Midweek Open Thread

Grotesque – adjective – ‘comically or repulsively ugly or distorted ‘

Listening to highly paid broadcasters talking about Iran,  young criminal groups, prosecuting members of the British security forces – all live subjects at the moment made me search for the BBCs attitude . ‘Grotesque’ was the word which came up – as well as ‘disbelief’ . Im sure you can think of better words . But please try to keep it clean!

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411 Responses to Midweek Open Thread

  1. taffman says:

    “Interest rates on hold as Bank cuts growth outlook
    The railways used to blame the “bad weather” now its the Bank of England’s turn.
    Why does Carney remind me of Tommy Cooper?


    • Beltane says:

      Tommy Cooper Taff? The two-faced journeyman banker reminds me more of Boris Karloff – minus his innate sense of humour.


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      Interest rates stuck on 0.5%.

      Are we still on the temporary emergency interest rates then?

      Is the crisis from 10 years ago still having the same effect now for this ‘temporary emergency’ rate having to be applied.

      By the way, watching The Pledge, I enjoyed Carole Malone giving Lord Ballymory a right earful tonight.


      • Up2snuff says:

        EG, it would have been counter-intuitive but sometimes that works in economies: increasing rates when the evidence points the other way.

        Had Gordon Brown and Alastair Darling immediately revoked the BoE’s responsibilities over Base Rate at the end of 2007 and very gradually & steadily increased Base Rate – with advance warnings – then the disasters of 2008 and 2009 might have been reduced for the UK. Instead, their eyes were tight wide shut in denial and panic.


  2. taffman says:

    “US President Donald Trump will meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore on 12 June, he has said. “
    President Trump is “draining the swamp” and Al Beeb does not like it .


  3. Guest Who says:

    Laura been at the cooking sherry?


    • Guest Who says:

      Whatever it is, John has had a crate load…


      • Alicia Sinclair says:

        I`m surprised that John Sweeney isn`t pitching to be on Trumps team-well, more likely to be Kims I suppose.
        John used twenty of his wifes students to cover for him as he tried to snoop around North Korea to get some exclusive footage.His very own Panorama special too.
        He failed miserably, his awful show was nearly all stock stuff from the eighties. Sweeney had also put those unknowing British students at real risk-had he been rumbled, they`d all be on cabbage and slug soup these last five years .But John and his wife thought their being risked a small price for the BAFTA that never came.
        Now THAT`S one self opinionated nasty creep. And his wife`s clearly a shit.
        How BBC. F*** off Sweeney!


  4. StewGreen says:

    OT.. Would you pay £8 for small tube of Colegate ?
    Pinderfields Hospital has a WH Smiths shop inside tweet
    ..OK they have to pay prime rates/rent but £8 !


  5. StewGreen says:

    Oh Look West Yorkshire Police are finally doing something about warning about grooming according Tonight’s Look North : West/South Yorkshire edition
    “West Yorkshire Police have issued a warning about 10 Apps that pose a risk to young people re Online Groomng”
    Of the youths in the example 2 out of 3 were BME
    ‘You know there’s this amazing app that lets you hide files’
    .. (dipsticks ..renaming any file/folder to begin with a dot means it is hidden on Android )
    Actually all WY Police are doing it relaying the list compiled by a US blogger.
    but I wouldn’t expect any org with only £3.5bn worth of resources to be able to figure that out.
    Plymouth Police shared it a whole month ago


  6. StewGreen says:

    West Yorkshire Police
    looking after their community today


    • JimS says:

      Did Diane Abbott do the sums for them?

      25,000 Muslims living in Britain book a trip, which must be about 1% of them, (not enough to meet the religious obligation). ‘Thousands more’ – what does that mean? Two thousand more (i.e. not much more relatively speaking) or 225,000 more, (isn’t how they would like it to sound?)? Indeed it could be read that 25,000 make the trip and 25,000+ don’t because of fraud, (from whom? Not ‘British’ people surely?).

      Then of these 25,000+ ‘only’ 3% report it, i.e. 750 reports. I think the police are using the same technique that ‘proves’ that rape is under-reported, because, as we all know, there are 25 million ‘undetected’ rapists in Britain, (We’re looking at you men!).


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      Why don`t we ask all our enrichers to get hajj done now on special rates, and then plead climate change bother when they want to fly home?
      Wondering too, how many will die under Bin Ladens Earthworks and Cranes Emporium over there THIS year.
      Higher or lower that 2016, when it was 800 who died in the stampeded under the poly tunnels that normally house Hamas students when placed by Israel?
      I`m thinking lower this year, 350 dead.
      Paddy Power tomorrow, will see if they`ll take a bet with me.


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      25,000 booking trips to Mecca? Why don’t they stay there in Islamic paradise?


  7. StewGreen says:

    Today BBC Look North’s FB page has a video about a classroom, which must be in a foreign country
    ..although the teacher is white.

    (BTW getting the class to work on team tables is hardly new, it’s standard practice)
    I cannot teach 32 children one to one, but I can walk around a room of 8 tables listening for mistakes )


    • Al Shubtill says:

      You mean this one?


      The only whites in the photos are staff.


      • StewGreen says:

        Yes Al Shub : Item was PR-not-News
        Actual news “School with astoundingly low % of white pupils, uses standard teaching practice”
        Result is BBC and school have exploited children for their own propaganda purposes.
        Not the biggest deal ever but part of drip, drip, drip.


  8. G.W.F. says:

    I can’t decide whether this piece about a predicted Israeli Me Too winner of the Eurovision Song Contest is actually an attack on Israeli culture.



  9. Alicia Sinclair says:

    Dreadful day for the PM team I noted. Guessing there was no doomsday stuff from their favourite maudlers today on Brexit, Climate Change and the Tory cuts.
    Nothing bad to tell us about Trump, just sniffy disdain and a carp that Obama would have it all so much better with North Korea, if only we`d been patient.
    So PM had no news.
    We therefore got the longest piece of crap on Alzheimers, a couple of plugs for Jackie Stewarts charity(worthy yes?…but how is it news even if you bang into Babs bags on Esher High Road?).
    And TWATO had fifteen minutes or so “reflecting on how Mrs T didn`t like the EU”).
    Just filler pieces extended long enough to cobble together another Trump bitchslap or Brexit ballyhoo as we wait.
    Bad day for the BBC-and nobodys noticing anymore.
    Fete News, not even worthy of the word fake-that would imply some reality is in it.


  10. Guest Who says:

    Comments suggest the enthusiasm the bbc has for this is not shared by all..


    • StewGreen says:

      @Guest-Who Re-comments could be going better, do you mean on the article or on that Twitter thread ?
      The article doesn’t currently have a HYS, it would be interesting if they’ve stealth-edited it .

      Ah yes the Twitter thread is absolutely full of negative comments.


  11. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Is anyone sick of the remoaners argument saying we wanted to have sovereignty and make our own laws so why are we complaining when the House of Lords are defeating and amending our proposals.

    What they don’t realise is that we are against the House of Lords because their decision is to try to get us back into the eu.
    A sort of Catch 22 situation.


  12. davylars says:

    Well, just been watching (well, Mrs L. was watching) a programme that was actually a fair representation on the ethnicity of the European population at the present time. And would you believe, it was on BBC 4
    The Eurovision Song Contest.
    Because I was so bored and forced to sit through it, l decided to do a little survey.
    I counted a total of 65 contestants performing and out of those I noticed that only 4 represented the BAME community.
    A bit of quick maths and I came to the figure of 6.12%
    In the UK the figure is around 14% BAME, though this is rising rapidly.
    There you go. The BBC under representing the BAME community, without realising it. Even the presenters were white, though one was gay…


  13. Guest Who says:



  14. G.W.F. says:

    Erdogan is coming this weekend. Expect mass protests especially from our feminists.
    Treezer wants to demonstrate how close we are with Turkey. No doubt she is all for Turkey joining the EU once the British have been persuaded to remain



  15. BRISSLES says:

    I gave up being a film buff when juveniles started making unfunny teenage films that went straight to video, and then kids took over the film studios and started making ‘comic’ films that no-one understands.


  16. Guest Who says:

    Ever get the feeling the bubble the bbc inhabits is as predictable as it is small?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Londonistan crime

      NE londonistan 30 year old multiple stabbing – Wanstead – nice place -not very vibrant considering it’s near londonistan . I hope the victim didn’t go to the local A and E otherwise he could well be dead number 64.


    • StewGreen says:

      If you are a race-baiter like Ash, you get straight into the BBC bubble
      \\ I can’t believe @Skynews allow racists/race merchant @AyoCaesar Ash Sarkar anywhere near them //


  17. Eddy Booth says:

    Brexit: Warning of rising food bills and disruption to supplies

    ”Food bills could rise sharply if there is no free trade deal with the European Union after Brexit, peers have warned.
    In the event of the UK leaving the EU in March 2019 without any deal, it said, the UK could face an average 22% tariff on food imports from the Continent. ”

    Hows that work then,?
    We import oranges from Spain,
    so isn’t it only our government who could impose tarrifs on imports to here, and also be the ones who keep the cash.
    The scaremongers like to pretend it’s the exporters who will somehow add a big tarriff to our bill, and they who keep the money.
    Sure the Spanish exporter would then have to raise their price to cover a big tarriff , and pass it on to the British buyers.
    But we don’t have to add any tariff if we don’t want to,
    the only reason to do so would be if we got in to a bitter trade war with the EU,
    Even then we could simply import oranges from another continent.

    Of course in their upside down view the BBC like to paint a picture of the British, despite being the buyers, of having the weaker hand.


    • Up2snuff says:

      There has been a deliberate non-understanding or deliberate distortion or misrepresentation of how tariffs are applied to trade by Remain campaigners, such as Carolyn Fairbairn of the CBI.

      The BBC are doing exactly the same.


  18. Beltane says:

    Another QT passes. Dimly interrupting, smartarse Trot rapper appearing rational, Esther McVey sounding like William Hague, Chukka – sorry, Chooka – being bland, incomprehensible Spanish(?) businessman being incomprehensible and a nice bit of totty talking occasional commonsense.
    The audience reaction to the perfectly valid suggestion of Trump being awarded, or even put forward, for the Nobel Peace prize was as shameful as it was unexpected. The same gullible twats, no doubt, that thought Obama’s obscenely unearned award was right and proper.
    And, as usual, through all the meandering and specious arguments about the EU, not one voice discussing or dissecting the revered organisation we voted to leave.
    Not one member of the panel with the honesty and courage to speak of the chicanery, the institutionalised dishonesty, the pettiness, the spite and the envy that drives such a significant part of the apparatus we know as ‘Brussels’. Or the financial obscenity that is Strasbourg, for that matter. That absurdity alone should be all the justification any nation with any vestige of self-respect should need to abide by the most politically astute decision made by the people in recent history – despite the hinderence of politicians and peers.


  19. Beeb Brother says:

    There are becoming fewer and fewer safe spaces for people like us on the BBC.

    First ‘The One’ Show has a segment about cooking dinner with local Muslims and involving a young lady Muslima in a fencing tournament. Cute idea but I imagine the issues are somewhat more complicated than this – I think facts and analysis probably count as a hate crime these days. If I invited a Muslim girl out for dinner she could end up murdered in an ‘honour’ crime.

    Then my beloved Five Live sport, an arena blessedly free of politics as balls going into nets or onto bats is apolitical. Alas no: we have about twenty f**cking minutes about why not enough South Asians are playing or watching cricket. Maybe just a few moments is ok, but 20 minutes? Of course they have a whole crack team of ‘diversity’ professionals to explain the ‘problem.’

    Doctors are disproportionately Asian( footballers are disproportionately black( most nurses are women; Chinese love table tennis; and so on. What on Earth is the problem with different groups not being evenly represented in different fields? There could be countless reasonable justifications for it, none of which involve ‘oppression.’ I thought diversity was our strength? Equality means treating everyone with the same amount of love and respect, NOT sameness? Who gives a f*ck that not
    enough Scandinavians deliver is your post?

    Thomas Sowell explains how there has rarely ever been a single pursuit which has been equally pursued by every group. Why would you want that to be so anyway?

    Sorry, rant over.


    • JamesArthur says:

      Beeb Bro…
      Rant away…just because you rant doesn’t make what you rant about wrong 🙂
      BBC diversity in full swing this morning when talking about Grammar schools – out of 3 scenes showing schools there was one , yes one white anglo saxon in the class rooms…but then they show 7 white boys in a chemistry lab..I guess that was to show that only white kids go to Grammar schools…
      .if you were new to the UK you would think it was 95% non white if you watched the BBC .
      I am not a racist but I think if the BBC are supposed to reflect their viewing population they might try a bit harder with this diversity and look at some of the real stats on diversity


    • Kaiser says:

      plenty of “south asians” seem to watch cricket when the pakistani team are on tour in england


      • JimS says:

        In the park behind my parents’ house the only people who play cricket are ‘south asian’.

        They are watched by lots of ‘south asian’ supporters too that shout out encouragement like, “Stop playing like a f***ing n*gger!”, so they clearly feel more ‘at home’ than I do now.


    • thirdoption says:

      Good post Beeb,

      I’ve noticed that the only time the BBC seem to become agitated about lack of diversity/equality is when it’s white men who are the guilty majority.

      I await with baited breath the BBC campaign against the clearly sexist job entitled “midwife” and the outrageously biased policy of employing so many women to deliver babies.


      • Demon says:

        I think I’m going to complain to my local council that there are not enough female refuse-collectors. In fact I have never seen one, ever, despite living in a number of council areas. I should also ask how many women are employed working in the sewerage part of the water company.
        Funny how the lefties never complain about the under-representation of women in the less glamorous, but vital, jobs.


        • ToobiWan says:

          There’s two on my round, Demon. More facial hair than the blokes as well!


      • BRISSLES says:

        I’ve always noticed that blacks are brilliant at running, and sports where just the use of their legs are all that’s needed, but where are they in swimming, horse riding/equestrian, motor racing, rowing, water sports ? It doesn’t take an idiot to realise that their spacial co-ordination is not geared up in the same way, or significant inroads would have been made by now. A square peg will never be put in a round hole.


        • ToobiWan says:

          I asked this question of a swimming coach years ago, Briss and he said that the reason for the lack of competitive black swimmers was down to them having a different center of gravity, also something to do with the way their heels protrude. Sounded a bit suss at the time but something’s responsible for the lack of world class black swimmers.


          • countryblues says:

            I thought this was explained decades ago…they have to drag too much seaweed along! 😉


          • Guest Who says:

            Certainly the Off Libya Polo team seems to struggle.

            Treezer sending Duncan Goodhew and Rebecca Adlington out with HMS Bulwark to shout a few tips?


          • BRISSLES says:

            Could be something in that Toobs, – the majority of blacks are very flat footed, and more than a few black women are extremely bow legged – just watch them walk in high heels ! The same body difference can be seen with some having very round and protruding back sides whilst their upper body remains slimmer.


        • StewGreen says:

          There would be some brilliant black long distance swimmers,
          ..but every time they get in the sea for a practice ..a freaking refugee rescue boat or Channel 4 walking giant pulls them out of the sea.


  20. Synchronised says:

    Beeb website so pleased to report Sadiq taking the welfare of London’s young seriously. Tackling knife & gun crime? Nope. Protection against grooming gangs? Nope. The far more serious issue of the advertising of junk food on TFL sites. He will no doubt be on a sofa this morning explaining it all.


    • LynetteO says:

      Lies, lies and more lies against Israel’s restrictions on the Palestinian Arab farmers in the ” occupied ” territories and reinforced by the presenter on Radio 4 interview with founder of an Palestinian Arab olive company – this morning before 7am but bound to be repeated.

      Like to deal with just one specific lie that Israel is to blame for Palestinian Arabs farmers not having enough water for their their water for their agriculture.

      The Oslo Accords required the Palestinian Authority to build a system of wastewater treatment plants to prevent pollution of the groundwater…The EU transferred funds to the Palestinians for the construction of the wastewater treatment system, but, according to reports in the media, these funds never reached their destination. The extremists told them that “they would not allow Arab wastewater to flow next to Jewish wastewater.” .

      In contrast to Jordan and the Palestinian Authority, Israel recycles waste water for agricultural irrigation, produces water for domestic consumption in desalination plants and uses water conserving irrigation methods.

      “The Palestinian Arabs absolutely refuse to irrigate their agricultural fields with treated sewage effluents. By comparison, more than half the agricultural fields in Israel are irrigated with treated waste water. Irrigating Palestinian agricultural fields with recycled water instead of fresh water would free up large amounts of water for home usage. This would greatly reduce the water shortage in many places.

      Some Palestinian Arab farmers irrigate their fields by flooding, rather than with drip irrigation technology. Drip irrigation, as practiced in Israel, brings water directly to the root of each plant, thereby reducing water consumption by more than 50 percent. Flooding fields causes huge water evaporation and leads to great waste.”


    • Cassandra says:

      Sadiq Khan has just appeared on Nick Ferrari’s LBC programme to tell the world about the banning of junk food advertising on TFL sites. Fearless Nick did not ask him anything about gun and knife crime, despite slagging off Khan for several months now and constantly asking “where’s the mayor?” on his show.


      • AsISeeIt says:

        My concern is the level of junk policies as advertised by little man Khan.


      • Kaiser says:

        well that might help, if your not as fat you can run away quicker from the gang team chasing you, knife crime solved


  21. Foscari says:

    I must admit that as an old codger I didn’t know what half
    of the modern mode of initialism stood for. For instance I
    got mixed up with LGBT with a BLT and once ordered the
    former in my local cafe !
    I was interested this morning to understand on the BBC website
    reading about the three MAJOR sports news stories of the week .
    One was ” Cricket board make Diversity pledge for cricket jobs”
    The second is about Wayne Rooney. But the one that I was
    really interested in sussing out was ” Is UFC one of the most
    LGBTQX friendly sports?”
    Apparently it’s about the fact that in women’s boxing quite a
    few of the participants are lesbians. And that that the latest World
    title is between two such members of the sisterhood.
    Good for them I say ,now that I know what all the initials stand
    for. I wonder what the major sports stories will be next week on
    the BBC?


    • Roland Deschain says:

      There’s a few lesbians in women’s boxing? Well, strike me down with a feather.


    • Kaiser says:

      bet they didnt mention that all the lesbians are non too keen on being beaten up by the transgender fallon fox , they seem to think its not fair for some reason


    • AsISeeIt says:

      The BBC have dived headlong into a strange alphabetti spagetti

      Fignting cocks and bear-baiting went out of fashion with the three-cornered hat but female boxing obviously sounded pretty right-on at the recent BBC editorial policy meet.

      No doubt confused as to their orientation having imposed pantomime marriage on us the entrprising BBC are casting around for the next frontier – where no person has gone before…


    • Eddy Booth says:

      by coicidence i was just watching some Invicta FC videos, which features only ‘female’ fighters, they even have a man prancing about as the ring card girl.
      Brutal fighting, but it’s pretty easy to pick the winner, almost always the one that looks most like a man, totally flat chested, muscular arms, no belly or hips etc. usually Brazillian or Mexican.


  22. Guest Who says:

    The bbc like their leaders old, male and cuddly.

    Even if they have a dubious back story and track record.

    Oddly, few health concerns this time.


    • StewGreen says:

      No, the story here is why the BBC didn’t report on this amazing story before the election.
      The governing party motto was “Vote for us , we are corrupt , but we are the MUSLIM party”
      that was shattered by the old Godfather of that party joining with the opposition alliance of all the other races, and the more fundamentalist Muslim Parties and winning big time
      meaning that instead of just dividing down racial lines , Muslims had gone away from the governing party.

      And there is a pledge that Anwar the jailed head of the the more fundamentalist Muslim Party will be let of jail and be PM within 2 years.
      Hopefully being a pragmatist he will pay back the rainbow alliance by diluting the amount of privilege for Islam in government.


  23. AsISeeIt says:

    Stand up straight, show some backbone, man !

    My message to Damian Hinds, Tory Secretary of State for Education, this morning as the lilly-livered whispy-principled faux-conservative allows himself to be walked all over by lightweight BBC beta male Charlie Stayt.

    Armed with little more than a ‘some people might say’ and a few ‘messages our viewers have sent’, with the odd ‘critics say’ thrown in, the BBC Breakfast drone manages to tie the Tory in knots over his Grammar School policy.

    The reason of course is that the BBC represents The Blob – the lefty forces invested in the lefty status quo of low educational expectations coupled with progressive marxian brainwashing.

    And the liberal-wimpy Minister is afraid to be a conservative with conservative views in the face of the leftward onslaught in which the BBC acts as vanguard and mouthpiece.


  24. AsISeeIt says:

    BBC London local news have been looking at the crime figures – ok here we go….

    And after careful analysis they are able to tell us….

    80% of moped crime is….

    In North London.

    And that’s it. Oh, from that astounding revelation we viewers may extrapolate that 20% of moped crime must be happening south of the river.

    Remind me how much we pay for this level of worthless obfuscation ?


  25. Guest Who says:

    Bbc Breakfast fields Sadiq saying stuff.

    Comments could….


  26. Jeff says:

    I’ve lost count of the number of recent stabbings, shootings and acid attacks in the capital, it’s difficult to keep up. There were another couple of stabbings overnight. They barely get a mention…
    Areas that I used to roam freely as a lad now appear to be violent ghettos that I’d pay a king’s ransom to avoid.
    Still, don’t fret, Khan is on the case.
    This morning the mayor has announced he’s immediately cracking down on…junk food advertising on the underground and buses…FFS!
    Khan says “It’s a scandal so many children are overweight and obese.”
    Well, I’m sure this will tick lots of pc boxes with those muesli munchers at the Beeb and Guardian, however it doesn’t much help if you’re the parent of a teenager and terrified every time they go out. As far as I know, no one’s ever been beaten to death by a kebab. Colonel Sanders hasn’t thrown acid in anyone’s face or stabbed people.
    So Londoners, your once happy, freedom loving city is now more lethal than New York. There’s mass murder and terrorism. However, you’ve now got transgender bogs and (thank Allah) you’re not allowed to look at scantily clad women, or hot dogs on the tube.
    I really think I’ve gone mad…


    • Up2snuff says:

      Jeff, I cannot count how many kids I saw over the years of my past commuting on the London Underground salivating over junk food advertising on the London Underground platforms and trains.

      I cannot count, not because there were no children. There were a few, going to St Paul’s or Westminster or similar schools.

      The reason I cannot count them is because there were precisely none. If they had been lucky enough to grab a seat, they were sometimes head deep in a book or last minute homework completion. If not, they would have met up with a fellow pupil and be chatting.

      Buses and bus shelters may be a different thing, however. But I wonder if First Citizen Khan has done his homework. What will this cost his beleaguered LUL in lost revenues? There are rumours that ‘customers’ (no doubt objecting to not being referred to as passengers) are leaving London buses and Underground trains in favour of walking and bicycles and scooters.


    • ToobiWan says:

      I can see Khan’s point, Jeff, re junk food and obesity. Fat kids are at a disadvantage when running away from the stabbers and shooters. Get them all looking like Mo Farah and the murder rate should drop like the proverbial.


      • Eddy Booth says:

        There are many cases of people surviving stabbing, even gunshot, by being a massively fat bastard; london kids are padding up to protect their vital organs.


    • G says:

      Meanwhile, our shamed police force is continuing to prove it is the enemy of the people. The attempted assassination of Britain First. Paul Golding is released from prison. You will remember that the pair were locked up, essentially for confronting child rapists outside a mosque.
      Please all digest and ponder long and hard :
      “He was taken under police guard to Kent by two carloads of officers from SO15 counter-terrorism command.
      Instead of catching terrorists, our guardians prefer to act as taxis for newly released prisoners.
      Paul was informed that, upon release, he would be subject to draconian license conditions that stop him from doing virtually anything, especially anything political.
      The conditions of release are as follows:
      -Not to use the internet in any way
      -Not to contact Jayda Fransen
      -Not to engage in any political activities
      -Not to leave his home address for 9 hours
      -Not to contact or associate with anyone in Britain First
      -To surrender his passport to the police
      -To provide details of his phone and car to the police
      -Not to speak to the media
      These conditions will last for another 9 weeks.
      When deputy leader Jayda Fransen is released in 9 weeks time, she will face the same conditions for another four and a half months!”


      • Eddy Booth says:

        I would have stayed in prison the 9 weeks instead, just to be equally awkward .


    • Kaiser says:

      Im sure we weren’t all as fat when we had rubbish british food , rather than all this wonderful diverse array of choice


    • StewGreen says:

      Search http://www.murdermap.co.uk/investigate.asp on 2018
      gives 61 murders in 2018

      their Twitter


  27. Guest Who says:


    Update: Unfortunately London Mayor @SadiqKhan will not now be on the programme.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Toady watch

      Almost vintage stuff as they left our Justin alone whilst silly carney went for a jolly . Justin sounded like he should be kept away from sharp objects .

      He went on an excellent rant about the decision to allow more grammar schools and more religious schools ( as I understand it ) . I’m an RC but not in the school game . He didn’t mention Islamic schools at all – concentrating on rc a bit on c or e and a mention of Jewish schools . Boy did he rant .

      I wondered why so I did a quick look up – he was sent to Quaker school then the lse. So that explains it .

      Later toady went full hard on with Aaron banks ( a hero ) over the finding of alleged brexit campaign irregularities . £70 k I think . Any way the ceo of the electoral commission and its make up was accused of being remainers . She did not refute this nor did our Justin follow up . So ladies and gents we have a political prosecution coming along

      The ceo of the electoral commission is a quango junkie. Here previous job was as ceo of the parole board and the nacro – so a true lefty .

      Lastly – Toady promised an 0810 interview with the emir of londonistan . There was no interview and no explanation for him failing to talk to his adoring fans .
      I’d speculate that he wanted to talk about obese teenagers whilst others wanted to talk about stabbed to death teenagers ….,

      The rest of the prog was scaty Martha – who lives in Suffolk – ranting about Israel .,out of her beeboid depth


      • G says:

        “…Lastly – Toady promised an 0810 interview with the emir of londonistan . There was no interview and no explanation for him failing to talk to his adoring fans .” Perhaps he’s been stabbed or shot by a member of his caliphate?


        • StewGreen says:

          \\ Closing down all those Chicken shops all over London selling their fat soaked shit to kids would be a better idea.
          Oh no wait! They are all Muslim owned. So untouchable!! //


  28. Peter Grimes says:

    ‘Our’Justin has just finished interviewing the Chief Exec of the Electoral Commission about their findings of wrongful accounting by Leave.EU. Apart from this dopey, ignorant, clearly Leftoid bint using ‘so’ as the immediate start to each response, she did tell Justin that Cambridge Analytica did not appear to have been used by Leave.EU, so another Grauniad claim rebutted.


    • Guest Who says:

      What’s this? Just like the Trust and OFCOM, it seems yet another BBC approved quango has ex BBC staff on it.



      • Fedup2 says:

        Guest – and al beeb news burbled on about some chap in bongo bongo land having been jailed for sodomy.i nearly choked on me porridge . ( make a note maxi – fedup eats porridge ) I thought albeeb was making sodomy compulsory

        I was really surprised that al beeb didn’t cover the Chinese state broadcaster banning the Eurovision Song Contest because two Irish chaps are doing some gay act – presumably not Eurovision sodomy …,


      • G says:

        Another outfit that occupies the UK ‘Swamp’. Needs draining pretty damn quickly. Common sense/gut feelings being followed suggest political bias in this decision. Good luck for Aaron Banks’s legal challenge.
        Yet, when people are reported for not completing their residents census and naming adult EU citizens in residence (an offence) they don’t pay any interest. Very much like the DWP who appear to offer Housing Benefit and the range of benefits as a ‘sweetener’ to low income migrants from the EU. Its called, “turning a blind eye” and is symptomatic of the now well developed two-tier legal system.


        • Fedup2 says:

          So the electoral commission has passed a file to the police who will rubber stamp are charge then pass the buck to the CPS who will pass the buck to the judges . A politically motivated remainer prosecution .

          Perhaps the electoral commission will then declare the brexit vote “void “.
          No mention of the 9 000 000 tax payer cash used by Cameron to campaign for remain….


      • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

        What a shower of shite.
        The magic bean salesman would have a field day with these morons.


    • Peter Grimes says:

      The dopey bitch is doing it again on Sky news!


  29. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1
    Martha gets to chat with an archaeologist who appears to claim there is no evidence that (King) David and, his son, (King) Solomon existed in the years around their time and for some 200 years afterward, the Biblical record and Jewish obsession with accurate recording – most especially in Scripture – notwithstanding.

    He then gets asked about doing archaeological work in Israel and its difficulties and talks about Lachish (Lake-ish in common Biblical English, Israelis say La-heesh) which I seem to recall might just have a connection or three with the missing King David.

    In the words of the immortal Goon Show:

    “Get digging, buddy!”


    • G says:

      “…..who appears to claim there is no evidence that (King) David and, his son, (King) Solomon …………..existed in the years around their time and for some 200 years afterward…”
      Phew! I thought you were going on to state that there is no evidence that he and his son were WHITE………………


      • Up2snuff says:

        G, the academic didn’t go quite that far. I got the impression that he believes that David and Solomon, and their immediate successors, didn’t really exist. “Got no bricks & mortar evidence …..”

        Therefore, Israel has no claim on Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, whether as the City of David alone or as also the City of the Son of David or not. See what I just did there? Hinted at where some of academia likes to go these days. 😉

        And President Trump is a complete idiot to move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

        And Christians, as the ‘new kids’ on the three faith block (cough, splutter!) don’t really have a claim on their ‘liberated’ bits of Jerusalem and should hand them over to (non-Christian) Palestinians to turn into accommodation or farms or something.

        I guess David, the outdoor kid who was a shepherd, did go rather pale after all that time hiding from King Saul in caves but surely on the road from Hebron to Ashkelon and Jerusalem to Beer Sheba and so on, as David criss-crossed the country pursued by Saul, that ruddy-faced youth probably developed quite a good tan.

        To be fair, it could be that this archaeologist was merely being factual with no agenda.

        However, he was speaking on the 21st century BBC ……..


    • Kaiser says:

      I presume whilst they are there they can have a look for Mo’s winged horse and tell us all they cant find any proof of that


    • countryblues says:

      Ah, the Goon Show…reminds me of the time they buried some treasure in the desert 10ft. above the ground! 🙂


      • Up2snuff says:

        Fine, fine …..


        • countryblues says:

          And once again in the desert, Major Bloodnok is stationed at the Wadi-el-ya-Wan…the telephone rings and in an angry voice he answers ‘WADIELYAWAN’. 🙂


  30. Beeb Brother says:

    Khan is beyond parody. Ban junk food adverts? It is like practising over head strikes when your team is losing 10-0 every game. He tweets about it and the replies seethe with anger demanding he resign. Imagine reading this if your son had just been stabbed to death.

    My ten year old nephew runs a tuck stall on Thursdays. I could just imagine if Khan were running it: he would blame someone else if they had not bought enough muffins; he would keep posing for photos instead of working; he would probably sell the best bits cheaply to his mates on the sly; I would not trust him with the money for sure .

    I would not want him running a cake stall yet he is the mayor of London, in charge of 35,000 Police when he used to advise criminals how to get away with crimes by spuriously accusing that same Police force of racism.

    Identity politics is not just annoying but extremely dangerous. The Lib Mob told us we would have paradise with Obama and Khan elected as we would have ‘strength’ through their diversity. The reality is very different as neither them is/was up to the job. At least Obama had his intellect, eloquence and charisma to paper over the cracks somewhat. Khan is in way, way above his abilities.

    Again my seven year old nephew could understand this: obviously the naughty, thick Indian boy would not automatically be good at a job just because he has darker skin. Liberals live in a make believe land.


  31. thirdoption says:

    “Ex-Met police poster girl who cried racism loses all 33 claims after tribunal heard she complained of prejudice whenever she was unhappy at work”


    A little bit of good news to lead us into the weekend.


    • ToobiWan says:

      Black; tick
      Female; tick
      Limited future employment opportunities given her predilection for using the racist card at every setback; tick.
      Sounds like an absolute shoe in for a safe seat labour candidate.


    • Beeb Brother says:

      ‘Diversity’ was not strength here. Imagine the stress of knowing that unless you bent over backwards to appease unreasonable demands you could be accused of the ultimate sin of racism. As if fighting the crime epidemic in the capital were not hard enough.

      Think what a devestating effect frivolous, opportunistic accusations of racism have upon small businesses who do not have pockets as deep as the Met. Race relations laws based on the insane idea that we are battling a hotbed of Nazism has given far too much power to lawyers and shameless provocateurs seeking a quick buck. Eni Aluko got over £100k and the resignation of our most successful women’s football manager on the basis of a single flippant comment she chose to be ‘offended by.’ She just happened to be a trained lawyer as well.


    • Dave says:

      Good news that the BBC seems to not have any interest in reporting judging by a search of their website.


    • David R says:

      But no mention on the bbbc. I wonder why not?


  32. vesnadog says:

    I’m very surprised that the BBC didn’t advise its viewers to agree to this PC Madness:

    “This is how the story goes:

    A sexuality educator has claimed that parents should ask their babies for permission before they change their nappies. Deanne Carson, who identifies on Twitter as a sexuality educator, speaker and author, said that doing so would set up a culture of consent early on.

    She explained that she works with kids as young as three years of age on issues surrounding consent, but encouraged parents to introduce the idea much earlier. She said that while she recognises the fact that babies are unable to actually give an answer, it’s important to use eye contact to teach them that their response matters.

    On an ABC segment on consent laws, she said: “We work with children from three years old. We work from parents from birth.”

    The reporter was pretty confused by the suggestion, asking again: “from birth?”

    Ms Carson continued: “Yes, just about how to set up a culture of consent in their homes so ‘I’m going to change your nappy now, is that OK.’ Of course a baby is not going to respond ‘yes mum that’s awesome, I’d love to have my nappy changed’. “But if you leave a space, and wait for body language and wait to make eye contact then you’re letting that child know that their response matters.” Viewers were very “dumb founded” by the suggestion, with some calling it “lunacy”.


    Bill Muehlenberg, Culture Watch.

    Maybe the BBC did see this story but are waiting for the publics resonse.

    Who knows? This might sound crazy now, but given time – and after the old people are dead and buried – the yoof of today may find this idea “cool”. Madness!


    • Demon says:

      She thinks that teaching three-year olds about consent is something they would understand. Is this the short path leading to the legalising of paedophilia?

      “No officer, she was only six but she gave her consent.”


      • David R says:

        What if consent is refused? Does that make nappy-changing a crime?


      • vesnadog says:

        “No officer, she was only six but she gave her consent.”

        And if the baby doesn’t give its consent the parents will still be done for child cruelty/abuse just as soon as the babies body becomes a mass of infection!


  33. wronged says:

    No question on BBC Question Time on probably the question of the week.

    Should the House of Lords be abolished?

    Dimbleby’s BBC lefties supporting the House of Lords whatever next.

    I have signed the petition to have it abolished, have you?

    Also, like Beltane in an earlier post, I too was appalled at the audience reaction to Trump receiving a Nobel Peace Prize.
    But why would he want such a discredited award, especially given they awarded Obummer for achieving nothing? Worse than that he created a volatile hole into world peace by allowing Russia to fill the void left by the USA in the Middle East.

    It was also once recommended, by committee members of the Nobel Peace Prize award, that Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin should be recipients of the said award?


    • thirdoption says:

      It wasn’t just the Obama award that led to raised eyebrows wronged.
      Yasser Arafat for peace?
      Bob Dylan for literature?

      Goodness me.


  34. MarkyMark says:

    We are not divided …. “But instead of making it easier for religious groups to open free schools, ministers will invite councils to open faith schools jointly with religious groups, as they have done in the past.

    As with other faith schools in the state sector, they will be allowed to recruit 100% of pupils from particular faith groups.

    Grammar schools and faith schools get green light to expand {bbc.co.uk 11may2018}

    “…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers…give it up or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“


  35. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #2
    Justin gets to interrogate Arron Banks on the subject of the Leave Campaign’s only-just-announced-by-the-Electoral-Commission-but-get-it-on-the-programme-quick-so-we-can-say-the-EU-Referendum-should-be-re-run £7,000 penalty fine.

    Claire Bassett, the current Chief Executive of the Electoral Commission, is then wheeled on to start sentences with the word “So”.

    She must be an expert. Despite her status as such, Justin obviously feels that she is not up to defending the serious charge, laid by Banks, that the Committee examining the evidence, reaching the decision and levying the fine is led by, and composed of, Remain voters so he just doesn’t ask her about it.

    A really serious charge (as the BBC would like us to believe, so that Brexit can be overturned) deserves interrogation. A really serious (even more serious, ‘some’ might say) charge deserves no question at all from Justin Webb. Nothing. Not a word. Not even a peep.

    I wonder why?


    • GCooper says:

      There are a great many questions that the Electoral Commission should be being asked, (not least about postal voting) but no chance of it happening while it keeps pontificating in ways of which the biased BBC approves.


  36. MarkyMark says:

    Voldemort – he who cannot be named.
    A new story for JK Rowling … Ahmed Potter and the Prisoner of Islam.

    ** this sentence would be a death sentence in Pakistan. Think about that … these words in one country could spell my death.


  37. MarkyMark says:

    Sadiq Khan and Theresa May’s 2018 Priority List ….

    #1. Tax Straws.
    #2. Dan Adverts.
    #3. Ignore Public Outrage.
    #9999. 600k illegal immigrants in UK lost by home office … ignore.
    #10000. 20k terrorists on watch list not being watched … ignore.
    #10001. 3k extremist terrorists on watch list being monitored … ignore.


  38. StewGreen says:

    @GuestWho ah the BBC did open a HYS on Black Panther movie
    and they closed it after just 20 comments

    Then I look at the HYS index page
    – As we expect they mostly open HYS’s on things that suit BBClib agendas
    : eg Top of the page a April 16th item is still there.
    It fishes for Windrush cry-stories “Are you a relative of a Windrush passenger?”

    And Today : “Warning of rising food bills after Brexit” almost 3,000 comments .. top ones are all negative
    (BTW top comment gets 400 likes, whereas 3,000 comments suggests about 1,500 commenters, have some likes gone missing)


    • gb123 says:

      SG Must be due to the new BBC Moderator.

      View post on imgur.com


    • taffman says:

      “They closed it after just 20 comments”
      Just like the spoilt kid taking his ball away because he is losing. What will maxincony tell us all about that ?
      Over to you maxi………….


      • Guest Who says:

        The BBC Spoilt Kid Editorial department accounts for about half the Corporation roster. Apparently.


    • Guest Who says:

      Technically, 19.

      17. Posted by PR on
      9 May 2018 21:06
      This comment was removed because it broke the house rules.

      Looks like bringing Brexit teasing into it killed the thing off.

      Katanga! As they say around Tony’s inner circle.


  39. Sluff says:

    And now, a story which may not make it onto the Brexit chief doom-mongers news output.

    Czech- based (that’s in the EU btw) Avast, the security software company, are planning to list on the London Stock Exchange, hoping to raise £2.4 billion. Note. Not Paris, not Frankfurt. London.

    Doom. Gloom. Remoan. You can hear them now……..’despite Brexit……’.


  40. scribblingscribe says:


    OK you wont believe where the Guardian/BBC feminists have taken us …

    As a joke, a guy in a lift said “press the button for the ladies’ lingerie floor”. I am not even sure if anyone would find it funny. But in the lift was Prof Sharoni a professor of women’s and gender studies at Merrimack College.

    She was, as you can imagine horribly offended, not that a man dared to speak but that he said a joke about women’s lingerie.

    She said the incident was about how “political correctness becomes the blanket excuse for those who refuse to rethink and change their racist, sexist and homophobic beliefs and practices” and how “men in positions of power are outraged when they are being held accountable, even if the sanction is as minor as a request for an apology”.

    Yes, the world becomes more and more insane.


    • StewGreen says:

      Why would she assume that \\ ladies’ lingerie floor// applies to her as a woman, isn’t that sexual stereotyping ?
      – The bloke might have been making a joke about his own penchant for cross dressing.


  41. ToobiWan says:

    Pencil cases now!
    A school has banned pencil cases in a bid to stop pupils from poor families being stigmatised.

    St Wilfrid’s Primary School in Blyth, Northumberland, said it had taken steps to get rid of any “designer goods”.

    Head teacher Pauline Johnstone (why is it usually a woman doing the banning?) said pencil cases have been banned “so there’s no comparison on the tables and children are learning”.


    • G says:

      I reckon it’ll be another couple of years before banning anyone over 60 years of age from passing opinion is called for. Maybe two years after that, having proved a success, they’ll get round to banning anyone over 60.


    • GCooper says:

      ‘why is it usually a woman doing the banning?’

      Because primary school education is a male free zone today. You can see the results all around you.


      • G says:

        Bit like the Swedish Government’s success…………..


        • GCooper says:

          Yes, or (increasingly) the BBC’s with programme presenters. Not long to go now and all the men will be replaced, especially those deficient in melanin.


          • David R says:

            Oh no! What shall we do with no DIMblebees and Naughties to tell us how to tnk?


      • MarkyMark says:

        They need an all women’s short list full of males!


      • Loobyloo says:

        Just looked up the govt stats:
        ‘84.6 per cent of FTE nursery/primary school teachers are female and 62.5 per cent of secondary school teachers. 91.4 per cent of
        teaching assistants and 82.2 per cent of school support staff
        are female. Overall, 80.2 per cent of all school staff are female.’

        So not quite male-free, but pretty much dominated by females. Soon they won’t be able to do these stats, as there will be too many genders. Problem solved!
        It is a problem, especially in secondary, where teenage adolescents need good strong male role models. Very complex issue as to why there aren’t more males, or they can’t keep hold of them.
        My kids were lucky to have several male teachers in primary, who were great and universally loved. They were musical, tech savvy, outdoorsy and practical – beat many of the women hands down, I’d say. I think they also tend to get promoted to higher positions (ooh, don’t tell the bBBC!)


    • Banania says:

      “Comparison on the tables”: another reason to go back to proper desks with lids.


  42. Celtic_Mist says:

    Every story the BBC writes is skewed to meet their agenda.
    Here they are acting like the official state propaganda news service for Iran. Iran started it but why does the BBC makes it look like Israel is the aggressor?



  43. G says:

    A sad litany of where the Germans are right now.


  44. Sluff says:

    All this mention of primary schools by Toobiwan above reminds me that in a bid to enfranchise non taxpaying, non contibuting young people, and rebalance the generations, Corbyn’s Labour Party are to lower the voting age to 10.
    Polling stations are often already in primary schools, so its a win win and a high turnout is guaranteed. Parties will include the Little Red Riding Hood Party (Labour) (hurrah) and the Evil Wicked Witch Party (Conservative)(booo hiss). Little Red Riding Hood voters will be given free packets of sweets.

    Of course, I am just making all this up.
    ……….. and yet. ……am I?


    • GCooper says:

      Tinky Winky will always get my vote.


    • ToobiWan says:

      Not sure if the word “little” would be allowed today, Sluff and as to red, other colours are available.


  45. G says:

    First reported on the BBC? Possibly. But they carefully avoided the implications of the database in their typically crafted news feature.


  46. Celtic_Mist says:

    “People of their ideological persuasion were gaining control of most of the major media, including almost all of the TV network news departments and many major city newspapers, as well as of academia.”


  47. Fedup2 says:

    Hi all

    I ve opened up the weekend thread im guessing there will be plenty of reaction to Al Beeb s over reaction to Leave UK allegedly not declaring some cash spent . we can only think about what foreigners like Soros spent trying to undermine the British people again….


  48. MarkyMark says:

    New London Exercise Routine ….. Run (from knives and guns) |Hide|Tell Sadiq Khan



    • RJ says:

      I seem to recall that during the London Bridge enrichment an indigenous Londoner disobeyed the instruction with the response: “Fuck You, I’m Millwall”.