“Is this a joke..? This is absolutely disgraceful. Firstly, as an MP, you should be showing respect to another MP losing their post. Secondly, as London’s murder rate is sky high this is completely inappropriate. Shame on you.”
Radio 4 chose David Lammy as the focus for PROFILE this weekend
a 15 minute prog which was on 3 times over the weekend
(David LIPPY ?) https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b0lxm1
Interesting posts about Lammy. You may remember that my views on him have changed over time, used to like him and was quite impressed with him as a new & then established MP. I think he’s changed and I do not like the 21st century version. He appears to have become very hard and very bitter and very vicious and very racist.
Have been pondering recently why this should be.
Reminded myself of one of the fears that I had when Major and then Blair, more so, threw open the doors of the UK to all and sundry that it would throw new migrants into competition, if not outright conflict, with the ‘old school’ Indian, African and Caribbean established incomers.
I’m wondering whether it is that fear coming to pass that is driving David Lammy.
After all, it is most peculiar that an MP from a Party opposed to the Eleven Plus exam and Technical, Secondary & Grammar Schools should be seeking advantage for the brightest BAME children to enter Oxbridge for tertiary education.
Then there’s the bitterness. Unusual but not unusual. Those of Guyanese extraction, IIRC, do not feel part of the Carib (in which there is much racial prejudice, discrimination and racism) so I wonder if now there is a fear within Lammy that is causing him to strike out. Perhaps this comes not from his area of origin but also from the apparent advantaging of more recent inward migrants.
Don’t know but those are my best guesses. As they say, discuss. Please use only one side of the paper. 😉
Michael K Williams was a bit cartoony in The Wire, but very watchable. I’m currently watching something called ‘Hap & Leonard’ (he’s also playing a homosexual character) and he gets quite a few good funny lines.
Today’s Radio4 : Only 4 special progs focussed around the SpecialVictimhood group of immigrant women
9:45 Black celebrity “poet” Book of the Week : Benjamin Zephaniah autobiography
10:00 Woman’s Hour A second bite of the cherry at their Take Back ConTROLL campaign, as they AGAIN play the 4 women
2 legitimate victims of revenge porn, but the other 2 were lefty activists complaining about abuse online
WH launched the campaign with : “We discuss with Mother creatives Katie Mackay-Sinclair and Sophie Lloyd , the Conservative peer Baroness Warsi and Isabella Goldie (Mental Health Foundation)”
11:00 Bussing of immigrant children to predominantly white schools in the 1960s.
11:30 Immigrant Iranian family Shappi Khorsandi complained about education in the UK.
16:30 Spinsterhood …but guess who the guests are ?
\\ Shelina Janmohamed, Angela Epstein, Ann Widdecombe
Ernie also talks to Dr Fauzia Ahmad. She is an unmarried Muslim woman whose own experience has informed 25 years of research into why young Muslim women are finding it increasingly difficult to meet suitable Muslim husbands.//
20:00 Single Black Female : hurdles they face when looking for love in 2018.
What is “harmful content” according to the new Facebook guide for Muslims? “Islamophobia, anti-Muslim hatred, far right extremism and terrorist inspired violent extremist content”.
The guide does not mention Islamic incitement to violence, which is rampant on social media and — unlike the other content mentioned — has deadly and tragic consequences in the real world. Most of those who perpetrate terrorist attacks in the real world are Muslims — not “Islamophobes,” anti-Muslims or right wing extremists.
Sensitivity reader Dhonielle Clayton: “I highlight everything from micro-word choices and phrases – to bigger meta-narrative and structure elements,” she says. “I point out issues and give ideas for changes.”
We’ll all have to trust that any of that “problematic language” will be intelligently policed in the virtuous fight against racism and cultural appropriation. I’m sure none of us want to see any more ugly and divisive scenes like people wearing sombreros or eating sushi.
———— “A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.”
(Brave New World)
Hmm I see that Mr Ledger — a white man — was covering a song in the disco genre (popularised by African Americans) written by a Jamaican, about a Chinese martial art which then topped the charts in the UK, Belgium, Austria and Germany.
Jesus what a mess. I demand everyone who ever listened to this song hand in their resignations immediately
Where are the politicians to stand up for freedom of speech …
Animal Farm (1945)
“The book was banned days after the Chinese Communist Party announced presidential term limits would be abolished – a move which signals that Xi Jinping hopes to become a dictator for life.[6]”
. . . .
“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime (hate crime) literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten.”
Momentum are safe …. Home Secretary can’t ban Momentum…(Dominic Casciani)
Last month there was a bit of controversy when Sajid Javid, speaking in Parliament, called the Labour group Momentum “hard left neo-fascist”.
Today there’s a rumour going around on social media that the new home secretary could ban the group under the Terrorism Act 2000.
That is not remotely true.
The only groups Mr Javid can ban under terrorism legislation are… those involved in terrorism, which means violence, or its encouragement, for an ideological end.
“Barnier warns of no Brexit deal without border backstop” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-43949962
Great Britain does not want a border, Ireland does not want a border .
If the European Union want a border let them man and fund it.
Time to walk away from the EU. It’s been nearly Two Years now!
Time to abolish the House of Lords – They are just concerned about their EU pensions.
I was talking with Mrs S this morning about who Rudd’s replacement might be and I said I thought it would be from the ranks of Tory BAMErs.
Sure enough, Ma May is nothing if not predictable; no wonder the scEUm are relieved to be negotiating with her and not J R-M.
“Sajid Javid, a man who faked being sent a “Punish a Muslim” letter is our new Home Secretary.”
Scott Anthony
Emma Watson who was locked up in a Fantasy Film Production set for 10 years by JK Rowling and then released into the real world once they didn’t need the children anymore …. the cult of … Harry Potter?
http://www.nxivm.com – In response to the allegations against our founder, Keith Raniere, we are currently working with the authorities to demonstrate his innocence and true character.
We strongly believe the justice system will prevail in bringing the truth to light.
We are saddened by the reports perpetuated by the media and their apparent disregard for “innocent until proven guilty,” yet we will continue to honor the same principles on which our company was founded. It is during the times of greatest adversity that integrity, humanity and compassion are hardest, and needed most.
Times review says that BBC Tribe prog last night actually exposed the corruption of the Tribe and outsiders like TV corps
I’ll have to watch it.
I told you, you leave tribes alone.
They can’t handle the outside world of money and possessions, they get jealous etc.
He & BBC should have known that before he went.
My brother and I did a rare thing yesterday – browsed through our family tree (bruv is big on genealogy) which dates back to 1765 in this country. In light of recent events, this pastime could become a rarity. Just saying.
Abdelhamid Al-Auouni welcomed the news in his piece in Moroccan newspaper Al-Ousboue, writing: ‘It builds a bridge between our two religions and kingdoms.’
Meanwhile a tongue-in-cheek headline on the Arab Atheist Network’s web forum read: ‘Queen Elizabeth must claim her right to rule Muslims.’
One person on internet forum Reddit rubbished the claims however, writing: ‘This is just propaganda used by the British monarchy to appease the growing number of Muslim subjects.’
When did this happen:
‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
When in Britain, do anything you like; (make sure you ignore, override and -if you feel like it- abuse the indigenous population.)’
Did you go back far enough …. we are all Islamic ….
That’s it, ruin my evening !!! Its bad enough having the ‘wingnut’ as the new Home Secretary, but thinking he could be a relation, is more than a woman can stand.
Anyone going back 43 generations is, in theory, directly related to 8,796,093,022,208 people.
If the Queen is directly descended from bad Mo, she is also directly descended from 8,796,093,022,207 other people. Of course, there wouldn’t have been that many people alive at the time, meaning that everyone is related to everyone else.
I dare say that we are all related to Henry VIII, or any other monarch who put it about a bit, as did bad Mo.
I’m not sure how to say that number so it makes sense: nearly 9 thousand billion?
Most people have far less ancestors, especially is your ancestors families lived in the same area, so there’s latency since many of your ancestor lines shared the same ancestors.
Your impossible maths Despairada just prove one thing:
time is actually running the other way , and the world’s population
is not really increasing but reducing down to two people.
-maybe at the moment we could be just replaying in reverse what already happened.
Or more eloquently:
”Billy was extrapolating. Everybody turned into a baby, and all humanity, without exception, conspired biologically to produce two perfect people named Adam and Eve.. .”
I made the mistake of watching the bBBC’s one o’clock ‘news’. It turned out to have been a special programme, half an hour on illegal migration which the bBBC thinks is a good thing.
First item: Amber Rudd goes, Sajid Javid new Home Secretary, but we’ll keep on with Windrush story and see if we can take down Theresa May over it.
Second item: (Illegal) migration of Mexicans across the US border. ‘News’? No, me neither.
Next item: (Illegal) migration of Muslims into Turkey. Interview with a man who had successfully smuggled his children across the border. Today’s ‘news’?
Next item: The border between Northern and Southern Ireland. EU wants no border, allowing anyone into Britain.
The bBBC are a disgrace.
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {youtube – Jordan Peterson @6:12}
Douglas Murray on great form, does comedy better than the BBC pc comedians!
Have just bought my Corbyn loving nephew The Strange Death of Europe, will be curious whether the penny drops and he wakes up and will realise Labour (and Cons unfortunately also) are giving away his birth rite.
Sir ASG,
“…Sajid Javid new Home Secretary…”. That’ll be a difficult one to sack when the inevitable time comes with all that ‘racial discrimination’ and all……
@BBCPanorama tonight at 8:30pm by @katierazz on the #disclosurecrisis and the right to a fair trial.
All the injustice victims appear to be MALE
..where’s the outrage bus ?? ..Ah men have no SpecialVictimhood status
Don’t forget to watch BBC4 part 3 of the prog on “Muslim Emperors” 10pm
“Rageh Omaar traces the history of the Ottoman empire. A super-power of a million square miles, it matched the glories of Ancient Rome and collapsed less than a hundred years ago”
– Did the Muslim (Ottoman) Empire Colonise or just supervise?
– Can people move to Turkey if they were colonised by the Ottoman Empire?
‘He (Douglas Hogg) added that he had acted within “both the letter and the spirit” of the rules while being paid more than £20,000 annually to run the estate.’
. . . .
– Will the BBC £3.5bn BBC News Service review the MP expenses? Bikes being bought for £650 using expenses! TV Licenses paid with MP expenses!
BTW The edition of More or Less dropped back in standard against
They asked if UK straws contribute much to global ocean plastics.
They did show that activists pushed numbers sold as twice as high as it really is
and eventually admitted that 3,000 straws are collected on the UK Annual beach clean up day
And eventually got round to admitting that the Yangtze has someting like 10,000 times more plastic waste than the Thames.
They did not emphasise ..that the vast majority of UK waste ends un in the bin, and that is not the same in many other countries,
And this is a country people visit for a holiday ????? you couldn’t pay me to go there, I value my health too much; especially as more than a handful of people I know, have come home attached to a drip !
Far too many! More than you can imagine! Lots within the generation. Thousands will have their lives changed. More than one is one too many.
99.7% are OK, but don’t worry about them … focus on the 0.3%.
(Numbers are not known yet … please wait …)
You may have missed Radio Wales Good Evening Wales.
Now that would be a shame, as they asked the question ‘what will Sajid Javid’s appointment mean for the Windrush generation’. Rather than answering the question they brought on Race Council Cymru’s Uzo Iwobi to hector us on the evils of the lying tory scum and their mendacious policies, blah blah blah.
When the interviewer finally interrupted, (we’re not talking Andrew Neil or Jeremy Paxman here), it was to point out that Amber Rudd didn’t lie, but unintentionally misled the house. Ms Iwobi was having none of it and became somewhat excited.
Why the BBC just didn’t read a missive written in crayon by some one from Jeremy Corbyn’s office I don’t know – or maybe they did.
As well as trousering tax payers money for working for the Race Council Cymru, Ms Uzo represents ethnic minority communities on the Welsh Government Independent Advisory Group – Tackling Hate Crimes & Incidents. Uzo sits on the Welsh Governments’ Wales Race Forum & serves as a trustee on the British Red Cross & UWC Atlantic College boards. She chairs the African Community Centre Wales Board. So, she is a fully paid up member of the millionaire’s club of the Quango brigade.
Is this Nigerian grateful to the indigenous population for making her wealthy? …erm, she doesn’t seem to be.
I understand the BBC have failed to spot Sajid Javid’s lie that his parents could have been caught up in the Generation Windrush thing.
Er no, Sajid. Windrush was from the Carib. Your parents came from Pakistan.
“obviously a different part of the world, from South Asia not the Caribbean, but other than that, similar in almost every way.”
Er no, Sajid. Pakistan, in the west or north-west of the sub-continent, is predominantly Muslim. The Caribbean countries are not, they are more Christian. Young people in the Carib value their education, they are taught well – boys as well as girls – to a certain level. How good is education in Pakistan? Is it for all, both boys and girls? Do you have good quality teachers there?
BBC: still pushing FakeNews and FalseNews.
Will they seek to get Javid sacked?
Or get Sir Vince Cable sacked for his lie about old people?
Time to go full Ollie Cromwell with these @ssh0les!
“It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place,
which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice.
Ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government.
Ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.
Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess?
Ye have no more religion than my horse. Gold is your God. Which of you have not bartered your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?
Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defiled this sacred place, and turned the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices?
Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.
Your country therefore calls upon me to cleanse this Augean stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in this House; and which by God’s help, and the strength he has given me, I am now come to do.
I command ye therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place.
Go, get you out! Make haste! Ye venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.
Marky ,
Thanks for that – I can’t believe Lord. Styne didn’t claim even though he’s dead. £5100 tax free. attendance allowance a month is a nice earner eh?
Probably the most important amendment & victory so far: if MPs reject PM’s Article 50 deal in the autumn, Parliament decides what happens next. Now to ensure we hold onto it in the Commons … https://t.co/bMkqN7MyH9
These people need to get a grip ffs. The replies on her tweet based on nothing but the dress that she chose to wear are vile. Acting as if she desecrated “their” culture by choosing to wear a dress.
America is truly doomed if this is how integrated their cultures are “intergrated”.
Former Home Secretary admits opening Britain’s borders to migrants in 2004 was a ‘spectacular mistake’
On Monday Mr Blunkett said anti-social behaviour by Roma people in his Sheffield constituency has resulted in “understandable tensions” among the indigenous community, and the conflict must be addressed to avert disorder.
– Labour made a ‘spectacular mistake’ on immigration, admits Jack Straw (Labour Party) {telegraph 13nov2013}
I have little sympathy for Amber Rudd. But to be brought down by Diane Abbot must be the greatest humiliation of all.
Now let us imagine Abbot bringing Treezer to her knees.
I don’t think it was. Diane what did it – it was the lovely Evette Balls in the library with the shears. Anyone know when the statesman like resignation statement is going on? More popcorn .
FS ,I know. It was the message I was using.
He also abolished the Lords. If you would like a specific quote from the act of Parliament of 1649 “The Commons of England [find] by too long experience that the House of Lords is useless and dangerous to the people of England.”
Look North balance : They’ve just had 4 mins of a Labour advert : St Jeremy Corbyn in our area promising to renationalise the railways.
Then they literally showed Theresa May for 10 SECONDS “And today Theresa May was visiting the Northwest today”
(What was the point in that ? )
@looknorthBBC What a lovely Advertisement for the Labour Party by the BBC. Totally Impartial of Course. #BBCBrexitBias
— Dave Buckland ???????????????????????????????????????????????? (@DaveBuckland2) April 30, 2018
It will be interesting to see whether Sajid Javid is more words, words, words, or whether he has the stuff required to sort out the (apparently chaotic?) Home Office.
This seems to be a department that sorts out the men from the boys. It will need someone with good management skills; a communicator and an organiser par excellence. Someone who is able to identify and solve problems, working as a team with its civil servants. ‘Hands on’ is a phrase that comes to mind.
The history of the department suggests that this is not going to be an easy task; maybe if you can get the chain of command on your side, rather than antagonising them, you’re in with a chance.
The media will not be focusing on any of this, I suspect.
A great shame.
To be honest I couldn’t give a toss who the Home Secretary is. If the new bloke (the evil dude from ‘Thunderbirds’) isn’t prepared to laugh off and ignore opposition whinges about immigration then he’s part of the problem, not the solution.
Fake – it’s about the individuals staff – Rudd’s let her down – or she couldn’t spot people who were good enough to deal with issues before they became a problem .
Michelle Wolf oppressing Sanders is another example of their oppression hierarchy collapsing; we all know the worst oppressors of women are other women. Men can be harsh to women but overall women, despite lacking physical prowess have evolved multiple other ways to manipulate and dominate men.
It is great how Trump just lets them do the hard work for him. For such an idiot madman he seems extremely skilled at running rings round the media over and over again. He is loving it and so am I!
Some blokes have all the luck, Beeb Brother! Where do you find these women who “manipulate and dominate men”? Most of us have to pay a fortune for the whips and black leather!
Some blokes have all the luck, Beeb Brother! Where do you find these women who “manipulate and dominate men”? Most of us have to pay a fortune for the whips and black leather!
Who says the BBC doesn’t do comedy anymore?
Just heard a trailer for The One Show on BBC1 promising an interview with one of “Britain’s greatest ever poets, Benjamin Zephaniah”
I wonder if Benjamin would ever be capable of penning something like this?
Pike, three inches long, perfect
Pike in all parts, green tigering the gold.
Killers from the egg: the malevolent aged grin.
They dance on the surface among the flies.
Or move, stunned by their own grandeur,
Over a bed of emerald, silhouette
Of submarine delicacy and horror.
A hundred feet long in their world.
In ponds, under the heat-struck lily pads –
Gloom of their stillness:
Logged on last year’s black leaves, watching upwards.
Or hung in an amber cavern of weeds
The jaws’ hooked clamp and fangs
Not to be changed at this date;
A life subdued to its instrument;
The gills kneading quietly, and the pectorals.
Three we kept behind glass,
Jungled in weed: three inches, four,
And four and a half: fed fry to them –
Suddenly there were two. Finally one.
With a sag belly and the grin it was born with.
And indeed they spare nobody.
Two, six pounds each, over two feet long
High and dry and dead in the willow-herb –
One jammed past its gills down the other’s gullet:
The outside eye stared: as a vice locks –
The same iron in this eye
Though its film shrank in death.
A pond I fished, fifty yards across,
Whose lilies and muscular tench
Had outlasted every visible stone
Of the monastery that planted them –
Stilled legendary depth:
It was as deep as England. It held
Pike too immense to stir, so immense and old
That past nightfall I dared not cast
But silently cast and fished
With the hair frozen on my head
For what might move, for what eye might move.
The still splashes on the dark pond,
Owls hushing the floating woods
Frail on my ear against the dream
Darkness beneath night’s darkness had freed,
That rose slowly towards me, watching.
Al and third and BB here is a particular favourite of mine – Enjoy!
Dis Poetry
Dis poetry is like a riddim dat drops
De tongue fires a riddim dat shoots like shots
Dis poetry is designed fe rantin
Dance hall style, big mouth chanting,
Dis poetry nar put yu to sleep
Preaching follow me
Like yu is blind sheep,
Dis poetry is not Party Political
Not designed fe dose who are critical.
Dis poetry is wid me when I gu to me bed
It gets into me dreadlocks
It lingers around me head
Dis poetry goes wid me as I pedal me bike
IÕve tried Shakespeare, respect due dere
But did is de stuff I like.
Dis poetry is not afraid of going ina book
Still dis poetry need ears fe hear an eyes fe hav a look
Dis poetry is Verbal Riddim, no big words involved
An if I hav a problem de riddim gets it solved,
IÕve tried to be more romantic, it does nu good for me
So I tek a Reggae Riddim an build me poetry,
I could try be more personal
But youÕve heard it all before,
Pages of written words not needed
Brain has many words in store,
Yu could call dis poetry Dub Ranting
De tongue plays a beat
De body starts skanking,
Dis poetry is quick an childish
Dis poetry is fe de wise an foolish,
Anybody can do it fe free,
Dis poetry is fe yu an me,
DonÕt stretch yu imagination
Dis poetry is fe de good of de Nation,
In de morning
I chant
In de night
I chant
In de darkness
An under de spotlight,
I pass thru University
I pass thru Sociology
An den I got a dread degree
In Dreadfull Ghettology.
Dis poetry stays wid me when I run or walk
An when I am talking to meself in poetry I talk,
Dis poetry is wid me,
Below me an above,
Dis poetry’s from inside me
It goes to yu
Benjamin Zephaniah
Saw the story this morning on twitter. Not the bbc. Mr. Lam was featured with a photo. Not in the bbc story. Mr. Lam had a baseball cap on. Mr. Lam seems to have had a fair bit of attention and little sensible feedback from the media. If Mr Lam is not pulling their legs, Mr Lam is a twat and the media are exactly as expected.
Pity we don`t focus on our own news.
Nobody but public sector pills and the infirm or gaga, take the slightest notice of what the BBC says or thinks.
We all know that Labour are Jew baiting scum with their brownshirts now neatly ironed by sex trafficked houris that can`t get out of their Islamic cages. They`re just waiting for the day when they can wear them in public. We also know that Soros is doing his level best to replace native electorates with his world collection of moochers and stabbists, so the nation state can be reduced to a puddle of blood from the decapitations. And the EU want the same.
We also know that the Russians fiddled it so Corbyn did better than he`d have done on his own “merits”, Try finding them!
WE also know there were problems in Saudi as the WWE showed them the Iranian flag live on telly-and we know that Venezuela is in a state of UN-stated emergency because everybody is leaving for Columbia.
So divva fuss y`sen re the careers of here-today gone tomorrow numpties who aren`t even household names in either of their own houses, we `ve paying for. Rudd is a shameless thicko who was personally nasty to Boris at the Referendum debate, so good riddance.
All the above will only get you onto statins early. Make up your own news-it`s bound to be truer than anything the BBC want you to swallow this lovely spring evening.
A glacier is under threat in the Antarctic and may flood the world, increasing sea-levels by 80cm in one go.
Oh, maybe a couple of hundred years, perhaps more.
Still bad, for those alive then. It must be really big. Is it?
Antarctica is vast.
No, how big is this glacier?
Oh, its about the same size as Great Britain.
That’s tiny in relation to Antarctica. Well, it must be incredibly deep then. Is it on land?
No, it’s in the sea, mostly, partly on land part on the sea bed.
How deep?
Er, well, it will be like an iceberg, more below the surface than above where it is in the sea. It’s getting thinner on land and in the sea.
So that’s really deep. How deep in the sea edge?
Well, hundreds of metres.
But you said it was thin.
Yes, but
Oh, so it’s in the icy water so its not really melting too much and if it does, will it make that much difference, sea ice when melted displaces less than when frozen? How far gone is it already?
Er, umhh, well it has melted a little bit already. The scientists will send remote vehicles to measure the depth of the ice.
How much melting?
About 40cms a year.
How deep did you say it was at the water’s edge?
Er, hundreds of metres.
So, we know its melted already but scientists have never been there. When it melts sea levels rise. Why haven’t they risen so far?
Well, they have, a little bit. Every year just a little bit. And more because of this. They are going to see if the rate is accelerating.
How much melting? Could it melt away, what sort of temperatures would make it melt?
Oh, somewhere around zero but don’t worry about that, everyone knows the globe is warming, the science is settled.
Well when are the scientists going there? If it’s warming and melting already why didn’t they go before?
Well, it is very remote and very cold and very difficult to get to, especially in the Antarctic winter, well away from the other research stations.
But you said it’s all melting away already because of the warmth.
Umhh yes, but no, but
You are spending taxpayers money to find out something you already know and on which the science is settled. How much will it cost the UK?
About £40 million in total.
How many doctors and nurses would that pay for in the meantime . . . . .?
I often write about the Londonistan Programme. At the time
of elections the editors even become more brazen to the point
that we are watching from 630 to 7.00 PM all but a party
political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party. The programme
has a political reporter with a kind of “sneering” voice that delights
in saying the Toreeeeeeeeees. The word Conservatives is
NEVER used by the programme. It is always used in the same
way as the administrators of the NHS or Transport for London
are called by Riz Lateef , Asad Ahmad and the rest as the BOSSES!!
I live in the London Borough of Barnet. If the council goes to
Labour which is likely. I would say that the Conservatives are
doomed at the next General Election. And this will happen
with the help of the BBC’S London Programme.
They will be painted immediately as another Right-Wing party, then as soon as some policies are announced that will become a Far Right or an Extreme Right label.
They will be infiltrated by ‘Fifth Columnists’ and every now and then a scandal will be caused to attract unfavourable media attention.
Truly talented people will probably mostly stay away from them in the short-term so they will have to get by with the next best. Finance? Some multi-millionaire may bankroll them. Even if said multi-millionaire is a total saint and not working part- or full-time in their own business, they will still be a focus of some pretty hostile media attention and their existing interests may suffer as a result.
Look how long it took UKIP to get really going. Had it not been for Major and Brown welching on giving the UK population a say before we were committed to new EU Treaties, I seriously doubt whether UKIP would have had the impact they did. And where are the SDP today?
I guess conservative voters won’t bother turning out for the local elections leaving a clear run for comrade Corbyns momentum troops. Decent economics won’t affect the outcome but public sentiment will sadly . The socialists will think they’ve got the mo- as it were to work up to the next election.
In my area we have Tim Iredale as political editor on local BBC news. He has the Toree sneer down to a ‘T’. Do you think it is taught to all BBC journalists at their training school?
D, Stange coincidence.
I was reading about Maoist re-education camps in Vietnam . The idea of BBC training schools sounded very similar. The initial indoctrination consisted of “the exploitation by American imperialism of workers in other countries, the glory of labor, the inevitable victory of Vietnam, led by the Communist Party, over the U.S., and the generosity of the new government toward the “rebels” (those who fought on the other side during the war). Another feature emphasized during the early stage of reeducation, but continued throughout one’s imprisonment, was the confession of one’s alleged misdeeds in the past.”
Sounds like a BBC playbook.
To everyone causing so much negativity: I mean no disrespect to the Chinese culture. I’m simply showing my appreciation to their culture. I’m not deleting my post because I’ve done nothing but show my love for the culture. It’s a fucking dress. And it’s beautiful.
Lucky people in Bristol
9:45am Book of the Week : Benjamin Zephaniah autobiography
7pm One Show : poet, musician and activist Benjamin Zephaniah.
7:30pm \\ Regional editions of BBC Civilisations
West Edition : Bristol slavery
Poet Miles Chambers explores the region’s connections to slave trade, with Bristol responsible for the business end of it, while Bath boomed on the back of the profits made from it. Chambers, whose ancestors were taken as slaves from West Africa to the Caribbean, visits landmark sites including Dyrham Park, home to the Blackamoor statues, the mill in Saltford where Guinea kettles were made, and the grave of a slave in Henbury.
00:30 repeat of Book of the Week : Benjamin Zephaniah autobiography
Countryfile: 60 year old farmer coming out as gay
Stew – I’ve now lived over half my life in Bristol (city of), and had to put up with all the Colston controversy and nagging socialist demands for reparations etc. Funnily enough I went on a pub crawl with some mates around Saltford, Swineford, Bitton and Keynsham the other day.
Although I’m a bit of a history and local history buff I’ve never heard of a ‘Guinea kettle’ so I’ll have to look that up. Just to ensure I’m ‘woke’ I suppose. If I didn’t know any better I’d guess it was an Italian-American’s GI water canteen.
We live in a short attention span, information overloaded world, in which PC seems to rule.
Short, sharp trigger words, which appear to say a lot (but require no rational thought, only manipulated, gut-feel emotions) are great in communication/propaganda these days.
So ‘Windrush’ is an absolute gift. ‘Hostile environment’ has become another. Remember the ‘nasty party’? Latter two come free of charge, no large payment to a PR company required.
Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
Sajid, btw, is off to a bad start. His priority -he says- is the Windrush generation. I explained a little earlier why his priority should be getting in a huddle with his top departmental staff, and sorting out the many challenges they have to deal with. It’s his internal, not his external ‘environment’ he needs to deal with.
Otherwise there will be many more Windrushes down the line.
But alas, he is but one more politician. The media will be pleased.
But what if Javid dug really deep into the Windrush thing and brought all the specific cases in a statement to the House? It is possible then that some other MPs – on the opposite benches – might have to resign for the things they have said in the House. Abbott has claimed hundreds of constituents have contacted her from the Windrush Generation because of threatened deportation. I would start there. Then Lammy’s constituency. And so on.
If he is really good at his job, and he finds a way using the Windrush compensation scheme, together with requests to all MPs for information of people that have contacted them, it ought to be possible to get the specific Windrush Generation detailed within a year or so.
I have concerns about him though. His integrity is brought into question here:
‘Mr Javid, who is the first home secretary from an ethnic minority, told the newspaper: “When I heard about the Windrush issue, I thought that could be my mum, it could be my dad, it could be my uncle, it could be me.” ‘
Er no, Sajid – how long have you been an MP?
The MP for Bromsgrove since 2010 was born in Rochdale, one of five sons of parents who had moved to the UK from Pakistan.
I wonder whether Sajid had the same thoughts about his wife, daughters/nieces when he heard about Telford or Rotherham?
I think not – Like all good politicians Sajid probably cares no further than the next Media fashionable issues. I am afraid minors suffering multiple gang rapes by groups of “asian” men is not nearly as important as Afro Caribbeans being threatened with deportation.
How swiftly that awkward business in Telford which briefly re-emerged, had its head pressed back under the water by Salisbury and the Windrush Fever.
“To this day, the jangling and clanking of South Asian music puts the fear of God into me as it takes me back. The mixture of sweat and lack of washing and the food smells that oozed from them – all of it recreates that time for me. I know people might accuse me of being racist because it makes it seem as if I hated them for being of that race, of that culture, but the truth is, that is how they were and how it was for me: it’s keeping silent, it’s ignoring these things that has allowed this sort of abuse to continue. As soon as anyone says things like that they are labelled and their experiences minimised or ignored because somehow we think racism is worse than anything – even the rape of girls, even the hatred of women.”
The wind rush compensation has to be case by case – which means lawyers and some tribunal and appeals which will run and run. A gift which will giive and giive. And apparently there are other groups potentially on the train of gravy.
If a blanket deal is offered (I think ‘the Left’ – please excuse use of obnoxious term – are calling for a blanket compensation deal for all inward migrants affected by possible deportation for ‘illegality’) there’s a danger of vast amounts of taxpayer cash being handed over to all and sundry.
Labour Party-led Quantitive Easing for The Few, not The Many.
Interestingly last night, the Sky press reviewers were youngsters (looked 15 but probably around 30) and were heavily promoting Wingnut for the H/Sec job. On the BBC a more mature pair were doing the same job, but didn’t think that Wingnut had enough experience for the position but on the grounds of his ethnicity felt he could get it, primarily believing that it could go to David Lidington or another. Clearly the kids won !
20:53 BBC2 accidently bumps into super Climate Activist, polar bear pornographer
Prog about Nortthern Ireland coast
Port Ballantrae
..ah look here’s Joyce Ferder Rankin..
… she used to work for BBC as a war reporter..blah blah
.. but after her husband died in 2010 she found a more serious war to report on ‘The war on Climate Change’
..shots of Arctic, polar bears etc.
At 11m15s in Countryfile there is suddenly a 3 second still of men standing in a cave .. then it goes to back to the prog.
..I don’t know what that is about.
“Among the features on new app Soroush are a series of emojis featuring a chador-clad woman clutching a picture of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, and placards wishing death to Israel, America and Freemasons.”
Still nothing on Labour propaganda BBC web page on John Woodcock as MP for Barrow being suspended for sexual harassment. -But not for calling Corbyn unfit to be a PM. This has a smell to it.
For Labour Party read The Stasi. McMafia is alive and well in the Labour Party.
Doesn’t he live with Isabel Hardman? She has had her own personal psychological problems.
This could be the start of the Labour Party split. Blairites v Corbynites warfare.
I’d like that very much.
So would I, but it won’t happen. Cooper, Lammy and the rest are content to lick the toad that is Corbyn for the prize of a possible government chair. They won’t last long enough to enjoy it though as McClusky and Momentum have them clearly in their sights and like all good cults will start picking them off one by one as soon as their purpose is finished with.
Woodcock is not the first to fall to this strategy and he will certainly not be the last.
I see Cooper as the naughty Elf who has Corbyn in her sights,
She looks like an Elf don’t you think?
He’ll hath no fury like an elfin scorned as Cooper wants Corbyns job
First the anti Semites,now Woodcock,let battle commence
I hope the Tories make a big thing of this but I won’t hold my breath over the pathetic bunch of Tory PC do gooding,death wishing BBC supporting cowards
Notwithstanding the odd exception
Alarmist pictures of a glacier collapsing in the Antarctic with tales of dramatic sea level rises, etc, etc, etc. Try this. Put an ice cube in a glass of water and check level. Wait for ice to melt and check level again. No change? How odd.
Different ocean I know, but what was it the Titanic collided with? And where did that come from then?
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://x.com/bbcnews/status/1896834511125541255?s=61 Is the UK becoming less attractive for students? All good. Blonde but still qualifies for media reporter training.
moggiemooMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I love the way Starmer is front and centre, the natural 1st target for a sniper, I’d wager.
DoublethinkerMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I disagree with how Zelensky and the West has been going about this war for the last three years. Ukraine…
Fedup2Mar 4, 08:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the almighty Bowen lives with a permanent sneer now . I think it comes from the years these…
JohndaMar 4, 08:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeremy Bowen just described Trump as distasteful in his approach to Kiev. It’s not his job to critique. No place…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 08:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 bbc verify is on the case:- Can Europe fill the gap now the US has paused military support for Ukraine?…
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1896693369948311986?s=61 Clever. This may see ‘review’ their stances.
AsISeeItMar 4, 08:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 TSMC acts as tariffs loom… The world’s biggest chipmaker is set to unveil a $100bn investment in advanced manufacturing facilities…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 08:28 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Islam – winning the game of terror and attrition – do we close all Churches so we don’t offend Islam?
“Walking into Parliament this morning” @DavidLammy links to picture of TV Character Omar Devone Little.
“Is this a joke..? This is absolutely disgraceful. Firstly, as an MP, you should be showing respect to another MP losing their post. Secondly, as London’s murder rate is sky high this is completely inappropriate. Shame on you.”
“David Lammy has played a fucking blinder recently. On the HDV, on Grenfell & now on Windrush. You let the people who actually live in London worry about who we want as our MPs (clue – more people like him) and mind your business.”
. . . .
Omar Devone Little (CHARACTER DAVID LAMMY LINKS TO) is a fictional character on the HBO drama series The Wire, portrayed by Michael K. Williams. He is a notorious Baltimore stick-up man, frequently robbing street-level drug dealers. He is legendary around Baltimore for his characteristic duster under which he hides his shotgun, large caliber handgun and bulletproof vest, as well as for his facial scar, and his habit of hauntingly whistling “The Farmer in the Dell” when stalking the streets. When people see or hear him approaching, they run away and will often warn others by shouting “Omar comin’!” Omar has a strict moral code, which involves refusal to harm innocent people or use profanity, setting him apart from other street-level characters. Also his homosexuality and privately tender nature are in obvious contrast with typical notions of machismo attached to violent criminals. He also cares for his grandmother and is seen escorting her to church on Sunday mornings.
Radio 4 chose David Lammy as the focus for PROFILE this weekend
a 15 minute prog which was on 3 times over the weekend
(David LIPPY ?)
Alastair Campbell calls him (David Lammy) “a good old-fashioned class warrior, in the best possible sense”. {bbc.co.uk}
BAD AL (Alister Campbell) LIED ABOUT NOT LYING TO THE MEDIA {order-order.com}
Interesting posts about Lammy. You may remember that my views on him have changed over time, used to like him and was quite impressed with him as a new & then established MP. I think he’s changed and I do not like the 21st century version. He appears to have become very hard and very bitter and very vicious and very racist.
Have been pondering recently why this should be.
Reminded myself of one of the fears that I had when Major and then Blair, more so, threw open the doors of the UK to all and sundry that it would throw new migrants into competition, if not outright conflict, with the ‘old school’ Indian, African and Caribbean established incomers.
I’m wondering whether it is that fear coming to pass that is driving David Lammy.
After all, it is most peculiar that an MP from a Party opposed to the Eleven Plus exam and Technical, Secondary & Grammar Schools should be seeking advantage for the brightest BAME children to enter Oxbridge for tertiary education.
Then there’s the bitterness. Unusual but not unusual. Those of Guyanese extraction, IIRC, do not feel part of the Carib (in which there is much racial prejudice, discrimination and racism) so I wonder if now there is a fear within Lammy that is causing him to strike out. Perhaps this comes not from his area of origin but also from the apparent advantaging of more recent inward migrants.
Don’t know but those are my best guesses. As they say, discuss. Please use only one side of the paper. 😉
With regards the image that David Lammy posted above (Omar Devone Little) … can MP Gavin Williamson post one of Dirty Harry? How does this work?
. . . . Comedy of Errors . . . .
Diane Abbott is caught out posting a FAKE image of an Israeli fighter jet bombing Iran in a tweet slamming Britain’s airstrikes on Syria {dailymail 16apr2018}
. . . Lines are being drawn . . . .
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Thursday slammed Muslim nations that maintain ties and friendships with Israel, saying it “brings misery to Muslims.” {26apr2018}
I reckon ‘cycling today’ should do a series on MPs and their bikes- but not PAs… David Lammy would be ideal first.
Wonder if he claimed. for cycle clips? 99p.
Michael K Williams was a bit cartoony in The Wire, but very watchable. I’m currently watching something called ‘Hap & Leonard’ (he’s also playing a homosexual character) and he gets quite a few good funny lines.
Today’s Radio4 : Only 4 special progs focussed around the SpecialVictimhood group of immigrant women
9:45 Black celebrity “poet” Book of the Week : Benjamin Zephaniah autobiography
10:00 Woman’s Hour A second bite of the cherry at their Take Back ConTROLL campaign, as they AGAIN play the 4 women
2 legitimate victims of revenge porn, but the other 2 were lefty activists complaining about abuse online
WH launched the campaign with : “We discuss with Mother creatives Katie Mackay-Sinclair and Sophie Lloyd , the Conservative peer Baroness Warsi and Isabella Goldie (Mental Health Foundation)”
11:00 Bussing of immigrant children to predominantly white schools in the 1960s.
11:30 Immigrant Iranian family Shappi Khorsandi complained about education in the UK.
16:30 Spinsterhood …but guess who the guests are ?
\\ Shelina Janmohamed, Angela Epstein, Ann Widdecombe
Ernie also talks to Dr Fauzia Ahmad. She is an unmarried Muslim woman whose own experience has informed 25 years of research into why young Muslim women are finding it increasingly difficult to meet suitable Muslim husbands.//
20:00 Single Black Female : hurdles they face when looking for love in 2018.
‘why young Muslim women are finding it increasingly difficult to meet suitable Muslim husbands’ – THE BBC Solved this problem by promoting a practice that is ILLEGAL (but the BBC don’t say that) in the UK …. Sunderland businessman’s second wife website ‘benefits women’ {bbc.co.uk 23oct2017}
In the UK, polygamous marriages – where a person has more than one spouse – are only recognised if they took place in countries where they are legal.
“I want to be married to somebody but I still want to be able to travel and have my independence.”
– Independence – so not really married … friends with benefits?
“The woman has the choice. She can walk away from the ‘marriage’ at any point.”
Stew – thanks damn I missed all those vibrant programmes after hitting the off switch at 0820 .
Not our country any more .
Man tries to cancel money going to Hillary Clinton purse via donations … but cannot … and does not know where the money goes …
One Seattle man’s quest to cancel his $10.48 monthly donation to Hillary Clinton’s nonprofit gave him a brush with the opaque world of nonprofit, quasi-political organizations that disclose little about their operations.
BBC non-story … Rent costs full-time workers every penny earned until May {bbc.co.uk 30apr2018} …
Diane Abbott as Home Secretary…..The more and more i think that this idiot has the potential to be a future Home Secretary, scares me shitless…..
Why do people defend this appalling racist.
Beyond criticism …. that’s how it works.
What is “harmful content” according to the new Facebook guide for Muslims? “Islamophobia, anti-Muslim hatred, far right extremism and terrorist inspired violent extremist content”.
The guide does not mention Islamic incitement to violence, which is rampant on social media and — unlike the other content mentioned — has deadly and tragic consequences in the real world. Most of those who perpetrate terrorist attacks in the real world are Muslims — not “Islamophobes,” anti-Muslims or right wing extremists.
Facebook: Championing Blasphemy Laws {gatestoneinstitute 12jan2018}
Who defines “harmful content”?
It will always be the last people you would wish to be making decisions of that sort.
Like ‘hate speech’, the very concept of ‘harmful content’ needs to be opposed from the ground up.
“harmful content” – the Hate Crime Hub?
(UKs) Home Secretary announces new national online hate crime hub {gov.uk 08oct2017}
The expert unit will channel all reports of online hate crime and reduce burden on frontline officers.
Will it cut down London’s knife crime ?
If you cannot talk about it …. then yes, all crime will stop 😉
One guess.
More from the Department of Stifling Correctitude as The Guardian describes how publishing houses increasingly employ ‘sensitivity readers’ to vet manuscripts for stereotypes, biases and “problematic language” before release.
Sensitivity reader Dhonielle Clayton: “I highlight everything from micro-word choices and phrases – to bigger meta-narrative and structure elements,” she says. “I point out issues and give ideas for changes.”
We’ll all have to trust that any of that “problematic language” will be intelligently policed in the virtuous fight against racism and cultural appropriation. I’m sure none of us want to see any more ugly and divisive scenes like people wearing sombreros or eating sushi.
“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.”
(Brave New World)
7 years ago … Pub singer arrested for racism after Chinese passers-by hear him perform Kung Fu Fighting {dailymail 27apr2011}
“The song, performed by Simon Ledger, 34, is said to have offended two Chinese people as they walked past the bar where he was singing.”
– All songs are racist when not sang by the race that it refers to.
Hmm I see that Mr Ledger — a white man — was covering a song in the disco genre (popularised by African Americans) written by a Jamaican, about a Chinese martial art which then topped the charts in the UK, Belgium, Austria and Germany.
Jesus what a mess. I demand everyone who ever listened to this song hand in their resignations immediately
Cultural appropriation at its best … arrest everyone, we are all criminals, we are all immigrants, we are all … *sigh* …
Couldn’t they insist on something like Simplified Technical English?
If there are no bad words there can be no bad thoughts.
Where are the politicians to stand up for freedom of speech …
Animal Farm (1945)
“The book was banned days after the Chinese Communist Party announced presidential term limits would be abolished – a move which signals that Xi Jinping hopes to become a dictator for life.[6]”
. . . .
“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime (hate crime) literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten.”
– Orwell
Momentum are safe …. Home Secretary can’t ban Momentum…(Dominic Casciani)
Last month there was a bit of controversy when Sajid Javid, speaking in Parliament, called the Labour group Momentum “hard left neo-fascist”.
Today there’s a rumour going around on social media that the new home secretary could ban the group under the Terrorism Act 2000.
That is not remotely true.
The only groups Mr Javid can ban under terrorism legislation are… those involved in terrorism, which means violence, or its encouragement, for an ideological end.
What kind of society has to apologise for deporting illegals?
Ours does.
A society that cannot tolerate its own laws?
A successful society that has to give way to any other society so it does not seem intolerant?
“The Strange Death of Europe: Douglas Murray {amazon}”
The Strange Death of Europe is a highly personal account of a continent and culture caught in the act of suicide. Declining birth rates, mass immigration, and cultivated self-distrust and self-hatred have come together to make Europeans unable to argue for themselves and incapable of resisting their own comprehensive alteration as a society and an eventual end.{amazon}
One with corrupt politicans who have been bought and paid for by foreign and globalist interests?
“Barnier warns of no Brexit deal without border backstop”
Great Britain does not want a border, Ireland does not want a border .
If the European Union want a border let them man and fund it.
Time to walk away from the EU. It’s been nearly Two Years now!
Time to abolish the House of Lords – They are just concerned about their EU pensions.
I was talking with Mrs S this morning about who Rudd’s replacement might be and I said I thought it would be from the ranks of Tory BAMErs.
Sure enough, Ma May is nothing if not predictable; no wonder the scEUm are relieved to be negotiating with her and not J R-M.
“Sajid Javid, a man who faked being sent a “Punish a Muslim” letter is our new Home Secretary.”
Scott Anthony
More Lefty sleaze : Sex Cult masqueraded as Feminist Mentoring,
Smallville actress Alison Mack pressured Emma Watson to join Nxivm but she was too busy
Emma Watson who was locked up in a Fantasy Film Production set for 10 years by JK Rowling and then released into the real world once they didn’t need the children anymore …. the cult of … Harry Potter?
http://www.nxivm.com – In response to the allegations against our founder, Keith Raniere, we are currently working with the authorities to demonstrate his innocence and true character.
We strongly believe the justice system will prevail in bringing the truth to light.
We are saddened by the reports perpetuated by the media and their apparent disregard for “innocent until proven guilty,” yet we will continue to honor the same principles on which our company was founded. It is during the times of greatest adversity that integrity, humanity and compassion are hardest, and needed most.
Times review says that BBC Tribe prog last night actually exposed the corruption of the Tribe and outsiders like TV corps
I’ll have to watch it.
I told you, you leave tribes alone.
They can’t handle the outside world of money and possessions, they get jealous etc.
He & BBC should have known that before he went.
My brother and I did a rare thing yesterday – browsed through our family tree (bruv is big on genealogy) which dates back to 1765 in this country. In light of recent events, this pastime could become a rarity. Just saying.
Did you go back far enough …. we are all Islamic ….
Is the Queen related to Prophet Muhammad? Historians believe Elizabeth II is a descendant of the founder of Islam after tracing her family tree back 43 generations {dailymail 07apr2018}
Abdelhamid Al-Auouni welcomed the news in his piece in Moroccan newspaper Al-Ousboue, writing: ‘It builds a bridge between our two religions and kingdoms.’
Meanwhile a tongue-in-cheek headline on the Arab Atheist Network’s web forum read: ‘Queen Elizabeth must claim her right to rule Muslims.’
One person on internet forum Reddit rubbished the claims however, writing: ‘This is just propaganda used by the British monarchy to appease the growing number of Muslim subjects.’
Might explain this sort of thing:

When did this happen:
‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
When in Britain, do anything you like; (make sure you ignore, override and -if you feel like it- abuse the indigenous population.)’
Doesn’t ‘Muslim subjects’ imply a degree of fielty?
I think ‘the whip’ is now in other ‘hands’.
Did you go back far enough …. we are all Islamic ….
That’s it, ruin my evening !!! Its bad enough having the ‘wingnut’ as the new Home Secretary, but thinking he could be a relation, is more than a woman can stand.
Anyone going back 43 generations is, in theory, directly related to 8,796,093,022,208 people.
If the Queen is directly descended from bad Mo, she is also directly descended from 8,796,093,022,207 other people. Of course, there wouldn’t have been that many people alive at the time, meaning that everyone is related to everyone else.
I dare say that we are all related to Henry VIII, or any other monarch who put it about a bit, as did bad Mo.
I’m not sure how to say that number so it makes sense: nearly 9 thousand billion?
Most people have far less ancestors, especially is your ancestors families lived in the same area, so there’s latency since many of your ancestor lines shared the same ancestors.
I did say theoretically. That’s probably more people than ever lived.
Anyway, I don’t want to be related to that evil pos.
Your impossible maths Despairada just prove one thing:
time is actually running the other way , and the world’s population
is not really increasing but reducing down to two people.
-maybe at the moment we could be just replaying in reverse what already happened.
Or more eloquently:
”Billy was extrapolating. Everybody turned into a baby, and all humanity, without exception, conspired biologically to produce two perfect people named Adam and Eve.. .”
Ah yes, but you forget the Trudeau Doctrine. You are here by accident of birth whereas the undocumented chose to be here.
I made the mistake of watching the bBBC’s one o’clock ‘news’. It turned out to have been a special programme, half an hour on illegal migration which the bBBC thinks is a good thing.
First item: Amber Rudd goes, Sajid Javid new Home Secretary, but we’ll keep on with Windrush story and see if we can take down Theresa May over it.
Second item: (Illegal) migration of Mexicans across the US border. ‘News’? No, me neither.
Next item: (Illegal) migration of Muslims into Turkey. Interview with a man who had successfully smuggled his children across the border. Today’s ‘news’?
Next item: The border between Northern and Southern Ireland. EU wants no border, allowing anyone into Britain.
The bBBC are a disgrace.
Undocumented (USA/UK), Irregular (EU), Dreamers (USA).
. . . .
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {youtube – Jordan Peterson @6:12}
. . . .
You will also notice this (immigration) is a one way street. Not once in my adult life have I heard anybody say that the thing that Eritrea (Africa) needs most is an injection of Welshmen. They could do with some Welsh cooking or singing. ” Douglas Murray {@7:24 youtube}
Douglas Murray on great form, does comedy better than the BBC pc comedians!
Have just bought my Corbyn loving nephew The Strange Death of Europe, will be curious whether the penny drops and he wakes up and will realise Labour (and Cons unfortunately also) are giving away his birth rite.
Sir ASG,
“…Sajid Javid new Home Secretary…”. That’ll be a difficult one to sack when the inevitable time comes with all that ‘racial discrimination’ and all……
Just noticed that David Lammy was always trying to find the numbers for Grenfell … and willing to make some up when they didn’t know. But with Windrush it’s words like ‘generation’ and ‘many’ or ‘thousands of British citizens’ or ‘British citizens’ … no actual figures this time.
. . . .
“The official death (Grenfell) toll is far, far too low.” – David Lammy
. . .
Thus political language has to consist largely of euphemism, question-begging and sheer cloudy vagueness. Defenceless villages are bombarded from the air, the inhabitants driven out into the countryside, the cattle machine-gunned, the huts set on fire with incendiary bullets: this is called pacification.
@BBCPanorama tonight at 8:30pm by @katierazz on the #disclosurecrisis and the right to a fair trial.
All the injustice victims appear to be MALE
..where’s the outrage bus ?? ..Ah men have no SpecialVictimhood status
Don’t forget to watch BBC4 part 3 of the prog on “Muslim Emperors” 10pm
Did the Muslim (Ottoman) Empire Colonise or just supervise?
The Ottomans: Europe’s Muslim Emperors {bbc.co.uk}
“Rageh Omaar traces the history of the Ottoman empire. A super-power of a million square miles, it matched the glories of Ancient Rome and collapsed less than a hundred years ago”
– Did the Muslim (Ottoman) Empire Colonise or just supervise?
– Can people move to Turkey if they were colonised by the Ottoman Empire?
Just in case you missed the daily politics, today’s Guardian guest for the hour was…….Polly Toynbee.
It’s hours since I last saw her on the bbbc.
Of course , doing her last bit of campaigning before the Council elections ..on the free platform the BBC gives her.
It’s where the name Pollyfilla came from.
“Hard Brexit”, “Soft Brexit” ….. now “Interim Brexit” … LORD MOAT: BREXIT ONLY AN INTERIM DECISION {order-order.com 30apr2018}
MPs’ expenses: clearing the moat at Douglas Hogg’s manor {12may2009}
‘He (Douglas Hogg) added that he had acted within “both the letter and the spirit” of the rules while being paid more than £20,000 annually to run the estate.’
. . . .
– Will the BBC £3.5bn BBC News Service review the MP expenses? Bikes being bought for £650 using expenses! TV Licenses paid with MP expenses!
Typical R4 : “Too Young to Veil?” was on last Tuesday and Sunday
BTW The edition of More or Less dropped back in standard against
They asked if UK straws contribute much to global ocean plastics.
They did show that activists pushed numbers sold as twice as high as it really is
and eventually admitted that 3,000 straws are collected on the UK Annual beach clean up day
And eventually got round to admitting that the Yangtze has someting like 10,000 times more plastic waste than the Thames.
They did not emphasise ..that the vast majority of UK waste ends un in the bin, and that is not the same in many other countries,
Remember when the BBC actually chased the story …
“…birthdays, remember, are the practices of disbelievers and immoral people. {bbc panorama video 2010}” @8:33
“… the books (supposed to originate from London) turn out to be the Saudi Official National Curriculum. {bbc panorama video 2010}” @22:13
India – buried under stinking rubbish heaps … Almudena Serpis | 17th December 2013.
“As they await removal, polluting waters and stinking under the tropical sun, India is rapidy becoming the world’s biggest rubbish dump.”
And this is a country people visit for a holiday ????? you couldn’t pay me to go there, I value my health too much; especially as more than a handful of people I know, have come home attached to a drip !
I feel a bit sorry for the Windrush generation. What have they done wrong to get dragged into this ? Or am I missing something
How many Windrush deportations have there been ?
Far too many! More than you can imagine! Lots within the generation. Thousands will have their lives changed. More than one is one too many.
99.7% are OK, but don’t worry about them … focus on the 0.3%.
(Numbers are not known yet … please wait …)
…. LBC “It could be half a million people …. ” @10:32
#DavidLammyRushToBeLeader – that is the end game.
“Windrush” – passing wind in a hurry ?
A fast fart before anyone notices. Much ado about nothing
Hopes and trauma in Mexico’s migrant caravan {bbc.co.uk 30apr2018}
“With many tears and much trepidation, the migrants prepared to set off on foot for the final short stage of their long journey to the US border.”
“A small boy in an oversized checked coat sucked his fingers and gazed around at the crowd as he sat on a man’s shoulders.”
‘”My country is beautiful,” says Maritza Flores, 38, from El Salvador. “Beautiful places, but there is a lot of crime.’
“…organisers of the caravan placed those they deemed the most vulnerable at the front of the queue: women, children and transgender people.”
“And so this day in the caravan ended like so many others – with nothing more than American dreams.”
Word Search: legal x 0; illegal x 0; law x 0;
– My country is beautiful! (El Salvador)
– ‘American dreams’ – why not El Salvador dream?
You may have missed Radio Wales Good Evening Wales.
Now that would be a shame, as they asked the question ‘what will Sajid Javid’s appointment mean for the Windrush generation’. Rather than answering the question they brought on Race Council Cymru’s Uzo Iwobi to hector us on the evils of the lying tory scum and their mendacious policies, blah blah blah.
When the interviewer finally interrupted, (we’re not talking Andrew Neil or Jeremy Paxman here), it was to point out that Amber Rudd didn’t lie, but unintentionally misled the house. Ms Iwobi was having none of it and became somewhat excited.
Why the BBC just didn’t read a missive written in crayon by some one from Jeremy Corbyn’s office I don’t know – or maybe they did.
As well as trousering tax payers money for working for the Race Council Cymru, Ms Uzo represents ethnic minority communities on the Welsh Government Independent Advisory Group – Tackling Hate Crimes & Incidents. Uzo sits on the Welsh Governments’ Wales Race Forum & serves as a trustee on the British Red Cross & UWC Atlantic College boards. She chairs the African Community Centre Wales Board. So, she is a fully paid up member of the millionaire’s club of the Quango brigade.
Is this Nigerian grateful to the indigenous population for making her wealthy? …erm, she doesn’t seem to be.
I understand the BBC have failed to spot Sajid Javid’s lie that his parents could have been caught up in the Generation Windrush thing.
Er no, Sajid. Windrush was from the Carib. Your parents came from Pakistan.
“obviously a different part of the world, from South Asia not the Caribbean, but other than that, similar in almost every way.”
Er no, Sajid. Pakistan, in the west or north-west of the sub-continent, is predominantly Muslim. The Caribbean countries are not, they are more Christian. Young people in the Carib value their education, they are taught well – boys as well as girls – to a certain level. How good is education in Pakistan? Is it for all, both boys and girls? Do you have good quality teachers there?
BBC: still pushing FakeNews and FalseNews.
Will they seek to get Javid sacked?
Or get Sir Vince Cable sacked for his lie about old people?
Wembley for sale .. “Kate Hoey took the time to respond to my question – £120 million from The lottery. £25m from DCMS for infrastructure and £20 million from The LDA now the GLA“
Its looking like it it will be The House of Lords – v – The People
Time to go full Ollie Cromwell with these @ssh0les!
“It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place,
which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice.
Ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government.
Ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.
Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess?
Ye have no more religion than my horse. Gold is your God. Which of you have not bartered your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?
Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defiled this sacred place, and turned the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices?
Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.
Your country therefore calls upon me to cleanse this Augean stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in this House; and which by God’s help, and the strength he has given me, I am now come to do.
I command ye therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place.
Go, get you out! Make haste! Ye venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.
In the name of God, go!”
Careful Al – you’ll land up on the Watch list like the rest of us.
The lords petition will go into the toilet like amber the hippy s career –
Tweetable screenshot of Cromwell speech
That was an address made by Cromwell to the Commons, not the Lords.
Correct Fred, but it is time to march into the Lords and read it to them.
Backed up by a lets say, a new model army.
The House of Lords (paid by the People) vs the People (who are employers of the House of Lords).
House of Lords expenses
Marky ,
Thanks for that – I can’t believe Lord. Styne didn’t claim even though he’s dead. £5100 tax free. attendance allowance a month is a nice earner eh?
Starmer is sensing his EU job is in the bag.
Does Starmer get his haircut with a strimmer?
When you go to Japan you can hire a Komono and walk around the streets … all cultures are equal.
Statesmen like Trudeau … …
These people need to get a grip ffs. The replies on her tweet based on nothing but the dress that she chose to wear are vile. Acting as if she desecrated “their” culture by choosing to wear a dress.
America is truly doomed if this is how integrated their cultures are “intergrated”.
Next scalp … Diane Abbott has tasted success removing Amber Rudd …. “Laying the blame for this scandal where it properly belongs: @RachaelMaskell focuses on role of the Prime Minister- the architect of these disastrous policies {Diane Abbott -Twitter – 30apr2018}”
. . .
Labour made a ‘spectacular mistake’ on immigration, admits Jack Straw (Labour Party) {telegraph 13nov2013}
Former Home Secretary admits opening Britain’s borders to migrants in 2004 was a ‘spectacular mistake’
On Monday Mr Blunkett said anti-social behaviour by Roma people in his Sheffield constituency has resulted in “understandable tensions” among the indigenous community, and the conflict must be addressed to avert disorder.
– Labour made a ‘spectacular mistake’ on immigration, admits Jack Straw (Labour Party) {telegraph 13nov2013}
I have little sympathy for Amber Rudd. But to be brought down by Diane Abbot must be the greatest humiliation of all.
Now let us imagine Abbot bringing Treezer to her knees.
I don’t think it was. Diane what did it – it was the lovely Evette Balls in the library with the shears. Anyone know when the statesman like resignation statement is going on? More popcorn .
Oh look China selling to anyone .. and everyone … regardless of international obligations … US ‘probes Huawei (Chinese Brand) for possible Iran sanctions violations’
“The agreement that ZTE allegedly violated was reached after it was caught shipping US goods to Iran.”
Message for BBC promoted house of Lords.
source: http://www.azquotes.com/quote/613004%5Bimg%5D
He was addressing the Commons not the Lords
FS ,I know. It was the message I was using.
He also abolished the Lords. If you would like a specific quote from the act of Parliament of 1649 “The Commons of England [find] by too long experience that the House of Lords is useless and dangerous to the people of England.”
Look North balance : They’ve just had 4 mins of a Labour advert : St Jeremy Corbyn in our area promising to renationalise the railways.
Then they literally showed Theresa May for 10 SECONDS “And today Theresa May was visiting the Northwest today”
(What was the point in that ? )
It will be interesting to see whether Sajid Javid is more words, words, words, or whether he has the stuff required to sort out the (apparently chaotic?) Home Office.
This seems to be a department that sorts out the men from the boys. It will need someone with good management skills; a communicator and an organiser par excellence. Someone who is able to identify and solve problems, working as a team with its civil servants. ‘Hands on’ is a phrase that comes to mind.
The history of the department suggests that this is not going to be an easy task; maybe if you can get the chain of command on your side, rather than antagonising them, you’re in with a chance.
The media will not be focusing on any of this, I suspect.
A great shame.
To be honest I couldn’t give a toss who the Home Secretary is. If the new bloke (the evil dude from ‘Thunderbirds’) isn’t prepared to laugh off and ignore opposition whinges about immigration then he’s part of the problem, not the solution.
Fake – it’s about the individuals staff – Rudd’s let her down – or she couldn’t spot people who were good enough to deal with issues before they became a problem .
Michelle Wolf oppressing Sanders is another example of their oppression hierarchy collapsing; we all know the worst oppressors of women are other women. Men can be harsh to women but overall women, despite lacking physical prowess have evolved multiple other ways to manipulate and dominate men.
It is great how Trump just lets them do the hard work for him. For such an idiot madman he seems extremely skilled at running rings round the media over and over again. He is loving it and so am I!
Some blokes have all the luck, Beeb Brother! Where do you find these women who “manipulate and dominate men”? Most of us have to pay a fortune for the whips and black leather!
Some blokes have all the luck, Beeb Brother! Where do you find these women who “manipulate and dominate men”? Most of us have to pay a fortune for the whips and black leather!
Who says the BBC doesn’t do comedy anymore?
Just heard a trailer for The One Show on BBC1 promising an interview with one of “Britain’s greatest ever poets, Benjamin Zephaniah”
Ha ha ha
I wonder if Benjamin would ever be capable of penning something like this?
Pike, three inches long, perfect
Pike in all parts, green tigering the gold.
Killers from the egg: the malevolent aged grin.
They dance on the surface among the flies.
Or move, stunned by their own grandeur,
Over a bed of emerald, silhouette
Of submarine delicacy and horror.
A hundred feet long in their world.
In ponds, under the heat-struck lily pads –
Gloom of their stillness:
Logged on last year’s black leaves, watching upwards.
Or hung in an amber cavern of weeds
The jaws’ hooked clamp and fangs
Not to be changed at this date;
A life subdued to its instrument;
The gills kneading quietly, and the pectorals.
Three we kept behind glass,
Jungled in weed: three inches, four,
And four and a half: fed fry to them –
Suddenly there were two. Finally one.
With a sag belly and the grin it was born with.
And indeed they spare nobody.
Two, six pounds each, over two feet long
High and dry and dead in the willow-herb –
One jammed past its gills down the other’s gullet:
The outside eye stared: as a vice locks –
The same iron in this eye
Though its film shrank in death.
A pond I fished, fifty yards across,
Whose lilies and muscular tench
Had outlasted every visible stone
Of the monastery that planted them –
Stilled legendary depth:
It was as deep as England. It held
Pike too immense to stir, so immense and old
That past nightfall I dared not cast
But silently cast and fished
With the hair frozen on my head
For what might move, for what eye might move.
The still splashes on the dark pond,
Owls hushing the floating woods
Frail on my ear against the dream
Darkness beneath night’s darkness had freed,
That rose slowly towards me, watching.
Ted Hughes
Al and third and BB here is a particular favourite of mine – Enjoy!
Dis Poetry
Dis poetry is like a riddim dat drops
De tongue fires a riddim dat shoots like shots
Dis poetry is designed fe rantin
Dance hall style, big mouth chanting,
Dis poetry nar put yu to sleep
Preaching follow me
Like yu is blind sheep,
Dis poetry is not Party Political
Not designed fe dose who are critical.
Dis poetry is wid me when I gu to me bed
It gets into me dreadlocks
It lingers around me head
Dis poetry goes wid me as I pedal me bike
IÕve tried Shakespeare, respect due dere
But did is de stuff I like.
Dis poetry is not afraid of going ina book
Still dis poetry need ears fe hear an eyes fe hav a look
Dis poetry is Verbal Riddim, no big words involved
An if I hav a problem de riddim gets it solved,
IÕve tried to be more romantic, it does nu good for me
So I tek a Reggae Riddim an build me poetry,
I could try be more personal
But youÕve heard it all before,
Pages of written words not needed
Brain has many words in store,
Yu could call dis poetry Dub Ranting
De tongue plays a beat
De body starts skanking,
Dis poetry is quick an childish
Dis poetry is fe de wise an foolish,
Anybody can do it fe free,
Dis poetry is fe yu an me,
DonÕt stretch yu imagination
Dis poetry is fe de good of de Nation,
In de morning
I chant
In de night
I chant
In de darkness
An under de spotlight,
I pass thru University
I pass thru Sociology
An den I got a dread degree
In Dreadfull Ghettology.
Dis poetry stays wid me when I run or walk
An when I am talking to meself in poetry I talk,
Dis poetry is wid me,
Below me an above,
Dis poetry’s from inside me
It goes to yu
Benjamin Zephaniah
I’m glad they’ve moved on from rhyming couplets that invariably had to end in “-ation”
Dis nation
Causin aggravation
Bannin immigration
Youts makin conflagration
We need de integration
So give mi reparation
Dis nation
Causin aggravation
Bannin immigration
Youts makin conflagration
We need de integration
So give mi reparation
And wholescale repatriation
I read his collection about race and the criminal justice system. Total garbage – Lammy on stilts.
Yeah it is a close contest between Shakespeare’s sonnets and his whining about stop and search.
Blimey Beeb,
I know he’s crap but comparing him to Lammy is a bit much.
Saw the story this morning on twitter. Not the bbc. Mr. Lam was featured with a photo. Not in the bbc story. Mr. Lam had a baseball cap on. Mr. Lam seems to have had a fair bit of attention and little sensible feedback from the media. If Mr Lam is not pulling their legs, Mr Lam is a twat and the media are exactly as expected.
GW, I’m not a Twitter user so maybe you can verify this. If real, then Mr Lam’s position on cultural sensitivities appears to be rather diminished:
Won’t matter much to the MSM though. “Sparking backlash on the internet” and “Igniting debate on social media” ftw, again.
Pity we don`t focus on our own news.
Nobody but public sector pills and the infirm or gaga, take the slightest notice of what the BBC says or thinks.
We all know that Labour are Jew baiting scum with their brownshirts now neatly ironed by sex trafficked houris that can`t get out of their Islamic cages. They`re just waiting for the day when they can wear them in public. We also know that Soros is doing his level best to replace native electorates with his world collection of moochers and stabbists, so the nation state can be reduced to a puddle of blood from the decapitations. And the EU want the same.
We also know that the Russians fiddled it so Corbyn did better than he`d have done on his own “merits”, Try finding them!
WE also know there were problems in Saudi as the WWE showed them the Iranian flag live on telly-and we know that Venezuela is in a state of UN-stated emergency because everybody is leaving for Columbia.
So divva fuss y`sen re the careers of here-today gone tomorrow numpties who aren`t even household names in either of their own houses, we `ve paying for. Rudd is a shameless thicko who was personally nasty to Boris at the Referendum debate, so good riddance.
All the above will only get you onto statins early. Make up your own news-it`s bound to be truer than anything the BBC want you to swallow this lovely spring evening.
BBC deceptive still today on the R4 6pm News.
A glacier is under threat in the Antarctic and may flood the world, increasing sea-levels by 80cm in one go.
Oh, maybe a couple of hundred years, perhaps more.
Still bad, for those alive then. It must be really big. Is it?
Antarctica is vast.
No, how big is this glacier?
Oh, its about the same size as Great Britain.
That’s tiny in relation to Antarctica. Well, it must be incredibly deep then. Is it on land?
No, it’s in the sea, mostly, partly on land part on the sea bed.
How deep?
Er, well, it will be like an iceberg, more below the surface than above where it is in the sea. It’s getting thinner on land and in the sea.
So that’s really deep. How deep in the sea edge?
Well, hundreds of metres.
But you said it was thin.
Yes, but
Oh, so it’s in the icy water so its not really melting too much and if it does, will it make that much difference, sea ice when melted displaces less than when frozen? How far gone is it already?
Er, umhh, well it has melted a little bit already. The scientists will send remote vehicles to measure the depth of the ice.
How much melting?
About 40cms a year.
How deep did you say it was at the water’s edge?
Er, hundreds of metres.
So, we know its melted already but scientists have never been there. When it melts sea levels rise. Why haven’t they risen so far?
Well, they have, a little bit. Every year just a little bit. And more because of this. They are going to see if the rate is accelerating.
How much melting? Could it melt away, what sort of temperatures would make it melt?
Oh, somewhere around zero but don’t worry about that, everyone knows the globe is warming, the science is settled.
Well when are the scientists going there? If it’s warming and melting already why didn’t they go before?
Well, it is very remote and very cold and very difficult to get to, especially in the Antarctic winter, well away from the other research stations.
But you said it’s all melting away already because of the warmth.
Umhh yes, but no, but
You are spending taxpayers money to find out something you already know and on which the science is settled. How much will it cost the UK?
About £40 million in total.
How many doctors and nurses would that pay for in the meantime . . . . .?
Thanks Up2! Great post.
I often write about the Londonistan Programme. At the time
of elections the editors even become more brazen to the point
that we are watching from 630 to 7.00 PM all but a party
political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party. The programme
has a political reporter with a kind of “sneering” voice that delights
in saying the Toreeeeeeeeees. The word Conservatives is
NEVER used by the programme. It is always used in the same
way as the administrators of the NHS or Transport for London
are called by Riz Lateef , Asad Ahmad and the rest as the BOSSES!!
I live in the London Borough of Barnet. If the council goes to
Labour which is likely. I would say that the Conservatives are
doomed at the next General Election. And this will happen
with the help of the BBC’S London Programme.
To be honest, for the good of the country, the Conservative Party needs to die and another arise to replace it.
Al, there’s not much chance of that.
They will be painted immediately as another Right-Wing party, then as soon as some policies are announced that will become a Far Right or an Extreme Right label.
They will be infiltrated by ‘Fifth Columnists’ and every now and then a scandal will be caused to attract unfavourable media attention.
Truly talented people will probably mostly stay away from them in the short-term so they will have to get by with the next best. Finance? Some multi-millionaire may bankroll them. Even if said multi-millionaire is a total saint and not working part- or full-time in their own business, they will still be a focus of some pretty hostile media attention and their existing interests may suffer as a result.
Look how long it took UKIP to get really going. Had it not been for Major and Brown welching on giving the UK population a say before we were committed to new EU Treaties, I seriously doubt whether UKIP would have had the impact they did. And where are the SDP today?
Winston was right.
Politics is foul.
I guess conservative voters won’t bother turning out for the local elections leaving a clear run for comrade Corbyns momentum troops. Decent economics won’t affect the outcome but public sentiment will sadly . The socialists will think they’ve got the mo- as it were to work up to the next election.
In my area we have Tim Iredale as political editor on local BBC news. He has the Toree sneer down to a ‘T’. Do you think it is taught to all BBC journalists at their training school?
D, Stange coincidence.
I was reading about Maoist re-education camps in Vietnam . The idea of BBC training schools sounded very similar. The initial indoctrination consisted of “the exploitation by American imperialism of workers in other countries, the glory of labor, the inevitable victory of Vietnam, led by the Communist Party, over the U.S., and the generosity of the new government toward the “rebels” (those who fought on the other side during the war). Another feature emphasized during the early stage of reeducation, but continued throughout one’s imprisonment, was the confession of one’s alleged misdeeds in the past.”
Sounds like a BBC playbook.
Keziah is a Jewish name, IIRC, so her parents have slipped up on that cultural appropriation front already, if her parents are not Jews.
Lucky people in Bristol
9:45am Book of the Week : Benjamin Zephaniah autobiography
7pm One Show : poet, musician and activist Benjamin Zephaniah.
7:30pm \\ Regional editions of BBC Civilisations
West Edition : Bristol slavery
00:30 repeat of Book of the Week : Benjamin Zephaniah autobiography
Countryfile: 60 year old farmer coming out as gay
Stew – I’ve now lived over half my life in Bristol (city of), and had to put up with all the Colston controversy and nagging socialist demands for reparations etc. Funnily enough I went on a pub crawl with some mates around Saltford, Swineford, Bitton and Keynsham the other day.
Although I’m a bit of a history and local history buff I’ve never heard of a ‘Guinea kettle’ so I’ll have to look that up. Just to ensure I’m ‘woke’ I suppose. If I didn’t know any better I’d guess it was an Italian-American’s GI water canteen.
We live in a short attention span, information overloaded world, in which PC seems to rule.
Short, sharp trigger words, which appear to say a lot (but require no rational thought, only manipulated, gut-feel emotions) are great in communication/propaganda these days.
So ‘Windrush’ is an absolute gift. ‘Hostile environment’ has become another. Remember the ‘nasty party’? Latter two come free of charge, no large payment to a PR company required.
Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
Sajid, btw, is off to a bad start. His priority -he says- is the Windrush generation. I explained a little earlier why his priority should be getting in a huddle with his top departmental staff, and sorting out the many challenges they have to deal with. It’s his internal, not his external ‘environment’ he needs to deal with.
Otherwise there will be many more Windrushes down the line.
But alas, he is but one more politician. The media will be pleased.
fnw, think you may be right.
But what if Javid dug really deep into the Windrush thing and brought all the specific cases in a statement to the House? It is possible then that some other MPs – on the opposite benches – might have to resign for the things they have said in the House. Abbott has claimed hundreds of constituents have contacted her from the Windrush Generation because of threatened deportation. I would start there. Then Lammy’s constituency. And so on.
If he is really good at his job, and he finds a way using the Windrush compensation scheme, together with requests to all MPs for information of people that have contacted them, it ought to be possible to get the specific Windrush Generation detailed within a year or so.
I have concerns about him though. His integrity is brought into question here:
‘Mr Javid, who is the first home secretary from an ethnic minority, told the newspaper: “When I heard about the Windrush issue, I thought that could be my mum, it could be my dad, it could be my uncle, it could be me.” ‘
Er no, Sajid – how long have you been an MP?
The MP for Bromsgrove since 2010 was born in Rochdale, one of five sons of parents who had moved to the UK from Pakistan.
I wonder whether Sajid had the same thoughts about his wife, daughters/nieces when he heard about Telford or Rotherham?
I think not – Like all good politicians Sajid probably cares no further than the next Media fashionable issues. I am afraid minors suffering multiple gang rapes by groups of “asian” men is not nearly as important as Afro Caribbeans being threatened with deportation.
Oaknash – solid post.
How swiftly that awkward business in Telford which briefly re-emerged, had its head pressed back under the water by Salisbury and the Windrush Fever.
“To this day, the jangling and clanking of South Asian music puts the fear of God into me as it takes me back. The mixture of sweat and lack of washing and the food smells that oozed from them – all of it recreates that time for me. I know people might accuse me of being racist because it makes it seem as if I hated them for being of that race, of that culture, but the truth is, that is how they were and how it was for me: it’s keeping silent, it’s ignoring these things that has allowed this sort of abuse to continue. As soon as anyone says things like that they are labelled and their experiences minimised or ignored because somehow we think racism is worse than anything – even the rape of girls, even the hatred of women.”
‘Please Let Me Go” Caitlin Spencer.
The wind rush compensation has to be case by case – which means lawyers and some tribunal and appeals which will run and run. A gift which will giive and giive. And apparently there are other groups potentially on the train of gravy.
Don’t forget to add a little Grenfell !
Fed & Tr, yes.
If a blanket deal is offered (I think ‘the Left’ – please excuse use of obnoxious term – are calling for a blanket compensation deal for all inward migrants affected by possible deportation for ‘illegality’) there’s a danger of vast amounts of taxpayer cash being handed over to all and sundry.
Labour Party-led Quantitive Easing for The Few, not The Many.
Interestingly last night, the Sky press reviewers were youngsters (looked 15 but probably around 30) and were heavily promoting Wingnut for the H/Sec job. On the BBC a more mature pair were doing the same job, but didn’t think that Wingnut had enough experience for the position but on the grounds of his ethnicity felt he could get it, primarily believing that it could go to David Lidington or another. Clearly the kids won !
20:53 BBC2 accidently bumps into super Climate Activist, polar bear pornographer
Prog about Nortthern Ireland coast
Port Ballantrae
OK it was over in 2mins
At 11m15s in Countryfile there is suddenly a 3 second still of men standing in a cave .. then it goes to back to the prog.
..I don’t know what that is about.
Tyler Durden Film Splice … adult content {youtube}
Iran is in a death spiral … Other messages read: “Our enemy is right here (in Iran), they (Government) say it’s America”. … Iran pushes app with ‘Death to America’ emoji
“Among the features on new app Soroush are a series of emojis featuring a chador-clad woman clutching a picture of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, and placards wishing death to Israel, America and Freemasons.”
Still nothing on Labour propaganda BBC web page on John Woodcock as MP for Barrow being suspended for sexual harassment. -But not for calling Corbyn unfit to be a PM. This has a smell to it.
For Labour Party read The Stasi. McMafia is alive and well in the Labour Party.
Doesn’t he live with Isabel Hardman? She has had her own personal psychological problems.
This could be the start of the Labour Party split. Blairites v Corbynites warfare.
I’d like that very much.
So would I, but it won’t happen. Cooper, Lammy and the rest are content to lick the toad that is Corbyn for the prize of a possible government chair. They won’t last long enough to enjoy it though as McClusky and Momentum have them clearly in their sights and like all good cults will start picking them off one by one as soon as their purpose is finished with.
Woodcock is not the first to fall to this strategy and he will certainly not be the last.
Honestly Honestus
That’s a bit pessimistic
I see Cooper as the naughty Elf who has Corbyn in her sights,
She looks like an Elf don’t you think?
He’ll hath no fury like an elfin scorned as Cooper wants Corbyns job
First the anti Semites,now Woodcock,let battle commence
I hope the Tories make a big thing of this but I won’t hold my breath over the pathetic bunch of Tory PC do gooding,death wishing BBC supporting cowards
Notwithstanding the odd exception
Trotskyists vs Stalinists take your pick of two poison chalices
Is BBC mentioning Woodcock’s suspension yet ?
Times has a short article
Labour MP accused of sending inapp mesgs to staffer in 2014-16
Alarmist pictures of a glacier collapsing in the Antarctic with tales of dramatic sea level rises, etc, etc, etc. Try this. Put an ice cube in a glass of water and check level. Wait for ice to melt and check level again. No change? How odd.
Different ocean I know, but what was it the Titanic collided with? And where did that come from then?
“Peppa Pig blocked from China’s Douyin video platform”
I am surprised it hasn’t been blocked from this country already .
Peppa Pig certainly doesn’t seem to cause offence in Muslim countries. But I guess Arabs are a bit more tolerant than ‘Brits’ these days…
“Stormy Daniels sues Trump over ‘defamatory’ tweet”
They just do not let up.
More swamp draining needed President Trump.
Wingnut is standing like a right dickhead on the front page of the papers.