proposals in its manifesto or is the least worst option in my view. I freely admit to having conservative (please note the small ‘c’) inclinations.
Of the three politicians on the AQ Panel last night, having heard them all speak for all but the first five minutes, which one would win my vote?
Ed Davey is a permanent loser, as far as I am concerned, especially after his term as SoS for Energy & Climate Change. He did not seem to bring much of worth to last night’s answers. Hard-working Louise Haigh appeared to me to have a hard, bitter, negative, edge to her which seemed to guide her answers. Kemi Badenoch, on the other hand, came across as warm, positive person and one that I would warm to and vote for. (Cautionary note on personal bias: she is a keen Brexiteer and I am in favour of leaving the EU.)
The Conservatives could have an interesting leadership battle after next on their hands: Kemi Badenoch v. Robert Halfon. Arguably, they might even both be in the running next time, when May goes, and therefore up against Jacob Rees-Mogg.
I think that is a very strong trio for the future.
Badenoch as PM? Rees-Mogg as Chancellor? Halfon as Home or Foreign Secretary? All highly qualified for it, it would seem.
Would certainly be a wake-up call for the Labour Party. 🙂
Been very impressed with Kemi to date. What a coup that would be for the tories, eh. Perhaps a third female leader and a black one at that. In your face Abbot.
Muslim mayor/ Muslim Wembley Satdium owner ?
\\ Shahid Khan the Pakistani born Muslim billionaire owner of jacksonville Jaguars and Fulham FC wants to buy Wembley Stadium from The FA //
…He thinks £500m gets him the whole stadium
but that’s actually the price he’s paying for touted ticket on ViaGoGo
You BBC are FakeNews
Netfix suspends bought in version of Human Planet
for second example of fakery
: First was the unrealistically high, tribal treehouse
Now #2 The “A central scene in the first episode, which purported to show a young Indonesian man harpooning his first whale, was inaccurate, the BBC admitted yesterday. ”
“The award-winning documentary is being removed from Netflix and 25 other channels around the world while an editorial review is held.”
comments :
BBC fake news, the sister broadcaster to CNN. 589 likes
…. The BBC lied ………….. shock horror 473 likes
…. The bbc making fake news hmmm no never ..336 likes
Stew – I thought they’d planted all those plastic bottles in those documentaries … whales and dolphins with al beeb logo coffee cups or signed pictures of Jeremy c—t Vine …
What pisses me off majorly about this anti plastic bag anti plastic waste campaign : Daily Mail started it all, just buy the Mail on Sunday and see all the cardboard and paper shite that falls out of the magazines and the plastic wrappers that go straight into the bin : get you own house in order before you start pontificating and pointing the finger…
PC watch -BBC forced University Challenge to have more questions about women
\\ This season i noticed entire rounds on artists, composers, philosophers
and more in which the answers were exclusively women and wondered if this was a deliberate attempt to redress an imbalance. it turns out it is! //
Stew – similarly mastermind does girlie questions for lady candidates . It’s actually fun to spot the question . I don’t bother with those quizzes any more due to that bias spin
I’ve decided to sign up for North Korean tv and news as opposed to albeeb …
It seems that the hippy Amber Rudd has apologised for being Home Secretary .
And we should spare a thought for those poor beeboids like Sopel and Katy at this difficult time for them with the end of the Korean War 60 years after the event . Let’s hope Sopel cheers up and is able to put a negative spin on it.
We tax payers have generously funded a deeply disturbing play entitled “The Assassination of Katie Hopkins”.
Can you imagine the reaction had it been called “The Assassination of Diane Abbot” or “The Assassination of Hillary Clinton”?
Another tax payer funded organisation, the BBC, employs the ridiculous Mary beard to explain that Katie Hopkins “might well even enjoy it.”
I’m sure Mary, but coming from the woman who burst into tears because some people on twitter said rude things about her, I suspect that had it been called, “The Assassination of Mary beard”, Mary may have been less sanguine. Mary beard also took pictures of her upset self to share with the world on social media. What a sensitive soul.
Obviously, the fact that two Muslims went to prison for plotting to behead Katie Hopkins isn’t going to play on the minds of the BBC or the Guardian, which also reviews it. Not least because such news may have been censored by them, so they would be ignorant of the facts. However, at what point does the hate speech of the tax payer funded left move onto the radar of the police?
BTW, there are eight links on the bbc page to other Front Row items:
Radical Chic, about “Leonard Bernstein partying with the black panthers”.
Voodoo Macbeth, “Orson Welles diversity landmark”.
David Oyelow “Hollywood’s diversity champion in quotes”
Vote 100: “Revealing your favourite works of art by women”
Two others on a woman artist and a woman director plus, the only non Guardian piece on the page: how to win an Oscar.
The BBC travels up its own back side at a rate of knots.
The Assassination of Katie Hopkins!
I bet it’s not as good as this one on Netflix. Wonder if it will be reviewed in the Gridiron?
Apologies to those just going to bed for this image.
Brian Cox mentioned on last thread, due to his anti-Brexit tweeting
He sneered about the EU imposing a £6 visa fee on us after Brexit
I tweeted him
Yawn : Dramaqueen Cox shouting about a £6 visa fee.
Well cos of the Green energy Bri supports, and the extra SUBSIDIES/inefficiency costs it imposes, an average family pays £1000/year extra in energy costs.
How did Cox reply ?
“You are blocked from following @ProfBrianCox and viewing @ProfBrianCox’s Tweets. Learn more“
Hi StewGreen – can you set up another account in order to follow him? With such high profile individuals it may be wise not to tweet him directly but to set up a blog critiquing his tweets or set up a parody twitter account.
I have other accounts
but I’m not going to follow him
His account may well be run by leftwing PR activists
..and I don’t have to time read all the junk they put out.
That lad Cox has a giant carbon footprint, typical of the man made global warming mob- the do as I say, not as I do .
Maybe if the BBC stopped chucking money at him he could concentrate on a real science , instead of a famous for being famous celebrity.
Prick Cox is a typical lefty, believes in censorship. Had it ever occurred to him that, if the EU imposes a £6 visa fee , the UK can impose a higher fee for EU citizens who will stand to lose more. The same applies to tariffs. Cox may be a good scientist but in all other respects he seems quite dim.
The number of people involved in the “Windrush Generation” is less than the number of white English girls raped / sexually abused by Muslim gangs (mainly British Pakistanis) in one English town (e.g Rotherham) – and it has occurred and is still occurring in numerous other English towns also. Yet we don’t have any politicians apologising or resigning over that on-going scandal.
Amber Rudd says she didn’t see the leaked memo of June 2017 (from Hugh Ind, Director General of Immigration Enforcement) setting out Home Office targets for achieving “enforced returns” and “assisted returns”.
“The problem was not the policy. Targets are often used by government departments to monitor performance. Labour had many targets of its own on immigration.”
So who actually sets departmental targets? Random civil servants? Instructed by whom? Approved by whom?
Surely this in effect amounts to setting policy, and raises the whole spectre of government ministers apparently no longer being accountable for their departments.
After the controversy of a winner of the Natural History Museum photography competition being disqualified when it was discovered his entry was fake, BBC’s Newsnight is under attack for the use of a wildebeest it used in a story about global warming.
Critics are accusing the BBC of broadcasting fake gnus.
Gove had a bit of a go at old man. Humph. It wasn’t ready for it. Diane Abbot sitting listening to Gove defending Hippy amber. The soon to baroness amber of harmondsworth.
Abbot is a poor politician as she has an open goal on this one but will sky it into row zed .as she did this morning .
“No-one in the Windrush generation will take the government seriously until Amber Rudd resigns” @HackneyAbbott tells @BBCr4today after latest embarrassing leak for Home Secretary 1/2
Compare and contrast.
In the ‘Rivers of Blood’ recent analysis, the BBC pundits stated that in quoting words from his constituents, Powell was in fact expressing his own opinions by the back door.
Withnthatbthoughtbin. Ind, let us consider again Robinson’s choice of what to tweet.. Robinson chooses to requote Abbott’s words. Which, let’s be fair, coming from Abbott are not exactly newsworthy.
I prefer an amended version.
“No-one will take the bBBC seriously until Robinson resigns”
Guest – The windrush thing is another one of those issues – like grenfell and Lawrence which is not a national issue and is small beer except to the very few directly affected.
Yet al beeb hammers all three to form a narrative of uncaring Tory Government .
Wouldn’t it be something if hippy Rudd goes , the wet PM goes and either there is a new government in a month of a new Tory leader -President Trump might meet a completely different leader from the one who invited him
Toady watch, with due regard to Fedup2
Humphries interviews Michael Gove and Dianne Abbott in tandem reference Amber Dudd’s admittedly lamentable performance.
Gove gets a grilling though I thought he did well. Does he read this website? Because he linked the Windrush apoplexy to a diversionary Labour tactic to get them off the antisemitism charge. Something we have suggested on here.
Moving on, he then interviews Abbott rather more gently, I guess he is mindful of her periods of being ‘unwell’. But then she replies ‘youll have to ask Michael Gove about that’. So he does. Gove replies again pretty well but the nett result is that Aboott plays her usual race cards with no comeback from Humphries and gets away with it scot free. Sometimes I wonder whether the bias is deliberate or just down to total ineptitude.
Sluff – its deliberate – old humph his instructions from the editors and does as he is told for all that cash . He was a journo once – now he is just an al beeb lackey like the rest of them .
I think even the thickest of voters would look at the idea of Abbot as home sec and laugh . I’m writing cautiously because who saw Comrade Corbyn get the top job for comrade Stalin -sorry – I mean McDonald .
I have come to the conclusion that everyone who appears on TV, on radio and in the press is an entertainer. None of them are anything more than that; some entertaining, some not so much; even though some of them masquerade as something else.
Dear old Matthew Parris has been getting very confused of late trying to reassemble his thoughts in the wake of a number of recent populist votes.
Writing in The Times today he said, “It is a dark truth that if the Home Office had been threatening to deport Muslims who lacked documents there would not have been this political outcry. Face it: the injustice might have been as great but our media wouldn’t have caught fire”.
Note the use of the weasel words “right documents” to fudge the issue of immigration and illegal immigration. Everybody needs “documents” to live in Britain today. Your correspondent needs one to get out of the country (passport) and he needs one to dump rubbish at the Merton tip (local council bill). Try opening a bank account or getting a job without documents – see how far you will get. If you want to live legally in this country you need documents – get over it. Quite how Parris equates not having the right documents with “injustice” is a mystery to one and all.
Note also the use of the phrase “dark truth” tied to a threat to deport Muslims. Pure emotional tosh. The vast majority of people in this country want secure borders with legals in and illegals out.
Slight amendment: “When driving to Mecca…. Muslims to the right …. non-Muslims to the left ‘and women segregated in the rear of the partitioned bus;’……….
The HO would never try and deport Muslims, on a Windrushian scale, who lacked the paperwork – they’re too violent and too large a voting bloc to risk upsetting; especially for Labour though the Tories seem to think they’ll switch to them if they make the right noises: they won’t.
The HO is also thickly staffed with BAME, many of whom will be bearded.
Parris is a sly and slithery type isn`t he?
He gives a story somewhere (Spectator is it?) where Enoch Powell was seen to be inconsistent and/or hypocritical about gays in Ulster.
1982, I think.
Parris fails to see that-on the only big issues of our time, Powell is both correct and prophetic. The E.U and immigration. They are linked, they don`t get bigger as political stories and causes.
I`d not dispute what Parris says, not a bit in this case-but it`s not as if Parris was honest in his own sexual politics at that time.
It`s a sly little piece, not even well-written. And he`s supposed to be good at that.
But for a case of magnifying a small ant and calling it a pterodactyl that ensures no further need of Powells logic and clarity? It`s pretty good.
Guess this personal drive-by mousetrap tactic of Parris and his remoaning snobs is all they`ve got left now.
Someone is reposting what’s supposed to be a screenshot of a Facebook Post from “Marcus Moore, a former BBC scriptwriter” PROVING the BBC is biased TOWARDS the Tories
– The first thing is Ann Moore posted it on April 24th without an original source or date
But Al Barz posted a version 1 year ago which is just slightly different
I spot a Chain : Moore for last 20 years has been a hardcore left/green activist is trying to raise his profile by saying ‘I’m a former BBC scriptwriter’
The May 2017 post was a first draft..that led to his comment on TheDailyPolitik facebook page, (which I can’t find), which led in turn to TheDailyPolitik reposting it As a new post here as a screenshot (and therefore invisible to searches) April 24th
..then it’s been cropped and reposted on Twitter from April 24th
The police are just doing what their masters want. The legislation is deliberately drafted in so broad a fashion, as to allow virtually anyone to be ensnared by it.
Trouble is these days that so few people either read or try to understand the bible that they`ll simply think it`s all hate speech or Dawkins needling.
The Christians themselves no longer know how to use or apply it. Just pick the low hanging fruit. Then find themselves becoming that bitter fruit on an atheists telegraph pole they`d sing about in the old days. But it`s only Christians, white trashy girls or Trump fans. So they deserve their “hostile environments”, juts as the Jews always do and did.
As for their baiters today-well, they`ll soon be needing to know some Arabic scripture soon. And they`ll not be fussing over “hate speech” then. There`ll be other ishooz then.
I hope you are still keeping up to speed about whats happening in good Ol blighty by listening to the World Service.
If you have I am sure you will realise that in this country we are all now obsessed with justice issues for migrants, streetdance, revolutionary politics and lesbian literature and transgenderism in its many forms.
To that end I have decided to change my moniker to Pink and from now on wish to be referred to in the third person as “they”
Oak, cheers ! Been offline here for a while and quite busy. Managing to keep up with international news. Can’t believe what is happening in the UK or that Gambia is freer.
Glad to see that BBBC is still to the fore. A beacon of sanity in a sea of craziness !
Grant – I think you are well out of it. We are getting very close I think to desperate times. I am planning to attend the freedom demo next weekend at Hyde Park and I think there is a brexit demo on 23rd of June.
I am afraid with the lunatics are now running the asylum the time for words is fast running out and action is now what is needed.
Where this will all end – God knows.
By the way have you found a decent Gambian Scotch yet- Maybe McJammeh’S Special Reserve.
Well I admire you for not giving up. As for Gambian whisky, the mind boggles but , appropriately, Black Label is widely available, often mixed with locally brewed Guinness. I kid you not !
Thanks Grant – But to be honest I dont think I have a choice – If I could leave with my family I would have done so but I am too old, and too unqualified and my kids are still clueless as to what is really going on. So I fight it as best I can.
Sometimes it seems like we live in one of those WW1 posters.
Child on your knee saying to the Father what did you do in the great war (read madness) daddy?
Anyway – its great to have you back! and I still use asterisks for the C word!
Grant, just want to add my ‘welcome back’ plus I welcome the news that all is well in the Gambia. May it be increasingly so for you, your family and the country & its government.
Not BBC bias as such but an amusingly inept attempted sidestep used this morning by the at once elfin-yet-spiteful-looking Yvette Cooper-Balls…
Note: a response that she was pretty confident would satisfy the BBC and ensure against further awkward questions from said national broadcaster.
Kudos to the bride-of-Frankenstein-style (due to a generally mannish stature and frightful make up) BBC lass Steph who while merrily set sail on the Windrush trail did manage to ask the thin-lipped Labour mouthpiece one question from a conservative point of view:
“So, what’s Labour immigration policy, then?” (as you can imagine, I paraphrase slightly)
Which reasonable and relevant querry elicited the response: “Ask Diane Abbott”
MM & AISI, yes, I think it does involve Diane Abbott and numbers. Did I hear her right this morning when she claimed that there were hundreds of Generation Windrush from her constituency facing deportation? I hope someone calls her out on that.
I suspect it may be a misspeak of Clintonesque proportions.
I’ve been banned by GF from commenting on his blog. Disappointingly, he hasn’t told me what it is I have written that merits being banned. So, I’ve stopped going there; there was life before him and there’s life after him.
I have to, without knowing which comments were racist (he implied that from his response). Shame as his articles are good.
. . .
“True, but there has been a hard core of repellent racists and bigots on here for ages. Good riddance.” { comment}
I think you’ll find that a racist remark is any remark which anyone considers to be racist . Mad times . The speed of the crushing of anything like free speech in Blighty is pretty shocking . We are frogs in that rapidly heating water. I suppose the internet has speeded the repression .
As well as the polarisation of so many people not happy with the way the country is being turned for the worst .
“We call on Paul Staines aka Guido Fawkes to remove these comments immediately and apologise. Paul has personally told me in the past week that he is not a racist and will sue anyone who calls him one. Well, Paul, if that is so, take down these comments now. They are on your website, inspired by your provocative competition. You should hang your head in shame.”
I have also been banned and I do not have the slightest clue why. I have reviewed my posts and there is nothing racist or abusive, however, I am very critical of the Left and their ilk. Is this something to do with ‘Discus’ ?
Those of us who are not of the Left persuasion have already been disenfranchised by the BBC and their like minded colleagues in most of the other TV and Radio media. Is this agenda now infesting public discussion groups ?
Stew, on AQs last night (R4 8pm) Tom Newton-Dunn (and I think Louise Haigh, also) called President Trump a misogynist.
Seems a bit strange in view of the fact that he is twice married and this month is the second or third in a row that he is being accused of having an ‘affair’, if that’s the right word, if not – try torrid fling with Stormy Daniels, is it?
Do they know the meaning of the word or is it lazy second-hand insult calling on their part?
Due to hostile & hatey behaviour by sexist & homophobic Islamic religious leaders, Islamic terrorists, wannabe Muslim immigrants, who want to get out of their Islamic shithole of a home and go to America. The Muslim leaders of Londonistan & Iran, Sadiq Khan & Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei. As well as Londonistan’s Squeaker Bercow & Iran’s Squeaker Larijani.
Donald Trump has decided to talk to the more civilised North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Instead.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
Jeremy Corbyn, Diane Abbott and John McDonald have issued a joint statement strongly condemning the choice of the name Louis for the third child of the Duke and Duchess of Westminster. The statement points out that the choice of the name Louis is a direct provocation to their friends in the IRA by inferring that the Lord Louis Mountbatten, a person legitimately slain by the heroic Provisionals, was a person to be commemorated. The statement also states that by popular acclaim Karl or Josef would have been more appropriate
Is this for real!! Just imagine what the three stooges would have said if he had been called Benjamin . By the way are we still allowed to Christen children or has that been banned because it’s offensive to our enrichers?
Ms Abbott later retracted after she was led to believe the boy was named after Louie Walsh.
Didn’t Louis Mountbatten fight in WW2 against fascists? I thought Diane Abbott, whose face appears on the FB profile of the Unite Against Fascism gang would see him as a comrade.
Wrong sort of fascist I suppose.
I did like the way the Beeb dragged on a journo who had predicted that choice – without doing any prior research themselves – to wax lyrical over the Frenchness of that name. She repeatedly pronounced it ‘Louie’.
Er? It appears it isn’t French. The French apparently borrowed it for its Germanic meaning which may well have come from an even older root, possibly Latinate or Scandinavian.
I don’t recall Lord Louis Mountbatten being frequently refered to as ‘Louie’ but more as ‘Lewis’. Can anyone help on that?
Louis, as in the Kings of France, certainly not “Lewis”. My mother worked with him in Ceylon during the war and always used the French pronunciation.
Thanks, kj, obviously his choice. The Louis I’ve known (only one) prefered Lewis but didn’t hit anyone if they called him Louie.
PS – First!!
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news ……
Could you not lob popeye over all the above posts?
Quick grab of the claw and a bit of backswing before the big throw. He might share some of his spinach for a boost to the power required.
I self identify as first … how does that work?
Only if not being first offends you
Hate Crime against people who believe being first is an offence!
imaybefirst. Nothing to add to that, but I’m sure someone else has beaten me to it..
In a real sense, we`re all winners. Move up on that rostrum popeye.
I sat glued to this site all afternoon only to be outgunned ! – again ! why do dogs have to eat ????
I suspect Rufus and the others secretly enjoy watching to see who is signed in at any given moment and, of those, who is active on the Thread before starting a new one.
Well, you gotta have some fun to lighten the load placed on us all by the Beeb and its ‘oids’.
I pay close attention to the titanic struggle on the other side of the Atlantic because I think that is where the fate of the Western world will be decided. President Trump is heroically standing up to the swamp , which includes many traitorous Republicans , almost the entire MSM and increasingly hard left Democrats who resemble Momentum more than the Democratic Party of JFK and Johnston in the 60’s.
I find that if you watch Fox and then sample the news on NBC, CBS or CNN the contrast is total. Fox claim that the IG report will show serious wrong doing on the part of key Democrats and high government officials , the biggest scandal in US political history, bigger than Watergate. Yet this is hardly ever mentioned on the other networks who fill their airtime with vitriol about the President and his associates.
I’m sure that the anti Trump stance by the MSM is keeping many American citizens in the dark about the way in which the Democrats have flouted the law and constitution. Hopefully the day of reckoning is coming when the IG report is published in a week or two when even the anti Trump MSM won’t be able to keep it from the people who ought to be outraged and keep the lefties out of power for years.
All this goes to show the power of the media in determining the news agenda and the ability to control what people know, which in turn allows elites to manipulate the law as they choose. One standard of law for those they like or need and quite a different standard for those they don’t need or like.
It also con firms what we on this site have long known , that before any major shift back to the centre can occur in UK politics the BBC has to be got rid of. The fact that successive Tory governments allow the BBC to remain unreformed , let alone getting rid of it, demonstrates that by and large they are happy to be a socialist party. Our choice is between hard and soft left with both main Parties happy to kowtow to Islam. We need to rescued from outside these shores.
Agreed doublethinker.
Things like “Deep State” and “Fake News” are now known to we mushrooms.
And, as so many people are walking out on the BBC and refusing to take it-they are desperate people.
I blame Nixon and Watergate. If they`d separated the real wrongdoing with the massive hack over-reactions and posturing, we might still have an honest media.
They`ve really got above themselves.
The political opportunism and pointless tallies of how many Tories they can remove is pretty sick. the country is in trouble, yet these pigmies of the press and their legal chums do all they can to remove any democratic means we have.
Leaked reports here, leaked memos there.
Enquiries, watchdogs, safeguarding lunacies?
There`s no governing going on at all, the paralysis in the country is obvious. And these paralysing wasps in the unelected, busybody and oversalaried sector will be surely made to pay.
Just liberal quangos and IEDs left to blow up anybody who thinks for themselves, wants to leave the EU, is a heterosexual white parent of boys or likes Trump.
They make me spit, we`re due some revenge aren`t we?
More Or Less devoted nearly all its first half to why women CEOs aren`t reaching state targets as some quango-bloke-requires.
How come THAT target is OK, but stymieing illegals in the country by the Home Office is NOT OK?
Mad World.
The report leaking epidemic seems to me to be a strong indication that the civil service has been penetrated by the hard left and that they are intent on inflicting maximum damage on our government. The civil service has been soft left for decades but I think that amount of damage being inflicted is now much greater than ever before, the game has changed and the gloves are off. It wouldn’t surprise me if we found that some particularly damaging policy memos that have been leaked are entirely fabricated by leftists designed to damage the government.
The same type of thing is happening in the USA where officials in the FBI and Dept of Justice are not doing what their elected political bosses actually are ordering them to do. There too it seems the civil service has been successfully penetrated by the left. I’m not sure that the usual methods available to liberal democracy are able to cope with this type of leftist infiltration.
DT – I am beginning to think you are right on this. We now have a “Tory” government which appears to be quite happy to be led by the nose by the BBC/MSM and the left when it comes to creating or adjusting legislation so that it concurs with the left/BBC’s latest obsession ranging from so called “hate crime” (which really means the confected crime of Islamophobia), “gay” rights, migrants rights, feminist tea cup storms and even to the extent of many Tories being quite relaxed by robbing us of the brexit vote. And we now have the BBC having the Government running around like headless chickens over this Windrush nonsense with Bojo singing the BBCs line that as migration control is too difficult we may as well give them all an amnesty.
I would like to think that we can sort our own problems out but I am afraid a combination of political cowardice and cynicism shown by the Tories has meant that these days socialism is the only game in town either blue or red.
The Goverment even tried to turn a blind eye to Tory election expense rigging to prevent Farage being elected. I do now think that no serious opposition party will be allowed to take root in this country because these bastards will do everything in their power (legal or not) to prevent it. And if I was Gerald Batten I would be very careful about what I say on the phone.
We have even seen police forces at demos trying to direct anti migration marches towards “Hope not Hate”/antifa counter demos and standing back as projectiles rained down on the marchers.
No – democracy in this country has been murdered with the BBC being a willing accomplice. The left will fight tooth and nail to retain their power because they have no other real choice. I am afraid Trump will have more than enough of his own worries to deal with, without having to spend time helping us. Which means as a nation we either surrender or fight. Lets just hope the sheepies wake up before it is too late.
Worth keeping an eye on who is actively getting mobbed up here, (stop Trump campaign) those who have joined our country and done their best to obtain a British passport now plotting to do what they do best (placards, shouting, screaming abuse and burning flags) now plotting to use our British soil to persue their anti American agenda during President Trumps visit to the UK, oh how the USA will wonder what has happened to the UK when he is confronted by thousands of howling screaming muslims objecting to a visit to the UK by a democtratically elected leader of its traditional ally, and many here may wonder too…. all brandishing a British passport. hmm small wonder he is stonger than most in controlling who he allows in his country and we may well wonder what the hell they are doing here if they have such an interest in the middle east and its religious fanatics the USA seeks to prevent immigrating to their country.
Trouble is Annunuki – Trump may just walk away (and who can blame him). As Trump realises (as we here do) that British Government and “justice” is “no longer fit for purpose.
When the US voters see the predicted chaos and riot I am sure they will write this country off and who will blame them. To think it will not affect business is ridiculous. It will and increasingly.
Astonishingly what you are referring to is hardly know about by the vast majority of people. It will be a bombshell once the reports start coming and the ensuing prosecutions are enacted. Leaving aside the attempt by the HRC campaign to weaponise the IC, the DOJ and FBI and use them to destroy Trump’s Presidential run and his Presidency (remarkably it is ongoing) It’s now beginning to look increasingly likely that those mails on Anthony Wiener’s laptop will lead to the prosecutions not only of Comey et al but Loretta Lynch and the Clinton’s themselves. It is incredible that no one appears to be aware that we are on the verge of a major scandal that will rock not just Washington but also our Government because our intel services and members of our government were involved.
Dont expect to hear about this on the BBC any time soon. Being on Breitbart I am sure Aunty would label this story “fake news” anyhow.
I must be honest though (and I actually feel bad about this) – I no longer feel any sympathy for the victims of these sort of crimes in circumstances such as this. More like serves you right.
There is an old adage “if you play with fire then expect to get burnt”
And I am afraid this woman certainly did.
She met 3 young male Afghan asylum seekers, went back to their flat, then lay down on a mattress??!
She could only be surprised at what happened next if her only source of news is the BBC – or its equivalent in Sweden.
They named him Louis after the Earl Mountbatten of Burma? Damn, I thought it was after Louis Farrakhan!
Surely they had Louis Armstrong in mind. What a Wonderful World!
I`m number nine at present,which I believe is a PB.
OT, but given the thread so far has been one of.. off colour so far I’ll allow it.
Plus this mighty tome is under the benign oversight of the ex-DG of the BBC, I believe, perhaps seeking to expand the BBC’s commitment to unprofessional speculation further.
There seem something oddly Stalinist about the rush to shove anyone saying stuff not approved by the Party into a loony bin, and I do believe the BBC has dutifully passed on similar attempts about POTUS himself.
And as we speak, Katty, Jon & Anthony hit ‘RT’ on their twitter feeds by way of ‘reporting’…. Allegedly.
Just heard Carolyn Quinn on PM.
Just a few minutes mind.
They precised something they said on a series about hi-tech firms and how they`re reacting to Brexit.
I did hear Wednesdays with a bioscience firm, the interviewee reckoned on getting more flexibility , less red tape to strangle her company. Clearly she was happy with Brexit within limits.
But todays PM summed her up as fretting over visas for migrants.
No-don`t recall that at all. Not saying it wasn`t said, but it was NOT the main point of her interview.
But the BBC found it, made it up, added it later revised it and edited it in their heads to make it so.
This is all the BBC do-and tonight, unbelievably that had the cheek to ask an A.I firm about fact checking for “fake news”. I`m guessing so they can smash it up one day.
Lying creeps, back to Pat Condell-all the news I need for today.
And only the BBC could make an Abba new track into a series of sneers.
Hope those old dears in the band are safe in Stockholm-can`t imagine they`ll be touring Gothenburg or Malmo ever again. old ladies (and blokes) aren`t safe there are they?
“Under Attack”-“The Visitors”? How true!
Control the edit; control the message.
One reason a lot of interactive exchanges are being dropped or threatened.
Re Trump getting the Nobel peace prize.
My North American correspondent (T Morrison) notes that Trump does not qualify since he is not a murderous terrorist (Arafat), someone with no achievements (Obama and Carter) or a corrupt political organisation (EU). Also the Norwegians have a record for giving it to the wrong guy. Reagan ended the Cold War while Gorbachev got the Nobel.
A criterion for the award which you missed was that the BBC should endorse the recipient , something that obviously won’t happen regarding Trump.
Because he’s dozy?
Sheffield shooting trial : usual suspects , seem non-white Muslim ?
Victim : Aseel Al-Essaie
Would it be a Somali gang thing ?
\\ The Sheffield Somali community is the second largest and one of the oldest in the United Kingdom,
with the first Somalis having arrived in Britain during the interwar period and more arriving, particularly to work in the city’s steel industry, between the 1940s and 1960s. //
There have been shootings and stabbings in Sheffield, seemingly every other month or so, for a while now; it’s possibly a gang war.
The victims brother had been selling drugs for them
Brace yourselves, gentle readers! Next Saturday (5th May), to celebrate the old fraud’s birthday, BBC R4’s ever-failing drama department has a real treat in store, which I’m sure no BBBC devotee is going to miss. Yes, the towering intellects at Radio Pyongyang have finally managed the impossible, scaled the forbidding heights and other suitably stirring soviet era concepts:. they are broadcasting a dramatisation of Marx’s Das Kapital .
And no, you didn’t get the date wrong. It is not April 1st.
Presumably, as Marx is directly responsible for a body count way in excess of Hitler’s, they are according Adolf the runner’s up prize and will be treating us to a musical version of Mein Kampf the week after?
Do you mean this one?
I found that funny…should I hand myself in the Thought Police? 🙁
Lib fantasy : ‘Gun control will stop school atrocities’
Contradicted by news
This is what Labour and the BBC are pushing for, an illegal immigrant supplying SIM cards to ISIS terrorists in Iraq and Syria.
The question is how he was able to live and work undetected for so long in the UK despite the so called targets Rudd the dud ‘didn’t know about’.
8 years in chokey and 15 years on license. Not a bloody word about sending his illegal arse back to Iraq after completing his sentence.
I haven’t seen anything about Telford on al Beebus, since the Skripal business in Salisbury – perhaps it’s all been nicely sorted then?
How very convenient for them!
Foreign meds : oh calamity we are not letting enough in !
#1 Today EU English speaking doctors are free to get on a plane and come here ?
#2 Most other countries work without importing med staff
#3 Those doctors are more needed in their own third world countries than here
#4 One thing is the claim is many doctors are coming here on refugee visas.
Times,Indy, Mail, BBC
Times headline : “Most hospital appointments will be at home within a decade as technology makes the NHS unrecognisable”
Damn, does that mean I will have to sit at home for four hours surrounded by screaming kids and bleeding brused drunks puking on the sofa shouting abuse in my front room now ? thank God for technology,
It’s funny that it’s a shortage of doctors, rather than a surfeit of patients.
You’re not supposed to look at it that way round, it’s racist.
I suppose Lobby its all a matter of perspective.
If only our Prime Minister would labour that point.
Its easy, we have many unemployed, all we do is force all the hoodies and single mothers from the job centres into medical school, many already have a time honoured working knowledge of many psychotherapeutic chemicals and an expertise in weighing and assessing their quantities that would put many a professional pharmacist to shame. , combined with their solid professional experience in the issuing and obtaining of sick notes and medical certificates it seems we have an untapped massive resource of potential medical genuises lurking withing our inner cities and council estates
Quick links back to previous thread last 24hrs………. page 5 posts from this morning
Apparently I’m not first for the weekend thread …
Any way I have been almost al beeb free for 36 hours except for hearing fatty Mardell doing a propaganda job on the common market/ eec /Eu as applicable cleverly describing the Blighty attitude to the ReichEU as it developed from a customs unions to a hideous federal monster . He left out that bit in the al beeb stylee thinking that any punter able to listen to a c—t like mardell wouldn’t spot the cynical perversion of the truth .
I’m guessing the royal baby is named after a type of designer baggage in the hope of getting a discount.
Still surprised he wasn’t called Phillip. . Prince Phil had a ring to it .
A jihadist with family ties to the inner circle of Islamic State’s leader, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, has been arrested in western Turkey preparing to be smuggled to Europe
Growth down, is it all Brexit ?
\\ The operator of Madame Tussauds and the London Dungeon
said that its attractions in the capital had continued to suffer fallout from last year’s terrorist attacks,
but it remained confident over its prospects
Universities skint ?
Cos they consistently collect about £2bn more that they spend each year
\\ Universities are “hoarding” £44 billion of reserves,
more than the entire annual schools budget, according to a report on their finances.//
Worth keeping an eye on who is actively getting mobbed up here in the UK, (stop Trump campaign) those who have joined our country and done their best to obtain a British passport now plotting to do what they do best (placards, shouting, screaming abuse and burning flags) now plotting to use our British soil to persue their anti American agenda during President Trumps visit to the UK, oh how the USA will wonder what has happened to the UK when he is confronted by thousands of howling screaming muslims objecting to a visit to the UK by a democtratically elected leader of its traditional ally, and many here may wonder too…. all brandishing a British passport. hmm small wonder he is stonger than most in controlling who he allows in his country and we may well wonder what the hell they are doing here if they have such an interest in the middle east and its religious fanatics the USA seeks to prevent immigrating to their country.
For a head of state to be disrespected in the way it seems promised is pretty shameful . I just hope President Trump chooses the interviewer for his visit carefully. It is a tradition . The only journo of any quality fit to conduct such an interview is Brillo. There is no one in al beeb c4 itv or sky worthy of that job.
No doubt it will turn out to be an ethnic like the work experience girlie on Toady .. meeeshelll.
No reason for the President to be interviewed by the BBC at all. I hope he bears a grudge against all of them. I would.
Please accept my humble apologies for the size of this picture. I am trying my fxxxing best.
Pussy hats for the anti Trump demo are available on E Bay. If you want to be filmed by the BBC opposing Twump make sure you are wearing one.
Brendan O’Neil of Spiked made an accurate observation when he said: ”The big anti-Trump demo won’t really be a political march – it will be a middle-class primal scream’.
PS. See how the clitoris has been replaced with a head – just to show they are not opposed toFGM, which would be racist
“Hear my pussy roar.” So that would be a fanny fart? Priceless, just priceless.
I was having a swig of coffee when I read that – I’ve got to mop my keyboard now!
I wonder if you can get them in different colours?
If you ask me – I just think they are all a bunch of C###s!
Catch Lionel Nation on YT discussing the beginning of the end of the ‘Hollywood death grip’ and how things are changing in the U.S.
He tends to ramble a bit and be a very ‘right brain’ person. But he is very entertaining. Oh, and were you a Cosby fan? Better not look. And Clinton next?
Pity we here in the UK are still in the death grip of the Beeb. Caught a bit of Dumbleby and four puffed-up dwarfs on R4 wanting to know if we had any questions.
Yes we have. The hour is most certainly here. But where is the man?
Any Questions. Hmmmn. Yes.
I’m a floating voter. Come election time my vote is up for grabs by either a Party with some sensible proposals in its manifesto or is the least worst option in my view. I freely admit to having conservative (please note the small ‘c’) inclinations.
Of the three politicians on the AQ Panel last night, having heard them all speak for all but the first five minutes, which one would win my vote?
Ed Davey is a permanent loser, as far as I am concerned, especially after his term as SoS for Energy & Climate Change. He did not seem to bring much of worth to last night’s answers. Hard-working Louise Haigh appeared to me to have a hard, bitter, negative, edge to her which seemed to guide her answers. Kemi Badenoch, on the other hand, came across as warm, positive person and one that I would warm to and vote for. (Cautionary note on personal bias: she is a keen Brexiteer and I am in favour of leaving the EU.)
The Conservatives could have an interesting leadership battle after next on their hands: Kemi Badenoch v. Robert Halfon. Arguably, they might even both be in the running next time, when May goes, and therefore up against Jacob Rees-Mogg.
I think that is a very strong trio for the future.
Badenoch as PM? Rees-Mogg as Chancellor? Halfon as Home or Foreign Secretary? All highly qualified for it, it would seem.
Would certainly be a wake-up call for the Labour Party. 🙂
Been very impressed with Kemi to date. What a coup that would be for the tories, eh. Perhaps a third female leader and a black one at that. In your face Abbot.
Muslim mayor/ Muslim Wembley Satdium owner ?
\\ Shahid Khan the Pakistani born Muslim billionaire owner of jacksonville Jaguars and Fulham FC wants to buy Wembley Stadium from The FA //
…He thinks £500m gets him the whole stadium
but that’s actually the price he’s paying for touted ticket on ViaGoGo
Quite suitable for public floggings no doubt
They appear to have refilmed the FLASH clean advert with a man instead of a woman.
Possibly a Trans.
“Dave”, you mean. That’s because clearly a man made a better job of cleaning up, than the woman did. The dog doesn’t give a toss.
You BBC are FakeNews
Netfix suspends bought in version of Human Planet
for second example of fakery
: First was the unrealistically high, tribal treehouse
Now #2 The “A central scene in the first episode, which purported to show a young Indonesian man harpooning his first whale, was inaccurate, the BBC admitted yesterday. ”
“The award-winning documentary is being removed from Netflix and 25 other channels around the world while an editorial review is held.”
comments :
BBC fake news, the sister broadcaster to CNN. 589 likes
…. The BBC lied ………….. shock horror 473 likes
…. The bbc making fake news hmmm no never ..336 likes
“Wildlife photographer of year Marcio Cabral disqualified over faked image”
‘Oh yeh I camped out months to get this photo’
…No you didn’t you photo’d the model in the National Park display section & joined it on
Stew – I thought they’d planted all those plastic bottles in those documentaries … whales and dolphins with al beeb logo coffee cups or signed pictures of Jeremy c—t Vine …
What pisses me off majorly about this anti plastic bag anti plastic waste campaign : Daily Mail started it all, just buy the Mail on Sunday and see all the cardboard and paper shite that falls out of the magazines and the plastic wrappers that go straight into the bin : get you own house in order before you start pontificating and pointing the finger…
Buy the Mail? NEVER!
Because he’d be out of a job if he went off the reservation.
The hive protects its own but is brutal in its treatment of renegades.
PC watch -BBC forced University Challenge to have more questions about women
\\ This season i noticed entire rounds on artists, composers, philosophers
and more in which the answers were exclusively women and wondered if this was a deliberate attempt to redress an imbalance. it turns out it is! //
Of course there was a question on Black Lives Matter movement in the US
Stew – similarly mastermind does girlie questions for lady candidates . It’s actually fun to spot the question . I don’t bother with those quizzes any more due to that bias spin
I’ve decided to sign up for North Korean tv and news as opposed to albeeb …
It seems that the hippy Amber Rudd has apologised for being Home Secretary .
And we should spare a thought for those poor beeboids like Sopel and Katy at this difficult time for them with the end of the Korean War 60 years after the event . Let’s hope Sopel cheers up and is able to put a negative spin on it.
Hmm wimmin Mastermind, the mind boggles, what’s the difference between Diane Abbot and a battery ? wrong…a battery has a positive side
What is Margaret Thatcher’s favourite musical key ? A flat Minor
Or they could go a little down market and ask what is an Essex girl’s favourite wine ? … Can we go to Bluewaher ?
We tax payers have generously funded a deeply disturbing play entitled “The Assassination of Katie Hopkins”.
Can you imagine the reaction had it been called “The Assassination of Diane Abbot” or “The Assassination of Hillary Clinton”?
Another tax payer funded organisation, the BBC, employs the ridiculous Mary beard to explain that Katie Hopkins “might well even enjoy it.”
I’m sure Mary, but coming from the woman who burst into tears because some people on twitter said rude things about her, I suspect that had it been called, “The Assassination of Mary beard”, Mary may have been less sanguine. Mary beard also took pictures of her upset self to share with the world on social media. What a sensitive soul.
Obviously, the fact that two Muslims went to prison for plotting to behead Katie Hopkins isn’t going to play on the minds of the BBC or the Guardian, which also reviews it. Not least because such news may have been censored by them, so they would be ignorant of the facts. However, at what point does the hate speech of the tax payer funded left move onto the radar of the police?
BTW, there are eight links on the bbc page to other Front Row items:
Radical Chic, about “Leonard Bernstein partying with the black panthers”.
Voodoo Macbeth, “Orson Welles diversity landmark”.
David Oyelow “Hollywood’s diversity champion in quotes”
Vote 100: “Revealing your favourite works of art by women”
Two others on a woman artist and a woman director plus, the only non Guardian piece on the page: how to win an Oscar.
The BBC travels up its own back side at a rate of knots.
The Assassination of Katie Hopkins!

I bet it’s not as good as this one on Netflix. Wonder if it will be reviewed in the Gridiron?
Apologies to those just going to bed for this image.
Brian Cox mentioned on last thread, due to his anti-Brexit tweeting
He sneered about the EU imposing a £6 visa fee on us after Brexit
How did Cox reply ?
“You are blocked from following @ProfBrianCox and viewing @ProfBrianCox’s Tweets. Learn more“
Hi StewGreen – can you set up another account in order to follow him? With such high profile individuals it may be wise not to tweet him directly but to set up a blog critiquing his tweets or set up a parody twitter account.
I have other accounts
but I’m not going to follow him
His account may well be run by leftwing PR activists
..and I don’t have to time read all the junk they put out.
He’s just an entertainer, in the same mould as Neil deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye.
That lad Cox has a giant carbon footprint, typical of the man made global warming mob- the do as I say, not as I do .
Maybe if the BBC stopped chucking money at him he could concentrate on a real science , instead of a famous for being famous celebrity.
Prick Cox is a typical lefty, believes in censorship. Had it ever occurred to him that, if the EU imposes a £6 visa fee , the UK can impose a higher fee for EU citizens who will stand to lose more. The same applies to tariffs. Cox may be a good scientist but in all other respects he seems quite dim.
The number of people involved in the “Windrush Generation” is less than the number of white English girls raped / sexually abused by Muslim gangs (mainly British Pakistanis) in one English town (e.g Rotherham) – and it has occurred and is still occurring in numerous other English towns also. Yet we don’t have any politicians apologising or resigning over that on-going scandal.
”Surplus to requirements…”
Join the club, that’s exactly how many indigenous working class people feel these days.
Car hit two people by a mosque in Birmingham, one with a head wound, the other “walking wounded”: Very little coverage anywhere.
Amber Rudd says she didn’t see the leaked memo of June 2017 (from Hugh Ind, Director General of Immigration Enforcement) setting out Home Office targets for achieving “enforced returns” and “assisted returns”.
“The problem was not the policy. Targets are often used by government departments to monitor performance. Labour had many targets of its own on immigration.”
So who actually sets departmental targets? Random civil servants? Instructed by whom? Approved by whom?
Surely this in effect amounts to setting policy, and raises the whole spectre of government ministers apparently no longer being accountable for their departments.
After the controversy of a winner of the Natural History Museum photography competition being disqualified when it was discovered his entry was fake, BBC’s Newsnight is under attack for the use of a wildebeest it used in a story about global warming.

Critics are accusing the BBC of broadcasting fake gnus.
I’ll get my coat.
Well, I’m still celebrating St George’s Day which I think started the week!
As the two colours of my country’s flag are red and white, I’ll start on the white when I’ve finished the red.
No discrimination in this household!
Toady watch.
Gove had a bit of a go at old man. Humph. It wasn’t ready for it. Diane Abbot sitting listening to Gove defending Hippy amber. The soon to baroness amber of harmondsworth.
Abbot is a poor politician as she has an open goal on this one but will sky it into row zed .as she did this morning .
Compare and contrast.
In the ‘Rivers of Blood’ recent analysis, the BBC pundits stated that in quoting words from his constituents, Powell was in fact expressing his own opinions by the back door.
Withnthatbthoughtbin. Ind, let us consider again Robinson’s choice of what to tweet.. Robinson chooses to requote Abbott’s words. Which, let’s be fair, coming from Abbott are not exactly newsworthy.
I prefer an amended version.
“No-one will take the bBBC seriously until Robinson resigns”
Guest – The windrush thing is another one of those issues – like grenfell and Lawrence which is not a national issue and is small beer except to the very few directly affected.
Yet al beeb hammers all three to form a narrative of uncaring Tory Government .
Wouldn’t it be something if hippy Rudd goes , the wet PM goes and either there is a new government in a month of a new Tory leader -President Trump might meet a completely different leader from the one who invited him
If there was a General Pinochet on the ballot paper, I’d vote for him.
The bbc has the files….
Toady watch, with due regard to Fedup2
Humphries interviews Michael Gove and Dianne Abbott in tandem reference Amber Dudd’s admittedly lamentable performance.
Gove gets a grilling though I thought he did well. Does he read this website? Because he linked the Windrush apoplexy to a diversionary Labour tactic to get them off the antisemitism charge. Something we have suggested on here.
Moving on, he then interviews Abbott rather more gently, I guess he is mindful of her periods of being ‘unwell’. But then she replies ‘youll have to ask Michael Gove about that’. So he does. Gove replies again pretty well but the nett result is that Aboott plays her usual race cards with no comeback from Humphries and gets away with it scot free. Sometimes I wonder whether the bias is deliberate or just down to total ineptitude.
‘Sometimes I wonder whether the bias is deliberate or just down to total ineptitude.’
It’s deliberate.
Sluff – its deliberate – old humph his instructions from the editors and does as he is told for all that cash . He was a journo once – now he is just an al beeb lackey like the rest of them .
I think even the thickest of voters would look at the idea of Abbot as home sec and laugh . I’m writing cautiously because who saw Comrade Corbyn get the top job for comrade Stalin -sorry – I mean McDonald .
I have come to the conclusion that everyone who appears on TV, on radio and in the press is an entertainer. None of them are anything more than that; some entertaining, some not so much; even though some of them masquerade as something else.
Bbc now moving in on Sky’s ‘Body language expert’ gig.
Would love to see this moment analysed:
If in doubt … use astrology.
Never fails to impress what ‘news’ catches the BBC’s selective gaze.
Where is the Muslim apostate helps build Christian churches story?
The things they say (contd)
Dear old Matthew Parris has been getting very confused of late trying to reassemble his thoughts in the wake of a number of recent populist votes.
Writing in The Times today he said, “It is a dark truth that if the Home Office had been threatening to deport Muslims who lacked documents there would not have been this political outcry. Face it: the injustice might have been as great but our media wouldn’t have caught fire”.
Note the use of the weasel words “right documents” to fudge the issue of immigration and illegal immigration. Everybody needs “documents” to live in Britain today. Your correspondent needs one to get out of the country (passport) and he needs one to dump rubbish at the Merton tip (local council bill). Try opening a bank account or getting a job without documents – see how far you will get. If you want to live legally in this country you need documents – get over it. Quite how Parris equates not having the right documents with “injustice” is a mystery to one and all.
Note also the use of the phrase “dark truth” tied to a threat to deport Muslims. Pure emotional tosh. The vast majority of people in this country want secure borders with legals in and illegals out.
It really is that simple Matthew.
When driving to Mecca…. Muslims to the right …. non-Muslims to the left … tolerance …. do you need documents to enter Mecca?
Slight amendment: “When driving to Mecca…. Muslims to the right …. non-Muslims to the left ‘and women segregated in the rear of the partitioned bus;’……….
In intolerant western cultures you can wear or not wear a Hijab.
In tolerant Majority Islamic countries YOU MUST WEAR a hijab.
The HO would never try and deport Muslims, on a Windrushian scale, who lacked the paperwork – they’re too violent and too large a voting bloc to risk upsetting; especially for Labour though the Tories seem to think they’ll switch to them if they make the right noises: they won’t.
The HO is also thickly staffed with BAME, many of whom will be bearded.
Al, and of course the Windrush generation are mostly Christian.
Parris is a sly and slithery type isn`t he?
He gives a story somewhere (Spectator is it?) where Enoch Powell was seen to be inconsistent and/or hypocritical about gays in Ulster.
1982, I think.
Parris fails to see that-on the only big issues of our time, Powell is both correct and prophetic. The E.U and immigration. They are linked, they don`t get bigger as political stories and causes.
I`d not dispute what Parris says, not a bit in this case-but it`s not as if Parris was honest in his own sexual politics at that time.
It`s a sly little piece, not even well-written. And he`s supposed to be good at that.
But for a case of magnifying a small ant and calling it a pterodactyl that ensures no further need of Powells logic and clarity? It`s pretty good.
Guess this personal drive-by mousetrap tactic of Parris and his remoaning snobs is all they`ve got left now.
“According to the 2018 World Press Freedom Index, published on Wednesday by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), the UK is now ‘one of the worst-ranked countries in Western Europe in terms of respect for press freedom’.”
“This is the first system of state-backed press regulation in Britain since Crown licensing of the printed word ended in 1695”.
Curiously, no mention of Hate Speech Crime as published. Katie Hopkins would know all about that.
Someone is reposting what’s supposed to be a screenshot of a Facebook Post from “Marcus Moore, a former BBC scriptwriter” PROVING the BBC is biased TOWARDS the Tories
– The first thing is Ann Moore posted it on April 24th without an original source or date
But Al Barz posted a version 1 year ago which is just slightly different
Marcus Moore reposted a screenshot on his Facebook page but without an original source time
I can spot the same Marcus Moore complaining about the BBC on the super lefty Occupy Exeter group in 2011
and posting on the “Exposing Anti-Green bias on BBC” group in 2014
On a side topic someone claimed that Marr is a Brexit supporter cos he wrote this article in the hard core Labour Magazine New Statesman
what do you rekkon ?
I spot a Chain : Moore for last 20 years has been a hardcore left/green activist is trying to raise his profile by saying ‘I’m a former BBC scriptwriter’
The May 2017 post was a first draft..that led to his comment on TheDailyPolitik facebook page, (which I can’t find), which led in turn to TheDailyPolitik reposting it As a new post here as a screenshot (and therefore invisible to searches) April 24th
..then it’s been cropped and reposted on Twitter from April 24th
Never mind about being a crime to quote rap lyrics, just ask Paul Weston what happened when he quoted Churchill……….
Paul Weston:
“Censorship in Britain is out of control.”
You don’t say!
And God help you if you quote the Bible:
“Within minutes he was frogmarched to a police van, accused of threatening or abusive behaviour ‘aggravated by prejudice relating to sexual orientation’ – despite not swearing or using any form of offensive language.” {telegraph 05feb2017}
Click to access hate_crime_operational_guidance.pdf
The police are just doing what their masters want. The legislation is deliberately drafted in so broad a fashion, as to allow virtually anyone to be ensnared by it.
Trouble is these days that so few people either read or try to understand the bible that they`ll simply think it`s all hate speech or Dawkins needling.
The Christians themselves no longer know how to use or apply it. Just pick the low hanging fruit. Then find themselves becoming that bitter fruit on an atheists telegraph pole they`d sing about in the old days. But it`s only Christians, white trashy girls or Trump fans. So they deserve their “hostile environments”, juts as the Jews always do and did.
As for their baiters today-well, they`ll soon be needing to know some Arabic scripture soon. And they`ll not be fussing over “hate speech” then. There`ll be other ishooz then.
There is more censorship in the UK than here in sunny Gambia. What a condemnation of the UK.
Bloody hell Grant I thought you had disappeared!
I hope you are still keeping up to speed about whats happening in good Ol blighty by listening to the World Service.
If you have I am sure you will realise that in this country we are all now obsessed with justice issues for migrants, streetdance, revolutionary politics and lesbian literature and transgenderism in its many forms.
To that end I have decided to change my moniker to Pink and from now on wish to be referred to in the third person as “they”
Oak, cheers ! Been offline here for a while and quite busy. Managing to keep up with international news. Can’t believe what is happening in the UK or that Gambia is freer.
Glad to see that BBBC is still to the fore. A beacon of sanity in a sea of craziness !
Grant – I think you are well out of it. We are getting very close I think to desperate times. I am planning to attend the freedom demo next weekend at Hyde Park and I think there is a brexit demo on 23rd of June.
I am afraid with the lunatics are now running the asylum the time for words is fast running out and action is now what is needed.
Where this will all end – God knows.
By the way have you found a decent Gambian Scotch yet- Maybe McJammeh’S Special Reserve.
Well I admire you for not giving up. As for Gambian whisky, the mind boggles but , appropriately, Black Label is widely available, often mixed with locally brewed Guinness. I kid you not !
Thanks Grant – But to be honest I dont think I have a choice – If I could leave with my family I would have done so but I am too old, and too unqualified and my kids are still clueless as to what is really going on. So I fight it as best I can.
Sometimes it seems like we live in one of those WW1 posters.
Child on your knee saying to the Father what did you do in the great war (read madness) daddy?
Anyway – its great to have you back! and I still use asterisks for the C word!
Grant, just want to add my ‘welcome back’ plus I welcome the news that all is well in the Gambia. May it be increasingly so for you, your family and the country & its government.
Ask Abbott
Not BBC bias as such but an amusingly inept attempted sidestep used this morning by the at once elfin-yet-spiteful-looking Yvette Cooper-Balls…
Note: a response that she was pretty confident would satisfy the BBC and ensure against further awkward questions from said national broadcaster.
Kudos to the bride-of-Frankenstein-style (due to a generally mannish stature and frightful make up) BBC lass Steph who while merrily set sail on the Windrush trail did manage to ask the thin-lipped Labour mouthpiece one question from a conservative point of view:
“So, what’s Labour immigration policy, then?” (as you can imagine, I paraphrase slightly)
Which reasonable and relevant querry elicited the response: “Ask Diane Abbott”
We can but look forward to that.
Yvette Cooper-Balls was on the BBC news and admitted no one knew the numbers for windrush ….. so how can it be a big scandal?
‘“So, what’s Labour immigration policy, then?”…. “Ask Diane Abbott”
And hope it doesn’t involve numbers.
The answer is ‘unfettered open door mass immigration hoping to garner lots of Labour votes from people who thus feel entitled’
MM & AISI, yes, I think it does involve Diane Abbott and numbers. Did I hear her right this morning when she claimed that there were hundreds of Generation Windrush from her constituency facing deportation? I hope someone calls her out on that.
I suspect it may be a misspeak of Clintonesque proportions.
“I detest censorship , it is getting like Russia and China now . Why has this happened on this blog .?” {comment from 28apr2018}
Ce*sored! China bans letter N (briefly) from internet as Xi Jinping extends grip on power {guardian 28feb2018}
“Amid fallout from the decision to allow Xi to be president for life, censors also crack down on letters, phrases and George Orwell’s Animal Farm”
I’ve been banned by GF from commenting on his blog. Disappointingly, he hasn’t told me what it is I have written that merits being banned. So, I’ve stopped going there; there was life before him and there’s life after him.
I have to, without knowing which comments were racist (he implied that from his response). Shame as his articles are good.
. . .
“True, but there has been a hard core of repellent racists and bigots on here for ages. Good riddance.” { comment}
I think you’ll find that a racist remark is any remark which anyone considers to be racist . Mad times . The speed of the crushing of anything like free speech in Blighty is pretty shocking . We are frogs in that rapidly heating water. I suppose the internet has speeded the repression .
As well as the polarisation of so many people not happy with the way the country is being turned for the worst .
Erdogan was just ahead of his time and more direct in his methods. Hate Crime or blasphemy …. same destination.
Could it be that Order, Order & the GF site as a whole is under a sustained hacking attack? The thought occurs ….
My ban was, as far as I can tell, for using the word “banned”.
Most of the comments on Guido now seem to be making some reference to the censorship. I can only think he’s been threatened by the state.
Feb2009 …. we have been here before ….
“We call on Paul Staines aka Guido Fawkes to remove these comments immediately and apologise. Paul has personally told me in the past week that he is not a racist and will sue anyone who calls him one. Well, Paul, if that is so, take down these comments now. They are on your website, inspired by your provocative competition. You should hang your head in shame.”
A new life awaits you at Going Postal…
I have also been banned and I do not have the slightest clue why. I have reviewed my posts and there is nothing racist or abusive, however, I am very critical of the Left and their ilk. Is this something to do with ‘Discus’ ?
Those of us who are not of the Left persuasion have already been disenfranchised by the BBC and their like minded colleagues in most of the other TV and Radio media. Is this agenda now infesting public discussion groups ?
Projection worked out :
Libmob say “Oh that Trump he’s so hatey”
If you look it is them that adopt hostile & hatey behaviour
Then Macron turns up with a different attitude and get into the White House & handshaking etc.
Stew, on AQs last night (R4 8pm) Tom Newton-Dunn (and I think Louise Haigh, also) called President Trump a misogynist.
Seems a bit strange in view of the fact that he is twice married and this month is the second or third in a row that he is being accused of having an ‘affair’, if that’s the right word, if not – try torrid fling with Stormy Daniels, is it?
Do they know the meaning of the word or is it lazy second-hand insult calling on their part?
Due to hostile & hatey behaviour by sexist & homophobic Islamic religious leaders, Islamic terrorists, wannabe Muslim immigrants, who want to get out of their Islamic shithole of a home and go to America. The Muslim leaders of Londonistan & Iran, Sadiq Khan & Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei. As well as Londonistan’s Squeaker Bercow & Iran’s Squeaker Larijani.
Donald Trump has decided to talk to the more civilised North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Instead.