Outragebus in Tottenham
Anti- stopNsearch activist 59 , queried policemen searching a black youth.
Police accused him of pushing and charged him with assault.
Ken Hinds once won £22K compensation from Transport Poilce after they dropped a similar prosecution.
Court May 22
Partially deaf Tory MP reveals BBC’s incorrect claim he was “resting his eyes” in Commons is still being used as a meme to attack him https://t.co/olxtUN810C
Staines denies that he’s a racist, yet his words tell us something different: his blog tends to sail rather close to the wind and he’s more than happy to invert racism and play the victim. In January of this year, Guido responded to a tweet that was made by Diane Abbot in which she said,
As for Abbots’ ‘divide and rule’ comment, many years ago, before the term multiculturalism was coined, I drew attention to how it was employed by the Colonial Office during the 1930s.
It was known as the ‘woad policy’ whereby natives would be obliged to retain their traditional culture and subject to this form of identity politics would be directly ruled by traditional leaders who would be guaranteed protection from the colonialists.
So, the little lad Alfie has passed away. Do the media let the story go and leave the family to grieve ? of course not, not content to have it as the lead story, the newsreader says “……. and now over to Alder Hey for further reaction”. FURTHER REACTION ????? wtf ? a child has died, so what more of a ‘reaction’ do they need ? our media organisations need to take a long hard look at themselves, because they disgust me; especially with their pueril journalism i.e. “how do you feel ? ” “what was your first thought?” “how did you react?” – I always thought reporting was based on the premise of what, why, where, how – not the emoting of bystanders.
Completely agree. The puerile angle on BBC breakfast was pathetic…How the little chap had deteriorated and despite the best efforts of our amazing NHS he just slipped away. Our state broadcaster encouraging us to sympathy and empathy, rather than leaving the poor family alone and investigating the facts which led a family to Rome and a child’s picture on newspapers throughout the world.
The real story (omitted of course) is this case highlights once again the worrying control the state actually has over our own children. They effectively controlled the manor and place of death of this child and enforced primacy of decision-making in direct conflict to the grieving parents’ wishes.
The state will never bury or grieve for this child and the state extinguished hope (no matter how futile this may have been) using the full force of the law, something completely anomalous to most people around the world.
There’s something very rotten at the heart of our nation and every now and then it bubbles up. This case is just the latest example. Of course, that’s where the BBC steps in; signposting elsewhere (usually puerile emotion angle) while the carpet is lifted.
Our state broadcaster could never bring into question the very foundations of our state, our law and the NHS; it’s part of the same establishment. Precisely why I, and many on here, would see it fall.
There are both scientific and ethical issues that the BBC did not discuss, which is sad given the millions they pay out to activists posing as experts.
There is the matter of the state overruling parental rights. which has astounded many people in other countries. Sure, the state has a case when deciding if parents who may be Jehovah Witnesses should be allowed to refuse a life saving blood transfusion for their child. But this was a case of the state upholding a diagnosis that therapy was futile and that somehow it was accepted that the child’s best interests would be served by being dead and having no interests at all.
Futility is a difficult concept to handle, and it is questionable whether it refers to treatment that will not cure or treatment that will prolong a life that some – not the parents in this case – considered not worth living.
Few doctors, including many deemed to be specialists, fully understand the mechanisms associated with death and it is wholly wrong for the law – especially judges who divide their time between the law and activism is support of euthanasia – to accept contestable evidence from the doctors regarding a prediction of death. Exactly how much brain function had the infant lost? You won’t find out from the vague utterances of the BBC.
On life and death medical issues the BBC have an agenda – usually in favour of euthanasia or accelerated death. I recall a BBC interview I did in relation to a similar situation. As a warm up question I was told that as I would not worry about killing a dog, so why should I object to euthanasia for a terminally ill human. When I replied that I would be very much worried about killing a dog and would expect in some cases a second veterinary opinion the interviewer stopped recording, listened to my argument and left to find a colleague who supported euthanasia. That it how it
I am surprised at the silence from the Government on what has become an international issue.
Some health professionals get so fixed in their opinion that common sense flies out of the window. Many years ago I attended some seminars in Cambridge on measuring “Quality of Life” for patients. In one report being dead scored 3 on the Quality of Life Index. Most of the professional there couldn’t see the illogicality.
There’s much mixed feelings about the parental rights of a sick child, but if it wasn’t for the bravery of the parents of Ayesha King who in 2015 ignored the doctors diagnosis at Southampton General, and fled the country, its doubtful that little boy would be alive and free of cancer today. Yes, the NHS is wonderful when it works, but adults who can afford it, go abroad for more progressive treatment, so what parent given the opportunity for their child wouldn’t also do it.
The dramatic headline at the time for Al Beeb ……. so much for him being ‘in danger’, when 3 years later he’s running around playing football.
Ashya King: Missing boy’s ‘life is in danger’ – BBC News
“Few doctors, including many deemed to be specialists, fully understand the mechanisms associated with death…”
You evidence for this is what exactly?
“and it is wholly wrong for the law… to accept contestable evidence from the doctors regarding a prediction of death”
There was no “contestable evidence”. Alfie Evans’ parents, in their desperation, were taken in by little more than a couple of snake-oil salesmen from Bambino Gesù Hospital.
You might find it useful to read the judgment of the recent court case: https://goo.gl/9xZj2d
“judges who divide their time between the law and activism is support of euthanasia… the BBC have an agenda – usually in favour of euthanasia… why should I object to euthanasia… left to find a colleague who supported euthanasia”
This case had nothing to do with euthanasia, and you’ve admitted to knowing virtually nothing about it; “Exactly how much brain function had the infant lost?”.
So perhaps you should stop trying to politicise it for your own personal aims.
So maxi , what are your personal aims? To be an ace troll that supports an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
Do you have any Al Beeb bias to post ?
You are right – it was a thought – just – I’mi guessing you are writing as a qualified doctor so we are to read your comment as fact . It’s nice for you to express any view as most of your posts are just bitter responses to the views of other posters .
As for your comment about President Trump – hasn’t this been used before – is that the best you can do. You really are like those awful beeboids who queue up to moan about a non politician president like spoilt children -you are a disgrace maxi.
You must be pleased – you got a bite . Cut and paste time .
We have all but given up on watching the local evening programme now as the ‘puerile journalism’ you mention is a constant. A few years ago they interviewed a young girl who had suffered some very personal tragedies. She did her best to maintain dignity and hope for the future but the reporter kept on and on like picking at a scab and in the end she burst into tears – result!
The state takes the welfare of the child is paramount . But when that child is 2 and in the condition of young Alfie – Why do the uk medics win over others – like the Italians – especially when the parents wanted treatment ?
Because al Beeb supports. Wimmins rights they support abortion. Once they support abortion other areas can come into play as life is no longer the priority. So the Liverpool pathway can continue – medics can kill off nuisance patients without relatives through euthanasia…. hiding behind sainthood of the blessed NHS- which never really does anything wrong – according to al. Beeb. Two fat state organisations seen as wonders but in fact are not.
Al Beeb loves vicarious grief after the princess Diana death show
Declaration – I follow the RC teaching on this and may, or may not have kids – that’s for your file maxi.
I used to describe documents like this as a form of etiquette, rather than an ethical guide. But most GPs have problems with etiquette and never move on. As for ethics, what frequently passes for ethical decision making in the ethics councils is usually a form of cost-benefit analysis, which can never resolve incommensurable problems. eg. consider lying to patients in experimental therapy . How does one achieve a balance between a successful scientific outcome and irreversible loss of confidence in the medical experts?
Most doctors cannot handle complex ethical issues and dream of a professional life where all problems have a clear solution.
And this kind of thinking could be exposed in the Alder Hey fiasco if the medical experts were not protected by the courts.
Fed Up. I note you follow the Roman Catholic teachings on these issues. I am not a follower but reason from ethical principles and theory and empirical observations. Sometimes opponents from the utilitarian standpoint describe me as a Jesuit. I am not, but the pursuit of truth and objectivity brings together conclusions drawn from different starting points.
What a bargain! – a centerfold Abbotpottamus – two girls for the price of one – Can it get any better!
Yes it can – we could maybe have Diane and Hattie frolicking together in the surf in lingerie – the original ebony and ivory! what a bevvy of beauties!
Think I better go and sit down in a cool room with a big bottle of scotch and half a dozen packets of paracetamol !
I suppose Monday will be another popcorn day watch hippy Amber Rudd do the honourable thing and return to remainers corner on the back benches – assuming of course that the Sunday papers and politics programmes toast her .
Seems strange that after John Reid resigned as home sec the home office was split in 2 with one bit becoming “justice” and the home sec losing the met police to the mayor . Even after that a home sec screws it up again.
Going to be an expensive few months these.
Having sold my kids into slavery for Meghans wedding, I was told today that the NHS will be 70 years old in the summer.
Start saving now, it`ll be wanting a months worth of free love, presents, gastric bands and nicotine patches for all its awesome, brilliant staff.
Might be able to get a block booking for FGM or tightening up my ladyparts and saggy bags, if others care to join. Don`t need to be a woman either, just as long as you feel you want to be.
Nolan being a tw@t, picking on a fraction of Trump’s word like picking a scab, to try to get some outrage going
He played a clip of Trump : “That Para-olympics was great and inspiring, I watched it , it’s a little tough to watch too much”
Nolan “Now , what do you think he meant by that…here I ask a famous Para Olympic athlete I have on the line”
… I just offed the radio
… If Nolan seeks to make outrage out of that , he’s pathetic.
Whilst Trump was supposed to be a certain disaster, when he comes to office , but since he came into office it’s not him that’s failed standards, but rather a lot of the other world establishment politicians who being involved in scandal, low standards and stupidity like Corbyns “Oh I didn’t know that was antisemitic “,
like Abbotts crap maths, like the mediaworld being exposed as covering Brendan Cox and other charity sex scandals etc.
Classic #WhatAboutism from Maxi
Topic was what Trump said about the ParaOlympics, Maxi didn’t even comment on that
..Rather he splurged 2 giant pics of Trumps on the thread, without real explanation.
.. The narrative of the CNN video was debunked straight after they pushed it.
It’s like explaining things to a five-year old. Here goes:
Trump uses that arm movement when mocking many people – he even used it when quoting himself. It was nothing new when he used it for this particular reporter’s stupid comments. More than very doubtful he even knew there was something different with this reporter’s hands as he would have been looking at his face.
It was a fake story dreamed up by the lift and repeated as nauseam as they do when they think they’ve got something to have a go at Trump, real or, like this, fake.
This accusation was shown to be fake very quickly but the extreme left, like yourself, wouldn’t let go of it because the truth was largely ignored in the alt-left controlled MSM. I’m sure you knew all this already but like them you don’t want to admit the truth because it puts you and your lies in a bad light.
Because that is the action and noise he makes for anyone he feels is confused. The news outlets like CNN and the BBC who broadcast this nonsence knew the truth.
Watch this video, a compilation of Trump mimicing lots of folk in the same way.
I dont normally waste time on our hose Trolls but I will make a special exception in this case – SO MAXI YOU HAVE SEEN THE ABOVE DO YOU STILL EXPECT US TO BELIEVE THAT TRUMP WAS MOCKING A DISABLED JOURNALISTS DISABILITY!!!!!
What can you tell us about Al Beeb’s Bias?
What motivates you?
Is it your sense of supporting an organisation that robs from the poor and gives to the rich?
Would you like to advertise this important petition over the next few weeks?……. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/209433
BBC NewsChannel around 6:20 pm
Double switch on bingo win.
#1 First item was about a Yorkshire Shepherd, who can help him with his sheep…. ‘ah look here come our friendly band of refugees, Syrian , Iraqi etc.’
#2 That segwayed into item “The 12-year-old girl who was banned from playing football”
about poor Welsh schoolgirl, she was a top player, but lordy the FA and stupid Welsh schools had a rule that once you reach 12, girls cannot play in boys teams, then they relented and now girls can play in the lads team until age 16
And NOW 6 years LATER this girl works for the FA
#3 just spotted another happy refugee story : “1 day ago – Refugees bring cricket to Germany”
Oh my word, a Yorkshire Shepherd and a Welsh schoolgirl, coming so soon after you saw two black people on consecutive adverts WITH AFROS. I can only pray you somehow make it through the night in the face of such terrible adversity.
It’s a question of proportion
SJW item to SJW item, to SJW item etc.
.. Twitter would break if the BBC went from an item with Farage, into a next item with Katie Hopkins
… Happy New Year to all Sikhs, but we don’t have to talk about Sikhism all the time.
Every station even local news 8am and 9am
“An American football player with one hand has joined the US professional league”
..Is such UK coverage proportionate ?
Yet another story has received very little coverage
“A British National was murdered this week by members/supporters of ISIS
– you would think the BBC would try a little harder with sharing this news? ” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-43901056
PS Rodney Saunders, 73, and his wife Rachel, 63 we even helping to make a BBC programme that week
Bizarre paragraph in a BBC story
The BBC has declined to comment on reports that, shortly before they were kidnapped, the Saunders had been working with a film crew from the television programme Gardeners’ World.
Front page of the Observer is a picture of Sadiq Khan asking for Amber Rudd to quit…Wow..!!!!
Hypocrisy of the highest level. Here is a Mayor who is presiding over some of the worst crime statistics London has seen in a generation,unbelievable.The terror loving anti christian prick should quit, at least the government will sort Windrush out, what’s the grade one prick going to do about London .????
And while we are on about Windrush, some Windrush victims say they have been trying to get back into the UK for 35 years, surely during those 35 years Labour have been in power and government, why didnt Labour let them back in..More fucking hypocrisy
The irony of Corbyn the Fake train seat video guy, shouting that someone else must resign , cos he claims they did a deception about whether they knew their were deportation targets.
So the Russians set up thousands of bogus Twitter accounts during the last election campaign in favour of King of the Marxist, Corbyn,why am i not surprised. This for me is far more alarming than the disgusting Windrush debacle.
1- Now we know why there was a remarkable surge in his popularity during the campaign.
2- Perhaps now we now know why Corbyn refused to condemn Russian for the Sailsbury and Syria attacks
3- And it would be interesting to know,was Corbyn aware of the Russian help..
And of course the biased BBC and Sky wont pursue this..
When there were absurd rumours about russians influencing the US and Brexit votes the BBC shouted about it from the rooftops. Yet there is nothing on the BBC’s news web page about Russians influencing the Corbyn vote.
Must be fake news, no other possible reason for the world’s most trusted broadcaster to ignore this revelation.
@BBCR4Sunday prog “Muslim PR Agency says that UK businesses risk missing out on the opportunities of Ramadam”
..ah is that how pro-Muslim bias happens ?
… that there are Muslim PR agencies funded by crates of Saudi money, that have influence over the media ..thus getting them to drop Muslim negative stories, and carry Muslim positive .
I have heard the BBC mention it’s the Sikh new year
.. Happy New Year to all Sikhs, then
Next was Radio Leeds where a guest was making a claim he was worried for his Pakastani community just like Windrush.
Lets be clear, the reason why immigration has to be tough is cos of all the cheats, we know there are lots of cases ,,yet somehow the media has a fatwah on reporting them
I’m guessing that for every ONE case of HO being over hard against a Windrusher, there are FIVE cases of Jamaicans etc falsely claiming they have a right to live in the UK.
@BBCR4Sunday indulged in petty stirring
“Should Edmund, King of the East Angles, replace St George as the patron saint of England?”
..It’s doesn’t matter that George is not English, he was chosen to be protector of England.
Whilst the BBC found nothing wrong with the mindless unpleasantness other left wing, sister organisations were more cautious.
The guardian said of the speech:
“For some is was an excruciating, toe-curling experience, and conservatives were aghast when Wolf turned to the subject of abortion.”
“Spicer, who quit as press secretary last summer, was visibly angry as he said: “It was absolutely disgusting. The idea that people clapped at that. It’s one thing to celebrate the first amendment but that, tonight, was one of the most disgusting and deplorable things I’ve ever heard in my life.”
The Independent said this: “Footage broadcast on Fox News appeared to show the routine being met with both occasional laughter and occasional awkward silence.”
I’m trying guess medication that creature is on. I’m sure maxi found hilarious. . The media look uncomfortable . Would any decent president want to spend time the msn? Why cover it if the president isn’t there.
The BBC’s supporters routinely complain about a lack of ‘plurality’ in the UK media and try to pretend that the BBC’s broadcasting hegemony is excusable as it somehow confronts a barrage of ‘Right wing’ opinion.
Ignoring the fact that a substantial portion of the print media is Leftist in orientation, as are all the broadcast channels, just how much real divergence from the BBC’s version of events is there?
Take the Salisbury ‘poisoning’ of the Skripals. This story has more holes than a cheap cullender but has been D noticed (one assumes) off the pages. And even before Mrs May’s lawyers waded in with the sock full of wet sand, threatening impromptu dentistry to any editor who dared cross the line, the fact is that the British press had already bought her story. It was Vlad what done it, so there.
The same applies over Syria. Another Left/Government narrative (‘evil Assad gasses his own people, think of the children, boo-hoo’) is unravelling like a cheap sweater and yet, on RTV the few British hacks who could be bothered to turn up when the Russians presented evidence that the ‘attack’ was yet another White Helmets tribute to George Lucas, were shown openly mocking the Syrians who dared present contrary testimoy.
Diversity? Plurality? The UK’s media are more locked into a single point of view than at any time since WWII and the BBC’s pretence of independence is a fraud.
Someone, somewhere, is having a laugh. Quite literally at our expense.
BH now doing it’s routine mocking of Trump
Claims KanyeWest lost 10m twitter followers cos of support for Trump.
Now they’ve got an awful Trump impersonator reading out Kanye’s rap lyrics,
…Hysterical not.
Yep, The Consensus fallacy = “Everyone says” = Ad popularum fallacy
A good 42s clip there @Thoughtful
Another example… “But everyone says the emperor’s new suit is great (there’s a consensus), only the small boy says it’s a fraud”
More on how hatey libmob Projection, maybe it works this way
#1 Our FakeNews media poisons their brains
so they get a monsterised image of political opponents like Trump/Farage/TommyR/Tories which falsely portrays them as “hostile & hatey”
#2 this winding up gives the libmob licence cos, they think they are fighting someone “hostile & hatey” they themselves behave super “hostile & hatey” ..lashing out like an angry terrier, but then running away instead of standing ground to fight.
… How to deal with this on Social Media ?
I guess before calling them out of specific arguments I would point out they are being hatey & although I can debunk all their arguments, I’m not going to go down a rabbit hole, where I use logic and reasoning and they react with namecalling & shouting whilst getting more & more wound up.
People noticed that when @BBCNewsbeat mocked the near-deaf MP Alec Shelbrooke, they apologised but didn’t even noticed their own previous tweet : “You may not realise YOU ARE a bully”
Hatey No Hopers like Brendan Cox & BlackLivesMatterMore think they are really fighting hate ..even when they are the onse wearing balaclavas, being intimidating & throwing smokebombs.
They are the bullies.
Cleverer people than me may know.
But I bet the likes of Gramsci, Chomsky and Alinsky have sown this wind that the BBC seem keen for us to reap the mad whirlwinds from.
“You may not realise that you`re a —–”
You maybe have forgotten that you`re a —-”
Child abusers, rapist, perjurer, terrorist,liar? Jew baiter? Nazi?
When such anodyne nudges would apply to Savile, Clinton or Harman by way of excuses for all they say, do and are? Then you know that any meaning for language has been hollowed out, which is where AntiFaislam comes into play.
With the law, the media and the court of public opinion to hammer down the coffin that used to contain free, clear speech.
I `m busy reading Orwell and Cicero, Bernstein-ANYBODY who knows what words should mean, as opposed to stringing them onto paste necklaces of lies like this BBC phrase.
You may not realise that “we used to listen out for journalism with some truths to be found therein”.
But now we`ve all long left the buildings.
I read “Please Let Me Go” by Caitlin Spencer, which has been mentioned by other contributors here. It is a powerful book, thoroughly enraging and upsetting in equal measures throughout and not at all easy to read; very graphic in places concerning what she was subjected to.
It is about a British girl who was enslaved into prostitution, initially be a British man but who soon ended up under the control of Muslim rape gangs.
The book confirmed to me something which I have long suspected, that the inaction of the police; children’s homes and others was not solely caused by political correctness and fear of racism accusations. There were police who protected these gangs and what they were doing, because they were being bribed to look the other way, either with money or “services”.
The recent Cliff Richard case against al Beebus demonstrated one thing to me: the best place to get these verminous police; councillors; social workers etc is under oath, in the witness box, in a court of law.
That is why I regret that not one of these girls has brought a case, or had one brought on their behalf, against these awful b@st@rds. Yet lawyers fall over themselves to try and prevent immigrants from being deported, or bring prosecutions against British military personnel for crimes they’ve allegedly committed, whilst serving their country in foreign wars; all being funded by the UK taxpayer through the Legal Aid system.
Perhaps the most absurd yet totally ignored aspect of the ‘Windrush generation’ and immigration in general, is the downright lie – one which has been fostered for decades and in particular by the BBC/Guardian Soviet – that immigrants were vitally needed to replace losses to the UK workforce after WW2.
Even if you include civilian casualties (67,200) which would naturally embrace a large proportion of non-working women and children, total losses were 450,900. And a grievous loss, no doubt, but considerably less than the 700,000 UK losses, almost exclusively of working-age young men, after WW1.
Despite the Depression and mass unemployment of the 1920s, no political party would have dared to suggest importing massive numbers to take more jobs from the UK workforce, so what was different about 1945?
Anthony Wedgewood-Benn and Anthony Crosland, to name but two Labour government ministers who formed a coalition whose main aim in life was to destroy both the Establishment and the Empire. Their joint venture to bring in large numbers of West Indian workers was pernicious enough, with hindsight, but the masterstroke was to add even larger numbers of Pakistanis, following partition in 1947.
Much time has been spent recently analysing Enoch Powell’s apocryphal and sadly accurate words on the subject. One day, perhaps, the roles of Attlee and Gaitskell will be exposed as the most significant factors in the creation of the social multi-uncultural catastrophe we currently enjoy.
“The Windrush Generation were the MOST PATRIOTIC, MOST HARDEST-WORKING people that Britain has ever seen. Amber Rudd must be sacked, we owe it to them, the PEOPLE WHO BUILT BRITAIN”
So there you go.
A few thousand Jamaican bus-conductors, factory workers and nurses
“BUILT BRITAIN”, in the 1950s and 1960s.
They worked harder than, and were more patriotic than: The Victorians, The Edwardians, The Georgians, the folks who lived through and died in World War 1 and World War 2, etc etc ,
(none of whom existed anyway, cos Britain wasn’t yet built)”
When I used to get my kicks in Brixton , no black blokes would have EVER let themselves be patronised and seen as Labours house-trained pets like Abbott and Lammy are daring to do to the black community at the moment.
They would nick to order, were a great laugh and you could always get the brick dust or vague smell of petrol out of most things they`d give you.
Great drink, drugs and music too, as long as you kept some earbuds in your handbag as time went on.
And now look-Abbott, Lammy and other lefty leeches in Labour DARE to speak of them like eunuchs, house-trained voting fodder and Labour patsies.
My boys used to riot, not take this supine crap and saccharine drips.
Can only assume they`re all having to spoon feed parents and relatives due to Alzheimers or something. I do not recognise any of this as the Black Voice of SW9 or indeed N17, M16….
I think they`re about our last saving grace, they`re Christian, had great angry churches and- having been to Deptford lately-they are next to Islam and will not take what we`re taking today.
Hope to God they ensure that the future is not Abbott and Lammy. Grant, Bellos, Jaspers, Little and Carlos…ANYTHING is better than these two!
Unfortunately for the whitee lefties they do not acknowledge that the ‘ black community ‘ is not one coherent group . Now I am white – so could be accused of talking out of my parts -but even I now there are differences in different island s and Africa is not one country .
I hate the unnecessary grief that the Windrush victims have gone through because incompetant governments going back to when they arrived
But the likes of al beeb and creatures like maxi rejoicing over the end of targets for deporting illegal immigrants is plain wrong. Particularly when beeboids bitch on about overwhelmed nhs , schools , dwellings .
But anti Semitism is not recognised for what it is by many people. When lies are told frequently by the BBC about Israeli action in the Jewish State by putting it out of context , it incites hatred and violence against Jews.. And when there is no news to broadcast against Israel the BBC will use fiction to reinforce these lies . See this example.
I noted the BBC flagged up something at 8am the other day, some report from the “centre left leaning IPPR”.
Got repeated at 5pm…it was now a “respected think tank”
Something very much like that.
Hope Maxicony will bite on this one…I`ve not been exactly 100% precise, who`d listen to that again-only the likes of Maxi. But I`m correct in the main. A “broader truth” as the Lefties call it.
Those qualifying words eh?…can they carry all that Lefty weight?
Or are we all far right nazi racists , no matter what?
A deafening silence from the BBC on the Sunday Times’ devestating exposé of how Russia helped Corbyn in the election. It would explain his unexpectedly positive result.
I thought they cared deeply about Russia interfering in elections? They shrieked loudly enough about the US, surely if it happened on our soil they would be apoplectic?
Me Too does not apply when the rapists are not white; spying on rivals to defy democracy is fine when Obama does it; interfering in elections is great when it helps the Left.
So when the Russians Do swing election results-in OUR country-that is something that the BBC won`t be saying anything about, until Seamus, Owen and Paul have told them what to say.
But when the Russians DON`T swing any election results-and in a foreign country that has no relation to our polling-the BBC will dig,sniff and chisel burrow for ever and a day? And will not take any denial as an answer?
Yes, very BBC.
Get then out people, they really ought to be scared of walking our streets and breathing our air.
Been watching France 24 in English here in sunny Gambia. Interviewers, not all French, are polite , respectful and unaggressive and well-briefed. There are no interruptions, shouting of signs of bias. Guests are all experts in their fields. Obviously not up to the high standards of the BBC but it is the best I can get here on free satellite channel.
One of the mobile networks here, Qcell, has started a free TV channel which has many interesting programs. Not a patch on the BBC, of course.
Glad you are back Grant. Please stick around for the May elections, Royal Wedding and Trump’s visit which will bring the finest and best of our esteemed national broadcaster.
Lobbie, cheers. Funny , I just bought some locally farmed oysters yesterday , feel a bit guilty now.
You may be interested to know that while, LGBT is still illegal here,there have been no arrests since the admirable President Barrow came to power and he has said that the law will be abolished as part of the overhaul of the legal system here.
Hi Grant
Thanks for the info – very interesting!
I hope that you and your loved ones are enjoying life in the warm climate – not that I’m jealous or anything ….. (LOL)!
I’ll forgive you the oysters, as long as you promise not to have a Thermidor!
Sorry G.
Think back these last few years.
Rudd-Gillard-a slice of Tony Abbott who got nobbled-and now Pom bashing Malcolm Turnbull.
A descent into a Chinese helot state and within twenty years.
Absolutely no future unless a Howard , Orban or Abott(T) gets in and quickly.
They`re like the dodo bird, naively sucking up Chinese and Muslim money and influence. And seem now to have that colonial “losing the will to live, let alone fight” gene we must have passed onto them.
Ah well, as long as they`re a republic eh? As long as Xi doen`t make himself “King” they`ll be OK with it.
You are not alone in your confusion G. What people get mixed up is the issue of Australia’s stance on the boat people arriving on its shores
on the one hand and it general immigration policy on the other.
The country has developed a strong bipartisan policy to illegal arrivals.
It is to be admired. But it still has a old fashioned belief in legal mass immigration.
People in the UK sometimes like to think that Australia and NZ don’t go in for PC nonsense but the reality is quite different. Anybody emigrating (legally!) from the UK expecting to escape the cold hand of the PC brigade will be in for a nasty shock.
It is sort of pleasing to note that most of the problems you mention are in the Melbourne area. The state of Victoria is known to be the most liberal in the federation. As ye sow…
Now, here’s a true story – straight from the ‘horse’s’ mouth.
Recently in Rotherham, a white business man was travelling by taxi and engaged the driver in conversation. The driver – a Muslim had forsaken his visits to the mosque because of what he was told to do. His wife is unable to conceive, so was told to divorce her and find another wife who was able to give him the required family of 8 children ! The t/driver loves his wife and would not do this, hence his non- attendance at the mosque. He also revealed that it was common teachings to promote having large families, as this was the non violent way of getting ‘the vote’ within two generations in the UK.
This is confirmation of what we have long suspected, and needs addressing now, because in less than 100 years time the UK will be no better than Iran, and where will all the Muslims then disappear to for a ‘better life’ when there are no white Christians left to subsidise their life style.
The Muslims always vote en bloc and that is why they are pandered to by the mainstream parties. In a town where say 20% of the population is Muslim, who all vote, and in council elections where only 35% of the electorate turn out; they can determine the outcome.
The Muslims wield huge political influence: they know this and the politicians know it. The larger the Muslim population, obviously, the greater their political power.
I’ve now given up on Guido’s site. I’ve had numerous attempts at posting and even this was moderated:
“Lobster • 3 minutes ago
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Guido Fawkes.
I’ve just made the point that there have only been a hundred comments in three hours.
I got moderated.
Might as well just call it a day here.”
Somebody on GF’s posted (and got through the mods) was suggesting that some of the most extreme right wing posts were actually being posted by far Left types and then used to highlight how bad the site was. Recently Guido has been very helpful to the Jewish community in highlighting the antisemitism in the Labour Party and he had to switch off comments because the antisemitism was so vile. I just feel that whatever is going on is linked.
A producer of one of the faked episodes, the splendidly named Tuppence Stone, still works for the BBC’s natural history unit.
The BBC announced on Thursday that it had finally withdrawn the series from distribution and will conduct a review, however the review will be internal by the BBC policy unit rather than any outside body and is expected to take several months.
Since comrade corbyns life s wish has been to undermine the British state and NATO it would only make sense for Russia to do its best to support Corbyn . I always assumed it was a’given’ which is why I found it incredible that kids and kidults fell for the Corbyn / Mcdonald con of promises . They won’t learn until they allow the socialists to fuck it up again.,
Wasn`t the Reunion last week about the Baader Meinhof charmers?
Oh, rebel chic, how outre, how rad indeed.
I only ask because today features the peerless, pioneering and totally epoch defining…”The Young Ones”!
Suppose they were not quite as funny as Baader Meinhof, but probably did more damage to popular comedy culture that Rudi and Horst.
Sheer water cooler indulgence of Albanians Commie Scouse “Man Of Letters”…hippie footlights actor, seriously unfunny rep actor who no-one laughed at, a bit part bloke who`s only laugh came from a brilliant Heineken advert-oh, and the shagbladder on a stick who paid for it all with our money. Think she was Rik Mayalls dolly, maybe Deaytons-lot of incest at those exalted levels of BBC comedy.
Didn`t stay to listen, but did wonder how, why and who decides on these British Legion pastiches of comedy warfare. They genuinely think that they were subversive, and funny. And the BBC will pay them for life for their war stories.
Not funny one bit-Rik Mayall was better than that.
Poor Sue McGregor eh?
About as much chance as President Trump winning the Obama devalued peace prize … still wouldn’t trust North Korea – accidental attack on South Korean navy anyone ?
Surely it can’t be right that Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall is given free rein to trash the business models of the likes of WH Smith’s and Kellogg’s via the BBC?
On the one hand we have the BBC that never promotes any business, (unless it is Disney, Apple, Virgin, Last Minute Dot Com, Friends Reunited etc., rich American corporations or mates wanting to sell shares), and on the other rich ‘celebrities’ that are allowed to use licence fee payers money to destroy the pension plans and jobs of the plebs.
If you think that buying chocolate and sweets is not good for you then don’t buy them!
The fascists strike again – why should we fund them?
Don`t bury the f***er until we`ve checked that coffin.
Probably got Blairs fabled expense accounts up his fundament, and half our taxpayers gold as well from 2009.
Twat was just Fergie unable to get out of a commode, possibly the biggest tapeworm egg in the country.
Yes I remember him . Probably drank him self to death on stolen Palace of Westminster single malt. Least there’s a vacancy for another peer – baroness Amber I reckon. Could be a really good resignation speech Monday but judging by her blaming every one else she’ll get a kicking – but not from her direct opposition .
If only Harriet, Beckett and the rest of them would jump on the funeral pyre as was once the fashion in India.
Gaia could cope. She said she could.
Fat florid fukkiwit…and exactly the kind of poltroon the BBC like.
Pompous garbled sandbag who was only in Labour so Prescott would have to share his rusks.
Powell will ring through the ages, Tick Martin won`t even make it to the news bulletin.
Hope the BBC won`t waste too many plastic straws trying to use his leathered lungs for bagpapps. Gaia no likee, and no amount of farty breath will convince even Blind Blunkett that there`s an inflating of this waste of fat.
Chris – funny you mention Hattie – who incredibly is keeping her mouth shut because she is after the speakers job. Can you imagine any one worse? Maybe abbot , Lammy or the current little monster .
Only the BBC could create a “broad and balanced debate” , regarding whether schools should be willing to enforce the hijab for four year olds, should daddy want it.
Heard the programme on 5pm Radio 4, some jock poppet who sounded like Laura Kuennsberg silly sister.
I for one enjoyed the sound of them tiptoeing around the minefields and painting them to look like tulips. To hear OFSTEDs chief girly, that scourge of the umma Dame Louise Hard-Casey and all manner of assorted(anonymous) people “raising concerns” in the form of a white flag was very funny.
Sorry lefties-we`re passed that.
Health and Safety might have cowed you pink poppets-but, funnily enough Islam seems not to give a fig for your “British values”.
Rather warmed to the Muzzies here-if Spielman and Casey are not brood mares for Islam in matching big boned burquas within a few years, it will only be because we saw the BBC limpdix and knew whatever the Beeb says is satanic budgie cage lining!
Welcome back Grant, the albatross is back following the sardine trawler of wit and weird. Working on some sea shanty protest songs! Nyarr!
Another OT, but guessing a few BBC producers glad it happened to their old mucker and not them.
This was tweeted by us because we assumed you would want to know what UKIP’s leader thinks. We don’t endorse this view, or any view expressed on show. & Batten said it as show ended so impossible for me to point out that his slur on Muslims as inherently antisemitic is appalling https://t.co/dCLixrZmKn
BBC news article says Trump does not deserve credit for Korea peace talks. Just an almighty coincidence that they happened just after Trump came to power and rattled his sabre then is it?
Korean politicians have been openly thanking Trump. Could they not just give him this one? They only toxify their reputation further by denying the truth. Would Obama ever have threatened fire and fury? He was more likely to fellate another world leader than threaten them.
Guest I’m guessing Walthamstow isn’t on the list of shit holes President Trump would be thinking of visiting . I think he might like the look of a member of the aristocracy like our Stella though .
I’m sure maxi will look good in pink won’t you maxi – you can even post a picture to show you demonstrate your beliefs as opposed to just belching about other people’s views here…
\\ What colour should we wear to protest about anti-Semitism in the Labour Party?//
Striped pyjamas.//
Why metroLibElites protest against @realDonaldTrump
NOT Saudi
NOT groom/rape gangs
.. only Trump threaten to change their OWN little world … #Self #Interest.
Is it possible for a comedian on a late-night cable show to bully someone who goes to work every day in the White House? Who sits in the room and has a voice in decisions that are made that affect the lives of millions of people? https://t.co/Q1b3ba5RJI
24 hours later my twitter feed still dominated by WHCA dinner (I didn’t go). There’s an element of navel gazing about this event every year that isn’t very productive. Rethinking it now seems a good plan.
I take it the WH press do is self funding – I bet there won’t be any one from the administration there next year but al beeb will cover it any way . Sopel or catty could always get a bit of food poisoning .
Radio 4`s “Profile” featured David Lammy no less!
Twenty five minutes or what have you-and the continuity announcer a mention of his Auntie May, who says he`ll be our first black PM.
This vanity pap would not even got on CB radio a few years back.
Hospital radio wouldn`t have it, just too silly. The mans known only for being think on Celebrity Mastermind.
But he got twenty minutes free c/o the BBC.
If “Profile” has ever featured a lower form of invertebrate is a suit, I`d like to know who it was.
Chris – I heard they gave him a masters in law in Harvard – keeping the ethnic numbers up I suppose . I got mine in Blighty and didn’t need a lefty professor to get me through it. One for the file maxi .
Rudd has gone!
Can’t say that I warmed to her and she was a remainer but pissed at the BBBC claiming another scalp using the usual attack dog tactics that they employ only on the tory enemy.
Lets hope May appoints an out and out Brexiteer to replace her to teach the bastard bbbc a lesson in unintended consequences.
I threw the Badenoch, Rees-Mogg and Halfon hats in the ring on Saturday.
I think it might be a suitable judgement on the BBC (although it would not please me – the thought scares me rigid) if Boris Johnson became PM. A plague on all their houses, so to speak …..
I would be happy to have a proper Brexit gov, both Rudd and May are useless and pander to libs .
Why when attacked by Corbyn didn’t they tell him, they are not going to be lectured on honesty and trace by and man in the “I can’t get a train seat” fakenews video who was in Facebook groups filled with antisemitism yet says he didn’t notice it ?
On bbc radio Newcastle this morning the commentator reckons Rudd’s replacement will be a remainer ‘to keep the cabinet balanced’
If I am correct I think the cabinet is over 75% of those who voted remain with only 6 or 7 leavers.
The 3 top jobs were held by remainers.
It’s like a question time panel.
Wouldn’t mind J R-M as PM although I think he would be wasted in that job. Much better as a Brexiteering on behalf of the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer. Ought to run a tight ship.
Only problem I would have with him as Chancellor is whether he is still tied to some old Tory economic and fiscal dogmas that have been proved to be way out of date.
Hopefully, he would be more flexible on those and have his priorities right.
She had to go for misleading parliament (although she’ll argue she had no knowledge).
I think the hostile policy has evoked conversation on migration in general. From conversations had, I’ve heard right wingers (Ukip,Tory voters) say that Windrush deportations were a non issue (which i dont get) and conversely lefties arguing that any deportation is wrong. As a traditional leftie, I sympathise with many of our causes, but this one I miss entirely. I cant see a choice to be had here, either a HO that incompetently deports UK citizens on one hand and on the other people that advocate open borders.
Non issue – bureaucratic cock ups happen all the time and are minor fare.I.e. how many were affected? How quickly was apology offered up with offers of compensayshun! This all before she blotted her copybook and lied which knowing the MSM and Beeb like she did (dog with a bone cos she’s a rabid tory) was incredibly stupid of her and on this point I agree she had to go.
“The Windrush row” is just smoke and mirrors to divert public opinion from Brexit and the need to stem the mass immigration into this small country.
80% of the British people want the invasion stopped, that’s why we voted out of the EU! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-43944988
Re this letter’s words
” I will be reallocating £10m (including from low level crime and intelligence) with the aim of increasing the number of enforced removals by more than 10% over the next few years: something I believe is ambitious, but deliverable.”
.. it doesn’t seem to me she has lied
#1 It’s not specific, but vague “over the next few years”
#2 It’s NOT a target, it is an aspiration
#3 A proper target would be “Within 3 years we will deport 99% of illegal immigrants”
Now she and the gov are useless at immigration, at PROPER environment (instead of Green dreaming)
And the woman is a Remainer
I’d prefer it if their was a proper Brexit Gov not all these soft-libs
Still she’s an idiot
: when asked about targets she shouldn’t have said “there are no specific targets “without mentioning “we do have aspirations to increase deportations of illegals”
Guido panders to libs. That’s #censorship
That simple non-sexist/non-racist/non-deratory comment I made above at 10:39pm I also posted as a Guido comment.
…. It was put into moderation.. by morning it had been REMOVED , screenshot
I can’t see what word would trigger auto-mod-software
I guess human mods only approve comments if they are sure unambiguous.
Marky – I am absolutely gutted – as I believe working class people say . I had bought my popcorn for hippy Rudd’s speak in the House of expenses on Monday but now it’s spoilt . I have put a modest 5 Guineas on a non white Home Secretary .
Al beeb will be in wanking mode fir the next 24 hours or more until Meghan markle falls over or cries or buys a new handbag .
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Outragebus in Tottenham
Anti- stopNsearch activist 59 , queried policemen searching a black youth.
Police accused him of pushing and charged him with assault.
Ken Hinds once won £22K compensation from Transport Poilce after they dropped a similar prosecution.
Court May 22
nearly deaf MP complains : BBC Spread Fakes about me 3 years ago : become a meme that haunts me
Newsbeat grabbed a screenshot of him slumped whilst trying to listen. They tweeted it and some Labour pollys retweeted it
– video shows his eyes were only closed for few seconds.
Newsbeat deleted the tweet
Indy covered BBC apology
Today’s long article
That looks like the well-lunched and suppered face of a parliamentarian.
typo : nearly deaf MP complains : BBC Spread FakeNews about me 3 years ago : It’s become a meme that haunts me
@AS well he’s not in the Diane Abbott league in girth.
“An estimated 50 million years of human life could be lost in the UK if action is not taken to reduce air pollution”
emm that is 1 year per human, which way higher than previous suggestions
And the context is that UK pollution has fallen drastically in last 40 years, apart from idiotic moves like increasing wood burning ,
The report claims the magic solution is to follow the Climate Change act.
– Study in journal Lancet Planetary Health
https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/uk/meeting-air-pollution-targets-could-cut-nitrogen-dioxide-by-up-to-60- 36853107.html
“The 2008 Act requires the UK to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% by 1990 levels by 2050.”
From 40k deaths to 50 million … why not was extinction of everyone …. ?
Staines denies that he’s a racist, yet his words tell us something different: his blog tends to sail rather close to the wind and he’s more than happy to invert racism and play the victim. In January of this year, Guido responded to a tweet that was made by Diane Abbot in which she said,
Gotcha Guido.
As for Abbots’ ‘divide and rule’ comment, many years ago, before the term multiculturalism was coined, I drew attention to how it was employed by the Colonial Office during the 1930s.
It was known as the ‘woad policy’ whereby natives would be obliged to retain their traditional culture and subject to this form of identity politics would be directly ruled by traditional leaders who would be guaranteed protection from the colonialists.
At the risk of starting a catchphrase, comments could be going better.
Roland – Thats nice, the one at the back looks like he could be carrying his wife.
Play as Merkel…. option 1 : open borders …. option 2: close borders ?
” You are a border guard who has to prevent the invaders coming into the United States. Hit them using your mouse.
So, the little lad Alfie has passed away. Do the media let the story go and leave the family to grieve ? of course not, not content to have it as the lead story, the newsreader says “……. and now over to Alder Hey for further reaction”. FURTHER REACTION ????? wtf ? a child has died, so what more of a ‘reaction’ do they need ? our media organisations need to take a long hard look at themselves, because they disgust me; especially with their pueril journalism i.e. “how do you feel ? ” “what was your first thought?” “how did you react?” – I always thought reporting was based on the premise of what, why, where, how – not the emoting of bystanders.
Completely agree. The puerile angle on BBC breakfast was pathetic…How the little chap had deteriorated and despite the best efforts of our amazing NHS he just slipped away. Our state broadcaster encouraging us to sympathy and empathy, rather than leaving the poor family alone and investigating the facts which led a family to Rome and a child’s picture on newspapers throughout the world.
The real story (omitted of course) is this case highlights once again the worrying control the state actually has over our own children. They effectively controlled the manor and place of death of this child and enforced primacy of decision-making in direct conflict to the grieving parents’ wishes.
The state will never bury or grieve for this child and the state extinguished hope (no matter how futile this may have been) using the full force of the law, something completely anomalous to most people around the world.
There’s something very rotten at the heart of our nation and every now and then it bubbles up. This case is just the latest example. Of course, that’s where the BBC steps in; signposting elsewhere (usually puerile emotion angle) while the carpet is lifted.
Our state broadcaster could never bring into question the very foundations of our state, our law and the NHS; it’s part of the same establishment. Precisely why I, and many on here, would see it fall.
There are both scientific and ethical issues that the BBC did not discuss, which is sad given the millions they pay out to activists posing as experts.
There is the matter of the state overruling parental rights. which has astounded many people in other countries. Sure, the state has a case when deciding if parents who may be Jehovah Witnesses should be allowed to refuse a life saving blood transfusion for their child. But this was a case of the state upholding a diagnosis that therapy was futile and that somehow it was accepted that the child’s best interests would be served by being dead and having no interests at all.
Futility is a difficult concept to handle, and it is questionable whether it refers to treatment that will not cure or treatment that will prolong a life that some – not the parents in this case – considered not worth living.
Few doctors, including many deemed to be specialists, fully understand the mechanisms associated with death and it is wholly wrong for the law – especially judges who divide their time between the law and activism is support of euthanasia – to accept contestable evidence from the doctors regarding a prediction of death. Exactly how much brain function had the infant lost? You won’t find out from the vague utterances of the BBC.
On life and death medical issues the BBC have an agenda – usually in favour of euthanasia or accelerated death. I recall a BBC interview I did in relation to a similar situation. As a warm up question I was told that as I would not worry about killing a dog, so why should I object to euthanasia for a terminally ill human. When I replied that I would be very much worried about killing a dog and would expect in some cases a second veterinary opinion the interviewer stopped recording, listened to my argument and left to find a colleague who supported euthanasia. That it how it
I am surprised at the silence from the Government on what has become an international issue.
Some health professionals get so fixed in their opinion that common sense flies out of the window. Many years ago I attended some seminars in Cambridge on measuring “Quality of Life” for patients. In one report being dead scored 3 on the Quality of Life Index. Most of the professional there couldn’t see the illogicality.
There’s much mixed feelings about the parental rights of a sick child, but if it wasn’t for the bravery of the parents of Ayesha King who in 2015 ignored the doctors diagnosis at Southampton General, and fled the country, its doubtful that little boy would be alive and free of cancer today. Yes, the NHS is wonderful when it works, but adults who can afford it, go abroad for more progressive treatment, so what parent given the opportunity for their child wouldn’t also do it.
The dramatic headline at the time for Al Beeb ……. so much for him being ‘in danger’, when 3 years later he’s running around playing football.
Ashya King: Missing boy’s ‘life is in danger’ – BBC News
“Few doctors, including many deemed to be specialists, fully understand the mechanisms associated with death…”
You evidence for this is what exactly?
“and it is wholly wrong for the law… to accept contestable evidence from the doctors regarding a prediction of death”
There was no “contestable evidence”. Alfie Evans’ parents, in their desperation, were taken in by little more than a couple of snake-oil salesmen from Bambino Gesù Hospital.
You might find it useful to read the judgment of the recent court case:
“judges who divide their time between the law and activism is support of euthanasia… the BBC have an agenda – usually in favour of euthanasia… why should I object to euthanasia… left to find a colleague who supported euthanasia”
This case had nothing to do with euthanasia, and you’ve admitted to knowing virtually nothing about it; “Exactly how much brain function had the infant lost?”.
So perhaps you should stop trying to politicise it for your own personal aims.
Just a thought.
So maxi , what are your personal aims? To be an ace troll that supports an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
Do you have any Al Beeb bias to post ?
You are right – it was a thought – just – I’mi guessing you are writing as a qualified doctor so we are to read your comment as fact . It’s nice for you to express any view as most of your posts are just bitter responses to the views of other posters .
As for your comment about President Trump – hasn’t this been used before – is that the best you can do. You really are like those awful beeboids who queue up to moan about a non politician president like spoilt children -you are a disgrace maxi.
You must be pleased – you got a bite . Cut and paste time .
maxincony/Evan has an ulterior motive for posting here.
“Can you guess?”
We have all but given up on watching the local evening programme now as the ‘puerile journalism’ you mention is a constant. A few years ago they interviewed a young girl who had suffered some very personal tragedies. She did her best to maintain dignity and hope for the future but the reporter kept on and on like picking at a scab and in the end she burst into tears – result!
The state takes the welfare of the child is paramount . But when that child is 2 and in the condition of young Alfie – Why do the uk medics win over others – like the Italians – especially when the parents wanted treatment ?
Because al Beeb supports. Wimmins rights they support abortion. Once they support abortion other areas can come into play as life is no longer the priority. So the Liverpool pathway can continue – medics can kill off nuisance patients without relatives through euthanasia…. hiding behind sainthood of the blessed NHS- which never really does anything wrong – according to al. Beeb. Two fat state organisations seen as wonders but in fact are not.
Al Beeb loves vicarious grief after the princess Diana death show
Declaration – I follow the RC teaching on this and may, or may not have kids – that’s for your file maxi.
Is that document a joke? Maybe some of the under qualified quacks the NHS employs haven’t read it…
I used to describe documents like this as a form of etiquette, rather than an ethical guide. But most GPs have problems with etiquette and never move on. As for ethics, what frequently passes for ethical decision making in the ethics councils is usually a form of cost-benefit analysis, which can never resolve incommensurable problems. eg. consider lying to patients in experimental therapy . How does one achieve a balance between a successful scientific outcome and irreversible loss of confidence in the medical experts?
Most doctors cannot handle complex ethical issues and dream of a professional life where all problems have a clear solution.
And this kind of thinking could be exposed in the Alder Hey fiasco if the medical experts were not protected by the courts.
Fed Up. I note you follow the Roman Catholic teachings on these issues. I am not a follower but reason from ethical principles and theory and empirical observations. Sometimes opponents from the utilitarian standpoint describe me as a Jesuit. I am not, but the pursuit of truth and objectivity brings together conclusions drawn from different starting points.
When humour has gone …. the West will have gone … freedom will die …
“We need to stop the islamification of the UK. Bringing back page 3 girls is a start. I’m available.”
It would need Page 3 and Page 4!
What a bargain! – a centerfold Abbotpottamus – two girls for the price of one – Can it get any better!
Yes it can – we could maybe have Diane and Hattie frolicking together in the surf in lingerie – the original ebony and ivory! what a bevvy of beauties!
Think I better go and sit down in a cool room with a big bottle of scotch and half a dozen packets of paracetamol !
I hope no-one is having dinner! – Sorry.
Oh, surely they would look better in full purdah, abayas at the very least.
I suppose Monday will be another popcorn day watch hippy Amber Rudd do the honourable thing and return to remainers corner on the back benches – assuming of course that the Sunday papers and politics programmes toast her .
Seems strange that after John Reid resigned as home sec the home office was split in 2 with one bit becoming “justice” and the home sec losing the met police to the mayor . Even after that a home sec screws it up again.
Wouldn’t fancy eating my fish ‘n’ chips wrapped in a newspaper with that on show!
Going to be an expensive few months these.
Having sold my kids into slavery for Meghans wedding, I was told today that the NHS will be 70 years old in the summer.
Start saving now, it`ll be wanting a months worth of free love, presents, gastric bands and nicotine patches for all its awesome, brilliant staff.
Might be able to get a block booking for FGM or tightening up my ladyparts and saggy bags, if others care to join. Don`t need to be a woman either, just as long as you feel you want to be.
“Tightening up my ladyparts and saggy bags” Double LOL!!
Thanks for cheering up my day – I will be chuckling at that image for hours!
Nolan being a tw@t, picking on a fraction of Trump’s word like picking a scab, to try to get some outrage going
He played a clip of Trump : “That Para-olympics was great and inspiring, I watched it , it’s a little tough to watch too much”
Nolan “Now , what do you think he meant by that…here I ask a famous Para Olympic athlete I have on the line”
… I just offed the radio
… If Nolan seeks to make outrage out of that , he’s pathetic.
Whilst Trump was supposed to be a certain disaster, when he comes to office , but since he came into office it’s not him that’s failed standards, but rather a lot of the other world establishment politicians who being involved in scandal, low standards and stupidity like Corbyns “Oh I didn’t know that was antisemitic “,
like Abbotts crap maths, like the mediaworld being exposed as covering Brendan Cox and other charity sex scandals etc.
“Nolan being a tw@t”
Would you class that as “hatey behaviour”, Stew?
“… I just offed the radio
… If Nolan seeks to make outrage out of that , he’s pathetic.”
Of course that’s exactly why you “offed the radio”, stuck your fingers in your ears and sang LaLaLa.
Quite maxi. Yet another example of lies from the CNN fake-media outlet.
Please explain how this is “lies from the CNN fake-media outlet”?
“The poor guy. You gotta see this guy…”
Classic #WhatAboutism from Maxi
Topic was what Trump said about the ParaOlympics, Maxi didn’t even comment on that
..Rather he splurged 2 giant pics of Trumps on the thread, without real explanation.
.. The narrative of the CNN video was debunked straight after they pushed it.
2 sides to EVERY story….except on CNN..
I was looking for this vid – well done for posting and exposing FakeNewsCNN. I see that Maxincony is silent – that is an achievement in itself!
It’s like explaining things to a five-year old. Here goes:
Trump uses that arm movement when mocking many people – he even used it when quoting himself. It was nothing new when he used it for this particular reporter’s stupid comments. More than very doubtful he even knew there was something different with this reporter’s hands as he would have been looking at his face.
It was a fake story dreamed up by the lift and repeated as nauseam as they do when they think they’ve got something to have a go at Trump, real or, like this, fake.
This accusation was shown to be fake very quickly but the extreme left, like yourself, wouldn’t let go of it because the truth was largely ignored in the alt-left controlled MSM. I’m sure you knew all this already but like them you don’t want to admit the truth because it puts you and your lies in a bad light.
Because that is the action and noise he makes for anyone he feels is confused. The news outlets like CNN and the BBC who broadcast this nonsence knew the truth.
Watch this video, a compilation of Trump mimicing lots of folk in the same way.
I dont normally waste time on our hose Trolls but I will make a special exception in this case – SO MAXI YOU HAVE SEEN THE ABOVE DO YOU STILL EXPECT US TO BELIEVE THAT TRUMP WAS MOCKING A DISABLED JOURNALISTS DISABILITY!!!!!
“Because that is the action and noise he makes for anyone he feels is confused.”
Haaa – when your best excuse is; but he mocks able-bodied people as if they were disabled as well
What can you tell us about Al Beeb’s Bias?
What motivates you?
Is it your sense of supporting an organisation that robs from the poor and gives to the rich?
Would you like to advertise this important petition over the next few weeks?…….
Its now up to 136920 , tell your chums .
Ah, I see we have someone immediately reaching for the tiresome “Trump mocked a disable person” routine.
At least because the claim has been so thoroughly debunked, it’s an immediate giveaway that the imbecile using it is a fool and beyond reasoning.
You wil never get a reply from Max. He is a drive by merchant. A quick troll and he is gone.
“You will never get a reply from Max.”
That’s because he’s a Troll. Our resident Troll .
BBC NewsChannel around 6:20 pm
Double switch on bingo win.
#1 First item was about a Yorkshire Shepherd, who can help him with his sheep…. ‘ah look here come our friendly band of refugees, Syrian , Iraqi etc.’
#2 That segwayed into item “The 12-year-old girl who was banned from playing football”
about poor Welsh schoolgirl, she was a top player, but lordy the FA and stupid Welsh schools had a rule that once you reach 12, girls cannot play in boys teams, then they relented and now girls can play in the lads team until age 16
And NOW 6 years LATER this girl works for the FA
#3 just spotted another happy refugee story : “1 day ago – Refugees bring cricket to Germany”
+ video report
BBC news page
More : with BBC you don’t just get sport
… you get SJW Sport
I bet there aren’t many asylum seekers working at pig farms, though.
Oh my word, a Yorkshire Shepherd and a Welsh schoolgirl, coming so soon after you saw two black people on consecutive adverts WITH AFROS. I can only pray you somehow make it through the night in the face of such terrible adversity.
It’s a question of proportion
SJW item to SJW item, to SJW item etc.
.. Twitter would break if the BBC went from an item with Farage, into a next item with Katie Hopkins
… Happy New Year to all Sikhs, but we don’t have to talk about Sikhism all the time.
Every station even local news 8am and 9am
“An American football player with one hand has joined the US professional league”
..Is such UK coverage proportionate ?
Yet another story has received very little coverage
“A British National was murdered this week by members/supporters of ISIS
– you would think the BBC would try a little harder with sharing this news? ”
PS Rodney Saunders, 73, and his wife Rachel, 63 we even helping to make a BBC programme that week
Bizarre paragraph in a BBC story
What about the missing Rachel ??
With the new pattern of threads the number of posts has fallen dramatically, but the quality is as high as ever – as is the humour.
Front page of the Observer is a picture of Sadiq Khan asking for Amber Rudd to quit…Wow..!!!!
Hypocrisy of the highest level. Here is a Mayor who is presiding over some of the worst crime statistics London has seen in a generation,unbelievable.The terror loving anti christian prick should quit, at least the government will sort Windrush out, what’s the grade one prick going to do about London .????
And while we are on about Windrush, some Windrush victims say they have been trying to get back into the UK for 35 years, surely during those 35 years Labour have been in power and government, why didnt Labour let them back in..More fucking hypocrisy
The irony of Corbyn the Fake train seat video guy, shouting that someone else must resign , cos he claims they did a deception about whether they knew their were deportation targets.
So the Russians set up thousands of bogus Twitter accounts during the last election campaign in favour of King of the Marxist, Corbyn,why am i not surprised. This for me is far more alarming than the disgusting Windrush debacle.
1- Now we know why there was a remarkable surge in his popularity during the campaign.
2- Perhaps now we now know why Corbyn refused to condemn Russian for the Sailsbury and Syria attacks
3- And it would be interesting to know,was Corbyn aware of the Russian help..
And of course the biased BBC and Sky wont pursue this..
surely not Dafydd.
When there were absurd rumours about russians influencing the US and Brexit votes the BBC shouted about it from the rooftops. Yet there is nothing on the BBC’s news web page about Russians influencing the Corbyn vote.
Must be fake news, no other possible reason for the world’s most trusted broadcaster to ignore this revelation.
Its quite obvious im no fan of Corbyn but for me is the continued hypocrisy by the broadcasters and Labour, its staggering.
@BBCR4Sunday prog “Muslim PR Agency says that UK businesses risk missing out on the opportunities of Ramadam”
..ah is that how pro-Muslim bias happens ?
… that there are Muslim PR agencies funded by crates of Saudi money, that have influence over the media ..thus getting them to drop Muslim negative stories, and carry Muslim positive .
I have heard the BBC mention it’s the Sikh new year
.. Happy New Year to all Sikhs, then
Next was Radio Leeds where a guest was making a claim he was worried for his Pakastani community just like Windrush.
Lets be clear, the reason why immigration has to be tough is cos of all the cheats, we know there are lots of cases ,,yet somehow the media has a fatwah on reporting them
I’m guessing that for every ONE case of HO being over hard against a Windrusher, there are FIVE cases of Jamaicans etc falsely claiming they have a right to live in the UK.
@BBCR4Sunday indulged in petty stirring
“Should Edmund, King of the East Angles, replace St George as the patron saint of England?”
..It’s doesn’t matter that George is not English, he was chosen to be protector of England.
Go for both. England needs all the help it can get right now
The Beeb bleats on and on about Windrush, the comments section shows fatigue has truly set in.
Yes, indeed. It’s like the bbc and Labour have one narrative, and the public they are meant to serve see right through it.
Still no total number of complaints ….generation … children …. many … change the law!
Katty goes OMG again. Plus… a sentence!
Maybe BBCwomen have not cottoned onto the fact that salary is influenced by the amount of effort you put into your job (or tweets)
The bbc may, just possibly, have jumped its own shark…
…and… it spreads…
Now, having pushed, and pushed, the bbc pushes some more…
At least one from the bbc may have grasped how this has played outside the bubble…
When it comes to President Trump the BBC really are at sixes and… seven hundreds, as Diane Abbott might accurately assess:
Maybe the national broadcaster of Britain might stop making itself look like an utter @rse and the country with it?
Whilst the BBC found nothing wrong with the mindless unpleasantness other left wing, sister organisations were more cautious.
The guardian said of the speech:
“For some is was an excruciating, toe-curling experience, and conservatives were aghast when Wolf turned to the subject of abortion.”
“Spicer, who quit as press secretary last summer, was visibly angry as he said: “It was absolutely disgusting. The idea that people clapped at that. It’s one thing to celebrate the first amendment but that, tonight, was one of the most disgusting and deplorable things I’ve ever heard in my life.”
The Independent said this: “Footage broadcast on Fox News appeared to show the routine being met with both occasional laughter and occasional awkward silence.”
I’m trying guess medication that creature is on. I’m sure maxi found hilarious. . The media look uncomfortable . Would any decent president want to spend time the msn? Why cover it if the president isn’t there.
The MSM seems to have found a way to cope with the fact that only the MSM cares about the MSM. Good luck with that guys & gals… and ‘other’.
So…. Marr… neatly guest balanced on topics as ever?
In complement:
Nothing if not predictable:
BBC mention 20 million people about to find their leader lied to them …. oh, and were told Kim never goes to the toilet. No bum hole.
That explains why he’s so full of sh*t.
The BBC’s supporters routinely complain about a lack of ‘plurality’ in the UK media and try to pretend that the BBC’s broadcasting hegemony is excusable as it somehow confronts a barrage of ‘Right wing’ opinion.
Ignoring the fact that a substantial portion of the print media is Leftist in orientation, as are all the broadcast channels, just how much real divergence from the BBC’s version of events is there?
Take the Salisbury ‘poisoning’ of the Skripals. This story has more holes than a cheap cullender but has been D noticed (one assumes) off the pages. And even before Mrs May’s lawyers waded in with the sock full of wet sand, threatening impromptu dentistry to any editor who dared cross the line, the fact is that the British press had already bought her story. It was Vlad what done it, so there.
The same applies over Syria. Another Left/Government narrative (‘evil Assad gasses his own people, think of the children, boo-hoo’) is unravelling like a cheap sweater and yet, on RTV the few British hacks who could be bothered to turn up when the Russians presented evidence that the ‘attack’ was yet another White Helmets tribute to George Lucas, were shown openly mocking the Syrians who dared present contrary testimoy.
Diversity? Plurality? The UK’s media are more locked into a single point of view than at any time since WWII and the BBC’s pretence of independence is a fraud.
Someone, somewhere, is having a laugh. Quite literally at our expense.
BH now doing it’s routine mocking of Trump
Claims KanyeWest lost 10m twitter followers cos of support for Trump.
Now they’ve got an awful Trump impersonator reading out Kanye’s rap lyrics,
…Hysterical not.
I check I find the story is FakeNews Kanye West previously had 27m followers, now he has 29.9m
typo up from 27m to 27.9m
Margaret Thatcher talking about Communist Prime Minister Theresa May:
If only she were still in Number 10, instead of the current waste of space.
Yep, The Consensus fallacy = “Everyone says” = Ad popularum fallacy
A good 42s clip there @Thoughtful
Another example… “But everyone says the emperor’s new suit is great (there’s a consensus), only the small boy says it’s a fraud”
If 100% (everone) says x is the case, then there is no one( 0%) left to say x is not the case.
So if everyone believes the earth is flat, it is flat
“Diane Abbott says she gets so much abuse because she is a black woman and reveals her office passes police a bundle of racist messages every week”
Anyone who posts racist messages about this fat, ugly, thick, lying, hypocritical race hustler should be ashamed of themselves.
The threats of rape seem a little far-fetched 😉
Bundle… lots … many …. for the many, Not the Few. Does Diane Abbott have breakdown of racist verses incomptent messages?
More on how hatey libmob Projection, maybe it works this way
#1 Our FakeNews media poisons their brains
so they get a monsterised image of political opponents like Trump/Farage/TommyR/Tories which falsely portrays them as “hostile & hatey”
#2 this winding up gives the libmob licence cos, they think they are fighting someone “hostile & hatey” they themselves behave super “hostile & hatey” ..lashing out like an angry terrier, but then running away instead of standing ground to fight.
… How to deal with this on Social Media ?
I guess before calling them out of specific arguments I would point out they are being hatey & although I can debunk all their arguments, I’m not going to go down a rabbit hole, where I use logic and reasoning and they react with namecalling & shouting whilst getting more & more wound up.
People noticed that when @BBCNewsbeat mocked the near-deaf MP Alec Shelbrooke, they apologised but didn’t even noticed their own previous tweet : “You may not realise YOU ARE a bully”
Hatey No Hopers like Brendan Cox & BlackLivesMatterMore think they are really fighting hate ..even when they are the onse wearing balaclavas, being intimidating & throwing smokebombs.
They are the bullies.
See how the latest pro-EQUALITY thing from lib/left mob like Sadiq
is to privilege EU migrants over others , after Brexit.
Cleverer people than me may know.
But I bet the likes of Gramsci, Chomsky and Alinsky have sown this wind that the BBC seem keen for us to reap the mad whirlwinds from.
“You may not realise that you`re a —–”
You maybe have forgotten that you`re a —-”
Child abusers, rapist, perjurer, terrorist,liar? Jew baiter? Nazi?
When such anodyne nudges would apply to Savile, Clinton or Harman by way of excuses for all they say, do and are? Then you know that any meaning for language has been hollowed out, which is where AntiFaislam comes into play.
With the law, the media and the court of public opinion to hammer down the coffin that used to contain free, clear speech.
I `m busy reading Orwell and Cicero, Bernstein-ANYBODY who knows what words should mean, as opposed to stringing them onto paste necklaces of lies like this BBC phrase.
You may not realise that “we used to listen out for journalism with some truths to be found therein”.
But now we`ve all long left the buildings.
I read “Please Let Me Go” by Caitlin Spencer, which has been mentioned by other contributors here. It is a powerful book, thoroughly enraging and upsetting in equal measures throughout and not at all easy to read; very graphic in places concerning what she was subjected to.
It is about a British girl who was enslaved into prostitution, initially be a British man but who soon ended up under the control of Muslim rape gangs.
The book confirmed to me something which I have long suspected, that the inaction of the police; children’s homes and others was not solely caused by political correctness and fear of racism accusations. There were police who protected these gangs and what they were doing, because they were being bribed to look the other way, either with money or “services”.
The recent Cliff Richard case against al Beebus demonstrated one thing to me: the best place to get these verminous police; councillors; social workers etc is under oath, in the witness box, in a court of law.
That is why I regret that not one of these girls has brought a case, or had one brought on their behalf, against these awful b@st@rds. Yet lawyers fall over themselves to try and prevent immigrants from being deported, or bring prosecutions against British military personnel for crimes they’ve allegedly committed, whilst serving their country in foreign wars; all being funded by the UK taxpayer through the Legal Aid system.
Al Shubtill
Spot on. They shared in the spoils of war, enjoying the support of a Quisling Government.
Newport car attack early this morning
\\ A HIT-and-run driver slammed into three women and a man in Newport this morning,
leaving two with life changing injuries before fleeing.
The Blue Ford C Max slammed into the group of three women and one man at 5.30am before speeding off.
The four victims were rushed to hospital, where their conditions are being assessed.
Early morning prayers?
A Norwegian driverless car that`s been radicalised on diesel is my first thought.
Perhaps the most absurd yet totally ignored aspect of the ‘Windrush generation’ and immigration in general, is the downright lie – one which has been fostered for decades and in particular by the BBC/Guardian Soviet – that immigrants were vitally needed to replace losses to the UK workforce after WW2.
Even if you include civilian casualties (67,200) which would naturally embrace a large proportion of non-working women and children, total losses were 450,900. And a grievous loss, no doubt, but considerably less than the 700,000 UK losses, almost exclusively of working-age young men, after WW1.
Despite the Depression and mass unemployment of the 1920s, no political party would have dared to suggest importing massive numbers to take more jobs from the UK workforce, so what was different about 1945?
Anthony Wedgewood-Benn and Anthony Crosland, to name but two Labour government ministers who formed a coalition whose main aim in life was to destroy both the Establishment and the Empire. Their joint venture to bring in large numbers of West Indian workers was pernicious enough, with hindsight, but the masterstroke was to add even larger numbers of Pakistanis, following partition in 1947.
Much time has been spent recently analysing Enoch Powell’s apocryphal and sadly accurate words on the subject. One day, perhaps, the roles of Attlee and Gaitskell will be exposed as the most significant factors in the creation of the social multi-uncultural catastrophe we currently enjoy.
“Diane Abbot on BBC QT 26-4-18:
“The Windrush Generation were the MOST PATRIOTIC, MOST HARDEST-WORKING people that Britain has ever seen. Amber Rudd must be sacked, we owe it to them, the PEOPLE WHO BUILT BRITAIN”
So there you go.
A few thousand Jamaican bus-conductors, factory workers and nurses
“BUILT BRITAIN”, in the 1950s and 1960s.
They worked harder than, and were more patriotic than: The Victorians, The Edwardians, The Georgians, the folks who lived through and died in World War 1 and World War 2, etc etc ,
(none of whom existed anyway, cos Britain wasn’t yet built)”
Tony Hayes
When I used to get my kicks in Brixton , no black blokes would have EVER let themselves be patronised and seen as Labours house-trained pets like Abbott and Lammy are daring to do to the black community at the moment.
They would nick to order, were a great laugh and you could always get the brick dust or vague smell of petrol out of most things they`d give you.
Great drink, drugs and music too, as long as you kept some earbuds in your handbag as time went on.
And now look-Abbott, Lammy and other lefty leeches in Labour DARE to speak of them like eunuchs, house-trained voting fodder and Labour patsies.
My boys used to riot, not take this supine crap and saccharine drips.
Can only assume they`re all having to spoon feed parents and relatives due to Alzheimers or something. I do not recognise any of this as the Black Voice of SW9 or indeed N17, M16….
I think they`re about our last saving grace, they`re Christian, had great angry churches and- having been to Deptford lately-they are next to Islam and will not take what we`re taking today.
Hope to God they ensure that the future is not Abbott and Lammy. Grant, Bellos, Jaspers, Little and Carlos…ANYTHING is better than these two!
Unfortunately for the whitee lefties they do not acknowledge that the ‘ black community ‘ is not one coherent group . Now I am white – so could be accused of talking out of my parts -but even I now there are differences in different island s and Africa is not one country .
I hate the unnecessary grief that the Windrush victims have gone through because incompetant governments going back to when they arrived
But the likes of al beeb and creatures like maxi rejoicing over the end of targets for deporting illegal immigrants is plain wrong. Particularly when beeboids bitch on about overwhelmed nhs , schools , dwellings .
But anti Semitism is not recognised for what it is by many people. When lies are told frequently by the BBC about Israeli action in the Jewish State by putting it out of context , it incites hatred and violence against Jews.. And when there is no news to broadcast against Israel the BBC will use fiction to reinforce these lies . See this example.
I noted the BBC flagged up something at 8am the other day, some report from the “centre left leaning IPPR”.
Got repeated at 5pm…it was now a “respected think tank”
Something very much like that.
Hope Maxicony will bite on this one…I`ve not been exactly 100% precise, who`d listen to that again-only the likes of Maxi. But I`m correct in the main. A “broader truth” as the Lefties call it.
Those qualifying words eh?…can they carry all that Lefty weight?
Or are we all far right nazi racists , no matter what?
A deafening silence from the BBC on the Sunday Times’ devestating exposé of how Russia helped Corbyn in the election. It would explain his unexpectedly positive result.
I thought they cared deeply about Russia interfering in elections? They shrieked loudly enough about the US, surely if it happened on our soil they would be apoplectic?
Me Too does not apply when the rapists are not white; spying on rivals to defy democracy is fine when Obama does it; interfering in elections is great when it helps the Left.
Data harvesting when trump.
Modern politics when Obama.
So when the Russians Do swing election results-in OUR country-that is something that the BBC won`t be saying anything about, until Seamus, Owen and Paul have told them what to say.
But when the Russians DON`T swing any election results-and in a foreign country that has no relation to our polling-the BBC will dig,sniff and chisel burrow for ever and a day? And will not take any denial as an answer?
Yes, very BBC.
Get then out people, they really ought to be scared of walking our streets and breathing our air.
Been watching France 24 in English here in sunny Gambia. Interviewers, not all French, are polite , respectful and unaggressive and well-briefed. There are no interruptions, shouting of signs of bias. Guests are all experts in their fields. Obviously not up to the high standards of the BBC but it is the best I can get here on free satellite channel.
One of the mobile networks here, Qcell, has started a free TV channel which has many interesting programs. Not a patch on the BBC, of course.
Granty !!! welcome back, you have been missed.
Thanks Brissles, great to see the “old-timers” are still posting, along with some new names.
Yo!!!! Granty Baby !!!! Great to hear from you again !!!!
Just make sure that you don’t eat the shellfish – they might be my relatives !
Glad you are back Grant. Please stick around for the May elections, Royal Wedding and Trump’s visit which will bring the finest and best of our esteemed national broadcaster.
Thanks. Will especially enjoy the coverage of Trump’s visit !
Lobbie, cheers. Funny , I just bought some locally farmed oysters yesterday , feel a bit guilty now.
You may be interested to know that while, LGBT is still illegal here,there have been no arrests since the admirable President Barrow came to power and he has said that the law will be abolished as part of the overhaul of the legal system here.
Hi Grant
Thanks for the info – very interesting!
I hope that you and your loved ones are enjoying life in the warm climate – not that I’m jealous or anything ….. (LOL)!
I’ll forgive you the oysters, as long as you promise not to have a Thermidor!
I don’t understand. Can anyone enlighten me? I was under the impression that Australia was tough on immigration. Not it seems as they have the same problems as Europe.
Sorry G.
Think back these last few years.
Rudd-Gillard-a slice of Tony Abbott who got nobbled-and now Pom bashing Malcolm Turnbull.
A descent into a Chinese helot state and within twenty years.
Absolutely no future unless a Howard , Orban or Abott(T) gets in and quickly.
They`re like the dodo bird, naively sucking up Chinese and Muslim money and influence. And seem now to have that colonial “losing the will to live, let alone fight” gene we must have passed onto them.
Ah well, as long as they`re a republic eh? As long as Xi doen`t make himself “King” they`ll be OK with it.
You are not alone in your confusion G. What people get mixed up is the issue of Australia’s stance on the boat people arriving on its shores
on the one hand and it general immigration policy on the other.
The country has developed a strong bipartisan policy to illegal arrivals.
It is to be admired. But it still has a old fashioned belief in legal mass immigration.
People in the UK sometimes like to think that Australia and NZ don’t go in for PC nonsense but the reality is quite different. Anybody emigrating (legally!) from the UK expecting to escape the cold hand of the PC brigade will be in for a nasty shock.
It is sort of pleasing to note that most of the problems you mention are in the Melbourne area. The state of Victoria is known to be the most liberal in the federation. As ye sow…
Now, here’s a true story – straight from the ‘horse’s’ mouth.
Recently in Rotherham, a white business man was travelling by taxi and engaged the driver in conversation. The driver – a Muslim had forsaken his visits to the mosque because of what he was told to do. His wife is unable to conceive, so was told to divorce her and find another wife who was able to give him the required family of 8 children ! The t/driver loves his wife and would not do this, hence his non- attendance at the mosque. He also revealed that it was common teachings to promote having large families, as this was the non violent way of getting ‘the vote’ within two generations in the UK.
This is confirmation of what we have long suspected, and needs addressing now, because in less than 100 years time the UK will be no better than Iran, and where will all the Muslims then disappear to for a ‘better life’ when there are no white Christians left to subsidise their life style.
Brissles – a very interesting anecdote.
The Muslims always vote en bloc and that is why they are pandered to by the mainstream parties. In a town where say 20% of the population is Muslim, who all vote, and in council elections where only 35% of the electorate turn out; they can determine the outcome.
The Muslims wield huge political influence: they know this and the politicians know it. The larger the Muslim population, obviously, the greater their political power.
And the postal vote ensures just that.
For Britain manifesto: Child benefit to be paid only for a maximum of 2 children.
That would be a start.
I’ve now given up on Guido’s site. I’ve had numerous attempts at posting and even this was moderated:
“Lobster • 3 minutes ago
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Guido Fawkes.
I’ve just made the point that there have only been a hundred comments in three hours.
I got moderated.
Might as well just call it a day here.”
How to kill a website in under a week.
Somebody on GF’s posted (and got through the mods) was suggesting that some of the most extreme right wing posts were actually being posted by far Left types and then used to highlight how bad the site was. Recently Guido has been very helpful to the Jewish community in highlighting the antisemitism in the Labour Party and he had to switch off comments because the antisemitism was so vile. I just feel that whatever is going on is linked.
The Sunday Times reports that the BBC faked four different scenes for it’s Human Planet natural history series.
A producer of one of the faked episodes, the splendidly named Tuppence Stone, still works for the BBC’s natural history unit.
The BBC announced on Thursday that it had finally withdrawn the series from distribution and will conduct a review, however the review will be internal by the BBC policy unit rather than any outside body and is expected to take several months.
Sackings there will be none.
Pug yeah – don’t forget to chuck an Asda carrier bag and a plastic bottle in the frame – oh the animality
Since comrade corbyns life s wish has been to undermine the British state and NATO it would only make sense for Russia to do its best to support Corbyn . I always assumed it was a’given’ which is why I found it incredible that kids and kidults fell for the Corbyn / Mcdonald con of promises . They won’t learn until they allow the socialists to fuck it up again.,
Wasn`t the Reunion last week about the Baader Meinhof charmers?
Oh, rebel chic, how outre, how rad indeed.
I only ask because today features the peerless, pioneering and totally epoch defining…”The Young Ones”!
Suppose they were not quite as funny as Baader Meinhof, but probably did more damage to popular comedy culture that Rudi and Horst.
Sheer water cooler indulgence of Albanians Commie Scouse “Man Of Letters”…hippie footlights actor, seriously unfunny rep actor who no-one laughed at, a bit part bloke who`s only laugh came from a brilliant Heineken advert-oh, and the shagbladder on a stick who paid for it all with our money. Think she was Rik Mayalls dolly, maybe Deaytons-lot of incest at those exalted levels of BBC comedy.
Didn`t stay to listen, but did wonder how, why and who decides on these British Legion pastiches of comedy warfare. They genuinely think that they were subversive, and funny. And the BBC will pay them for life for their war stories.
Not funny one bit-Rik Mayall was better than that.
Poor Sue McGregor eh?
OT, but I just got this, and suspect the Russians have indeed been at their data…
OBAMA ADMINISTRATION SURVEY You’ve been selected to take our nationwide survey on the Obama Administration.
Only a few supporters were selected, so we really need to hear from you:
Wonder if Katty is wondering where hers is?
This has bugger all to to with BBC bias, but if only… how would the BBC cover awarding this British patriot with a knighthood?
About as much chance as President Trump winning the Obama devalued peace prize … still wouldn’t trust North Korea – accidental attack on South Korean navy anyone ?
Surely it can’t be right that Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall is given free rein to trash the business models of the likes of WH Smith’s and Kellogg’s via the BBC?
On the one hand we have the BBC that never promotes any business, (unless it is Disney, Apple, Virgin, Last Minute Dot Com, Friends Reunited etc., rich American corporations or mates wanting to sell shares), and on the other rich ‘celebrities’ that are allowed to use licence fee payers money to destroy the pension plans and jobs of the plebs.
If you think that buying chocolate and sweets is not good for you then don’t buy them!
The fascists strike again – why should we fund them?
Ex-Commons Speaker Michael Martin dies aged 72
Stand by for an hour-long BBC eulogy telling us how well he served the nation, how much he loved his mother etc etc…
Don`t bury the f***er until we`ve checked that coffin.
Probably got Blairs fabled expense accounts up his fundament, and half our taxpayers gold as well from 2009.
Twat was just Fergie unable to get out of a commode, possibly the biggest tapeworm egg in the country.
Yes I remember him . Probably drank him self to death on stolen Palace of Westminster single malt. Least there’s a vacancy for another peer – baroness Amber I reckon. Could be a really good resignation speech Monday but judging by her blaming every one else she’ll get a kicking – but not from her direct opposition .
If only Harriet, Beckett and the rest of them would jump on the funeral pyre as was once the fashion in India.
Gaia could cope. She said she could.
Fat florid fukkiwit…and exactly the kind of poltroon the BBC like.
Pompous garbled sandbag who was only in Labour so Prescott would have to share his rusks.
Powell will ring through the ages, Tick Martin won`t even make it to the news bulletin.
Hope the BBC won`t waste too many plastic straws trying to use his leathered lungs for bagpapps. Gaia no likee, and no amount of farty breath will convince even Blind Blunkett that there`s an inflating of this waste of fat.
Chris – funny you mention Hattie – who incredibly is keeping her mouth shut because she is after the speakers job. Can you imagine any one worse? Maybe abbot , Lammy or the current little monster .
Only the BBC could create a “broad and balanced debate” , regarding whether schools should be willing to enforce the hijab for four year olds, should daddy want it.
Heard the programme on 5pm Radio 4, some jock poppet who sounded like Laura Kuennsberg silly sister.
I for one enjoyed the sound of them tiptoeing around the minefields and painting them to look like tulips. To hear OFSTEDs chief girly, that scourge of the umma Dame Louise Hard-Casey and all manner of assorted(anonymous) people “raising concerns” in the form of a white flag was very funny.
Sorry lefties-we`re passed that.
Health and Safety might have cowed you pink poppets-but, funnily enough Islam seems not to give a fig for your “British values”.
Rather warmed to the Muzzies here-if Spielman and Casey are not brood mares for Islam in matching big boned burquas within a few years, it will only be because we saw the BBC limpdix and knew whatever the Beeb says is satanic budgie cage lining!
Welcome back Grant, the albatross is back following the sardine trawler of wit and weird. Working on some sea shanty protest songs! Nyarr!
“biggest tapeworm egg in the country “. Classic ! Glad to see you are maintaining your high standards. Just like the BBC.
Another OT, but guessing a few BBC producers glad it happened to their old mucker and not them.
Comments vary, but on the whole #CCBGB no matter what the incoming is.
I was first alerted to iy as it happened by some noting Pesto couldn’t shut down the show quick enough as his earwig caught fire.
Gerard states the obvious.
Quite right.
Labour “pandering to a certain section of the voters.”
So whilst Peston does not express a view – here is his view
Luckily, apart from the BBC, no-one listens to a word that Vince says.
Yeah sorry vince who ? Is he that dancer bloke that was on thank god it’s excess – or the one who sold the Royal Mail cheap ?
Never fails to impress what Anthony finds… and finds ‘good’…
BBC news article says Trump does not deserve credit for Korea peace talks. Just an almighty coincidence that they happened just after Trump came to power and rattled his sabre then is it?
Korean politicians have been openly thanking Trump. Could they not just give him this one? They only toxify their reputation further by denying the truth. Would Obama ever have threatened fire and fury? He was more likely to fellate another world leader than threaten them.
Beeb – I bet when the North Koreans engineer a walk way / war President Trump will get the blame from Sopel / Katty soon enough .
What happens when you forget the bbc safe space only lasts until comments are enabled…
Guest I’m guessing Walthamstow isn’t on the list of shit holes President Trump would be thinking of visiting . I think he might like the look of a member of the aristocracy like our Stella though .
I’m sure maxi will look good in pink won’t you maxi – you can even post a picture to show you demonstrate your beliefs as opposed to just belching about other people’s views here…
SJW politicians in the UK don’t come much worse than dear Stella Greasy.
\\ What colour should we wear to protest about anti-Semitism in the Labour Party?//
Striped pyjamas.//
Why metroLibElites protest against @realDonaldTrump
NOT Saudi
NOT groom/rape gangs
.. only Trump threaten to change their OWN little world … #Self #Interest.
Tense time when Tone next sees Katty? Or even Jon?
I take it the WH press do is self funding – I bet there won’t be any one from the administration there next year but al beeb will cover it any way . Sopel or catty could always get a bit of food poisoning .
Radio 4`s “Profile” featured David Lammy no less!
Twenty five minutes or what have you-and the continuity announcer a mention of his Auntie May, who says he`ll be our first black PM.
This vanity pap would not even got on CB radio a few years back.
Hospital radio wouldn`t have it, just too silly. The mans known only for being think on Celebrity Mastermind.
But he got twenty minutes free c/o the BBC.
If “Profile” has ever featured a lower form of invertebrate is a suit, I`d like to know who it was.
Did they not once do a piece on worms that live at the bottom of a trench in the Pacific, near a crack in the earth’s crust, feeding on sulphur?
I think though, even one of those worms would be a better PM than Lammy; could probably do better on Celebrity Mastermind too.
Chris – I heard they gave him a masters in law in Harvard – keeping the ethnic numbers up I suppose . I got mine in Blighty and didn’t need a lefty professor to get me through it. One for the file maxi .
Funny no one mentioned his cycling skills .
Rudd has gone!
Can’t say that I warmed to her and she was a remainer but pissed at the BBBC claiming another scalp using the usual attack dog tactics that they employ only on the tory enemy.
Lets hope May appoints an out and out Brexiteer to replace her to teach the bastard bbbc a lesson in unintended consequences.
Good riddance amber Amber. What the BBC giveth the BBC shall taketh away.
May next please.
Who would you replace her with ? that’s the question.
I threw the Badenoch, Rees-Mogg and Halfon hats in the ring on Saturday.
I think it might be a suitable judgement on the BBC (although it would not please me – the thought scares me rigid) if Boris Johnson became PM. A plague on all their houses, so to speak …..
I would be happy to have a proper Brexit gov, both Rudd and May are useless and pander to libs .
Why when attacked by Corbyn didn’t they tell him, they are not going to be lectured on honesty and trace by and man in the “I can’t get a train seat” fakenews video who was in Facebook groups filled with antisemitism yet says he didn’t notice it ?
Why didn’t the media do the same ?
On bbc radio Newcastle this morning the commentator reckons Rudd’s replacement will be a remainer ‘to keep the cabinet balanced’
If I am correct I think the cabinet is over 75% of those who voted remain with only 6 or 7 leavers.
The 3 top jobs were held by remainers.
It’s like a question time panel.
David Lammy leader of Labour.
Jacob Rees-Mogg leader of Conservatives.
More elections to delay the will of the people.
MM, am not going to like this because I don’t.
Wouldn’t mind J R-M as PM although I think he would be wasted in that job. Much better as a Brexiteering on behalf of the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer. Ought to run a tight ship.
Only problem I would have with him as Chancellor is whether he is still tied to some old Tory economic and fiscal dogmas that have been proved to be way out of date.
Hopefully, he would be more flexible on those and have his priorities right.
She had to go for misleading parliament (although she’ll argue she had no knowledge).
I think the hostile policy has evoked conversation on migration in general. From conversations had, I’ve heard right wingers (Ukip,Tory voters) say that Windrush deportations were a non issue (which i dont get) and conversely lefties arguing that any deportation is wrong. As a traditional leftie, I sympathise with many of our causes, but this one I miss entirely. I cant see a choice to be had here, either a HO that incompetently deports UK citizens on one hand and on the other people that advocate open borders.
Non issue – bureaucratic cock ups happen all the time and are minor fare.I.e. how many were affected? How quickly was apology offered up with offers of compensayshun! This all before she blotted her copybook and lied which knowing the MSM and Beeb like she did (dog with a bone cos she’s a rabid tory) was incredibly stupid of her and on this point I agree she had to go.
“The Windrush row” is just smoke and mirrors to divert public opinion from Brexit and the need to stem the mass immigration into this small country.
80% of the British people want the invasion stopped, that’s why we voted out of the EU!
Re this letter’s words
” I will be reallocating £10m (including from low level crime and intelligence) with the aim of increasing the number of enforced removals by more than 10% over the next few years: something I believe is ambitious, but deliverable.”
.. it doesn’t seem to me she has lied
#1 It’s not specific, but vague “over the next few years”
#2 It’s NOT a target, it is an aspiration
#3 A proper target would be “Within 3 years we will deport 99% of illegal immigrants”
Now she and the gov are useless at immigration, at PROPER environment (instead of Green dreaming)
And the woman is a Remainer
I’d prefer it if their was a proper Brexit Gov not all these soft-libs
Still she’s an idiot
: when asked about targets she shouldn’t have said “there are no specific targets “without mentioning “we do have aspirations to increase deportations of illegals”
Stew what was the problem with saying “ yes we have a target of deporting 100% of illegal immigrants “.
When saying the right thing becomes illegal or wrong.
Guido panders to libs. That’s #censorship
That simple non-sexist/non-racist/non-deratory comment I made above at 10:39pm I also posted as a Guido comment.
…. It was put into moderation.. by morning it had been REMOVED , screenshot
I can’t see what word would trigger auto-mod-software
I guess human mods only approve comments if they are sure unambiguous.
#AmberRuddToo #KneeToo
Marky – I am absolutely gutted – as I believe working class people say . I had bought my popcorn for hippy Rudd’s speak in the House of expenses on Monday but now it’s spoilt . I have put a modest 5 Guineas on a non white Home Secretary .
Al beeb will be in wanking mode fir the next 24 hours or more until Meghan markle falls over or cries or buys a new handbag .
We are truly messed up ….
#TargetsAreRacist #BanAllLimits #NoBordersForIran #NoBordersForSaudiArabia
Baroness Rudd of Harmonsworth .