Midweek Open Thread

Grotesque – adjective – ‘comically or repulsively ugly or distorted ‘

Listening to highly paid broadcasters talking about Iran,  young criminal groups, prosecuting members of the British security forces – all live subjects at the moment made me search for the BBCs attitude . ‘Grotesque’ was the word which came up – as well as ‘disbelief’ . Im sure you can think of better words . But please try to keep it clean!

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410 Responses to Midweek Open Thread

  1. Sluff says:

    BBC1 6pm news and our fine state broadcaster is at its pro-open door mass immigration sick-bag worst.

    A New Zealand cancer specialist cannot get a UK visa and has to go home.

    Lets forget for a moment that the useless Home Office is probably trying to be seen as being ‘tough on immigration’ by showcasing an eminently decent and easily assimilated Kiwi while allowing endless Somalian and Eritrain ‘doctors and engineers’ in on the quiet.

    No, the key thing is this. A relative is doing a 1 year hospital doctor fellowship in Australia. His wife, a trained GP, has been unable to get work because she cannot get the work permits !!!

    Heaven forbid in bBBC la la land that the UK should actually have an immigration policy, and then implement it.
    As Australia obviously does.


    • Beeb Brother says:

      The problem is front door versus back door. Our honest BBC loves to blur the dichotomy.


      • thirdoption says:

        “……the problem is front door versus back door….”

        Didn’t Yassar Arafat have the same problem?


  2. G.W.F. says:

    The BBC have their man to give his opinion on Trump’s nomination as CIA Chief.

    Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who is held at Guantanamo Bay, has asked a judge if he can share six paragraphs of information, the New York Times says.
    Mr Mohammed was tortured by the CIA following his capture in 2003.


    In the interests of fairness and inclusivity perhaps the BBC would consider what this victim of terror would like to share.



    • taffman says:

      Al Beeb appears to be suffering from Trumpophobia.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      The only thing I want to hear from KSM are gurgling sounds as the evil bastard is waterboarded, every day for the rest of his life.


  3. Guest Who says:

    Presumably Mr. Khan is in for a rough ride next time in the bbc studios?


  4. Guest Who says:

    Still, the BBC is expert at ‘balance’.

    “Cliff Richard case: Helicopter shots ‘used sparingly’”….

    And editting for effect.

    …“lawyers for the BBC have told the High Court.”


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      “All in the best possible taste”.
      If only the BBC knew how much of an unfunny joke they now are.
      Irony must have left the building with Rocky Gervais.


  5. taffman says:

    “Brexit: Peers call for UK to remain in European Economic Area”
    Great Britain voted democratically to get out. Yet we are still in !
    Once again we have become “Lions led by Donkeys”.


    • Holly Selassie says:

      Don`t feel led by this load of expense fiddlling, gaydar hogging lefties and lying liberals. Does anybody?
      This lot will fold like a pack of cards once we let them know that we`ve had enough.
      With Islam to the left of us, Corbyn to the right-who`s REALLY going to let their country be taken away from them who`s not on welfare, drugs or creaming it all off in taxes and media grabs?
      I predict a Riot”-and rather more than one.
      The House of Lords-have we SEEN who`s in there, who let the shitszhus in?


  6. Sluff says:

    A laugh out loud moment on BBC London news.
    They show a march remembering one of the latest victims of London violence. Everyone shown is black. As was the victim. Then they interview a few folk. All black. Then they show a video produced by the dead person. Its a black teenage hoodie fest.
    So whats the problem?
    Apparently the Met have a gang member database and 78% of the people on it are black.
    So therefore it is racist.

    Only on the bBBC………….


    • StewGreen says:

      More surreal stuff


      • KatieH says:

        You are half white as well luv. You are doing a barry and forgetting your white side.


        • Kaiser says:

          Is it only the bbc that could make a woman who openly hates britain part of the royal wedding coverage


      • thehoiman says:

        Funny how lefties temporarily forget to pour scorn on people they’d usually refer to as ‘unelected spongers’ when an opportunity for race-baiting presents itself.


  7. Celtic_Mist says:

    It wasn’t a treaty as BBC would have us believe
    “We ought to be clear about this: Donald Trump isn’t ripping up a treaty; he’s walking away from Barack Obama’s personal pledge. Two and a half years ago, President Obama made a bad deal with Iran without support from Congress, and today President Trump is pulling out of President Obama’s personal commitment, and he doesn’t need Congress’s support to do so”


  8. Deborah says:

    Not the BBC but one of the ‘minor’ stations, possibly Drama. Advert for Premier Inns with lots of Bangla music and ladies in saris flirting with Asian men over the baked beans for breakfast. Mr D asked me what it was about. My suggestion is that it means that Asian people can stay at a Premier Inn although I don’t think they were ever prohibited.

    This advert was followed by the saintly Mo F running through a wall. I really don’t know what that was about.

    But if I lived in say Nairobi, I wouldn’t expect adverts showing white people to make me realise I could purchase whatever was on sale. I would think that having the money to pay for the goods all that was necessary. Am I being naive? I know Maxi is about, so I expect he has an answer.


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      I heard Justin Webb plugging something on 4 Extra as “and now something coming up on our sister station”.
      Bit sexist, surely all BBC outlets are gender fluid, neutral.
      Biased towards the cis-community, I`d have said.
      Suppose when families are so loathed by the BBC elites, then calling your rival wind generator your “sister” makes some kind of sense.
      Er, no…but they seem a bit fragile at the moment, seeing as nobodys watching, trusting or paying for them.
      Not even sure Chris Evans mum IS dead-if the BBC say so, I`m hardly going to trust them now am I?
      Probably some push to pay for wreaths or embalming fluid cocktails.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      I think you’d have loved the Smirnoff LGBT advert!


  9. Sir_Arthur_Strebe-Grebling says:

    The bBBC had it as headline national news when this Romanian immigrant arrived here in 2014, being welcomed by Keith Vaz MP.
    But it’s only local (Bedfordshire) news when he drove a car whilst drunk and drugged, over 100mph whilst disqualified from driving. Thankfully he didn’t kill anyone except himself.


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      I read the BBC article.
      Says there was a media “scrum”.
      Which I read as “scum”.
      Is “scrum” the plural?


  10. StewGreen says:

    Oh last Thursday was World Press Freedom day
    like having the freedom no to report Tommy
    or having the freedom to spin 4 oiks scuffling Mo Hijad for 90 seconds as characterising the whole day. #FalseNarrative.
    What do you think Soros ?


    • maxincony says:


      Oh last Thursday was World Press Freedom day… having the freedom to spin 4 oiks scuffling Mo Hijad for 90 seconds as characterising the whole day. #FalseNarrative.

      Who is Mo Hijad? Where are the press reports of a “scuffle”? Or reports of it; “characterising the whole day”?


      • StewGreen says:

        typo Mo Hijab
        The only press coverage on the Day of Freedom : Guardian and evening standards talked about scuffles.
        What they meant was when 4 oiks tried to punch over police at Mo Hijab the 7ft MMA protector of Ali Dawah.
        Tommy’s team had made a big point of disinviting Ali Dawahthe day before cos of the way he causes death threats to Tommy’s family, but Ali had turned up at the last moment without phoning.


  11. StewGreen says:

    Shouting “racist” earns you brownie points at the BBC
    doesn’t really mattter if you are right or not


    • StewGreen says:

      “Tomb of the Unknown Racist” made BBC Culture’s list of ten books to read in May. author Blanche McCrary Boyd


    • G says:

      SG, a doomed business no doubt……


  12. StewGreen says:

    They’ll be happy genuine racist story : National Action students jailed
    The report says they called themselves “Fashy Goys”
    Come-on, using the Yiddish word for gentile makes them seem like undercover cops pretending to be Nazis like out of the novel Riotous Assembly
    Ah the stunt happened way back in 2016, six months before National Action were banned
    now BBC


    • maxincony says:


      The report says they called themselves ‘Fashy Goys’. Come-on, using the Yiddish word for gentile makes them seem like undercover cops pretending to be Nazis like out of the novel Riotous Assembly

      What on earth are you smoking, Stew? Use of the word “Goy” is common parlance on far right Neo-Nazi websites. “Fashy” is short for Facist.

      Ah the stunt happened way back in 2016, six months before National Action were banned


      Yes, and they’ve just been convicted. Do you have a problem with that?


      • G.W.F. says:

        Maxicony aka Zero

        Good you are still with us. I hear you have been enjoying yourself with some of your pals in the grooming gangs you frequently defend.


      • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

        What kind of idiot has moral indignation at ‘kids’ jailed for offensive stickers yet ignores black ‘kids’ and their actual murders? Prick.


        • Kaiser says:

          jailed for stickers supporting a group that wasnt banned at the time , having a somewhat tasteless group name and some private conversations they had when they expressed bad opinions

          but we havent arrested 400 returned jihadists or touched 23000 radical islamists or hate preachers promoting death to gays and non-believers and jews

          and we dont arrest islamists for posting sharia zone posters/stickers despite it proclaiming a separate system of law

          and lets not even mention turning a blind eye to mass rape of children

          yes I do have a problem with it


      • StewGreen says:

        Maxi said “What on earth are you smoking, Stew ?”
        Do I have to be smoking to be surprised that ne-nazis might use a Yiddish word ?
        I’ve never heard of anyone calling themselves “Goy”
        Yes I knew what they meant by Fashy
        but it still makes them sound like undercover cops
        Their putting up of the provocative posters was a stunt . and the court judged it illegal, I’m not condoning it, but it was a stunt.


  13. Guest Who says:

    And so to bed, once I stop laughing.


    • taffman says:

      Will Leveson 2 include Al Beeb ?


      • Guest Who says:

        In Beebworld, ‘the news media’ includes only the press, and perhaps on occasion other broadcasters.

        Never them, they understand.



      • johnnythefish says:

        The forces behind Leveson 2 – the likes of Hope Not Hate and Common Purpose (hiding behind the front known as Hacked Off) will not be going after Al Beeb for obvious reasons.

        Their objective is to prevent the ‘right wing’ press from publishing what they see as negative stories about Islam, immigration, the NHS and all their other holy causes, through making them pay punitive legal costs for any case brought against them eg ‘racial stereotyping’, or somesuch, and thus make them think twice about publishing. Thus they might publish news stories about the pedophile rape gangs but sure as hell wouldn’t dare mention the fact they are predominantly Muslim or Pakistani.

        Censorship by the hard Left, in other words.


  14. taffman says:

    “North Korea frees three US detainees ahead of Trump summit”
    Well done President Trump I say.
    How many British ‘spies’/ detainees have been freed?
    Our government can’t even free us from the EU.


  15. Mackers says:

    Channel four is by far the most biased leftist news programme if we got rid of the bbc then we would end up like the U.S. where 90percent is pro democrat. The real problem is that the conservative party is two thirds liberal and the real conservatives are occused of being rightwing


  16. Beeb Brother says:

    BBC reports guests at Trump’s luxury golf course in Scotland are not allowed to drink Irn Bru in case it stains the carpets.

    A world class news service.


    • Terminal Moraine says:

      BB — that’s dynamite compared to some of their other output. E.g: photo of rubbish in park tweeted by man.

      Comedian Joe Lycett “posted a Twitter selfie showing plastic bottles and empty packaging strewn across the grass at Cannon Hill Park in Birmingham […] The stand-up comic – who has appeared on TV shows including QI and Never Mind the Buzzcocks – was at the park on Tuesday.”

      All courtesy of their ‘UGC & Social Media Hub’: “The BBC employs a team of skilled journalists to scour social media sites for the first and best accounts of news events to use in broadcasts.”


  17. Beeb Brother says:

    ‘Ed Sheerhan, Rita Ora and Calvin Harris are raking it in.’

    World famous musicians make lots of money, who would have thought it? They really shine a light on the world those fearless BBC ‘journalists.’

    The world they have created through their reckless liberalism is terrifying so they will increasingly refuse to report on it and write fluffy garbage like this instead. Who needs a news service to tell them that obviously rich people are in fact rich?


    • Scroblene says:

      Never heard of any of them.

      Are they related to U2 or some group like that?


    • JimS says:

      Ed Sheerhan? Is he the guy with an Irish name that sings about being English yet sounds like an ‘ethnic’?

      The guy that is so original that he copied the idea and title from Steve Earle?


      • johnnythefish says:

        If you want to see a clear cut example of ‘cultural appropriation’ have a look at (white Londoner) Plan B’s performance on Jools Holland the other night.

        He moved like a black rap artist, gesticulated like a black rap artist and rapped it out in that West Indian gangsta patois style which made him sound like a black rap artist.

        But dat is ok coz he protestin da toreez an da racist Brexit Britain innit.


  18. Ian Rushlow says:

    Think of the children… The homepage of the BBC ‘news’ website is currently running an article entitled ‘The children confused by love’. It is about the psychological problems experienced by some children, such as those who have been adopted. But being the BBC, it cannot resist using a ‘suitable’ photograph of a small white hand holding a large brown one. The picture is on the homepage and within the article itself it is the third one down in this link. In the light of Rochdale, Rotherham, Oxford, Bradford, Dewsbury etc etc, is this mere coincidence? Or is it intended to be highly provocative and offensive? Given the BBC’s track record, what do you think? Correct.



    • Beeb Brother says:

      Drip drip.

      Whenever they show kids celebrating exam results, they are diverse.

      Most negative things they will be less so.


    • Guest Who says:

      When it comes to confusions of underaged love, the bbc are limited by choice.

      And an image of a bejewelled crinkly white hand poking out of a shell suit sleeve may stir unfortunate memories.


    • StewGreen says:

      That Image is labelled “african american grandfather holding hands with little granddaughter” by the image agency


  19. Scroblene says:

    News on R5Dead had the usual dead hand of the bbbc.

    The great result of the three Americans coming home, and President Trump tearing up Obama’s ridciculous Iran stuff was read by a nearly incoherent girl, then again by a lad who made a great laugh by saying President Chump and started giggling for god’s sake!

    The first one is always crap on delivery, she’s hopeless, but the lad should go far, even though he’s still a trainee or whatever they call the juniors.

    Then dear sad old Rhod spent the next hour picking holes in the good news, calling the negatives, talking to his mates on that well known Republican stronghold Boston Globe rag, putting down all the positives of North Korea’s meeting with President Trump, and then getting a few more mates from the left for them to squirt Liberal/Left US bile everywhere.

    I know he lives there, but why is his drivel always thought interesting? I sometimes listen when I can’t sleep, but last night was just awful.


  20. Beeb Brother says:

    Why have we never seen Daniel Kawczynski on the BBC?

    He has a marvellously mellifluous voice, like diamonds dipped in honey. Also extremely articulate.

    He is half Polish and was born there yet is all for Brexit.

    He has known communism and hates it.

    He is even homosexual!

    What a backstory!

    No platforming effective speakers who do not fit their narrative is a very snide way of deceiving us. They only like to have one toothed scum vox pops to say they support Brexit.


  21. Roland Deschain says:

    The BBC’s commitment to quality journalism continues unabated.


    • Beeb Brother says:

      That the news staff say they are underpaid really takes some chutzpah. It is like Ian Huntley saying his school should have moved him up several pay grades. They generally do the complete opposite of what journalism should be, hiding the truth rather than uncovering it.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “I’m sad.” full stop. End of Story.


  22. Al Shubtill says:

    I haven’t seen / heard anything on al Beebus about the father of one of those three teenage boys, run down and killed by a drunken Pakistani, who is suing the police for how they investigated the crime.



  23. JamesArthur says:

    Is it me?
    The BBC seem unable to credit POTUS (or Mr Trump as they keep calling him) with any role in the North Korea events and focus on comments like ‘the difficult bit will be the negotiations..He might not succeed..’
    Apparently according to R4 he is only at the home coming because it’s good publicity??
    He will be the first President to meet a N.Korean leader…nothing there then..Can you imaging if it was Saint Obama?
    I would complain if I though it was worth while 🙂


    • Beeb Brother says:

      With Obama it would be non stop coverage likening him to Jesus, Mandela and Gandhi all rolled into one.

      With Trump they instead focus on a consensual relationship he had a decade ago.


    • LynetteO says:

      Sorry James I just get angry when people say they” would complain if they thought it was worthwhile”. The BBC are able to get way with such bias over and over again precisely because people think this.
      They have to acknowledge even the first complaint . But if people have the time to reject their initial usually totally unsatisfactory response and continue to complain than they in turn have to put resources into answering . Spending money on complaints is something they do not wish to do .

      In the past after writing lots of letters ( in those days) of complaint, a letter was received by BBC Complaints which said it was wasting tax payers resources to answer me. I got my MP to write to them at the that time to say that each complaint received had to be answered by law and my complaints were then answered again. .

      See just one of BBC’s news items that needed to be complained about http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2016/03/another-example-of-where-you-are.html.


  24. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Headlining bbc Newcastle news this morning, 5 local mps want a referendum on the deal with the eu.
    They are calling it a people’s vote on the deal.

    If the question was something like ‘Do you accept the deal the government has negotiated with the eu or do you want to leave completely and go to wto rules’ then that may be ok but the way they are telling it is either we accept whatever deal that we are offered or we stay in the eu.

    They say 200,000 jobs in the North East COULD go if we leave.
    They say ports COULD become so full they couldn’t function.
    They say food prices COULD rise massively.

    Project fear 2.1


    • JamesArthur says:

      Funny – on the one hand the Remoaners say the electorate didn’t understand what they were voting for when given a simple question/concept – now suddenly the same people can understand a whole much more complex situation…
      They really do want it both ways…I would like to see a list of all those in the Lords/HoC who have pension some other link to the EU. and how they are voting


      • Up2snuff says:

        Signatures to the petition continue to climb:



      • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

        Strangely, or not depending on your point of view, it was the remoaners who didnt understand what they were voting for. Neither this time or 1975.
        In 75 one wonders whether the following items were included on the ballot paper:
        An EU army
        The Schengen area
        Treaties….Nice, Maastricht, etc
        Unlimited immigration.
        Constant movement to full political union.
        Etc etc
        Just wondering which of those were voted on?


        • Kaiser says:

          who knows what else the lunatic in brussels will dream up in the future, how could you possibly know what you voted for if you voted to remain.


          • ToobiWan says:

            In a few years, Kaiser, the lunatic in Brussels will most likely be an ayatollah!


          • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

            Quite Kaiser,
            The future development could be even more horrific than we have seen so far, but what really pisses me off amongst our elite broadcast media interrog…oops…interviewers, is none of them ever take the remoaners to task over the 1975 referendum in terms of knowing what you were voting for.
            Or even for the future, as you say.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Unhappy People’s Vote”?
      “Wrong EU Vote”?


  25. Guest Who says:

    Often when folk refer to the bbc, comments can also go very well. Or not, depending….


    • MarkyMark says:

      Sex with minor = r*pe.
      Grooming = sadist r*pe of children.
      EU Divorce = EU Demand without itemised bill.
      Unique Funding = Not responsible to those that pay for the service.


  26. Guest Who says:

    We know them so well.

    As Naga would say: “don’t”. Apparently.


  27. Guest Who says:

    Good luck with that, Jez.p


    • G says:

      “Britains broadcaster needs to focus on what it does best” wtf!
      That’s misinformation, distorted and massaged news, selected news and/or omitted items to match the BBC’s political agenda.
      To focus on the ‘needs’ might hasten the demise of the BBC.


    • MarkyMark says:

      The BBC does not report news … it generates it (Savile/Brand/Pay Gap/Chris Evans on sick leave) … and is busy changing the country via social engineering …

      “By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{bbc.co.uk 14sep2017}”


      • Up2snuff says:

        And book and author advertisements (same for popular music) – the TOADY Prog spends more time on those trivia than asking questions about UK-based Russians who deaths – perhaps ordered by Putin? – are really suspicious.


    • ToobiWan says:

      The Commons Committee on Culture, Media and Sport said the licence fee was becoming “anachronistic” and should be scrapped one day. They did not inconvenience themselves by being specific on dates, and favoured replacing it with a household levy similar to the one imposed in Germany.
      This is where everyone pays, not just the address, whether you own a TV or not. My son was fined recently for not paying this “levy” and not owning a TV was no defense. Lord Hall has been after this payment model for years.


    • Dystopian says:

      Is that Jimmy Saville with the test card girl on his knee?


  28. G says:

    A good review of, ‘Travels in Cultural Nihilism’ written by Sephen Pax Leonard.


    • Old Goat says:

      Yes, I’ve read it, and keep plugging it. Get it, read it, it is excellent.


  29. MarkyMark says:

    Ultimate Feminist?

    Mother, 19, stabbed boyfriend during sex after telling him men should only be used for ‘human sacrifice’ {telegraph 02may2018}

    “In what she described as an “overreaction”, she whispered, “Trust me”, to the then 17-year-old Bewick before stabbing him five times in the chest, arm and thigh with a 10-inch knife, collapsing his lung. “


  30. Up2snuff says:

    TODAY watching: cannot help but wonder whether the inability of the presenters to ask questions is because they are ‘burning the candle at both ends’. They have a really early start, depending on how far they live from BH, perhaps as early as 3am. Do they also stay half-awake, slumped on the sofa watching colleague and former TOADY Evan Davies as he presents Newsnight on BBC2 late at night?

    Then suddenly, when I thought all hope was lost, some questions were asked at last but only on trees on the line and Abdul Hakim Belhaj.

    Compare and contrast, as they say, with Salisbury and the Skripals.

    How is that clean-up going, BBC?

    Yes, the one at Broadcasting House, getting some ‘best practice’ going again in your journalism and news presentation?


    • Fedup2 says:

      I think they have al beeb grace and favour apartments round the corner to the house of lies . Humph sounds less interested in everything all the time now and is pretty forgetful and well past thatc650k pa sell by date .
      Carney – Woolly headed Toynbee type
      Robinson – self opinionated shit
      Work experience ethnic – nuf said
      Public school boy – renta-beeboid .


  31. MarkyMark says:

    Brexit (Leaving the EU) was about having a choice.

    Then the voters were told it was not a choice but a trick question, if you want to leave the EU you are a xenophobe.
    If you want to stay in the EU you are happy to be dictated to by Merkel and Juncker, but you are not a xenophobe.

    Here is the not very diverse EU Commission …


    “United in diversity”, the motto of the European Union, first came into use in 2000. It signifies how Europeans have come together, in the form of the EU, to work for peace and prosperity, while at the same time being enriched by the continent’s many different cultures, traditions and languages.


  32. G.W.F. says:

    BBC bias over Israel takes the form of inverting cause and effect.

    BBC header
    Israel strikes Iranian targets in Syria in response to rocket fire.

    Why not say
    Iran fires rockets at Israel and Israel responds.

    It is a garbled report but manages to refer to Israeli occupation

    ‘Israel occupied most of the Syrian Golan Heights in the 1967 Middle East war and later annexed it in a move not recognised internationally.’



    • MarkyMark says:

      It’s very clever …. “I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression the Syrian suicide bomber as a victim in a ‘German blast’.” {bbc.co.uk 24jul2016}}

      “Syrian migrant (Terrorist with the Bomb) dies in German Blast” {bbc.co.uk 24jul2016}


    • chrisH says:

      9am headlines say that Israel fired rockets into Iranian bases in Syria because,
      “Israel says , rockets from Iranian bases were fired into Israel”.
      ISRAEL SAYS huh? Well Beeb-you`re the hacks.
      Did Iranian bases actually FIRE rockets into Syria?
      Or simply get wrongfully accused of it?
      They CANNOT be allowed to get away with these endless mealy-mouthed slurs.
      Did Syria site Iranian rockets that were fired at Israel…or not?
      Easy question, but our 9am newsreader seems to be telling us that Israel might just be imagining things again, and making up stories about the BBCs new bezzies firing rockets into a country thay have no right in being in.
      Lying bastards,send for Regev.
      Who`s never allowed on any more-why not Beebscum?


      • Foscari says:

        ChrisH- One of the BBC’S favourite words the Corbanyst editors
        like to use so far as Israeeeeeel is concened is ALLEGED. Israel
        alleged this, alleged that. It’s a way for the Corbayst editors to
        get away with calling Israel liers.
        Give a couple of generations. When 1933-1945 is just history.
        It wouldn’t be surprised if the BBC used the term alleged


    • JamesArthur says:

      Well spotted. My wife and I sat and watched the news this morning and said the same thing. It is amazing how they can twist reality.

      BBC.. so independent and trustworthy..


    • johnnythefish says:

      That would be the 1967 Middle East war which was the Arab States’ second attempt (out of 3) to ‘wipe Israel off the map’.

      Another inconvenient fact taken care of by the BBC Memory Hole.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Toady watch

      Very early this morning N Robinson had a chat with the president of Albania – Albania wants to jointvthe EUreich and thinks it will do so by 2025 . The alarm bell was ringing as Albania has the reputation as being the poorest country in Europe .

      I had a quick look at population size @4 million – same as Ireland . Then I thought “ don’t worry Fedup2 we ll be gone by then . “ then I thought – “ “or may be not if the Lords have there way”

      Then lastly I thought “ it doesn’t matter any way because they are already in Blighty anyway”…

      Did anyone see or hear of Sopel spinning presudent Trump yet? No sign of him for me ..


      • MarkyMark says:

        House of Lords … Protecting the Metropolitan Bubble from the rest of the country.

        Robert Peston Admits Brexit Voters Were “On The Right Side Of History”


        He (Robert Peston) admitted he felt “ashamed” that himself and the people he’d surrounded himself with “were out of touch with millions of people”.

        Peston added: “I basically take my hat off to [Brexit voters] because they have thrown all the cards up in the air, they don’t know yet how they’re going to land – but it was the right thing to do.”


    • G.W.F. says:

      Marky Mark
      Do they invite Tommy Robinson for comments when they accuse him of being a far right extremist who peddles hate speech?


  33. JamesArthur says:

    Anyone tried complaining to Ofcom since they took over regulation of BBC especially as they state that

    “Ofcom must ensure that broadcasters continue to analyse the facts, challenge every claim, and champion the widest range of views and voices”.
    Hmmmm I can see just a few (all) areas where good old BeeB isn’t doing the above..unfortunately I couldn’t see where it says broadcasters have to be honest and unbiased when they do the above which is, I think, how the BBC get away with it.


  34. Kaiser says:

    hmmmm have the deep thought beeb journalistic machine dug into this one yet

    Duke of Wellington EU subsidies


    • taffman says:

      Disgraceful !
      The ‘Waterloo’ Duke must be spinning in his grave !
      How many other Lords have got a vested interest in wrecking Brexit ?


  35. Foscari says:

    Germany has just accused Iran of “provocation” after attack on Israel.
    Don’t expect the BBC to mention this. It’s the ALLEGED attack
    so far as the BBC is concerned.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Do you notice the concerted remain propaganda still being pumped out by al beeb ?

      Not enough hotel workers
      Not enough farm labour
      No european satellite access
      Huge job losses
      Irish border Irish border
      Border chaos
      It just goes on every day in an engineered way with the ReichEU using al beeb as it’s mouth piece like lord haw haw .


      • Scroblene says:

        I sometimes hear it Fed, but like most of my friends, I ignore the bias, the autocue reliance, the rather dull presenters whenever real news about success in the US, the N. Korea initiative, and useful business is mentioned (but not really understood by bbbc staff, they’re paid by the state), and so it goes on.

        I really haven’t heard a single comment from anyone around my village, who thinks the bbbc does a good job – they’re actually viwed as a laughing stock, and the biggest laugh I got was from an ex-World Service Journo, now doing his own thing away from the dreadful W1A sludge of mediocrity, ‘diversity’ and other leftie crap.


  36. Beeb Brother says:

    Panorama running a programme about whether falling Police numbers are causing a rise in crime.

    There is something else that is definitely driving the rise, I wonder if they would ever look into it?


  37. MarkyMark says:

    A philanthropist has donated £850,000 to a university in a bid to help promote a better understanding of Islam in society.{bbc.co.uk 10may2018}

    – “helping to promote a better understanding of Islam in the wider society”.
    – “understanding” or “accepting” or “tolerating”.

    Will they study Iran for a better understanding? Will they study Saudi Arabia for a better understanding? What about Yemen where Sunni and Shia Islam have given the country a double understanding of a religion of peace? Well? All smiles in the photos ….


  38. G.W.F. says:

    Treezer apologizes for Lybian rebel who was tortured by Ghadaffi’s men.
    His wife gets £500,000 from the UK taxpayer.

    He had a civil engineering degree and led an army who tried to assassinate Ghadaffi

    Mr Belhaj was born in 1966 in the Souq al-Jumaa area of Tripoli and studied at al-Fateh University, where press reports say he earned a civil engineering degree.

    He became an opponent of Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi and commanded the now defunct Libyan Islamic Fighting Group which staged a low-level insurgency war and three times attempted to assassinate Col Gaddafi.


    • Grant says:


      Does Treezer know that £500,000 in Libya has a spending power of £m 3-5 ?


  39. JamesArthur says:

    R4 World at one.. Sarah Montague was left dumb founded and speechless (did a Cathy Newman) when the lawyer for Abdel Hakim Belhaj said she was satisfied with the apology and it was the most comprehensive ..next step after speechless er ers… push the compensation angle…
    Lawyer says its not a problem..Montague dumbfounded.. completely off balance
    BBC have nothing to say unless it can knock the UK/Government/Right wing/ POTUS/Brexit


  40. MarkyMark says:

    Generate News from nothing … the BBC £3.5bn Service … Davina: Having a baby robbed me of ambition


    • StewGreen says:

      media’s favourite subject : Talking about themselves : media-land people


  41. ChrisMorrison says:

    I have withdrawn to a distant part of Morrison Towers of late to try to contemplate and understand why hypocrisy lies at the heart of modern liberalism and the BBC. Isolated in my retreat I can’t help feel that two pipes and a half decent burgundy has not been quite enough to solve this complex mystery, but here goes.

    The BBC and its cast of elites have wrapped themselves in a cloak of moral authority that accepts no argument. It despises the indigenous culture of Britain and regards with barely concealed contempt the majority of people who live in the country. They are in the word of Gordon Brown “bigots” while Emily Thornberry sneers at their flags, houses and white vans parked outside. The BBC needs their money and the Labour party wants their votes, but that is it.

    Have you noticed how you can’t debate with liberals these days? Whatever facts or figures you bring to the table their mind is already made up from the Guardian they read and the BBC they watch. They run universities where they indoctrinate the young with fake knowledge and encourage them to close their minds. And then they profess injured innocence when the students start banning speakers and declaring “safe spaces”. Of course the indoctrination starts much earlier in the public sector schools. Every long-standing employer knows that standards of literacy and numeracy are well down on previous generations. Seemingly there is little time to teach such mundane stuff when there are only so many hours in the days to discover how appalling our ancestors behaved.

    You can go to Cuba or Venezuela and see how communism can wreck a state. You can denounce terrorism in all its forms as evil and beyond civil acceptance but the leader of the main opposition party says he is a “friend” of Cuba and Hamas and was sympathetic to the IRA. Every decent person knows he is unfit even to sit in the British parliament but Jon Snow from Channel 4 sings his praises at Glastonbury and shouts “fuck the Tories”.

    The Right Charlie flies in a private jet to pick up an environmental award and calls for an end to consumerism. Jane Garvey says that a white theatrical audience in London is a “problem” while her employer indulges in similar racism by advertising for “non-whites”. But of course it is not hypocrisy or racism because we are right and you are wrong. We are morally just and whatever you say, you are still bad and we are still good.

    Smug “comedians’ spend a subsidised lifetime spilling out self righteous dross, designed to display their higher moral authority. Every now and then one gets outed for not paying tax, abusing other people or has to disappear for six months while they clean the Bolivian marching powder out of their system, but hey, just remember they are good and you are bad.

    The crusades around climate change science say it all. Long ago the BBC took the precaution of banning all skeptical inquiry. Instead of a sensible discussion about future energy use and efficiency, we are being forcibly marched towards an uncertain future of renewable power. Not that it applies to the elites at the National Theatre who are seeking an exemption from new EU lighting regulations.

    Do as I say, not as I do. I am right and virtuous, you are wrong.

    And further how dare you question my right to save the planet. This is my new religion since I don’t care for all those outdated Christian values. If the poor have to pay higher energy prices, so be it. I make so much money I will not notice and I am blessed in my new anti-science priesthood. If your light bulbs are a bit dim, come to my theatre where the sun continues to shine out of my fundament.

    We love people, except you of course, so we are happy for lots of new folks to come and live in your country. Useful, as well, that it depresses the wages of the bigots and gives us cheap servants. When an Islamic refugee blew 23 young people to bits at a Manchester concert, we organised another singsong two weeks later and sang Don’t look back in anger”. Problem solved.

    Except that it isn’t. Importing hundreds of thousands of low-skilled people every year from the developing world accumulates huge cultural and economic problems that will need to be faced in the future. Almost everybody wants to come and live in an advanced welfare state like Britain – if they first can’t get into Sweden. One day we are going to be forced to have a sustainable immigration policy. But for the moment we will get Lily Allen to set the news agenda and ignore the issue on the grounds that anyone who wants to have a sensible discussion is a racist.

    Self righteous on such an historic scale is actually a huge defense that has been mounted to hide massive corruption. Corruption of many of the values that are being torn down in Britain before our very eyes. Some of these values needed changing and societies evolve and develop all the time. It’s good to talk but the liberal elites are slowly and surely shutting down the conversation.

    That’s why the BBC needs to lose the license fee.


    • MarkyMark says:

      When you know that everything you say is morally right you never have to think you are wrong. Ever. When you are funded regardless of what you do. Forever. You have no consequences.

      Good post!


    • G.W.F. says:


      Excellent comment worth re-reading


    • Big Al says:

      Top post again Chris. You’re a great new asset to this site.
      btw – Where’s Pounce gone again ?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Chris – certainly a two pipe discourse . I guess the issue really is polarisation which has led to an al beeb which only permits one world view . There is no room for the contrary . No dissent from their new religion .
      This will carry on until there is a convulsion . I don’t know what that will be . A big terrorist attack ? Oil prices ? A pandemic ? But the group think sees the world going on as it is now . But nothing carries on as it is without charge . – I read something on this being described as a”black swan “ event so out of prediction as to come from nowhere .
      It may happen tomorrow or next year but it will happen and shake our country and al beeb out of its smug one state liberalism encouraging on line poison and infantile trolls with no ability to see the contrary view without abusing it.


    • theisland says:

      Thank you for this post Chris. It should be repeated on every thread because it reminds us of the weak underbelly of the arrogant.

      When will it dawn upon our masters that we know their motives and methods?
      Decades of criminality, corruption, collusion and cover-up at all institutional levels.
      Do they live in fear of personal exposure or are they entirely convinced by the invincibility and security of their networks?

      Let us pray that the ‘black swan’ event (Fu2) provides a solution in our favour, and quickly.


  42. StewGreen says:

    BBC guilt at employing WHITE people
    “You know all these TV explorers they tend to be men, cos of all the time away from family,
    … well we sent our lesbian Mel to Vietnam and Channel 5 have Jane MacDonald
    ….aha we’ve just found a woman who is ethnic Syrian/Yemeni Muslim hurrah ..almost maximum brownie points
    ..Oh no she has one white English grandmother”


  43. Beltane says:

    Independent inspired uproar in the Labour ranks as a gaggle of ‘Northern’ MPs vote for another referendum – based on the fact that ‘Nobody knew what they were voting for….’
    It does get easier when your core beliefs are based on very shaky holier-than-thou precepts, fostered by the BBC and the Guardian. The idea that those Nice People at the EU could have been busily moving goalposts and generally Barnier-storming their way through ever since we voted, ignoring any pretence of recognising democracy, is anathema to them.
    They really ought to bone up on 1642 and find out how the people reacted to being pissed on at the time.


  44. StewGreen says:

    Iran deal
    BBC seem upset , have they got some skin in the game ?
    Ah yes the imprisoned journo
    …who definitely, definitely, doesn’t work for them …engineering Twitter revolutions.


  45. StewGreen says:

    A Hull play mocking the “far-right” has been abandoned
    A Muslim actor said the play had become “a platform for racist rhetoric”
    Plot a young girl joins a gang which turns out o have racist tendencies

    …How many plays do they have that tackle Muslim or black gangs ?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Stew – freedom of expression ? Doesn’t sound like it .


      • Fedup2 says:

        I’ve been rationing al beeb exposure a bit but caught a pair of the 7000 al beeb journos on the 5 pm news talking about the ReichEU brexit . They repeat the EUReich party line without thought . The EUreich wants uk to do this and agree that – as though we cannot exit the ReichEU without its permission .

        Little coverage is given to the multiple remain votes going on the the Lords . Hopefully their last harrah before abolition .

        If we had a brexit PM the place could be stuffed with another 800 brexit peers to move the voting power to reflect the voting wishes of the British electorate . Too much self interest in that rat hole .


      • taffman says:

        Does anyone care about a play being pulled ?
        Those guys need to get a real job.


  46. taffman says:

    Project Fear 2
    The operational word “Could”.
    Then we would source cheaper food outside the European Union in third world countries who would be only too glad to supply us . This “could” put lots of EU producers out of work. Simples
    “the lady doth protest too much.”
    Brexiteers! There is a HYS running, let em know how you feel .


    • StewGreen says:

      Yep Look North opened and we got 8 mins on that Lords report with it’s “food COULD be more expensive ”
      and customs queues will PROBABLY be long”
      and I thought WTF this is so obviously propaganda
      ..And then an incredible thing they went live to our local MP
      and Andrew Percy MP said “Well this report is complete rubbish, just scaremongering ”
      Presenter ” and at the end of the show we’ll have your feedback”

      End of show
      Presenter “It’s fair to say your feedback is unanimous : Fred Bloggs says scaremongering , Farmer Brown disagrees that food prices will rise etc. ”

      Farage says abolish the “Traitors in Ermine”


      • JimS says:

        When they wanted us to join the EC one of the few downsides that Heath and co. were open about was that food would be more expensive.

        I am reminded of the story about the man who rang his council to ask by how much his rates would rise now that he had built a garage. On being told that they would increase by £150 he asked that that sum be deducted because he had actually demolished the garage.


  47. Fedup2 says:

    To credit al beeb – it is reporting the trial of two Muslim sisters plotting attacks in London . The new normal –

    Apparently one of them wanted to go marry a Muslim terrorist in Syria but fortunately he got killed . So these lovelies decided to take it out on London. And we still don’t have the death penalty .


  48. taffman says:

    “Interest rates on hold as Bank cuts growth outlook
    The railways used to blame the “bad weather” now its the Bank of England’s turn.
    Why does Carney remind me of Tommy Cooper?


    • Beltane says:

      Tommy Cooper Taff? The two-faced journeyman banker reminds me more of Boris Karloff – minus his innate sense of humour.


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      Interest rates stuck on 0.5%.

      Are we still on the temporary emergency interest rates then?

      Is the crisis from 10 years ago still having the same effect now for this ‘temporary emergency’ rate having to be applied.

      By the way, watching The Pledge, I enjoyed Carole Malone giving Lord Ballymory a right earful tonight.


      • Up2snuff says:

        EG, it would have been counter-intuitive but sometimes that works in economies: increasing rates when the evidence points the other way.

        Had Gordon Brown and Alastair Darling immediately revoked the BoE’s responsibilities over Base Rate at the end of 2007 and very gradually & steadily increased Base Rate – with advance warnings – then the disasters of 2008 and 2009 might have been reduced for the UK. Instead, their eyes were tight wide shut in denial and panic.