More TOADY Watch
‘Cannot Believe my Ears’ Dept: In a rare moment of honesty, did I really hear Jeremy Bowen let on in a post 8am News clip on Radio4 that mosques in Gaza were broadcasting calls yesterday for protesters to go and demonstrate at the fence on the border with Israel?
When I heard that, I hoped that Mark Regev (Israel’s Ambassador to UK) had been hearing that report from Bowen in his headphones. He was about to be interviewed by Nick Robinson. I hoped he would bring that (rare) bit of BBC (honest) news up during the interview. I wondered if the BBC keep interviewees in isolation prior to interview?
Mark Regev did not bring up that news clip from Bowen during his intensive interrogation by Robinson. Perhaps he did not have a live feed or pay attention to it.
Funny how the BBC can be that intensive with the Israeli Ambassador but they cannot be bothered to invite in the Russian Ambassador and interrogate him, in similar intensive fashion, about the official Russian Government response to the OPCW Report on Salisbury, or the lack thereof, or even about anti-Semitism in Russia.
Easy taffman.
Productivity down, inequalities never met and we`re no richer than 2008, before the crash.
THEY all are-but we`re not.
Oh woe…and Brexit rattling their cages too, poor lambs.
Mick and Keef though-rock royalty, edit them so we`ll stay in the EU and bash Trump.
Got a warning letter re my non-licence payment, apparently Plymouth Capita Directorate are watching me, got my best schoolmar`m outfit on today seeing they`re going to stalk me.
Peeping Toms and the BBC-Savile would be proud.
Ah, here it is “The Office for National Statistics (ONS) also said unemployment fell by 46,000 to 1.42 million, with the jobless rate falling to 4.2% the lowest since 1975. “
Couched within this article ……………..
“Year-long pay squeeze comes to an end”
They could have used this headline – “jobless rate falling to 4.2% the lowest since 1975 !” But that would support BREXIT.
HYS is not going their way .
“Be it so. This burning of widows (India/suttee) is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
– Charles James Napier on the subject of suttee
RE Napier.
Our Victorian forefathers may be lambasted by the Luvvie elite but they certainly had a way of cutting to the chase in negotiating. Brexit would have been solved in about 45 minutes.
I hope Hattie harperson doesn’t get the. Speaker job on the basis of her liberal support for PIE when she was NCCL. I was worried about pie at the time being a kiddie…
What is the point of the BBC charter, supposedly ensuring impartiality if the BBC take absolutely no notice of it?
An article by Washington correspondent Barbara Plett (the woman who was crying when she saw that Yasser Arafat was dying) leads with the headline “Jerusalem embassy: Why Trump’s move was not about peace”
She says that the only reason the move was made was because he wanted to keep his campaign promises to his electoral base and describes the action as part of his “Trumpian foreign policy”. She goes on to say that some of that campaign base are right wing Jews and that his inner circle consists of conservative, orthodox Jews. She says that the move was helped along by the fact that the Vice-President Mike Pence is a devout evangelical Christian and he added support on behalf of all the other Christians.
She says that “The Trump administration has also sided with Israel in its response to the deadly violence on the Gaza border.”
She finishes by saying “But Mr Trump’s decision on Jerusalem, a city also holy to Muslims…..”
To say that the only reason the move was made was to appease Jews and that they are effectively controlling the White House is an outrageous slur, but to add in that he is wrong to keep his election promises makes her piece laughable…….The whole point of making election pledges is that you keep them – it demonstrates you are a person of honour who keeps his promises.
Barbara Plett is a an anti-Semite who should have been sacked by the BBC years ago when she was found to be biased and a complaint against her was upheld, but mysteriously she keeps her six-figure salary and is allowed to produce this sort of nonsense at our expense.
I am now thoroughly fed up with the incessant R4 diabtribe about how women are so downtrodden, under represented and discriminated against.. it’s always a historic view.. take a look now
female lawyers, medics, teachers, lecturers, heathcare workers, shop workers……all outnumber men….
today it’s female economists…the BBC never has a problem finding one..
Equality – yes we need some for men now…:-)
My poor finger is worn out from turning off or switching channels every time there is an announcement about this being the first day of ramadan. They seem to want us to be interested, impressed and sympathetic. I’m not.
I hope on a visit to UK from, mainly muslim, Gambia I could avoid Ramadan, the “plastic” observance of many muslims, increased crime, hypocrisy and all the aspects that the BBC fail to report. Alas, the BBC is still ramming this evil religion down our throats. Why ?
The constant mentioning of Ramadan might be a well disguised Public Warning Announcement that terror attacks will increase during this month of Ramabombathon.
Tr, aah Lies Doucet. That Lyse Doucet? The one who the BBC get to report from Syria?
I have a bone to pick with her. A complaint.
In my hearing, she has never, ever reported that Iran had ‘boots on the ground’ in Syria, that Iranian Revolutionary Guards were fighting there. Until last week. When some IRGs had fired missiles into the Golan Heights and Israel responded in kind.
If I remember correctly (it is also possible I have missed a broadcast or broadcasts in which see did mention that fact in the more distant past) I have not heard her refer to the IRG and definitely not, the IRG fighting – with Russia – on the side of President Assad. I have heard her refer to Iran fighting ‘a proxy war’ in Syria and ‘aiding’ or ‘backing’ Hezbollah forces fighting in Syria, either on their own account or in implied opposition to Assad & his forces.
But not Iranian Revolutionary Guards themselves, fighting in Syria.
So why this apparent inaccurate reporting, Lyse? What is behind it? Or am I being too particular in burst of ‘Ritula Shah-ism’? You know, this 100% accurate BBC thing.
These freaks do understand that once you become a woman or man, you are no longer a transgender?
And that’s where it’s hard to feel sympathy with a great deal of these individuals. The media whip up a sob story that an individual has felt trapped in the wrong body and just needs the cash to change gender.
Yet, once they do, they rarely just become that new gender and disappear into the anonymity of being either an average male or female. Oh Lord no, that wouldn’t make them feel special would it?Hence they have to remain transgender so that they can be their new gender but a little bit better/above every other woman or man.
Will Iran release an Emoji Movie?
Wonder that the ‘Death To Israel’ emoji will do?
Wonder that the ‘Death To America’ emoji will do?
Children will love it …
Most of the meeja blaming the Palestinian riots and casualties on Israel and Trump, not least al beebeera.
What they never grasp from the safety of their studios and offices is that Israel is fighting for survival daily, vastly outnumbered, surrounded by millions hell-bent on its utter destruction.
And that whipped up rage about an embassy does not justify violence.
Erdogan is among Hamas's biggest supporters and there is no doubt that he well understands terrorism and slaughter. I suggest that he not preach morality to us
Erdogan, using the power of the Turkish State to murder, rape, torture and “disappear ” people gets to visit Treezer. Trump, who has not been accused of any of these crimes is not welcome. What a moral perversion the UK has become. I am ashamed.
“Thatcher: .. It really was what Willie Whitelaw said at the Conservative Party Conference in Brighton, where he said we must hold out the clear prospect of an end to immigration because at the moment it is about between 45,000 and 50,000 people coming in a year. Now, I was brought up in a small town, 25,000. That would be two new towns a year and that is quite a lot. So, we do have to hold out the prospect of an end to immigration …
Interviewer: But if 45 to 50,000 per year is too many, what figure is acceptable?
Thatcher: Well, it must be very much less but you cannot decide the figure until you know those who at present have a right to come in. But what is quite clear is that we cannot go on taking in that number. You see, my great fear is now that if we get them coming in at that rate people will
turn round and we shall not have good race relations with those who are here.
… It is not as if we have great wide open spaces or great natural resources; we have not. So, either you go on taking in 40 or 50,000 a
year, which is far too many, or you say we must hold out the prospect of a
clear end to immigration and that is the view we have taken and I am certain that is the right view to keep good race relations and to keep fundamental British characteristics which have done so much for the world.
… We are a British nation with British characteristics.
Every country can take some small minorities and in many ways they add to the richness and variety of this country. The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened.”
I was surprised this was filmed with such a “mixed” community.
What’s so special about this? In the leafy rich suburbs of
London at least 80% of school kids under 12 are ethnic.
It’s called demographics. As sure as night follows day there will
be a Muslim majoroty in the UK in four generations. 1 times 2 times 1 times 2= 4 . 4times 5 times 4 times 5 =400. It’s as simple
as that.
MM – That was just before her election in ’79 and she then decided to let those Vietnamese boat people in, the Tories can NEVER be trusted on immigration; no matter how good a game they talk.
1978 … “Every country can take some small minorities and in many ways they add to the richness and variety of this country. The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened.” – Margaret Thatcher 1978
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
Today the bBBC’s outrage bus is overloaded with obese women complaining that bigger size trousers cost more than smaller ones. Predictably, the bBBC calls it a ‘tax’.
I too was outraged recently – I went to buy a bag of midget gems and found the larger bag containing more sweets than the smaller bag cost more money.
I then did an extensive survey, visiting every supermarket in the country and to my absolute horror I discovered they’re all at it – if you want to buy something then the more you want the more it costs…..what a disgrace this capitalism is.
The borough also ranked second to last on the environmental quality domain, with particularly high concentrations of NO2 and PM10 (ranking 377th and 378th) and limited access to green space (ranking 358th). Housing in Islington was among the least affordable in Britain, with the median house priced at over 16 times the local median income. Islington was ranked 369th out of 380 in crime, with 122 reported offences per 1,000 people.
Woman’s Hour Report: The best places in Britain for women {sep2017}
According to the bBBC’s ‘news’, they don’t know how many half-castes there are in the UK although the last census recorded 2.3%. I can tell them the answer. From watching the bBBC, and television advertisements, the figure is more than 50%.
Whether you decide to actually use this sick bag for what it was intended or want a humorous memento to remember the big day, this sick bag is perfect for the person who doesn’t take this whole royal wedding thing too seriously (but will definitely be checking out Meghan’s frock).
I don’t find it particularly witty or humourous but, let’s face it, that isn’t the intention.
It’s a way of broadcasting their indifference, if such a thing were possible, because they see it as evidence of a superior intellect. They can’t bring themselves to be genuinely indifferent, of course, because they know that the wedding will be genuinely popular and their superiority might go unnoticed. How frustrating that would be.
It is not supposed to be witty or politically astute or even insulting. It is a simple way of drawing attention to the media’s obsession with the royal wedding, ramming every little detail down our throats.
I posted it here because this site attacks the biased media and its attempt to engage us in their constant attempt at social engineering.
Like many British people I have a fondness for the Royal Family but detest the sickening way they are presented in the media.
A sick bag is an appropriate response.
Well, I still think its odd that Ms Markle will be watched by countless millions as she gets married, with over 600 being in the church, but only ONE (maybe two) members of her family will be present. She may not get along with her step siblings, but even her uncles – a diplomat and a bishop, haven’t got a ticket either. Yes, members of family do get cut out of celebrations, generally when there’s a fixed budget, but THIS wedding ? when she walks down that aisle and all she sees is a sea of strangers, oh and the cast of Suits, instead of family members, that speaks volumes.
Hate speech verdict
Lincoln ex-soldier gets one year for 15 minute speech.
“speech at London’s Cenotaph in July 4 2015… . a rally against a Jewish neighbourhood watch group, ”
Bedford-Turner said
“let’s free England from Jewish control. Let’s liberate this land”.
So an anti-Jewish Conspiracy nutter I guess.
His sentiment is the same as the picture Corbyn liked on Facebook.
Although that mural didn’t callfor action.
Here’s an interesting POV
\\ Jeremy Bedford Turner said that Jews possess too much influence in Britain.
To prove him wrong, a Jewish organization used its influence to completely overturn the decision of a senior prosecutor not to prosecute Turner for these remarks, and secured a criminal conviction. ???? //
Very much so Lucy.
Just heard Montagues languid rant as some UN jerk called Rupert slags Israel off for fifteen minutes-the full triple echo hate screech of the UN as per.
I imagine Sarah`s kicked her shoes off, and is waiting in the Montessori car park, phoning this moonshine in.
Now give that the BBC have no clue about what happens in Rotherham or Rochdale. Tyneside of Borough Market, forever shrouding any truth in a black bin liner bodybag or a burqa?
I really don`t think that the BBC ought to be stirring our Muslims to attack yet more Jews this afternoon-isn`t that what democratically elected Labour crap like Corbyn does?
I`m sick of a ten second soundbite from Regev, followed by fifteen minutes free hits at Israel from some UN freeloading Muslim scratching post like Rupert Colville. And Montague calling Israel into question,roping in Trump and calling the UN “independent”. How dare she?…poor overpaid cow has clearly no history on what the UN have been saying and doing to Israel since 1972 does she?
Best bit?…when Roopz said that Hamas being at the border isn`t relevant. They`re nothing to to with is apparently.
Right then, lippie on, skirt down and back to Yr 8 all afternoon. I`m ready for them after Rupert anyway.
Holly, I was shouting at the radio (in a silent sort of way – didn’t want to upset the neighbours) “Ask some questions!” Rupert Colville actually pointed out that some Palestinians had been shot in the back of the head. If they were facing the fence & the Israeli’s, that tends to suggest a proportion of ‘the victims’ were hit either by friendly fire or not so friendly fire from among their own people.
The Montacutie was not sharp enough to pick up on that or the previous comment from a BBC reporter in a Gaza hospital who stated that he had seen victims who had been shot in the legs. Sarah was particularly useless this lunchtime. She cannot blame a 3am or 4am start to the day, after being out late at a dinner party, anymore now that she has left the TODAY Programme and presents TWatO.
The BBC are now misrepresenting (in 6pm R4 News) what Rupert Colville said about an investigation, too. They are trying to tell me, too, that a baby was killed by Israeli tear gas. Really? That’s unbelievable.
Hamas, Hezbollah, BBC. Same lies, different speeds but same destination.
Any chance of the Jews being able to get back to THEIR original places with this “right to return” B/S of the idiot left?
Yentob was an Iraqi Jew, as were the Saatchi Brothers.
You`d have thought that they`d be pushing for the same free passes to cause trouble as the Arabs to.
My boyfriends family have Turkish roots somewhere-can WE go and live in Turkey then?
As things stand, Turkey is coming here to live with me.
And where`s the protests over Erdogan, where`s the BBC doorstepping him about the Kurds getting bombed over from his side of the Turkish border?
Or is it only Israeli rockets that make the BBC cross?
Daft question. But I`m a teacher, so that`s all I`m supposed to ask.
What`s the BBCs excuse?
BBC seize on Gammon as an insult to middle aged white Brexiteers.
Tattooed Mummy
Gammon : the bottom piece of a side of bacon, including a hind leg. Also (recently) slang : Middle aged red-faced white male, usually ranting about Brexit, immigrants and political correctness gone mad. (origin : 2017 BBC)
The word ‘gam’ has another meaning which can be applied to many cock suckers in the BBC
Urban dictionary
am Gamsex
or “Gam Gams,” alternate name for a blowjob, or a rushed, spur – of – the – moment sexual act.
I suspect Gammon will go the way of Youthquake…which in case nobody remembers was word of the year last year…although I fail to understand why Gammon in this instance only refers to men?
Don’t the BBC like equality?
I know plenty of woman who are pale middle aged and go red when getting flustered and angry talking about Brexit, or are they Gammonettes? I think Emily Thornbury would qualify more than I do…
Rostock, Germany : Hate speech fine of €9K
Holger Arppe formerly attached to AfD now Indep
The Landtag MEP in the year 2010 under his pseudonym on an Internet portal has written a contribution that degrades Muslims and incite to hatred against them.
– on the Internet platform It said: speaking about GB
The island is lost anyway.
You could use the remnants of the empire very well as a European central reserve for all Muslims living in the EU.
As a quarantine island, as it used to be the plague colonies.
is there more ? ..cos that is a jokey thing to say rather than a serious call to violence
Arppe is appealing saying he was not the author of the contribution and he was not inciting the people. ‘
The presiding judge saw this differently: he described the text as ‘ vile ‘ and ‘ deliberately malicious
Guest and Everyone
Having executed a bloodless coup on the biased beeb website I’ve been musing about how we should commemorate the al beeb royal wedding coverage . Any ideas ?
Personally I’ve bought the commemoration royal pop corn and put a bet on paddy power as to whether her dad will turn up.
Or we could all switch to c5 and watch “suits “ from the start …. or as I believe -the get go -or season one ..
Re coverage -What about number of mentions of
President Trump
M Luther King
Elton john
Doreen Lawrence
The brides’ dad
How long have you been waiting ?
Look there’s a drone
Cheski or the Manchester reds?
sorry, but one look at Dr Alaa Alasadi and as a member of staff I wouldn’t have allowed myself to be alone in a room with him. Why one earth though couldn’t the members of staff have given him a good swipe across the face when he tried to lift their top. He would have learned very quickly that his behaviour wasn’t appropriate in this culture.
“I was surprised to see not a single reference to a real-world conflict that plausibly would not have occurred in the absence of observed climatic extremes. If the authors wish to claim a strong causal link, providing some form of case validation is critical.”
– See how the BBC title suggests the report is true, but the details tell you that it was not a serious study.
Perhaps they watched Predator and Predator II to come to that conclusion. Fans of those late 80s early 90s action fests will vaguely remember a plot mention that the Predator only ever came to hot climates or during heatwaves. All of which sounds preposterous but actually holds more water than the BBC “story”.
It raises questions regarding a possible outcome of the forthcoming royal marriage.
Colour is in but Just how much black would the royal family accept?
Matthew Parris finished the programme confirming with his guests that Josephine Baker had been an essential role model for them and that they wouldn’t have been where they are today without her. I have worked in a man’s world – and I didn’t need a role model. I did what I wanted to do. The fact that the guests needed a role model tells you that they live in the victim culture so loved by the BBC and the Left.
I wonder if the bBBC will report this. The Cato Institute’s annual analysis of countries, based on their economic freedom, ranks the UK sixth out of 159. The lefties’ favourite country, Venezuela, is 159th out of 159.
Does the BBC and their fiends from Hamsas, and Hezbollah
think that the Israelis are going to let theur enemies storm
the border fences and attack local Kibbutzim ,some only
300 meters away?
Some of those killed have been genuine demonstrators
and this is a tragedy. One death in these circumstances is
tragedy. BUT many others knew exactly what they were doing
and yearned for martyrdom. Some could of been terminally ill.
Others, as we are liked to be told by the BBC in terrorists attacks
are mentally unstable.
Gaza and the West Bank could and should be wealthy states
flourishing with tourism. Gaza with it’s Eastern Mediterranean
beaches and the West Bank steeped in religious history.
BUT they are too ignorant to realize this. And of course the
families of the “martyrs” are compensated by the Iranians. And
of course they have the BBC on their side , as ever.
You are wrong . It won’t be old people paying for the 25 year olds hand out . It will be 26 year olds . This lunatic idea was introduced by a former Tory minister – David Willetts known as ‘ two brains ‘ cos of his double first . All I can say is he must be off his head for such a demented idea – unless it’s a fiendish way of keeping the false issue going .
As for care homes . At one stage I faced paying £950 a week . £750 after a welfare contribution .
That’s why I want the overseas tax give away ended and the money to be spent on our elderly .
“Most mournful date-commemorating events that caused Palestinians to lose their homes” is it?
This was the five Arab Nations who`d refused any settlement of the two state solution as set out by the UN at that time in 1947/8
They declared war on Israel, and all five invaded-or tried to.
But they lost. They invaded this very day, next day after Israel was declared a nation by Ben Gurions.
“Events” eh”- maybe we should have let the Nazis back home to Berlin in May 1945, and declared a day when all Nazis could be sad about losing their torture cellars, and losses in their chemical industries, poor lads at the cyanide factory?
Sad though eh?…events causing them to lose their homes.
Like selling land to Jews previously, albeit owned by absentee landlords-Arabs of course.
Like declaring war on a country
Like booting out all Jews before and after, hanging them in Baghdad, Tripoli and Cairo by way of revenge for losing the war.
Like refusing any settlement or accommodation with the UN when it was independent.
Like parking millions of Iraqis, Iranians, Yemenis and Egyptians on the border, to create a supperating sore permanently when only half a days oil revenue could have sorted their mess out in the 70s.
But Arafat did NOT want it sorted-what the hell else would be do?
Like warning them off any legal movement into the Jewish state, preferring them as refugees, telling them they`d take their shares when the Arabs won. More fool them.
No-sick of this narrative, they chop each others hands and feet off than want us to pay for the bandages and mourn over their stumps.
The BBC make me sick…
Holly, was not the original ‘offer’ in fact a request to those five adjacent nations “Will you please give up some territory to the Palestinians for a homeland?” (The population of Palestinians in Israel would have been much smaller back then.)
All five Arab nations said “Ummh, er, no, thank you.” The traditional reason given was that none of them wanted to create a potentially troublesome Palestinian State adjacent to their own territory, even though they had empty land to spare.
I sort of got the impression from the toady presenters that the rioters were just chucking a few stones. Yet again nasty Israel!
Still boys will be boys eh – Of course there is no evidence that arabs once in Israel would start stabbing or killing Israelis.
Sometimes I do wonder why Israeli representatives even bother with talking with the BBC. They must surely realise that the BBC will totally misrepresent their position whilst trying to gloss over the conduct of the arabs.
Oak, not just chucking a few stones but using catapults.
Now, if I recall correctly, an accurately aimed pebble from a sling or a catapult can do a lot of damage, even to a huge soldier decked out in his full military kit. Permanent, fatal damage.
Mind you, the youth concerned had had lots of practise in killing lions & bears that were stalking his sheep.
:- J
(I had better not mention which side the soldier was on.)
However, hot on the heels of the Indonesian Family Who Explodes Together, not too sure young moppets seeking martyrdom by getting slotted for the 6 o’clock ratings and rants is really sending out a persuasive message outside of Islington.
Fellow Beeboid gets hooked on bbc ‘proportionality’ obsession and rather forgets he, his colleague and the entire bbc are totally ignoring reality and how actual humans are viewing what is actually happening.
I didn't hear it but I assume the point he was trying to make was about the proportionality of the Israeli army action (shooting dead 60 protesters). Do you think that was proportional?
Nick failing to point out that the rock was at the bottom of a bottle filled with petrol that had a lit rag in the end of it and was being thrown at another human being.
That’s not a peace message or a ‘rescue me from this desert island’ plea for help you stupid Roy Orbison spectacled fool. This was an attempt to wound and kill an individual that you’ve been ordered and indoctrinated to hate.
Majority of AMs to back controversial Brexit Bill
They have seen sense. We Taffs want out and we want it now!
Notice how they stick three circus flags next to our Red Dragon.
Anyone see Arbeit Matt Frei on C4 tonight reporting on Erdogan at Downing Street?
Unkempt, unshaven, wrinkled shirt and looked like he’d slept in his suit.
I guess President Trump is keeping him up at night.
By ‘abuse’ they mean wrongthink that dows not conform to their narrow, alt left lunacy. They would like the 2 billion users to use this magical method of communication to just talk about women becoming CEOs and racial microaggressions. A better headline might be:
‘BBC divulges extent of total bullshit they spout.’
The BBC hangs on the Resolution Foundation’s every word. Giving people £10k is a lunatic idea on so many grounds. To help youngsters we need to build more houses and to stabilise population which cannot be done without an immigration pause.
With so many living longer , we need to save more into our pensions from an early age and start saving earlier for care provision . The young can’t be exempted from this and to blame the problem on intergenerational unfairness is simply delusional.
EE, especially as within days of that Resolution Foundation report the BBC were doing an item about how ‘homelessness’ and ‘renting’ is actually affecting all age groups in the UK.
Good old BBC!
We here pay attention to their news output so they do not have to.
World Service reports on a comic with a female Muslim super hero. Can she fly anywhere and have a special power of non integration? They should be careful as there was once an eruption of peaceful violence over a certain cartoon.
Our intrepid BBC also have a reporter in Sydney to tell us one of the African athletes at the Commonwealth Games has not flown home and disappeared to seek asylum. Seeing as he has vanished one questions the utility of a reporter, though a single African seeking to live illegally in Australia is of utmost importance to licence fee payers.
1 Apparently it’s national numeracy day so Diane Abbot will be doing the rounds and guesting on ‘ countdown ‘
3 Al beeb is happy that the President Trump talks with North Korea are shaky . Robinson had that” told you so” twang in his voice .
1+1 the NHS midwife council has been investigated and turns out to be yet another self serving public body . At least a Tory health minister ordered the inquiry .
6-2 al beeb just love the IMF which is spouting doom and gloom on behalf of the ReichEU again – as it did during the brexit campaign and ever since . There is a clue with their boss – legarde-French . Is she still on bail for fraud ?
5 drugs gangs enterprise on using kids to take drugs from nasty places to nice ones via the rail network . It’s good to know that the rail system works for someone – and the hated virgin rail losing its franchise – again. Maybe the drugs gangs can run the rail franchises.
6 it’s unclear whether Meghan Merkel s dad sold pictures of his apparent heart operation to ‘Hello’ magazine
Just for once – an item without bias.
Rachel Reeve – labour lead on a parliamentary committee which looked at the collapsed Carillion and the corruption of the auditors who signed off the accounts for 19 years . The big four accountancy firms really need investigation but no government will touch them .
"Ministers have been told in no uncertain terms that if Brexit goes wrong, then you could imperil the future of the United Kingdom," reports our political editor
Some of biggest applause at #CAPIdeas today comes when Parkland survivor Ryan Deitsch says he's putting off going to college to work to elect gun-control candidates running in the US midterm elections.
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tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
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JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
More TOADY Watch
‘Cannot Believe my Ears’ Dept: In a rare moment of honesty, did I really hear Jeremy Bowen let on in a post 8am News clip on Radio4 that mosques in Gaza were broadcasting calls yesterday for protesters to go and demonstrate at the fence on the border with Israel?
When I heard that, I hoped that Mark Regev (Israel’s Ambassador to UK) had been hearing that report from Bowen in his headphones. He was about to be interviewed by Nick Robinson. I hoped he would bring that (rare) bit of BBC (honest) news up during the interview. I wondered if the BBC keep interviewees in isolation prior to interview?
Mark Regev did not bring up that news clip from Bowen during his intensive interrogation by Robinson. Perhaps he did not have a live feed or pay attention to it.
Funny how the BBC can be that intensive with the Israeli Ambassador but they cannot be bothered to invite in the Russian Ambassador and interrogate him, in similar intensive fashion, about the official Russian Government response to the OPCW Report on Salisbury, or the lack thereof, or even about anti-Semitism in Russia.
Breaking……………… More good Brexit news for Al Beeb to inform us all about – Unemployment down again!
How will they put a negative spin on that ?
Easy taffman.
Productivity down, inequalities never met and we`re no richer than 2008, before the crash.
THEY all are-but we`re not.
Oh woe…and Brexit rattling their cages too, poor lambs.
Mick and Keef though-rock royalty, edit them so we`ll stay in the EU and bash Trump.
Got a warning letter re my non-licence payment, apparently Plymouth Capita Directorate are watching me, got my best schoolmar`m outfit on today seeing they`re going to stalk me.
Peeping Toms and the BBC-Savile would be proud.
Ah, here it is “The Office for National Statistics (ONS) also said unemployment fell by 46,000 to 1.42 million, with the jobless rate falling to 4.2% the lowest since 1975. “
Couched within this article ……………..
“Year-long pay squeeze comes to an end”
They could have used this headline – “jobless rate falling to 4.2% the lowest since 1975 !” But that would support BREXIT.
HYS is not going their way .
We have accepted a foreign law over our own … “Finland’s Supreme Court has ruled that sex with children as young as 10 is not ‘rape’ if you come from a culture where sexual relations between adults and kids is ‘normal’. Muslim asylum seeker, Juusuf Muhamed Abbudin,” {twitter 15may2018}
. . . .
“Be it so. This burning of widows (India/suttee) is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
– Charles James Napier on the subject of suttee
RE Napier.
Our Victorian forefathers may be lambasted by the Luvvie elite but they certainly had a way of cutting to the chase in negotiating. Brexit would have been solved in about 45 minutes.
Sex with kids is OK “if you come from a culture where sexual relations between adults and kids is ‘normal’” – like BBC Broadcasting House?
We could also add to the list… Oxford, Rochdale, Rochester etc
I hope Hattie harperson doesn’t get the. Speaker job on the basis of her liberal support for PIE when she was NCCL. I was worried about pie at the time being a kiddie…
Thinking about this some more….isn’t a white paedophile guilty of culture appropriation as the Muslims were doing that centuries ago?
How’s about that then?
There was even a van involved.
More to the point-white paedophiles guilty of a crime but non whites from “other cultures” not.
2 tier legal system in favour of ethnics. No surprise.
What is the point of the BBC charter, supposedly ensuring impartiality if the BBC take absolutely no notice of it?
An article by Washington correspondent Barbara Plett (the woman who was crying when she saw that Yasser Arafat was dying) leads with the headline “Jerusalem embassy: Why Trump’s move was not about peace”
She says that the only reason the move was made was because he wanted to keep his campaign promises to his electoral base and describes the action as part of his “Trumpian foreign policy”. She goes on to say that some of that campaign base are right wing Jews and that his inner circle consists of conservative, orthodox Jews. She says that the move was helped along by the fact that the Vice-President Mike Pence is a devout evangelical Christian and he added support on behalf of all the other Christians.
She says that “The Trump administration has also sided with Israel in its response to the deadly violence on the Gaza border.”
She finishes by saying “But Mr Trump’s decision on Jerusalem, a city also holy to Muslims…..”
To say that the only reason the move was made was to appease Jews and that they are effectively controlling the White House is an outrageous slur, but to add in that he is wrong to keep his election promises makes her piece laughable…….The whole point of making election pledges is that you keep them – it demonstrates you are a person of honour who keeps his promises.
Barbara Plett is a an anti-Semite who should have been sacked by the BBC years ago when she was found to be biased and a complaint against her was upheld, but mysteriously she keeps her six-figure salary and is allowed to produce this sort of nonsense at our expense.
I am now thoroughly fed up with the incessant R4 diabtribe about how women are so downtrodden, under represented and discriminated against.. it’s always a historic view.. take a look now
female lawyers, medics, teachers, lecturers, heathcare workers, shop workers……all outnumber men….
today it’s female economists…the BBC never has a problem finding one..
Equality – yes we need some for men now…:-)
My poor finger is worn out from turning off or switching channels every time there is an announcement about this being the first day of ramadan. They seem to want us to be interested, impressed and sympathetic. I’m not.
I hope on a visit to UK from, mainly muslim, Gambia I could avoid Ramadan, the “plastic” observance of many muslims, increased crime, hypocrisy and all the aspects that the BBC fail to report. Alas, the BBC is still ramming this evil religion down our throats. Why ?
The constant mentioning of Ramadan might be a well disguised Public Warning Announcement that terror attacks will increase during this month of Ramabombathon.
The rental cost for vans has recently gone up in Londonistan …
Please, please, please BBC – go send Lies Douchet or Katty or Plett-Usher in among that Gaza filth to interview them.
Tr, aah Lies Doucet. That Lyse Doucet? The one who the BBC get to report from Syria?
I have a bone to pick with her. A complaint.
In my hearing, she has never, ever reported that Iran had ‘boots on the ground’ in Syria, that Iranian Revolutionary Guards were fighting there. Until last week. When some IRGs had fired missiles into the Golan Heights and Israel responded in kind.
If I remember correctly (it is also possible I have missed a broadcast or broadcasts in which see did mention that fact in the more distant past) I have not heard her refer to the IRG and definitely not, the IRG fighting – with Russia – on the side of President Assad. I have heard her refer to Iran fighting ‘a proxy war’ in Syria and ‘aiding’ or ‘backing’ Hezbollah forces fighting in Syria, either on their own account or in implied opposition to Assad & his forces.
But not Iranian Revolutionary Guards themselves, fighting in Syria.
So why this apparent inaccurate reporting, Lyse? What is behind it? Or am I being too particular in burst of ‘Ritula Shah-ism’? You know, this 100% accurate BBC thing.
LGBT demand that they write the lyrics for all song writers …
Rita Ora apologises after LGBT criticism of her song Girls
After the track is criticised for its ‘tone-deaf’ portrayal of same-sex relationships, Ora says sorry for the way she expressed herself
. . .
An earlier report published in April 2011 by the Williams Institute estimated that 3.8 percent of Americans identified as gay/lesbian, bisexual, or transgender: 1.7 percent as lesbian or gay, 1.8 percent as bisexual, and 0.3 percent as transgender.
0.3 percent as transgender , im calling total and utter bollox on that figure
How can there be so many transitioning?
These freaks do understand that once you become a woman or man, you are no longer a transgender?
And that’s where it’s hard to feel sympathy with a great deal of these individuals. The media whip up a sob story that an individual has felt trapped in the wrong body and just needs the cash to change gender.
Yet, once they do, they rarely just become that new gender and disappear into the anonymity of being either an average male or female. Oh Lord no, that wouldn’t make them feel special would it?Hence they have to remain transgender so that they can be their new gender but a little bit better/above every other woman or man.
“Year-long pay squeeze comes to an end”
What? You mean there was a whole year when wages didn’t rise as fast as people wanted? – Nasty Tories.
Will Iran release an Emoji Movie?
Wonder that the ‘Death To Israel’ emoji will do?
Wonder that the ‘Death To America’ emoji will do?
Children will love it …
Iran pushes app with ‘Death to America’ emoji { 25apr2018}
Jean Claude Juncker praises Karl Marx … says everyone who implemented his teachings did it incorrectly so we need to try again until we get it right … statue sent from the freedom loving China Republic … *sigh*
Most of the meeja blaming the Palestinian riots and casualties on Israel and Trump, not least al beebeera.
What they never grasp from the safety of their studios and offices is that Israel is fighting for survival daily, vastly outnumbered, surrounded by millions hell-bent on its utter destruction.
And that whipped up rage about an embassy does not justify violence.
Some people know how to sum things up.
Erdogan, using the power of the Turkish State to murder, rape, torture and “disappear ” people gets to visit Treezer. Trump, who has not been accused of any of these crimes is not welcome. What a moral perversion the UK has become. I am ashamed.
A BBC transcript of MT’s remark about British people fearing they might be “rather swamped by people of a different culture” …
“Thatcher: .. It really was what Willie Whitelaw said at the Conservative Party Conference in Brighton, where he said we must hold out the clear prospect of an end to immigration because at the moment it is about between 45,000 and 50,000 people coming in a year. Now, I was brought up in a small town, 25,000. That would be two new towns a year and that is quite a lot. So, we do have to hold out the prospect of an end to immigration …
Interviewer: But if 45 to 50,000 per year is too many, what figure is acceptable?
Thatcher: Well, it must be very much less but you cannot decide the figure until you know those who at present have a right to come in. But what is quite clear is that we cannot go on taking in that number. You see, my great fear is now that if we get them coming in at that rate people will
turn round and we shall not have good race relations with those who are here.
… It is not as if we have great wide open spaces or great natural resources; we have not. So, either you go on taking in 40 or 50,000 a
year, which is far too many, or you say we must hold out the prospect of a
clear end to immigration and that is the view we have taken and I am certain that is the right view to keep good race relations and to keep fundamental British characteristics which have done so much for the world.
… We are a British nation with British characteristics.
Every country can take some small minorities and in many ways they add to the richness and variety of this country. The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened.”
“The moment the “minority” threatens to become a big one”
I was surprised this was filmed with such a “mixed” community.
What’s so special about this? In the leafy rich suburbs of
London at least 80% of school kids under 12 are ethnic.
It’s called demographics. As sure as night follows day there will
be a Muslim majoroty in the UK in four generations. 1 times 2 times 1 times 2= 4 . 4times 5 times 4 times 5 =400. It’s as simple
as that.
MM – That was just before her election in ’79 and she then decided to let those Vietnamese boat people in, the Tories can NEVER be trusted on immigration; no matter how good a game they talk.
1978 … “Every country can take some small minorities and in many ways they add to the richness and variety of this country. The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened.” – Margaret Thatcher 1978
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
(nice find)
Today the bBBC’s outrage bus is overloaded with obese women complaining that bigger size trousers cost more than smaller ones. Predictably, the bBBC calls it a ‘tax’.
It’s probably fair to say that comments could be going better.
I too was outraged recently – I went to buy a bag of midget gems and found the larger bag containing more sweets than the smaller bag cost more money.
I then did an extensive survey, visiting every supermarket in the country and to my absolute horror I discovered they’re all at it – if you want to buy something then the more you want the more it costs…..what a disgrace this capitalism is.
Emily of Islington the Rock Star ….
. . . .
Islington performed near the bottom of the distribution on wellbeing, environmental quality, housing affordability and safety. Scoring 379th out of 380 on personal wellbeing overall, residents of Islington reported among the lowest levels of happiness (371st) life satisfaction (372nd) and feelings that their life is worthwhile (379th). They also reported among the highest levels of anxiety (367th).
The borough also ranked second to last on the environmental quality domain, with particularly high concentrations of NO2 and PM10 (ranking 377th and 378th) and limited access to green space (ranking 358th). Housing in Islington was among the least affordable in Britain, with the median house priced at over 16 times the local median income. Islington was ranked 369th out of 380 in crime, with 122 reported offences per 1,000 people.
Woman’s Hour Report: The best places in Britain for women {sep2017}
The BBC say Israelis killed a number of protesters.
The Times says Israel shot people “storming its border”.
Who should I believe?
At least three of the so-called “Palestinians” shot yesterday were Islamic Jihad Terrorists, one of them a sixteen-year old. Will BBBC report this?
some 12 – 14million ethnic germans were expelled from eastern europe at the end of ww2
no one gives a shit about that, no one is claiming right to return
you lose a war you pay the price
whats so special about the pali’s exactly
and how come all these lefties suddenly get the concept of “OUR LAND”
Our land?
..and why is immigration such a great thing for the Liberal Left but not when applied to Jews wanting to immigrate into Palestine territories?
Surely the spread of Jews should enrich the Palestine territories?!? or does that only apply to certain religions?
According to the bBBC’s ‘news’, they don’t know how many half-castes there are in the UK although the last census recorded 2.3%. I can tell them the answer. From watching the bBBC, and television advertisements, the figure is more than 50%.
So why not enjoy the royal bash.
Whether you decide to actually use this sick bag for what it was intended or want a humorous memento to remember the big day, this sick bag is perfect for the person who doesn’t take this whole royal wedding thing too seriously (but will definitely be checking out Meghan’s frock).
Bet the corp don’t have the balls to do a Diane Abbott, sick bag.
Besides being insulting
I think such Royal Wedding products break the Riyal Warrant.
You can’t just their face on any old product.
I don’t find it particularly witty or humourous but, let’s face it, that isn’t the intention.
It’s a way of broadcasting their indifference, if such a thing were possible, because they see it as evidence of a superior intellect. They can’t bring themselves to be genuinely indifferent, of course, because they know that the wedding will be genuinely popular and their superiority might go unnoticed. How frustrating that would be.
It is not supposed to be witty or politically astute or even insulting. It is a simple way of drawing attention to the media’s obsession with the royal wedding, ramming every little detail down our throats.
I posted it here because this site attacks the biased media and its attempt to engage us in their constant attempt at social engineering.
Like many British people I have a fondness for the Royal Family but detest the sickening way they are presented in the media.
A sick bag is an appropriate response.
“Another Duke to make you puke” is not supposed to be insulting?
Come off it.
No I don’t think it is insulting. It is still in the context of a piss take of the media’s obsession with the wedding..
May I suggest a safe space somewhere to escape jokes about the media coverage.
Bread and circuses
Well, I still think its odd that Ms Markle will be watched by countless millions as she gets married, with over 600 being in the church, but only ONE (maybe two) members of her family will be present. She may not get along with her step siblings, but even her uncles – a diplomat and a bishop, haven’t got a ticket either. Yes, members of family do get cut out of celebrations, generally when there’s a fixed budget, but THIS wedding ? when she walks down that aisle and all she sees is a sea of strangers, oh and the cast of Suits, instead of family members, that speaks volumes.
Hate speech verdict
Lincoln ex-soldier gets one year for 15 minute speech.
“speech at London’s Cenotaph in July 4 2015… . a rally against a Jewish neighbourhood watch group, ”
Bedford-Turner said
“let’s free England from Jewish control. Let’s liberate this land”.
So an anti-Jewish Conspiracy nutter I guess.
I don’t know why a Plymouth based journo was the first to tweet the story.
His sentiment is the same as the picture Corbyn liked on Facebook.
Although that mural didn’t callfor action.
Here’s an interesting POV
\\ Jeremy Bedford Turner said that Jews possess too much influence in Britain.
To prove him wrong, a Jewish organization used its influence to completely overturn the decision of a senior prosecutor not to prosecute Turner for these remarks, and secured a criminal conviction. ???? //
Aren’t similar sentiments expressed at All Quds rallies.
‘That they have to liberate the world from X’ ?
Bottom line :
– Yesterday Hamas used similar words didn’t condemn them.
oddly Bedford-Turner speaks Pashtu and Arabic maybe that explains some of his rantings
Very much so Lucy.
Just heard Montagues languid rant as some UN jerk called Rupert slags Israel off for fifteen minutes-the full triple echo hate screech of the UN as per.
I imagine Sarah`s kicked her shoes off, and is waiting in the Montessori car park, phoning this moonshine in.
Now give that the BBC have no clue about what happens in Rotherham or Rochdale. Tyneside of Borough Market, forever shrouding any truth in a black bin liner bodybag or a burqa?
I really don`t think that the BBC ought to be stirring our Muslims to attack yet more Jews this afternoon-isn`t that what democratically elected Labour crap like Corbyn does?
I`m sick of a ten second soundbite from Regev, followed by fifteen minutes free hits at Israel from some UN freeloading Muslim scratching post like Rupert Colville. And Montague calling Israel into question,roping in Trump and calling the UN “independent”. How dare she?…poor overpaid cow has clearly no history on what the UN have been saying and doing to Israel since 1972 does she?
Best bit?…when Roopz said that Hamas being at the border isn`t relevant. They`re nothing to to with is apparently.
Right then, lippie on, skirt down and back to Yr 8 all afternoon. I`m ready for them after Rupert anyway.
Holly, I was shouting at the radio (in a silent sort of way – didn’t want to upset the neighbours) “Ask some questions!” Rupert Colville actually pointed out that some Palestinians had been shot in the back of the head. If they were facing the fence & the Israeli’s, that tends to suggest a proportion of ‘the victims’ were hit either by friendly fire or not so friendly fire from among their own people.
The Montacutie was not sharp enough to pick up on that or the previous comment from a BBC reporter in a Gaza hospital who stated that he had seen victims who had been shot in the legs. Sarah was particularly useless this lunchtime. She cannot blame a 3am or 4am start to the day, after being out late at a dinner party, anymore now that she has left the TODAY Programme and presents TWatO.
The BBC are now misrepresenting (in 6pm R4 News) what Rupert Colville said about an investigation, too. They are trying to tell me, too, that a baby was killed by Israeli tear gas. Really? That’s unbelievable.
All very disgraceful.
I can just imagine the hand wringing and crying at the BBC over this
Hamas, Hezbollah, BBC. Same lies, different speeds but same destination.
Any chance of the Jews being able to get back to THEIR original places with this “right to return” B/S of the idiot left?
Yentob was an Iraqi Jew, as were the Saatchi Brothers.
You`d have thought that they`d be pushing for the same free passes to cause trouble as the Arabs to.
My boyfriends family have Turkish roots somewhere-can WE go and live in Turkey then?
As things stand, Turkey is coming here to live with me.
And where`s the protests over Erdogan, where`s the BBC doorstepping him about the Kurds getting bombed over from his side of the Turkish border?
Or is it only Israeli rockets that make the BBC cross?
Daft question. But I`m a teacher, so that`s all I`m supposed to ask.
What`s the BBCs excuse?
The world is a better place without these people.
BBC seize on Gammon as an insult to middle aged white Brexiteers.
Tattooed Mummy
Gammon : the bottom piece of a side of bacon, including a hind leg. Also (recently) slang : Middle aged red-faced white male, usually ranting about Brexit, immigrants and political correctness gone mad. (origin : 2017 BBC)
The word ‘gam’ has another meaning which can be applied to many cock suckers in the BBC
Urban dictionary
am Gamsex
or “Gam Gams,” alternate name for a blowjob, or a rushed, spur – of – the – moment sexual act.
I incorrectly thought that “Gammon” was an insult to non-Muslims and non-Muslim supporters. i.e. a pork eater.
I suspect Gammon will go the way of Youthquake…which in case nobody remembers was word of the year last year…although I fail to understand why Gammon in this instance only refers to men?
Don’t the BBC like equality?
I know plenty of woman who are pale middle aged and go red when getting flustered and angry talking about Brexit, or are they Gammonettes? I think Emily Thornbury would qualify more than I do…
Give it a month -unless some git reads into into Hansard to get a direction on unparliamentary language – unless it’s been done already
Sticks and stones … just ignore it … it will be something else next week.
Rostock, Germany : Hate speech fine of €9K
Holger Arppe formerly attached to AfD now Indep
The Landtag MEP in the year 2010 under his pseudonym on an Internet portal has written a contribution that degrades Muslims and incite to hatred against them.
– on the Internet platform It said: speaking about GB
is there more ? ..cos that is a jokey thing to say rather than a serious call to violence
Arppe is appealing saying he was not the author of the contribution and he was not inciting the people. ‘
The presiding judge saw this differently: he described the text as ‘ vile ‘ and ‘ deliberately malicious
Bbc clearly has high hopes on ratings.
Guest and Everyone
Having executed a bloodless coup on the biased beeb website I’ve been musing about how we should commemorate the al beeb royal wedding coverage . Any ideas ?
Personally I’ve bought the commemoration royal pop corn and put a bet on paddy power as to whether her dad will turn up.
Or we could all switch to c5 and watch “suits “ from the start …. or as I believe -the get go -or season one ..
Another royal wedding? I can hardly contain my indifference.
Re coverage -What about number of mentions of
President Trump
M Luther King
Elton john
Doreen Lawrence
The brides’ dad
How long have you been waiting ?
Look there’s a drone
Cheski or the Manchester reds?
But not indifferent enough to refrain from commenting, apparently.
FE2 – I personally will be washing my hair or dusting my collection of
1998 Brynt and May matchboxes – I have one , its yellow.
Isn’t that milliband junior in a wig?
Times reports Ms Markle used to boycott hotels owned by Sultan of Brunei, cos he supports Sharia punishments.
Is Angela Markle invited to Meghan Merkel’s wedding?
EG – Maybe Silly Allen is going – representing the “Nations Conscious”
………… “ness”
“Different cultural background”
The Sex-Abusers Excuse Card
… Actually the ethnic-Iraqi had been suspended for 4 months
sorry, but one look at Dr Alaa Alasadi and as a member of staff I wouldn’t have allowed myself to be alone in a room with him. Why one earth though couldn’t the members of staff have given him a good swipe across the face when he tried to lift their top. He would have learned very quickly that his behaviour wasn’t appropriate in this culture.
Nothing to do with Sadiq Kahn – NTDWSK!
Rise in violence ‘linked to climate change’ { 02aug2013}
“Shifts in climate are strongly linked to increases in violence around the world, a study suggests.”
“I was surprised to see not a single reference to a real-world conflict that plausibly would not have occurred in the absence of observed climatic extremes. If the authors wish to claim a strong causal link, providing some form of case validation is critical.”
– See how the BBC title suggests the report is true, but the details tell you that it was not a serious study.
Perhaps they watched Predator and Predator II to come to that conclusion. Fans of those late 80s early 90s action fests will vaguely remember a plot mention that the Predator only ever came to hot climates or during heatwaves. All of which sounds preposterous but actually holds more water than the BBC “story”.
I’ve been reading about the French Queen having a black baby – true or false. Links here.
It raises questions regarding a possible outcome of the forthcoming royal marriage.
Colour is in but Just how much black would the royal family accept?
R4 Great Lives : A white man ?
Nope “The first black woman super star”
Josephine Baker a jazz singer performing in Paris
Guest Mica Parris
Matthew Parris finished the programme confirming with his guests that Josephine Baker had been an essential role model for them and that they wouldn’t have been where they are today without her. I have worked in a man’s world – and I didn’t need a role model. I did what I wanted to do. The fact that the guests needed a role model tells you that they live in the victim culture so loved by the BBC and the Left.
Mattie makes another precious point – but don’t forget he has a foot in both camps, so to speak.
I wonder if the bBBC will report this. The Cato Institute’s annual analysis of countries, based on their economic freedom, ranks the UK sixth out of 159. The lefties’ favourite country, Venezuela, is 159th out of 159.
Does the BBC and their fiends from Hamsas, and Hezbollah
think that the Israelis are going to let theur enemies storm
the border fences and attack local Kibbutzim ,some only
300 meters away?
Some of those killed have been genuine demonstrators
and this is a tragedy. One death in these circumstances is
tragedy. BUT many others knew exactly what they were doing
and yearned for martyrdom. Some could of been terminally ill.
Others, as we are liked to be told by the BBC in terrorists attacks
are mentally unstable.
Gaza and the West Bank could and should be wealthy states
flourishing with tourism. Gaza with it’s Eastern Mediterranean
beaches and the West Bank steeped in religious history.
BUT they are too ignorant to realize this. And of course the
families of the “martyrs” are compensated by the Iranians. And
of course they have the BBC on their side , as ever.
“Some of those killed have been genuine demonstrators”
Foscari, whenever the BBC reporter says “demonstrator” I automatically substitute “rioter”. Then the stories make much more sense.
You are wrong . It won’t be old people paying for the 25 year olds hand out . It will be 26 year olds . This lunatic idea was introduced by a former Tory minister – David Willetts known as ‘ two brains ‘ cos of his double first . All I can say is he must be off his head for such a demented idea – unless it’s a fiendish way of keeping the false issue going .
As for care homes . At one stage I faced paying £950 a week . £750 after a welfare contribution .
That’s why I want the overseas tax give away ended and the money to be spent on our elderly .
Someone else summed him up thus: David “Two Brains” Willets, neither of which is working.
This does not bode well………………
“EU paid Airbus billions in illegal subsidies, WTO rules”
Time for a swift Bre x s i t …………..
“Most mournful date-commemorating events that caused Palestinians to lose their homes” is it?
This was the five Arab Nations who`d refused any settlement of the two state solution as set out by the UN at that time in 1947/8
They declared war on Israel, and all five invaded-or tried to.
But they lost. They invaded this very day, next day after Israel was declared a nation by Ben Gurions.
“Events” eh”- maybe we should have let the Nazis back home to Berlin in May 1945, and declared a day when all Nazis could be sad about losing their torture cellars, and losses in their chemical industries, poor lads at the cyanide factory?
Sad though eh?…events causing them to lose their homes.
Like selling land to Jews previously, albeit owned by absentee landlords-Arabs of course.
Like declaring war on a country
Like booting out all Jews before and after, hanging them in Baghdad, Tripoli and Cairo by way of revenge for losing the war.
Like refusing any settlement or accommodation with the UN when it was independent.
Like parking millions of Iraqis, Iranians, Yemenis and Egyptians on the border, to create a supperating sore permanently when only half a days oil revenue could have sorted their mess out in the 70s.
But Arafat did NOT want it sorted-what the hell else would be do?
Like warning them off any legal movement into the Jewish state, preferring them as refugees, telling them they`d take their shares when the Arabs won. More fool them.
No-sick of this narrative, they chop each others hands and feet off than want us to pay for the bandages and mourn over their stumps.
The BBC make me sick…
Holly, was not the original ‘offer’ in fact a request to those five adjacent nations “Will you please give up some territory to the Palestinians for a homeland?” (The population of Palestinians in Israel would have been much smaller back then.)
All five Arab nations said “Ummh, er, no, thank you.” The traditional reason given was that none of them wanted to create a potentially troublesome Palestinian State adjacent to their own territory, even though they had empty land to spare.
I sort of got the impression from the toady presenters that the rioters were just chucking a few stones. Yet again nasty Israel!
Still boys will be boys eh – Of course there is no evidence that arabs once in Israel would start stabbing or killing Israelis.
Sometimes I do wonder why Israeli representatives even bother with talking with the BBC. They must surely realise that the BBC will totally misrepresent their position whilst trying to gloss over the conduct of the arabs.
Hard hitting piece from Melanie Phillips. She points her finger at the BBC and the BBC’s Conservative Government
Oak, not just chucking a few stones but using catapults.
Now, if I recall correctly, an accurately aimed pebble from a sling or a catapult can do a lot of damage, even to a huge soldier decked out in his full military kit. Permanent, fatal damage.
Mind you, the youth concerned had had lots of practise in killing lions & bears that were stalking his sheep.
:- J
(I had better not mention which side the soldier was on.)
Maybe Jez and Nick take their cue from the Graun?
However, hot on the heels of the Indonesian Family Who Explodes Together, not too sure young moppets seeking martyrdom by getting slotted for the 6 o’clock ratings and rants is really sending out a persuasive message outside of Islington.
Nick clearly understands what the bbc wants him to understand.
Fellow Beeboid gets hooked on bbc ‘proportionality’ obsession and rather forgets he, his colleague and the entire bbc are totally ignoring reality and how actual humans are viewing what is actually happening.
Nick failing to point out that the rock was at the bottom of a bottle filled with petrol that had a lit rag in the end of it and was being thrown at another human being.
That’s not a peace message or a ‘rescue me from this desert island’ plea for help you stupid Roy Orbison spectacled fool. This was an attempt to wound and kill an individual that you’ve been ordered and indoctrinated to hate.
Majority of AMs to back controversial Brexit Bill
They have seen sense. We Taffs want out and we want it now!
Notice how they stick three circus flags next to our Red Dragon.
Could it be the AM’s have seen the public reaction to the Lords rejection? And are feared of abolition?
Anyone see Arbeit Matt Frei on C4 tonight reporting on Erdogan at Downing Street?
Unkempt, unshaven, wrinkled shirt and looked like he’d slept in his suit.
I guess President Trump is keeping him up at night.
‘Facebook divulges scale of abuse on site.’
By ‘abuse’ they mean wrongthink that dows not conform to their narrow, alt left lunacy. They would like the 2 billion users to use this magical method of communication to just talk about women becoming CEOs and racial microaggressions. A better headline might be:
‘BBC divulges extent of total bullshit they spout.’
The BBC hangs on the Resolution Foundation’s every word. Giving people £10k is a lunatic idea on so many grounds. To help youngsters we need to build more houses and to stabilise population which cannot be done without an immigration pause.
With so many living longer , we need to save more into our pensions from an early age and start saving earlier for care provision . The young can’t be exempted from this and to blame the problem on intergenerational unfairness is simply delusional.
EE, especially as within days of that Resolution Foundation report the BBC were doing an item about how ‘homelessness’ and ‘renting’ is actually affecting all age groups in the UK.
Good old BBC!
We here pay attention to their news output so they do not have to.
Bbc North America has a story it thinks needs sharing.
Bbc North America has a story it thinks needs sharing.
Has this been reported on the bBBC?
The BBC and the rest of the Left underestimate the power and influence of Trump.
Does May?
Trump is the key to a successful Brexit.
Trump reminds me of Bricktop in the film ‘Snatch’
(He’s the gangster wearing the violent spectacles…).
And more of Trump, I mean Bricktop. One of the best films ever.
Brilliant! I had never thought of him like that that.
Yeah he is a proper badass who has made his money in the real world. Most of these soppy politicians have not had a paper round between them.
“You are on thin fucking ice, you fake news scum, and I shall be under it when if breaks.”
World Service reports on a comic with a female Muslim super hero. Can she fly anywhere and have a special power of non integration? They should be careful as there was once an eruption of peaceful violence over a certain cartoon.
Our intrepid BBC also have a reporter in Sydney to tell us one of the African athletes at the Commonwealth Games has not flown home and disappeared to seek asylum. Seeing as he has vanished one questions the utility of a reporter, though a single African seeking to live illegally in Australia is of utmost importance to licence fee payers.
“Hijab Girl, we need you! A girl is about to betray her community by reporting on rape gangs!”
“Backwards we go! To the seventh century and beyond!”
Toady Watch
1 Apparently it’s national numeracy day so Diane Abbot will be doing the rounds and guesting on ‘ countdown ‘
3 Al beeb is happy that the President Trump talks with North Korea are shaky . Robinson had that” told you so” twang in his voice .
1+1 the NHS midwife council has been investigated and turns out to be yet another self serving public body . At least a Tory health minister ordered the inquiry .
6-2 al beeb just love the IMF which is spouting doom and gloom on behalf of the ReichEU again – as it did during the brexit campaign and ever since . There is a clue with their boss – legarde-French . Is she still on bail for fraud ?
5 drugs gangs enterprise on using kids to take drugs from nasty places to nice ones via the rail network . It’s good to know that the rail system works for someone – and the hated virgin rail losing its franchise – again. Maybe the drugs gangs can run the rail franchises.
6 it’s unclear whether Meghan Merkel s dad sold pictures of his apparent heart operation to ‘Hello’ magazine
Crikey BB – that’s very disrespectful making a cartoon out of our PM!
Toady watch 2
Just for once – an item without bias.
Rachel Reeve – labour lead on a parliamentary committee which looked at the collapsed Carillion and the corruption of the auditors who signed off the accounts for 19 years . The big four accountancy firms really need investigation but no government will touch them .
“Can you save us Appeaser Woman?”
They seem pleased.
And Anthony knows what the media likes.