As many Britons bath in the post nuptuals of a recent diverse wedding we return to the sad prospect of biased al Beeb. Monday the 21st – start of the Grenfell inquiry, Tuesday 22nd – anniversary of the Muslim terrorist attack in Manchester and at the end of the week the Irish Referendum on abortion . And the ongoing attacks on President Trump, Brexit and anyone or anything of which Albeeb groupthink disapproves
so a busy week…
Did anyone who watches or listens to bBC hear anything yesterday about the Falklands anniversary (1982) of the landing of British troops at San Carlos, and the sinking of HMS Ardent?
Loss of life of our troops defending our territory. I would expect at least a passing mention by our national broadcaster.
Moped crime: New rules to protect police pursuit drivers
Can anyone on this site explain to me why it took so long to be introduced?
Useless politicians. At what point did it dawn on the politician
‘Ah, here is a good idea’
Tories used to pride itself on being the party of Law and Order.
Not anymore.
“Tories used to pride itself on being the party of Law and Order.
Not anymore.” – Depends entirely on whether you are white British or ‘other’.
If you said to an average MP “What about law and order?”, Most would probably look back at you blankly and ask “Laura Who?”
Just wait for more ‘collateral’ damage as the ‘highly-trained’ police officers discover that the Laws of Newton are universal.
A blue flashing light might enable The Tardis to travel harmlessly through time and space but the same doesn’t apply to police vehicles running red lights, driving on the wrong side of the road or too fast to stop within sighting distance of a hazard.
We shouldn’t have let the ‘foxes’ into ‘the hen house’ to breed in the first place. But then there would be no jobs for politicians, lawyers and social workers would there?
Law and Order for politicians is a mathematical formula.
It is directly proportional to the contribution to party funds plus the social justice coefficient.
Assumptions: Contribution can be direct (to party) or indirect (to a party individual).
Social justice coefficient is proportional to the amount of votes for the party.
“Social cohesion is most commonly measured in terms of trust and common social norms” – Migration Observatory 2017 –
I guess that no social scientist to date of that report, realised that for islam, “common social norms” meant changing British society to fit in with islam’s ‘social norms’. With much assistance from the UK Government it has to be said. Curbs on Free Speech are typical of what the population of the Middle Eastern countries live with daily. What restriction next? Take your pick. The Government have much to choose from but I imagine they will consult with Saudi Arabia and the UN first. Voters? Nah, who are they? “You reap what you sow”……..
Restrictions on free speech designed to protect Islam are indeed creeping in, especially the ‘hate speech’ concept so beloved by the unlamented Alison Saunders , ex DPP and obsessed over by our politically correct police.
Darkly surreal interview on Toady with a Manchester victim. Apparently ‘the bomb’ has changed her for the better as she now appreciates things more; she will soon look back without anger; the bomber acted on his own and ‘didn’t represent his community.’ Why do you have to have a ‘community’ why not just f**king integrate?
Sounds like we should be grateful for terrorism. Just when you think the BBC cannot sink any lower they do.
We all have ‘communities’ now.
My ‘community’ is rational, oppressive, racist, xenophobic, homophobic and gynophobic. If I wasn’t so idle I would be out raping women, it’s not as if I don’t want to. My ‘community’ is one without female friends, colleagues, sister, mother, aunts, grandmothers and great-aunts.
I know this because the BBC tells me so.
We did have communities when I was growing up, based on people actually knowing each other and on cultural homogeneity- including being proud of ones country and being of similar religious background even if not avidly followed.
I don’t see any of this now. The word community is misused and often refers to ethnic ghettos characterised by a refusal to assimilate.
EE there are so many words that are misused. Community is definitely one of them. Throw up a few stalls, have a fair or carnival better still call it an EVENT.
I’m probably not coming up with the best but I’m sure you get my point. The BBC are especially devious in hijacking words
Surely you belong to the International Community? That is compulsory.
Yes, our community was represented by the guy who killed Jo Cox and the lorry guy from Finsbury Mosque. They were intrinsically connected to us all.
The Manchester bombing guy however was strictly a lone wolf. Nothing to do with Islam, not representative of his insular community – a complete and unexplainable anomaly.
This term ‘community’ is an interesting one, BB. Look out for it. We are going to be seeing plenty more if it.
It can mean what it says on the tin, but it can also mean something else. And when it means something else, violence is often part of the jigsaw.
I was reading a piece by a South African journalist, who was explaining the ever-increasing violence there (not reported by the BBC?) by people who claim to represent ‘the community’ was threatening a conflagration because a guilt-ridden government did little to enforce law and order (sound familiar?).
‘The community’ looks like one of those dangerous phrases that can have many meanings; sometimes it is an innocent context, it seems, sometimes it is used by politicians to manipulate the public.
And sometimes it is possible that the public will swallow the political manipulation.
Dangerous stuff, language. Vigilance is needed.
You really have a bit of catching up to do on the mainland, look at the stability and the harmony we enjoy In Northern Ireland.
We have loads of community workers and community representatives, often ex IRA or ex UVF, mostly ex IRA, and I say ex but…. well, you know, I’m not sure there is an Irish word for taqiyya. Although in truth there seems no need to go through the charade over here anyway.
Derry/ Londonderry, as it is actually referred to in our local media, is such a ‘community’, like a Republican Liverpool, the bBbc are in awe at the depth of its (mono) culture and colourful characters, the people who care, rising against British aggression by taking as much money from them as possible. Downtrodden and apparently neglected, the ‘community’ is funded to the hilt for important stuff like the arts, ‘remembering’, the promotion of Irish culture and festivals. ‘Communities’ love festivals.
This week the ‘community’ of Derry/ Londonderry, mainly on the self-styled ‘West Bank’, will do what all good ‘communities’ must do, show solidarity with similar ‘communities’. They’re doing this by lighting all their civic buildings in the colours of the Palestinian flag for 48 hours. The Israelis obviously didn’t pay enough attention to their active support of the BDS boycott and funny enough the bBbc haven’t reported this yet. But they will, they love to promote ‘communities’ like this.
I believe the Irish word for taqiyya is ‘cor-byn’.
“mostly ex IRA, and I say ex but”
Well, in the words of that bastard Adams: ” we haven’t gone away you know”.
I’m sure the SAS had a bullet with his name on it, but maybe they still have it?
Bbc laying it on with a trowel.
How comments go will be interesting.
Hi Guest Who, the Quran clearly states, many many times, that non-believers (non – Muslims) go to hell. So when this Islamic Imam makes this public performance in front of the photographer, he knows this. Imams have often memorised and are able to recite the complete Quran by the age of twelve.
Yes, what a ‘heartwarming’ story it must be.
22 innocent children killed in a religiously motivated terror attack allows an apologist for said religion to overtly signal a ‘connection’ with an older member of the host culture.
Who needs Benetton to encourage coming together when you can murder 22 children to generate an even more uplifting message of unity…
TOADY Watch #1
BBC brings on a former British Prime Minister to share his ‘die-lemma’ and his interfering in the result of a Referendum and trying to overturn/cancel/alter Brexit.
This time next week, only 10 months to go to OUT of the EU, Tony. Let us not go back to Egypt.
Well done, Mishal, for at least hanging it all on or around Tony Blair’s neck “That is what YOU want”.
The World continues to, uninvited, crowd my own personal space. Just a snippet on Toady today in relation to Climate Change and all that. Apparently local authorities will be given more powers to regulate the use of Wood Burners. I have wood burner which I fire up 3/4 times a week in the winter. Another Department in the local authority, another team of people no doubt. Jobs for the boys.
Although in France (where they are considering the same thing), I, and hundreds of thousands of others fire up our woodburners 7 days a week throughout the winter. My last burn was a few days ago, and I am prepared to fire up again unless it gets seriously warmer.
I wont be lighting any fires here near Tel Aviv. On Friday it was 40 degrees Celcius. Going outside was like being smacked in the face by the heat. Could have fried an egg on the bonnet of a car – to save on electricity/gas.
(But this has nothing to do with ‘global warming.’ It’s simply because Israel is a major hot spot.)
What Old Goat said. And our own fire, with back boiler is currently alight. Mind you, as we live at a height over 300 meters above that the highest pub in England, we are awaiting the next snowfall. It is May, but the authorities have not taken down the snow signs or the snow poles.
As part of their aim to eliminate wood burning, the government will, of course, be closing Drax.
I always thought that the work experience ethnic was a bit thick but when Blair criticised the foreign sec for drumming up business in South America she didn’t catch on .
Being a professional deceiver Blair compared Eu country business exchange with those outside . But of course that is being repressed by being in the Eu.
How Blair can still show his face after allowing millions of east Europeans into Blighty without restriction whilst the rest of the EU restricted it is beyond me. It’s why the public service are in an even shitttier order than they were.
I did listen to a little of Nick Robinson’s toe curling Manchester interviews, before I switched off and sat down with a pot of tea and Edward Elgar. Christ, the BBC are excruciating. They had an interview with, what sounded like, a 12 year old girl, who was regurgitating the progressive cliches doled out by the media; “It’s all about bringing people together…” She can be forgiven, she’s only a kid. Most grown ups know better.
What we really need is a BBC investigation into what this terrorist turd was doing in our country in the first place. And while they’re at it perhaps they’d like to investigate the recent attempted tube bombing, when it was revealed this vile piece of Islamist excrement had been trained as a killer and our useless, pathetic excuse for a government, still let the bloody thing in. But for the grace of God, hundreds could have been slaughtered.
The Beeb could ask “Is virtue signalling putting people’s lives at risk?”
They might inquire “Does this over populated country really need a million more inhabitants every three years?”
They could ask all sorts of sane and sensible questions.
The woman who will be at church in Manchester today, virtue signalling, was Home Secretary for a long time and did nothing to reinforce Britain’s porous borders. Her government is doing precious little now either.
What do Americans think of the BBC ?
I listen carefully to some centre-right commentators – not some bunch of scary alt-right backwoods hillbillies – but well-informed people who have been very critical of Donald Trump. However, moderate conservative Americans are not happy about the BBC’s legendary balance. Here’s a couple of typical quotes:
“By the way, if you want to see the worst possible construction put on Donald Trump and American policy – but done with a certain tone – you don’t have to flip to Rachel Maddow and MSNBC, you can just go straight to BBC America and see tham all condescend to us with lovely accents”
“The BBC’s coverage is remarkable but I listened to the BBC’s World Service which has a variety of interesting accents without the smug little faces but you get the same general dripping condescension of America in those plummy Beeb voices”
Oh dear. Britain’s voice to the World.
Actually I know of a coupla other Brits in the USA who have not been strangled by the PeeCee BBC. I forget their names. One is a slim short dude with a shaven head who was adviser to David Cameron (not sure why he would admit to such a calamitous error). The other is a very forceful dude who is good on economics. Both appear on Fox News and the short dude seems to have his own show.
Do Katty and Anthony have plummy British voices?
They certainly seem to be in final stage TDS.
I enjoy a few programmes on channels like the Travel Channel sometimes that are about people the likes of Katty Kay and Zurcher could label as ‘backwoods ‘, ‘rednecks’ and even ‘hillbillies’. Programmes like ‘Fixer Uppers’, ‘Barnwood Builders’, ‘Maine Cabin Masters’. Seem like decent people to me. People I can identify with.
Comfortable in their faith, proud of their heritage and culture, family oriented, warm and generous and without any obvious political agenda. Decent folk that the bBbc don’t understand and so aren’t interested in, engaging programmes without malice that the bBbc no longer can make, where people enjoy life.
I think this is the real America that I’d love to see and I think that the Britain that most of us want to live in is similar but it’s not the impression anyone watching the bBc would get.
Formerly of this parish:
BBC promoting Netflix which will replace them! Notice that on BBC Beyond 100 Days … even the presenters Katty and Christian said it was time for Hillary to give up … stop going on about losing .. move on! They have given up on Hillary after giving her so much coverage and now move onto activists Obama and the ‘Forever First Lady’.
TOADY Watch #2
They slip in a small item about an Irish man who thought, all his life, that he was an adopted child. In fact he was a baby, forcibly removed from an unmarried mother, and given to another couple by a Roman Catholic-run home in Eire, the last one to be closed in the 1980s.
That wouldn’t be the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation interfering in another country’s forthcoming Referendum on abortion, would it?
TOADY Watch #3
An American has written a book. The BBC overlook their advertising rules because this man thinks Donald Trump had Russian help in defeating a lucklustre Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US Presidential Election.
That’s going to be a best seller then.
Just thought I’d check the market. Remember: you cannot buck the markets.
Remember that book by Michael Wolff about President Trump. The one that everybody wanted to read (oh! yeah?) and could not, at one time, be obtained for hate or money. It sold like the proverbial hot cakes (from Hell) as there’s no fury like an ex-insider. Used copies changed hands for large sums of money, or so Jon Sopel told us.
Not anymore. £5.68 for a used copy of Fire & Fury at a well known Internet bookseller.
Unfortunately, the flame has dimmed even further on ‘What Happened’ by a certain Hillary Rodham Clinton. That has sunk to £2.96.
Oh dear! How sad. Never mind.
Anyone know why hate crime only involves the indigenous population saying unpleasant things to those who look different?
Why doesn’t it cover those who blow children apart in theatres in Manchester for example?
Very sorry to spoil the ‘narrative’dear BBC but i’m most definately Looking Back in Anger i’m afraid.
BBC Search for ‘marseille shootings’ empty on 22may2018 … day after shootings took place.
Other outlets mention it. It is not on the BBC homepage or the Europe section.
“Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations.”
― George Orwell
Good old Orwell.
Non-reporting is also part of a narrative. Earlier I was mentioning how a South African journalist had discussed how violence had become so everyday in South Africa that no one seemed to notice the country was heading for a conflagration.
One staggering example he mentioned is how thirty-five large goods trucks were brought to a halt on the main Johannesburg-Durban motorway a fortnight ago, torched and looted. And how little the police have done in response. You would have thought that the BBC would have been all over this; there was a time when a constant flow of reports of violence from SA was a daily event.
Would it be cynical to observe that the corporation now has what it wanted there, so is no longer interested? Or is it embarrassed to find the paradise it was looking forward to, is not quite that? That it got things wrong?
The former.
You may be interested in TOADY Watch #4.
Dear Mishal displays her ignorance about coal and the fact that there are ‘coals’ of different grades and qualities, including those manufactured coals (brickettes) to make them comply with smoke regulations.
For the LibbieLefties, coal miners were once heroes battling to save their valuable & essential commodity, and the pits where they struggled to mine it, from closure by the evil Tor-reeeees. (In reality, Labour governments closed more pits than the Conservatives did in government – a fact frequently overlooked at the BBC.)
But now coal is evil according to our Mishal. A hot-hearted killer, poisoning us all to certain death and destroying our planet forever.
Whether it is South Africa or coal or any other cause beloved of the LibbieLeft, the LibbieLefties are starting to run into inevitable conflicts within themselves.
If only they could re-write the realities of the past …..
The miners wouldn’t be allowed to do ‘black face’ either!
Breaking: Miners (and relatives of miners) to be taken to court due to insensitive face colourings.
Don’t look back in anger.
Report Hate Crime.
One Click away from losing it all.
But the media ignore an Islamic Country creating an emoji saying ‘Death to Israel’ and ‘Death to America’ by the Iranian Government … blinded by stupidity.
We all know of the muslim principle of ‘taqiyya’ in which the cult permits the muslim to lie to the kuffar or infidel to achieve a particular goal to islam. Welcome to, ‘Tawriya’ “The authoritative Hans Wehr Arabic-English Dictionary defines tawriya as, “hiding, concealment; dissemblance, dissimulation, hypocrisy; equivocation, ambiguity, double-entendre, allusion.” Conjugates of the trilateral root of the word, w-r-y, appear in the Quran in the context of hiding or concealing something (e.g., 5:31, 7:26).”
22nd May marks 5 years since Lee Rigby was murdered by Muslims and 1 year since the Muslim bombing of Manchester.
Now with the 22nd May falling inside Ramabomb this year I would bet good money on another terror attack today. We all know that the BBC would never link any of these events if they happen on the same day every year.
As a side note, a Google search for “Manchester bombing” shows the top result for a Wikipedia page with the following description “The Manchester Arena bombing was an white terrorist attack in Manchester, United Kingdom on 22 May 2017. A suicide bomber detonated a shrapnel-laden …”
Google is picking up on the previous Wikipedia edit, earlier today, were someone has added ‘white’ into the text. The IP address of the editor is from Colchester.
Nice to know the UK is full of Islamic apologists isn’t it?
Watch, and be alarmed:
Old Goat
That is one scary video because you can see all of her points happening here and it fits with the writing in Strange Death of Europe.. Who is she?
We are all doomed…
Brigitte Gabriel is the speaker. Here she is again answering the argument about the majority of Muslims being peaceful.
Watch her videos on You Tube. She is marvellous.
Take a short break from BBC traitors. Here is Brigitte again
there are 1.2 billion Muslims in the
01:24 world today of course not all of them
01:26 are radical the majority of them are
01:28 peaceful people the radicals are
01:30 estimated to be between 15 to 25%
01:34 according to all intelligence services
01:37 around the world
01:38 that leaves 75% of them might be swolled
01:41 people but when you look at 15 to 25% of
01:45 the world Muslim population you’re
01:47 looking at a hundred and eighty million
01:48 to 300 million people dedicated to the
01:52 destruction of Western civilization
This piece by Brigitte on the majority of Muslims being peaceful is the greatest video on YouTube.
‘The peaceful majority were irrelevant.’ Absolutely brilliant.
Nice Memorial
Joke science took a further giant step forward on the BBC this morning with the second part of “Climate change and me” presented by noted twitcher Sir John Lawton.
According to Sir John, the planet is changing rapidly as a result of man-made CO2 warming and we are in the midst of a giant uncontrolled experiment as we warm the joint up. Sir John suggests that if we can hold temperature rises to around 2C we have a chance. None of this imagery was backed up by any actual science but no matter. Maybe Sir John is unaware that it is impossible to hold nature back – it will set the thermostat and any living beings in residence will have to adapt. Over relatively short periods, the temperatures on earth have always varied widely.
According to Sir John “shed-loads” of scientific studies show that nature is on the move. What a magnificent use of no doubt public money to bring us this astounding news! He notes that the once rare little egret is now widely seen in the south of England. But he gets into a bit of a muddle when he also admits that it was once hunted in Britain to near extinction during Victorian times. It seems unlikely that man-made climate change is behind the movement by this little herring back to its former feeding grounds.
On puffins Sir John seems similarly unsound. Apparently as sea waters warm, the sea eels move away from the coast leaving food in short supply for the puffins. But puffins spend most of their time on the open ocean returning to the land mainly to breed. Are puffin colonies dying out because of a lack of nutritious eels? Sir John stopped short of supplying us with an answer.
Next up is geographer Mary Edwards talking about the disappearance of ice in the Arctic. Your correspondent was planning a trip to the Arctic this summer but decided to cancel it. Apparently there are so many protected polar bears roaming around these days that it is becoming even more dangerous than Deptford town centre on a Saturday night.
According to Woman’s hour R4 – apparently men get their dating techniques from looking at porn or going to seduction classes – ..then she realised what she had said and added . “not all men”….Ha ha sort of tells you all you need to know about her mindset..
I was thinking about BBC and somebody needs to tell them that being white is not bad and being BAME is not good, Being male is not bad and being female is not good, being Christian is not bad and being Muslim is not good, being hetero is not bad and being LGBQT is not good, UK history is not bad and Muslim history is not good…Brexiteers are not bad and remoaners are not good..Simples… there is good and bad everywhere.
What are the chances of them listening?
Most men must learn about how to treat women from their female mothers and female teachers, but then they are probably ‘the wrong sort of women’, i.e. fond of children.
Anyway, being a man is just a social construct – ‘some say’.
Anyone else think that Grenfell and Manchester have been seized upon by the bBC too quickly dampen the mood following the Royal wedding?
Two things to bear in mind to restore our balance each day in the face of this bBC barrage of fake news and grief fest;
1) Blair is clearly heading for the Brexit Derangement Centre
2) Jordan Petersen’s Brexit comment
” I bet on Britain”
S. I reckon that’s a very good point . The last thing al beeb wants is a ‘feel good factor ‘ so it’s got to distract back to vicarious grief and exploiting victims to avoid using the term -“Islamic terrorism” which I am proud to have put in the header to this thread .
Rest in Peace Lee Rigby and all the victims of evil Islamic murder . And may the souls of the killers burn in Hell. ( hate crime anyone ? )
they’ve done grenfell so much I no longer give a shit to be honest.
As for manchester , 12 year old choirgirls (who didnt get blown up) giving out messages of unity telling me manchester is united does not chime with any form of my reality .
I also cant raise any empathy for the sheeple who are more concerned about maintaining the falsehood of the multicultural utopia and decrying the football lads Association as Far-right racists (aka neo-nazis), than their own children being blown to bits.
I also find it very odd the so called bbc can find lots and lots of angry grenfell voices, but cant find a single angry manchester one.
You make an extremely good point in your last paragraph, Kaiser. Sharp observation. Encapsulates the general complaint we all have here against the BBC.
Big difference between Manchester and Grenfell…. Manchester (according to the BBC) was caused by a “bomb was detonated” so no human had any part in it
(see 2nd sentence in
whereas Grenfell (as the BBC and Lefties like to think) was planned murder of immigrants by many many white skinned people.
There is a peculiar inversion in the way the BBC treats Grenfell and the Manchester atrocity . You would think Grenfell was the planned mass-casualty terrorist attack and Manchester was the “act of god” with no political or social background or relevance. Guilty parties have to be found for Grenfell. “Social murder” a conspiracy of the male, stale and pale to off the other. Something that is at worst criminal negligence or “corporate manslaughter” becomes a “white supremacist” plot. The Manchester atrocity, on the other hand, has nothing to do with the ideology of islam and its political agenda in Britain. It’s almost an unfortunate accident – the profusion of other similar Big Beard atrocities being blocked out in the usual way.
Grenfell means interminable “dies irae” moments, while Manchester has to be a blubathon as it’s a “tragedy” not mass murder with people who should be blamed.
Now, now Kaiser.
I heard the partner of the gay lad killed at the MEN Arena talking to Nick Robinson earlier.
1. We would have no talk of who did it-he was sad and misguided.
2. We`ll not name the murderer-he`d only like that.
3. Others who DO link Salman Abedi the Muslim Islamist freeloader whose family we let in to do this in 1993-well they`re playing politics, as opposed to Nick and the BBC-and himself for that matter.
4. His dead partner died as he lived-as a star, a fan, a famous friend of hte great and good like Ariana, Simon etc….so isn`t that all we all want.
5. Hell-they`ve even done a PLAY about him in a Salford pub-which may yet transfer to the Contact Theatre bu the Uni….I mean…that alone was worth the deaths, huh.
As for plays about how an Abedi was able to do this, how a Lee Rigby is sacrificed for the consciences of Robinson and Mancunian gays?
Well, no thanks.
Trust the BBC to find the one gay bloke out of 22 dead people to big up…sexist, ageist…but never less than fantabulosa.
TOADY Watch #5 (Is this a Snuffy record?)
Govey is on the rack and Mishal is trying to stretch him to breaking point. Mishal wants central Government to introduce legislation on coal and wood burning for the whole of the UK and is mighty upset.
Hey, Mishal! What about that devolution you are so keen on? Surely you do not want a Government in Westminster to IMPOSE rules on Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, do you? What an amazing turnaround!
Congratulations on the Toady briefs. Listening to Robinson – who I think is getting even worse ( meds)) and the Blair – who I really believe was the tipping point for brexit – the “off switch “ came into view thence “hitchhikers “ for the umpteenth time .
just how are the thought police going to stop me chopping up pallets and burning them??
For those that may be interested may I ask you to take a look at a you tube clip by The Iconoclast titled There’s no such thing as a real Brit.
It’s been made by the BBC and it is sickening. I apologise for not linking it but I haven’t a clue how to.
BBC Makes Mass-Immigration Propaganda | BBC Teach | British Identity | Analysis The Iconoclast
Many thanks for this link. I now know the arm of the BBC responsible for that terrible propaganda film aimed at young students (as highlighted by NF and others recently) is BBC Teach.
BBC Teach is a youtube offshoot (funded by the licence fee). They also have a twitter page. I’d like to hear from our Holly Selassie about this – is it encouraged in schools as a teaching aid?
On the basis of that one film alone the whole organisation should be entirely shut down (not to mention the NUT which Anne Marie Waters wants to see the back of).
I note also the continuous propaganda on CBBC, as highlighted by B-B-C below @12:35pm.
I fear for my grandchildren. This has got to stop.
I did watch this video and my blood started to boil. I’m sure I will be called, at the very least, ‘racist’ but this makes me sad that we can’t voice our opinions anymore.
Seems to me that instead of bringing people together, our beloved BBC wants to act out history and ‘divide and conquer’
Thank you kaiser for providing the link. I am incensed by this kind of propaganda.
I’ve just been informed that it’s five years ago today that Lee Rigby was murdered.
Don’t fret, I have no doubt our beloved state broadcaster will be all over this, interviewing family and friends. They’ll speak to “the community” (that’s us!) and ask us what we feel about having hoards of Islamist thugs roaming our streets. They’ll ask us if we feel betrayed by successive governments. What’s it like living under a Muslim mayor.
Be fair, they’re busy at the moment. They have to discuss Islamphobia and what it’s like being a Muslim in Britain today. And there must be some insignificant smidgen they haven’t regaled us with about our multicultural royal wedding
And, of course, there will be the obligatory interview with the delightful Yasmin Ali Baba Brown. We’ll have done something to upset her, you can bet your bottom dollar!
It’s a question of priorities.
Give ’em time.
They’ll get to it…
Remember how the BBC report news … terrorist is victim …
“I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression the Syrian suicide bomber as a victim in a ‘German blast’.” – Tarek Fatah 24jul2016
They clearly have mass debates all the time.
I’m not a great fan of ‘memorial anniversaries’, aside from the biggie at the Cenotaph in November. All the recited poems and tree messages in the world do not bring the dead back. Public grieving and sentiment of personal loss help no-one. To put it bluntly they are nothing more than a communal sob-fest which is uncomfortable to watch. Keep your tears for behind closed doors. How long will the ‘anniversaries’ be kept going ? We have so many terrorist atrocities that before long we shall be having a ‘memorial anniversary’ every other week purely for the sake of the media.
Bris – think I agree on the anniversary thing but sometimes events are so awful that they deserve commemoration . Problem is now is that everything is an anniversary.
I remember an-interview on The World at War talking about how those who took part should be remembered and the speaker (raf) was surprisingly ambivalent about how much effort should be put in by those to come -that the war was an event for those who were there and not for future generations – if you get my drift- I know I have worded it clumsily – and need perhaps to rewatch that episode – the final one .
I totally get your drift Fed, and the atrocities of war cannot be impressed enough on the young, and to remember those that gave their life in the fight for freedom. My ‘beef’ is the constant first, second, fifth, tenth etc anniversaries of events, with the ever present tea lights, and other paraphernalia; which can become a parody over time, to which we become desensitised.
600K UK immigrants lost by the Home Office.
20K terrorists on watch list.
3K extreme terrorists on watch list.
1 Prime Minister who said “Enough is enough”
“Abdul seduced me online, he had me at free health care.”
“Real Housewives of ISIS”
On the CBBC children’s channel the BBC commemorate the anniversary of the Manchester Bombing with a lead story headlined: “Manchester attack: Ariana Grande ‘thinking of you all’ “.
The BBC turn the Manchester bombing into a promotional for Ariana Grande. Furthermore on the same webpage that the BBC carry the story, the BBC also have promotional material for Islam: “What is Ramadan?” – with an image of a young child prostrate and praying to Allah.
Ariane was coming to the end of her “A Dangerous Woman” tour, as I recall when her fans got killed.
And like any oher dangerous woman, she took the next flight out and Twittered about how sad she was.
Brave lady.
And as for the media?…well, climate change can be put on hold.
She flew back to remind us how dangerous her porno gyratings were.
No comment, no comedy from the BBC and the high minded criminals that run Labland.
I note the Guardian is missing from the front pages of newspapers on the BBC web-site.
Meanwhile the Daily Mail steps in on their behalf with some idiocy: “Powers to tackle toxic microplastics left behind by car tyres and brakes.”
Oh dear! Just where do you start with something so wrong? Hopefully the politicians and Civil Servants will not be that ill-informed when preparing legislation but I would not be certain about that. I do hope that that was a DM journalist’s own interpretation of what Government might do in environmental legislation and not the briefing they were given.
Channel 4 tonight shows ‘Mo Salah: A Football Fairy Tale’. If you can’t make that, the Sunday Times this week had the feature ‘Salah: King in the Land of the Pharaohs’.
And if you’ve not been able to join the ongoing Mo love-in this year, maybe try developing exaggerated adulation for Mo Farah, I believe it’s also a State Endorsed Pastime®. Or another Mo of your choosing (careful with that one though)
Hilarious to see Jacob Rees Mogg destroying all the BBC can throw at him on DP
The vicious Jo Swinson seen off on abortion and an academic Dr Bartells shown up on his so called expertise on article 24 of the GATT
No other politician would have the intellect to do this.
Body number 68 in londonistan.
Mr Marcel Campbell , 20, father of 2 and resident of Tottenham stabbed to death in upper street N1 ( lady nugee presides ) .
Looking a bit like a road rage cum ‘ dissing’ job.
Tricky subject for al beeb since they are so enthusiastic about reduce stop and search law enforcement and so in favour of the ‘ community’ being free from police intervention . Since this dead man was probably a constituent of that PM is waiting – David Lammy – I’m sure he ll be critical of the failure of the police to protect his constituent – cuts you know .
When it gets to 71 will it get the Grenfell treatment? Will the Tories be on every day being interviewed about how it’s all Sadiq Khan’s fault and seeking to make political capital?
Further to my comment further up, I hope this does not become an annual event, or I’ll arrange to be out of the country for the day.
Father of two? Same mother? Still with her/them? Only asking because statistically…
Somebody really needs to call out Jo on air about her petulant and juvenile eye rolling and tutting.
They’d never get asked on the show again but she needs to be embarrassed and ridiculed for it. It’s like a huffy 13 year old conducting the interview.
On the daily politics, every time they go to the Houses of Parliament when they interview the person from the guardian and another press person, they always show that bloke flying the eu/union jack combined flag behind the pair of them.
Do you think this is intentional?
What other flags or propaganda messages could they have behind them or is that the only one allowed.
I’d love to see a ‘bbc = fake news’ sign behind them.
Emmanuel Goldstein
I too have noticed that phenomenon. Always in camera shot whichever camera angle is used?
Is he an “employee”?
More blatant propaganda .
BBC are showing nice pictures of food, cats and food. Nothing happened! 22may2018 13:21
On the day a solider was slain on UK soil and 22 people murdered … I give you the £3.5bn News OMISSION Service ….
The BBC are a load of despicable c**ts.
The only news on Lee Rigby was from the 16th May…
Lee Rigby murder: Veterans’ retreat will take mum’s mind off anniversary
They make it sound like she has opened a nice B&B.
Good grief, what do you expect?
I suppose you think she should receive a peerage or something ridiculous like that.
I think poor Lee is forever filed under the “Don`t Look Back In Anger” category of murders and atrocities…along with 7/7, Manchester etc.
As opposed to Grenfell Towers, Orgreave or Hillsborough.
For which the “Street Fighting Man” soundtrack is called for, maybe from a muezzin loudspeaker.
If it`s an accident-blame plod, Tories or Thatcher, EDL or whoever.
But if it`s done deliberately by murderous muslims only doing what their Koran tells them to do? Then all you need is a tealight and a Chinese lantern to float it.
Islam hates and fears tealights and teddies I think. And as long as it`s said in a regional accent, that`ll be all you`ll need.
Ah well-at least I can look back-not in anger over Islam, but I can.
Time will soon be here when it`ll be a crime to look back at all, unless it`s Paul Weller or Annie Lennox.
In the eighties we had Not the Nine o’clock News. Now we have not the news unless it is something bad about Donald Trump or Brexit. Sad how things have gone downhill.
“A BBC investigation has revealed…”
Seems that four, five and six decades ago an Irish Catholic organisation was – allegedly – dealing in dodgy adoptions. They deny the BBC accusations.
Here we go, it’s always fascinating to see what aspects of which religious groups and their respective bad behaviours raise the BBC hackles.
And which other aspects of the wrong doing of some religious adherents the BBC is most insistent “won’t divide us”
We are about to hit a brick wall ….
A manifesto published in the French daily Le Parisien on April 21—signed by some 300 prominent intellectuals and politicians, including former President Nicolas Sarkozy and former Prime Minister Manuel Valls—made a shocking demand. Arguing that the Quran incites violence, it insisted that “the verses of the Quran calling for murder and punishment of Jews, Christians, and nonbelievers be struck to obsolescence by religious authorities,” so that “no believer can refer to a sacred text to commit a crime.” {05may2018}
… because it’s deemed to be the word of God, altering or deleting any part of the text would be blasphemous.
Beeb website having a go at wood burners. Government not going to ban them as long as you use the correct type of wood! Any muppet knows you use seasoned wood but when people are cold they’ll burn anything. The way I see it, its a subliminal message not to go and buy one and stick to electricity & gas, that way ensuring control over what we do in our homes. Smart meters etc. Cant possibly have people buying logs with untraceable funds.
I see that they interviewed some woman from “ClientEarth” (??) about it on the News.
No, me neither ……
I heard some legal bimbo on Radio 4 just before 8am this morning.
Apparently she was a “senior campaigner”, no less-with some legal coagulant that is intended to trip the government up in the courts, so we`ll get cleaner air.
Is a senior campaigner able to access MORE EU funding, more State goodies and quango safeguarding money that-say a junior activist , or a middle ranking advocate?
A joy when the eco prissies of Highbury find out that their wood-fired pizzas might not be what Al Gore or EU Rappoteurs on Climate Heatiness were wanting after all.
No wonder Vine and Robinson were moaning on stereo on Radio 2 and 4 just before 1pm.
Oh dear, must be so hard to be an Islington Green BBC bod these days.
These are beyond “Ist World” problems.
This is a world only Chris Packham or Chris Huhne cares a fig about.
So I don`t.
Maybe I could sell therapy from an ice cream van in Canonbury, touring round NW1, maybe driven by a windsail.
No wood burners and especially open fires like in the pub or on bonfire night are really air polluting
… but you don’t help your electric car subsidy mafia mates by shouting about them
..hence the #DieselsRpaedos campaign , run by the Times and enviro orgs .
Synch, you mention the dreaded smart meters. Do they not require electricity to run them?
They, together with this advocating a wood burner ban suggests the LeftLibbies are desperate to shore up the Power Cos. and their profits for when we are all covered in PV panels and have a windmill on the roof with another at the bottom of the garden.
Things you don’t on the BBC
‘ We got invited to a fancy dress party
..she said she didn’t know what to go as
.. I said you might as well go as a pirate
… Why ?
…………………………. well you’ve already got a sunken chest’
(Yorkshire Post cartoon)
If Obama had appointed a new female head of the CIA
..would our media chumps be making a fuss ?
Danish minister suggests ROPers take time off work when they are fasting.
Sounds reasonable to me but you can bet whose side the BBC are on. Judges give harsher sentences before lunch than after; I certainly could not do my job as well if I had to skip lunch, though I am a useless white man not imbued with the magical powers darker skin confers. It is incredible how much better you feel when you have eaten.
Humans need food seems the most self-evidently true statement imaginable, but Beeb Brother decrees otherwise. 2+2=5.
Well it`s seven minutes to 2.30-got all the bedpans, and crockery, cutlery and the like. And all ready to make one hell of a din in seven minutes time, the old won`t know and the management aren`t around.
Are the E.U having any silence over all this, we gave them FOUR minutes after Madrid 2004.
Need I ask? The BBC won`t be asking will they?
Is that the stink of Salman Abedi in hell as I boil these nappies?
Just heard Peter Tatchell on Vines show saying that “protest” is the one thing he`d say makes us human.
The song he played said something about loving children.
Now isn`t Tatchell with a record on wanting more understanding for paedos, lowering ages of consent and the rest of that lefty wish list? But he chose a song that brought his past to mind. That`s the BBC again for you.
The Protestors Information Exchange…another name for the Savile Syndicate on Sexuality.
“The positive nature of some child-adult sexual relationships is not confined to non-Western cultures. Several of my friends – gay and straight, male and female – had sex with adults from the ages of nine to 13. None feel they were abused. All say it was their conscious choice and gave them great joy.”
June 26th 1997, letter from Peter Tatchell to The Guardian, quoted by Peter Hitchens in Mail on Sunday, 13th September 2010.
Angela Merkel … NO TO GAYS!
And they are animals. What a bunch of ridiculous nonsense some of these democrats and media twats are spouting.
Don’t call them nasty names, they are human beings. No they aren’t, they are trash and vermin.
And me calling them trash and vermin does not make me the same as them because words are different to the actions of rape and murder that these gangs like to engage in.
One of the clearest examples ever of fake news. I do hope that someone at Fox or Trump HQ is taking all these down to produce the mother of all fake news show reels to once and for all highlight the disgusting media bias.
I put a complaint into the BBC about yesterdays fake news article where the BBC quoted a Twitter tweet about Meghan Merkal shouting “Oh my God” when the video clearly shows she didn’t and a horse “galloping” when it wasn’t.
Royal wedding 2018: Moments you may have missed
Here is the BBC response to my complaint…
I note your concerns relating the quality of this report which you feel contained fake or misleading content.
The wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle was an event which generated a lot of interest both nationally and internationally. The aim of this article was intended to highlight some additional moments from the event which they may have missed. The two segments of this article which you have raised were examples of this and was intended to be a light hearted look at the day as a whole. That said, please be assured we acknowledge the strength your concerns and welcome your feedback in this matter.
That has to be one of the most crap complaint responses I have ever had from the BBC. So as long as it is ‘light hearted’ it doesn’t have to be true then?!?
Complaint Summary: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
Full Complaint: “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed (May and Corbyn’s old speeches): everything else is public relations.” – Orwell
Theresa May … being put forward as Prime Minister and issuing a general election on implementing Brexit which was about immigration and sovereignty. … these speeches were never mentioned on the BBC £3.5bn news or other media outlets …
1978 … “The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened.” – Margaret Thatcher 1978
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
Jeremy Corbyn … with all the news on BBC £3.5bn Service regarding the Iran Nuclear Deal, Jeremy Corbyn has not been asked why he backs Al Quds protests and has spoken at them or why his is not vocal on Iran’s ‘death to’ position with Israel.
2012 … Jeremy Corbyn speaks at Al Quds march, Al Quds is the protest for all the oppressed but was initiated by an oppressor Ayatollah Khomeini. Jeremy Corbyn does not chastise the Iranian regime.
2018 … Iran release a ‘Death to Israel’ and ‘Death to America’ Government approved emoji. But this is not mentioned when talking about Iran by the BBC or other outlets.
MPs expenses …. it was in 2008 that MPs used expenses to fill their own pockets or shredded. UK MPs on both sides have talked about reducing expenses and recession and austerity. Yet, since 2010 MPs have enjoyed a pay increased of 18%. How come the BBC news has not reported on this when talking to MPs?
“The omission is the most powerful form of lie, and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell
Thank you for getting in touch regarding BBC News.
I understand you have concerns about the integrity of BBC News reporting over the last few years.
BBC News aims to show the political reality and provide a forum for discussion on issues, giving full opportunity for all sides of the debate to be heard and explored. Senior editorial staff within BBC News and the BBC’s Executive Board ensure that editorial guidelines are adhered to.
Our News editors ensure that over a reasonable period of time we reflect the range of significant views, opinions and trends on particular issues, but it’s important to add here that our published Editorial Guidelines explain that not every issue or viewpoint necessarily has to be included in each individual report.
The key point is that the BBC as an organisation has no view or position itself on anything we may report upon – our aim is to identify all significant views, and to test them rigorously and fairly on behalf of our audiences.
In dealing with any controversial issue, we are required to give a fair and balanced report, but balance cannot be judged simply on the basis of the amount of time allocated to the representatives of either side of an argument. One spokesperson may make their points concisely, while another needs rather longer to explain a point of view or a complex issue, plus a change to the existing position or status quo may take longer to clarify.
Account also needs to be taken of the way a subject is covered over a period of time; perfect balance is difficult to achieve on every single individual occasion, while overall it is a more achievable goal taking into account our coverage as a whole over a period of time.
That said, we do value your feedback about this issue. All complaints are sent to senior management every morning and I included your points in this overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.
Once again, thank you for contacting us.
Kind regards
Gareth Murray
BBC Complaints Team
Sets quite the precedent.
Maybe… ‘it’s something Frankie Boyle may have said’?
Jawad Iqbal in the Times
\\ Muslims are no more likely than the rest of the population to be stopped on suspicion of committing a crime, according to a study published today by Cambridge’s Woolf Institute (data 2006-2011)
But Muslims were eight times more likely than any other ethnic or religious group to be searched once they had been stopped. //
No questions asked, of course, by the BBC.
I wonder why?
Jordan Peterson, is a prime illustration of what has been dubbed the “intellectual dark web” by our Mel
‘an equivalent to those underground ideas networks in the old Soviet times’
Thought police can’t stop the ideas revolution
“I feel like a heretic being here.”
Brexit : Ireland left the UK, how come the same arguments don’t apply to it ?
How come Remainers are not screaming for it to join the UK ?
How come we manage to have a trade zone with it easily ?
(All be it with free movement of people)
The only example of BBC’s right leaning bias the way Jeremy Thorpe’s parting was combed to the right
whereas in reality it was to the left.
I bet the BBC and the labour Party are happy with Labour Party Member David Lewis for expressing his views on ” Gender self identification” in the following manner :-
“I self-identify as a woman on Wednesdays, between 6.50am when my alarm goes off and around midnight when I go to bed.”
“My womanness is expressed by my saying ‘I self identify as a woman’ now and again on Wednesdays. I make no changes in my behaviour or my appearance. I keep my name, David and my male pronouns. I wear the same sort of clothes I wear the rest of the week. I keep my beard. I enjoy the full womanness of my beard.”
A bit of common sense in the crazy world of ‘political correctness’ in which the New Conservative Party is as compliant as the Left.
( Unless of course he is being serious !!!!!! )