865 Responses to Weekend Open Thread

  1. honestus says:

    Rudd has gone!
    Can’t say that I warmed to her and she was a remainer but pissed at the BBBC claiming another scalp using the usual attack dog tactics that they employ only on the tory enemy.
    Lets hope May appoints an out and out Brexiteer to replace her to teach the bastard bbbc a lesson in unintended consequences.


    • G.W.F. says:

      Good riddance amber Amber. What the BBC giveth the BBC shall taketh away.
      May next please.


      • BRISSLES says:

        Who would you replace her with ? that’s the question.


        • Up2snuff says:

          I threw the Badenoch, Rees-Mogg and Halfon hats in the ring on Saturday.

          I think it might be a suitable judgement on the BBC (although it would not please me – the thought scares me rigid) if Boris Johnson became PM. A plague on all their houses, so to speak …..


    • StewGreen says:

      I would be happy to have a proper Brexit gov, both Rudd and May are useless and pander to libs .
      Why when attacked by Corbyn didn’t they tell him, they are not going to be lectured on honesty and trace by and man in the “I can’t get a train seat” fakenews video who was in Facebook groups filled with antisemitism yet says he didn’t notice it ?

      Why didn’t the media do the same ?


      • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

        On bbc radio Newcastle this morning the commentator reckons Rudd’s replacement will be a remainer ‘to keep the cabinet balanced’
        If I am correct I think the cabinet is over 75% of those who voted remain with only 6 or 7 leavers.
        The 3 top jobs were held by remainers.
        It’s like a question time panel.


    • MarkyMark says:

      David Lammy leader of Labour.
      Jacob Rees-Mogg leader of Conservatives.
      More elections to delay the will of the people.


      • Up2snuff says:

        MM, am not going to like this because I don’t.

        Wouldn’t mind J R-M as PM although I think he would be wasted in that job. Much better as a Brexiteering on behalf of the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer. Ought to run a tight ship.

        Only problem I would have with him as Chancellor is whether he is still tied to some old Tory economic and fiscal dogmas that have been proved to be way out of date.

        Hopefully, he would be more flexible on those and have his priorities right.


    • Teetering2 says:

      She had to go for misleading parliament (although she’ll argue she had no knowledge).
      I think the hostile policy has evoked conversation on migration in general. From conversations had, I’ve heard right wingers (Ukip,Tory voters) say that Windrush deportations were a non issue (which i dont get) and conversely lefties arguing that any deportation is wrong. As a traditional leftie, I sympathise with many of our causes, but this one I miss entirely. I cant see a choice to be had here, either a HO that incompetently deports UK citizens on one hand and on the other people that advocate open borders.


      • honestus says:

        Non issue – bureaucratic cock ups happen all the time and are minor fare.I.e. how many were affected? How quickly was apology offered up with offers of compensayshun! This all before she blotted her copybook and lied which knowing the MSM and Beeb like she did (dog with a bone cos she’s a rabid tory) was incredibly stupid of her and on this point I agree she had to go.


      • taffman says:

        “The Windrush row” is just smoke and mirrors to divert public opinion from Brexit and the need to stem the mass immigration into this small country.
        80% of the British people want the invasion stopped, that’s why we voted out of the EU!


    • StewGreen says:

      Re this letter’s words
      ” I will be reallocating £10m (including from low level crime and intelligence) with the aim of increasing the number of enforced removals by more than 10% over the next few years: something I believe is ambitious, but deliverable.”
      .. it doesn’t seem to me she has lied
      #1 It’s not specific, but vague “over the next few years”
      #2 It’s NOT a target, it is an aspiration
      #3 A proper target would be “Within 3 years we will deport 99% of illegal immigrants”

      Now she and the gov are useless at immigration, at PROPER environment (instead of Green dreaming)
      And the woman is a Remainer
      I’d prefer it if their was a proper Brexit Gov not all these soft-libs


      • StewGreen says:

        Still she’s an idiot
        : when asked about targets she shouldn’t have said “there are no specific targets “without mentioning “we do have aspirations to increase deportations of illegals”


        • Fedup2 says:

          Stew what was the problem with saying “ yes we have a target of deporting 100% of illegal immigrants “.


      • StewGreen says:

        Guido panders to libs. That’s #censorship
        That simple non-sexist/non-racist/non-deratory comment I made above at 10:39pm I also posted as a Guido comment.
        …. It was put into moderation.. by morning it had been REMOVED , screenshot
        I can’t see what word would trigger auto-mod-software
        I guess human mods only approve comments if they are sure unambiguous.


  2. MarkyMark says:

    #AmberRuddToo #KneeToo


    • Fedup2 says:

      Marky – I am absolutely gutted – as I believe working class people say . I had bought my popcorn for hippy Rudd’s speak in the House of expenses on Monday but now it’s spoilt . I have put a modest 5 Guineas on a non white Home Secretary .

      Al beeb will be in wanking mode fir the next 24 hours or more until Meghan markle falls over or cries or buys a new handbag .


      • MarkyMark says:

        We are truly messed up ….
        #TargetsAreRacist #BanAllLimits #NoBordersForIran #NoBordersForSaudiArabia


    • Fedup2 says:

      Baroness Rudd of Harmonsworth .


  3. Deborah says:

    Local BBC1 news after the 10pm news on Sunday and the latest stabbed teenager. It’s ok he died because it has brought the community together.


  4. G.W.F. says:

    I am having a good laugh. The Conservative Home Secretary humiliated and forced to resign by the combined efforts of Abbot and Lammy.
    And now it looks like Treezer may go, and the Tories will suffer in the
    May elections.
    UKIP stand firm.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Me too- there’s no better site that a front bencher doing the Speech of shame and getting that ridiculous House of Commons to come together in false sympathy – just showing out of touch they are – and wondering why we think they are shit. Dawn butler has already called for May to resign to . My name has also been mentioned as needing to resign despite my prediction that hippy Rudd would be gone before Monday .


    • honestus says:

      Why should May go? Not a big fan of her either but broader picture suggests if she falls house of cards goes and smily jezzer see’s all the shoulder shrugging putin style pay off handsomely and he’s in with a crack.
      I’m in process of packing a large samsonite just in case.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Be interesting what the £does in the morning because if May goes its an election with the fools voting for labour , a referendum and we land up staying in a federal socialist EUreich and accepting the € for all the inconvenience we ve caused.


        • honestus says:

          all the actions playing out are all part of a much wider and more cynical game play and to my utter frustration the remainers and more so the propaganda arm seem to be succeeding in their machinations.
          Brexit imbalance in the cabinet whilst we have so many tory traitors means government falls – new elections – potential for marxist nut job on No 10. The very worst of any world you can imagine.


          • Up2snuff says:

            honestus, PM is vulnerable not just as former Home Sec but on Skripal & Douma statements to the House.

            I have an uncomfortable feeling that both Rudd & May may have been set up by Whitehall.


      • G.W.F. says:


        Yes, you are right. If May goes there is a high chance that Corbyn will be in no10, unless she is replaced quickly with a popular leader.
        I am resigned to a Labour Government.
        But, given the internal hostility within Labour I predict it will implode soon after taking office, especially as the dream promises will not be honoured.
        That will give time for those who want a genuine Brexit government to get organized.


        • honestus says:

          the ‘new’ politics will means as soon as jezzer is in all the rules will be changed/traitor mp’s deselected etc. These are the politics of the despot – not for nothing is he referred to as ‘the leader’ . laughable, but chilling as well!


  5. Fedup2 says:

    The Week in Westminster

    Amber Rudd resigns – jack mr Hattie Harmon – dromie and fucking vince – no party any more cable and Diane abbot unable to restrain herself from getting on the airwaves .diane sounded almost sober apart from when she was asked what 2 plus 2 was and she said it wasn’t fair to ask her difficult questions .
    Ambers ‘ resignation speech Monday will be a real tear jerker .

    Beeboids and politicians cannot get how pissed off people are about being overwhelmed by foreigners of all and every hue .


    • taffman says:

      The Government needs to get Brexiteers in the cabinet.
      That’s what we all voted for or the Tory Liberals and Remainer May are toast.
      Replace May with Rees-Mogg next .


    • Fedup2 says:

      Hope you’re staying up for Maxi who will pop up at @ 3am trolling with his / her / it’s selective cut and paste circus before heading back to the comfort of the guardian comments ….


  6. taffman says:

    The Government needs to get Brexiteers in the cabinet.
    That’s what we all voted for or the Tory Liberals and Remainer May are toast.
    Replace May with Rees-Mogg next .

    This is what the government promised and this is what we voted for …………..
    The are still not listening.


    • taffman says:

      Will the Remainer PM replace Amber Rudd with a Brexiteer or another Remoaner ?
      The acid test.
      Is the Government serious about getting out of the EU?


  7. Beltane says:

    So another coup for the Guardian of the public good and a ‘leaked’ memo brings down a cabinet minister. Odd, isn’t it, that the Guardian always seems to come up with these privileged and private internal documents just at the right moments? It’s almost as though there were civil servants actively trying to delay Brexit and bring down the government but that’s unlikely of course.
    Interesting to think that when the previous Elizabeth was on the throne such behaviour would have attracted Walsingham’s attention, along with all his intriguing ways and means of extracting sources of sub rosa information.


  8. taffman says:

    Global Warming
    What warming?
    They just don’t know how to handle it now…………


    • johnnythefish says:

      taff, I thought any weather was the result of ‘climate change’ (the ‘science’ formerly known as global warming formerly known as man-made global warming), despite models predicting warm wet winters and hot dry Mediterranean summers.

      Meanwhile, US heading for coldest April on record.

      Still, a failed hypothesis is better than none at all, as they say, and best be on the safe side and all that.


  9. Roland Deschain says:

    There is something peculiar about the second page of this thread. Whenever I open it, it is hijacked by an advert for a book on Amazon. Anyone else experiencing this?


  10. pugnazious says:

    Rudd resigns and Laura K notices instantly [though her colleagues all seem to be tucked up in bed]…shame she and the BBC still haven’t ‘noticed’ the story on the frontpage of the Sunday Times claiming that the Russians helped Corbyn’s election campaign….might have thought a blockbusting bombshell story…but no. Nothing…too busy chasing Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, Brexit and Trump and can’t report anything that might damage Comrade Corbyn.

    Can’t see why Rudd resigned over the confected story about targets…Labour had deportation targets, a fact the BBC refuses to acknowledge…and of course Labour introduced the infamous ‘hostile environment for illegal immigrants’. Maybe she should have gone over the Windrush cockup. She may have inherited it but so did May and can’t say Rudd was a ‘humanshield’ for May as the latest revelations show she was totally onboard with the policy and wanted to ramp it up….

    ‘Labour said the letter proved there were removals targets and Ms Rudd was aware of them – something she has previously denied.
    Ms Rudd promised Mrs May a 10% or more increase in enforced removals over the “next few years,” The Guardian says. ‘

    That promise to increase removals also invalidates Laura K’s claim [no doubt coming from Remain Tories]…

    The whole thing about Windrush and targets is an almost complete fiction whipped up to serve Labour’s local election campaign and to undermine the immigration policies of this government and to stir up confusion, doubts and concerns about Brexit and border control.

    The Windrush generation are not the victims of racism but the opposite…they were ‘generously’ allowed to stay without having to formalise their documentation and their right to stay and this was never corrected…this is where the problem stems from…they have no simple, easily available proof of their rights. May’s [and Labour’s] ‘hostile environment’ had little to do with anything….people were getting stuck before the 2014 act…the BBC often quotes a case from 2011..thus disproving their own claims about May.

    There are always stories in the papers about whites from South Africa, Zimbabwe and Australia who are denied entry or citizenship despite having lived here for years and having served in the British army etc. Not racism just the usual bureaucracy and rules is rules. The same for the Windrush people.

    Context and intelligent, reasoned, thoughful debate seems to have been abandoned in favour of highly politicised rhetoric that weaponises race for Labour’s political advantage…and the BBC has not done its job having failed to cut through the nonsense we get from Labour’s race warriors…..the BBC actually cheerleading David Lammy whose whole career seems based upon crying ‘racism’…a mark of someone who knows they aren’t any good at anything else I might suggest. Here’s the BBC bigging him up…note Campbell’s comment about a ‘class warrior’…no, Lammy is a race warrior, a race baiter…..

    ‘There, he’s found his political voice and passion as a defender of those he feels have been failed by the system – from the Grenfell fire victims, to working-class young people struggling to get into top universities, and now the Windrush immigrants. Alastair Campbell calls him “a good old-fashioned class warrior, in the best possible sense”.’


    • Al Shubtill says:

      Solid post – al Beebus and the rest of the MSM fell on the Windrush story, many of whom were glad it kept the Telford RoPer child-rape atrocity of our TV screens and front pages; whilst also stifling coverage of the embarrassing lacunae in the narrative of the attempted culling of the Skripals.


      • Guest Who says:

        So the bbc in fact pursued and grasped a ‘story’ that served to the exclusion of all else?


    • Guest Who says:

      Bbc editorial integrity means only noticing what the bbc holds dear, and ignoring what does not suit the bbc narrative.


  11. Richard Pinder says:

    Apparently there seems to be a set of D-Notices banning the BBC and British media from reporting on the Skripals.

    (1) Banning the media from talking to Dr Steven Davies, Consultant in emergency medicine, Accident and Emergency, Salisbury District Hospital. According to Davies, none of the patients experienced the symptoms of nerve agents.
    (2) Banning the media from mentioning the drug Fentanyl.
    (3) Banning the media from talking to the Skripals.
    (4) Banning the media from questioning Nick Bailey.
    (5) Banning the media from mentioning Pablo Miller.
    (6) Banning the media from mentioning the Blond Woman. Could be Pablo Millers wife? Other reports say she was American, possibly CIA.

    Looks like the Skripals provided fake information to Christopher Steele and Pablo Miller who was an active MI6 agent working for Orbis Business Intelligence on the fake Trump dosier.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Have you written to the DG, Richard?

      That would be the way to find out. Put Tony Hall on the rack.


      • Richard Pinder says:

        Gordon Corera, “BBC Security Correspondent” did try to illustrate the D-notices in a tweet, with a picture of MI6 Headquarters.

        Orbis Business Intelligence is a company which provides sophisticated cross-border intelligence research services to VIP customers. Orbis boasts of its ability to meld a high-level source network (MI5,MI6 and GCHQ) with a sophisticated investigative capability. Which means that former spies with a high-level security clearance and with access to classified information, state secrets and other areas of research restricted to the general public, such as Porton Down, are open to do business with anyone with money. To put it bluntly, any network that is unaccountable, extrajudicial, hidden and, above all, inextricably dependent on digital/internet information and communication technologies that artificialise, denaturalise, and psychoticise the physical world can be turned against former employers, the Russians, Donald Trump, Brexiteers, the Skripals and the people of Salisbury and Britain. With total immunity from prosecution, using D-Notices.

        The British government supports the existence of Orbis Business Intelligence because it combines the ideas of George Orwell’s 1984 with Liberal Fascism, to produce power and wealth for the Pro-EU, Liberal, Deep State elitists, or what can be called the Cultural Marxist swamp.


        • Up2snuff says:

          Got a link to the tweet, Richard?

          I did wonder about ‘D’ notices being issued on Salisbury but I also have a notion that they were discontinued under the last Labour Government. May need to research that one when time permits.

          I, personally, would be very cautious about believing stuff about Orbis Intell. They may be another noakesy 😉 sort of operation. There’s a well-known UK barrister (can’t recall name right at this moment) who loves conspiracy theories. (He’s defended/prosecuted lots of high profile human rights type cases) Much as he loves good conspiracy theories, as I do from time to time, he states firmly his belief that about 99% per cent are down to government or other organisational ‘cock-ups’.

          My feeling on the Skripal story is that it is more likely a BBC cock-up of immense magnitude. Pure editorial and journalist deployment incompetence.

          It may be an inevitable consequence of their moving from a position of strict independence and neutrality to being a liberal Left (and probably infiltrated by stronger socialists of varying degrees) organisation who are working to their own political agenda and objectives.

          As evidence I would offer, for example, the last twenty days or so of ‘Windrush Generation’/immigration story following compared with the complete overlooking of, say, the vile Vince Cable slur.


  12. Beeb Brother says:

    The SJW takeover of my beloved Radio 4 continues apace.

    First ‘Profile’ was about David Lammy, who has a PHD in shit stirring. He is not fit for the previously lofty heights of ‘Profile’ as his sole achievement to me seems being black. His grandmother thinks he will be Prime Minister! I could not get back to sleep at that horrifying thought. I hate how when someone goes along with their narrative they are on all the time, like Owen Jones, Clegg Toynbee and countless others. It must take such effort to keep their house of lying cards standing up.

    Then ‘Book of the Week’ is from writer Benjamin Zephaniah, whose work was I suspect written with BBC commission in mind: maximum focus on ‘diversity’ with story telling and those other staid artistic imperatives being a secondary consideration. If you were a black woman or whatever you could literally fart for half an hour and the BBC would commission it.

    Then the fantastic ‘More or Less’ programme about statistics has a section on the ‘gender pay gap.’ They could have some real fun with hours worked/careers chosen etc but that would be heresy. Instead we have the same old finger wagging about not enough women on FTSE 100 boards; no clever use of statistics – what the whole programme is about – just a whining, Groundhog segment shoehorned in to spoil the programme.

    Apparently it was a ‘problem’ that not enough minorities listen to Radio 4 so they are trying to attract them. Why can different groups not like different things? I thought diversity was our strength and I am sure an Indian gay or whatever would be just as pissed of by this ‘diversity’ over quality crap as me. All they will do is alienate their current loyal listeners and their multi million pound diversity quest will have ingeniously managed to annoy everyone. They have spoiled something very good by trying to create something perfect.


  13. MarkyMark says:

    Jeremy Corbyn backs Al Quds protests {youtube} … which is an Iranian idea of protesting against oppressors … but in Iran in apr2018 ….

    “Our enemy is right here (in Iran), they (Iranian Government) say it’s America”.

    “Girls of Enqelab (Revolution) Street” movement against the compulsory Islamic dress code (Hijab which the Uk foreign office promotes #WorldHijabDay) in the country.

    Last week Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, shut down his Telegram channel, saying that this would help “safeguard the national interest”. BBC Monitoring reports that this move was widely seen as a precursor to an outright ban.

    Slogans included “I am an overthrower”. (of the Iranian Government)

    Iranians launch banknote protest to get round censorship {bbc.co.uk 29apr2018}

    – Will Jeremy Corbyn condemn the Iranian oppressors .. who he backs when protesting Al Quds? 2018 is getting weird.


  14. Al Shubtill says:

    Just listened to Spidery Webb, on Toady discussing Rudd’s resignation with Damian Green; Webby fretful that it be a Remainer to replace her: to maintain the “balance” in the cabinet.

    FFS! Balance? It is chock full of Remainers including Ma May herself, which is a large part of the problem; in how the negotiations with the scEUm are being conducted on our behalf.


    • MarkyMark says:

      #MindTheLeaveGap !!!


    • johnnythefish says:

      Ffs we voted to leave the EU – ‘balance’ is irrelevant but fits the BBC’s subversive Remain agenda.

      What the cabinet needs is ministers who are committed and imaginative enough to make Brexit happen, including a no deal option if necessary.


    • Banania says:

      Why does there need to be a balance, seeing that the Government’s job is to put into effect the decision to LEAVE? The whole project has been hijacked by people who never wanted to leave in the first place.


  15. Fedup2 says:

    Happy dead Hitler day everyone . I wonder if they still get his skull out in the Kremlin and use it as an ashtray?

    Meanwhile The Toady Amber Special is on a roll whilst Wimmins House will be full of ladies in politics .


  16. MarkyMark says:

    Women leaves tolerant Muslim Country and goes to intolerant European Country because of her hair … does this mean a person can change their hairstyle and get refugee status in a different country – and say they will be persecuted if they go back because of their hair?

    Beauty standards: Egypt’s curly hair comeback {bbc.co.uk 30apr2018}

    – Notice the BBC article title, nothing about intolerance or religion or if the BBC £3.5bn News Service finds out why such beliefs are held.
    – All cultures are equal – but some cultures make you leave the culture.
    – “Yet most are forced at a very early age to straighten it, to fit society’s perception of beauty.”.
    – “society’s perception of beauty” – BBC never ask WHY?


  17. Guest Who says:

    BBC’s youth arm back in its happy place again.


    • Fedup2 says:

      On a serious note does anyone know where I can put a bet on who the next home sec will be -?

      Can’t see it paddy


  18. Ian Rushlow says:

    The BBC should encourage more diversity… The BBC is ever keen to promote ‘diversity’, but in its excitement over Amber Rudd seems to be missing a trick: why don’t we have a diverse mixture of capable and incapable cabinet ministers, rather than exclusively incapable ones? For a decade or so, the position of Home Secretary has been mainly appointed on the basis of gender and incompetence only: Jacqui Smith, Theresa May, Amber Rudd. Even prior to that, incompetence was rated as the most important characteristic: David Blunkett, Charles Clarke, Comrade Baron John Reid etc. Come on BBC: speak up for more diversity in British political life!


  19. MarkyMark says:

    In Harry Potter the hero gets accused of being the villian by the media… maybe JK Rowling can apply this to Trump and Kim Jong-un?


    – Harry Potter the hero is hunted for telling the truth – by the media and the Ministry of Magic (Government).
    – Media portray the hero as evil by twisting the truth.
    – The Ministry and Media do not believe that an evil exists.

    “Freedom of speech in practice!
    He’s free to say it.
    I’m free to tell him that art is subjective and even if he doesn’t like Harry Potter, there’s probably a book out there he’ll truly love. The important thing is to keep reading. Good luck x” – JK Rowling


  20. Fedup2 says:

    Toady watch

    Al beeb brexit denial never ends . Now they have immigration control in the sights using the West Indians as their vehicle .

    They ignore the point that one of the main reasons people voted for brexit was of uncontrolled immigration .

    Beeboids like nick Robinson are so deep in their bubble that they cannot conceive of how ordinary people feel about what has been done to us . Oh Maggie – where are you?


    • JamesArthur says:

      I had to turn of radio 4..The BBC are indeed conflating the Windrush situation which everyone agrees needs sorting (despite the fact I still haven’t heard of anyone who was actually deported and not heard much from the 1000’s of Windrush generation themselves).
      The BBC are just using this as their Government bashing vehicle..and anti Brexit
      I have to say I still think we are all doomed with May as the leader of the Country and Khan in London


      • Fedup2 says:

        James – yes I went for the off switch too. That’s my ration of al beeb for the day

        Next home sec – Gauke


      • Beeb Brother says:

        I have not listened to any of it – just the same boring race pimping virtue signalling. There are so many alternative forms of entertainment these days; nobody in their right mind is going to carry on subjecting themselves to the BBC ‘news.’


        • Fedup2 says:

          Sadly it’s something I grew up with so very hard to let go …. I really feel disconnected from all of it now. So glad I don’t pay for it.,


          • Up2snuff says:

            Nick Robinson was disgraceful on that. If I was DG, the first e-m or letter of complaint to hit my desk would see him sacked for his conduct this morning.


    • Banania says:

      Don’t they love that phrase “hostile environment”! Jo Coburn couldn’t stop saying it on the Daily Politics this afternoon.


  21. MarkyMark says:

    JK Rowling (with 14 million followers) pushing for change …. so no lies were told in the Remain campaign? Hillary Clinton a world leader? Back of the queue pressure from an foreign president? No EU Army? To stay in the future EU you have to adopt the currency?

    “I voted Leave in 2016. I’ve since realised the Leave claims were based on lies & misinformation & are undeliverable. In a democracy it’s ok to change your mind. I have & am a #RemainerNow campaigning for a #PeoplesVote on the final deal. Join me.”


  22. Guest Who says:

    A) Look for a Labour shill.

    B) Share his opinion.

    C) Hide behind asking a question if you ‘agree’.

    And this… is BBC ‘news’.


  23. Guest Who says:


    Not bbc.


    • Guest Who says:

      Questions. Answers. The BBC. And…. the mistress of mumbling…


    • honestus says:

      Guest, haven’t stopped laughing since flabbots first appearance. The woman is either cunning in her evasiveness or she is a complete idiot. I’m actually joshing, having followed her appearances for some time and being as frustrated as all the presenters trying to elicit a semblance of an intellectual response, it is abundantly clear that she is a complete idiot.
      That there is even the remotest possibility that she aspires to one of the most important posts in government is both laughably ridiculous and frighteningly scary at the same time.
      Well done to Morgan for actually challenging the idiot – BBBC are politically institutionally incapable.


      • Guest Who says:

        Diane in Bbc studios is usually a different deal to elsewhere.

        And even if the bbc’s Finest market rates fail to nurse her through without imploding, th3 bbc edit suite is there to sample the bits that suit and deep six the howlers.


        • honestus says:

          Guest, I am still reeling as to why Labour would put forward the idiot that is Flabbot knowing that she is predisposed to a slow mumbling total lack of content delivery. I accept that she is shadow and perhaps they couldn’t avoid it, but these performances surely insult the many working Labour members who deserve to have their ideological views clearly and intelligently enunciated.
          Labour are in effect treating their own supporters as fools who do not deserve quality representation.


          • Guest Who says:

            And that the bbc keep screening her has me wondering if Owen and Alistair are correct that it is all a Tory plot.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Our dear Diane is not well. I think the arteries above, shall we say, shoulder level may not be fully operative. Your diagnosis, honestus, may well be correct if slightly imprecise. 😉 The clue, I fear, is in her widely varying facial colours seen in photographs.

        Suspect she keeps the NHS busy and, if not, probably should do. A strict diet & exercise regime ought to be prescribed, one that a political life would not allow but retirement would permit.

        If she was my mother, I would be very concerned about her.


  24. fakenewswatcher says:

    Robinson and Webb (and Kuensberg) are hyperventilating on R4 over their big triumph – re Rudd.
    An incompetent Minister walked into a trap. The BBC/Guardian brigade stumbled onto a gift in the form of ‘Windrush’, and weaponised the issue of race. In part, by adding the words ‘generation’ and ‘scandal’. The trap was set.
    The truth in all this is unimportant. (Contrary to what the media claim). I could write a 5 page essay on what their stance could have been, had they had genuine interest in ‘what went wrong’ and getting it fixed.
    What Beeb/Guardian wanted was a scalp, because they have a second scalp in mind. And to use an opportunity for virtue-signalling, second to none. Last night Quinn had guests like Dromey and Cable (and Abbott?) – so no secret, as to the strategy.
    So far, so predictable and -actually- unexciting. I do hope for Nick’s sake he doesn’t have a heart attack over this.


    • honestus says:

      The BBBC and all of their poisonous tentacles have long set themselves up as kingmaker. Provided you are of the correct (or incorrect) political persuasion, you become the target and will be pursued relentlessly until you give in.
      Corbyn, Flabbot, Mcdonnell et al enjoy an easy ride as their political credentials, according to the left wing propaganda corporation, are all fully compliant with lefty bubblism.


  25. Scroblene says:

    I always thought Windrush was a character in Reggie Perrin, when CJ kept getting his name wrong!



  26. Up2snuff says:


    Am still spitting after a vile TOADY Programme where Editor in Chief, Editors and Presenters reached a new low. Robinson & Webb were devious as well as completely incompetent at times and they should all be sacked by the DG before he, too, resigns.

    Disgraceful, BBC.

    Didn’t help that I had had a nightmare last night. Went to sleep following news of Rudd’s resignation. Dreamed during night that Theresa May, as revenge, called off Brexit and sought cancellation of the Article 50 notice. People were taking to the streets in protest when the dream took a more personal and distracting turn. Then I woke up. A relief to be awake but no relief from the toadies at the BBC!


  27. Dystopian says:

    Unbelievable pro Labour bias from the bbc.
    “Amber Rudd resigns and Labours pledge on loans” in the very same headline.
    Roughly translated “look how useless the Tories are and we’ll all be better off under Labour”


    Abolish the tv tax now!



  28. Guest Who says:


    • johnnythefish says:

      Homophobic, Tory-voting, fox hunting, monocultural country dwellers to blame – at a guess.

      No programme is safe from BBC agenda-mongering and Countryfile has form – in spades.


  29. MarkyMark says:

    The real consequences of Amber Rudd leaving are this …. IF YOU DISCUSS UK IMMIGRATION OR DISCUSS TARGETS FOR UK IMMIGRATION YOU WILL LOSE YOUR POLITICAL CAREER. Message from EU head office has been received … if you are Merkel you can impose immigration levels as and when required without asking the local population.

    2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012

    2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      Marky: You are quite right.
      What you said in bold is the REAL gift. Not the scalp. (And not even the other scalp, if it’s bagged.)
      Forget Amber, (other than by her saying there ‘were no targets’, which ENABLED the REAL gift to drift into view- and boy, have they seized it).
      This is in the same class of blunderbabble as May giving the opposition the phrase: ‘the nasty party’.
      With people like May and Rudd in charge, who needs an opposition? They hang themselves and damage us all.
      With sharks like Lammy, Abbott and Dromey around, you can’t afford a little afternoon cruise on the Thames with Strawberries and champagne and the odd Novichok hype up/ Syria raid to distract attention. Reality is bubbling away underneath you. Distract all you like, but don’t ever take your eye off the enemy. And do your homework: find the unexploded bombs in your department – they are your No1 priority when you are appointd. Government is a serious business; it requires serious people.
      Are they really so thick, or are we back to conspiracy theory?


      • MarkyMark says:

        Conservatives want to be loved by the Left … but the Left don’t tolerate love, they demand it – all of it – 100% of the time.


        They have been told that they don’t have to think or debate. They can demand and get their way. We are sinking quickly …. can anyone tell me how many people have been affected by WindRush? Numbers? 10? 100? 1000? 10000? 0?


        • fakenewswatcher says:

          Marky: when you are riding high merely by blurting out ‘Windrush generation’ or ‘Windrush scandal’ , you don’t need the facts and figures. Quite on the contrary: you DON’T want them raised. If you raise anything, it’s one tearful victim at a time. Schluss.
          Especially if you’re a shadow Home secretary incapable of doing facts and figures in the first place.
          And I have every sympathy for the genuine tearful victim who has suffered great injustice because of incompetence, and a failure to deduce the correct tactical and operational objectives from departmental goals and macro-strategy.


      • honestus says:

        what I find somewhat inexplicable is the Tories never calling out the BBBC for its obvious in your face bias. I have lost count of the ‘we’ descriptives when presenters refer to Labour policy (for eg).
        Not only BBBC clearly. Jon Snow is outrageously partisan on channel bore news. Unfortunately we lack a counterfoil news outlet such as Fox which would more correctly represent the core views of the majority in our society instead of the hive left wing ideology spouted by BBBC and its lefty peers.


        • fakenewswatcher says:

          Honestus: it would be a big project, requiring root and branch clearance. By someone with convictions and courage. Those two ‘C’s are absolutely essential.
          The beeb have the mike. You would have to wrestle it away from them. Big fight. They ARE a Labour mouthpiece. Think about the staff who would have to go. There are very many.
          The political screaming would be deafening. They won’t hand that mike over without noise: ‘fascism is going for us’ and so on.
          Better question you ask. Why don’t we have a Fox?
          Don’t know the answer.


          • Enoch says:

            Apologies for being out of sync with current topics but…

            fakenewswatcher at 11:32am asks:

            “Better question you ask. Why don’t we have a Fox?
            Don’t know the answer.”

            Well we would have had (and desperately need one to redress the appalling broadcasting bias not just of the BBC but all the TV channels) if the hapless and leftie-Conservative Karen Bradley hadn’t referred Murdoch’s bid for Sky to the CMA.

            She had originally said she was “minded” to do so because of the huge volume of representations she had received against it (aka Libmob, who of course are terrified of a UK version of Fox) and even when Ofcom gave Murdoch the benefit of the doubt, she went ahead, referred it to the CMA who ruled against it.

            Talk about the hapless Conservatives shooting themselves in the foot!


    • Kaiser says:


      Hammer Nail Head

      there were no mass call for resignations when the HO lost track of 56000 illegals including over 700 criminals


      • MarkyMark says:

        Or when a London Mayor let in 200 jihadists and could not track them … “Piers Morgan Grills Sadiq Khan Over Jihadists in London” {06jun2017} ….

        “How many of those 400 (Jihadists) have come to London?” – Presenter

        “The recent estimate is just over half (299?).” – Sadiq Khan

        “Where are they?” – Presenter

        “How are we letting people back in, to the UK ,who have been trained, and fought – potentially against our own troops? How are we letting them back in without knowing exactly where they are and what they are up to? ….” – Presenter

        “That is one of the reasons why it doesn’t make sense that the Government is cutting resources … ” – Sadiq Khan



  30. MarkyMark says:

    TV Licenses that forces nurses to eat from food banks and pays for Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker’s wages and lets Katty Kay advertise her book for free is being nice to the people who it demands payment from or else you will be prosecuted ….

    The BBC has waived the TV licence fee for communities wanting to watch Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding. It means street parties and other special events can screen the wedding live without buying a licence. {bbc.co.uk 30apr2018}

    – No link to how you can avoid paying the BBC TV Tax … not very good reporting.


    • StewGreen says:

      Wow how radical
      .. You don’t have to pay to put a TV on in the street.
      .. Which is the usual case in 90% of countries all the time.


  31. MarkyMark says:

    Every year cars burn all over France … yet the BBC fails to report on it : Search BBC “Burning cars france” … 2015 is last entry or mention of it, but it happened again this year … “Over 1,000 cars torched across France as New Year’s Eve arrests rise” {02jan2018}

    Every year the UK MPs take the piss with expenses yet the BBC : Search BBC “UK MP expenses” … no new findings since 2009 when Tony Blair shredded his expenses by accident. But we have MPs using expenses to buy BBC TV Licenses (Anna Soubry) and MPs buying bikes for £650 on expenses (David Lammy) …

    … BBC £3.5bn News Omission Service.


  32. MarkyMark says:

    So … is this BBC’s most racist programme? Everyone else has to be diverse except … “Such is the sublime achievement of Famalam(BBC3) (street slang for close friends and family, I believe), and its all-black cast“.

    … no White People? no Chinese People? No Eskimos? Should this programme be banned?


  33. scribblingscribe says:


    Now that Amber Rudd has gone the BBC/Guardian will have time to mention the Labour Party’s problems with anti-Semitism. Or even the Times revelations about the level of under hand support Labour had from the Russians at the last election.

    No, I don’t think so either.


  34. MarkyMark says:

    USA Pro-Life centre found with 47 dead babies discovered on the premises …. Kermit Gosnell (Philadelphia) … the story that the media ignored in America … The Mark Steyn Show with Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer

    “Since July, America has been exposed through a series of undercover videos to the reality of Planned Parenthood’s once quiet dealing in the apparent sale of the eyeballs, brains, spinal cords, lungs, livers, and hearts of later-term babies aborted at Planned Parenthood locations.”

    “Many of us may have already forgotten about the diabolical acts of Kermit Gosnell, and it seems that many of us are already moving on from our righteous outrage over being forced, by our own government, to provide more than $500 million a year in corporate welfare to Big Abortion’s biggest player.”

    – When Government pay institutions (like paying Anjem Choudary welfare and his family) they should know what is happening … no?


  35. pugnazious says:

    Here’s a question nobody seems keen to answer…just how do you identify ‘The Windrush Generation’? especially if someone who says they are from the group has no ID, no tax records, no records of housing or schooling?

    I’m sure the BBC will ask the question just as they have eagerly held Labour’s feet to the fire as they complain about the Tories’ ‘harsh’ immigration policies….maybe the BBC could ask a few awkward questions of Yvette Cooper….

    So….Labour invented the hostile environment for illegal immigrants, Labour had deportation targets and Labour was pushing the government to be even harder on illegal immigration in 2013….here’s Yvette Cooper from 2013, she who has been castigating Rudd for having targets and a harsh immigration regime…here she talks of the importance of controlling illegal immigration….

    ‘We also need much stronger action to cut illegal immigration as a priority…. illegal immigration is deeply damaging.

    Yet illegal immigration isn’t included – and all the evidence shows the Home Office is not taking it seriously and the problem is getting worse….immigration controls need to reflect that. We need stronger action against illegal immigration, and stronger checks on short term student visitor visas…. People are sold a dream only to exist in destitution. illegal migration has seen increasing numbers of gangs trafficking young girls into sexual slavery.

    For legitimate migrants who have followed all the rules illegal migration is unfair.

    And for the citizens of our country, illegal immigration is what angers them most – the idea that people are abusing the system.

    So we need much stronger action from Government to bring illegal immigration down.

    The Home Office doesn’t seem to see this as a priority. Yet the damage to Britain, and the costs to the economy and the tax payer are considerable.

    We need tighter enforcement of labour market rules to avoid exploitation and prevent undercutting.

    That includes all the changes we are arguing for to toughen up enforcement of the minimum wage, crackdown on rogue landlords, and abuse by recruitment Agencies.

    It is because immigration is so important for Britain’s future that we need a fair, controlled system that people can support. ‘

    Here she is talking of those evil targets…numbers, numbers, numbers…ie targets, targets, targets…

    ‘The Government’s overall approach to targets is too simplistic – and changes are needed….the way they have set the target means they are often focussing on the wrong things.
    For example legitimate University students are included in the target even though they bring billions into Britain.
    Yet because “student visitors” aren’t included in the “net migration” target, the Home Office doesn’t appear to care.

    We also need much stronger action to cut illegal immigration as a priority.

    The system isn’t working at the moment and it has got significantly worse since the election:

    • The number of people refused entry has dropped by 50%
    • The number of people absconding through Heathrow passport control has trebled – the number caught has halved
    • The backlog in finding failed asylum seekers has gone up
    • The number of illegal immigrants deported has gone down
    • The number of foreign prisoners removed has gone down
    • The number of businesses fined for employing illegal workers has gone down
    • 150,000 reports of potential bogus students not followed up by UKBA
    • Finger print checks on illegal migrants caught at Calais have been stopped
    • Basic security checks on missing asylum seekers dropped
    • Cuts in security in the Bordersgate debacle – we still don’t know how many illegal immigrants got through
    • UKBA has little idea who is still in the country and who has left
    • And the e-borders technology to count people in and out at the borders has been delayed.’


    • MarkyMark says:

      DNA test … ???


    • johnnythefish says:

      Good find Pug.

      Isn’t it amazing how you could unearth that yet the BBC with its 4000+ army of journalists and researchers couldn’t.

      Or maybe a BBC Memory Hole operative got to it first.


  36. theisland says:


  37. MarkyMark says:

    2018 … 50% population NO toilets … but everyone has power …. plus UK hand over £150million in aid ….
    India says all villages have electricity {bbc.co.uk 30apr2018}



    – £150 million from UK to India for one of the richest countries in the world in resources ….


  38. pugnazious says:

    Javid now Home Secretary…May ducking for cover behind a brown face, a Remainer and customs union fanboy.

    The BBC still getting it badly wrong as it claims…

    ‘The Windrush generation settled legally in post-war Britain but their right-to-remain has been questioned’

    No, there is no question of their right to remain…the problem is with people who cannot be identified properly as from that group having no papers etc…a problem that was created in 1971.

    The Today programme, in the shape of Nick Robinson, was putting out the same message that the Windrush generation had been deliberately targeted for deportation…a disgraceful lie from the BBC.

    Robinson also continued with his trick of bringing in two people to comment but who are entirely partisan and of the same mind despite being apparently on opposite sides of the fence….one the Guardian journo who has been ratcheting the story up and Tory Matthew Parris, a fanatical Remainer and an anti-May lobbyist…he whom the BBC had do a nasty hatchet job on May on Newsnight. Naturally Parris wanted a Remainer and a softer more ‘humane’ immigration policy.

    Note Today also brought on a yank who wanted to have ‘weighted voting’…those with more knowledge or a special vested interest should get to have more weight placed upon their votes…such as the young in a Brexit vote as they have longer to live….but em surely less experience, knowledge, wisdom and maturity…and are easily swayed by emotive arguments that maybe factfree.

    Naturally Trump and Brexit are a result of ignorant voters not knowing what they were voting for…thus perhaps we should rely on ‘experts’.

    The BBC raise this in the hope it will catch fire and become the new narrative.


  39. Tabs says:

    Sajid Javid to be new home secretary after Rudd resigns

    From the start of the article…
    Sajid Javid has been named as the new home secretary after Amber Rudd’s resignation.

    Mr Javid, the son of a Pakistani bus driver whose family came to the UK in the 1960s, had been communities, local government and housing secretary.

    Why has the BBC even mentioned that he is a son of a Pakistani bus driver?!? Does that make him qualified for the new job or is it just the Liberal self loathing and white hating journalist projecting their own view that immigrants should be in charge of UK mass immigration controls?


  40. dafydd says:

    Amber Rudd resignation….

    Ok she had to go, but for me in all this is and it seems to be being ignored, who in the Home Office is leaking all these documents to the Guardian. I think if i was the new Home Secretary the first thing i would do is to find out and kick them out…

    Seems to me some Momentum leftie has infiltrated the home office.


  41. Kaiser says:

    Radio Five this morning

    A new mental illness has appeared and it affects a lot of Black and Brown women apparently

    its called postnatal depression

    radio offski ahhh the sweet sound of silence


  42. StewGreen says:

    Guido panders to libs. maybe due to harassment from HnH account @GuidoFawkesHate
    So what’s going on with Guido ?
    #1 Feb 11 Guido exposed lib-media & #BiasedBBC #censorship of stories exposing HateyNoHoper leader Brendan Cox
    #2 Feb/March/April Labour is under immense pressure for patches of antisemitism
    Top Labour people like Corbyn participating in social media groups where it was endemic.

    #3 April : The HateyNoHopers set up the @GuidoFawkesHate account to harass Guido
    first searched for anti-Jew comments in Guido comments
    #4 Then Guido suddenly started draconian comment #censorship
    #5 @GuidoFawkesHate bragged
    “comments are 10% of what they were”


  43. StewGreen says:

    Guido had good uses
    Feb 16th He exposed the Guardian HIDING the story Jeremy Corbyn friend of racist rapper who sent Jew and Hitler tweets
    \\ JC interview to Corbynista YouTube star David Vujanic for the Guardian website yesterday. Jezza and Vujanic got on famously, bumping fists and discussing, among other things, why fighting racism is so important and how there should be “zero tolerance” to those guilty of racist abuse.
    … Labour did vet the Twitter feed of Corbyn’s new pal, didn’t they? Oh no…//

    The Guardian article was changed and marked :
    “This article has been taken down pending investigation.”
    10 weeks later it’s still like that, and I guess will never go back up
    That is the Guardian rigging the historical record.


  44. Scroblene says:

    Sorry to butt in on some interesting posts here, but has anyone in the country seen or heard what their candidates are going to offer on Thursday 3rd May? Dotun had a lecturer from Liverpool on this morning, and most of the callers were incoherent, while the Liverpool bloke kept saying ‘ er’, then slipped up by mentioning we have a Labour government! But there was no real discussion, just idel chat. Sad really, because I quite like Dotun usually.

    We, in a village near T.Wells have heard absolutely nothing!

    I suppose I’ll have to bite the bullet and listen to local radio, which has the thickest, stupidest brain-dead mental lightweight ‘audience’ in existence. The local BBC is just dire, and causes anger then the off-switch after a few minutes…


  45. Panda says:

    Saw the ever intelligent and informative Diane Abbot on gmtv this morning. And this could be our next home secretary. Frightening.


  46. Guest Who says:

    Views not their own. Or are.


  47. Jeff says:

    Well, I won’t be shedding any crocodile tears at the plight of hapless and hopeless Amber. This politically correct, cowardly dope has simultaneously allowed nearly 500 jihadis back into Blighty, while banning those who wished to warn us about them. She’s done everything she could to appeal to the BBC and The Guardian. Now she’s gone. Good!
    Of course the Labour Broadcasting Corporation are spinning this Windrush kerfuffle for all they’re worth, hoping to see a couple of terrorist supporting, anti-Semitic Marxists in numbers 10 and 11 and a racist halfwit in charge of the police and immigration.
    I expect to see much more posing, pouting and finger wagging from those sour faced race hustlers, Yvette, Shami and Flabby before this nonsense is over with.
    Wake me when it’s over…


  48. G.W.F. says:

    I will say this for the Windrush folk, they wear snappy clothes. I will look out for them next time I visit London.

    Bye bye Amber, a remainer and enemy of free speech. I wonder if the non active Muslim who has replaced her will ease up a bit on the people Amber banned from coming here to exercise the British right to freedom of speech on speakers corner.



    • MarkyMark says:

      2. How many people are potentially affected by the Windrush crisis?
      A lot. In the short space since the Windrush hotline was set up, Glynn Williams, the head of immigration for the Home Office, told the committee it had taken 3,800 calls, of which 1,364 had been identified as being Windrush cases. This seems set to rise.

      So far, he said, 91 appointments had been made, 25 had taken place and 23 documents issued. Earlier in the day, a junior minister, Nadhim Zahawi, had pledged all cases would be sorted out within a fortnight. This looks a tough ask.

      5. How many people have been wrongly detained or deported?
      We still don’t know. ….

      Windrush scandal: five unanswered questions {guardian 25apr2018}

      – A lot. 1,364. Seems (not known) to be rising. (out of 500,000 people – So a failing of 0.3% … or 99.7% success rate?!
      – Deported? None so far.
      – 99.7% Windrush Success Rate!


    • Roland Deschain says:

      I shed no tears for the loss of Amber, who is a nasty piece of work.

      I do find it ironic that she’s had to fall on her sword for apparently misleading parliament as to targets for removal of illegal immigrants. If the Tories had any brains they would see such targets as a vote-winner and wouldn’t have got into such trouble denying they existed. Most people understand the difference between targeting illegal immigrants and an administrative cock-up. They just needed to apologise for the cock-up and tell the BBC et al to get stuffed with their attacks on any sort of immigration control.

      I firmly believe she was shafted by her own civil servants in order to get at Tories in general and Theresa May in particular, but it couldn’t have worked if the Tories actually believed in controlling immigration.


    • Up2snuff says:

      G.W.F., that’s a really great photo.

      It makes me smile. There’s a lot going on in that picture and it contains a lot of information.

      Do you know what makes me sad? And cross?

      A lot of vile people have treated those men and others, including women, like them badly.

      I don’t mean the discrimination they faced, or may have faced, when they arrived in the UK. That came from, hopefully, no more than a few at that time. No, ‘the many’ I refer to are the ones who now – in the 21st century – exploit them, who weaponise them, and their children and grandchildren, if any, for political ends.


  49. StewGreen says:

    Political Correctness & shutting down free speech
    Melanie Phillips is promoting this new film : The Fight of Our Lives
    “the threat from within is The light fog of fascism, the campus protests”
    “The attack on Judeo-Christian morality”
    Ah Trailer has been around since Feb, but the film is on tour , The NY premiere is tomorrow